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5-2 Final Project Milestone Two Jackson
Adam Jackson
Professor Cole
COM 310
February 10, 2020
Social Platforms and Business Examples
The development of technology and the internet has led
companies to incorporate different methods that will help grow
its business. Among the strategies used is the increased use of
social media platforms, in which the firms can interact with
their customers, either to increase brand awareness or to gather
feedback from the users (Momany, & Alshboul, 2016).
Supportive Networking Society (SNS Ohio Media) is one of the
companies that should use social media as a method of growing
its business and meet more companies
Business goal
SNS Ohio Media is a firm whose goal is to provide networking
opportunities for its clients. The company supports
collaboration between different businesses and individuals,
which is geared towards ensuring professional growth as well as
the development of the organizations. Due to the nature of its
operations, the company can make good use of social media to
reach more of its customers and to ensure that more people can
discover its activities, which will contribute towards the success
of the firm.
Developed in 2010, Instagram has become one of the fastest-
growing social media platforms. This site is an essential tool for
a business aiming to reach many clients, more so because of the
features that it provides. For instance, SNS Ohio Media can
expand its reach to many other companies by using hashtags to
increase popularity. Best practices in using Instagram include
collaborating with other companies by mentioning them in the
content provided on the Instagram page.
Additionally, sharing customer success stories can also be a
great way of reaching more people. Instagram supports visual
content. Therefore, whatever the company posts should explain
what the organization does by presenting it creatively. SNS
Ohio Media’s business is service-based, which means that the
firm should share content that shows the viewers behind the
scenes and process followed to ensure that success is attained.
This social media platform is considered as one of the cheapest
methods of online marketing. One of the reasons why it is ideal
for this company is because it allows the firm to share its
business information with Facebook users. By clicking on the
company’s profile, it is easy to get information concerning what
it does and services offered, as well as the periods within which
it is in operation. Other than raising brand awareness through
videos and photographs, Facebook provides a platform in which
companies can engage with its customers, whereby users
provide feedback and suggestions concerning what the firm
ought to do to improve its services.
Effective and Ineffective Use of Social Media
One of the best practices in the use of social media in
companies is cross-channel marketing. It involves the use of
different platforms to reach to the customers (Stephen, 2016).
Casper is an excellent example of a firm that uses this method,
whereby it uses Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Spotify,
among other channels, to reach its customers. Ineffective social
media use occurs when a firm fails to research before posting
content, thus angering the viewers. For instance, Dove posted
an advertisement on its social media platform in which a black
woman turned white after using the company’s body lotion.
Such content angered the viewers, lowering the popularity of
the product as many people felt that the company was sending
the wrong message concerning beauty. Therefore, before
posting any content, adequate research must be carried out to
ensure that it sends a positive message.
Momany, M., & Alshboul, A. (2016). Social Media Marketing:
Utilizing Social Media To Advance Brand Awareness And
Increase Online Sales. International Journal of Business,
Marketing, & Decision Science, 9(1).
Stephen, A. T. (2016). The role of digital and social media
marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in
Psychology, 10, 17-21.
COM 310 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a social media
consultation document.
Social media often reaches multiple departments within an
organization such as human resources, legal, marketing,
operations, sales, and more. Planning
strategically offers an organization a blueprint of sorts that can
be communicated to these various stakeholders. These plans
help set direction and also help
prioritize initiatives while keeping everyone on the same page.
Equally important is planning for social media mishaps. It is
never more apparent that strategic
planning was not done or did not include a contingency plan
than when social media engagement snowballs into a public
relations disaster.
In this assessment, you will explore strategic social media use
for an existing organization of your choice. This paper will
cover two platforms you feel are relevant
to the organization’s goals and detail how these platforms can
be used in tandem to reach organizational goals. You will be
both creative and strategic and align
goals to specific tactics on each platform of your choice. You
will also include a plan of action to guide decision making when
negative comments make a
community toxic or when opportunities present themselves to
engage the audience in positive communication.
