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Lecture 3: AR D
L       3     Developer Tools
                  l     T l

            Mark Billinghurst

                July 2011

    COSC 426: Augmented Reality
Building Compelling AR Experiences




            components     Display, Tracking

                                      Sony CSL © 2004
Low Level AR Libraries
  Marker based tracking
  Fl h version of ART lK
                f ARToolKit
  Simple Spatial Template Tracking
O ira
  Robust Natural Feature Tracking
What ARToolKit?
             Wh is ART lK ?
Marker Tracking Library for AR applications
   Open Source, Multi platform (Linux Windows MacOS)
        Source Multi-platform (Linux, Windows,
Overlays 3D virtual objects on real markers
   Uses single tracking marker
   Determines camera pose information (6 DOF)
ARToolKit Website
ARToolKit S f
        ART lK Software
ARToolKit version: 2.65 or later
                   2 65
Currently two license models
  Open Source (GPL): ARToolKit 2 72
  Commercial (ARToolWorks): ARToolKit 4.0
OS: Li
OS Linux, Windows, MacOS X, iPh
          Wi d      M OS X iPhone/Android
                                 /A d id
Programming language: C
Related f
R l d software
  ARToolKit Professional: Commercial version
  ARToolKitPlus: Advanced version
  NyARToolkit: Java and C# version
  FLARToolKit: Flash version
ARToolKit Family
                 ART lKit F il

                                  ARToolKit NFT
                           ARToolKit Plus

            JARToolKit (Java)

       ARToolKit (Symbian)
                                   FLARToolKit (Flash)
                   - Java, C#,
                   - Android WM
                                     FLARManager (
        ART lK contents
  libAR – tracking
    b     t ac g
  libARvideo – video capturing
  libARgsub – image/graphics drawing
  libARmulti – multi-marker tracking
  Camera calibration
  Marker training
ARToolKit Structure



Three key libraries:
  AR32 lib – ARToolKit image processing functions
  ARgsub32.lib – ARToolKit graphics functions
  ARvideo lib – DirectShow video capture class
Additional Software
To build an AR application you may need
additional software
High level rendering library
  Open VRML, Open Inventor, osgART, etc
Audio Library
  Fmod, etc
Peripheral support
What does ARToolKit Calculate?
Position of makers in the camera coordinates
Pose of markers in the camera coordinates
Output format
  3x4 matrix format to represent the
  transformation matrix from the marker
  coordinates to the camera coordinates
Coordinate Systems
C d        S
Tracking Range with Pattern Size

Rule of thumb – range = 10 x pattern width
Tracking Error with Range
Tracking Error with Angle
AR Application Development
An ARToolKit Application
 I iti li ti
    Load camera and pattern parameters
 Main Loop
 M i L
    Step1. Image capture and display
    Step2. Marker detection
    Step3. Marker identification
    Step4. Getting pose information
    Step5. Object Interactions/Simulation
    Step6. Display virtual objects
 End Application
    Camera shut down
Image capture: libARvideo
Return the pointer for captured image
  ARUint8 *arVideoGetImage( void );
Pixel format and byte size are defined in config h
  #define     AR_PIX_FORMAT_BGR
  #define     AR_PIX_SIZE       3
Graphics handling: libARgsub
Set up and clean up the graphics window
void argInit( ARParam *cparam double zoom
                      *cparam,        zoom,
            int fullFlag, int xwin, int ywin,
            int hmd_flag );
void argCleanup( void );

cparam:              camera parameter
zoom:                zoom ratio
fullFlag:            0: normal, 1: full screen mode
Xwin, ywin: create small window for debug
hmd_flag:            0: normal, 1: optical see-through mode
Graphics handling: libARgsub
Go into the iterative cycle
void argMainLoop(
   void (*mouseFunc)(int btn int state int x int y)
                         btn,int state,int x,int y),
   void (*keyFunc)(unsigned char key, int x, int y),
   void (*mainFunc)(void)

Swap buffers
void argSwapBuffers( void );
Graphics handling: libARgsub
Set the window for 2D drawing
void argDrawMode2D( void )
  id    D   M d 2D(   id );

Set the window for 3D drawing
void argDrawMode3D( void );
void argDraw3dCamera( int xwin, int ywin );

Display image
void argDispImage( ARUi t8 *i
  id    Di I     ( ARUint8 *image,
                  int xwin, int ywin );
Sample ARToolKit Applications
Ex. 1: Simple video display
Ex. 2: Detecting a marker
Ex. 3: Using pattern
Ex. 4: Getting
E 4 G tti a 3D i f  information
Ex 5: Virtual object overlay
Ex 1: Simple Video Display
Program : sample1.c
Key points
 Loop structure
 Video image handling
 Camera parameter handling
 Window setup
 Mouse and keyboard handling
Sample1.c Main Function
  argMainLoop( mouseEvent, keyEvent,
               a  oop);
Sample1.c - mainLoop Function
 if( dataPtr = (ARUint8 *)
 arVideoGetImage()) == NULL ) {
     D M d 2D()
 argDispImage(dataPtr, 0, 0 );
Sample1.c – video initialization
Configure th video input
C fi      the id i     t
vconf = <video configuration string>
Start video capture
In init(), open the video
arVideoOpen( vconf );
arVideoInqSize(&xsize, &ysize);
When finished, close the video path
Changing Image Size
  For input capture
  vconf = “videoWidth=320,videoHeight=240";
  Note – the camera must support this image size

  For display
  argInit( &cparam 1 5 0 0 0 0 );
           &cparam, 1.5, 0, 0, 0,

Th second parameter means zoom ratio for display
          d                          f d l
  image size related to input image.
Ex. 2: Detecting a Marker
Program : sample2.c
P             l 2
Key points
  Threshold value
  Important external variables
  arDebug – keep thresholded image
  arImage – pointer for thresholded image
  arImageProcMode – use 50% image for image
Sample2.c – marker detection
/* detect the markers in the video frame */
if(arDetectMarker(dataPtr, th
if( D t tM k (d t Pt       thresh,
  &marker_info, &marker_num) < 0 ) {
   l     ()
for( i = 0; i < marker_num; i++ ) {
Sample2.c – marker_info structure
  typedef struct {
    int area;
    int id;
    int dir;
    double cf;
    double pos[2];
    double line[4][3];
    double vertex[4][2];
  } ARMarkerInfo;
Ex. 3: Using a Pattern
Program : sample3.c
Key points
 Pattern files loading
 Structure of marker
  - Region features
  - Pattern Id, direction
  - Certainty factor
 Marker identification
Making a pattern template
Use f ili
U of utility program:
Show the pattern
Put the corner of red line
segments on the left-top
                   left top
vertex of the marker
Pattern stored as a
template in a file
1:2:1 ratio determines the
pattern region used
  tt        i        d
Sample3.c – Pattern File Loading
int patt_id;
char *patt name = “Data/kanjiPatt”
      patt_name    Data/kanjiPatt

