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23March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
HDM Modeling as a Tool to Assist Management With
Employee Motivation: The Case of Silicon Forest
Georgina Harell, Portland State University
Tugrul U. Daim, Portland State University
the various options more than once, and put a number to the
importance of one option over another.
This study shows a pathway to employee motivation more than
the traditional HDM approach which has the end result being
choice. The group survey results provide a better understanding
the differences and the specific values of the groups and smaller
sub-groups. For example, management can conclude from this
survey that women’s tangible motivators are pay and bonuses
followed by outside environment and working conditions.
Literature Review
The theory of human motivation started as an interest of
psychologists, but managers soon realized the importance of
knowing how to motivate their workforce. The work of human
motivation started as early as the Greeks (Skinner, 1965), and
is still intriguing many researchers today. Motivation through
conditioning responses has been explored in great detail since
late 19th century. The most famous account of conditioned
has to be that of Pavlov’s dog—where a dog was conditioned to
salivate at the sound of a bell by repeatedly reinforcing that
after a
certain sound food would be presented. This type of response
been termed a conditioned reflex. In short, the subject has been
trained to produce a response normally associated with stimulus
A when stimulus B is presented. Pavlov’s work was just the tip
of the iceberg in terms of understanding human behavior in
response to a stimulus (Skinner, 1965). E.L. Thorndike
the knowledge of human behavior by exploring the concept of
learning curves. Thorndike did considerable research examining
how long it took creatures to solve a simple problem, for
how to escape from a latched box. Thorndike noted that initially
the creature would take a considerable amount of time to solve
problem, but after more and more attempts at the same situation
the solution came more and more quickly. Learning curves help
clarify how behavior in complex situations are sorted,
and reordered. Thorndike’s work is a pivotal step toward the
modern concept of operant conditioning (Skinner, 1965).
Operant conditioning is far more complicated than the
simple notion of reflex conditioning illustrated by Pavlov.
Operant conditioning looks at human behavior as a complicated
series of tendencies, and rather than looking at responses as
happening or not happening, operant conditioning considers
a response as having a probability of occurring. By examining
human behavior as a probability of a response occurring, more
complicated interactions can be examined. There are two points
in operant conditioning—operant reinforcement, where a subject
is conditioned to respond in a desired fashion more frequently,
and operant extinction, the slow fading of the increased
frequency after reinforcement has been removed. What is
Refereed management tool manuscript. Accepted by Associate
Editor Farrington.
Abstract: This article gives a brief introduction into the
history of human motivation research and discusses a
variety of motivational theories. From the numerous theories
reviewed, the main motivational elements are assembled
into a Hierarchical Decision Model (HDM). A pairwise
comparison survey was developed as a tool for managers
to use when trying to develop a motivational strategy, i.e.,
which motivational theory or theories works best for their
employees. Finally, as a proof of concept, the questionnaire
was tested with 50 professionals in the high tech industry in
the Portland area also known as the Silicon Forest.
Keywords: Employee Motivation, Hierarchical Decision
Model (HDM), Pairwise Comparison
EMJ Focus Areas: Organizational Performance and
In the definition of motive, the root word is motivate—
“something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act”
(Merriam-Webster, 2007). Many managers are contemplating
how and what they can do to motivate their workforce. The
consequences of unmotivated employees are a huge expense in
way of innovation, production, and quality. Management cannot
treat people like machines and expect positive results; people
offer specialized abilities, actions, vigor, and time commitments
that machines cannot provide (Davenport, 2000). In terms of
organizational benefit, humans can contribute new and
ideas, put in extra time and energy to make a strategic partner,
or have a unique talent that no one else possesses.
benefit most when employees are committed and engaged
(Davenport, 2000).
Managers need to make sure they are in tune with their
employees’ motivators and not just blindly following a
theory. Asking employees what motivates them and listening
acting on the responses is very important. Not all employees are
created equal or value the same thing, so managers may need to
tailor a motivational strategy whenever possible. An example
from this survey is how the social psychological motivator
that the male group valued autonomy/responsibility/variety of
task more than all other social psychological motivators in the
survey, while the female group valued growth/development/
advancement above autonomy/responsibility/variety of task.
We showed that using pairwise comparisons is a good way
to get your employees to actually weigh each criterion against
the others. This method makes employees actually think about
24 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
in operant conditioning from an employee motivation
is how to identify operant reinforcing events (Skinner, 1965).
Two types of reinforcers have been identified: positive
reinforcers and negative reinforcers. Positive reinforcers consist
adding a positive stimuli to the environment, e.g., providing
or water. Negative reinforcers, on the other hand, are the
removal of
negative stimuli from the environment, e.g., reducing a
noise or bright light. When dealing with individuals, several
generalized reinforcers have been identified: attention,
affection, submissiveness, and a token. In the work
the reinforcer types of approval, submissiveness, and token are
the most applicable. People generally respond to the approval of
a peer or manager while dominance or a perceived pecking
can invoke a submissive response. Finally, a token, often money
some other physical reward, is a strong reinforcer (Skinner,
In 1943, A.H. Maslow came out with “A Theory of Human
Motivation,” in which he discussed how humans have basic
that need to be met, and once these basic needs have been met
a higher level of needs arises. According to Maslow, individuals
have a hierarchy by which their needs are ordered, and since
everyone is different their needs order will vary. The five basic
needs that are identified in Maslow’s theory are: physiological,
belonging, self-actualization, safety, and esteem (Maslow,
Hughes, 1999). Maslow further surmised that human beings are
never satisfied and, as such, their goals are never fully
Because individuals always want, they play a game of give and
take with the order and priority of their goals. In other words,
goals are met or reprioritized, there is always another need to
its place (Maslow, 1943).
The Hierarchy of Needs theory makes a valid observation
regarding humans’ basic needs and their continuous desire to
strive for more which results in a never ending reprioritization
of needs and goals. Management can definitely benefit from
learning what their employees value in regard to their needs and
goals. A key piece for managers to take away from the
of Needs is that an employee’s needs are continuously changing
and, therefore, what satisfies and motivates an employee today
may not be’ what motivates them a year or six months from
In the 1950s McGregor published his theories of X and Y.
Theory X makes the statement that people do not want to work
and that they are inherently lazy and need to be coerced into
working and led by management. McGregor alludes to Maslow’s
theory and the five main goals that Maslow states as people’s
main goals as he explains that in today’s society theory X will
not work to motivate employees because “…physiological and
safety needs are reasonably satisfied and whose social, egoistic,
and self-fulfillment needs are predominant” (McGregor, 2000).
McGregor then goes on to explain how we must now use Theory
Y in which he talks about workers having a potential and
capacity to take on responsibility, but management is needed to
motivate and guide the employee. Instead of the workers being
unintelligent and unmotivated, employees simply need the
right motivators. Management’s purpose, therefore, is to find
the correct motivators for their employees and help them with
any issues they may encounter (McGregor, 2000). Theory X is
a highly involved management structure, while Theory Y leans
more toward management giving the employee the objective,
the employee self-managing and completing the project.
McGregor seems to be discussing two different types of
motivational styles for two separate types of workers, and not
much the evolution of motivation based on the meeting of basic
needs in the hierarchy model mentioned in Maslow’s theory.
manager needs to figure out what type of employees they are
dealing with so they can use the correct type of motivational
when deciding between X and Y. Some employees may also
a mixture of these theories. For example, if you have an
who desires a large work load but also desires plenty of
he or she can be motivated by making sure they are given a
work load but are also given access to feedback and direction as
needed. Another example might be the highly skilled laborer
needs little direction to accomplish a task, but requires prodding
to actually get the job finished. Both theories have valid
but making a generalization to use one theory or another could
disastrous to a manager’s career and an employee’s motivation.
Herzberg developed the Motivation-Hygiene Theory which
discusses management’s inability to motivate workers and how
motivation does not come from just raising salaries, fringe
benefits, or duties of the worker (Herzberg, 1987). He talks
about management’s need to use the KITA (Kick In The Ass)
management style (Herzberg, 1987). Negative KITA occurs
when the management has to use force to get the employee to
work, whereas positive KITA occurs when management dangles
a reward to get the employee to finish the task. Neither method
is a good form of management and is definitely not motivation.
Herzberg goes on to explain that positive personal KITA,
where the employee kicks himself into doing the task, is the
true motivator. Since Herzberg’s theory, management has spent
considerable time and money developing ways to get employees
to motivate themselves. Some examples of programs to develop
positive personal KITA are: sensitivity training, human
training, and employee counseling, just to name a few
1987). Unfortunately these types of trainings have an initial
positive result but they only work for a short duration. As a
result, in order to sustain positive personal KITAs, more and
more programs have to be developed and implemented with no
guarantee the desired results will be achieved. The hygienes or
KITAs he lists in his theory are the factors that cause employees
to be discontented: company policy and administration,
supervision, interpersonal relationships, working conditions,
salary, status, and security (Chapman, 1995; Herzberg, 1987).
The motivators he list are the factors that cause employees to be
motivated: achievement, recognition for achievement, the work
itself, responsibility, growth, or advancement (Chapman, 1995;
Herzberg, 1987). Managers need to work to place people in the
correct job and use their skills effectively. Keeping employees
motivated and eliminating as much hygiene as possible will help
the people and company as a whole gain many rewards,
bottom line benefits. Herzberg also mentions that if you are not
using employees to their full level of abilities, management will
see motivational problems (Herzberg, 1987).
Sirota talks about Herzberg’s “motivator theory”. The theory
suggests that it is challenging and interesting work that keeps
employees motivated, and working conditions, wages, and
have little to do with working employee motivation. He argues
that Herzberg’s theory only pertains to a small percentage of the
workforce. The author believes job enrichment includes four
elements (Sirota, 1973): (1) rating the responsibility level of a
(2) increasing the discretion with which the job is performed,
increasing “closure” (doing “the whole thing”), and (4)
the timeliness of performance feedback. An enrichment program
in a silicon slicing company proved that if you give employees
responsibility then they are happier and perform better. Each
employee was given a toolset to own that they did not share.
employees were given responsibility to do maintenance on their
25March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
own, replace blades when they decided it was necessary, and to
call repairs in directly without a manager’s approval. The
was no more dog tools, increased yields, cost of maintaining
decreased, and employees were happier. This concept also
on assembly lines where jobs tended to be segmented down
the assumption that the more segmented management could
the jobs the less skilled and less training the employees would
(Sirota, 1973). Job enrichment is not the answer to every
problem at
a company, by questioning employees and analyzing their
management can identify the problems employees feel are
and need to be solved. Job enrichment is an important aspect in
employee motivation and it can help if it is one of the things
that is
wrong with employee working situations (Sirota, 1973).
Herzberg is correct that it is a benefit, especially to managers,
to understand what motivates employees in a positive way. By
what is meant by motivate is what makes them want to do work
themselves without the need for pushing, prodding, or micro-
managing. Sirota makes an argument against Herzberg’s theory
based on employee’s need of financial recognition and more
just employees needing positive feedback but needing timely
positive feedback. The timely feedback component identified by
Sirota is a very important factor that cannot be overlooked by
management. If someone does a good job but does not get any
feedback for a few months about the successfulness of the work,
then how are they to know their work was not a failure. Both
men make points on appreciation, but only Sirota comes out and
highlights that raises and bonuses are a form of appreciation
thus, motivation. Some individuals will take on responsibility,
they do not seek it or totally thrive when given it.
McClelland developed the Three Needs Theory, also called
the Acquired-Needs Theory or the Learned Needs Theory.
McClelland’s theory states that an individual’s needs were
developed through their life events and over a period of time.
The major needs of an individual could be classified into one of
the following three categories: affiliation, power, or
(McClelland, 1961). Furthermore, individual’s motivational
factors are influenced by one of these three needs. An
who highly values affiliation wants to have good relationships
with people and strives to have more personal interactions. An
individual who is driven by power can be classified into two
subsets, either a person who seeks personal power or a person
who seeks institutional power. Personal power is the
need to be in charge of others (McClelland, 1961).
institutional power seekers are not looking to have power
over others; instead they seek the power to organize and meet
objectives. The last type of need is achievement. People who
directed by their achievement needs are overachievers and tend
to work alone or with people who also highly value achievement
(McClelland, 1961). Every person tends to stick to their needs
varying levels, so you may have two people who have a high
for institutional power, but one of them may value this more
the other person and push to lead the project team.
The three needs theory has many positive attributes and
can benefit a manager when they are trying to pick a person for
certain roles in the organization or when combining a team for
a project; however, McClelland does not look into the
of an individual actually being made up of two or three of these
needs. He does discuss how people have higher need strengths
but they also may fall directly into two categories. A person
is extremely institutionally power driven could get the job done,
but a better choice for leading a team could be the person who
not only intuitionally driven but also highly affiliation driven.
type of individual can do a better job of negotiating with
vendors and, in turn, not only get the job accomplished but also
make strategic partnerships with outside vendors while doing it.
The Equity Theory was developed by J. Stacy Adams and is
also called Adam’s Theory of Inequity. The theory presents how
motivation (specifically for employees) is directly related to
people judge themselves against others. These judgments are
made by looking at their specific inputs and outputs as
to others and judging if they are being treated reasonably
(Adams, 2002). The inputs are things such as qualifications,
time, expertise, intelligence, etc. Examples of outputs are salary
perks, power, benefits, etc. People tend to do a mathematical
ratio comparing their individual outcomes and individual inputs
to others’ outcomes and others’ inputs (Adams, 2002). Based
on the perception the employee has on their ratio compared to
others’ ratios will correlate directly to their personal motivation
(Adams, 2002). Adams theory is illustrated below in Exhibit 6.
An example of this theory is that people who judge themselves
being underpaid are two times as likely to leave a job as
who perceive themselves as adequately compensated financially
(Goodman, 1971). Employees will increase or decrease their
inputs (i.e., performance level) to maintain a balance if they
believe a disproportion in equity exists compared to their peers
(Goodman, 1971). Studies have been performed that backup
Adam’s theory. An example is in a situation where workers
to be aware of the discrepancies pertaining to pay discrepancies
in output: the hourly worker who is paid less will consistently
produce less than the higher paid employee, whereas in a piece-
rated system the higher paid individual will produce higher
quality pieces but at lower quantity (Goodman, 1971).
Adams has an extremely applicable theory, especially in today’s
society where everyone is trying to “keep up with the Jones’s.”
individuals are striving to get the newest and best of everything
while judging their value and happiness against others.
may feel they are able to control this (equity ratio judging) by
mandating rules about disclosure of salary and compensation,
but they are fooling themselves. Employees talk, and salaries
compensation packages are known throughout the company –
just by management. Also, employees do not judge on salary
and they may lower their effort level if they feel all their peers
are not
giving the same effort to make the ratio equal in their minds.
Vroom developed, and Porter and Lawler built upon, the
Expectancy Theory. Vroom was the first to propose VIE as a
Valence-Instrumentality-Expectancy (VIE) Theory looks at the
relationship between task characteristics and intrinsic
to achieve higher employee performance. The theory contends
that human behavior is a function of three related factors: (1)
that effort will result in a desired performance level, (2) belief
performance will lead to rewards, and (3) the value of
and accomplishing a task and the associated believed reward for
that performance. These three factors are valence, expectancy,
instrumentality, and multiplying the three individual beliefs for
individual will give you their motivation to work (Vroom,
Vroom believed that the three VIE components were mentally
directing and prompting of our actions (Sunil, 2004). Vroom’s
definition for Valence is the emotional desire for the perceived
outcome. Instrumentality is the individual’s believed probability
that the action will lead to the perceived outcome. Expectancy
whether or not the individual believes that the result of their
is probable (Sunil, 2004). Lawler, Porter, and others have built
Vroom’s theory, but the core VIE elements remain tried and
throughout the majority of research that has investigated the
26 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
Theory (Porter, 1968; Kesselman, 1974). Porter and Lawler put
feedback loops that add into the model such as role perceptions,
extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, etc. The model showed the
of V and E and showed the links between effort, performance,
and job satisfaction (Porter, 1968; Kesselman, 1974).
Vroom et al. have a valid point—people want to know
what the reward for the effort exerted will be before initializing
a task, and they also make a personal judgment of the value of
the reward. If they feel the reward is well worth the payoff then
they will be more motivated to accomplish the task. Managers
will have to exert less effort in motivating employees to
a task or project if they can help employees realize and find
in the outcome before they begin.
In the 1950s, Eric Trist studied the English coal mining
industry and concluded that the technological increases in the
industry, i.e., machines taking over human jobs, had actually
decreased people’s productivity. The main conclusion of his
research was the development of the Socio-Technical Theory
which concludes that both social and technical systems are at
in the workplace. The way the systems are interconnected plays
vital role in the success of the whole system (Richard, 2002).
The Social/Human system takes a holistic approach to
motivating employees by properly matching individuals with
When Trist did a critique of scientific management, his model
stressed the need to include social and psychological aspects
into employee satisfaction models rather then focusing merely
on organizational and individual needs. To accomplish this Trist
devised several socio-technical requirements of job design
on psychological requirements of the job. The psychological
requirements are the need for the job to provide reasonably
demanding content, an opportunity to learn, autonomy, support
and recognition, a relationship between the product and
employee’s life, and the feeling of a desirable future. Analyzing
these psychological requirements resulted in the following
job design principles (Trist, 1970):
A variety of tasks1.
A series of tasks that relate to a single overall task2.
An optimal length of work cycles3.
Standards of performance and recognition4.
Boundary tasks5.
Tasks requiring some level of skill and worthy of respect6.
Tasks that are perceived to contribute to the overall product.7.
Trist’s theory makes a great argument for aligning people
with jobs that will motivate them based on what motivates them
psychologically. Although the seven principles make sense for
majority of people, the theory still needs to expand to
that not all employees are going to be motivated by the seven
principles outlined. As an example, a manager might notice that
their employee is motivated and enjoys doing repetitive tasks. If
they push this individual to do a variety of tasks they are going
actually unmotivated this employee.
In developing the Requisite Task Attribute Model, Turner and
Lawrence devised six key task characteristics believed to be
to job satisfaction: variety, autonomy, responsibility, knowledge
and skill, optional interaction, and required interaction. When
correlating the weighted index developed from the six task
characteristics, it was found that no strong correlation to job
satisfaction could be devised (Turner, 1975; Steers, 1977).
further research into these findings, Turner and Lawrence found
that individual differences such as rural vs. urban backgrounds
and situational differences such as coworker relationships or
management style played a critical role in which characteristics
to job satisfaction. The realization that individual and
differences play a large part in employee satisfaction was the
finding of this research (Turner, 1975; Steers, 1977).
During the 1950s Drucker discussed the need for management
to be both economically and socially minded. He believed that
the changes in business put higher standards on managers, and
that they needed to develop and incorporate both skills—not
just one or the other (Drucker, 1955). He went on to explain
human capital is a truly valuable resource and the building
of companies. His conclusion about highly skilled workforces
that management needs to create motivation by doing several
things. First, realize that the people cannot be ordered and
micromanaged as in the past. Employees need motivation and
that motivation comes from management. Second, management
needs to design jobs that are challenging, and give the employee
growth opportunity and a sense of accomplishment. Third, make
sure people are paired with the correct job for them. This can
does change over time. Fourth, people need objectives that are
precise and exact. Management also needs to make sure workers
are expected to do excellent work and not just let them get by
average performance and production. Fifth, give the employees
tasks aligned with their strengths and also the tools they need
to get the job done. This includes proper training, supplies, etc.
Lastly, make sure you are rewarding employees properly for a
well done (Drucker, 1955).
Sirota, Michkind, and Meltzer discussed that the main belief
is that management is meant to motivate employees.
should make employees happy—thus it will positively affect
employee morale and performance—thus helping the company’s
bottom line (Sirota, 2005). A major amount of research supports
the assumption that employee morale positively correlates to
company performance including stock price. New employees
the highest job satisfaction and it goes down considerably until
the ten year mark when it seems to show a little improvement.
Ten percent of organizations do not notice this loss in morale—
in fact, they seem to harness the motivation and use it for their
advantage. Management negatively affects morale by making
policy and business decisions based on the “bad seeds” or
negative employees, and by not giving employees enough credit
or kudos for doing their jobs well (Sirota, 2005). Layoffs are
going to help morale—they make employees feel like a
commodity. Also, high levels of bureaucracy are not good for
morale. Gaining high morale takes work, and managers need
to work on treating employees fairly not only with monetary
compensation but also with respect and fair treatment. Managers
need to challenge employees with their work so they can learn
new skills and feel a sense of accomplishment. Also, managers
need to show appreciation for their employees’ work which in
will benefit the organization by increased employee motivation.
Managers need to satisfy employees socially by allowing them
good team members with whom to work and supporting a
teamwork environment. A successful organization should follow
the rules below to keep employees motivated (Sirota, 2005).
Employees are laid off as a last resort and not the first thing •
management does
Compensation and benefits are competitive or slightly above •
the industry average
Employees are treated respectfully both by their immediate •
supervisors and by the organization as a whole (for example,
all employees may be salaried, and superfluous status symbols
are kept to a minimum)
27March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
Employees are organized into self-managed teams where •
they control many aspects of their work processes
Obstacles to performance are removed, usually on the basis •
of employee input
The financial benefits of employees’ performance are shared •
with employees (through plans such as “gainsharing,” by far
the most effective way to pay for performance)
Employees receive full communication regarding all aspects •
of the business
The company’s vision and strategic direction are largely •
centered on satisfying customers and doing so through the
effort, ideas, and ingenuity of the workforce
The models reviewed had two types of motivators. First,
employees were motivated by psychological and social elements
of the job. Second, employees were motivated by tangible
such as pay, awards, etc. The elements extracted from the
review that made it into the survey developed for this study are
listed below in Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 1. Employee Motivational Factors
Social-Psychological Tangible
1. Autonomy, Responsibility,
Variety of Tasks
2. Growth/Development,
3. Interactions: Feedback,
Coworker Relationship,
Manager Relationship
4. Power, Respect
5. Pride, Sense of
1. Pay Bonuses
2. Fringe Benefits (Health
Insurance, Life Insurance,
Vacation, Retirement, SPP)
3. Recognition (awards)
4. Outside Environment
5. Working Conditions (Work
Environment, Hours, Ame-
nities, Activities)
The items listed in Exhibit 1 were extracted from the numerous
theories reviewed based on common motivational factors
amongst the theories. Common factors were lumped together
into groups for the purpose of the survey. Exhibits 2 and 3 list
motivational categories identified and which theories reviewed
identified these categories as motivational factors.
Variety of Task
Sense of
Top two tiers of Maslow’s
Second tier of Maslow’s
Second tier of
Maslow’s pyramid
Fourth tier of Maslow’s
Second tier of Maslow’s
McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y
Herzberg’s motivators Herzberg’s motivators Herzberg’s
motivators Herzberg hygiene factors Herzberg hygiene factors
McClelland affiliation McClelland power
Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity
Adam’s equity
Requisite Task
Turner and Lawrence
Requisite Task
Turner and Lawrence
Requisite Task
Turner and Lawrence
Fringe Benefits Recognition Outside Environment Working
Fourth tier of Maslow’s
Fourth tier of Maslow’s
Second tier of Maslow’s
Fourth tier of Maslow’s
McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y
McGregor theory Y
Herzberg’s hygiene factor Herzberg’s motivators Herzberg’s
Herzberg’s hygiene
McClelland achievement
Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity
Vroom et. al expectancy Vroom et. al expectancy
Requisite Task
Turner and Lawrence
Requisite Task
Turner and Lawrence
Exhibit 2. Socio-Psychological Motivational Factors
Exhibit 3. Tangible Motivational Factors
28 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
Research Methodology
We wanted to further explore the motivational factors in
Exhibits 1, 2
and 3, and identify which ones are preferred over others in
settings. This article focused on technical professionals and
used a
sample of technical professionals in the Portland, Oregon area.
We used a hierarchical decision model (HDM) to address
multiple levels involved in this decision making process. The
concept of hierarchical modeling (also know as Analytical
Hierarchy Process, or AHP) can be applied to structurally
decompose complex problems (Saaty, 1978, 1979, 1990, 1994).
Previous studies have used either three level or four level
hierarchical models for evaluation and assessment of
(Gerdsri and Kocaoglu, 2007). The scores used in selection
methods are the relative importance measures of the various
criteria and attributes. The weights assigned to criteria,
and other parameters in decision models represent the final
impacts of a series of interrelated actions on the outcomes of
those models (Chen and Kocaoglu, 2008).
Hierarchical decision models are used in several different
decision problems: Bohanec and Zupan (2004) in real estate;
Bohanec et al. (2000) in health care, Cakir and Canbolat (2007)
inventory management, Al-Subhi and Al-Harbi (2001) in project
management, Karami (2006) and Montazar and Behbahani
in irrigation management, Leung et al. (1998) in pelagic fishery,
Mau-Crimmins et al. (2005) in national forest planning, Rabelo,
al. (2007) in construction, Azadeh et al. (2007) in railway
improvement and optimization, Bozbura et al. (2007) in human
resource management, Parra-López et al. (2007) in agriculture,
Bertolini et al. (2006) in public work contracts, Wong and Li
(2008) in evaluation of innumerable intelligent building
Lin et al. (2007) in identifying customer requirements, Durán
and Aguilo (2007) in evaluation and justification of an
manufacturing system, Celik et al. (2007) in building, Galan et
al. (2007) in manufacturing.
The Hierarchal Decision Model (HDM) using a pairwise
comparison survey was chosen for this research study due to the
complex decisions that managers face when motivating
A manager does not face one right answer or straight line to
follow when motivating employees since there are multiple
and types of motivators to consider (e.g., psychological/social
elements and tangible benefits). Using the main motivational
elements identified from the literature, a two part survey was
developed to provide pairwise comparison of the key
factors. Pairwise comparison forms the basis of an HDM
Pairwise Comparison reflects the relative importance of a pair
elements as perceived by the expert. The relative importance is
measured by distributing 100 points between the two options.
This is then converted into weights using scale normalization
priority matrices (Kocaoglu, 1983).
The questionnaire was developed from the historic data
gathered from the motivation theories presented in the literature
review. The final survey developed and administered during this
research project can be seen in Appendix A. The survey was
to 50 professionals in the high tech industry of the Portland,
Oregon, area. Each person was given the survey and given
three weeks in which to complete the survey and return it to the
author. Out of the 50 people given the survey, 30 people or 60%
responded. Within the 30 survey respondents, 13 were female
17 were men. Three separate analyses were conducted on the
gathered from the surveys. First, the entire group was analyzed,
and then the male and female sub groups were analyzed to
any potential motivational differences between the sexes.
The HDM model developed for the survey can be seen in
Exhibit 4. The first level is the goal of this research study, i.e.,
to motivate employees. The second level consists of the
motivators identified and illustrated above on the right side of
Exhibit 1. Finally, the third level of the HDM contains the
motivators that were listed on the left side of Exhibit 1.
Appendix B provides the details of the model that resulted
through the surveys. The first set of pairwise comparisons
from the survey gave the weighting of the social-psychological
motivators as compared against the objective and can be seen
the three groups (total, men, and women). The light gray labels
are the results for the group as a whole. The medium gray labels
are the results for the men only, and the dark gray labels are the
outcomes for the women only.
The results for the Social-Psychological motivators with respect
to the objective shown in Exhibit 4 shows that the overall group
equally valued autonomy/responsibility/variety of task and
pride/sense of accomplishment. The overall group valued
respect the least among the five social-psychological
On the other hand, autonomy/responsibility/variety of task was
clearly the dominant motivator among the male group. Finally,
the women’s group top motivator was growth/development/
advancement, but only by a slim margin. Both the male and
female groups agreed with the overall group in terms of the
motivating factor being power/respect.
The results for the tangible work motivators with respect to
autonomy/responsibility/variety of task showed that all three
(combined/men/women) all put pay and bonuses as their top
motivator. Men and the combined group were decisive on the
second place tangible motivator, choosing working conditions.
the other hand, the second place motivator for women was a tie
between recognition, outside environment, and working
Tangible work motivators with respect to growth/development/
advancement also showed pay and bonuses as the top motivator
for all three sets, with working conditions coming in second for
all three sets. Fringe benefits were the least motivating item for
three sets. Tangible work motivators with respect to pride/sense
accomplishment also came out with pay and bonuses as a clear
tangible motivator. Women had the largest separation between
and bonuses and the second motivator, which was a tie between
working conditions and outside environment. Men and the group
also chose working conditions in second place and all three
put fringe benefits in last place. Tangible work motivators with
respect to interactions/feedback/relationships had pay and
as the first choice as a tangible motivator; however, women
outside environment as a second place motivator while the
Exhibit 4. HDM Diagram for Motivation Survey
Variety of
Sense of
Benefits Recognition
Motivated Employees
29March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
and men chose working conditions again for the second position
as a motivator. Tangible work motivators with respect to power/
respect had similar results to most of the other models with pay
bonuses as the top motivator and working conditions coming in
second. The results demonstrate that all sets of people show that
and bonuses is the top choice for managers to motivate
Technical managers need to make sure they are in tune to their
employees’ motivators and not just blindly following a
theory. Asking employees what motivates them, and listening
acting on the responses is very important. Not all employees are
created equal or value the same thing, so managers may need to
tailor a motivational strategy whenever possible. An example
from this survey is how the social psychological motivator
that the group and men value autonomy/responsibility/variety
of task more than all other social psychological motivators in
the survey while the female group more highly valued growth/
development/advancement. Using pairwise comparisons is a
good way to get your employees to actually weigh each criterion
against the others. This method makes employees actually think
about the various options more than once and put a number to
the importance of one option over another.
This study shows a pathway to technical employee motivation
rather than using the traditional HDM approach which has
the end result being one choice. The group survey results are
very nice to have and they provide a better understanding of the
differences and the specific values of the groups and smaller
groups. The pathway to motivate the group of women is shown
Exhibit 5; the top weighted motivators are shown in dark gray.
management can conclude from this survey that women’s
motivators are pay and bonuses followed by outside
and working conditions. Women’s social-psychological
are growth/ development/advancement followed by pride/sense
accomplishment and interactions/ feedback/relationships. The
motivational HDM pathway, above, shows that pay and bonuses
along with working conditions are the top tangible motivators.
top social psychological motivators are
variety of task followed by growth/development/advancement
then pride/sense of accomplishment. The group surveyed was
exclusively from the high tech industry, so while the
methodology is
applicable to any industry the results may very greatly.
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About the Authors
Georgina Harell is a PhD student at Portland State University
(PSU) in the Engineering and Technology Management
Department. Her research interests include building trust and
motivating teams, renewable energy, and predicting future
demand for emerging alternative energy sources. She has an
MS in engineering and technology management from PSU and
a BS in biomedical engineering from Michigan Technological
University and she is also a PMP certified project manager. She
has a wide breadth of work experience including high-tech
industry and academic research labs.
Tugrul U. Daim is an Associate Professor of engineering
and technology management at PSU. He had been with Intel
Corporation before he joined PSU as a full-time faculty.
His research involves exploration of technology assessment
in industries including automotive, energy, semiconductor
manufacturing, communications and health care. He is also a
visiting Professor at Technical University of Hamburg Harburg.
He has over 100 papers published in journals and conference
proceedings. He is the editor in chief for International Journal
of Innovation and Technology Management. He has a PhD in
Systems Science and Engineering Management (EM) and MS
in EM from PSU, MS in mechanical engineering from Lehigh
University and a BS in mechanical engineering from Bogazici
University in Turkey.
Contact: Tugrul U. Daim, Portland State University,
Department of Engineering and Technology Management,
PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207; phone: 503-725-4582;
[email protected]
31March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
Appendix A. Motivational Survey
32 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
Appendix B. Detailed Results
Motivated Employees
Variety of
Sense of
HDM Model of Social-Psychological Motivators to Objective
Variety of
Benefits Recognition
Autonomy, Responsibility and Variety of Task HDM Model
Growth Development and Advancement HDM Model
Variety of
Benefits Recognition
33March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal
Sense of
Benefits Recognition
Pride and Sense of Accomplishment HDM Model
Benefits Recognition
Interaction and Feedback HDM Model
Power and
Benefits Recognition
Power and Respect HDM Model
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further
reproduction prohibited without permission.
Running head: SCRIPT WRITING 1
Justin Hedberg
Script Writing
Liberty University
CINE 201
Theme: The Wrong Suspect
Inside of the restaurant. Dylan is seated on a rounded table at
the corner of the restaurant. At a closer look, one will identify
that there is an issue running through his head. Probably it is
because he is tired of waiting for his date, Marynne.
Dylan has been waiting for Marynne for quite some time and it
seems that he started getting bored.
He closely watches as the other couples in the restaurant enjoys
their perfect time together.
However, one cannot fail to notice the fact that Dylan, looks a
little bit different from the rest.
For instance, most of the gentlemen in this particular restaurant
are clad in well-tailored suits while Dylan feels comfortable in
his pair of Khakis trousers and a simple polo shirt.
He closely observes a rose flower that he carried along for his
date and abruptly looks at his wristwatch.
No sooner has he finished looking at his watch than Marynne
walks into the surprise in a bright mood and one cannot fail to
acknowledge the smiles that are present on her face.
Hey Dylan, am sorry for keeping you waiting, I guess I just had
a rough day. Starting from a flat tire to heavy traffic on my way
There is no problem. I am happy that you made it. Sorry for
having a rough day. These issues happen once in a while and are
always good that one gets prepared for such incidents. Anyway,
how have you been? I hope you have been fine. Well, it’s seem
long since I last saw you.
Yes, and it seems like forever since I put a glance on you. Still,
remember that night and thank you a lot. That date was amazing
and wonderful like nothing that I have ever seen before. Well, I
have some good news that I would like to share with you. I am
very happy, since you are the first personal am telling this.
Well…….guess what my proposal got an approval from the dean
after waiting for that long. I feel super excited
Good evening madam? How may I help you? Today we have
great offers for our customers and I believe that you will like
here tonight.
Thank you very much for your concern but I do not think I will
have something to eat. I believe that I have a problem with my
digestion. Guess I ate a lot of beef yesterday and beef is not
good for my digestion. It will be really nice if you get us a glass
of wine. Please. Thank you in advance.
(Smiling back to Marynne)
Well, am happy for you. Last week I told you that I had a strong
feeling about your particular proposal.
From the view of things, I believe that am right. I told you not
to doubt yourself. I think that calls for a celebration for you my
dear and a toss for this great news.
The two drink wine as they chat along about the various
activities that they have engaged themselves in since they last
They engage in a talk where they talk if throwing a party to
celebrate Maryanne’s success or not.
Suddenly, Dylan excuses himself so that he can use the
washrooms and respond to a call of nature. Marynne uses this
particular occasion to put a white substance on Dylan’s drink.
Surprising enough Dylan does not sip this drink after returning
from the washrooms.
Dylan cannot imagine how Marynne planned to poison him. It is
clear that Dylan saw Marynne put a white substance on his
drink and this prevented him from taking any more of that
He is engaging with a fellow detective with whom he tries to
share what happened that particular night.
Are you sure that is what happened? I do not think that Marynne
can do such a thing. Maybe you are mistaken.
There we go again Paker I can believe that you still doubt me
after those years that we have worked together. Am sure partner
of what I saw double sure for that matter. But I cannot figure
out why she wanted to do that.
Does she know that you are a detective? Probably that may be
one of the reasons as to why she chooses to do that.
To my knowledge, she just knows that am a home-based banker
and nothing more. And I do not plan on disclosing my
profession to her.
Fade out
Friedmann, A. (2014). Writing for visual media. New York:
Focal Press.
Samaroo, M. (2012). The Complete Guide to Writing a
Successful Screenplay: Everything You Need to Know to Write
and Sell a Winning Script. Place of publication not identified:
Atlantic Publishing Group Inc.
Fifty years of influence
in the workplace
The evolution of the French and Raven power
Steven Elias
Auburn University Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Purpose – While focusing on the renowned bases of social
power put forth by French and Raven in
1959, this paper aims to address the history and future of this
taxonomy within organizational
settings. Topics include the evolution of the power taxonomy,
the power/interaction model, and
matters relevant to future research and practice.
Design/methodology/approach – First, a historical overview of
the French and Raven power
taxonomy is provided. Second, ways in which the taxonomy has
been updated over the past several
decades are discussed. Third, an overview of Raven’s
power/interaction model (1993) is presented.
Lastly, implications for future research and practice within
organizations are offered.
Findings – A review of the historic and contemporary writings
dedicated to social power would
indicate that the advances made to the original French and
Raven power taxonomy have not been
incorporated into the management and organizational behavior
Practical implications – Practitioners and scholars interested in
issues related to influence in
organizational settings would benefit from an understanding of
the historical developments that have
occurred to the power taxonomy over the past half-century, as
well as the formation of the
power/interaction model.
Originality/value – This paper provides readers with a historical
overview of the development of
the French and Raven social power taxonomy, in addition to
addressing the field’s more recent
developments. As such, the paper will be of value to anyone
interested in influence within
organizational settings.
Keywords Management power, Influence, Workplace,
Management history
Paper type General review
Undoubtedly, among the most popular and widely accepted
conceptualizations of social
power is the five-fold typology developed by French and Raven
in 1959 (Podsakoff and
Schriesheim, 1985, p. 387).
In order for managers to be effective, they must be able to
influence their subordinates,
peers, superiors, stakeholders and many other individuals both
affiliated and
unaffiliated with their organizations (Elias and MacDonald,
2006; Vecchio, 2007; Yukl,
1989; Yukl and Falbe, 1990). This ability to influence is
typically brought about, in
large part, through the use of social power (Wilensky, 1967).
The importance of
possessing an understanding of power in the workplace is well-
documented in the
historical (Dubin, 1951) and contemporary (Farmer and
Aguinis, 2005) literatures, as
well as texts marketed and readily available to laypeople
(Kouzes and Posner, 2002;
Lee, 1997). As evidenced by the above Podsakoff and
Schriesheim (1985) quotation,
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
available at
Influence in the
Journal of Management History
Vol. 14 No. 3, 2008
pp. 267-283
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17511340810880634
when those familiar with the literature think of social power,
they typically think of the
seminal five-fold typology developed by French and Raven
Given the significance of French and Raven’s work, as well as
the reality that their
original focus was on supervisor – subordinate relationships
(Raven, 1993, 1999), it is
no surprise that research dedicated to the study of social power
continues to be popular
among management scholars. In fact, Bruins (1999) describes
the state of affairs
pertaining to social power research as quickly growing in force,
size, and impact, while
texts dedicated to the topic continue to be produced (Lee-Chai
and Bargh, 2001).
However, what many fail to realize is that the original five-fold
taxonomy was not
meant to be the all-inclusive classification for the bases of
power. As French and Raven
(1959, p. 150) originally proposed:
[. . .] there is no doubt that more empirical knowledge will be
needed to make final decisions
concerning the necessary differentiations, but this knowledge
will be obtained only by
research based on some preliminary theoretical distinctions.
Indeed, the original taxonomy has been differentiated and
broadened over time (Raven,
1965, 1993) to the extent that there are currently 14 bases of
power and a detailed
power/interaction model. However, a review of the management
literature dedicated to
such topics as power, influence, and leadership would indicate
that with relatively few
exceptions (Schwarzwald and Koslowsky, 2001; Raven et al.,
1998; Schwarzwald et al.,
2004), this development has gone undetected. As a result, the
heuristic value of the
advances made within the area of social power as it pertains to
and organizational behavior has gone untapped. The purpose of
this paper is to shed
light on the theoretical and empirical changes that have been
made to the power
taxonomy over the past several decades, with the hope that
future research and
practice will benefit from such an understanding. In addition,
this paper will address
how several decades of social power research has resulted in the
development of the
power/interaction model.
Defining social power
According to Cartwright (1965), the defining characteristic of
an organization is its state
of being organized. This state of being organized typically
depends on the exertion of
some form of influence or social power (Gilman, 1962).
However, even though power is
commonplace within organizations, as well as society in
general, defining social power is
not an easy task. Cartwright (1959a) himself presents seven
independent definitions for
the construct while expressing what would seem to be
frustration at how authors
typically “invent” their own definitions to suit their needs.
Nevertheless, after taking
Lewinian field theory (Lewin, 1951) into account, Cartwright
(1959a, p. 188) settled on the
definition of power as, “. . . the induction of (psychological)
forces by one entity b upon
another a and to the resistance to this induction set up by a.”
For example, in a situation
where a manager uses his or her expertise to persuade a
subordinate to comply with a
request, even though the subordinate may initially resist
complying, social power is said
to be at use. Given the early difficulty and apparent frustration
associated with defining
social power, readers may be surprised to discover that more
recent explanations of
power (Fiol et al., 2001) are comparatively consistent with that
of Cartwright.
French and Raven (1959) quantify a powerholder’s capability to
persuade a target as
being the maximum possible influence he or she can exert,
although he or she may not
use all of his or her power in a given situation. Therefore, while
a manager may have
great power in that he or she can potentially terminate an
individual’s employment for
non-compliance, he or she need not resort to such an extreme
measure in order to make
use of power. Also noteworthy is the fact that power and
influence do not only occur in
situations where the powerholder possesses a higher status or
rank than the target of
the influence attempt. For instance, Yukl and colleagues (Yukl
and Falbe, 1990, 1991;
Yukl and Tracey, 1992) have differentiated between upward
(e.g. a subordinate
influencing a supervisor), downward (e.g. a supervisor
influencing a subordinate), and
lateral (e.g. peers influencing one another) influence attempts.
The historical development of the social power taxonomy
Although social power was a central topic of discussion during
Tuesday evening
seminars at the University of Michigan’s Research Center for
Group Dynamics (RCGD)
in the late-1950s (Raven, 1993), it was still considered to be an
under researched topic
(Cartwright, 1959b). This is not to say social power in the
workplace was not being
investigated, because it was the topic of numerous studies. For
example, after studying
the staff of a Naval Command unit, Stogdill and Shartle (1948)
concluded that a leader’s
power usage would have the greatest impact on his or her
immediate subordinates,
rather than on other people within an organization. Pelz (1952)
the relationship between first-line supervisors’ power usage and
such issues as job
satisfaction and morale among manufacturing employees. Based
on research
conducted at a motor-truck manufacturing plant, Fleishman et
al. (1955)
demonstrated the importance of taking an organizations power
structure into
account when devising supervisory training programs. Founded
on results from the
Ohio State Leadership Studies, Stogdill (1950) demonstrated
how one’s position in an
organization dictates whether or not he or she has power over
other employees. While
examining issues pertaining to unequal power in groups,
Hurwitz et al. (1953) shed
light on how a supervisor can frame his or her influence
attempts in such a way as to
justify these attempts. Upon conducting an experiment at a
pajama production plant,
Coch and French (1948) demonstrated how resistance to
influence attempts could be
reduced by allowing employees to have input in decision-
making processes. However,
even when taking these varied studies into account, a consistent
theory of social power
had not yet been developed.
In an attempt to integrate these diverse research findings,
French (1956) set out to
put forward a formal theory of social power that would allow
for the generation of
testable hypotheses. This theory was based on the research cited
above, as well as the
prior and simultaneous work of such notables as Kurt Lewin,
Solomon Asch, Carl
Hovland, Leon Festinger, Dorwin Cartwright, Stanley
Schachter, Herbert Kelman, and
Musafer Sherif, several of whom were affiliated with the
RCGD. Interestingly, Raven
(1993) would later write that while Lewin’s name is not
typically associated with social
power, his insights on power and power fields had a most
important impact on the
subject matter. Reinforcing Raven’s belief is the fact that within
their author note,
Coch and French (1948, p. 512) acknowledge drawing
“repeatedly from the works and
concepts of Kurt Lewin for both the action and theoretical
phases of this study.”
While French’s (1956) theory included several postulates, the
first postulate
revolved around interpersonal power and the potential bases of
such power.
Drawing from the work of such individuals as Back (1951),
Moore (1921) and
Influence in the
Hovland and Weiss (1952), French believed such characteristics
as the attractiveness,
expertness, and legitimacy of an influencing agent would impact
these bases of social
power. As a result of these beliefs, shortly after beginning his
quest to develop a formal
theory of power, French co-authored a chapter (French and
Raven, 1959) that not only
identified specific bases of power, but also became the most
frequently utilized
model of social power in general (Northouse, 2007), as well as
in the workplace
(Mintzberg, 1983).
French and Raven’s (1959) original power taxonomy was
comprised of five types of
power: reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, and referent power.
Reward power is said
to be at use when a powerholder promises some form of
compensation to a target in
exchange for compliance. For instance, a supervisor may
provide a monetary incentive
to a subordinate in exchange for the subordinate completing a
task that is not part of
his or her job description. Coercive power is at use when the
threat of punishment is
made in order to gain compliance. For example, a manager may
threaten a subordinate
with termination should he or she not comply with a certain
request. Legitimate power
stems from one having a justifiable right to request compliance
from another
individual. For instance, subordinates may comply with a
supervisor’s request simply
because the supervisor has a right to ask them to do their work
in a certain way. Expert
power is at use when one relies on his or her superior
knowledge in order to gain
compliance. For example, management may follow the advice of
consultants because
those consultants are perceived as possessing a high-level
expertise in their field.
Referent power is at use when a target complies with the request
of a powerholder due
to his or her identifying with the influencing agent. For
instance, an employee wishing
to move up the organizational hierarchy will likely comply with
requests made by
managers due to his or her wanting a similar position as those
managers in the future.
Although many academics and practitioners may be under the
impression that
informational power (i.e. explaining to a target why compliance
is desired) was
included in the original power taxonomy, this is not the case.
French (1956, p. 184)
originally surmised that expert power was driven by a
powerholder’s “superior
knowledge and information.” In essence, this combined expert
and informational
power into one base, even though Raven suggested that
informational power should be
separate from expert power. While Raven (later citing his lack
of informational power
at the time; Raven, 1993) was unable to convince French on the
matter prior to the
publication of their 1959 chapter, he eventually did distinguish
informational power as
a sixth power type (Raven, 1965).
While several researchers (Bass, 1981; Kipnis, 1984) have
described the six bases of
power in terms of being either “harsh” (i.e. punitive and overt)
or “soft” (i.e. subtle and
positive), as previously noted, the taxonomy that included the
six bases of power
became the dominant means by which individuals would
classify potential sources of
influence. However, researchers such as Kipnis et al. (1980)
began to question whether
six bases of power were sufficient to encompass all influence
attempts in the
workplace. Through their research with lower-level managers,
Kipnis et al. were able to
identify eight means of influence in the workplace
(assertiveness, ingratiation,
rationality, sanctions, exchange, upward appeals, blocking, and
coalitions). Using data
obtained from volunteers attending a management development
workshop, Yukl and
Tracey (1992) examined the effectiveness of each of nine power
tactics (rational
persuasion, inspirational appeal, consultation, ingratiation,
exchange, personal appeal,
coalition, legitimating, and pressure). While French and
Raven’s (1959) assertion that
the original taxonomy was meant to be a starting point for
classifying bases of power
went ignored for decades, it was becoming apparent that the
taxonomy was in need of
further development.
The contemporary development of the social power taxonomy
In response to the call for the power taxonomy to be updated,
rather than starting
anew, Raven decided to differentiate the six bases of power that
had become foremost
in the literature. Interestingly, in order to do this, he relied
rather heavily on the
literature produced by his predecessors and his colleagues
working at the RCGD in the
1950s. Distinctions were made between personal and impersonal
forms of reward and
coercive power, while legitimate power was partitioned into
four types (i.e. position,
reciprocity, equity, and dependence). Positive and negative
forms of expert and referent
power were identified, while informational power was
partitioned into direct and
indirect forms.
Personal versus impersonal reward and coercive power
In their original power taxonomy, French and Raven (1959)
conceived of reward and
coercive power as involving the ability of a supervisor to
manipulate objects and
events of relevance to employees (e.g. increased pay or
termination). While issues
pertaining to a supervisor’s personal approval and/or
disapproval had previously been
thought of as a component of referent power, this categorization
was latter determined
to be inappropriate (Raven, 2001). This conclusion was based
on the contention that
personal approval from another individual can be a very strong
reward, while the
threat of rejection can be a very strong form of coercion.
Support for this contention can
be obtained from the University of Michigan studies on the
“employee orientation”
leadership style, which places a strong emphasis on the
relationships that exist
between supervisors and subordinates (Bowers and Seashore,
1966). As a result,
reward and coercive power are now treated as taking either
personal (i.e. interpersonal
factors) or impersonal (i.e. positive or negative valences) forms.
Four forms of legitimate power: position, reciprocity, equity,
and dependence
Legitimate power was initially said to be at use when a
powerholder had a genuine
right to ask a target to comply with a request. For example,
some subordinates will
comply with a supervisor’s request simply because they believe
the supervisor has a
right to make requests of them. However, important
differentiations have been made
between this initial form of legitimate power (legitimate
position power) and other
forms of legitimate power that are based on several social
norms. Legitimate
reciprocity power is at use when the powerholder has previously
done something for
the target, and in essence, calls in a favor (e.g. I let you leave
work early yesterday,
so today I need for you to stay late). This reliance on
reciprocity is directly linked to one
of the most basic social obligations to return to others what they
have given to you
(Gouldner, 1960; Levine, 2003).
Similar to legitimate reciprocity power is legitimate equity
power. The key
difference between these two bases of power is in terms of how
much the powerholder
has previously done for the target. With reciprocity power, the
powerholder is asking
the target to do something similar to what the powerholder has
done for the target in
Influence in the
the past (e.g. stay late today because I let you leave early
yesterday). With equity
power there is a substantial difference in terms of what the
powerholder has done for
the target in the past and what is now being asked of the target
in return (e.g. stay late
today because for years I fought to provide you with adequate
work resources).
Legitimate dependence power stems from the social norm that
we should help those
who are dependent upon us (Berkowitz, 1972; Batson and
Powell, 2003). Therefore, any
time a powerholder lets it be known that his or her ability to do
something depends
upon a target’s compliance (e.g. I cannot meet this deadline
without your help),
legitimate dependence power is at use.
Positive versus negative expert and referent power
In the original power taxonomy (French and Raven, 1959), both
expert and referent
power were thought of in terms of being positive bases of
power. With positive expert
power, a subordinate complies with the request of a supervisor
because the supervisor
knows best. With positive referent power, a subordinate
complies with the request of a
supervisor because the subordinate identifies with the
supervisor. However, there are
situations in which expert and referent power can take negative
forms. For example,
while a supervisor may possess superior knowledge about a
certain facet of his or her
job, possessing such knowledge does not necessarily mean that
it will be put to use in a
way that will benefit his or her subordinates. On the contrary,
that supervisor’s
knowledge may be used in such a fashion (i.e. negative expert
power) that strictly
benefits him or herself, resulting in resistance to the influence
attempt. Negative
referent power is said to occur when a supervisor who is
disliked or not identified with
by his or her subordinates attempts to utilize social power. In
such situations, reactance
or doing the opposite of what the supervisor requests is likely to
occur given his or her
subordinates view him or her as being unattractive or
unappealing (Raven, 1992, 1993).
Direct versus indirect informational power
Recall that informational power involves providing a rational
explanation as to why
compliance should occur. However, information is not always
presented in a direct
fashion. For example, rather than directly confronting the issue,
it may be more
appropriate, effective, and less intimidating for a subordinate to
hint or suggest to his
or her supervisor that improvements can be made in the
workplace. While some have
put forward that indirect influence is more effective than direct
influence (Dunlap,
1934), others have empirically demonstrated this claim in
relation to what can best be
described as informational power (Hovland and Mandell, 1952).
Based upon a review of
the literature at the time, Hovland et al. (1953) concluded that
certain variables would
impact the effectiveness of direct and indirect persuasion (i.e.
kind of powerholder, kind
of target, and kind of issue). When considering this historical
research, as well as more
contemporary research examining the effect of gender on the
effective use of
informational power (Johnson, 1976), it became clear to Raven
(1992) that informational
power needed to be thought of in terms of being either direct or
Alternative taxonomies and theories of social power
While the French and Raven (1959) taxonomy is arguably the
most popular and
utilized conceptualization of social power, numerous other
power taxonomies and
theories can be observed in the management literature.
However, many of these
taxonomies and theories can either have their roots traced to, or
have a considerable
amount in common with, the French and Raven nomenclature.
For example, while
emphasizing the importance of power to organizational affairs,
Morgan (1997)
distinguishes among 14 sources of power. Parallels can be
drawn between many of
these sources of power and the broadened French and Raven
taxonomy. For example,
formal authority, control of scarce resources, and the control of
knowledge and
information can, respectively, be thought of as alternative forms
of legitimate position,
impersonal reward, and informational power (direct or indirect).
consistent with the writing of Morgan is that numerous studies
making use of the
original, as well as broadened, French and Raven taxonomy
have demonstrated
the role gender plays in one’s ability to use social power (Elias,
2004; Elias and
Cropanzano, 2006; Elias and Loomis, 2004).
Salancik and Pfeffer’s (1977) strategic-contingency model of
power distinguishes
between two forms of power frequently observed within
organizations: political and
institutionalized. Political power is obtained when an individual
or sub-unit is best able
to cope with the critical problems confronting an organization at
a particular point in
time. Institutionalized power is said to be in use when
individuals or sub-units take
steps to legitimize their power while reducing the power of
others. An emerging trend
in the management literature is the examination of managerial
power in terms of
restrictive versus promotive control (Elias, 2008; Elias and
MacDonald, 2006; Scholl,
1999). Restrictive control refers to situations in which a
manager relies on his or her
organization’s power structure in order to influence
subordinates. Promotive control
refers to situations in which a manager attends to his or her
subordinates opinions and
provides them the opportunity to have input during decision-
making processes.
Interestingly, neither political power, institutionalized power,
restrictive control, or
promotive control is linked to any specific means of
implementation. However, of each
of these methods of influence can be implemented through the
use of one or more of
French and Raven’s bases of power. For example, political
power can be exerted
through the use of positive expert and/or informational (direct
or indirect) power.
Institutionalized power and restrictive control can be
implemented through the use of
legitimate position power. Promotive control can be
implemented through positive
referent and, potentially, personal reward power.
In terms of the power process, Pfeffer and Fong (2005) have
written that in order for
one to acquire more power and influence in an organization, he
or she must attract
allies and supporters. While discussing the social psychology of
organizations, Baron
and Pfeffer (1994, p. 192) indicate “. . . social relationships at
work represent a major
source of satisfaction and are an important reward and
preoccupation for individuals
in the workplace.” Given the importance of social relationships
to the workplace in
general, and to the acquisition of power in particular, one can
see how the use of
personal forms of power (reward and coercive) can either
enhance or inhibit one’s
influence. Since personal reward power relies on positive
interpersonal interactions, the
use of such power will likely be associated with positive
outcomes (e.g. the attraction of
allies and supporters). Contrarily, because personal coercion
relies on negative
interpersonal interactions that do little to attract allies and
supporters, such power
usage would likely be deleterious. Indeed, Elias (2007) has
observed that in academic
settings, the use of personal coercion on the part faculty
members is perceived by
students as being highly inappropriate.
Influence in the
While an attempt has been made to differentiate the French and
Raven power
taxonomy from other power classifications and theories, the
breadth and scope of the
alternative classifications and theories presented should not be
considered exhaustive.
For example, while vastly different from the types of power
addressed above, there is a
substantial and sophisticated critical management studies
literature dedicated solely to
organizational power (Clegg et al., 2006). Furthermore, other
scholars have attempted
to differentiate the French and Raven taxonomy from additional
taxonomies not
presented here. For example, Vecchio (2007) has differentiated
the French and Raven
taxonomy from the classifications of power proposed by Kelman
(1961) and Etzioni
(1975). Pfeffer (1992) has done an outstanding job of exploring,
for example, sources of
power, methods of utilizing power, and means by which power
may be lost. In essence,
the hope is that by presenting alternative categorizations of
power, readers will be able
to situate the French and Raven taxonomy within the broader
literature addressing
issues of power in the workplace.
The power/interaction model
Based on several decades of research, Raven (1992) came to
appreciate that social
power was far more complex than a powerholder simply
utilizing one or more forms
of power in order to gain compliance from a target. As a result,
he developed the
power/interaction model (Figure 1), which offers a theoretical
perspective on several
factors that, in combination, help determine what means of
social power an individual
will use when attempting to influence another person. What
follows is an overview of
the model from the perspective of a supervisor influencing a
The first component of the power interaction model (motivation
to influence)
revolves around motivational factors that impact a supervisor’s
choice of influence
strategies. While it was not uncommon for philosophers such as
Thomas Hobbes and
Friedrich Nietzsche to write that humans have a universal
motive for power,
philosophers with a specific interest in social power (Russell,
1938) came to realize that
one’s motivation to utilize power can be either instrumental or
intrinsic. For example,
a supervisor with a strong, rather than weak, power motive (i.e.
an intrinsic need to
seek power or a strong concern with having influence over
others (Winter, 1973;
McClelland, 1985)) will be more likely to desire influence over
subordinates and will
Figure 1.
The power interaction
Motivation to Influence
(e.g., Role requirement,
attainment of extrinsic goals,
personality, motivation)
Assessment of Available Power
(e.g., Individual bases of power,
manipulation, invoking the power
of a third party)
Assessment of Available Bases
in Relation to Target, Power
Preferences, and Inhibitions
(e.g., Effort, organizational
culture, secondary losses)
Preparing for Influence
(e.g., Setting the stage, self-
presentation strategies,
enhancing power)
Choice of Power Bases and
the Influence Attempt
(e.g., Public vs. private
compliance, damage to the
supervisor – subordinate
relationship, resistance)
Source: Raven (1992, 1993)
attempt to use a wider variety of power bases (Frieze and
Boneva, 2001). Contrarily, a
supervisor who uses power only when he or she must attain
certain organizational
objectives is likely to rely primarily on the legitimate forms of
power associated with
his or her supervisory position (Cartwright, 1965). In a similar
manner, a supervisor’s
role requirements or display rules (e.g. service with a smile)
may motivate him or her to
only utilize those bases of power that will conform with his or
her organization’s
standards and be perceived of in a positive light.
The second component of the model (assessment of available
power bases)
addresses the specific types of power a supervisor may have
available to him or her, as
well as the possible outcomes associated with using each tactic.
For instance, while
some supervisors may feel they have substantial direct
informational power at their
disposal, they may refrain from using it due to the perceived
effort that would go into
logically explaining their requests. Likewise, a supervisor may
know that he or she
possesses impersonal coercive power (e.g. the ability to
terminate employment at will),
but does not wield it frequently because such actions run
counter to the organizations
culture and can result in a backlash. Hogg and Reid (2001)
address the selection of
power bases from a social identity perspective. Specifically,
when a leader possesses a
strong in-group identification with his or her subordinates, he or
she is unlikely to use
coercive or caustic forms of power because such negative
behavior directed at in-group
members is, in effect, also directed at oneself. In addition, the
appraisal of potential
outcomes associated with power usage is consistent with classic
research (Hovland
et al., 1953) indicating an influencing agent should estimate the
intelligence of his or her
audience in order to determine whether a direct or indirect
persuasive message would
be most effective.
The third component of the model (preparing for influence
attempts) involves a
supervisor setting the stage for his or her use of power.
Typically, this would involve
supervisors doing certain things or presenting themselves in
certain ways that remind
or reiterate to employees that they possess social power. For
instance, physicians
enhance their positive expert power by prominently displaying
their degrees and
certifications. One may enhance his or her ability to use
legitimate reciprocity power by
offering another individual unsolicited favors ahead of time
(Raven, 2001). Johnson and
Lennon (1999) have edited a text with the primary purpose of
informing readers as to
how their attire can be used to increase their ability to
effectively use social power. For
example, research based on interviews of female employees
indicates that if females
want to project a powerful image in the workplace, they should
wear jewelry made
from expensive materials such as gold, diamonds, and pearls
(Rubinstein, 1995; Rucker
et al., 1999).
The fourth component of the model (choice of power bases and
the influence
attempt) involves a supervisor deciding on which base or bases
of power to use, and
then carrying out the attempt to influence a subordinate. The
final component of the
model (effects) serves as a feedback loop that has the potential
to impact a supervisor’s
future influence attempts. Specifically, the outcomes associated
with an influence
attempt will have an effect on the supervisor’s future motivation
to influence, and his
or her assessment of available power bases. For example, if a
supervisor associates the
use of personal reward power with increased productivity from
his or her employees,
that supervisor’s motivation to use such power in the future will
be strengthened.
In this instance, it can be said that the outcome associated with
the influence attempt
Influence in the
has served to reinforce or fortify (Skinner, 1953) the
supervisor’s motivation. Similarly,
if personal coercion is associated with a great deal of resistance
and discontent on the
part of an employee, a manager may no longer assess personal
coercion as being an
effective means of influence in relation to this worker. In this
instance, it can be said
that the outcome or effect associated with the influence attempt
has served to weaken
the supervisor’s ability to use personal coercion.
Future research and practice
Because of the advances that have been made to the power
taxonomy over the past
50 years, as well as the development of the power/interaction
model, there is a great
deal of potential knowledge for researchers and practitioners
alike to discover and
apply. From an empirical standpoint, perhaps the most pressing
need is a
methodologically sound measure of the broadened power
taxonomy. Currently, there
is but one measure of the broadened taxonomy, the interpersonal
power inventory
(Raven et al., 1998), but this measure does not assess each of
the 14 power bases.
Specifically, indirect informational, negative expert, and
negative referent power are
not measured by this questionnaire, leaving important
information pertaining to these
tactics unexamined (see Schwarzwald and Koslowsky (2001) for
a review of studies
that have made use of the interpersonal power inventory).
It is likely that social power is at use any time two or more
individuals are
interacting with one another in the workplace. However, given
leadership is typically
described as a social influence process (Bryman, 1996; Avolio
et al., 2003; Northouse,
2007), scholars and practitioners in the field of leadership stand
to benefit from an
understanding of the broadened power taxonomy and the
power/interaction model. At
this point, it is important to note that leadership and power are
separate, albeit-related,
variables. However, according to Zaleznik (1998, p. 63),
“Leadership inevitably requires
using power to influence the thoughts and actions of others.”
That being said,
leadership involves getting followers to pursue your vision for
the organization,
while power involves getting individuals to comply with your
requests, even if they are
reluctant to do so (Hogg, 2005). While this distinction is
common place in the
contemporary power and leadership literatures, the
differentiation dates back to
Barnard (1938), who distinguished between authority based on
one’s leadership skills
versus authority based on one’s position within an organization.
Important information would be obtained from examining the
relationships that
likely exist between the 14 bases of power and perceptions of
leadership in terms of
being either transactional or transformational, a distinction that
is currently a major
focus in the leadership literature (Lowe and Gardner, 2000).
Transactional leadership
focuses on the exchanges that occur between a supervisor and a
subordinate, while
transformational leadership focuses on the connection between
the supervisor and the
subordinate, which can serve to elevate both individual’s
motivation and morality
(Burns, 1978). Given transformational leadership is associated
with such issues as trust
and increased organizational citizenship behavior (going beyond
the call of duty to
better the organization (Podsakoff et al., 1990)), knowledge of
which power bases foster
perceptions of transformational leadership would be of
importance to both researchers
and practitioners.
It is likely that specific forms of social power are related to the
exchange (LMX) that exists between a supervisor and his or her
LMX theory views leadership as hinging upon the quality of the
interactions that occur
between a leader and an individual follower (Graen and Uhl-
Bien, 1995). In a high-LMX
relationship, a good amount of reciprocity occurs between the
leader and the follower,
while in a low-LMX relationship, subordinates typically come
to work, do their job,
and go home (Northouse, 2007). Furthermore, subordinates that
are part of high-LMX
relationships tend to receive more personal (e.g. confidence and
concern) and
impersonal (e.g. information and influence) benefits from their
supervisors than do
those involved in low-LMX relationships. When considering the
benefits associated
with a high-LMX relationship, it becomes apparent that there
are likely links between
the development of high LMX and legitimate reciprocity,
personal and impersonal
reward, personal and impersonal coercive, and positive referent
power. Similar to the
concept of LMX is a variable known as team-member exchange
(TMX). TMX refers to
the extent to which a team member works effectively with his or
her team members, as
well as, the level of reciprocity that occurs between the team
member and his or her
peers (Seers, 1989). Given the differences that exist in the
outcomes associated with
upward, downward, and lateral power usage (Yukl and Tracey,
1992), researchers may
wish to examine how the various types of power used within a
workgroup impact
TMX quality.
While the potential studies alluded to above are important, they
are only scratching
the surface in terms of the ways in which the broadened power
taxonomy and the
power/interaction model can be applied to organizational
research and the
management literature. For example, important information can
be gleaned from
projects investigating the links between the differentiated bases
of social power and
such variables as organizational commitment, job satisfaction,
citizenship behavior, absenteeism, burnout, turnover intentions,
locus of control,
self-efficacy, productivity, mentor-mentored relationships, and
any number of other
important constructs. Furthermore, it is worth reiterating the
fact that the power
interaction model offers a theoretical perspective as to how
several variables interact
to influence the ways in which we use social power. While
numerous studies have been
cited as evidence for the veracity of certain components of the
model, confidence in the
model will be greatly enhanced once research has been
completed that examines and
supports the model as a whole.
Given the popularity of continuing education workshops, in-
service trainings, and
leadership development programs, practitioners stand to benefit
from an
understanding of the broadened power taxonomy and the
power/interaction model.
Perhaps, one the most widely read texts among practitioners in
the area of leadership is
The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes and Posner, 2002), which
offers countless pieces of
advice on how to be an effective leader. A fair amount of this
advice can be thought of
in terms of how a leader utilizes his or her power when
interacting with subordinates.
For example, according to Kouzes and Posner (2002, p. 255),
“It’s absolutely essential
that every leader keep the norms of reciprocity and fairness in
mind.” This suggestion
is due to the belief that when leaders utilize reciprocity within
their organizations, they
develop cooperative relationships among their employees. It is
likely that such a belief
has implications for the ways in which leaders make use of
legitimate reciprocity and
legitimate equity power.
In terms of what employees look for in leaders, Kouzes and
Posner (2002) contend
that employees want leaders who express caring attitudes
towards their
Influence in the
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23March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management JournalHD.docx

  • 1. 23March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal HDM Modeling as a Tool to Assist Management With Employee Motivation: The Case of Silicon Forest Georgina Harell, Portland State University Tugrul U. Daim, Portland State University the various options more than once, and put a number to the importance of one option over another. This study shows a pathway to employee motivation more than the traditional HDM approach which has the end result being one choice. The group survey results provide a better understanding of the differences and the specific values of the groups and smaller sub-groups. For example, management can conclude from this survey that women’s tangible motivators are pay and bonuses followed by outside environment and working conditions. Literature Review The theory of human motivation started as an interest of psychologists, but managers soon realized the importance of knowing how to motivate their workforce. The work of human motivation started as early as the Greeks (Skinner, 1965), and is still intriguing many researchers today. Motivation through conditioning responses has been explored in great detail since the late 19th century. The most famous account of conditioned responses has to be that of Pavlov’s dog—where a dog was conditioned to
  • 2. salivate at the sound of a bell by repeatedly reinforcing that after a certain sound food would be presented. This type of response has been termed a conditioned reflex. In short, the subject has been trained to produce a response normally associated with stimulus A when stimulus B is presented. Pavlov’s work was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of understanding human behavior in response to a stimulus (Skinner, 1965). E.L. Thorndike expanded the knowledge of human behavior by exploring the concept of learning curves. Thorndike did considerable research examining how long it took creatures to solve a simple problem, for example, how to escape from a latched box. Thorndike noted that initially the creature would take a considerable amount of time to solve the problem, but after more and more attempts at the same situation the solution came more and more quickly. Learning curves help clarify how behavior in complex situations are sorted, emphasized, and reordered. Thorndike’s work is a pivotal step toward the more modern concept of operant conditioning (Skinner, 1965). Operant conditioning is far more complicated than the simple notion of reflex conditioning illustrated by Pavlov. Operant conditioning looks at human behavior as a complicated series of tendencies, and rather than looking at responses as either happening or not happening, operant conditioning considers a response as having a probability of occurring. By examining human behavior as a probability of a response occurring, more complicated interactions can be examined. There are two points in operant conditioning—operant reinforcement, where a subject is conditioned to respond in a desired fashion more frequently,
  • 3. and operant extinction, the slow fading of the increased response frequency after reinforcement has been removed. What is critical Refereed management tool manuscript. Accepted by Associate Editor Farrington. Abstract: This article gives a brief introduction into the history of human motivation research and discusses a variety of motivational theories. From the numerous theories reviewed, the main motivational elements are assembled into a Hierarchical Decision Model (HDM). A pairwise comparison survey was developed as a tool for managers to use when trying to develop a motivational strategy, i.e., which motivational theory or theories works best for their employees. Finally, as a proof of concept, the questionnaire was tested with 50 professionals in the high tech industry in the Portland area also known as the Silicon Forest. Keywords: Employee Motivation, Hierarchical Decision Model (HDM), Pairwise Comparison EMJ Focus Areas: Organizational Performance and Assessment In the definition of motive, the root word is motivate— “something (as a need or desire) that causes a person to act” (Merriam-Webster, 2007). Many managers are contemplating how and what they can do to motivate their workforce. The consequences of unmotivated employees are a huge expense in the way of innovation, production, and quality. Management cannot treat people like machines and expect positive results; people offer specialized abilities, actions, vigor, and time commitments
  • 4. that machines cannot provide (Davenport, 2000). In terms of organizational benefit, humans can contribute new and innovative ideas, put in extra time and energy to make a strategic partner, or have a unique talent that no one else possesses. Organizations benefit most when employees are committed and engaged (Davenport, 2000). Managers need to make sure they are in tune with their employees’ motivators and not just blindly following a motivational theory. Asking employees what motivates them and listening and acting on the responses is very important. Not all employees are created equal or value the same thing, so managers may need to tailor a motivational strategy whenever possible. An example from this survey is how the social psychological motivator shows that the male group valued autonomy/responsibility/variety of task more than all other social psychological motivators in the survey, while the female group valued growth/development/ advancement above autonomy/responsibility/variety of task. We showed that using pairwise comparisons is a good way to get your employees to actually weigh each criterion against the others. This method makes employees actually think about 24 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal in operant conditioning from an employee motivation perspective is how to identify operant reinforcing events (Skinner, 1965).
  • 5. Two types of reinforcers have been identified: positive reinforcers and negative reinforcers. Positive reinforcers consist of adding a positive stimuli to the environment, e.g., providing food or water. Negative reinforcers, on the other hand, are the removal of negative stimuli from the environment, e.g., reducing a disturbing noise or bright light. When dealing with individuals, several generalized reinforcers have been identified: attention, approval, affection, submissiveness, and a token. In the work environment, the reinforcer types of approval, submissiveness, and token are the most applicable. People generally respond to the approval of a peer or manager while dominance or a perceived pecking order can invoke a submissive response. Finally, a token, often money or some other physical reward, is a strong reinforcer (Skinner, 1965). In 1943, A.H. Maslow came out with “A Theory of Human Motivation,” in which he discussed how humans have basic needs that need to be met, and once these basic needs have been met a higher level of needs arises. According to Maslow, individuals have a hierarchy by which their needs are ordered, and since everyone is different their needs order will vary. The five basic needs that are identified in Maslow’s theory are: physiological, belonging, self-actualization, safety, and esteem (Maslow, 1943; Hughes, 1999). Maslow further surmised that human beings are never satisfied and, as such, their goals are never fully achieved.
  • 6. Because individuals always want, they play a game of give and take with the order and priority of their goals. In other words, as goals are met or reprioritized, there is always another need to take its place (Maslow, 1943). The Hierarchy of Needs theory makes a valid observation regarding humans’ basic needs and their continuous desire to strive for more which results in a never ending reprioritization of needs and goals. Management can definitely benefit from learning what their employees value in regard to their needs and goals. A key piece for managers to take away from the Hierarchy of Needs is that an employee’s needs are continuously changing and, therefore, what satisfies and motivates an employee today may not be’ what motivates them a year or six months from now. In the 1950s McGregor published his theories of X and Y. Theory X makes the statement that people do not want to work and that they are inherently lazy and need to be coerced into working and led by management. McGregor alludes to Maslow’s theory and the five main goals that Maslow states as people’s main goals as he explains that in today’s society theory X will not work to motivate employees because “…physiological and safety needs are reasonably satisfied and whose social, egoistic, and self-fulfillment needs are predominant” (McGregor, 2000). McGregor then goes on to explain how we must now use Theory Y in which he talks about workers having a potential and capacity to take on responsibility, but management is needed to motivate and guide the employee. Instead of the workers being unintelligent and unmotivated, employees simply need the right motivators. Management’s purpose, therefore, is to find the correct motivators for their employees and help them with any issues they may encounter (McGregor, 2000). Theory X is
  • 7. a highly involved management structure, while Theory Y leans more toward management giving the employee the objective, and the employee self-managing and completing the project. McGregor seems to be discussing two different types of motivational styles for two separate types of workers, and not so much the evolution of motivation based on the meeting of basic needs in the hierarchy model mentioned in Maslow’s theory. The manager needs to figure out what type of employees they are dealing with so they can use the correct type of motivational theory when deciding between X and Y. Some employees may also need a mixture of these theories. For example, if you have an employee who desires a large work load but also desires plenty of direction, he or she can be motivated by making sure they are given a sizeable work load but are also given access to feedback and direction as needed. Another example might be the highly skilled laborer who needs little direction to accomplish a task, but requires prodding to actually get the job finished. Both theories have valid attributes, but making a generalization to use one theory or another could be disastrous to a manager’s career and an employee’s motivation. Herzberg developed the Motivation-Hygiene Theory which discusses management’s inability to motivate workers and how motivation does not come from just raising salaries, fringe
  • 8. benefits, or duties of the worker (Herzberg, 1987). He talks about management’s need to use the KITA (Kick In The Ass) management style (Herzberg, 1987). Negative KITA occurs when the management has to use force to get the employee to work, whereas positive KITA occurs when management dangles a reward to get the employee to finish the task. Neither method is a good form of management and is definitely not motivation. Herzberg goes on to explain that positive personal KITA, where the employee kicks himself into doing the task, is the true motivator. Since Herzberg’s theory, management has spent considerable time and money developing ways to get employees to motivate themselves. Some examples of programs to develop positive personal KITA are: sensitivity training, human relations training, and employee counseling, just to name a few (Herzberg, 1987). Unfortunately these types of trainings have an initial positive result but they only work for a short duration. As a result, in order to sustain positive personal KITAs, more and more programs have to be developed and implemented with no guarantee the desired results will be achieved. The hygienes or KITAs he lists in his theory are the factors that cause employees to be discontented: company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationships, working conditions, salary, status, and security (Chapman, 1995; Herzberg, 1987). The motivators he list are the factors that cause employees to be motivated: achievement, recognition for achievement, the work itself, responsibility, growth, or advancement (Chapman, 1995; Herzberg, 1987). Managers need to work to place people in the correct job and use their skills effectively. Keeping employees motivated and eliminating as much hygiene as possible will help the people and company as a whole gain many rewards, including bottom line benefits. Herzberg also mentions that if you are not using employees to their full level of abilities, management will see motivational problems (Herzberg, 1987).
  • 9. Sirota talks about Herzberg’s “motivator theory”. The theory suggests that it is challenging and interesting work that keeps employees motivated, and working conditions, wages, and benefits have little to do with working employee motivation. He argues that Herzberg’s theory only pertains to a small percentage of the workforce. The author believes job enrichment includes four key elements (Sirota, 1973): (1) rating the responsibility level of a job, (2) increasing the discretion with which the job is performed, (3) increasing “closure” (doing “the whole thing”), and (4) increasing the timeliness of performance feedback. An enrichment program in a silicon slicing company proved that if you give employees responsibility then they are happier and perform better. Each employee was given a toolset to own that they did not share. The employees were given responsibility to do maintenance on their 25March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal own, replace blades when they decided it was necessary, and to call repairs in directly without a manager’s approval. The outcome was no more dog tools, increased yields, cost of maintaining tools decreased, and employees were happier. This concept also worked on assembly lines where jobs tended to be segmented down under the assumption that the more segmented management could
  • 10. make the jobs the less skilled and less training the employees would need (Sirota, 1973). Job enrichment is not the answer to every problem at a company, by questioning employees and analyzing their answers management can identify the problems employees feel are important and need to be solved. Job enrichment is an important aspect in employee motivation and it can help if it is one of the things that is wrong with employee working situations (Sirota, 1973). Herzberg is correct that it is a benefit, especially to managers, to understand what motivates employees in a positive way. By this, what is meant by motivate is what makes them want to do work themselves without the need for pushing, prodding, or micro- managing. Sirota makes an argument against Herzberg’s theory based on employee’s need of financial recognition and more than just employees needing positive feedback but needing timely positive feedback. The timely feedback component identified by Sirota is a very important factor that cannot be overlooked by management. If someone does a good job but does not get any feedback for a few months about the successfulness of the work, then how are they to know their work was not a failure. Both men make points on appreciation, but only Sirota comes out and highlights that raises and bonuses are a form of appreciation and, thus, motivation. Some individuals will take on responsibility, but they do not seek it or totally thrive when given it. McClelland developed the Three Needs Theory, also called
  • 11. the Acquired-Needs Theory or the Learned Needs Theory. McClelland’s theory states that an individual’s needs were developed through their life events and over a period of time. The major needs of an individual could be classified into one of the following three categories: affiliation, power, or achievement (McClelland, 1961). Furthermore, individual’s motivational factors are influenced by one of these three needs. An individual who highly values affiliation wants to have good relationships with people and strives to have more personal interactions. An individual who is driven by power can be classified into two subsets, either a person who seeks personal power or a person who seeks institutional power. Personal power is the individual’s need to be in charge of others (McClelland, 1961). Alternatively, institutional power seekers are not looking to have power over others; instead they seek the power to organize and meet objectives. The last type of need is achievement. People who are directed by their achievement needs are overachievers and tend to work alone or with people who also highly value achievement (McClelland, 1961). Every person tends to stick to their needs at varying levels, so you may have two people who have a high need for institutional power, but one of them may value this more than the other person and push to lead the project team. The three needs theory has many positive attributes and can benefit a manager when they are trying to pick a person for certain roles in the organization or when combining a team for a project; however, McClelland does not look into the possibility
  • 12. of an individual actually being made up of two or three of these needs. He does discuss how people have higher need strengths but they also may fall directly into two categories. A person who is extremely institutionally power driven could get the job done, but a better choice for leading a team could be the person who is not only intuitionally driven but also highly affiliation driven. This type of individual can do a better job of negotiating with outside vendors and, in turn, not only get the job accomplished but also make strategic partnerships with outside vendors while doing it. The Equity Theory was developed by J. Stacy Adams and is also called Adam’s Theory of Inequity. The theory presents how motivation (specifically for employees) is directly related to how people judge themselves against others. These judgments are made by looking at their specific inputs and outputs as compared to others and judging if they are being treated reasonably (Adams, 2002). The inputs are things such as qualifications, time, expertise, intelligence, etc. Examples of outputs are salary perks, power, benefits, etc. People tend to do a mathematical ratio comparing their individual outcomes and individual inputs to others’ outcomes and others’ inputs (Adams, 2002). Based on the perception the employee has on their ratio compared to others’ ratios will correlate directly to their personal motivation (Adams, 2002). Adams theory is illustrated below in Exhibit 6. An example of this theory is that people who judge themselves as being underpaid are two times as likely to leave a job as employees who perceive themselves as adequately compensated financially
  • 13. (Goodman, 1971). Employees will increase or decrease their inputs (i.e., performance level) to maintain a balance if they believe a disproportion in equity exists compared to their peers (Goodman, 1971). Studies have been performed that backup Adam’s theory. An example is in a situation where workers seem to be aware of the discrepancies pertaining to pay discrepancies in output: the hourly worker who is paid less will consistently produce less than the higher paid employee, whereas in a piece- rated system the higher paid individual will produce higher quality pieces but at lower quantity (Goodman, 1971). Adams has an extremely applicable theory, especially in today’s society where everyone is trying to “keep up with the Jones’s.” Most individuals are striving to get the newest and best of everything while judging their value and happiness against others. Management may feel they are able to control this (equity ratio judging) by mandating rules about disclosure of salary and compensation, but they are fooling themselves. Employees talk, and salaries and compensation packages are known throughout the company – not just by management. Also, employees do not judge on salary alone, and they may lower their effort level if they feel all their peers are not giving the same effort to make the ratio equal in their minds. Vroom developed, and Porter and Lawler built upon, the Expectancy Theory. Vroom was the first to propose VIE as a theory. Valence-Instrumentality-Expectancy (VIE) Theory looks at the relationship between task characteristics and intrinsic motivation
  • 14. to achieve higher employee performance. The theory contends that human behavior is a function of three related factors: (1) belief that effort will result in a desired performance level, (2) belief that performance will lead to rewards, and (3) the value of performing and accomplishing a task and the associated believed reward for that performance. These three factors are valence, expectancy, and instrumentality, and multiplying the three individual beliefs for an individual will give you their motivation to work (Vroom, 1964). Vroom believed that the three VIE components were mentally directing and prompting of our actions (Sunil, 2004). Vroom’s definition for Valence is the emotional desire for the perceived outcome. Instrumentality is the individual’s believed probability that the action will lead to the perceived outcome. Expectancy is whether or not the individual believes that the result of their effort is probable (Sunil, 2004). Lawler, Porter, and others have built on Vroom’s theory, but the core VIE elements remain tried and true throughout the majority of research that has investigated the VIE 26 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal Theory (Porter, 1968; Kesselman, 1974). Porter and Lawler put in feedback loops that add into the model such as role perceptions,
  • 15. extrinsic and intrinsic rewards, etc. The model showed the source of V and E and showed the links between effort, performance, and job satisfaction (Porter, 1968; Kesselman, 1974). Vroom et al. have a valid point—people want to know what the reward for the effort exerted will be before initializing a task, and they also make a personal judgment of the value of the reward. If they feel the reward is well worth the payoff then they will be more motivated to accomplish the task. Managers will have to exert less effort in motivating employees to perform a task or project if they can help employees realize and find value in the outcome before they begin. In the 1950s, Eric Trist studied the English coal mining industry and concluded that the technological increases in the industry, i.e., machines taking over human jobs, had actually decreased people’s productivity. The main conclusion of his research was the development of the Socio-Technical Theory which concludes that both social and technical systems are at play in the workplace. The way the systems are interconnected plays a vital role in the success of the whole system (Richard, 2002). The Social/Human system takes a holistic approach to motivating employees by properly matching individuals with jobs. When Trist did a critique of scientific management, his model stressed the need to include social and psychological aspects into employee satisfaction models rather then focusing merely on organizational and individual needs. To accomplish this Trist devised several socio-technical requirements of job design based
  • 16. on psychological requirements of the job. The psychological requirements are the need for the job to provide reasonably demanding content, an opportunity to learn, autonomy, support and recognition, a relationship between the product and employee’s life, and the feeling of a desirable future. Analyzing these psychological requirements resulted in the following seven job design principles (Trist, 1970): A variety of tasks1. A series of tasks that relate to a single overall task2. An optimal length of work cycles3. Standards of performance and recognition4. Boundary tasks5. Tasks requiring some level of skill and worthy of respect6. Tasks that are perceived to contribute to the overall product.7. Trist’s theory makes a great argument for aligning people with jobs that will motivate them based on what motivates them psychologically. Although the seven principles make sense for the majority of people, the theory still needs to expand to encompass that not all employees are going to be motivated by the seven principles outlined. As an example, a manager might notice that their employee is motivated and enjoys doing repetitive tasks. If they push this individual to do a variety of tasks they are going to actually unmotivated this employee. In developing the Requisite Task Attribute Model, Turner and Lawrence devised six key task characteristics believed to be critical to job satisfaction: variety, autonomy, responsibility, knowledge and skill, optional interaction, and required interaction. When
  • 17. correlating the weighted index developed from the six task characteristics, it was found that no strong correlation to job satisfaction could be devised (Turner, 1975; Steers, 1977). Upon further research into these findings, Turner and Lawrence found that individual differences such as rural vs. urban backgrounds and situational differences such as coworker relationships or management style played a critical role in which characteristics led to job satisfaction. The realization that individual and situational differences play a large part in employee satisfaction was the key finding of this research (Turner, 1975; Steers, 1977). During the 1950s Drucker discussed the need for management to be both economically and socially minded. He believed that the changes in business put higher standards on managers, and that they needed to develop and incorporate both skills—not just one or the other (Drucker, 1955). He went on to explain that human capital is a truly valuable resource and the building block of companies. His conclusion about highly skilled workforces was that management needs to create motivation by doing several things. First, realize that the people cannot be ordered and micromanaged as in the past. Employees need motivation and that motivation comes from management. Second, management needs to design jobs that are challenging, and give the employee growth opportunity and a sense of accomplishment. Third, make sure people are paired with the correct job for them. This can and does change over time. Fourth, people need objectives that are precise and exact. Management also needs to make sure workers
  • 18. are expected to do excellent work and not just let them get by with average performance and production. Fifth, give the employees tasks aligned with their strengths and also the tools they need to get the job done. This includes proper training, supplies, etc. Lastly, make sure you are rewarding employees properly for a job well done (Drucker, 1955). Sirota, Michkind, and Meltzer discussed that the main belief is that management is meant to motivate employees. Management should make employees happy—thus it will positively affect employee morale and performance—thus helping the company’s bottom line (Sirota, 2005). A major amount of research supports the assumption that employee morale positively correlates to company performance including stock price. New employees have the highest job satisfaction and it goes down considerably until the ten year mark when it seems to show a little improvement. Ten percent of organizations do not notice this loss in morale— in fact, they seem to harness the motivation and use it for their advantage. Management negatively affects morale by making policy and business decisions based on the “bad seeds” or negative employees, and by not giving employees enough credit or kudos for doing their jobs well (Sirota, 2005). Layoffs are never going to help morale—they make employees feel like a disposable commodity. Also, high levels of bureaucracy are not good for morale. Gaining high morale takes work, and managers need to work on treating employees fairly not only with monetary compensation but also with respect and fair treatment. Managers need to challenge employees with their work so they can learn new skills and feel a sense of accomplishment. Also, managers need to show appreciation for their employees’ work which in
  • 19. turn will benefit the organization by increased employee motivation. Managers need to satisfy employees socially by allowing them good team members with whom to work and supporting a teamwork environment. A successful organization should follow the rules below to keep employees motivated (Sirota, 2005). Employees are laid off as a last resort and not the first thing • management does Compensation and benefits are competitive or slightly above • the industry average Employees are treated respectfully both by their immediate • supervisors and by the organization as a whole (for example, all employees may be salaried, and superfluous status symbols are kept to a minimum) 27March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal Employees are organized into self-managed teams where • they control many aspects of their work processes Obstacles to performance are removed, usually on the basis • of employee input The financial benefits of employees’ performance are shared • with employees (through plans such as “gainsharing,” by far the most effective way to pay for performance) Employees receive full communication regarding all aspects • of the business The company’s vision and strategic direction are largely • centered on satisfying customers and doing so through the effort, ideas, and ingenuity of the workforce
  • 20. The models reviewed had two types of motivators. First, employees were motivated by psychological and social elements of the job. Second, employees were motivated by tangible benefits such as pay, awards, etc. The elements extracted from the literature review that made it into the survey developed for this study are listed below in Exhibit 1. Exhibit 1. Employee Motivational Factors Social-Psychological Tangible 1. Autonomy, Responsibility, Variety of Tasks 2. Growth/Development, Advancement 3. Interactions: Feedback, Coworker Relationship, Manager Relationship 4. Power, Respect 5. Pride, Sense of Accomplishment 1. Pay Bonuses 2. Fringe Benefits (Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Vacation, Retirement, SPP) 3. Recognition (awards) 4. Outside Environment
  • 21. 5. Working Conditions (Work Environment, Hours, Ame- nities, Activities) The items listed in Exhibit 1 were extracted from the numerous theories reviewed based on common motivational factors identified amongst the theories. Common factors were lumped together into groups for the purpose of the survey. Exhibits 2 and 3 list the motivational categories identified and which theories reviewed identified these categories as motivational factors. Autonomy, Responsibility, Variety of Task Growth, Development, Advancement Pride, Sense of Accomplishment Interactions, Feedback, Relationships Power, Respect Top two tiers of Maslow’s
  • 22. pyramid Second tier of Maslow’s pyramid Second tier of Maslow’s pyramid Fourth tier of Maslow’s pyramid Second tier of Maslow’s pyramid McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y Herzberg’s motivators Herzberg’s motivators Herzberg’s motivators Herzberg hygiene factors Herzberg hygiene factors McClelland achievement McClelland affiliation McClelland power Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Trist’s Socio-Technical Trist’s Socio-Technical Trist’s Socio-Technical
  • 23. Requisite Task Turner and Lawrence Requisite Task Turner and Lawrence Requisite Task Turner and Lawrence Pay Bonuses Fringe Benefits Recognition Outside Environment Working Conditions Fourth tier of Maslow’s pyramid Fourth tier of Maslow’s pyramid Second tier of Maslow’s pyramid Fourth tier of Maslow’s pyramid McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y McGregor theory Y Herzberg’s hygiene factor Herzberg’s motivators Herzberg’s hygiene factor Herzberg’s hygiene factor
  • 24. McClelland achievement Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Adam’s equity Vroom et. al expectancy Vroom et. al expectancy Trist’s Socio-Technical Trist’s Socio-Technical Trist’s Socio-Technical Requisite Task Turner and Lawrence Requisite Task Turner and Lawrence Exhibit 2. Socio-Psychological Motivational Factors Exhibit 3. Tangible Motivational Factors 28 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal Research Methodology We wanted to further explore the motivational factors in Exhibits 1, 2 and 3, and identify which ones are preferred over others in different settings. This article focused on technical professionals and
  • 25. used a sample of technical professionals in the Portland, Oregon area. We used a hierarchical decision model (HDM) to address multiple levels involved in this decision making process. The concept of hierarchical modeling (also know as Analytical Hierarchy Process, or AHP) can be applied to structurally decompose complex problems (Saaty, 1978, 1979, 1990, 1994). Previous studies have used either three level or four level hierarchical models for evaluation and assessment of alternatives (Gerdsri and Kocaoglu, 2007). The scores used in selection methods are the relative importance measures of the various criteria and attributes. The weights assigned to criteria, attributes, and other parameters in decision models represent the final impacts of a series of interrelated actions on the outcomes of those models (Chen and Kocaoglu, 2008). Hierarchical decision models are used in several different decision problems: Bohanec and Zupan (2004) in real estate; Bohanec et al. (2000) in health care, Cakir and Canbolat (2007) in inventory management, Al-Subhi and Al-Harbi (2001) in project management, Karami (2006) and Montazar and Behbahani (2007) in irrigation management, Leung et al. (1998) in pelagic fishery, Mau-Crimmins et al. (2005) in national forest planning, Rabelo, et al. (2007) in construction, Azadeh et al. (2007) in railway system improvement and optimization, Bozbura et al. (2007) in human resource management, Parra-López et al. (2007) in agriculture, Bertolini et al. (2006) in public work contracts, Wong and Li (2008) in evaluation of innumerable intelligent building products,
  • 26. Lin et al. (2007) in identifying customer requirements, Durán and Aguilo (2007) in evaluation and justification of an advanced manufacturing system, Celik et al. (2007) in building, Galan et al. (2007) in manufacturing. The Hierarchal Decision Model (HDM) using a pairwise comparison survey was chosen for this research study due to the complex decisions that managers face when motivating employees. A manager does not face one right answer or straight line to follow when motivating employees since there are multiple levels and types of motivators to consider (e.g., psychological/social elements and tangible benefits). Using the main motivational elements identified from the literature, a two part survey was developed to provide pairwise comparison of the key motivational factors. Pairwise comparison forms the basis of an HDM process. Pairwise Comparison reflects the relative importance of a pair of elements as perceived by the expert. The relative importance is measured by distributing 100 points between the two options. This is then converted into weights using scale normalization and priority matrices (Kocaoglu, 1983). The questionnaire was developed from the historic data gathered from the motivation theories presented in the literature review. The final survey developed and administered during this research project can be seen in Appendix A. The survey was given to 50 professionals in the high tech industry of the Portland, Oregon, area. Each person was given the survey and given three weeks in which to complete the survey and return it to the
  • 27. author. Out of the 50 people given the survey, 30 people or 60% responded. Within the 30 survey respondents, 13 were female and 17 were men. Three separate analyses were conducted on the data gathered from the surveys. First, the entire group was analyzed, and then the male and female sub groups were analyzed to assess any potential motivational differences between the sexes. The HDM model developed for the survey can be seen in Exhibit 4. The first level is the goal of this research study, i.e., how to motivate employees. The second level consists of the intangible motivators identified and illustrated above on the right side of Exhibit 1. Finally, the third level of the HDM contains the tangible motivators that were listed on the left side of Exhibit 1. Appendix B provides the details of the model that resulted through the surveys. The first set of pairwise comparisons from the survey gave the weighting of the social-psychological motivators as compared against the objective and can be seen for the three groups (total, men, and women). The light gray labels are the results for the group as a whole. The medium gray labels are the results for the men only, and the dark gray labels are the outcomes for the women only. Results The results for the Social-Psychological motivators with respect to the objective shown in Exhibit 4 shows that the overall group equally valued autonomy/responsibility/variety of task and pride/sense of accomplishment. The overall group valued power/
  • 28. respect the least among the five social-psychological motivators. On the other hand, autonomy/responsibility/variety of task was clearly the dominant motivator among the male group. Finally, the women’s group top motivator was growth/development/ advancement, but only by a slim margin. Both the male and female groups agreed with the overall group in terms of the least motivating factor being power/respect. The results for the tangible work motivators with respect to autonomy/responsibility/variety of task showed that all three sets (combined/men/women) all put pay and bonuses as their top motivator. Men and the combined group were decisive on the second place tangible motivator, choosing working conditions. On the other hand, the second place motivator for women was a tie between recognition, outside environment, and working conditions. Tangible work motivators with respect to growth/development/ advancement also showed pay and bonuses as the top motivator for all three sets, with working conditions coming in second for all three sets. Fringe benefits were the least motivating item for all three sets. Tangible work motivators with respect to pride/sense of accomplishment also came out with pay and bonuses as a clear top tangible motivator. Women had the largest separation between pay and bonuses and the second motivator, which was a tie between working conditions and outside environment. Men and the group also chose working conditions in second place and all three groups put fringe benefits in last place. Tangible work motivators with
  • 29. respect to interactions/feedback/relationships had pay and bonuses as the first choice as a tangible motivator; however, women chose outside environment as a second place motivator while the group Exhibit 4. HDM Diagram for Motivation Survey Power Respect Objective Social- Psychological Motivators Tangible Motivators Autonomy Responsibility Variety of Tasks Growth Development Advancement Pride Sense of Accomplishment
  • 30. Interactions Feedback Relationships Pay & Bonuses Fringe Benefits Recognition Outside Environment Working Conditions Motivated Employees 29March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal and men chose working conditions again for the second position as a motivator. Tangible work motivators with respect to power/ respect had similar results to most of the other models with pay and bonuses as the top motivator and working conditions coming in second. The results demonstrate that all sets of people show that pay and bonuses is the top choice for managers to motivate employees.
  • 31. Conclusions Technical managers need to make sure they are in tune to their employees’ motivators and not just blindly following a motivational theory. Asking employees what motivates them, and listening and acting on the responses is very important. Not all employees are created equal or value the same thing, so managers may need to tailor a motivational strategy whenever possible. An example from this survey is how the social psychological motivator shows that the group and men value autonomy/responsibility/variety of task more than all other social psychological motivators in the survey while the female group more highly valued growth/ development/advancement. Using pairwise comparisons is a good way to get your employees to actually weigh each criterion against the others. This method makes employees actually think about the various options more than once and put a number to the importance of one option over another. This study shows a pathway to technical employee motivation rather than using the traditional HDM approach which has the end result being one choice. The group survey results are very nice to have and they provide a better understanding of the differences and the specific values of the groups and smaller sub- groups. The pathway to motivate the group of women is shown in Exhibit 5; the top weighted motivators are shown in dark gray. The management can conclude from this survey that women’s tangible motivators are pay and bonuses followed by outside environment and working conditions. Women’s social-psychological motivators
  • 32. are growth/ development/advancement followed by pride/sense of accomplishment and interactions/ feedback/relationships. The men’s motivational HDM pathway, above, shows that pay and bonuses along with working conditions are the top tangible motivators. The top social psychological motivators are autonomy/responsibility/ variety of task followed by growth/development/advancement and then pride/sense of accomplishment. The group surveyed was almost exclusively from the high tech industry, so while the methodology is applicable to any industry the results may very greatly. References Adams, S. J., “Inequity in Social Exchange,” Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 2 (2002), pp. 267-299. Ajgaonkar, P., A. Auysakul, R. Jefferis, S. Shinriki, “Use of Hierarchial Decision Modeling for Site Selection of a Major League Baseball Stadium in Portland,” PICMET, (July 2003). Al-Subhi Al-Harbi, K.M. “Application of the AHP in Project Management,” International Journal of Project Management, 19:1 (2001), pp. 19-27. Azadeh, S.F. Ghaderi, and H. Izadbakhsh, “Integration of DEA and AHP with Computer Simulation for Railway System Improvement and Optimization,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, in press, corrected proof, (2007).
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  • 41. Trist, E. “A Socio-Technical Critique of Scientific Management,” presented at the Edinburgh Conference on the Impact of Science and Technology, (May 1970). Turner, A., Industrial Jobs and the Worker—An Investigation of Response to Task Attributes, Harvard University Press (1965). Vroom, V., Work and Motivation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1964). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, “Diagram: Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs,” (Oct. 2006), available online at http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Maslow_hierarchy_of_needs, accessed July 2, 2007. Wong J.K.W., and H. Li, “Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Selection of Intelligent Building Systems,” Building and Environment, 43:1 (2008), pp. 108-125. About the Authors Georgina Harell is a PhD student at Portland State University (PSU) in the Engineering and Technology Management Department. Her research interests include building trust and motivating teams, renewable energy, and predicting future demand for emerging alternative energy sources. She has an MS in engineering and technology management from PSU and a BS in biomedical engineering from Michigan Technological University and she is also a PMP certified project manager. She has a wide breadth of work experience including high-tech industry and academic research labs. Tugrul U. Daim is an Associate Professor of engineering and technology management at PSU. He had been with Intel
  • 42. Corporation before he joined PSU as a full-time faculty. His research involves exploration of technology assessment in industries including automotive, energy, semiconductor manufacturing, communications and health care. He is also a visiting Professor at Technical University of Hamburg Harburg. He has over 100 papers published in journals and conference proceedings. He is the editor in chief for International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. He has a PhD in Systems Science and Engineering Management (EM) and MS in EM from PSU, MS in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University and a BS in mechanical engineering from Bogazici University in Turkey. Contact: Tugrul U. Daim, Portland State University, Department of Engineering and Technology Management, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207; phone: 503-725-4582; [email protected] 31March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal Appendix A. Motivational Survey 32 March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal Appendix B. Detailed Results Objective Motivated Employees Social-
  • 44. .23 .22 .21 .22 .20 .18 .21 .16 .15 .18 HDM Model of Social-Psychological Motivators to Objective Women Men Group Autonomy Responsibility Variety of Tasks Social-
  • 46. Pay & Bonuses Fringe Benefits Recognition Outside Environment Working Conditions Autonomy, Responsibility and Variety of Task HDM Model Women Men Group Social- Psychological Motivators Tangible Motivators .30 .31 .30
  • 47. .12 .12 .13 .16 .15 .18 .17 .15 .19 .24 .26 .20Women Men Group Growth Development and Advancement HDM Model Autonomy Responsibility Variety of Tasks
  • 48. Pay & Bonuses Fringe Benefits Recognition Outside Environment Working Conditions 33March 2010Vol. 22 No. 1Engineering Management Journal Pride Sense of Accomplishment Social- Psychological Motivators Tangible Motivators .32 .33
  • 50. Working Conditions Pride and Sense of Accomplishment HDM Model Women Men Group Interactions Feedback Relationships Social- Psychological Motivators Tangible Motivators .35 .36 .34 .13 .13 .14
  • 53. .14 .18 .23 .25 .19 Pay & Bonuses Fringe Benefits Recognition Outside Environment Working Conditions Power and Respect HDM Model Women Men Group Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
  • 54. Running head: SCRIPT WRITING 1 SCRIPT WRITING 2 Justin Hedberg Script Writing Liberty University CINE 201
  • 55. Theme: The Wrong Suspect FADE IN INT. RESTAURANT-NIGHT Inside of the restaurant. Dylan is seated on a rounded table at the corner of the restaurant. At a closer look, one will identify that there is an issue running through his head. Probably it is because he is tired of waiting for his date, Marynne. Dylan has been waiting for Marynne for quite some time and it seems that he started getting bored. He closely watches as the other couples in the restaurant enjoys their perfect time together. However, one cannot fail to notice the fact that Dylan, looks a little bit different from the rest. For instance, most of the gentlemen in this particular restaurant are clad in well-tailored suits while Dylan feels comfortable in his pair of Khakis trousers and a simple polo shirt. He closely observes a rose flower that he carried along for his date and abruptly looks at his wristwatch. No sooner has he finished looking at his watch than Marynne walks into the surprise in a bright mood and one cannot fail to acknowledge the smiles that are present on her face. MARYNNE Hey Dylan, am sorry for keeping you waiting, I guess I just had a rough day. Starting from a flat tire to heavy traffic on my way here. DYLAN There is no problem. I am happy that you made it. Sorry for having a rough day. These issues happen once in a while and are always good that one gets prepared for such incidents. Anyway, how have you been? I hope you have been fine. Well, it’s seem long since I last saw you. MARYNNE Yes, and it seems like forever since I put a glance on you. Still, remember that night and thank you a lot. That date was amazing and wonderful like nothing that I have ever seen before. Well, I have some good news that I would like to share with you. I am
  • 56. very happy, since you are the first personal am telling this. Well…….guess what my proposal got an approval from the dean after waiting for that long. I feel super excited WAITER Good evening madam? How may I help you? Today we have great offers for our customers and I believe that you will like here tonight. DYLAN Thank you very much for your concern but I do not think I will have something to eat. I believe that I have a problem with my digestion. Guess I ate a lot of beef yesterday and beef is not good for my digestion. It will be really nice if you get us a glass of wine. Please. Thank you in advance. (Smiling back to Marynne) Well, am happy for you. Last week I told you that I had a strong feeling about your particular proposal. From the view of things, I believe that am right. I told you not to doubt yourself. I think that calls for a celebration for you my dear and a toss for this great news. The two drink wine as they chat along about the various activities that they have engaged themselves in since they last met. They engage in a talk where they talk if throwing a party to celebrate Maryanne’s success or not. Suddenly, Dylan excuses himself so that he can use the washrooms and respond to a call of nature. Marynne uses this particular occasion to put a white substance on Dylan’s drink. Surprising enough Dylan does not sip this drink after returning from the washrooms. FROM BLACK INT. DYLAN’S OFFICE-NIGHT Dylan cannot imagine how Marynne planned to poison him. It is clear that Dylan saw Marynne put a white substance on his drink and this prevented him from taking any more of that
  • 57. drink. He is engaging with a fellow detective with whom he tries to share what happened that particular night. PARKER Are you sure that is what happened? I do not think that Marynne can do such a thing. Maybe you are mistaken. DYLAN There we go again Paker I can believe that you still doubt me after those years that we have worked together. Am sure partner of what I saw double sure for that matter. But I cannot figure out why she wanted to do that. PARKER Does she know that you are a detective? Probably that may be one of the reasons as to why she chooses to do that. DYLAN To my knowledge, she just knows that am a home-based banker and nothing more. And I do not plan on disclosing my profession to her. Fade out THE END References Friedmann, A. (2014). Writing for visual media. New York: Focal Press. Samaroo, M. (2012). The Complete Guide to Writing a Successful Screenplay: Everything You Need to Know to Write and Sell a Winning Script. Place of publication not identified:
  • 58. Atlantic Publishing Group Inc. Fifty years of influence in the workplace The evolution of the French and Raven power taxonomy Steven Elias Auburn University Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, USA Abstract Purpose – While focusing on the renowned bases of social power put forth by French and Raven in 1959, this paper aims to address the history and future of this taxonomy within organizational settings. Topics include the evolution of the power taxonomy, the power/interaction model, and matters relevant to future research and practice. Design/methodology/approach – First, a historical overview of the French and Raven power taxonomy is provided. Second, ways in which the taxonomy has been updated over the past several decades are discussed. Third, an overview of Raven’s power/interaction model (1993) is presented. Lastly, implications for future research and practice within organizations are offered.
  • 59. Findings – A review of the historic and contemporary writings dedicated to social power would indicate that the advances made to the original French and Raven power taxonomy have not been incorporated into the management and organizational behavior literatures. Practical implications – Practitioners and scholars interested in issues related to influence in organizational settings would benefit from an understanding of the historical developments that have occurred to the power taxonomy over the past half-century, as well as the formation of the power/interaction model. Originality/value – This paper provides readers with a historical overview of the development of the French and Raven social power taxonomy, in addition to addressing the field’s more recent developments. As such, the paper will be of value to anyone interested in influence within organizational settings. Keywords Management power, Influence, Workplace, Management history Paper type General review Undoubtedly, among the most popular and widely accepted conceptualizations of social power is the five-fold typology developed by French and Raven in 1959 (Podsakoff and Schriesheim, 1985, p. 387). In order for managers to be effective, they must be able to influence their subordinates,
  • 60. peers, superiors, stakeholders and many other individuals both affiliated and unaffiliated with their organizations (Elias and MacDonald, 2006; Vecchio, 2007; Yukl, 1989; Yukl and Falbe, 1990). This ability to influence is typically brought about, in large part, through the use of social power (Wilensky, 1967). The importance of possessing an understanding of power in the workplace is well- documented in the historical (Dubin, 1951) and contemporary (Farmer and Aguinis, 2005) literatures, as well as texts marketed and readily available to laypeople (Kouzes and Posner, 2002; Lee, 1997). As evidenced by the above Podsakoff and Schriesheim (1985) quotation, The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at Influence in the workplace 267 Journal of Management History Vol. 14 No. 3, 2008 pp. 267-283 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1751-1348 DOI 10.1108/17511340810880634
  • 61. when those familiar with the literature think of social power, they typically think of the seminal five-fold typology developed by French and Raven (1959). Given the significance of French and Raven’s work, as well as the reality that their original focus was on supervisor – subordinate relationships (Raven, 1993, 1999), it is no surprise that research dedicated to the study of social power continues to be popular among management scholars. In fact, Bruins (1999) describes the state of affairs pertaining to social power research as quickly growing in force, size, and impact, while texts dedicated to the topic continue to be produced (Lee-Chai and Bargh, 2001). However, what many fail to realize is that the original five-fold taxonomy was not meant to be the all-inclusive classification for the bases of power. As French and Raven (1959, p. 150) originally proposed: [. . .] there is no doubt that more empirical knowledge will be needed to make final decisions concerning the necessary differentiations, but this knowledge will be obtained only by research based on some preliminary theoretical distinctions. Indeed, the original taxonomy has been differentiated and broadened over time (Raven, 1965, 1993) to the extent that there are currently 14 bases of power and a detailed power/interaction model. However, a review of the management
  • 62. literature dedicated to such topics as power, influence, and leadership would indicate that with relatively few exceptions (Schwarzwald and Koslowsky, 2001; Raven et al., 1998; Schwarzwald et al., 2004), this development has gone undetected. As a result, the heuristic value of the advances made within the area of social power as it pertains to management and organizational behavior has gone untapped. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the theoretical and empirical changes that have been made to the power taxonomy over the past several decades, with the hope that future research and practice will benefit from such an understanding. In addition, this paper will address how several decades of social power research has resulted in the development of the power/interaction model. Defining social power According to Cartwright (1965), the defining characteristic of an organization is its state of being organized. This state of being organized typically depends on the exertion of some form of influence or social power (Gilman, 1962). However, even though power is commonplace within organizations, as well as society in general, defining social power is not an easy task. Cartwright (1959a) himself presents seven independent definitions for the construct while expressing what would seem to be frustration at how authors typically “invent” their own definitions to suit their needs. Nevertheless, after taking
  • 63. Lewinian field theory (Lewin, 1951) into account, Cartwright (1959a, p. 188) settled on the definition of power as, “. . . the induction of (psychological) forces by one entity b upon another a and to the resistance to this induction set up by a.” For example, in a situation where a manager uses his or her expertise to persuade a subordinate to comply with a request, even though the subordinate may initially resist complying, social power is said to be at use. Given the early difficulty and apparent frustration associated with defining social power, readers may be surprised to discover that more recent explanations of power (Fiol et al., 2001) are comparatively consistent with that of Cartwright. French and Raven (1959) quantify a powerholder’s capability to persuade a target as being the maximum possible influence he or she can exert, although he or she may not JMH 14,3 268 use all of his or her power in a given situation. Therefore, while a manager may have great power in that he or she can potentially terminate an individual’s employment for non-compliance, he or she need not resort to such an extreme measure in order to make use of power. Also noteworthy is the fact that power and
  • 64. influence do not only occur in situations where the powerholder possesses a higher status or rank than the target of the influence attempt. For instance, Yukl and colleagues (Yukl and Falbe, 1990, 1991; Yukl and Tracey, 1992) have differentiated between upward (e.g. a subordinate influencing a supervisor), downward (e.g. a supervisor influencing a subordinate), and lateral (e.g. peers influencing one another) influence attempts. The historical development of the social power taxonomy Although social power was a central topic of discussion during Tuesday evening seminars at the University of Michigan’s Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) in the late-1950s (Raven, 1993), it was still considered to be an under researched topic (Cartwright, 1959b). This is not to say social power in the workplace was not being investigated, because it was the topic of numerous studies. For example, after studying the staff of a Naval Command unit, Stogdill and Shartle (1948) concluded that a leader’s power usage would have the greatest impact on his or her immediate subordinates, rather than on other people within an organization. Pelz (1952) demonstrated the relationship between first-line supervisors’ power usage and such issues as job satisfaction and morale among manufacturing employees. Based on research conducted at a motor-truck manufacturing plant, Fleishman et al. (1955) demonstrated the importance of taking an organizations power structure into
  • 65. account when devising supervisory training programs. Founded on results from the Ohio State Leadership Studies, Stogdill (1950) demonstrated how one’s position in an organization dictates whether or not he or she has power over other employees. While examining issues pertaining to unequal power in groups, Hurwitz et al. (1953) shed light on how a supervisor can frame his or her influence attempts in such a way as to justify these attempts. Upon conducting an experiment at a pajama production plant, Coch and French (1948) demonstrated how resistance to influence attempts could be reduced by allowing employees to have input in decision- making processes. However, even when taking these varied studies into account, a consistent theory of social power had not yet been developed. In an attempt to integrate these diverse research findings, French (1956) set out to put forward a formal theory of social power that would allow for the generation of testable hypotheses. This theory was based on the research cited above, as well as the prior and simultaneous work of such notables as Kurt Lewin, Solomon Asch, Carl Hovland, Leon Festinger, Dorwin Cartwright, Stanley Schachter, Herbert Kelman, and Musafer Sherif, several of whom were affiliated with the RCGD. Interestingly, Raven (1993) would later write that while Lewin’s name is not typically associated with social power, his insights on power and power fields had a most important impact on the
  • 66. subject matter. Reinforcing Raven’s belief is the fact that within their author note, Coch and French (1948, p. 512) acknowledge drawing “repeatedly from the works and concepts of Kurt Lewin for both the action and theoretical phases of this study.” While French’s (1956) theory included several postulates, the first postulate revolved around interpersonal power and the potential bases of such power. Drawing from the work of such individuals as Back (1951), Moore (1921) and Influence in the workplace 269 Hovland and Weiss (1952), French believed such characteristics as the attractiveness, expertness, and legitimacy of an influencing agent would impact these bases of social power. As a result of these beliefs, shortly after beginning his quest to develop a formal theory of power, French co-authored a chapter (French and Raven, 1959) that not only identified specific bases of power, but also became the most frequently utilized model of social power in general (Northouse, 2007), as well as in the workplace (Mintzberg, 1983). French and Raven’s (1959) original power taxonomy was
  • 67. comprised of five types of power: reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, and referent power. Reward power is said to be at use when a powerholder promises some form of compensation to a target in exchange for compliance. For instance, a supervisor may provide a monetary incentive to a subordinate in exchange for the subordinate completing a task that is not part of his or her job description. Coercive power is at use when the threat of punishment is made in order to gain compliance. For example, a manager may threaten a subordinate with termination should he or she not comply with a certain request. Legitimate power stems from one having a justifiable right to request compliance from another individual. For instance, subordinates may comply with a supervisor’s request simply because the supervisor has a right to ask them to do their work in a certain way. Expert power is at use when one relies on his or her superior knowledge in order to gain compliance. For example, management may follow the advice of consultants because those consultants are perceived as possessing a high-level expertise in their field. Referent power is at use when a target complies with the request of a powerholder due to his or her identifying with the influencing agent. For instance, an employee wishing to move up the organizational hierarchy will likely comply with requests made by managers due to his or her wanting a similar position as those managers in the future.
  • 68. Although many academics and practitioners may be under the impression that informational power (i.e. explaining to a target why compliance is desired) was included in the original power taxonomy, this is not the case. French (1956, p. 184) originally surmised that expert power was driven by a powerholder’s “superior knowledge and information.” In essence, this combined expert and informational power into one base, even though Raven suggested that informational power should be separate from expert power. While Raven (later citing his lack of informational power at the time; Raven, 1993) was unable to convince French on the matter prior to the publication of their 1959 chapter, he eventually did distinguish informational power as a sixth power type (Raven, 1965). While several researchers (Bass, 1981; Kipnis, 1984) have described the six bases of power in terms of being either “harsh” (i.e. punitive and overt) or “soft” (i.e. subtle and positive), as previously noted, the taxonomy that included the six bases of power became the dominant means by which individuals would classify potential sources of influence. However, researchers such as Kipnis et al. (1980) began to question whether six bases of power were sufficient to encompass all influence attempts in the workplace. Through their research with lower-level managers, Kipnis et al. were able to identify eight means of influence in the workplace (assertiveness, ingratiation,
  • 69. rationality, sanctions, exchange, upward appeals, blocking, and coalitions). Using data obtained from volunteers attending a management development workshop, Yukl and Tracey (1992) examined the effectiveness of each of nine power tactics (rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, consultation, ingratiation, exchange, personal appeal, JMH 14,3 270 coalition, legitimating, and pressure). While French and Raven’s (1959) assertion that the original taxonomy was meant to be a starting point for classifying bases of power went ignored for decades, it was becoming apparent that the taxonomy was in need of further development. The contemporary development of the social power taxonomy In response to the call for the power taxonomy to be updated, rather than starting anew, Raven decided to differentiate the six bases of power that had become foremost in the literature. Interestingly, in order to do this, he relied rather heavily on the literature produced by his predecessors and his colleagues working at the RCGD in the 1950s. Distinctions were made between personal and impersonal forms of reward and coercive power, while legitimate power was partitioned into
  • 70. four types (i.e. position, reciprocity, equity, and dependence). Positive and negative forms of expert and referent power were identified, while informational power was partitioned into direct and indirect forms. Personal versus impersonal reward and coercive power In their original power taxonomy, French and Raven (1959) conceived of reward and coercive power as involving the ability of a supervisor to manipulate objects and events of relevance to employees (e.g. increased pay or termination). While issues pertaining to a supervisor’s personal approval and/or disapproval had previously been thought of as a component of referent power, this categorization was latter determined to be inappropriate (Raven, 2001). This conclusion was based on the contention that personal approval from another individual can be a very strong reward, while the threat of rejection can be a very strong form of coercion. Support for this contention can be obtained from the University of Michigan studies on the “employee orientation” leadership style, which places a strong emphasis on the relationships that exist between supervisors and subordinates (Bowers and Seashore, 1966). As a result, reward and coercive power are now treated as taking either personal (i.e. interpersonal factors) or impersonal (i.e. positive or negative valences) forms. Four forms of legitimate power: position, reciprocity, equity, and dependence
  • 71. Legitimate power was initially said to be at use when a powerholder had a genuine right to ask a target to comply with a request. For example, some subordinates will comply with a supervisor’s request simply because they believe the supervisor has a right to make requests of them. However, important differentiations have been made between this initial form of legitimate power (legitimate position power) and other forms of legitimate power that are based on several social norms. Legitimate reciprocity power is at use when the powerholder has previously done something for the target, and in essence, calls in a favor (e.g. I let you leave work early yesterday, so today I need for you to stay late). This reliance on reciprocity is directly linked to one of the most basic social obligations to return to others what they have given to you (Gouldner, 1960; Levine, 2003). Similar to legitimate reciprocity power is legitimate equity power. The key difference between these two bases of power is in terms of how much the powerholder has previously done for the target. With reciprocity power, the powerholder is asking the target to do something similar to what the powerholder has done for the target in Influence in the workplace 271
  • 72. the past (e.g. stay late today because I let you leave early yesterday). With equity power there is a substantial difference in terms of what the powerholder has done for the target in the past and what is now being asked of the target in return (e.g. stay late today because for years I fought to provide you with adequate work resources). Legitimate dependence power stems from the social norm that we should help those who are dependent upon us (Berkowitz, 1972; Batson and Powell, 2003). Therefore, any time a powerholder lets it be known that his or her ability to do something depends upon a target’s compliance (e.g. I cannot meet this deadline without your help), legitimate dependence power is at use. Positive versus negative expert and referent power In the original power taxonomy (French and Raven, 1959), both expert and referent power were thought of in terms of being positive bases of power. With positive expert power, a subordinate complies with the request of a supervisor because the supervisor knows best. With positive referent power, a subordinate complies with the request of a supervisor because the subordinate identifies with the supervisor. However, there are situations in which expert and referent power can take negative forms. For example, while a supervisor may possess superior knowledge about a certain facet of his or her job, possessing such knowledge does not necessarily mean that
  • 73. it will be put to use in a way that will benefit his or her subordinates. On the contrary, that supervisor’s knowledge may be used in such a fashion (i.e. negative expert power) that strictly benefits him or herself, resulting in resistance to the influence attempt. Negative referent power is said to occur when a supervisor who is disliked or not identified with by his or her subordinates attempts to utilize social power. In such situations, reactance or doing the opposite of what the supervisor requests is likely to occur given his or her subordinates view him or her as being unattractive or unappealing (Raven, 1992, 1993). Direct versus indirect informational power Recall that informational power involves providing a rational explanation as to why compliance should occur. However, information is not always presented in a direct fashion. For example, rather than directly confronting the issue, it may be more appropriate, effective, and less intimidating for a subordinate to hint or suggest to his or her supervisor that improvements can be made in the workplace. While some have put forward that indirect influence is more effective than direct influence (Dunlap, 1934), others have empirically demonstrated this claim in relation to what can best be described as informational power (Hovland and Mandell, 1952). Based upon a review of the literature at the time, Hovland et al. (1953) concluded that certain variables would impact the effectiveness of direct and indirect persuasion (i.e.
  • 74. kind of powerholder, kind of target, and kind of issue). When considering this historical research, as well as more contemporary research examining the effect of gender on the effective use of informational power (Johnson, 1976), it became clear to Raven (1992) that informational power needed to be thought of in terms of being either direct or indirect. Alternative taxonomies and theories of social power While the French and Raven (1959) taxonomy is arguably the most popular and utilized conceptualization of social power, numerous other power taxonomies and theories can be observed in the management literature. However, many of these JMH 14,3 272 taxonomies and theories can either have their roots traced to, or have a considerable amount in common with, the French and Raven nomenclature. For example, while emphasizing the importance of power to organizational affairs, Morgan (1997) distinguishes among 14 sources of power. Parallels can be drawn between many of these sources of power and the broadened French and Raven taxonomy. For example, formal authority, control of scarce resources, and the control of
  • 75. knowledge and information can, respectively, be thought of as alternative forms of legitimate position, impersonal reward, and informational power (direct or indirect). Furthermore, consistent with the writing of Morgan is that numerous studies making use of the original, as well as broadened, French and Raven taxonomy have demonstrated the role gender plays in one’s ability to use social power (Elias, 2004; Elias and Cropanzano, 2006; Elias and Loomis, 2004). Salancik and Pfeffer’s (1977) strategic-contingency model of power distinguishes between two forms of power frequently observed within organizations: political and institutionalized. Political power is obtained when an individual or sub-unit is best able to cope with the critical problems confronting an organization at a particular point in time. Institutionalized power is said to be in use when individuals or sub-units take steps to legitimize their power while reducing the power of others. An emerging trend in the management literature is the examination of managerial power in terms of restrictive versus promotive control (Elias, 2008; Elias and MacDonald, 2006; Scholl, 1999). Restrictive control refers to situations in which a manager relies on his or her organization’s power structure in order to influence subordinates. Promotive control refers to situations in which a manager attends to his or her subordinates opinions and provides them the opportunity to have input during decision-
  • 76. making processes. Interestingly, neither political power, institutionalized power, restrictive control, or promotive control is linked to any specific means of implementation. However, of each of these methods of influence can be implemented through the use of one or more of French and Raven’s bases of power. For example, political power can be exerted through the use of positive expert and/or informational (direct or indirect) power. Institutionalized power and restrictive control can be implemented through the use of legitimate position power. Promotive control can be implemented through positive referent and, potentially, personal reward power. In terms of the power process, Pfeffer and Fong (2005) have written that in order for one to acquire more power and influence in an organization, he or she must attract allies and supporters. While discussing the social psychology of organizations, Baron and Pfeffer (1994, p. 192) indicate “. . . social relationships at work represent a major source of satisfaction and are an important reward and preoccupation for individuals in the workplace.” Given the importance of social relationships to the workplace in general, and to the acquisition of power in particular, one can see how the use of personal forms of power (reward and coercive) can either enhance or inhibit one’s influence. Since personal reward power relies on positive interpersonal interactions, the use of such power will likely be associated with positive
  • 77. outcomes (e.g. the attraction of allies and supporters). Contrarily, because personal coercion relies on negative interpersonal interactions that do little to attract allies and supporters, such power usage would likely be deleterious. Indeed, Elias (2007) has observed that in academic settings, the use of personal coercion on the part faculty members is perceived by students as being highly inappropriate. Influence in the workplace 273 While an attempt has been made to differentiate the French and Raven power taxonomy from other power classifications and theories, the breadth and scope of the alternative classifications and theories presented should not be considered exhaustive. For example, while vastly different from the types of power addressed above, there is a substantial and sophisticated critical management studies literature dedicated solely to organizational power (Clegg et al., 2006). Furthermore, other scholars have attempted to differentiate the French and Raven taxonomy from additional taxonomies not presented here. For example, Vecchio (2007) has differentiated the French and Raven taxonomy from the classifications of power proposed by Kelman (1961) and Etzioni
  • 78. (1975). Pfeffer (1992) has done an outstanding job of exploring, for example, sources of power, methods of utilizing power, and means by which power may be lost. In essence, the hope is that by presenting alternative categorizations of power, readers will be able to situate the French and Raven taxonomy within the broader literature addressing issues of power in the workplace. The power/interaction model Based on several decades of research, Raven (1992) came to appreciate that social power was far more complex than a powerholder simply utilizing one or more forms of power in order to gain compliance from a target. As a result, he developed the power/interaction model (Figure 1), which offers a theoretical perspective on several factors that, in combination, help determine what means of social power an individual will use when attempting to influence another person. What follows is an overview of the model from the perspective of a supervisor influencing a subordinate. The first component of the power interaction model (motivation to influence) revolves around motivational factors that impact a supervisor’s choice of influence strategies. While it was not uncommon for philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes and Friedrich Nietzsche to write that humans have a universal motive for power, philosophers with a specific interest in social power (Russell, 1938) came to realize that
  • 79. one’s motivation to utilize power can be either instrumental or intrinsic. For example, a supervisor with a strong, rather than weak, power motive (i.e. an intrinsic need to seek power or a strong concern with having influence over others (Winter, 1973; McClelland, 1985)) will be more likely to desire influence over subordinates and will Figure 1. The power interaction model Motivation to Influence (e.g., Role requirement, attainment of extrinsic goals, personality, motivation) Assessment of Available Power Bases (e.g., Individual bases of power, manipulation, invoking the power of a third party) Assessment of Available Bases in Relation to Target, Power Preferences, and Inhibitions (e.g., Effort, organizational culture, secondary losses) Preparing for Influence Attempts
  • 80. (e.g., Setting the stage, self- presentation strategies, enhancing power) Choice of Power Bases and the Influence Attempt Effects (e.g., Public vs. private compliance, damage to the supervisor – subordinate relationship, resistance) Source: Raven (1992, 1993) JMH 14,3 274 attempt to use a wider variety of power bases (Frieze and Boneva, 2001). Contrarily, a supervisor who uses power only when he or she must attain certain organizational objectives is likely to rely primarily on the legitimate forms of power associated with his or her supervisory position (Cartwright, 1965). In a similar manner, a supervisor’s role requirements or display rules (e.g. service with a smile) may motivate him or her to only utilize those bases of power that will conform with his or her organization’s standards and be perceived of in a positive light.
  • 81. The second component of the model (assessment of available power bases) addresses the specific types of power a supervisor may have available to him or her, as well as the possible outcomes associated with using each tactic. For instance, while some supervisors may feel they have substantial direct informational power at their disposal, they may refrain from using it due to the perceived effort that would go into logically explaining their requests. Likewise, a supervisor may know that he or she possesses impersonal coercive power (e.g. the ability to terminate employment at will), but does not wield it frequently because such actions run counter to the organizations culture and can result in a backlash. Hogg and Reid (2001) address the selection of power bases from a social identity perspective. Specifically, when a leader possesses a strong in-group identification with his or her subordinates, he or she is unlikely to use coercive or caustic forms of power because such negative behavior directed at in-group members is, in effect, also directed at oneself. In addition, the appraisal of potential outcomes associated with power usage is consistent with classic research (Hovland et al., 1953) indicating an influencing agent should estimate the intelligence of his or her audience in order to determine whether a direct or indirect persuasive message would be most effective. The third component of the model (preparing for influence
  • 82. attempts) involves a supervisor setting the stage for his or her use of power. Typically, this would involve supervisors doing certain things or presenting themselves in certain ways that remind or reiterate to employees that they possess social power. For instance, physicians enhance their positive expert power by prominently displaying their degrees and certifications. One may enhance his or her ability to use legitimate reciprocity power by offering another individual unsolicited favors ahead of time (Raven, 2001). Johnson and Lennon (1999) have edited a text with the primary purpose of informing readers as to how their attire can be used to increase their ability to effectively use social power. For example, research based on interviews of female employees indicates that if females want to project a powerful image in the workplace, they should wear jewelry made from expensive materials such as gold, diamonds, and pearls (Rubinstein, 1995; Rucker et al., 1999). The fourth component of the model (choice of power bases and the influence attempt) involves a supervisor deciding on which base or bases of power to use, and then carrying out the attempt to influence a subordinate. The final component of the model (effects) serves as a feedback loop that has the potential to impact a supervisor’s future influence attempts. Specifically, the outcomes associated with an influence attempt will have an effect on the supervisor’s future motivation
  • 83. to influence, and his or her assessment of available power bases. For example, if a supervisor associates the use of personal reward power with increased productivity from his or her employees, that supervisor’s motivation to use such power in the future will be strengthened. In this instance, it can be said that the outcome associated with the influence attempt Influence in the workplace 275 has served to reinforce or fortify (Skinner, 1953) the supervisor’s motivation. Similarly, if personal coercion is associated with a great deal of resistance and discontent on the part of an employee, a manager may no longer assess personal coercion as being an effective means of influence in relation to this worker. In this instance, it can be said that the outcome or effect associated with the influence attempt has served to weaken the supervisor’s ability to use personal coercion. Future research and practice Because of the advances that have been made to the power taxonomy over the past 50 years, as well as the development of the power/interaction model, there is a great deal of potential knowledge for researchers and practitioners alike to discover and
  • 84. apply. From an empirical standpoint, perhaps the most pressing need is a methodologically sound measure of the broadened power taxonomy. Currently, there is but one measure of the broadened taxonomy, the interpersonal power inventory (Raven et al., 1998), but this measure does not assess each of the 14 power bases. Specifically, indirect informational, negative expert, and negative referent power are not measured by this questionnaire, leaving important information pertaining to these tactics unexamined (see Schwarzwald and Koslowsky (2001) for a review of studies that have made use of the interpersonal power inventory). It is likely that social power is at use any time two or more individuals are interacting with one another in the workplace. However, given leadership is typically described as a social influence process (Bryman, 1996; Avolio et al., 2003; Northouse, 2007), scholars and practitioners in the field of leadership stand to benefit from an understanding of the broadened power taxonomy and the power/interaction model. At this point, it is important to note that leadership and power are separate, albeit-related, variables. However, according to Zaleznik (1998, p. 63), “Leadership inevitably requires using power to influence the thoughts and actions of others.” That being said, leadership involves getting followers to pursue your vision for the organization, while power involves getting individuals to comply with your requests, even if they are
  • 85. reluctant to do so (Hogg, 2005). While this distinction is common place in the contemporary power and leadership literatures, the differentiation dates back to Barnard (1938), who distinguished between authority based on one’s leadership skills versus authority based on one’s position within an organization. Important information would be obtained from examining the relationships that likely exist between the 14 bases of power and perceptions of leadership in terms of being either transactional or transformational, a distinction that is currently a major focus in the leadership literature (Lowe and Gardner, 2000). Transactional leadership focuses on the exchanges that occur between a supervisor and a subordinate, while transformational leadership focuses on the connection between the supervisor and the subordinate, which can serve to elevate both individual’s motivation and morality (Burns, 1978). Given transformational leadership is associated with such issues as trust and increased organizational citizenship behavior (going beyond the call of duty to better the organization (Podsakoff et al., 1990)), knowledge of which power bases foster perceptions of transformational leadership would be of importance to both researchers and practitioners. It is likely that specific forms of social power are related to the leader-member exchange (LMX) that exists between a supervisor and his or her subordinates.
  • 86. JMH 14,3 276 LMX theory views leadership as hinging upon the quality of the interactions that occur between a leader and an individual follower (Graen and Uhl- Bien, 1995). In a high-LMX relationship, a good amount of reciprocity occurs between the leader and the follower, while in a low-LMX relationship, subordinates typically come to work, do their job, and go home (Northouse, 2007). Furthermore, subordinates that are part of high-LMX relationships tend to receive more personal (e.g. confidence and concern) and impersonal (e.g. information and influence) benefits from their supervisors than do those involved in low-LMX relationships. When considering the benefits associated with a high-LMX relationship, it becomes apparent that there are likely links between the development of high LMX and legitimate reciprocity, personal and impersonal reward, personal and impersonal coercive, and positive referent power. Similar to the concept of LMX is a variable known as team-member exchange (TMX). TMX refers to the extent to which a team member works effectively with his or her team members, as well as, the level of reciprocity that occurs between the team member and his or her
  • 87. peers (Seers, 1989). Given the differences that exist in the outcomes associated with upward, downward, and lateral power usage (Yukl and Tracey, 1992), researchers may wish to examine how the various types of power used within a workgroup impact TMX quality. While the potential studies alluded to above are important, they are only scratching the surface in terms of the ways in which the broadened power taxonomy and the power/interaction model can be applied to organizational research and the management literature. For example, important information can be gleaned from projects investigating the links between the differentiated bases of social power and such variables as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, absenteeism, burnout, turnover intentions, locus of control, self-efficacy, productivity, mentor-mentored relationships, and any number of other important constructs. Furthermore, it is worth reiterating the fact that the power interaction model offers a theoretical perspective as to how several variables interact to influence the ways in which we use social power. While numerous studies have been cited as evidence for the veracity of certain components of the model, confidence in the model will be greatly enhanced once research has been completed that examines and supports the model as a whole.
  • 88. Given the popularity of continuing education workshops, in- service trainings, and leadership development programs, practitioners stand to benefit from an understanding of the broadened power taxonomy and the power/interaction model. Perhaps, one the most widely read texts among practitioners in the area of leadership is The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes and Posner, 2002), which offers countless pieces of advice on how to be an effective leader. A fair amount of this advice can be thought of in terms of how a leader utilizes his or her power when interacting with subordinates. For example, according to Kouzes and Posner (2002, p. 255), “It’s absolutely essential that every leader keep the norms of reciprocity and fairness in mind.” This suggestion is due to the belief that when leaders utilize reciprocity within their organizations, they develop cooperative relationships among their employees. It is likely that such a belief has implications for the ways in which leaders make use of legitimate reciprocity and legitimate equity power. In terms of what employees look for in leaders, Kouzes and Posner (2002) contend that employees want leaders who express caring attitudes towards their Influence in the workplace 277