The project is divided into two milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules
Three and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
• Illustrate social media best practices for achieving
organizational goals
• Choose appropriate social media content for meeting the
communications needs and goals of organizations
• Analyze the effectiveness of social media strategies for
various personal, professional, and organizational goals
• Devise effective approaches for constructively addressing
audience feedback on social media
For this assessment, you will first identify a local business with
little or no social media presence (if there is an issue with
access to a local business, work with
your instructor to identify one you may use). Assume you have
been asked to create a social media consultation document to
help executives understand and
plan for social media. This paper will be informational and is
not specifically a social media strategy. Instead, it is meant to
inform decision makers and provide
them the information they would need to begin creating a social
media strategy.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Social Media Overview: This section will give you the
opportunity to research the history of social media and identify
best practices regarding the use of
social media. This will allow you to set the stage for your
clients and help them understand what the use of social media
can and cannot do for their
A. Overview how social media has been used by businesses over
the past decade. Support overview with research.
B. Summarize established best practices regarding the use of
social media by businesses.
C. Explain the opportunities and limits of social media as a
communications tool.
II. Business Goals: The purpose of this section is to help the
organization uncover specific goals related to social media use.
These goals will dictate what
platforms you choose, what content you share, and what best
practices the organization would follow. Identifying the target
audience will also ensure
the organization uses appropriate platforms and shares
appropriate content.
A. Analyze the business’s current state and identify gaps that
you will use social media to address. Consider how the
organization communicates
with its target audience, how well it retains customers, or how
frequently it updates its website.
B. Select two of the following four goals for the business, based
on the identified gaps. Justify your selections.
• Drive traffic to website
• Increase brand awareness
• Connect with customers and clients
• Demonstrate expertise
C. Explain how audience engagement through social media can
help the business achieve its goals. Support explanation with
III. Social Platforms: The purpose of this section is to explain
why you are recommending the platforms you have chosen and
how the business can use
them. Ground your choices in research and best practices to be
sure your choices are clear. You need to make clear what the
opportunities and limits of
each platform are, so providing an explanation of the terms of
service is necessary.
A. Propose two appropriate social media platforms and explain
how each will help the company reach the target audience and
achieve its goals.
B. Develop a strategy based on best practices that the company
will use on each platform.
C. Describe what types of content should be used on each
platform to reach the target audience and why.
D. Assess how the terms of service impact use of your chosen
platforms by your organization. Provide specific examples.
IV. Examples: Now that you have explained to the business how
it should use the social media platforms you have identified,
you need to provide the
executives with examples of what effective and ineffective use
of social media looks like. This will give the business a sense of
how best practices drive
content, target audience engagement, and ultimately help
businesses achieve their goals.
A. Using a real-world example, describe a situation in which an
organization demonstrated exceptional use of social media for
the particular goals
and objectives you mentioned in Part I. This will show the
executives specific examples of social media done well by
another company. This
could even be a competitor of the company you are working
B. Using a real-world example, describe a situation in which an
organization did not adhere to best practices. This will show
executives specific
examples of social media misuse or abuse.
C. Develop a plan, based on best practices, for how the business
should handle feedback (positive and negative) on social media.
D. Explain how appropriately responding to feedback on social
media can help the business achieve its goals. Support
explanation with examples.
V. Conclusion: Conclude your paper by making
recommendations for next steps should the business decide to
move forward with developing a presence
on social media. Remind them that keeping up with a social
media presence is a long-term commitment and will constantly
be refined and measured.
A. Explain how the continuous use of social media can help the
organization achieve its goals. Support explanation with
B. Offer recommendations for measuring success and explain its
C. Develop hypothetical next steps for the organization should
they decide to move forward with a strategic social media plan.
Milestone One: Social Media Overview and Business Goals
(Sections I and II)
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of your social media
overview and business goals. Research the history of social
media and identify best practices
regarding the use of social media. This will allow you to set the
stage for your clients and help them understand what the use of
social media can and cannot do
for their business. Using this information, help your clients
uncover specific goals related to social media use. These goals
will dictate what platforms you choose,
what content you share, and what best practices the organization
would follow. Identifying the target audience will also ensure
the organization uses appropriate
platforms and shares appropriate content. This milestone is
graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Social Platforms and Business Examples
(Sections III and IV)
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of proposed social
platforms and business examples. Explain why you are
recommending the platforms you have chosen
and how the business can use them. Ground your choices in
research and best practices to be sure your choices are clear.