/* load pattern file *//
if(patt_id=arLoadPatt (patt_name) < 0)
   printf ("Pattern file load error !! n");
Checking for known patterns
/* check for known patterns */
k = -1;
for( i = 0; i < marker num; i++ ) {
    if( marker_info[i].id == patt_id) {
        /* you've found a pattern */
        printf("Found pattern: %d n",patt_id);
        if( k == -1 ) k = i;
        /* make sure you have the best pattern
        (highest confidence factor) */
        if( marker_info[k].cf < marker_info[i].cf )
               k    i f [k] f       k  i f [i] f
              k = i;
Ex. 4 – Getting 3D information
Program : sample4.c
Key points
 Definition of a real marker
 Transformation matrix
  - Rotation component
  -TTranslation component
          l ti          t
Sample4.c – Transformation matrix
double marker_center[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
double marker_width = 80.0;
double marker_trans[3][4];

arGetTransMat(&marker info[i]
    marker_center, marker_width,
    marker trans);
Finding the Camera Position
This function sets transformation matrix from marker
  to camera into marker_trans[3][4].
                         _     [ ][ ]
  arGetTransMat(&marker_info[k],     marker_center,
      marker_width, marker_trans);

You can see the position information in the values of
  marker trans[3][4]
     Xpos = marker_trans[0][3];
     Ypos = marker_trans[1][3];
     Zpos = marker_trans[2][3];
ARToolKit Coordinate Frame
Ex. 5- Virtual Object Display
Program : sample5.c
Key points
  OpenGL parameter setting
  Setup of projection matrix
  Setup of modelview matrix
Appending your own OpenGL code
Set the camera parameters to OpenGL Projection matrix.
   argDraw3dCamera( 0, 0 );
Set the transformation matrix from the marker to the camera to
   the OpenGL ModelView matrix.
   argConvGlpara(marker_trans, gl_para);
   glLoadMatrixd( gl_para );

After calling these functions, your OpenGL objects are
drawn in the real marker coordinates.
3D CG Model Rendering
ARToolKit does not have a function to handle
3D CG models
3rd party CG rendering software should be
Loading Multiple Patterns
Sample File: LoadMulti.c
  Uses object c to load
Object Structure
typedef struct {
t   d f t    t
  char       name[256];
  int        id;
  int        visible;
  double     marker_coord[4][2];
  double     trans[3][4];
  double     marker_width;
  double     marker_center[2];
} ObjectData_T;
Finding Multiple Transforms
 Create object list
ObjectData T      *object;

 Read in objects - in init( )
read_ObjData( char *name, int *objectnum );

 Find Transform – in mainLoop( )
for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) {
    ..Check patterns
      Ch k    tt
    ..Find transforms for each marker
Drawing Multiple Objects
 Send the object list to the draw function
draw( object, objectnum );

 Draw each object individually
             j               y
for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) {
   if( object[i].visible == 0 ) continue;
     (   j   [ ]                        ;
   argConvGlpara(object[i].trans, gl_para);
   draw object( object[i].id, gl para);
Limitations of ARToolKit
 Partial occlusions cause tracking failure
 Affected by lighting and shadows
 Tracking range depends on marker size
 Performance depends on number of markers
 P f            d     d         b     f    k
    cf artTag, ARToolKitPlus
 Pose accuracy depends on distance to marker
 Pose accuracy depends on angle to marker
                y p             g
ARToolKit in the World

Hundreds f
H d d of projects
Large research community
   g                   y
Flash AS3 Version of the ARToolKit
(was ported from NyARToolkit the Java Version of the ARToolkit)

enables augmented reality on the Browser
uses Papervision3D for as 3D Engine
available at
dual license, GPL and commercial license
AR Application Components
                   Adobe Flash

                   Papervision 3D

Source Packages
„Original“ FLART lki (Libspark, Saqoosha)
 O i i l“ FLARToolkit
( )

   Saqoosha ( )
   Miko Haapoja ( )
   Squidder MultipleMarker – Example
   markers/ )
       k /
   FLARManager ( )
Papervision 3D
Flash based 3D Engine
Flash-based 3D-Engine
  import of 3D Models
  scene graph
alternatives: Away3d, Sandy,…
Papervision Examples
Red Bull|Flugtage Flight Lab

Barcinski JeanJean | 3D Portfolio

more cool papervision websites
AR Tools
Building Compelling AR Experiences
B ildi   C    lli      E    i



             tools       Authoring

          components     Tracking, Display

                                     Sony CSL © 2004
AR Authoring
Software Lib i
S ft      Libraries
   osgART, Studierstube, MXRToolKit
Plug-ins to existing software
   DART (Macromedia Director), mARx
          (M         di Di    ) AR
Stand Alone
   AMIRE, ComposAR, etc
Next Generation
   iaTAR (Tangible AR)
mARx Plug-in

3D Studio Max Plug-in
Can model and view AR content at the same time
Stand alone application
Visual interface for AR model viewing application
Enables non-programmers to build AR scenes
Adds AR components to ImageTcl
  Modular Library (Scripting, Tcl)
  Supports several tracking systems (vision, magnetic, inertial)
  Easy to learn but little support, small community
Designers AR Toolkit
  http://www cc gatech edu/dart/
  AR plug-in for Macromedia Director
  Developed f d i
  D     l   d for designers
  Visual programming
  Scripting interface
Complete authoring tool
  Framework (Low Level Programming, C++)
  Modularity, Extensibility, Scalability, Heterogeneity
  Support for wide range of trackers, displays, input
Metaio UnifEye SDK
Complete commercial authoring platform
     p                     p
  Offers viewer and editor tools
  Visual interface and low level SDK
  Delivery on desktop or mobile platforms
OSGART Programming Library
Integration of ARToolKit with a High-Level
Rendering Engine (OpenSceneGraph)
          g g ( p                p )
OSGART= OpenSceneGraph + ARToolKit

Supporting Geometric + Photometric Registration
  pp     g                           g

C++ (but also Python Lua, etc).
              Python, Lua etc)
Multiple Video Input supports:
  Direct (Firewire/USB Camera), Files, Network by
  ARvideo, PtGrey, CVCam, VideoWrapper, etc.
Benefits of Open Scene Graph
  Rendering Engine Plug-ins etc
              Engine, Plug ins,
More Libraries
MRToolKit, MXRToolKit ARLib
MRToolKit MXRToolKit, ARLib, OpenVIDIA
D’F i
Advanced Authoring: iaTAR (Lee 2004)

 Immersive AR A th i
 I      i       Authoring
 Using real objects to create AR applications

Developing Augmented Reality
  Applications with osgART
What is a Scene Graph?
Tree-like structure for organising a virtual world
  e.g. VRML
Hierarchy of nodes that define:
Hi     h f d th t d fi
  Groups (and Switches, Sequences etc…)
And states and attributes that define:
  Materials and textures
  Lighting and blending
Scene Graph Example
Benefits of a Scene Graph
P f
  Structuring data facilitates
   - Culling, state management, etc…
  Underlying graphics pipeline is
  Low-level programming (“how do I      Image: sgi

  display this?”) replaced with high-
  l l concepts (“what do I want to
                t (“ h t d         tt
About Open Scene Graph
Open-source scene graph implementation
Based on OpenGL
Object-oriented C++ following design pattern principles
Used for simulation, games, research, and industrial projects
Active development community
   Maintained by Robert Osfield
   ~2000 mailing list subscribers
   Documentation project: www osgbooks com
Uses the OSG Public License (similar to LGPL)
About Open Scene Graph (2)

Pirates of the XXI Century         Flightgear               SCANeR

         3DVRII              Research Institute EOR   VRlab Umeå University
Open Scene Graph Features
Plugins for loading and saving
  3D: 3D Studio (.3ds), OpenFlight (.flt), Wavefront (.obj)…
  2D: .png, .jpg, .bmp, QuickTime movies
NodeKits to extend functionality
  e.g. osgShadow
Cross platform
Cross-platform support for:
  Window management (osgViewer)
  Threading (OpenThreads)
Open Scene Graph Architecture
 Inter-operability with
  other environments,
       e.g. Python

Plugins read and                            NodeKits extend
write 2D image and                          core functionality,
3D model files            Scene graph and   exposing higher-level
                              rendering     node types
Some Open Scene Graph Demos

  osgviewer                               osgmotionblur                        osgparticle

   osgreflect                              osgdistortion                      osgfxbrowser

You may want to get the OSG data package:
   Via SVN:
Learning OSG
Check out the Quick Start Guide
   Free PDF download at, Physical copy $13US
Join h
J i the mailing li
          ili list:

Browse the website:
Use the forum:
                  p          p       g p     g

Study the examples
Read the source?
What is osgART?
osgART adds AR to Open Scene Graph
Further developed and enhanced by:
  Julian Looser
  Hartmut Seichter
  H         S h
  Raphael Grasset
Current version 2.0, Open Source
  http://www osgart org
osgART Approach: Basic Scene Graph

 T    f      [0.988 -0.031
             -0.048 0.857
              0.141 0.513
             10.939 29.859 -226.733   ]

                                          To add Video see-through AR:
 3D Object                                  Integrate live video
                                            Apply correct projection matrix
                                            Update tracked transformations in
osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph


             3D Object
osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph


                         3D Obj
osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph
                                      Projection matrix from
                                      tracker calibration

    Orthographic                                        Transformation matrix
                                                        updated from marker
                            Camera                      tracking in realtime
Full-screen quad
with live texture
updated from
Video source        Video
                                      3D Obj
osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph
                                      Projection matrix from
                                      tracker calibration

    Orthographic                                        Transformation matrix
                                                        updated from marker
                            Camera                      tracking in realtime
Full-screen quad
with live texture
updated from
Video source        Video
                                      3D Obj
osgART Architecture
Like any video see-through AR library, osgART requires video
input and tracking capabilities.

             Video Source
            e g DirectShow

                              A Library

            Tracking Module
osgART Architecture
osgART uses a plugin architecture so that video sources and tracking
technologies can be plugged in as necessary
                        OpenCVVideo -
                           VidCapture -
                             CMU1394 -
                       PointGrey SDK -
                         VidereDesign -

                                           Video Plugin
                       VideoWrapper -
                       Vd W
                            VideoInput -
                          VideoSource -

                                 DSVL -

                         Intranel RTSP -


                                           Tracke Plugin
                           ARToolKit4 -
                        ARToolkitPlus -         er

                         MXRToolKit -
                                ARLib -
              bazAR (work in progress) -
              ARTag (work in progress) -
Basic osgART Tutorial
D l a working osgART application from scratch.
            ki        ART      li ti f          t h
Use ARToolKit 2.72 library for tracking and video
osgART Tutorial 1: Basic OSG Viewer
 Start with the standard Open Scene Graph Viewer
 We will modify this to do AR!
osgART Tutorial 1: Basic OSG Viewer
    The basic osgViewer…
#include <osgViewer/Viewer>
#include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])   {

    // Create a viewer
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

    // Create a root node
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> root = new osg::Group;

    // Attach root node to the viewer

    // Add relevant event handlers to the viewer
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler);
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler);
    viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::ThreadingHandler);
    viewer addEventHandler(new osgViewer::HelpHandler);

    // Run the viewer and exit the program when the viewer is closed

osgART Tutorial 2: Adding Video
Add a video plugin
  Load, configure, start video capture…
Add a video background
  Create, link to video, add to scene-graph
                                      g p
osgART Tutorial 2: Adding Video
    New code to load and configure a Video Plugin:

// Preload the video and tracker
int _video_id = osgART::PluginManager::getInstance()->load("osgart_video_artoolkit2");

// Load a video plugin.
osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Video> video =

// Check if an instance of the video stream could be created
if (!video.valid()) {
   // Without video an AR application can not work. Quit if none found.
   osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not initialize video plugin!" << std::endl;

