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Six Sigma Project Report Presentation
Optimizing the Article Library
Project ID No.: CSI Spring 2007
Black Belt Name: CSI Six Sigma Instructor
Project Sponsor: Sheri A. Kelly
Date: May 7, 2007
Define Phase
Project Charter
Roles & ResponsibilitiesRoles & Responsibilities
Project DefinitionProject Definition Project Deliverables/BenefitsProject Deliverables/Benefits
Champion: champion
Process Owner: Sheri Kelly
Project BB/GB: leader
Problem Statement
My home’s hard copy and digital articles are not easily
accessible, and contain untrustworthy, duplicate, out-of-
date articles resulting in increased costs for storage and
retrieval time.
Project Scope
Home’s hard copy and digital articles.
Project Goal
Improve article trustworthiness by 80%.
Discard the 60% of duplicate & out-of-date articles.
Decrease the article retrieval time to 8 minutes or less.
Decrease costs by 20%.
Increase customer satisfaction by 35%.
Key Deliverables
Six Sigma project documentation, project plan, &
projected cost savings to meet goal.
Financial and Operational Benefits
Hard: Potential financial benefit of $230 per year in time
& in storage materials.
Soft: Increased satisfaction in maintaining & using it.
process area: member
process area: member
Define Phase
Operational Definitions
Operational Definitions of Key Terms / GlossaryOperational Definitions of Key Terms / Glossary
Accessible: An article is accessible if I can reference my list indicating that I indeed have an
article on a given topic and can locate it within nine minutes.
Trustworthiness: An article is trustworthy if it is published by a company or written by an
author that I trust.
Define Phase
Process Matrix Diagram
Employee Tasks
Select articles not already in library. 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1
Select them if from trustworthy sources. 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 1
Provide an updated article directory. 5 3 1 3 5 1 1 3
Provide electronic keyword directory scanning. 5 3 3 3 5 3 1 1
Provide various ways to sort the directory. 3 1 1 3 5 1 1 1
Provide 10 columns of info for each article. 3 1 1 3 5 1 1 1
Provide electronic keyword article scanning. 5 1 1 5 5 1 1 1
Provide a library free of expired ones. 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 1
Provide images in articles when necessary. 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Provide folders with <=25 articles. 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 1
22 18 22 32 16 16 12
2 3 2 1 4 4 5
5 = high importance, 3 = average importance, 1 = low importance
Customer Tasks
• Red = High
• Orange = Average
• Yellow = Low
Find Time
number one
Define Phase
Tree Diagram
Graphical View of the Current ProcessGraphical View of the Current Process
Not having a directory that would indicate subject, storage location, & date published results in:
• Not knowing the subject matters that the library articles cover causing duplicates.
• Not knowing the storage locations causing an increased retrieval time.
• Not knowing which articles have expired preventing their purging.
No article
Increased retrieval
No purging
Folders are too full
No set list of
topics (i.e. folder
Two folders for the
same topic
Define Phase
Process Decision Program
Graphical View of the Current ProcessGraphical View of the Current Process
Need an
Article is in
Library But Not
Found two
similar articles
from different
Article is not in
Digital/Paper Article
Inadvertently Deleted/
Refer to the Article List
to verify.
Article List indicates the
folder name.
Article found.
Select the more
trustworthy article
Define Phase
• Magazines
• Web
• Books
• I discover an article
• I add an article
• Digital articles
• Hard copy articles
• Customer finds article
• Customer accesses
article from folder
• Our household
• For our household to
pass onto others
• Ease of accessibility
• Source
High-Level Process MapHigh-Level Process Map
Discover a
Add the
article to the
Retrieve the
Refile the
Define Phase
Sigma Calculator
Measurement System AnalysisMeasurement System Analysis
The process Sigma level is
Measure Phase
Baseline Performance of Ys
Baseline Process MeasuresBaseline Process MeasuresCollected DataCollected Data
Baseline Process SigmaBaseline Process SigmaGraphical OverviewGraphical Overview
Provide a summary description of the data collection
process (MSA, sample sizes, etc). How did it go? Did
you get a “good” set of data?
Provide a table or summary or the basic descriptive
statistics for the as-is process (central tendency,
spread/variation, defect rates, etc). No data analysis!
Insert a graph displaying a high-level overview of the
collected data (histogram, bar chart, etc).
Compare process performance to specifications.
Calculate yields, defect rates and process sigma levels.
A brief statement describing the opportunity for
process improvement.
Measure Phase
Detailed Process Map –
Current State
As shown below in red, the current process for adding an article to the library and maintaining it is not
Current StateCurrent State
Measure Phase
Data Collection
CTQs and SpecificationsCTQs and SpecificationsProcess Measures DefinedProcess Measures Defined
Input Measures
• Articles’ accessibility and trustworthiness.
Process Measures
Output Measures
• Retrieving an Article: The number of minutes to
retrieve an article.
CTQ for the Output Measure
• Specifications (USL=8, LSL=3, over 9 minutes is a
defect, under 9 minutes is an allowable defect rate)
Data Collection PlanData Collection Plan
• Time each article retrieval time.
• Determine the percentage of trustworthy articles.
Measure Phase
Measurement System Analysis
Measurement System AnalysisMeasurement System Analysis
Times to locate five articles
Times to locate five articles
Summary of how the MSA has been conducted
 Tested 5 article retrieval times for repeatability.
 Compared inspectors to themselves for
ARTICLE Reading #1 Reading #2 Average Range
1 15.0 11.5 13.25 3.5
2 16.3 13.3 14.75 3.0
3 10.8 8.0 9.38 2.8
4 11.5 7.3 9.38 4.3
5 12.8 10.0 11.38 2.8
Average 11.63
1 13.5 13.0 13.25 0.5
2 17.0 14.8 15.88 2.3
3 12.0 10.8 11.38 1.3
4 11.0 9.5 10.25 1.5
5 14.0 12.8 13.38 1.3
Average 12.83
Largest -
Article Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 1 Reading 2 X bar R
1 15.0 11.5 13.5 13.0 13.25 3.5
2 16.3 13.3 17.0 14.8 15.31 3.7
3 10.8 8.0 12.0 10.8 10.38 4.0
4 11.5 7.3 11.0 9.5 9.81 4.2
5 12.8 10.0 14.0 12.8 12.38 4.0
Averages 12.23 3.9
Rp 5.50
Measure Phase
Graphical Analysis: Histogram
1) Reader 1 on average required less time to retrieve an article than did Reader 2.
2) Reader 1 has a greater standard deviation.
3) Reader 1 has a higher bell curve.
4) Both Readers have a normal distribution.
5) Except for one retrieval time, all of the ranges exceed the “nine minutes or less” goal.
6) Focus on reducing retrieval times as they relate to Reader 2.
Measure Phase
Measure Normality Test
Process Capability Normality TestProcess Capability Normality Test
The deviation is high.
Measure Phase
Pareto Chart(s)
Pareto Analysis
Retrieval Issues
Data Pareto
• Need to bullet here which Xs which have been identified so
far during the measure phase that need to be tested to find
the root cause(s) (vital few Xs)
• X1: Duplicate Articles
• X2: Out-of-Date Articles
• X3: Not trustworthy Articles
Analyze Phase
Theories (Xs) to be tested
Potential Causes (Xs) to be AnalyzedPotential Causes (Xs) to be Analyzed
Analyze Phase
Evaluating Steps from the Current Process
Item Name: FMEA Team: Prepared by: Sheri Kelly
FMEA Date (Orig): May 22, 2007
Process Step or
Variable or Key
Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects
Potential Causes
Current Process Controls
What is the
process step?
In what ways can the
Process Step, Variable, or
Key Input go wrong?
(chance of not meeting
What is the impact on the Key
Output Variables (customer
requirements) or internal
What causes the Key Input to
go wrong? (How could the
failure mode occur?)
What are the existing controls that
either prevent the failure mode
from occurring or detect it should it
Discover an
It is a duplicate, an out-of-
date, or a untrustworthy
The article is added to the
library although it is a
duplicate, an out-of-date, or a
untrustworthy article.
7 The department is not
evaluating each article.
4 When filing the article, peruse
through the one folder's articles
and remove the low quality ones.
4 112
File a digital (soft
copy ) article or a
hard copy article
in a folder.
There are two folders with
the same name. Having
both digital and hard copy
articles potentially requires
separate folders for a given
topic for each medium.
May not be able to locate a
given article topic because it is
stored in the duplicate folder.
Also, duplicate folders use
more storage space.
4 The department is not able to
cross-reference the digital and
hard copy articles.
6 The New Article Department
notices a duplicate folder while
filing related/unrelated articles but
only among one of the media.
6 144
Purge any
duplicate, out-of-
articles you see
while filing.
Will not detect and purge all
low quality articles
contained in the library.
Library is wasting storage
space, higher cost of storage
space. Increased article
retrieval time.
5 The department is not able to
systematically identify the low
quality articles.
5 When filing the article, peruse
through the articles and remove
the low quality ones.
4 100
(Potential Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
Measure Phase
Cause and Effect Diagram
Cause & EffectCause & Effect
Learned: collection is much larger than in years past, scanning will reduce the number of file locations,
creating an article list will manage the purging process, & on each occasion I need info I prefer to
access my articles than to search the internet.
Measure Phase
Measure Process Capability
Process CapabilityProcess Capability
The sample mean is 11.6. The lower & upper control limits are 7 and 17, respectively.
Analyze Phase
Graphical Analysis: Box Plots
1) Shows that although the mean was greater for Reader 2, the lowest whisker was greater than Reader 1’s whisker,
and Reader 1’s 50th
percentile range is greater than Reader 2’s who shows more evenly distributed retrieval times.
2) Reader 1’s central tendency is 11.5 minutes to retrieve an article and Reader 2’s is 12.87 minutes. Also, Reader 1
has a greater time spread. (See page 384).
3) Reader 2’s observed values are shown as negatively skewed because the median is closer to the top of the box.
4) Reader 2’s upper whisker is longer at 2.8125 compared to Reader 1’s 2.563.
Analyze Phase
Advanced Tools –
Average Chart
There are three points above the upper control limit for article retrieval
time to be addressed.
Analyze Phase
Advanced Tools – S Chart
The standard deviations are within the control limits as shown by the green line.
Analyze Phase
Advanced Tools Range Chart
The sample range for retrieval time is within the control limits.
