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NTFS Analysis with PowerShell
Jared Atkinson
Veris Group’s Adaptive Threat Division
○Jared Atkinson
□Hunt Capability Lead for Adaptive Threat Division
○ Leads the service line responsible for proactive
detection and response to advanced threats in Fortune
100 commercial environments
□Adjunct Lecturer at Utica College
□Developer of PowerForensics, Uproot IDS, and
□Researcher of forensic artifact file formats
○ Makes really cool posters :-)
○ U.S. Air Force Hunt (2011 - 2015)
○ GCFA, GREM, and more
Intro to PowerShell
“Microsoft’s [Digital Forensic] platform”
-obscuresec with some liberties…
What is PowerShell
○Task-based command-line shell and
scripting language
○Built on the .NET Framework
□Cmdlets for performing common system
administration tasks
□Consistent design
□Powerful object manipulation capabilities
□Extensible interface
○ Independent software vendors and enterprise
developers can build custom tools and utilities to
administer their software.
□Full access to the Windows API
Old Dog, New Tricks
Detection Investigation
○Centralized forensic toolset
○Forensically sound
□Parse raw disk structures
□Don’t alter NTFS timestamps
○Can execute on a live host
○Operationally fast
□Collect forensic data in seconds or minutes
○Modular capabilities
□Cmdlets perform discrete tasks and can be tied
together for more complicated tasks
○Capable of working remotely
□At the proof of concept stage
Forensically Sound?
“A forensically sound duplicate is obtained in a manner that does
not materially alter the source evidence, except to the minimum
extent necessary to obtain the evidence. The manner used to
obtain the evidence must be documented, and should be
justified to the extent applicable.” - Richard Bejtlich and Harlan
Forensics Toolbox
Extensibility for the win!
○ PowerShell v3 gives us Unblock-File
Unblock-File -Path "$"
○Can also “Unblock” via the
file’s properties dialog
□Best to Unblock the zip before
○Unblocking will remove the
Zone.Identifier Alternate
Data Stream
○ PSModulePath
○ Naming Convention
More details:
Import-Module -Name PowerForensics
Get-Command -Module PowerForensics
PowerForensics Install Demo
○One Cmdlet to rule them all
□Underlying API is basis for all of PowerForensics
○Allows raw access to Physical Drive or Logical Volume
□Uses Platform Invoke to call CreateFile Windows API
□Opens a file handle to .PHYSICALDRIVEX or Logical
□Reads from file handle via FileStream object
□Warning: Must read in Sector increments (BlockSize
must be a multiple of 512)
Invoke-DD –InFile $InFile –Offset 0 –BlockSize 512 –Count 1
Invoke-DD Demo
Boot Sectors
Where the action begins…
Master Boot Record
○1st Sector of the Disk
□Also referred to as the Boot Sector
○Boot Code
□Locate Partition Table
□Find 1st “Bootable” partition
□Determine partition Logical Cluster Number
□Pass execution to first sector of partition (Volume
Boot Record)
○Partition Table
□Space for 4 partitions by default
□“Extended Partitions” allow for additional partitions
above 4
○Cmdlet to parse the MBR and return MasterBootRecord objects
○Use WMI to list available Devices:
$Devices = Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_DiskDrive
○Run Get-MBR against one of the returned drives:
Get-MBR –Path $Devices[0].DeviceID
Boot Kits
○Attackers can alter MBR Boot Code
□ Code runs in Ring 0 (before the OS Loads)
□Proof of concept written by Matt Graeber
□Allows a user with administrator privilege to
overwrite the Master Boot Record with arbitrary
○Get-MBR takes known Boot Code into
account and detects any changes
MBR Bootkit Demo
MBR Boot Code
(Pre Infection)
MBR Boot Code
(Post Infection)
MBR Boot Code
(Post Infection)
GUID Partition Table
○Replacement Boot Sector format for MBR
□UEFI compliant devices must support GPT
□Maintains a Protective MBR, in the disk’s 1st Sector,
for compatibility
○Alternative to Legacy Master Boot Record
□Maintains a Protective MBR, in the disk’s 1st Sector,
for compatibility
□Allows for increased partition sizes (2 TiB -> 8 ZiB)
□Supports many primary partitions (MBR supports 4)
□Creates Primary and Backup partition table for
○Cmdlet to parse the GPT and return GuidPartitionTable objects
○Use WMI to list available Devices:
Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_DiskDrive
○Run Get-GPT against one of the returned drives:
○Warning: Get-GPT will error if device is MBR formatted
○If Get-MBR is run against a GPT formatted device, then Get-
MBR will return the information about the Protective MBR
○Format agnostic Cmdlet to parse Boot Sectors (MBR or GPT)
○Use WMI to list available Devices:
Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_DiskDrive
○Run Get-BootSector against one of the returned drives:
Get-BootSector –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE0
