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Assignment No 2
Education of Mentally Retarded Children-I (3605)
Submitted by :Kiran Iqbal
Submitted to : Respected Sir Sajid Ali
Registration Number:CB572572
Program: M.A/M.Ed. Special Education
Semester: Spring, 2022(4th
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Q.1 Suppose you have to teach the English alphabets to the children with mild intellectual
disability. Prepare a lesson plan employing curriculum modification strategy.
Teaching children the alphabet is foundational to learning how to read. Before children can put
together sounds or draw together lines that make words, they need to know what they are. If you’ve
never taught the alphabet before, the concept may sound abstract: how do you teach something
that comes so naturally to you? Teaching letters can be really fun and simple. In this article, we’ll
give you easy ways to teach the alphabet to preschoolers.
1) Sing alphabet songs
Obviously, we all know the English-language, “A-B-C-D, E-F-G,” song. That’s a great place to
start. However, there are more alphabet songs, which can add variety to your tunes, and help kids
learn the alphabet in different ways.
This article lists a whole bunch of alphabet songs to try. And, if you saw our article on YouTube
channels for toddlers and preschoolers, you can find letter-related songs there too. The visuals in
videos can show objects that start with each letter, and sometimes the songs also pronounce sounds
One important note brought up by this early childhood educator, is that kids should go from singing
the song, to being able to say and point out the letters without a tune. So don’t stop at singing!
2) Play letter matching games
Letter matching games are easy to set up. You can have a poster board with the alphabet printed
on it in large letters. Have separate letter magnets or paper letters cut out at the same size as the
print letters. Ask the preschoolers to match their cut outs to the letters on the chart. Where does
“A” go? Place the letter “A” cut out on top of the printed “A” on the poster board. Get them to
practice doing this with all the other letters.
As the early childhood educator mentioned above noted, you can also have an alphabet ‘arc,’ where
one end of a half-circle shows the letter “A”, and the other end the letter “Z”. In between you can
have other letters in the alphabet shown, but not all of them. Ask the preschoolers to put down
their block letters in the right sequence, using the pre-filled in letters as clues.
3) Open a new ‘alphabet box’ each week
You may have seen us post on Facebook that a certain week is brought to you by a letter we’re
covering. It may be “C,” and you’ll see photos of us painting the letter C at daycare, or learning
about animals that start with the letter “C.” Weekly letter themes are common in preschools.
You can take your weekly letter curriculum a step further by creating a box that children can open
to discover objects that relate to that letter.
For example, on the week covering the letter “A,” your preschoolers can open (or even unlock) a
box that contains an apple, a toy airplane, a toy alligator, an acorn, an arrow (a safe one!), and so
on. In fact, don’t tell the children right away what letter the box of ‘treasures’ represents. Ask them
if they can guess the letter they’ll cover that week by observing the objects in the box alone. This
can be a fun and whimsical way to have your children get excited about the week ahead, and work
together to come up with an answer.
3) Use interdisciplinary learning with each letter, to strengthen letter associations
Since repeating a letter over and over again can get boring, you can mix it up a little by bringing
in related lessons. You can start with a week’s letter as your core subject. Then, throughout the
day, teach interdisciplinary subjects that still relate.
For example, if you are on the letter “R,” you can learn about the colour “red” too, since it starts
with “R.” Ask the children, ‘what things are red?’ If you are on the letter “A,” you can learn about
apples. We’ve done this before, where we teach children about the types of apples there are, as
well as explain that seeds are inside an apple, and so on.
This blogger lists a whole bunch of crafts you can you incorporate into your letter learning. For
example, you can make holes with a hole punch for the letter “H.” This can then lead into learning
about the circle shape. You get the idea…
4) If you use flashcards to teach the alphabet, use logical ones
Flashcards are a great memorization tool, and the alphabet is all about memorizing. However, this
teacher warns that sometimes, pre-made flashcards can get really confusing. If you are teaching
the letter “D” and there is an image of something that simply uses the sound of “D” somewhere in
the word, but doesn’t start with “D”… well you can quickly see how even adults would be confused
by that.
Remember, at this stage, you’re not teaching phonetics or complex vocabulary and pronunciation.
First, children need to recognize and know the alphabet. Use the simplest flash cards, with the
simplest pictures of the objects and animals that preschoolers can recognize.
That said, sometimes you want to use lowercase and uppercase letters in your flashcards…and yes,
that can be confusing for the very young learners, especially when the upper and lowercase look
so different, but are called the same thing. But if you’re using a set of magnets, for example, you
can just use their uppercase versions, that’s ok (they may only come in that form). For very early
learners, you can start really basic. Just don’t forget to start showing them the lowercase and
uppercase letters together at some point in their alphabet learning journey.
5) Eat foods shaped like letters to help preschoolers learn their alphabet
Speaking of interdisciplinary alphabet learning, why not do a baking session with the kids at
preschool? They can use letter-shaped cookie cutters to make a fun and yummy snack. Meanwhile,
there is a host of lessons you can teach with the baking activity. Chemistry, cooking, nutrition…the
list goes on.
If you want the easy route, try commercially-sold letter-shaped biscuits. IKEA has a version of
these. Ask your toddler or preschooler to name the alphabet letter they’re about to eat. Eating it
can be the reward for getting it right!
And of course, there is alphabet soup, or noodles shaped like letters. You can make mealtime fun,
and educational, with these edible alphabet manipulatives.
So there you have it, 5 easy ways to teach the alphabet to preschoolers. They may even be fun for
you, too! It is super cute to hear little ones pronounce letters, and guess what object goes with each
letter. When your preschoolers are learning the alphabet, be sure to take every teachable
opportunity you can to encourage them to recognize letters in the world around them. If you’re on
a field trip, ask the children if they can spot their letter-of-the-week on a street or building sign. If
you’re reading a book, see if they can spot the letters you’re reading to them. Keep pushing letter
recognition throughout the day, so the lessons can really sink into their memory.
Q.2 Discuss the procedure and benefits to use sign language and communication board for
children with severe intellectual disability.
What is Sign Language?
Sign language is the bridge that connects us to the world of those who have an impaired hearing
or verbal ability. An array of gestures made using hands, fingers, arms, head and facial expressions
besides symbols constitute a sign language. It helps the deaf and the dumb to communicate with
the people around them and vice versa. It enables them to understand the world around them
through visual descriptions and in turn, contribute to the society. Heather Whitestone became the
first deaf woman to win the Miss America pageant in the year 1995 proving to the world that such
people can thrive equally well. Helen Keller is considered to be the first woman who was educated
in spite of being deaf and blind using sign language.
Sign language is based on ideas rather than words. It is a language that cannot be written and
comprises of 26 hand symbols each representing one alphabet. These symbols are conveyed using
fingers and words are spelt. Words or names are expressed using a combination of finger spellings
as well as gestures. Over the period of time standard sign languages, namely American Sign
Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL) have developed and are used by the deaf. Many
deaf schools use a technique called total communication which implies the use of ASL or BSL,
oral speech and lip reading.