You need to make clear what the
opportunities and limits of each platform are, so providing an
explanation of the terms of service is necessary. Now that you
have explained to the business how
it should use the social media platforms you have identified,
you need to provide the executives with examples of what
effective and ineffective use of social
media looks like. This will give the business a sense of how
best practices drive content, target audience engagement, and
ultimately help businesses achieve
their goals. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two
Final Submission: Social Media Consultation Document
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should
be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical
elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the
course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your social media consultation
document should be 8 to 10 pages in length (not including
screenshots), double-spaced, have one-inch
margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman font and APA
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs
Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Social Media
Overview: Social
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
research chosen provides keen
insight into the evolving use of
social media by businesses
Overviews how social media
has been used by businesses
over the past decade,
supporting overview with
Overviews how social media
has been used by businesses
over the past decade but
overview is cursory, verbose, or
not supported by research
Does not overview how social
media has been used by
businesses over the past decade
Social Media
Overview: Best
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
main ideas provide exceptional
insight into the use of social
media by businesses
Summarizes established best
practices regarding the use of
social media by businesses
Summarizes established best
practices regarding the use of
social media by businesses but
summary is cursory or is
missing key details
Does not summarize established
best practices regarding the use of
social media by businesses
Social Media
Opportunities and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
details communicate a unique
perspective on the capacity of
social media
Explains the opportunities and
limits of social media as a
communications tool
Explains the opportunities and
limits of social media as a
communication tool but
explanation is cursory or lacks
Does not explain the
opportunities and limits of social
media as a communication tool
Business Goals:
Current State
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
identified gaps provide
exceptional insight into the
business’s needs
Analyzes the business’s current
state and identifies gaps that
will be addressed using social
Analyzes the business’s current
state and identifies gaps that
will be addressed using social
media but analysis is cursory or
unclear or gaps are not clearly
Does not analyze the business’s
current state or identify gaps that
will be addressed using social
Business Goals:
Identified Gaps
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
goals exhibit a nuanced
understanding of the needs of
the business
Selects goals for the business
based on the identified gaps
and justifies the selections
Selects goals for the business
based on the identified gaps
and justifies the selections but
justification is cursory or
Does not select goals for the
business based on the identified
Business Goals:
Achieve Its Goals
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples exhibit keen insight
into the potential positive
impact of audience engagement
Explains how audience
engagement through social
media can help the business
achieve its goals, supporting
explanation with examples
Explains how audience
engagement through social
media can help the business
achieve its goals but
explanation is cursory or not
supported with examples
Does not explain how audience
engagement through social media
can help the business achieve its
Social Platforms:
Target Audience
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation cites specific
platform features that illustrate
the platform’s potential
Proposes two appropriate social
media platforms, explaining
how each will help the company
reach the target audience and
achieve its goals
Proposes two social media
platforms, explaining how each
will help the company reach the
target audience and achieve its
goals, but not all proposed
platforms are appropriate or
explanation is cursory
Does not propose two social
media platforms or explain how
each will help the company reach
the target audience and achieve
its goals
Social Platforms: Best
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
makes detailed connections
between specific best practices
and the features of each
Develops a strategy based on
best practices that the company
will use on each platform
Develops a strategy that the
company will use on each
platform but the strategy is
cursory or not based on best
Does not develop a strategy that
the company will use on each
Social Platforms:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description offers keen insight
into how each platform targets
specific audiences
Describes what types of content
should be used on each
platform to reach the target
audience and why
Describes what types of content
should be used on each
platform to reach the target
audience but does not describe
Does not describe what types of
content should be used on each
platform to reach the target
Social Platforms:
Terms of Service
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
chosen examples show keen
insight into the limits terms of
service place on platforms
Assesses how the terms of
service impact use of the
chosen platforms by the
organization and provides
specific examples
Assesses how the terms of
service impact use of the
chosen platforms by the
organization but assessment is
cursory or lacks specific
Does not assess how the terms of
service impact use of the chosen
platform by the organization
Examples: Exceptional
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
details offer insight into how
the power of social media helps
companies achieve goals
Describes a real-world situation
in which an organization
demonstrated exceptional use