Get-Bootsector –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE1
○Format agnostic Cmdlet to return MBR/GPT PartitionTable objects
○MBR formatted device
Get-PartitionTable –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE2
○GPT formatted device
Get-PartitionTable –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE1
NTFS System Files
NTFS System
# Filename # Filename
0 $MFT 8 $BadClus
1 $MFTMirr 9 $Secure
2 $LogFile 10 $UpCase
3 $Volume 11 $Extend
4 $AttrDef $ObjId
5 Root Directory (.) $Quota
6 $Bitmap $Reparse
7 $Boot $UsnJrnl
Volume Boot
$Boot (7)
○1st Sector of partition
□Location of partition is pointed to by the Partition
table (MBR of GPT)
○Loads the BOOTMGR Loader
○Defines partition attributes
□ Bytes per Sector
□Sectors per Cluster
□Total Sectors
□Location of MFT
□Size of MFT Record
□Size of INDX Structure
○Cmdlet to parse the VBR and return VolumeBootRecord objects
○Execute Cmdlet with “VolumeName” parameter
$VBR = Get-VolumeBootRecord –VolumeName .C:
○Often useful to pair with low level cmdlets like Invoke-DD
Master File Table
$MFT (0)
○NTFS file table
□First file present on NTFS partition
□Contains at least one entry for every file, on an
NTFS Volume, including itself
□As files are added the MFT grows
□When files are deleted, the MFT marks the file’s
record as unallocated so a new file can take its
○Each record contains file metadata
□MACB Timestamps
□File name details (name, path, hard links)
□Location of Data
○Cmdlet to parse the MFT and return FileRecord objects
○Three different ways to use:
1) Get all MFT Records
$mft = Get-FileRecord -VolumeName .C:
2) Get a FileRecord by path
Get-FileRecord –Path C:Windowsnotepad.exe
3) Get a FileRecord by Record Number/Index value
Get-FileRecord -VolumeName .C: -Index 0
Temporal Funneling
○Large amounts of data may not be relevant to
our case
□Temporal Funneling/Pivoting allows analysts to reduce
noise & focus on artifacts associated with the investigation
$mft = Get-FileRecord
$start = New-Object DateTime(2015,08,21,13,05,00)
$end = New-Object DateTime(2015,08,21,14,05,00)
$mft | ? {($_.BornTime -gt $start) –and ($_.BornTime –lt $end)}
Temporal Funneling Demo
MFT Attributes
Name Typ
0x60 $VOLUME_NAME 0xE0 $EA
Recover Deleted File Demo
Access SAM Hive Demo
○Cmdlet to parse $DATA Attributes to determine the location
of a file’s contents on disk
□Finds the file’s MFT Record and the main $DATA Stream
□Outputs the contents of the file to Standard Out
○Different Encoding Options
Get-ContentRaw –Path C:Windowssystem32configSAM
○Cmdlet to parse $DATA Attributes to determine the location of a
file’s contents on disk
□Finds the file’s MFT Record and the main $DATA Stream
□Creates a copy of the specified file without accessing the file
$Path = C:Windowssystem32configSAM
$Destination = C:tempSAM
Copy-FileRaw –Path $Path –Destination $Destination
Alternate Data
○NTFS allows files to store data in multiple
“$DATA” attributes
□These additional $DATA attributes are commonly
referred to as Alternate Data Streams (ADS)
○Attackers have found ways to hide and even
execute malware from ADS
□Windows legitimately uses ADS to identify files
downloaded from the internet (Zone.Identifier)
○PowerShell added ADS compatibility to many
cmdlets, but did not add the ability to
recursively list all files with ADS
○Cmdlet to easily find and list Alternate Data Streams on NTFS
○Use cases:
1) List all Alternate Data Streams
$ads = Get-AlternateDataStream
2) List files downloaded via Internet Explorer
$ads | Where-Object {$_.StreamName –eq ‘Zone.Identifier’}
3) List Alternate Data Streams for a specific file
Get-AlternateDataStream –Path ‘C:$Extend$UsnJrnl’
4) List Alternate Data Streams not created by the Internet Explorer
$asd | Where-Object {$_.StreamName –ne ‘Zone.Identifier’}
Alternate Data Streams Demo
○Cmdlet to parse $INDEX_ROOT and $INDEX_ALLOCATION
attributes to output a directory’s contents
□Lists system and hidden files
□Output object has a RecordNumber parameter
Get-ChildItemRaw –Path C:Windows
Get-ChildItemRaw Demo
○Cmdlet to parse $INDEX_ROOT and $INDEX_ALLOCATION
attributes and returns a file’s MFT Record Number
□Starts with the root directory’s MFT entry (index 5) and works
through the tree until the requested files index can be found
□Can be teamed with Get-FileRecord
$rnumber = Get-FileRecordIndex –Path C:Windowsnotepad.exe
Get-FileRecord –VolumeName .C: -Index $rnumber
Get-FileRecordIndex Demo
○NTFS Change Journaling
□Keeps track of changes to files or directories in a
□Changes are documented with the filename,
timestamp of change, and description of change
□Can be leveraged by backup utilities (ex Volume
Shadow Service)
○Two named data streams:
□$MAX: UsnJrnl metadata (first entry number,
maximum size of journal, etc.)