// Open the video. This will not yet start the video stream but will
// get information about the format of the video which is essential
// for the connected tracker.
osgART Tutorial 2: Adding Video
    New code to add a live video background
osg::Group* createImageBackground(osg::Image* video) {
   osgART::VideoLayer* _layer = new osgART::VideoLayer();
   osgART::VideoGeode* _geode = new osgART::VideoGeode(osgART::VideoGeode::USE_TEXTURE_2D, video);
   addTexturedQuad(*_geode, video->s(), video->t());
   return _layer;

    In the main function…
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> videoBackground = createImageBackground(video.get());
videoBackground->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(0, "RenderBin");

osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking
Add a Tracker plugin
      T k      l
  Load, configure, link to video
Add a Marker to track
  Load activate
Tracked node
  Create, li k with marker via tracking callbacks
  C       link i h     k    i      ki     llb k
Print out the tracking data
osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking
     Load a t ac g plugin and associate it with the video plugin
      oa tracking p ug a assoc ate t w t t e v eo p ug
int _tracker_id = osgART::PluginManager::getInstance()->load("osgart_tracker_artoolkit2");

osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Tracker> tracker =

if (!tracker.valid()) {
   // Without tracker an AR application can not work. Quit if none found.
   osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not initialize tracker plugin!" << std::endl;

// get the tracker calibration object
osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Calibration> calibration = tracker->getOrCreateCalibration();

// load a calibration file
if (!calibration->load("data/camera para dat"))
   (!calibration->load( data/camera_para.dat ))
   // the calibration file was non-existing or couldnt be loaded
   osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Non existing or incompatible calibration file" << std::endl;

// set the image source for the tracker

osgART::TrackerCallback::addOrSet(root.get(), tracker.get());

// create the virtual camera and add it to the scene
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> cam = calibration->createCamera();
osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking
     Load a marker and activate it
     Associate it with a transformation node (via event callbacks)
     Add the transformation node to the virtual camera node
osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Marker> marker = tracker->addMarker("single;data/patt.hiro;80;0;0");
if (!marker.valid())
   // Without marker an AR application can not work. Quit if none found.
   osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not add marker!" << std::endl;


osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> arTransform = new osg::MatrixTransform();
osgART::attachDefaultEventCallbacks(arTransform.get(), marker.get());

     Add a debug callback to print out information about the tracked marker
osgART::addEventCallback(arTransform.get(), new osgART::MarkerDebugCallback(marker.get()));
osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking

Tracking information is
output to console
osgART Tutorial 4: Adding Content
Now put the trackin data t use!
N       t    tracking     to se!
Add content to the tracked transform
Basic cube code
   arTransform->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin");
osgART Tutorial 5: Adding 3D Model
Open Scene Graph can load some 3D formats directly:
O    S     G h       l d          f       di    l
   e.g. Wavefront (.obj), OpenFlight (.flt), 3D Studio (.3ds), COLLADA
   Others need to be converted
Support for some formats is much better than others
   e.g. OpenFlight good, 3ds hit and miss.
Recommend native .osg and .ive formats
   .osg – ASCII representation of scene graph
   .ive – Binary OSG file. Can contain hold textures
    ive              file                   textures.
osgExp : Exporter for 3DS Max is a good choice
Otherwise .3ds files from TurboSquid can work
osgART Tutorial 5: Adding 3D Model
     Replace the simple cube with a 3D model
     Models are loaded using the osgDB::readNodeFile() function
std::string filename = "media/hollow_cube.osg";
arTransform >addChild(osgDB::readNodeFile(filename));

                                             Export to .osg

           3D Studio M
              St di Max

     Note: Scale is important. Units are in mm.
                    important               mm
osgART Tutorial 6: Multiple Markers
Repeat the process so far to track more than
one marker simultaneouslyy
osgART Tutorial 6: Multiple Markers
    Repeat the process so far to track more than one marker
    R       h             f          k       h          k

    Load and activate two markers
osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Marker> markerA = tracker->addMarker("single;data/patt.hiro;80;0;0");

osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Marker> markerB = tracker->addMarker("single;data/patt.kanji;80;0;0");

    Create two transformations, attach callbacks, and add models
osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> arTransformA = new osg::MatrixTransform();
osgART::attachDefaultEventCallbacks(arTransformA.get(), markerA.get());
arTransformA->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin");

osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> arTransformB = new osg::MatrixTransform();
osgART::attachDefaultEventCallbacks(arTransformB.get(), markerB.get());
arTransformB->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin");
osgART Tutorial 6: Multiple Markers
Basic osgART Tutorial: Summary

Standard OSG Viewer      Addition of Video    Addition of Tracking

Addition of basic 3D   Addition of 3D Model     Multiple Markers
      g p
http://transmote com/flar
Makes building FLARToolkit apps easier
Is open-source, with a free and commercial license
   open source,
Is designed to allow exploration of both augmented
reality and alternative controllers
Was initiated by Eric Socolofsky, developed with
contributions from FLARToolkit community
      ib i      f    FLART lki            i
Decouples FLARToolkit from Papervision3D
Configuration without recompilation, via xml config
FLARManager: features

Gives more control over application environment
Provides multiple input options
Robust multiple marker management
Supports multiple 3D frameworks
Offers features f optimization
Off    f        for    i i i
Allows for customization
Software Download
  http://artoolkit sourceforge net/
ARToolKit Documentation
ARToolKit Forum
ARToolworks Inc
ARToolKit Plus
           t/h dh ld / t lkit l         h
  http://words transmote com/wp/flarmanager/
Interactive E
I           Environments with Open-Source
                              hO      S
Software: 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented
Reality for Architects with Bl d 2 43 DART
R li f A hi             i h Blender 2.43,
3.0 and ARToolKit 2.72 by Wolfgang Höhl

A Hitchhikers Guide to Virtual Reality by Karen
                                     y y
McMenemy and Stuart Ferguson
More Information
• M k Billi h t
  Mark Billinghurst
• Websites
        hi l b

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COSC 426 Lect. 3 -AR Developer Tools

  • 1. Lecture 3: AR D L 3 Developer Tools l T l Mark Billinghurst July 2011 COSC 426: Augmented Reality
  • 2. Building Compelling AR Experiences experiences applications tools components Display, Tracking Sony CSL © 2004
  • 3. Low Level AR Libraries ARToolKit Marker based tracking g FLARToolKit Flash Fl h version of ART lK f ARToolKit SSTT Simple Spatial Template Tracking Opira O ira Robust Natural Feature Tracking
  • 4. What ARToolKit? Wh is ART lK ? Marker Tracking Library for AR applications Open Source, Multi platform (Linux Windows MacOS) Source Multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Overlays 3D virtual objects on real markers Uses single tracking marker Determines camera pose information (6 DOF) ARToolKit Website
  • 5. ARToolKit S f ART lK Software ARToolKit version: 2.65 or later 2 65 Currently two license models Open Source (GPL): ARToolKit 2 72 2.72 Commercial (ARToolWorks): ARToolKit 4.0 OS: Li OS Linux, Windows, MacOS X, iPh Wi d M OS X iPhone/Android /A d id Programming language: C Related f R l d software ARToolKit Professional: Commercial version ARToolKitPlus: Advanced version NyARToolkit: Java and C# version FLARToolKit: Flash version
  • 6. ARToolKit Family ART lKit F il ARToolKit NFT ARToolKit ARToolKit Plus JARToolKit (Java) ARToolKit (Symbian) FLARToolKit (Flash) NyToolKit - Java, C#, - Android WM Android, FLARManager ( (Flash) )
  • 7. ARToolKit ART lK contents Libraries libAR – tracking b t ac g libARvideo – video capturing libARgsub – image/graphics drawing libARmulti – multi-marker tracking Utilities Camera calibration Marker training
  • 8. ARToolKit Structure ARvideo.lib DirectShow Three key libraries: AR32.lib AR32 lib – ARToolKit image processing functions ARgsub32.lib – ARToolKit graphics functions ARvideo.lib ARvideo lib – DirectShow video capture class
  • 9. Additional Software To build an AR application you may need additional software High level rendering library Open VRML, Open Inventor, osgART, etc Audio Library Fmod, etc Peripheral support
  • 10. What does ARToolKit Calculate? Position of makers in the camera coordinates Pose of markers in the camera coordinates Output format 3x4 matrix format to represent the transformation matrix from the marker coordinates to the camera coordinates
  • 12. Tracking Range with Pattern Size Rule of thumb – range = 10 x pattern width
  • 16. An ARToolKit Application Initialization I iti li ti Load camera and pattern parameters Main Loop M i L Step1. Image capture and display Step2. Marker detection Step3. Marker identification Step4. Getting pose information Step5. Object Interactions/Simulation Step6. Display virtual objects End Application Camera shut down
  • 17. Image capture: libARvideo Return the pointer for captured image ARUint8 *arVideoGetImage( void ); Pixel format and byte size are defined in config h config.h #define AR_PIX_FORMAT_BGR #define AR_PIX_SIZE 3
  • 18. Graphics handling: libARgsub Set up and clean up the graphics window void argInit( ARParam *cparam double zoom *cparam, zoom, int fullFlag, int xwin, int ywin, int hmd_flag ); void argCleanup( void ); cparam: camera parameter zoom: zoom ratio fullFlag: 0: normal, 1: full screen mode Xwin, ywin: create small window for debug hmd_flag: 0: normal, 1: optical see-through mode
  • 19. Graphics handling: libARgsub Go into the iterative cycle void argMainLoop( void (*mouseFunc)(int btn int state int x int y) btn,int state,int x,int y), void (*keyFunc)(unsigned char key, int x, int y), void (*mainFunc)(void) ); Swap buffers p void argSwapBuffers( void );
  • 20. Graphics handling: libARgsub Set the window for 2D drawing void argDrawMode2D( void ) id D M d 2D( id ); Set the window for 3D drawing g void argDrawMode3D( void ); void argDraw3dCamera( int xwin, int ywin ); Display image void argDispImage( ARUi t8 *i id Di I ( ARUint8 *image, int xwin, int ywin );
  • 21. Sample ARToolKit Applications Ex. 1: Simple video display Ex. 2: Detecting a marker Ex. 3: Using pattern Ex. 4: Getting E 4 G tti a 3D i f information ti Ex. Ex 5: Virtual object overlay
  • 22. Ex 1: Simple Video Display Program : sample1.c Key points Loop structure Video image handling Camera parameter handling Window setup Mouse and keyboard handling
  • 23. Sample1.c Main Function main() { init(); argMainLoop( mouseEvent, keyEvent, a oop); mainLoop); }
  • 24. Sample1.c - mainLoop Function if( dataPtr = (ARUint8 *) arVideoGetImage()) == NULL ) { arUtilSleep(2); return; } argDrawMode2D(); D M d 2D() argDispImage(dataPtr, 0, 0 ); arVideoCapNext(); argSwapBuffers();
  • 25. Sample1.c – video initialization Configure th video input C fi the id i t vconf = <video configuration string> Start video capture arVideoCapStart(); In init(), open the video arVideoOpen( vconf ); arVideoInqSize(&xsize, &ysize); When finished, close the video path arVideoCapStop(); arVideoClose();
  • 26. Changing Image Size For input capture vconf = “videoWidth=320,videoHeight=240"; Note – the camera must support this image size For display argInit( &cparam 1 5 0 0 0 0 ); &cparam, 1.5, 0, 0, 0, The Th second parameter means zoom ratio for display d f d l image size related to input image.
  • 27. Ex. 2: Detecting a Marker Program : sample2.c P l 2 Key points yp Threshold value Important external variables arDebug – keep thresholded image arImage – pointer for thresholded image arImageProcMode – use 50% image for image processing - AR_IMAGE_PROC_IN_FULL - AR IMAGE PROC IN HALF AR_IMAGE_PROC_IN_HALF
  • 28. Sample2.c – marker detection /* detect the markers in the video frame */ if(arDetectMarker(dataPtr, th if( D t tM k (d t Pt thresh, h &marker_info, &marker_num) < 0 ) { cleanup(); l () exit(0); } for( i = 0; i < marker_num; i++ ) { argDrawSquare(marker_info[i].vertex,0,0); }
  • 29. Sample2.c – marker_info structure typedef struct { int area; int id; int dir; double cf; double pos[2]; double line[4][3]; double vertex[4][2]; } ARMarkerInfo;
  • 30. Ex. 3: Using a Pattern Program : sample3.c Key points Pattern files loading Structure of marker information - Region features - Pattern Id, direction - Certainty factor Marker identification
  • 31. Making a pattern template Use f ili U of utility program: mk_patt.exe Show the pattern Put the corner of red line segments on the left-top left top vertex of the marker Pattern stored as a template in a file 1:2:1 ratio determines the pattern region used tt i d
  • 32. Sample3.c – Pattern File Loading int patt_id; char *patt name = “Data/kanjiPatt” patt_name Data/kanjiPatt / /* load pattern file *// if(patt_id=arLoadPatt (patt_name) < 0) { printf ("Pattern file load error !! n"); exit(0); }
  • 33. Checking for known patterns /* check for known patterns */ k = -1; for( i = 0; i < marker num; i++ ) { marker_num; if( marker_info[i].id == patt_id) { /* you've found a pattern */ printf("Found pattern: %d n",patt_id); if( k == -1 ) k = i; else /* make sure you have the best pattern (highest confidence factor) */ if( marker_info[k].cf < marker_info[i].cf ) k i f [k] f k i f [i] f k = i; } }
  • 34. Ex. 4 – Getting 3D information Program : sample4.c Key points Definition of a real marker Transformation matrix - Rotation component -TTranslation component l ti t
  • 35. Sample4.c – Transformation matrix double marker_center[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; double marker_width = 80.0; double marker_trans[3][4]; arGetTransMat(&marker_info[i], arGetTransMat(&marker info[i] marker_center, marker_width, marker_trans); marker trans);
  • 36. Finding the Camera Position This function sets transformation matrix from marker to camera into marker_trans[3][4]. _ [ ][ ] arGetTransMat(&marker_info[k], marker_center, marker_width, marker_trans); You can see the position information in the values of marker_trans[3][4]. marker trans[3][4] Xpos = marker_trans[0][3]; Ypos = marker_trans[1][3]; Zpos = marker_trans[2][3];
  • 38. Ex. 5- Virtual Object Display Program : sample5.c Key points OpenGL parameter setting Setup of projection matrix Setup of modelview matrix
  • 39. Appending your own OpenGL code Set the camera parameters to OpenGL Projection matrix. g argDrawMode3D(); argDraw3dCamera( 0, 0 ); Set the transformation matrix from the marker to the camera to the OpenGL ModelView matrix. argConvGlpara(marker_trans, gl_para); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixd( gl_para ); After calling these functions, your OpenGL objects are drawn in the real marker coordinates.
  • 40. 3D CG Model Rendering ARToolKit does not have a function to handle 3D CG models models. 3rd party CG rendering software should be employed. OpenVRML p OpenSceneGraph etc
  • 41.
  • 42. Loading Multiple Patterns Sample File: LoadMulti.c Uses object c to load object.c Object Structure typedef struct { t d f t t char name[256]; int id; int visible; double marker_coord[4][2]; double trans[3][4]; double marker_width; double marker_center[2]; } ObjectData_T;
  • 43. Finding Multiple Transforms Create object list ObjectData_T ObjectData T *object; object; Read in objects - in init( ) read_ObjData( char *name, int *objectnum ); Find Transform – in mainLoop( ) for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) { ..Check patterns Ch k tt ..Find transforms for each marker }
  • 44. Drawing Multiple Objects Send the object list to the draw function draw( object, objectnum ); Draw each object individually j y for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) { if( object[i].visible == 0 ) continue; ( j [ ] ; argConvGlpara(object[i].trans, gl_para); draw_object( draw object( object[i].id, gl para); gl_para); }
  • 45. Limitations of ARToolKit Partial occlusions cause tracking failure Affected by lighting and shadows Tracking range depends on marker size Performance depends on number of markers P f d d b f k cf artTag, ARToolKitPlus Pose accuracy depends on distance to marker Pose accuracy depends on angle to marker y p g
  • 46. ARToolKit in the World Hundreds f H d d of projects j Large research community g y
  • 47. FLARToolKit Flash AS3 Version of the ARToolKit (was ported from NyARToolkit the Java Version of the ARToolkit) enables augmented reality on the Browser uses Papervision3D for as 3D Engine available at dual license, GPL and commercial license
  • 48. AR Application Components Adobe Flash Papervision 3D FLARToolkit
  • 49. Source Packages „Original“ FLART lki (Libspark, Saqoosha) O i i l“ FLARToolkit ( ) Start-up-guides Saqoosha ( ) Miko Haapoja ( ) „Frameworks Frameworks“ Squidder MultipleMarker – Example ( markers/ ) k / FLARManager ( )
  • 50. Papervision 3D Flash based 3D Engine Flash-based 3D-Engine Supports import of 3D Models texturing g animation scene graph alternatives: Away3d, Sandy,…
  • 51. Papervision Examples Red Bull|Flugtage Flight Lab Barcinski JeanJean | 3D Portfolio more cool papervision websites
  • 53. Building Compelling AR Experiences B ildi C lli E i experiences applications tools Authoring components Tracking, Display Sony CSL © 2004
  • 54. AR Authoring Software Lib i S ft Libraries osgART, Studierstube, MXRToolKit g Plug-ins to existing software DART (Macromedia Director), mARx (M di Di ) AR Stand Alone AMIRE, ComposAR, etc Next Generation iaTAR (Tangible AR)
  • 55. mARx Plug-in 3D Studio Max Plug-in Can model and view AR content at the same time
  • 56. BuildAR pp Stand alone application Visual interface for AR model viewing application Enables non-programmers to build AR scenes
  • 57. ImageTclAR Adds AR components to ImageTcl Modular Library (Scripting, Tcl) Supports several tracking systems (vision, magnetic, inertial) Easy to learn but little support, small community
  • 58. DART Designers AR Toolkit http://www cc gatech edu/dart/ AR plug-in for Macromedia Director Developed f d i D l d for designers Visual programming Scripting interface
  • 59. Studierstube Complete authoring tool Framework (Low Level Programming, C++) Modularity, Extensibility, Scalability, Heterogeneity Support for wide range of trackers, displays, input
  • 60. Metaio UnifEye SDK Complete commercial authoring platform p p Offers viewer and editor tools Visual interface and low level SDK Delivery on desktop or mobile platforms
  • 61. OSGART Programming Library Integration of ARToolKit with a High-Level Rendering Engine (OpenSceneGraph) g g ( p p ) OSGART= OpenSceneGraph + ARToolKit Supporting Geometric + Photometric Registration pp g g
  • 62. osgART:Features C++ (but also Python Lua, etc). Python, Lua etc) Multiple Video Input supports: Direct (Firewire/USB Camera), Files, Network by ARvideo, PtGrey, CVCam, VideoWrapper, etc. Benefits of Open Scene Graph Rendering Engine Plug-ins etc Engine, Plug ins,
  • 63. More Libraries JARToolKit MRToolKit, MXRToolKit ARLib MRToolKit MXRToolKit, ARLib, OpenVIDIA DWARF, Goblin XNA AMIRE D’Fusion D’F i
  • 64. Advanced Authoring: iaTAR (Lee 2004) Immersive AR A th i I i Authoring Using real objects to create AR applications
  • 65. osgART Developing Augmented Reality Applications with osgART
  • 66. What is a Scene Graph? Tree-like structure for organising a virtual world e.g. VRML Hierarchy of nodes that define: Hi h f d th t d fi Groups (and Switches, Sequences etc…) Transformations Projections Geometry … And states and attributes that define: Materials and textures Lighting and blending …
  • 68. Benefits of a Scene Graph Performance P f Structuring data facilitates optimization - Culling, state management, etc… Abstraction Underlying graphics pipeline is hidden Low-level programming (“how do I Image: sgi display this?”) replaced with high- level l l concepts (“what do I want to t (“ h t d tt display?”)
  • 69. About Open Scene Graph Open-source scene graph implementation Based on OpenGL Object-oriented C++ following design pattern principles Used for simulation, games, research, and industrial projects Active development community Maintained by Robert Osfield ~2000 mailing list subscribers Documentation project: www osgbooks com Uses the OSG Public License (similar to LGPL)
  • 70. About Open Scene Graph (2) Pirates of the XXI Century Flightgear SCANeR 3DVRII Research Institute EOR VRlab Umeå University
  • 71. Open Scene Graph Features Plugins for loading and saving 3D: 3D Studio (.3ds), OpenFlight (.flt), Wavefront (.obj)… 2D: .png, .jpg, .bmp, QuickTime movies NodeKits to extend functionality y e.g. osgShadow Cross platform Cross-platform support for: Window management (osgViewer) Threading (OpenThreads)
  • 72. Open Scene Graph Architecture Inter-operability with other environments, e.g. Python Plugins read and NodeKits extend write 2D image and core functionality, 3D model files Scene graph and exposing higher-level rendering node types functionality
  • 73. Some Open Scene Graph Demos osgviewer osgmotionblur osgparticle osgreflect osgdistortion osgfxbrowser You may want to get the OSG data package: Via SVN:
  • 74. Learning OSG Check out the Quick Start Guide Free PDF download at, Physical copy $13US Join h J i the mailing li ili list: Browse the website: Use the forum: p p g p g Study the examples Read the source?
  • 75. osgART ART
  • 76. What is osgART? osgART adds AR to Open Scene Graph Further developed and enhanced by: Julian Looser Hartmut Seichter H S h Raphael Grasset Current version 2.0, Open Source http://www osgart org
  • 77. osgART Approach: Basic Scene Graph Root Transform T f [0.988 -0.031 -0.048 0.857 0.141 0.513 -0.145 -0.512 0.846 10.939 29.859 -226.733 ] 0 0 0 1 To add Video see-through AR: 3D Object Integrate live video g Apply correct projection matrix Update tracked transformations in realtime
  • 78. osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph Root Transform 3D Object
  • 79. osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph Root Virtual Camera Video Transform Layer Video 3D Obj Object Geode
  • 80. osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph Root Projection matrix from tracker calibration Orthographic Transformation matrix projection Virtual updated from marker Camera tracking in realtime Video Transform Layer Full-screen quad with live texture updated from Video source Video 3D Obj Object Geode
  • 81. osgART Approach: AR Scene Graph Root Projection matrix from tracker calibration Orthographic Transformation matrix projection Virtual updated from marker Camera tracking in realtime Video Transform Layer Full-screen quad with live texture updated from Video source Video 3D Obj Object Geode
  • 82. osgART Architecture Like any video see-through AR library, osgART requires video input and tracking capabilities. Video Source e.g. e g DirectShow AR A Library Applica ation Tracking Module (libAR.lib)
  • 83. osgART Architecture osgART uses a plugin architecture so that video sources and tracking technologies can be plugged in as necessary OpenCVVideo - VidCapture - CMU1394 - PointGrey SDK - VidereDesign - Video Plugin V VideoWrapper - Vd W VideoInput - VideoSource - App DSVL - os Intranel RTSP - sgART plication Tracke Plugin ARToolKit4 - ARToolkitPlus - er n MXRToolKit - ARLib - bazAR (work in progress) - ARTag (work in progress) -
  • 84. Basic osgART Tutorial Develop D l a working osgART application from scratch. ki ART li ti f t h Use ARToolKit 2.72 library for tracking and video capture
  • 85. osgART Tutorial 1: Basic OSG Viewer Start with the standard Open Scene Graph Viewer We will modify this to do AR! y
  • 86. osgART Tutorial 1: Basic OSG Viewer The basic osgViewer… #include <osgViewer/Viewer> #include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Create a viewer osgViewer::Viewer viewer; // Create a root node osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> root = new osg::Group; // Attach root node to the viewer viewer.setSceneData(root.get()); g // Add relevant event handlers to the viewer viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler); viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::WindowSizeHandler); viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::ThreadingHandler); viewer.addEventHandler(new viewer addEventHandler(new osgViewer::HelpHandler); // Run the viewer and exit the program when the viewer is closed return; }
  • 87. osgART Tutorial 2: Adding Video Add a video plugin Load, configure, start video capture… Add a video background Create, link to video, add to scene-graph g p
  • 88. osgART Tutorial 2: Adding Video New code to load and configure a Video Plugin: // Preload the video and tracker int _video_id = osgART::PluginManager::getInstance()->load("osgart_video_artoolkit2"); // Load a video plugin. osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Video> video = dynamic_cast<osgART::Video*>(osgART::PluginManager::getInstance()->get(_video_id)); // Check if an instance of the video stream could be created if (!video.valid()) { // Without video an AR application can not work. Quit if none found. osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not initialize video plugin!" << std::endl; exit(-1); } // Open the video. This will not yet start the video stream but will // get information about the format of the video which is essential // for the connected tracker. video->open();
  • 89. osgART Tutorial 2: Adding Video New code to add a live video background osg::Group* createImageBackground(osg::Image* video) { osgART::VideoLayer* _layer = new osgART::VideoLayer(); _layer->setSize(*video); osgART::VideoGeode* _geode = new osgART::VideoGeode(osgART::VideoGeode::USE_TEXTURE_2D, video); addTexturedQuad(*_geode, video->s(), video->t()); _layer->addChild(_geode); return _layer; } In the main function… osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> videoBackground = createImageBackground(video.get()); videoBackground->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(0, "RenderBin"); root->addChild(videoBackground.get()); video->start();
  • 90. osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking Add a Tracker plugin T k l Load, configure, link to video Add a Marker to track Load, Load activate Tracked node Create, li k with marker via tracking callbacks C link i h k i ki llb k Print out the tracking data
  • 91. osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking Load a t ac g plugin and associate it with the video plugin oa tracking p ug a assoc ate t w t t e v eo p ug int _tracker_id = osgART::PluginManager::getInstance()->load("osgart_tracker_artoolkit2"); osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Tracker> tracker = dynamic_cast<osgART::Tracker*>(osgART::PluginManager::getInstance()->get(_tracker_id)); if (!tracker.valid()) { // Without tracker an AR application can not work. Quit if none found. osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not initialize tracker plugin!" << std::endl; exit(-1); } // get the tracker calibration object osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Calibration> calibration = tracker->getOrCreateCalibration(); // load a calibration file if (!calibration->load("data/camera para dat")) (!calibration->load( data/camera_para.dat )) { // the calibration file was non-existing or couldnt be loaded osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Non existing or incompatible calibration file" << std::endl; exit(-1); } // set the image source for the tracker tracker->setImage(video.get()); osgART::TrackerCallback::addOrSet(root.get(), tracker.get()); // create the virtual camera and add it to the scene osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> cam = calibration->createCamera(); root->addChild(cam.get());
  • 92. osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking Load a marker and activate it Associate it with a transformation node (via event callbacks) Add the transformation node to the virtual camera node osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Marker> marker = tracker->addMarker("single;data/patt.hiro;80;0;0"); if (!marker.valid()) { // Without marker an AR application can not work. Quit if none found. osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not add marker!" << std::endl; exit(-1); } marker->setActive(true); osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> arTransform = new osg::MatrixTransform(); osgART::attachDefaultEventCallbacks(arTransform.get(), marker.get()); cam->addChild(arTransform.get()); Add a debug callback to print out information about the tracked marker osgART::addEventCallback(arTransform.get(), new osgART::MarkerDebugCallback(marker.get()));
  • 93. osgART Tutorial 3: Tracking Tracking information is g output to console
  • 94. osgART Tutorial 4: Adding Content Now put the trackin data t use! N t tracking to se! Add content to the tracked transform Basic cube code arTransform->addChild(osgART::testCube()); arTransform->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin");
  • 95. osgART Tutorial 5: Adding 3D Model Open Scene Graph can load some 3D formats directly: O S G h l d f di l e.g. Wavefront (.obj), OpenFlight (.flt), 3D Studio (.3ds), COLLADA Others need to be converted Support for some formats is much better than others e.g. OpenFlight good, 3ds hit and miss. Recommend native .osg and .ive formats .osg – ASCII representation of scene graph .ive – Binary OSG file. Can contain hold textures ive file textures. osgExp : Exporter for 3DS Max is a good choice Otherwise .3ds files from TurboSquid can work
  • 96. osgART Tutorial 5: Adding 3D Model Replace the simple cube with a 3D model Models are loaded using the osgDB::readNodeFile() function std::string filename = "media/hollow_cube.osg"; arTransform >addChild(osgDB::readNodeFile(filename)); arTransform->addChild(osgDB::readNodeFile(filename)); Export to .osg 3D Studio M St di Max osgART Note: Scale is important. Units are in mm. important mm
  • 97. osgART Tutorial 6: Multiple Markers Repeat the process so far to track more than one marker simultaneouslyy
  • 98. osgART Tutorial 6: Multiple Markers Repeat the process so far to track more than one marker R h f k h k Load and activate two markers osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Marker> markerA = tracker->addMarker("single;data/patt.hiro;80;0;0"); markerA->setActive(true); osg::ref_ptr<osgART::Marker> markerB = tracker->addMarker("single;data/patt.kanji;80;0;0"); _ markerB->setActive(true); Create two transformations, attach callbacks, and add models osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> arTransformA = new osg::MatrixTransform(); osgART::attachDefaultEventCallbacks(arTransformA.get(), markerA.get()); arTransformA->addChild(osgDB::readNodeFile("media/hitl_logo.osg")); arTransformA->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin"); cam->addChild(arTransformA.get()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> arTransformB = new osg::MatrixTransform(); osgART::attachDefaultEventCallbacks(arTransformB.get(), markerB.get()); arTransformB->addChild(osgDB::readNodeFile("media/gist_logo.osg")); arTransformB->getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(100, "RenderBin"); cam->addChild(arTransformB.get());
  • 99. osgART Tutorial 6: Multiple Markers
  • 100. Basic osgART Tutorial: Summary Standard OSG Viewer Addition of Video Addition of Tracking Addition of basic 3D Addition of 3D Model Multiple Markers g p graphics
  • 102. FLARManager: Makes building FLARToolkit apps easier Is open-source, with a free and commercial license open source, Is designed to allow exploration of both augmented reality and alternative controllers Was initiated by Eric Socolofsky, developed with contributions from FLARToolkit community ib i f FLART lki i Decouples FLARToolkit from Papervision3D Configuration without recompilation, via xml config
  • 103. FLARManager: features Gives more control over application environment Provides multiple input options Robust multiple marker management Supports multiple 3D frameworks Offers features f optimization Off f for i i i Allows for customization
  • 105. Websites Software Download http://artoolkit sourceforge net/ ARToolKit Documentation ARToolKit Forum ARToolworks Inc p
  • 106. ARToolKit Plus http://studierstube.icg.tu- t/h dh ld / t lkit l h osgART FLARToolKit FLARManager http://words transmote com/wp/flarmanager/
  • 107. Books Interactive E I Environments with Open-Source hO S Software: 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented Reality for Architects with Bl d 2 43 DART R li f A hi i h Blender 2.43, 3.0 and ARToolKit 2.72 by Wolfgang Höhl A Hitchhikers Guide to Virtual Reality by Karen y y McMenemy and Stuart Ferguson
  • 108. More Information • M k Billi h t Mark Billinghurst – • Websites – hi l b