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Net Neutrality for Bit Heads ver.2
Toshiya Jitsuzumi, Chuo University
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 1
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 2
Chairman Major Events at FCC and related incidents
March14,2002 CableModem Order
February20,2003 TriennialReview
February8, 2004 Powell Speech at Silicon Flatiron Symposium “Preserving
InternetFreedom;Guiding Principles for theIndustry”
Kevin J.
June 27,2005 NCTA v.Brand X @ US Supreme Court
March3,2005 Settlement with MadisonRiverCommunications
August 5,2005 WirelineBroadbandClassificationOrder
August 5,2005 InternetPolicy Statement
November 17,2005 Announcement of approvalconcerningSBC/AT&T and
Verizon/MCI mergers
November 3,2006 Broadbandover Power Line(BPL)-Enabled BroadbandOrder
March26,2007 Announcement of approvalconcerningAT&T/Bellmerger
April14,2007 NOI:In the matter of BroadbandIndustryPractices
April14,2007 47 CFR27.16 -Network accessrequirements for BlockCinthe
746-757and776-787MHz bands
April22,2007 Wireless BroadbandInternetAccessOrder
August 1,2008 Comcast-BitTorrent Order
Chairman Major Events at FCC and relatedincidents
January28,2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
July1,2009 NOFA (noticeof fundsavailability)forARRA programs(BIPand
October 22,2009 NPRM: In the Matter of Preservingthe Open Internet Broadband
March16,2010 ConnectingAmerica:The NationalBroadbandPlan
April6, 2010 Comcast v. FCC @ D.C. Circuit Court
May 6,2010 A proposal of“TheThird Way”
June 17,2010 NOI:INthe Matter of Framework for BroadbandInternet Access
August 9,2010 A proposal fromVerizonand Google
December21, 2010 The FCC 2010Open InternetOrder
January28,2011 Announcement of approvalconcerningComcast/NBCUniversal
Tom Wheeler January 14,2014 Verizon v. FCC @ D.C. Circuit Court
May 30,2014 A publicnoticeto refreshthe recordinNOI (June 17,2010)
May 15,2014 NPRM: In the Matter of Protecting andPromoting the Open
November 10,2014 Statement of PresidentObama
February26,2015 The FCC 2015Open InternetOrder(Title II Order)
October 26,2016 the 2016PrivacyOrder
January 12,2017 WirelessTelecomBureau issuedareportthatsayszero-ratingsof
AT&T andVerizon arenotOK with the 2015 order.
Chairman Major Events at FCC and related incidents
April10,1998 Stevens Report classifiedInternetaccessservicesasinformation,
rather than telecommunications,services.
Chairman Major Events at FCC and related incidents
AjitPai February 3, 2017 Wireless TelecomBureau closed investigation into zero-rating.
February 23, 2017 Small Business Exemption Order
March 28, 2017 Revocation of the FCC’s broadband privacy ruleunder the
Congressional ReviewAct
April 26,2017 Chairman Pai Speech on the Future of Internet Regulation
May 23, 2017 NPRM: In the Matter of Restoring Internet Freedom
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 3
• ブロードバンドアクセスを「電気通信サービス」として厳しく規制。ただし、適用
• プロバイダ間の相互接続を規制対象に設定。
• ネットワーク管理方法や実効品質,取引条件に係る詳細な情報開示義務(小
苦情処理手続きの拡充 • オンブズマンを設置し対応強化
合理的なネットワーク管理の許容 技術的な観点からの管理のみを許容。メディアに応じたバリエーションはOK
代替的サービスに係る情報開示 いわゆるspecialized serviceに関する情報開示を義務付け
ISP相互接続に対する監督 ISPの相互接続が正当・合理的であることを確保するために介入することを宣言
対象サービス︓ “Broadband Internet Access Service”
A mass-market retail service by wire or radio that provides the capability to transmit data to
and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints, including any capabilities that
are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications service, but excluding dial-
up Internet access service. This term also encompasses any service that the Commission
finds to be providing a functional equivalent of the service described in the previous sentence,
or that is used to evade the protections set forth in this Part.
◦ “special access service”、法人向けサービス(VPN、CDN、ホスティング、データストレージ、
インターネットバックボーン)、Premises Operatorサービス、利⽤者設置のホットスポット
◦ サービス顧客はエンドユーザーとコンテンツ・アプリ事業者の両者
◦ 「上流側」のISP間相互接続サービスも対象。ただし、CDNとの相互接続案件も含め当面は
◦ “… we find that the best approach is to watch, learn, and act as required, but not intervene now,
especially not with prescriptive rules.” (para. 31)
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 4
Non-BIAS Data Services→以下の特徴を有するサービスについては監視を継続
◦ インターネットの⼤部分に接続するためには利⽤されない
◦ 応用範囲の狭いアプリケーションレベルのサービス
◦ 他のサービスとは区分される通信容量を利⽤
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 5
• Facility-based VoIP, Internet Protocol-video offering,
• connectivity bundled with e-readers, heart monitors, or energy consumption sensors
• limited-purpose devices such as automobile telematics, and services that provide
schools with curriculum-approved applications and content
Strong Net Neutralityを展望した規制展開
Reclassification of BIAS
◦ Verizon判決の方針の採用
◦ BIASを二面市場として捉え、コンテンツ・アプリ事業者側も含めて「電気通信サービス」と分類
◦ 同時にBIASを「情報サービス」ではないと判断した理由についても詳述
◦ Brand X判決以来の⽅針を変更した理由は、BIASをめぐる状況の変化
◦ BIASサービスはもはやアプリケーションやサービスと不可分⼀体( inextricably
intertwined )ではない。
◦ 消費者は、プロバイダ以外の第三者が提供するサービスを多用
◦ BIASの不可⽋機能( indispensable function )は、CAP事業者とユーザーをつなぐこと
◦ プロバイダの広告宣伝戦略や価格付け戦略は、提供するコンテンツ・アプリではなく、アクセス
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 6
Bright Line Rules
接続拒否の禁止(No Blocking)
◦ 接続拒否をしないことに対する対価を請求することは認められない
◦ 最低保証品質は設定しない
品質低下措置の禁止(No Throttling)
◦ 利⽤者の要望に基づくものはOK
◦ 例︓⼀定の⽉間利⽤量を超えると低速度になることを定めたデータプランの販売
有償あるいは関連会社を有利にする⽬的での優遇措置禁止(No Paid Prioritization)
◦ “Subject to reasonable network management”という例外事例の適⽤なし
◦ ISP間の接続やCDNについては適用されない
◦ 公益増進の目的にかない、かつオープン性を阻害しないなら容認される可能性あり
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 7
General Conduct Rule: No Unreasonable Interference/Disadvantage Standard
◦ Bright Line Rulesがカバーしていない事象が本命令に即しているか否かの判断基準
◦ モバイルBBの技術的要請については、reasonable managementによる適用除外で考慮
◦ Sponsored dataとusage allowanceについては、メリットとデメリットをふまえて個別判断
◦ 具体的な判断基準
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 8
 End-user control
 Competitive effects
 Consumer protection
 Effects on innovation, investment, or
broadband deployment
 Free expression
 Application agnostic
 Standard practices
According to ex-chairman Wheeler,
General conduct ruleについては予⾒
(Silicon Flatiron 2017での発言)
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 9
◦ 契約条件
◦ 価格
◦ the full monthly service charge. Any
promotional rates should be clearly noted as
◦ 他の手数料
◦ データ利用量の制限
◦ 実効品質
◦ 実効アクセス速度
◦ 反応時間(latency)
◦ パケットロス
◦ ネットワーク制御
◦ practices that are applied to traffic associated
with a particular user or user group, including
any application-agnostic degradation of service
to a particular end user.
Transparency rule
◦ ネットワーク制御
◦ 混雑制御
◦ 特定アプリに関する制御
◦ 端末接続ルール
◦ セキュリティ関連情報
◦ サービス内容
◦ サービス細目
◦ Specialized service提供による影響
◦ 契約条件
◦ 価格
◦ For example, monthly prices, usage-based fees,
and fees for early termination or additional
network services.
◦ プライバシーポリシー
◦ 損害回復⼿順
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 10
+ 消費者向け自主的開示
◦ Sponsored data plan, or zero-rating
◦ On the one hand, evidence in the record suggests that
these business models may in some instances provide
benefits to consumers, with particular reference to their
use in the provision of mobile services.
◦ On the other hand, some commenters strongly
oppose sponsored data plans, arguing that “the power
to exempt selective services from data caps seriously
distorts competition, favors companies with the
deepest pockets, and prevents consumers from
exercising control over what they are able to access
on the Internet,” again with specific reference to mobile
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 11
◦ Data allowance, or data cap, and usage-based
pricing plan
◦ Usage allowances may benefit consumers by
offering them more choices over a greater range of
service options, and, for mobile broadband
networks, such plans are the industry norm today,
in part reflecting the different capacity issues on
mobile networks.
◦ Conversely, some commenters have expressed
concern that such practices can potentially be used
by broadband providers to disadvantage competing
over-the-top providers.
(para. 151) (para. 153)
• コンテンツ・アプリ事業者側が通信費用
を賄うsponsored data planは、特にモバ
• ただし、財政的に豊かなコンテンツ・ア
• 月間の利用量制限(Data cap)は、利用
• しかし、同制度はOTTサービス事業者
Wireline Telecommunications Bureau Report(Jan. 11, 2017)
While reiterating that zero-rating per se does not raise concerns, it
finds that two of the programs reviewed, AT&T's "Sponsored Data"
program and Verizon's "FreeBee Data 360" program, present
significant risks to consumers and competition.
◦ While observing that AT&T provided incomplete responses to staff
inquires, the report states that the limited information available
supports a conclusion that AT&T offers Sponsored Data to third party
content providers at terms and conditions that are effectively less
favorable than those it offers to its affiliate, DIRECTV.
◦ Unlike T-Mobile, which charges all edge providers the same zero rate
for participating in BingeOn, AT&T imposes hefty per-gigabyte
charges on third parties for use of Sponsored Data. All indications are
that AT&T's charges far exceed the costs AT&T incurs in providing the
sponsored data service.
◦ The structure of Verizon's FreeBee Data 360 program raises similar
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 12
Statement from the FCC chairman
WASHINGTON, February 3, 2017 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai
issued the following statement today on the end of the investigation into wireless carriers' free-
data offerings: “Today, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is closing its investigation
into wireless carriers' free-data offerings. These free-data plans have proven to be popular
among consumers, particularly low-income Americans, and have enhanced competition in the
wireless marketplace. Going forward, the Federal Communications Commission will not focus
on denying Americans free data. Instead, we will concentrate on expanding broadband
deployment and encouraging innovative service offerings.”
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 13
NPRM: In the Matter of Restoring Internet Freedom (May 23, 2017)
◦ ブロードバンドアクセスサービス(BIAS)を通信法第一
◦ クリントン政権期における規制緩和状況への回帰を目指す。
◦ 2015年ルールで⾏なったモバイルブロードバンドアクセ
◦ ISPにおける個⼈情報取扱いの規律権限をFTCに返還
◦ オンブズマンの廃止
◦ 2015年ルールが定めた⼀般準則(「7つの判断基準」)
◦ 2015年ルールが定めたプロバイダの⾏動に関する三つの
ルール(Bright line rules)の再検討
◦ ブロードバンド市場へのFCCによる事前介入の必要性の
◦ 費⽤便益分析実施の提案
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 14
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 15
Pai’s Statement at MWCA2017
◦ “Bottom line: the mobile marketplace is healthy, but we’ve got work to do to close
the digital divide and boost network investment, which go hand in hand. And we
need to tackle these issues with an eye toward revving the virtuous cycle of faster,
better networks that unleash new innovations that drive additional consumer
demand. The FCC has embraced these goals. Here’s what we’re doing, starting
with the digital divide.”
◦ In our Restoring Internet Freedom proceeding, the FCC is currently examining
whether we should change our Internet regulations in order to encourage greater
deployment and investment and bring digital opportunity to more Americans. …
it’s important not to look at that proceeding in isolation. Instead, it is just one part
of a comprehensive review of how to encourage the construction and expansion
of next-generation networks.
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 16
FCC chair Ajit Pai may have been stating the obvious given his conservative, deregulatory
history, but he did so with gusto at a speech at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif.,
Tuesday night (Oct. 10), invoking the Republican president and his FCC chairs, Mark Fowler
and Dennis Patrick.
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 17
Quoting Fowler, Pai said: "We want to
eliminate, as much as we can, government
regulation of the telecommunications
marketplace so as to permit present players
to provide new and innovative services to
consumers and likewise permit new players
to come in and compete. That's basically our
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 18
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 19
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 20
Source: Easley, R., Guo, H., and Kraemer, J.
(forthcoming) “From Network Neutrality to Data
Neutrality: A Techno-Economic Framework and
Research Agenda,” Information Systems
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 21
Name of neutralities Definition Related players
Search neutrality Prevent search ranking
algorithm from reflecting
managerial and other
The search service (e.g., Google,
Facebook, Amazon) is the
gatekeeper. Consumers search for
content or products of interest.
Operating system neutrality Prevent discrimination of
functionality based on CP or
app provider, consumer
device, or NP.
The device manufacturer or OS is
the gatekeeper. Consumers get
content or services through the use
of device or OS.
App store neutrality Prevent app prioritization or
blocking based on the
developer, the app or app
type, or the consumer.
The app store is the gatekeeper
(usually associated with the OS),
app developers and consumers are
the other two parties.
Ad block neutrality Prevent ad blocking based on
the ad publisher, network,
type, content; or on the
advertiser or consumer.
Ad block provider is the gatekeeper.
Consumers may use ad block
software to block ads from
Table 1 Additional “neutralities” for OTT platformers
Source:Created on the basis of Easley et al. (forthcoming,Table 2)
Free Basicsに関するファクト(中⽴性推進論者からの⾒⽅)
Key findings
◦ Free Basics might not speak your language
◦ Free Basics does not meet the linguistic needs of target users.
◦ Free Basics features little local content, but plenty of corporate services from the US and UK.
◦ Free Basics includes a relatively small amount of content relevant to local issues and needs,
lacking public service sites and independent news sources.
◦ Free Basics doesn't connect you to the global internet – but it does collect your data
◦ Facebook collects unique streams of user metadata from all user activities on Free Basics, not just
the activities of users who are logged into Facebook.
T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 22
◦ Free Basics violates net neutrality principles
◦ Free Basics does not allow users to browse the open Internet.
◦ Some internet is better than none — but not on Facebook's terms
◦ Global Voices research findings suggest that most of the content
offered via Free Basics will not meet the most pressing needs of those
who are not online, and that the data and content limitations built into
Free Basics are largely artificial and primarily aimed at collecting
profitable data from users.

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  • 1. Net Neutrality for Bit Heads ver.2 Toshiya Jitsuzumi, Chuo University T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 1
  • 2. 前回勉強会(2017年2月16⽇)以降のネット中⽴性議論 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 2 25 Chairman Major Events at FCC and related incidents Michael Powell March14,2002 CableModem Order February20,2003 TriennialReview February8, 2004 Powell Speech at Silicon Flatiron Symposium “Preserving InternetFreedom;Guiding Principles for theIndustry” Kevin J. Martin June 27,2005 NCTA v.Brand X @ US Supreme Court March3,2005 Settlement with MadisonRiverCommunications August 5,2005 WirelineBroadbandClassificationOrder August 5,2005 InternetPolicy Statement November 17,2005 Announcement of approvalconcerningSBC/AT&T and Verizon/MCI mergers November 3,2006 Broadbandover Power Line(BPL)-Enabled BroadbandOrder March26,2007 Announcement of approvalconcerningAT&T/Bellmerger April14,2007 NOI:In the matter of BroadbandIndustryPractices April14,2007 47 CFR27.16 -Network accessrequirements for BlockCinthe 746-757and776-787MHz bands April22,2007 Wireless BroadbandInternetAccessOrder August 1,2008 Comcast-BitTorrent Order Chairman Major Events at FCC and relatedincidents MichaelJ. Copps(acting) January28,2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Julius Genachowski July1,2009 NOFA (noticeof fundsavailability)forARRA programs(BIPand BTOP) October 22,2009 NPRM: In the Matter of Preservingthe Open Internet Broadband IndustryPractices March16,2010 ConnectingAmerica:The NationalBroadbandPlan April6, 2010 Comcast v. FCC @ D.C. Circuit Court May 6,2010 A proposal of“TheThird Way” June 17,2010 NOI:INthe Matter of Framework for BroadbandInternet Access August 9,2010 A proposal fromVerizonand Google December21, 2010 The FCC 2010Open InternetOrder January28,2011 Announcement of approvalconcerningComcast/NBCUniversal merger Tom Wheeler January 14,2014 Verizon v. FCC @ D.C. Circuit Court May 30,2014 A publicnoticeto refreshthe recordinNOI (June 17,2010) May 15,2014 NPRM: In the Matter of Protecting andPromoting the Open Internet November 10,2014 Statement of PresidentObama February26,2015 The FCC 2015Open InternetOrder(Title II Order) October 26,2016 the 2016PrivacyOrder January 12,2017 WirelessTelecomBureau issuedareportthatsayszero-ratingsof AT&T andVerizon arenotOK with the 2015 order. ブッシュ政権下 オバマ政権下 Chairman Major Events at FCC and related incidents WilliamE. Kennard April10,1998 Stevens Report classifiedInternetaccessservicesasinformation, rather than telecommunications,services. クリントン政権下 Chairman Major Events at FCC and related incidents AjitPai February 3, 2017 Wireless TelecomBureau closed investigation into zero-rating. February 23, 2017 Small Business Exemption Order March 28, 2017 Revocation of the FCC’s broadband privacy ruleunder the Congressional ReviewAct April 26,2017 Chairman Pai Speech on the Future of Internet Regulation May 23, 2017 NPRM: In the Matter of Restoring Internet Freedom トランプ政権下
  • 3. 米国の2015年オープンインターネット命令(2015/2/26) T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 3 ブロードバンドアクセスに関する 規制権限の強化 • ブロードバンドアクセスを「電気通信サービス」として厳しく規制。ただし、適用 条文は最小限に。 • プロバイダ間の相互接続を規制対象に設定。 プロバイダの行動に関する三つ のルールの設定 1.合法的コンテンツや端末設備等への接続拒否の禁止 2.利用者が求めるケースを除き、品質低下措置の禁止 3.有償あるいは関連会社への優遇措置の禁止 将来の個別ケースがオープンイ ンターネット原則に即しているか 否かの判断基準の提示 7つの判断基準を設定 1.利用者自身による管理の可否 2.競争への影響 3.消費者保護の有無 4.技術開発や投資,ブロードバンド普及への影響 5.表現の自由との関係 6.アプリケーション差別の有無 7.業界標準との合致 より高度な情報開示基準の設定 • ネットワーク管理方法や実効品質,取引条件に係る詳細な情報開示義務(小 規模事業者は一部免除) 苦情処理手続きの拡充 • オンブズマンを設置し対応強化 合理的なネットワーク管理の許容 技術的な観点からの管理のみを許容。メディアに応じたバリエーションはOK 代替的サービスに係る情報開示 いわゆるspecialized serviceに関する情報開示を義務付け ISP相互接続に対する監督 ISPの相互接続が正当・合理的であることを確保するために介入することを宣言
  • 4. 対象サービス︓ “Broadband Internet Access Service” A mass-market retail service by wire or radio that provides the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints, including any capabilities that are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications service, but excluding dial- up Internet access service. This term also encompasses any service that the Commission finds to be providing a functional equivalent of the service described in the previous sentence, or that is used to evade the protections set forth in this Part. ◦ “special access service”、法人向けサービス(VPN、CDN、ホスティング、データストレージ、 インターネットバックボーン)、Premises Operatorサービス、利⽤者設置のホットスポット は対象外 ◦ サービス顧客はエンドユーザーとコンテンツ・アプリ事業者の両者 ◦ 「上流側」のISP間相互接続サービスも対象。ただし、CDNとの相互接続案件も含め当面は 市場観察 ◦ “… we find that the best approach is to watch, learn, and act as required, but not intervene now, especially not with prescriptive rules.” (para. 31) T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 4
  • 5. 現時点ではルールの直接適⽤を⾏わないサービス群 ISP間接続、CDNとの接続→201条、202条をベースとする申し⽴てにケースバイケースで対処 Non-BIAS Data Services→以下の特徴を有するサービスについては監視を継続 ◦ インターネットの⼤部分に接続するためには利⽤されない ◦ 応用範囲の狭いアプリケーションレベルのサービス ◦ 他のサービスとは区分される通信容量を利⽤ T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 5 具体例 • Facility-based VoIP, Internet Protocol-video offering, • connectivity bundled with e-readers, heart monitors, or energy consumption sensors • limited-purpose devices such as automobile telematics, and services that provide schools with curriculum-approved applications and content Strong Net Neutralityを展望した規制展開
  • 6. Reclassification of BIAS BIASを通信法第二編の対象となる「電気通信サービス」に範疇替え ◦ Verizon判決の方針の採用 ◦ BIASを二面市場として捉え、コンテンツ・アプリ事業者側も含めて「電気通信サービス」と分類 ◦ 同時にBIASを「情報サービス」ではないと判断した理由についても詳述 ◦ Brand X判決以来の⽅針を変更した理由は、BIASをめぐる状況の変化 ◦ BIASサービスはもはやアプリケーションやサービスと不可分⼀体( inextricably intertwined )ではない。 ◦ 消費者は、プロバイダ以外の第三者が提供するサービスを多用 ◦ BIASの不可⽋機能( indispensable function )は、CAP事業者とユーザーをつなぐこと ◦ プロバイダの広告宣伝戦略や価格付け戦略は、提供するコンテンツ・アプリではなく、アクセス 回線の速度や信頼性を重視したものとなっている。 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 6
  • 7. Bright Line Rules 接続拒否の禁止(No Blocking) ◦ 接続拒否をしないことに対する対価を請求することは認められない ◦ 最低保証品質は設定しない 品質低下措置の禁止(No Throttling) ◦ 利⽤者の要望に基づくものはOK ◦ 例︓⼀定の⽉間利⽤量を超えると低速度になることを定めたデータプランの販売 有償あるいは関連会社を有利にする⽬的での優遇措置禁止(No Paid Prioritization) ◦ “Subject to reasonable network management”という例外事例の適⽤なし ◦ ISP間の接続やCDNについては適用されない ◦ 公益増進の目的にかない、かつオープン性を阻害しないなら容認される可能性あり T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 7
  • 8. General Conduct Rule: No Unreasonable Interference/Disadvantage Standard エンドユーザーが合法的にインターネットを利⽤する権利や、コンテンツ・アプリケー ション事業者が合法的なコンテンツ等を提供する権利に対し合理的な理由なく⼲渉したり、 損なったりしてはならない。 ◦ Bright Line Rulesがカバーしていない事象が本命令に即しているか否かの判断基準 ◦ モバイルBBの技術的要請については、reasonable managementによる適用除外で考慮 ◦ Sponsored dataとusage allowanceについては、メリットとデメリットをふまえて個別判断 ◦ 具体的な判断基準 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 8  End-user control  Competitive effects  Consumer protection  Effects on innovation, investment, or broadband deployment  Free expression  Application agnostic  Standard practices
  • 9. According to ex-chairman Wheeler, General conduct ruleについては予⾒ される急速な技術変化にFCCが適切 に対処するために設定したもの (Silicon Flatiron 2017での発言) T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 9
  • 10. 2014年ルールでの追加公開項目 ◦ 契約条件 ◦ 価格 ◦ the full monthly service charge. Any promotional rates should be clearly noted as such. ◦ 他の手数料 ◦ データ利用量の制限 ◦ 実効品質 ◦ 実効アクセス速度 ◦ 反応時間(latency) ◦ パケットロス ◦ ネットワーク制御 ◦ practices that are applied to traffic associated with a particular user or user group, including any application-agnostic degradation of service to a particular end user. Transparency rule 2010年ルールでの公開項⽬ ◦ ネットワーク制御 ◦ 混雑制御 ◦ 特定アプリに関する制御 ◦ 端末接続ルール ◦ セキュリティ関連情報 ◦ サービス内容 ◦ サービス細目 ◦ Specialized service提供による影響 ◦ 契約条件 ◦ 価格 ◦ For example, monthly prices, usage-based fees, and fees for early termination or additional network services. ◦ プライバシーポリシー ◦ 損害回復⼿順 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 10 ユーザー数10万以下の事業者については暫定的に適用せず(2015/12/15までに見直し) + 消費者向け自主的開示 フォーマットの設定 コンテンツ・アプリケーション事 業者向けにはより詳細な情報 開示を要請
  • 11. 既存の特別取扱いへの評価 ◦ Sponsored data plan, or zero-rating ◦ On the one hand, evidence in the record suggests that these business models may in some instances provide benefits to consumers, with particular reference to their use in the provision of mobile services. ◦ On the other hand, some commenters strongly oppose sponsored data plans, arguing that “the power to exempt selective services from data caps seriously distorts competition, favors companies with the deepest pockets, and prevents consumers from exercising control over what they are able to access on the Internet,” again with specific reference to mobile services. T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 11 ◦ Data allowance, or data cap, and usage-based pricing plan ◦ Usage allowances may benefit consumers by offering them more choices over a greater range of service options, and, for mobile broadband networks, such plans are the industry norm today, in part reflecting the different capacity issues on mobile networks. ◦ Conversely, some commenters have expressed concern that such practices can potentially be used by broadband providers to disadvantage competing over-the-top providers. (para. 151) (para. 153) • コンテンツ・アプリ事業者側が通信費用 を賄うsponsored data planは、特にモバ イルBBの利用者にとってメリットがある 場合がある。 • ただし、財政的に豊かなコンテンツ・ア プリ事業者にとって有利なシステムであ るので競争をゆがめたり、あるいは、消 費者による自由なインターネット体験を 妨げたりする可能性がある。 • 月間の利用量制限(Data cap)は、利用 者に様々なサービス選択を可能にする というメリットがあり、モバイルBBでは すでに業界標準として受け入れられて いる。 • しかし、同制度はOTTサービス事業者 の展開に対する阻害要因となりうる。
  • 12. Wireline Telecommunications Bureau Report(Jan. 11, 2017) While reiterating that zero-rating per se does not raise concerns, it finds that two of the programs reviewed, AT&T's "Sponsored Data" program and Verizon's "FreeBee Data 360" program, present significant risks to consumers and competition. ◦ While observing that AT&T provided incomplete responses to staff inquires, the report states that the limited information available supports a conclusion that AT&T offers Sponsored Data to third party content providers at terms and conditions that are effectively less favorable than those it offers to its affiliate, DIRECTV. ◦ Unlike T-Mobile, which charges all edge providers the same zero rate for participating in BingeOn, AT&T imposes hefty per-gigabyte charges on third parties for use of Sponsored Data. All indications are that AT&T's charges far exceed the costs AT&T incurs in providing the sponsored data service. ◦ The structure of Verizon's FreeBee Data 360 program raises similar concerns. T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 12
  • 13. Statement from the FCC chairman WASHINGTON, February 3, 2017 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai issued the following statement today on the end of the investigation into wireless carriers' free- data offerings: “Today, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is closing its investigation into wireless carriers' free-data offerings. These free-data plans have proven to be popular among consumers, particularly low-income Americans, and have enhanced competition in the wireless marketplace. Going forward, the Federal Communications Commission will not focus on denying Americans free data. Instead, we will concentrate on expanding broadband deployment and encouraging innovative service offerings.” T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 13
  • 14. NPRM: In the Matter of Restoring Internet Freedom (May 23, 2017) ◦ ブロードバンドアクセスサービス(BIAS)を通信法第一 編の情報サービスに範疇替え ◦ クリントン政権期における規制緩和状況への回帰を目指す。 ◦ 2015年ルールで⾏なったモバイルブロードバンドアクセ スに係る解釈変更の取りやめ ◦ ISPにおける個⼈情報取扱いの規律権限をFTCに返還 ◦ オンブズマンの廃止 ◦ 2015年ルールが定めた⼀般準則(「7つの判断基準」) の廃止 ◦ 2015年ルールが定めたプロバイダの⾏動に関する三つの ルール(Bright line rules)の再検討 ◦ ブロードバンド市場へのFCCによる事前介入の必要性の 再検討 ◦ 費⽤便益分析実施の提案 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 14
  • 15. Pai委員⻑のフォーカスはデジタルディバイド解消 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 15 Source: pai-private-investment-key-closing-digital- divide/415117
  • 16. Pai’s Statement at MWCA2017 デジタルディバイド解消のためのモバイル投資促進を表明 ◦ “Bottom line: the mobile marketplace is healthy, but we’ve got work to do to close the digital divide and boost network investment, which go hand in hand. And we need to tackle these issues with an eye toward revving the virtuous cycle of faster, better networks that unleash new innovations that drive additional consumer demand. The FCC has embraced these goals. Here’s what we’re doing, starting with the digital divide.” 投資促進のための中⽴性ルール改⾰ ◦ In our Restoring Internet Freedom proceeding, the FCC is currently examining whether we should change our Internet regulations in order to encourage greater deployment and investment and bring digital opportunity to more Americans. … it’s important not to look at that proceeding in isolation. Instead, it is just one part of a comprehensive review of how to encourage the construction and expansion of next-generation networks. T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 16
  • 17. ぶれない新委員⻑ FCC chair Ajit Pai may have been stating the obvious given his conservative, deregulatory history, but he did so with gusto at a speech at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif., Tuesday night (Oct. 10), invoking the Republican president and his FCC chairs, Mark Fowler and Dennis Patrick. T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 17 Quoting Fowler, Pai said: "We want to eliminate, as much as we can, government regulation of the telecommunications marketplace so as to permit present players to provide new and innovative services to consumers and likewise permit new players to come in and compete. That's basically our approach." Source:
  • 20. モデル分析の結果は前提条件次第 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 20 Source: Easley, R., Guo, H., and Kraemer, J. (forthcoming) “From Network Neutrality to Data Neutrality: A Techno-Economic Framework and Research Agenda,” Information Systems Research.
  • 21. 中⽴性概念の拡張 T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 21 Name of neutralities Definition Related players Search neutrality Prevent search ranking algorithm from reflecting managerial and other preferences. The search service (e.g., Google, Facebook, Amazon) is the gatekeeper. Consumers search for content or products of interest. Operating system neutrality Prevent discrimination of functionality based on CP or app provider, consumer device, or NP. The device manufacturer or OS is the gatekeeper. Consumers get content or services through the use of device or OS. App store neutrality Prevent app prioritization or blocking based on the developer, the app or app type, or the consumer. The app store is the gatekeeper (usually associated with the OS), app developers and consumers are the other two parties. Ad block neutrality Prevent ad blocking based on the ad publisher, network, type, content; or on the advertiser or consumer. Ad block provider is the gatekeeper. Consumers may use ad block software to block ads from publishers/advertisers. Table 1 Additional “neutralities” for OTT platformers Source:Created on the basis of Easley et al. (forthcoming,Table 2)
  • 22. Free Basicsに関するファクト(中⽴性推進論者からの⾒⽅) Key findings ◦ Free Basics might not speak your language ◦ Free Basics does not meet the linguistic needs of target users. ◦ Free Basics features little local content, but plenty of corporate services from the US and UK. ◦ Free Basics includes a relatively small amount of content relevant to local issues and needs, lacking public service sites and independent news sources. ◦ Free Basics doesn't connect you to the global internet – but it does collect your data ◦ Facebook collects unique streams of user metadata from all user activities on Free Basics, not just the activities of users who are logged into Facebook. T. JITSUZUMI@Workshop (2017) 22 Source: facebook-connect-the-next-billion/ ◦ Free Basics violates net neutrality principles ◦ Free Basics does not allow users to browse the open Internet. ◦ Some internet is better than none — but not on Facebook's terms ◦ Global Voices research findings suggest that most of the content offered via Free Basics will not meet the most pressing needs of those who are not online, and that the data and content limitations built into Free Basics are largely artificial and primarily aimed at collecting profitable data from users.