□$J: Contains the actual Journal entries
○Cmdlet to parse the UsnJrnl’s $MAX Data Stream
○Returns Metadata about the UsnJrnl
Get-UsnJrnlInformation –VolumeName .C:
○Cmdlet to parse the UsnJrnl’s $J Data Stream
○Use Cases:
□Get all UsnJrnl Entries
$usn = Get-UsnJrnl –VolumeName .C:
□Get the most recent UsnJrnl entry for C:temphelloworld.txt
$r = Get-FileRecord –Path C:temphelloworld.txt
$usn = $r.Attribute[0].UpdateSequenceNumber
Get-UsnJrnl –VolumeName .C: -USN $usn
File Creation & Modification Demo
UsnJrnl ADS Demo
○Cmdlet to parse the Windows Prefetch binary file format
○Use Cases:
□Get all Prefetch objects from files in the “WindowsPrefetch”
Get-Prefetch –VolumeName .C:
□Get the Prefetch object from the file specified by the Path parameter
Get-Prefetch –Path
□Another option is looking for .pf file operations in the UsnJrnl
Get-UsnJrnl | ? {$_.FileName –like “*.pf”}
Prefetch Demo
○Cmdlet to parse the Scheduled (At) Job binary file format
○Use Cases:
□Get all ScheduledJob objects from files in the “WindowsTasks” directory
Get-ScheduledJobRaw –VolumeName .C:
□Get the ScheduledJob object from the file specified by the Path parameter
Get-ScheduledJobRaw -Path C:WindowsTasksAt1.job
Moving Forward
○More artifacts!!
□Registry support
□ESE database support
○Organic Remoting (more robust)
○Support for alternate file systems
□Windows: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT
□Linux: Ext2, Ext3, Ext4
□Mac: HFS+
○Online documentation (Open API)
○WMI Provider with Events
○Community Involvement!!!
Any questions?
Extra Slides!!!
$Volume (3)
○File containing metadata about its partition/volume
○Made up of two special attributes $VOLUME_NAME and
□Two cmdlets: Get-VolumeName and Get-
Get-VolumeName –VolumeName .C:
Get-VolumeInformation –VolumeName .C:
$AttrDef (4)
○System file that contains details about all
file attributes available to the volume
Get-AttrDef –VolumeName .C:
$Bitmap (6)
$BadClus (8)
○NTFS has two files to tell the File System
what Clusters can be used
○File contents are bit fields where each bit
represents a specific cluster
□$Bitmap: Each bit represents whether the
associated cluster is allocated by the file system
□$BadClus: Each bit represents whether the
associated cluster is corrupted or not
○Cmdlet to parse bit fields contained within their
respective files ($BITMAP and $BADCLUS)
○Use cases:
□Parse the $BITMAP file to determine if the specified
cluster is allocated
Get-Bitmap –VolumeName .C: -Cluster 1000
□Parse the $BADCLUS file to report on any clusters
that have been marked as corrupt by the file system
Get-BadClus –VolumeName .C:

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44CON London 2015: NTFS Analysis with PowerForensics

  • 1. NTFS Analysis with PowerShell Jared Atkinson Veris Group’s Adaptive Threat Division
  • 2. @jaredcatkinson ○Jared Atkinson □Hunt Capability Lead for Adaptive Threat Division ○ Leads the service line responsible for proactive detection and response to advanced threats in Fortune 100 commercial environments □Adjunct Lecturer at Utica College □Developer of PowerForensics, Uproot IDS, and WMIEventing □Researcher of forensic artifact file formats ○ Makes really cool posters :-) □History ○ U.S. Air Force Hunt (2011 - 2015) ○ GCFA, GREM, and more
  • 3. Intro to PowerShell “Microsoft’s [Digital Forensic] platform” -obscuresec with some liberties…
  • 4. What is PowerShell ○Task-based command-line shell and scripting language ○Built on the .NET Framework □Cmdlets for performing common system administration tasks □Consistent design □Powerful object manipulation capabilities □Extensible interface ○ Independent software vendors and enterprise developers can build custom tools and utilities to administer their software. □Full access to the Windows API
  • 5. Response PowerForensics Old Dog, New Tricks Detection Investigation
  • 6. Requirements ○Centralized forensic toolset ○Forensically sound □Parse raw disk structures □Don’t alter NTFS timestamps ○Can execute on a live host ○Operationally fast □Collect forensic data in seconds or minutes ○Modular capabilities □Cmdlets perform discrete tasks and can be tied together for more complicated tasks ○Capable of working remotely □At the proof of concept stage
  • 7. Forensically Sound? “A forensically sound duplicate is obtained in a manner that does not materially alter the source evidence, except to the minimum extent necessary to obtain the evidence. The manner used to obtain the evidence must be documented, and should be justified to the extent applicable.” - Richard Bejtlich and Harlan Carvey
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  • 16. Unblock-File ○ PowerShell v3 gives us Unblock-File Unblock-File -Path "$" ○Can also “Unblock” via the file’s properties dialog □Best to Unblock the zip before extraction ○Unblocking will remove the Zone.Identifier Alternate Data Stream
  • 17. PSModulePath ○ PSModulePath ○ Naming Convention More details:
  • 20. Invoke-DD ○One Cmdlet to rule them all □Underlying API is basis for all of PowerForensics ○Allows raw access to Physical Drive or Logical Volume □Uses Platform Invoke to call CreateFile Windows API □Opens a file handle to .PHYSICALDRIVEX or Logical Volume □Reads from file handle via FileStream object □Warning: Must read in Sector increments (BlockSize must be a multiple of 512) $InFile = ‘.PHYSICALDRIVE0’ Invoke-DD –InFile $InFile –Offset 0 –BlockSize 512 –Count 1
  • 22. Boot Sectors Where the action begins…
  • 23. Master Boot Record ○1st Sector of the Disk □Also referred to as the Boot Sector ○Boot Code □Locate Partition Table □Find 1st “Bootable” partition □Determine partition Logical Cluster Number □Pass execution to first sector of partition (Volume Boot Record) ○Partition Table □Space for 4 partitions by default □“Extended Partitions” allow for additional partitions above 4
  • 24.
  • 25. Get-MBR ○Cmdlet to parse the MBR and return MasterBootRecord objects ○Use WMI to list available Devices: $Devices = Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_DiskDrive ○Run Get-MBR against one of the returned drives: Get-MBR –Path $Devices[0].DeviceID
  • 26. Boot Kits ○Attackers can alter MBR Boot Code □ Code runs in Ring 0 (before the OS Loads) ○Set-MasterBootRecord □Proof of concept written by Matt Graeber (@mattifestation) □Allows a user with administrator privilege to overwrite the Master Boot Record with arbitrary code ○Get-MBR takes known Boot Code into account and detects any changes (tampering)
  • 28. MBR Boot Code (Pre Infection)
  • 29. MBR Boot Code (Post Infection)
  • 30. MBR Boot Code (Post Infection)
  • 31. GUID Partition Table ○Replacement Boot Sector format for MBR □UEFI compliant devices must support GPT □Maintains a Protective MBR, in the disk’s 1st Sector, for compatibility ○Alternative to Legacy Master Boot Record □Maintains a Protective MBR, in the disk’s 1st Sector, for compatibility □Allows for increased partition sizes (2 TiB -> 8 ZiB) □Supports many primary partitions (MBR supports 4) □Creates Primary and Backup partition table for redundancy
  • 32.
  • 33. Get-GPT ○Cmdlet to parse the GPT and return GuidPartitionTable objects ○Use WMI to list available Devices: Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_DiskDrive ○Run Get-GPT against one of the returned drives: Get-GPT –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE1 ○Warning: Get-GPT will error if device is MBR formatted ○If Get-MBR is run against a GPT formatted device, then Get- MBR will return the information about the Protective MBR
  • 34. Get-BootSector ○Format agnostic Cmdlet to parse Boot Sectors (MBR or GPT) ○Use WMI to list available Devices: Get-WmiObject –Class Win32_DiskDrive ○Run Get-BootSector against one of the returned drives: Get-BootSector –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE0 Get-Bootsector –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE1
  • 35. ○Format agnostic Cmdlet to return MBR/GPT PartitionTable objects ○MBR formatted device Get-PartitionTable –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE2 ○GPT formatted device Get-PartitionTable –Path .PHYSICALDRIVE1 Get-PartitionTable
  • 37. NTFS System Files # Filename # Filename 0 $MFT 8 $BadClus 1 $MFTMirr 9 $Secure 2 $LogFile 10 $UpCase 3 $Volume 11 $Extend 4 $AttrDef $ObjId 5 Root Directory (.) $Quota 6 $Bitmap $Reparse 7 $Boot $UsnJrnl
  • 38. Volume Boot Record $Boot (7) ○1st Sector of partition □Location of partition is pointed to by the Partition table (MBR of GPT) ○Loads the BOOTMGR Loader ○Defines partition attributes □ Bytes per Sector □Sectors per Cluster □Total Sectors □Location of MFT □Size of MFT Record □Size of INDX Structure
  • 39.
  • 40. Get-VolumeBootRecord ○Cmdlet to parse the VBR and return VolumeBootRecord objects ○Execute Cmdlet with “VolumeName” parameter $VBR = Get-VolumeBootRecord –VolumeName .C: ○Often useful to pair with low level cmdlets like Invoke-DD
  • 41. Master File Table $MFT (0) ○NTFS file table □First file present on NTFS partition □Contains at least one entry for every file, on an NTFS Volume, including itself □As files are added the MFT grows □When files are deleted, the MFT marks the file’s record as unallocated so a new file can take its place ○Each record contains file metadata □MACB Timestamps □File name details (name, path, hard links) □Location of Data
  • 42.
  • 43. Get-FileRecord ○Cmdlet to parse the MFT and return FileRecord objects ○Three different ways to use: 1) Get all MFT Records $mft = Get-FileRecord -VolumeName .C: 2) Get a FileRecord by path Get-FileRecord –Path C:Windowsnotepad.exe 3) Get a FileRecord by Record Number/Index value Get-FileRecord -VolumeName .C: -Index 0
  • 44. Temporal Funneling ○Large amounts of data may not be relevant to our case □Temporal Funneling/Pivoting allows analysts to reduce noise & focus on artifacts associated with the investigation $mft = Get-FileRecord $start = New-Object DateTime(2015,08,21,13,05,00) $end = New-Object DateTime(2015,08,21,14,05,00) $mft | ? {($_.BornTime -gt $start) –and ($_.BornTime –lt $end)}
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  • 53. Get-ContentRaw ○Cmdlet to parse $DATA Attributes to determine the location of a file’s contents on disk □Finds the file’s MFT Record and the main $DATA Stream □Outputs the contents of the file to Standard Out ○Different Encoding Options □ASCII □Unicode □Bytes Get-ContentRaw –Path C:Windowssystem32configSAM
  • 54. Copy-FileRaw ○Cmdlet to parse $DATA Attributes to determine the location of a file’s contents on disk □Finds the file’s MFT Record and the main $DATA Stream □Creates a copy of the specified file without accessing the file itself $Path = C:Windowssystem32configSAM $Destination = C:tempSAM Copy-FileRaw –Path $Path –Destination $Destination
  • 55. Alternate Data Streams ○NTFS allows files to store data in multiple “$DATA” attributes □These additional $DATA attributes are commonly referred to as Alternate Data Streams (ADS) ○Attackers have found ways to hide and even execute malware from ADS □Windows legitimately uses ADS to identify files downloaded from the internet (Zone.Identifier) ○PowerShell added ADS compatibility to many cmdlets, but did not add the ability to recursively list all files with ADS
  • 56. Get- AlternateDataStream ○Cmdlet to easily find and list Alternate Data Streams on NTFS ○Use cases: 1) List all Alternate Data Streams $ads = Get-AlternateDataStream 2) List files downloaded via Internet Explorer $ads | Where-Object {$_.StreamName –eq ‘Zone.Identifier’} 3) List Alternate Data Streams for a specific file Get-AlternateDataStream –Path ‘C:$Extend$UsnJrnl’ 4) List Alternate Data Streams not created by the Internet Explorer $asd | Where-Object {$_.StreamName –ne ‘Zone.Identifier’}
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  • 60. Get-ChildItemRaw ○Cmdlet to parse $INDEX_ROOT and $INDEX_ALLOCATION attributes to output a directory’s contents □Lists system and hidden files □Output object has a RecordNumber parameter Get-ChildItemRaw Get-ChildItemRaw –Path C:Windows
  • 62. Get-FileRecordIndex ○Cmdlet to parse $INDEX_ROOT and $INDEX_ALLOCATION attributes and returns a file’s MFT Record Number □Starts with the root directory’s MFT entry (index 5) and works through the tree until the requested files index can be found □Can be teamed with Get-FileRecord $rnumber = Get-FileRecordIndex –Path C:Windowsnotepad.exe Get-FileRecord –VolumeName .C: -Index $rnumber
  • 64. $UsnJrnl ○NTFS Change Journaling □Keeps track of changes to files or directories in a volume □Changes are documented with the filename, timestamp of change, and description of change □Can be leveraged by backup utilities (ex Volume Shadow Service) ○Two named data streams: □$MAX: UsnJrnl metadata (first entry number, maximum size of journal, etc.) □$J: Contains the actual Journal entries
  • 66.
  • 67. Get-UsnJrnlInformation ○Cmdlet to parse the UsnJrnl’s $MAX Data Stream ○Returns Metadata about the UsnJrnl Get-UsnJrnlInformation –VolumeName .C:
  • 68.
  • 69. Get-UsnJrnl ○Cmdlet to parse the UsnJrnl’s $J Data Stream ○Use Cases: □Get all UsnJrnl Entries $usn = Get-UsnJrnl –VolumeName .C: □Get the most recent UsnJrnl entry for C:temphelloworld.txt $r = Get-FileRecord –Path C:temphelloworld.txt $usn = $r.Attribute[0].UpdateSequenceNumber Get-UsnJrnl –VolumeName .C: -USN $usn
  • 70. File Creation & Modification Demo
  • 74.
  • 75. Get-Prefetch ○Cmdlet to parse the Windows Prefetch binary file format ○Use Cases: □Get all Prefetch objects from files in the “WindowsPrefetch” directory Get-Prefetch –VolumeName .C: □Get the Prefetch object from the file specified by the Path parameter Get-Prefetch –Path □Another option is looking for .pf file operations in the UsnJrnl Get-UsnJrnl | ? {$_.FileName –like “*.pf”}
  • 77. Get- ScheduledJobRaw ○Cmdlet to parse the Scheduled (At) Job binary file format ○Use Cases: □Get all ScheduledJob objects from files in the “WindowsTasks” directory Get-ScheduledJobRaw –VolumeName .C: □Get the ScheduledJob object from the file specified by the Path parameter Get-ScheduledJobRaw -Path C:WindowsTasksAt1.job
  • 78. Moving Forward ○More artifacts!! □Registry support □ESE database support ○Organic Remoting (more robust) ○Support for alternate file systems □Windows: FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, exFAT □Linux: Ext2, Ext3, Ext4 □Mac: HFS+ ○Online documentation (Open API) ○WMI Provider with Events ○Community Involvement!!!
  • 81. $Volume (3) ○File containing metadata about its partition/volume ○Made up of two special attributes $VOLUME_NAME and $VOLUME_INFORMATION □Two cmdlets: Get-VolumeName and Get- VolumeInformation Get-VolumeName –VolumeName .C: Get-VolumeInformation –VolumeName .C:
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  • 84. $AttrDef (4) ○System file that contains details about all file attributes available to the volume Get-AttrDef –VolumeName .C:
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  • 86. $Bitmap (6) $BadClus (8) ○NTFS has two files to tell the File System what Clusters can be used ○File contents are bit fields where each bit represents a specific cluster □$Bitmap: Each bit represents whether the associated cluster is allocated by the file system □$BadClus: Each bit represents whether the associated cluster is corrupted or not
  • 87. Get-Bitmap Get-BadClus ○Cmdlet to parse bit fields contained within their respective files ($BITMAP and $BADCLUS) ○Use cases: □Parse the $BITMAP file to determine if the specified cluster is allocated Get-Bitmap –VolumeName .C: -Cluster 1000 □Parse the $BADCLUS file to report on any clusters that have been marked as corrupt by the file system Get-BadClus –VolumeName .C: