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Image Source: ​Zombie Man CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
MYP IDU Planner 2018-19
Unit title Could we survive a Zombie Apocalypse? Teachers Cindy Barnsley/Sandra Schneidermann
Subject groups Arts, I&S
MYP Year &
Duration (hrs)
19 hours
Description Why are people so obsessed with zombies? Learn about zombies through art, film and literature and find out if you could survive a zombie
apocalypse, the science of disease
SDG link
This unit connects to SDG #10 Reduced Inequality
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of an interdisciplinary unit
Purpose of integration
1. By exploring how and why zombies are represented in popular culture, we can better understand how the spread of disease might impact global
society in a context of rights and responsibilities
2. By exploring how zombies represent our primal fears, we can better understand disease, and how to assess risks and solutions in a context of
rights and responsibilities
Possible form of integration: ​Contextualisation - students use representations of zombies and zombie science ​in order to develop new understanding
of pandemics, risk assessment, and the containment of disease, and how these can impact our rights of responsibilities in a globalised world.
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Description​: Why are we obsessed with Zombies? Societies boogeyman of choice says something about its underlying issues? The recent proliferation
and evolution of ‘zombies’ in cinema, comics, books and art and has grown exponentially and in this IDU we will ask the question ‘what’s going on here’?
Students will start by investing the origin myth of Zombies. They will research socio-historical evolution of the myth through and across cultural
landscapes by looking closely at African diaspora, Haiti’s slave trade and ​Slave revolt​ ( 1791 -1804) and consider why this might have been fertile
grounds for the development of Zombie representations. mythology and lore to proliferate. This learning will lead to an examination of the possibility and
ramifications of an actual zombie outbreak and issues surrounding the management of disease in a globalised world.
Using the lens of ‘The Arts’ we will investigation function and purpose of zombie’s in cinema and artwork as a metaphor for slavery, rebellion
powerlessness and survival through examining key works by George Romero, Night of the living dead, as well as contemporary works such iZombie,
Zombieland, World war Z, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, ​Gauguin's Zombies by Debra Drexler​ and Zombie run and Horror Makeup performance
artist by Jillian Mcdonald.
Key Concept(s) Related Concept(s) Global Context
Global Interactions Management and intervention
Fairness and development: rights and
responsibilities /or power and privilege
Statement of Inquiry
1. In an interconnected world, the outcomes of health management and intervention can impact our rights and responsibilities. (I&S and sciences)
2. Representations of our fear of disease can impact rights and responsibilities in an interconnected world. (Arts and sciences)
3. In an interconnected world, power and privilege impacts how we represent our fears (I&S and Arts)
Inquiry Questions
What teacher questions will drive these inquiries?
Factual: Where/when did zombie myths originate?
What is “zombie lore”?
What is “zombie science”? What are the main factors of disease control? What are the defences/management of disease?
What are the differences between epidemics and pandemics?
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Conceptual: Why are zombies popularly represented in film, arts and texts? (related concept)
What is the relationship between management (related concept) and intervention (related concept) in a disease outbreak? What might the consequences
(related concept) be?
How might we use zombie lore and science to help us better understand how to manage disease in an interconnected world (key concept: global
Debatable: Can a study of zombies help us better understand our rights and responsibilities in a globalised world? (global context)
Summative assessment - interdisciplinary performance(s) of understanding
Interdisciplinary criteria Task(s)
Criterion A—Disciplinary Grounding
● demonstrate disciplinary factual, conceptual and/or procedural
Criterion B—Synthesizing
● synthesize disciplining knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary
Criterion C—Communicating
● Use appropriate strategies to communicate interdisciplinary
understanding effectively.
Criterion D
● Reflect on the development of their own interdisciplinary
● Reflect on the benefits of disciplinary and interdisciplinary
Using a collaborative process students create a performance of
understanding of their own choice:
Zombie Art Walk
Zombie Risk Assessment/Escape Plan
Targeted audience graphic novel or media product
Graphic novel excerpt illustration
Possible task examples: Select a media representation (e.g. one episode
or storyline) and use science knowledge about infection and disease
spread to critique plausibility.
Investigate at least two historical time periods that includes myths about
the undead. Using knowledge of earlier myths, write a character
background for a new zombie character, and design a storyboard
introducing the character for a new comic book series.
Approaches to Learning (ATL)
How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills?
1. Analyse and interpret media
2. Locate,organize, analyse, evaluate, synthesize information
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Action: Teaching and learning through interdisciplinary inquiry
Disciplinary grounding
Subject​: MYP Arts Subject​: MYP I&S
MYP objective:
A i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form studied,
including concepts, processes, and the use of subject-specific terminology
ii. demonstrate an understanding of the role of the art form in original or
displaced contexts
iii. use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions in the
process of creating artwork.
C. ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking behaviours
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic intention through
to a point of realization.
Di. construct meaning and transfer learning to new settings
MYP objective
A. i. use terminology in context
ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content
and concepts through descriptions, explanations and examples.
B. iii. use research methods to collect and record relevant information
Related concept:​ Representation Related concept: ​Management & intervention
Zombie-related artworks, film, graphic novels
Symbolism of zombie art as a protest text
Socio-historical context of zombie mythology: Origin myth of Zombies,
socio-historical evolution of the myth through and across cultural
Geography of disease
Symbolism of zombie art as a protest text
Disciplinary learning engagements and teaching strategies
How do we represent real-world fears through art?
Exploration of various films and texts:
George Romero’s ​Night of the living dead, ​Dawn of the Dead, Thriller
Michael Jackson, as well as contemporary works such as ​iZombie, ​World
war Z, ​Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, ​Gauguin's Zombies by Debra
Drexler​, ​Doc of the Dead​ (documentary), and Zombie run and Horror
Makeup performance artist by Jillian Mcdonald
Disciplinary learning engagements and teaching strategies
Exploration of origins of zombie mythology.
Research socio-historical evolution of the myth through and across cultural
landscapes by looking closely at African diaspora, Haiti’s slave trade and
Slave revolt​ ( 1791 -1804) and consider why this might have been fertile
grounds for the development of Zombie representations
Revise the following geographic/scientific knowledge: bacteria, fungi and
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Use CDC material to learn the science and/or zombie taxonomy as a
contemporary mythology to create their product/impact their creative
Students will demonstrate their learning by creating a collaborative work of
art in response to investigations. This work will explore how the presence
of a Zombies are a symbol of an existential threat.
viruses as microorganisms, research some of the diseases and their
causes; describe some of the defences the body has against disease;
describe how disease spreads in a geographical context and possible
containment strategies (Ebola?/AIDS?/H1N1/Spanish Influenza)
Use “​Zombie Science​” to learn about the spread of disease (geography of
disease). Revise two cateogies of disease - non-infectious and
Use CDC “Zombie Preparedness” resources (“zombie science”) - is a
zombie outbreak scientifically possible?
Use CDC material to learn the science and/or zombie taxonomy as a
contemporary mythology to create their product/impact their creative
Philosophy: ​When does a person cease to be 'alive'? Should the ‘undead’
have rights? Can the ‘undead’ be held accountable for infecting others?
Interdisciplinary learning process
Interdisciplinary learning experiences and teaching strategies
Lesson 1: Opening activity
View: ​Why we are obsessed with Zombies​, (2.26m) Seeker YouTube Channel, ​13 Mar 2013. ​Description: Short video in cultural fascination with zombies
Video viewing & Class discussion
When did the “critical mass” of zombie popularity occur? Why? ​Economic Downturn and war
What is a zombie walk an expression of?
In groups of 3, ​list​ everything you know about zombie, including any movies or texts you know. What’s your favourite representation of zombies? Why?
Discuss​ - Why do YOU think zombies are popular? Share and document in thought bubbles to display around classroom
Read article using ​Perusall​ to check for understanding and questions: ​Zombie Fad tied feelings of disempowerment and economic turmoil
Process Journal entry - Evaluate Dr Lauro’s argument - is it valid? Why? Why not? Following the discussion with your group, why do you think zombies
are popular and what do they symbolise? Can be a short video, piece to camera, podcast or written response
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Lesson 2-3 - Background and origin
Factual: Where/when did zombie myths originate?
Etymology​ - quick research task - in pairs, 5-minute “quick search” to find out where the word zombies comes from (​early 19th century: of West African
origin; compare with Kikongo ​zumbi ‘fetish.’) Use timer
View: ​The history of zombies: Where did the phenomenon begin​?
Zombies: an idea worth spreading about how ideas spread:​ Kyle Bishop (​up to 12 minute mark)
Notetaking: T​ake effective notes (​ATL) Cornell note-taking ​template
Read: BBC Article, ​Where do Zombies Come From?
Process Journal ​Writing task: Using the videos and your own research, write a 300-400 word summary of the origins of zombie myth in your own words
(ATL: ​Structure information in summaries, essays and reports)
Explain how zombie myths:
1) connect to the transAtlantic slave trade and Haiti
2) Possible connection/s to Christianity
3) gained popularity in Western popular culture
4) change after the 1968 “Night of the living dead” film
Keywords: zombie, ghoul, slavery, autonomy, colonialism, popular culture, horde, apocalypse, corporeal,
Lesson 4-5 - What is “zombie lore”?
What is lore? Key term: “​a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group”
Complete ​KWHLAQ​ in groups.
Read: ​
Watch a series of zombie trailers/one film/episode from resources list
What are the defining characteristics of zombies? How does one become a zombie? How does one kill a zombie? Thinking routine: ​Creative Hunt Project
What else can your group find out about the rules of zombies in movies and literature?
Watch min. 1 additional film from list and complete See, Think, Wonder routine.
Key words: lore
Lesson 6-8: the science behind zombies - USE CDC materials
Play tag disease game
Revise - Two types of disease, basic microbiology
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
What is “zombie preparedness”?
Groups of 3, research one of the following for a gallery walk/presentations
What are the main factors of disease control?
What are the defences/management of disease?
What are the differences between epidemics and pandemics?
Research, gallery walk presentations
Process Journal: ​3,2,1 Bridge Thinking Routine
Extension: ​Claim, Support, Question Thinking routine​ -
Key words: microbiology, disease, defence, epidemics, pandemics, prevention,
Lesson 9
What is the relationship between management (related concept) and intervention (related concept) in a disease outbreak? What might the consequences
(related concept) be? ​CEC​ Thinking Routine
Keywords: Management, intervention, outbreak
Lesson 10
Will you survive? Escape from Hanoi - Zombie Escape Plan in groups of 2-3 (using google apps)
Keywords: survival, risk, assessment, risk-assessment,
Lesson 11
Could a zombie apocalypse really happen? Synthesis of scientific knowledge to answer.
Microlab Routine
Key words: Apocalypse, pandemic, synthesis
Lesson 12
Extended response “open book” - How might we use zombie lore and science to help us better understand how to manage disease in an interconnected
world (key concept: global interactions)? What could we do to reduce inequality in the context of disease management? (SDG #10)
Key words: globalisation, interconnectedness
Lesson 13-19 - ​Can a study of zombies help us better understand our rights and responsibilities in a globalised world?
By synthesising historical, cultural (zombies and origins) and scientific (microbiology) knowledge, students create a performance of understanding of their
own choice that answers the debatable question ​c​an a study of zombies help us better understand our rights and responsibilities in a globalised
Possible examples
Media product
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Zombie Art Walk (series of pieces)
Zombie Risk Assessment/Escape Plan
Targeted audience graphic novel
Graphic novel excerpt illustration
Short film
Formative assessment Differentiation
1. Research tasks - zombie myths and origins
2. Disease and how it spreads - ​tag game
3. Creative Hunt Project Zero​ routine various media representations
4. Connect Extend Challenge Thinking Routine - ​is a zombie outbreak
scientifically possible?
5. Escape from Hanoi: Group zombie apocalypse ​escape plan​ task
Process: e.g. Levelled reading articles for ELL students
CDC Zombie Preparedness Intro
CDC Zombie Preparedness for Educators​ ​Video Description: “Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or
walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out what first began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages
has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via “zombie
CDC Has A Zombie Apocalypse Plan
BBC Reality Game Show: I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse ​- ​Description: ​BBC A reality game show set six months into a zombie outbreak.
Zombie Science and the spread of disease​ - ​Description: ​Activity provides students with an inside look at the math and science real-life epidemiologists
use to track and curb the spread of diseases through a population, and engages them in
Geography of Disease​ - ​Description: ​Resources on ‘Reasoning with biomedical data: understanding risk’ - designed to engage students (aged 12-14
years) with ideas about the spread of disease and risk.”
Geography of Disease/Anthropology
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
“​What Is a Pandemic?​” ​World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 21 June 2015. ​Description: Definition and examples of pandemics.​.
Mariani, Mike. “The Tragic, Forgotten History of Zombies.” ​The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 28 Oct. 2015,​.
Gandhi, Lakshmi. “Zoinks! Tracing The History Of 'Zombie' From Haiti To The CDC.” ​NPR, NPR, 15 Dec. 2013,
Description: How zombie myths​ trace their roots to Haiti and Haitian Creole traditions that have their roots in African religious customs.
Bortnikau, A., ​Where to Travel if You’re Obsessed With Zombies​, National Geographiic, 2017
‘Zombies’. ​University of Michigan. ​Description: ​Zombie History and Haitian Folklore, Early Zombie Movies, Night of the Living Dead and the Modern
Zombie, Zombie symbolism
Luckhurst, R., ​Where do Zombies Come From? ​BBC Article, ​31 August 2015: ​Description: ​Zombie History origins in Haiti
Geiser, Kelsey. ​Stanford scholar explains why Zombie fascination is very much alive​, Stanford News, 20 February, 2013
Description: ​Stanford literary researcher ties our modern obsession with zombies to the survivalist mentality that developed after World War II.
Wilentz, A. ​ ‘A Zombie Is a Slave Forever​’, ​New York Times, October 2013,
Description: Literary Journalism Professor, Uni. of California ​- “There are many reasons the zombie, sprung from the colonial slave economy, is returning
now to haunt us. Of course, the zombie is scary in a primordial way, but in a modern way, too. He’s the living dead, but he’s also the inanimate animated,
the robot of industrial dystopias.”
Zombie Fad tied feelings of disempowerment and economic turmoil
Description: To Clemson University professor Sarah Lauro, the phenomenon of zombies in contemporary popular culture isn’t harmful or a random fad,
but part of a historical trend that mirrors a level of cultural dissatisfaction and economic upheaval.
Ingersoll​ G., ​Zombies are popular because people have given up hope​, Business Insider, 2013. Description: ​ How our fascination with zombies
“illustrates citizens' dissatisfaction with governments and life in general.”
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Golgowski, N., ​These Cities Are The Least Likely To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse​, 2016
Description: ​ Based on a study by CareerBuilder, ” examined 53 of the largest metropolitan areas. The areas were ultimately judged by their defense
against an imagined zombie-inflicted virus, their ability to contain it and their ability of finding a cure and food supply.”
Knapton, S., ‘Yale experiment to reanimate dead brains promises 'living hell' for humans’, ​The Telegraph, 6 May, 2018
Zombie Facts: Real and Imagined ​(Infographic), Live Science, 2011,
Panoringan, J., ​Rewriting the Zombie Apocalypse,​ 2017. ​Description: STEM related activities of Zombie Apocalypse scenario
Tenzin, A., ‘MYP Science and Biology Resources’, MYP Integrated Sciences, retrieved 20 May, 2018
Description: Microbes and disease resources
Bishop, Ben. “Learning Graphic Novel Storyboarding.” ​ - from LinkedIn,, 15 June 2017,​.
Description: Basics of shot composition, visual storytelling features in a graphic novel
Pinterest: Zombie Lesson Ideas
The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse - ​Description: ​"With THE ZOMBIE AUTOPSIES, Steven Schlozman redefines 'weird
science' for the 21st Century. Brilliant, bizarre and wonderfully disturbing." --Jonathan Maberry, ​New York Times bestselling author of ​Rot & Ruin and
Patient Zero
The Serpent and the Rainbow, 1997, ​Description: “​A Harvard Scientist's Astonishing Journey into the Secret Societies of Haitian Voodoo, Zombis, and
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Do Zombies Dream of Undead Sheep? ​ Description: In ​Do Zombies Dream of Undead Sheep?, “Neuroscientists and zombie enthusiasts Timothy
Verstynen and Bradley Voytek apply their neuro-know-how to dissect the puzzle of what has happened to the zombie brain to make the undead act
differently than their human prey.”
Graphic Novels/Picture books
Last Kids on Earth by Max Brailler
The Very Hungry Zombie - satirical picture book that appropriates ​The ​Hungery, Hungry Caterpillar
Films/TV Shows
White Zombie​, 1932, d. Victor Halperin
Night of the Living Dead, 1968, d. George Romero
Warm Bodies,
Santa Clarita Diet,
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Doc of the Dead, 2014. ​Description: ​“The definitive zombie culture documentary, brought to the screen by the makers of THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE
LUCAS. Shot and edited in a cinematically edgy, high-octane style, DOC OF THE DEAD will host a rich pop culture dialogue with zombie experts and
celebrities, seek participation from YouTubers and indie filmmakers, and investigate the possibility and ramifications of an actual zombie outbreak.”
Video Essays
Zombies: an idea worth spreading about how ideas spread:​ Kyle Bishop at TEDxSUU
Description: ​Kyle Bishop, author of American Zombie Gothic: The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Walking Dead in Popular Culture, guides us through the
history of the zombie from its Afro-Carribean roots to its current status as one of the major memes of contemporary culture.
The history of zombies: Where did the phenomenon begin​? Fox News, Description: ​Tim Seeley, author of the "Revival" zombie-themed comic book
series discusses the history of the undead.
Why we are obsessed with Zombies​, Seeker YouTube Channel, ​13 Mar 2013
Description: Short video on cultural fascination with zombies
World War Z​ - “​From video games to big screen epics to weekly television fare, the zombie craze has reached a fever pitch. ​"World War Z: Rise of the
Undead" looks behind the fiction to explore whether these nightmare scenarios might be possible in the real world. What results is an all too believable
portrait that's as frightening as any crafted in a Hollywood studio”.
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Lauro, S. ​Brains Matter​ ​Youtube, 17 Nov 2011. ​Description:​ The University of South Florida Humanities Institute hosted Sarah Juliet Lauro, Ph.D. of the
University of California, Davis. This lecture discusses the brief history of the modern Zombie.
Sanders, J., ​How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse Using Google Apps​, 2015. ​Description: ​How to develop a zombie apocalypse survival/escape plan
using Google Apps
Drexler, D.,​ ​Gauguin’s Zombie​, 2005. Description: ‘Gauguin’s Zombie’ developed over seven years of research and art making between 1998 and 2005.
Based on the premise that Paul Gauguin, French painter and visitor to the South Pacific, has returned to life in a fictional exhibition in a fictional museum,
this installation explores the complex dynamics between the past and present, the influence of colonialism and cultural identity, and the traditions of the
Western and non-Western worlds.
Urban Dead, an online zombie apocalypse​ multiplayer game
Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of interdisciplinary inquiry
Prior to teaching the unit: During teaching: After teaching the unit:
By exploring how zombies represent our
existential fears, we can better understand
disease, and how to assess risks and solutions in
a context of rights and responsibilities (/or power
and privilege)
Knowledge and understanding of disease,
epidemics and management/risk assessment
Symbolism and representations of zombie-ism,
why we use art to represent our fears and/or art
as a way to make sense of the world and/or a
form of social protest
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
Possible Tasks:
Goal: To create increased awareness of disease control and
management (antibiotic resistance), following the success of the
CDCs viral zombie campaign of 2011
Role: Consulting social media expert with a background in science
Audience: 18-25 y-o
Situation: Following the success of the 2011 CDC campaign, you
have been contracted to produce a follow-up social media campaign
to build on disease readiness and incorrect use of antibiotics in
order to better manage disease and avoid an “​antibiotic apocalypse​”
Product/Performance/Purpose: Social media channel with original
and curated products with a new twist on the zombie science theme
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP
UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links
MYP Key Concepts
to educate the young people about antibiotic resistance
Success Criteria
IDU Cr A, B, C, D
●Engaging social media products that will produce ongoing
education for 18-25 year-old audience
●Must contain accurate scientific knowledge/evidence and new
twist on representations of the zombie apocalypse in a new
context (ATL: transfer/complex problem solving)
Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence

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2018-19 G09-10 Zombie Apocalypse IDU planner

  • 1. Image Source: ​Zombie Man CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 2. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts MYP IDU Planner 2018-19 Unit title Could we survive a Zombie Apocalypse? Teachers Cindy Barnsley/Sandra Schneidermann Subject groups Arts, I&S MYP Year & Duration (hrs) 19 hours Description Why are people so obsessed with zombies? Learn about zombies through art, film and literature and find out if you could survive a zombie apocalypse, the science of disease SDG link This unit connects to SDG #10 Reduced Inequality Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of an interdisciplinary unit Purpose of integration 1. By exploring how and why zombies are represented in popular culture, we can better understand how the spread of disease might impact global society in a context of rights and responsibilities 2. By exploring how zombies represent our primal fears, we can better understand disease, and how to assess risks and solutions in a context of rights and responsibilities Possible form of integration: ​Contextualisation - students use representations of zombies and zombie science ​in order to develop new understanding of pandemics, risk assessment, and the containment of disease, and how these can impact our rights of responsibilities in a globalised world. Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 3. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Description​: Why are we obsessed with Zombies? Societies boogeyman of choice says something about its underlying issues? The recent proliferation and evolution of ‘zombies’ in cinema, comics, books and art and has grown exponentially and in this IDU we will ask the question ‘what’s going on here’? Students will start by investing the origin myth of Zombies. They will research socio-historical evolution of the myth through and across cultural landscapes by looking closely at African diaspora, Haiti’s slave trade and ​Slave revolt​ ( 1791 -1804) and consider why this might have been fertile grounds for the development of Zombie representations. mythology and lore to proliferate. This learning will lead to an examination of the possibility and ramifications of an actual zombie outbreak and issues surrounding the management of disease in a globalised world. Using the lens of ‘The Arts’ we will investigation function and purpose of zombie’s in cinema and artwork as a metaphor for slavery, rebellion powerlessness and survival through examining key works by George Romero, Night of the living dead, as well as contemporary works such iZombie, Zombieland, World war Z, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, ​Gauguin's Zombies by Debra Drexler​ and Zombie run and Horror Makeup performance artist by Jillian Mcdonald. Key Concept(s) Related Concept(s) Global Context Global Interactions Management and intervention Representations Fairness and development: rights and responsibilities /or power and privilege Statement of Inquiry 1. In an interconnected world, the outcomes of health management and intervention can impact our rights and responsibilities. (I&S and sciences) 2. Representations of our fear of disease can impact rights and responsibilities in an interconnected world. (Arts and sciences) 3. In an interconnected world, power and privilege impacts how we represent our fears (I&S and Arts) Inquiry Questions What teacher questions will drive these inquiries? Factual: Where/when did zombie myths originate? What is “zombie lore”? What is “zombie science”? What are the main factors of disease control? What are the defences/management of disease? What are the differences between epidemics and pandemics? Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 4. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Conceptual: Why are zombies popularly represented in film, arts and texts? (related concept) What is the relationship between management (related concept) and intervention (related concept) in a disease outbreak? What might the consequences (related concept) be? How might we use zombie lore and science to help us better understand how to manage disease in an interconnected world (key concept: global interactions)? Debatable: Can a study of zombies help us better understand our rights and responsibilities in a globalised world? (global context) Summative assessment - interdisciplinary performance(s) of understanding Interdisciplinary criteria Task(s) Criterion A—Disciplinary Grounding ● demonstrate disciplinary factual, conceptual and/or procedural knowledge. Criterion B—Synthesizing ● synthesize disciplining knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding Criterion C—Communicating ● Use appropriate strategies to communicate interdisciplinary understanding effectively. Criterion D ● Reflect on the development of their own interdisciplinary understanding. ● Reflect on the benefits of disciplinary and interdisciplinary Using a collaborative process students create a performance of understanding of their own choice: Zombie Art Walk Zombie Risk Assessment/Escape Plan Targeted audience graphic novel or media product Graphic novel excerpt illustration Possible task examples: Select a media representation (e.g. one episode or storyline) and use science knowledge about infection and disease spread to critique plausibility. Investigate at least two historical time periods that includes myths about the undead. Using knowledge of earlier myths, write a character background for a new zombie character, and design a storyboard introducing the character for a new comic book series. Approaches to Learning (ATL) How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills? Research 1. Analyse and interpret media 2. Locate,organize, analyse, evaluate, synthesize information Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 5. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Action: Teaching and learning through interdisciplinary inquiry Disciplinary grounding Subject​: MYP Arts Subject​: MYP I&S MYP objective: A i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of subject-specific terminology ii. demonstrate an understanding of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts iii. use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions in the process of creating artwork. C. ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking behaviours iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic intention through to a point of realization. Di. construct meaning and transfer learning to new settings MYP objective A. i. use terminology in context ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-specific content and concepts through descriptions, explanations and examples. B. iii. use research methods to collect and record relevant information Related concept:​ Representation Related concept: ​Management & intervention Content Zombie-related artworks, film, graphic novels Symbolism of zombie art as a protest text Content Socio-historical context of zombie mythology: Origin myth of Zombies, socio-historical evolution of the myth through and across cultural landscapes Geography of disease Symbolism of zombie art as a protest text Disciplinary learning engagements and teaching strategies How do we represent real-world fears through art? Exploration of various films and texts: George Romero’s ​Night of the living dead, ​Dawn of the Dead, Thriller Michael Jackson, as well as contemporary works such as ​iZombie, ​World war Z, ​Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, ​Gauguin's Zombies by Debra Drexler​, ​Doc of the Dead​ (documentary), and Zombie run and Horror Makeup performance artist by Jillian Mcdonald Disciplinary learning engagements and teaching strategies Exploration of origins of zombie mythology. Research socio-historical evolution of the myth through and across cultural landscapes by looking closely at African diaspora, Haiti’s slave trade and Slave revolt​ ( 1791 -1804) and consider why this might have been fertile grounds for the development of Zombie representations Revise the following geographic/scientific knowledge: bacteria, fungi and Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 6. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Use CDC material to learn the science and/or zombie taxonomy as a contemporary mythology to create their product/impact their creative process Students will demonstrate their learning by creating a collaborative work of art in response to investigations. This work will explore how the presence of a Zombies are a symbol of an existential threat. viruses as microorganisms, research some of the diseases and their causes; describe some of the defences the body has against disease; describe how disease spreads in a geographical context and possible containment strategies (Ebola?/AIDS?/H1N1/Spanish Influenza) Use “​Zombie Science​” to learn about the spread of disease (geography of disease). Revise two cateogies of disease - non-infectious and non-infectious. Use CDC “Zombie Preparedness” resources (“zombie science”) - is a zombie outbreak scientifically possible? Use CDC material to learn the science and/or zombie taxonomy as a contemporary mythology to create their product/impact their creative process Philosophy: ​When does a person cease to be 'alive'? Should the ‘undead’ have rights? Can the ‘undead’ be held accountable for infecting others? Interdisciplinary learning process Interdisciplinary learning experiences and teaching strategies Lesson 1: Opening activity View: ​Why we are obsessed with Zombies​, (2.26m) Seeker YouTube Channel, ​13 Mar 2013. ​Description: Short video in cultural fascination with zombies Video viewing & Class discussion When did the “critical mass” of zombie popularity occur? Why? ​Economic Downturn and war What is a zombie walk an expression of? In groups of 3, ​list​ everything you know about zombie, including any movies or texts you know. What’s your favourite representation of zombies? Why? Start ​KWHLAQ Discuss​ - Why do YOU think zombies are popular? Share and document in thought bubbles to display around classroom Read article using ​Perusall​ to check for understanding and questions: ​Zombie Fad tied feelings of disempowerment and economic turmoil Process Journal entry - Evaluate Dr Lauro’s argument - is it valid? Why? Why not? Following the discussion with your group, why do you think zombies are popular and what do they symbolise? Can be a short video, piece to camera, podcast or written response Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 7. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Lesson 2-3 - Background and origin Factual: Where/when did zombie myths originate? Etymology​ - quick research task - in pairs, 5-minute “quick search” to find out where the word zombies comes from (​early 19th century: of West African origin; compare with Kikongo ​zumbi ‘fetish.’) Use timer View: ​The history of zombies: Where did the phenomenon begin​? Zombies: an idea worth spreading about how ideas spread:​ Kyle Bishop (​up to 12 minute mark) Notetaking: T​ake effective notes (​ATL) Cornell note-taking ​template Read: BBC Article, ​Where do Zombies Come From? Process Journal ​Writing task: Using the videos and your own research, write a 300-400 word summary of the origins of zombie myth in your own words (ATL: ​Structure information in summaries, essays and reports) Explain how zombie myths: 1) connect to the transAtlantic slave trade and Haiti 2) Possible connection/s to Christianity 3) gained popularity in Western popular culture 4) change after the 1968 “Night of the living dead” film Keywords: zombie, ghoul, slavery, autonomy, colonialism, popular culture, horde, apocalypse, corporeal, Lesson 4-5 - What is “zombie lore”? What is lore? Key term: “​a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group” Complete ​KWHLAQ​ in groups. Read: ​ Watch a series of zombie trailers/one film/episode from resources list What are the defining characteristics of zombies? How does one become a zombie? How does one kill a zombie? Thinking routine: ​Creative Hunt Project Zero What else can your group find out about the rules of zombies in movies and literature? Watch min. 1 additional film from list and complete See, Think, Wonder routine. Key words: lore Lesson 6-8: the science behind zombies - USE CDC materials Play tag disease game Revise - Two types of disease, basic microbiology Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 8. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts What is “zombie preparedness”? Groups of 3, research one of the following for a gallery walk/presentations What are the main factors of disease control? What are the defences/management of disease? What are the differences between epidemics and pandemics? Research, gallery walk presentations Process Journal: ​3,2,1 Bridge Thinking Routine Extension: ​Claim, Support, Question Thinking routine​ - Key words: microbiology, disease, defence, epidemics, pandemics, prevention, Lesson 9 What is the relationship between management (related concept) and intervention (related concept) in a disease outbreak? What might the consequences (related concept) be? ​CEC​ Thinking Routine Keywords: Management, intervention, outbreak Lesson 10 Will you survive? Escape from Hanoi - Zombie Escape Plan in groups of 2-3 (using google apps) Keywords: survival, risk, assessment, risk-assessment, Lesson 11 Could a zombie apocalypse really happen? Synthesis of scientific knowledge to answer. Microlab Routine Key words: Apocalypse, pandemic, synthesis Lesson 12 Extended response “open book” - How might we use zombie lore and science to help us better understand how to manage disease in an interconnected world (key concept: global interactions)? What could we do to reduce inequality in the context of disease management? (SDG #10) Key words: globalisation, interconnectedness Lesson 13-19 - ​Can a study of zombies help us better understand our rights and responsibilities in a globalised world? By synthesising historical, cultural (zombies and origins) and scientific (microbiology) knowledge, students create a performance of understanding of their own choice that answers the debatable question ​c​an a study of zombies help us better understand our rights and responsibilities in a globalised world? Possible examples Media product Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 9. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Zombie Art Walk (series of pieces) Zombie Risk Assessment/Escape Plan Targeted audience graphic novel Graphic novel excerpt illustration Short film Formative assessment Differentiation 1. Research tasks - zombie myths and origins 2. Disease and how it spreads - ​tag game 3. Creative Hunt Project Zero​ routine various media representations 4. Connect Extend Challenge Thinking Routine - ​is a zombie outbreak scientifically possible? 5. Escape from Hanoi: Group zombie apocalypse ​escape plan​ task Content: Pace: Process: e.g. Levelled reading articles for ELL students Product: Resources Articles/Websites CDC Zombie Preparedness Intro CDC Zombie Preparedness for Educators​ ​Video Description: “Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out what first began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via “zombie preparedness”.” CDC Has A Zombie Apocalypse Plan BBC Reality Game Show: I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse ​- ​Description: ​BBC A reality game show set six months into a zombie outbreak. Zombie Science and the spread of disease​ - ​Description: ​Activity provides students with an inside look at the math and science real-life epidemiologists use to track and curb the spread of diseases through a population, and engages them in Geography of Disease​ - ​Description: ​Resources on ‘Reasoning with biomedical data: understanding risk’ - designed to engage students (aged 12-14 years) with ideas about the spread of disease and risk.” Geography of Disease/Anthropology Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 10. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts “​What Is a Pandemic?​” ​World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 21 June 2015. ​Description: Definition and examples of pandemics.​. Mariani, Mike. “The Tragic, Forgotten History of Zombies.” ​The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 28 Oct. 2015,​. Description: Gandhi, Lakshmi. “Zoinks! Tracing The History Of 'Zombie' From Haiti To The CDC.” ​NPR, NPR, 15 Dec. 2013, Description: How zombie myths​ trace their roots to Haiti and Haitian Creole traditions that have their roots in African religious customs. Bortnikau, A., ​Where to Travel if You’re Obsessed With Zombies​, National Geographiic, 2017 ‘Zombies’. ​University of Michigan. ​Description: ​Zombie History and Haitian Folklore, Early Zombie Movies, Night of the Living Dead and the Modern Zombie, Zombie symbolism Luckhurst, R., ​Where do Zombies Come From? ​BBC Article, ​31 August 2015: ​Description: ​Zombie History origins in Haiti Geiser, Kelsey. ​Stanford scholar explains why Zombie fascination is very much alive​, Stanford News, 20 February, 2013 Description: ​Stanford literary researcher ties our modern obsession with zombies to the survivalist mentality that developed after World War II. Wilentz, A. ​ ‘A Zombie Is a Slave Forever​’, ​New York Times, October 2013, Description: Literary Journalism Professor, Uni. of California ​- “There are many reasons the zombie, sprung from the colonial slave economy, is returning now to haunt us. Of course, the zombie is scary in a primordial way, but in a modern way, too. He’s the living dead, but he’s also the inanimate animated, the robot of industrial dystopias.” Zombie Fad tied feelings of disempowerment and economic turmoil Description: To Clemson University professor Sarah Lauro, the phenomenon of zombies in contemporary popular culture isn’t harmful or a random fad, but part of a historical trend that mirrors a level of cultural dissatisfaction and economic upheaval. Ingersoll​ G., ​Zombies are popular because people have given up hope​, Business Insider, 2013. Description: ​ How our fascination with zombies “illustrates citizens' dissatisfaction with governments and life in general.” Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 11. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Golgowski, N., ​These Cities Are The Least Likely To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse​, 2016 Description: ​ Based on a study by CareerBuilder, ” examined 53 of the largest metropolitan areas. The areas were ultimately judged by their defense against an imagined zombie-inflicted virus, their ability to contain it and their ability of finding a cure and food supply.” Knapton, S., ‘Yale experiment to reanimate dead brains promises 'living hell' for humans’, ​The Telegraph, 6 May, 2018 Zombie Facts: Real and Imagined ​(Infographic), Live Science, 2011, Panoringan, J., ​Rewriting the Zombie Apocalypse,​ 2017. ​Description: STEM related activities of Zombie Apocalypse scenario Tenzin, A., ‘MYP Science and Biology Resources’, MYP Integrated Sciences, retrieved 20 May, 2018 Description: Microbes and disease resources Bishop, Ben. “Learning Graphic Novel Storyboarding.” ​ - from LinkedIn,, 15 June 2017,​. Description: Basics of shot composition, visual storytelling features in a graphic novel Pinterest: Zombie Lesson Ideas Books/Novels The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse - ​Description: ​"With THE ZOMBIE AUTOPSIES, Steven Schlozman redefines 'weird science' for the 21st Century. Brilliant, bizarre and wonderfully disturbing." --Jonathan Maberry, ​New York Times bestselling author of ​Rot & Ruin and Patient Zero The Serpent and the Rainbow, 1997, ​Description: “​A Harvard Scientist's Astonishing Journey into the Secret Societies of Haitian Voodoo, Zombis, and Magic” Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 12. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Do Zombies Dream of Undead Sheep? ​ Description: In ​Do Zombies Dream of Undead Sheep?, “Neuroscientists and zombie enthusiasts Timothy Verstynen and Bradley Voytek apply their neuro-know-how to dissect the puzzle of what has happened to the zombie brain to make the undead act differently than their human prey.” Graphic Novels/Picture books Last Kids on Earth by Max Brailler The Very Hungry Zombie - satirical picture book that appropriates ​The ​Hungery, Hungry Caterpillar Films/TV Shows White Zombie​, 1932, d. Victor Halperin Night of the Living Dead, 1968, d. George Romero Warm Bodies, iZombie, Santa Clarita Diet, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Doc of the Dead, 2014. ​Description: ​“The definitive zombie culture documentary, brought to the screen by the makers of THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS. Shot and edited in a cinematically edgy, high-octane style, DOC OF THE DEAD will host a rich pop culture dialogue with zombie experts and celebrities, seek participation from YouTubers and indie filmmakers, and investigate the possibility and ramifications of an actual zombie outbreak.” Video Essays Zombies: an idea worth spreading about how ideas spread:​ Kyle Bishop at TEDxSUU Description: ​Kyle Bishop, author of American Zombie Gothic: The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Walking Dead in Popular Culture, guides us through the history of the zombie from its Afro-Carribean roots to its current status as one of the major memes of contemporary culture. The history of zombies: Where did the phenomenon begin​? Fox News, Description: ​Tim Seeley, author of the "Revival" zombie-themed comic book series discusses the history of the undead. Why we are obsessed with Zombies​, Seeker YouTube Channel, ​13 Mar 2013 Description: Short video on cultural fascination with zombies World War Z​ - “​From video games to big screen epics to weekly television fare, the zombie craze has reached a fever pitch. ​"World War Z: Rise of the Undead" looks behind the fiction to explore whether these nightmare scenarios might be possible in the real world. What results is an all too believable portrait that's as frightening as any crafted in a Hollywood studio”. Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 13. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Lauro, S. ​Brains Matter​ ​Youtube, 17 Nov 2011. ​Description:​ The University of South Florida Humanities Institute hosted Sarah Juliet Lauro, Ph.D. of the University of California, Davis. This lecture discusses the brief history of the modern Zombie. Sanders, J., ​How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse Using Google Apps​, 2015. ​Description: ​How to develop a zombie apocalypse survival/escape plan using Google Apps Artwork Drexler, D.,​ ​Gauguin’s Zombie​, 2005. Description: ‘Gauguin’s Zombie’ developed over seven years of research and art making between 1998 and 2005. Based on the premise that Paul Gauguin, French painter and visitor to the South Pacific, has returned to life in a fictional exhibition in a fictional museum, this installation explores the complex dynamics between the past and present, the influence of colonialism and cultural identity, and the traditions of the Western and non-Western worlds. Games Urban Dead, an online zombie apocalypse​ multiplayer game Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of interdisciplinary inquiry Prior to teaching the unit: During teaching: After teaching the unit: By exploring how zombies represent our existential fears, we can better understand disease, and how to assess risks and solutions in a context of rights and responsibilities (/or power and privilege) Knowledge and understanding of disease, epidemics and management/risk assessment Symbolism and representations of zombie-ism, why we use art to represent our fears and/or art as a way to make sense of the world and/or a form of social protest Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 14. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts Possible Tasks: GRASPS task Goal: To create increased awareness of disease control and management (antibiotic resistance), following the success of the CDCs viral zombie campaign of 2011 Role: Consulting social media expert with a background in science Audience: 18-25 y-o Situation: Following the success of the 2011 CDC campaign, you have been contracted to produce a follow-up social media campaign to build on disease readiness and incorrect use of antibiotics in order to better manage disease and avoid an “​antibiotic apocalypse​” Product/Performance/Purpose: Social media channel with original and curated products with a new twist on the zombie science theme Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence
  • 15. Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in the MYP UNIS Hanoi IDL Planning and Key Links MYP Key Concepts to educate the young people about antibiotic resistance Success Criteria IDU Cr A, B, C, D ●Engaging social media products that will produce ongoing education for 18-25 year-old audience ●Must contain accurate scientific knowledge/evidence and new twist on representations of the zombie apocalypse in a new context (ATL: transfer/complex problem solving) Image Source: ​Zombie Man​ CC0 Creative Commons Licence