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18,2                                        Benchmarking the service
                                          quality of fast-food restaurant
                                              franchises in the USA
                                                                   A longitudinal study
                                                                                   Hokey Min
                                             Department of Management, College of Business Administration,
                                             Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA, and
                                                                                 Hyesung Min
                                                               Department of Tourism Management,
                                                              Yuhan University, Bucheon, South Korea

                                     Purpose – To help fast-food restaurants enhance their competitiveness and then increase their
                                     market share, the purpose of this paper is to measure the service performances of fast-food restaurant
                                     franchises in the USA and identify salient factors influencing the service performances of fast-food
                                     restaurants over time.
                                     Design/methodology/approach – This paper develops a set of benchmarks that helps fast-food
                                     restaurants monitor their service-delivery process, identify relative weaknesses, and take corrective
                                     actions for continuous service improvements using analytic hierarchy process and competitive gap
                                     Findings – This study reveals that a service attribute considered most important to the fast-food
                                     restaurant customers’ impressions of service quality is taste of food. This preference has not been
                                     changed over time. Also, we found a pattern of the correlation between the overall level of customer
                                     satisfaction with the fast-food restaurant and its word-of-mouth reputation. Furthermore, we
                                     discovered that the customers tended to be more favorable to easily accessible and national fast-food
                                     restaurant franchises than less accessible, relatively new, and regional counterparts.
                                     Research limitations/implications – The current study is limited to the evaluation of
                                     comparative service quality in the USA. Thus, this study may not capture the national differences
                                     in the restaurant customers’ perceived service quality.
                                     Practical implications – For the last four decades, Americans’ obsession with fast serving, cheap
                                     meals has made the fast-food restaurant a mainstay in their daily life. As the appetite for fast food
                                     grows, every corner of the American Society has been infiltrated by fast-food restaurants. With the
                                     increasing number of fast-food restaurants competing in the market, their survival often rests on
                                     their ability to sustain high-quality services and meet changing needs/preferences of customers.
                                     This paper provides practical guidelines for enhancing the competitiveness of the fast-food restaurant
                                     Originality/value – This paper is one of the first to compare the service quality of fast-food
                                     franchises in the USA and develop dynamic service quality standards for fast-food restaurant
                                     franchises using a longitudinal study.
Benchmarking: An International
                                     Keywords Benchmarking, Fast-foods, Restaurants, Customer services quality,
Journal                              Analytical hierarchy process, United States of America
Vol. 18 No. 2, 2011
pp. 282-300                          Paper type Research paper
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/14635771111121711
1. Introduction                                                                                   Fast-food
Owing to gradual changes in American life styles, Americans now spend more money on              restaurant
fast food than they do on higher education, personal computers, new cars, movies, books,
magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music (Schlosser, 1998). In 2004, America            franchises
spent $148.6 billion on fast food and accounted for 64.8 percent of the fast-food sales of
the ten countries that consumed fast food most in the world. In other words, the average
American spends $492 per year on fast food (Workman, 2007). Despite the popularity of                 283
fast food, fast-food restaurants have historically operated on slim-profit margins
ranging from 4 to 7 percent (Nessel, 2010). The low-profit margin of the fast-food
restaurant industry stemmed from the continuous wholesale-food price inflation. For
example, the wholesale-food price rose 7.6 percent in 2007 and 8.5 percent in 2008
(Wiki Analysis, 2009). To make it worse, the revenue of the US fast-food restaurant
industry declined by 4.7 percent in 2009, according to the IBIS World Industry Report
(2009). As such, fast-food restaurants have experienced intense competition in the recent
years due in part to the saturation of a fast-food restaurant market and the worldwide
economic downturn. With tighter profit margins and increasing competition, the
fast-food restaurant’s success depends heavily on its ability to retain customers
(i.e. restaurant patrons) by enhancing customer value or innovating service offerings.
Indeed, the longer customers remained with a particular fast-food restaurant, the more
profitable they became to the fast-food restaurant (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Lovelock
and Wright, 2002). According to Kotelikov (2008), a 2 percent increase in customer
retention has the same effect on profits as cutting costs by 10 percent. Similarly,
a 5 percent reduction in customer defection rate can increase profits by 25-125 percent.
    Considering the significance of customer retention to the fast-food restaurant’s
profitability, the fast-food restaurant should adapt to the changing needs and preferences
(e.g. removal of trans-fats) of customers. For example, the recent hike in gasoline
prices may force some customers to dine at the nearby fast-food restaurant or make
fewer trips to the fast-food restaurant that is a greater distance from their neighborhood.
Also, those needs and preferences may represent various service attributes such as the
greater selection of healthy foods, value meals, fast drive-in services, better amenities,
24/7 access, and courteous/friendly employees. Once these service attributes are
revealed, the fast-food restaurant should identify what service attributes customers
consider most important and how well the fast-food restaurant is performing relative to
its competitors with respect to each of those salient service attributes. In an effort to help
the fast-food restaurant enhance its competitiveness that relies on the customer
perception of its overall service quality in comparison to other competitors, this paper
conducts a competitive benchmarking study that aims to translate customer service
requirements into comparative quality measures. Neely et al. (2005) noted that the most
beneficial form of benchmarking was competitive benchmarking because it focused on
the direct measurement of competitor performance and provided information on what
customers really wanted and what competitors were doing to meet customer needs.
    Competitive benchmarking in the service sector is known to improve service
performance by as much as 60 percent in less than a year (Harrington and Harrington,
1996). Even though the application of competitive benchmarking to the service sector is
challenging due to the intangible nature of service quality and the subsequent lack of
universal service standards, competitive benchmarking has been successfully applied to
various service organizations such as hotels and restaurants (Morey and Dittman, 1995;
BIJ    Min and Galle, 1996; Min and Min, 1996, 1997, 2002; Phillips and Appiah-Adu, 1998).
18,2   However, no prior literature but Min and Galle (1996) to date has reported
       any benchmarking studies on fast-food restaurants. In fact, fast-food restaurant
       benchmarking is not on the list of periodic service benchmarking studies conducted by
       the Customer Service Benchmarking Association (2008). To fill the void left by prior
       benchmarking studies, this paper addresses the following research questions:
284       RQ1. Which elements comprise customer service attributes that influence the
               fast-food restaurant customer’s perception of service quality?
          RQ2. Which service attributes are most important for customer satisfaction?
          RQ3. Which fast-food restaurant is perceived to be the industry leader?
          RQ4. How do we compare the fast-food restaurant’s service performance with that
               of the industry leader using competitive gap analysis?
          RQ5. How do we develop a strategic action plan for continuous service
               improvement of the fast-food restaurant?
          RQ6. How do the customer needs and preferences change over time and how
               significantly do those changes affect the service performances of fast-food

       2. Service attributes relevant to fast-food restaurant customers
       The benchmarking process begins with the establishment of service standards through
       identification of service attributes that comprise service standards.
       Since serving customers better is the ultimate goal of benchmarking, we first identified
       service attributes that are most important to fast-food restaurant customers. These service
       attributes are derived from determinants of fast-food restaurant service quality identified
       by Min and Galle (1996), Kara et al. (1997) and Tsai et al. (2007). Examples of these include:
       taste of food, competitive price, service response time, cleanliness of the fast-food
       restaurant, fast-food restaurant location, amenity, safety, employee courtesy, restaurant
       operating hours, and the availability of healthy menus. Also, notice that this list includes
       word-of-mouth restaurant reputation that may influence the diner’s fast-food restaurant
       choice/patronage, but not necessarily the diner’s extent of satisfaction with the fast-food
       restaurant (Ou and Abratt, 2006). Also, the contribution of these attributes to overall
       customer satisfaction (or overall service quality of the fast-food restaurant) was measured
       by the customer feedback that we solicited through the questionnaire survey.
          To elaborate, the customer feedback was obtained from the sample of 262 fast-food
       restaurant customers who have dined at ten different fast-food restaurants (McDonalds,
       Burger King, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Hardee’s, Subway, Johnny Rocket, Red Robin,
       Fuddruckers, and Roy Rogers) located in the southeastern and midwestern USA during
       the period of January 2008 through November 2009. These fast-food restaurants were
       chosen for the study because of their similar characteristics in terms of sizes, location,
       menus, target customer bases, and service amenities (e.g. availability of children’s
       playgrounds, drive-in services). For example, we did not include some popular fast-food
       franchises such as Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, and Long John Silver’s
       which specialized in limited menu items such as pizzas, fried chickens, Mexican style
       food, and fried seafood. On the other hand, despite being a casual dining restaurant,
Red Robin was still included in the study since its food offerings such as burgers and          Fast-food
steak fries are similar to those of other restaurants under study and it has nationally        restaurant
based franchises with approximately 400 restaurants all across the USA. Although the
sample that we chose is not reflective of the entire fast-food restaurant industry, we used     franchises
this sample to illustrate how fast-food restaurant service standards can be set and how to
conduct the benchmarking process. Through a five-page questionnaire survey, the
participants provided us with data related to their demographic profile (e.g. gender,                285
marital status, age), frequency of their fast-food restaurant visits, the patronage
behavior, the relative importance of service attributes to overall fast-food restaurant
service quality, and the level of customer satisfaction based on their service experiences.
Some of the non-demographic questions were selected from service attributes
considered to be critical to service quality (Vazquez et al., 2001; Lovelock and Wright,
2002; Min, 2006).
    The Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows (2008) were used to
analyze the data collected from this sample. All of the participants reported having
visited at least one of the seven fast-food restaurants for this study. In fact, a majority
(72.4 percent) of the participants said that they visited one of these fast-food restaurants
at least once a week in the past. A vast majority (94.3 percent) of them reported having
dined at one of these fast-food restaurants at least once a month. More than two-thirds
(70.2 percent) of them spent an average of $5 or more per visit. Most of the survey
participants are frequent diners of the fast-food restaurants. Among these, roughly half
(50.4 percent) of them patronize a particular restaurant; thus are familiar with fast-food
restaurant service quality.
    In particular, these participants were carefully selected to maximize responses to the
survey. Rather than distributing the questionnaire to the potential participants through
the mail, six surveyors (the author plus five hired graduate assistants) approached a
group of people who had just dined at the fast-food restaurant, or handed out the
questionnaire to the restaurant diners through local church organizations, university
classes, and apartment complexes where the surveyors resided. Occasionally, a souvenir
item (e.g. pen, notepad) with a nominal value was offered to the reluctant participants to
encourage them to fill out the questionnaire. The rationale for the use of this survey
method is a potential increase in survey responses by face-to-face interactions with
potential respondents. In fact, low-response rates are an ongoing concern in conducting
traditional mail surveys (Greer et al., 2000; Larson and Poist, 2004). For mail surveys,
response rates in the neighborhood of 10-20 percent are not uncommon (Yu and
Cooper, 1983; George and Mallery, 2001). Thus, to avoid the potential non-response bias,
we directly approached and asked restaurant diners to answer the structured
questionnaire. Also, we solicited survey participation from a number of different
locations (e.g. churches, universities, residential areas) to increase sample size. However,
notice that the geographical coverage of this direct contact survey can be still limited.
    The results of the survey revealed that there were a total of 15 service attributes that
were considered relevant to fast-food restaurant service quality. These salient attributes
were identified based on importance ratings provided by the respondents who were
being asked to indicate how important a given attribute is to them in gauging the level of
their satisfaction with service quality. Myers (1999) suggested that importance ratings
were one of the most straightforward but effective ways of measuring customer
satisfaction and determining the relative importance of service attributes
BIJ                    to service quality. As summarized in Table I, the attribute considered most important in
18,2                   forming a perception of fast-food restaurant service quality is taste of food. The next four
                       most important attributes were cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant, service response
                       time, competitive price, and quality of prior service. These results are consistent with
                       those of other service quality studies such as Crawley (1993), Babin and Darden (1996),
                       Min and Galle (1996) and Miranda et al. (2005) indicating that facility atmospherics such
286                    as cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant can lift the mood of the diners and may impel
                       them to visit more. Similarly, Dijksterhuis et al. (2005) argued that subtle environment
                       cues such as cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant might unconsciously affect the
                       restaurant customer’s dining behavior. Also, as expected, competitive price turned out to
                       be a central influence on fast-food restaurant service quality. This finding is congruent
                       with that of Curry and Riez (1988) indicating that the price paid for the food significantly
                       influences the customer’s service experience.
                           On the other hand, word-of-mouth reputation, amenity, proximity to a
                       highway/major road, safety, and health food offering were considered relatively
                       unimportant. It is interesting to note that, unlike other service settings such as hotels,
                       employee courtesy was not a deciding factor for fast-food restaurant service quality.
                       This finding may be due to the fact that hotels primarily sell intangible experience
                       through their employees’ direct interactions with customers, whereas fast-food
                       restaurants primarily sell instant meals without much involvement of their employees.
                       Relative insignificance of employee courtesy to overall service quality of the fast-food
                       restaurant may be due to limited face-to-face interactions with employees resulting
                       from the increased use of drive-in service. Indeed, more than two-thirds (67.9 percent)
                       of our survey respondents reported using drive-in service.
                           Another finding was that four out of the six most important attributes seemed to
                       represent “functional service.” Functional service refers to service attributes that are

                                                                           Average degree of importance             Ranks
                       Service attributes                                 2009 (n ¼ 262)   1994 (n ¼ 111)        2009   1994

                       Taste of food                                        1.31   (0.520)      1.31   (0.49)       1        1
                       Cleanliness                                          1.63   (0.693)      1.48   (0.83)       2        2
                       Service response time                                1.75   (0.714)      1.69   (0.72)       3        3
                       Competitive price *                                  1.77   (0.762)      2.12   (0.88)       4        5
                       Quality of prior service                             1.86   (0.795)      1.67   (0.77)       5        4
                       Proximity to a customer’s residence *                1.97   (0.787)      2.46   (0.94)       6        8
                       Proximity to a customer’s school/workplace *         2.08   (0.827)      2.42   (1.05)       7        7
                       Employee courtesy                                    2.15   (0.807)      2.15   (0.97)       8        6
                       Operating hours                                      2.18   (0.922)                          9
                       Variety of food *                                    2.34   (0.878)      2.70 (0.97)        10       10
                       Safety                                               2.39   (1.138)                         11
                       Healthy food                                         2.42   (1.102)                         12
                       Proximity to a highway exit or major road            2.71   (1.088)                         13
                       Amenity                                              2.75   (1.110)                         14
                       Word-of-mouth reputation                             2.84   (1.066)      2.66 (0.93)        15        9
Table I.
Attributes for the     Notes: *Difference is statistically significant at: a ¼ 0.05; scale: 1 – extremely important, 2 – somewhat
fast-food restaurant   important, 3 – neither important nor unimportant, 4 – somewhat unimportant, 5 – not at all important;
service quality        numbers in parentheses are standard deviations
akin to attributes of a product (e.g. food) and/or can be improved without direct reference                  Fast-food
to customers (Chakrapani, 1998). This category of the service attributes includes taste of                  restaurant
food, cleanliness of the restaurant, competitive price, and restaurant location (proximity
to a customer’s residence). On the other hand, “personal service” refers to service                         franchises
attributes that are difficult, if not impossible, to improve without reference to customers
(Chakrapani, 1998). This category of the service attributes includes service response
time, employee courtesy, restaurant operating hours, amenity, and safety.                                            287
    To see if the 15 service attributes could be broken down into sub-categories,
we conducted exploratory factor analysis. The exploratory factor analysis was preceded
by the Bartlett’s test of Sphericity. The Bartlett’s test (with a x2 value of 729.452) showed
that some of these service attributes were significantly correlated among themselves.
The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy was also employed to
measure the strength of the relationship among service attributes. A factor analysis was
further justified, since the KMO value of 0.744 was greater than a threshold score of 0.70.
    Considering the statistical significance of correlation among these service attributes,
we conducted principal component analysis to determine the minimum number of
common factors needed to explain correlation among the attributes using the eigen value
greater than one rule. To obtain a more meaningful representation of the factor structure,
we used the varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. To elaborate, varimax rotation
is an orthogonal rotation of the factor axes to maximize the variance of the squared
loadings of a factor (column) on all the variables (rows) in a factor matrix where each
factor tends to have either large (close to 1) or small (close to 0) loadings of any particular
variable (Kaiser, 1958; Fabrigar et al., 1999). In particular, we chose a varimax rotation
because it enables us to easily identify each variable with a single common factor.
As summarized in Table II, we extracted five common factors:

Factors                                Factor 1   Factor 2    Factor 3      Factor 4     Factor 5

Factor label                           Service     Menu       Location   Accessibility   Drawing
                                       image      selection                               power
Eigen value                             3.537        1.688      1.394        1.155         1.014
Percent of variance                    23.583      11.252       9.295        7.702         6.758
Cleanliness                             0.592      0.428        0.155        0.006        0.012
Service response time                   0.753     20.015        0.132        0.037       20.096
Employee courtesy                       0.783      0.260        0.033        0.009        0.052
Quality of prior service                0.664      0.140        0.047        0.231        0.069
Healthy food                             0.062     0.740      2 0.112      2 0.064        0.103
Variety of food                          0.151     0.540        0.050        0.198        0.296
Word-of-mouth reputation                 0.116     0.502        0.174        0.454       20.076
Safety                                   0.275     0.617        0.044        0.106       20.127
Proximity to a customer’s residence      0.176    20.151       0.748         0.027        0.195
Proximity to the school or workplace     0.054    20.014       0.871         0.038        0.005
Proximity to a highway or major road     0.062     0.300       0.590         0.233       20.032
Amenity                                  0.113     0.139        0.109       0.726        20.008
Operating hours                          0.049    20.019        0.041       0.793         0.137
Taste of food                            0.366    20.271        0.018        0.229        0.507                    Table II.
Competitive price                      2 0.145     0.226        0.129      2 0.010        0.819      Factor analysis results
                                                                                                    of service attributes for
Note: A KMO measure of sampling adequacy ¼ 0.744                                                       fast-food restaurants
BIJ       (1)   service image;
18,2      (2)   menu selection;
          (3)   location;
          (4)   accessibility; and
          (5)   drawing power.
       These factors are found to have an eigen value greater than 1. That is to say, the result
       of the factor analysis verified that the 15 service attributes could be classified into five
       categories of services:
          (1) service image;
          (2) menu selection;
          (3) location;
          (4) accessibility; and
          (5) drawing power.
       3. The development of service standards
       To stay competitive, a fast-food restaurant must establish proper service standards in
       relation to its customers’ needs and expectations. With this in mind, the survey
       participants were asked to rate on a five-point Likert scale the service performance of the
       six fast-food restaurants with respect to 15 attributes listed in Table I. These fast-food
       restaurants are: McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, Arby’s, and Hardee’s.
       A rating of the service performance of the fast-food restaurants was used to determine a
       leading fast-food restaurant (benchmark) which best exhibits each service attribute and
       provides its customers with the highest overall service quality. To develop an objective
       service standard, the raw ratings were converted to relative priority scores using an
       analytic hierarchy process (AHP) introduced by Saaty (1980). AHP is a systematic
       scoring method that was designed to synthesize the fast-food restaurant customers’ level
       of satisfaction with each service attribute into an overall service performance score of
       each fast-food restaurant. Accordingly, AHP helps the fast-food restaurant not only
       identify the principal competitors in the market, but also assess the service performance
       of the fast-food restaurant relative to its competitors. In contrast with the SERVQUAL
       instrument suggested by Berry et al. (1985), AHP permits the fast-food restaurant
       manager to investigate the sensitivity of the service performance measure to changes in
       customer perception of importance of service attributes and the customer’s degree of
       satisfaction with those attributes (Min and Min, 1996). Furthermore, AHP can enhance
       the fast-food restaurant manager’s ability to make tradeoffs among various quantitative
       (e.g. price, restaurant operating hours, quick response time) and qualitative attributes
       (e.g. cleanliness, employee courtesy, safety) (Saaty, 1988). The application of
       benchmarking to fast-food restaurants involves four major steps (Wind and Saaty,
       1980; Zahedi, 1989; Min and Min, 1996):
           (1) Break down the service-evaluation process into a manageable (e.g. no more than
               seven) set of criteria and attributes and then structure these into a hierarchical
           (2) Make a series of pairwise comparisons among the criteria and attributes
               according to the customers’ satisfaction level with service performances.
(3) Estimate the relative weights of service criteria and attributes based on the          Fast-food
       customers’ perceived importance of those criteria and attributes. Also, determine     restaurant
       the local priority scores and ranks of the respective fast-food restaurant in terms
       of their service performances.                                                        franchises
   (4) Aggregate these local priority scores and synthesize them for the overall
       measurement of fast-food restaurant service quality. Then, identify the
       best-practice (leading) fast-food restaurant.                                              289
Based on the above steps, the process of benchmarking was structured into five levels
(Figure 1). Since this hierarchical representation eases the complexity of analysis
through decomposition, it aids the fast-food restaurant in understanding the interactions
among various service criteria and attributes. As shown in Figure 1, the top level of a
hierarchy represents the ultimate goal of determining the best-practice fast-food
restaurant. At the second level of a hierarchy, the five distinctive service criteria:
   (1) service image;
   (2) menu selection;
   (3) location;
   (4) accessibility; and
   (5) (customer) drawing power

were placed because they are generally considered important in measuring the
fast-food restaurant service quality.
   The attributes belonging to one of the five service criteria were connected to the
bottom level of the hierarchy represented by six fast-food restaurants under evaluation.

4. The service performance evaluation of fast-food restaurants
For illustrative purposes, we considered the base-line scenario involving six fast-food
restaurants for their service performances relative to others. Under this scenario,
we estimated relative weights of criteria, and attributes and then derived priority scores
of each fast-food restaurant with respect to the given criteria, and attributes through a
series of pairwise comparisons. Herein, relative weights represent fast-food restaurant
customers’ perceived importance of each criterion and attribute. As indicated earlier,
these weights were determined primarily based on the surveyed opinions of fast-food
restaurant customers. Since these customers’ perception of service quality can be
subjective and inconsistent, we estimated the degree of consistency in the customers’
opinions using a consistency ratio (CR), that is mathematically expressed as:
                                       CR ¼ ;
where CI ¼ consistency index, RI ¼ random index:
                                       ðlmax Þ
                                  CI ¼
    lmax ¼ maximum eigen value of the matrix of pairwise comparisons;
     n     ¼ number of criteria or attributes in the consideration; and
     RI    ¼ mean CI of a randomly generated reciprocal matrix from a ratio scale of 1-9.


Figure 1.

Hierarchy of
benchmarking fast-food
                                                          Goal: Competitive benchmarking of fast-food restaurants


                               Service Image            Menu selection                 Location             Accessibility               Drawing power
                                  (0.218)                  (0.161)                      (0.178)               (0.163)                      (0.280)

                          Attributes               Attributes                      Attributes             Attributes               Attributes
                                    Cleanliness                 Healthy food              Proximity to                                      Taste of food
                                      (0.280)                                               residence               Amenity
                                                                 (0.256)                                            (0.442)                   (0.575)
                                     response                     Variety of               Proximity to
                                                                                            workplace            Store operating            Competitive
                                   time (0.261)                  food (0.265)
                                                                                             (0.354)              hours (0.558)             price (0.425)
                                     Employee                   Word of mouth
                                     courtesy                                              Proximity to
                                      (0.213)                                               a highway

                                    Quality of
                                   prior service

                            McDonald’s             Wendy’s               Burger king            Subway              Arby’s              Hardee’s

                         Note: Numbers in parentheses represent given weights
The relative weights and consistency ratios were calculated using the AHP software              Fast-food
called Expert Choice (2000) program. Also, the AHP enabled us to derive the priority           restaurant
scores from the customers’ satisfaction level with services rendered to them during their
visitation of the fast-food restaurant. These scores, however, are not absolute measures       franchises
(raw scores), but relative measures that represent the service performance of the
fast-food restaurant relative to its competitors. Thus, pairwise comparisons were
intended to derive numerical values (relative measures) from a set of fast-food restaurant          291
customers’ judgments, rather than arbitrarily assigning numerical values to criteria and
attributes. These pairwise comparisons of fast-food restaurants produced a final
ranking of fast-food restaurants with respect to their service performance relative to
others. Since all of these pairwise comparisons are tested against pre-assigned
consistency ratios, consistency is ensured with an overall consistency index of 0.00.
It should be noted that a consistency ratio of 0.10 or less is generally considered
acceptable (Saaty, 1980).
   The detailed results of the comparative performances of fast-food restaurants with
respect to each service attribute are summarized in Table III. These results show that
McDonalds tops the list in terms of overall service quality. In particular, McDonalds is
the leader in terms of service response time, location, amenity, operating hours, and
competitive price. However, Subway turns out to be the service leader with respect to
cleanliness, employee courtesy, quality of prior service, healthy food, a variety of food,
word-of-mouth reputation, safety, and taste of food. Aggregation of local priority scores
into global priority scores (overall service quality metrics) indicated that McDonalds and
Wendy’s ranked highest and second highest, respectively (Table IV). McDonalds is
considered the best-practice fast-food restaurant (benchmark) in terms of its overall
service quality. On the other hand, it is intriguing to note that despite some strengths,
Subway is ranked third best in terms of its overall service quality since it fell behind
several other restaurants with respect to service response time, competitive price,
operating hours, and location (Table V). Regardless, as shown in Table VI, both
McDonalds and Subway were the two most popular restaurants in terms of the
frequency of their visits. Especially, Subway’s popularity grew dramatically for the last
15 years, whereas both Burger King and Hardee’s suffer from declining popularity.
Subway’s increased popularity may stem from its continuous service improvement in
cleanliness, employee courtesy, taste of food, and a variety of food, although its apparent
weakness is relatively high price of food and slow response time as compared to
McDonalds, Wendy’s and Burger King.
   To see if a fast-food restaurant ranking changes in accordance with the changes in
relative importance of service attributes such as taste of food, competitive price, and
location convenience, we performed a series of sensitivity analyses for all the attributes.
We discovered that, irrespective of changes in a relative weight of the importance of
service image, location, and accessibility, McDonalds would be a superior fast-food
restaurant to the others including Wendy’s and Subway. On the other hand, if a relative
weight of taste of food increased from a given weight of 0.575 to 0.850, both Subway and
Wendy’s were preferred to McDonalds. Table VII shows that a ranking of the fast-food
restaurants is sensitive to changes in the importance of taste of food and competitive
price, whereas it is insensitive to quality of prior service, variety of food, healthy food,
safety, proximity to a workplace/school and a highway. These results imply that service
attributes such as taste of food and competitive price can be key differentiators
18,2                       Criteria         Attributes                            Restaurants   Priority scores Ranks

                           Service image    Cleanliness                           Subway           0.01202           1
                                                                                  McDonalds        0.01089           2
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.01018           3
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.01036           4
292                                                                               Burger King      0.00944           5
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00812           6
                                            Service response time                 McDonalds        0.01226           1
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.01092           2
                                                                                  Burger King      0.01000           3
                                                                                  Subway           0.00863           4
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.00797           5
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00705           6
                                            Employee courtesy                     Subway           0.00865           1
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.00807           2
                                                                                  McDonalds        0.00800           3
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.00766           4
                                                                                  Burger King      0.00741           5
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00646           6
                                            Quality of prior service              Subway           0.01048           1
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.00998           2
                                                                                  McDonalds        0.00967           3
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.00852           4
                                                                                  Burger King      0.00849           5
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00634           6
                           Menu selection   Healthy food                          Subway           0.00757           1
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.00720           2
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.00719           3
                                                                                  McDonalds        0.00682           4
                                                                                  Burger King      0.00682           4
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00568           6
                                            Variety of food                       Subway           0.00833           1
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.00785           2
                                                                                  McDonalds        0.00732           3
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.00715           4
                                                                                  Burger King      0.00666           5
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00539           6
                                            Word-of-mouth reputation              Subway           0.00770           1
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.00645           2
                                                                                  McDonalds        0.00642           3
                                                                                  Burger King      0.00573           4
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.00530           5
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00358           6
                                            Safety                                Subway           0.00714           1
                                                                                  Wendy’s          0.00714           1
                                                                                  Burger King      0.00714           1
                                                                                  Arby’s           0.00714           1
                                                                                  McDonalds        0.00681           5
                                                                                  Hardee’s         0.00642           6
Table III.                 Location         Proximity to a customer’s residence   McDonalds        0.01455          1
Local priority scores of                                                          Wendy’s          0.01322           2
fast-food restaurants                                                                                        (continued)
Criteria       Attributes                               Restaurants    Priority scores Ranks
                                                         Subway           0.01191       3
                                                         Burger King      0.01153       4
                                                         Arby’s           0.00874       5
                                                         Hardee’s         0.00677       6
              Proximity to a customer’s school/workplace McDonalds        0.01217       1            293
                                                         Wendy’s          0.01217       1
                                                         Burger King      0.01217       1
                                                         Subway           0.01035       4
                                                         Arby’s           0.00962       5
                                                         Hardee’s         0.00669       6
              Proximity to a highway or major roads      McDonalds        0.00898       1
                                                         Wendy’s          0.00898       1
                                                         Burger King      0.00898       1
                                                         Subway           0.00808       4
                                                         Arby’s           0.00718       5
                                                         Hardee’s         0.00628       6
Accessibility Amenity                                    McDonalds        0.01337       1
                                                         Subway           0.01239       2
                                                         Wendy’s          0.01209       3
                                                         Burger King      0.01205       4
                                                         Arby’s           0.01200       5
                                                         Hardee’s         0.01009       6
              Operating hours                            McDonalds        0.01855       1
                                                         Wendy’s          0.01821       2
                                                         Burger King      0.01652       3
                                                         Subway           0.01419       4
                                                         Arby’s           0.01260       5
                                                         Hardee’s         0.01087       6
Drawing power Taste of food                              Subway           0.03405       1
                                                         Wendy’s          0.02898       2
                                                         Arby’s           0.02766       3
                                                         McDonalds        0.02658       4
                                                         Burger King      0.02534       5
                                                         Hardee’s         0.01834       6
              Competitive price                          McDonalds        0.02776       1
                                                         Wendy’s          0.02303       2
                                                         Burger King      0.02082       3
                                                         Subway           0.01827       4
                                                         Hardee’s         0.01499       5
                                                         Arby’s           0.01424       6         Table III.

for enhancing the fast-food restaurant’s competitiveness. For instance, sales promotions
through deep discounts and value-meal coupons can attract more customers. By the
same token, improvement of taste of food through the use of better quality meat and
fresh ingredients may enhance the fast-food restaurant’s competitive position.

5. Managerial implications and recommendations
In today’s saturated fast-food restaurant market, mere compliance with past service
standards will not result in the level of improvement necessary to become
                                               Overall priority scores
18,2                                            obtained from AHP
                                                (overall consistency
                                                   index ¼ 0.00)                 Ranks
                             Restaurants           2009          1994         2009   1994      Overall level of customer satisfactiona

294                          McDonalds               0.190            0.161    1      2                     1.94   (0.870)
                             Wendy’s                 0.184            0.163    2      1                     1.88   (0.782)
                             Subway                  0.180            0.155    3      3                     1.79   (0.910)
                             Burger King             0.169            0.145    4      4                     2.21   (0.937)
                             Arby’s                  0.154            0.132    5      6                     2.20   (0.898)
                             Red Robin         Not   applicable                                             2.55   (0.779)
                             Johnny Rocket     Not   applicable                                             2.79   (0.707)
                             Fuddruckers       Not   applicable                                             2.89   (0.552)
                             Hardee’s                0.123            0.134    6      5                     2.96   (0.691)
                             Roy Rogers        Not   applicable                                             3.00   (0.403)
Table IV.                    Notes: aThe numbers represent the average score of a five-point scale for the degree of
Comparison of fast-food      customer satisfaction evaluated by the respondents where: 1 – very satisfied, 2 – somewhat satisfied,
restaurants with respect     3 – neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4 – somewhat dissatisfied, 5 – very dissatisfied; the numbers in
to overall service quality   parentheses are standard deviations

                                                               Average frequency of visits                               Ranks
                             Restaurants                2009 (n ¼ 262)           1994 (n ¼ 111)                 2009             1994

                             McDonalds                    2.01    (0.859)             2.10   (0.97)                 1              2
                             Subway *                     2.07    (0.881)             3.32   (0.90)                 2              6
                             Wendy’s                      2.12    (0.862)             2.02   (0.82)                 3              1
                             Burger King *                2.56    (0.891)             2.12   (0.92)                 4              3
                             Arby’s                       2.85    (0.847)             2.92   (0.88)                 5              5
                             Red Robin                    3.59    (0.642)                                           6
                             Johnny Rocket                3.73    (0.532)                                           7
                             Fuddruckers                  3.79    (0.525)                                           8
                             Hardee’s *                   3.79    (0.468)             2.32 (0.67)                   9              4
                             Roy Rogers                   3.92    (0.317)                                          10
Table V.                     Notes: *Difference is statistically significant at: a ¼ 0.05; scale: 1 – most frequently visited, 2 –
The popularity of the        occasionally visited, 3 – rarely visited, 4 – never visited; numbers in parentheses are standard
fast-food restaurant         deviations

                             the “best-of-breed” fast-food restaurant. In other words, fast-food restaurants need to
                             achieve service excellence by constantly improving service performances. Fast-food
                             restaurants cannot improve service performances unless they understand what
                             the leading competitors do in the market and what level of service gaps exists between
                             current performances and best practices. They also need to cater their service offerings
                             to the dynamically changing preferences and needs of their customers over time.
                             Thus, we proposed dynamic benchmarking as an effective way of sustaining service
                             excellence. This section summarizes several major findings of the current benchmarking
                             study as compared to the previous benchmarking study conducted in 1994,
                                                                    Competitive gapsb
                           Benchmarka                                                                                  restaurant
Key attributes             (McDonalds)      Wendy’s      Subway        Burger King      Arby’s     Hardee’s            franchises
Service image
Cleanliness                     2.14         0.15 * *    20.20 *          0.33 *          1.12 *    0.73 *
Service response time           1.64         0.20 *       0.69 *          0.47 *          1.21 *    1.21 *                      295
Quality of prior service        1.94        20.06        20.15 * *        0.27 *          0.26 *    1.02 *
Employee courtesy               2.27         0.10         0.17 *          0.18 *          1.41 *    0.54 *
Menu selection
Variety of food                 2.22        20.15 * *    20.27 *          0.22 *          0.66 *    0.79 *
Word-of-mouth                   2.17        20.01        20.36 *          0.26 *          0.43 *    1.72 *
Proximity to residence          1.49          0.15 *       0.33 *         0.39 *          1.02 *    1.71 *
Operating hours                 1.63          0.03         0.40 *         0.20 *          0.77 *    1.15 *
Amenity                         2.28          0.22 *       0.18 *         0.25 *          0.24 *    0.74 *
Drawing power
Taste of food                   2.05        20.17 *      20.45 *          0.10          20.08       0.92 *
Competitive price               1.56         0.32 *       0.81 *          0.48 *         1.48 *     1.33 *
Notes: Statistically significant at: *a ¼ 0.05, * *a ¼ 0.10; athe benchmark index represents
the average score of a five-point scale for the degree of customer satisfaction where: 1 – extremely
satisfied, 2 – somewhat satisfied, 3 – neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4 – somewhat dissatisfied, 5 – not                     Table VI.
at all satisfied; bthe positive gap occurs when the service performance of a given restaurant is worse than    Competitive gap analysis
that of its benchmark (McDonalds)                                                                              of fast-food restaurants

expounds the managerial implications of those findings, and develops practical
guidelines for continuous service improvement.
    First, we discovered that a service attribute considered most important to the
fast-food restaurant customers’ impressions of service quality is taste of food. Also,
the effect of “atmospheric” impression such as cleanliness of the restaurant seems to be
significant, because cleaner dining environments may look more sanitary to the
customers. That is to say, neatly cleaned tables, chairs, and floors in the fast-food
restaurant can play a significant role in improving its customers’ impressions of service
quality and thereby retaining its customers. It is also not surprising to find that people go
to the fast-food restaurant due to its quick service response time. Thus, the relative
importance of these service attributes to the fast-food restaurant customers’ impressions
of service quality virtually remains the same as the 1994 study. On the other hand, the
restaurant customers tend to value competitive price significantly more than they did in
1994 (Table I). Also, the fast-food restaurant customers were very sensitive to price
changes (Table VII). This finding indicates that the fast-food restaurant customers are
still looking for bargain or value meals. In particular, in this era of worldwide economic
crisis and rising food prices, a significant price increase without noticeable improvement
in taste of food and physical restaurant environments can undermine the fast-food
restaurant’s competitiveness. Thus, we recommend that the fast-food restaurant should
focus more on “every-day low price” strategy than on “occasional coupon or promotional
sales” to obviate customer defections and phantom demand. Another intriguing finding
is that the fast-food restaurant customers tend to take restaurant location (namely,
proximity to their residences, schools, and workplaces) far more seriously than before.
                          Service attributes                                                            Degree of sensitivity
                          Service image
                          Cleanliness                                                                   Somewhat insensitive
                          Service response time                                                         Somewhat sensitive
                          Employee courtesy                                                             Somewhat insensitive
296                       Quality of prior service                                                      Insensitive
                          Menu selection
                          Variety of food                                                               Insensitive
                          Healthy food                                                                  Insensitive
                          Safety                                                                        Insensitive
                          Word-of-mouth reputation                                                      Somewhat insensitive
                          Proximity to residence                                                        Somewhat insensitive
                          Proximity to school/workplace                                                 Insensitive
                          Proximity to highway                                                          Insensitive
                          Amenity                                                                       Somewhat insensitive
                          Operating hours                                                               Somewhat insensitive
                          Drawing power
                          Taste of food                                                                 Sensitive
                          Competitive price                                                             Sensitive
                          Notes: “Very sensitive” – a ranking of all the restaurants changes drastically in the entire weight
                          range; “sensitive” – a ranking of several restaurants changes constantly in the entire weight range;
Table VII.                “somewhat sensitive” – a ranking of two restaurants changes gradually in the limited weight range;
Sensitivity analysis of   “somewhat insensitive” – a ranking of one restaurant changes gradually in the very limited weight
service attributes        range; “insensitive” – a ranking of no restaurant changes in the entire weight range

                          This pattern reflects the fact that, with rising gasoline prices in times of a severe
                          economic downturn, the restaurant customers prefer to dine at the restaurant not too
                          distant from their home, school, or workplace.
                             Second, as expected, the overall leader (i.e. McDonalds) of fast-food restaurant
                          service quality turned out to be the most frequently visited restaurant (Table V). In fact,
                          we discovered some correlation between the relative service performance of the
                          fast-food restaurant and its popularity (Tables IV and V). Similarly, we found a pattern
                          of the correlation between the overall level of customer satisfaction with the fast-food
                          restaurant and its word-of-mouth reputation as evidenced by the top three rankings of
                          Subway, Wendy’s, and McDonalds (Tables III and IV). That is to say, fast-food
                          restaurant branding can foster positive images of its service quality and subsequently
                          help attract more customers in the future. Thus, this finding reaffirms earlier
                          discoveries by Ou and Abratt (2006) and Balmer (2001) that word-of-mouth reputation
                          or branding could have a long-lasting impact on patronage, competitiveness, and
                          business survival. Also, our survey result indicated that nearly half (43.7 percent)
                          of the surveyed customers, who were disappointed with the service quality of a
                          fast-food restaurant, would not return to the same fast-food restaurant. Thus,
                          sustaining the high level of service quality is essential for customer retention. More
                          importantly, it should be reminded that good branding has a lasting impact on the
                          customer’s loyalty to a particular fast-food restaurant. Indeed, Rhee and Bell (2002)
                          observed that many customers had a primary affiliation to a “primary store” that
captured the majority of their purchases despite being presented with a significant                  Fast-food
inducement to shop elsewhere. Thus, we recommend that the fast-food restaurant                     restaurant
should develop a long-term branding strategy to prevent service failures and foster its
nice images. Such a strategy may include: recognition of loyal patrons by their first               franchises
names, special coupons/discounts or free meals/drinks for repeated visitors, and quick
attention to service failures (e.g. customer complaints).
    Third, the customers tend to be more favorable to easily accessible and national                    297
fast-food restaurant franchises such as McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Subway than less
accessible, relatively new, and regional counterparts such as Roy Rogers, Hardee’s,
Fuddruckers, Johnny Rocket, and Red Robin. This tendency may have something to do
with the risk-averse trend of today’s customers who do not want to dine at the
unfamiliar restaurants. As a matter of fact, half (50.4 percent) of the surveyed
customers reported patronizing the same restaurant for repeated visits. Also, given the
increasing importance of location to the restaurant service quality, less accessible
restaurants such as Roy Rogers (primarily located near the major highway exits or rest
areas) and Hardee’s with the limited number of establishments may suffer from the
declining popularity. For example, the Hardee’s popularity has significantly declined
over the years (Table V). Considering this finding, we recommend that relatively new
and regional fast-food restaurants should locate their establishments near to the cluster
of other competing restaurants such as McDonalds and Wendy’s to negate their
competitor’s locational advantage and then draw the attention of potential customers.
    As summarized above, this study incorporated the customers’ perception of service
quality into the fast-food restaurant benchmarking process and then evaluated “what-if”
scenarios associated with changes in the customers’ perception of service quality
(i.e. changes in relative importance of service attributes) using the AHP. Although
the current study was one of the first longitudinal studies to evaluate the comparative
service performances of the fast-food restaurants over time, it can be extended to include
large samples in different regions across the USA. Similarly, this study can be extended
to include samples from different countries and then conduct cross-cultural studies to
examine any cross-cultural differences in the customer perception of fast-food
restaurant service quality. Also, future studies can be directed toward the identification
of various latent variables (e.g. diners’ gender, age, profession, ethnicity) that may
influence the diners’ perception of restaurant service quality using the structural
equation model.

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       SPSS (2008), SPSS Base 16.0 User’s Guide, SPSS, Chicago, IL.

300    Corresponding author
       Hokey Min can be contacted at:

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  • 1. The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at BIJ 18,2 Benchmarking the service quality of fast-food restaurant franchises in the USA 282 A longitudinal study Hokey Min Department of Management, College of Business Administration, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA, and Hyesung Min Department of Tourism Management, Yuhan University, Bucheon, South Korea Abstract Purpose – To help fast-food restaurants enhance their competitiveness and then increase their market share, the purpose of this paper is to measure the service performances of fast-food restaurant franchises in the USA and identify salient factors influencing the service performances of fast-food restaurants over time. Design/methodology/approach – This paper develops a set of benchmarks that helps fast-food restaurants monitor their service-delivery process, identify relative weaknesses, and take corrective actions for continuous service improvements using analytic hierarchy process and competitive gap analysis. Findings – This study reveals that a service attribute considered most important to the fast-food restaurant customers’ impressions of service quality is taste of food. This preference has not been changed over time. Also, we found a pattern of the correlation between the overall level of customer satisfaction with the fast-food restaurant and its word-of-mouth reputation. Furthermore, we discovered that the customers tended to be more favorable to easily accessible and national fast-food restaurant franchises than less accessible, relatively new, and regional counterparts. Research limitations/implications – The current study is limited to the evaluation of comparative service quality in the USA. Thus, this study may not capture the national differences in the restaurant customers’ perceived service quality. Practical implications – For the last four decades, Americans’ obsession with fast serving, cheap meals has made the fast-food restaurant a mainstay in their daily life. As the appetite for fast food grows, every corner of the American Society has been infiltrated by fast-food restaurants. With the increasing number of fast-food restaurants competing in the market, their survival often rests on their ability to sustain high-quality services and meet changing needs/preferences of customers. This paper provides practical guidelines for enhancing the competitiveness of the fast-food restaurant franchise. Originality/value – This paper is one of the first to compare the service quality of fast-food franchises in the USA and develop dynamic service quality standards for fast-food restaurant franchises using a longitudinal study. Benchmarking: An International Keywords Benchmarking, Fast-foods, Restaurants, Customer services quality, Journal Analytical hierarchy process, United States of America Vol. 18 No. 2, 2011 pp. 282-300 Paper type Research paper q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1463-5771 DOI 10.1108/14635771111121711
  • 2. 1. Introduction Fast-food Owing to gradual changes in American life styles, Americans now spend more money on restaurant fast food than they do on higher education, personal computers, new cars, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music (Schlosser, 1998). In 2004, America franchises spent $148.6 billion on fast food and accounted for 64.8 percent of the fast-food sales of the ten countries that consumed fast food most in the world. In other words, the average American spends $492 per year on fast food (Workman, 2007). Despite the popularity of 283 fast food, fast-food restaurants have historically operated on slim-profit margins ranging from 4 to 7 percent (Nessel, 2010). The low-profit margin of the fast-food restaurant industry stemmed from the continuous wholesale-food price inflation. For example, the wholesale-food price rose 7.6 percent in 2007 and 8.5 percent in 2008 (Wiki Analysis, 2009). To make it worse, the revenue of the US fast-food restaurant industry declined by 4.7 percent in 2009, according to the IBIS World Industry Report (2009). As such, fast-food restaurants have experienced intense competition in the recent years due in part to the saturation of a fast-food restaurant market and the worldwide economic downturn. With tighter profit margins and increasing competition, the fast-food restaurant’s success depends heavily on its ability to retain customers (i.e. restaurant patrons) by enhancing customer value or innovating service offerings. Indeed, the longer customers remained with a particular fast-food restaurant, the more profitable they became to the fast-food restaurant (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Lovelock and Wright, 2002). According to Kotelikov (2008), a 2 percent increase in customer retention has the same effect on profits as cutting costs by 10 percent. Similarly, a 5 percent reduction in customer defection rate can increase profits by 25-125 percent. Considering the significance of customer retention to the fast-food restaurant’s profitability, the fast-food restaurant should adapt to the changing needs and preferences (e.g. removal of trans-fats) of customers. For example, the recent hike in gasoline prices may force some customers to dine at the nearby fast-food restaurant or make fewer trips to the fast-food restaurant that is a greater distance from their neighborhood. Also, those needs and preferences may represent various service attributes such as the greater selection of healthy foods, value meals, fast drive-in services, better amenities, 24/7 access, and courteous/friendly employees. Once these service attributes are revealed, the fast-food restaurant should identify what service attributes customers consider most important and how well the fast-food restaurant is performing relative to its competitors with respect to each of those salient service attributes. In an effort to help the fast-food restaurant enhance its competitiveness that relies on the customer perception of its overall service quality in comparison to other competitors, this paper conducts a competitive benchmarking study that aims to translate customer service requirements into comparative quality measures. Neely et al. (2005) noted that the most beneficial form of benchmarking was competitive benchmarking because it focused on the direct measurement of competitor performance and provided information on what customers really wanted and what competitors were doing to meet customer needs. Competitive benchmarking in the service sector is known to improve service performance by as much as 60 percent in less than a year (Harrington and Harrington, 1996). Even though the application of competitive benchmarking to the service sector is challenging due to the intangible nature of service quality and the subsequent lack of universal service standards, competitive benchmarking has been successfully applied to various service organizations such as hotels and restaurants (Morey and Dittman, 1995;
  • 3. BIJ Min and Galle, 1996; Min and Min, 1996, 1997, 2002; Phillips and Appiah-Adu, 1998). 18,2 However, no prior literature but Min and Galle (1996) to date has reported any benchmarking studies on fast-food restaurants. In fact, fast-food restaurant benchmarking is not on the list of periodic service benchmarking studies conducted by the Customer Service Benchmarking Association (2008). To fill the void left by prior benchmarking studies, this paper addresses the following research questions: 284 RQ1. Which elements comprise customer service attributes that influence the fast-food restaurant customer’s perception of service quality? RQ2. Which service attributes are most important for customer satisfaction? RQ3. Which fast-food restaurant is perceived to be the industry leader? RQ4. How do we compare the fast-food restaurant’s service performance with that of the industry leader using competitive gap analysis? RQ5. How do we develop a strategic action plan for continuous service improvement of the fast-food restaurant? RQ6. How do the customer needs and preferences change over time and how significantly do those changes affect the service performances of fast-food restaurants? 2. Service attributes relevant to fast-food restaurant customers The benchmarking process begins with the establishment of service standards through identification of service attributes that comprise service standards. Since serving customers better is the ultimate goal of benchmarking, we first identified service attributes that are most important to fast-food restaurant customers. These service attributes are derived from determinants of fast-food restaurant service quality identified by Min and Galle (1996), Kara et al. (1997) and Tsai et al. (2007). Examples of these include: taste of food, competitive price, service response time, cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant, fast-food restaurant location, amenity, safety, employee courtesy, restaurant operating hours, and the availability of healthy menus. Also, notice that this list includes word-of-mouth restaurant reputation that may influence the diner’s fast-food restaurant choice/patronage, but not necessarily the diner’s extent of satisfaction with the fast-food restaurant (Ou and Abratt, 2006). Also, the contribution of these attributes to overall customer satisfaction (or overall service quality of the fast-food restaurant) was measured by the customer feedback that we solicited through the questionnaire survey. To elaborate, the customer feedback was obtained from the sample of 262 fast-food restaurant customers who have dined at ten different fast-food restaurants (McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Hardee’s, Subway, Johnny Rocket, Red Robin, Fuddruckers, and Roy Rogers) located in the southeastern and midwestern USA during the period of January 2008 through November 2009. These fast-food restaurants were chosen for the study because of their similar characteristics in terms of sizes, location, menus, target customer bases, and service amenities (e.g. availability of children’s playgrounds, drive-in services). For example, we did not include some popular fast-food franchises such as Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, and Long John Silver’s which specialized in limited menu items such as pizzas, fried chickens, Mexican style food, and fried seafood. On the other hand, despite being a casual dining restaurant,
  • 4. Red Robin was still included in the study since its food offerings such as burgers and Fast-food steak fries are similar to those of other restaurants under study and it has nationally restaurant based franchises with approximately 400 restaurants all across the USA. Although the sample that we chose is not reflective of the entire fast-food restaurant industry, we used franchises this sample to illustrate how fast-food restaurant service standards can be set and how to conduct the benchmarking process. Through a five-page questionnaire survey, the participants provided us with data related to their demographic profile (e.g. gender, 285 marital status, age), frequency of their fast-food restaurant visits, the patronage behavior, the relative importance of service attributes to overall fast-food restaurant service quality, and the level of customer satisfaction based on their service experiences. Some of the non-demographic questions were selected from service attributes ´ considered to be critical to service quality (Vazquez et al., 2001; Lovelock and Wright, 2002; Min, 2006). The Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows (2008) were used to analyze the data collected from this sample. All of the participants reported having visited at least one of the seven fast-food restaurants for this study. In fact, a majority (72.4 percent) of the participants said that they visited one of these fast-food restaurants at least once a week in the past. A vast majority (94.3 percent) of them reported having dined at one of these fast-food restaurants at least once a month. More than two-thirds (70.2 percent) of them spent an average of $5 or more per visit. Most of the survey participants are frequent diners of the fast-food restaurants. Among these, roughly half (50.4 percent) of them patronize a particular restaurant; thus are familiar with fast-food restaurant service quality. In particular, these participants were carefully selected to maximize responses to the survey. Rather than distributing the questionnaire to the potential participants through the mail, six surveyors (the author plus five hired graduate assistants) approached a group of people who had just dined at the fast-food restaurant, or handed out the questionnaire to the restaurant diners through local church organizations, university classes, and apartment complexes where the surveyors resided. Occasionally, a souvenir item (e.g. pen, notepad) with a nominal value was offered to the reluctant participants to encourage them to fill out the questionnaire. The rationale for the use of this survey method is a potential increase in survey responses by face-to-face interactions with potential respondents. In fact, low-response rates are an ongoing concern in conducting traditional mail surveys (Greer et al., 2000; Larson and Poist, 2004). For mail surveys, response rates in the neighborhood of 10-20 percent are not uncommon (Yu and Cooper, 1983; George and Mallery, 2001). Thus, to avoid the potential non-response bias, we directly approached and asked restaurant diners to answer the structured questionnaire. Also, we solicited survey participation from a number of different locations (e.g. churches, universities, residential areas) to increase sample size. However, notice that the geographical coverage of this direct contact survey can be still limited. The results of the survey revealed that there were a total of 15 service attributes that were considered relevant to fast-food restaurant service quality. These salient attributes were identified based on importance ratings provided by the respondents who were being asked to indicate how important a given attribute is to them in gauging the level of their satisfaction with service quality. Myers (1999) suggested that importance ratings were one of the most straightforward but effective ways of measuring customer satisfaction and determining the relative importance of service attributes
  • 5. BIJ to service quality. As summarized in Table I, the attribute considered most important in 18,2 forming a perception of fast-food restaurant service quality is taste of food. The next four most important attributes were cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant, service response time, competitive price, and quality of prior service. These results are consistent with those of other service quality studies such as Crawley (1993), Babin and Darden (1996), Min and Galle (1996) and Miranda et al. (2005) indicating that facility atmospherics such 286 as cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant can lift the mood of the diners and may impel them to visit more. Similarly, Dijksterhuis et al. (2005) argued that subtle environment cues such as cleanliness of the fast-food restaurant might unconsciously affect the restaurant customer’s dining behavior. Also, as expected, competitive price turned out to be a central influence on fast-food restaurant service quality. This finding is congruent with that of Curry and Riez (1988) indicating that the price paid for the food significantly influences the customer’s service experience. On the other hand, word-of-mouth reputation, amenity, proximity to a highway/major road, safety, and health food offering were considered relatively unimportant. It is interesting to note that, unlike other service settings such as hotels, employee courtesy was not a deciding factor for fast-food restaurant service quality. This finding may be due to the fact that hotels primarily sell intangible experience through their employees’ direct interactions with customers, whereas fast-food restaurants primarily sell instant meals without much involvement of their employees. Relative insignificance of employee courtesy to overall service quality of the fast-food restaurant may be due to limited face-to-face interactions with employees resulting from the increased use of drive-in service. Indeed, more than two-thirds (67.9 percent) of our survey respondents reported using drive-in service. Another finding was that four out of the six most important attributes seemed to represent “functional service.” Functional service refers to service attributes that are Average degree of importance Ranks Service attributes 2009 (n ¼ 262) 1994 (n ¼ 111) 2009 1994 Taste of food 1.31 (0.520) 1.31 (0.49) 1 1 Cleanliness 1.63 (0.693) 1.48 (0.83) 2 2 Service response time 1.75 (0.714) 1.69 (0.72) 3 3 Competitive price * 1.77 (0.762) 2.12 (0.88) 4 5 Quality of prior service 1.86 (0.795) 1.67 (0.77) 5 4 Proximity to a customer’s residence * 1.97 (0.787) 2.46 (0.94) 6 8 Proximity to a customer’s school/workplace * 2.08 (0.827) 2.42 (1.05) 7 7 Employee courtesy 2.15 (0.807) 2.15 (0.97) 8 6 Operating hours 2.18 (0.922) 9 Variety of food * 2.34 (0.878) 2.70 (0.97) 10 10 Safety 2.39 (1.138) 11 Healthy food 2.42 (1.102) 12 Proximity to a highway exit or major road 2.71 (1.088) 13 Amenity 2.75 (1.110) 14 Word-of-mouth reputation 2.84 (1.066) 2.66 (0.93) 15 9 Table I. Attributes for the Notes: *Difference is statistically significant at: a ¼ 0.05; scale: 1 – extremely important, 2 – somewhat fast-food restaurant important, 3 – neither important nor unimportant, 4 – somewhat unimportant, 5 – not at all important; service quality numbers in parentheses are standard deviations
  • 6. akin to attributes of a product (e.g. food) and/or can be improved without direct reference Fast-food to customers (Chakrapani, 1998). This category of the service attributes includes taste of restaurant food, cleanliness of the restaurant, competitive price, and restaurant location (proximity to a customer’s residence). On the other hand, “personal service” refers to service franchises attributes that are difficult, if not impossible, to improve without reference to customers (Chakrapani, 1998). This category of the service attributes includes service response time, employee courtesy, restaurant operating hours, amenity, and safety. 287 To see if the 15 service attributes could be broken down into sub-categories, we conducted exploratory factor analysis. The exploratory factor analysis was preceded by the Bartlett’s test of Sphericity. The Bartlett’s test (with a x2 value of 729.452) showed that some of these service attributes were significantly correlated among themselves. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy was also employed to measure the strength of the relationship among service attributes. A factor analysis was further justified, since the KMO value of 0.744 was greater than a threshold score of 0.70. Considering the statistical significance of correlation among these service attributes, we conducted principal component analysis to determine the minimum number of common factors needed to explain correlation among the attributes using the eigen value greater than one rule. To obtain a more meaningful representation of the factor structure, we used the varimax rotation with Kaiser Normalization. To elaborate, varimax rotation is an orthogonal rotation of the factor axes to maximize the variance of the squared loadings of a factor (column) on all the variables (rows) in a factor matrix where each factor tends to have either large (close to 1) or small (close to 0) loadings of any particular variable (Kaiser, 1958; Fabrigar et al., 1999). In particular, we chose a varimax rotation because it enables us to easily identify each variable with a single common factor. As summarized in Table II, we extracted five common factors: Factors Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor label Service Menu Location Accessibility Drawing image selection power Eigen value 3.537 1.688 1.394 1.155 1.014 Percent of variance 23.583 11.252 9.295 7.702 6.758 Variables Cleanliness 0.592 0.428 0.155 0.006 0.012 Service response time 0.753 20.015 0.132 0.037 20.096 Employee courtesy 0.783 0.260 0.033 0.009 0.052 Quality of prior service 0.664 0.140 0.047 0.231 0.069 Healthy food 0.062 0.740 2 0.112 2 0.064 0.103 Variety of food 0.151 0.540 0.050 0.198 0.296 Word-of-mouth reputation 0.116 0.502 0.174 0.454 20.076 Safety 0.275 0.617 0.044 0.106 20.127 Proximity to a customer’s residence 0.176 20.151 0.748 0.027 0.195 Proximity to the school or workplace 0.054 20.014 0.871 0.038 0.005 Proximity to a highway or major road 0.062 0.300 0.590 0.233 20.032 Amenity 0.113 0.139 0.109 0.726 20.008 Operating hours 0.049 20.019 0.041 0.793 0.137 Taste of food 0.366 20.271 0.018 0.229 0.507 Table II. Competitive price 2 0.145 0.226 0.129 2 0.010 0.819 Factor analysis results of service attributes for Note: A KMO measure of sampling adequacy ¼ 0.744 fast-food restaurants
  • 7. BIJ (1) service image; 18,2 (2) menu selection; (3) location; (4) accessibility; and (5) drawing power. 288 These factors are found to have an eigen value greater than 1. That is to say, the result of the factor analysis verified that the 15 service attributes could be classified into five categories of services: (1) service image; (2) menu selection; (3) location; (4) accessibility; and (5) drawing power. 3. The development of service standards To stay competitive, a fast-food restaurant must establish proper service standards in relation to its customers’ needs and expectations. With this in mind, the survey participants were asked to rate on a five-point Likert scale the service performance of the six fast-food restaurants with respect to 15 attributes listed in Table I. These fast-food restaurants are: McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, Arby’s, and Hardee’s. A rating of the service performance of the fast-food restaurants was used to determine a leading fast-food restaurant (benchmark) which best exhibits each service attribute and provides its customers with the highest overall service quality. To develop an objective service standard, the raw ratings were converted to relative priority scores using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) introduced by Saaty (1980). AHP is a systematic scoring method that was designed to synthesize the fast-food restaurant customers’ level of satisfaction with each service attribute into an overall service performance score of each fast-food restaurant. Accordingly, AHP helps the fast-food restaurant not only identify the principal competitors in the market, but also assess the service performance of the fast-food restaurant relative to its competitors. In contrast with the SERVQUAL instrument suggested by Berry et al. (1985), AHP permits the fast-food restaurant manager to investigate the sensitivity of the service performance measure to changes in customer perception of importance of service attributes and the customer’s degree of satisfaction with those attributes (Min and Min, 1996). Furthermore, AHP can enhance the fast-food restaurant manager’s ability to make tradeoffs among various quantitative (e.g. price, restaurant operating hours, quick response time) and qualitative attributes (e.g. cleanliness, employee courtesy, safety) (Saaty, 1988). The application of benchmarking to fast-food restaurants involves four major steps (Wind and Saaty, 1980; Zahedi, 1989; Min and Min, 1996): (1) Break down the service-evaluation process into a manageable (e.g. no more than seven) set of criteria and attributes and then structure these into a hierarchical form. (2) Make a series of pairwise comparisons among the criteria and attributes according to the customers’ satisfaction level with service performances.
  • 8. (3) Estimate the relative weights of service criteria and attributes based on the Fast-food customers’ perceived importance of those criteria and attributes. Also, determine restaurant the local priority scores and ranks of the respective fast-food restaurant in terms of their service performances. franchises (4) Aggregate these local priority scores and synthesize them for the overall measurement of fast-food restaurant service quality. Then, identify the best-practice (leading) fast-food restaurant. 289 Based on the above steps, the process of benchmarking was structured into five levels (Figure 1). Since this hierarchical representation eases the complexity of analysis through decomposition, it aids the fast-food restaurant in understanding the interactions among various service criteria and attributes. As shown in Figure 1, the top level of a hierarchy represents the ultimate goal of determining the best-practice fast-food restaurant. At the second level of a hierarchy, the five distinctive service criteria: (1) service image; (2) menu selection; (3) location; (4) accessibility; and (5) (customer) drawing power were placed because they are generally considered important in measuring the fast-food restaurant service quality. The attributes belonging to one of the five service criteria were connected to the bottom level of the hierarchy represented by six fast-food restaurants under evaluation. 4. The service performance evaluation of fast-food restaurants For illustrative purposes, we considered the base-line scenario involving six fast-food restaurants for their service performances relative to others. Under this scenario, we estimated relative weights of criteria, and attributes and then derived priority scores of each fast-food restaurant with respect to the given criteria, and attributes through a series of pairwise comparisons. Herein, relative weights represent fast-food restaurant customers’ perceived importance of each criterion and attribute. As indicated earlier, these weights were determined primarily based on the surveyed opinions of fast-food restaurant customers. Since these customers’ perception of service quality can be subjective and inconsistent, we estimated the degree of consistency in the customers’ opinions using a consistency ratio (CR), that is mathematically expressed as: CI CR ¼ ; RI where CI ¼ consistency index, RI ¼ random index: ðlmax Þ CI ¼ n21 lmax ¼ maximum eigen value of the matrix of pairwise comparisons; n ¼ number of criteria or attributes in the consideration; and RI ¼ mean CI of a randomly generated reciprocal matrix from a ratio scale of 1-9.
  • 9. BIJ 18,2 290 Figure 1. restaurants Hierarchy of benchmarking fast-food Goal: Competitive benchmarking of fast-food restaurants Criteria Service Image Menu selection Location Accessibility Drawing power (0.218) (0.161) (0.178) (0.163) (0.280) Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes Attributes Cleanliness Healthy food Proximity to Taste of food (0.280) residence Amenity (0.256) (0.442) (0.575) (0.374) Service response Variety of Proximity to workplace Store operating Competitive time (0.261) food (0.265) (0.354) hours (0.558) price (0.425) Employee Word of mouth courtesy Proximity to reputation (0.213) a highway (0.219) (0.272) Quality of Safety prior service (0.260) (0.246) Alternatives McDonald’s Wendy’s Burger king Subway Arby’s Hardee’s Note: Numbers in parentheses represent given weights
  • 10. The relative weights and consistency ratios were calculated using the AHP software Fast-food called Expert Choice (2000) program. Also, the AHP enabled us to derive the priority restaurant scores from the customers’ satisfaction level with services rendered to them during their visitation of the fast-food restaurant. These scores, however, are not absolute measures franchises (raw scores), but relative measures that represent the service performance of the fast-food restaurant relative to its competitors. Thus, pairwise comparisons were intended to derive numerical values (relative measures) from a set of fast-food restaurant 291 customers’ judgments, rather than arbitrarily assigning numerical values to criteria and attributes. These pairwise comparisons of fast-food restaurants produced a final ranking of fast-food restaurants with respect to their service performance relative to others. Since all of these pairwise comparisons are tested against pre-assigned consistency ratios, consistency is ensured with an overall consistency index of 0.00. It should be noted that a consistency ratio of 0.10 or less is generally considered acceptable (Saaty, 1980). The detailed results of the comparative performances of fast-food restaurants with respect to each service attribute are summarized in Table III. These results show that McDonalds tops the list in terms of overall service quality. In particular, McDonalds is the leader in terms of service response time, location, amenity, operating hours, and competitive price. However, Subway turns out to be the service leader with respect to cleanliness, employee courtesy, quality of prior service, healthy food, a variety of food, word-of-mouth reputation, safety, and taste of food. Aggregation of local priority scores into global priority scores (overall service quality metrics) indicated that McDonalds and Wendy’s ranked highest and second highest, respectively (Table IV). McDonalds is considered the best-practice fast-food restaurant (benchmark) in terms of its overall service quality. On the other hand, it is intriguing to note that despite some strengths, Subway is ranked third best in terms of its overall service quality since it fell behind several other restaurants with respect to service response time, competitive price, operating hours, and location (Table V). Regardless, as shown in Table VI, both McDonalds and Subway were the two most popular restaurants in terms of the frequency of their visits. Especially, Subway’s popularity grew dramatically for the last 15 years, whereas both Burger King and Hardee’s suffer from declining popularity. Subway’s increased popularity may stem from its continuous service improvement in cleanliness, employee courtesy, taste of food, and a variety of food, although its apparent weakness is relatively high price of food and slow response time as compared to McDonalds, Wendy’s and Burger King. To see if a fast-food restaurant ranking changes in accordance with the changes in relative importance of service attributes such as taste of food, competitive price, and location convenience, we performed a series of sensitivity analyses for all the attributes. We discovered that, irrespective of changes in a relative weight of the importance of service image, location, and accessibility, McDonalds would be a superior fast-food restaurant to the others including Wendy’s and Subway. On the other hand, if a relative weight of taste of food increased from a given weight of 0.575 to 0.850, both Subway and Wendy’s were preferred to McDonalds. Table VII shows that a ranking of the fast-food restaurants is sensitive to changes in the importance of taste of food and competitive price, whereas it is insensitive to quality of prior service, variety of food, healthy food, safety, proximity to a workplace/school and a highway. These results imply that service attributes such as taste of food and competitive price can be key differentiators
  • 11. BIJ 18,2 Criteria Attributes Restaurants Priority scores Ranks Service image Cleanliness Subway 0.01202 1 McDonalds 0.01089 2 Wendy’s 0.01018 3 Arby’s 0.01036 4 292 Burger King 0.00944 5 Hardee’s 0.00812 6 Service response time McDonalds 0.01226 1 Wendy’s 0.01092 2 Burger King 0.01000 3 Subway 0.00863 4 Arby’s 0.00797 5 Hardee’s 0.00705 6 Employee courtesy Subway 0.00865 1 Arby’s 0.00807 2 McDonalds 0.00800 3 Wendy’s 0.00766 4 Burger King 0.00741 5 Hardee’s 0.00646 6 Quality of prior service Subway 0.01048 1 Wendy’s 0.00998 2 McDonalds 0.00967 3 Arby’s 0.00852 4 Burger King 0.00849 5 Hardee’s 0.00634 6 Menu selection Healthy food Subway 0.00757 1 Wendy’s 0.00720 2 Arby’s 0.00719 3 McDonalds 0.00682 4 Burger King 0.00682 4 Hardee’s 0.00568 6 Variety of food Subway 0.00833 1 Wendy’s 0.00785 2 McDonalds 0.00732 3 Arby’s 0.00715 4 Burger King 0.00666 5 Hardee’s 0.00539 6 Word-of-mouth reputation Subway 0.00770 1 Wendy’s 0.00645 2 McDonalds 0.00642 3 Burger King 0.00573 4 Arby’s 0.00530 5 Hardee’s 0.00358 6 Safety Subway 0.00714 1 Wendy’s 0.00714 1 Burger King 0.00714 1 Arby’s 0.00714 1 McDonalds 0.00681 5 Hardee’s 0.00642 6 Table III. Location Proximity to a customer’s residence McDonalds 0.01455 1 Local priority scores of Wendy’s 0.01322 2 fast-food restaurants (continued)
  • 12. Criteria Attributes Restaurants Priority scores Ranks Fast-food restaurant Subway 0.01191 3 Burger King 0.01153 4 franchises Arby’s 0.00874 5 Hardee’s 0.00677 6 Proximity to a customer’s school/workplace McDonalds 0.01217 1 293 Wendy’s 0.01217 1 Burger King 0.01217 1 Subway 0.01035 4 Arby’s 0.00962 5 Hardee’s 0.00669 6 Proximity to a highway or major roads McDonalds 0.00898 1 Wendy’s 0.00898 1 Burger King 0.00898 1 Subway 0.00808 4 Arby’s 0.00718 5 Hardee’s 0.00628 6 Accessibility Amenity McDonalds 0.01337 1 Subway 0.01239 2 Wendy’s 0.01209 3 Burger King 0.01205 4 Arby’s 0.01200 5 Hardee’s 0.01009 6 Operating hours McDonalds 0.01855 1 Wendy’s 0.01821 2 Burger King 0.01652 3 Subway 0.01419 4 Arby’s 0.01260 5 Hardee’s 0.01087 6 Drawing power Taste of food Subway 0.03405 1 Wendy’s 0.02898 2 Arby’s 0.02766 3 McDonalds 0.02658 4 Burger King 0.02534 5 Hardee’s 0.01834 6 Competitive price McDonalds 0.02776 1 Wendy’s 0.02303 2 Burger King 0.02082 3 Subway 0.01827 4 Hardee’s 0.01499 5 Arby’s 0.01424 6 Table III. for enhancing the fast-food restaurant’s competitiveness. For instance, sales promotions through deep discounts and value-meal coupons can attract more customers. By the same token, improvement of taste of food through the use of better quality meat and fresh ingredients may enhance the fast-food restaurant’s competitive position. 5. Managerial implications and recommendations In today’s saturated fast-food restaurant market, mere compliance with past service standards will not result in the level of improvement necessary to become
  • 13. BIJ Overall priority scores 18,2 obtained from AHP (overall consistency index ¼ 0.00) Ranks Restaurants 2009 1994 2009 1994 Overall level of customer satisfactiona 294 McDonalds 0.190 0.161 1 2 1.94 (0.870) Wendy’s 0.184 0.163 2 1 1.88 (0.782) Subway 0.180 0.155 3 3 1.79 (0.910) Burger King 0.169 0.145 4 4 2.21 (0.937) Arby’s 0.154 0.132 5 6 2.20 (0.898) Red Robin Not applicable 2.55 (0.779) Johnny Rocket Not applicable 2.79 (0.707) Fuddruckers Not applicable 2.89 (0.552) Hardee’s 0.123 0.134 6 5 2.96 (0.691) Roy Rogers Not applicable 3.00 (0.403) Table IV. Notes: aThe numbers represent the average score of a five-point scale for the degree of Comparison of fast-food customer satisfaction evaluated by the respondents where: 1 – very satisfied, 2 – somewhat satisfied, restaurants with respect 3 – neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4 – somewhat dissatisfied, 5 – very dissatisfied; the numbers in to overall service quality parentheses are standard deviations Average frequency of visits Ranks Restaurants 2009 (n ¼ 262) 1994 (n ¼ 111) 2009 1994 McDonalds 2.01 (0.859) 2.10 (0.97) 1 2 Subway * 2.07 (0.881) 3.32 (0.90) 2 6 Wendy’s 2.12 (0.862) 2.02 (0.82) 3 1 Burger King * 2.56 (0.891) 2.12 (0.92) 4 3 Arby’s 2.85 (0.847) 2.92 (0.88) 5 5 Red Robin 3.59 (0.642) 6 Johnny Rocket 3.73 (0.532) 7 Fuddruckers 3.79 (0.525) 8 Hardee’s * 3.79 (0.468) 2.32 (0.67) 9 4 Roy Rogers 3.92 (0.317) 10 Table V. Notes: *Difference is statistically significant at: a ¼ 0.05; scale: 1 – most frequently visited, 2 – The popularity of the occasionally visited, 3 – rarely visited, 4 – never visited; numbers in parentheses are standard fast-food restaurant deviations the “best-of-breed” fast-food restaurant. In other words, fast-food restaurants need to achieve service excellence by constantly improving service performances. Fast-food restaurants cannot improve service performances unless they understand what the leading competitors do in the market and what level of service gaps exists between current performances and best practices. They also need to cater their service offerings to the dynamically changing preferences and needs of their customers over time. Thus, we proposed dynamic benchmarking as an effective way of sustaining service excellence. This section summarizes several major findings of the current benchmarking study as compared to the previous benchmarking study conducted in 1994,
  • 14. Fast-food Competitive gapsb Benchmarka restaurant Key attributes (McDonalds) Wendy’s Subway Burger King Arby’s Hardee’s franchises Service image Cleanliness 2.14 0.15 * * 20.20 * 0.33 * 1.12 * 0.73 * Service response time 1.64 0.20 * 0.69 * 0.47 * 1.21 * 1.21 * 295 Quality of prior service 1.94 20.06 20.15 * * 0.27 * 0.26 * 1.02 * Employee courtesy 2.27 0.10 0.17 * 0.18 * 1.41 * 0.54 * Menu selection Variety of food 2.22 20.15 * * 20.27 * 0.22 * 0.66 * 0.79 * Word-of-mouth 2.17 20.01 20.36 * 0.26 * 0.43 * 1.72 * Location Proximity to residence 1.49 0.15 * 0.33 * 0.39 * 1.02 * 1.71 * Accessibility Operating hours 1.63 0.03 0.40 * 0.20 * 0.77 * 1.15 * Amenity 2.28 0.22 * 0.18 * 0.25 * 0.24 * 0.74 * Drawing power Taste of food 2.05 20.17 * 20.45 * 0.10 20.08 0.92 * Competitive price 1.56 0.32 * 0.81 * 0.48 * 1.48 * 1.33 * Notes: Statistically significant at: *a ¼ 0.05, * *a ¼ 0.10; athe benchmark index represents the average score of a five-point scale for the degree of customer satisfaction where: 1 – extremely satisfied, 2 – somewhat satisfied, 3 – neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4 – somewhat dissatisfied, 5 – not Table VI. at all satisfied; bthe positive gap occurs when the service performance of a given restaurant is worse than Competitive gap analysis that of its benchmark (McDonalds) of fast-food restaurants expounds the managerial implications of those findings, and develops practical guidelines for continuous service improvement. First, we discovered that a service attribute considered most important to the fast-food restaurant customers’ impressions of service quality is taste of food. Also, the effect of “atmospheric” impression such as cleanliness of the restaurant seems to be significant, because cleaner dining environments may look more sanitary to the customers. That is to say, neatly cleaned tables, chairs, and floors in the fast-food restaurant can play a significant role in improving its customers’ impressions of service quality and thereby retaining its customers. It is also not surprising to find that people go to the fast-food restaurant due to its quick service response time. Thus, the relative importance of these service attributes to the fast-food restaurant customers’ impressions of service quality virtually remains the same as the 1994 study. On the other hand, the restaurant customers tend to value competitive price significantly more than they did in 1994 (Table I). Also, the fast-food restaurant customers were very sensitive to price changes (Table VII). This finding indicates that the fast-food restaurant customers are still looking for bargain or value meals. In particular, in this era of worldwide economic crisis and rising food prices, a significant price increase without noticeable improvement in taste of food and physical restaurant environments can undermine the fast-food restaurant’s competitiveness. Thus, we recommend that the fast-food restaurant should focus more on “every-day low price” strategy than on “occasional coupon or promotional sales” to obviate customer defections and phantom demand. Another intriguing finding is that the fast-food restaurant customers tend to take restaurant location (namely, proximity to their residences, schools, and workplaces) far more seriously than before.
  • 15. BIJ Service attributes Degree of sensitivity 18,2 Service image Cleanliness Somewhat insensitive Service response time Somewhat sensitive Employee courtesy Somewhat insensitive 296 Quality of prior service Insensitive Menu selection Variety of food Insensitive Healthy food Insensitive Safety Insensitive Word-of-mouth reputation Somewhat insensitive Location Proximity to residence Somewhat insensitive Proximity to school/workplace Insensitive Proximity to highway Insensitive Accessibility Amenity Somewhat insensitive Operating hours Somewhat insensitive Drawing power Taste of food Sensitive Competitive price Sensitive Notes: “Very sensitive” – a ranking of all the restaurants changes drastically in the entire weight range; “sensitive” – a ranking of several restaurants changes constantly in the entire weight range; Table VII. “somewhat sensitive” – a ranking of two restaurants changes gradually in the limited weight range; Sensitivity analysis of “somewhat insensitive” – a ranking of one restaurant changes gradually in the very limited weight service attributes range; “insensitive” – a ranking of no restaurant changes in the entire weight range This pattern reflects the fact that, with rising gasoline prices in times of a severe economic downturn, the restaurant customers prefer to dine at the restaurant not too distant from their home, school, or workplace. Second, as expected, the overall leader (i.e. McDonalds) of fast-food restaurant service quality turned out to be the most frequently visited restaurant (Table V). In fact, we discovered some correlation between the relative service performance of the fast-food restaurant and its popularity (Tables IV and V). Similarly, we found a pattern of the correlation between the overall level of customer satisfaction with the fast-food restaurant and its word-of-mouth reputation as evidenced by the top three rankings of Subway, Wendy’s, and McDonalds (Tables III and IV). That is to say, fast-food restaurant branding can foster positive images of its service quality and subsequently help attract more customers in the future. Thus, this finding reaffirms earlier discoveries by Ou and Abratt (2006) and Balmer (2001) that word-of-mouth reputation or branding could have a long-lasting impact on patronage, competitiveness, and business survival. Also, our survey result indicated that nearly half (43.7 percent) of the surveyed customers, who were disappointed with the service quality of a fast-food restaurant, would not return to the same fast-food restaurant. Thus, sustaining the high level of service quality is essential for customer retention. More importantly, it should be reminded that good branding has a lasting impact on the customer’s loyalty to a particular fast-food restaurant. Indeed, Rhee and Bell (2002) observed that many customers had a primary affiliation to a “primary store” that
  • 16. captured the majority of their purchases despite being presented with a significant Fast-food inducement to shop elsewhere. Thus, we recommend that the fast-food restaurant restaurant should develop a long-term branding strategy to prevent service failures and foster its nice images. Such a strategy may include: recognition of loyal patrons by their first franchises names, special coupons/discounts or free meals/drinks for repeated visitors, and quick attention to service failures (e.g. customer complaints). Third, the customers tend to be more favorable to easily accessible and national 297 fast-food restaurant franchises such as McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Subway than less accessible, relatively new, and regional counterparts such as Roy Rogers, Hardee’s, Fuddruckers, Johnny Rocket, and Red Robin. This tendency may have something to do with the risk-averse trend of today’s customers who do not want to dine at the unfamiliar restaurants. As a matter of fact, half (50.4 percent) of the surveyed customers reported patronizing the same restaurant for repeated visits. Also, given the increasing importance of location to the restaurant service quality, less accessible restaurants such as Roy Rogers (primarily located near the major highway exits or rest areas) and Hardee’s with the limited number of establishments may suffer from the declining popularity. For example, the Hardee’s popularity has significantly declined over the years (Table V). Considering this finding, we recommend that relatively new and regional fast-food restaurants should locate their establishments near to the cluster of other competing restaurants such as McDonalds and Wendy’s to negate their competitor’s locational advantage and then draw the attention of potential customers. As summarized above, this study incorporated the customers’ perception of service quality into the fast-food restaurant benchmarking process and then evaluated “what-if” scenarios associated with changes in the customers’ perception of service quality (i.e. changes in relative importance of service attributes) using the AHP. Although the current study was one of the first longitudinal studies to evaluate the comparative service performances of the fast-food restaurants over time, it can be extended to include large samples in different regions across the USA. Similarly, this study can be extended to include samples from different countries and then conduct cross-cultural studies to examine any cross-cultural differences in the customer perception of fast-food restaurant service quality. Also, future studies can be directed toward the identification of various latent variables (e.g. diners’ gender, age, profession, ethnicity) that may influence the diners’ perception of restaurant service quality using the structural equation model. References Babin, B.J. and Darden, W.R. (1996), “Good and bad shopping vibes: spending and patronage satisfaction”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 35 No. 3, pp. 201-6. Balmer, J.M.T. (2001), “Corporate identity, corporate branding and corporate marketing: seeing through fog”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 35 Nos 3/4, pp. 248-91. Berry, L.L., Zeithaml, V. and Parasuraman, A. (1985), “Quality counts in service, too”, Business Horizons, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 44-52. Chakrapani, C. (1998), How to Measure Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction, American Marketing Association, Chicago, IL. Crawley, A.E. (1993), “The two-dimensional impact of color on shopping”, Marketing Letters, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 59-69.
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