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Diversity management in Organizations.
So far, I have been able to identify the significance of
diversity knowledge by managers and other leaders in an
organization. I have researched the various social constructs
that are commonly used when referring to diversity in an
organization. Such include race, gender, age, personality,
education background, cognition level among others.
In addressing the need for diversity management, I have looked
at from a globalization perspective. This has been informed by
the realization that globalization has enabled organizations to
operate on global levels thereby recruiting employees from all
walks of life. As a result, interests, values, practices, norms,
cultures will often collide when they are not respected by an
organization management and passed to the entire workforce.
I am still working on accumulating evidence of the actual
benefits of diversity management. This also includes the
evidence on the challenges that managers face while striving to
achieving diversity in their organization. Identifying the
benefits and challenges of diversity management is critical
especially now that the diversity is almost inevitable in any
organization that wishes to grow internationally.
Among the questions that am still struggling with include the
following: what techniques can managers deploy to ensure they
effectively manage diversity in their organization? How should
managers ensure they prevent conflicts that emerge due to
diversity in their places of work?
I intend to complete this assignment by indulging in further
research from literature provided in peer reviewed journal
articles and any other credible sources. This will provide
answers to the questions that have not yet been answered.
Helen Eboh CLETUS, N. A. (2018). Prospects and Challenges
of Workplace Diversity in Modern Day Organizations: A
Critical Review. HOLISTICA.
Nisa, A. S. (2016). Managing diversity and equality in the
workplace. Cogent Business & Management.
Rahman, U. H. (2019). Diversity Management and the Role of
Leader. Open Economic.
Shaban, A. (2016). Managing and Leading a Diverse Workforce:
One of the Main Challenges in Management. Procedia - Social
and Behavioral Sciences.
Excerpts from Parliamentary Debates Over Military
Emancipation, 1775-1781
Edmund Burke in House of Commons on military emancipation
– 22 March 1775
· “With regard to the high aristocratic spirit of Virginia and the
southern colonies, it has been proposed, I know, to reduce it, by
declaring a general enfranchisement of their slaves. This project
has had its advocates and panegyrists; yet I never could argue
myself into any opinion of it. Slaves are often much attached to
their masters. A general wild offer of liberty would not always
be accepted. History furnishes few instances of it. It is
sometimes as hard to persuade slaves to be free, as it is to
compel freemen to be slaves, and in this auspicious scheme, we
should have both these pleasing tasks on our hands at once. But
when we talk of enfranchisement, do we not perceve that the
American master may enfranchise too; and arm servile hands in
defence of freedom? A measure to which other people have had
recourse more than once, and not without success, in a
desperate situation of their affairs. Slaves as these unfortunate
black people are, and dull as all men are from slavery, must
they not a little suspect the offer of freedom from that very
nation which has sold them to their present masters? From that
nation, one of whose causes of quarrel with those masters, is
their refusal to deal any more in that inhuman traffic? An offer
of freedom from England, would come rather oddly, shipped to
them in an African vessel, which is refused an entry into the
ports of Virginia or Carolina, with a cargo of three hundred
Angola negroes. It would be curious to see the Guinea captain
attempting at the same instant to publish his proclamation of
liberty, and to advertise his sale of slaves.” (501-502)
Commons Debate on the King’s Address to Parliament –
October 1775:
· William Henry Lyttelton, Governor of South Carolina, 1755-
60, Governor of Jamaica 1760- : “He expiated on the necessity
of strengthening the hands of government, if coercive measures
were intended to be pursued. He compared America to a chain,
the upper part of which was strong, and the lower weak; he
explained this, by saying, the northern colonies, or upper part of
the chain, were strong, populous, and of course able to make
resistance; the southern colonies, or lower part, were weak, on
account of the number of negroes in them. He intimated, if a
few regiments were sent there, the negroes would rise, and
embrue their hands in the blood of their masters. He was against
any conciliatory offers being made; said this was the most
proper time to speak out; and thought, at all events, the honour
of the nation required coercive measures; that the colonies
ought to be conquered, and then to have mercy shewn them;”
· Governor [of West Florida] Johnstone, Responding to
Lyttelton’s suggestions: “The hon. gentleman has given us some
account of the debilitated state of men in the other provinces he
had the honour to command, and hinted at means for subduing
their spirit, in a manner which inclines me to believe he has not
left many more friends behind in that colony than in Jamaica.
Administration has been so much misled by those partial and
illiberal accounts of men in the gross, that I dare say they will
be cautious how they trust to such intelligence again. Neither
my reading or observation give me leave to think the people in
Carolina will be behind any of the colonies, in supporting and
defending rights which are so essential to securing every thing
that is dear to them as British subjects. The hon. gentleman had
occasion to lead them to war on a certain occasion; I wish he
would tell the House how they behaved. If southern climate has
such strange effects in enervating the human frame, give me
leave to hope at least that the hon. gentleman has escaped this
contagion. The other scheme he alludes to, of calling forth the
slaves, is too black and horrid to be adopted; neither would it
answer, if administration were wicked enough to make the
attempt: the state of slavery cuts off all the great magnanimous
inventive powers of the human mind, but it rather strengthens
fidelity and attachment;the Roman history fully confirms this:
amidst the multiplied treachery of friends and relations, amidst
the greatest temptations, during the corruptions of that
government, the slave was seldom or ever unfaithful to his
master. The principle lies in human nature. Where mankind are
deprived of the means of getting subsistence, where they are
accustomed to look up to another for food, raiment and
protection, they insensibly forget the original injury they
sustained, and become attached to their master. In general, I
must also observe, that masters are kind to their slaves. It is not
he who uses the scourge and the whip, which the hon.
gentleman has mentioned, that is the first to put the musket on
his shoulders in such glorious contests as these. It is not he who
tortures and frets his fellow creatures; but he who feels that
universal benevolence which extends his affections to all men in
their several stations; who feels the spirit of equality, who
knows the principles of liberty, who understands the
consequence of those rights, without which we are always worse
men and worse subjects, and who is willing, for the benefit of
children yet unborn, to seal the truth of his doctrine with his
blood. It is not to men of this temper that slaves will prove
unfaithful. I shall rather expect to see them flock round his
standard, though I admit the experiment is too dangerous on
either side.” (746-747)
Lord North on the Conduct of the War in House of Commons –
20 November 1775
· North: “As to the means of conducting the war, he declared
there never was any idea of employing the negroes or the
Indians, until the Americans themselves had first applied to
them: that general Carleton did then apply to them; and even
then, it was only for the defence of his own province.” (994)
Debate on a Motion in House of Commons by David Hartley,
MP on Jury Trial for Slaves – November 1775
· David Hartley, MP: “Let us throw a veil over all the
theoretical disputes of the rights of subjects, either as colonists,
or as men at large; let us not discuss the rights reserved, or
supposed to be reserved, at their emigration, whether tacitly or
explicitly; let mutual concessions on both sides bring the two
parties together; let the Americans be replaces where they were
in 1763, if they will admit and register in their assemblies, such
an act of parliament as they themselves shall confess that they
would have admitted in 1763. It is not an unreasonable request
to make to America, that they should treat an act of parliament,
flowing from principles of general humanity and justice, with a
different reception to what has been given to acts of grievance.
“...Something must be given up for peace. A civil war never
comes too late. Let the Americans take their situation as it was
in 1763, for better and worse. In the present miserable prospect
of things, that is a fair and equitable bargain. The object of the
act of parliament to be proposed to America, may be perhaps in
the event the abolition, but at present can only be considered as
the first step to correct a vice, which has spread through the
continent of North America, contrary to the laws of God and
man, and to the fundamental principles of the British
constitution. That vice is slavery. It would be infinitely absurd
to send over to America an act to abolish slavery at one word,
because however repugnant the practice may be to law the laws
of morality or policy, yet to expel an evil which has spread so
far, and which has been suffered for such a length of time,
requires information of facts and circumstances, and the
greatest discretion to root it out; and moreover the necessary
length of settling such a point, would defeat the end of its being
proposed as a act of compromise to settle the present troubles;
therefore the act to be proposed to America, as an auspicious
beginning to lay the first stone of universal liberty to mankind,
should be what no American could hesitate an instant to comply
with; viz. That every slave in North America should be entitled
to his trial by jury in all criminal cases. America cannot refuse
to accept and to enroll such an act as this, and thereby to
reestablish peace and harmony with the parent state. Let us all
be re-united in this, as a foundation to extirpate slavery from
the face of the earth. Let those who seek justice and liberty for
themselves, give that justice and liberty to their fellow-
creatures. With respect to the idea of putting a final period to
slavery in North America, it should seem best, that when this
country had led the way by the act for jury, that each colony,
knowing their own peculiar circumstances, should undertake the
work in the most practicable way, and that they should
endeavour to establish some system, by which slavery should be
in a certain term of years abolished. Let the only contention
henceforward between Great Britain and America be, which
shall exceed the other in zeal for establishing the fundamental
rights of liberty to all mankind.” (XIII: 1047-1050)
· Sir George Saville: “...if I should touch on the topic of
lightning the chains of slavery in America, recommended by my
hon. Friend, a learned gentleman will perhaps tell me that I am
not a Whig, for that Whigs were ever fond of despotism.” – “He
looks for an actual, fresh test of living obedience; an enrolling a
British act of parliament; to which I hope it will not be a capital
objection that it is not oppressive, that it is not unreasonable;
and has morality, humanity, and the rights of a part of mankind,
for its object and foundation. I second the motion of my hon.
friend.” (1053-1054).
· “Lord North said a few words relative to the unseasonableness
of the motion, till a Bill of such vast extent as the Prohibitory
Bill going through the House, was first tried.” (1054)
· VOTE: 21 Yeas (Mr. Fox, Mr. Dempster); 123 Noes (Lord
Stanley, Sir Grey Cooper)
House of Lords Debate on the Duke of Richmond’s Motion to
Suspend Hostilities – 5 March 1776
· Lord Richmond: “He observed, that the war, if carried on,
would not only be a war of heavy expence and long
continuance, but would be attended with circumstances of
cruelty, civil rage, and devastation hitherto unprecedented in
the annals of mankind. We were not only to rob the Americans
of their property, and make them slaves to fight our battles, but
we made war on them in a manner which would shock the most
barbarous nations, by firing their towns, and turning out the
wretched inhabitants to perish in cold, want, and nakedness.
Even still more, this barbaric rage was not only directed against
our enemies, but our most zealous friends. This he instanced in
the late conflagration of the loyal town of Norfolk, in Virginia,
as administration had so frequently called it, which was reduced
to ashes by the wanton act of one of our naval commanders.
Such an act was no less inconsistent with every sentiment of
humanity, than contrary to every rule of good policy.” (1196)
· Duke of Manchester: “It does seem, as if in punishment for
their offences, they were condemned to go and war against their
brethren in America, and to fall there. I wish the application
may not prove just, and yet, my lords, every thing gives it the
appearance of truth. No measures taken to bring the war to a
conclusion; no plan effective to force the Americans to accept
the terms we are pleased to prescribe; a war of detail, of
partizans, that can lead to nothing but to perpetuate rancour and
animosity. I am informed, by the late dispatches from Virginia,
that the governor, who has long quitted the residence of his
government, to hold his state aboard a cruizing ship, has had the
notable success of firing the town of Norfolk, the largest in
Virginia. I make no doubt he has a commission for what he
does; I do not mean his commission of governor, for hat is a
commission to protect those over whom he is appointed to
preside; but a commission to destroy, to burn the towns, to
ravage the plantations, drive off the slaves, to kill those that
resist. These are the warlike achievements of the governor of
Virginia! But as I do not doubt he has orders for what he does,
far be it from me to condemn an absent man. But I cannot think
well of those who from hence command this wanton ruin, this
unnecessary ravage, this useless desolation. My lords, I must
farther take notice of one extraordinary particular, that this
town was supposed to contain many friends of government; and
yet such is the determined vengeance, that even friends are fired
upon, in hopes of hurting the enemies intermixed, and all are
involved in one complicated destruction.” (1205)
Commons Debate on Third Reading of Bill suspending Habeas
Corpus – 17 February 1777
· Charles James Fox, MP: “...another gentleman, still, if
possible, more zealous and loyal, (Mr. Adam) might feast
himself with contemplating the glorious deed daily and hourly
achieved in our southern colonies and back settlements, where
the savages came down in great numbers (if the [49] accounts
received by administration themselves from that country were to
be depended on) and massacred the innocent settlers in cold
blood; and the slaves were meritoriously employed in the
murder of their unprepared, unsuspicious masters, through the
encouragement of an administration which had been this day so
unjustly arraigned, as sluggish and inert, as wanting spirit and
alacrity, in the glorious work of blood and carnage” (48-49)
Lords Debate – 18 November 1777
· Lord Richmond: “I mean the dreadful inhumanity with which
this war is carried on; shocking beyond description to every
feeling of a Christian, or of a man! When we have heard of the
cruelties of other civil wars, we used to rejoice not to have the
age, or the country we lived in, the scene of such misery; but to
see Engliand, formerly famous for humanity, coolly suffering
the worst of barbarities to be exercised on her fellow-subjects,
and appearing untouched by the woes she causes, because they
are at a distance, and she does not experience any of them
herself, must be truly mortifying to any man who is in the
smallest degree possessed of national pride. If ever any nation
shall deserve to draw down on her the Divine vengeance for her
sins, it will be this, if she suffers such horrid war to continue.
... The best rights may be bought too dear, nor are all means
justifiable in attaining them. To arm negro slaves against their
masters, to arm savages, who we know will put their prisoners
to death in the most cruel tortures, and literally eat them, is not,
in my opinion, a fair war against fellow subjects.” (403)
Commons Debate on Burke Motion on Employment of Indians
as Soldiers – 6 February 1778
· Burke: “He also passed some severe strictures on the
endeavours in two of the southern colonies to excite an
insurrection of the negro-slaves against their masters. He
insisted that the proclamation for that purpose was directly
contrary to the common and statute law of this country, as well
as the general law of nations. He stated, in strong colours, the
nature of an insurrection of negroes; the horrible consequences
that might ensue from constituting 100,000 fierce barbarian
slaves, to be both the judges and executioners of their masters;
and appealed to all those who were acquainted either with the
West India islands or the southern colonies, as to the murders,
rapes, and horrid enormities of every kind, which had ever been
acknowledged to be the principal objects in the contemplation
of all negroes who had meditated an insurrection. The vigour
and care of the white inhabitants in Virginia and Maryland had
providentially kept down the insurrection of the negroes. But if
they had succeeded, he asked what means were proposed for
governing those negroes, when they had reduced the province to
their obedience, and made themselves masters of the houses,
goods, wives, and daughters of their murdered lords? Another
war must be made with them, and another massacre ensue;
adding confusion to confusion, and destruction to destruction.
The result was, that our national honour had been deeply
wounded, and our character as a people debased in the
estimation of foreigners, by those shameful, savage, and servile
alliances, and their barbarous consequences. That instead of any
military effect of value, they had only led to defeat, ruin, and
disgrace; serving to embitter the minds of all men, and to unite
and arm all the colonies against us. That the ineffective attempt
upon the negroes was the grand cause of that greater aversion
and resentment, which appeared in the southern, than in many of
the central and northern colonies; of their being the first to
abjure the King; and of the declaration made by Virginia , that
if the rest should submit, they would notwithstanding hold out
singly to the last extremity: for what security could they
receive, that, if they admitted an English governor, he would
not raise their negroes on them, whenever he thought it good to
construe any occasional disturbances into a rebellion, and to
adopt martial law as a system of government?” (IXX: 698-699)
· T. Townshend, MP – no proof of Patriots courting Indians:
“but granting the its fullest extent to be true, it would
not beet the main objection stated by the hon. mover, which
was, not that those barbarities would be exercised on men with
arms in their hands, or made captives in battle; but on innocent,
peaceable people in their habitations; unless, therefore, the
noble lord would make one supposition more, which was, that
the slaves in the southern colonies, as well as the savages,
would make a forced march over to Great Britain, and execute
here what the two proclamations now read invited them to
perpetrate in America; the pretence of employing them to
murder old men, women, and children, in stead of making war
against their armed enemies, even in their usual way, was
entirely at an end.” (IXX: 701)
· Lord North: “he also was glad that no strangers were admitted
on this day, though for another reason, namely, lest they should
be worked up into an indignation and horror against the
gentlemen on the other side of the House, for declaring
sentiments so contrary to those which the honour and dignity of
the country demanded. That in respect to the employment of
savages, he looked on it as bad, but unavoidable; that they were
of that nature, that if one side did not, they would enter
immediately on the other. That as to the negroes who were set at
liberty from their masters, and inlisted to join our army, the
proclamation of lord Dunmore did not call on them to murder
their masters, as had been said in the debate, but only to take up
arms in defence of the sovereign; but he was willing lord
Dunmore’s proclamation should be laid on the table, that, if
reprehensible, it might be attended to.” (IXX: 707-708)
· Edmund Burke proposes an amendment to a spending bill in
the House of Commons: “excepting the sum of 160,837l. which
appears, by sir Guy Carleton’s accounts, laid before this House,
to have been expended for the carrying on of a Savage War in a
manner contrary to the usage of civilized nations, against the
English colonies in North America; excepting also the sum of
16,000l. which appears to have been expended for the same
purpose in the southern department of Indians; excepting also
the sum of 5,000l. which hath been expended in carrying on a
war of insurgent negroes against the inhabitants of the province
of Virginia; and excepting whatever hath been paid out of the
said extraordinaries, specified in general Carleton’s
correspondence, for 100 Crosses, and five grose of Scalping
Knives, the said expenditure being disgraceful to religion and
humanity.” (IXX: 971-972)
· 25 November 1779 – Lord Shelburne in House of Lords on
fears of emancipation in Jamaica: “ [action taken by the
royal governor] in particular which gave great offence, that was
a proposition for arming the negroes, and by that means
rendering them, at least pro tempore, free and upon an equality
with a white man. This was looked upon as a precedent not less
impolitic than hazardous; impolitic, because it would tend to
inspire the slaves with ideas productive of disobedience,
dissatisfaction, and revolt, at a future period, when they found
themselves obliged to return to their former condition. It was a
wanton attack on the property of individuals, and if adopted,
would answer no good purpose. It was dangerous, because the
instant the slaves found arms in their hands, who could promise,
that the very first use they would make of their weapons, would
not be against those whom they were purposely armed to assist
and defend? The house of representatives, or assembly, fully
weighing these points, and urged with other motives, rejected
the proposition, which had created an ill-will between the
legislative powers of the state, and produced many marks of
jealousy, enmity, and bad temper, which portended the very
worst effects.” (XXI: 1061-1062)
· 12 June 1781 –Lord Westcote [William Henry Lyttelton]
defends his earlier claims about weaknesses of the Southern
colonies: “He acknowledged he had said, that the influence of
the climate might operate in the southern colonies, and, he
beleived, universal experience ahd confirmed the truth of the
observation. He might have said, that the inhabitants of the
southern colonies were likely to be enervated by natural cuases,
and less able to resist than [444] those colonies situated to the
northward; but he did not ground his opinion on the propriety of
carryong on our operations to the southward merely on that
ground, but combined with other circumstances, which came
within his knowledge or experience; some, perhaps, founded in
speculation, others from the state and situation of the country,
particularly that part of it, the government of which he had been
intrusted with by his Majesty: he meant the general disposition
of the inhabitants, the great number of slaves, and persons
employed by the planters, &c. He thought he was well founded
in saying, that the resistance was not likely to prove so general
in the first instance, nor so effectual in the second; but even
allowing there was no ground for the former supposition, the
loyal attachment to their sovereign and to this country, there
was strong reason to presume, that so effectual a resistance
would not be made against the British arms in a country where,
besides having the horrors of war to encounter, the people
would at the same time have the apprehension upon their minds
of a more dangerous, because more cruel enemy, their slaves,
servants, &c. to whose mercy and protection, while they were
contending for what they deemed their rights, they must have
trusted their wives, children, and property. ... Notwithstanding
every thing which had been urged to the contrary by the hon.
gentleman, his general opinion of the practicability of carrying
on operations to the southward with success had been confirmed
by experience; the inhabitants of those colonies now
acknowledged the sovereignty of Great Britain, and enjoyed
those rights which had been so long withheld from them,
through the oppressive and traitorous conduct of an internal
faction, supported by a rebel congress. Before he proceeded
farther, he would just observe, that the particular, as well as
general reasons for carrying on operations [445] to the
southward, still remained uncontradicted, nay, were literally
confirmed...” (XXII: 443-445)
Source: Cobbett’s Parliamentary History, vols. 18-22.
Primary Source Analysis Paper - Writing Prompt and
As historians, a central part of our work is the analysis of
primary sources – documents, images,
artifacts, and other cultural materials created in the past by
people who lived through the
historical events we’ll be studying. While the content of these
sources is often fascinating, the
job of the historian is to move beyond merely describing a
document or artifact to an ANALYSIS
of its significance, both in its own historical moment and in our
broader understanding of early
American history. For some tips on working with primary
sources, see the “Interpreting a
Primary Source” handout posted in the Writing Resources folder
on our class Blackboard site.
Task: In a well-organized, thesis-driven paper of 2-5 pages,
students will:
● briefly summarize the main idea and content of their assigned
● explain how their document connects to important events,
ideas, or developments in its
own historical context
● discuss their assigned document’s significance for broader
themes or ideas in early
American history that we’ve read about or studied in class
● All papers should have an introduction and conclusion that
clearly state the paper’s
central argument.
● Papers should have a single-spaced heading that includes the
student’s name, course
number, and date, followed by the paper title. A separate title
page is not necessary. All
pages should be numbered.
● Standard formatting rules apply – 12 pt. font, Times New
Roman or other standard font,
1” margins, double-spaced.
● All sources MUST be cited with Chicago Style footnotes (see
Chicago Style Citation
guide on Blackboard)
Diversity management in Organizations.
Diversity refers to the differences that exist among people in
an organization that encompasses differences in gender, race,
age, personality, educational background, cognitive style, ethnic
groups, tenure and many more. It is an intensive phenomenon
and most dynamic area in management especially in areas with a
cross-cultural setting with employees from various cultural
backgrounds. Managers need a clear understanding of the
diversity of their workforce failure to which they face
challenges in handling the diverse values and interests of the
Some of the reasons why I am interested in diversity
management are globalization which has changed the
composition of the workforce in many organizations. Currently,
organizations operating at international levels are having
employees and partners or stakeholders from different regions
and therefore the management requires knowledge more than
that of their native countries. Employees working in any
organization must feel like part of the organization and
therefore the organization must have an inclusive culture and
establish a culture for embracing everyone regardless of unique
features or else the people may leave the company.
Many organizations have also realized the benefits
associated with a diverse workforce despite the challenges that
are experienced in managing them. A diverse workforce
increase productivity due to different expertise and experiences,
but management must learn on how to support the multiple
lifestyles and individual characteristics through the provision of
support to ensure acceptance of all people and education of the
workforce. Diversity in a workforce increases creativity and
capacity for problem-solving, fosters innovation, diversifies the
organizational strength, helps in communication building,
increases the diversification of customers since they can be
understood better by employees from the same background.
Among the sources that are relevant and informative in
diversity, management is the following four journal articles.
(Rahman, 2019), focused on the benefits of managing
diversity, how leaders can manage the diversity and the
challenges they face when managing diversity. I find this
helpful because in the current global era diversity is inevitable
especially because of technological advancement, change in
demographics and patterns of demand which facilitate
workforce diversity. This article shows why we need to manage
diversity band what to expect in the process.
(Nisa, 2016), this article gives a different perspective on
managing diversity by integrating it with equality and
evaluating the capabilities organizations have for managing
diversity. It demonstrates how performance appraisal,
affirmative actions and sociocultural issues such as
discrimination experience in many organizations with some
people treated unfairly on various basis. It emphasizes on
organizations developing capabilities for encouraging diversity.
(Shaban, 2016), also focus on how organizations today are
bringing people from different backgrounds to work together
through mergers, alliances or joint ventures with a focus on
satisfying their customers. Its focus is on how managers can
manage diversity effectively without compromising the benefits
associated with diversity.
(Helen Eboh CLETUS, 2018), specifically expounds on the
prospects of a diversified workforce, challenges of workplace
diversity, and the solutions to the challenges of diversity
management that organizations can use. It is helpful in giving
the processes, steps, strategies or practices that can be used now
and, in the future, to sustainably manage diversity.
Helen Eboh CLETUS, N. A. (2018). Prospects and Challenges
of Workplace Diversity in Modern Day Organizations: A
Critical Review. HOLISTICA.
Nisa, A. S. (2016). Managing diversity and equality in the
workplace. Cogent Business & Management.
Rahman, U. H. (2019). Diversity Management and the Role of
Leader. Open Economic.
Shaban, A. (2016). Managing and Leading a Diverse Workforce:
One of the Main Challenges in Management. Procedia - Social
and Behavioral Sciences.
l 2
Diversity management is the practice by companies and
organizations of attempting to employ different people from
different countries, cultures, races and religion. Multiple
companies across the world have adopted diversity management
practices, with an aim of tapping the brilliant talents and skill
from people from different places in the world. There are two
types of diversity management, the intranational and the cross-
national diversity management (cfi, 2017).
One of the major importance of diversity management is that it
helps the company to acquire the best talent and most
innovative employees from different places in the world. These
employees bring new and fresh ideas that a company can benefit
from in maximizing profits and increasing its competitiveness
in the market (cfi, 2017). Additionally, with diverse employees
in the firm, it will be easier to serve and satisfy diverse
customers as well because they are being served by a workforce
that includes people from or who understand their culture or
A perfect example of a company that has good diversity
management is Accenture which has an incredible number of
over 375,000 employees across the whole world. This is a
company which has a principle concept of no discrimination of
people because of differences in age, gender, race, religion or
even sexual alignment (socialtalent, 2016). The company also
has a diversity training program that addresses diversification
awareness, management and development (socialtalent, 2016).
I am a huge admirer of diversification and seeing that different
organization have implemented policies and strategies of
improving their diversity management, it makes me happy as a
person knowing that I and anyone else out there has a chance to
work in a company and location of his/her choice as without
fear of belonging to a certain religion, race or culture.
cfi. (2017, December 19). What is Diversity Management?
Retrieved from cfi:
socialtalent. (2016, August 7). 10 Companies Around the World
That Are Embracing Diversity in a BIG Way. Retrieved from
Milestone 1: Module 2 assignment
Three areas of management that I am interested
The three areas in management that I am curious to
undertake are conflict management, diversity management and
gender equality. I believe these areas are crucial to the
momentum of any organisation or business.
Conflict management is essential since conflict is a
typical incident at the workplace that can drive or mess up the
energy for a manager, a team, or the whole corporation. I feel
that conflict management can be a delicate thing, mainly if you
are not conversant with the vast environment in which the
specific person or division causing the tension works, and in
what way attempts to solve conflict will resonate all through the
workplace ecosystem.
Diversity management entails the differences found in a
workplace, for example, cultural disparities, generational, racial
and other variations. Since the ecosystem of a company is full
of many contrasts, I find it interesting to study how to
harmonize every individual with their differences for the
improvement of the organisation. Remember all these disparities
if not properly intergrated, can frequently cause conflict in the
workplace. However, if the differences are strengths, then the
organisation is in a better position to progress and become a
better place.
Gender equality has been a struggle for the longest time.
In most companies, even though the law states that gender
equality should prevail, it is still not affected into reality.
Women still must work three or more times harder to get
positions like their male colleagues. Studying this area will
enable me to acquire the skills needed to counteract gender
inequalities in the organisation.
MGT 3319: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide
Principles of Management Research Project
For your final project, you will research a theme, principle, or
key issue from the field of management and synthesize your
findings in a
voice-over PowerPoint presentation. You will explore how it
developed, examine how it manifests in current workplace
practices, and
reflect on how you will approach issues related to this topic in
your future career.
The project is divided into four milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and
ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be
submitted in Modules 2, 3, 5, and 6.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the
following course outcomes:
● CO1: Apply the major roles that managers perform in their
jobs to add value to the organization
● CO6: Evaluate methods to plan, organize, lead and control
organizational processes
To complete this final project, you must first identify a theme,
principle, or key issue from the field of management. To select
research topic, it may help to identify a chapter in the required
textbook that interests you and then look for a key topic in that
chapter to
explore. You will then research that topic and a related theory,
and reflect on how your knowledge on this topic might
influence your
career in a voice-over PowerPoint presentation.
Your voice-over PowerPoint presentation should be 9-12
minutes in length and no more than 18 slides. The slides and
presentation must
be engaging and capture the attention of the audience. It should
not consist of slides with bulleted sentences where the presenter
reads the slides. You must create a more engaging presentation
where the slides act as talking points and the presenter’s words
the points of the presentation rather than the words on the
slides. Be creative and know your audience (a group learning
about the
importance of this management topic in organizations). Write
down the thoughts you would like to convey for each slide and
your script. The way you present this information can indicate
your knowledge and confidence in the subject matter to your
audience. You
must reference a minimum of at least five sources, cited in APA
style in your presentation.
If you would like to write a full paper rather than create a
voice-over presentation, you may do that. The paper should be
a minimum of 7
pages of which 5 will be content with one being a title page and
the other a reference page. If you have more than one page of
your paper may be longer than 7 pages in length. You must
reference a minimum of at least five sources, cited in APA style
in your paper
with APA style used throughout the paper.
Specifically, your final project presentation must include the
following critical elements:
I. Introduction of a Theme, Principle, or Key Issue in the Field
of Management
A. Briefly describe the research topic
B. Explain how the topic is integrated into the workplace and
how this has supported growth and development in that area of
the field. Reference at least three sources from scholarly or
practitioner-related publications (e.g., Harvard Business
Review, Forbes) to illustrate your points.
C. Explain the topic’s importance and impact in creating a
profitable company or great place to work
D. Describe any ethical issues that may be related to the topic
II. Exploration of a Relevant Theory in Practice
A. Summarize one management theory from the assigned course
readings that addresses an issue related to your research
B. Choose one of the following options:
1. Illustrate what that theory looks like in practice by providing
an example from a scholarly or practitioner-related
publication (e.g., Harvard Business Review, Forbes) that
showcases a company successfully applying the theory to
their management model. Be sure to address the following in
regard to the example:
a) Describe how the company applied the theory
b) Evaluate what worked well
c) Assess what other companies could learn from this example
2. Identify an article from a practitioner-related publication
(e.g., Harvard Business Review, Forbes) that discusses a
company that was not successful in applying the theory to their
management model. Be sure to address the
following in regard to the example:
a) Describe how the company tried to apply the theory
b) Synthesize what the article says went wrong
c) Recommend what the company could have done differently to
implement this theory successfully, or
whether another theory would have been more appropriate in
this situation (and if so, recommend a better
alternative and support your argument).
III. Reflection on Career Impact
A. Reflect on how you bring what you have learned about this
topic to your future workplace to make it a better or more
productive company
B. Reflect on any personal experiences you have with this topic
to support your position
Milestone 1: Final Project Initial Thoughts
In Module 2, you will identify three areas of management you
are interested in exploring. This milestone is graded with the
1 Rubric.
Milestone 2: Final Paper Topic Proposal
In Module 3, you will identify the topic you plan to research for
your final project and expand your initial thoughts into a more
paper proposal. This milestone is graded with the Milestone 2
Milestone 3: Final Project Progress Report
In Module 5, you will submit an update the status of your final
project. You will assess what you have done, what you are
struggling with or questions you have, and what you have left to
complete before submitting the final project. This milestone is
with the Milestone 3 Rubric.
Milestone 4: Summary Report
In Module 6, you will capture your final research project in a
one-page paper that could be used to summarize your findings,
providing a
shortened version of your longer final presentation. This
milestone is graded with the Milestone 4 Rubric.
Final Submission: Principles of Management Research Project
In Module 7, you will submit a voice-over PowerPoint
presentation or full research paper that explains how a specific
theme, principle, or
key issue from the field of management developed, examines
how it manifests in current workplace practices, and reflects on
how you will
approach issues related to this topic in your future career. It
should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the
critical elements
of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of
feedback gained throughout the course. See the instructions
below for uploading
your voice-over PowerPoint presentation file. This assignment
will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Instructions for submitting a voice-over PowerPoint
1. Create your PowerPoint presentation.
2. Save the PowerPoint presentation.
3. Click on the Slide Show tab.
4. Click on the Record Slide Show button (one with the red dot
on the clock)
5. Slide show will start with a timer. Do your oral presentation
for each slide.
6. At the end, save the file again (either the original name or
another name)
7. To submit this assignment zip and attach the file or submit a
link from your Microsoft 365 account
Deliverable Milestones
Deliverables Module
1 Final Project Initial Thoughts 2 Graded separately; Milestone
1 Rubric
2 Final Paper Topic Proposal 3 Graded separately; Milestone 2
3 Final Project Progress Report 5 Graded separately; Milestone
3 Rubric
4 Summary Report 6 Graded separately; Milestone 4 Rubric
Final Product: Principles of
Management Research Project
7 Graded separately; Final Product Rubric
Requirements of Submission: Your voice-over PowerPoint
presentation should be 9–12 minutes in length and no more than
18 slides
or the full research paper should be 7 pages of which one page
is the title page and one page is the reference page.
Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the
Grade Center.
Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%)
Not Evident (0%) Value
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
the description of the research
Describes the research
Describes the research topic,
but lacks in detail or clarity or
contains inaccuracies.
Does not describe the
research topic.
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
the explanation of how the
topic is integrated into the
workplace and how this has
supported growth and
development in that area of the
field, referencing at least three
sources from scholarly or
Explains how the topic is
integrated into the
workplace and how this
has supported growth
and development in that
area of the field,
referencing at least three
sources from scholarly or
Explains how the topic is
integrated into the workplace
and how this has supported
growth and development in
that area of the field, but lacks
in detail or clarity or does not
reference at least three
sources from scholarly or
Does not explain how the
topic is integrated into
the workplace or how
this has supported
growth and development
in that area of the field.
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
the explanation of the topic’s
importance and impact in
creating a profitable company
or great place to work.
Explains the topic’s
importance and impact in
creating a profitable
company or great place
to work.
Explains the topic’s
importance and impact in
creating a profitable company
or great place to work, but
lacks in detail or clarity or
contains inaccuracies.
Does not explain the
topic’s importance and
Ethical Issues
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
the description of ethical issues
related to the topic.
Describes ethical issues
related to the topic.
Describes ethical issues
related to the topic, but lacks
in detail or clarity or contains
Does not describe ethical
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
the summarization of one
management theory from the
assigned course readings that
addresses an issue related to
the research topic.
Summarizes one
management theory from
the assigned course
readings that addresses
an issue related to the
research topic.
Summarizes one management
theory from the assigned
course readings that
addresses an issue related to
the research topic, but lacks in
detail or clarity or contains
Does not summarize a
management theory.
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
the description of an example
of how theory was successfully
applied to a company’s
management model, what
worked well, and what other
companies could learn from the
Describes an example of how
theory was unsuccessfully
applied to a company’s
management model, what went
wrong, and what the company
could have done differently.
Describes an example of
how theory was
successfully applied to a
company’s management
model, what worked well,
and what other
companies could learn
from the example;
Describes an example of
how theory was
unsuccessfully applied to
a company’s
management model, what
went wrong, and what
the company could have
done differently.
Describes some of the
following about an example of
how theory was successfully
applied to a company’s
management model, what
worked well, and what other
companies could learn from
the example;
Describes some of the
following about an example of
how theory was
unsuccessfully applied to a
company’s management
model, what went wrong, and
what the company could have
done differently.
Does not describe an
example of how theory
was successfully applied
to a company’s
management model, what
worked well, or what
other companies could
learn from the example;
Does not describe an
example of how theory
was unsuccessfully
applied to a company’s
management model, what
went wrong, or what the
company could have
done differently.
Reflection on
Future Career
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
reflection on how what was
learned about the topic can be
applied in a future workplace
to make it a better or more
productive company.
Reflects on how what
was learned about the
topic can be applied in a
future workplace to make
it a better or more
productive company.
Reflects on how what was
learned about the topic can be
applied in a future workplace
to make it a better or more
productive company, but lacks
in detail or clarity.
Does not reflect on how
what was learned about
the topic can be applied
in a future workplace.
Reflection on
Demonstrates a sophisticated
knowledge of management
theory and practice through
reflection on personal
experiences with the topic to
support your position.
Reflects on personal
experiences with the
topic to support your
Reflects on personal
experiences with the topic to
support your position, but
lacks in detail or clarity.
Does not reflect on
personal experiences.
Presentation Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization, and the slides and
narration are presented in a
professional, easy-to-follow,
and engaging format.
Submission has no major
errors related to
citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization, and the
slides and narration are
engaging and easy to
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively
impacts the audience’s ability
to understand the main ideas
slides, and the narration may
be dry or difficult to follow.
Submission has critical
errors related to
citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent
the understanding of
ideas, and the slides and
narration are not
Earned Total
MGT 3319: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide

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2Diversity management in Organizations. So far, I have b.docx

  • 1. 2 Diversity management in Organizations. So far, I have been able to identify the significance of diversity knowledge by managers and other leaders in an organization. I have researched the various social constructs that are commonly used when referring to diversity in an organization. Such include race, gender, age, personality, education background, cognition level among others. In addressing the need for diversity management, I have looked at from a globalization perspective. This has been informed by the realization that globalization has enabled organizations to operate on global levels thereby recruiting employees from all walks of life. As a result, interests, values, practices, norms, cultures will often collide when they are not respected by an organization management and passed to the entire workforce. I am still working on accumulating evidence of the actual benefits of diversity management. This also includes the evidence on the challenges that managers face while striving to achieving diversity in their organization. Identifying the benefits and challenges of diversity management is critical especially now that the diversity is almost inevitable in any organization that wishes to grow internationally. Among the questions that am still struggling with include the following: what techniques can managers deploy to ensure they effectively manage diversity in their organization? How should managers ensure they prevent conflicts that emerge due to diversity in their places of work? I intend to complete this assignment by indulging in further research from literature provided in peer reviewed journal articles and any other credible sources. This will provide answers to the questions that have not yet been answered. References
  • 2. Helen Eboh CLETUS, N. A. (2018). Prospects and Challenges of Workplace Diversity in Modern Day Organizations: A Critical Review. HOLISTICA. Nisa, A. S. (2016). Managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Cogent Business & Management. Rahman, U. H. (2019). Diversity Management and the Role of Leader. Open Economic. Shaban, A. (2016). Managing and Leading a Diverse Workforce: One of the Main Challenges in Management. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Excerpts from Parliamentary Debates Over Military Emancipation, 1775-1781 Edmund Burke in House of Commons on military emancipation – 22 March 1775 · “With regard to the high aristocratic spirit of Virginia and the southern colonies, it has been proposed, I know, to reduce it, by declaring a general enfranchisement of their slaves. This project has had its advocates and panegyrists; yet I never could argue myself into any opinion of it. Slaves are often much attached to their masters. A general wild offer of liberty would not always be accepted. History furnishes few instances of it. It is sometimes as hard to persuade slaves to be free, as it is to compel freemen to be slaves, and in this auspicious scheme, we should have both these pleasing tasks on our hands at once. But when we talk of enfranchisement, do we not perceve that the American master may enfranchise too; and arm servile hands in defence of freedom? A measure to which other people have had recourse more than once, and not without success, in a desperate situation of their affairs. Slaves as these unfortunate black people are, and dull as all men are from slavery, must they not a little suspect the offer of freedom from that very nation which has sold them to their present masters? From that nation, one of whose causes of quarrel with those masters, is
  • 3. their refusal to deal any more in that inhuman traffic? An offer of freedom from England, would come rather oddly, shipped to them in an African vessel, which is refused an entry into the ports of Virginia or Carolina, with a cargo of three hundred Angola negroes. It would be curious to see the Guinea captain attempting at the same instant to publish his proclamation of liberty, and to advertise his sale of slaves.” (501-502) Commons Debate on the King’s Address to Parliament – October 1775: · William Henry Lyttelton, Governor of South Carolina, 1755- 60, Governor of Jamaica 1760- : “He expiated on the necessity of strengthening the hands of government, if coercive measures were intended to be pursued. He compared America to a chain, the upper part of which was strong, and the lower weak; he explained this, by saying, the northern colonies, or upper part of the chain, were strong, populous, and of course able to make resistance; the southern colonies, or lower part, were weak, on account of the number of negroes in them. He intimated, if a few regiments were sent there, the negroes would rise, and embrue their hands in the blood of their masters. He was against any conciliatory offers being made; said this was the most proper time to speak out; and thought, at all events, the honour of the nation required coercive measures; that the colonies ought to be conquered, and then to have mercy shewn them;” (733) · Governor [of West Florida] Johnstone, Responding to Lyttelton’s suggestions: “The hon. gentleman has given us some account of the debilitated state of men in the other provinces he had the honour to command, and hinted at means for subduing their spirit, in a manner which inclines me to believe he has not left many more friends behind in that colony than in Jamaica. Administration has been so much misled by those partial and illiberal accounts of men in the gross, that I dare say they will be cautious how they trust to such intelligence again. Neither my reading or observation give me leave to think the people in
  • 4. Carolina will be behind any of the colonies, in supporting and defending rights which are so essential to securing every thing that is dear to them as British subjects. The hon. gentleman had occasion to lead them to war on a certain occasion; I wish he would tell the House how they behaved. If southern climate has such strange effects in enervating the human frame, give me leave to hope at least that the hon. gentleman has escaped this contagion. The other scheme he alludes to, of calling forth the slaves, is too black and horrid to be adopted; neither would it answer, if administration were wicked enough to make the attempt: the state of slavery cuts off all the great magnanimous inventive powers of the human mind, but it rather strengthens fidelity and attachment;the Roman history fully confirms this: amidst the multiplied treachery of friends and relations, amidst the greatest temptations, during the corruptions of that government, the slave was seldom or ever unfaithful to his master. The principle lies in human nature. Where mankind are deprived of the means of getting subsistence, where they are accustomed to look up to another for food, raiment and protection, they insensibly forget the original injury they sustained, and become attached to their master. In general, I must also observe, that masters are kind to their slaves. It is not he who uses the scourge and the whip, which the hon. gentleman has mentioned, that is the first to put the musket on his shoulders in such glorious contests as these. It is not he who tortures and frets his fellow creatures; but he who feels that universal benevolence which extends his affections to all men in their several stations; who feels the spirit of equality, who knows the principles of liberty, who understands the consequence of those rights, without which we are always worse men and worse subjects, and who is willing, for the benefit of children yet unborn, to seal the truth of his doctrine with his blood. It is not to men of this temper that slaves will prove unfaithful. I shall rather expect to see them flock round his standard, though I admit the experiment is too dangerous on either side.” (746-747)
  • 5. Lord North on the Conduct of the War in House of Commons – 20 November 1775 · North: “As to the means of conducting the war, he declared there never was any idea of employing the negroes or the Indians, until the Americans themselves had first applied to them: that general Carleton did then apply to them; and even then, it was only for the defence of his own province.” (994) Debate on a Motion in House of Commons by David Hartley, MP on Jury Trial for Slaves – November 1775 · David Hartley, MP: “Let us throw a veil over all the theoretical disputes of the rights of subjects, either as colonists, or as men at large; let us not discuss the rights reserved, or supposed to be reserved, at their emigration, whether tacitly or explicitly; let mutual concessions on both sides bring the two parties together; let the Americans be replaces where they were in 1763, if they will admit and register in their assemblies, such an act of parliament as they themselves shall confess that they would have admitted in 1763. It is not an unreasonable request to make to America, that they should treat an act of parliament, flowing from principles of general humanity and justice, with a different reception to what has been given to acts of grievance. “...Something must be given up for peace. A civil war never comes too late. Let the Americans take their situation as it was in 1763, for better and worse. In the present miserable prospect of things, that is a fair and equitable bargain. The object of the act of parliament to be proposed to America, may be perhaps in the event the abolition, but at present can only be considered as the first step to correct a vice, which has spread through the continent of North America, contrary to the laws of God and man, and to the fundamental principles of the British constitution. That vice is slavery. It would be infinitely absurd to send over to America an act to abolish slavery at one word, because however repugnant the practice may be to law the laws of morality or policy, yet to expel an evil which has spread so
  • 6. far, and which has been suffered for such a length of time, requires information of facts and circumstances, and the greatest discretion to root it out; and moreover the necessary length of settling such a point, would defeat the end of its being proposed as a act of compromise to settle the present troubles; therefore the act to be proposed to America, as an auspicious beginning to lay the first stone of universal liberty to mankind, should be what no American could hesitate an instant to comply with; viz. That every slave in North America should be entitled to his trial by jury in all criminal cases. America cannot refuse to accept and to enroll such an act as this, and thereby to reestablish peace and harmony with the parent state. Let us all be re-united in this, as a foundation to extirpate slavery from the face of the earth. Let those who seek justice and liberty for themselves, give that justice and liberty to their fellow- creatures. With respect to the idea of putting a final period to slavery in North America, it should seem best, that when this country had led the way by the act for jury, that each colony, knowing their own peculiar circumstances, should undertake the work in the most practicable way, and that they should endeavour to establish some system, by which slavery should be in a certain term of years abolished. Let the only contention henceforward between Great Britain and America be, which shall exceed the other in zeal for establishing the fundamental rights of liberty to all mankind.” (XIII: 1047-1050) · Sir George Saville: “...if I should touch on the topic of lightning the chains of slavery in America, recommended by my hon. Friend, a learned gentleman will perhaps tell me that I am not a Whig, for that Whigs were ever fond of despotism.” – “He looks for an actual, fresh test of living obedience; an enrolling a British act of parliament; to which I hope it will not be a capital objection that it is not oppressive, that it is not unreasonable; and has morality, humanity, and the rights of a part of mankind, for its object and foundation. I second the motion of my hon. friend.” (1053-1054). · “Lord North said a few words relative to the unseasonableness
  • 7. of the motion, till a Bill of such vast extent as the Prohibitory Bill going through the House, was first tried.” (1054) · VOTE: 21 Yeas (Mr. Fox, Mr. Dempster); 123 Noes (Lord Stanley, Sir Grey Cooper) House of Lords Debate on the Duke of Richmond’s Motion to Suspend Hostilities – 5 March 1776 · Lord Richmond: “He observed, that the war, if carried on, would not only be a war of heavy expence and long continuance, but would be attended with circumstances of cruelty, civil rage, and devastation hitherto unprecedented in the annals of mankind. We were not only to rob the Americans of their property, and make them slaves to fight our battles, but we made war on them in a manner which would shock the most barbarous nations, by firing their towns, and turning out the wretched inhabitants to perish in cold, want, and nakedness. Even still more, this barbaric rage was not only directed against our enemies, but our most zealous friends. This he instanced in the late conflagration of the loyal town of Norfolk, in Virginia, as administration had so frequently called it, which was reduced to ashes by the wanton act of one of our naval commanders. Such an act was no less inconsistent with every sentiment of humanity, than contrary to every rule of good policy.” (1196) · Duke of Manchester: “It does seem, as if in punishment for their offences, they were condemned to go and war against their brethren in America, and to fall there. I wish the application may not prove just, and yet, my lords, every thing gives it the appearance of truth. No measures taken to bring the war to a conclusion; no plan effective to force the Americans to accept the terms we are pleased to prescribe; a war of detail, of partizans, that can lead to nothing but to perpetuate rancour and animosity. I am informed, by the late dispatches from Virginia, that the governor, who has long quitted the residence of his government, to hold his state aboard a cruizing ship, has had the notable success of firing the town of Norfolk, the largest in Virginia. I make no doubt he has a commission for what he
  • 8. does; I do not mean his commission of governor, for hat is a commission to protect those over whom he is appointed to preside; but a commission to destroy, to burn the towns, to ravage the plantations, drive off the slaves, to kill those that resist. These are the warlike achievements of the governor of Virginia! But as I do not doubt he has orders for what he does, far be it from me to condemn an absent man. But I cannot think well of those who from hence command this wanton ruin, this unnecessary ravage, this useless desolation. My lords, I must farther take notice of one extraordinary particular, that this town was supposed to contain many friends of government; and yet such is the determined vengeance, that even friends are fired upon, in hopes of hurting the enemies intermixed, and all are involved in one complicated destruction.” (1205) Commons Debate on Third Reading of Bill suspending Habeas Corpus – 17 February 1777 · Charles James Fox, MP: “...another gentleman, still, if possible, more zealous and loyal, (Mr. Adam) might feast himself with contemplating the glorious deed daily and hourly achieved in our southern colonies and back settlements, where the savages came down in great numbers (if the [49] accounts received by administration themselves from that country were to be depended on) and massacred the innocent settlers in cold blood; and the slaves were meritoriously employed in the murder of their unprepared, unsuspicious masters, through the encouragement of an administration which had been this day so unjustly arraigned, as sluggish and inert, as wanting spirit and alacrity, in the glorious work of blood and carnage” (48-49) Lords Debate – 18 November 1777 · Lord Richmond: “I mean the dreadful inhumanity with which this war is carried on; shocking beyond description to every feeling of a Christian, or of a man! When we have heard of the cruelties of other civil wars, we used to rejoice not to have the age, or the country we lived in, the scene of such misery; but to
  • 9. see Engliand, formerly famous for humanity, coolly suffering the worst of barbarities to be exercised on her fellow-subjects, and appearing untouched by the woes she causes, because they are at a distance, and she does not experience any of them herself, must be truly mortifying to any man who is in the smallest degree possessed of national pride. If ever any nation shall deserve to draw down on her the Divine vengeance for her sins, it will be this, if she suffers such horrid war to continue. ... The best rights may be bought too dear, nor are all means justifiable in attaining them. To arm negro slaves against their masters, to arm savages, who we know will put their prisoners to death in the most cruel tortures, and literally eat them, is not, in my opinion, a fair war against fellow subjects.” (403) Commons Debate on Burke Motion on Employment of Indians as Soldiers – 6 February 1778 · Burke: “He also passed some severe strictures on the endeavours in two of the southern colonies to excite an insurrection of the negro-slaves against their masters. He insisted that the proclamation for that purpose was directly contrary to the common and statute law of this country, as well as the general law of nations. He stated, in strong colours, the nature of an insurrection of negroes; the horrible consequences that might ensue from constituting 100,000 fierce barbarian slaves, to be both the judges and executioners of their masters; and appealed to all those who were acquainted either with the West India islands or the southern colonies, as to the murders, rapes, and horrid enormities of every kind, which had ever been acknowledged to be the principal objects in the contemplation of all negroes who had meditated an insurrection. The vigour and care of the white inhabitants in Virginia and Maryland had providentially kept down the insurrection of the negroes. But if they had succeeded, he asked what means were proposed for governing those negroes, when they had reduced the province to their obedience, and made themselves masters of the houses, goods, wives, and daughters of their murdered lords? Another
  • 10. war must be made with them, and another massacre ensue; adding confusion to confusion, and destruction to destruction. The result was, that our national honour had been deeply wounded, and our character as a people debased in the estimation of foreigners, by those shameful, savage, and servile alliances, and their barbarous consequences. That instead of any military effect of value, they had only led to defeat, ruin, and disgrace; serving to embitter the minds of all men, and to unite and arm all the colonies against us. That the ineffective attempt upon the negroes was the grand cause of that greater aversion and resentment, which appeared in the southern, than in many of the central and northern colonies; of their being the first to abjure the King; and of the declaration made by Virginia , that if the rest should submit, they would notwithstanding hold out singly to the last extremity: for what security could they receive, that, if they admitted an English governor, he would not raise their negroes on them, whenever he thought it good to construe any occasional disturbances into a rebellion, and to adopt martial law as a system of government?” (IXX: 698-699) · T. Townshend, MP – no proof of Patriots courting Indians: “but granting the its fullest extent to be true, it would not beet the main objection stated by the hon. mover, which was, not that those barbarities would be exercised on men with arms in their hands, or made captives in battle; but on innocent, peaceable people in their habitations; unless, therefore, the noble lord would make one supposition more, which was, that the slaves in the southern colonies, as well as the savages, would make a forced march over to Great Britain, and execute here what the two proclamations now read invited them to perpetrate in America; the pretence of employing them to murder old men, women, and children, in stead of making war against their armed enemies, even in their usual way, was entirely at an end.” (IXX: 701) · Lord North: “he also was glad that no strangers were admitted on this day, though for another reason, namely, lest they should be worked up into an indignation and horror against the
  • 11. gentlemen on the other side of the House, for declaring sentiments so contrary to those which the honour and dignity of the country demanded. That in respect to the employment of savages, he looked on it as bad, but unavoidable; that they were of that nature, that if one side did not, they would enter immediately on the other. That as to the negroes who were set at liberty from their masters, and inlisted to join our army, the proclamation of lord Dunmore did not call on them to murder their masters, as had been said in the debate, but only to take up arms in defence of the sovereign; but he was willing lord Dunmore’s proclamation should be laid on the table, that, if reprehensible, it might be attended to.” (IXX: 707-708) · Edmund Burke proposes an amendment to a spending bill in the House of Commons: “excepting the sum of 160,837l. which appears, by sir Guy Carleton’s accounts, laid before this House, to have been expended for the carrying on of a Savage War in a manner contrary to the usage of civilized nations, against the English colonies in North America; excepting also the sum of 16,000l. which appears to have been expended for the same purpose in the southern department of Indians; excepting also the sum of 5,000l. which hath been expended in carrying on a war of insurgent negroes against the inhabitants of the province of Virginia; and excepting whatever hath been paid out of the said extraordinaries, specified in general Carleton’s correspondence, for 100 Crosses, and five grose of Scalping Knives, the said expenditure being disgraceful to religion and humanity.” (IXX: 971-972) · 25 November 1779 – Lord Shelburne in House of Lords on fears of emancipation in Jamaica: “ [action taken by the royal governor] in particular which gave great offence, that was a proposition for arming the negroes, and by that means rendering them, at least pro tempore, free and upon an equality with a white man. This was looked upon as a precedent not less impolitic than hazardous; impolitic, because it would tend to
  • 12. inspire the slaves with ideas productive of disobedience, dissatisfaction, and revolt, at a future period, when they found themselves obliged to return to their former condition. It was a wanton attack on the property of individuals, and if adopted, would answer no good purpose. It was dangerous, because the instant the slaves found arms in their hands, who could promise, that the very first use they would make of their weapons, would not be against those whom they were purposely armed to assist and defend? The house of representatives, or assembly, fully weighing these points, and urged with other motives, rejected the proposition, which had created an ill-will between the legislative powers of the state, and produced many marks of jealousy, enmity, and bad temper, which portended the very worst effects.” (XXI: 1061-1062) · 12 June 1781 –Lord Westcote [William Henry Lyttelton] defends his earlier claims about weaknesses of the Southern colonies: “He acknowledged he had said, that the influence of the climate might operate in the southern colonies, and, he beleived, universal experience ahd confirmed the truth of the observation. He might have said, that the inhabitants of the southern colonies were likely to be enervated by natural cuases, and less able to resist than [444] those colonies situated to the northward; but he did not ground his opinion on the propriety of carryong on our operations to the southward merely on that ground, but combined with other circumstances, which came within his knowledge or experience; some, perhaps, founded in speculation, others from the state and situation of the country, particularly that part of it, the government of which he had been intrusted with by his Majesty: he meant the general disposition of the inhabitants, the great number of slaves, and persons employed by the planters, &c. He thought he was well founded in saying, that the resistance was not likely to prove so general in the first instance, nor so effectual in the second; but even allowing there was no ground for the former supposition, the loyal attachment to their sovereign and to this country, there
  • 13. was strong reason to presume, that so effectual a resistance would not be made against the British arms in a country where, besides having the horrors of war to encounter, the people would at the same time have the apprehension upon their minds of a more dangerous, because more cruel enemy, their slaves, servants, &c. to whose mercy and protection, while they were contending for what they deemed their rights, they must have trusted their wives, children, and property. ... Notwithstanding every thing which had been urged to the contrary by the hon. gentleman, his general opinion of the practicability of carrying on operations to the southward with success had been confirmed by experience; the inhabitants of those colonies now acknowledged the sovereignty of Great Britain, and enjoyed those rights which had been so long withheld from them, through the oppressive and traitorous conduct of an internal faction, supported by a rebel congress. Before he proceeded farther, he would just observe, that the particular, as well as general reasons for carrying on operations [445] to the southward, still remained uncontradicted, nay, were literally confirmed...” (XXII: 443-445) Source: Cobbett’s Parliamentary History, vols. 18-22. Primary Source Analysis Paper - Writing Prompt and Guidelines As historians, a central part of our work is the analysis of primary sources – documents, images, artifacts, and other cultural materials created in the past by people who lived through the historical events we’ll be studying. While the content of these sources is often fascinating, the job of the historian is to move beyond merely describing a document or artifact to an ANALYSIS
  • 14. of its significance, both in its own historical moment and in our broader understanding of early American history. For some tips on working with primary sources, see the “Interpreting a Primary Source” handout posted in the Writing Resources folder on our class Blackboard site. Task: In a well-organized, thesis-driven paper of 2-5 pages, students will: ● briefly summarize the main idea and content of their assigned document ● explain how their document connects to important events, ideas, or developments in its own historical context ● discuss their assigned document’s significance for broader themes or ideas in early American history that we’ve read about or studied in class Formatting: ● All papers should have an introduction and conclusion that clearly state the paper’s central argument. ● Papers should have a single-spaced heading that includes the student’s name, course number, and date, followed by the paper title. A separate title page is not necessary. All pages should be numbered. ● Standard formatting rules apply – 12 pt. font, Times New Roman or other standard font, 1” margins, double-spaced.
  • 15. ● All sources MUST be cited with Chicago Style footnotes (see Chicago Style Citation guide on Blackboard) 2 Diversity management in Organizations. Diversity refers to the differences that exist among people in an organization that encompasses differences in gender, race, age, personality, educational background, cognitive style, ethnic groups, tenure and many more. It is an intensive phenomenon and most dynamic area in management especially in areas with a cross-cultural setting with employees from various cultural backgrounds. Managers need a clear understanding of the diversity of their workforce failure to which they face challenges in handling the diverse values and interests of the employees. Some of the reasons why I am interested in diversity management are globalization which has changed the composition of the workforce in many organizations. Currently, organizations operating at international levels are having employees and partners or stakeholders from different regions and therefore the management requires knowledge more than that of their native countries. Employees working in any organization must feel like part of the organization and therefore the organization must have an inclusive culture and establish a culture for embracing everyone regardless of unique features or else the people may leave the company. Many organizations have also realized the benefits associated with a diverse workforce despite the challenges that are experienced in managing them. A diverse workforce increase productivity due to different expertise and experiences,
  • 16. but management must learn on how to support the multiple lifestyles and individual characteristics through the provision of support to ensure acceptance of all people and education of the workforce. Diversity in a workforce increases creativity and capacity for problem-solving, fosters innovation, diversifies the organizational strength, helps in communication building, increases the diversification of customers since they can be understood better by employees from the same background. Among the sources that are relevant and informative in diversity, management is the following four journal articles. (Rahman, 2019), focused on the benefits of managing diversity, how leaders can manage the diversity and the challenges they face when managing diversity. I find this helpful because in the current global era diversity is inevitable especially because of technological advancement, change in demographics and patterns of demand which facilitate workforce diversity. This article shows why we need to manage diversity band what to expect in the process. (Nisa, 2016), this article gives a different perspective on managing diversity by integrating it with equality and evaluating the capabilities organizations have for managing diversity. It demonstrates how performance appraisal, affirmative actions and sociocultural issues such as discrimination experience in many organizations with some people treated unfairly on various basis. It emphasizes on organizations developing capabilities for encouraging diversity. (Shaban, 2016), also focus on how organizations today are bringing people from different backgrounds to work together through mergers, alliances or joint ventures with a focus on satisfying their customers. Its focus is on how managers can manage diversity effectively without compromising the benefits associated with diversity. (Helen Eboh CLETUS, 2018), specifically expounds on the prospects of a diversified workforce, challenges of workplace diversity, and the solutions to the challenges of diversity management that organizations can use. It is helpful in giving
  • 17. the processes, steps, strategies or practices that can be used now and, in the future, to sustainably manage diversity. References Helen Eboh CLETUS, N. A. (2018). Prospects and Challenges of Workplace Diversity in Modern Day Organizations: A Critical Review. HOLISTICA. Nisa, A. S. (2016). Managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Cogent Business & Management. Rahman, U. H. (2019). Diversity Management and the Role of Leader. Open Economic. Shaban, A. (2016). Managing and Leading a Diverse Workforce: One of the Main Challenges in Management. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2 l 2 Diversity management is the practice by companies and
  • 18. organizations of attempting to employ different people from different countries, cultures, races and religion. Multiple companies across the world have adopted diversity management practices, with an aim of tapping the brilliant talents and skill from people from different places in the world. There are two types of diversity management, the intranational and the cross- national diversity management (cfi, 2017). One of the major importance of diversity management is that it helps the company to acquire the best talent and most innovative employees from different places in the world. These employees bring new and fresh ideas that a company can benefit from in maximizing profits and increasing its competitiveness in the market (cfi, 2017). Additionally, with diverse employees in the firm, it will be easier to serve and satisfy diverse customers as well because they are being served by a workforce that includes people from or who understand their culture or religion. A perfect example of a company that has good diversity management is Accenture which has an incredible number of over 375,000 employees across the whole world. This is a company which has a principle concept of no discrimination of people because of differences in age, gender, race, religion or even sexual alignment (socialtalent, 2016). The company also has a diversity training program that addresses diversification awareness, management and development (socialtalent, 2016). I am a huge admirer of diversification and seeing that different organization have implemented policies and strategies of improving their diversity management, it makes me happy as a person knowing that I and anyone else out there has a chance to work in a company and location of his/her choice as without fear of belonging to a certain religion, race or culture. References: cfi. (2017, December 19). What is Diversity Management? Retrieved from cfi: /diversity-management/
  • 19. socialtalent. (2016, August 7). 10 Companies Around the World That Are Embracing Diversity in a BIG Way. Retrieved from socialtalent: companies-around-the-world-that-are-embracing-diversity 2 Milestone 1: Module 2 assignment Three areas of management that I am interested The three areas in management that I am curious to undertake are conflict management, diversity management and gender equality. I believe these areas are crucial to the momentum of any organisation or business. Conflict management is essential since conflict is a typical incident at the workplace that can drive or mess up the energy for a manager, a team, or the whole corporation. I feel that conflict management can be a delicate thing, mainly if you are not conversant with the vast environment in which the specific person or division causing the tension works, and in what way attempts to solve conflict will resonate all through the workplace ecosystem. Diversity management entails the differences found in a workplace, for example, cultural disparities, generational, racial and other variations. Since the ecosystem of a company is full of many contrasts, I find it interesting to study how to harmonize every individual with their differences for the improvement of the organisation. Remember all these disparities if not properly intergrated, can frequently cause conflict in the workplace. However, if the differences are strengths, then the organisation is in a better position to progress and become a better place. Gender equality has been a struggle for the longest time. In most companies, even though the law states that gender
  • 20. equality should prevail, it is still not affected into reality. Women still must work three or more times harder to get positions like their male colleagues. Studying this area will enable me to acquire the skills needed to counteract gender inequalities in the organisation. MGT 3319: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide Overview Principles of Management Research Project For your final project, you will research a theme, principle, or key issue from the field of management and synthesize your findings in a voice-over PowerPoint presentation. You will explore how it developed, examine how it manifests in current workplace practices, and reflect on how you will approach issues related to this topic in your future career. The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules 2, 3, 5, and 6. In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: ● CO1: Apply the major roles that managers perform in their
  • 21. jobs to add value to the organization ● CO6: Evaluate methods to plan, organize, lead and control organizational processes Prompt To complete this final project, you must first identify a theme, principle, or key issue from the field of management. To select your research topic, it may help to identify a chapter in the required textbook that interests you and then look for a key topic in that chapter to explore. You will then research that topic and a related theory, and reflect on how your knowledge on this topic might influence your career in a voice-over PowerPoint presentation. Your voice-over PowerPoint presentation should be 9-12 minutes in length and no more than 18 slides. The slides and presentation must be engaging and capture the attention of the audience. It should not consist of slides with bulleted sentences where the presenter merely reads the slides. You must create a more engaging presentation where the slides act as talking points and the presenter’s words convey the points of the presentation rather than the words on the slides. Be creative and know your audience (a group learning about the importance of this management topic in organizations). Write down the thoughts you would like to convey for each slide and practice
  • 22. your script. The way you present this information can indicate your knowledge and confidence in the subject matter to your audience. You must reference a minimum of at least five sources, cited in APA style in your presentation. If you would like to write a full paper rather than create a voice-over presentation, you may do that. The paper should be a minimum of 7 pages of which 5 will be content with one being a title page and the other a reference page. If you have more than one page of references, your paper may be longer than 7 pages in length. You must reference a minimum of at least five sources, cited in APA style in your paper with APA style used throughout the paper. Specifically, your final project presentation must include the following critical elements: I. Introduction of a Theme, Principle, or Key Issue in the Field of Management A. Briefly describe the research topic B. Explain how the topic is integrated into the workplace and how this has supported growth and development in that area of the field. Reference at least three sources from scholarly or practitioner-related publications (e.g., Harvard Business Review, Forbes) to illustrate your points. C. Explain the topic’s importance and impact in creating a profitable company or great place to work D. Describe any ethical issues that may be related to the topic
  • 23. II. Exploration of a Relevant Theory in Practice A. Summarize one management theory from the assigned course readings that addresses an issue related to your research topic B. Choose one of the following options: 1. Illustrate what that theory looks like in practice by providing an example from a scholarly or practitioner-related publication (e.g., Harvard Business Review, Forbes) that showcases a company successfully applying the theory to their management model. Be sure to address the following in regard to the example: a) Describe how the company applied the theory b) Evaluate what worked well c) Assess what other companies could learn from this example 2. Identify an article from a practitioner-related publication (e.g., Harvard Business Review, Forbes) that discusses a company that was not successful in applying the theory to their management model. Be sure to address the following in regard to the example: a) Describe how the company tried to apply the theory b) Synthesize what the article says went wrong c) Recommend what the company could have done differently to implement this theory successfully, or
  • 24. whether another theory would have been more appropriate in this situation (and if so, recommend a better alternative and support your argument). III. Reflection on Career Impact A. Reflect on how you bring what you have learned about this topic to your future workplace to make it a better or more productive company B. Reflect on any personal experiences you have with this topic to support your position Milestones Milestone 1: Final Project Initial Thoughts In Module 2, you will identify three areas of management you are interested in exploring. This milestone is graded with the Milestone 1 Rubric. Milestone 2: Final Paper Topic Proposal In Module 3, you will identify the topic you plan to research for your final project and expand your initial thoughts into a more developed paper proposal. This milestone is graded with the Milestone 2 Rubric. Milestone 3: Final Project Progress Report In Module 5, you will submit an update the status of your final project. You will assess what you have done, what you are currently struggling with or questions you have, and what you have left to complete before submitting the final project. This milestone is graded
  • 25. with the Milestone 3 Rubric. Milestone 4: Summary Report In Module 6, you will capture your final research project in a one-page paper that could be used to summarize your findings, providing a shortened version of your longer final presentation. This milestone is graded with the Milestone 4 Rubric. Final Submission: Principles of Management Research Project In Module 7, you will submit a voice-over PowerPoint presentation or full research paper that explains how a specific theme, principle, or key issue from the field of management developed, examines how it manifests in current workplace practices, and reflects on how you will approach issues related to this topic in your future career. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. See the instructions below for uploading your voice-over PowerPoint presentation file. This assignment will be graded using the Final Project Rubric. Instructions for submitting a voice-over PowerPoint presentation: 1. Create your PowerPoint presentation. 2. Save the PowerPoint presentation. 3. Click on the Slide Show tab. 4. Click on the Record Slide Show button (one with the red dot
  • 26. on the clock) 5. Slide show will start with a timer. Do your oral presentation for each slide. 6. At the end, save the file again (either the original name or another name) 7. To submit this assignment zip and attach the file or submit a link from your Microsoft 365 account Deliverable Milestones Milesto ne Deliverables Module Due Grading 1 Final Project Initial Thoughts 2 Graded separately; Milestone 1 Rubric 2 Final Paper Topic Proposal 3 Graded separately; Milestone 2 Rubric 3 Final Project Progress Report 5 Graded separately; Milestone 3 Rubric 4 Summary Report 6 Graded separately; Milestone 4 Rubric Final Product: Principles of Management Research Project
  • 27. 7 Graded separately; Final Product Rubric Rubric Requirements of Submission: Your voice-over PowerPoint presentation should be 9–12 minutes in length and no more than 18 slides or the full research paper should be 7 pages of which one page is the title page and one page is the reference page. Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the Grade Center. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Topic Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through the description of the research topic. Describes the research topic.
  • 28. Describes the research topic, but lacks in detail or clarity or contains inaccuracies. Does not describe the research topic. 10 Workplace Integration Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through the explanation of how the topic is integrated into the workplace and how this has supported growth and development in that area of the field, referencing at least three sources from scholarly or practitioner-related publications. Explains how the topic is integrated into the workplace and how this has supported growth and development in that area of the field, referencing at least three
  • 29. sources from scholarly or practitioner-related publications. Explains how the topic is integrated into the workplace and how this has supported growth and development in that area of the field, but lacks in detail or clarity or does not reference at least three sources from scholarly or practitioner-related publications. Does not explain how the topic is integrated into the workplace or how this has supported growth and development in that area of the field. 15 Impact Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through the explanation of the topic’s importance and impact in creating a profitable company or great place to work. Explains the topic’s
  • 30. importance and impact in creating a profitable company or great place to work. Explains the topic’s importance and impact in creating a profitable company or great place to work, but lacks in detail or clarity or contains inaccuracies. Does not explain the topic’s importance and impact. 15 Ethical Issues Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through the description of ethical issues related to the topic. Describes ethical issues related to the topic. Describes ethical issues related to the topic, but lacks in detail or clarity or contains inaccuracies.
  • 31. Does not describe ethical issues. 15 Theory Summary Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through the summarization of one management theory from the assigned course readings that addresses an issue related to the research topic. Summarizes one management theory from the assigned course readings that addresses an issue related to the research topic. Summarizes one management theory from the assigned course readings that addresses an issue related to the research topic, but lacks in detail or clarity or contains inaccuracies. Does not summarize a management theory.
  • 32. 10 Theory Application Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through the description of an example of how theory was successfully applied to a company’s management model, what worked well, and what other companies could learn from the example; or Describes an example of how theory was unsuccessfully applied to a company’s management model, what went wrong, and what the company could have done differently. Describes an example of how theory was successfully applied to a company’s management model, what worked well, and what other companies could learn from the example; or
  • 33. Describes an example of how theory was unsuccessfully applied to a company’s management model, what went wrong, and what the company could have done differently. Describes some of the following about an example of how theory was successfully applied to a company’s management model, what worked well, and what other companies could learn from the example; or Describes some of the following about an example of how theory was unsuccessfully applied to a company’s management model, what went wrong, and what the company could have done differently. Does not describe an example of how theory was successfully applied to a company’s management model, what worked well, or what other companies could learn from the example; or
  • 34. Does not describe an example of how theory was unsuccessfully applied to a company’s management model, what went wrong, or what the company could have done differently. 20 Reflection on Future Career Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through reflection on how what was learned about the topic can be applied in a future workplace to make it a better or more productive company. Reflects on how what was learned about the topic can be applied in a future workplace to make it a better or more productive company. Reflects on how what was learned about the topic can be applied in a future workplace to make it a better or more productive company, but lacks in detail or clarity.
  • 35. Does not reflect on how what was learned about the topic can be applied in a future workplace. 5 Reflection on Personal Experience Demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of management theory and practice through reflection on personal experiences with the topic to support your position. Reflects on personal experiences with the topic to support your position. Reflects on personal experiences with the topic to support your position, but lacks in detail or clarity. Does not reflect on personal experiences. 5
  • 36. Presentation Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization, and the slides and narration are presented in a professional, easy-to-follow, and engaging format. Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization, and the slides and narration are engaging and easy to follow. Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impacts the audience’s ability to understand the main ideas slides, and the narration may be dry or difficult to follow. Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent the understanding of ideas, and the slides and narration are not
  • 37. engaging. 5 Earned Total Comments 100% MGT 3319: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide