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ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                         International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                       Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012

               iNavigate-An Android Based Navigation
                                                        Ms. Vaishali Zilpe, Dr. P. N.Chatur

                                                                         connectivity on your phone and possible reason is no data
   Abstract— Android, currently developed by the Open                     coverage or less signal strength, if you have 3G or 4G data
Handset Alliance, is a platform for mobile devices that includes          plans then expect a low coverage to known areas only. In
an operating system, middleware and key applications. The                 such cases Offline GPS maps are always good for the people
Android Software Development Kit provides the tools and
Application Programming Interfaces necessary to begin
                                                                          which can help them in navigation even though they are not
developing applications on the Android platform using the Java            connected to the web.
programming language. The increase on the usage of phones                    In this Navigation application, there is no need for all the
that can run applications has resulted to a significant increase          time to constant data connection during your navigation. This
in their number and variety.                                              application is available to navigate through vast area of
   The approach used in the current project is to develop an              Mysore DC of Infosys Limited.
android based navigation application to navigate through
Mysore DC area of Infosys without requiring internet
connection since it’s not always possible for the user to
                                                                                            II.   LITERATURE SURVEY
continuously keep monitoring using GPS and sometimes also
due to unavailability of the network. Navigation is provided by
offline maps stored in SQLite database.
                                                                          A. Introduction to Android
                                                                             Android is a software stack for mobile devices that
  Index Terms—Android, Content Providers, SQLite,                 Xml     includes an operating system, middleware, and key
Parsing, Intents.                                                         applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and
                                                                          libraries necessary to begin developing applications that run
                                                                          on Android-powered devices. Android, as a system, is a
                        I. INTRODUCTION                                   Java-based operating system. Some of the important features
   Android is a Linux-based operating system for mobile                   of Android that makes it so useful are as follows:
devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android
                                                                            1. Android applications are developed using Java and can
has a large community of developers writing applications
                                                                          be ported rather easily to the new platform.
("apps") that extend the functionality of the devices.
Developers write primarily in a customized version of                      2. Android, while recognizing and allowing for
Java[1]. Apps can be downloaded from third-party sites or                  programmatic UI development, also supports the newer,
through online stores such as Google Play (formerly Android                XML-Based UI Layout.
Market), the app store run by Google. In October 2011, there
were more than 500,000 apps available for Android, [2] and                 3. One of the more exciting features of Android is that,
the estimated number of applications downloaded from the                   because      of     its   architecture,    third    party
Android Market as of December 2011 exceeded 10                             applications-including those that are “home-grown” are
                                                                           executed with the same priority as those that are bundled
billion.[3]. Android was listed as the best-selling smartphone
                                                                           with the core system.
platform worldwide in Q4 2010 by Canalys[4][5] with over
300 million Android devices in use by February 2012.[6]                    4. Aside from SDK and the well-formed libraries that are
According to Google's Andy Rubin, as of December 2011,                     available to develop with, the most exciting feature for
there were over 700,000 Android devices activated every                    Android developers is that we now have access to anything
day.[7]                                                                    the operating system has access to.
   Google Maps and GPS-based navigation services have
become very popular, mainly because they let people to                      For example, if we want to create an application that
rapidly explore unknown areas also. Since GPS always try to                utilizes the phone’s internal GPS, we have access to it.
connect with nearest cell tower and tries to catch up signal                5. On top of all the features that are available from the
every time, it consumes more battery on your phone and GPS                  android, Google has thrown in some very tantalizing
is the highest batter draining component on the smartphones.                features of its own. Developers of Android applications
It’s always not possible to be connected with data                          will be able to tie their applications into existing Google
                                                                            offerings such as Google maps and Google search.
                                                                             Android applications are written in the Java programming
   Ms. Vaishali Zilpe ,CSE department, Govt..College of Engg, Amravati,
( Amravati, Maharashtra,        India,
                                                                          language. The Android SDK tools compile the code—along                                                         with any data and resource files—into an Android package,
   Dr. P. N. Chatur, Head of CSE Department, Govt. College of Engg,       an archive file with an .apk suffix. All the code in a
Amravati(e-mail:-                            single .apk file is considered to be one application and is the

                                                 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                           International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                         Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012
file that Android-powered devices use to install the               B. Android Architecture
application                                                          The following diagram shows the major components of the
                                                                   Android operating system. Each section is described in more
                                                                   detail below.

                                                Figure 2.1: Android Architecture

a. Applications layer                                                 Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries used by various
    Android ships with a set of core applications including an     components of the Android system. These capabilities are
email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser,                exposed to developers through the Android application
contacts, and others. All applications are built using the Java.   framework. Some of the core libraries are System C library,
Each of the application aims at performing a specific task that    media libraries, LibWebCore, etc
it is actually intended to do.                                     d. Android Runtime
b. Application framework                                              Android includes a set of core libraries that provides most
   The application framework is a set of basic tools with          of the functionality available in the core libraries of the Java
which a developer can build much more complex tools. By            programming language.
providing an open development platform, Android offers                Every Android application runs in its own process, with its
developers the ability to build extremely rich and innovative      own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine. Dalvik has been
applications. Developers are free to take advantage of the         written so that a device can run multiple VMs efficiently. The
device hardware, access location information, run                  Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex)
background services, set alarms, add notifications to the          format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint.
status bar, and much more. Developers have full access to the      The VM is register-based, and runs classes compiled by a
same framework APIs used by the core applications. The             Java language compiler that have been transformed into the
application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of      .dex format by the included "dx" tool.
components; any application can publish its capabilities and
                                                                     The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for underlying
any other application may then make use of those capabilities
                                                                   functionality such as threading and low-level memory
(subject to security constraints enforced by the framework).       management.
c. Libraries
                                                                   e. Linux Kernel

ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                       International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                     Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012
   Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system                  Before the Android system can start an application
services such as security, memory management, process                component, the system must know that the component exists
management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel              by reading the application's AndroidManifest.xml file (the
also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the       "manifest" file). Your application must declare all its
rest of the software stack.                                          components in this file, which must be at the root of the
                                                                     application project directory.
A. Application Components                                               The manifest does a number of things in addition to
                                                                     declaring the application's components, such as:
                                                                        • Identify any user permissions the application requires,
   Application components are the essential building blocks
                                                                     such as Internet access or read-access to the user's contacts.
of an Android application. There are four different types of
                                                                        • Declare the minimum API Level required by the
application components. Each type serves a distinct purpose
                                                                     application, based on which APIs the application uses.
and has a distinct lifecycle that defines how the component is
                                                                        • Declare hardware and software features used or required
created and destroyed.
                                                                     by the application, such as a camera, Bluetooth services, or a
   a. Activities
                                                                     multitouch screen.
   An activity represents a single screen with a user interface.
                                                                        • API libraries the application needs to be linked against
activity represents a single screen with a user interface.
                                                                     (other than the Android framework APIs), such as the Google
Although the activities work together to form a cohesive user
                                                                     Maps library.
experience in the application, each one is independent of the
                                                                                    III. APPLICATION RESOURCES
   b. Services
   A service is a component that runs in the background to              An Android application is composed of more than just
perform long-running operations or to perform work for               code—it requires resources that are separate from the source
remote processes. A service does not provide a user interface.       code, such as images, audio files, and anything relating to the
   Another component, such as an activity, can start the             visual presentation of the application. For every resource that
service and let it run or bind to it in order to interact with it.   we include in our Android project, the SDK build tools
   c. Content Providers                                              define a unique integer ID, which we can use to reference the
   A content provider manages a shared set of application            resource from our application code or from other resources
data. You can store the data in the file system, an A content        defined in XML.
provider manages a shared set of application data. You can              One of the most important aspects of providing resources
store the data in the file system, an SQLite database, on the        separate from our source code is the ability for us to provide
web, or any other persistent storage location your application       alternative resources for different device configurations. For
can access .SQLite database, on the web, or any other                example, by defining UI strings in XML, we can translate the
persistent storage location your application can access.             strings into other languages and save those strings in separate
   d. Broadcast Receivers                                            files.
   A broadcast receiver is a component that responds to
system-wide broadcast announcements.                                                   IV. PROPOSED SCHEME

                                                                     A. Hardware-Imposed Design Considerations
   D. Activating Components
   Three of the four component types—activities, services,              Small and portable, mobile devices offer exciting
and broadcast receivers—are activated by an asynchronous             opportunities for software development. Their limited screen
message called an intent. Intents bind individual components         size and reduced memory, storage, and processor power are
to each other at runtime, whether the component belongs to           far less exciting, and instead present some unique challenges.
                                                                     Compared to desktop or notebook computers, mobile devices
your application or another. We can use Intents to support
                                                                     have relatively:
interaction between any of the application components
                                                                           Low processing power
available on an Android device, no matter which application
                                                                           Limited RAM
they’re part of. This turns a collection of independent
                                                                           Limited permanent storage capacity
components into a single, interconnected system.
                                                                           Small screens with low resolution
   For activities and services, intent defines the action to
                                                                           Higher costs associated with data transfer
perform (for example, to "view" or "send" something) and
                                                                           Slower data transfer rates with higher latency
may specify the URI of the data to act on.
                                                                           Less reliable data connections
   For broadcast receivers, the intent simply defines the
                                                                           Limited battery life
announcement being broadcast (for example, a broadcast to
indicate the device battery is low includes only a known             B. Design Details
action string that indicates "battery is low").                         The Infosys Mysore DC is one of the largest campuses in
   The other component type, content provider, is not                India spread across 345 acres of land, houses the following
activated by intents. Rather, it is activated when targeted by a     facilities:
request from a Content Resolver.                                     • Software Development Blocks
                                                                     • Infosys Leadership Institute
  E. The Manifest File                                               • Global Education Center

                                             All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                           International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                         Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012
•   Multiplex                                                       When the user is navigated to this page, he will be
•   Hostels                                                       prompted to enter Source and destination location values.
•   Food Courts                                                   Here,
•   Recreation (ECC)
                                                                  • Source and destination fields need to be entered
   It has many software development buildings (SDB), two          compulsorily. Otherwise exception message prompting the
GEC centers and 9 food courts (FC). It also has enormous          user to make proper selection is displayed.
number of hostel buildings to accommodate up to 15,000            • Also, source and destination must not contain same
employees at a time.                                              location values. Otherwise appropriate exception message
   An employee who is new to campus will face difficulty to       will be displayed on the same screen.
locate various buildings like ECC, GEC, and FC etc. To               Till both the above conditions are not fulfilled, application
facilitate such employees, we can think of developing Google      will not move proceed further.
map based navigation application called as 'iNavigate', which
can be easily installed in employees Android based smart            When the proper selections are made, user can click on the
phone.                                                            “Go” button. When this button is pressed,
   Using 'iNavigate' application, an employee should be able      • Longitude and latitude values of source and destination
to get the directions from one building to another and find out   will be displayed to the user.
the distance between them. Also should be able to get the         • Also, User can see Google map, highlighting the path from
directions from current place to destination. It should be easy   source to destination location.
to use.
                                                                    User can go back to home page displaying options by
                                                                  pressing back button.

            Fig: High level Design Architecture

   Home page of the application provides three options to the
user as follows:
1. Where am I?
2. Get Direction
3. Get distance
   User need to select one option amongst the above
                                                                                  Fig: Snapshot for where am I?
displayed three and click on then ok button placed on the
same screen below these options.
                                                                       3. Find distance
     1. Where am i?
                                                                    If the user selects third option amongst the three options of
   If the user selects first option amongst three options of
                                                                  home screen and presses OK button, User is navigated to this
home screen, User is navigated to next activity asking the
                                                                  page that allows the user to get the distance from one place to
user to enter current location and click “ Where am i?” button
                                                                  another of Mysore DC in meters.
to find out user’s current location on the map.
                                                                    When the user is navigated to this page, he will be
When user clicks on this button:-
                                                                  prompted to select Source and destination location through
• Longitude and latitude values of current location are
                                                                  drop down menus. Here,
shown to user.
• User can see his current position on the Google map of
                                                                  • Source and destination fields need to be selected
Mysore DC.
                                                                  compulsorily. Otherwise exception message prompting the
• User can click on Zoom in and zoom out by clicking on
                                                                  user to make proper selection is displayed.
ZoomIn and ZoomOut buttons.
                                                                  • Also, source and destination must not contain same
   User can go back to home page displaying options by
                                                                  location values. Otherwise appropriate exception message
pressing Home button.
                                                                  will be displayed on the same screen.
      2. Find direction
                                                                    Till both the above conditions are not fulfilled, application
   If the user selects second option amongst the three options
                                                                  will not move proceed further.
of home screen, User is navigated to this page that allows the
user to get the direction from one place to another of Mysore

ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                          International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                        Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012
   When the proper selections are made, user can click on the                [11]
“Go” button. When this button is pressed,
• Longitude and latitude values of source and destination
will be displayed to the user.
• Also, User can see Google map, highlighting the path from
source to destination location and the textbox indicating the
distance for its path in meters.
   User can go back to home page displaying options by
pressing back button.

                          V. CONCLUSION
   With all upcoming applications and mobile services
Google Android is stepping into the next level of Mobile
Internet. Such offline navigation application can help user to
navigate through Infosys Mysore DC without any need to all
the time monitor mobile network, without any hindrance due
to loss of network.
   As a future Work, this application can be to equipped with
turn by turn voice prompt guide. Whether traveling as either
driver or pedestrian, the users will enjoy voice guided
navigation. While driver are given lane assistance and real
time traffic updates, pedestrians on the other hand, are guided
to shortcuts, pedestrian only zones and re-routing options.

   The special thanks goes to my project guide,
Suganthalkshmi R. The supervision and support she gave
truly help the progression and smoothness of the internship
program in Infosys Mysore. My grateful thanks to Infosys
limited Mysore for helping me to complete my Mtech
dissertation. Special thanks also to Dr. P. N. Chatur-Co-guide
and head of CSE department, Govt. college of Engg,

[1]  Shankland, Stephen (November 12, 2007). "Google's Android parts
     ways       with     Java     industry     group".   CNET       News.         Retrieved
[2] a b Epstein, Zach (October 21, 2011). "Android Market surpasses
     500,000 published apps". Boy Genius Report. PMC.
     blished-apps/. Retrieved 2012-04-28.
[3] a b Bonnington, Christina (December 8, 2011). "Google's 10 Billion
     Android App Downloads: By the Numbers". Wired.
     Retrieved 2012-02-15.
[4] Tarmo, Virki; Carew, Sinead (January 31, 2011). "Google topples
     Nokia from smartphones top spot". Reuters. Thomson Reuters.
     TRE70U1YT20110131. Retrieved 2012-04-29.
[5] a b "Google's Android becomes the world's leading smart phone
     platform".          Canalys.          January       31,         2011.
     comes-world%E2%80%99s-leading-smart-phone-platform. Retrieved
[6] Andy Rubin (February 27, 2012). "Google+ post Andy Rubin".
     aLF. Retrieved 2012-02-27.
[7] a b Schonfeld, Erick (December 22, 2011). "Android Phones Pass
     700,000 Activations Per Day, Approaching 250 Million Total".
     TechCrunch.                                                    AOL.          Retrieved
[8] Android official Webpage.
[9] - Official Android Google Code

                                                   All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE

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  • 1. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012 iNavigate-An Android Based Navigation Application Ms. Vaishali Zilpe, Dr. P. N.Chatur  connectivity on your phone and possible reason is no data Abstract— Android, currently developed by the Open coverage or less signal strength, if you have 3G or 4G data Handset Alliance, is a platform for mobile devices that includes plans then expect a low coverage to known areas only. In an operating system, middleware and key applications. The such cases Offline GPS maps are always good for the people Android Software Development Kit provides the tools and Application Programming Interfaces necessary to begin which can help them in navigation even though they are not developing applications on the Android platform using the Java connected to the web. programming language. The increase on the usage of phones In this Navigation application, there is no need for all the that can run applications has resulted to a significant increase time to constant data connection during your navigation. This in their number and variety. application is available to navigate through vast area of The approach used in the current project is to develop an Mysore DC of Infosys Limited. android based navigation application to navigate through Mysore DC area of Infosys without requiring internet connection since it’s not always possible for the user to II. LITERATURE SURVEY continuously keep monitoring using GPS and sometimes also due to unavailability of the network. Navigation is provided by offline maps stored in SQLite database. A. Introduction to Android Android is a software stack for mobile devices that Index Terms—Android, Content Providers, SQLite, Xml includes an operating system, middleware, and key Parsing, Intents. applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and libraries necessary to begin developing applications that run on Android-powered devices. Android, as a system, is a I. INTRODUCTION Java-based operating system. Some of the important features Android is a Linux-based operating system for mobile of Android that makes it so useful are as follows: devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android 1. Android applications are developed using Java and can has a large community of developers writing applications be ported rather easily to the new platform. ("apps") that extend the functionality of the devices. Developers write primarily in a customized version of 2. Android, while recognizing and allowing for Java[1]. Apps can be downloaded from third-party sites or programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, through online stores such as Google Play (formerly Android XML-Based UI Layout. Market), the app store run by Google. In October 2011, there were more than 500,000 apps available for Android, [2] and 3. One of the more exciting features of Android is that, the estimated number of applications downloaded from the because of its architecture, third party Android Market as of December 2011 exceeded 10 applications-including those that are “home-grown” are executed with the same priority as those that are bundled billion.[3]. Android was listed as the best-selling smartphone with the core system. platform worldwide in Q4 2010 by Canalys[4][5] with over 300 million Android devices in use by February 2012.[6] 4. Aside from SDK and the well-formed libraries that are According to Google's Andy Rubin, as of December 2011, available to develop with, the most exciting feature for there were over 700,000 Android devices activated every Android developers is that we now have access to anything day.[7] the operating system has access to. Google Maps and GPS-based navigation services have become very popular, mainly because they let people to For example, if we want to create an application that rapidly explore unknown areas also. Since GPS always try to utilizes the phone’s internal GPS, we have access to it. connect with nearest cell tower and tries to catch up signal 5. On top of all the features that are available from the every time, it consumes more battery on your phone and GPS android, Google has thrown in some very tantalizing is the highest batter draining component on the smartphones. features of its own. Developers of Android applications It’s always not possible to be connected with data will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google maps and Google search. Android applications are written in the Java programming Ms. Vaishali Zilpe ,CSE department, Govt..College of Engg, Amravati, ( Amravati, Maharashtra, India, language. The Android SDK tools compile the code—along with any data and resource files—into an Android package, Dr. P. N. Chatur, Head of CSE Department, Govt. College of Engg, an archive file with an .apk suffix. All the code in a Amravati(e-mail:- single .apk file is considered to be one application and is the 89 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 2. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012 file that Android-powered devices use to install the B. Android Architecture application The following diagram shows the major components of the Android operating system. Each section is described in more detail below. Figure 2.1: Android Architecture a. Applications layer Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries used by various Android ships with a set of core applications including an components of the Android system. These capabilities are email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, exposed to developers through the Android application contacts, and others. All applications are built using the Java. framework. Some of the core libraries are System C library, Each of the application aims at performing a specific task that media libraries, LibWebCore, etc it is actually intended to do. d. Android Runtime b. Application framework Android includes a set of core libraries that provides most The application framework is a set of basic tools with of the functionality available in the core libraries of the Java which a developer can build much more complex tools. By programming language. providing an open development platform, Android offers Every Android application runs in its own process, with its developers the ability to build extremely rich and innovative own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine. Dalvik has been applications. Developers are free to take advantage of the written so that a device can run multiple VMs efficiently. The device hardware, access location information, run Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) background services, set alarms, add notifications to the format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint. status bar, and much more. Developers have full access to the The VM is register-based, and runs classes compiled by a same framework APIs used by the core applications. The Java language compiler that have been transformed into the application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of .dex format by the included "dx" tool. components; any application can publish its capabilities and The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for underlying any other application may then make use of those capabilities functionality such as threading and low-level memory (subject to security constraints enforced by the framework). management. c. Libraries e. Linux Kernel 90
  • 3. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012 Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system Before the Android system can start an application services such as security, memory management, process component, the system must know that the component exists management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel by reading the application's AndroidManifest.xml file (the also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the "manifest" file). Your application must declare all its rest of the software stack. components in this file, which must be at the root of the application project directory. A. Application Components The manifest does a number of things in addition to declaring the application's components, such as: • Identify any user permissions the application requires, Application components are the essential building blocks such as Internet access or read-access to the user's contacts. of an Android application. There are four different types of • Declare the minimum API Level required by the application components. Each type serves a distinct purpose application, based on which APIs the application uses. and has a distinct lifecycle that defines how the component is • Declare hardware and software features used or required created and destroyed. by the application, such as a camera, Bluetooth services, or a a. Activities multitouch screen. An activity represents a single screen with a user interface. • API libraries the application needs to be linked against activity represents a single screen with a user interface. (other than the Android framework APIs), such as the Google Although the activities work together to form a cohesive user Maps library. experience in the application, each one is independent of the others. III. APPLICATION RESOURCES b. Services A service is a component that runs in the background to An Android application is composed of more than just perform long-running operations or to perform work for code—it requires resources that are separate from the source remote processes. A service does not provide a user interface. code, such as images, audio files, and anything relating to the Another component, such as an activity, can start the visual presentation of the application. For every resource that service and let it run or bind to it in order to interact with it. we include in our Android project, the SDK build tools c. Content Providers define a unique integer ID, which we can use to reference the A content provider manages a shared set of application resource from our application code or from other resources data. You can store the data in the file system, an A content defined in XML. provider manages a shared set of application data. You can One of the most important aspects of providing resources store the data in the file system, an SQLite database, on the separate from our source code is the ability for us to provide web, or any other persistent storage location your application alternative resources for different device configurations. For can access .SQLite database, on the web, or any other example, by defining UI strings in XML, we can translate the persistent storage location your application can access. strings into other languages and save those strings in separate d. Broadcast Receivers files. A broadcast receiver is a component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements. IV. PROPOSED SCHEME A. Hardware-Imposed Design Considerations D. Activating Components Three of the four component types—activities, services, Small and portable, mobile devices offer exciting and broadcast receivers—are activated by an asynchronous opportunities for software development. Their limited screen message called an intent. Intents bind individual components size and reduced memory, storage, and processor power are to each other at runtime, whether the component belongs to far less exciting, and instead present some unique challenges. Compared to desktop or notebook computers, mobile devices your application or another. We can use Intents to support have relatively: interaction between any of the application components  Low processing power available on an Android device, no matter which application  Limited RAM they’re part of. This turns a collection of independent  Limited permanent storage capacity components into a single, interconnected system.  Small screens with low resolution For activities and services, intent defines the action to  Higher costs associated with data transfer perform (for example, to "view" or "send" something) and  Slower data transfer rates with higher latency may specify the URI of the data to act on.  Less reliable data connections For broadcast receivers, the intent simply defines the  Limited battery life announcement being broadcast (for example, a broadcast to indicate the device battery is low includes only a known B. Design Details action string that indicates "battery is low"). The Infosys Mysore DC is one of the largest campuses in The other component type, content provider, is not India spread across 345 acres of land, houses the following activated by intents. Rather, it is activated when targeted by a facilities: request from a Content Resolver. • Software Development Blocks • Infosys Leadership Institute E. The Manifest File • Global Education Center 91 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 4. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012 • Multiplex When the user is navigated to this page, he will be • Hostels prompted to enter Source and destination location values. • Food Courts Here, • Recreation (ECC) • Source and destination fields need to be entered It has many software development buildings (SDB), two compulsorily. Otherwise exception message prompting the GEC centers and 9 food courts (FC). It also has enormous user to make proper selection is displayed. number of hostel buildings to accommodate up to 15,000 • Also, source and destination must not contain same employees at a time. location values. Otherwise appropriate exception message An employee who is new to campus will face difficulty to will be displayed on the same screen. locate various buildings like ECC, GEC, and FC etc. To Till both the above conditions are not fulfilled, application facilitate such employees, we can think of developing Google will not move proceed further. map based navigation application called as 'iNavigate', which can be easily installed in employees Android based smart When the proper selections are made, user can click on the phone. “Go” button. When this button is pressed, Using 'iNavigate' application, an employee should be able • Longitude and latitude values of source and destination to get the directions from one building to another and find out will be displayed to the user. the distance between them. Also should be able to get the • Also, User can see Google map, highlighting the path from directions from current place to destination. It should be easy source to destination location. to use. User can go back to home page displaying options by pressing back button. Fig: High level Design Architecture Home page of the application provides three options to the user as follows: 1. Where am I? 2. Get Direction 3. Get distance User need to select one option amongst the above Fig: Snapshot for where am I? displayed three and click on then ok button placed on the same screen below these options. 3. Find distance 1. Where am i? If the user selects third option amongst the three options of If the user selects first option amongst three options of home screen and presses OK button, User is navigated to this home screen, User is navigated to next activity asking the page that allows the user to get the distance from one place to user to enter current location and click “ Where am i?” button another of Mysore DC in meters. to find out user’s current location on the map. When the user is navigated to this page, he will be When user clicks on this button:- prompted to select Source and destination location through • Longitude and latitude values of current location are drop down menus. Here, shown to user. • User can see his current position on the Google map of • Source and destination fields need to be selected Mysore DC. compulsorily. Otherwise exception message prompting the • User can click on Zoom in and zoom out by clicking on user to make proper selection is displayed. ZoomIn and ZoomOut buttons. • Also, source and destination must not contain same User can go back to home page displaying options by location values. Otherwise appropriate exception message pressing Home button. will be displayed on the same screen. 2. Find direction Till both the above conditions are not fulfilled, application If the user selects second option amongst the three options will not move proceed further. of home screen, User is navigated to this page that allows the user to get the direction from one place to another of Mysore DC. 92
  • 5. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012 When the proper selections are made, user can click on the [11] [12] “Go” button. When this button is pressed, [13] • Longitude and latitude values of source and destination will be displayed to the user. • Also, User can see Google map, highlighting the path from source to destination location and the textbox indicating the distance for its path in meters. User can go back to home page displaying options by pressing back button. V. CONCLUSION With all upcoming applications and mobile services Google Android is stepping into the next level of Mobile Internet. Such offline navigation application can help user to navigate through Infosys Mysore DC without any need to all the time monitor mobile network, without any hindrance due to loss of network. As a future Work, this application can be to equipped with turn by turn voice prompt guide. Whether traveling as either driver or pedestrian, the users will enjoy voice guided navigation. While driver are given lane assistance and real time traffic updates, pedestrians on the other hand, are guided to shortcuts, pedestrian only zones and re-routing options. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The special thanks goes to my project guide, Suganthalkshmi R. The supervision and support she gave truly help the progression and smoothness of the internship program in Infosys Mysore. My grateful thanks to Infosys limited Mysore for helping me to complete my Mtech dissertation. Special thanks also to Dr. P. N. Chatur-Co-guide and head of CSE department, Govt. college of Engg, Amravati(M.S),India. REFERENCES [1] Shankland, Stephen (November 12, 2007). "Google's Android parts ways with Java industry group". CNET News. Retrieved 2012-02-15. [2] a b Epstein, Zach (October 21, 2011). "Android Market surpasses 500,000 published apps". Boy Genius Report. PMC. blished-apps/. Retrieved 2012-04-28. [3] a b Bonnington, Christina (December 8, 2011). "Google's 10 Billion Android App Downloads: By the Numbers". Wired. Retrieved 2012-02-15. [4] Tarmo, Virki; Carew, Sinead (January 31, 2011). "Google topples Nokia from smartphones top spot". Reuters. Thomson Reuters. TRE70U1YT20110131. Retrieved 2012-04-29. [5] a b "Google's Android becomes the world's leading smart phone platform". Canalys. January 31, 2011. comes-world%E2%80%99s-leading-smart-phone-platform. Retrieved 2012-02-15. [6] Andy Rubin (February 27, 2012). "Google+ post Andy Rubin". aLF. Retrieved 2012-02-27. [7] a b Schonfeld, Erick (December 22, 2011). "Android Phones Pass 700,000 Activations Per Day, Approaching 250 Million Total". TechCrunch. AOL. Retrieved 2012-02-15. [8] Android official Webpage. [9] - Official Android Google Code Webpage [10] 93 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE