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Architectural styles
     Paolo Ciancarini
    Types of architectural styles
    Basic decomposition techniques
         layering, tiering
    Architectural styles
         Pipes and filters
         Repository
         Client/Server
               two-tiers; three-tiers; n-tiers
         Model/View/Controller
         Service-Oriented
         Peer-To-Peer

Layers and tiers
    The architectural definition of a system is generally
     achieved by decomposing the architecture into
     subsystems, following a layered and/or a partition
     based approach (tiers)
    These are orthogonal approaches:
         A layer is a level in an architectural stack in charge of
          providing services (e.g., a kernel)
         A tier is the organization of several peer modules within
          the same layer (e.g., a user interface)

    An architecture which has a hierarchical structure,
     consisting of an ordered set of layers, is layered
    A layer is a set of subsystems which are able to provide
     related services, that can be realized by exploiting services
     from other layers
    A layer depends only from its lower layers (i.e., layers which
     are located at a lower level into the architecture)
         A layer is only aware of lower layers

Layers of virtual machines

Layers: component diagram
    Connectors for layered systems
     are often procedure calls
    Each level implements a
     different VM with a specific input

Closed vs open layers
    Closed architecture: the i-th layer can only have
     access to the layer (i-1)-th
    Open architecture: the i-th layer can have access
     to all the underlying layers (i.e., the layers lower
     than i)

Layers – Closed architecture
    The i-th layer can only invoke the services and the
     operations which are provided by the layer (i-1)-th
    The main goals are the system maintainability and
     high portability (eg. Virtualization: each layer i
     defines a Virtual Machine - VMi)

                           C1            C1            C1
                         attr          attr          attr          VM1
                         op            op            op

                                                C1            C1
                                              attr          attr   VM2
                                              op            op

                                  C1                   C1
                                attr                 attr          VM3
                                op                   op

                      C1                               C1
                    attr                             attr          VM4
                    op                               op

Closed layers: ISO/OSI stack

The ISO/OSI reference                                   Application

model defines 7 network
layers, characterized by an                             Presentation

increasing level of

                                 Level of abstraction
Eg. The Internet Protocol                                Transport
(IP) defines a VM at the
network level able to identify                            Network
net hosts and transmit
single packets from host to                              DataLink

                                                         Physical      9
Layers – Open architecture
    The i-th layer can invoke the services and the
     operations which are provided by all the lower
     layers (the layers lower than i)
    The main goals are the execution time and
                            C1            C1            C1
                          attr          attr          attr
                          op            op            op

                                                 C1            C1
                                               attr          attr
                                               op            op

                                   C1                   C1
                                 attr                 attr
                                 op                   op

                       C1                               C1
                     attr                             attr
                     op                               op

Open layers: OSF/Motif




Xlib provides low-level drawing facilities;
Xt provides basic user interface widget management;
Motif provides a large number of sophisticated widgets;
The Application can access each layer independently
Creating layers: façade


    Another approach to managing complexity consists
     of partitioning a system into sub-systems (peers),
     which are responsible for a class of services

Typical tiered architecture

4 tiers architecture

Layers and tiers
    Typically, a complete decomposition of a given
     system comes from both layering and partitioning
         First, the system in divided into top level subsystems
          which are responsible for certain functionalities
         Second, each subsystem is organized into several
          layers, if necessary, up to the definition of simple enough

Architectural styles
    Several architectural styles have been defined in
     the literature of software engineering.
    They can be used as the basis for configuring
     software architectures.
    The basic styles include:
         Pipes and filters
         Repository
         Client/Server: two-tiers; three-tiers; n-tiers
         Model/View/Controller
         Service-Oriented
         Peer-To-Peer

Architectural variants
Pipes and Filters style
Pipe and Filter Architecture

    Main components:
       Filter: process the a stream of input data to some out
        put data
       Pipe: a channel that allows the flow of data

          read input file             process file

                             filter       This architecture style focuses
                                          on the dynamic (interaction)
                                          rather than the structural
Batch sequential data flow

Pipe and Filter : UNIX shell
      UNIX shell command line processing of the pipe symbol: “l”

            the output from the command to the left of the symbol, l, is to be sent as
           input to the command to the right of the pipe;
            this mechanism got rid of specifying a file as std output of a command and
           then specifying that same file as the std input to another command,
           including possibly removing this intermediate file afterwards

Example : counting occurrences in a file

I have a mailinglist file called “swarch.txt”
                                                                             Note the pipe
cat swarch.txt | grep studio | wc                                            symbol, l
More Modern Version of Pipe-filter
    Consider the MS Office Product

    Specifically --- think about how the component called “copy”
     works in conjunction with the component called “paste”
     across office product (e.g. spread sheet to word document )

    The clipboard as a “pipe”

     How may this be extended to the way e-mail with file attachment work?
Pipe-Filter example

    The high level design solution is decomposed into 2 parts (filters
     and pipes):
          Filter is a service that transforms a stream of input data into a stream of
           output data

          Pipe is a mechanism or conduit through which the data flows from one
           filter to another

              Input                   Prepare for
                                                                   Process Checks
           time cards               Check processing

 Problems that require batch file processing seem to fit this: payroll and compilers
Pipe – Filter with error processing
    Even if interactive error processing is difficult, batch error
     processing can be done with a pipe and filter architecture

                              time cards
                                                    Splitting the good time
                                                    cards from the bad ones
                             Validate for
                          payroll processing

             Manually Reprocess             Automatically
             Card and Cut Check            Process Checks

                                                    Do the data streams
                             Payroll report         need to be synchronized
                                                    here for report?
Pipes and filters
    Pipe: communication channel
    Filter: computing component

          Filter 1 may only send data to Filter 2           Filter 1      Pipe        Filter 2
          Filter 2 may only receive data from Filter 1       (Source)                  (Sink)
          Filter 1 may not receive data
          Filter 2 may not send data
          Pipe is the data transport mechanism

                                  * input                 output 1
              Filter                                                            Pipe
                                  * output                 input 1
Pipe and Filter Class Diagram
Pipe and Filter Sequence Diagram
Data flow types
There are three ways to make the data flow:

    Push only (Write only)
          A data source may pushes data in a downstream
          A filter may push data in a downstream
    Pull only (Read only)
         A data sink may pull data from an upstream
         A filter may pull data from an upstream
    Pull/Push (Read/Write)
         A filter may pull data from an upstream and push
          transformed data in a downstream
Active or passive filters
    An active filter pulls in data and push out the transformed
     data (pull/push); it works with a passive pipe which provides
     read/write mechanisms for pulling and pushing.
         The pipe & filter mechanism in Unix adopts this mode.
         The PipedWriter and PipedReader classes in Java are also passive
          pipes that active filters must use to drive the data stream forward
    A passive filter lets connected pipes to push data in and pull
     data out. It works with active pipes that pull data out from a
     filter and push data into the next filter. The filter must
     provide the read/write mechanisms in this case.
         This is very similar to the data flow hardware architecture
Pipe and Filter Sequence Diagram
“Architectural” package diagram

      <<metaclass>>     <<metaclass>>
       Component          Connector


       <<stereotype>>   <<stereotype>>
            Filter           Pipe

Component diagram

<<pipe>> <<pipe>>   <<pipe>> <<pipe>>   <<pipe>> <<pipe>>   <<pipe>> <<pipe>>

  <<filter>>            <<filter>>         <<filter>>           <<filter>>
<<component>>         <<component>>      <<component>>        <<component>>
     pic                   eqn                tbl                  troff

Pipes and Filters: pro and cons
    Advantages:
         Filters are self containing processing services that perform a
          specific function thus the style is cohesive
         Filters communicate (pass data most of the time) through pipes
          only, thus the style results in low coupling

    Disadvantages:
         The architecture is static (no dynamic reconfiguration)
         Filter processes which send streams of data over pipes is a
          solution that fits well with heavy batch processing, but may not
          do well with any kind of user-interaction.
         Anything that requires quick and short error processing is still
          restricted to sending data through the pipes, possibly making it
          difficult to interactively react to error-events.
Repository-based style
Shared Data
    Very common in information systems where data is shared
     among different functions
    A repository is a shared data-store with two variants:
          Repository style: the participating parties check the data-store for
          Blackboard (or tuple space) style: the data-store alerts the
           participating parties whenever there is a data-store change (trigger)

                   Physician                                       Lab testing
                                              database               Accounting
                 Pharmacy &                                        & administration
               drug processing
                Problems that fit this style have the following properties:

                          1. All the functionalities work off a shared data-store
               2. Any change to the data-store may affect all or some of the functions
                  3. All the functionalities need the information from the data-store
Repository Architecture

                            Agent 2
     Agent 1

                                      Agent 3

Agent 4

                            Agent n

Repository Architecture
    The subsystems use and modify (i.e., they have
     access to) a shared data structure named
    The subsystems are relatively independent, in that
     they interact only through the repository


Example: a compiler architecture based on a repository



   LexicalAnalyzer                           CodeGenerator


                       ParseTree             SymbolTable

                 SourceLevelDebugger           SyntacticEditor

Repository: two flavors
Data-centered style supporting user interactions
  The control flow into the system can be managed
   both by the repository (if stored data have to be
   modified) and by the subsystems (independent
   control flow)
  Passive repository (blackboard, tuple space):
   agents write or read items in the repository
  Active repository: the repository calls registered
   agents. This can be implemented with publish/

    Agents interact by broadcast or multicast
    Each agent notifies a state change via a message
     (it “raises an event”)
    All agents interested to the event (“observers”)
     receive a copy of the message
    Event generators do not know the observers
    Examplex: device drivers, JavaBeans


Observer pattern

Publish subscribe variants

Tuple space
    A tuple space is a repository where agents
     (“Workers”) read or write tuples by pattern matching
    Main primitives:
         out(tuple) non blocking, creates new tuple!
         rd(tuple pattern) blocking, does not delete matching tuple
         in(tuple pattern) blocking, deletes matching tuple
         eval(tuple) non blocking, creates new worker

Repository: pro and cons
    Benefits
          It is an effective way to share huge amounts of data: write once for all to read
          Each subsystem has not to take care of how data are produced/consumed by
           other subsystems
          It allows a centralized management of system backups, as well as of security
           and recovery procedures
          The data sharing model is available as the repository schema, hence it is
           easy to plug new subsystems
    Pitfalls
          Subsystems have to agree on a data model, thus impacting on performance
          Data evolution: it is “expensive” to adopt a new data model since (a) it has to
           be applied on the entire repository, and (b) all the subsystems have to be
          Not for all the subsystems’ requirements in terms of backup and security are
           always supported by the repository
          It is tricky to deploy the repository on several machines, preserving the logical
           vision of a centralized entity, due to redundancy and data consistency
Client-Server style
Client server

 remote    remote   remote

Client-server paradigm
    It has been conceived in the context of distributed
     systems, aiming to solve a synchronization issue:
         A protocol was needed to allow the communication
          between two different programs
    The driving idea is to make unbalanced the
     partners’ roles within a communication process
         Reactive entities (named servers):
               They cannot initiate a communication
               … they can only answer to incoming requests (reactive entities)
         Active entities (named clients):
               They trigger the communication process
               They forward requests to the servers, then they wait for
Client-server paradigm
       The first generation of distributed systems was
        based on the client server style

                                                        2nd Generation

                                       1st Generation

Degree of


                            Complexity & adaptability                    52
Client-server style
    From the architectural viewpoint, a client/server system
     is made up of components which can be classified
     according to the service abstraction:
         Who provides services is a server;
         Who requires a service is a client;
    A client is a program used by a user to communicate
     with a system
         …but a server can be a client for a different service
    Clients are aware of the server interface
    Servers cannot foresee clients’ requests
              Client       *                 *
                           requester! provider!
Client-server style
    Most systems can be logically divided into three parts:
         The presentation, which is in charge of managing the user
          interface (graphic events, input fields check, help..)
         The actual application logic
         The data management tier for the management of persistent data.
    The system architecture is defined according to how these
     parts are organized :
         2-tiered, 3-tiered, or n-tiered

                                    processing         management

Client-server style
    2 tiers Client/Server architectures

            Fat server                     Fat client 55
Web has a Client-Server style
    HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), ASCII-based request/reply protocol
     that runs over TCP
         HTTPS: variant that first establishes symmetrically-encrypted channel via
          public-key handshake, so suitable for sensitive info

           Web browser	

        2. A series of                Web server	


                                      DNS server	

    By convention, servers listen on TCP port 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS)
    Universal Resource Identifier (URI) format: scheme, host, port,
     resource, parameters, fragment

A Conversation With a Web Server
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.73 [en] (X11;HTTP method & URIi686)
                                    U; Linux 2.0.35
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg,
  image/png, */*
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
    Server replies:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK                               Cookie data: up to
Content-Length: 16018                               4KiB
Set-Cookie: B=2vsconq5p0h2n
Content-Type: text/html
                                            MIME content type
<html><head><title>Yahoo!</title><base href=>
    Repeat for embedded content (images, stylesheets, scripts...)
     <img width=230 height=33 src="">

    On first visit to a server, a browser may receive a cookie
     from the server in HTTP header
         Data is arbitrary
         typically opaque, interpretation is up to the server
         Usually encrypted, since the client is untrusted
    The browser automatically passes appropriate cookie back
     to server on each request
         Server may update cookie value with any response
         Simulates a concept of “session”
    Many uses
         track user’s ID (canonical use: authentication)
         track session state or a handle to it
         in Web 1.0, before cookies, “fat URL’s” were used for this

Two-tier C/S architectures – 1/2
    Pitfalls:
         Two-tiers C/S architectures exhibit a heavy message
          traffic since the front-ends and the servers communicate
         The business logic is not managed by an ad-hoc
          component, but is it “shared” by front-end and back-end
               client and server depend one from each other
               It is difficult to reuse the same interface to access different data
               It is difficult to interact with databases which have different front-
               The business logic is encapsulated into the user interface
                      If the logic changes, the interface has to change as well

Two-tier C/S architectures – 2/2
    Recurrent problem:
         Business and presentation logic are not clearly separate
               E.g., if there is a service which can be accessed by several
                devices (e.g., mobile phone, desktop PC)
                      The same logic but different interface

Design pattern: dispatcher
    Context: a set of servers
    Problem: A client should not need to know where
     servers are located
    Solution: a dispatcher implementing a naming
     service acts as an intermediate layer between
     clients and servers

             Client           request service     Server
            do_task                             run_service

                  request                        establish
                             locate_Server      connection

Three-tier architectures – 1/6
    Early 90’s; they propose a clear separation among logics:
         Tier 1: data management (DBMS, XML files, …..)
         Tier 2: business logic (application processing, …)
         Tier 3: user interface (data presentation and services)
    Each tier has its own goals, as well as specific design
    No assumptions at all about the structure and/or the
     implementation of the other tiers , i.e.:
         Tier 2 does not make any assumptions neither on how data are
          represented, nor on how user interfaces are made
         Tier 3 does not make any assumptions on how business logic works

Three-tier architectures – 2/6
    Tiers 1 and 3 do not communicate, i.e.:
         The user interface neither receives any data from data
          management, nor it can write data
         Information passing (in both the directions) are filterer by
          the business logic
    Tiers work as they were not part of a specific
         Applications are conceived as collections of interacting
         Each component can take part to several applications at
          the same time

