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                     MINOR PROJECT REPORT


                      Social Networking Website


          Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
             for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
                         Computer Science



     Submitted To:                                  Submitted by:
     Lect. AARTI CHOUDHARY                          GAURAV JAIN
                                                    CSE. IV yr.

                       Under Supervision of
                             Prof. J. L. Kankriya
                               (H.O.D. C.S.E.)

GAURAV JAIN                             MECRC                       Page 1

          This is to certify that GAURAV JAIN student of B. Tech. IV Yr/VII Sem. from
Marwar Engineering College and Research Centre, Jodhpur (Raj.) have successfully
created project on ASP.NET : ”GREEN WEB”.The project was developed under my
consideration and guidance.

The implementation made by the students was checked time to time.

Place: JODHPUR                                      ____________________
Date:                                            ER. AARTI CHOUDHARY
                                                 Associate Professor, MECRC

GAURAV JAIN                                   MECRC                          Page 2

I would like to express our heartiest thank to Mrs. Aarti Choudhary, senior professor,
Marwar Engineering College & Research Center, Jodhpur for providing me this great

I Express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. J. L. Kankriya, head of the department

(Computer Science & Engg. ) for showing the complete confidence in me.

I express my sincere gratitude towards Mr. V.K. Bhansali, Director, MECRC                 for
providing us the excellent environment for project making.

I am also thankful to my friends and classmates, who were always there to help me out,

motivate me towards the fulfilment of this project.

Last but not the least it is the staff of Department of Computer Application, Marwar

Engineering College Research Centre, to whom I am always indebted.

                           I AM THANKFUL TO ALL OF THEM

                                                                      GAURAV JAIN
                                                                      B.Tech IV Year(C.S.E)

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                                 Page 3

Social Networking - It's the way the 21st century communicates now. Social networking is
the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a
neighbourhood subdivision. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in
the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike
most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals
who are looking to meet other people.

Social network is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people,
groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge
entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show
relationships or flows between the nodes. Social network provides both a visual and a
mathematical analysis of human relationships.

Social Networking Website project itself is a huge project comprising various features like
profile updation, friend’s list organization and various other application to enhance the overall
look and feel of the website. However, in this project I am basically working on two essential

PROFILE MANAGEMENT module maintain the profile of a user like name, like, dislikes,
hobbies, status etc.

FRIENDS ORGANIZATION module maintains the friend list, handles request and sends
request to the other user.

Profiles and Friends lists are two key features on social network sites. The third is a public
commenting feature ('Testimonials', 'Comments', 'The Wall'). This feature allows individuals
to comment on their Friends' profiles. These comments are displayed prominently and visible
for anyone who has access to that profile.

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                                 Page 4
            TOPICS                                                                                                PAGE NO.

  1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................6
       1.1 Objective of the Project.................................................................................7 – 9
  2. THEORITICAL BACKGROUND..................................................................10
       2.1 HTML...........................................................................................................10 – 14
       2.2 XHTML........................................................................................................15– 18
       2.3 ASP.Net.........................................................................................................19 - 35
  3. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION......................................36
       3.1 Overview of SRS...........................................................................................36- 37
       3.2 Feasibility Study............................................................................................37 - 38
       3.3 Operating Environment..................................................................................38
       3.4 Hardware / Software Requirements................................................................39
  4. DESIGNING PHASE.........................................................................................40
       4.1 Flow Chart......................................................................................................40 - 42
       4.2 Use case Diagram............................................................................................43 - 44
       4.3 Data Flow Diagram.........................................................................................45 - 47
       4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram...........................................................................48 - 49
       4.5 Database Design..............................................................................................50 - 55
  5. SNAPSHOTS OF PROJECT.............................................................................56 - 61
  6. TESTING TECHNIQUES..................................................................................62
       6.1 Validation Checks...........................................................................................62- 63
  7. FUTURE RESEARCH......................................................................................64- 65
  8. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................66

GAURAV JAIN                                                       MECRC                                                 Page 5
In communities around the world, teenagers are joining social network sites (SNSs) like
MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo. Once logged into one of these systems, participants are asked
to create a profile to represent themselves digitally. Using text, images, video, audio, links,
quizzes, and surveys, teens generate a profile that expresses how they see themselves. These
profiles are sewn together into a large web through 'Friends' lists. Participants can mark other
users as 'Friends'. If that other person agrees with the relationship assertion, a photo of each is
displayed on the profile of the other. Through careful selection, participants develop a
'Friends' list.
Today's teenagers are being socialised into a society complicated by shifts in the public and
private. New social technologies have altered the underlying architecture of social interaction
and information distribution. They are embracing this change, albeit often with the clumsy
candour of an elephant in a china shop. Meanwhile, most adults are panicking. They do not
understand the shifts that are taking place and, regardless, they don't like what they’re seeing.
This leaves educators in a peculiar bind. More conservative educators view social
technologies as a product of the devil, bound to do nothing but corrupt and destroy today's
youth. Utterly confused, the vast majority of educators are playing ostrich, burying their
heads in the sand and hoping that the moral panics and chaos that surround the social
technologies will just disappear. Slowly, a third group of educators are emerging - those who
believe that it is essential to understand and embrace the new social technologies so as to
guide youth through the murky waters that they present. This path is tricky because it requires
educators to let go of their pre-existing assumptions about how the world works.
Furthermore, as youth are far more adept at navigating the technologies through which these
changes are taking place, educators must learn from their students in order to help them work
through the challenges that they face.

GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                                  Page 6

Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace connect millions of people
worldwide through a range of features including fairly static profile information, such as job
history and likes/dislikes, and more dynamic content like what people are doing and how
people are feeling at various points throughout the day. This dynamic content is updated
manually and represented using plain text (e.g., “Meeting new friends at the gym”). While
this sort of input provides the ultimate flexibility, the requirement for manual input places a
barrier between a person’s dynamic status and its representation on a users profile page. As a
result, the minutiae that provide texture to our daily lives is filtered from a person’s online
self, and as a result friends are less connected.

Social Networking Website project itself is a huge project comprising various features like
profile updation, friends list organization and various other application to enhance the overall
look and feel of the website. However, in this project I am basically working on two essential

PROFILE MANAGEMENT module maintain the profile of a user like name, like, dislikes,
hobbies, status etc.

FRIENDS ORGANIZATION module maintains the friend list, handles request and sends
request to the other user.
Social Networking - It's the way the 21st century communicates now. Social networking is
the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a
neighbourhood subdivision. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in
the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike
most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals
who are looking to meet other people.

Social network is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people,
groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge

GAURAV JAIN                                         MECRC                              Page 7
entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show
relationships or flows between the nodes. Social network provides both a visual and a
mathematical analysis of human relationships.

                                         Fig. 1.1

GAURAV JAIN                                     MECRC                        Page 8
A social network service focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social
relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. A social network service
essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a
variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means
for users to interact over the internet such as e-mail and instant messaging. Although online
community services are sometimes considered as a social network service in a broader sense,
social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online
community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas,
activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.
Social network sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of academic and industry
researchers intrigued by their affordances and reach. This special theme section of the
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication brings together scholarship on these
emergent phenomena. In this introductory article, we describe features of SNSs and propose a
comprehensive definition. We then present one perspective on the history of such sites,
discussing key changes and developments. After briefly summarizing existing scholarship
concerning SNSs, we discuss the articles in this special section and conclude with
considerations for future research.
Profiles and Friends lists are two key features on social network sites. The third is a public
commenting feature ('Testimonials', 'Comments', 'The Wall'). This feature allows individuals
to comment on their Friends' profiles. These comments are displayed prominently and visible
for anyone who has access to that profile. These three features - profiles, Friends lists, and
comments - comprise the primary structure of social network sites, although individual sites
provide additional features for further engagement. While SNSs allow visitors to wander
from Friend to Friend and communicate with anyone who has a visible profile, the primary
use pattern is driven by pre-existing friend groups. People join the sites with their friends and
use the different messaging tools to hang out, share cultural artifacts and ideas, and
communicate with one another.

GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                                   Page 9
                    THEORITICAL BACKGROUND
       2.1     HTML

To publish information for global distribution, one needs a universally understood language, a
kind of publishing mother tongue that all computers may potentially understand. The
publishing language used by the World Wide Web is HTML (from Hyper Text Markup

HTML gives authors the means to:

   •   Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc.
   •   Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button.
   •   Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for use in searching
       for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc.
   •   Include spread-sheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications directly in their

HTML was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN, and popularized by the
Mosaic browser developed at NCSA. During the course of the 1990s it has blossomed with
the explosive growth of the Web. During this time, HTML has been extended in a number of
ways. The Web depends on Web page authors and vendors sharing the same conventions for
HTML. This has motivated joint work on specifications for HTML.

It is a platform independent language that can be used on any platform such as Windows,
Linux, Macintosh, and so on. To display a document in web it is essential to mark-up the
different elements (headings, paragraphs, tables, and so on) of the document with the HTML
tags. To view a mark-up document, user has to open the document in a browser. A browser
understands and interpret the HTML tags, identifies the structure of the document (which part
are which) and makes decision about presentation (how the parts look) of the document.

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                                Page 10
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) documents are written in plain text (ASCII) with
special markup codes embedded right in the text. This means HTML files contain nothing but
printable characters and HTML markup codes. This is unlike a word file which can contain
special characters for formatting functios.
What distinguishes an HTML file from any other plain – text file is the presence of markup
codes. Markup codes are typed into document and control the formatting and layout of our
finished document. The markup codes that are typed into a document are enclosed within
these angle brackets: “< >”. The angle brackets and the markup codes together constitue a
tag. When we are talking about an HTML document we refer to it as a “source” document.
Here is an example of the “source” of a simple HTML document:
          <TITLE> Simple HTML document </TITLE>
                       This is very simple html document.
The essential tags that are required to create a HTML document are:
            HTML Tag <HTML>
The <HTML> tag encloses all other HTML tags and associated text within your document. It
is an optional tag. We can create an HTML document that omits these tags, and our browser
can still read it and display it. But it is always a good form to include the start and stop tags.
The format is:
    Your Title and Document (contains text with HTML tags) goes here

GAURAV JAIN                                         MECRC                                 Page 11
Most HTML tags have two parts, an opening tag and closing tag. The closing tag is the same
as the opening tag, except for the slash mark e.g </HTML>. The slash mark is always used in
closing tags.
An HTML document has two distinct parts HEAD and BODY.

The Format is:
                 HEAD Tag <HEAD>
HEAD tag comes after the HTML start tag. It contains TITLE tag to give the document a title
that displays on the browsers title bar at the top.
The Format is:
Your title goes here
                 BODY Tag <BODY>
The BODY tag contains all the text and graphics of the document with all the HTML tags that
are used for control and formatting of the page.
The Format is:
     Your Document goes here

GAURAV JAIN                                           MECRC                       Page 12
An HTML document, web page can be created using a text editor, Notepad or WordPad. All
the HTML documents should have the extension .htm or .html. It require a web browser like
Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator/Communicator to view the document.
Example: It is my first web page
Follow the steps to create and view in browser:
Step-1: Open text editor Notepad
Step-2: Enter the following lines of code:
My first Page
Step-3: Save the file as myfirstpage.html
Step-4: Viewing document in web browser

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                         Page 13
Fig. 2.1

GAURAV JAIN        MECRC   Page 14
2.2       XHTML
  •     XHTML stands for Extensible Markup Language
  •     XHTML is a markup language much like HTML
  •     XHTML was designed to carry data, not to display data
  •     XHTML tags are not predefined. We must define your own tags
  •     XHTML is designed to be self-descriptive

            GUIDELINES OF XHTML :
  a) Start and end tags are compulsory
           <body> Don’t forget me this weekend!
  b) Attribute value in double tags (“.....”)
        <note date=”12/11/2007”>
  c) XHTML Tags are Case Sensitive.
        The tag <Letter> is different from the tag <letter>
        <Message>This is incorrect</message>
        <message>This is correct</message>
  d) XHTML Elements Must be Properly Nested
              This text is bold and italic
  e) Empty elements must also be closed.
           Empty elements must either have an end tag, or the start tag must end with />.

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                              Page 15
This is wrong:
This is a line break<br>
    Check out this horizontal rule:<hr>
          What a cool image! <img src=”filename.gif”>
This is correct:
This is a line break<br></br>
    Check out this horizontal rule:<hr />
         What a cool image! <img src=”filename.gif” />

Important Compatibility Note:
To make your XHTML compatible with today’s browsers, you should add an extra space
before the “/” symbol like this: <br /> or this
<hr />
   f) Attribute names must be in lowercase.
This is wrong:
 <table WIDTH=”100%”>
    <div ALIGN=”center”>
This is correct:
 <table width=”100%”>
    <div align=”center”>
   g) Attribute minimization is forbidden.
This is wrong:
 <input checked>
   <option selected>
This is correct:
 <input checked=”checked” />
   <option selected=”selected” />
   h) The id attribute replaces the name attribute.
               HTML 4.01 defines a “name” attribute for the elements applet, frame, iframe,
img, and map. In XHTML the “name” attribute is deprecated. Use “id” instead.
This is wrong:
<img src=”filename.gif” name=”picture1” />
   <a name=”namedanchor”></a>

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                           Page 16
This is correct:
<img src=”filename.gif” id=”picture1” />
<a id=”namedanchor”></a>
   i) The XHTML DTD defines mandatory elements.
             All XHTML documents must have a DOCTYPE declaration. The html, head and
body elements must be present, and the title must be present inside the head element.
This is a minimum XHTML document template:
<!DOCTYPE Doctype goes here>
        <title>Title goes here</title>
             Body text goes here
Note: the DOCTYPE declaration is not a part of the XHTML document itself. It is not an
XHTML element, and it should not have a closing tag.
   j) The <!DOCTYPE> is mandatory.
                   The DOCTYPE declaration should always be the first line in an XHTML
document. The DOCTYPE defines the document type:
<!DOCTYPE html public “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN”
              VERSIONS OF XHTML :

   1. XHTML 1.0 Strict:
       Use this when we want really clean markup, free of presentational clutter. Use this
       together with Cascading Style Sheets.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN”

GAURAV JAIN                                     MECRC                               Page 17
2. XHTML 1.0 Transitional:
       Use this when we need to take advantage of HTML’s presentational features and when
       we want to support browsers that don’t understand Cascading Style Sheets.
Transitional//EN” “

   3. XHTML 1.0 Frameset:
             Use this when we want to use HTML frames to partition the browser window into
two or more frames.

            Document Type Definition (DTD)?

 A DTD specifies the syntax of a web page in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup
 A DTD is used by SGML applications, such as HTML, to specify rules that apply to the
markup of documents of a particular type, including a set of element and entity declarations.
 XHTML is specified in an SGML document type definition.
 An XHTML DTD describes in precise, computer-readable language, the allowed syntax
and grammar of XHTML markup.

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                               Page 18
2.3         ASP.NET
ASP.NET is a radical update of Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP). ASP.NET is a
powerful server based technology designed to create dynamic and interactive HTML pages
on demand for our Web site or corporate intranet. Its design improves upon nearly every
feature of classic ASP, from reducing the amount of code you need to write to giving you
more power and flexibility.
ASP.NET is a key element in Microsoft’s .NET Framework, providing Web-based access to
the immensely powerful .NET development environment. It allows us to create Web
applications in a new, flexible way by placing commonly used code into reusable controls of
various kinds that can fire events initiated by the users of a site.
ASP.NET branches out into many other technologies, such as Web services, ADO.NET,
custom controls, and security. We will briefly touch upon its relationship with these fields
throughout to provide a solid, comprehensive understanding of how ASP.NET can benefit our
work in a practical way.
ASP.NET 3.5 itself is a fairly light update to the complete wholesale changes that occurred in
ASP.NET 3.0.
By the end of we will be familiar with the anatomy of ASP.NET 3.5 and be able to create
powerful, secure, and robust Web sites that can collect and work with information in a
multitude of ways to the benefit of both we and our users.
One of the most eye-catching things about ASP.NET is the way we can use any programming
language based on the .NET Framework, such as C#, Jscript.NET, or VB.NET to create our
Web applications. Within these applications, ASP.NET allows us to customize pages for a
particular user and makes it simpler to keep track of a particular user’s details as they move
ASP.NET makes storing information to a database or self-describing XML document faster
and easier. We can alter the layout of the page using a free Web page editor – Web Matrix –
designed to be used with ASP.NET, rather than positioning everything manually within code,
and even alter the contents of files on your machine, if we have the correct permissions.
            •   ASP: A server-side technology for creating dynamic Web pages that only lets
                you use scripting languages.
            •   ASP.NET: A server-side technology for creating dynamic Web pages that lets
                you use any fullfledged programming language supported by .NET
            •   C#: This book’s chosen programming language for writing code in ASP.NET

GAURAV JAIN                                         MECRC                            Page 19
Static Web pages are often easy to spot; sometimes we can pick them out by just looking at
the content of the page. The content (text, images, hyperlinks, and so on) and appearance of
static Web pages is always the same – regardless of who visits the page, or how and when
they arrive at the page, or any other factor.
     <title>A Welcome Message</title>
          Welcome to our humble website. Please feel free to view our
              <a HREF=”contents.htm”>list of contents</a>.
     <br> <br>
   1. A Web Author writes a page using only HTML and saves it within an .htm file on the
         Web server.
   2. Sometime later, a user types a page request (URL) into a browser, and the request
         passes from the browser to the Web server.
   3. The Web server locates the .htm page and converts it to an HTML stream.
   4. The Web server sends the HTML stream back across the network to the browser.
   5. The browser processes the HTML and displays the page.

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                            Page 20
Fig. 2.2

Web servers are software that manage Web pages and make them available to client browsers
– via a local network or over the Internet. In the case of the Internet, the Web server and
browser are usually on two different machines, possibly many miles apart. However, in a
local situation we can set up a machine that runs the Web server software, and then use a
browser on the same machine to look at its Web pages.
It makes no difference whether we access a remote Web server (a Web server on a different
machine from our browser) or a local one (Web server and browser on the same machine),
since the Web server’s function – to make Web pages available to all – remains unchanged. It
may be that we are the only person with access to our own machine nevertheless the
principles remain the same.

GAURAV JAIN                                    MECRC                              Page 21
In the client-side model, modules (or plug-ins) attached to the browser do all the work of
creating dynamic pages. The HTML code is typically sent to the browser along with a
separate file containing a set of instructions, which is referenced from within the HTML page.
However, it is also quite common to find these instructions intermingled with HTML code.
The browser then uses them to generate pure HTML for the page when the user requests the
page – in other words, the page is generated dynamically on request. This produces an HTML
page, which is sent back from the plug-in to the browser.
1. A Web author writes a set of instructions for creating HTML and saves it within an .htm
file. The author also writes a set of instructions in a different language. This might be
contained within the .htm file or within a separate file.
2. Sometime later, a user types a page request into the browser, and the request is passed from
the browser to the Web server.
3. The Web server locates the .htm page and possibly a second file that contains the
4. The Web server sends both the newly created HTML stream and instructions back across
the network to the browser.
5. A module within the browser processes the instructions and returns it as HTML within
the .htm page – only one page is returned, even if two were requested.
6. The HTML is then processed by the browser, which displays the page.

GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                             Page 22
Fig. 2.3
With the server-side model, the HTML source is sent to the Web server with an extra set of
instructions (that can be intermingled or sent separately). This set of instructions is again used
to generate HTML for the page at the time the user requests the page. Once again, the page is
generated dynamically upon request.
   1. A Web author writes a set of instructions for creating HTML and saves these
       instructions within a file.
   2. Sometime later, a user types a page request into the browser, and the request is passed
       from the browser to the Web server.
   3. The Web server locates the file of instructions.

   4. The Web order to create a stream of HTML server follows the instructions in.

   5. The Web server sends the newly created HTML stream back across the network to the

   6. The browser processes the HTML and displays the page.

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                                 Page 23
Fig. 2.4

GAURAV JAIN        MECRC   Page 24

               ASP.NET server controls are also called Web Controls.

ASP.NET Web Control                 Similar HTML Form Tag                        Purpose

         <asp:Label>                 <Span>, <Div>, simple text                Display text

                                                                       Offer the user a list of items
       <asp:ListBox>                           <Select>
                                                                           from which to select.
                                                                       Offer the user a list of items
    <asp:DropDownList>                         <Select>
                                                                         from which to select in
                                                                            acompact format
       <asp:TextBox>                    <Input Type=”Text”>           Accept typed input from user

  <asp:RadioButton> and                                                 Allow user to make one
                                       <Input Type=”Radio”>
                                                                         selection from a list of
    <asp:CheckBox> and                                                 Allow user to turn a feature
                                     <Input Type=”CheckBox”>
                                                                                on or off
                                                                       Send the user’s input to the
        <asp:Button>                   <Input Type=”submit”>

                                              Table 2.1

    <asp:Label>
Let's start with a small but very useful control, the <asp:Label> control. This control provides
an effective way of displaying text on our Web page in ASP.NET, similar to the HTML
<span> tag. By having a control for text, we can manipulate its contents and visibility from
our ASP.NET code.
     <asp:Label> Attributes:

          i.      Text: Sets the text that you want the label to display

GAURAV JAIN                                          MECRC                                Page 25
ii.      Visible: Sets the visibility of the label on the page (true or false)

          iii.      BackColor: Sets the background color of the label

          iv.       ForeColor: Sets the foreground color of the label

           v.       Height: Sets the height in pixels of the label

          vi.       Width: Sets the width of the label

<asp:Label> Examples:
       <title>ASP.NET Controls Demo</title>
         Demo of the asp:Label control<br />
            <form id="frmDemo" runat="server">
                   <asp:Label id="lblGreeting1" runat="server">Text of asp:Label</asp:Label>
        <asp:DropDownList>
The three important differences between the ASP.NET control and the HTML form control
❑ The <asp:DropDownList> tag directly replaces the <select> tag
❑ The <asp:ListItem> tag replaces the <option> tag
❑ The id attribute replaces the name attribute
<asp:DropDownList id="lstCities" runat="server">
  <asp:ListItem>Madrid</asp:ListItem >
       <asp:ListItem >Oslo</asp:ListItem >
          <asp:ListItem >Lisbon</asp:ListItem >
                 </asp:DropDownList >
        <asp:ListBox>

GAURAV JAIN                                             MECRC                               Page 26
The <asp:ListBox> server control resembles the dropdown list control, except that it doesn't
drop down and is capable of multiple selections. The <asp:ListBox> has the following
<asp:ListBox id="list1" runat="server" selection mode = "multiple">

         <asp:TextBox>
This control is ASP.NET's version of the HTML <textbox> and <textarea> controls. In fact,
textareas are simply textboxes that feature multiple lines, thus allowing us to input larger
quantities of text. The TextBox control also provides the functionality of an HTML form
password control. To enable these variations the <asp:TextBox> control needs some extra
❑ textmode: Specifies whether we want the control to have one line (not set), many lines (set
to multiline), or have a single line of masked content (set to password)
❑ rows: Specifies the number of rows we want the textbox to have and will only work if
textmode is set to multiple
❑ columns: Specifies the number of columns we want the textbox to have and will only work
if textmode is set to multiple
<asp:TextBox id="text1" runat="server">Default text        here...</asp:TextBox>
         <asp:TextBox id="text1" runat="server" text="Default text here..."/>
     <asp:RadioButtonList> and <asp:RadioButton>
The <asp:RadioButtonList> control works in the same way as its HTML forms equivalent or
the Windows interface. Choice of one button excludes the selection of another button within
the group. Note that the identifier for the whole group is set only once in the id attribute of
the <asp:RadioButtonList> control:
<asp:RadioButtonList id="radSample" runat="server">
  <asp:ListItem id="option1" runat="server" value="Option A" />
    <asp:ListItem id="option2" runat="server" value="Option B" />
        <asp:ListItem id="option3" runat="server" value="Option C" />

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                              Page 27
    <asp:CheckBox> and <asp:CheckBoxList>
Checkboxes are similar to radio buttons in that they present multiple choices from a group of
buttons. However, <asp:CheckBox> is for a single option (say, for the answer to, "Do we
want to pay $5 more for quick shipping?") whereas with the <asp:CheckBoxList> control, a
user can select more than one option (for the answer to, "Which free catalogs can we send:
Sports, Clothing, or Shoes?"). Most of
the same principles that we followed in the <asp:RadioButtonList> example apply to
checkboxes. The main difference is the syntax – radio buttons use <options> whereas
checkboxes use <ListItems>.
A solo <asp:CheckBox> has a single ID:
<asp:CheckBox id="chkQuickShipping" runat="server" />
An array of checkboxes can be contained inside an <asp:CheckBoxList> control. You need to
set an id attribute for the <asp:CheckBoxList> control itself, and create a <asp:ListItem>
control for each option inside the control as shown here:
<asp:CheckBoxList id="chkCatalogs" runat="server">
 <asp:ListItem id="itmSports" runat="server" value="Sports" />
   <asp:ListItem id="itmClothes" runat="server" value="Clothes" />
     <asp:ListItem id="itmShoes" runat="server" value="Shoes" />

State management is used to maintain the information on the pages of the website.
There are four different mechanisms for remembering information:
❑ Cookies: Identifying previous visitors to a site by storing data on the client machine
❑ Sessions: Remembering information for the duration that a user browses a site
❑ Applications: Remembering information that exists for as long as the application runs
❑ Caching: Storing data for as long as is necessary to improve performance

           • COOKIES:
Cookies are used throughout the Web to store small pieces of information on the client
machine. They are small text files that usually store persistent data, which is useful whenever
we revisit a site. This can be data such as user preferences and login tokens, whether a user
has voted in an online poll, details of the last time we browsed a site, and so on. In short,

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                               Page 28
cookies contain that allows a Web server to identify users based on their visiting history.
Cookies are designed so that only the site that created them can read them. If we look at the
<drive>Documents and Settings<UserName>Cookies folder on our hard drive, we'll
notice that many cookies reside on our system.

                                          Fig. 2.5
    How Do Cookies Work?
Cookies are linked to the request-response mechanism of HTTP and are passed back and
forth along with other data between the client and the server. Let’s look at what happens
where a site uses cookies to remember whether a user wants a certain popup when they visit a
site. In Figure 1, Stage 1 is about a user visiting a page on the site. Stage 2 is when the
contents of that site are sent to the browser. These contents happen to include a popup. At
Stage 3, anyone browsing the site could check a box on a form that states, “Do not show the
advert popup again.” When they click a button to submit their request, they send data back to

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                             Page 29
the server. Finally, the server sends a small cookie to the client machine. Figure 2 represents
what happens when the user requests the page again.:

                                             Fig 2.6
    When to Use Cookies
Cookies are great for storing small pieces of identification data but not complete
authentication details. They can be configured to expire after any length of time, but most
cookies on our system are likely to last a long time. After we log on to for the
first time, we will be presented with a personalized front page on every subsequent trip to the
site. Because cookies are stored on the client, it takes the burden off the server.
Cookies, however, can be blocked at the client end, so we can't rely on our users being able to
(or even choosing to) use them. Also, cookies should never be used to store sensitive
information, since cookies can be tampered with – all we have to do is open a cookie, change

GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                              Page 30
its contents, and save it again, and the Web site that created the cookie may not be able to use
that cookie any more.
           • SESSIONS:
A session can be thought of as the total amount of time we spend browsing a site. For
example, in an online store, we first visit the site, log on, buy some stuff, and then leave. A
user session pertains to the interactions that occur when a single user browses a site.
Information in a session is accessible only for as long as the session is active. We could, for
example, store the name of the currently logged-in user in the Session object specific to that
user, and any of the pages in the site could then take this value and display it. Sessions are
useful for features such as shopping baskets or any application that stores information on
whether or not a user is logged in. They are tied in to a specific instance of a browser, so
another instance of the browser on the same machine would not be able to access the same
It's a bit tricky to evaluate when a session ends, since when a browser closes, this information
is not usually sent to the server So, we can specify a timeout value for sessions. The default
value is usually 20 minutes.

    How Do Sessions Work?
When a session starts, we can store data that will exist during that session. This could be
simple text information about a user or an object such as an XML file. A 120-bit session
identifier identifies each session. This session identifier is passed between ASP.NET and the
client either by using cookies or by placing the identifier in the URL of the page (a technique
that can be used for clients that have cookies turned off). Let's look at a session identifier –
the following is an example of embedding a session identifier in the URL of a page:
The extra data in the URL is only the session identifier – the actual data stored in the session
is stored on the server. As a session can hold a variety of objects ( a string, an ArrayList, even
a DataSet object), only the identifier is passed between the client and the server.

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Fig 2.7
The Session object has quite a few methods that you can use:
❑ Session.Add: Adds a new item to the Session object
❑ Session.Remove: Removes a named item from the session
❑ Session.Clear: Clears all values from the session but leaves the session active
❑ Session.Abandon: Ends the current session
Perhaps the simplest way to add data to a session is to use the following syntax:
Session["ItemName"] = Contents
Examples :
Session["Name"] = "Chris"
 Session["Email"] = txtEmailAddress.Text
   Session["ShoppingBasket"] = HashtableOfBasketItems

    When to Use Sessions
GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                              Page 32
Sessions are used to maintain information about users across a series of pages in a site. The
Session object can store any object we choose and therefore, is a very flexible way to
remember information. If we need to remember any information relating to a user session, the
Session object is the right choice for us. We can also react to session-wide events, which
gives us even more flexibility.
However, extreme flexibility comes with a price – we must take care not to store too much
information in the Session object, because we'll quickly find it can be a drain on server
resources. Store only essential data in a session.
           • APPLICATIONS:
One step up from the session is the application. From the time an ASP.NET application is first
loaded, to when the application is restarted, which could be due to a configuration change or
the restarting of the Web server, we can store information related to that application in the
Application object. When the application is restarted, any information stored in the
Application object will be lost, so we need to decide carefully what to store in the application
It's best to only store small amounts of data in the application state to minimize memory
usage on the server. Small bits of data that change frequently but don't need to be saved
when the application is restarted are best kept in the Session object.
     How Do Applications Work?
Applications are a bit simpler than sessions, since they run entirely on the server. When the
application is running, we can use the same method of storing data in an application object as
used with sessions All us need to do is enter an identifier and a value that can be of any type,
even a dataset.
     When to Use Applications
Applications are very powerful and flexible, just like sessions. We can store any object in
application state. Also, we can react to events raised (such as the Start and End of the
application, as well as a global Error event) and add custom event handler code so that we
can store information globally, and have it accessible by any code in the application.
The two main disadvantages of applications are that they too can drain our server's resources
and since they don't exist after the application ends, they shouldn't be used to store anything
we need to keep.

           • CACHING:
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In addition to Application state, ASP.NET provides another way to share objects across an
application – the Cache object. Any object, from XML data to a simple variable can be stored
in the Cache object.

However, the Cache object also has some additional features, notably the ability to store data
about dependencies.

So, what are dependencies? Well, imagine we wanted to store the contents of a Hashtable in
the cache. For example, this Hashtable could hold a set of dates corresponding to the dates
when a soccer team is playing a match. We could save this to the cache with a dependency set
to the value of a global variable; this could be a DateTime field representing when the list of
dates was last updated. If the contents of that variable change (if a new match is scheduled),
the cached hashtable would immediately expire and need to be regenerated to display the new

ASP.NET allows us to have dependencies between items placed in the cache and files in the
file system. If a file targeted by a dependency changes, ASP.NET automatically removes
dependent items from the cache. This allows for the development of fast applications where
developers do not have to worry about stale data remaining in the cache.
To add an object to the cache, all us need to do in the simplest case is:

Cache["MyCachedThing"] = ThingToBeCached;

An example of this would be:
Cache["TeamNickname"] = txtNickname.Text;

    When to Use Caching

GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                             Page 34
Caching is often considered more of a performance-enhancement tool than a way to store
application data. When we find ourself spending many precious server resources accessing
the same data repeatedly, use caching instead! Caching data can bring huge performance
benefits, so whenever we find that we need to frequently access data that doesn't often
change, cache it in the Cache object and our application's performance will improve.
The trick with caching is to use the highest possible value that won't negatively impact the
required behavior of the page. Taking the example we looked at earlier to both extremes
(caching match dates), specifying that the cache never expires (or has a very long duration)
would mean that newly added dates would not be visible to visitors to the site unless the
application was restarted. On the other hand, using a very small length of time before the
cache expires would mean that the performance improvements gained by using caching are
reduced, since the code has to keep going back to the database to get new data.

                                  CHAPTER - 3
GAURAV JAIN                                     MECRC                                  Page 35
A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a complete description of the behavior of
the system to be developed. It includes a set of use cases that describe all the interactions the
users will have with the software. Use cases are also known as functional requirements. In
addition to use cases, the SRS also contains non-functional (or supplementary) requirements.
Non-functional requirements are requirements which impose constraints on the design or
implementation (such as performance engineering requirements, quality standards, or design
    General Outline of a SRS
       1.1 Product Overview
       1.2 Purpose
       1.3 Scope
       1.4 Reference
       1.5 Definition And Abbreviation
       2.1 Product Perspective
       2.2 Product Functions
       2.3 User Characteristics
       2.4 General Constraints
       2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies


   3.1 External Interface Requirements

       3.1.1 User Interfaces
       3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
       3.1.3 Software Interfaces
       3.1.4 Communications Protocols
       3.1.5 Memory Constraints
       3.1.6 Operation
       3.1.7 Product function
GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                                Page 36
3.1.8 Assumption and Dependency
  3.2 Software Product Features
  3.3 Software System Attributes
       3.3.1 Reliability
       3.3.2 Availability
       3.3.3 Security
       3.3.4 Maintainability
       3.3.5 Portability
       3.3.6 Performance
 3.4 Database Requirements
 3.5 Other Requirements
    Software requirements analysis may be divided into five areas of
   1. Problem Recognition
   2. Evaluation and Synthesis
   3. Modelling
   4. Specification
   5. Review

A feasibility study is carried out in order to present management with alternatives, solutions
to a problem in an area of the organization the solutions are evaluated in the light of their
economic, technical and operational implications in an attempt to establish whether or not it
is worthwhile for the organization to commit for the resources to the project.
Feasibility is the test of the system. It helps in deciding whether it is viable to go through the
project or not. Feasibility study studies the system and tells the system whether to develop the
system or not. In layman’s terms it can be described as the test of the system and if the system
passes in the test then it is viable to develop the project otherwise not or we can say
feasibility study check’s whether project is profitable or not.

The feasibility study consists of the following points:-
Technical Feasibility:
GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                                  Page 37
Types of hardware and software are assessed to determine whether they can support the task
required. The Remedy Management system requires the following:-
Economical Feasibility:-
   •   The costs of different hardware/software configuration need to be examined.

   •   Manual/computer boundaries should be considered as some tasks may benefit more
       then others from computerizations.

   •   The relative costs and benefits of in-house or management consultancy development
       should be considered.

   •   Hidden costs such as user time for requirements acquisition, testing and training
       should not be omitted; the most frequently missed cost is the cost of maintaining the
       system once it is installed.

   •   Set against the costs should be a quantifiable assessment of the expected benefits, for
       example reduced labour costs, and improved customer service for predicted increase
       in orders.

   •   The proposed software. was found to be economically feasible, and would certainly
       be beneficial to implement it.

Operational Feasibility:-
   •   Organizational, political and human aspects are considered in order to ensure that the
       proposed system will be workable when implemented. The impact the proposed
       system will have on jobs should be assessed; The likely reaction of employees and
       union representatives to job and other proposed changes should be considered; The
       current software is manual so it is very difficult to manage the complete working of
       the college. The proposed system is computerized and user friendly with all validation
       checks in order to avoid wrong from the user.

With the help of the feasibility study the system is developed in MySQL, CSS, HTML,
XHTML, ASP.NET, C# and run under Windows 95/98 and later versions.

GAURAV JAIN                                     MECRC                                Page 38
  • Hardware:

       •   Intel Pentium IV MHz or above.

       •   A 512 MB RAM.

       •   A 10 GB of free Hard disk space for compact install.

       •   Microprocessor Pentium III 900 MHz Processor.

       •   104 Keys Enhanced Keyboard.

       •   2 Button Scroll Mouse.

       •   14” or more Color Monitor

  • Software:

       •   Front End :           Visual Studio .Net

       •   Back End :            SQL Server 2005

       •   Operating System : Windows 9X/ME/ XP/NT/Vista/Win7.

       •   Markup Language : HTML, XHTML.

       •   Style Sheets :           CSS

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                              DESIGNING PHASE
   4.1 FLOW          CHART:
A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. The flow chart symbols
are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction.
A typical flowchart from older to computer science textbooks may have the following kinds
of symbols:
Start and end symbols
Represented as circles, ovals or rounded rectangles, usually containing the word "Start" or
"End", or another phrase signaling the start or end of a process, such as "submit enquiry" or
"receive product".
       Showing what's called "flow of control" in computer science. An arrow coming from
       one symbol and ending at another symbol represents that control passes to the symbol
       the arrow points to.
Processing steps
       Represented as rectangles. Examples: "Add 1 to X"; "replace identified part"; "save
       changes" or similar.
       Represented as a parallelogram. Examples: Get X from the user; display X.
Conditional or decision

GAURAV JAIN                                     MECRC                              Page 40
Represented as a diamond (rhombus). These typically contain a Yes/No question or
       True/False test. This symbol is unique in that it has two arrows coming out of it,
       usually from the bottom point and right point, one corresponding to Yes or True, and
       one corresponding to No or False. The arrows should always be labeled.A decision is
       necessary in a flowchart. More than two arrows can be used, but this is normally a
       clear indicator that a complex decision is being taken, in which case it may need to be
       broken-down further, or replaced with the "pre-defined process" symbol.
A number of other symbols that have less universal currency, such as:

   •   A Document represented as a rectangle with a wavy base;
   •   A Manual input represented by parallelogram, with the top irregularly sloping up from
       left to right. An example would be to signify data-entry from a form;
   •   A Manual operation represented by a trapezoid with the longest parallel side at the
       top, to represent an operation or adjustment to process that can only be made
   •   A Data File represented by a cylinder.

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                  N              No
                  Is Valid


              User’s Home Page


                  Sign Out

GAURAV JAIN             MECRC         Page 42

                                            Fig 4.1

A Use Case Diagram is “a diagram that shows the relationships among actors and use cases
within a system.”

Use case diagrams depict:

   •   Use cases. A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of
       measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse.
   •   Actors. An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one
       or more interactions with your system. Actors are drawn as stick figures.
   •   Associations. Associations between actors and use cases are indicated in use case
       diagrams by solid lines. An association exists whenever an actor is involved with an
       interaction described by a use case. Associations are modeled as lines connecting use
       cases and actors to one another, with an optional arrowhead on one end of the line.
       The arrowhead is often used to indicating the direction of the initial invocation of the
       relationship or to indicate the primary actor within the use case. The arrowheads are
       typically confused with data flow and as a result I avoid their use.
   •   System boundary boxes (optional). You can draw a rectangle around the use cases,
       called the system boundary box, to indicates the scope of your system. Anything
       within the box represents functionality that is in scope and anything outside the box is
       not. System boundary boxes are rarely used, although on occasion I have used them
       to identify which use cases will be delivered in each major release of a system.
   •   Packages (optional). Packages are UML constructs that enable you to organize
       model elements (such as use cases) into groups. Packages are depicted as file folders

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                               Page 43
and can be used on any of the UML diagrams, including both use case diagrams and
        class diagrams. I use packages only when my diagrams become unwieldy, which
        generally implies they cannot be printed on a single page, to organize a large diagram
        into smaller ones.

                                         Log In

                                              My                                    New User
                                         Find Friend

                                        LogFriend In
                                            In Log





                                         Sign Out

Guest                    Profile

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                             Page 44
Fig 4.2


In the late 1970s data-flow diagrams (DFDs) were introduced and popularized for structured
analysis and design (Gane and Sarson 1979). DFDs show the flow of data from external
entities into the system, showed how the data moved from one process to another, as well as
its logical storage. A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data
through an information system. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of
data processing (structured design). It is common practice for a designer to draw a context-
level DFD first which shows the interaction between the system and outside entities. This
context-level DFD is then "exploded" to show more detail of the system being modeled.
There are only four symbols:

   1. Ovals representing external entities, which are sources or destinations of data.
   2. Rectangles representing processes, which take data as input, do something to it, and
       output it.
   3. Arrows representing the data flows, which can either, be electronic data or physical
   4. Open-ended rectangles representing data stores, including electronic stores such as
       databases or XML files and physical stores such as or filing cabinets or stacks of

There are several common modeling rules that are followed when creating DFDs:

GAURAV JAIN                                     MECRC                               Page 45
1. All processes must have at least one data flow in and one data flow out.
       2. All processes should modify the incoming data, producing new forms of outgoing
       3. Each data store must be involved with at least one data flow.
       4. Each external entity must be involved with at least one data flow.
       5. A data flow must be attached to at least one process.

The Level 0 DFD is also called Context Level DFD. It depicts the overview of the entire
system. The major external entities, a single process and the output stores constitute the level-
0 DFD. Though this diagram does not depict the system in detail, it represents the overall
inputs, process and output of the entire system at a very high level.

The Level -0 DFD is expanded into Level-1 DFD. It should be noted that information flow
continuity is maintained between level 0 and level 1. The process represented at DFD level 1
further refined into lower levels. This further refinement is continued until an easily
implementable program component is reached.
Data flow diagrams illustrate how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs and

                                            Fig 4.3

DFD Principles

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                                Page 46
•    The general principle in Data Flow Diagramming is that a system can be decomposed
        into subsystems, and subsystems can be decomposed into lower level subsystems, and
        so on.
   •    Each subsystem represents a process or activity in which data is processed. At the
        lowest level, processes can no longer be decomposed.
   •    Each 'process' (and from now on, by 'process' we mean subsystem and activity) in a
        DFD has the characteristics of a system.
   •    Just as a system must have input and output (if it is not dead), so a process must have
        input and output.
   •    Data enters the system from the environment; data flows between processes within the
        system; and data is produced as output from the system

                                                             Admin Details


                   User Id,                                       Personal Details
                   Password                                                      Others
       User                                                       Regisn

                       NOTE: Admin Details = Login Details + Update


                                                                 Login Details
Personal Details                                     Login

Login Details         Regisn

GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                               Page 47

                                                                               User Details

                                       Data Base


                                            Fig 4.4
   4.4     Entity Relationship Diagram:

Data models are tools used in analysis to describe the data requirements and assumptions in
         the system from a top-down perspective. They also set the stage for the design of
         databases later on in the SDLC.
There are three basic elements in ER models:

Entities are the "things" about which we seek information. It is a representation of

       almost any composite information

Attributes are the data we collect about the entities.
Relationships provide the structure needed to draw information from multiple entities.

In computer science, an entity-relationship model (ERM) is a model providing a high-level
description of a conceptual data model. Data modeling provides a graphical notation for
representing such data models in the form of entity-relationship diagrams (ERD). The first
stage of information system design uses these models to describe information needs or the
type of information that is to be stored in a database during the requirements analysis. The
data modeling technique can be used to describe any ontology (i.e. an overview and

GAURAV JAIN                                        MECRC                               Page 48
classifications of used terms and their relationships) for a certain universe of discourse (i.e.
area of interest). In the case of the design of an information system that is based on a
database, the conceptual data model is, at a later stage (usually called logical design), mapped
to a logical data model, such as the relational model; this in turn is mapped to a physical
model during physical design. Sometimes, both of these phases are referred to as "physical
design". There are a number of conventions for entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs).

            Pass            F_name

Email                                   P_details



                          Account_Profil-                   Msg
e                                                                              Friend

GAURAV JAIN                                         MECRC                               Page 49

                     Email              DOB                Img

                                            Fig 4.5

   4.5 DATABASE           DESIGN:
   Database design is a design of database and it contains information about files used in the
   system. In database design the tables constructed, fields in the tables their data types and
   in the other part it tells about the extensions of the file used in the development.

                                       Friend Invitation
                                           Table 4.1
Snap Shot:

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              Table 4.2

Snap shot:

GAURAV JAIN        MECRC   Page 51
               Table 4.3

Snap shot:

GAURAV JAIN         MECRC   Page 52
              Table 4.4
Snap shot:

GAURAV JAIN         MECRC   Page 53
                 Table 4.5


GAURAV JAIN            MECRC      Page 54
                                           Table 4.6

                                             Table 1
                                           Table 4.7

Understanding some basics about databases is crucial to using data in our pages. We don't
need to be a database expert, but there are certain things we will need to know in order to
work with data in .NET. For a start, we need to understand how data is stored. All types of
data on a computer are stored in files of some sort. Text files, for example, are simple files
and just contain plain text. Spreadsheets, on the other hand, are complex files containing not
only the entered text and numbers, but also details about the data, such as what the columns
contain, how they are formatted, and so on.
Databases also fall into the category of complex files. When using Microsoft Access, we have
an MDB file – this is a database file, but we can't tell anything about the data from the file
itself. We need a way to get to the data, either using Microsoft Access itself, or as we are
going to do, using the .NET data classes. Before we can access the data, we need to know
how it is stored internally.
All of us are familiar with the term data. In fact, unknowingly we come across data in our
day to day life everyday. The age of a person, price of potato, number of students in a school,
pin code of a city, etc. are some examples of data. In our life we have to remember so much
of data. But it is easier for us to remember all information for a few individuals. For example,
you may be in a position to tell accurately the age, height, complexion, income, educational

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                                Page 55
qualification, residential address, etc. of your close friends. But it is too difficult for you to
memorise all these information for a large number of individuals. Let us consider the example
of National Open School (NOS). Every year about one lakh students take admission in NOS.
If you are asked to memorise records of date of birth, subjects offered and postal address of
all these students, it will not be possible for you.
1. Select the Data Explorer tab, and click the Add Database Connection button – the one that's
second in from the right, and will be the only one highlighted if we haven't already got a
database connection open:
2. Select Access Database from the window that appears and press OK.
3. Enter the following into the Data File text area (use a central location for the database, so
that we can reuse it later in the book):
4. Press OK to connect to the database. This is the Northwind database, one of the sample
databases that ships with Microsoft Access.

                                      CHAPTER – 5
                        RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS


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Some of the testing objectives are:-
   1. Testing is the process of executing a program with the indent of finding errors.
   2. A good test case is one that has the high probability of finding the undiscovered
   3. A successful test is one that uncovers all the undiscovered errors.
If testing is done successfully (according to the objectives as stated above), it will uncover all
the errors in the software. As a secondary benefit, testing demonstrates that software
functions appear to be working according to specification, that behavioral and performance
requirement appear to be met. In addition, data collected as testing is conducted provide a
good indication of software reliability and some indication of software quality as a whole.
But testing cannot show the absence of errors and defects, it can show only that software
errors and defects are present. It is important to keep this statement in mind that testing is
being conducted.

For Security point of, there are two type of validation checks. One is for
server site and another is for client site.

The existential checks for the server side is very important, in which it checks whether the
entered value exist or not. After filling any transaction form the user clicks the submit button.
At that place if user is existing user then he simply feed his user id, and password. Site
automatically checks their necessary checks and display the user transaction acknowledgment
but if he is not existing user or valid user and want to enter in my site for transaction then he
never enter in site without feeding all login information about himself.

Client site validation check is very useful which restrict the user to giving the NULL value
for any field in the form. If user enters the NULL value then the validation checks gives the
message for error. The error message is displayed until filling of all option of form.

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                                  Page 63
Validation Checks during Login to System:
The snapshot below shows validation checks during Login. If the Username and password at
a login time do not match with the data in the database corresponding to the criteria then a
message will be display that “Invalid User !! Please Renter UserName And Password”.

                                 CHAPTER – 7

GAURAV JAIN                                    MECRC                              Page 64

The work described above and included in this special theme section contributes to an on-
going dialogue about the importance of social network sites, both for practitioners and
researchers. Vast, uncharted waters still remain to be explored. Methodologically, SNS(Social
Networking Websites) researchers' ability to make causal claims is limited by a lack of
experimental or longitudinal studies. Although the situation is rapidly changing, scholars still
have a limited understanding of who is and who is not using these sites, why, and for what
purposes, especially outside the U.S. Such questions will require large-scale quantitative and
qualitative research. Richer, ethnographic research on populations more difficult to access
(including non-users) would further aid scholars' ability to understand the long-term
implications of these tools. We hope that the work described here and included in this
collection will help build a foundation for future investigations of these and other important
issues surrounding social network sites.

In May 2007, Facebook launched the Facebook platform, which allowed third-party
developers to author and market applications to Facebook’s 20 million active users. One year
and 50 million additional users later, more than 20,000 Facebook applications have been
developed, with 95 percent of the user base having run at least one application. In January
2008, Facebook banned the application Secret Crush after it was reported to have led users to
install Zango adware.
Approximately nine months after Facebook launched its platform, MySpace followed suit,
and recently Google released an application program interface (API) for orkut, Google’s
social networking site.
Future social networking sites will become more important because platforms will expand
further. “Killer apps” will include mobility, presence, and location awareness, with the goal of
making our physical life more convenient through your virtual network; we’ll have a
travelling social network in our back pocket. Not only we will be able to know which of the
friends in our network is online, but we’ll also be able to know which are nearby.
 Cell tower triangulation and global positioning systems will be able to pass along our
location to whomever we allow. Location-aware services could match local businesses and
entertainment to our interests based on our profile. Business travellers could more easily
rendezvous with coworkers and clients at conferences and trade shows. The thrill of online
dating could be heightened through the creation of location-specific communities, so we

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                                Page 65
wouldn’t only meet someone online, but we could also chat with a prospective mate in the
same room.
Social sites will also be smarter, mining user information across the web. Social bookmarking
site functionality such as Digg will be married with social networks and enhanced with self-
learning technology such as Pandora or StumbleUpon and tagging functionality such as
Flickr. The result is a more constant and refined stream of relevant information, which
actually educates and informs the community in a much more efficient manner than occurs
From our iPhone, we’ll be able to get movie recommendations from those in our network.
We’ll also be able to read reviews that our friends found helpful and find show times for the
theatres in our vicinity, and then we’ll be able to check the location of our friends to
determine how quickly they can meet us.

                                   CHAPTER - 8
GAURAV JAIN                                     MECRC                              Page 66
Finally I would like to conclude that in the 6 weeks while i was working on this project we
learned many new technologies, concepts and have also learn about working in a team.
My project Social Networking Website is based and is under the ASP.Net technology.
This insulates the application from technical implementation and enhancement to support
future technologies in a transparent manner without having the major impact on the
application. This also enables the easy portability of application to other operating system and
This project followed the maintenance SDLC, which involved the steps of the
Thus we were able to understand in greater details the various software engineering
processes, and were able to apply them to our live project.
With this enduring and simulating experience we admit that the people of this website has
really enlightened me. With due regards, i want to express our heart-felt thanks to all for their
support and cooperation towards the completion of our project.

GAURAV JAIN                                       MECRC                                Page 67
A wide variety of information sources are available on the internet. It is a great pleasure for
me to write foreword for this project.
   1. Imar Spaanjaars, “Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 with Visual C# and .NET”, Wiley
       Publishing, Inc., 2008.
   2. K.K.Agarwal and Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age International
       Publishers, 3rd Edition, 2008.
   3. Henry F. Korth, “Database Management System”, 4th Edition, 2004.
   4. Java Script – referring from
   5. Student guide, “Designing and Creating a website”

GAURAV JAIN                                      MECRC                               Page 68

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47533870 final-project-report

  • 1. A MINOR PROJECT REPORT ON Social Networking Website IN Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Computer Science (2007-2011) MARWAR ENGINEERING COLLEGE AND RESEARCH CENTRE JODHPUR Submitted To: Submitted by: Lect. AARTI CHOUDHARY GAURAV JAIN CSE. IV yr. Under Supervision of Prof. J. L. Kankriya (H.O.D. C.S.E.) GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 1
  • 2. Certificate This is to certify that GAURAV JAIN student of B. Tech. IV Yr/VII Sem. from Marwar Engineering College and Research Centre, Jodhpur (Raj.) have successfully created project on ASP.NET : ”GREEN WEB”.The project was developed under my consideration and guidance. The implementation made by the students was checked time to time. Place: JODHPUR ____________________ Date: ER. AARTI CHOUDHARY Associate Professor, MECRC GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 2
  • 3. Acknowledgement I would like to express our heartiest thank to Mrs. Aarti Choudhary, senior professor, Marwar Engineering College & Research Center, Jodhpur for providing me this great opportunity. I Express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof. J. L. Kankriya, head of the department (Computer Science & Engg. ) for showing the complete confidence in me. I express my sincere gratitude towards Mr. V.K. Bhansali, Director, MECRC for providing us the excellent environment for project making. I am also thankful to my friends and classmates, who were always there to help me out, motivate me towards the fulfilment of this project. Last but not the least it is the staff of Department of Computer Application, Marwar Engineering College Research Centre, to whom I am always indebted. I AM THANKFUL TO ALL OF THEM GAURAV JAIN B.Tech IV Year(C.S.E) MECRC GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 3
  • 4. ABSTRACT Social Networking - It's the way the 21st century communicates now. Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people. Social network is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes. Social network provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of human relationships. Social Networking Website project itself is a huge project comprising various features like profile updation, friend’s list organization and various other application to enhance the overall look and feel of the website. However, in this project I am basically working on two essential feature or module ( PROFILE MANAGEMENT & FRIENDS ORGANIZATION ). PROFILE MANAGEMENT module maintain the profile of a user like name, like, dislikes, hobbies, status etc. FRIENDS ORGANIZATION module maintains the friend list, handles request and sends request to the other user. Profiles and Friends lists are two key features on social network sites. The third is a public commenting feature ('Testimonials', 'Comments', 'The Wall'). This feature allows individuals to comment on their Friends' profiles. These comments are displayed prominently and visible for anyone who has access to that profile. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 4
  • 5. CONTENTS TOPICS PAGE NO. 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................6 1.1 Objective of the Project.................................................................................7 – 9 2. THEORITICAL BACKGROUND..................................................................10 2.1 HTML...........................................................................................................10 – 14 2.2 XHTML........................................................................................................15– 18 2.3 ASP.Net.........................................................................................................19 - 35 3. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION......................................36 3.1 Overview of SRS...........................................................................................36- 37 3.2 Feasibility Study............................................................................................37 - 38 3.3 Operating Environment..................................................................................38 3.4 Hardware / Software Requirements................................................................39 4. DESIGNING PHASE.........................................................................................40 4.1 Flow Chart......................................................................................................40 - 42 4.2 Use case Diagram............................................................................................43 - 44 4.3 Data Flow Diagram.........................................................................................45 - 47 4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram...........................................................................48 - 49 4.5 Database Design..............................................................................................50 - 55 5. SNAPSHOTS OF PROJECT.............................................................................56 - 61 6. TESTING TECHNIQUES..................................................................................62 6.1 Validation Checks...........................................................................................62- 63 7. FUTURE RESEARCH......................................................................................64- 65 8. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................66 REFRENCES....................................................................................................67 GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 5
  • 6. CHAPTER - 1 INTRODUCTION In communities around the world, teenagers are joining social network sites (SNSs) like MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo. Once logged into one of these systems, participants are asked to create a profile to represent themselves digitally. Using text, images, video, audio, links, quizzes, and surveys, teens generate a profile that expresses how they see themselves. These profiles are sewn together into a large web through 'Friends' lists. Participants can mark other users as 'Friends'. If that other person agrees with the relationship assertion, a photo of each is displayed on the profile of the other. Through careful selection, participants develop a 'Friends' list. Today's teenagers are being socialised into a society complicated by shifts in the public and private. New social technologies have altered the underlying architecture of social interaction and information distribution. They are embracing this change, albeit often with the clumsy candour of an elephant in a china shop. Meanwhile, most adults are panicking. They do not understand the shifts that are taking place and, regardless, they don't like what they’re seeing. This leaves educators in a peculiar bind. More conservative educators view social technologies as a product of the devil, bound to do nothing but corrupt and destroy today's youth. Utterly confused, the vast majority of educators are playing ostrich, burying their heads in the sand and hoping that the moral panics and chaos that surround the social technologies will just disappear. Slowly, a third group of educators are emerging - those who believe that it is essential to understand and embrace the new social technologies so as to guide youth through the murky waters that they present. This path is tricky because it requires educators to let go of their pre-existing assumptions about how the world works. Furthermore, as youth are far more adept at navigating the technologies through which these changes are taking place, educators must learn from their students in order to help them work through the challenges that they face. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 6
  • 7. 1.1 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace connect millions of people worldwide through a range of features including fairly static profile information, such as job history and likes/dislikes, and more dynamic content like what people are doing and how people are feeling at various points throughout the day. This dynamic content is updated manually and represented using plain text (e.g., “Meeting new friends at the gym”). While this sort of input provides the ultimate flexibility, the requirement for manual input places a barrier between a person’s dynamic status and its representation on a users profile page. As a result, the minutiae that provide texture to our daily lives is filtered from a person’s online self, and as a result friends are less connected. Social Networking Website project itself is a huge project comprising various features like profile updation, friends list organization and various other application to enhance the overall look and feel of the website. However, in this project I am basically working on two essential feature or module ( PROFILE MANAGEMENT & FRIENDS ORGANIZATION ). PROFILE MANAGEMENT module maintain the profile of a user like name, like, dislikes, hobbies, status etc. FRIENDS ORGANIZATION module maintains the friend list, handles request and sends request to the other user. Social Networking - It's the way the 21st century communicates now. Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighbourhood subdivision. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace, universities, and high schools, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people. Social network is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 7
  • 8. entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes. Social network provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of human relationships. Fig. 1.1 GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 8
  • 9. A social network service focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet such as e-mail and instant messaging. Although online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-centered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks. Social network sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of academic and industry researchers intrigued by their affordances and reach. This special theme section of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication brings together scholarship on these emergent phenomena. In this introductory article, we describe features of SNSs and propose a comprehensive definition. We then present one perspective on the history of such sites, discussing key changes and developments. After briefly summarizing existing scholarship concerning SNSs, we discuss the articles in this special section and conclude with considerations for future research. Profiles and Friends lists are two key features on social network sites. The third is a public commenting feature ('Testimonials', 'Comments', 'The Wall'). This feature allows individuals to comment on their Friends' profiles. These comments are displayed prominently and visible for anyone who has access to that profile. These three features - profiles, Friends lists, and comments - comprise the primary structure of social network sites, although individual sites provide additional features for further engagement. While SNSs allow visitors to wander from Friend to Friend and communicate with anyone who has a visible profile, the primary use pattern is driven by pre-existing friend groups. People join the sites with their friends and use the different messaging tools to hang out, share cultural artifacts and ideas, and communicate with one another. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 9
  • 10. CHAPTER - 2 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 HTML To publish information for global distribution, one needs a universally understood language, a kind of publishing mother tongue that all computers may potentially understand. The publishing language used by the World Wide Web is HTML (from Hyper Text Markup Language). HTML gives authors the means to: • Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc. • Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button. • Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for use in searching for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc. • Include spread-sheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications directly in their documents. HTML was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN, and popularized by the Mosaic browser developed at NCSA. During the course of the 1990s it has blossomed with the explosive growth of the Web. During this time, HTML has been extended in a number of ways. The Web depends on Web page authors and vendors sharing the same conventions for HTML. This has motivated joint work on specifications for HTML. It is a platform independent language that can be used on any platform such as Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and so on. To display a document in web it is essential to mark-up the different elements (headings, paragraphs, tables, and so on) of the document with the HTML tags. To view a mark-up document, user has to open the document in a browser. A browser understands and interpret the HTML tags, identifies the structure of the document (which part are which) and makes decision about presentation (how the parts look) of the document. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 10
  • 11. GETTING STARTED : HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) documents are written in plain text (ASCII) with special markup codes embedded right in the text. This means HTML files contain nothing but printable characters and HTML markup codes. This is unlike a word file which can contain special characters for formatting functios. What distinguishes an HTML file from any other plain – text file is the presence of markup codes. Markup codes are typed into document and control the formatting and layout of our finished document. The markup codes that are typed into a document are enclosed within these angle brackets: “< >”. The angle brackets and the markup codes together constitue a tag. When we are talking about an HTML document we refer to it as a “source” document. Here is an example of the “source” of a simple HTML document: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Simple HTML document </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> This is very simple html document. </BODY> </HTML> CREATING A SIMPLE HTML DOCUMENT : The essential tags that are required to create a HTML document are: <HTML>.............</HTML> <HEAD>.............</HEAD> <BODY>.............</BODY>  HTML Tag <HTML> The <HTML> tag encloses all other HTML tags and associated text within your document. It is an optional tag. We can create an HTML document that omits these tags, and our browser can still read it and display it. But it is always a good form to include the start and stop tags. The format is: <HTML> Your Title and Document (contains text with HTML tags) goes here </HTML> GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 11
  • 12. Most HTML tags have two parts, an opening tag and closing tag. The closing tag is the same as the opening tag, except for the slash mark e.g </HTML>. The slash mark is always used in closing tags. An HTML document has two distinct parts HEAD and BODY. The Format is: <HTML> <HEAD> ............. ............. ............. </HEAD> <BODY> ............. ............. ............. </BODY> </HTML>  HEAD Tag <HEAD> HEAD tag comes after the HTML start tag. It contains TITLE tag to give the document a title that displays on the browsers title bar at the top. The Format is: <HEAD> <TITLE> Your title goes here </TITLE> </HEAD>  BODY Tag <BODY> The BODY tag contains all the text and graphics of the document with all the HTML tags that are used for control and formatting of the page. The Format is: <BODY> Your Document goes here GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 12
  • 13. </BODY> An HTML document, web page can be created using a text editor, Notepad or WordPad. All the HTML documents should have the extension .htm or .html. It require a web browser like Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator/Communicator to view the document. Example: It is my first web page Follow the steps to create and view in browser: Step-1: Open text editor Notepad Step-2: Enter the following lines of code: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> My first Page </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> WELCOME TO MY FIRST WEB PAGE </BODY> </HTML> Step-3: Save the file as myfirstpage.html Step-4: Viewing document in web browser GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 13
  • 14. Fig. 2.1 GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 14
  • 15. 2.2 XHTML • XHTML stands for Extensible Markup Language • XHTML is a markup language much like HTML • XHTML was designed to carry data, not to display data • XHTML tags are not predefined. We must define your own tags • XHTML is designed to be self-descriptive  GUIDELINES OF XHTML : a) Start and end tags are compulsory <note> <to>Tove</to> <from>Jani</from> <heading>Reminder</heading> <body> Don’t forget me this weekend! </body> </note> b) Attribute value in double tags (“.....”) <note date=”12/11/2007”> <to>Tove</to> <from>Jani</from> </note> c) XHTML Tags are Case Sensitive. The tag <Letter> is different from the tag <letter> <Message>This is incorrect</message> <message>This is correct</message> d) XHTML Elements Must be Properly Nested <b> <i> This text is bold and italic </i> </b> e) Empty elements must also be closed. Empty elements must either have an end tag, or the start tag must end with />. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 15
  • 16. This is wrong: This is a line break<br> Check out this horizontal rule:<hr> What a cool image! <img src=”filename.gif”> This is correct: This is a line break<br></br> Check out this horizontal rule:<hr /> What a cool image! <img src=”filename.gif” /> Important Compatibility Note: To make your XHTML compatible with today’s browsers, you should add an extra space before the “/” symbol like this: <br /> or this <hr /> f) Attribute names must be in lowercase. This is wrong: <table WIDTH=”100%”> <div ALIGN=”center”> This is correct: <table width=”100%”> <div align=”center”> g) Attribute minimization is forbidden. This is wrong: <input checked> <option selected> This is correct: <input checked=”checked” /> <option selected=”selected” /> h) The id attribute replaces the name attribute. HTML 4.01 defines a “name” attribute for the elements applet, frame, iframe, img, and map. In XHTML the “name” attribute is deprecated. Use “id” instead. This is wrong: <img src=”filename.gif” name=”picture1” /> <a name=”namedanchor”></a> GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 16
  • 17. This is correct: <img src=”filename.gif” id=”picture1” /> <a id=”namedanchor”></a> i) The XHTML DTD defines mandatory elements. All XHTML documents must have a DOCTYPE declaration. The html, head and body elements must be present, and the title must be present inside the head element. This is a minimum XHTML document template: <!DOCTYPE Doctype goes here> <html> <head> <title>Title goes here</title> </head> <body> Body text goes here </body> </html> Note: the DOCTYPE declaration is not a part of the XHTML document itself. It is not an XHTML element, and it should not have a closing tag. j) The <!DOCTYPE> is mandatory. The DOCTYPE declaration should always be the first line in an XHTML document. The DOCTYPE defines the document type: <!DOCTYPE html public “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “”  VERSIONS OF XHTML : 1. XHTML 1.0 Strict: Use this when we want really clean markup, free of presentational clutter. Use this together with Cascading Style Sheets. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “”> GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 17
  • 18. 2. XHTML 1.0 Transitional: Use this when we need to take advantage of HTML’s presentational features and when we want to support browsers that don’t understand Cascading Style Sheets. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “ transitional.dtd”> 3. XHTML 1.0 Frameset: Use this when we want to use HTML frames to partition the browser window into two or more frames. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN”””>  Document Type Definition (DTD)?  A DTD specifies the syntax of a web page in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language).  A DTD is used by SGML applications, such as HTML, to specify rules that apply to the markup of documents of a particular type, including a set of element and entity declarations.  XHTML is specified in an SGML document type definition.  An XHTML DTD describes in precise, computer-readable language, the allowed syntax and grammar of XHTML markup. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 18
  • 19. 2.3 ASP.NET ASP.NET is a radical update of Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP). ASP.NET is a powerful server based technology designed to create dynamic and interactive HTML pages on demand for our Web site or corporate intranet. Its design improves upon nearly every feature of classic ASP, from reducing the amount of code you need to write to giving you more power and flexibility. ASP.NET is a key element in Microsoft’s .NET Framework, providing Web-based access to the immensely powerful .NET development environment. It allows us to create Web applications in a new, flexible way by placing commonly used code into reusable controls of various kinds that can fire events initiated by the users of a site. ASP.NET branches out into many other technologies, such as Web services, ADO.NET, custom controls, and security. We will briefly touch upon its relationship with these fields throughout to provide a solid, comprehensive understanding of how ASP.NET can benefit our work in a practical way. ASP.NET 3.5 itself is a fairly light update to the complete wholesale changes that occurred in ASP.NET 3.0. By the end of we will be familiar with the anatomy of ASP.NET 3.5 and be able to create powerful, secure, and robust Web sites that can collect and work with information in a multitude of ways to the benefit of both we and our users. One of the most eye-catching things about ASP.NET is the way we can use any programming language based on the .NET Framework, such as C#, Jscript.NET, or VB.NET to create our Web applications. Within these applications, ASP.NET allows us to customize pages for a particular user and makes it simpler to keep track of a particular user’s details as they move around. ASP.NET makes storing information to a database or self-describing XML document faster and easier. We can alter the layout of the page using a free Web page editor – Web Matrix – designed to be used with ASP.NET, rather than positioning everything manually within code, and even alter the contents of files on your machine, if we have the correct permissions. • ASP: A server-side technology for creating dynamic Web pages that only lets you use scripting languages. • ASP.NET: A server-side technology for creating dynamic Web pages that lets you use any fullfledged programming language supported by .NET • C#: This book’s chosen programming language for writing code in ASP.NET GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 19
  • 20. WHAT IS A STATIC WEB PAGE? Static Web pages are often easy to spot; sometimes we can pick them out by just looking at the content of the page. The content (text, images, hyperlinks, and so on) and appearance of static Web pages is always the same – regardless of who visits the page, or how and when they arrive at the page, or any other factor. <html> <head> <title>A Welcome Message</title> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome</h1> Welcome to our humble website. Please feel free to view our <a HREF=”contents.htm”>list of contents</a>. <br> <br> </body> </html> 1. A Web Author writes a page using only HTML and saves it within an .htm file on the Web server. 2. Sometime later, a user types a page request (URL) into a browser, and the request passes from the browser to the Web server. 3. The Web server locates the .htm page and converts it to an HTML stream. 4. The Web server sends the HTML stream back across the network to the browser. 5. The browser processes the HTML and displays the page. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 20
  • 21. Fig. 2.2 WEB SERVERS: Web servers are software that manage Web pages and make them available to client browsers – via a local network or over the Internet. In the case of the Internet, the Web server and browser are usually on two different machines, possibly many miles apart. However, in a local situation we can set up a machine that runs the Web server software, and then use a browser on the same machine to look at its Web pages. It makes no difference whether we access a remote Web server (a Web server on a different machine from our browser) or a local one (Web server and browser on the same machine), since the Web server’s function – to make Web pages available to all – remains unchanged. It may be that we are the only person with access to our own machine nevertheless the principles remain the same. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 21
  • 22. DYNAMIC WEB PAGE • CLIENT SIDE DYNAMIC WEB PAGE: In the client-side model, modules (or plug-ins) attached to the browser do all the work of creating dynamic pages. The HTML code is typically sent to the browser along with a separate file containing a set of instructions, which is referenced from within the HTML page. However, it is also quite common to find these instructions intermingled with HTML code. The browser then uses them to generate pure HTML for the page when the user requests the page – in other words, the page is generated dynamically on request. This produces an HTML page, which is sent back from the plug-in to the browser. 1. A Web author writes a set of instructions for creating HTML and saves it within an .htm file. The author also writes a set of instructions in a different language. This might be contained within the .htm file or within a separate file. 2. Sometime later, a user types a page request into the browser, and the request is passed from the browser to the Web server. 3. The Web server locates the .htm page and possibly a second file that contains the instructions. 4. The Web server sends both the newly created HTML stream and instructions back across the network to the browser. 5. A module within the browser processes the instructions and returns it as HTML within the .htm page – only one page is returned, even if two were requested. 6. The HTML is then processed by the browser, which displays the page. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 22
  • 23. Fig. 2.3  SERVER SIDE DYNAMIC WEB PAGE: With the server-side model, the HTML source is sent to the Web server with an extra set of instructions (that can be intermingled or sent separately). This set of instructions is again used to generate HTML for the page at the time the user requests the page. Once again, the page is generated dynamically upon request. 1. A Web author writes a set of instructions for creating HTML and saves these instructions within a file. 2. Sometime later, a user types a page request into the browser, and the request is passed from the browser to the Web server. 3. The Web server locates the file of instructions. 4. The Web order to create a stream of HTML server follows the instructions in. 5. The Web server sends the newly created HTML stream back across the network to the browser. 6. The browser processes the HTML and displays the page. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 23
  • 24. Fig. 2.4 GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 24
  • 25. ASP.NET SERVER CONTROLS ASP.NET server controls are also called Web Controls. ASP.NET Web Control Similar HTML Form Tag Purpose <asp:Label> <Span>, <Div>, simple text Display text Offer the user a list of items <asp:ListBox> <Select> from which to select. Offer the user a list of items <asp:DropDownList> <Select> from which to select in acompact format <asp:TextBox> <Input Type=”Text”> Accept typed input from user <asp:RadioButton> and Allow user to make one <Input Type=”Radio”> selection from a list of <asp:RadioButtonList> options. <asp:CheckBox> and Allow user to turn a feature <Input Type=”CheckBox”> on or off <asp:CheckBoxList> Send the user’s input to the <asp:Button> <Input Type=”submit”> server Table 2.1  <asp:Label> Let's start with a small but very useful control, the <asp:Label> control. This control provides an effective way of displaying text on our Web page in ASP.NET, similar to the HTML <span> tag. By having a control for text, we can manipulate its contents and visibility from our ASP.NET code. <asp:Label> Attributes: i. Text: Sets the text that you want the label to display GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 25
  • 26. ii. Visible: Sets the visibility of the label on the page (true or false) iii. BackColor: Sets the background color of the label iv. ForeColor: Sets the foreground color of the label v. Height: Sets the height in pixels of the label vi. Width: Sets the width of the label <asp:Label> Examples: <html> <head> <title>ASP.NET Controls Demo</title> </head> <body> Demo of the asp:Label control<br /> <form id="frmDemo" runat="server"> <asp:Label id="lblGreeting1" runat="server">Text of asp:Label</asp:Label> </form> </body> </html>  <asp:DropDownList> The three important differences between the ASP.NET control and the HTML form control are: ❑ The <asp:DropDownList> tag directly replaces the <select> tag ❑ The <asp:ListItem> tag replaces the <option> tag ❑ The id attribute replaces the name attribute <asp:DropDownList id="lstCities" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem>Madrid</asp:ListItem > <asp:ListItem >Oslo</asp:ListItem > <asp:ListItem >Lisbon</asp:ListItem > </asp:DropDownList >  <asp:ListBox> GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 26
  • 27. The <asp:ListBox> server control resembles the dropdown list control, except that it doesn't drop down and is capable of multiple selections. The <asp:ListBox> has the following syntax: <asp:ListBox id="list1" runat="server" selection mode = "multiple"> <asp:ListItem>Madrid</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>Oslo</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>Lisbon</asp:ListItem> </asp:ListBox>  <asp:TextBox> This control is ASP.NET's version of the HTML <textbox> and <textarea> controls. In fact, textareas are simply textboxes that feature multiple lines, thus allowing us to input larger quantities of text. The TextBox control also provides the functionality of an HTML form password control. To enable these variations the <asp:TextBox> control needs some extra attributes: ❑ textmode: Specifies whether we want the control to have one line (not set), many lines (set to multiline), or have a single line of masked content (set to password) ❑ rows: Specifies the number of rows we want the textbox to have and will only work if textmode is set to multiple ❑ columns: Specifies the number of columns we want the textbox to have and will only work if textmode is set to multiple <asp:TextBox id="text1" runat="server">Default text here...</asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox id="text1" runat="server" text="Default text here..."/>  <asp:RadioButtonList> and <asp:RadioButton> The <asp:RadioButtonList> control works in the same way as its HTML forms equivalent or the Windows interface. Choice of one button excludes the selection of another button within the group. Note that the identifier for the whole group is set only once in the id attribute of the <asp:RadioButtonList> control: <asp:RadioButtonList id="radSample" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem id="option1" runat="server" value="Option A" /> <asp:ListItem id="option2" runat="server" value="Option B" /> <asp:ListItem id="option3" runat="server" value="Option C" /> GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 27
  • 28. </asp:RadioButtonList>  <asp:CheckBox> and <asp:CheckBoxList> Checkboxes are similar to radio buttons in that they present multiple choices from a group of buttons. However, <asp:CheckBox> is for a single option (say, for the answer to, "Do we want to pay $5 more for quick shipping?") whereas with the <asp:CheckBoxList> control, a user can select more than one option (for the answer to, "Which free catalogs can we send: Sports, Clothing, or Shoes?"). Most of the same principles that we followed in the <asp:RadioButtonList> example apply to checkboxes. The main difference is the syntax – radio buttons use <options> whereas checkboxes use <ListItems>. A solo <asp:CheckBox> has a single ID: <asp:CheckBox id="chkQuickShipping" runat="server" /> An array of checkboxes can be contained inside an <asp:CheckBoxList> control. You need to set an id attribute for the <asp:CheckBoxList> control itself, and create a <asp:ListItem> control for each option inside the control as shown here: <asp:CheckBoxList id="chkCatalogs" runat="server"> <asp:ListItem id="itmSports" runat="server" value="Sports" /> <asp:ListItem id="itmClothes" runat="server" value="Clothes" /> <asp:ListItem id="itmShoes" runat="server" value="Shoes" /> </asp:CheckBoxList> STATE MANAGEMENT State management is used to maintain the information on the pages of the website. There are four different mechanisms for remembering information: ❑ Cookies: Identifying previous visitors to a site by storing data on the client machine ❑ Sessions: Remembering information for the duration that a user browses a site ❑ Applications: Remembering information that exists for as long as the application runs ❑ Caching: Storing data for as long as is necessary to improve performance • COOKIES: Cookies are used throughout the Web to store small pieces of information on the client machine. They are small text files that usually store persistent data, which is useful whenever we revisit a site. This can be data such as user preferences and login tokens, whether a user has voted in an online poll, details of the last time we browsed a site, and so on. In short, GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 28
  • 29. cookies contain that allows a Web server to identify users based on their visiting history. Cookies are designed so that only the site that created them can read them. If we look at the <drive>Documents and Settings<UserName>Cookies folder on our hard drive, we'll notice that many cookies reside on our system. Fig. 2.5  How Do Cookies Work? Cookies are linked to the request-response mechanism of HTTP and are passed back and forth along with other data between the client and the server. Let’s look at what happens where a site uses cookies to remember whether a user wants a certain popup when they visit a site. In Figure 1, Stage 1 is about a user visiting a page on the site. Stage 2 is when the contents of that site are sent to the browser. These contents happen to include a popup. At Stage 3, anyone browsing the site could check a box on a form that states, “Do not show the advert popup again.” When they click a button to submit their request, they send data back to GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 29
  • 30. the server. Finally, the server sends a small cookie to the client machine. Figure 2 represents what happens when the user requests the page again.: Fig 2.6  When to Use Cookies Cookies are great for storing small pieces of identification data but not complete authentication details. They can be configured to expire after any length of time, but most cookies on our system are likely to last a long time. After we log on to for the first time, we will be presented with a personalized front page on every subsequent trip to the site. Because cookies are stored on the client, it takes the burden off the server. Cookies, however, can be blocked at the client end, so we can't rely on our users being able to (or even choosing to) use them. Also, cookies should never be used to store sensitive information, since cookies can be tampered with – all we have to do is open a cookie, change GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 30
  • 31. its contents, and save it again, and the Web site that created the cookie may not be able to use that cookie any more. • SESSIONS: A session can be thought of as the total amount of time we spend browsing a site. For example, in an online store, we first visit the site, log on, buy some stuff, and then leave. A user session pertains to the interactions that occur when a single user browses a site. Information in a session is accessible only for as long as the session is active. We could, for example, store the name of the currently logged-in user in the Session object specific to that user, and any of the pages in the site could then take this value and display it. Sessions are useful for features such as shopping baskets or any application that stores information on whether or not a user is logged in. They are tied in to a specific instance of a browser, so another instance of the browser on the same machine would not be able to access the same data. It's a bit tricky to evaluate when a session ends, since when a browser closes, this information is not usually sent to the server So, we can specify a timeout value for sessions. The default value is usually 20 minutes.  How Do Sessions Work? When a session starts, we can store data that will exist during that session. This could be simple text information about a user or an object such as an XML file. A 120-bit session identifier identifies each session. This session identifier is passed between ASP.NET and the client either by using cookies or by placing the identifier in the URL of the page (a technique that can be used for clients that have cookies turned off). Let's look at a session identifier – the following is an example of embedding a session identifier in the URL of a page: The extra data in the URL is only the session identifier – the actual data stored in the session is stored on the server. As a session can hold a variety of objects ( a string, an ArrayList, even a DataSet object), only the identifier is passed between the client and the server. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 31
  • 32. Fig 2.7 The Session object has quite a few methods that you can use: ❑ Session.Add: Adds a new item to the Session object ❑ Session.Remove: Removes a named item from the session ❑ Session.Clear: Clears all values from the session but leaves the session active ❑ Session.Abandon: Ends the current session Perhaps the simplest way to add data to a session is to use the following syntax: Session["ItemName"] = Contents Examples : Session["Name"] = "Chris" Session["Email"] = txtEmailAddress.Text Session["ShoppingBasket"] = HashtableOfBasketItems  When to Use Sessions GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 32
  • 33. Sessions are used to maintain information about users across a series of pages in a site. The Session object can store any object we choose and therefore, is a very flexible way to remember information. If we need to remember any information relating to a user session, the Session object is the right choice for us. We can also react to session-wide events, which gives us even more flexibility. However, extreme flexibility comes with a price – we must take care not to store too much information in the Session object, because we'll quickly find it can be a drain on server resources. Store only essential data in a session. • APPLICATIONS: One step up from the session is the application. From the time an ASP.NET application is first loaded, to when the application is restarted, which could be due to a configuration change or the restarting of the Web server, we can store information related to that application in the Application object. When the application is restarted, any information stored in the Application object will be lost, so we need to decide carefully what to store in the application state. It's best to only store small amounts of data in the application state to minimize memory usage on the server. Small bits of data that change frequently but don't need to be saved when the application is restarted are best kept in the Session object.  How Do Applications Work? Applications are a bit simpler than sessions, since they run entirely on the server. When the application is running, we can use the same method of storing data in an application object as used with sessions All us need to do is enter an identifier and a value that can be of any type, even a dataset.  When to Use Applications Applications are very powerful and flexible, just like sessions. We can store any object in application state. Also, we can react to events raised (such as the Start and End of the application, as well as a global Error event) and add custom event handler code so that we can store information globally, and have it accessible by any code in the application. The two main disadvantages of applications are that they too can drain our server's resources and since they don't exist after the application ends, they shouldn't be used to store anything we need to keep. • CACHING: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 33
  • 34. In addition to Application state, ASP.NET provides another way to share objects across an application – the Cache object. Any object, from XML data to a simple variable can be stored in the Cache object. However, the Cache object also has some additional features, notably the ability to store data about dependencies. So, what are dependencies? Well, imagine we wanted to store the contents of a Hashtable in the cache. For example, this Hashtable could hold a set of dates corresponding to the dates when a soccer team is playing a match. We could save this to the cache with a dependency set to the value of a global variable; this could be a DateTime field representing when the list of dates was last updated. If the contents of that variable change (if a new match is scheduled), the cached hashtable would immediately expire and need to be regenerated to display the new date. ASP.NET allows us to have dependencies between items placed in the cache and files in the file system. If a file targeted by a dependency changes, ASP.NET automatically removes dependent items from the cache. This allows for the development of fast applications where developers do not have to worry about stale data remaining in the cache. To add an object to the cache, all us need to do in the simplest case is: Cache["MyCachedThing"] = ThingToBeCached; An example of this would be: Cache["TeamNickname"] = txtNickname.Text;  When to Use Caching GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 34
  • 35. Caching is often considered more of a performance-enhancement tool than a way to store application data. When we find ourself spending many precious server resources accessing the same data repeatedly, use caching instead! Caching data can bring huge performance benefits, so whenever we find that we need to frequently access data that doesn't often change, cache it in the Cache object and our application's performance will improve. The trick with caching is to use the highest possible value that won't negatively impact the required behavior of the page. Taking the example we looked at earlier to both extremes (caching match dates), specifying that the cache never expires (or has a very long duration) would mean that newly added dates would not be visible to visitors to the site unless the application was restarted. On the other hand, using a very small length of time before the cache expires would mean that the performance improvements gained by using caching are reduced, since the code has to keep going back to the database to get new data. CHAPTER - 3 GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 35
  • 36. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION 3.1 OVERVIEW OF SRS A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a complete description of the behavior of the system to be developed. It includes a set of use cases that describe all the interactions the users will have with the software. Use cases are also known as functional requirements. In addition to use cases, the SRS also contains non-functional (or supplementary) requirements. Non-functional requirements are requirements which impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance engineering requirements, quality standards, or design constraints).  General Outline of a SRS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Product Overview 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Scope 1.4 Reference 1.5 Definition And Abbreviation 2 OVERALL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Product Functions 2.3 User Characteristics 2.4 General Constraints 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 3.1 External Interface Requirements 3.1.1 User Interfaces 3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces 3.1.3 Software Interfaces 3.1.4 Communications Protocols 3.1.5 Memory Constraints 3.1.6 Operation 3.1.7 Product function GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 36
  • 37. 3.1.8 Assumption and Dependency 3.2 Software Product Features 3.3 Software System Attributes 3.3.1 Reliability 3.3.2 Availability 3.3.3 Security 3.3.4 Maintainability 3.3.5 Portability 3.3.6 Performance 3.4 Database Requirements 3.5 Other Requirements 4 ADDITIONAL MATERIALS  Software requirements analysis may be divided into five areas of effort: 1. Problem Recognition 2. Evaluation and Synthesis 3. Modelling 4. Specification 5. Review 3.2 FEASIBILITY STUDY A feasibility study is carried out in order to present management with alternatives, solutions to a problem in an area of the organization the solutions are evaluated in the light of their economic, technical and operational implications in an attempt to establish whether or not it is worthwhile for the organization to commit for the resources to the project. Feasibility is the test of the system. It helps in deciding whether it is viable to go through the project or not. Feasibility study studies the system and tells the system whether to develop the system or not. In layman’s terms it can be described as the test of the system and if the system passes in the test then it is viable to develop the project otherwise not or we can say feasibility study check’s whether project is profitable or not. The feasibility study consists of the following points:- Technical Feasibility: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 37
  • 38. Types of hardware and software are assessed to determine whether they can support the task required. The Remedy Management system requires the following:- Economical Feasibility:- • The costs of different hardware/software configuration need to be examined. • Manual/computer boundaries should be considered as some tasks may benefit more then others from computerizations. • The relative costs and benefits of in-house or management consultancy development should be considered. • Hidden costs such as user time for requirements acquisition, testing and training should not be omitted; the most frequently missed cost is the cost of maintaining the system once it is installed. • Set against the costs should be a quantifiable assessment of the expected benefits, for example reduced labour costs, and improved customer service for predicted increase in orders. • The proposed software. was found to be economically feasible, and would certainly be beneficial to implement it. Operational Feasibility:- • Organizational, political and human aspects are considered in order to ensure that the proposed system will be workable when implemented. The impact the proposed system will have on jobs should be assessed; The likely reaction of employees and union representatives to job and other proposed changes should be considered; The current software is manual so it is very difficult to manage the complete working of the college. The proposed system is computerized and user friendly with all validation checks in order to avoid wrong from the user. 3.3 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT With the help of the feasibility study the system is developed in MySQL, CSS, HTML, XHTML, ASP.NET, C# and run under Windows 95/98 and later versions. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 38
  • 39. 3.4 HARDWARE / SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS • Hardware: • Intel Pentium IV MHz or above. • A 512 MB RAM. • A 10 GB of free Hard disk space for compact install. • Microprocessor Pentium III 900 MHz Processor. • 104 Keys Enhanced Keyboard. • 2 Button Scroll Mouse. • 14” or more Color Monitor • Software: • Front End : Visual Studio .Net • Back End : SQL Server 2005 • Operating System : Windows 9X/ME/ XP/NT/Vista/Win7. • Markup Language : HTML, XHTML. • Style Sheets : CSS GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 39
  • 40. CHAPTER – 4 DESIGNING PHASE HOW THIS PROJECT WORKS? 4.1 FLOW CHART: A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. The flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction. A typical flowchart from older to computer science textbooks may have the following kinds of symbols: Start and end symbols Represented as circles, ovals or rounded rectangles, usually containing the word "Start" or "End", or another phrase signaling the start or end of a process, such as "submit enquiry" or "receive product". Arrows Showing what's called "flow of control" in computer science. An arrow coming from one symbol and ending at another symbol represents that control passes to the symbol the arrow points to. Processing steps Represented as rectangles. Examples: "Add 1 to X"; "replace identified part"; "save changes" or similar. Input/Output Represented as a parallelogram. Examples: Get X from the user; display X. Conditional or decision GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 40
  • 41. Represented as a diamond (rhombus). These typically contain a Yes/No question or True/False test. This symbol is unique in that it has two arrows coming out of it, usually from the bottom point and right point, one corresponding to Yes or True, and one corresponding to No or False. The arrows should always be labeled.A decision is necessary in a flowchart. More than two arrows can be used, but this is normally a clear indicator that a complex decision is being taken, in which case it may need to be broken-down further, or replaced with the "pre-defined process" symbol. A number of other symbols that have less universal currency, such as: • A Document represented as a rectangle with a wavy base; • A Manual input represented by parallelogram, with the top irregularly sloping up from left to right. An example would be to signify data-entry from a form; • A Manual operation represented by a trapezoid with the longest parallel side at the top, to represent an operation or adjustment to process that can only be made manually. • A Data File represented by a cylinder. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 41
  • 42. Start SSTART Login N No Is Valid User Yes U User’s Home Page Applications Sign Out GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 42
  • 43. End Fig 4.1 4.2 USE CASE DIAGRAM: A Use Case Diagram is “a diagram that shows the relationships among actors and use cases within a system.” Use case diagrams depict: • Use cases. A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse. • Actors. An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one or more interactions with your system. Actors are drawn as stick figures. • Associations. Associations between actors and use cases are indicated in use case diagrams by solid lines. An association exists whenever an actor is involved with an interaction described by a use case. Associations are modeled as lines connecting use cases and actors to one another, with an optional arrowhead on one end of the line. The arrowhead is often used to indicating the direction of the initial invocation of the relationship or to indicate the primary actor within the use case. The arrowheads are typically confused with data flow and as a result I avoid their use. • System boundary boxes (optional). You can draw a rectangle around the use cases, called the system boundary box, to indicates the scope of your system. Anything within the box represents functionality that is in scope and anything outside the box is not. System boundary boxes are rarely used, although on occasion I have used them to identify which use cases will be delivered in each major release of a system. • Packages (optional). Packages are UML constructs that enable you to organize model elements (such as use cases) into groups. Packages are depicted as file folders GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 43
  • 44. and can be used on any of the UML diagrams, including both use case diagrams and class diagrams. I use packages only when my diagrams become unwieldy, which generally implies they cannot be printed on a single page, to organize a large diagram into smaller ones. Log In Registe r User My New User Friends Find Friend LogFriend In In Log Request Compose Message Inbox Groups Pictures Sign Out Browse Guest Profile Contact Users GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 44
  • 45. Fig 4.2 4.3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM (DFD): In the late 1970s data-flow diagrams (DFDs) were introduced and popularized for structured analysis and design (Gane and Sarson 1979). DFDs show the flow of data from external entities into the system, showed how the data moved from one process to another, as well as its logical storage. A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). It is common practice for a designer to draw a context- level DFD first which shows the interaction between the system and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then "exploded" to show more detail of the system being modeled. There are only four symbols: 1. Ovals representing external entities, which are sources or destinations of data. 2. Rectangles representing processes, which take data as input, do something to it, and output it. 3. Arrows representing the data flows, which can either, be electronic data or physical items. 4. Open-ended rectangles representing data stores, including electronic stores such as databases or XML files and physical stores such as or filing cabinets or stacks of paper. There are several common modeling rules that are followed when creating DFDs: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 45
  • 46. 1. All processes must have at least one data flow in and one data flow out. 2. All processes should modify the incoming data, producing new forms of outgoing data. 3. Each data store must be involved with at least one data flow. 4. Each external entity must be involved with at least one data flow. 5. A data flow must be attached to at least one process. The Level 0 DFD is also called Context Level DFD. It depicts the overview of the entire system. The major external entities, a single process and the output stores constitute the level- 0 DFD. Though this diagram does not depict the system in detail, it represents the overall inputs, process and output of the entire system at a very high level. The Level -0 DFD is expanded into Level-1 DFD. It should be noted that information flow continuity is maintained between level 0 and level 1. The process represented at DFD level 1 further refined into lower levels. This further refinement is continued until an easily implementable program component is reached. Data flow diagrams illustrate how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs and outputs. Fig 4.3 DFD Principles GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 46
  • 47. The general principle in Data Flow Diagramming is that a system can be decomposed into subsystems, and subsystems can be decomposed into lower level subsystems, and so on. • Each subsystem represents a process or activity in which data is processed. At the lowest level, processes can no longer be decomposed. • Each 'process' (and from now on, by 'process' we mean subsystem and activity) in a DFD has the characteristics of a system. • Just as a system must have input and output (if it is not dead), so a process must have input and output. • Data enters the system from the environment; data flows between processes within the system; and data is produced as output from the system LEVEL 0 Adminsn Admin Details GREEN WEB User Id, Personal Details Password Others User Regisn Details NOTE: Admin Details = Login Details + Update LEVEL 1 Login Details Personal Details Login Login Details Regisn Verify GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 47
  • 48. Register User Details Updat e Data Base Information Fig 4.4 4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram: Data models are tools used in analysis to describe the data requirements and assumptions in the system from a top-down perspective. They also set the stage for the design of databases later on in the SDLC. There are three basic elements in ER models: Entities are the "things" about which we seek information. It is a representation of almost any composite information Attributes are the data we collect about the entities. Relationships provide the structure needed to draw information from multiple entities. In computer science, an entity-relationship model (ERM) is a model providing a high-level description of a conceptual data model. Data modeling provides a graphical notation for representing such data models in the form of entity-relationship diagrams (ERD). The first stage of information system design uses these models to describe information needs or the type of information that is to be stored in a database during the requirements analysis. The data modeling technique can be used to describe any ontology (i.e. an overview and GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 48
  • 49. classifications of used terms and their relationships) for a certain universe of discourse (i.e. area of interest). In the case of the design of an information system that is based on a database, the conceptual data model is, at a later stage (usually called logical design), mapped to a logical data model, such as the relational model; this in turn is mapped to a physical model during physical design. Sometimes, both of these phases are referred to as "physical design". There are a number of conventions for entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs). Pass F_name Email P_details Subscrib es User Send_Re c-eive Creat es Account_Profil- Msg es U_nam e Friend Img GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 49
  • 50. Pass Email DOB Img Mail F_request Scrap Fig 4.5 4.5 DATABASE DESIGN: Database design is a design of database and it contains information about files used in the system. In database design the tables constructed, fields in the tables their data types and in the other part it tells about the extensions of the file used in the development. Friend Invitation Invitation_id acc_id Date Friend_id Table 4.1 Snap Shot: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 50
  • 51. Friends acc_id friend_id creat_date id Table 4.2 Snap shot: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 51
  • 52. Groupmember id groupid acc_id creatdate Table 4.3 Snap shot: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 52
  • 53. Groups groupid name createdata acc_id description body Logo_url Table 4.4 Snap shot: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 53
  • 54. Messages message_id sentbyid subject body creatdate messagereceivedid messagestatus Table 4.5 Pictures Id acc_id GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 54
  • 55. url Createdata Table 4.6 Table 1 id name address city country phone dob email img username Table 4.7 UNDERSTANDING DATABASES Understanding some basics about databases is crucial to using data in our pages. We don't need to be a database expert, but there are certain things we will need to know in order to work with data in .NET. For a start, we need to understand how data is stored. All types of data on a computer are stored in files of some sort. Text files, for example, are simple files and just contain plain text. Spreadsheets, on the other hand, are complex files containing not only the entered text and numbers, but also details about the data, such as what the columns contain, how they are formatted, and so on. Databases also fall into the category of complex files. When using Microsoft Access, we have an MDB file – this is a database file, but we can't tell anything about the data from the file itself. We need a way to get to the data, either using Microsoft Access itself, or as we are going to do, using the .NET data classes. Before we can access the data, we need to know how it is stored internally. All of us are familiar with the term data. In fact, unknowingly we come across data in our day to day life everyday. The age of a person, price of potato, number of students in a school, pin code of a city, etc. are some examples of data. In our life we have to remember so much of data. But it is easier for us to remember all information for a few individuals. For example, you may be in a position to tell accurately the age, height, complexion, income, educational GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 55
  • 56. qualification, residential address, etc. of your close friends. But it is too difficult for you to memorise all these information for a large number of individuals. Let us consider the example of National Open School (NOS). Every year about one lakh students take admission in NOS. If you are asked to memorise records of date of birth, subjects offered and postal address of all these students, it will not be possible for you. CONNECTING TO DATABASE 1. Select the Data Explorer tab, and click the Add Database Connection button – the one that's second in from the right, and will be the only one highlighted if we haven't already got a database connection open: 2. Select Access Database from the window that appears and press OK. 3. Enter the following into the Data File text area (use a central location for the database, so that we can reuse it later in the book): C:BegASPNET11dataNorthwind.mdb 4. Press OK to connect to the database. This is the Northwind database, one of the sample databases that ships with Microsoft Access. CHAPTER – 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS GUEST HOME PAGE GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 56
  • 63. CHAPTER - 6 TESTING Some of the testing objectives are:- 1. Testing is the process of executing a program with the indent of finding errors. 2. A good test case is one that has the high probability of finding the undiscovered errors. 3. A successful test is one that uncovers all the undiscovered errors. If testing is done successfully (according to the objectives as stated above), it will uncover all the errors in the software. As a secondary benefit, testing demonstrates that software functions appear to be working according to specification, that behavioral and performance requirement appear to be met. In addition, data collected as testing is conducted provide a good indication of software reliability and some indication of software quality as a whole. But testing cannot show the absence of errors and defects, it can show only that software errors and defects are present. It is important to keep this statement in mind that testing is being conducted. 6.1 VALIDATION CHECK For Security point of, there are two type of validation checks. One is for server site and another is for client site. 1. SERVER SITE VALIDATION CHECK The existential checks for the server side is very important, in which it checks whether the entered value exist or not. After filling any transaction form the user clicks the submit button. At that place if user is existing user then he simply feed his user id, and password. Site automatically checks their necessary checks and display the user transaction acknowledgment but if he is not existing user or valid user and want to enter in my site for transaction then he never enter in site without feeding all login information about himself. 2. CLIENT SITE VALIDATION CHECK Client site validation check is very useful which restrict the user to giving the NULL value for any field in the form. If user enters the NULL value then the validation checks gives the message for error. The error message is displayed until filling of all option of form. GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 63
  • 64. Validation Checks during Login to System: The snapshot below shows validation checks during Login. If the Username and password at a login time do not match with the data in the database corresponding to the criteria then a message will be display that “Invalid User !! Please Renter UserName And Password”. CHAPTER – 7 GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 64
  • 65. FUTURE SCOPE The work described above and included in this special theme section contributes to an on- going dialogue about the importance of social network sites, both for practitioners and researchers. Vast, uncharted waters still remain to be explored. Methodologically, SNS(Social Networking Websites) researchers' ability to make causal claims is limited by a lack of experimental or longitudinal studies. Although the situation is rapidly changing, scholars still have a limited understanding of who is and who is not using these sites, why, and for what purposes, especially outside the U.S. Such questions will require large-scale quantitative and qualitative research. Richer, ethnographic research on populations more difficult to access (including non-users) would further aid scholars' ability to understand the long-term implications of these tools. We hope that the work described here and included in this collection will help build a foundation for future investigations of these and other important issues surrounding social network sites. In May 2007, Facebook launched the Facebook platform, which allowed third-party developers to author and market applications to Facebook’s 20 million active users. One year and 50 million additional users later, more than 20,000 Facebook applications have been developed, with 95 percent of the user base having run at least one application. In January 2008, Facebook banned the application Secret Crush after it was reported to have led users to install Zango adware. Approximately nine months after Facebook launched its platform, MySpace followed suit, and recently Google released an application program interface (API) for orkut, Google’s social networking site. Future social networking sites will become more important because platforms will expand further. “Killer apps” will include mobility, presence, and location awareness, with the goal of making our physical life more convenient through your virtual network; we’ll have a travelling social network in our back pocket. Not only we will be able to know which of the friends in our network is online, but we’ll also be able to know which are nearby. Cell tower triangulation and global positioning systems will be able to pass along our location to whomever we allow. Location-aware services could match local businesses and entertainment to our interests based on our profile. Business travellers could more easily rendezvous with coworkers and clients at conferences and trade shows. The thrill of online dating could be heightened through the creation of location-specific communities, so we GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 65
  • 66. wouldn’t only meet someone online, but we could also chat with a prospective mate in the same room. Social sites will also be smarter, mining user information across the web. Social bookmarking site functionality such as Digg will be married with social networks and enhanced with self- learning technology such as Pandora or StumbleUpon and tagging functionality such as Flickr. The result is a more constant and refined stream of relevant information, which actually educates and informs the community in a much more efficient manner than occurs today. From our iPhone, we’ll be able to get movie recommendations from those in our network. We’ll also be able to read reviews that our friends found helpful and find show times for the theatres in our vicinity, and then we’ll be able to check the location of our friends to determine how quickly they can meet us. CHAPTER - 8 GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 66
  • 67. CONCLUSION Finally I would like to conclude that in the 6 weeks while i was working on this project we learned many new technologies, concepts and have also learn about working in a team. My project Social Networking Website is based and is under the ASP.Net technology. This insulates the application from technical implementation and enhancement to support future technologies in a transparent manner without having the major impact on the application. This also enables the easy portability of application to other operating system and databases. This project followed the maintenance SDLC, which involved the steps of the  REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS  DESIGN  CODING  TESTING  IMPLEMENTATION  MAINTENANCE Thus we were able to understand in greater details the various software engineering processes, and were able to apply them to our live project. With this enduring and simulating experience we admit that the people of this website has really enlightened me. With due regards, i want to express our heart-felt thanks to all for their support and cooperation towards the completion of our project. REFERENCES: GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 67
  • 68. A wide variety of information sources are available on the internet. It is a great pleasure for me to write foreword for this project. 1. Imar Spaanjaars, “Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 with Visual C# and .NET”, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2008. 2. K.K.Agarwal and Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age International Publishers, 3rd Edition, 2008. 3. Henry F. Korth, “Database Management System”, 4th Edition, 2004. 4. Java Script – referring from 5. Student guide, “Designing and Creating a website” GAURAV JAIN MECRC Page 68