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fare un dottorato
(e alcune note sul mio principale impegno nei confronti dei dottorandi ABC)
Note di enrico de angelis (che ringrazia Matt Might, Ken Robinson,
Nathan Yau, Peter Kraker, the whole StarTrek saga … and others!)
per il primo incontro del 18/11/13,

Title is in Italian, slides in English
What is a PhD?
A wikipedia page
A fun, smart, humorous site

PhD Comics
Internet is plenty of TIPS 4 PhD
Just try not to get lost in the network

it is called INTERNET»
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
A successful one!
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
(Thanks4yourslides, Matt)
Others’ TIPS
ROAMING: an occasion you will hardly have again!

Nathan Yau, Tips on making it through, what I would tell my previous self going in,
and advice on taking advantage of the unique opportunity that is graduate school.
Some tips by Nathan Yau

absorb information!
Some tips by Nathan Yau

find an adviser!
Some tips by Nathan Yau

jump at opportunities!
Some tips by Nathan Yau

learn to say no!
Some tips by Nathan Yau

you are alone!
Back to M.Might
Other tips by Matt Might

3 qualities of successful PhD students

• Perseverance
• Tenacity
• Cogency (to persuade)
I add others:
• Frugal, agile … lean,innovation-ingenieusefaire-plus-avec-moins,41,3909.html

And a last, disruptive, quality: OPEN
See also:

A thesis proposal is a contract
How to get a great letter of recommendation
Defending your PhD (Academic martial arts)
How to get into grad school for science …
How to send and reply to email
10 easy ways to fail a PhD
6 blog tips for busy academics …
Il dottorato/dipartimento ABC
• Dipartimento di oltre 300 docenti, ricercatori e
dottorandi a tempo pieno
• Lavora su otto linee di ricerca “statutarie”



















Le aree disciplinari ABC


Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni e ambiente costruito
PhD Programme in Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
The mission of ABC Doctoral Program is to train future researchers for the extensive
field of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering.
PhD-Candidates are trained to face complex questions, to develop in-depth analysis and
reliable models (theories) of complex contexts (seen as
physical, economic, environmental or social systems) and to innovate:
concepts, products and their use, rules and organisations. These skills are proven
realizing an original study (the PhD thesis) a specific Research theme in one of the
following research field (each with a certain degree of overlap on the others):

Trained to face
Trained to face
Trained to innovate
complex questions
complex questions
in complex contexts

Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings
Design and Technologies for the Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Built Environment
Risk prevention and emergency management
Architectural Design and Urban Design
Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management
Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage
ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning
Built Environment Economics and Management

prof. Enrico De Angelis

sig.ra Marchegiani Cristina
Any reference document about ABC-PhD Program can be dowloaded here.

Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni e ambiente costruito
PhD Programme in Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
The mission of ABC Doctoral Program is to train future researchers for the extensive
field of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering.
PhD-Candidates are trained to face complex questions, to develop in-depth analysis and
reliable models (theories) of complex contexts (seen as
physical, economic, environmental or social systems) and to innovate:
concepts, products and their use, rules and organisations. These skills are proven
realizing an original study (the PhD thesis) a specific Research theme in one of the
following research field (each with a certain degree of overlap on the others):

Your PhD THESIS is

Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings
Design and Technologies for the Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Built Environment
Risk prevention and emergency management
Architectural Design and Urban Design
Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management
Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage
ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning
Built Environment Economics and Management

prof. Enrico De Angelis

sig.ra Marchegiani Cristina
Any reference document about ABC-PhD Program can be dowloaded here.
What is a PhD Thesis

Something ORIGINAL
It will happen! For sure!!
Distribution of R&D professionals
• There are thousands of researchers in
Europe, hundried thousands in the world: the
most of them works on actual (the same?)
Another question: disciplines

Science & Technology
Dynamics, University of

The picture comes from:
I.Rafols, A.L.Porter, L.Leydesdorff, “Science overlay maps: a new
tool for research policy and library management”
Another question: disciplines

Science & Technology
Dynamics, University of

The picture comes from:
I.Rafols, A.L.Porter, L.Leydesdorff, “Science overlay maps: a new
tool for research policy and library management”
But human behaviour is difficult to be changed (and you can do it only slowly)
The situation:
• MANY PEOPLE working in the same field
• MANY PEOPLE from many disciplines
• VERY FEW RESOURCES to let you to do the
• A LOT OF BRAINS with (often) very little
available resources and not very keen to
collaborate together
are we open enough??
A fundamental consideration by Ken Robinson
and a question arising: is it really worth to stay alone?

Ken Robinson,
At least …

… avoid to stay closed in a glass bowl

led g
ur ces
r eso
id ea


O utside-in
Are we open enough to/for the future?
Do you know any other use
of the term OPEN?
Let us know!
Co-operation vs Collaboration
• Cooperate means:
working together to accomplish shared
goals, dividing a task among participants: each
one is responsible for a portion of the solution
• Collaborate means:
to achieve a common goal, with a mutual
engagement of participants in a coordinated
effort to solve the problem together, respecting
but integrating eachone’s individual contribution
to the whole
Co-operation vs Collaboration
Cooperation vs. Collaboration
Cooperation vs. Collaboration

WSWT Workshop


Towards a Model of
Interdisciplinary Teamwork:
What can Social Theory

Kraker P., Dennerlein S. (
), Towards a Model of Interdisciplinary Teamwork:
What can Social Theory Contribute
See in: slideshare


Peter Kraker

Sebastian Dennerlein
Collaborative Learning
• Reading, doing, modelling and predicting, …
is individual learning
• Interaction activities trigger extra cognitive
mechanisms (knowledge
elicitation, internalisation, reduced cognitive load, ...)
Collaborative learning concerns the cognitive activities
and mechanisms that may occur during collaboration.
Is collaboration human??
In effect, in learning studies, the
first researches about
from Human-Machine interfacing:
– Dillenbourg, P., M. Baker, A.
Blaye, C.O’Malley, “The evolution of
research oncollaborative learning”;
in: E. Spada and P. Reiman, Learning
in humans and machine: Towards an
interdisciplinary learning
science, Elsevier (1996) pp.189–211
– Roschelle, J., S. Teasley, “The
construction of shared knowledge in
collaborative problem solving; in: C.
E. O’Malley (ed.), Computer
supported collaborative
learning, Springer-Verlag pp. pp. 6997 (1995)

Future rector with the future Minister for University (right)
(is it useful, is it profitable for collaborators?)
Collaboration is human but not often practiced, because
often inefficient, if questions are simple. Nevertheless it is
fundamental for complex questions. Although it needs tools
to enhance our communication ability.
• WE WILL TRY TO COLLABORATE (it won’t be easy)

My main effort, this year
To avoid you staying in a glass bowl

led g
ur ces
r eso
id ea


O utside-in
Why? Because reality is complex …

… closed innovation models doesn’t always work …
The open innovation scheme
… and we cannot funnel you, fishes,
in one only direction

open innovation process


Different stage II may be
involved andparticipation
selected take indirectly
part of a with Wikipedians
workshops common play
PhD Comics
My Background

(P. Kraker)

, TEAM, and CODE

and Information Science

Web Science

© Know-Center 2011
Picture from: WWW and Hopes for the Future
Tim Berners-Lee
Saudi Arabia, 2011-02-22
MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
World Wide Web Foundation
(These slides: )

Isn’t ARCHITECTURE (today)
a little bit like WEB SCIENCE?
a drawing by D. Libeskin

Isn’t ARCHITECTURE (today)
a little bit like WEB SCIENCE?
Construction from Debris - The Kowloon Walled City
… some more about

Progetto e tech
General Presentation
Beni Culturali
Progetto e tech
Ambiente costr.

ABC-PhD Program has been established in 2012, following the complete
reorganization of the area of Architecture, Built Environment and
Construction Engineering in one only Department.
It results as merge of the following four PhD Programs:
– Architectural Composition
– Building Systems Engineering
– Design and Technologies Exploitation for the Cultural Heritage
– Technology and Design for Environment and Building
These four programs have been joined by a group of researchers from a fifth
one: the PhD Program in Structural Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering.
All these Programs have been separately active since 1990, mainly focussing
on one only discipline. Their merge was aimed at optimizing the capability of
the Department in facing and solving complex training needs, with a single
organizational unit.

Ingegneria dei
sistemi edilizi

sismica e

• The mission of ABC-PhD Program is to train experts in the main
fields of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction
Engineering, endowed with:
– High-level scientific knowledge.
– Significant experience in Research and Development (R&D)
– Proven communication and management skills.
• Moreover, ABC-PhD Program aims to work as a fundamental
wheel of a chain drive system that, on one side, activates a
continuous knowledge transfer from the Department – and the
world of research in general – toward other non-academic
entities who may profit from it and, on the other side, give
back to Academy the great value of a reason to research.

High-level scientific knowledge
Significant experience in Research
Proven communication and
and Development (R&D) activities
management skills.
ABC PhD VISION (the future)
• Our vision wish:
– Our students to become self-sufficient, independent
“actors”, able to gain – as scientist, as intellectuals, as
professionals or as entrepreneurs – an outstanding
position at an international level.
– Our PhD Program to become – in few years – the Italian
Point of Reference for training experts in all the most
critical subjects related to the sustainable
(environmental, economical, social and cultural
sustainability) transformation and management of the
Built Environment ecosystem
Professional opportunities
The three years of study and participation to the
research activity of the Department (and of its joint
foreign institutions) will offer students opportunities:
1. to take part to effective “knowledge transfer”
2. to enter in contact with private companies and
public bodies
3. to face real questions.
Professional opportunities
• ABC PhD Program is not organized just for training new
• It will provide the best occupational opportunities for:
– an academic career
– as well as for an employment in:
• research centres,
• architectural and engineering design enterprises
• public bodies
• private societies that need highly qualified personnel.
The Research Topic
• The PhD Program Board will assign a
(tentative) Research Topic to each PhD
Candidate and …
• … it will appoint a Tutor, for each one of them.
The Tutor
• The Tutor is chosen among the members of the PhD
Program Board, with the following assignment:
– To refine – together with the PhD Student – the
definition of his/her Research Topic.
– To monitor, supervise and support the PhD
Student in his/her activity.
• He periodically refers, with a written report to the
PhD Program Board, about the attainment of
Student’s objectives and the quality of his/her work.
FORMAT 02MOD_ABCPhD Tutor evaluation
The Supervisor
• Once the Student has reasonably detailed the
subject of his/her PhD Thesis and completed his/her
competencies and skills, the PhD Program Board will
appoint a Supervisor who will guide and support the
Student in the development of his/her research
activities related to the thesis.
The Reviewer
• At the end of the third year – or before, if
needed – the PhD Program Board will appoint
one or more external Reviewer to evaluate
PhD Student’s work and Thesis.

La figura del Reviewer può anticipare, già fin dalla
valutazione del primo anno, una figura indipendente di
valutatore esterno, evitando che ogni membro del
collegio sia obbligato a valutare tutti i candidati.
Opzione 1

Tutor&co-tutor (supervisor)

1° fase: presentazione

PhD Student

The PhD Board
Opzione 1

Tutor&co-tutor (supervisor)

2° fase: giudizio

The PhD Board
Opzione 2


PhD Student


1° fase: presentazione
AUDIENCE (Some interested participants)
Opzione 2



2° fase: proposta giudizio

Opzione 2

Tutor, Supervisor and Reviewer

3° fase: giudizio finale

The PhD Board
The Training Program
The activity of ABC-PhD Students will focus on the assigned
Research Topic and will have the following general aims:
– To complete their skills and to enhance their competencies
in the specific Research Area.
– To develop their research-oriented mindset and to improve
their problem-solving aptitude, with a particular care to
multidisciplinary and systemic approach.
– To acquire the capability to present their work, discussing
and defending it.
– To induce them to realize advancements on a specific
Research Topic, i.e. to find original solutions for a
theoretical or practical problem and to show their
trustworthiness or feasibility.
The Training Program
• This Program will schedule, for three years of full-time
work, this kind of training activities:
– Educational Activities: courses and studies needed to
complete and to refine Student’s skills, propaedeutic to
the analysis of the Research Topic. In particular, the
Program will schedule courses for a minimum of 30, up to
a maximum of 60 ECTS:
• at least 5 ECTS Credits must be acquired
attending courses offered by the PhD School.
• at least 10 ECTS Credits, attending
Multidisciplinary courses offered by ABC-PhD
– Research Activities: the development of the PhD Thesis
The Training Program
• This Program will schedule, for three years of full-time
work, this kind of training activities:
– Research Activities: the development of the PhD Thesis
and the participation to specific research activities, related
to the Research Topic, if suitable to gain experience in
research planning, management and execution, as well as
in knowledge transfer practice or for a particular
The Training Program
• … and this kind of training activities:
– Communication Activities: writing and publishing the
research results of the Student, in international peerreviewed journals and conferences
proceedings, and, in general, his/her active
participation to international research symposiums.
– Teaching activities: PhD Students may include
Teaching activities about their PhD Thesis
topics, which will be acknowledged as knowledge
transfer and communication activities, for a maximum
of 5 ECTS, in their whole program.
The training program
• The training activities will be progressively organized, from introductory
meetings and lessons (i.e. with older PhD Candidates or other research
experts) to the PhD Thesis writing, and will be developed in the following
– In the first semester, the activity of each student will be dedicated to
the definition of a State of the Art of his/her Research Area.
– The whole first year will be dedicated to the coverage of basic training
needs of the Student, with the attendance PhD courses, and to the
final clarification of the Research Topic.
– The second year will be dedicated to the organization of the PhD
Thesis work and the completion of Student’s skills and knowledge, to
support the achievement of PhD Thesis objectives + FOREIGN STAY.
– The third year constitutes the most intense period of autonomous
and original research work and the elaboration of the PhD Thesis + , if
needed/useful, also FOREIGN STAY
The training program
• Tutors will encourage their students to carry out their Training Program in
strict contact with other research groups, in other Universities and
Research Institution.
• On the other hand, each Candidate is expected to plan and organize – as
part of her/his Training Program – a period of work and stay with one – or
more – of these groups, preferably a foreign one, for no shorter than six
months, in order to become more confident with the most wide
international research community. The host of the Student may be
another University or any other institution or private company engaged in
high level research about the Student’s Research Topic. Nevertheless, at
least a half of the whole PhD period (18 months) must be developed at
Politecnico di Milano.
Maximum engagement in training (60 ECTS)
1st year

2nd year

3rd year

Introductory Lectures (5 ECTS)

ABC Program Multidisciplinary
Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral
course) [10 ECTS]

PhD School courses (5 ECTS)

ABC Program Multidisciplinary
Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral
course) [10 ECTS]

Research activities related to the
PhD-thesis project (45 ECTS)

PhD School Course (5 ECTS)

PhD School courses (5 ECTS)

Research activities … (5 ECTS)

State of the art about PhD Student’s
research topic (10 ECTS)

Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)

ABC Program Multidisciplinary
Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral
training, [10 ECTS]

PhD School Course (5 ECTS)

PhD School Course (5 ECTS)

Research activities related to the
PhD-thesis project (15 ECTS)

Research activities … (5 ECTS)
Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)

Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)

Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)
Minimum engagement in training (30 ECTS)
1st year

2nd year

3rd year

Introductory Lectures (5 ECTS)

PhD School Course (5 ECTS)

Research activities related to the
PhD-thesis project (50 ECTS)

ABC Program Multidisciplinary
Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral
course) [10 ECTS]

Research activities related to the
PhD-thesis project (15 ECTS)

PhD School Course (5 ECTS)
State of the art about PhD Student’s
research topic (10 ECTS)

Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)

PhD School Course (5 ECTS)

Research activities related to the
PhD-thesis project (20 ECTS)

Research activities related to the
PhD-thesis project (15 ECTS)

Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)

Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)

Scientific writings
(10 ECTS)

24 candidates
18 did their job, somehow reasonably (75%)
1 exceeded in planned activities
5 didn’t understand and didn’t respect the
scheduled assignement (about 20%)

CONCLUSION: 5 candidates to be helped
NEXT TIME: a meeting with candidates before
Planned Activity share
Teaching 3,7

[30% doesn’t plan any teaching]

200 h

[25% didn’t plan
any publication !!]


Training: 30
Requested Courses (ABC offer)
titolo del corso
Cultural Heritage Conservation and Valorization (Part 1)
Cultural Heritage Conservation and Valorization (Part 2)
Energy Efficiency in Building Design, Urban and Regional Planning
Environmental and landscape design: methods and tools for heritage
Innovation in Architecture and Construction (Part 1)
Innovation in Architecture and Construction (Part 2)
Innovative Management in Construction and Real Estate Processes
Seismic vulnerability of buildings and risk mitigation
Sheltering for emergency
Solid mechanics for discrete modelling of structures (1 Part)
Solid mechanics for discrete modelling of structures (2 Part)
Structural Dynamics for condition assessment and seismic monitoring
Structure and Form in Architecture: in a historical perspective
Technological culture of design
Transformation of the built environment - energy retrofit and structural
Urban Micro Climate Mitigation and Building Envelopes Design

richiesta ABC









Requested Courses (PhD school)
titolo del corso

richiesta ABC


Finite element in engineering design
Computational Fluid Dynamics with Open-Source Software
Course for the acquisition of the certified associate project manager
certification defined by the project management institute





Economic assessment of urban transformations and policies
Game Theoretical Models in Engineering
IVP – Interactive Virtual Prototyping: Methods and Tools
Mantua campus international phd summer school - architectural
preservation, design and planning in world heritage cities and
Planning mobility and accessibility in emergency situations
Regenerative technologies: design and innovation in heritage
Research Management
Smart building and structures: a cyberphysical system perspective






Approval, overview and control of the
results of the Training Program
• The personal Training Program will be proposed by the same
Student, endorsed by his/her Tutor and approved by PhD Program
Board, overviewing its coherence with the Research Topic and with the
general aims of the PhD Program, as specified in chapter 6.2. A new
approval is requested for any substantial change of the Training Program.
This need will be monitored by Student’s Tutor.
• As the PhD Program is a full-time work, the Board must be informed
about (and approve, in advance) every significant activity of every
Student, also if she/he has not any kind of scholarship and if these
activities will be not listed in the Training Program.
• The PhD Program Board will periodically meet each Student in public
meetings, to monitor his/her advancements, results and plans.
Approval, overview and control of the
results of the Training Program
• The PhD Program Board will periodically meet each Student in
public meetings, to monitor his/her advancements; Student
must submit:
– The revised Training Program.
– An updated Report about Student’s Studies and
Courses, endorsed by Candidate’s Tutor and Supervisor.
– An upgraded copy of Candidate’s Scientific Production.
• a written evaluation of Candidate’s activity and the Student
him/herself, to submit
Approval, overview and control of the
results of the Training Program
• The PhD Program Board may appoint its reviewing task to a
Board Member. If no Board Member is available, or not
enough independent or competent about Student’s
Theme, the Board will ask the Tutor to propose the name of an
external Reviewer, who will be asked to give an evaluation of
the submitted documents and take part of the public meeting
with the Student. Nor the Tutor nor the Supervisor may be
appointed as Reviewer
Approval, overview and control of the results
of the Training Program
• The frequency of the meetings of the Students with the Board
is twice a year, one about every six months. The first of these
meetings every year has just an overview mission. The second
every year have the formal role of assessment and admission
of the Student to the next year. After this annual meeting, the
Student will receive a motivated evaluation.
• If the evaluation is positive (A/B/C/D), he will be admitted to
the next year. Last year Students, also with positive final
evaluation, if needed and suggested by his/her Tutor, may ask
for a time extension up to a maximum of 12 months.
• If the evaluation is negative, the Student will be qualified as a
“Repeating candidate”(Er) or “not able to continue with the
PhD (Ei)”.
• Milestone 1 – 6 months
The candidate presents the Academic Board the main
research issues arising from his/her first overview of
the State of the Art and Reference Bibliography for
the Research Area/Topic under investigation.
• Milestone 2 – 12 months (1st year annual exam)
Presentation of the research project (problems, final
State of the Art and Reference Bibliography, first
Thesis hypotheses, methodologies, expected
outcomes), of the future work plan (foreign stay must
be defined and proposed ASAP), of the main Training
Program changes and of the first scientific products.
A Supervisor may be identified and appointed to
support the elaboration of the Student’s research.
• Milestone 3 – 18 months
Presentation of research progress, the main Training
Program changes and scientific products. The PhDProgram Board review the feasibility, the originality
and the scientific relevance of Student’s Research, on
the basis of the evaluation of the Tutor evaluation.
Student’s Supervisor is definitely appointed.
• Milestone 4 – 24 months (2nd year annual exam)
First draft of the thesis work; research progress, main
Training Program changes and scientific products.
The Board examines and assesses the value and the
originality of the research, on the basis of Tutor’s and
Supervisor’s documented evaluation.
• Milestone 5 – 30 months
Draft of the PhD thesis (with a complete list of
contents), of the main Training Program changes and
scientific products. The PhD-Program Board assesses
the advancements, the feasibility and the valuing
opportunities of the PhD thesis, on the basis of
Tutor’s and Supervisor’s documented evaluation. The
opportunity of a Reviewer is evaluated as proposal of
the Tutor and the Supervisors.
• Milestone 6 – 36 months (3rd year annual exam)
Presentation of the thesis in its final version (except
amendments and reviews after this last meeting).
The Academic Board decides on admission to the
final exam.
The PhD Thesis
• The main objective of a PhD Student is the development of an
original research contribution. This contribution will be
reported in the Student’s PhD Thesis, to be written under the
guidance of the Tutor and the Co-Tutor (Supervisor).
• Student’s Supervisor is a specialist in Student’s Research Topic
who will support the Student in setting-out and developing
everyday research activities.
• Supervisor’s role may be assumed by the Tutor, who will
anyway propose and oversee his/her name, or by another
member of the PhD Program Board or by other experts from
Politecnico di Milano as well as from any other Research
Institution. One or more co-supervisors, if requested, may be
appointed by PhD Program Board.
The PhD Thesis
• At the end of the third year, the Student’s Thesis will be reviewed and
evaluated in a public meeting, in order to admit him/her to the Final PhDExam. The Student will present his/her Tesis to the PhD Program Board
and to the appointed external Reviewer(s).
• Nor the Tutor nor the Supervisor may be appointed as Reviewer, who will
be chosen among those specialists in Student’s Research Topic that have
not had any direct relation with the Student or his/her Tutor or
Supervisors. The Reviewers will evaluate the contribution to the State of
the Art given by the Student’s PhD Thesis, in the chosen Research Field.
• Subsequently, the final PhD-Exam will be organized for the attainment of
the title, in which the research work carried out and the thesis will be
evaluated by an examination Committee composed by three members, of
which at least two external evaluation members.
Thesis or publication?
• Our PhD Program is not a PHD by Publication … We
will assess Student’s ability evaluating the
ORIGINALITY of his/her PhD thesis: its advancement
of the knowledge about a specific Research theme.
• but PhD Student MUST BE PUSHED to produce
publications and anticipate/have peer review of
his/her work.
«The PhD by publication offers an alternative path to the traditional PhD
by thesis, but it is viewed by some as inferior …»
ABC-PhD Program Courses
• The ABC-PhD Program and the PhD School offers various courses to PhD
Students. These courses will aim at:
– Completing the skills and particular knowledge of the PhD Student;
– Examining basic research issues (general problems, theories, research
methods and analytical tools, research management and valuing)
– Representing the cornerstone of the various fields of the ABC-PhD
Program, identifying cultural positions and introducing them to specific
cultural contexts.
– Exploring certain, specific Research Topics.
• Courses are offered in English, unless otherwise provided. ABC-PhD
Program, nevertheless, will always offer a Training Program entirely in
English to the Student who requests it.
L’offerta formativa del
dottorato ABC
A multidisciplinar course
INNOVATION in Architecture and Construction
15 CF

10 CF
Another multidisciplinar course
BUILT HERITAGE conservation and Valorisation
15 CF

10 CF
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Energy Efficiency in Building Design, Urban and
Regional Planning (G. Dall’O)

Credit: Emanuele Naboni
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Sheltering for emergency
(A. Zanelli)
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Management in
Construction and
Real Estate
(O. Tronconi)
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Transformation of the Built Environment –
Energy Retrofit and Structural Reinforcement
(G. Masera, C. Poggi)

13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Technological culture of design
(F. Schiaffonati)
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Environmental and landscape design: methods
and tools for heritage enhancement
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Urban MicroClimate Mitigation
and Building Envelopes Design
(T. Poli)

Credits: E.R. Pardyjak, P. Willemsen
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Solid mechanics for
discrete modelling of
structures (two parts)
(L.Biolzi, S. Casolo)
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Structural Dynamics for
condition assessment
and seismic monitoring
(C. Gentile)
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Seismic vulnerability of buildings
and risk mitigation
(M.A. Parisi)
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Non-linear analysis of RC frames
(M. Pisani)
13 thematic courses (65 CF)
Structure and Form in Architecture
in a historical perspective
(A. Torricelli)
PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept)
Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media
(V. Carvelli)
PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept)
Economic Assessment
of Urban Transformations
and Policies (R. Capello)
PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept)
Planning Mobility and Accessibility
in Emergency Situations
(L. Mussone)
PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept)
Regenerative technologies: design and innovation in
heritage enhancement (E. Mussinelli)
Tranches de vie … tranches de PhD

Luca Guerrini 教授

“Tranches de vie tranches de gateaux”
by M. Vogliazzo, about 1990

«… The characterization of these problematic areas is developed by the same
doctoral candidates and it offers a map adjourned of the knowledge produced
and of the evolution of the work areas of our community of Research»
A PhD site

Scoop is a site devoted to the collection of
published data: whatever your subject. I manage
one of this collections dedicated to PhD in general.
Metid MATCH 4 PhD


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ABC-PhD program-Politecnico di Milano

  • 1. fare un dottorato (e alcune note sul mio principale impegno nei confronti dei dottorandi ABC) Note di enrico de angelis (che ringrazia Matt Might, Ken Robinson, Nathan Yau, Peter Kraker, the whole StarTrek saga … and others!) per il primo incontro del 18/11/13, Title is in Italian, slides in English
  • 2. What is a PhD?
  • 4. A fun, smart, humorous site PhD Comics
  • 5. Internet is plenty of TIPS 4 PhD Just try not to get lost in the network «MODERN TECHNOLOGY MAKES POSSIBLE TO SIT AT YOUR DESK FOR HOURS AND NOT ACCOMPISH ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE: it is called INTERNET»
  • 19. ROAMING: an occasion you will hardly have again! Nathan Yau, Tips on making it through, what I would tell my previous self going in, and advice on taking advantage of the unique opportunity that is graduate school.
  • 20. Some tips by Nathan Yau absorb information!
  • 21. Some tips by Nathan Yau find an adviser!
  • 22. Some tips by Nathan Yau jump at opportunities!
  • 23. Some tips by Nathan Yau learn to say no!
  • 24. Some tips by Nathan Yau you are alone!
  • 26. Other tips by Matt Might 3 qualities of successful PhD students • Perseverance • Tenacity • Cogency (to persuade) I add others: • Frugal, agile … lean,innovation-ingenieusefaire-plus-avec-moins,41,3909.html And a last, disruptive, quality: OPEN
  • 27. See also: • • • • • • • A thesis proposal is a contract How to get a great letter of recommendation Defending your PhD (Academic martial arts) How to get into grad school for science … How to send and reply to email 10 easy ways to fail a PhD 6 blog tips for busy academics …
  • 29. Il dottorato/dipartimento ABC • Dipartimento di oltre 300 docenti, ricercatori e dottorandi a tempo pieno • Lavora su otto linee di ricerca “statutarie”
  • 31. ABC-PhD Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni e ambiente costruito PhD Programme in Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering The mission of ABC Doctoral Program is to train future researchers for the extensive field of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering. PhD-Candidates are trained to face complex questions, to develop in-depth analysis and reliable models (theories) of complex contexts (seen as physical, economic, environmental or social systems) and to innovate: concepts, products and their use, rules and organisations. These skills are proven realizing an original study (the PhD thesis) a specific Research theme in one of the following research field (each with a certain degree of overlap on the others): Trained to face Trained to face Trained to innovate complex questions complex questions in complex contexts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings Design and Technologies for the Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Built Environment Risk prevention and emergency management Architectural Design and Urban Design Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning Built Environment Economics and Management Coordinatore/Head prof. Enrico De Angelis Segreteria/contacts sig.ra Marchegiani Cristina Documenti/documents Any reference document about ABC-PhD Program can be dowloaded here.
  • 32. ABC-PhD Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni e ambiente costruito PhD Programme in Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering The mission of ABC Doctoral Program is to train future researchers for the extensive field of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering. PhD-Candidates are trained to face complex questions, to develop in-depth analysis and reliable models (theories) of complex contexts (seen as physical, economic, environmental or social systems) and to innovate: concepts, products and their use, rules and organisations. These skills are proven realizing an original study (the PhD thesis) a specific Research theme in one of the following research field (each with a certain degree of overlap on the others): Your PhD THESIS is YOUR MAIN GOAL! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems for Buildings Design and Technologies for the Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Built Environment Risk prevention and emergency management Architectural Design and Urban Design Complex Buildings Design, Construction and Management Preservation, Valorisation and Promotion of Built Heritage ICT and Smart Systems in Construction and Planning Built Environment Economics and Management Coordinatore/Head prof. Enrico De Angelis Segreteria/contacts sig.ra Marchegiani Cristina Documenti/documents Any reference document about ABC-PhD Program can be dowloaded here.
  • 33. What is a PhD Thesis Something ORIGINAL
  • 37. BE PREPARED! It will happen! For sure!!
  • 38. Distribution of R&D professionals
  • 39. • There are thousands of researchers in Europe, hundried thousands in the world: the most of them works on actual (the same?) topics
  • 40. Another question: disciplines Science & Technology Dynamics, University of The picture comes from: I.Rafols, A.L.Porter, L.Leydesdorff, “Science overlay maps: a new tool for research policy and library management”
  • 41. Another question: disciplines Science & Technology Dynamics, University of The picture comes from: I.Rafols, A.L.Porter, L.Leydesdorff, “Science overlay maps: a new tool for research policy and library management”
  • 42. But human behaviour is difficult to be changed (and you can do it only slowly)
  • 43. The situation: • MANY PEOPLE working in the same field • MANY PEOPLE from many disciplines • VERY FEW RESOURCES to let you to do the work • A LOT OF BRAINS with (often) very little available resources and not very keen to collaborate together
  • 44. ABC PhD are we open enough??
  • 45. A fundamental consideration by Ken Robinson and a question arising: is it really worth to stay alone? Ken Robinson,
  • 46. At least … OPEN INNOVATION … avoid to stay closed in a glass bowl e led g know ur ces r eso skills id ea Inside-out s O utside-in
  • 47. Are we open enough to/for the future?
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. Do you know any other use of the term OPEN? Let us know!
  • 53. Co-operation vs Collaboration • Cooperate means: working together to accomplish shared goals, dividing a task among participants: each one is responsible for a portion of the solution • Collaborate means: to achieve a common goal, with a mutual engagement of participants in a coordinated effort to solve the problem together, respecting but integrating eachone’s individual contribution to the whole
  • 54. Co-operation vs Collaboration Cooperation vs. Collaboration Cooperation vs. Collaboration WSWT Workshop Websci‘13 www.know-cen Towards a Model of Interdisciplinary Teamwork: What can Social Theory Contribute Cooperation Kraker P., Dennerlein S. ( Cooperation ), Towards a Model of Interdisciplinary Teamwork: What can Social Theory Contribute See in: slideshare Collaboration Collaboration Peter Kraker Sebastian Dennerlein
  • 55. Collaborative Learning • Reading, doing, modelling and predicting, … is individual learning • Interaction activities trigger extra cognitive mechanisms (knowledge elicitation, internalisation, reduced cognitive load, ...) Collaborative learning concerns the cognitive activities and mechanisms that may occur during collaboration.
  • 56. Is collaboration human?? In effect, in learning studies, the first researches about COLLABORTIVE LEARNING come from Human-Machine interfacing: – Dillenbourg, P., M. Baker, A. Blaye, C.O’Malley, “The evolution of research oncollaborative learning”; in: E. Spada and P. Reiman, Learning in humans and machine: Towards an interdisciplinary learning science, Elsevier (1996) pp.189–211 – Roschelle, J., S. Teasley, “The construction of shared knowledge in collaborative problem solving; in: C. E. O’Malley (ed.), Computer supported collaborative learning, Springer-Verlag pp. pp. 6997 (1995) Future rector with the future Minister for University (right)
  • 57. Is COLLABORATION possible? (is it useful, is it profitable for collaborators?) Collaboration is human but not often practiced, because often inefficient, if questions are simple. Nevertheless it is fundamental for complex questions. Although it needs tools to enhance our communication ability. • WE WILL TRY TO COLLABORATE (it won’t be easy) • WE WILL USE TOOLS and make SOFT EXPERIENCE CANDIDATES?
  • 58. My main effort, this year To avoid you staying in a glass bowl OPEN INNOVATION e led g know ur ces r eso skills id ea Inside-out s O utside-in
  • 59. Why? Because reality is complex … … closed innovation models doesn’t always work …
  • 61. … and we cannot funnel you, fishes, in one only direction
  • 62. fuzzy open innovation process well-defined Different stage II may be actors involved andparticipation selected take indirectly part of a with Wikipedians workshops common play
  • 63.
  • 65. My Background (P. Kraker) , TEAM, and CODE and Information Science Web Science 2 © Know-Center 2011
  • 66. Picture from: WWW and Hopes for the Future Tim Berners-Lee Saudi Arabia, 2011-02-22 MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) World Wide Web Foundation (These slides: ) Isn’t ARCHITECTURE (today) a little bit like WEB SCIENCE?
  • 67. a drawing by D. Libeskin Isn’t ARCHITECTURE (today) a little bit like WEB SCIENCE?
  • 68. Construction from Debris - The Kowloon Walled City
  • 69.
  • 70.
  • 71. … some more about ABC PhD
  • 72. Composizione Progetto e tech General Presentation Architettonica Beni Culturali Progetto e tech Ambiente costr. ABC-PhD Program has been established in 2012, following the complete reorganization of the area of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering in one only Department. It results as merge of the following four PhD Programs: – Architectural Composition – Building Systems Engineering – Design and Technologies Exploitation for the Cultural Heritage – Technology and Design for Environment and Building These four programs have been joined by a group of researchers from a fifth one: the PhD Program in Structural Seismic and Geotechnical Engineering. All these Programs have been separately active since 1990, mainly focussing on one only discipline. Their merge was aimed at optimizing the capability of the Department in facing and solving complex training needs, with a single organizational unit. Ingegneria dei sistemi edilizi Ingegneri sismica e ABC PhD
  • 73. ABC PhD MISSION • The mission of ABC-PhD Program is to train experts in the main fields of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering, endowed with: – High-level scientific knowledge. – Significant experience in Research and Development (R&D) activity – Proven communication and management skills. • Moreover, ABC-PhD Program aims to work as a fundamental wheel of a chain drive system that, on one side, activates a continuous knowledge transfer from the Department – and the world of research in general – toward other non-academic entities who may profit from it and, on the other side, give back to Academy the great value of a reason to research. High-level scientific knowledge Significant experience in Research Proven communication and and Development (R&D) activities management skills. In STRONG RELATION WITH NON ACADEMIC ENTITIES
  • 74. ABC PhD VISION (the future) • Our vision wish: – Our students to become self-sufficient, independent “actors”, able to gain – as scientist, as intellectuals, as professionals or as entrepreneurs – an outstanding position at an international level. – Our PhD Program to become – in few years – the Italian Point of Reference for training experts in all the most critical subjects related to the sustainable (environmental, economical, social and cultural sustainability) transformation and management of the Built Environment ecosystem
  • 75. Professional opportunities The three years of study and participation to the research activity of the Department (and of its joint foreign institutions) will offer students opportunities: 1. to take part to effective “knowledge transfer” processes 2. to enter in contact with private companies and public bodies 3. to face real questions.
  • 76. Professional opportunities • ABC PhD Program is not organized just for training new Academics. • It will provide the best occupational opportunities for: – an academic career – as well as for an employment in: • research centres, • architectural and engineering design enterprises • public bodies • private societies that need highly qualified personnel.
  • 77. The Research Topic • The PhD Program Board will assign a (tentative) Research Topic to each PhD Candidate and … • … it will appoint a Tutor, for each one of them.
  • 78. The Tutor • The Tutor is chosen among the members of the PhD Program Board, with the following assignment: – To refine – together with the PhD Student – the definition of his/her Research Topic. – To monitor, supervise and support the PhD Student in his/her activity. • He periodically refers, with a written report to the PhD Program Board, about the attainment of Student’s objectives and the quality of his/her work. FORMAT 02MOD_ABCPhD Tutor evaluation
  • 79. The Supervisor • Once the Student has reasonably detailed the subject of his/her PhD Thesis and completed his/her competencies and skills, the PhD Program Board will appoint a Supervisor who will guide and support the Student in the development of his/her research activities related to the thesis.
  • 80. The Reviewer • At the end of the third year – or before, if needed – the PhD Program Board will appoint one or more external Reviewer to evaluate PhD Student’s work and Thesis. La figura del Reviewer può anticipare, già fin dalla valutazione del primo anno, una figura indipendente di valutatore esterno, evitando che ogni membro del collegio sia obbligato a valutare tutti i candidati.
  • 81. Opzione 1 Tutor&co-tutor (supervisor) 1° fase: presentazione PhD Student The PhD Board
  • 82. Opzione 1 FINAL ASSESSMENT Tutor&co-tutor (supervisor) 2° fase: giudizio The PhD Board
  • 83. Opzione 2 Tutor&supervisor PhD Student Reviewer 1° fase: presentazione AUDIENCE (Some interested participants)
  • 84. Opzione 2 Tutor&supervisor Reviewer 2° fase: proposta giudizio ASSESSMENT PROPOSAL
  • 85. Opzione 2 Tutor, Supervisor and Reviewer give an ASSESSMENT PROPOSAL The PhD BOARD GIVE the FINAL ASSESSMENT 3° fase: giudizio finale The PhD Board
  • 86. The Training Program The activity of ABC-PhD Students will focus on the assigned Research Topic and will have the following general aims: – To complete their skills and to enhance their competencies in the specific Research Area. – To develop their research-oriented mindset and to improve their problem-solving aptitude, with a particular care to multidisciplinary and systemic approach. – To acquire the capability to present their work, discussing and defending it. – To induce them to realize advancements on a specific Research Topic, i.e. to find original solutions for a theoretical or practical problem and to show their trustworthiness or feasibility.
  • 87. The Training Program • This Program will schedule, for three years of full-time work, this kind of training activities: – Educational Activities: courses and studies needed to complete and to refine Student’s skills, propaedeutic to the analysis of the Research Topic. In particular, the Program will schedule courses for a minimum of 30, up to a maximum of 60 ECTS: • at least 5 ECTS Credits must be acquired attending courses offered by the PhD School. • at least 10 ECTS Credits, attending Multidisciplinary courses offered by ABC-PhD Program. – Research Activities: the development of the PhD Thesis
  • 88. The Training Program • This Program will schedule, for three years of full-time work, this kind of training activities: – Research Activities: the development of the PhD Thesis and the participation to specific research activities, related to the Research Topic, if suitable to gain experience in research planning, management and execution, as well as in knowledge transfer practice or for a particular occurrence.
  • 89. The Training Program • … and this kind of training activities: – Communication Activities: writing and publishing the research results of the Student, in international peerreviewed journals and conferences proceedings, and, in general, his/her active participation to international research symposiums. – Teaching activities: PhD Students may include Teaching activities about their PhD Thesis topics, which will be acknowledged as knowledge transfer and communication activities, for a maximum of 5 ECTS, in their whole program.
  • 90. The training program • The training activities will be progressively organized, from introductory meetings and lessons (i.e. with older PhD Candidates or other research experts) to the PhD Thesis writing, and will be developed in the following way: – In the first semester, the activity of each student will be dedicated to the definition of a State of the Art of his/her Research Area. – The whole first year will be dedicated to the coverage of basic training needs of the Student, with the attendance PhD courses, and to the final clarification of the Research Topic. – The second year will be dedicated to the organization of the PhD Thesis work and the completion of Student’s skills and knowledge, to support the achievement of PhD Thesis objectives + FOREIGN STAY. – The third year constitutes the most intense period of autonomous and original research work and the elaboration of the PhD Thesis + , if needed/useful, also FOREIGN STAY
  • 91. The training program • Tutors will encourage their students to carry out their Training Program in strict contact with other research groups, in other Universities and Research Institution. • On the other hand, each Candidate is expected to plan and organize – as part of her/his Training Program – a period of work and stay with one – or more – of these groups, preferably a foreign one, for no shorter than six months, in order to become more confident with the most wide international research community. The host of the Student may be another University or any other institution or private company engaged in high level research about the Student’s Research Topic. Nevertheless, at least a half of the whole PhD period (18 months) must be developed at Politecnico di Milano.
  • 92. Maximum engagement in training (60 ECTS) 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Introductory Lectures (5 ECTS) ABC Program Multidisciplinary Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral course) [10 ECTS] PhD School courses (5 ECTS) ABC Program Multidisciplinary Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral course) [10 ECTS] Research activities related to the PhD-thesis project (45 ECTS) PhD School Course (5 ECTS) PhD School courses (5 ECTS) Research activities … (5 ECTS) State of the art about PhD Student’s research topic (10 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS) ABC Program Multidisciplinary Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral training, [10 ECTS] PhD School Course (5 ECTS) PhD School Course (5 ECTS) Research activities related to the PhD-thesis project (15 ECTS) Research activities … (5 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS)
  • 93. Minimum engagement in training (30 ECTS) 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Introductory Lectures (5 ECTS) PhD School Course (5 ECTS) Research activities related to the PhD-thesis project (50 ECTS) ABC Program Multidisciplinary Course – 2°sem (or other doctoral course) [10 ECTS] Research activities related to the PhD-thesis project (15 ECTS) PhD School Course (5 ECTS) State of the art about PhD Student’s research topic (10 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS) PhD School Course (5 ECTS) Research activities related to the PhD-thesis project (20 ECTS) Research activities related to the PhD-thesis project (15 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS) Scientific writings (10 ECTS)
  • 94. The PROPOSED PROGRAMS • • • • 24 candidates 18 did their job, somehow reasonably (75%) 1 exceeded in planned activities 5 didn’t understand and didn’t respect the scheduled assignement (about 20%) CONCLUSION: 5 candidates to be helped NEXT TIME: a meeting with candidates before planning
  • 95. Planned Activity share Teaching 3,7 ECTS [30% doesn’t plan any teaching] Publication 200 h [25% didn’t plan any publication !!] Research 560h Training: 30 ECTS
  • 96. Requested Courses (ABC offer) titolo del corso Cultural Heritage Conservation and Valorization (Part 1) Cultural Heritage Conservation and Valorization (Part 2) Energy Efficiency in Building Design, Urban and Regional Planning Environmental and landscape design: methods and tools for heritage enhancement Innovation in Architecture and Construction (Part 1) Innovation in Architecture and Construction (Part 2) Innovative Management in Construction and Real Estate Processes Seismic vulnerability of buildings and risk mitigation Sheltering for emergency Solid mechanics for discrete modelling of structures (1 Part) Solid mechanics for discrete modelling of structures (2 Part) Structural Dynamics for condition assessment and seismic monitoring Structure and Form in Architecture: in a historical perspective Technological culture of design Transformation of the built environment - energy retrofit and structural reinforcement Urban Micro Climate Mitigation and Building Envelopes Design richiesta ABC % 10 10 5 42% 42% 21% 4 8 8 4 5 2 2 2 17% 33% 33% 17% 21% 8% 8% 8% 3 3 5 13% 13% 21% 1 6 4% 25%
  • 97. Requested Courses (PhD school) titolo del corso richiesta ABC % Finite element in engineering design Computational Fluid Dynamics with Open-Source Software Course for the acquisition of the certified associate project manager certification defined by the project management institute 3 2 13% 8% 2 8% Economic assessment of urban transformations and policies Game Theoretical Models in Engineering IVP – Interactive Virtual Prototyping: Methods and Tools Mantua campus international phd summer school - architectural preservation, design and planning in world heritage cities and landscapes Planning mobility and accessibility in emergency situations Regenerative technologies: design and innovation in heritage enhancement Research Management Smart building and structures: a cyberphysical system perspective 2 1 2 8% 4% 8% 1 2 4% 8% 3 1 1 13% 4% 4%
  • 98. Approval, overview and control of the results of the Training Program • The personal Training Program will be proposed by the same Student, endorsed by his/her Tutor and approved by PhD Program Board, overviewing its coherence with the Research Topic and with the general aims of the PhD Program, as specified in chapter 6.2. A new approval is requested for any substantial change of the Training Program. This need will be monitored by Student’s Tutor. • As the PhD Program is a full-time work, the Board must be informed about (and approve, in advance) every significant activity of every Student, also if she/he has not any kind of scholarship and if these activities will be not listed in the Training Program. • The PhD Program Board will periodically meet each Student in public meetings, to monitor his/her advancements, results and plans.
  • 99. Approval, overview and control of the results of the Training Program • The PhD Program Board will periodically meet each Student in public meetings, to monitor his/her advancements; Student must submit: – The revised Training Program. – An updated Report about Student’s Studies and Courses, endorsed by Candidate’s Tutor and Supervisor. – An upgraded copy of Candidate’s Scientific Production. • a written evaluation of Candidate’s activity and the Student him/herself, to submit
  • 100. Approval, overview and control of the results of the Training Program • The PhD Program Board may appoint its reviewing task to a Board Member. If no Board Member is available, or not enough independent or competent about Student’s Theme, the Board will ask the Tutor to propose the name of an external Reviewer, who will be asked to give an evaluation of the submitted documents and take part of the public meeting with the Student. Nor the Tutor nor the Supervisor may be appointed as Reviewer
  • 101. Approval, overview and control of the results of the Training Program • The frequency of the meetings of the Students with the Board is twice a year, one about every six months. The first of these meetings every year has just an overview mission. The second every year have the formal role of assessment and admission of the Student to the next year. After this annual meeting, the Student will receive a motivated evaluation. • If the evaluation is positive (A/B/C/D), he will be admitted to the next year. Last year Students, also with positive final evaluation, if needed and suggested by his/her Tutor, may ask for a time extension up to a maximum of 12 months. • If the evaluation is negative, the Student will be qualified as a “Repeating candidate”(Er) or “not able to continue with the PhD (Ei)”.
  • 102. Milestones • Milestone 1 – 6 months The candidate presents the Academic Board the main research issues arising from his/her first overview of the State of the Art and Reference Bibliography for the Research Area/Topic under investigation.
  • 103. Milestones • Milestone 2 – 12 months (1st year annual exam) Presentation of the research project (problems, final State of the Art and Reference Bibliography, first Thesis hypotheses, methodologies, expected outcomes), of the future work plan (foreign stay must be defined and proposed ASAP), of the main Training Program changes and of the first scientific products. A Supervisor may be identified and appointed to support the elaboration of the Student’s research.
  • 104. Milestones • Milestone 3 – 18 months Presentation of research progress, the main Training Program changes and scientific products. The PhDProgram Board review the feasibility, the originality and the scientific relevance of Student’s Research, on the basis of the evaluation of the Tutor evaluation. Student’s Supervisor is definitely appointed.
  • 105. Milestones • Milestone 4 – 24 months (2nd year annual exam) First draft of the thesis work; research progress, main Training Program changes and scientific products. The Board examines and assesses the value and the originality of the research, on the basis of Tutor’s and Supervisor’s documented evaluation.
  • 106. Milestones • Milestone 5 – 30 months Draft of the PhD thesis (with a complete list of contents), of the main Training Program changes and scientific products. The PhD-Program Board assesses the advancements, the feasibility and the valuing opportunities of the PhD thesis, on the basis of Tutor’s and Supervisor’s documented evaluation. The opportunity of a Reviewer is evaluated as proposal of the Tutor and the Supervisors.
  • 107. Milestones • Milestone 6 – 36 months (3rd year annual exam) Presentation of the thesis in its final version (except amendments and reviews after this last meeting). The Academic Board decides on admission to the final exam.
  • 108. The PhD Thesis • The main objective of a PhD Student is the development of an original research contribution. This contribution will be reported in the Student’s PhD Thesis, to be written under the guidance of the Tutor and the Co-Tutor (Supervisor). • Student’s Supervisor is a specialist in Student’s Research Topic who will support the Student in setting-out and developing everyday research activities. • Supervisor’s role may be assumed by the Tutor, who will anyway propose and oversee his/her name, or by another member of the PhD Program Board or by other experts from Politecnico di Milano as well as from any other Research Institution. One or more co-supervisors, if requested, may be appointed by PhD Program Board.
  • 109. The PhD Thesis • At the end of the third year, the Student’s Thesis will be reviewed and evaluated in a public meeting, in order to admit him/her to the Final PhDExam. The Student will present his/her Tesis to the PhD Program Board and to the appointed external Reviewer(s). • Nor the Tutor nor the Supervisor may be appointed as Reviewer, who will be chosen among those specialists in Student’s Research Topic that have not had any direct relation with the Student or his/her Tutor or Supervisors. The Reviewers will evaluate the contribution to the State of the Art given by the Student’s PhD Thesis, in the chosen Research Field. • Subsequently, the final PhD-Exam will be organized for the attainment of the title, in which the research work carried out and the thesis will be evaluated by an examination Committee composed by three members, of which at least two external evaluation members.
  • 110. Thesis or publication? • Our PhD Program is not a PHD by Publication … We will assess Student’s ability evaluating the ORIGINALITY of his/her PhD thesis: its advancement of the knowledge about a specific Research theme. • but PhD Student MUST BE PUSHED to produce publications and anticipate/have peer review of his/her work. «The PhD by publication offers an alternative path to the traditional PhD by thesis, but it is viewed by some as inferior …»
  • 111. ABC-PhD Program Courses • The ABC-PhD Program and the PhD School offers various courses to PhD Students. These courses will aim at: – Completing the skills and particular knowledge of the PhD Student; – Examining basic research issues (general problems, theories, research methods and analytical tools, research management and valuing) – Representing the cornerstone of the various fields of the ABC-PhD Program, identifying cultural positions and introducing them to specific cultural contexts. – Exploring certain, specific Research Topics. • Courses are offered in English, unless otherwise provided. ABC-PhD Program, nevertheless, will always offer a Training Program entirely in English to the Student who requests it.
  • 113. A multidisciplinar course INNOVATION in Architecture and Construction 15 CF 10 CF
  • 114. Another multidisciplinar course BUILT HERITAGE conservation and Valorisation 15 CF 10 CF
  • 115. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Energy Efficiency in Building Design, Urban and Regional Planning (G. Dall’O) Credit: Emanuele Naboni
  • 116. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Sheltering for emergency (A. Zanelli)
  • 117. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Innovative Management in Construction and Real Estate Processes (O. Tronconi)
  • 118. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Transformation of the Built Environment – Energy Retrofit and Structural Reinforcement (G. Masera, C. Poggi) +
  • 119. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Technological culture of design (F. Schiaffonati)
  • 120. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Environmental and landscape design: methods and tools for heritage enhancement (E.Mussinelli)
  • 121. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Urban MicroClimate Mitigation and Building Envelopes Design (T. Poli) Credits: E.R. Pardyjak, P. Willemsen
  • 122. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Solid mechanics for discrete modelling of structures (two parts) (L.Biolzi, S. Casolo)
  • 123. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Structural Dynamics for condition assessment and seismic monitoring (C. Gentile)
  • 124. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Seismic vulnerability of buildings and risk mitigation (M.A. Parisi)
  • 125. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Non-linear analysis of RC frames (M. Pisani)
  • 126. 13 thematic courses (65 CF) Structure and Form in Architecture in a historical perspective (A. Torricelli)
  • 127. PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept) Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media (V. Carvelli)
  • 128. PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept) Economic Assessment of Urban Transformations and Policies (R. Capello)
  • 129. PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept) Planning Mobility and Accessibility in Emergency Situations (L. Mussone)
  • 130. PhD School COURSES (by ABC dept) Regenerative technologies: design and innovation in heritage enhancement (E. Mussinelli)
  • 131. Tranches de vie … tranches de PhD 米兰理工大学室内建筑研究生主任 Luca Guerrini 教授 + “Tranches de vie tranches de gateaux” by M. Vogliazzo, about 1990 ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC SEMINARS (PhD 4 PhD) «… The characterization of these problematic areas is developed by the same doctoral candidates and it offers a map adjourned of the knowledge produced and of the evolution of the work areas of our community of Research»
  • 132. A PhD site Scoop is a site devoted to the collection of published data: whatever your subject. I manage one of this collections dedicated to PhD in general.