Analyze Phase
Advanced Tools-Xbar-S
It appears that 20% of the articles are found quickly (two points are outside the control
limits) whereas 10% of the articles are found slowly (one point is outside the limits).
In the upper chart, two points are outside the control limits.
In the lower chart the standard deviations are close to the mean.
Analyze Phase
Statistical Analysis of Cause &
Effect – Scatter Diagram
Reader 1 vs. Reader 2’s Article Retrieval Time
Improve Phase
Previous & Revised
Process Maps
Previous Process Map
1. Verify that each new article is not a duplicate and is trustworthy.
2. Scan hard-copied articles.
3. Save articles in an electronic library.
4. Purge expired articles.
5. Maintain the folders and the library’s Article Directory.
Revised Process Map
As shown below in red, the current process for adding an article to the library and
maintaining it is not efficient.
Improve Phase
Updated FMEA
The updated FMEA shows that the risk has decreased significantly after
improvement the process steps.
Severe is
to the
frequent is
likely to
of cause?
Priority #
to rank
Severe is
to the
frequent is
likely to
of cause?
Priority #
to rank
7 4 4 112 2 2 3 12
4 6 6 144 3 4 5 60
5 5 4 100 2 2 2 8
Improve Phase
Improvement Strategies for
Proven Xs
StrategiesStrategiesProven Xs (Causes)Proven Xs (Causes)
X1 Duplicate: Compliance is dependent on
identifying duplicate articles before adding them
to the library.
X2 Out-of-Date: Compliance is dependent on
applying an expiration date to each article.
X3 Not Trustworthy: Compliance is dependent
on identifying inaccurate articles before adding
them to the library.
To improve our % compliance rate, include in
the procedure to digitally search in the Article
Directory by like subject.
To improve the % compliance rate, record the
expiration dates in the digital article directory
and setup e-mail reminders for each purge date.
To improve the % compliance rate, include in
the procedure to verify the information with
trusted websites/ organizations.
CTQ - Article access time in minutes of LSL=3 & USL=9
I-MR Staging Chart
Before Improvement After Improvement
Notice the reduced article retrieval times
Improve Phase
Statistical Proof of
Statistical Proof of ImprovementsStatistical Proof of Improvements
Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for Observed Counts in
Variable: After
Test Contribution
Category Observed Proportion Expected to Chi-Sq
1 5.0 0.1 6.54 0.362630
2 4.8 0.1 6.54 0.462936
3 5.4 0.1 6.54 0.198716
4 8.0 0.1 6.54 0.325933
5 7.4 0.1 6.54 0.113089
6 6.9 0.1 6.54 0.019817
7 7.0 0.1 6.54 0.032355
8 6.5 0.1 6.54 0.000245
9 6.6 0.1 6.54 0.000550
10 7.8 0.1 6.54 0.242752
N DF Chi-Sq P-Value
65.4 9 1.75902 0.995
Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for Observed Counts in
Variable: Before
Test Contribution
Category Observed Proportion Expected to Chi-Sq
1 15.00 0.1 11.625 0.97984
2 16.25 0.1 11.625 1.84005
3 10.75 0.1 11.625 0.06586
4 11.50 0.1 11.625 0.00134
5 12.75 0.1 11.625 0.10887
6 11.50 0.1 11.625 0.00134
7 13.25 0.1 11.625 0.22715
8 8.00 0.1 11.625 1.13038
9 7.25 0.1 11.625 1.64651
10 10.00 0.1 11.625 0.22715
N DF Chi-Sq P-Value
116.25 9 6.22849 0.717
Improve Phase
Value-Added Process Flow
Waste has been removed (assuming an unlimited
Control Phase
Communication Plan
Communication Plan
Level of
paragraph update,
tollgate summary
How information is
1:1, meeting, email,
Where information is
communicated--e.g. if
during a standing
meeting, which is the
most appropriate
Frequency of
every other week,
at tollgate, at end
of project
Who is
for doing the
Date for
ion to occur
On Agenda
Meeting set
on individuals
(mark when
CFO storyboard meeting
during standing
Improve & Control
Phases, end of
Green Belt &
Sponsor 5/10 & 5/24 established
Staff within
department paragraph update
e-mail & department
during standing
Improve & Control
Phases, end of
Green Belt &
Sponsor 5/12 & 5/26 established
customers paragraph update meeting web meeting & 1:1s
at beginning of
Improve & Control
Phases CFO 5/11 & 5/25 established
Control Phase
Process Control Charts
Before Improvements
Accessibility mean is 11.63 minutes
After Improvements
Accessibility mean is 6.54 minutes
Before and After Six Sigma LevelsBefore and After Six Sigma Levels
Control Phase
Six Sigma Level Change
3.195 4.076
Control Phase
Project Results/Benefits
Soft BenefitsSoft BenefitsFinancial (Hard) BenefitsFinancial (Hard) Benefits
Decreased storage & time costs by $235 per annum. Decreased the number of storage units from three to
Improved article accessibility mean rate from 11.6 to 6.5
Project BaselineProject Baseline Project TargetProject Target Project ActualProject Actual
COPQ = $500
DPMO = 45,000
Sigma Level = 3.195
COPQ = $240
DPMO = 12,500
Sigma Level = 3.741
COPQ = $235
(i.e. saved more than target)
DPMO = 5,000
Sigma Level = 4.076
Control Phase
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned during the Six Sigma ClassLessons Learned during the Six Sigma Class
• Install and become familiar with the Minitab, Visio, and Net Meeting before
the first class meeting.
• Learn the copying/pasting guidelines for a reasonable the presentation file
size: 1. Copy screen portions. Then, use Paint to crop portions and save
them as “gif” files. In Minitab select “Save Graph As” and save graphs as “gif”
files’ 2. Copy spreadsheets and flow charts. Use “Paste Special” and select
“Picture (Enhanced Metafile)”. To be able to “zoom” spreadsheets/charts,
select the Paste Special’s embed object option.
• Use a thumb drive to transport labs, presentations, shareware between class
and home, and between yourself and classmates.
• Verify data early in the process. Bad data & inappropriate statistical tests
breaks the presentation’s focus and logical flow through the progression of
the phases.
• During the first two phases if possible, create all flow charts from left to right
so that in the later phases the same two flow charts will fit on the same slide
(for comparison purposes).
• Use the color key in which red represents below average performance, yellow
average, and green above average. Use another color key for example, to
differentiate two groups in a flow chart.
• Before you finish learning each DMAIC phase in the classroom, complete the
corresponding phase section in your presentation file. Phase-by-phase ask
the instructor for feedback.
Future State
Future StateFuture State
Improvement Project Intentions: Using DFSS, research
vendors and software based on this presentation’s Lean
process flow chart.
Completed FMEA
Completed FMEA from the Improve PhaseCompleted FMEA from the Improve Phase
Item Name: FMEA Team: Prepared by: Sheri Kelly
FMEA Date (Orig): May 22, 2007 (Rev.):
Process Step or
Variable or Key
Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects
Potential Causes
Current Process Controls
Target Date
Actions Taken
What is the
process step?
In what ways can the
Process Step, Variable, or
Key Input go wrong?
(chance of not meeting
What is the impact on the Key
Output Variables (customer
requirements) or internal
What causes the Key Input to
go wrong? (How could the
failure mode occur?)
What are the existing controls that
either prevent the failure mode
from occurring or detect it should it
What are the actions
for reducing the
Occurrence of the
cause, or improving
Should have actions on
high RPN's or Severity
of 9 or 10.
for the
action? What
What were the actions
implemented? Include
completion month/year.
(Then recalculate
resulting RPN.)
Discover an
It is a duplicate, an out-of-
date, or a untrustworthy
The article is added to the
library although it is a
duplicate, an out-of-date, or a
untrustworthy article.
7 The department is not
evaluating each article.
4 When filing the article, peruse
through the one folder's articles
and remove the low quality ones.
4 112 Devise guidelines that
show how to evaluate
the quality of each
article and, how to
purging out-of-date
Head of the
New Article
July 1, 2007
Devised guidelines for the
evaluating the quality of
each article and for
purging out-of-date
2 2 3 12
File a digital (soft
copy ) article or a
hard copy article
in a folder.
There are two folders with
the same name. Having
both digital and hard copy
articles potentially requires
separate folders for a given
topic for each medium.
May not be able to locate a
given article topic because it is
stored in the duplicate folder.
Also, duplicate folders use
more storage space.
4 The department is not able to
cross-reference the digital and
hard copy articles.
6 The New Article Department
notices a duplicate folder while
filing related/unrelated articles but
only among one of the media.
6 144 Scan all hard copy
articles. Or, create a
directory that cross
references both media.
Head of the
New Article
July 1, 2007
Scanned all incoming
hard copy articles. Have
begun to create a
directory that will cross-
reference both media.
3 4 5 60
Purge any
duplicate, out-of-
articles you see
while filing.
Will not detect and purge all
low quality articles
contained in the library.
Library is wasting storage
space, higher cost of storage
space. Increased article
retrieval time.
5 The department is not able to
systematically identify the low
quality articles.
5 When filing the article, peruse
through the articles and remove
the low quality ones.
4 100 Create a article library
Head of the
New Article
July 1, 2007
Created a directory. 2 2 2 8
(Potential Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
Analyze Phase
Statistical Analysis of Cause &
Effect – Test Equal Variance
9 5% Bonfer r oni Confidence I nter vals for StDevs
Test Statistic 0.60
P-Value 0.838
Test for Equal Variances for R1
95% Bonferroni Confidence Int ervals for St Devs
Test Statistic 0.90
P-Value 0.638
Test Statistic 1.37
P-Value 0.353
Bartlett's Test
Levene's Test
Test for Equal Variances for R1

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Six Sigma Presentation Storybd 07 Mar24

  • 1. 01/29/15 05:31 PM 005 SixSigma_Template 1 Six Sigma Project Report Presentation Optimizing the Article Library Project ID No.: CSI Spring 2007 Black Belt Name: CSI Six Sigma Instructor Project Sponsor: Sheri A. Kelly Date: May 7, 2007
  • 2. Define Phase Project Charter Roles & ResponsibilitiesRoles & Responsibilities Project DefinitionProject Definition Project Deliverables/BenefitsProject Deliverables/Benefits Champion: champion Process Owner: Sheri Kelly Project BB/GB: leader Problem Statement My home’s hard copy and digital articles are not easily accessible, and contain untrustworthy, duplicate, out-of- date articles resulting in increased costs for storage and retrieval time. Project Scope Home’s hard copy and digital articles. Project Goal Improve article trustworthiness by 80%. Discard the 60% of duplicate & out-of-date articles. Decrease the article retrieval time to 8 minutes or less. Decrease costs by 20%. Increase customer satisfaction by 35%. Key Deliverables Six Sigma project documentation, project plan, & projected cost savings to meet goal. Financial and Operational Benefits Hard: Potential financial benefit of $230 per year in time & in storage materials. Soft: Increased satisfaction in maintaining & using it. process area: member member member process area: member member
  • 3. Define Phase Operational Definitions Operational Definitions of Key Terms / GlossaryOperational Definitions of Key Terms / Glossary Accessible: An article is accessible if I can reference my list indicating that I indeed have an article on a given topic and can locate it within nine minutes. Trustworthiness: An article is trustworthy if it is published by a company or written by an author that I trust.
  • 4. Define Phase Process Matrix Diagram Employee Tasks CUSTOMERIMPORTANCERATING Duplicate Out-of-Date NotFound FindTime>9minutes Notfromatrustworthysource Folderistoofull Twofoldersforthesametopic Select articles not already in library. 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 Select them if from trustworthy sources. 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 Provide an updated article directory. 5 3 1 3 5 1 1 3 Provide electronic keyword directory scanning. 5 3 3 3 5 3 1 1 Provide various ways to sort the directory. 3 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 Provide 10 columns of info for each article. 3 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 Provide electronic keyword article scanning. 5 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 Provide a library free of expired ones. 1 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 Provide images in articles when necessary. 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Provide folders with <=25 articles. 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 1 22 18 22 32 16 16 12 2 3 2 1 4 4 5 5 = high importance, 3 = average importance, 1 = low importance Customer Tasks IMPORTANCE SCORE RANK Importance • Red = High • Orange = Average • Yellow = Low Find Time ranks number one
  • 5. Define Phase Tree Diagram Graphical View of the Current ProcessGraphical View of the Current Process Not having a directory that would indicate subject, storage location, & date published results in: • Not knowing the subject matters that the library articles cover causing duplicates. • Not knowing the storage locations causing an increased retrieval time. • Not knowing which articles have expired preventing their purging. No article directory Duplicates Increased retrieval time No purging process Out-of-Date Folders are too full No set list of topics (i.e. folder names) Two folders for the same topic
  • 6. Define Phase Process Decision Program Graphical View of the Current ProcessGraphical View of the Current Process Need an article Article is in Library But Not Found Found two similar articles from different sources Article is not in library Digital/Paper Article Inadvertently Deleted/ Discarded Refer to the Article List to verify. Article List indicates the folder name. Article found. Select the more trustworthy article
  • 7. INPUT Define Phase SIPOC SUPPLIER PROCESS OUTPUT CUSTOMER CTQ CRITICAL TO QUALITY • Magazines • Web • Books • I discover an article • I add an article • Digital articles • Hard copy articles • Customer finds article • Customer accesses article from folder • Our household • For our household to pass onto others • Ease of accessibility • Source trustworthiness High-Level Process MapHigh-Level Process Map Discover a helpful article Add the article to the library Retrieve the article Refile the article
  • 8. Define Phase Sigma Calculator Measurement System AnalysisMeasurement System Analysis The process Sigma level is 3.195.
  • 9. Measure Phase Baseline Performance of Ys Baseline Process MeasuresBaseline Process MeasuresCollected DataCollected Data Baseline Process SigmaBaseline Process SigmaGraphical OverviewGraphical Overview Provide a summary description of the data collection process (MSA, sample sizes, etc). How did it go? Did you get a “good” set of data? Provide a table or summary or the basic descriptive statistics for the as-is process (central tendency, spread/variation, defect rates, etc). No data analysis! Insert a graph displaying a high-level overview of the collected data (histogram, bar chart, etc). Compare process performance to specifications. Calculate yields, defect rates and process sigma levels. A brief statement describing the opportunity for process improvement.
  • 10. Measure Phase Detailed Process Map – Current State As shown below in red, the current process for adding an article to the library and maintaining it is not efficient. Current StateCurrent State
  • 11. Measure Phase Data Collection CTQs and SpecificationsCTQs and SpecificationsProcess Measures DefinedProcess Measures Defined Input Measures • Articles’ accessibility and trustworthiness. Process Measures Output Measures • Retrieving an Article: The number of minutes to retrieve an article. CTQ for the Output Measure • Specifications (USL=8, LSL=3, over 9 minutes is a defect, under 9 minutes is an allowable defect rate) Data Collection PlanData Collection Plan • Time each article retrieval time. • Determine the percentage of trustworthy articles.
  • 12. Measure Phase Measurement System Analysis Measurement System AnalysisMeasurement System Analysis Reproducibility Times to locate five articles Repeatability Times to locate five articles Summary of how the MSA has been conducted  Tested 5 article retrieval times for repeatability.  Compared inspectors to themselves for reproducibility ARTICLE Reading #1 Reading #2 Average Range 1 15.0 11.5 13.25 3.5 2 16.3 13.3 14.75 3.0 3 10.8 8.0 9.38 2.8 4 11.5 7.3 9.38 4.3 5 12.8 10.0 11.38 2.8 Average 11.63 1 13.5 13.0 13.25 0.5 2 17.0 14.8 15.88 2.3 3 12.0 10.8 11.38 1.3 4 11.0 9.5 10.25 1.5 5 14.0 12.8 13.38 1.3 Average 12.83 INSPECTOR #1 INSPECTOR #2 average Largest - Smallest Article Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 1 Reading 2 X bar R 1 15.0 11.5 13.5 13.0 13.25 3.5 2 16.3 13.3 17.0 14.8 15.31 3.7 3 10.8 8.0 12.0 10.8 10.38 4.0 4 11.5 7.3 11.0 9.5 9.81 4.2 5 12.8 10.0 14.0 12.8 12.38 4.0 Averages 12.23 3.9 Rp 5.50 INSPECTOR #1 INSPECTOR #2
  • 13. Measure Phase Graphical Analysis: Histogram 1) Reader 1 on average required less time to retrieve an article than did Reader 2. 2) Reader 1 has a greater standard deviation. 3) Reader 1 has a higher bell curve. 4) Both Readers have a normal distribution. 5) Except for one retrieval time, all of the ranges exceed the “nine minutes or less” goal. 6) Focus on reducing retrieval times as they relate to Reader 2.
  • 14. Measure Phase Measure Normality Test Process Capability Normality TestProcess Capability Normality Test The deviation is high.
  • 15. Measure Phase Pareto Chart(s) Pareto Analysis 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 N otTrustw thy FindTim e>10m O ut-of-D ate D uplicates N otFound O ther Retrieval Issues Data 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent Data Pareto
  • 16. • Need to bullet here which Xs which have been identified so far during the measure phase that need to be tested to find the root cause(s) (vital few Xs) • X1: Duplicate Articles • X2: Out-of-Date Articles • X3: Not trustworthy Articles Analyze Phase Theories (Xs) to be tested Potential Causes (Xs) to be AnalyzedPotential Causes (Xs) to be Analyzed
  • 17. Analyze Phase FMEA Evaluating Steps from the Current Process Item Name: FMEA Team: Prepared by: Sheri Kelly FMEA Date (Orig): May 22, 2007 Process Step or Variable or Key Input Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects S E V Potential Causes O C C Current Process Controls D E T R P N What is the process step? In what ways can the Process Step, Variable, or Key Input go wrong? (chance of not meeting requirements) What is the impact on the Key Output Variables (customer requirements) or internal requirements? HowSevereiseffect tothecustomer? What causes the Key Input to go wrong? (How could the failure mode occur?) Howfrequentis causelikelyto Occur? What are the existing controls that either prevent the failure mode from occurring or detect it should it occur? Howprobableis Detectionofcause? RiskPriority#to rankorderconcerns Discover an informative article. It is a duplicate, an out-of- date, or a untrustworthy article. The article is added to the library although it is a duplicate, an out-of-date, or a untrustworthy article. 7 The department is not evaluating each article. 4 When filing the article, peruse through the one folder's articles and remove the low quality ones. 4 112 File a digital (soft copy ) article or a hard copy article in a folder. There are two folders with the same name. Having both digital and hard copy articles potentially requires separate folders for a given topic for each medium. May not be able to locate a given article topic because it is stored in the duplicate folder. Also, duplicate folders use more storage space. 4 The department is not able to cross-reference the digital and hard copy articles. 6 The New Article Department notices a duplicate folder while filing related/unrelated articles but only among one of the media. 6 144 Purge any duplicate, out-of- date, untrustworthy articles you see while filing. Will not detect and purge all low quality articles contained in the library. Library is wasting storage space, higher cost of storage space. Increased article retrieval time. 5 The department is not able to systematically identify the low quality articles. 5 When filing the article, peruse through the articles and remove the low quality ones. 4 100 FMEA (Potential Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
  • 18. Measure Phase Cause and Effect Diagram Cause & EffectCause & Effect Learned: collection is much larger than in years past, scanning will reduce the number of file locations, creating an article list will manage the purging process, & on each occasion I need info I prefer to access my articles than to search the internet.
  • 19. Measure Phase Measure Process Capability Process CapabilityProcess Capability The sample mean is 11.6. The lower & upper control limits are 7 and 17, respectively.
  • 20. Analyze Phase Graphical Analysis: Box Plots 1) Shows that although the mean was greater for Reader 2, the lowest whisker was greater than Reader 1’s whisker, and Reader 1’s 50th -75th percentile range is greater than Reader 2’s who shows more evenly distributed retrieval times. 2) Reader 1’s central tendency is 11.5 minutes to retrieve an article and Reader 2’s is 12.87 minutes. Also, Reader 1 has a greater time spread. (See page 384). 3) Reader 2’s observed values are shown as negatively skewed because the median is closer to the top of the box. 4) Reader 2’s upper whisker is longer at 2.8125 compared to Reader 1’s 2.563.
  • 21. Analyze Phase Advanced Tools – Average Chart There are three points above the upper control limit for article retrieval time to be addressed.
  • 22. Analyze Phase Advanced Tools – S Chart The standard deviations are within the control limits as shown by the green line.
  • 23. Analyze Phase Advanced Tools Range Chart The sample range for retrieval time is within the control limits.
  • 24. Analyze Phase Advanced Tools-Xbar-S It appears that 20% of the articles are found quickly (two points are outside the control limits) whereas 10% of the articles are found slowly (one point is outside the limits). In the upper chart, two points are outside the control limits. In the lower chart the standard deviations are close to the mean.
  • 25. Analyze Phase Statistical Analysis of Cause & Effect – Scatter Diagram Reader 1 vs. Reader 2’s Article Retrieval Time
  • 26. Improve Phase Previous & Revised Process Maps Previous Process Map 1. Verify that each new article is not a duplicate and is trustworthy. 2. Scan hard-copied articles. 3. Save articles in an electronic library. 4. Purge expired articles. 5. Maintain the folders and the library’s Article Directory. Revised Process Map As shown below in red, the current process for adding an article to the library and maintaining it is not efficient.
  • 27. Improve Phase Updated FMEA The updated FMEA shows that the risk has decreased significantly after improvement the process steps. S E V O C C D E T R P N S E V O C C D E T R P N How Severe is effect to the customer? How frequent is cause likely to occur? How probable is Detection of cause? Risk Priority # to rank order concerns How Severe is effect to the customer? How frequent is cause likely to occur? How probable is Detection of cause? Risk Priority # to rank order concerns 7 4 4 112 2 2 3 12 4 6 6 144 3 4 5 60 5 5 4 100 2 2 2 8 BEFORE AFTER
  • 28. Improve Phase Improvement Strategies for Proven Xs StrategiesStrategiesProven Xs (Causes)Proven Xs (Causes) X1 Duplicate: Compliance is dependent on identifying duplicate articles before adding them to the library. X2 Out-of-Date: Compliance is dependent on applying an expiration date to each article. X3 Not Trustworthy: Compliance is dependent on identifying inaccurate articles before adding them to the library. To improve our % compliance rate, include in the procedure to digitally search in the Article Directory by like subject. To improve the % compliance rate, record the expiration dates in the digital article directory and setup e-mail reminders for each purge date. To improve the % compliance rate, include in the procedure to verify the information with trusted websites/ organizations. CTQ - Article access time in minutes of LSL=3 & USL=9
  • 29. Improve I-MR Staging Chart Before Improvement After Improvement Notice the reduced article retrieval times
  • 30. Improve Phase Statistical Proof of Improvements Statistical Proof of ImprovementsStatistical Proof of Improvements Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for Observed Counts in Variable: After Test Contribution Category Observed Proportion Expected to Chi-Sq 1 5.0 0.1 6.54 0.362630 2 4.8 0.1 6.54 0.462936 3 5.4 0.1 6.54 0.198716 4 8.0 0.1 6.54 0.325933 5 7.4 0.1 6.54 0.113089 6 6.9 0.1 6.54 0.019817 7 7.0 0.1 6.54 0.032355 8 6.5 0.1 6.54 0.000245 9 6.6 0.1 6.54 0.000550 10 7.8 0.1 6.54 0.242752 N DF Chi-Sq P-Value 65.4 9 1.75902 0.995 Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for Observed Counts in Variable: Before Test Contribution Category Observed Proportion Expected to Chi-Sq 1 15.00 0.1 11.625 0.97984 2 16.25 0.1 11.625 1.84005 3 10.75 0.1 11.625 0.06586 4 11.50 0.1 11.625 0.00134 5 12.75 0.1 11.625 0.10887 6 11.50 0.1 11.625 0.00134 7 13.25 0.1 11.625 0.22715 8 8.00 0.1 11.625 1.13038 9 7.25 0.1 11.625 1.64651 10 10.00 0.1 11.625 0.22715 N DF Chi-Sq P-Value 116.25 9 6.22849 0.717
  • 31. Improve Phase Value-Added Process Flow Waste has been removed (assuming an unlimited budget)
  • 32. Control Phase Communication Plan Communication Plan Stakeholder Level of communication- Storyboard, paragraph update, tollgate summary How information is communicated-- 1:1, meeting, email, newsletter Where information is communicated--e.g. if during a standing meeting, which is the most appropriate forum? Frequency of communication-- every other week, at tollgate, at end of project Who is responsible for doing the communica- tion Date for communicat ion to occur On Agenda Meeting set on individuals calendar (mark when established) CFO storyboard meeting during standing meeting Improve & Control Phases, end of project Green Belt & Sponsor 5/10 & 5/24 established Staff within project department paragraph update e-mail & department meeting during standing meeting Improve & Control Phases, end of project Green Belt & Sponsor 5/12 & 5/26 established customers paragraph update meeting web meeting & 1:1s at beginning of Improve & Control Phases CFO 5/11 & 5/25 established
  • 33. Control Phase Process Control Charts Before Improvements Accessibility mean is 11.63 minutes After Improvements Accessibility mean is 6.54 minutes
  • 34. Before and After Six Sigma LevelsBefore and After Six Sigma Levels Control Phase Six Sigma Level Change 3.195 4.076
  • 35. Control Phase Project Results/Benefits Soft BenefitsSoft BenefitsFinancial (Hard) BenefitsFinancial (Hard) Benefits Decreased storage & time costs by $235 per annum. Decreased the number of storage units from three to one. Improved article accessibility mean rate from 11.6 to 6.5 minutes. Project BaselineProject Baseline Project TargetProject Target Project ActualProject Actual COPQ = $500 DPMO = 45,000 Sigma Level = 3.195 COPQ = $240 DPMO = 12,500 Sigma Level = 3.741 COPQ = $235 (i.e. saved more than target) DPMO = 5,000 Sigma Level = 4.076
  • 36. Control Phase Lessons Learned Lessons Learned during the Six Sigma ClassLessons Learned during the Six Sigma Class • Install and become familiar with the Minitab, Visio, and Net Meeting before the first class meeting. • Learn the copying/pasting guidelines for a reasonable the presentation file size: 1. Copy screen portions. Then, use Paint to crop portions and save them as “gif” files. In Minitab select “Save Graph As” and save graphs as “gif” files’ 2. Copy spreadsheets and flow charts. Use “Paste Special” and select “Picture (Enhanced Metafile)”. To be able to “zoom” spreadsheets/charts, select the Paste Special’s embed object option. • Use a thumb drive to transport labs, presentations, shareware between class and home, and between yourself and classmates. • Verify data early in the process. Bad data & inappropriate statistical tests breaks the presentation’s focus and logical flow through the progression of the phases. • During the first two phases if possible, create all flow charts from left to right so that in the later phases the same two flow charts will fit on the same slide (for comparison purposes). • Use the color key in which red represents below average performance, yellow average, and green above average. Use another color key for example, to differentiate two groups in a flow chart. • Before you finish learning each DMAIC phase in the classroom, complete the corresponding phase section in your presentation file. Phase-by-phase ask the instructor for feedback.
  • 37. Future State Future StateFuture State Improvement Project Intentions: Using DFSS, research vendors and software based on this presentation’s Lean process flow chart.
  • 39. Appendix Completed FMEA Completed FMEA from the Improve PhaseCompleted FMEA from the Improve Phase Item Name: FMEA Team: Prepared by: Sheri Kelly FMEA Date (Orig): May 22, 2007 (Rev.): Process Step or Variable or Key Input Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects S E V Potential Causes O C C Current Process Controls D E T R P N Actions Recommended Resp.& Target Date Actions Taken S E V O C C D E T R P N What is the process step? In what ways can the Process Step, Variable, or Key Input go wrong? (chance of not meeting requirements) What is the impact on the Key Output Variables (customer requirements) or internal requirements? HowSevereiseffect tothecustomer? What causes the Key Input to go wrong? (How could the failure mode occur?) Howfrequentis causelikelyto Occur? What are the existing controls that either prevent the failure mode from occurring or detect it should it occur? Howprobableis Detectionofcause? RiskPriority#to rankorderconcerns What are the actions for reducing the Occurrence of the cause, or improving Detection? Should have actions on high RPN's or Severity of 9 or 10. Who's Responsible for the recommended action? What date? What were the actions implemented? Include completion month/year. (Then recalculate resulting RPN.) Discover an informative article. It is a duplicate, an out-of- date, or a untrustworthy article. The article is added to the library although it is a duplicate, an out-of-date, or a untrustworthy article. 7 The department is not evaluating each article. 4 When filing the article, peruse through the one folder's articles and remove the low quality ones. 4 112 Devise guidelines that show how to evaluate the quality of each article and, how to purging out-of-date articles. Head of the New Article Department. July 1, 2007 Devised guidelines for the evaluating the quality of each article and for purging out-of-date articles. 2 2 3 12 File a digital (soft copy ) article or a hard copy article in a folder. There are two folders with the same name. Having both digital and hard copy articles potentially requires separate folders for a given topic for each medium. May not be able to locate a given article topic because it is stored in the duplicate folder. Also, duplicate folders use more storage space. 4 The department is not able to cross-reference the digital and hard copy articles. 6 The New Article Department notices a duplicate folder while filing related/unrelated articles but only among one of the media. 6 144 Scan all hard copy articles. Or, create a directory that cross references both media. Head of the New Article Department. July 1, 2007 Scanned all incoming hard copy articles. Have begun to create a directory that will cross- reference both media. 3 4 5 60 Purge any duplicate, out-of- date, untrustworthy articles you see while filing. Will not detect and purge all low quality articles contained in the library. Library is wasting storage space, higher cost of storage space. Increased article retrieval time. 5 The department is not able to systematically identify the low quality articles. 5 When filing the article, peruse through the articles and remove the low quality ones. 4 100 Create a article library directory. Head of the New Article Department. July 1, 2007 Created a directory. 2 2 2 8 FMEA (Potential Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
  • 40. Analyze Phase Statistical Analysis of Cause & Effect – Test Equal Variance 0.70 0.65 0.50 0.40 0.38 0.28 0.06 0.05 250200150100500 P1 9 5% Bonfer r oni Confidence I nter vals for StDevs 0.70 0.65 0.50 0.40 0.38 0.28 0.06 0.05 1614121086 P1 R1 Test Statistic 0.60 P-Value 0.838 F-Test Test for Equal Variances for R1 5 4 3 2 1 200150100500 P2 95% Bonferroni Confidence Int ervals for St Devs Test Statistic 0.90 P-Value 0.638 Test Statistic 1.37 P-Value 0.353 Bartlett's Test Levene's Test Test for Equal Variances for R1