History of Sign Language
Signs probably have been the first form of communication used by man since his evolutions. Signs
can be said to be as old as the human race. Babies make noises or use gesture what they want or
how they feel. People who are not natives use signs to communicate with the others as language
is a barrier. We still use signs when we need to communicate with each other without being noticed
or heard. Nobody can say with certainty as to where and when did the first sign evolve. For many
years the deaf and the dumb were ill-treated and considered unfit to be educated. Aristotle was the
biggest proponent of this theory. His ideas were challenged about two thousand years later by an
Italian physicist, Girolamo Cardano, who attempted to educate his own deaf son. It was in the year
1545 that a Spanish priest, Pedro de Ponce, set up the first ever school for the deaf. This was
followed by many attempts to establish signs as a means of communication. The advocates of this
act faced severe persecution but the sign language not only prevailed, but it also flourished. It
finally put an end to the social isolation of the deaf and the dumb.
Charles Michel de l’ Épée, often called the Father of the Deaf, was the most influential teacher of
sign language. By the time of his death in the year 1789 had trained a team of teachers for the deaf
and established 21 schools in France and Europe. Soon the French and the European efforts to
educate the deaf spread to America and eventually the ASL or the American Sign Language
became the official sign language of the deaf and the dumb. Different groups of people have
developed their own particular sign languages over the years. However, the sign language has a
different syntax and grammar that varies from the native language of that place. Today we have
more than 50 sign languages such as the Danish, Chinese, American and French. The sign language
has evolved in different parts of the world just like the other spoken languages.
Advantages of Learning Sign Language
The process of learning a sign language requires a lot of patience and practice. It is learnt by the
deaf themselves, the family members of the deaf, teachers who deal with children who are disabled
as well as by newsreaders who convey the news to the deaf viewers using sign language. Besides
them, the deep sea divers also use sign language to communicate under the deep waters where
speaking is not possible. The experience of communicating words or feelings through hands, finger
spells, facial expressions is quite amazing and thrilling. Some of the benefits of learning the sign
language and its usage are as follows:
 Helps the deaf and the dumb to communicate with the others as well as amongst themselves
 Helps in the process of social inclusion of those that suffer from hearing impairment
 Provides a chance to the deaf children to educate themselves
 Enhances the level of confidence among the disabled
 Instils a feeling of social responsibility and sensitivity among the non-deaf who volunteer
to learn sign language in order to communicate with those who are disabled
 Makes life easier for the deaf
 Deaf babies can be taught sign language more easily than verbal language as the muscles
of their hands develop faster than their mouth. They can pick up signs faster and learn to
express themselves better as they grow.
 Research proves that children who learn to use signs at an early age are smarter than the
children who do not
 Easier and effective communication reduces chances of conflict between people
 Sign language interpreters and educators are greatly required in public places such as police
stations, courts, hospitals to remove language barriers between the deaf and the normal
people and prevent any chance of exploitation
 It is believed that 90 per cent of the deaf children is born to parents who can listen properly.
Therefore such parents need to learn the sign language to communicate with their child
Benefits of Sign Language for Autistic Children
Use of sign language has proved to be a great boon for the autistic children who find it difficult to
express themselves verbally. Research proves that such children, when trained using sign language
along with verbal communication, tend to become more receptive and learn to express themselves
easily. Training in sign language helps them speak faster and more coherently as the sign language
activates the same part of the brain that the verbal language does. Eventually, as the autistic
children start expressing themselves effectively, their social interaction is augmented. This further
reduces the instances or the possibility of emotional as well as behavioural outbursts and lowers
their frustration levels.
Sign Languages Abbreviations
There is no universal sign language and nearly every country has developed its own language to
fulfil the needs of its deaf community. There is no clarity on how many sign languages exist in the
world. Some countries have more than one native sign language. However, the 2013 Ethnologue
(catalogue of languages) lists 137 sign languages in all.
Q.3 Provide a list of activities to be carried out in classroom for ocular motor control and
hand-eye coordination of the children with intellectual disability.
Eye-Hand Coordination
It is the coordinated control and movement of the eyes and hands that guide our reaching, grasping,
It uses the proprioception system in the hand and/or legs and visual system to coordinate these
Eye-Hand Coordination Development
Eye-hand coordination begins to develop between 4 and 14 months old, when a baby begins to use
their hands and legs to explore around them. Together with visual input and developing fine motor
skills, a baby begins to grasp and hold objects, while fine tuning these movements as they grow.
The visual system is comprised of more than just visual acuity, being able to distinguish what the
eyes see. It also involves being able to fixate on objects, eye movement abilities, focusing, eye
aiming (convergence) and eye teaming (binocularity), and controlling eye and hand movements.
Fine motor skills need movement and coordination of the small muscles in the hand and arm in
order to complete tasks and activities.
Let's take a look at some of the eye-hand coordination skills a child masters at different ages.
Birth to 3 years old
 Develops the vision needed in order to start following objects with their eyes
 Begin basic eye-hand activities such as grasping, reaching, feeding and dressing
 Start to recognize directions such as up, down, in and out
 Begin to manipulate smaller objects using fine motor skills
3 Years Old to 5 Years Old
 Start to develop a preference of right of left handedness
 Continue to understand concepts such as direction and and place such as up, down,
under, beside
 Climbing, jumping, running, galloping, pushing, pulling, and climbing stairs one
stair at a time
 Fine tune eye/hand/body coordination and eye teaming as well as depth perception
Children above the age of 5 continue to fine tune all these skills as well as learn to visually attend
to and focus during school work activities in the classroom or at home. They also tend to decide
whether to be right or left handed between 5 and 7 years old (handedness).
Eye-Hand Coordination Difficulties
Eye-hand coordination is important for a variety of tasks including handwriting, participating in
sports, grasping and moving objects, etc. Difficulty with eye-hand coordination can look like a
lack of drawing or writing skills, unable to stay within the lines for coloring, or difficulty catching
or kicking a ball.
Eye-hand coordination skills can also be affected by vision impairment and/or loss or motor
problems such as ataxia (lack of coordination of voluntary movements) or hypertonia (abnormally
increased muscle tone which affects the muscle's ability to stretch).
Hand Eye Coordination Games For Younger Kids
1) Rolling A Ball
This activity is lovely for toddlers and young preschoolers.
 Have your child sit with legs apart, as shown, and you roll the ball to your child.
 Your child needs to try and stop the ball before it hits the body. This means your child will
be watching the ball carefully and then coordinating the hands to stop the ball at just the
right time.
2) Object Relays
This is a fun indoor or outdoor game and the whole family can take part!
You can use different objects, depending on the theme and occasion (holiday themes and birthday
parties are great for this game)!
Works on bilateral as well as hand eye coordination.
 The kids stand in a line and pass the ball/object to the child behind them.
 Do it overhead, then between the legs.
 Encourage the kids to use both hands together.
 Make it more fun by having a bucket of objects at the front that have to be transferred to
an empty bucket at the back.
 You can do this in fireman relay style, where everyone keeps their place, or have the last
kid run to the front after placing the object in the bucket at the back, that way they all get
a turn to be in front.
3) Passing and Gentle Tossing
It takes a lot of concentration for a toddler or a preschooler to pass or toss something carefully
with both hands!
 Play a variety of circle or line games, like the relays above, where balls or beanbags are
carefully passed from one player to another.
 Then upgrade to gentle tossing.
 Have the kids move one step away from each other and then gently toss the ball or
beanbag to each other.
For toddlers and preschoolers, I also have some easy visual motor activities that can help improve
hand eye coordination skills.
Eye-Hand Activities for Older Kids
1) Ball-Wall Toss
Once your child has had lots of practice catching and hitting a suspended ball, you can try a ball-
wall toss.
Find a nice stretch of high wall with no windows or breakable objects nearby. Smoother walls are
better than bumpy ones.
 Ask your child to toss the ball against a wall and catch it again.
 You will need to experiment a bit to find the most effective distance from the wall – it
depends on the type of ball, and how forcefully your child throws it, but encourage your
child to start with a gentle toss!
 See how many your child can catch before missing and keep a running record of the best
tally. Encourage your child to better the score each time!
2) Toss and Catch
 Tossing a beanbag or ball into the air and catching again is a good hand-eye coordination
 If your child tends to throw haphazardly, have your child stand in a hoop or mark a circle
to stand in - this can help kids throw more carefully.
3) Threading and Lacing
Threading beads and completing a lacing card, are fine motor activities that have a big eye-hand
coordination component. Use chunky beads and laces if your child struggles, or have your child
thread beads onto a pipe cleaner/chenille stick for extra stability.
Q.4 Discuss the similarities and differences between computer simulation and computer
assisted instruction. How can these teaching strategies be used for children with intellectual
"Computer-assisted instruction" (CAI) refers to instruction or remediation presented on a
computer. Many educational computer programs are available online and from computer stores
and textbook companies. They enhance teacher instruction in several ways.
Computer simulation are interactive and can illustrate a concept through attractive animation,
sound, and demonstration. They allow students to progress at their own pace and work individually
or problem solve in a group. Computers provide immediate feedback, letting students know
whether their answer is correct. If the answer is not correct, the program shows students how to
correctly answer the question. Computers offer a different type of activity and a change of pace
from teacher-led or group instruction.
Computer-assisted instruction improves instruction for students with disabilities because students
receive immediate feedback and do not continue to practice the wrong skills. Computers capture
the students' attention because the programs are interactive and engage the students' spirit of
competitiveness to increase their scores. Also, computer-assisted instruction moves at the students'
pace and usually does not move ahead until they have mastered the skill. Programs provide
differentiated lessons to challenge students who are at risk, average, or gifted.*
What does CAI look like for reading?
Words are spoken aloud by the computer and the program will not allow the student to place the
wrong letter in the word. Students hear, see, and take action to learn phonics.
Reading computer programs demonstrate concepts, instruct, and remediate student errors and
misunderstandings from preschool through college. Some programs help students learn basic sight
word and phonics skills; others develop and enhance reading comprehension skills through
increased fluency, word prediction, and story prediction. Programs may use reading activities as a
community service projects, such as or as competition among students to read books (Accelerated
Reader). The U.S. Department of Education's site, helps parents determine whether their child's
early reading program is a good one. Computers may be used individually or in groups in a
cooperative learning environment where students can discuss concept as they learn them.
Below is an example of a computerized program as the student sees it. The program may be used
for instruction or assessment. The student uses the mouse to click the best word of the three
presented for each blank to complete the sentence so that it makes sense. If this activity is used for
instruction, the program gives positive feedback for correct answers or shows the student which
answers are wrong and then gives the correct choice. The program may speak the sentence with
the wrong word and ask the student to choose another word of the three, or it may highlight the
correct choice and speak the correct sentence. If the program is used for assessment, no
remediation is given; the program just scores the sentence.
One program that teaches phonics and reading skills to all ages of students continually monitors a
student's speed and accuracy as the student works through each lesson. The teacher sets an
accuracy goal in the program for the student?the number of sounds or words per minute that the
student must master. At the most basic level, the student, using headphones, hears the sound of the
letter and then chooses which of three letters presented has that sound. For example, the program
makes the sound of the letter k as this screen appears. The student uses the mouse to choose the
correct letter. If the student makes the correct choice, a checkmark appears over the correct letter.
If the choice is incorrect, an X appears over the correct letter. In either case, the program then
quickly moves to the next letter.
The program gives the student 50 sounds and measures the amount of time the student takes to
identify them. The number of sounds the student correctly identifies divided by the number of
minutes is the measure of correct sounds per minute. The program graphs the information for the
student and then prints a copy of the student's errors for the teacher. When the student reaches the
goal the teacher has set, the program moves the student up to the next skill level. When the student
has mastered the phonics, he or she will see word games and puzzles, a maze for comprehension,
and a library with stories and comprehension questions. Programs such as this one are used for at-
risk students and students with disabilities in middle and high school and with adults to improve
reading skills.
How is CAI implemented?
Teachers should review the computer program or the online activity or game to understand the
context of the lessons and determine which ones fit the needs of their students and how they may
enhance instruction.
 Can this program supplement the lesson, give basic skills practice, or be used as an
educational reward for students?
 Is the material presented so that students will remain interested yet not lose valuable
instruction time trying to figure out how to operate the program? Does the program waste
time with too much animation?
 Is the program at the correct level for the class or the individual student?
Teachers should also review all Web sites and links immediately before directing students to them.
Web addresses and links frequently change and become inactive. Students might become frustrated
when links are no longer available.
Q.5 Write short notes on the following:
• Modern teaching approaches
Modern Teaching Methods
Like other fields, the face of education has also evolved drastically over the period. Earlier,
teachers were the only means to create a bridge between education and learners. They were using
conventional pedagogical methods to explain the topic or to provide notes. However, modern
education sees a vast scenario which encourages learners to study profoundly and study to satisfy
their curiosity. In recent years, we are getting introduced with different modern teaching methods,
and the introduction of technology along with innovative ways to teach has brought a revolution
in the education sector. So, let’s discuss which new teaching methods are.
Following are the modern teaching methods:
Collaborative Learning
Earlier, when students were asked to revise the topic or syllabus during an examination or regular
days, they used to revise the syllabus in isolation or at home. This practise was widespread in
traditional teaching methods. To deal with this issue or provide a more useful platform for students,
schools are coming up with collaborative learning. In this modern teaching method, teachers form
a group of students where they can solve their problem, debates on topics, and clear their queries.
This helps in developing social skills and allows students to understand the subject faster.
In this modern teaching method, every student is a part of the success of a group as they help each
other to reach the desired result, and they also learn to communicate with each other. Learners
learn to tolerate others, develop skills to listen to others and how to work in a team. They will be
able to meet different personalities and can get a genuine review of their work.
Students present their ideas and expect a response when they are in group learning. It allows them
to exchange their creativity and gain more knowledge. In return, it helps them to learn to face
healthy criticism and cross-questions. So, school management should choose to take up a
collaborative method of teaching to teach their students. They just need to make a few changes in
the layout of the Classroom. Replace desks to whiteboard surfaces. So, the groups can work
together with ease.
Spaced Learning
Spaced learning is one of the modern teaching methods, which is being followed by teachers. In
this method, teachers repeat a lesson multiple times, basically until the students understand
entirely. However, the teacher repeats the course with two 10-minute spaces (break) in-between
the lessons.
The gap is meant to refresh the mind by playing physical activities or mindfulness techniques
which prepares them for the next session of the same lesson. This method gives the students
intervals to inherit the knowledge and create connections between learnings. Before moving
forward to another chapter, this method prepares the students with basics.
It truly defines a proverb that a healthy mind is in a healthy body. So, the physical state of students
should be sufficient to the growth of mental state which is crucial to gain knowledge. Spaced
learning also has a scope to reduce obesity in school-going children which can be seen more
nowadays. It improves both mental and physical health of a student.
Flipped Classroom
Flipped Classroom is a well-known term in the pedagogical method. You have known about this
undoubtedly. Its name ‘Flipped Classroom’ makes it unique. It is one of the very vital modern
teaching methods that has been in use these days. In this method of teaching, the teaching
procedure takes place in a flipped manner.
As unlike traditional ways, students study new material or content at home by themselves and
practice the same at school. The method is the reverse of providing content at school and asks
students to rework on it or practice it at home. The students practice this method at home by
watching a video tutorial, search online, or work on the content usually shared by the teacher. They
do not need to complete the homework at home. Instead, they end it at school.
Through the practice of flipped Classroom modern teaching methods, students get enough time to
grasp the topic, unlike school where they get only a few minutes to understand the content. If
necessary, they can work more on one issue.
Students prepare themselves with the content before arriving in school, and if they face any doubt,
they can discuss it in the Classroom or ask the concerned teacher. They can also suggest their ideas
related to the content and share it with other classmates. Moreover, there is another advantage of
this modern teaching method that students would not have to suffer due to their sickness. Sick days
won’t interrupt their learning.
Curiosity pushes the learner to learn new and more always. It drives the learners to learn and
memorize large spaces of the text that they will either miss gratefully or forget immediately.
Through their curiosity, students get motivated to explore the subjects they are interested in.
Teaching students to operate the internet and find results themselves helps them to be self-
dependent and gives them a deep understanding of the content.
A teacher should allow the students to bring new ideas and work on it for the development of their
brain and ability to work alone. This modern teaching method plays a significant role in learners’
period of education.
It is a well-known fact that children love games either it is online games or playing games at the
field. Teaching through games is one of the essential modern teaching methods that has been in
use under modern teaching ways. The significance of Gamification in teaching has mostly been
seen in the elementary and preschool system. Learning through playing games won’t be even
realized by students. It motivated students as well and proved effective not only to the students of
preschool but of any age.
The responsibility of teaching through Gamification is of teachers as they should plan or design
projects that will be suitable for the students of their respective age. They should incorporate
attractive measures to connect the students for a longer time and keep their interest alive. Teachers
can also take help of the online platform under Gamification. Teachers can organize online quiz,
puzzles or brain games. This modern teaching method is a fun learning method to teach.
VAK teaching
VAK is a modern teaching method whose effects can be seen clearly. We divide leaner into three
categories: Visual, Audio, and kinesthetic (movement). One needs to recognize to which category
they belong to or the teacher must know to which category her students relate to.
In VAK, V is visual means seeing the data, A is Audio means gathering information by hearing
the data, and K is Kinesthetic means feeling the data. A teacher should keep the category of
students in kind while teaching because some students catch the information by seeing, by hearing
or by feeling. So, they should present the same material in different ways.
The VAK teaching method was introduced in the 1920s to help children with dyslexia. However,
its impact is more effective in the modern era. In the time of the internet, watching and learning
through videos has become a popular new medium of teaching. Students grasp fast when they see,
hear or feel instead of reading the material. And also, a learner is not limited to any one of the
media as they can use even all three mediums of instruction.
Crossover Learning
The not-so-common modern teaching method is Crossover learning which uses both formal and
informal teaching and learning environments. It is one of the perfect ways to give the best
education to learners. Crossover learning effectively engages learners and provides authentic yet
innovative results.
A formal setting is a traditional setting, i.e., Classroom to provide education. While, the informal
environment of teaching is museums, seminars, and after-school places. Schools and colleges teach
with content, study material and use everyday experiences to add knowledge. On the other hand,
informal learning generates curiosity and interest and increases understanding by asking questions
to their teachers.
Teachers should introduce new queries or questions in the formal setting and answers for which
students should try to find in informal settings such as by exploring that question on their museum
visit. The learners can take notes or collect pictures as their data and produce them as the
information once they backed in the Classroom. They can share collected information with other
classmates and can discuss it for better results.
• Open class room methods
An approach to teaching and learning that emphasizes the student’s right to make decisions and
that views the teacher as a facilitator of learning rather than a transmitter of knowledge. The open-
classroom method may include grouping of students across grades, independent study,
individualized rates of progression, open-plan schools without interior walls, or unstructured time
and curricula.
The open classroom school generally had an architectural configuration of large pods containing
six to twelve classrooms, each with an outside access and no interior walls. Children were not
assigned individual desks; they sat in cooperative small groups at tables. Teachers usually defined
their workspace by their arrangements of bookshelves and cabinets. The lack of hallways meant
more space was available for instructional use. The outside accesses and lack of walls allowed for
greater accessibility. These design changes also resulted in a more efficient use of energy at a time
when energy was becoming more costly.
At OpenClassrooms, we reverse-engineer our curriculum to meet the specific skill sets needed for
in-demand jobs. There are no tests or exams to study for. Our programs are project-based, requiring
students to build products and solve issues that they would realistically face in a future role.
Each week, you’ll discuss your progress with a mentor during a one-hour video conference.
Mentors are experienced professionals working in your target industry. They’re able to give you
practical advice based on their real-world experience.
So where do video classes fit into all of this?
At OpenClassrooms, classes act as a support to the projects. You aren’t obliged to complete all of
them. You can complete your projects using other sources or knowledge from your own
If you’re completely new to the subject, however, we do recommend using the classes as much as
possible in order to give yourself a solid knowledge base.
Why this approach?
Project-based learning has been on the fringe of the educational landscape for a long time. It’s
known to be one of the most effective methods in terms of keeping students motivated during their
learning experience as well as teaching them relevant skills, fast.
Here are some of its key benefits:
 You learn what you need to. You’ll learn only what is required to work in the industry,
but also everything that is required. Project-based learning allows OpenClassrooms to
finely tune courses to achieve this.
 It’s a fairer way to evaluate your work. Once you graduate, you’ll know you’ve acquired
all the necessary skills not only to pass an exam, but also to survive and flourish in a real
professional environment.
 Your coursework experience has real value. By the end of your program, you’ll have
completed relevant projects that you can put in your professional portfolio and present
during an interview. Recruiters will take notice. You’ll be ready to start work immediately.
Project-based learning gives you the opportunity to gain realistic professional experience in the
‘safety’ of an educational context. Any problems can be discussed with your mentor, allowing
challenges to be an opportunity to learn in a low-stakes environment.
Following our project-based, Path means that you’ll thoroughly learn the skills required for the job
you want all while building your professional portfolio. The combination of these two factors puts
you on an accelerated path toward career success.

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  • 1. Assignment No 2 Education of Mentally Retarded Children-I (3605) Submitted by :Kiran Iqbal Submitted to : Respected Sir Sajid Ali Registration Number:CB572572 Program: M.A/M.Ed. Special Education Semester: Spring, 2022(4th Semester) Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
  • 2. Q.1 Suppose you have to teach the English alphabets to the children with mild intellectual disability. Prepare a lesson plan employing curriculum modification strategy. Teaching children the alphabet is foundational to learning how to read. Before children can put together sounds or draw together lines that make words, they need to know what they are. If you’ve never taught the alphabet before, the concept may sound abstract: how do you teach something that comes so naturally to you? Teaching letters can be really fun and simple. In this article, we’ll give you easy ways to teach the alphabet to preschoolers. 1) Sing alphabet songs Obviously, we all know the English-language, “A-B-C-D, E-F-G,” song. That’s a great place to start. However, there are more alphabet songs, which can add variety to your tunes, and help kids learn the alphabet in different ways. This article lists a whole bunch of alphabet songs to try. And, if you saw our article on YouTube channels for toddlers and preschoolers, you can find letter-related songs there too. The visuals in videos can show objects that start with each letter, and sometimes the songs also pronounce sounds too. One important note brought up by this early childhood educator, is that kids should go from singing the song, to being able to say and point out the letters without a tune. So don’t stop at singing!
  • 3. 2) Play letter matching games Letter matching games are easy to set up. You can have a poster board with the alphabet printed on it in large letters. Have separate letter magnets or paper letters cut out at the same size as the print letters. Ask the preschoolers to match their cut outs to the letters on the chart. Where does “A” go? Place the letter “A” cut out on top of the printed “A” on the poster board. Get them to practice doing this with all the other letters. As the early childhood educator mentioned above noted, you can also have an alphabet ‘arc,’ where one end of a half-circle shows the letter “A”, and the other end the letter “Z”. In between you can have other letters in the alphabet shown, but not all of them. Ask the preschoolers to put down their block letters in the right sequence, using the pre-filled in letters as clues. 3) Open a new ‘alphabet box’ each week You may have seen us post on Facebook that a certain week is brought to you by a letter we’re covering. It may be “C,” and you’ll see photos of us painting the letter C at daycare, or learning about animals that start with the letter “C.” Weekly letter themes are common in preschools. You can take your weekly letter curriculum a step further by creating a box that children can open to discover objects that relate to that letter. For example, on the week covering the letter “A,” your preschoolers can open (or even unlock) a box that contains an apple, a toy airplane, a toy alligator, an acorn, an arrow (a safe one!), and so on. In fact, don’t tell the children right away what letter the box of ‘treasures’ represents. Ask them if they can guess the letter they’ll cover that week by observing the objects in the box alone. This can be a fun and whimsical way to have your children get excited about the week ahead, and work together to come up with an answer. 3) Use interdisciplinary learning with each letter, to strengthen letter associations Since repeating a letter over and over again can get boring, you can mix it up a little by bringing in related lessons. You can start with a week’s letter as your core subject. Then, throughout the day, teach interdisciplinary subjects that still relate.
  • 4. For example, if you are on the letter “R,” you can learn about the colour “red” too, since it starts with “R.” Ask the children, ‘what things are red?’ If you are on the letter “A,” you can learn about apples. We’ve done this before, where we teach children about the types of apples there are, as well as explain that seeds are inside an apple, and so on. This blogger lists a whole bunch of crafts you can you incorporate into your letter learning. For example, you can make holes with a hole punch for the letter “H.” This can then lead into learning about the circle shape. You get the idea… 4) If you use flashcards to teach the alphabet, use logical ones Flashcards are a great memorization tool, and the alphabet is all about memorizing. However, this teacher warns that sometimes, pre-made flashcards can get really confusing. If you are teaching the letter “D” and there is an image of something that simply uses the sound of “D” somewhere in the word, but doesn’t start with “D”… well you can quickly see how even adults would be confused by that. Remember, at this stage, you’re not teaching phonetics or complex vocabulary and pronunciation. First, children need to recognize and know the alphabet. Use the simplest flash cards, with the simplest pictures of the objects and animals that preschoolers can recognize. That said, sometimes you want to use lowercase and uppercase letters in your flashcards…and yes, that can be confusing for the very young learners, especially when the upper and lowercase look so different, but are called the same thing. But if you’re using a set of magnets, for example, you can just use their uppercase versions, that’s ok (they may only come in that form). For very early learners, you can start really basic. Just don’t forget to start showing them the lowercase and uppercase letters together at some point in their alphabet learning journey. 5) Eat foods shaped like letters to help preschoolers learn their alphabet Speaking of interdisciplinary alphabet learning, why not do a baking session with the kids at preschool? They can use letter-shaped cookie cutters to make a fun and yummy snack. Meanwhile,
  • 5. there is a host of lessons you can teach with the baking activity. Chemistry, cooking, nutrition…the list goes on. If you want the easy route, try commercially-sold letter-shaped biscuits. IKEA has a version of these. Ask your toddler or preschooler to name the alphabet letter they’re about to eat. Eating it can be the reward for getting it right! And of course, there is alphabet soup, or noodles shaped like letters. You can make mealtime fun, and educational, with these edible alphabet manipulatives. So there you have it, 5 easy ways to teach the alphabet to preschoolers. They may even be fun for you, too! It is super cute to hear little ones pronounce letters, and guess what object goes with each letter. When your preschoolers are learning the alphabet, be sure to take every teachable opportunity you can to encourage them to recognize letters in the world around them. If you’re on a field trip, ask the children if they can spot their letter-of-the-week on a street or building sign. If you’re reading a book, see if they can spot the letters you’re reading to them. Keep pushing letter recognition throughout the day, so the lessons can really sink into their memory. Q.2 Discuss the procedure and benefits to use sign language and communication board for children with severe intellectual disability. What is Sign Language? Sign language is the bridge that connects us to the world of those who have an impaired hearing or verbal ability. An array of gestures made using hands, fingers, arms, head and facial expressions besides symbols constitute a sign language. It helps the deaf and the dumb to communicate with the people around them and vice versa. It enables them to understand the world around them through visual descriptions and in turn, contribute to the society. Heather Whitestone became the first deaf woman to win the Miss America pageant in the year 1995 proving to the world that such people can thrive equally well. Helen Keller is considered to be the first woman who was educated in spite of being deaf and blind using sign language.
  • 6. Sign language is based on ideas rather than words. It is a language that cannot be written and comprises of 26 hand symbols each representing one alphabet. These symbols are conveyed using fingers and words are spelt. Words or names are expressed using a combination of finger spellings as well as gestures. Over the period of time standard sign languages, namely American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL) have developed and are used by the deaf. Many deaf schools use a technique called total communication which implies the use of ASL or BSL, oral speech and lip reading. History of Sign Language Signs probably have been the first form of communication used by man since his evolutions. Signs can be said to be as old as the human race. Babies make noises or use gesture what they want or how they feel. People who are not natives use signs to communicate with the others as language is a barrier. We still use signs when we need to communicate with each other without being noticed or heard. Nobody can say with certainty as to where and when did the first sign evolve. For many years the deaf and the dumb were ill-treated and considered unfit to be educated. Aristotle was the biggest proponent of this theory. His ideas were challenged about two thousand years later by an Italian physicist, Girolamo Cardano, who attempted to educate his own deaf son. It was in the year 1545 that a Spanish priest, Pedro de Ponce, set up the first ever school for the deaf. This was followed by many attempts to establish signs as a means of communication. The advocates of this act faced severe persecution but the sign language not only prevailed, but it also flourished. It finally put an end to the social isolation of the deaf and the dumb. Charles Michel de l’ Épée, often called the Father of the Deaf, was the most influential teacher of sign language. By the time of his death in the year 1789 had trained a team of teachers for the deaf and established 21 schools in France and Europe. Soon the French and the European efforts to educate the deaf spread to America and eventually the ASL or the American Sign Language became the official sign language of the deaf and the dumb. Different groups of people have developed their own particular sign languages over the years. However, the sign language has a different syntax and grammar that varies from the native language of that place. Today we have more than 50 sign languages such as the Danish, Chinese, American and French. The sign language has evolved in different parts of the world just like the other spoken languages.
  • 7. Advantages of Learning Sign Language The process of learning a sign language requires a lot of patience and practice. It is learnt by the deaf themselves, the family members of the deaf, teachers who deal with children who are disabled as well as by newsreaders who convey the news to the deaf viewers using sign language. Besides them, the deep sea divers also use sign language to communicate under the deep waters where speaking is not possible. The experience of communicating words or feelings through hands, finger spells, facial expressions is quite amazing and thrilling. Some of the benefits of learning the sign language and its usage are as follows:  Helps the deaf and the dumb to communicate with the others as well as amongst themselves  Helps in the process of social inclusion of those that suffer from hearing impairment  Provides a chance to the deaf children to educate themselves  Enhances the level of confidence among the disabled  Instils a feeling of social responsibility and sensitivity among the non-deaf who volunteer to learn sign language in order to communicate with those who are disabled  Makes life easier for the deaf  Deaf babies can be taught sign language more easily than verbal language as the muscles of their hands develop faster than their mouth. They can pick up signs faster and learn to express themselves better as they grow.  Research proves that children who learn to use signs at an early age are smarter than the children who do not  Easier and effective communication reduces chances of conflict between people  Sign language interpreters and educators are greatly required in public places such as police stations, courts, hospitals to remove language barriers between the deaf and the normal people and prevent any chance of exploitation  It is believed that 90 per cent of the deaf children is born to parents who can listen properly. Therefore such parents need to learn the sign language to communicate with their child Benefits of Sign Language for Autistic Children Use of sign language has proved to be a great boon for the autistic children who find it difficult to express themselves verbally. Research proves that such children, when trained using sign language
  • 8. along with verbal communication, tend to become more receptive and learn to express themselves easily. Training in sign language helps them speak faster and more coherently as the sign language activates the same part of the brain that the verbal language does. Eventually, as the autistic children start expressing themselves effectively, their social interaction is augmented. This further reduces the instances or the possibility of emotional as well as behavioural outbursts and lowers their frustration levels. Sign Languages Abbreviations There is no universal sign language and nearly every country has developed its own language to fulfil the needs of its deaf community. There is no clarity on how many sign languages exist in the world. Some countries have more than one native sign language. However, the 2013 Ethnologue (catalogue of languages) lists 137 sign languages in all. Q.3 Provide a list of activities to be carried out in classroom for ocular motor control and hand-eye coordination of the children with intellectual disability. Eye-Hand Coordination It is the coordinated control and movement of the eyes and hands that guide our reaching, grasping, etc. It uses the proprioception system in the hand and/or legs and visual system to coordinate these movements. Eye-Hand Coordination Development Eye-hand coordination begins to develop between 4 and 14 months old, when a baby begins to use their hands and legs to explore around them. Together with visual input and developing fine motor skills, a baby begins to grasp and hold objects, while fine tuning these movements as they grow.
  • 9. The visual system is comprised of more than just visual acuity, being able to distinguish what the eyes see. It also involves being able to fixate on objects, eye movement abilities, focusing, eye aiming (convergence) and eye teaming (binocularity), and controlling eye and hand movements. Fine motor skills need movement and coordination of the small muscles in the hand and arm in order to complete tasks and activities. Let's take a look at some of the eye-hand coordination skills a child masters at different ages. Birth to 3 years old  Develops the vision needed in order to start following objects with their eyes  Begin basic eye-hand activities such as grasping, reaching, feeding and dressing  Start to recognize directions such as up, down, in and out  Begin to manipulate smaller objects using fine motor skills 3 Years Old to 5 Years Old  Start to develop a preference of right of left handedness  Continue to understand concepts such as direction and and place such as up, down, under, beside  Climbing, jumping, running, galloping, pushing, pulling, and climbing stairs one stair at a time  Fine tune eye/hand/body coordination and eye teaming as well as depth perception Children above the age of 5 continue to fine tune all these skills as well as learn to visually attend to and focus during school work activities in the classroom or at home. They also tend to decide whether to be right or left handed between 5 and 7 years old (handedness).
  • 10. Eye-Hand Coordination Difficulties Eye-hand coordination is important for a variety of tasks including handwriting, participating in sports, grasping and moving objects, etc. Difficulty with eye-hand coordination can look like a lack of drawing or writing skills, unable to stay within the lines for coloring, or difficulty catching or kicking a ball. Eye-hand coordination skills can also be affected by vision impairment and/or loss or motor problems such as ataxia (lack of coordination of voluntary movements) or hypertonia (abnormally increased muscle tone which affects the muscle's ability to stretch). Hand Eye Coordination Games For Younger Kids 1) Rolling A Ball This activity is lovely for toddlers and young preschoolers.  Have your child sit with legs apart, as shown, and you roll the ball to your child.  Your child needs to try and stop the ball before it hits the body. This means your child will be watching the ball carefully and then coordinating the hands to stop the ball at just the right time. 2) Object Relays This is a fun indoor or outdoor game and the whole family can take part! You can use different objects, depending on the theme and occasion (holiday themes and birthday parties are great for this game)! Works on bilateral as well as hand eye coordination.  The kids stand in a line and pass the ball/object to the child behind them.  Do it overhead, then between the legs.  Encourage the kids to use both hands together.
  • 11.  Make it more fun by having a bucket of objects at the front that have to be transferred to an empty bucket at the back.  You can do this in fireman relay style, where everyone keeps their place, or have the last kid run to the front after placing the object in the bucket at the back, that way they all get a turn to be in front. 3) Passing and Gentle Tossing It takes a lot of concentration for a toddler or a preschooler to pass or toss something carefully with both hands!  Play a variety of circle or line games, like the relays above, where balls or beanbags are carefully passed from one player to another.  Then upgrade to gentle tossing.  Have the kids move one step away from each other and then gently toss the ball or beanbag to each other. For toddlers and preschoolers, I also have some easy visual motor activities that can help improve hand eye coordination skills. Eye-Hand Activities for Older Kids 1) Ball-Wall Toss Once your child has had lots of practice catching and hitting a suspended ball, you can try a ball- wall toss. Find a nice stretch of high wall with no windows or breakable objects nearby. Smoother walls are better than bumpy ones.  Ask your child to toss the ball against a wall and catch it again.
  • 12.  You will need to experiment a bit to find the most effective distance from the wall – it depends on the type of ball, and how forcefully your child throws it, but encourage your child to start with a gentle toss!  See how many your child can catch before missing and keep a running record of the best tally. Encourage your child to better the score each time! 2) Toss and Catch  Tossing a beanbag or ball into the air and catching again is a good hand-eye coordination exercise.  If your child tends to throw haphazardly, have your child stand in a hoop or mark a circle to stand in - this can help kids throw more carefully. 3) Threading and Lacing Threading beads and completing a lacing card, are fine motor activities that have a big eye-hand coordination component. Use chunky beads and laces if your child struggles, or have your child thread beads onto a pipe cleaner/chenille stick for extra stability.
  • 13. Q.4 Discuss the similarities and differences between computer simulation and computer assisted instruction. How can these teaching strategies be used for children with intellectual disability? "Computer-assisted instruction" (CAI) refers to instruction or remediation presented on a computer. Many educational computer programs are available online and from computer stores and textbook companies. They enhance teacher instruction in several ways. Computer simulation are interactive and can illustrate a concept through attractive animation, sound, and demonstration. They allow students to progress at their own pace and work individually or problem solve in a group. Computers provide immediate feedback, letting students know whether their answer is correct. If the answer is not correct, the program shows students how to correctly answer the question. Computers offer a different type of activity and a change of pace from teacher-led or group instruction. Computer-assisted instruction improves instruction for students with disabilities because students receive immediate feedback and do not continue to practice the wrong skills. Computers capture the students' attention because the programs are interactive and engage the students' spirit of competitiveness to increase their scores. Also, computer-assisted instruction moves at the students' pace and usually does not move ahead until they have mastered the skill. Programs provide differentiated lessons to challenge students who are at risk, average, or gifted.* What does CAI look like for reading? Words are spoken aloud by the computer and the program will not allow the student to place the wrong letter in the word. Students hear, see, and take action to learn phonics. Reading computer programs demonstrate concepts, instruct, and remediate student errors and misunderstandings from preschool through college. Some programs help students learn basic sight word and phonics skills; others develop and enhance reading comprehension skills through increased fluency, word prediction, and story prediction. Programs may use reading activities as a community service projects, such as or as competition among students to read books (Accelerated Reader). The U.S. Department of Education's site, helps parents determine whether their child's
  • 14. early reading program is a good one. Computers may be used individually or in groups in a cooperative learning environment where students can discuss concept as they learn them. Below is an example of a computerized program as the student sees it. The program may be used for instruction or assessment. The student uses the mouse to click the best word of the three presented for each blank to complete the sentence so that it makes sense. If this activity is used for instruction, the program gives positive feedback for correct answers or shows the student which answers are wrong and then gives the correct choice. The program may speak the sentence with the wrong word and ask the student to choose another word of the three, or it may highlight the correct choice and speak the correct sentence. If the program is used for assessment, no remediation is given; the program just scores the sentence. One program that teaches phonics and reading skills to all ages of students continually monitors a student's speed and accuracy as the student works through each lesson. The teacher sets an accuracy goal in the program for the student?the number of sounds or words per minute that the student must master. At the most basic level, the student, using headphones, hears the sound of the letter and then chooses which of three letters presented has that sound. For example, the program makes the sound of the letter k as this screen appears. The student uses the mouse to choose the correct letter. If the student makes the correct choice, a checkmark appears over the correct letter. If the choice is incorrect, an X appears over the correct letter. In either case, the program then quickly moves to the next letter. The program gives the student 50 sounds and measures the amount of time the student takes to identify them. The number of sounds the student correctly identifies divided by the number of minutes is the measure of correct sounds per minute. The program graphs the information for the student and then prints a copy of the student's errors for the teacher. When the student reaches the goal the teacher has set, the program moves the student up to the next skill level. When the student has mastered the phonics, he or she will see word games and puzzles, a maze for comprehension, and a library with stories and comprehension questions. Programs such as this one are used for at- risk students and students with disabilities in middle and high school and with adults to improve reading skills.
  • 15. How is CAI implemented? Teachers should review the computer program or the online activity or game to understand the context of the lessons and determine which ones fit the needs of their students and how they may enhance instruction.  Can this program supplement the lesson, give basic skills practice, or be used as an educational reward for students?  Is the material presented so that students will remain interested yet not lose valuable instruction time trying to figure out how to operate the program? Does the program waste time with too much animation?  Is the program at the correct level for the class or the individual student? Teachers should also review all Web sites and links immediately before directing students to them. Web addresses and links frequently change and become inactive. Students might become frustrated when links are no longer available. Q.5 Write short notes on the following: • Modern teaching approaches Modern Teaching Methods Like other fields, the face of education has also evolved drastically over the period. Earlier, teachers were the only means to create a bridge between education and learners. They were using conventional pedagogical methods to explain the topic or to provide notes. However, modern education sees a vast scenario which encourages learners to study profoundly and study to satisfy their curiosity. In recent years, we are getting introduced with different modern teaching methods, and the introduction of technology along with innovative ways to teach has brought a revolution in the education sector. So, let’s discuss which new teaching methods are.
  • 16. Following are the modern teaching methods: Collaborative Learning Earlier, when students were asked to revise the topic or syllabus during an examination or regular days, they used to revise the syllabus in isolation or at home. This practise was widespread in traditional teaching methods. To deal with this issue or provide a more useful platform for students, schools are coming up with collaborative learning. In this modern teaching method, teachers form a group of students where they can solve their problem, debates on topics, and clear their queries. This helps in developing social skills and allows students to understand the subject faster. In this modern teaching method, every student is a part of the success of a group as they help each other to reach the desired result, and they also learn to communicate with each other. Learners learn to tolerate others, develop skills to listen to others and how to work in a team. They will be able to meet different personalities and can get a genuine review of their work. Students present their ideas and expect a response when they are in group learning. It allows them to exchange their creativity and gain more knowledge. In return, it helps them to learn to face healthy criticism and cross-questions. So, school management should choose to take up a collaborative method of teaching to teach their students. They just need to make a few changes in the layout of the Classroom. Replace desks to whiteboard surfaces. So, the groups can work together with ease. Spaced Learning Spaced learning is one of the modern teaching methods, which is being followed by teachers. In this method, teachers repeat a lesson multiple times, basically until the students understand entirely. However, the teacher repeats the course with two 10-minute spaces (break) in-between the lessons. The gap is meant to refresh the mind by playing physical activities or mindfulness techniques which prepares them for the next session of the same lesson. This method gives the students intervals to inherit the knowledge and create connections between learnings. Before moving forward to another chapter, this method prepares the students with basics.
  • 17. It truly defines a proverb that a healthy mind is in a healthy body. So, the physical state of students should be sufficient to the growth of mental state which is crucial to gain knowledge. Spaced learning also has a scope to reduce obesity in school-going children which can be seen more nowadays. It improves both mental and physical health of a student. Flipped Classroom Flipped Classroom is a well-known term in the pedagogical method. You have known about this undoubtedly. Its name ‘Flipped Classroom’ makes it unique. It is one of the very vital modern teaching methods that has been in use these days. In this method of teaching, the teaching procedure takes place in a flipped manner. As unlike traditional ways, students study new material or content at home by themselves and practice the same at school. The method is the reverse of providing content at school and asks students to rework on it or practice it at home. The students practice this method at home by watching a video tutorial, search online, or work on the content usually shared by the teacher. They do not need to complete the homework at home. Instead, they end it at school. Through the practice of flipped Classroom modern teaching methods, students get enough time to grasp the topic, unlike school where they get only a few minutes to understand the content. If necessary, they can work more on one issue. Students prepare themselves with the content before arriving in school, and if they face any doubt, they can discuss it in the Classroom or ask the concerned teacher. They can also suggest their ideas related to the content and share it with other classmates. Moreover, there is another advantage of this modern teaching method that students would not have to suffer due to their sickness. Sick days won’t interrupt their learning. Self-learning Curiosity pushes the learner to learn new and more always. It drives the learners to learn and memorize large spaces of the text that they will either miss gratefully or forget immediately. Through their curiosity, students get motivated to explore the subjects they are interested in.
  • 18. Teaching students to operate the internet and find results themselves helps them to be self- dependent and gives them a deep understanding of the content. A teacher should allow the students to bring new ideas and work on it for the development of their brain and ability to work alone. This modern teaching method plays a significant role in learners’ period of education. Gamification It is a well-known fact that children love games either it is online games or playing games at the field. Teaching through games is one of the essential modern teaching methods that has been in use under modern teaching ways. The significance of Gamification in teaching has mostly been seen in the elementary and preschool system. Learning through playing games won’t be even realized by students. It motivated students as well and proved effective not only to the students of preschool but of any age. The responsibility of teaching through Gamification is of teachers as they should plan or design projects that will be suitable for the students of their respective age. They should incorporate attractive measures to connect the students for a longer time and keep their interest alive. Teachers can also take help of the online platform under Gamification. Teachers can organize online quiz, puzzles or brain games. This modern teaching method is a fun learning method to teach. VAK teaching VAK is a modern teaching method whose effects can be seen clearly. We divide leaner into three categories: Visual, Audio, and kinesthetic (movement). One needs to recognize to which category they belong to or the teacher must know to which category her students relate to. In VAK, V is visual means seeing the data, A is Audio means gathering information by hearing the data, and K is Kinesthetic means feeling the data. A teacher should keep the category of students in kind while teaching because some students catch the information by seeing, by hearing or by feeling. So, they should present the same material in different ways.
  • 19. The VAK teaching method was introduced in the 1920s to help children with dyslexia. However, its impact is more effective in the modern era. In the time of the internet, watching and learning through videos has become a popular new medium of teaching. Students grasp fast when they see, hear or feel instead of reading the material. And also, a learner is not limited to any one of the media as they can use even all three mediums of instruction. Crossover Learning The not-so-common modern teaching method is Crossover learning which uses both formal and informal teaching and learning environments. It is one of the perfect ways to give the best education to learners. Crossover learning effectively engages learners and provides authentic yet innovative results. A formal setting is a traditional setting, i.e., Classroom to provide education. While, the informal environment of teaching is museums, seminars, and after-school places. Schools and colleges teach with content, study material and use everyday experiences to add knowledge. On the other hand, informal learning generates curiosity and interest and increases understanding by asking questions to their teachers. Teachers should introduce new queries or questions in the formal setting and answers for which students should try to find in informal settings such as by exploring that question on their museum visit. The learners can take notes or collect pictures as their data and produce them as the information once they backed in the Classroom. They can share collected information with other classmates and can discuss it for better results. • Open class room methods An approach to teaching and learning that emphasizes the student’s right to make decisions and that views the teacher as a facilitator of learning rather than a transmitter of knowledge. The open- classroom method may include grouping of students across grades, independent study, individualized rates of progression, open-plan schools without interior walls, or unstructured time and curricula.
  • 20. The open classroom school generally had an architectural configuration of large pods containing six to twelve classrooms, each with an outside access and no interior walls. Children were not assigned individual desks; they sat in cooperative small groups at tables. Teachers usually defined their workspace by their arrangements of bookshelves and cabinets. The lack of hallways meant more space was available for instructional use. The outside accesses and lack of walls allowed for greater accessibility. These design changes also resulted in a more efficient use of energy at a time when energy was becoming more costly. At OpenClassrooms, we reverse-engineer our curriculum to meet the specific skill sets needed for in-demand jobs. There are no tests or exams to study for. Our programs are project-based, requiring students to build products and solve issues that they would realistically face in a future role. Each week, you’ll discuss your progress with a mentor during a one-hour video conference. Mentors are experienced professionals working in your target industry. They’re able to give you practical advice based on their real-world experience. So where do video classes fit into all of this? At OpenClassrooms, classes act as a support to the projects. You aren’t obliged to complete all of them. You can complete your projects using other sources or knowledge from your own experience. If you’re completely new to the subject, however, we do recommend using the classes as much as possible in order to give yourself a solid knowledge base. Why this approach? Project-based learning has been on the fringe of the educational landscape for a long time. It’s known to be one of the most effective methods in terms of keeping students motivated during their learning experience as well as teaching them relevant skills, fast. Here are some of its key benefits:
  • 21.  You learn what you need to. You’ll learn only what is required to work in the industry, but also everything that is required. Project-based learning allows OpenClassrooms to finely tune courses to achieve this.  It’s a fairer way to evaluate your work. Once you graduate, you’ll know you’ve acquired all the necessary skills not only to pass an exam, but also to survive and flourish in a real professional environment.  Your coursework experience has real value. By the end of your program, you’ll have completed relevant projects that you can put in your professional portfolio and present during an interview. Recruiters will take notice. You’ll be ready to start work immediately. Project-based learning gives you the opportunity to gain realistic professional experience in the ‘safety’ of an educational context. Any problems can be discussed with your mentor, allowing challenges to be an opportunity to learn in a low-stakes environment. Following our project-based, Path means that you’ll thoroughly learn the skills required for the job you want all while building your professional portfolio. The combination of these two factors puts you on an accelerated path toward career success.