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3      Web Conferencing for SMBs
       3 Key Considerations
       for IT Teams at Small to Midsized Firms
                    How Data, Security & Support Should Influence
                    Platform Decisions for Tech Decision Makers

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               R E P O R T
Web Conferencing For SMBs:
3 Key Buying Considerations For
IT Decision Makers
Web conferencing over the past decade has grown                                               There are a number of reasons for this trend. Travel
from a niche market to a mission-critical business                                            costs, combined with the growing prevalence of
tool: According to a 2012 Frost & Sullivan study, 62%                                         remote work and distributed, virtual workplaces,
of companies now consider Web conferencing a “very                                            make Web conferencing essential for collaboration
important” business technology. 1                                                             and business productivity. This is especially true for
                                                                                              small and midsized businesses (SMBs) with tight
                                                                                              budgets and limited resources.

                                                                                              Technology vendors have been quick to capitalize on
                                                                                              the growing popularity of Web conferencing services
                                                of companies now
                                                                                              within the SMB market: Currently, at least four dozen
                                                consider Web
                                                                                              vendors offer Web conferencing tools. 2 These include
                                                conferencing a
                                                                                              a large number of free or low-cost services that vary
                                                “very important”
                                                                                              widely in terms of their functionality, security and
                                                business technology.
                                                                                              customer support options.

1   2	

Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms
Web Conferencing:
The SMB Dilemma
These Web conferencing providers, and the vast             This paper will discuss how and why each of these
array of services they provide, represent both an          issues plays a role in the Web conferencing vendor
opportunity and a dilemma for SMB information              selection process, and it will also highlight specific
technology organizations.                                  features or capabilities in each area that distinguish
                                                           best-in-class Web conferencing solutions.
At first glance, many of them deliver significant value
by combining low cost (or no cost) services with           Other factors than the ones discussed here will play
adequate feature sets. In the long run, however, many      a role in the selection of a Web conferencing vendor,
SMBs discover that these services create long-term         including platform support and the availability
security, reliability, management and support issues       of specific features. Yet for SMB IT professionals
that offset any short-term cost savings. As a result,      weighing a solution’s long-term total cost of
these businesses’ IT decision-makers must decide           ownership, these three factors play a decisive role
whether to migrate away from their current Web             — especially given the inability of many providers to
conferencing provider – and then decide how to select      meet basic service standards in one or more of
a cost-effective alternative vendor.                       these areas.

This white paper will look at three issues of particular
concern to SMB information technology professionals
weighing the pros and cons of a new or different Web
conferencing solution:

•	Data and application security
•	Management and administration
•	Support, service and customer care

Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms
Security: A Vital Concern For                                                      Physical security.       Every cloud-based
SMB Technology Decision Makers                                                     service, including Web conferencing,
                                                                                   depends upon its ability to protect
Most SMB technology professionals agree that                                       customer data against physical intrusions
security is a critical issue. In fact, according to a
                                                                                   and possible disruptions due to accidents
2010 Symantec study, SBMs rank data loss and cyber
attacks as their most serious business risks. Today,                               or natural disasters. Key features to
IT organizations spend an average of two-thirds of                                 look for include the use of ISO 9001:2000
their time on information protection, yet                                          certified data centers; 24/7/365 staffing
problems persist: 42% of the companies surveyed
have lost confidential or proprietary information to                               and monitoring; multiple layers of physical
a security breach, and 74% are concerned they will                                 security; and the use of redundant
experience such losses in the future.3                                             power-grid connection points and
                                                                                   backup systems.
These are sobering statistics, and they emphasize a
fundamental truth: Every SMB technology purchasing
decision must consider the security impact of the                                  Data security.      Web conferencing
product or service being purchased.                                                users frequently upload confidential
Web conferencing tools vary widely in terms of their                               documents, session recordings,
security capabilities, and it is not always clear how                              presentations and other information that
a particular provider deals with security issues.                                  is subsequently stored on a provider’s
Therefore, transparency is the first trait that defines
                                                                                   servers. This data should be protected
a best-in-class Web conferencing solution – a
willingness to explain to customers precisely what                                 in transit by the use of appropriate
measures are being taken to secure customers’ data.                                standards, such as SSL/HTTPS network
                                                                                   encryption. In addition, data stored on a
The second trait that defines best-in-class Web
conferencing security is a sophisticated, multi-                                   provider’s servers should be protected
layered approach to data security. This includes the                               using the strongest possible encryption,
following capabilities:                                                            such as the AES-256
                            of the companies surveyed                              bit standard currently
                            have lost confidential or

   42%                      proprietary information to a
                            security breach, and
                                                                                   recommended by the U.S.
                                                                                   National Security Agency.


                             74%                                     they will
                                                                     such losses
                                                                     in the


Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms                                    4
Application security. The purpose of a Web                 Security management.                  As the following
conferencing solution is to share information;             section of this paper will discuss, a best-in-class
                                                           Web conferencing solution will support a rich set
the key is controlling where, when and with                of management and administration features. These
whom this information is shared. A best-in-class           capabilities extend to security; administrators should
Web conferencing solution accomplishes this in             be able to disable features on a global or per-account
                                                           basis in order to:
several ways:

•	Using appropriate log in and authentication              •	Prevent users from uploading slides to a Web
  procedures, including unique user access codes, to         conferencing session
  manage access to individual conference sessions;
                                                           •	Require users to delete slides when a
•	Assigning different levels of access based on a            conference ends
  user’s role and the meeting organizer’s preferences
  (by, for example, limiting access to screen- or          •	Disable application sharing, desktop sharing and/
  application-sharing features);                             or remote control of a desktop

•	Allowing meeting organizers to assign and revoke         •	Disable the ability to assign a co-presenter within
  access privileges on the fly as required for a             a conference
  particular meeting or event;

•	Supporting the ability to disconnect individual          On an individual basis, none of these capabilities will
  users, lock or unlock conferencing sessions, and         ensure adequate security for a company’s data or
  control user listening/audio settings as necessary       applications. Taken together, however, they give an
  to protect sensitive business discussions.               SMB technology team the ability to implement a Web
                                                           conferencing solution without sacrificing security or
                                                           placing an organization’s proprietary data at risk.

 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms
Management And Administration:
Lightening the Load on IT
Web conferencing management and administration                                     More specifically, a best-in-class Web conferencing
covers a wide variety of capabilities intended to                                  solution will offer the following management and
simplify an IT organization’s implementation and                                   administrative features:
support requirements. As with security, these
capabilities represent a very real source of trouble
and expense: According to Gartner, Inc., about 80%                                 •	Application integration. Users and IT
of total IT costs occur after the initial purchase of a                              organizations alike benefit from Web conferencing
product or service. 4                                                                tools that integrate with other collaboration
                                                                                     and business productivity tools. This is typically
In general terms, Web conferencing management                                        done via “one click” meeting support from within
and administration is relevant to an IT organization                                 applications such as Microsoft Outlook and 	
for two reasons. First, the right set of management                        
capabilities empower users to do things they might
otherwise ask the IT department (or their co-                                      •	Event tracking and management. Users should be
workers) to do for them. Given the time and resource                                 able 	to organize, manage and promote multiple
constraints SMB IT teams typically face, these                                       meetings or events without having to ask their IT
capabilities have obvious advantages.                                                organizations for additional tools or application
                                                                                     support. This includes the ability to create and
Second, a Web conferencing service should provide                                    deploy customized event registration forms;
administration tools that allow an IT organization to                                send automated reminder email to participants;
perform necessary tasks quickly, efficiently and with                                promote events via social media platforms; and
minimal duplication of effort. They should also give IT                              integrate meeting data with marketing campaign
decision-makers an appropriate level of visibility into                              tracking tools.
service usage, billing data and other key metrics.
                                                                                   •	Interactive content deployment and management.
                                                                                     Users should be able to follow up meetings
                                                                                     with surveys or email; or to edit, distribute and
                                                                                     archive call recordings quickly and easily, without
                                                                                     requesting assistance from the IT staff.


Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms
•	Account-level control and administration.
  IT administrators, or a designated Web conferencing
  service admin, should be able to add, edit and/
  or delete users from within a simple, Web-based

                                                                                  90 employees
  interface. This control should also extend to the
  creation and revocation or user access codes.

•	Comprehensive reporting and account management
  tools. A Web conferencing solution should allow IT
  staff to view and download detailed user information,
  invoicing and expense-reporting data, and real-time
  usage reports.

                                                                                      of all SMBs employ fewer than
 The Human Factor: Customer                                                           five full-time IT employees.
 Service and Support
 End-user support is a familiar (and often troublesome)
 responsibility for IT organizations. Given the time and
 resources required to support endpoint devices and
 in-house applications, the last thing an IT department
 needs is an additional support burden associated with
 Web conferencing technology.

 This is especially true for SMB IT teams, where
 resources may already be stretched to the breaking
 point. According to a 2009 SpiceWorks study, the
 average SMB supports 90 employees and nearly 160
 endpoint devices – yet 80% of all SMBs employ fewer
 than five full-time IT employees. 5


  Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms
This makes it especially important for SMBs to work
                                                              •	Operator-assisted services. Most users, and
with cloud-based service providers, including Web
                                                                most situations, do not require operator-assisted
conferencing providers, with strong customer
                                                                Web conferencing services. For business-
support offerings.
                                                                critical meetings, however, or for events with
                                                                large numbers of attendees, professional help
One might expect any cloud-based IT service provider
                                                                should be available to manage calls, monitor call
to be up to this challenge, given these firms’ reliance
                                                                quality, provide on-the-spot technical support,
on a recurring-revenue business model that makes it
                                                                and perform other necessary tasks. A best-
easy for unhappy customers to switch providers. In the
                                                                in-class Web conferencing service will also
Web conferencing market, however, the proliferation
                                                                provide access to optional services such as call
of low-cost, no-cost and consumer-focused offerings
                                                                transcriptions, closed captioning and assistance
(a market where service and support expectations are
                                                                with audience question-and-answer sessions.
generally low) has turned customer support into a hit-
or-miss affair.
                                                              •	Responsive customer support. Real-time or
                                                                near-time (e.g. email) vendor support can make
For SMBs seeking a more stable and supportive IT
                                                                the difference between success and failure for
environment, a Web conferencing solution should offer
                                                                a Web conferencing investment. Inadequate
several key service and support features:
                                                                or unresponsive support will prompt users to
                                                                turn to alternative support resources – formal
                                                                support from in-house IT or informal support
•	Comprehensive — and free — training. High-
                                                                from colleagues. Either way, a SMB pays the
  quality training resources have a major impact on
                                                                price, in terms of lost productivity or wasted
  end-user productivity and on an IT organization’s
                                                                IT resources.
  in-house service and support burden. A provider’s
  training resources should be readily available,
                                                              •	Robust self-service support resources.
  well-organized and comprehensive enough to cover
                                                                Self-directed support, including FAQs and
  a wide variety of skill levels and usage scenarios.
                                                                knowledge base articles, can provide an effective
  Needless to say, these training resources should
                                                                first line of support for end users with common
  also be available free of charge, as part of a normal
                                                                or easily resolved issues. When vendor self-help
  SMB subscription package.
                                                                resources are inadequate, however, users will
                                                                again turn to in-house IT or colleagues
                                                                for support.

 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms

The Search for Long-Term Value
SMBs today recognize the value of Web conferencing
tools: According to a 2012 SMB Group Study, 58% of
midsized firms and 38% of small firms say they rely
upon these types of online collaboration tools. Yet
                                                                                      58%                    and         38%
the same companies are often searching for better
solutions, as indicated by the fact that nearly half of the
                                                                                     of midsized firms                  of small firms
respondents to this study said they were “satisfied” or
“very satisfied” with their current providers. 6                                 rely upon these types of online collaboration tools.

                                                                                 These companies face two priorities: Establishing
                                                                                 a clear set of criteria for selecting a new Web
                                                                                 conferencing provider; and ensuring that their new
                                                                                 provider delivers long-term business value. Using
                                                                                 the three criteria described in this white paper, SMB
                                                                                 IT groups can ensure that they are able to satisfy
                                                                                 both priorities – and that they are able to provide end
                                                                                 users with a secure, easy to manage and adequately
                                                                                 supported Web conferencing solution.


Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms

        About ReadyTalk
        Hosting a webinar shouldn’t be rocket science. Audio and Web conferences aren’t brain
        surgery. And, customer care doesn’t include a system of beeps and prompts. It should be
        user friendly, reliable and supported by a team of professionals, which is exactly what we

        From small virtual meetings to large web events, ReadyTalk provides audio and Web
        conferencing services that are affordable and easy to use, so you can focus on the
        substance of the meeting, not the technology behind it. And, when you do call us with a
        question, afterwards we want you to hang up the phone and say, “Wow, that was good
        customer service” and tell someone else.

        1900 Sixteenth Street
        Floor 6
        Denver, CO 80202
        P: 800.843.9166

       About Demand Gen Report                                                            R E P O R T

       Demand Gen Report is a targeted e-media publication spotlighting the strategies and
       solutions that help companies better align their sales and marketing organizations, and
       ultimately, drive growth. A key component of the publication’s editorial coverage focuses
       on the sales and marketing automation tools that enable companies to better measure
       and manage their multi-channel demand generation efforts.

       Demand Gen Report
       411 State Rt. 17 South
       Suite 410
       Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
       P: 201.257.8528

Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms

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Web Conferencing for SMBs

  • 1. 3 Web Conferencing for SMBs 3 Key Considerations for IT Teams at Small to Midsized Firms How Data, Security & Support Should Influence Platform Decisions for Tech Decision Makers Presented by Sponsored by R E P O R T
  • 2. Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Buying Considerations For IT Decision Makers Web conferencing over the past decade has grown There are a number of reasons for this trend. Travel from a niche market to a mission-critical business costs, combined with the growing prevalence of tool: According to a 2012 Frost & Sullivan study, 62% remote work and distributed, virtual workplaces, of companies now consider Web conferencing a “very make Web conferencing essential for collaboration important” business technology. 1 and business productivity. This is especially true for small and midsized businesses (SMBs) with tight budgets and limited resources. Technology vendors have been quick to capitalize on the growing popularity of Web conferencing services of companies now within the SMB market: Currently, at least four dozen consider Web vendors offer Web conferencing tools. 2 These include conferencing a a large number of free or low-cost services that vary “very important” widely in terms of their functionality, security and business technology. customer support options. 1 2 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 2
  • 3. Web Conferencing: The SMB Dilemma These Web conferencing providers, and the vast This paper will discuss how and why each of these array of services they provide, represent both an issues plays a role in the Web conferencing vendor opportunity and a dilemma for SMB information selection process, and it will also highlight specific technology organizations. features or capabilities in each area that distinguish best-in-class Web conferencing solutions. At first glance, many of them deliver significant value by combining low cost (or no cost) services with Other factors than the ones discussed here will play adequate feature sets. In the long run, however, many a role in the selection of a Web conferencing vendor, SMBs discover that these services create long-term including platform support and the availability security, reliability, management and support issues of specific features. Yet for SMB IT professionals that offset any short-term cost savings. As a result, weighing a solution’s long-term total cost of these businesses’ IT decision-makers must decide ownership, these three factors play a decisive role whether to migrate away from their current Web — especially given the inability of many providers to conferencing provider – and then decide how to select meet basic service standards in one or more of a cost-effective alternative vendor. these areas. This white paper will look at three issues of particular concern to SMB information technology professionals weighing the pros and cons of a new or different Web conferencing solution: • Data and application security • Management and administration • Support, service and customer care Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 3
  • 4. Security: A Vital Concern For Physical security. Every cloud-based SMB Technology Decision Makers service, including Web conferencing, depends upon its ability to protect Most SMB technology professionals agree that customer data against physical intrusions security is a critical issue. In fact, according to a and possible disruptions due to accidents 2010 Symantec study, SBMs rank data loss and cyber attacks as their most serious business risks. Today, or natural disasters. Key features to IT organizations spend an average of two-thirds of look for include the use of ISO 9001:2000 their time on information protection, yet certified data centers; 24/7/365 staffing problems persist: 42% of the companies surveyed have lost confidential or proprietary information to and monitoring; multiple layers of physical a security breach, and 74% are concerned they will security; and the use of redundant experience such losses in the future.3 power-grid connection points and backup systems. These are sobering statistics, and they emphasize a fundamental truth: Every SMB technology purchasing decision must consider the security impact of the Data security. Web conferencing product or service being purchased. users frequently upload confidential Web conferencing tools vary widely in terms of their documents, session recordings, security capabilities, and it is not always clear how presentations and other information that a particular provider deals with security issues. is subsequently stored on a provider’s Therefore, transparency is the first trait that defines servers. This data should be protected a best-in-class Web conferencing solution – a willingness to explain to customers precisely what in transit by the use of appropriate measures are being taken to secure customers’ data. standards, such as SSL/HTTPS network encryption. In addition, data stored on a The second trait that defines best-in-class Web conferencing security is a sophisticated, multi- provider’s servers should be protected layered approach to data security. This includes the using the strongest possible encryption, following capabilities: such as the AES-256 of the companies surveyed bit standard currently have lost confidential or 42% proprietary information to a security breach, and recommended by the U.S. National Security Agency. are concerned 74% they will experience such losses in the future. 3 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 4
  • 5. Application security. The purpose of a Web Security management. As the following conferencing solution is to share information; section of this paper will discuss, a best-in-class Web conferencing solution will support a rich set the key is controlling where, when and with of management and administration features. These whom this information is shared. A best-in-class capabilities extend to security; administrators should Web conferencing solution accomplishes this in be able to disable features on a global or per-account basis in order to: several ways: • Using appropriate log in and authentication • Prevent users from uploading slides to a Web procedures, including unique user access codes, to conferencing session manage access to individual conference sessions; • Require users to delete slides when a • Assigning different levels of access based on a conference ends user’s role and the meeting organizer’s preferences (by, for example, limiting access to screen- or • Disable application sharing, desktop sharing and/ application-sharing features); or remote control of a desktop • Allowing meeting organizers to assign and revoke • Disable the ability to assign a co-presenter within access privileges on the fly as required for a a conference particular meeting or event; • Supporting the ability to disconnect individual On an individual basis, none of these capabilities will users, lock or unlock conferencing sessions, and ensure adequate security for a company’s data or control user listening/audio settings as necessary applications. Taken together, however, they give an to protect sensitive business discussions. SMB technology team the ability to implement a Web conferencing solution without sacrificing security or placing an organization’s proprietary data at risk. Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 5
  • 6. Management And Administration: Lightening the Load on IT Web conferencing management and administration More specifically, a best-in-class Web conferencing covers a wide variety of capabilities intended to solution will offer the following management and simplify an IT organization’s implementation and administrative features: support requirements. As with security, these capabilities represent a very real source of trouble and expense: According to Gartner, Inc., about 80% • Application integration. Users and IT of total IT costs occur after the initial purchase of a organizations alike benefit from Web conferencing product or service. 4 tools that integrate with other collaboration and business productivity tools. This is typically In general terms, Web conferencing management done via “one click” meeting support from within and administration is relevant to an IT organization applications such as Microsoft Outlook and for two reasons. First, the right set of management capabilities empower users to do things they might otherwise ask the IT department (or their co- • Event tracking and management. Users should be workers) to do for them. Given the time and resource able to organize, manage and promote multiple constraints SMB IT teams typically face, these meetings or events without having to ask their IT capabilities have obvious advantages. organizations for additional tools or application support. This includes the ability to create and Second, a Web conferencing service should provide deploy customized event registration forms; administration tools that allow an IT organization to send automated reminder email to participants; perform necessary tasks quickly, efficiently and with promote events via social media platforms; and minimal duplication of effort. They should also give IT integrate meeting data with marketing campaign decision-makers an appropriate level of visibility into tracking tools. service usage, billing data and other key metrics. • Interactive content deployment and management. Users should be able to follow up meetings with surveys or email; or to edit, distribute and archive call recordings quickly and easily, without requesting assistance from the IT staff. 4 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 6