Three-tier architectures – 3/6

Three-tier architectures – 4/6
    Benefits:
         They leverage the flexibility of and the high modifiability
          of modular systems
               Components can be used in several systems
               A change into a given component do not have any impacts on
                the system (apart from changes into the API)
               It is easier to localize a bug since the system functionalities are
               New functionalities can be added to the system by only
                modifying the components which are in charge of realizing them,
                or by plugging new components

Three-tier architectures – 5/6
    Pitfalls:
         Application dimensions and efficiency:
               Heavy network traffic
                      High latency for service delivering
               Ad hoc software libraries have to be used to allow the
                communication among components
                      Many LoCs!
         Legacy software
               Many companies make use of preexisting software, monolithic,
                systems to manage data
               Adapters have to be implemented to interoperate with the legacy

Three-tier architectures – 6/6
    Tiers are logical abstractions, not physical entities
         Three-tier architectures can be realized by using only
          one or two levels of machines

N-tier architectures
    They provide high flexibility
    Fundamental items:
         User Interface (UI): e.g., a browser, a WAP
          minibrowser, a graphical user interface (GUI)
         Presentation logic, which defines what the UI has to
          show and how to manage users’ requests
         Business logic, which manages the application business
         Infrastructure services
               The provides further functionalities to the application
                components ( messaging, transactions support);
         Data tier:
               Application Data level

Example N-tiers

Model/View/Controller style

The MVC style
    Three kinds of subsystems:
         Model, which has the knowledge about the application
          domain - also called business logic
         View, which takes care of making application objects
          visible to system users
         Controller, which manages the interactions between
          the system and it users

                             *                1   repository
                                              1   notifier

MVC goal
    The goal of MVC is, by decoupling models and
     views, to reduce the complexity in architectural
     design and to increase flexibility and maintainability

Basic interaction for MVC

Initialization for MVC

MVC interactions

MVC: component diagram example

MVC Architectures
    The Model does not depend on any View and/or
    Changes to the Model state are communicated to
     the View subsystems by means of a “subscribe/
     notify” protocol (eg. Observer pattern)
    MVC is a combination of the repository and three-
     tiers architectures:
         The Model implements a centralized data structure;
         The Controller manages the control flow: it receives
          inputs from users and forwards messages to the Model
         The Viewer pictures the model

MVC: An example
                      Two different views of a
                       file system:
                      The bottom window
                       visualizes a folder
                       named Comp-Based
                       Software Engineering
                      The up window
                       visualizes file info
                       related to file named
                      The file name is
                       visualized into three
                       different places

MVC: communication diagram
    1. Both InfoView and FolderView subscribe the changes to the model File
     when created
    2. The user enters the new filename
    3. The Controller forwards the request to the model
    4. The model actually changes the filename and notifies the operation to
    5. InfoView and FolderView are updated so that the user perceives the
     changes in a consistent way

2.User types new filename

                :Controller              3. Request name change in model

                1. Views subscribe to event
5. Updated views
                  :InfoView                               4. Notify subscribers

ClientServer 3-tiers vs MVC
    The CS 3-tiers may seem similar to the model-
     view-controller (MVC) concept; however, they are
    A fundamental rule in a 3-tiers architecture is: the
     client tier never communicates directly with the
     data tier; all communication must go through the
     middleware tier: the 3-tiers architecture is linear
    Instead, the MVC architecture is triangular: the
     View sends updates to the Controller, the
     Controller updates the Model, and the Views get
     updated directly from the Model

The benefits of the MVC style
    The main reason behind the separation (Model,
     View and Controller) is that the user interfaces
     (Views) are changed much more frequently than
     the knowledge about the application domain
    This style is easy to reuse, to maintain, and to
    The MVC style is especially effective in the case
     of interactive systems, when multiple synchronous
     views of the same model have to be provided

Service-Oriented style

A world of services

The service-oriented architecture model

SOA, web service style (use cases)

Service-oriented architectures
    SOAs represent an evolution of client-server
    3rd generation of distributed software systems
        Distribution degree and mobility

                                               1st generation       2nd generation          3rd generation


                                                                                        C4       C5
                                           3 levels
                                                       2 levels

                                                                  Complexity                                 87
Service-oriented architectures
    Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an
     approach to loosely coupled, protocol
     independent, standards-based distributed
     computing where a software resource available
     on the network is considered as a service
    SOA is a technology solution that provides an
     enterprise with the agility and flexibility its users
     have been looking for
    The integration process is based on a composition
     of services spanning multiple enterprises

Service-oriented architectures
    The following principles define the rules for
     development, maintenance, and usage of a SOA:
         Reuse, granularity, modularity, composability,
          componentization, and interoperability
         Compliance to standards (either cross-industry or
         Services identification and categorization, provisioning
          and delivery, and monitoring and tracking

Service computing: layered style

SOA layers, IBM style

SOA principles – 1/2
    Service encapsulation - Many web-services are
     consolidated to be used under the SOA Architecture.
     Often such services have not been planned to be under
    Service loose coupling - Services maintain a
     relationship that minimizes dependencies and only
     requires that they maintain an awareness of each other
    Service contract - Services adhere to a communications
     agreement, as defined collectively by one or more
     service description documents
    Service abstraction - Beyond what is described in the
     service contract, services hide logic from the outside

SOA principles – 2/2
    Service reusability - Logic is divided into services
     with the intention of promoting reuse
    Service composability - Services can be
     coordinated/assembled to form composite services
    Service autonomy – Services have control over the
     logic they encapsulate
    Service optimization – All else equal, high-quality
     services are generally considered preferable to low-
     quality ones
    Service discoverability – Services are designed to
     be outwardly descriptive so that they can be found
     and assessed via available discovery mechanisms
SOA building blocks – 1/2
    Service Consumer (also known as Service
     Requestor): it locates entries in the Registry using
     various find operations and then binds to the
     service provider in order to invoke one of its
    Service Provider: it creates a service and
     publishes its interface and access information to
     the Service registry
    Service Registry (also known as Service Broker):
     it is responsible for making the Service interface
     and implementation access information available to
     any potential service requestor

Interaction: State diagram

SOA building blocks – 2/2
        Service registration (provider) and lookup (requestor) in the
        Service access


                 Service lookup	


       Service registration	





                                     Service access	





SOA model
    1   Service Consumer
    2   Service Provider
    3   Service Registry
    4   Service Contract

    5   Service Proxy
    6   Service Lease


SOA elements

SOA characteristics
    The software components in a SOA are services
     based on standard protocols
    Services in SOA have minimum amount of
    Communication infrastructure used within an SOA
     should be designed to be independent of the
     underlying protocol layer
    Offers coarse-grained business services, as opposed
     to fine-grained software-oriented function calls
    Uses service granularity to provide effective
     composition, encapsulation and management of

Service granularity
    Service granularity refers to the scope of
     functionality a service exposes
    Fine-grained services provide a small amount of
     business-process usefulness, such as basic data
    Coarse-grained services are constructed from fine-
     grained services that are intelligently structured to
     meet specific business needs.

Service composition

Jeff Hanson, Coarse-grained Interfaces Enable Service Composition in SOA, JavaOne, August 29, 2003

Web Services
    A W3C standard defining an API accessed via
     HTTP and executed on a remote host
    Definition:
         ‘A Web service is a software application identified by a
          URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of being
          defined, described, and discovered as XML artifacts. A
          Web service supports direct interactions with other
          software agents using XML based messages exchanged
          via internet-based protocols.’
    Two flavors: big services, RESTful services

WS underlying technologies
    The basic standards for
     web services are:
         XML (Extensible Markup
         SOAP (Simple Object
          Access Protocol)
         WSDL (Web Services
          Description Language)
         UDDI (Universal
          Description, Discovery
          and Integration)

SOA-related standards
    XML 1.0 fairly stable, although Schema are in the
     process of replacing DTDs (currently Schema 1.1
     being worked on).
    SOAP 1.2
    WSDL 2.0 (coming out, 1.2 current)
    UDDI version 3 (Aug 2003)
    BPEL 1.1 (Business Process Execution Language)
    choreography description language (web services
     work flows)
         started January 2003

Web Services Architecture
    Web Services involve three major roles
         Service Provider
         Service Registry
         Service Consumer

    Three major operations surround web services
         Publishing – making a service available
         Finding – locating web services
         Binding – using web services

Service publication
    In order for someone to use your service they have
     to know about it
    To allow users to discover a service it is published
     to a registry (UDDI)
    To allow users to interact with a service you must
     publish a description of it’s interface (methods &
    This is done using WSDL


Making a service available
    Once you have published a description of your
     service you must have a host set up to serve it.
    A web server is often used to deliver services
     (although custom application – application
     communication is also possible).
    This functionality has to be added to the web
     server. In the case of the Apache web server a
     ‘container’ application (Tomcat) can be used to
     make the application (servlet) available to Apache

WS and existing protocols
    Web services are layered on top of existing, mature
     transfer protocols
    HTTP, SMTP are still used over TCP/IP to pass the
    Web services (like grids) can be seen as a
     functionality enhancement to the existing

WS and XML
    All Web Services documents are written in XML
    XML Schema are used to define the elements used
     in Web Services communication

    SOAP is the protocol actually used to communicate
     with the Web Service
    Both the request and the response are SOAP
    The body of the message (whose grammar is
     defined by the WSDL) is contained within a SOAP
    “Binds” the client to the web service

    Describes the Web Service and defines the
     functions that are exposed in the Web Service
    Defines the XML grammar to be used in the
    Uses the W3C Schema language

    UDDI is used to register and look up services with
     a central registry
    Service Providers can publish information about
     their business and the services that they offer
    Service consumers can look up services that are
     available by
         Business
         Service category
         Specific service

Web Services and SOAs
    Web Services are an open standards-based way of
     creating and offering SOAs
    Web Services are able to exchange structured
     documents that contain different amounts of
     information, as well as information about that
     information, known as metadata
    In other words, Web Services can be coarse
     grained. Such coarse granularity is one of the most
     important features of SOAs

Re-architecture to SOA: benefits
    Provides location independence: Services need not be associated with
     a particular system on a particular network
    Protocol-independent communication framework renders code
    Offers better adaptability and faster response rate to changing business
    Allows easier application development, run-time deployment and better
     service management
    Loosely coupled system architecture allows easy integration by
     composition of applications, processes, or more complex services from
     other less complex services
    Provides authentication and authorization of Service consumers, and all
     security functionality via Services interfaces rather than tightly-coupled
    Allows service consumers (ex. Web Services) to find and connect to
     available Services dynamically

Why not SOA
    For a stable or homogeneous enterprise IT
     environment, SOA may not be important or cost
     effective to implement
    If an organization is not offering software
     functionality as services to external parties or not
     using external services, which require flexibility and
     standard-based accessibility, SOA may not be
    SOA is not desirable in case of real time
     requirements because SOA relies on loosely
     coupled asynchronous communication

Cloud computing
    Software as a service, like Web services
    Platform as a service, like mashups
    Infrastructure as a service (or hardware as a

Peer-to-peer style

Peer-to-peer architectures
    They can be considered a generalization of the
     client/server architecture
    Each subsystem is able to provide services, as
     well as to make requests
         Each subsystem acts both as a server and as a client

                               Peer       requester

                        service2()        *
                        serviceN()        provider

Peer-to-peer architectures
    In such an architecture, all nodes have the same
     abilities, as well as the same responsibilities. All
     communications are (potentially) bidirectional
    The goal:
         To share resources and services (data, CPU cycles,
          disk space, …)
    P2P systems are characterized by:
         Decentralized control
         Adaptability
         Self-organization and self-management capabilities

Peer-to-peer architectures
    Functional characteristics of typical P2P systems
         File sharing system
         File storage system
         Distributed file system
         Redundant storage
         Distributed computation
    Nonfunctional requirements
         Availability
         Reliability
         Performance
         Scalability
         Anonymity

P2P architectures: brief history
    Although they were proposed 30 years ago, they
     mainly evolved in the last decade
    File sharing systems contributed to increase the
     interest (Napster, 1999; Gnutella, 2000)
    In 2000, the Napster client was downloaded by 50
     millions users
         Traffic peak of 7 TB in a day
    Gnutella followed Napster’s footprint
         The first release was delivered in 2003
         In June 2005, Gnutella's population was 1.81 million
          computers; in 2007, it was the most popular file sharing
          network with an estimated market share > 40%
         Host servers are listed at
The phases of a P2P application
A P2P application is organized in three phases:
      Boot, during which a peer connects to the networks and
       actually performs the connections (P2P boot is rare)
      Lookup, during which a peer looks for a provider for a
       given service or information (generally providers are
      Resource sharing, during which requested resources
       are delivered, usually in several segments

P2P classification – 1/2
    P2P applications can be categorized as follows:
         Pure P2P applications
               All the phases are based on P2P
         P2P applications
               lookup and resource sharing are performed according to the P2P
               Some servers are used to make the boot
         Hybrid P2P applications :
               The resource sharing is performed according to the P2P
               Some servers are used to make the boot;
               Specific peers are used to perform lookup.

P2P classification – 2/2
    With respect to lookup phase:
         Centralized Lookup
               Centralized index of providers

         Decentralized Lookup
               Distributed index

         Hybrid Lookup
               Several centralized systems which are linked
                into a decentralized system

Gnutella (original)

Gnutella: search

Gnutella: reply

    A mixed client-server and peer-to-peer architecture addresses
     the discovery problem
    Replication and distribution of the directories, in the form of
     supernodes, addresses the scalability problem and robustness
     problem encountered in Napster
    Promotion of ordinary peers to supernodes based upon network
     and processing capabilities addresses another aspect of system
     performance: “not just any peer” is relied upon for important
    A proprietary protocol employing encryption provides privacy for
     calls that are relayed through supernode intermediaries
    Restriction of participants to clients issued by Skype, and making
     those clients highly resistant to inspection or modification,
     prevents malicious clients from entering the network
P2P: scalability – 1/2
    The performances of a P2P system (e.g., the time
     to find a file) become worse as the number of
     nodes increases (linearly)
         The “work” for a node increases linearly with respect to
          the number of nodes
    The protocols used by Napster and Gnutella are
     not scalable
    A second generation of P2P protocols has been
     realized which support DHT (Distributed Hash
     Table) in order to improve their scalability
         Examples are Tapestry, Chord, Can, Viceroy, Koorde,
          Kademlia, Kelips …

P2P: scalability – 2/2
    The degree of scalability of a given protocol
     depends on the efficiency of the adopted routing
     algorithm (lookup)
    Two main objectives:
         To minimize the number of message to complete the
         To minimize, for each node, information about other
          nodes in the network

    DHT P2P differ into the routing strategy they adopt

    The basic architectural styles are few and their
     properties should be studied and become known
    Their descriptions and properties are better
     understood using a modeling notation
    The architectural models and descriptions can be
     exploited by a technology like UML via automatic
     transformations: see the Model Driven Architecture

Self test questions
    Describe an example application architecture for
     each of the following styles: pipe-and-filter,
     repository, client-server, peer-to-peer
    Discuss the difference between the active and
     passive repository styles
    What are the advantages of P2P over client-server


    Taylor et al., Software Architecture, Wiley 2009
    Qian et al., Software Architecture and Design Illuminated, Jones
     and Bartlett, 2009
    Garland, Large-Scale Software Architecture: A Practical Guide
     using UML, Addison-Wesley, 2005
    Fielding & Taylor, Principled Design of the Modern Web
     Architecture, ACM Trans. on Internet Technology, 2:2, 2002
    Rao, Using UML service components to represent the SOA
     architecture pattern, 2007
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  • 1. Architectural styles Paolo Ciancarini
  • 2. Agenda   Types of architectural styles   Basic decomposition techniques   layering, tiering   Architectural styles   Pipes and filters   Repository   Client/Server   two-tiers; three-tiers; n-tiers   Model/View/Controller   Service-Oriented   Peer-To-Peer 2
  • 3. Layers and tiers   The architectural definition of a system is generally achieved by decomposing the architecture into subsystems, following a layered and/or a partition based approach (tiers)   These are orthogonal approaches:   A layer is a level in an architectural stack in charge of providing services (e.g., a kernel)   A tier is the organization of several peer modules within the same layer (e.g., a user interface) 3
  • 4. Layers   An architecture which has a hierarchical structure, consisting of an ordered set of layers, is layered   A layer is a set of subsystems which are able to provide related services, that can be realized by exploiting services from other layers   A layer depends only from its lower layers (i.e., layers which are located at a lower level into the architecture)   A layer is only aware of lower layers 4
  • 5. Layers of virtual machines 5
  • 6. Layers: component diagram   Connectors for layered systems are often procedure calls   Each level implements a different VM with a specific input language 6
  • 7. Closed vs open layers   Closed architecture: the i-th layer can only have access to the layer (i-1)-th   Open architecture: the i-th layer can have access to all the underlying layers (i.e., the layers lower than i) 7
  • 8. Layers – Closed architecture   The i-th layer can only invoke the services and the operations which are provided by the layer (i-1)-th   The main goals are the system maintainability and high portability (eg. Virtualization: each layer i defines a Virtual Machine - VMi) C1 C1 C1 attr attr attr VM1 op op op C1 C1 attr attr VM2 op op C1 C1 attr attr VM3 op op C1 C1 attr attr VM4 op op 8
  • 9. Closed layers: ISO/OSI stack The ISO/OSI reference Application model defines 7 network layers, characterized by an Presentation increasing level of Level of abstraction Session abstraction Eg. The Internet Protocol Transport (IP) defines a VM at the network level able to identify Network net hosts and transmit single packets from host to DataLink host Physical 9
  • 10. Layers – Open architecture   The i-th layer can invoke the services and the operations which are provided by all the lower layers (the layers lower than i)   The main goals are the execution time and efficiency C1 C1 C1 attr attr attr op op op C1 C1 attr attr op op C1 C1 attr attr op op C1 C1 attr attr op op 10
  • 11. Open layers: OSF/Motif Application Motif Xt Xlib Xlib provides low-level drawing facilities; Xt provides basic user interface widget management; Motif provides a large number of sophisticated widgets; The Application can access each layer independently
  • 14. Tiers   Another approach to managing complexity consists of partitioning a system into sub-systems (peers), which are responsible for a class of services 14
  • 15. 15
  • 18. Layers and tiers   Typically, a complete decomposition of a given system comes from both layering and partitioning   First, the system in divided into top level subsystems which are responsible for certain functionalities (partitioning)   Second, each subsystem is organized into several layers, if necessary, up to the definition of simple enough layers 18
  • 19. Architectural styles   Several architectural styles have been defined in the literature of software engineering.   They can be used as the basis for configuring software architectures.   The basic styles include:   Pipes and filters   Repository   Client/Server: two-tiers; three-tiers; n-tiers   Model/View/Controller   Service-Oriented   Peer-To-Peer 19
  • 22. Pipe and Filter Architecture   Main components:   Filter: process the a stream of input data to some out put data   Pipe: a channel that allows the flow of data read input file process file filter This architecture style focuses on the dynamic (interaction) rather than the structural pipe
  • 24. Pipe and Filter : UNIX shell   UNIX shell command line processing of the pipe symbol: “l” the output from the command to the left of the symbol, l, is to be sent as input to the command to the right of the pipe; this mechanism got rid of specifying a file as std output of a command and then specifying that same file as the std input to another command, including possibly removing this intermediate file afterwards Example : counting occurrences in a file I have a mailinglist file called “swarch.txt” Note the pipe cat swarch.txt | grep studio | wc symbol, l
  • 25. More Modern Version of Pipe-filter   Consider the MS Office Product   Specifically --- think about how the component called “copy” works in conjunction with the component called “paste” across office product (e.g. spread sheet to word document )   The clipboard as a “pipe” How may this be extended to the way e-mail with file attachment work?
  • 26. Pipe-Filter example   The high level design solution is decomposed into 2 parts (filters and pipes):   Filter is a service that transforms a stream of input data into a stream of output data   Pipe is a mechanism or conduit through which the data flows from one filter to another Input Prepare for Process Checks time cards Check processing Problems that require batch file processing seem to fit this: payroll and compilers
  • 27. Pipe – Filter with error processing   Even if interactive error processing is difficult, batch error processing can be done with a pipe and filter architecture Input time cards Splitting the good time cards from the bad ones Validate for payroll processing Manually Reprocess Automatically Card and Cut Check Process Checks Do the data streams Payroll report need to be synchronized here for report?
  • 28. Pipes and filters   Pipe: communication channel   Filter: computing component   Filter 1 may only send data to Filter 2 Filter 1 Pipe Filter 2   Filter 2 may only receive data from Filter 1 (Source) (Sink)   Filter 1 may not receive data   Filter 2 may not send data   Pipe is the data transport mechanism * input output 1 Filter Pipe * output input 1 +Read() +Write()
  • 29. Pipe and Filter Class Diagram
  • 30. Pipe and Filter Sequence Diagram
  • 31. Data flow types There are three ways to make the data flow:   Push only (Write only)   A data source may pushes data in a downstream   A filter may push data in a downstream   Pull only (Read only)   A data sink may pull data from an upstream   A filter may pull data from an upstream   Pull/Push (Read/Write)   A filter may pull data from an upstream and push transformed data in a downstream
  • 32. Active or passive filters   An active filter pulls in data and push out the transformed data (pull/push); it works with a passive pipe which provides read/write mechanisms for pulling and pushing.   The pipe & filter mechanism in Unix adopts this mode.   The PipedWriter and PipedReader classes in Java are also passive pipes that active filters must use to drive the data stream forward   A passive filter lets connected pipes to push data in and pull data out. It works with active pipes that pull data out from a filter and push data into the next filter. The filter must provide the read/write mechanisms in this case.   This is very similar to the data flow hardware architecture
  • 33. Pipe and Filter Sequence Diagram
  • 34. “Architectural” package diagram UML <<metaclass>> <<metaclass>> Component Connector Pipes&filters <<stereotype>> <<stereotype>> Filter Pipe 34
  • 35. Component diagram <<pipe>> <<pipe>> <<pipe>> <<pipe>> <<pipe>> <<pipe>> <<pipe>> <<pipe>> <<filter>> <<filter>> <<filter>> <<filter>> <<component>> <<component>> <<component>> <<component>> pic eqn tbl troff 35
  • 36. Pipes and Filters: pro and cons   Advantages:   Filters are self containing processing services that perform a specific function thus the style is cohesive   Filters communicate (pass data most of the time) through pipes only, thus the style results in low coupling   Disadvantages:   The architecture is static (no dynamic reconfiguration)   Filter processes which send streams of data over pipes is a solution that fits well with heavy batch processing, but may not do well with any kind of user-interaction.   Anything that requires quick and short error processing is still restricted to sending data through the pipes, possibly making it difficult to interactively react to error-events.
  • 38. Shared Data   Very common in information systems where data is shared among different functions   A repository is a shared data-store with two variants:   Repository style: the participating parties check the data-store for changes   Blackboard (or tuple space) style: the data-store alerts the participating parties whenever there is a data-store change (trigger) Physician Lab testing diagnosis Patient database Accounting Pharmacy & & administration drug processing Problems that fit this style have the following properties: 1. All the functionalities work off a shared data-store 2. Any change to the data-store may affect all or some of the functions 3. All the functionalities need the information from the data-store
  • 39. Repository Architecture Agent 2 Agent 1 Repository Agent 3 Agent 4 Agent n 39
  • 40. Repository Architecture   The subsystems use and modify (i.e., they have access to) a shared data structure named repository   The subsystems are relatively independent, in that they interact only through the repository Repository Subsystem createData() setData() getData() searchData()
  • 41. Example: a compiler architecture based on a repository Compiler SemanticAnalyzer SyntacticAnalyzer Optimizer LexicalAnalyzer CodeGenerator Repository ParseTree SymbolTable SourceLevelDebugger SyntacticEditor 41
  • 42. Repository: two flavors Data-centered style supporting user interactions   The control flow into the system can be managed both by the repository (if stored data have to be modified) and by the subsystems (independent control flow)   Passive repository (blackboard, tuple space): agents write or read items in the repository   Active repository: the repository calls registered agents. This can be implemented with publish/ subscribe 42
  • 43. publish/subscribe   Agents interact by broadcast or multicast messages   Each agent notifies a state change via a message (it “raises an event”)   All agents interested to the event (“observers”) receive a copy of the message   Event generators do not know the observers (decoupling)   Examplex: device drivers, JavaBeans 43
  • 47. Tuple space   A tuple space is a repository where agents (“Workers”) read or write tuples by pattern matching   Main primitives:   out(tuple) non blocking, creates new tuple!   rd(tuple pattern) blocking, does not delete matching tuple   in(tuple pattern) blocking, deletes matching tuple   eval(tuple) non blocking, creates new worker 47
  • 48. Repository: pro and cons   Benefits   It is an effective way to share huge amounts of data: write once for all to read   Each subsystem has not to take care of how data are produced/consumed by other subsystems   It allows a centralized management of system backups, as well as of security and recovery procedures   The data sharing model is available as the repository schema, hence it is easy to plug new subsystems   Pitfalls   Subsystems have to agree on a data model, thus impacting on performance   Data evolution: it is “expensive” to adopt a new data model since (a) it has to be applied on the entire repository, and (b) all the subsystems have to be updated   Not for all the subsystems’ requirements in terms of backup and security are always supported by the repository   It is tricky to deploy the repository on several machines, preserving the logical vision of a centralized entity, due to redundancy and data consistency matters 48
  • 50. Client server remote remote remote 50
  • 51. Client-server paradigm   It has been conceived in the context of distributed systems, aiming to solve a synchronization issue:   A protocol was needed to allow the communication between two different programs   The driving idea is to make unbalanced the partners’ roles within a communication process   Reactive entities (named servers):   They cannot initiate a communication   … they can only answer to incoming requests (reactive entities)   Active entities (named clients):   They trigger the communication process   They forward requests to the servers, then they wait for responses 51
  • 52. Client-server paradigm   The first generation of distributed systems was based on the client server style 2nd Generation Distributed Objects 1st Generation Client/Server distribution Mainframe Degree of Monolithic Complexity & adaptability 52
  • 53. Client-server style   From the architectural viewpoint, a client/server system is made up of components which can be classified according to the service abstraction:   Who provides services is a server;   Who requires a service is a client;   A client is a program used by a user to communicate with a system   …but a server can be a client for a different service   Clients are aware of the server interface   Servers cannot foresee clients’ requests Server Client * * requester! provider! service1() service2() serviceN() 53
  • 54. Client-server style   Most systems can be logically divided into three parts:   The presentation, which is in charge of managing the user interface (graphic events, input fields check, help..)   The actual application logic   The data management tier for the management of persistent data.   The system architecture is defined according to how these parts are organized :   2-tiered, 3-tiered, or n-tiered Application Data Presentation processing management 54
  • 55. Client-server style   2 tiers Client/Server architectures Fat server Fat client 55
  • 56. Web has a Client-Server style   HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), ASCII-based request/reply protocol that runs over TCP   HTTPS: variant that first establishes symmetrically-encrypted channel via public-key handshake, so suitable for sensitive info Web browser 2. A series of Web server 1.tubes DNS server   By convention, servers listen on TCP port 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS)   Universal Resource Identifier (URI) format: scheme, host, port, resource, parameters, fragment 56
  • 57. A Conversation With a Web Server GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.73 [en] (X11;HTTP method & URIi686) U; Linux 2.0.35 Host: Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */* Accept-Language: en Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8   Server replies: HTTP/1.0 200 OK Cookie data: up to Content-Length: 16018 4KiB Set-Cookie: B=2vsconq5p0h2n Content-Type: text/html MIME content type <html><head><title>Yahoo!</title><base href=> …etc.   Repeat for embedded content (images, stylesheets, scripts...) <img width=230 height=33 src=""> 57
  • 58. Cookies   On first visit to a server, a browser may receive a cookie from the server in HTTP header   Data is arbitrary   typically opaque, interpretation is up to the server   Usually encrypted, since the client is untrusted   The browser automatically passes appropriate cookie back to server on each request   Server may update cookie value with any response   Simulates a concept of “session”   Many uses   track user’s ID (canonical use: authentication)   track session state or a handle to it   in Web 1.0, before cookies, “fat URL’s” were used for this 58
  • 59. Two-tier C/S architectures – 1/2   Pitfalls:   Two-tiers C/S architectures exhibit a heavy message traffic since the front-ends and the servers communicate intensively   The business logic is not managed by an ad-hoc component, but is it “shared” by front-end and back-end   client and server depend one from each other   It is difficult to reuse the same interface to access different data   It is difficult to interact with databases which have different front- ends   The business logic is encapsulated into the user interface   If the logic changes, the interface has to change as well 59
  • 60. Two-tier C/S architectures – 2/2   Recurrent problem:   Business and presentation logic are not clearly separate   E.g., if there is a service which can be accessed by several devices (e.g., mobile phone, desktop PC)   The same logic but different interface 60
  • 61. Design pattern: dispatcher   Context: a set of servers   Problem: A client should not need to know where servers are located   Solution: a dispatcher implementing a naming service acts as an intermediate layer between clients and servers Client request service Server do_task run_service Dispatcher Location_map request establish locate_Server connection connection 61
  • 62. Three-tier architectures – 1/6   Early 90’s; they propose a clear separation among logics:   Tier 1: data management (DBMS, XML files, …..)   Tier 2: business logic (application processing, …)   Tier 3: user interface (data presentation and services)   Each tier has its own goals, as well as specific design constraints   No assumptions at all about the structure and/or the implementation of the other tiers , i.e.:   Tier 2 does not make any assumptions neither on how data are represented, nor on how user interfaces are made   Tier 3 does not make any assumptions on how business logic works 62
  • 63. Three-tier architectures – 2/6   Tiers 1 and 3 do not communicate, i.e.:   The user interface neither receives any data from data management, nor it can write data   Information passing (in both the directions) are filterer by the business logic   Tiers work as they were not part of a specific application:   Applications are conceived as collections of interacting components   Each component can take part to several applications at the same time 63
  • 65. Three-tier architectures – 4/6   Benefits:   They leverage the flexibility of and the high modifiability of modular systems   Components can be used in several systems   A change into a given component do not have any impacts on the system (apart from changes into the API)   It is easier to localize a bug since the system functionalities are isolated   New functionalities can be added to the system by only modifying the components which are in charge of realizing them, or by plugging new components 65
  • 66. Three-tier architectures – 5/6   Pitfalls:   Application dimensions and efficiency:   Heavy network traffic   High latency for service delivering   Ad hoc software libraries have to be used to allow the communication among components   Many LoCs!   Legacy software   Many companies make use of preexisting software, monolithic, systems to manage data   Adapters have to be implemented to interoperate with the legacy SW 66
  • 67. Three-tier architectures – 6/6   Tiers are logical abstractions, not physical entities   Three-tier architectures can be realized by using only one or two levels of machines 67
  • 68. N-tier architectures   They provide high flexibility   Fundamental items:   User Interface (UI): e.g., a browser, a WAP minibrowser, a graphical user interface (GUI)   Presentation logic, which defines what the UI has to show and how to manage users’ requests   Business logic, which manages the application business rules   Infrastructure services   The provides further functionalities to the application components ( messaging, transactions support);   Data tier:   Application Data level 68
  • 71. MVC 71
  • 72. The MVC style   Three kinds of subsystems:   Model, which has the knowledge about the application domain - also called business logic   View, which takes care of making application objects visible to system users   Controller, which manages the interactions between the system and it users initiator Controller * 1 repository Model 1 notifier subscriber View * 72
  • 73. MVC goal   The goal of MVC is, by decoupling models and views, to reduce the complexity in architectural design and to increase flexibility and maintainability 73
  • 78. MVC Architectures   The Model does not depend on any View and/or Controller   Changes to the Model state are communicated to the View subsystems by means of a “subscribe/ notify” protocol (eg. Observer pattern)   MVC is a combination of the repository and three- tiers architectures:   The Model implements a centralized data structure;   The Controller manages the control flow: it receives inputs from users and forwards messages to the Model   The Viewer pictures the model 78
  • 79. MVC: An example   Two different views of a file system:   The bottom window visualizes a folder named Comp-Based Software Engineering   The up window visualizes file info related to file named 90DesignPatterns2.ppt   The file name is visualized into three different places 79
  • 80. MVC: communication diagram   1. Both InfoView and FolderView subscribe the changes to the model File when created   2. The user enters the new filename   3. The Controller forwards the request to the model   4. The model actually changes the filename and notifies the operation to subscribers   5. InfoView and FolderView are updated so that the user perceives the changes in a consistent way 2.User types new filename :Controller 3. Request name change in model 1. Views subscribe to event :Model 5. Updated views :InfoView 4. Notify subscribers :FolderView 80
  • 81. ClientServer 3-tiers vs MVC   The CS 3-tiers may seem similar to the model- view-controller (MVC) concept; however, they are different   A fundamental rule in a 3-tiers architecture is: the client tier never communicates directly with the data tier; all communication must go through the middleware tier: the 3-tiers architecture is linear   Instead, the MVC architecture is triangular: the View sends updates to the Controller, the Controller updates the Model, and the Views get updated directly from the Model 81
  • 82. The benefits of the MVC style   The main reason behind the separation (Model, View and Controller) is that the user interfaces (Views) are changed much more frequently than the knowledge about the application domain (Model)   This style is easy to reuse, to maintain, and to extend   The MVC style is especially effective in the case of interactive systems, when multiple synchronous views of the same model have to be provided 82
  • 84. A world of services 84
  • 86. SOA, web service style (use cases) 86
  • 87. Service-oriented architectures   SOAs represent an evolution of client-server architectures   3rd generation of distributed software systems Distribution degree and mobility 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation SOAs Distributed objects C3 C1 C2 C4 C5 client-server 3 levels Distributed components 2 levels Complexity 87
  • 88. Service-oriented architectures   Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an approach to loosely coupled, protocol independent, standards-based distributed computing where a software resource available on the network is considered as a service   SOA is a technology solution that provides an enterprise with the agility and flexibility its users have been looking for   The integration process is based on a composition of services spanning multiple enterprises 88
  • 89. Service-oriented architectures   The following principles define the rules for development, maintenance, and usage of a SOA:   Reuse, granularity, modularity, composability, componentization, and interoperability   Compliance to standards (either cross-industry or industry-specific)   Services identification and categorization, provisioning and delivery, and monitoring and tracking 89
  • 91. SOA layers, IBM style 91
  • 92. SOA principles – 1/2   Service encapsulation - Many web-services are consolidated to be used under the SOA Architecture. Often such services have not been planned to be under SOA   Service loose coupling - Services maintain a relationship that minimizes dependencies and only requires that they maintain an awareness of each other   Service contract - Services adhere to a communications agreement, as defined collectively by one or more service description documents   Service abstraction - Beyond what is described in the service contract, services hide logic from the outside world 92
  • 93. SOA principles – 2/2   Service reusability - Logic is divided into services with the intention of promoting reuse   Service composability - Services can be coordinated/assembled to form composite services   Service autonomy – Services have control over the logic they encapsulate   Service optimization – All else equal, high-quality services are generally considered preferable to low- quality ones   Service discoverability – Services are designed to be outwardly descriptive so that they can be found and assessed via available discovery mechanisms 93
  • 94. SOA building blocks – 1/2   Service Consumer (also known as Service Requestor): it locates entries in the Registry using various find operations and then binds to the service provider in order to invoke one of its services   Service Provider: it creates a service and publishes its interface and access information to the Service registry   Service Registry (also known as Service Broker): it is responsible for making the Service interface and implementation access information available to any potential service requestor 94
  • 96. SOA building blocks – 2/2   Service registration (provider) and lookup (requestor) in the registry   Service access SERVICE Service lookup REGISTRY Service registration SERVICE SERVICE REQUESTOR PROVIDER Service access PDA Laptop Desktop Computer 96
  • 97. SOA model   1 Service Consumer   2 Service Provider   3 Service Registry   4 Service Contract   5 Service Proxy   6 Service Lease 97
  • 100. SOA characteristics   The software components in a SOA are services based on standard protocols   Services in SOA have minimum amount of interdependencies   Communication infrastructure used within an SOA should be designed to be independent of the underlying protocol layer   Offers coarse-grained business services, as opposed to fine-grained software-oriented function calls   Uses service granularity to provide effective composition, encapsulation and management of services 100
  • 101. Service granularity   Service granularity refers to the scope of functionality a service exposes   Fine-grained services provide a small amount of business-process usefulness, such as basic data access   Coarse-grained services are constructed from fine- grained services that are intelligently structured to meet specific business needs. 101
  • 102. Service composition Jeff Hanson, Coarse-grained Interfaces Enable Service Composition in SOA, JavaOne, August 29, 2003 102
  • 103. Web Services   A W3C standard defining an API accessed via HTTP and executed on a remote host   Definition:   ‘A Web service is a software application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of being defined, described, and discovered as XML artifacts. A Web service supports direct interactions with other software agents using XML based messages exchanged via internet-based protocols.’   Two flavors: big services, RESTful services 103
  • 104. WS underlying technologies   The basic standards for web services are:   XML (Extensible Markup Language)   SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)   WSDL (Web Services Description Language)   UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) 104
  • 105. SOA-related standards   XML 1.0 fairly stable, although Schema are in the process of replacing DTDs (currently Schema 1.1 being worked on).   SOAP 1.2   WSDL 2.0 (coming out, 1.2 current)   UDDI version 3 (Aug 2003)   BPEL 1.1 (Business Process Execution Language)   choreography description language (web services work flows)   started January 2003 105
  • 106. Web Services Architecture   Web Services involve three major roles   Service Provider   Service Registry   Service Consumer   Three major operations surround web services   Publishing – making a service available   Finding – locating web services   Binding – using web services 106
  • 107. Service publication   In order for someone to use your service they have to know about it   To allow users to discover a service it is published to a registry (UDDI)   To allow users to interact with a service you must publish a description of it’s interface (methods & arguments)   This is done using WSDL 107
  • 108. WSDL 108
  • 109. Making a service available   Once you have published a description of your service you must have a host set up to serve it.   A web server is often used to deliver services (although custom application – application communication is also possible).   This functionality has to be added to the web server. In the case of the Apache web server a ‘container’ application (Tomcat) can be used to make the application (servlet) available to Apache (deploying). 109
  • 110. WS and existing protocols   Web services are layered on top of existing, mature transfer protocols   HTTP, SMTP are still used over TCP/IP to pass the messages   Web services (like grids) can be seen as a functionality enhancement to the existing technologies 110
  • 111. WS and XML   All Web Services documents are written in XML   XML Schema are used to define the elements used in Web Services communication 111
  • 112. WS and SOAP   SOAP is the protocol actually used to communicate with the Web Service   Both the request and the response are SOAP messages   The body of the message (whose grammar is defined by the WSDL) is contained within a SOAP “envelope”   “Binds” the client to the web service 112
  • 113. WSDL   Describes the Web Service and defines the functions that are exposed in the Web Service   Defines the XML grammar to be used in the messages   Uses the W3C Schema language 113
  • 114. WS and UDDI   UDDI is used to register and look up services with a central registry   Service Providers can publish information about their business and the services that they offer   Service consumers can look up services that are available by   Business   Service category   Specific service 114
  • 115. Web Services and SOAs   Web Services are an open standards-based way of creating and offering SOAs   Web Services are able to exchange structured documents that contain different amounts of information, as well as information about that information, known as metadata   In other words, Web Services can be coarse grained. Such coarse granularity is one of the most important features of SOAs 115
  • 116. Re-architecture to SOA: benefits   Provides location independence: Services need not be associated with a particular system on a particular network   Protocol-independent communication framework renders code reusability   Offers better adaptability and faster response rate to changing business requirements   Allows easier application development, run-time deployment and better service management   Loosely coupled system architecture allows easy integration by composition of applications, processes, or more complex services from other less complex services   Provides authentication and authorization of Service consumers, and all security functionality via Services interfaces rather than tightly-coupled mechanisms   Allows service consumers (ex. Web Services) to find and connect to available Services dynamically 116
  • 117. Why not SOA   For a stable or homogeneous enterprise IT environment, SOA may not be important or cost effective to implement   If an organization is not offering software functionality as services to external parties or not using external services, which require flexibility and standard-based accessibility, SOA may not be useful   SOA is not desirable in case of real time requirements because SOA relies on loosely coupled asynchronous communication 117
  • 118. Cloud computing   Software as a service, like Web services   Platform as a service, like mashups   Infrastructure as a service (or hardware as a service) 118
  • 120. Peer-to-peer architectures   They can be considered a generalization of the client/server architecture   Each subsystem is able to provide services, as well as to make requests   Each subsystem acts both as a server and as a client Peer requester * service1() service2() * … serviceN() provider 120
  • 121. Peer-to-peer architectures   In such an architecture, all nodes have the same abilities, as well as the same responsibilities. All communications are (potentially) bidirectional   The goal:   To share resources and services (data, CPU cycles, disk space, …)   P2P systems are characterized by:   Decentralized control   Adaptability   Self-organization and self-management capabilities 121
  • 122. Peer-to-peer architectures   Functional characteristics of typical P2P systems   File sharing system   File storage system   Distributed file system   Redundant storage   Distributed computation   Nonfunctional requirements   Availability   Reliability   Performance   Scalability   Anonymity 122
  • 123. P2P architectures: brief history   Although they were proposed 30 years ago, they mainly evolved in the last decade   File sharing systems contributed to increase the interest (Napster, 1999; Gnutella, 2000)   In 2000, the Napster client was downloaded by 50 millions users   Traffic peak of 7 TB in a day   Gnutella followed Napster’s footprint   The first release was delivered in 2003   In June 2005, Gnutella's population was 1.81 million computers; in 2007, it was the most popular file sharing network with an estimated market share > 40%   Host servers are listed at 123
  • 124. The phases of a P2P application A P2P application is organized in three phases:   Boot, during which a peer connects to the networks and actually performs the connections (P2P boot is rare)   Lookup, during which a peer looks for a provider for a given service or information (generally providers are SuperPeers)   Resource sharing, during which requested resources are delivered, usually in several segments 124
  • 125. P2P classification – 1/2   P2P applications can be categorized as follows:   Pure P2P applications   All the phases are based on P2P   P2P applications   lookup and resource sharing are performed according to the P2P paradigm;   Some servers are used to make the boot   Hybrid P2P applications :   The resource sharing is performed according to the P2P paradigm   Some servers are used to make the boot;   Specific peers are used to perform lookup. 125
  • 126. P2P classification – 2/2   With respect to lookup phase:   Centralized Lookup   Centralized index of providers   Decentralized Lookup   Distributed index   Hybrid Lookup   Several centralized systems which are linked into a decentralized system 126
  • 129. Gnutella 129
  • 132. Skype
  • 133. Skype   A mixed client-server and peer-to-peer architecture addresses the discovery problem   Replication and distribution of the directories, in the form of supernodes, addresses the scalability problem and robustness problem encountered in Napster   Promotion of ordinary peers to supernodes based upon network and processing capabilities addresses another aspect of system performance: “not just any peer” is relied upon for important services   A proprietary protocol employing encryption provides privacy for calls that are relayed through supernode intermediaries   Restriction of participants to clients issued by Skype, and making those clients highly resistant to inspection or modification, prevents malicious clients from entering the network
  • 134. P2P: scalability – 1/2   The performances of a P2P system (e.g., the time to find a file) become worse as the number of nodes increases (linearly)   The “work” for a node increases linearly with respect to the number of nodes   The protocols used by Napster and Gnutella are not scalable   A second generation of P2P protocols has been realized which support DHT (Distributed Hash Table) in order to improve their scalability   Examples are Tapestry, Chord, Can, Viceroy, Koorde, Kademlia, Kelips … 134
  • 135. P2P: scalability – 2/2   The degree of scalability of a given protocol depends on the efficiency of the adopted routing algorithm (lookup)   Two main objectives:   To minimize the number of message to complete the lookup   To minimize, for each node, information about other nodes in the network   DHT P2P differ into the routing strategy they adopt 135
  • 136. Summary   The basic architectural styles are few and their properties should be studied and become known   Their descriptions and properties are better understood using a modeling notation   The architectural models and descriptions can be exploited by a technology like UML via automatic transformations: see the Model Driven Architecture 136
  • 137. Self test questions   Describe an example application architecture for each of the following styles: pipe-and-filter, repository, client-server, peer-to-peer   Discuss the difference between the active and passive repository styles   What are the advantages of P2P over client-server style? 137
  • 138. References   Taylor et al., Software Architecture, Wiley 2009   Qian et al., Software Architecture and Design Illuminated, Jones and Bartlett, 2009   Garland, Large-Scale Software Architecture: A Practical Guide using UML, Addison-Wesley, 2005   Fielding & Taylor, Principled Design of the Modern Web Architecture, ACM Trans. on Internet Technology, 2:2, 2002   Rao, Using UML service components to represent the SOA architecture pattern, 2007
  • 139. Useful sites ! ! ! ! ! !