of social media to achieve its
Describes a real-world situation
in which an organization
demonstrated exceptional use
of social media to achieve its
goals but description is cursory
or lacks clarity
Does not describe a real-world
situation in which an organization
demonstrated exceptional use of
social media to achieve its goals
Examples: Did Not
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
details offer keen insight into
the consequences of not
adhering to best practices
Describes a real-world situation
in which an organization did not
adhere to best practices
Describes a real-world situation
in which an organization did not
adhere to best practices but
description is cursory, unclear,
or contains inaccuracies
Does not describe a real-world
situation in which an organization
did not adhere to best practices
Examples: Handle
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
plan demonstrates insightful
connections between best
practices and audience
Develops a plan, based on best
practices, for how the
organization should handle
feedback on social media
Develops a plan for how the
organization should handle
feedback on social media but
plan is cursory or not clearly
based on best practices
Does not develop a plan for how
the organization should handle
feedback on social media
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples exhibit a nuanced
approach in responding to
feedback on social media
Explains how appropriately
responding to feedback on
social media can help the
organization achieve its goals,
supporting explanation with
Explains how appropriately
responding to feedback on
social media can help the
organization achieve its goals
but explanation is cursory,
unclear, or not supported with
Does not explain how
appropriately responding to
feedback on social media can help
the organization achieve its goals
Conclusion: Achieve
Its Goals
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
examples show keen insight
into effectiveness of continuous
social media use
Explains how the continuous
use of social media can help the
organization achieve its goals,
supporting explanation with
Explains how the continuous
use of social media can help the
organization achieve its goals
but illustration is cursory or
examples provided are not
Does not explain how the
continuous use of social media
can help the organization achieve
its goals
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommendations exhibit keen
insight into the importance of
measuring success
Offers recommendations for
measuring success, explaining
its importance
Offers recommendations for
measuring success, explaining
its importance, but
recommendations are cursory
or lack clarity
Does not offer recommendations
for measuring success
Hypothetical Next
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
next steps make cogent
connections with the
organization’s goals
Develops hypothetical next
steps for the organization
should it decide to move
forward with a strategic social
media plan
Develops hypothetical next
steps for the organization
should it decide to move
forward with a strategic social
media plan but next steps are
cursory or inappropriate
Does not develop hypothetical
next steps for the organization
should it decide to move forward
with a strategic social media plan
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
COM 310 Final Project Guidelines and
RubricOverviewPromptMilestonesFinal Project Rubric

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1. Please explain fixed and flexible budgeting. Provide an examp.docx
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1. Please explain fixed and flexible budgeting. Provide an examp.docx
1. Open and print the Week 6 Assignment.2. The assignment .docx
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1. Objective Learn why and how to develop a plan that encompasses a.docx
1. Open the attached Excel Assignment.xlsx” file and name it LastN.docx
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5-2 Final Project Milestone TwoJackson Adam Jackson Professo.docx

  • 1. 5-2 Final Project Milestone Two Jackson Adam Jackson Professor Cole COM 310 February 10, 2020 Social Platforms and Business Examples The development of technology and the internet has led companies to incorporate different methods that will help grow its business. Among the strategies used is the increased use of social media platforms, in which the firms can interact with their customers, either to increase brand awareness or to gather feedback from the users (Momany, & Alshboul, 2016). Supportive Networking Society (SNS Ohio Media) is one of the companies that should use social media as a method of growing its business and meet more companies Business goal SNS Ohio Media is a firm whose goal is to provide networking opportunities for its clients. The company supports collaboration between different businesses and individuals, which is geared towards ensuring professional growth as well as the development of the organizations. Due to the nature of its operations, the company can make good use of social media to reach more of its customers and to ensure that more people can discover its activities, which will contribute towards the success of the firm. Instagram Developed in 2010, Instagram has become one of the fastest- growing social media platforms. This site is an essential tool for a business aiming to reach many clients, more so because of the features that it provides. For instance, SNS Ohio Media can expand its reach to many other companies by using hashtags to increase popularity. Best practices in using Instagram include