  • 7. • Account-level control and administration. IT administrators, or a designated Web conferencing service admin, should be able to add, edit and/ or delete users from within a simple, Web-based 90 employees interface. This control should also extend to the creation and revocation or user access codes. • Comprehensive reporting and account management tools. A Web conferencing solution should allow IT staff to view and download detailed user information, invoicing and expense-reporting data, and real-time usage reports. of all SMBs employ fewer than The Human Factor: Customer five full-time IT employees. Service and Support End-user support is a familiar (and often troublesome) responsibility for IT organizations. Given the time and resources required to support endpoint devices and in-house applications, the last thing an IT department 80% needs is an additional support burden associated with Web conferencing technology. This is especially true for SMB IT teams, where resources may already be stretched to the breaking point. According to a 2009 SpiceWorks study, the average SMB supports 90 employees and nearly 160 endpoint devices – yet 80% of all SMBs employ fewer than five full-time IT employees. 5 5 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 7
  • 8. This makes it especially important for SMBs to work • Operator-assisted services. Most users, and with cloud-based service providers, including Web most situations, do not require operator-assisted conferencing providers, with strong customer Web conferencing services. For business- support offerings. critical meetings, however, or for events with large numbers of attendees, professional help One might expect any cloud-based IT service provider should be available to manage calls, monitor call to be up to this challenge, given these firms’ reliance quality, provide on-the-spot technical support, on a recurring-revenue business model that makes it and perform other necessary tasks. A best- easy for unhappy customers to switch providers. In the in-class Web conferencing service will also Web conferencing market, however, the proliferation provide access to optional services such as call of low-cost, no-cost and consumer-focused offerings transcriptions, closed captioning and assistance (a market where service and support expectations are with audience question-and-answer sessions. generally low) has turned customer support into a hit- or-miss affair. • Responsive customer support. Real-time or near-time (e.g. email) vendor support can make For SMBs seeking a more stable and supportive IT the difference between success and failure for environment, a Web conferencing solution should offer a Web conferencing investment. Inadequate several key service and support features: or unresponsive support will prompt users to turn to alternative support resources – formal support from in-house IT or informal support • Comprehensive — and free — training. High- from colleagues. Either way, a SMB pays the quality training resources have a major impact on price, in terms of lost productivity or wasted end-user productivity and on an IT organization’s IT resources. in-house service and support burden. A provider’s training resources should be readily available, • Robust self-service support resources. well-organized and comprehensive enough to cover Self-directed support, including FAQs and a wide variety of skill levels and usage scenarios. knowledge base articles, can provide an effective Needless to say, these training resources should first line of support for end users with common also be available free of charge, as part of a normal or easily resolved issues. When vendor self-help SMB subscription package. resources are inadequate, however, users will again turn to in-house IT or colleagues for support. Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 8
  • 9. Conclusion The Search for Long-Term Value SMBs today recognize the value of Web conferencing tools: According to a 2012 SMB Group Study, 58% of midsized firms and 38% of small firms say they rely upon these types of online collaboration tools. Yet 58% and 38% the same companies are often searching for better solutions, as indicated by the fact that nearly half of the of midsized firms of small firms respondents to this study said they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their current providers. 6 rely upon these types of online collaboration tools. These companies face two priorities: Establishing a clear set of criteria for selecting a new Web conferencing provider; and ensuring that their new provider delivers long-term business value. Using the three criteria described in this white paper, SMB IT groups can ensure that they are able to satisfy both priorities – and that they are able to provide end users with a secure, easy to manage and adequately supported Web conferencing solution. 6 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 9
  • 10. About About ReadyTalk Hosting a webinar shouldn’t be rocket science. Audio and Web conferences aren’t brain surgery. And, customer care doesn’t include a system of beeps and prompts. It should be user friendly, reliable and supported by a team of professionals, which is exactly what we deliver. From small virtual meetings to large web events, ReadyTalk provides audio and Web conferencing services that are affordable and easy to use, so you can focus on the substance of the meeting, not the technology behind it. And, when you do call us with a question, afterwards we want you to hang up the phone and say, “Wow, that was good customer service” and tell someone else. ReadyTalk 1900 Sixteenth Street Floor 6 Denver, CO 80202 P: 800.843.9166 About Demand Gen Report R E P O R T Demand Gen Report is a targeted e-media publication spotlighting the strategies and solutions that help companies better align their sales and marketing organizations, and ultimately, drive growth. A key component of the publication’s editorial coverage focuses on the sales and marketing automation tools that enable companies to better measure and manage their multi-channel demand generation efforts. Demand Gen Report 411 State Rt. 17 South Suite 410 Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 P: 201.257.8528 Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Teams At Small To Midsized Firms 10