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Quantum Programming
A New Approach to Solve Complex Problems
Francisco Gálvez Ramirez
IBM Staff
Introducing myself
Francisco Gálvez
BS in Experimental Physics (UV)
Master in Advanced Physics (UV)
Cloud and Integrated Systems Expert
Francisco J. Galvez Ramirez
 Why Quantum Computation
 The IBM Quantum Computer
 Quantum Algorithms
 How to Program a Quantum Computer
 Tools for Quantum Computing
Why Quantum Computation ?
Why Quantum Computation ?
“...nature isn't classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation
of nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical...” –
Richard Feynman, Simulating Physics with Computers
Why Quantum Computation ?
A qubit is the quantum concept of a bit.
0 1  It’s not any element or device. It’s a logical concept
that can be implemented on a wide range of
different systems with quantum behaviour
 As a bit, a single qubit can represent two states 0
and 1
But additionally a qubit is able to manage all possible combinations
amont base states 0 and 1
10 βα +
10 βαψ +=
What is a Qubit?
Why Quantum Computation ?
Spin Qubits – Electron or nuclear spins on a solid Substract.
Superconducting Circuits – currents superposition around a superconductor.
Ion’s Traps– Trap ions in electric fields
Photonic Circuits – The qubits are photons driven in in silicon circuits.
Qubit Implementation
Why Quantum Computation ?
 2 BITS
0 0
A 0 0 + B 1 0 + C 0 1 + D 1 1
1 0
0 1
1 1
One state made of a combination
of every possible state of the
Quantum Superposition
Why Quantum Computation ?
Quantum Entanglement
1. Preparing an
entangled states.
An entangled stated can be
prepared by applying a common
operation to the system.
2. Measurement
The IBM Quantum Computer
March - 2016: Quantum Computing in the
 IBM scientists have built a quantum processor
that any user can access through the first
quantum computing platform available in the
 IBM Quantum Experience, allows users to
execute algorithms and experiments on a real
quantum processor
Marzo-2017: IBM announces IBM Q
IBM Q is the new line of Quantum Computers
IBM announces the building of a quantum computer of 50 qubits and
that will offer services of quantum computation in the cloud
Mayo-2017: First Commercial Quantum
16 and 17 qubits universal quantum computers
IBM announces a prototype of
17 qubits commercial quantum
IBM has discovered how to
scale quantum architecture
In three years it is planned to
reach 50 qubits
IBM Superconducting Qubits Arquitecture
IBM's new 17-qubit quantum computer.
Coherence Times
• Coherence in IBM today is about
100 microseconds
• There are several initiatives to
improve the coherence times:
• Different materials
• Redesign of geometries
• Cavity Quality
• IR Shielding
• Important progress has been
made in the last decade
The Quantum Volume
The Dilution Refrigerator
 A key piece of the Quantum Computer is the Dilution Refrigerator
Working Temperature 15 mK
Dilution Refrigerator
He + 4
Some Quantum Algorithms
Quantum Algorithms
• Deusch Algorithm – Determines whether a funcion is balanced or
• Shor Algorithm – Large numbers factorization
• Grover Algoritm – Search in unstructured spaces
Deustch Algorithm
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
Deustch-Josza Algorithm  Extends Deustch’s
algorithm to n value registers
0 0
1 1
0 1
1 0
Shor Algorithm
• Number of steps that a classic computer needs to run in order
to find the prime factors of a number N of x digits
It grows exponencially with x
• The Shor algorithm is made up of two parts:
1. One Classical part - Which focuses on finding the period
of a function
2. A quantum part based on QFT technics
In 2001, IBM and Stanford University, executed for the first time the Shor algorithm in the first quantum computer of 7
qubits developed in Los Álamos.
Grover Algorithm
• How many attempts need a data search in an unordered N-
element database to locate a particular element?
An average of N/2 attemps are needed)
• A Quantum Computer executing the Grover Algorithm would
run attempsN
How To Program A Quantum Computer?
Quantum Circuits
The Circuit Model
Gates execution time ~ 25 ns
~25 ns~25 ns ~25 ns ... ... ... ... ...
Coherence time 100 ms
Quantum Operations
Flips a qubit from a 0 to a 1, or vice versa.
Hadamard Gate
Puts a qubit into a superposition of states.
Flips a second qubit only if the first qubit is 1.
Controlled Not Gate
H gate puts the first qubit in a
superposition. CNOT gate both
flips and does not flip the
second qubit.
Assuming the qubits start as 0,
when measured, they will be 11
or 00, but never 10 or 01.
Quantum Operations
 It is a basic circuit that acts on one or several qubits
 It is equivalent to logical gates in digital circuits
Quantum Gates
1. Quantum Gates are Reversible
2. Matematically are represented by unitary matrices.
3. The qubits upon they act keep their quantum nature.
Hadamard Gate
C-NOT Gate
X - Gate
NOT Gate
 Transforms the state in
the state and viceversa
 It means a rotation of π
radians around X axis
Change of state
One Qubit Quantum Gates
One Qubit Quantum Gates
Hadamard Gate
 It transforms any of the base
states or in a
combination of both
 It means a rotation of π/2
radians around X axis and Z
Superposition of base states
0 1
It cannot be meassured on Z axis, but we can use an H gate to change the basis
One Qubit Quantum Gates
The Z Gate Cambio de Fase - π
 It runs a rotation of π radians
around Z axis
One Qubit Quantum Gates
The S Gate Phase Shift: – π/2
 It run a rotation of π/2
radians around Z axis
One Qubit Quantum Gates
The S Gate
Phase Shift: – π/4
 It runs a rotation of π/4
radians around Z axis
Two Qubit Quantum Gates
The CNOT Gate
Flips the target qubit, depending on the state
of the control qubit
Gates with more than two qubits
The Toffoli Gate
Flips the target qubit, depending on the state
of two control qubits
control 1
control 2
User Defined Gates
Gates with more than two qubits
( ) ( ) ( )λλλ zRUu == ,0,0:11
( ) ( ) ( ) 
φλφπλφ zxz RRRUu
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )λππθππφλφθλφθ zxzxz RRRRRUu 223,,:,,3 ++==
User Defined Control Gates
Gates with more than two qubits
if(q0==1) U1 q1;
if(q0==1 and q1==1) U1 q2;
Quantum Operations
Quantum Gates Set
Quantum Operations
The Bloch Sphere
 Standard Basis is not enough to specify a quantum State.
 We need to specify a phase as well.
 Bloch Sphere depicts the amplitudes and the phase of
one state.
cos 
ψ φ
 There’s a one-to-one correspondence between pure qubits
states and the points on the surface on a unit sphere
C 3
Quantum Operations
The Qsphere
Qsphere shows states of more than 1 qubit
For 1 qubit  2 points
For 2 qubit  3 points
for n qubit  (n+1) points
 Each line from the center is possible outcome
 Allows to distinguish classical states from entangled states
• A classical state will have a single line pointing in one direction
• A superposition of two basis states will have two lines pointing in two directions of half
Tools For Quantum Programming
Tools for Quantum Programming
IBM Quantum Experience
Visual interface, Drag and Drop for 5 qubits
Asembler Language for representing Quantum
Python API to create and execute Quantum Circuits
Tools For Quantum Programming
IBM Quantum Experience QX2, QX4
IBM Quantum Experience
Quantum Circutis
IBM QX Composer
The Circuit Model
Quantum Circutis
Creating Scores
 Graphical Interface used to create programs for the quantum processor
 It allows to create quantum circuits using a logical gates library and well defined points of
Running Scores
 Bar Chart
• 0’s & 1’s combination in the bottom means the measured Qubit state.
• The height of the bar represents how often that particular state occurs
Tools For Quantum Programming
IBM Quantum Experience QX2, QX4
Grover Algorithm
1 2 3 4 ... ... N=2nω
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (I)
 A list of N item and there’s one item with a unique property that we wish to locate
 A classical computation needs to check on average of this boxes2N
 On a quantum computer, using the Grover’s algorithm it can be done in aprox. stepsN
1 2 3 4
Lets do it for N = 4
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (II)
1 N
 At the beginning we have a uniform superposition
Items1 2 3 4
00 01 10 11
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (III)
 We need a function such that: for the marked state:1)( =xf ω
 In that way we build the “oracle” matrix: fU
( ) xxU xf
 Applying the oracle reflection: If is an unmarked item, the oracle does nothing, otherwise:x
ωω −=fU
1 2 3 4
00 01 10 11
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (III)
 We need a function such that: for the marked state:1)( =xf ω
Rotates 90º (on the basis )
Superposition  Changes to the basis
Superposition  Back to the basis  only qubit #2
Change state of qubit #2 (based on #1)
−+ ,
−+ ,
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (III)
 We need a function such that: for the marked state:1)( =xf ω
Superposition  qubit # 2 back to the basis
Rotates 90º (on the basis )
−+ ,
−+ ,
Programming the Grover Algorithm
 We now apply an additional reflection about the state .
 In the bra-ket notation this reflection is written as:
 This transformation maps the state to:
 and completes the transformation:
12 −= ssUs
'tsU ψ
tfst UU ψψ =+1
1 2 3 4
00 01 10 11
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (IV)
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (V)
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (VI)
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (VII)
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (VIII)
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (IX)
Programming the Grover Algorithm – (X)
 Getting the right oracle function :
For element
For element
For element
For element
Programming the Grover Algorithm – Results
 The most probable state is |00>
Tools For Quantum Programming
What is OpenQASM?
An intermediate representation for Quantun Circuits
Hardware Agnostic
OPENQASM, or “Quantum Assembly Language,” is a simple
text representation that describes generic quantum circuits.
OpenQASM submit batch jobs via HTTP API/PYTHON wrapper.
User Program *.py KISQit SDK
KISQit API Cient
Simulators QX2 QX4 QX16
User Program *.qasm
Language Statements
qreg name[size];
creg name[size];
include "filename";
gate name(params) qargs { body }
opaque name(params) qargs;
U(theta,phi,lambda) qubit|qreg;
CX qubit|qreg,qubit|qreg;
measure qubit|qreg -> bit|creg;
reset qubit|qreg;
gatename(params) qargs;
if(creg==int) qop;
barrier qargs;
Predefined Gates
// These are the predefined gates
U(theta,phi,lambda) qubit|qreg;
CX qubit|qreg,qubit|qreg;
New Gate Definition
// This is the definition
gate name(params) qargs
// This is an example
gate g a
U(0,0,0) a;
gate crz(theta) a,b
U(0,0,theta/2) a;
CX a,b;
U(0,0,-theta/2) b;
CX a,b;
U(0,0,theta/2) b;
crz(pi/2) q[0],q[1];
Example: Quantum Fourier Transform// quantum Fourier
include "";
qreg q[4];
creg c[4];
x q[0];
x q[2];
barrier q;
h q[0];
cu1(pi/2) q[1],q[0];
h q[1];
cu1(pi/4) q[2],q[0];
cu1(pi/2) q[2],q[1];
h q[2];
cu1(pi/8) q[3],q[0];
cu1(pi/4) q[3],q[1];
cu1(pi/2) q[3],q[2];
h q[3];
measure q -> c;
 The quantum Fourier transform demonstrates parameter
passing to gate subroutines.
 This circuit applies the QFT to the state
and measures in the computational basis.
=3210 qqqq 0101
Tools For Quantum Programming
QISKit Python SDK
What is QISKit API?
 Access to IBM’s Quantum Experience using a Python interface.
 This interface allows working with quantum circuits and executing multiple
circuits in an efficient batch of experiments.
QISKit SDK Installation
1.Using pip python tool
• Install Anaconda (with Python3)
• Run Anaconda command line
• Execute pip install qiskit
1.Cloning github project
• Install Anaconda (with Python3)
• Clone github project:
git clone
• Activate environment:
> activate QISKitenv
• Change to directory: qiskit-sdk-py and execute
.make env
Managing Packages with Anaconda
Basic program elements:
The Quantum Program
The Circuit
The Quantum Register
The Classical Register
The Circuit
First, create the circuit
circuit = Q_program.get_circuit(“Circuit")
The Registers
 Quantum Registers
q2 = Q_program.create_quantum_registers("q2", 2)
 Classical Registers
c2 = Q_program.create_classical_registers("c2", 2)
The Gates
Adding Gates to the circuit
Extracting QASM code
Creating an entangled Bell state
1.Create Quantum Registers
q2 = Q_program.create_quantum_registers("q2", 2)
1.Create Classical Registers
c2 = Q_program.create_classical_registers("c2", 2)

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2017 10 17_quantum_program_v2

  • 1. Quantum Programming A New Approach to Solve Complex Problems Francisco Gálvez Ramirez IBM Staff
  • 2. Introducing myself Francisco Gálvez BS in Experimental Physics (UV) Master in Advanced Physics (UV) Cloud and Integrated Systems Expert @fjgramirez Francisco J. Galvez Ramirez
  • 3. Agenda  Why Quantum Computation  The IBM Quantum Computer  Quantum Algorithms  How to Program a Quantum Computer  Tools for Quantum Computing
  • 5. Why Quantum Computation ? “...nature isn't classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical...” – Richard Feynman, Simulating Physics with Computers
  • 6. Why Quantum Computation ? A qubit is the quantum concept of a bit. 0 1  It’s not any element or device. It’s a logical concept that can be implemented on a wide range of different systems with quantum behaviour  As a bit, a single qubit can represent two states 0 and 1 But additionally a qubit is able to manage all possible combinations amont base states 0 and 1 10 βα + 10 βαψ += What is a Qubit?
  • 7. Why Quantum Computation ? Spin Qubits – Electron or nuclear spins on a solid Substract. Superconducting Circuits – currents superposition around a superconductor. Ion’s Traps– Trap ions in electric fields Photonic Circuits – The qubits are photons driven in in silicon circuits. Qubit Implementation
  • 8. Why Quantum Computation ?  2 BITS 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 A 0 0 + B 1 0 + C 0 1 + D 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1  2 QUBITS One state made of a combination of every possible state of the system Quantum Superposition
  • 9. Why Quantum Computation ? Quantum Entanglement 1. Preparing an entangled states. An entangled stated can be prepared by applying a common operation to the system. 2. Measurement 0 1
  • 10. The IBM Quantum Computer
  • 11. March - 2016: Quantum Computing in the Cloud  IBM scientists have built a quantum processor that any user can access through the first quantum computing platform available in the cloud.  IBM Quantum Experience, allows users to execute algorithms and experiments on a real quantum processor
  • 12. Marzo-2017: IBM announces IBM Q IBM Q is the new line of Quantum Computers IBM announces the building of a quantum computer of 50 qubits and that will offer services of quantum computation in the cloud
  • 13. Mayo-2017: First Commercial Quantum Computer 16 and 17 qubits universal quantum computers IBM announces a prototype of 17 qubits commercial quantum computing IBM has discovered how to scale quantum architecture In three years it is planned to reach 50 qubits
  • 14. IBM Superconducting Qubits Arquitecture IBM's new 17-qubit quantum computer.
  • 15. Coherence Times • Coherence in IBM today is about 100 microseconds • There are several initiatives to improve the coherence times: • Different materials • Redesign of geometries • Cavity Quality • IR Shielding • Important progress has been made in the last decade
  • 17. The Dilution Refrigerator  A key piece of the Quantum Computer is the Dilution Refrigerator Working Temperature 15 mK Dilution Refrigerator 3 He + 4 He
  • 18.
  • 20. Quantum Algorithms • Deusch Algorithm – Determines whether a funcion is balanced or unbalanced • Shor Algorithm – Large numbers factorization • Grover Algoritm – Search in unstructured spaces
  • 21. Deustch Algorithm f1: 0 0 1 0 f2: 0 1 1 1 Deustch-Josza Algorithm  Extends Deustch’s algorithm to n value registers f3: 0 0 1 1 f4: 0 1 1 0
  • 22. Shor Algorithm • Number of steps that a classic computer needs to run in order to find the prime factors of a number N of x digits It grows exponencially with x • The Shor algorithm is made up of two parts: 1. One Classical part - Which focuses on finding the period of a function 2. A quantum part based on QFT technics In 2001, IBM and Stanford University, executed for the first time the Shor algorithm in the first quantum computer of 7 qubits developed in Los Álamos.
  • 23. Grover Algorithm • How many attempts need a data search in an unordered N- element database to locate a particular element? An average of N/2 attemps are needed) • A Quantum Computer executing the Grover Algorithm would run attempsN
  • 24. How To Program A Quantum Computer?
  • 25. Quantum Circuits The Circuit Model Gates execution time ~ 25 ns ~25 ns~25 ns ~25 ns ... ... ... ... ... Coherence time 100 ms measurement
  • 26. Quantum Operations X-Gate Flips a qubit from a 0 to a 1, or vice versa. Hadamard Gate Puts a qubit into a superposition of states. Flips a second qubit only if the first qubit is 1. Controlled Not Gate Entanglement H gate puts the first qubit in a superposition. CNOT gate both flips and does not flip the second qubit. Assuming the qubits start as 0, when measured, they will be 11 or 00, but never 10 or 01.
  • 27. Quantum Operations  It is a basic circuit that acts on one or several qubits  It is equivalent to logical gates in digital circuits Quantum Gates 1. Quantum Gates are Reversible 2. Matematically are represented by unitary matrices. 3. The qubits upon they act keep their quantum nature.       − = 11 11 2 1             = 0100 1000 0010 0001 = Hadamard Gate C-NOT Gate       = 01 10 X - Gate
  • 28. NOT Gate  Transforms the state in the state and viceversa  It means a rotation of π radians around X axis 0 1 Change of state One Qubit Quantum Gates
  • 29. One Qubit Quantum Gates Hadamard Gate  It transforms any of the base states or in a combination of both  It means a rotation of π/2 radians around X axis and Z axis Superposition of base states 0 1 It cannot be meassured on Z axis, but we can use an H gate to change the basis
  • 30. One Qubit Quantum Gates The Z Gate Cambio de Fase - π  It runs a rotation of π radians around Z axis
  • 31. One Qubit Quantum Gates The S Gate Phase Shift: – π/2  It run a rotation of π/2 radians around Z axis
  • 32. One Qubit Quantum Gates The S Gate Phase Shift: – π/4  It runs a rotation of π/4 radians around Z axis
  • 33. Two Qubit Quantum Gates The CNOT Gate Flips the target qubit, depending on the state of the control qubit
  • 34. Gates with more than two qubits The Toffoli Gate Flips the target qubit, depending on the state of two control qubits control 1 control 2 target
  • 35. User Defined Gates Gates with more than two qubits ( ) ( ) ( )λλλ zRUu == ,0,0:11 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( )       −      +== 2 2 2 ,,2:,2 π λπ π φλφπλφ zxz RRRUu ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )λππθππφλφθλφθ zxzxz RRRRRUu 223,,:,,3 ++==
  • 36. User Defined Control Gates Gates with more than two qubits 1 1 if(q0==1) U1 q1; if(q0==1 and q1==1) U1 q2;
  • 38. Quantum Operations The Bloch Sphere  Standard Basis is not enough to specify a quantum State.  We need to specify a phase as well.  Bloch Sphere depicts the amplitudes and the phase of one state. 1 2 0 2 cos       +      = θθ ψ φ senei  There’s a one-to-one correspondence between pure qubits states and the points on the surface on a unit sphere 2 C 3 R
  • 39. Quantum Operations The Qsphere Qsphere shows states of more than 1 qubit For 1 qubit  2 points For 2 qubit  3 points for n qubit  (n+1) points  Each line from the center is possible outcome  Allows to distinguish classical states from entangled states • A classical state will have a single line pointing in one direction • A superposition of two basis states will have two lines pointing in two directions of half weight.
  • 40. Tools For Quantum Programming
  • 41. Tools for Quantum Programming IBM Quantum Experience Visual interface, Drag and Drop for 5 qubits QISKit OpenQASM Asembler Language for representing Quantum Circuits QISKit API Python API to create and execute Quantum Circuits
  • 42. Tools For Quantum Programming IBM Quantum Experience QX2, QX4
  • 46. Creating Scores  Graphical Interface used to create programs for the quantum processor  It allows to create quantum circuits using a logical gates library and well defined points of measurement
  • 47. Running Scores  Bar Chart • 0’s & 1’s combination in the bottom means the measured Qubit state. • The height of the bar represents how often that particular state occurs
  • 48. Tools For Quantum Programming IBM Quantum Experience QX2, QX4 Grover Algorithm
  • 49. 1 2 3 4 ... ... N=2nω Programming the Grover Algorithm – (I)  A list of N item and there’s one item with a unique property that we wish to locate  A classical computation needs to check on average of this boxes2N  On a quantum computer, using the Grover’s algorithm it can be done in aprox. stepsN 1 2 3 4 Lets do it for N = 4
  • 50. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (II) ∑ − = = 1 0 1 N x x N s  At the beginning we have a uniform superposition amplitu de 0ψ N 1 Items1 2 3 4 00 01 10 11
  • 51. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (III)  We need a function such that: for the marked state:1)( =xf ω  In that way we build the “oracle” matrix: fU ( ) xxU xf f )( 1−=  Applying the oracle reflection: If is an unmarked item, the oracle does nothing, otherwise:x ωω −=fU amplitu de 0ψ N 1 Items 1 2 3 4 00 01 10 11
  • 52. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (III)  We need a function such that: for the marked state:1)( =xf ω Rotates 90º (on the basis ) Superposition  Changes to the basis Superposition  Back to the basis  only qubit #2 Change state of qubit #2 (based on #1) −+ , −+ , 1,0
  • 53. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (III)  We need a function such that: for the marked state:1)( =xf ω Superposition  qubit # 2 back to the basis Rotates 90º (on the basis ) −+ , −+ ,
  • 54. Programming the Grover Algorithm  We now apply an additional reflection about the state .  In the bra-ket notation this reflection is written as:  This transformation maps the state to:  and completes the transformation: s 12 −= ssUs 'tsU ψ tfst UU ψψ =+1 sU amplitu de 0ψ Items 1 2 3 4 00 01 10 11
  • 55. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (IV)
  • 56. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (V)
  • 57. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (VI)
  • 58. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (VII)
  • 59. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (VIII)
  • 60. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (IX)
  • 61. Programming the Grover Algorithm – (X)  Getting the right oracle function : For element For element For element For element 10 11 fU 00 01
  • 62. Programming the Grover Algorithm – Results  The most probable state is |00>
  • 63. Tools For Quantum Programming QISKit OpenQASM
  • 64. QISKit OpenQASM What is OpenQASM? An intermediate representation for Quantun Circuits Hardware Agnostic OPENQASM, or “Quantum Assembly Language,” is a simple text representation that describes generic quantum circuits. OpenQASM submit batch jobs via HTTP API/PYTHON wrapper.
  • 65. QISKit API Architecture User Program *.py KISQit SDK KISQit API Cient Internet Simulators QX2 QX4 QX16 User Program *.qasm
  • 66. OpenQASM Language Statements IBMQASM 2.0; qreg name[size]; creg name[size]; include "filename"; gate name(params) qargs { body } opaque name(params) qargs; U(theta,phi,lambda) qubit|qreg; CX qubit|qreg,qubit|qreg; measure qubit|qreg -> bit|creg; reset qubit|qreg; gatename(params) qargs; if(creg==int) qop; barrier qargs;
  • 67. QISKit OpenQASM Predefined Gates // These are the predefined gates U(theta,phi,lambda) qubit|qreg; CX qubit|qreg,qubit|qreg; New Gate Definition // This is the definition gate name(params) qargs { body } // This is an example gate g a { U(0,0,0) a; } gate crz(theta) a,b { U(0,0,theta/2) a; CX a,b; U(0,0,-theta/2) b; CX a,b; U(0,0,theta/2) b; } crz(pi/2) q[0],q[1];
  • 68. QISKit OpenQASM Example: Quantum Fourier Transform// quantum Fourier transform IBMQASM 2.0; include ""; qreg q[4]; creg c[4]; x q[0]; x q[2]; barrier q; h q[0]; cu1(pi/2) q[1],q[0]; h q[1]; cu1(pi/4) q[2],q[0]; cu1(pi/2) q[2],q[1]; h q[2]; cu1(pi/8) q[3],q[0]; cu1(pi/4) q[3],q[1]; cu1(pi/2) q[3],q[2]; h q[3]; measure q -> c;  The quantum Fourier transform demonstrates parameter passing to gate subroutines.  This circuit applies the QFT to the state and measures in the computational basis. =3210 qqqq 0101
  • 69. Tools For Quantum Programming QISKit Python SDK
  • 70. QISKit API What is QISKit API?  Access to IBM’s Quantum Experience using a Python interface.  This interface allows working with quantum circuits and executing multiple circuits in an efficient batch of experiments.
  • 71. QISKit API QISKit SDK Installation 1.Using pip python tool • Install Anaconda (with Python3) • Run Anaconda command line • Execute pip install qiskit 1.Cloning github project • Install Anaconda (with Python3) • Clone github project: git clone • Activate environment: > activate QISKitenv • Change to directory: qiskit-sdk-py and execute .make env
  • 72. QISKit API Managing Packages with Anaconda
  • 73. QISKit API Basic program elements: The Quantum Program QuantumProgram() The Circuit .create_circuit() The Quantum Register .create_quantum_registers() The Classical Register .create_classical_registers()
  • 74. QISKit API The Circuit First, create the circuit circuit = Q_program.get_circuit(“Circuit") The Registers  Quantum Registers q2 = Q_program.create_quantum_registers("q2", 2)  Classical Registers c2 = Q_program.create_classical_registers("c2", 2)
  • 75. QISKit API The Gates Adding Gates to the circuit
  • 77. QISKit API Creating an entangled Bell state 1.Create Quantum Registers q2 = Q_program.create_quantum_registers("q2", 2) 1.Create Classical Registers c2 = Q_program.create_classical_registers("c2", 2)

Editor's Notes

  1. To try this out for yourself, go into the Composer and create a new experiment with three qubits. Drag a pink measurement gate over to each of them and click “Run” or “Simulate.” At this point, there should be only one possible outcome, 000. That’s because all of the qubits began in the state and we haven’t changed them with any gates. Now, drag a blue H gate to each of the qubits before the measurement. The H gate puts each of the qubits into an equal superposition state. Now you should see that there are many more possible outcomes. We’ll go into more detail about the H gate in a later section.
  2. IBMQASM 2.0; Denotes a le in IBM QASM formata IBMQASM 2.0; qreg name[size]; Declare a named register of qubits qreg q[5]; creg name[size]; Declare a named register of bits creg c[5]; include "filename"; Open and parse another source le include ""; gate name(params) qargs { body } Declare a unitary gate (see text) opaque name(params) qargs; Declare an opaque gate (see text) // comment text Comment a line of text // oops! U(theta,phi,lambda) qubit|qreg; Apply built-in single qubit gate(s)b U(pi/2,2*pi/3,0) q[0]; CX qubit|qreg,qubit|qreg; Apply built-in CNOT gate(s) CX q[0],q[1]; measure qubit|qreg -> bit|creg; Make measurement(s) in Z basis measure q -> c; reset qubit|qreg; Prepare qubit(s) in j0i reset q[0]; gatename(params) qargs; Apply a user-dened unitary gate crz(pi/2) q[1],q[0]; if(creg==int) qop; Conditionally apply quantum operation if(c==5) CX q[0],q[1]; barrier qargs; Prevent transformations across this source line