  • 2. collaborating with other companies by mentioning them in the content provided on the Instagram page. Additionally, sharing customer success stories can also be a great way of reaching more people. Instagram supports visual content. Therefore, whatever the company posts should explain what the organization does by presenting it creatively. SNS Ohio Media’s business is service-based, which means that the firm should share content that shows the viewers behind the scenes and process followed to ensure that success is attained. Facebook This social media platform is considered as one of the cheapest methods of online marketing. One of the reasons why it is ideal for this company is because it allows the firm to share its business information with Facebook users. By clicking on the company’s profile, it is easy to get information concerning what it does and services offered, as well as the periods within which it is in operation. Other than raising brand awareness through videos and photographs, Facebook provides a platform in which companies can engage with its customers, whereby users provide feedback and suggestions concerning what the firm ought to do to improve its services. Effective and Ineffective Use of Social Media One of the best practices in the use of social media in companies is cross-channel marketing. It involves the use of different platforms to reach to the customers (Stephen, 2016). Casper is an excellent example of a firm that uses this method, whereby it uses Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Spotify, among other channels, to reach its customers. Ineffective social media use occurs when a firm fails to research before posting content, thus angering the viewers. For instance, Dove posted an advertisement on its social media platform in which a black woman turned white after using the company’s body lotion. Such content angered the viewers, lowering the popularity of the product as many people felt that the company was sending the wrong message concerning beauty. Therefore, before posting any content, adequate research must be carried out to
  • 3. ensure that it sends a positive message. References Momany, M., & Alshboul, A. (2016). Social Media Marketing: Utilizing Social Media To Advance Brand Awareness And Increase Online Sales. International Journal of Business, Marketing, & Decision Science, 9(1). Stephen, A. T. (2016). The role of digital and social media marketing in consumer behavior. Current Opinion in Psychology, 10, 17-21. COM 310 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a social media consultation document. Social media often reaches multiple departments within an organization such as human resources, legal, marketing, operations, sales, and more. Planning strategically offers an organization a blueprint of sorts that can be communicated to these various stakeholders. These plans help set direction and also help prioritize initiatives while keeping everyone on the same page. Equally important is planning for social media mishaps. It is never more apparent that strategic planning was not done or did not include a contingency plan than when social media engagement snowballs into a public relations disaster. In this assessment, you will explore strategic social media use for an existing organization of your choice. This paper will
  • 4. cover two platforms you feel are relevant to the organization’s goals and detail how these platforms can be used in tandem to reach organizational goals. You will be both creative and strategic and align goals to specific tactics on each platform of your choice. You will also include a plan of action to guide decision making when negative comments make a community toxic or when opportunities present themselves to engage the audience in positive communication. The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: • Illustrate social media best practices for achieving organizational goals • Choose appropriate social media content for meeting the communications needs and goals of organizations • Analyze the effectiveness of social media strategies for various personal, professional, and organizational goals • Devise effective approaches for constructively addressing audience feedback on social media Prompt For this assessment, you will first identify a local business with little or no social media presence (if there is an issue with access to a local business, work with your instructor to identify one you may use). Assume you have
  • 5. been asked to create a social media consultation document to help executives understand and plan for social media. This paper will be informational and is not specifically a social media strategy. Instead, it is meant to inform decision makers and provide them the information they would need to begin creating a social media strategy. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Social Media Overview: This section will give you the opportunity to research the history of social media and identify best practices regarding the use of social media. This will allow you to set the stage for your clients and help them understand what the use of social media can and cannot do for their business. A. Overview how social media has been used by businesses over the past decade. Support overview with research. B. Summarize established best practices regarding the use of social media by businesses. C. Explain the opportunities and limits of social media as a communications tool. II. Business Goals: The purpose of this section is to help the organization uncover specific goals related to social media use. These goals will dictate what platforms you choose, what content you share, and what best practices the organization would follow. Identifying the target
  • 6. audience will also ensure the organization uses appropriate platforms and shares appropriate content. A. Analyze the business’s current state and identify gaps that you will use social media to address. Consider how the organization communicates with its target audience, how well it retains customers, or how frequently it updates its website. B. Select two of the following four goals for the business, based on the identified gaps. Justify your selections. • Drive traffic to website • Increase brand awareness • Connect with customers and clients • Demonstrate expertise C. Explain how audience engagement through social media can help the business achieve its goals. Support explanation with examples. III. Social Platforms: The purpose of this section is to explain why you are recommending the platforms you have chosen and how the business can use them. Ground your choices in research and best practices to be sure your choices are clear. You need to make clear what the opportunities and limits of each platform are, so providing an explanation of the terms of service is necessary. A. Propose two appropriate social media platforms and explain how each will help the company reach the target audience and achieve its goals. B. Develop a strategy based on best practices that the company will use on each platform.
  • 7. C. Describe what types of content should be used on each platform to reach the target audience and why. D. Assess how the terms of service impact use of your chosen platforms by your organization. Provide specific examples. IV. Examples: Now that you have explained to the business how it should use the social media platforms you have identified, you need to provide the executives with examples of what effective and ineffective use of social media looks like. This will give the business a sense of how best practices drive content, target audience engagement, and ultimately help businesses achieve their goals. A. Using a real-world example, describe a situation in which an organization demonstrated exceptional use of social media for the particular goals and objectives you mentioned in Part I. This will show the executives specific examples of social media done well by another company. This could even be a competitor of the company you are working with. B. Using a real-world example, describe a situation in which an organization did not adhere to best practices. This will show executives specific examples of social media misuse or abuse. C. Develop a plan, based on best practices, for how the business should handle feedback (positive and negative) on social media. D. Explain how appropriately responding to feedback on social media can help the business achieve its goals. Support
  • 8. explanation with examples. V. Conclusion: Conclude your paper by making recommendations for next steps should the business decide to move forward with developing a presence on social media. Remind them that keeping up with a social media presence is a long-term commitment and will constantly be refined and measured. A. Explain how the continuous use of social media can help the organization achieve its goals. Support explanation with examples. B. Offer recommendations for measuring success and explain its importance. C. Develop hypothetical next steps for the organization should they decide to move forward with a strategic social media plan. Milestones Milestone One: Social Media Overview and Business Goals (Sections I and II) In Module Three, you will submit a draft of your social media overview and business goals. Research the history of social media and identify best practices regarding the use of social media. This will allow you to set the stage for your clients and help them understand what the use of social media can and cannot do for their business. Using this information, help your clients uncover specific goals related to social media use. These goals will dictate what platforms you choose, what content you share, and what best practices the organization would follow. Identifying the target audience will also ensure the organization uses appropriate platforms and shares appropriate content. This milestone is
  • 9. graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Social Platforms and Business Examples (Sections III and IV) In Module Five, you will submit a draft of proposed social platforms and business examples. Explain why you are recommending the platforms you have chosen and how the business can use them. Ground your choices in research and best practices to be sure your choices are clear. You need to make clear what the opportunities and limits of each platform are, so providing an explanation of the terms of service is necessary. Now that you have explained to the business how it should use the social media platforms you have identified, you need to provide the executives with examples of what effective and ineffective use of social media looks like. This will give the business a sense of how best practices drive content, target audience engagement, and ultimately help businesses achieve their goals. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Final Submission: Social Media Consultation Document In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric. Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your social media consultation
  • 10. document should be 8 to 10 pages in length (not including screenshots), double-spaced, have one-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman font and APA format. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Social Media Overview: Social Media Meets “Proficient” criteria and research chosen provides keen insight into the evolving use of social media by businesses Overviews how social media has been used by businesses over the past decade, supporting overview with research Overviews how social media has been used by businesses over the past decade but overview is cursory, verbose, or not supported by research Does not overview how social media has been used by businesses over the past decade
  • 11. 4.8 Social Media Overview: Best Practices Meets “Proficient” criteria and main ideas provide exceptional insight into the use of social media by businesses Summarizes established best practices regarding the use of social media by businesses Summarizes established best practices regarding the use of social media by businesses but summary is cursory or is missing key details Does not summarize established best practices regarding the use of social media by businesses 4.8 Social Media Overview: Opportunities and Limits
  • 12. Meets “Proficient” criteria and details communicate a unique perspective on the capacity of social media Explains the opportunities and limits of social media as a communications tool Explains the opportunities and limits of social media as a communication tool but explanation is cursory or lacks clarity Does not explain the opportunities and limits of social media as a communication tool 4.8 Business Goals: Current State Meets “Proficient” criteria and identified gaps provide exceptional insight into the business’s needs Analyzes the business’s current state and identifies gaps that will be addressed using social media Analyzes the business’s current
  • 13. state and identifies gaps that will be addressed using social media but analysis is cursory or unclear or gaps are not clearly identified Does not analyze the business’s current state or identify gaps that will be addressed using social media 4.8 Business Goals: Identified Gaps Meets “Proficient” criteria and goals exhibit a nuanced understanding of the needs of the business Selects goals for the business based on the identified gaps and justifies the selections Selects goals for the business based on the identified gaps and justifies the selections but justification is cursory or illogical Does not select goals for the business based on the identified gaps
  • 14. 6 Business Goals: Achieve Its Goals Meets “Proficient” criteria and examples exhibit keen insight into the potential positive impact of audience engagement Explains how audience engagement through social media can help the business achieve its goals, supporting explanation with examples Explains how audience engagement through social media can help the business achieve its goals but explanation is cursory or not supported with examples Does not explain how audience engagement through social media can help the business achieve its goals 8 Social Platforms: Target Audience
  • 15. Meets “Proficient” criteria and explanation cites specific platform features that illustrate the platform’s potential Proposes two appropriate social media platforms, explaining how each will help the company reach the target audience and achieve its goals Proposes two social media platforms, explaining how each will help the company reach the target audience and achieve its goals, but not all proposed platforms are appropriate or explanation is cursory Does not propose two social media platforms or explain how each will help the company reach the target audience and achieve its goals 6 Social Platforms: Best Practices Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes detailed connections between specific best practices
  • 16. and the features of each platform Develops a strategy based on best practices that the company will use on each platform Develops a strategy that the company will use on each platform but the strategy is cursory or not based on best practices Does not develop a strategy that the company will use on each platform 6 Social Platforms: Content Meets “Proficient” criteria and description offers keen insight into how each platform targets specific audiences Describes what types of content should be used on each platform to reach the target audience and why Describes what types of content should be used on each platform to reach the target
  • 17. audience but does not describe why Does not describe what types of content should be used on each platform to reach the target audience 6 Social Platforms: Terms of Service Meets “Proficient” criteria and chosen examples show keen insight into the limits terms of service place on platforms Assesses how the terms of service impact use of the chosen platforms by the organization and provides specific examples Assesses how the terms of service impact use of the chosen platforms by the organization but assessment is cursory or lacks specific examples Does not assess how the terms of service impact use of the chosen platform by the organization
  • 18. 4.8 Examples: Exceptional Use Meets “Proficient” criteria and details offer insight into how the power of social media helps companies achieve goals Describes a real-world situation in which an organization demonstrated exceptional use of social media to achieve its goals Describes a real-world situation in which an organization demonstrated exceptional use of social media to achieve its goals but description is cursory or lacks clarity Does not describe a real-world situation in which an organization demonstrated exceptional use of social media to achieve its goals 4.8 Examples: Did Not Adhere Meets “Proficient” criteria and
  • 19. details offer keen insight into the consequences of not adhering to best practices Describes a real-world situation in which an organization did not adhere to best practices Describes a real-world situation in which an organization did not adhere to best practices but description is cursory, unclear, or contains inaccuracies Does not describe a real-world situation in which an organization did not adhere to best practices 4.8 Examples: Handle Feedback Meets “Proficient” criteria and plan demonstrates insightful connections between best practices and audience feedback Develops a plan, based on best practices, for how the organization should handle feedback on social media Develops a plan for how the
  • 20. organization should handle feedback on social media but plan is cursory or not clearly based on best practices Does not develop a plan for how the organization should handle feedback on social media 8 Examples: Appropriately Responding Meets “Proficient” criteria and examples exhibit a nuanced approach in responding to feedback on social media Explains how appropriately responding to feedback on social media can help the organization achieve its goals, supporting explanation with examples Explains how appropriately responding to feedback on social media can help the organization achieve its goals but explanation is cursory,
  • 21. unclear, or not supported with examples Does not explain how appropriately responding to feedback on social media can help the organization achieve its goals 8 Conclusion: Achieve Its Goals Meets “Proficient” criteria and examples show keen insight into effectiveness of continuous social media use Explains how the continuous use of social media can help the organization achieve its goals, supporting explanation with examples Explains how the continuous use of social media can help the organization achieve its goals but illustration is cursory or examples provided are not cogent Does not explain how the continuous use of social media can help the organization achieve its goals
  • 22. 4.8 Conclusion: Recommendations Meets “Proficient” criteria and recommendations exhibit keen insight into the importance of measuring success Offers recommendations for measuring success, explaining its importance Offers recommendations for measuring success, explaining its importance, but recommendations are cursory or lack clarity Does not offer recommendations for measuring success 4.8 Conclusion: Hypothetical Next Steps Meets “Proficient” criteria and next steps make cogent connections with the
  • 23. organization’s goals Develops hypothetical next steps for the organization should it decide to move forward with a strategic social media plan Develops hypothetical next steps for the organization should it decide to move forward with a strategic social media plan but next steps are cursory or inappropriate Does not develop hypothetical next steps for the organization should it decide to move forward with a strategic social media plan 4.8 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
  • 24. Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 4 Total 100% COM 310 Final Project Guidelines and RubricOverviewPromptMilestonesFinal Project Rubric