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Critical Updates on 
Canine and Feline Health 
Sponsored by: 
From 2010 
Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me… 
Controversial and Challenging 
Feline Cases 
Deborah S. Greco, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, 
Senior Research Scientist, Nestlé Purina PetCare 
Outline of diagnostic approaches that can help practitioners 
solve three endocrine presentations in cats 
Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad 
(Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 
Debra L. Zoran, DVM, PhD, DACVIM-SAIM, 
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, 
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 
The role of intestinal bacteria and diet in the diagnosis 
and management of IBD in cats 
Treatment of Liver Disease: 
Medical and Nutritional Aspects 
David C. Twedt, DVM, DACVIM, 
College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, 
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 
Understanding the major aspects involved in diagnosing 
and treating canine and feline liver disease 
From Problem to Success: A Weight 
Loss Program That Works, Growing 
Relationships, Not Girth in Cats 
Margie Scherk, DVM, DABVP (Feline), 
Vancouver, BC, Canada 
Designing a weight loss program that can ensure success— 
both for the cat and the client 
Updates on 
Canine and 
Feline Health 
From 2010 NAVC and WVC Conferences
Disorders of the endocrine system are 
routinely encountered in feline practice. 
Certain endocrine disorders, such as hyperthyroidism 
and diabetes mellitus, are relatively simple to diagnose 
in cats, whereas others, such as hypoadrenocorticism, 
are more challenging. This article outlines the diagnos-tic 
approach for three common endocrine presentations 
in cats—polydipsia/polyuria (PU/PD), weight gain, and 
insulin resistance as reflected by clinical cases in the 
Evaluation of Polydipsia/Polyuria 
One of the most common presenting complaints for endocrine 
disorders is PU/PD. The major endocrine diseases that cause 
PU/PD are, in order of frequency, diabetes mellitus, hyperthy-roidism, 
hyperadrenocorticism, acromegaly or hypersomatotro-pism, 
hypercalcemia resulting from hyperparathyroidism, 
hypokalemia associated with hyperal-dosteronism, 
diabetes insipidus, and 
pheochromocytoma (Table 1). 
The diagnostic approach to polydipsia 
and polyuria is shown in Figure 1. In pa-tients 
presenting with PU or PD, the cli-nician 
must first document whether the 
patient is indeed drinking or urinating 
excessively. The most common condition 
mistaken for PU is pollakiuria (Table 2) 
resulting from urinary tract disease. 
When the presence of PU/PD is suspect, 
the clinician should ask several questions 
to determine whether the cat is consum-ing 
or eliminating excessive water. The 
presence of large amounts of urine in the 
litter box as opposed to small, more fre-quently 
eliminated amounts of urine 
points to PU and compensatory PD. 
PD may be more difficult to identify 
than PU. In general, because cats are 
desert species, it is unusual to witness 
cats drinking water frequently. In con-trast, 
dogs are often presented for PD 
when they are, in fact, just “sloppy” 
drinkers. If the owner can quantitate 
and measure the amount of water the 
cat is drinking, any consumption of 
water in excess of 60 to 70 ml/kg/day 
would be considered PD. 
Evaluation of Weight Gain 
Endocrine causes of weight gain include, 
in order of frequency, type 2 diabetes 
mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism, hypothy- 
Deborah S. Greco, 
Senior Research 
Nestlé Purina 
Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me… 
Controversial and Challenging 
Feline Cases 
Updates on 
Canine and 
Feline Health 
Table 1. Causes of PU/PD 
Nonendocrine Causes 
Chronic renal failure 
Hepatic disease (PSS) 
Pyometra, pyelonephritis 
Hypercalcemia of malignancy, vitamin D 
toxicosis, granulomatous disease, chronic 
renal failure, etc 
Acute renal failure (nephrotoxicants) 
Primary PU 
Endocrine Causes 
Diabetes mellitus 
Hypercalcemia resulting from 
hyperparathyroidism or hypoadrenocorticism 
Hyperkalemia associated with 
Diabetes insipidus (central, nephrogenic) 
Hypersomatotropism (acromegaly) 
PD = polydipsia; PSS = portosystemic shunt; PU = polyuria 
2 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases
Table 2. Distinguishing PU from Pollakiuria and Incontinence 
Signs PU Pollakiuria Incontinence 
Urination Active Active Passive 
Frequency 2–3 times normal More than 3 times normal Nocturia 
Urgency Uncommon Common None 
Volume of urine Increased Small, multiple Variable 
Mucus Rare Common Rare 
Concentration of urine Dilute Concentrated Either 
Weight loss Common Rare Rare 
PU = polyuria 
Endocrine disorder 
> 100 ml/kg/day H2O; 
fT4 (dialysis) 
Bile acids, ultrasound 
Water deprivation test 
Nephrogenic DI 
Primary PD 
Central DI 
chemistry TT4, 
blood pressure 
low USG CRF 
ACTH stimulation 
Neoplasia (SCC, LSA) 
Hyperglycemia, glucosuria 
Advanced DM 
Addison’s disease 
NO RESPONSE to insulin 
Measure aldosterone 
acromegaly (IGF) 
Cushing’s syndrome (LDDS) 
Figure 1. Diagnostic Flowchart for PD and PU 
ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; ARF = acute renal failure; BUN = blood urea 
nitrogen; Ca = calcium; CBC = complete blood count; Cr = creatinine; CRF = chronic 
renal failure; DDAVP = brand name for desmopressin acetate; DI = diabetes insipidus; 
DM = diabetes mellitus; fT4 = free thyroxine; IGF = insulin-like growth factor; 
K = potassium; LDDS = low-dose dexamethasone suppression; LSA = lymphosarcoma; 
MDB = minimum database; PD = polydipsia; PSS = portosystemic shunt; PU = polyuria; 
SCC = squamous cell carcinoma; TT4 = total thyroxine; U/A = urinalysis; 
USG = urine-specific gravity 
Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases 3
(see Nestlé Purina Body Condition System). 
Creating a diagnostic flowchart of common 
rule outs can help eliminate endocrine disorders 
as diagnostic differentials (Figure 2). 
The dietary history is one of the most important 
aspects of history taking for weight gain. The 
examiner should ask what type of diet is being 
fed—homemade, raw, or commercial. For com-mercial 
diets, is the cat primarily fed dry food 
or a mixture of dry and canned food? If the cat 
is being fed a commercial food, also ask about 
the specific brand, and if the diet is homemade, 
ask for a complete list of ingredients. 
Other important questions include: 
■ How long has the diet been fed? 
■ When was the diet changed last, and how 
frequently is it changed? 
■ How much is the cat eating, and how is the 
food being measured (weighing vs cups)? 
■ Is the cat fed ad libitum or restricted? How 
many times per day is the cat fed? 
roidism, acromegaly, and insulinoma (Table 3). 
The primary differentials for nonendocrine 
causes of weight gain, which are much more 
common, feature overfeeding and the feeding of 
treats. Patient records on the body condition 
score (BCS) can help determine whether the 
weight gain is a result of nonendocrine problems 
Table 3. Causes of Weight Gain 
Nonendocrine Causes 
Feeding treats 
Feeding high caloric density food 
Large abdominal tumors 
Endocrine Causes 
Hypersomatotropism (acromegaly) 
Type 2 diabetes mellitus—early 
Weight gain 
Figure 2. Diagnostic Flowchart for Weight Gain 
Low-carbohydrate diet, 
insulin, oral hypoglycemics 
Weight loss diet 
Continue diet to 
target weight 
RULE OUT dietary 
Repeat MDB, 
Cushing’s syndrome 
Endocrine disorder 
LOW TT4 and 
LOW TT4 and 
Hypothyroidism fT4 by dialysis 
sick syndrome 
BG = blood glucose; DM = diabetes mellitus; fT4 = free thyroxine; IGF = insulin-like growth factor; LDDS = low-dose dexamethasone suppression; 
MDB = minimum database; OM = Purina Veterinary Diets OM Overweight Management Feline Formula; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone; TT4 = total thyroxine 
4 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases
Ribs visible on shorthaired cats; no palpable fat; 
severe abdominal tuck; lumbar vertebrae and wings 
of ilia easily palpated. 
TOO HEAVY IDEAL TOO THIN Call 1-800-222-VETS (8387), weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT 
Ribs easily visible on shorthaired cats; lumbar vertebrae 
obvious with minimal muscle mass; pronounced abdominal 
tuck; no palpable fat. 
Ribs easily palpable with minimal fat covering; lumbar 
vertebrae obvious; obvious waist behind ribs; minimal 
abdominal fat. 
Ribs palpable with minimal fat covering; noticeable 
waist behind ribs; slight abdominal tuck; abdominal 
fat pad absent. 
Well-proportioned; observe waist behind ribs; ribs palpable 
with slight fat covering; abdominal fat pad minimal. 
Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering; waist and 
abdominal fat pad distinguishable but not obvious; 
abdominal tuck absent. 
Ribs not easily palpated with moderate fat covering; 
waist poorly discernible; obvious rounding of abdomen; 
moderate abdominal fat pad. 
Ribs not palpable with excess fat covering; waist absent; 
obvious rounding of abdomen with prominent abdominal 
fat pad; fat deposits present over lumbar area. 
Ribs not palpable under heavy fat cover; heavy fat 
deposits over lumbar area, face and limbs; distention of 
abdomen with no waist; extensive abdominal fat deposits. 
Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases 5
■ Who feeds the animal, and what 
ages are the family members (eg, 
children, grandparents)? 
■ Are there other pets in the house-hold, 
and what diets are they fed? 
Table 4. Causes of Insulin Resistance 
■ Does the cat have access to the 
■ Does the cat receive supplements (eg, treats, 
vitamins, yogurt)? 
It is important to remember that many clients do 
not perceive treats and additives (eg, table food) as 
part of the cat’s diet and, therefore, may forget to 
mention them. 
Another tricky aspect is determining who 
in the household is responsible for feeding the ani-mal. 
Many times the primary caregiver is surprised 
to find that another family member has been feed-ing 
a specific food or treat without telling the pri-mary 
caregiver. In addition, problems may arise 
because owners have preconceived notions about 
pet foods. Clients may indicate that they will not 
feed certain flavors of foods or certain ingredients 
because of “allergies.” Furthermore, it may be diffi-cult 
to obtain an accurate dietary history because 
clients may be embarrassed or unwilling to divulge 
exactly what and how much is being fed. For these 
Tips for Investigating Weight Gain 
✔ In cats, always check the underside of the tarsus for evidence of diabetic 
✔ Ask the client to bring photographs of the patient from several years ago for 
comparison of skull and facial changes. 
✔ Check the patient’s teeth for increased interdental spaces (acromegaly). 
✔ Assign a BCS and record each score in the patient’s medical record. Cats in 
normal body condition (BCS 4–5 on the Nestlé Purina scale) will have ribs 
easily palpable and normal abdominal tuck. 
✔ If necessary, perform the knuckle test (quick BCS). Animals in normal body 
condition have ribs that feel like the tops of the knuckles with the hand 
extended. Overweight patients have ribs that palpate similar to the palm of 
the extended hand. 
BCS = body condition score 
6 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases 
Nonendocrine Causes 
Infection (eg, UTI, pulmonary, 
skin disease) 
Immune disease 
Drugs, pancreatitis, liver 
disease, stress 
Endocrine Causes 
UTI = urinary tract infection 
reasons, having clients complete a written ques-tionnaire 
is often the best and most expedient way 
to obtain a dietary history. 
Performing a thorough physical examination, 
comparing the patient’s current weight with its 
weight several years ago, and establishing the pa-tient’s 
BCS are important for determining the rea-son 
for weight gain (see Tips for Investigating 
Weight Gain). 
Evaluation of Insulin 
It is very rare to obtain a perfect glucose curve in 
a patient. Generally, problems associated with 
the blood glucose curve can be differentiated by 
the characteristics of the curve and the insulin 
dose (dosing interval). 
If the patient is receiving less than 2.2 U/kg 
per dose, the blood glucose curve is usually 
indicative of one of the following: 
■ Insufficient insulin dose—Corrective action, 
increase dose 
■ Short duration of action of insulin— 
Corrective action, change to longer-acting 
insulin or twice-daily dose regimen 
■ Insulin-induced hypoglycemic hyper-glycemia 
(Somogyi effect)—Corrective 
action, reduce insulin dose by 25% 
■ Insulin overlap or prolonged insulin 
action—Corrective action, change to 
shorter-duration insulin or insulin mixture 
(ie, 30% regular, 70% NPH) 
If the patient is receiving more than 2.2 U/kg 
of insulin per dose, insulin resistance should be 
investigated (Table 4). In cats, the top diagnos-tic 
differentials for insulin resistance include 
hyperthyroidism, hypersomatotropism 
(acromegaly), and hyperadrenocorticism. ■
Feline inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 
applies to a number of poorly understood enteropathies 
characterized by infiltration of inflammatory cells into 
the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa. The cellular infiltrate 
is composed of variable populations of lymphocytes, 
plasma cells, eosinophils, and neutrophils that can 
be distributed throughout the GI tract.1-3 In severely 
affected cats, this infiltrate may be accompanied by 
changes in the mucosal architecture, including villus 
atrophy, fusion, fibrosis, and lymphangiectasia. 
Although IBD appears to be a common clinical problem 
in cats, little is known about the etiopathogenesis or the 
local and systemic consequences of the disease, including the 
development of lymphoma and nutritional deficiencies.4 In 
addition, the nature of inflammation associated with IBD is 
just beginning to be characterized beyond the visible changes 
in gross histopathology that have been described.5-11 
This paper reviews what is known about feline IBD, with 
particular focus on the role of commensal and pathogenic in-testinal 
bacteria as well as diet in the diagnosis and manage-ment 
of the disease. 
Diagnostic Process 
Feline IBD, a commonly diagnosed condition of adult cats, 
is characterized by persistent clinical signs consistent with 
GI disease (eg, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea) 
that occur concurrently with histologic evidence of mucosal 
inflammation.12 The median age of cats presenting with 
IBD is around 7 years, and most cats present with a history 
of these signs occurring intermittently for weeks to years. 
Purebred cats, such as the Siamese and Abyssinian, may be 
overrepresented, but definitive breed predilections have not 
been reported. There is no reported predilection based on 
Diagnosis by exclusion 
Because clinical signs of IBD can be as-sociated 
with various primary GI and 
extra-GI diseases, it is important to 
consider broad groupings of differen-tials 
and obtain a minimum database 
(ie, CBC, serum biochemical panel, 
urinalysis) until sufficient data have 
been collected to narrow the list of dif-ferentials. 
A number of possible causes 
of intestinal inflammation must be 
considered, however, including infec-tious 
disease, food sensitivity (allergy) 
or food intolerance, endocrinopathies 
(eg, hyperthyroidism), parasitic disease, 
and neoplastic disease. These differentials 
should be investigated thoroughly before 
settling on a diagnosis of idiopathic IBD 
and instituting a treatment plan. 
Food allergy and intolerance can be 
particularly difficult to distinguish from 
IBD and other intestinal disorders, es-pecially 
because of shared clinical signs 
and identical histopathologic changes in 
the bowel. Therefore, appropriate food 
trials are an extremely important com-ponent 
of both reaching a diagnosis and 
implementing therapy in cats with GI 
disease or suspected IBD. In addition to 
food trials, the diagnostic plan for a cat 
with chronic vomiting or diarrhea 
should include multiple fecal examina-tions 
or therapeutic deworming trials 
with broad-spectrum agents, such as 
fenbendazole, assessment of thyroid and 
Debra L. Zoran, 
DVM, PhD, 
College of 
Medicine and 
Texas A&M 
University, College 
Station, Texas 
Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), 
the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly 
Updates on 
Canine and 
Feline Health 
Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 7
FeLV/FIV status, and assessment of GI function, 
including measuring cobalamin and folate and 
conducting trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) 
and pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI) 
Many cats with IBD have concurrent inflam-mation 
of the liver and pancreas—a phenome-non 
called triaditis.13 Because chronic pancreatitis 
can cause few distinguishing signs and be diffi-cult 
to diagnose by laboratory testing alone, a 
degree of clinical suspicion is necessary to care-fully 
assess cats.14,15 Serum cobalamin levels are 
commonly decreased in cats with severe bowel 
disease or pancreatitis. Furthermore, in cats with 
hypocobalaminemia, diarrhea does not resolve 
until replacement therapy has been instituted. 
Cobalamin therapy in some cats may be life-long, 
whereas in others, once the clinical disease 
has been resolved, supplementation can be dis-continued. 
Imaging and exploratory measures 
In addition to laboratory evaluation, radiography 
and ultrasonography are important aspects of 
overall assessment of cats with possible IBD. Al-though 
abdominal radiographs and ultrasound 
findings cannot confirm IBD, they are essential 
for ruling out other GI problems, including in-testinal 
8 Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 
foreign bodies, intussusception, masses, 
and involvement of other organs, especially the 
liver and pancreas. Many cats with intestinal in-flammation 
have thickened loops of bowel, 
changes in bowel layering, or evidence of mesen-teric 
lymphadenopathy.16 These changes are not 
indicative of a specific cause but are further con-firmation 
of intestinal disease that requires addi-tional 
Abdominal ultrasonography can reveal impor-tant 
information about the location and severity 
of lesions, thereby suggesting whether endoscopy 
or abdominal exploratory surgery might be the 
appropriate next step. Because intestinal biopsy 
specimens obtained either endoscopically or 
during exploratory surgery are essential to con-firm 
the presence of inflammatory infiltrates, ei-ther 
diagnostic measure is an important part of 
the process. However, a number of problems 
have been associated with using histopathologic 
changes or findings to diagnose IBD.17 
First, problems correlating a pathologist’s 
interpretation of inflammation found in the 
GI biopsy specimen with the actual disease 
have been well documented.5 The presence of 
lymphocytes and plasma cells in the wall of the 
gut does not mean the problem is idiopathic, 
does not necessarily correlate with the cytokine 
expression or degree of clinical disease, and 
does not mean that IBD can be accurately dif-ferentiated 
from lymphoma. As a result, stan-dards 
for histopathologic interpretation of 
biopsy specimens have been recommended by 
pathologists to help improve the utility and 
consistency of interpreting GI histopathologic 
findings5,18 (see WSAVA Guidelines for GI 
Inflammatory response 
The basis of the immunologic response in cats 
with IBD is unknown, and it remains to be deter-mined 
whether the inflammatory response results 
from the presence of undefined pathogens or ex-emplifies 
an inappropriate response to dietary 
antigens or intraluminal commensal bacteria. De-termining 
the cytokine and immune cell popula-tion 
in cats with IBD is important from both a 
WSAVA Guidelines for GI Histopathology 
The WSAVA guidelines offer pertinent information about GI 
histopathology.5 Small cell (ie, lymphocytic, low-grade) 
lymphoma can be extremely difficult to distinguish from IBD. 
Because the disease can be local (only in the jejunum or 
ileum) or found only in the deeper layers of the intestinal wall 
(submucosa or muscularis), if during endoscopy, biopsy 
specimens are not obtained from the appropriate sites or are 
inadequate in depth, lesions can be missed. If cats are not 
responding to appropriate therapy or were responding to 
therapy but are now losing weight or having recurrent 
diarrhea despite therapy, the possibility of lymphoma should 
be reconsidered. Several recent reviews on this subject 
provide more details specific to GI lymphoma and its 
WSAVA = World Small Animal Veterinary Association 
radiographs and 
findings cannot 
confirm IBD but 
are essential for 
ruling out other 
GI problems, 
such as intes-tinal 
bodies and 
Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 9 
pathologic and therapeutic standpoint, as treat-ment 
of IBD in cats is nonspecific and based on 
dietary modification, administration of antibi-otics, 
and suppression of the immune system. 
The Role of Bacteria 
In humans and experimental animals, recent 
studies indicate a strong association between the 
development of IBD and a breakdown of normal 
tolerance mechanisms, host susceptibility, and 
enteric microflora.19-22 It is likely that these same 
factors are important in feline IBD9-11,23 (see Are 
Bacteria a Key Component?). Modulation of the 
enteric microenvironment in humans with IBD 
has been shown to reduce proinflammatory cy-tokines 
in the mucosa and, therefore, decrease 
the inflammatory response.24 In humans, IBD 
therapy has included antibiotics with immune-modulating 
capacity, prebiotics, probiotics, and 
immunosuppressants as well as other drugs that 
modify cytokine release.22,25 
Unfortunately, studies assessing modulation of 
enteric flora (using probiotics, prebiotics, or other 
specific therapy for cytokines) in cats with IBD 
are only in the early stages. Nevertheless, few stud-ies 
have shown that intestinal microbiota in cats 
with IBD are clearly different from those in nor-mal 
cats and often the difference is a decrease in 
normal commensals (eg, bifidobacteria, lacto-bacilli) 
and an increase in pathogenic species.6,9 At 
this time, therapy for IBD in cats continues to in-clude 
inflammatory suppression and antibiotic 
therapy. The most effective IBD therapies include 
steroids (ie, 1 to 2 mg/kg of prednisolone or 
methylprednisolone PO Q 12 H) or other drugs 
that interrupt the proinflammatory pathways ac-tive 
in the gut. In cats that are intolerant of 
steroids, budesonide therapy may be a reasonable 
choice. Alternatively, in cats in which steroids are 
no longer effective or are causing morbidity (eg, 
diabetes), immunosuppressive therapy may be 
necessary and is often effective. The two drugs 
most commonly recommended and effective for 
cats in this setting are cyclosporine and chloram-bucil. 
Antibiotic therapy with 5 to 10 mg/kg of 
metronidazole PO Q 12H has been effective for a 
Are Bacteria a Key Component? 
One group of investigators11 is seeking to determine the effect of 
mucosal bacteria and their relationship to cytokine responses 
and inflammation in the bowel of cats. Intestinal biopsies 
were collected from 17 cats undergoing diagnostic 
investigation of signs of GI disease and from 10 healthy 
controls.11 Subjective duodenal histopathology ranged 
from normal (10) to mild (6) to moderate (8) to severe (3) 
IBD. The mucosal response was evaluated by objective 
histopathology and cytokine mRNA levels in duodenal biopsies. 
The number of mucosa-associated Enterobacteriaceae was higher 
in cats with signs of GI disease than in healthy cats. These pathogens, including 
Escherichia coli and Clostridium species, were associated with significant changes in 
mucosal architecture, principally atrophy and fusion; up-regulation of cytokines, 
particularly IL-8; and the number of clinical signs exhibited by affected cats. 
The study findings indicate that an abnormal mucosa-associated flora is 
associated with the presence and severity of duodenal inflammation and clinical 
disease activity in cats. The observations provide a rational basis for future 
investigations to address the potential causal involvement of mucosa-associated 
bacteria. They are perhaps most consistent with a model proposed for the mucosal 
response to gram-negative bacteria, whereby proinflammatory cytokines (eg, IL-1, 
IL-8, IL-12) produced by epithelial cells in response to such stimuli as gram-negative 
bacteria are modulated by macrophage production of IL-10. Support for this concept 
in the canine GI tract is provided by studies of the small intestines of dogs in which 
expression of IL-10 and IFN-β mRNA by lamina propria cells and the intestinal 
epithelium was observed in the face of a luminal bacterial flora that was more 
numerous than that of control dogs.23 
Additional evidence that bacteria are a key component of IBD in cats has been 
collaborated by Inness and coworkers,9 who characterized the gut microflora of both 
healthy cats and cats with colonic IBD. Cats with IBD were found to have significantly 
higher populations of Desulfovibrio (a genus of bacteria that produce toxic sulfides) 
compared with normal cats, which had higher populations of bifidobacteria and 
bacteroides (normal flora). These authors proposed that modulation of intestinal 
flora with probiotics and dietary intervention to decrease the production of 
pathogenic bacteria were likely important in treating cats with IBD. 
Finally, another study10 found that the expression of cytokines in biopsy 
specimens from the intestines of cats with IBD represented greater transcription 
of genes encoding IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-α, and TGF-β than from those of cats 
with normal intestines. These results also suggested that, in cats with IBD, both 
proinflammatory and immune dysregulation features were present. 
IBD = inflammatory bowel disease; IFN = interferon; IL = interleukin; 
TGF = transforming growth factor; TNF = tumor necrosis factor 
number of years and continues to be recommended 
as initial therapy for IBD.12,26 There is also a widely 
held belief that metronidazole is effective not only 
because of its antibacterial properties but because of 
concurrent immune-modulating properties. Some 
data support these ideas, but the specific role of 
metronidazole as treatment for IBD is still not 
completely known. Because metronidazole may 
be poorly tolerated and has potential for serious ad-verse 
effects, it should not be given indefinitely. 
Another antibiotic that may be useful in cats with 
presumed IBD is tylosin at a dose of 10 to 20
Diets Designed to Promote GI Health 
The highly digestible diets from different pet food 
manufacturers have a variety of formulations— 
different protein and carbohydrate sources, different 
levels of fat, and various additives designed to 
promote intestinal health (eg, fructooligosaccharide 
[FOS], mannondigosaccharide [MOS], omega-3 fatty 
acids, antioxidant vitamins, soluble fiber). If one type 
of highly digestible diet has been fed for at least 2 
weeks with minimal response, then it is entirely 
reasonable to try another diet from a different 
source or try an entirely different dietary strategy 
(eg, high-protein/low-carbohydrate, novel antigen, 
hydrolyzed diet). In addition, diarrhea may be 
attributed to carbohydrate intolerance or bacterial 
changes resulting from dietary changes. Thus, the 
addition of probiotics or prebiotics to help influence 
microflora is a reasonable therapeutic option, as is 
the addition of either metronidazole or tylosin. 
mg/kg PO Q 12 H; however, less is known about 
the effects of tylosin on cats when used long-term. 
Finally, data in humans with IBD are increas-ingly 
showing that probiotics and antioxidant 
prebiotic nutraceuticals may be important com-ponents 
of therapy.25 At this time, it is difficult 
to make specific recommendations concerning 
the probiotic or nutraceutical therapy with the 
greatest benefit because of the paucity of studies 
in cats with IBD and the species-specific nature 
of probiotics and their effects. However, probi-otics 
that provide an immune-modulating effect 
or that increase the number of beneficial species 
while competing against pathogens might be ex-pected 
to be helpful. In several studies in kit-tens, 
probiotics containing Enterococcus faecium 
(SF68) appeared to improve immune function 
and had better responses to therapy when ex-posed 
to enteric protozoa.29 Furthermore, 
whereas probiotic therapy alone would not be 
expected to produce clinical remission, cats un-dergoing 
long-term therapy for IBD may bene-fit 
from the addition of probiotics to their 
treatment regimen. 
10 Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 
The Role of Dietary Management 
The use of diet to help manage GI disease is not 
a new concept, but the type of diet to use has be-come 
an increasingly complex issue. In many, 
if not most, cats with mild IBD, especially those 
without significant infiltrate of inflammatory 
cells (mild to moderate infiltrate) or without sig-nificant 
weight loss or other morbidity, the best 
approach is to feed a highly digestible diet 
or to change the diet to one with fewer additives, 
flavorings, or other substances that may be associ-ated 
with food intolerance. Many cats (nearly 
two-thirds in one study) with chronic diarrhea 
have complete resolution of clinical signs when 
fed a highly digestible diet.30,31 
Highly digestible diets are not defined in a reg-ulatory 
sense but generally indicate a product 
with protein digestibility of greater than 85% 
(typical diets are 78% to 81%) and fat digestibility 
of greater than 90% (typical diets are 77% to 
85%). These diets are designed to provide food 
that is easy to digest because it has moderate to low 
fat, moderate to increased protein, and moderate 
to decreased carbohydrates; may have additives to 
improve intestinal health, such as soluble fibers, 
omega-3 fatty acids, and increased antioxidant vi-tamins; 
and contain no gluten, lactose, food color-ing, 
preservatives, and similar additives. Many 
different brands fall under the category of “highly 
digestible,” but they are not all alike. 
The protein digestibility of a diet is one of the 
key factors that can determine its success in cats 
with IBD. In general, meat-source proteins and 
diets containing meat meals are more digestible 
than plant-source proteins, and animal proteins 
are more digestible than meat by-products. In 
addition, to increase digestibility of foods in 
cats, the number and amount of carbohydrates 
in the food are decreased—a single-source car-bohydrate 
food is better than foods with many 
different sources, and highly digestible carbohy-drate 
sources are better than complex plant-source 
carbohydrates. Therefore, when one diet 
from this category is not accepted or seems to 
make the diarrhea worse, it cannot be assumed 
that all diets in this category will be ineffective 
and unaccepted. Diets from different manufac- 
Treatment of IBD in 
cats is nonspecific 
and based on 
dietary manage-ment, 
treatment, and 
Cobalamin Homeostasis 
Cobalamin homeostasis is a complex, multistep process that 
involves participation of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, and 
liver. Following ingestion, cobalamin is released from food in 
the stomach. It is then bound to a nonspecific cobalamin-binding 
protein of salivary and gastric origin called 
haptocorrin. IF, a cobalamin-binding protein that promotes 
cobalamin absorption in the ileum, is produced by the 
stomach and pancreas in dogs and the pancreas but not the 
stomach in cats.35 
The affinity of cobalamin for haptocorrin is higher at acid pH 
than that for IF, so most is bound to haptocorrin in the stomach. After entering the 
duodenum, haptocorrin is degraded by pancreatic proteases and cobalamin is 
transferred from haptocorrin to IF.35 
A portion of cobalamin taken up by hepatocytes is rapidly re-excreted in bile 
bound to haptocorrin. This rapid turnover means that cats with cobalamin 
malabsorption can totally deplete their body cobalamin stores within 1 to 2 
Recent studies indicate that subnormal cobalamin concentrations are common in 
cats with GI disease or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.4 Investigation of the 
relationship of subnormal serum cobalamin concentrations to cobalamin deficiency 
and the effect of cobalamin deficiency on cats has revealed the clinical significance 
of cobalamin deficiency in cats.4 
Serum MMA concentrations (median; range) decreased after cobalamin 
supplementation. Serum homocysteine concentrations were not significantly 
altered, whereas cysteine concentrations increased significantly. Mean body weight 
increased significantly after cobalamin therapy, and the average body weight gain 
was 8.2%. Significant linear relationships were observed between alterations in 
serum MMA and fTLI concentrations and the percentage of body weight change. 
There is also emerging evidence that cobalamin supplementation may result in 
clinical improvement of cats with IBD without recourse to immunosuppressive 
therapy.15 In this respect, it is interesting to note that cobalamin deficiency is 
associated with altered immunoglobulin production and cytokine levels in mice. The 
impact of cobalamin deficiency on the immune environment of cats remains to be 
fTLI = feline trypsin-like immunoreactivity; IF = intrinsic factor; MMA = methylmalonic acid 
Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 11 
turers have various formulations (see Diets De-signed 
to Promote GI Health). 
Novel Antigen or Elimination Diets 
Allergy and intolerance are the most common ad-verse 
reactions cats have to food. Food allergy or 
hypersensitivity is an adverse reaction to a food or 
food additive with a proven immunologic basis. 
In contrast, food intolerance is a nonimmunologic 
abnormal physiologic response to a food or food 
additive. Food poisoning, food idiosyncrasy, and 
pharmacologic reactions to foods also fall under 
the category of food intolerance. 
The specific food allergens that cause problems 
in cats have been poorly documented, with only 
10 studies describing the clinical lesions associated 
with adverse reactions.30-33 In these reports, more 
than 80% of cases were attributed to beef, dairy 
products, or fish. 
The incidence of food allergy in cats remains 
unknown but is estimated to be only 15% to 20% 
of all food-related causes of diarrhea.33 However, 
food intolerance is believed to contribute to 60% 
to 65% of feline diarrhea cases. In two separate 
studies, a majority of cats responded to dietary 
therapy with a highly digestible diet.31,34 
The causes of dietary intolerance that need 
to be carefully considered in feline diets are pri-marily 
protein and carbohydrates—both sources 
and amounts. The diagnosis of both food allergy 
and intolerance is based on a dietary elimination 
trial. The major difference between these two 
types of adverse food reactions is the length of 
time on the diet required to achieve a response 
(cats with food allergy may require 6 to 12 weeks 
on the elimination diet before an improvement 
will be seen). 
Various commercial and homemade elimination 
diets, as well as diets formulated with hydrolyzed 
proteins, may be used in cats with suspected food 
allergy or intolerance. The key is to select a diet 
that has a novel protein source based on a careful 
dietary history and is balanced and nutritionally 
adequate (commercial diets are best for this); how-ever, 
a homemade elimination diet may be nec-essary 
to find an appropriate test diet. If a 
homemade diet must be used for long-term 
therapy, a complete and balanced diet containing 
the necessary protein sources should be formulated 
by a nutritionist. For most cats with food allergy, 
avoiding the offending food is most effective and 
can result in complete resolution of signs. How-ever, 
short-term steroid therapy can decrease the 
concurrent intestinal inflammation until the ap-propriate 
food sources can be identified. 
GI disease may decrease the availability of a 
number of micronutrients, such as vitamins and 
minerals, thereby having important consequences 
on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of 
the disease. The diagnostic utility of measuring 
the serum concentrations of cobalamin and folate 
in cats with suspected intestinal disease has re-cently 
been established. Although the impact of 
deficiencies in cobalamin and folate are not com-
B12) in cats with gastrointestinal disease. Simpson KW, 
Fyfe J, Cornetta A, et al. J Vet Intern Med 15:26-32, 2001. 
5. Histopathological standards for the diagnosis of gastrointesti-nal 
inflammation in endoscopic biopsy samples of the dog and 
cat: A report from the World Small Animal Veterinary Associa-tion 
Gastrointestinal Standardization Group. Day MJ, Bilzer 
T, Mansell J, et al. J Comp Pathol 138:1-43, 2008. 
6. Molecular characterization of intestinal bacteria in healthy 
cats and cats with IBD. Ritchie L. MS dissertation. Texas 
A&M University, 2008. 
7. Quantitative evaluation of inflammatory and immune re-sponses 
in cats with inflammatory bowel disease. Goldstein 
RE, Greiter-Wilke A, McDonough SP, Simpson KW. Am 
Coll Vet Intern Med Proc, 2003. 
8. Immune cell populations in the duodenal mucosa of cats 
with inflammatory bowel disease. Waly NE, Stokes CR, 
Gruffydd-Jones TJ, et al. J Vet Intern Med 18:113-122, 2004. 
9. Molecular characterisation of the gut microflora of healthy 
and inflammatory bowel disease cats using fluorescence in 
situ hybridisation with special reference to Desulfovibrio spp. 
Inness VL, McCartney AL, Khoo C, et al. J Anim Phys 
Anim Nutr 91:48-53, 2006. 
10. Measurement of cytokine mRNA expression in intestinal 
biopsies of cats with inflammatory enteropathy using quan-titative 
real-time RT-PCR. Van Nguyen N, Tagliner K, 
Helps CR, et al. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 113:404-414, 
11. The relationship of mucosal bacteria to duodenal histopathol-ogy, 
cytokine mRNA, and clinical disease activity in cats with 
inflammatory bowel disease. Janeczko S, Atwater D, Bogel E, 
et al. Vet Microbiol 128:178-193, 2008. 
12. Inflammatory bowel disease. Current perspectives. Jergens 
AE. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 29:501-521, 1999. 
13. Relationship between inflammatory hepatic disease and inflam-matory 
bowel disease, pancreatitis and nephritis in cats. Weiss 
DJ, Gagne JM, Armstrong PJ. JAVMA 209:114-116, 1996. 
14. Pancreatitis in cats: Diagnosis and management of a chal-lenging 
disease. Zoran DL. JAAHA 42:1-9, 2006. 
15. Diagnosis of pancreatitis. Steiner JM. Vet Clin North Am 
Small Anim Pract 33:1181-1195, 2003. 
16. Radiographic, ultrasonographic and endoscopic findings in 
cats with inflammatory bowel disease of the stomach and 
small intestine. 33 cases (1990-1997). Baez JL, Hendrick MJ, 
Walker LM, Washabau RJ. JAVMA 215:349-354, 1999. 
17. Interobserver variation among histopathologic evaluation of 
intestinal tissues from dogs and cats. Willard MD, Jergens 
AE, Duncan RB, et al. JAVMA 220:1177-1181, 2002. 
18. Feline alimentary lymphoma: Demystifying the enigma. Wil-son 
HM. Top Companion Anim Med 23(4):177-184, 2008. 
19. Chemokine expression in IBD: Mucosal chemokine expres-sion 
is unselectively increased in both ulcerative colitis and 
Crohn’s disease. Banks C, Bateman A, Payne R, et al. J 
Pathol 199:28-35, 2003. 
20. Bacterial interactions with cells of the intestinal mucosa: Toll-like 
receptors and NOD2. Cario E. Gut 54:1182-1193, 2005. 
21. Experimental models of inflammatory bowel disease reveal 
innate, adaptive, and regulatory mechanisms of host dia-logue 
with the microbiota. Elson CO, Cong Y, McCracken 
VJ, et al. Immunol Rev 206:260-276, 2005. 
22. Inflammatory bowel disease: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, 
and therapeutic opportunities. Hanauer SB. Inflam Bowel 
Dis 12(Suppl 1):S3-S9, 2006. 
23. Intestinal cytokine mRNA expression in canine inflamma-tory 
bowel disease: A meta-analysis with critical appraisal. 
Jergens AE, Sonea IM, Kauffman LK, et al. Comp Med 
59:153-162, 2009. 
pletely known, the role of cobalamin in normal 
function of the GI tract and in many other aspects 
of metabolism is well documented4,15,35 (see 
Cobalamin Homeostasis). Furthermore, because 
cats are obligate carnivores that consume much 
higher amounts of protein in their diet, the im-portance 
of cobalamin and other B vitamins in 
maintaining protein metabolism cannot be over-stated. 
Therefore, evaluation of all cats with GI 
disease, not just cats with IBD, is an important 
part of not only the diagnostic process but also the 
management of these diseases. 
Although other vitamin or mineral deficiencies 
may occur with longstanding or severe IBD, they 
are less likely (because of storage of fat-soluble vi-tamins 
and some minerals) and supplementation 
without documentation of a deficiency can be 
dangerous. Thus, supplementation of fat-soluble 
vitamins is not generally recommended unless 
signs of deficiency, such as bleeding from vitamin 
K deficiency, are occurring or tissue or blood levels 
of the vitamin are determined. 
Closing Remarks 
In conclusion, much remains to be learned 
about the complex interplay between GI mi-croflora, 
dietary antigens, the epithelium, im-mune 
effector cells, and soluble mediators in the 
feline GI tract in health and disease. The devel-opment 
of feline-specific reagents together with 
the growing realization of the nutritional conse-quences 
of IBD have precipitated a shift beyond 
reliance on qualitative histology, holding prom-ise 
for improved understanding, therapy, and 
prevention in the future. ■ 
1. Lymphocytic plasmacytic gastroenteritis in cats: 14 cases 
(1985-1990). Dennis JS, Kruger JM, Mullaney TP. JAVMA 
200:1712-1718, 1992. 
2. Lymphocytic plasmacytic enterocolitis in cats: 60 cases 
(1988-1990). Hart JR, Shaker E, Patnaik AK, et al. JAAHA 
30:505-514, 1994. 
3. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in dogs and cats: 84 
cases (1987-1990). Jergens AE, Moore FM, Hayness JS, et 
al. JAVMA 200:1603-1608, 1992. 
4. Subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin (vitamin 
Allergy and 
intolerance are 
the most common 
adverse reactions 
cats have to food. 
The incidence of 
food allergy in 
cats is unknown, 
but food intole-rance 
accounts for 60% 
to 65% of feline 
diarrhea cases. 
12 Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis)
Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 13 
24. Differential effect of immune cells on non-pathogenic gram-negative 
bacteria-induced nuclear factor-kappaB activation 
and pro-inflammatory gene expression in intestinal epithe-lial 
cells. Haller D, Holt L, Parlesak A, et al. Immunology 
112:310–320, 2004. 
25. Probiotics in gastrointestinal diseases. Guarner F. In Versa-lovic 
J, Wilson M (eds): Therapeutic Microbiology: Probiotics 
and Related Strategies —Washington, DC: ASM Press, 2008, 
pp 255-271. 
26. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in cats: Rational 
treatment selection. Trepanier L. J Feline Med Surg 11:32- 
38, 2009. 
27. Inflammatory bowel disease. German AJ. In Bonagura J, 
Twedt D (eds): Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV—St. 
Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier, 2008, pp 501-506. 
28. Tylosin responsive diarrhea. Westermarch E. In Bonagura J, 
Twedt D (eds): Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV—St. 
Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier, 2008, pp 507-509. 
29. Effect of supplementation with Enterococcus faecium (SF68) 
on immune functions in cats. Veir JK, Knorr R, Cavadini 
C, et al. Vet Ther 8:229-238, 2007. 
30. Food sensitivity in cats with chronic idiopathic gastrointestinal 
problems. Guilford WG, Strombeck DR, Rogers Q, et al. J 
Vet Intern Med 15:7-13, 2001. 
31. Dietary therapy of feline diarrhea. Guilford WG, Center 
SA, Strombeck DR, et al. NZ Vet 51:262-265, 2003. 
32. Adverse reactions to foods: Allergies versus intolerance. Roude-bush 
P. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC (eds): Textbook of Veterinary 
Internal Medicine, ed 6—St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2005, p 153. 
33. Food allergy in dogs and cats: A review. Verlinden A, Hesta 
M, Millet S, et al. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 46:259-273, 2006. 
34. Evaluation of two diets in the nutritional management of 
cats with naturally occurring chronic diarrhea. Laflamme 
DP, Martineau B, Jones W, et al. Vet Ther 5:43-51, 2004. 
35. Early biochemical and clinical responses to cobalamin sup-plementation 
in cats with signs of gastrointestinal disease 
and severe hypocobalaminemia. Ruaux CG, Steiner JM, 
Williams DA. J Vet Intern Med 19(2):155-160, 2005.
Few controlled studies are investigating 
treatments for liver disease in dogs and 
cats. When recommending specific therapeutic ap-proaches, 
however, most authors point out the im-portance 
of linking adequate nutritional support with 
specific therapies and general hepatic support. Man-agement 
of liver-related complications should also 
be addressed if and when they occur. This article cov-ers 
the major aspects associated with managing liver 
disease in small animals and outlines some basic 
treatment goals (see box). 
Nutritional Management 
The liver is paramount in metabolism and plays a key role in 
regulating protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. 
Metabolic derangements that occur in dogs and cats with liver 
disease can lead to malnutrition, impaired hepatic regeneration, 
and the clinical consequences of hepatic insufficiency (eg, he-patic 
encephalopathy [HE], ascites, gastrointestinal [GI] ulcera-tion, 
coagulopathy, immunosuppression). The liver also has the 
unique ability to regenerate following injury, a process that oc-curs 
through appropriate nutrition. 
The overall goal of nutritional management 
of liver disease is predominately supportive 
and requires a fine balance between promoting 
hepatocellular regeneration and providing nu-trients 
to maintain homeostasis without ex-ceeding 
the metabolic capacity that leads to 
accumulation of toxic metabolites. 
Basic nutritional concepts 
One of the most important aspects of liver dis-ease 
therapy is ensuring that the patient has 
appropriate energy intake to prevent anorexia 
and weight loss, thereby minimizing catabo-lism. 
Adjustments to the diet are required 
when malnutrition is present. To this 
end, practitioners must first calculate 
the patient’s caloric needs. 
Calculation of the basal energy re-quirement 
(BER) is based on the 
weight of lean body mass; the weight 
of fat or ascites is not included (see 
box). The BER is then multiplied by 
an illness factor estimated to be 1.0 
to 1.4 to achieve daily caloric needs.1 
Although no comprehensive studies 
have looked at illness factors in dogs 
or cats with liver disease, studies have 
shown that humans with cirrhosis have 
an energy intake comparable with that of 
normal controls.2 Energy requirements 
should be individually adjusted to main-tain 
optimal body weight. 
It is important to ensure that poor 
diet palatability is not the reason a pa-tient 
refuses to eat. Patients can be of-fered 
an ideal diet for a particular 
condition, but I would rather have 
David C. Twedt, 
College of 
Medicine & 
Colorado State 
University, Fort 
Collins, Colorado 
Treatment of Liver Disease: 
Medical and Nutritional Aspects 
Updates on 
Canine and 
Feline Health 
How to Calculate BER 
• For animals weighing < 2 kg: 
70 x [kg*] 0.75 = kcal/day 
• For animals weighing > 2 kg: 
30 x [kg*] + 70 = kcal/day 
• Nutritional requirements for most cats 
can also be expressed as 50–55 kcal/kg 
body weight. 
*Of lean body mass 
BER = basal energy requirement 
Treatment Goals 
✔ Remove or correct inciting 
cause if identified. 
✔ Provide adequate nutrition and 
prevent malnutrition. 
✔ Provide specific treatment for 
hepatic disease and/or related 
✔ Provide an environment for 
optimal hepatic function and 
14 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects
Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 15 
patients eat almost any diet than nothing at all. 
When nutritional requirements are not being met 
by voluntary intake, enteral supplementation 
should be considered. 
A misconception about dietary fat content and 
liver disease is prevalent, especially in the nutri-tional 
management of feline hepatic lipidosis. In 
general, dogs and cats with liver disease have a 
good tolerance for dietary fat. Fat not only im-proves 
palatability but provides important energy 
density to the diet. Therefore, lipid restriction 
typically is not necessary for dogs or cats with 
liver disease; this also holds true for cats with id-iopathic 
hepatic lipidosis. However, dietary con-trol 
is probably the most important aspect of 
managing a case of hepatic lipidosis. 
Carbohydrates should make up no more than 
35% of the diet’s total calories for cats and 45% 
for dogs.3 Adequate carbohydrate intake is impor-tant 
to maintain glucose concentrations, especially 
in dogs with advanced liver disease or when hypo-glycemia 
is a concern in patients with portosys-temic 
shunts (PSS). Feeding frequent small meals 
throughout the day may help patients maintain 
glucose concentrations. 
I have observed hypoglycemia in some dogs 
with cirrhosis and PSS and hyperglycemia in 
some cats with hepatic lipidosis or cats receiving 
steroids. In conjunction with liver disease (and 
sometimes concurrent steroid therapy), cats with 
glucose intolerance or a tendency to develop hy-perglycemia 
after a meal will require a lower-car-bohydrate 
diet. The best way to prevent hyper- or 
hypoglycemia is to feed frequent small meals. In 
general, I prefer to feed an energy-dense, low-fiber 
diet to patients with liver disease. However, man-aging 
dietary fiber plays a role in how it relates to 
the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. 
A misconception about protein content and liver 
disease also exists. It was previously thought that 
patients with liver disease should be placed on a 
As a general 
dietary protein 
should represent 
15% to 20% of 
the digestible 
kilocalories in 
the diet. 
Dietary Protein Intake 
The goals of dietary protein intake are to: 
✔ Adjust quantities and types of nutrients to 
meet the patient’s nutrient requirements. 
✔ Avoid production of excess nitrogen by-products 
that cause hepatic encephalopathy. 
✔ Provide a high-quality, highly digestible 
protein source.5 Poor-quality proteins may 
aggravate hepatic encephalopathy and fail to 
promote hepatic regeneration. 
Protein requirements for patients with liver 
disease may be greater than those for normal 
dogs and cats. Most quality commercial and 
prescription diets are suitable for this purpose. 
protein-restricted diet to reduce the liver’s work-load 
and the production of detrimental nitroge-nous 
waste products. This approach is not well 
substantiated, however. Many veterinary nutri-tionists 
and gastroenterologists now believe that 
restricting protein could be detrimental, especially 
if patients have a negative nitrogen balance.4 
As a general recommendation, dietary protein 
should represent 15% to 20% of the digestible 
kilocalories (kcal) in the diet.3Most highly di-gestible 
diets (eg, GI diets) are adequate for pa-tients 
with most liver conditions5 (see Dietary 
Protein Intake). Protein restriction should only be 
instituted in patients with evidence of protein in-tolerance— 
most often patients with PSS or signs 
of HE.6 In these situations, lower protein content 
and diets with a milk- or plant-based protein 
source rather than a meat source are recommended 
to prevent HE and colonic production of excess 
nitrogen by-products. Because cats have such a 
high protein requirement, I rarely—if ever—limit 
protein intake in cats with liver disease, such as 
lipidosis, and find HE an uncommon consequence 
in cats. 
Basic Therapeutic Options 
Antiinflammatory therapy 
Decreasing inflammation should be specifically 
addressed in dogs with chronic hepatitis and 
possibly in cats with some types of cholangitis. 
At Colorado State University, our clinical im-pression 
suggests that antiinflammatory therapy 
is beneficial in some if not all cases of chronic
hepatitis, but this approach remains controver-sial 
because no good controlled studies have 
been conducted in dogs. 
One retrospective study found that some dogs 
with chronic hepatitis tend to have a prolonged 
survival when treated with corticosteroids,7 al-though 
dogs of many different breeds and a di-versity 
of histology and concurrent therapies 
were included. Nevertheless, the use of steroids 
versus the use of no steroids offered benefits in 
some cases (around 25%), and these responders 
may in fact represent dogs with immune-medi-ated 
liver disease. An initial dose of 1 to 2 
mg/kg/day of prednisone or prednisolone is sug-gested. 
When clinical improvement is suspected 
or after several weeks of therapy, the dose can be 
gradually tapered to 0.5 mg/kg/day or Q 48 H. 
The only accurate way to evaluate response to 
therapy is to evaluate biopsy specimens in approx-imately 
6 to 8 months. It is impossible to deter-mine 
any improvement based on liver enzymes 
because of concurrent steroid hepatopathy. Al-ternatively, 
practitioners could stop steroid ad-ministration 
16 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 
and recheck the enzymes in 1 to 2 
months after the steroid effects on the liver have 
resolved. Persistent elevations would suggest that 
hepatitis is continuing. 
Some reports also show improvement of im-mune 
hepatitis in humans treated with budes-onide. 
8 These patients had fewer side effects from 
systemic steroids because of the rapid first-pass he-patic 
metabolism of budesonide. This drug may 
be an option in some dogs or cats with inflamma-tory 
liver disease because it may somewhat lessen 
the side effects associated with steroids. 
Because of the side effects of corticosteroids 
and the failure to successfully monitor liver en-zymes 
while receiving steroids, other immuno-suppressive 
therapy, including azathioprine9 and 
cyclosporine, may represent a more rational ap-proach 
(see Getting the Most Out of Antiin-flammatory 
Therapy in Dogs). 
Hepatic copper metabolism 
Copper is an essential trace metal required for 
many metabolic functions. The liver is quintes-sential 
in regulating the concentration and ex-cretion 
of excess copper through bile. Hepatic 
copper concentrations can increase in dogs because 
of either a primary genetic defect or diminished 
copper excretion secondary to cholestatic liver dis-ease. 
Copper accumulation caused by cholestatic 
disease does not occur as frequently, and copper 
concentrations are lower than in breed-associated 
copper hepatotoxicity. With either mechanism of 
copper accumulation, subcellular damage to hepa-tocytes 
can result. Damage from copper apparently 
results in lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial 
If the liver biopsy of a dog with chronic hepati-tis 
indicates significant abnormal hepatic copper 
accumulation, then dietary copper chelators or 
zinc therapy should be instituted. Hepatic copper 
levels of greater than 1,000 mcg/g of dry weight 
liver (normal < 400 mcg/g liver) require therapy 
to reduce copper concentrations. 
It is first important to feed diets with a lower 
copper content and to avoid nutritional supple-ments 
with additional copper. A restricted copper 
intake of about 1.25 mg/1,000 kcal of metaboliz- 
Getting the Most Out of 
Antiinflammatory Therapy in Dogs 
Azathioprine is an effective immunosuppressant shown to 
increase survival in humans treated for chronic hepatitis 
when administered in conjunction with corticosteroids.9 
The therapy may also be beneficial in dogs (do not use 
azathioprine in cats because of toxicity) by increasing the 
immunosuppressive response and enabling reduction of 
both the steroid dose and side effects. Initially, a dose of 2.2 
mg/kg/day is suggested, followed by Q 48 H after several 
weeks. The level of glucocorticoids can frequently be reduced 
when using azathioprine. Of importance, azathioprine has infrequently been 
associated with drug-induced hepatic necrosis or acute pancreatitis. If the 
dog worsens clinically or the alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value increases 
dramatically, I would stop the medication. 
At Colorado State University, we have realized good clinical response when 
using cyclosporine in some dogs with chronic hepatitis. Our experience using 
5 mg/kg Q 12 H or Q 24 H (without steroids) has been encouraging in dogs believed 
to have immune-mediated chronic hepatitis. The veterinary formulation Atopica 
( is a microemulsified preparation with the same properties and 
bioavailability as the human product Neoral ( and 
its generic counterpart. Generally after several days or longer, I will obtain a 
blood level at the trough (before the next pill). The ideal range of blood levels is 
400–600 ng/mL. 
Many dogs develop gingival hyperplasia when higher concentrations of 
cyclosporine are administered. Azithromycin at 10 mg/kg/day for 4–6 weeks will 
often decrease gingival hyperplasia. With evidence of clinical response at a dose of 
5 mg/kg Q 12 H, I often decrease the frequency to Q 24 H and eventually to alternate-day 
therapy. Using cyclosporine alone, practitioners can follow the level of liver en-zymes 
and direct therapy based on response without the need for liver biopsy.
Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 17 
able energy (ME) has been suggested.3 The cop-per 
content is listed on the label of most diets; if 
not, the manufacturer should be able to provide 
this information. If a homemade diet is used, 
liver, shellfish, organ meats, and cereals are all 
high in copper content and should be excluded. 
Copper-specific chelators (eg, penicillamine, 
trientine) are the standard therapies used to re-move 
excess hepatic copper in cases of breed-asso-ciated 
copper hepatotoxicity. Chelators bind with 
copper either in the blood or the tissues and then 
promote copper removal through the kidneys.11-13 
Zinc therapy has a number of potential benefits 
in dogs with chronic hepatitis. Zinc has antifi-brotic 
and hepatoprotective properties11,14 (see 
The Role of Oral Zinc Therapy). When zinc is 
administered as the acetate, sulfate, gluconate, or 
other salt, it has proven effective in preventing he-patic 
copper reaccumulation in humans who have 
Wilson’s disease and have been decoppered with 
chelators.4 When these patients received oral zinc, 
hepatic copper concentrations did not increase. 
Choleretic drug therapy 
Decreasing cholestasis has been shown to be ben-eficial 
in humans and animals with cholestatic he-patobiliary 
disease. As serum bile concentrations 
increase (predominately cytotoxic bile acids), cell 
membrane permeability changes and fibrogenesis 
can occur. Ursodeoxycholic acid (300-mg cap-sules) 
is a choleretic agent developed to dissolve 
gallstones but later found to have positive effects 
in patients with chronic hepatitis. This synthetic 
hydrophilic bile acid essentially changes the bile 
acid pool from more toxic hydrophobic bile acids 
to less toxic hydrophilic bile acids. Ursodeoxy-cholic 
acid has been shown to increase bile acid– 
dependent flow and minimize hepatocellular 
inflammatory changes, fibrosis, and some im-munomodulating 
The hepatoprotective characteristics of ur-sodeoxycholic 
acid, much like those of antibi-otics, 
make it good adjunct therapy at a dose of 15 
mg/kg/day. No toxicity has been observed in dogs 
or cats at this dose.15,16 However, some practition-ers 
are concerned about using it if there is a possi-bility 
of bile duct obstruction (for fear of biliary 
rupture). Although with bile obstruction surgical 
correction is indicated, ursodeoxycholic acid is not 
a prokinetic and will not worsen the disease. This 
drug has been shown in controlled studies to be 
beneficial in humans with primary biliary cirrho-sis. 
17 I routinely supplement ursodeoxycholic acid 
in dogs with hepatitis and cats with cholangitis. 
Antifibrotic drug therapy 
Corticosteroids, zinc, and penicillamine all have 
some antifibrotic effects but are used predomi-nately 
for their other effects. Colchicine, which has 
been used in treating humans with chronic hepati-tis 
and other types of liver fibrosis, reportedly in-terferes 
with the deposition of hepatic collagen and 
stimulates collagenase activity to break down de-posited 
fibrous tissue in the liver. It also is shown 
to have some antiinflammatory properties. How-ever, 
convincing data on the benefits of colchicines 
are lacking for humans and dogs with liver disease. 
A critical appraisal of colchicine use in humans 
with chronic hepatitis now questions its effective-ness; 
in fact, a large, placebo-controlled study of 
chronic hepatitis in humans found no benefits, 
and the study authors did not recommended its 
If liver biopsy 
abnormal copper 
then dietary 
copper chelators 
or zinc therapy 
should be 
The Role of Oral Zinc Therapy 
Oral zinc therapy works by causing an induction 
of the intestinal copper-binding protein metalloth-ionein. 
Dietary copper binds to the metallothionein 
with a high affinity that prevents transfer from the 
intestine into the blood. When the intestinal cell 
dies and is sloughed, the metallothionein-bound 
copper becomes excreted through the stool.11 
An initial induction dose of 15 mg/kg Q 12 H 
(or 50–100 mg Q 12 H) of elemental zinc is sug-gested. 
14 After 1–3 months of induction, the dose 
can be reduced by approximately half. The goal is 
to have serum zinc concentrations greater than 
200 mcg/dL but less than 500. 
Zinc must be administered on an empty stomach 
and has the frequent side effect of vomiting. Re-placement 
zinc therapy administered at a dose of 
2–3 mg/kg/day is given for its antioxidant effects 
and replacement value in animals with zinc deple-tion 
in their liver.
Three case reports of colchicine use in dogs have 
indicated questionable results.19-21 However, based 
on these reports, a dose of 0.03 mg/kg/day has 
been suggested. The generic form is inexpensive, 
with generally only minimal GI side effects noted 
at high doses. 
Recently losartan, an angiotensin-II receptor 
antagonist used for treating high blood pressure, 
has shown some effects in preventing hepatic fi-brosis 
by preventing up-regulation of the stel-late, 
or collagen-producing, cells in the liver. 
Clinical response to losartan has been noted in 
human studies of hepatitis.22 
Antibiotic therapy 
Antibiotics are indicated in some patients with 
primary hepatic infections, such as bacterial hepa-titis, 
cholangitis, or leptospirosis. The selection of 
appropriate antibiotics is based on culture and 
sensitivity testing. There is, however, evidence that 
secondary bacterial colonization may take place in 
a diseased liver.23 Kupffer cells, which are fixed he-patic 
macrophages, function in filtering the portal 
blood of bacteria and other toxic products. Kupf-fer 
cell dysfunction in patients with liver disease 
could account for a secondary bacterial infection. 
This is supported by studies that have identified 
bacteria in many hepatic cultures.24 Therefore, it 
may be prudent to initiate antibiotic therapy for 
at least a trial of several weeks in patients with sig-nificant 
hepatic disease (ie, chronic hepatitis). 
Amoxicillin, amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, ceph-alosporin, 
or metronidazole therapy is suggested. 
Metronidazole may have some immunosuppres-sive 
properties as well as anaerobic antibacterial 
mechanisms. Because of hepatic metabolism of 
metronidazole, I recommend a dose of 7.5 to 10 
mg/kg Q 12 H, which is much lower than that 
used for other bacterial infections. 
Vitamins and Nutraceuticals 
for Liver Support 
Although vitamin and nutraceutical adjunct ther-apies 
have gained interest in managing certain 
18 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 
types of liver disease, few published reports have 
shown their benefit in clinical disease; much of 
the information gathered has been generated from 
in vitro studies. Some current information as well 
as suggested uses of pertinent vitamins and nu-traceuticals 
are presented here. 
Because vitamin metabolism, specifically vitamin 
storage and the conversion of provitamins to a 
metabolically active state, takes place in hepato-cytes 
of the liver, the vitamin status of patients 
with liver disease needs to be considered. 
Fat-soluble vitamins (ie, A, D, E, K) are prone 
to be deficient because they require bile salts to 
form intestinal micelles for absorption. In pa-tients 
with cholestatic liver disease, bile acids ab-normally 
excrete into the intestine, affecting the 
uptake of fat-soluble vitamins.25Water-soluble 
vitamins (ie, B, C) are generally found in high 
concentrations in the liver, where many are 
stored as coenzymes. In patients with liver dis-ease, 
increased demand for these vitamins, al-tered 
conversion to the vitamin’s active form, or 
decreased hepatic storage may occur. 
Vitamin E. Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) func-tions 
as a cellular membrane-bound antioxidant. 
Evidence now shows that oxidative damage 
from free radical generation occurs in patients 
with liver disease.26 Because cellular damage is 
likely multifactorial in these patients, free radi-cals 
may play an important role in initiating or 
perpetuating this damage.27,28 
Vitamin E is inexpensive and safe when sup-plemented 
at a dose of 10 IU/kg/day: d-α- 
tocopherol , the natural form of vitamin E, is 
recommended because of greater uptake, disper-sion, 
and bioactivity compared with the more 
common synthetic dl-α-tocopherol. d-α-Tocoph-erol 
is also retained in tissues by a 2:1 ratio over 
the synthetic formulation.25 In patients with sig-nificant 
cholestatic liver disease, I suggest a 
water-soluble formulation. 
Vitamin C. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an im-portant 
soluble intracellular antioxidant that 
helps convert oxidized tocopherol radicals back to 
active α-tocopherol. Vitamin C is also necessary 
vitamins A, D, E, 
and K are prone 
to be deficient 
because they 
require bile salts 
for absorption. 
vitamins B and C 
are generally 
found in high 
in the liver.
Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 19 
for the synthesis of carnitine, which is important 
for transporting fat into mitochondria. Humans 
with liver disease often have low hepatic vitamin 
C concentrations, partially because they cannot 
synthesize vitamin C; however, dogs and cats can 
synthesize this vitamin. 
Although vitamin C supplementation may be 
beneficial in treating liver disease, supplementa-tion 
of excessive amounts of vitamin C may be 
deleterious in patients with increased hepatic 
copper or iron concentrations because ascorbate 
is believed to promote oxidative damage caused 
by these transition metals.26 
Vitamin K. Vitamin K stores in the liver can 
become depleted in patients with advanced liver 
disease and can result in serious coagulopathy. 
Deficiency can occur from reduced intestinal 
absorption from cholestatic liver disease or as 
the result of advanced liver dysfunction with a 
failure of hepatic conversion to the vitamin K-dependent 
coagulation factors (ie, factors II, 
VII, IX, X). This can result in prolongation of 
coagulation as measured by prothrombin time 
or activated partial thromboplastin time and can 
cause significant bleeding. 
Vitamin K supplementation is warranted in 
patients with liver disease to maintain hepatic 
stores. With severe cholestasis or overt coagula-tion 
abnormalities, 0.5 to 2.0 mg/kg of par-enteral 
vitamin K1 (phytonadione) SC Q 12 H 
for two or three doses (or until normalization of 
prothrombin time) is recommended for dogs 
and cats with hepatic disease. Vitamin K1 sup-plementation 
is recommended for 24 to 36 
hours before invasive procedures, such as he-patic 
biopsy or feeding tube placement.6 
Vitamin B. B vitamins are important in many 
metabolic functions and may become deficient 
in both dogs and cats with liver disease. How-ever, 
deficiencies are difficult to diagnose or ana-lytically 
document. Because B vitamins are 
water-soluble, they are relatively nontoxic and 
supplementation using a B-complex formulation 
is recommended in patients with liver disease. 
Cats are particularly prone to vitamin B12 
(cobalamin) deficiency. Subnormal concentrations 
of vitamin B12 have been reported in cats with 
liver disease, particularly idiopathic hepatic lipido-sis. 
29 Cats with cholangiohepatitis frequently have 
concurrent inflammatory bowel disease or chronic 
pancreatitis and subsequent cobalamin deficiency. 
The recommended dose of cobalamin for cats is 
250 mcg SC weekly until normal cobalamin con-centrations 
have been maintained. There is not 
enough vitamin B12 in B-complex formulations 
to correct its deficiency in cats. 
The North American Veterinary Nutraceutical 
Council defines a nutraceutical as “a non-drug sub-stance 
that is produced in a purified or extracted 
form and administered orally to patients to provide 
agents required for normal body structure and 
function and administered with the intent of im-proving 
the health and well being of animals.”30 
Many nutraceuticals used in animals are listed as 
nutritional supplements. Typical categories include: 
■ Antioxidants 
■ Omega fatty acids 
■ Amino acids 
■ Chondroprotective agents 
■ Herbals 
■ Probiotics 
Although some nutraceuticals have shown po-tential 
for improving veterinary care, little infor-mation 
is known about their purity, dosage, safety, 
side effects, and effectiveness.With a few excep-tions, 
little has been done to address these issues. 
Included here are nutraceutical compounds 
that have shown some scientific evidence for 
both effectiveness and relative safety in the man-agement 
of liver disease. 
S-Adenosylmethionine. S-Adenosylmethio-nine 
(SAMe), a naturally occurring molecule 
synthesized in all living cells, is essential in inter-mediary 
metabolism and has both hepatoprotec-tive 
and antioxidant properties. 
The liver normally produces abundant SAMe, 
but evidence also suggests conversion from me-thionine 
to SAMe is hindered in patients with 
liver disease and, therefore, results in the depletion 
of glutathione concentrations.31 Orally adminis-tered 
SAMe (but not oral glutathione) has been 
shown to increase intracellular glutathione levels 
Although some 
have shown 
potential for 
veterinary care, 
about their 
purity, dosage, 
safety, side 
effects, and 
remains limited.
in hepatocytes and prevent gluta thione depletion 
when exposed to toxic substances.32 Therefore, 
SAMe in part acts as an anti oxidant, replenishing 
the gluta thione stores. Preliminary veterinary 
studies suggest that SAMe supplementation in-creases 
hepatic glutathione concentrations in nor-mal 
cats and prevents glutathione depletion in 
dogs with steroid-induced hepatopathy .32 SAMe 
treatment following acetaminophen administra-tion 
prevented hepatic glutathione depletion.33 
Because SAMe is easily oxidized, it is important 
to use products that have been tested for their sta-bility. 
In addition, product purity can vary from 
formulation to formulation, so it is advisable to 
use products from reputable companies. 
N-Acetylcysteine. N-Acetylcysteine, the 
acetylated variant of the amino acid L-cysteine, 
is an excellent source of the sulfhydryl groups. 
It is converted in the body into metabolites that 
stimulate glutathione synthesis, thereby promot-ing 
detoxification and acting directly as free rad-ical 
N-Acetylcysteine has historically been used 
as a mucolytic agent for various respiratory ill-nesses 
but apparently also has beneficial effects 
in conditions characterized by oxidative stress or 
decreased glutathione concentrations. N-Acetyl-cysteine 
is currently the mainstay of treatment 
for acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.33 It 
also appears to have some clinical usefulness as a 
chelating agent in treating acute metal poison-ing, 
both as an agent protecting the liver and 
kidney from damage and as intervention to en-hance 
elimination of metals. 
N-Acetylcysteine is available in a drug formu-lation 
and as a nutritional supplement. The oral 
dose recommended for acetaminophen toxicity 
is 70 mg/kg Q 8 H. The IV loading dose of 
140 mg/kg is followed by a dose of 70 mg/kg. 
N-Acetylcysteine reportedly has extremely low 
toxicity with few side effects. I use N-acetylcys-teine 
IV when the patient is vomiting or too 
sick to take oral SAMe, which is my preference 
as maintenance therapy. 
Phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is a 
phospholipid used as a nutritional supplement for 
its hepatoprotective effects. A building block for 
cell membranes, phosphatidylcholine is required 
for normal bile acid transport. It is thought to be 
hepatoprotective by improving membrane in-tegrity 
and function. 
In vitro studies have shown that phosphatid-ylcholine 
increases hepatic collagenase activity 
and may help prevent fibrosis.34 Clinical trials 
have indicated that phosphatidylcholine protects 
the liver against damage from alcohol, viral hep-atitis, 
and other toxic factors that operate by 
damaging cell membranes.34 
Several phosphatidylcholine supplements are 
available. No major side effects have been reported 
other than occasional nausea or diarrhea. Phos-phatidylcholine 
is rapidly absorbed, enhances ab-sorption 
of other compounds, and is included as a 
carrier in one silybin product. 
Given the apparent safety of phosphatidyl-choline, 
animal studies would be worthwhile. 
L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine is a vitamin -like sub-stance 
found in most cells. Because it is predom-inately 
synthesized in the liver, liver disease can 
precipitate deficiency. Clinically, carnitine defi-ciency 
has been associated with increased am-monia 
concentrations, hypoglycemia, and fatty 
In one study, carnitine given to obese cats un-dergoing 
rapid weight loss from caloric restric-tion 
was found to protect against hepatic 
triglyceride accumulation.35 Some studies sug-gest 
that L-carnitine deficiency may play a role 
in the pathogenesis of idiopathic feline hepatic 
lipidosis; however, carnitine concentrations were 
higher in the plasma, liver, and muscle of study 
cats than in control cats.36 
A deficiency of carnitine may lead to impaired 
mitochondrial function, but studies failed to 
show carnitine deficiency in cats with hepatic 
lipidosis.37 Supplementation with 250 mg/day 
of carnitine in cats with lipidosis is reportedly 
associated with better survival rates, but this has 
not been documented. 
Silymarin. Silymarin, an active extract of milk 
thistle, grows wild throughout Europe and has 
In preliminary 
studies, SAMe 
increased hepatic 
concentrations in 
normal cats and 
depletion in dogs 
with steroid-induced 
20 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects
Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 21 
been used there for more than 2,000 years as a 
medical remedy for liver disease. In the United 
States, silymarin is classified as a nutraceutical. 
Mounting evidence suggests that milk thistle 
has medicinal benefits for various types of liver 
disease as well as a protective effect against hepa-totoxins. 
A recent poll of liver patients at one 
U.S. hepatology clinic found that 31% were 
using alternative agents for their disease and that 
milk thistle was the most common nontradi-tional 
therapy.38 Several human trials have as-sessed 
the efficacy of silymarin in the treatment 
of liver disease. The data are somewhat difficult 
to interpret because of the limited number of 
patients, poor study design, variable etiologies, 
and lack of standardization of preparations with 
different dosing protocols. However, compelling 
evidence suggests that silymarin has a therapeutic 
effect in humans with acute viral hepatitis, alco-holic 
liver disease, cirrhosis, and toxin- or drug-induced 
To date, limited clinical studies have evaluated 
the efficacy of silymarin in dogs and cats with 
liver disease. In one placebo-controlled experi-mental 
study of dogs poisoned with the 
Amanita phalloides mushroom, silybin had a sig-nificant 
positive effect on liver damage and sur-vival 
The purity and potency of commercial milk 
thistle products vary by manufacturer, and the 
therapeutic dose for dogs and cats is unknown, 
although suggested doses range from 50 to 250 
mg/day. Milk thistle reportedly has extremely 
low toxicity. When the active isomer silybin is 
complexed with phosphatidylcholine, oral uptake 
and bioavailability are greater.41 
I recently conducted a pharmacokinetic study 
of silybin, specifically evaluating Marin 
( in normal cats. There 
was evidence of some oxidative protection in red 
blood cells but no outward signs of toxicity at a 
dose of 5 mg/kg. A new compound Denamarin 
( contains SAMe and sily-bin– 
phosphatidylcholine and is available in a 
chewable formulation. The combination of 
compounds apparently has good absorption and 
is very stable. 
Hepatic Complications 
Secondary complications can develop as liver 
disease becomes advanced. HE, GI ulceration, 
and ascites are common in patients with advanced 
hepatitis or cirrhosis. 
Hepatic encephalopathy 
HE results from either portosystemic shunting of 
blood (congenital or acquired) or hepatocyte de-pletion 
from acute or chronic liver disease. Many 
factors can cause HE, most of which are derived 
from nitrogenous products produced in the GI 
tract. Ammonia is only one of many substances 
that cause HE but is commonly used as its marker. 
Plasma amino acid concentrations may become al-tered 
in patients with liver disease. Increased levels 
of aromatic amino acids are hypothesized to form 
false neurotransmitters, leading to HE, whereas 
higher concentrations of branched-chain amino 
acids had a more protective effect5 (see HE and 
Dietary Protein3,5,42). 
There are three basic therapeutic goals for man-aging 
HE (see box on page 22). The first step is 
using enemas to clean the colon of both bacteria 
and protein substrates for ammonia production. 
Slightly acidic enemas can lower the pH of the 
colon, thereby ionizing ammonia and reducing its 
absorption. Povidone-iodine can safely be given by 
evidence suggests 
that milk thistle 
has medicinal 
benefits for 
various types of 
liver disease as 
well as protective 
effects against 
HE and Dietary Protein 
The importance of the dietary protein source has been studied in humans with HE 
and several experimental studies in dogs with PSS.42 Vegetable and dairy protein 
sources with lower concentrations of aromatic amino acids have produced the 
best results in maintaining a positive nitrogen balance with minimal encephalo-pathic 
signs.5 Foods using soybean meal averted encephalopathic signs in dogs 
with experimentally created shunts,42 and Purina Veterinary Diet HA Hypoaller-genic 
formula could be an option in these cases. In addition, dairy products (espe-cially 
cottage cheese) have been frequently recommended for use in homemade 
foods for dogs and cats with PSS and chronic hepatic insufficiency.3 However, the 
amino acid composition of these protein sources is not significantly different from 
that of meat sources, suggesting that other food factors (eg, digestibility, levels of 
soluble carbohydrate, fermentable fiber) are important. 
Fermentable carbohydrates in crease microbial nitrogen fixation, reduce intra-luminal 
ammonia production in the gut, and promote colonic evacuation. Fer-mentable 
fiber added to the diet has been shown to decrease ammonia 
production. Commercial and homemade foods can be supplemented with various 
sources of soluble fiber, such as psyllium husk fiber. 
HE = hepatic encephalopathy; PSS = portosystemic shunt
enema as a 10% solution (weak-tea color) that will 
both acidify the colon and have antiseptic action, 
thereby reducing bacterial numbers. 
Intestinal antibiotics can be used to alter bowel 
flora and suppress urease-producing organisms 
important in forming factors that cause HE. An-tibiotic 
suggestions include oral ampicillin, amino-glycosides 
(eg, neomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin), 
or metronidazole. Metronidazole at a dose of 7 to 
10 mg/kg PO Q 12 H has been useful in control-ling 
anaerobic urease-producing 
bacteria. Practitioners should 
monitor patients carefully be-cause 
metronidazole is partially 
metabolized in the liver; the 
lower dose range is suggested. 
A nondigestible disaccharide 
lactulose given orally can acidify 
the colon, convert ammonia to 
ammonium that is poorly ab-sorbable, 
and thus trap ammonia 
in the colon. The fermentation 
products of lactulose can also act 
Basic Therapeutic Goals for HE 
1. Recognize and correct precipitating 
2. Reduce intestinal production and 
absorption of neurotoxins, with 
special emphasis on ammonia. 
3. Achieve the fine balance between 
providing too much and too little 
HE = hepatic encephalopathy 
as an osmotic laxative and reduce colonic bacteria 
and protein substrates. Lactulose is not absorbed 
systemically and is considered safe. A dose of 1 to 
10 ml PO Q 8 H is generally effective, but the 
dose should be adjusted to cause three or four soft 
stools a day. Lactulose can also be given by enema 
when treating severe cases of HE. 
Gastrointestinal ulceration 
Ulceration in the GI tract, a common occurrence 
in both advanced acute and chronic liver disease, 
can cause GI signs, such as vomiting and anorexia. 
In addition, blood loss into the intestinal tract 
promotes HE because blood is an excellent pro-tein 
source of ammonia production. Gastric ulcers 
should be treated with a histamine-2 (H2) blocker, 
such as 2 to 5 mg/kg of ranitidine Q 8 H to Q 12 
H and a 1 mg tab/25 kg of oral sucralfate Q 8 H 
given 1 hour before ranitidine. 
Cimetidine should be avoided in patients with 
liver disease because it is metabolized by the liver 
causes of HE. 
22 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 
and is an enzyme suppressor that can alter the he-patic 
metabolism of other drugs. If blood loss is se-vere 
and there is need for transfusion, only fresh 
blood should be administered because ammonia 
concentrations can increase in stored blood. 
In patients with liver disease, ascites occurs 
when portal hypertension, hypoalbuminemia, 
and renal sodium and water retention work in 
concert to cause fluid exudation. The presence 
of ascites is a poor prognostic indicator. 
Diuretics are the major means of managing as-cites 
in small animals. Too rapid removal of ascitic 
fluid can cause metabolic complications and pre-cipitate 
HE. The goal of diuretic therapy should 
be gentle water diuresis. 
The two diuretics most commonly used are 
furosemide and spironolactone. The general 
consensus at CSU is that spironolactone is more 
effective with liver disease. The loop diuretic 
furosemide can, however, cause marked dehy-dration 
and loss of potassium, which can precip-itate 
HE. In patients with liver disease, sodium 
reabsorption at the distal tubule may be great 
and may counter the effects of furosemide at-tributable 
to elevated aldosterone concentrations 
(reported to occur in some dogs with liver dis-ease). 
43 Spironolactone at a dose of 1 to 2 
mg/kg/day is consequently the first-line diuretic. 
Furosemide can be added later if necessary. If an 
animal has tense ascites, paracentesis should be 
performed to decrease intraabdominal pressure, 
relieve compression of the venous circulation, 
and improve patient comfort. 
It is critical to recognize the complexity of the 
medical and nutritional needs of patients with 
liver disease. Practitioners should formulate an 
individualized therapeutic and dietary plan ac-cordingly. 
Because there are few good controlled 
studies evaluating liver disease therapy, it is im-portant 
to carefully monitor each patient and 
adjust the treatment, based on clinical response 
of the patient, laboratory changes, or histologic 
findings. ■ 
should be 
avoided in 
patients with 
liver disease 
because it is 
metabolized by 
the liver and is 
an enzyme 
suppressor that 
can alter hepatic 
metabolism of 
other drugs.
Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 23 
1. Hepatic disease, nutritional therapy and the metabolic envi-ronment: 
Timely topics in nutrition. Bauer JE. JAVMA 
209:1850-1854, 1996. 
2. Energy and protein requirements of patients with chronic liver 
disease. Kondrup J, Muller MJ. J Hepatol 27:239-247, 1997. 
3. Nutrition and liver disease. Biourge V. Semin Vet Med Surg 
(Small Anim) 12:34-44, 1997. 
4. Nutritional support for dogs and cats with hepatobiliary dis-ease. 
Center SA. J Nutr 125:2733S-2746S, 1998. 
5. Vegetable versus animal protein diet in cirrhotic patients with 
chronic encephalopathy: A randomized cross-over comparison. 
Bianchi GP, Marchesini G, Fabbri A, et al. J Intern Med 
233:369-371, 1993. 
6. Nutritional support in hepatic disease. Part II. Dietary man-agement 
of common liver disorders in dogs and cats. Marks 
SL, Rogers QR, Strombeck DR, et al. Compend Contin Educ 
Pract Vet 16:1287-1290, 1994. 
7. Effects of corticosteroid treatment on survival time in dogs 
with chronic hepatitis: 151 cases 1977-1985. Strombeck DR, 
Miller LM, Harrold D. JAVMA 193:1109-1113, 1998. 
8. Oral budesonide for treatment of autoimmune chronic active 
hepatitis. Danielsson A, Prytz H. Alimentary Pharm Therapeu-tics 
8(6):585-590, 1994. 
9. Controlled trial of prednisone and azathioprine in active 
chronic hepatitis. Murray-Lyon IM, Stern RB, Williams R. 
Lancet 7;1(7806):735-737, 1973. 
10. Copper toxicity and lipid peroxidation in isolated rat hepato-cytes: 
Effect of vitamin E. Sokol RJ, Devereaux MW, Traber 
MG, et al. Pediatric Res 25:55-62, 1989. 
11. Copper associated hepatopathies in dogs. Rolfe DS, Twedt 
DC. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 25:399-417, 1995. 
12. Copper-associated hepatitis in Labrador retrievers. Smedley R, 
Mullaney T, Rumbeiha W. Vet Pathol 46:484-490, 2009. 
13. Improvement in liver pathology after 4 months of D-penicil-lamine 
in 5 Doberman pinschers with subclinical hepatitis. 
Mandigers PJJ, van den Ingh TSGAM, Bode P, et al. J Vet 
Intern Med 19(1):40-43, 2008. 
14. The use of zinc acetate to treat copper toxicosis in dogs. 
Brewer GJ, Dick RD, Shall W, et al. JAVMA 201:564-568, 
15. Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid administration on bile duct pro-liferation 
and cholestasis in bile duct ligated rat. Frezza EE, 
Gerunda GE, Plebani M, et al. Dig Dis Sci 38:1291-1296, 
16. Use of ursodeoxycholic acids in a dog with chronic hepatitis: 
Effects on serum hepatic tests and endogenous bile acid com-position. 
Meyer DJ, Thompson MB, Senior DF. J Vet Intern 
Med 11:195-197, 1997. 
17. Ursodeoxycholic acid for primary biliary cirrhosis. Lindor KD, 
Poupon RE, Heathcote EJ, et al. Lancet 19:657-658, 2000. 
18. Colchicine for alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver fibrosis or cir-rhosis. 
Rambaldi A, Gluud C. Liver 21(2):129-136, 2001. 
19. Idiopathic hepatic fibrosis in 15 dogs. Rutgers HC, Haywood 
S, Kelly DF. Vet Rec 133:115-118, 1993. 
20. Colchicine therapy for hepatic fibrosis in a dog. Boer HH, 
Nelson RW, Long GG. JAVMA 3:303-305, 1984. 
21. Chronic liver disease: Current concepts of disease mechanisms. 
Center SA. J Small Anim Pract 40:106-114, 1999. 
22. Effects of six months losartan administration on liver fibrosis 
in chronic hepatitis C patients: A pilot study. Sookoian S, Fer-nández 
MA, Castaño G. World J Gastroenterol 11(48):7560- 
7563, 2005. 
23. Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, breed-specific hepatopathies, cop-per 
storage hepatopathy, suppurative hepatitis, granulomatous 
hepatitis and idiopathic hepatic fibrosis. Center SA. In Guil-ford 
WG, Center SA, Strombeck DR, et al (eds): Strombeck’s 
Small Animal Gastroenterology—Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 
1996, pp 705-765. 
24. Technetium 99M colloid scintigraphy to evaluate reticuloen-dothelial 
system function in dogs with portosystemic shunts. 
Koblik PH, Hornof WJ. J Vet Intern Med 9:374-380, 1995. 
25. Fat-soluble vitamins and their importance in patients with 
cholestatic liver disease. Sokol RJ. Pediatr Gastroenterol 23:673- 
705, 1994. 
26. Antioxidants in pediatric gastrointestinal disease. Sokol RJ, 
Hoffenberg EJ. Pediatr Clin North Am 43:471-488, 1996. 
27. Oxidant injury to hepatic mictochondria in patients with Wil-son’s 
disease and Bedlington terriers with copper toxicosis. 
Sokol RJ, Twedt D, McKim JM, et al. Gastroenterology 
107:1788-1798, 1994. 
28. Vitamin E protects against oxidatative damage of bile acids in 
isolated hepatocytes. Twedt DC, Sokol RJ, Devereaux MW, et 
al. J Vet Intern Med 12:215, 1998. 
29. Subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin (vitamin B12) 
in cats with gastrointestinal disease. Simpson KW, Fyfe J, Cor-netta 
A, et al. J Vet Intern Med 15:26-32, 2001. 
30. Association of American Feed Control Officials. Official publi-cation, 
31. Liver glutathione concentrations in dogs and cats with natu-rally 
occurring liver disease. Center SA, Warner KL, Erb HN, 
et al. Am J Vet Res 63:1187-1197, 2002. 
32. Evaluation of the influence of S-adenosylmethionine on sys-temic 
and hepatic effects of prednisolone in dogs. Center SA, 
Warner KL, McCabe J, et al Am J Vet Res 66:330-341, 2005. 
33. Clinicopathologic evaluation of N-acetylcysteine therapy in 
acetaminophen toxicosis in the cat. Gaunt SD, Baker DC, 
Green RA, et al. Am J Vet Res 42:1982-1984, 1981. 
34. Nutrition and alcoholic liver disease. Halsted CH. Semin Liver 
Dis 24:289-304, 2004. 
35. L-carnitine reduces hepatic fat accumulation during rapid 
weight reduction in cats (abstract). Armstrong PJ, Hardie EM, 
Cullen JM, et al. 10th Annu Vet Med Forum Am Coll Vet Intern 
Med Proc, 1992, p 810. 
36. Clinical effects of rapid weight loss in obese pet cats with and 
without supplemental L-carnitine (abstract). Center SA, Harte 
J, Watrous D, et al. 15th Annu Vet Med Forum Am Coll Vet 
Intern Med Proc, 1997, p 665. 
37. Comparison of plasma, liver, and skeletal muscle carnitine 
concentrations in cats with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis and in 
healthy cats. Jacobs G, Cornelius L, Keene B, et al. Am J Vet 
Res 51:1349-1351, 1990. 
38. Milk thistle and chronic liver disease. Hoofnagel JH. Hepatol-ogy 
42:4, 2005. 
39. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) for the therapy of liver dis-ease. 
Flora K, Hahn M, Rosen H, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 
93:139-143, 1998. 
40. Complementary and alternative medicine in chronic liver dis-ease. 
Seef LB, Lindsay KL, Bacon BR, et al. Hepatology 
34:595, 2001. 
41. Bioavailability of a silybin-phosphatidylcholine complex 
in dogs. Filburn CR, Kettenacker R, Griffin DW. J Vet Phar-macol 
Ther 30:132-138, 2007. 
42. Apparent dietary protein requirement of dogs with portosys-temic 
shunt. Laflamme DP, Allen SW, Huber TL, et al. Am J 
Vet Res 54:719-723, 1993. 
43. Sodium retention and ascites formation in dogs with experi-mental 
portal cirrhosis. Levy M. Am J Physiol 233(6):F572- 
F585, 1977.
Obesity is the number one nutritional 
disorder in pets in the western world. Twenty-five per-cent 
of cats seen by veterinarians in the United States 
and Canada are overweight or obese.1 In optimal condi-tion, 
cats should carry 15% to 20% body fat. 
In 1998, Donoghue and Scarlett2 studied diet and obesity in 
cats. Using multivariate statistical analysis controlled for age, 
they showed that obesity is a risk factor for: 
■ Diabetes mellitus 
■ Skin problems 
■ Hepatic lipidosis 
■ Lameness 
Other researchers have found that a chronic overweight state, 
in cats as well as in other species, is associated with an in-creased 
risk for:3-5 
■ Hyperlipidemia 
■ Insulin resistance 
■ Glucose intolerance 
■ Feline lower urinary tract disease 
■ Anesthetic complications 
■ Dyspnea and Pickwickian syndrome 
■ Exercise intolerance 
■ Heat intolerance 
■ Impaired immune function 
■ Exacerbation of degenerative joint disorders 
■ Dermatologic conditions 
Interestingly, mixed-breed cats were found to be at higher 
risk for becoming overweight than purebred cats were. While 
this might be genetic, husbandry and awareness of the cat 
probably play a role. By keeping cats indoors, we eliminate 
their need to work for food and defend themselves. We leave 
them without stimulation for much of 
the day and feed them excessive quanti-ties 
of palatable, calorie-dense diets. 
Neutering has been shown to reduce 
the energy requirements (resting meta-bolic 
rate) of cats by 20% to 25%.6,7 A 
link has been shown between serum lep-tin 
levels and weight and fat gains follow-ing 
gonadectomy.8 Increased leptin levels 
may contribute to the decreased insulin 
sensitivity seen in overweight cats.9 
These tendencies make it important 
that we counsel our clients to measure 
the amounts of food being fed and to 
watch carefully for weight gain and adjust 
calorie intake accordingly. Ingesting 10 
extra pieces of an average maintenance 
kibble each day above a cat’s energy needs 
can result in a weight gain of 1 pound of 
body fat in 1 year. Russell and cowork-ers10 
showed that the frequency of feed-ing, 
along with the quantity fed, makes a 
significant difference. Feeding small 
meals more often and limiting the num-ber 
of treats offered together provide the 
most appropriate feeding strategy, given 
innate feline physiology,11,12 and thus as-sist 
with weight loss. 
Assessing Body Composition 
and Condition: Tools 
Cats reach their adult weight at about 12 
Margie Scherk, 
Vancouver, BC, 
From Problem to Success: 
A Weight Loss Program That 
Works, Growing Relationships, 
Not Girth in Cats 
Updates on 
Canine and 
Feline Health 
24 A Weight Loss Program That Works, Growing Relationships, Not Girth in Cats
A Weight Loss Program That Works, Growing Relationships, Not Girth in Cats 25 
to 15 months of age. This can be used as a guide to 
determine an individual’s ideal size, assuming opti-mal 
body condition score (BCS) at that time. 
It is easier to prevent weight gain than to lose 
weight. The prevalence of obesity increases after 
2 years of age, plateaus until about 12 years, and 
then declines thereafter.13 Thus, an approved 
strategy is to: 
1. Record a body weight at every veterinary visit. 
2. Calculate the percent weight change to iden-tify 
trends. This is a valuable tool for detecting 
weight change patterns and, in my experience, 
helpful in identifying cats with early chronic 
illness, including pancreatitis, cholangitis, and 
bowel malabsorptive conditions (eg, inflam-matory 
bowel disease, intestinal lymphoma, 
adenocarcinoma). Likewise, a percentage 
weight change that is increasing gradually 
helps to identify cats at risk for obesity. 
% Weight change = (Current weight – Previous weight) 
Previous weight 
3. Assess the BCS at every visit, categorizing the 
individual’s shape as emaciated, thin, ideal, 
heavy, or grossly obese on a scale of 1 to 9 (see 
page 5) or 1 to 5. For a cat in ideal condition, 
the bony prominences of the body (ie, pelvis, 
ribs) can be readily palpated but not seen or 
felt above the skin surfaces. There should be 
insufficient intraabdominal fat to obscure or 
interfere with abdominal palpation. 
4. Assess muscle condition using a muscle score 
to help define whether weight is adequately 
proportioned to lean versus fat. 
5. In questionable cases, use radiography and ultra-sonography 
to assess falciform fat deposits, par-alumbar 
fat, and perirenal fat. In research 
settings, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry 
(DEXA) evaluation is used for the most accurate 
bone density, muscle mass, and fat calculations. 
What to Feed 
It is not enough to simply feed less of a normal 
diet. Not only will the patient be unhappy and 
feel hungry, but all nutrient quantities will be de-creased, 
not just the calories. A diet should be bal-anced 
according to energy content. When cats eat 
enough of the diet to meet energy requirements, 
then their protein, vitamin, and mineral needs will 
be met as well. 
In cats, exceeding protein needs beyond mainte-nance 
requirements helps to induce satiety. When 
they were fed a diet with 45% of calories from pro-tein, 
cats lost more fat and less lean mass compared 
with cats fed a diet with 35% of calories from pro-tein, 
despite similar total weight loss and rate of 
weight loss.14 
There are a number of approaches to feline 
weight loss: 
1. High protein protects (minimizes loss of ) lean 
mass, stimulates cellular energy metabolism and 
protein turnover, and may enhance satiety. 
2. High moisture can reduce caloric density, 
which promotes short-term weight loss: It 
takes a few weeks to a few months for cats to 
adapt to the lower-caloric density (as fed) in 
canned foods versus dry foods; however, this 
only works for some cats. 
3. High fiber can reduce caloric density and induce 
satiety. Some cats will self-restrict calorie intake 
when fed a dry, high-fiber, low-calorie diet. 
4. Low fat will reduce caloric density. High-fat 
diets are a risk factor for inducing obesity and 
are generally not considered optimum for a 
weight loss diet. That said, some cats will lose 
weight on a high-protein, high-fat, low-car-bohydrate 
Ultimately, it is the calories ingested versus ex-pended 
that is required for loss of weight. Given 
the benefits of achieving lean body mass using 
the first approach, a goal of at least 40% protein, 
dry basis, in a low-fat diet (6% to 10% fat) or 
more protein in a higher-fat diet (12% to 16% 
fat) is a healthy approach to take. 
The energy requirement for an individual is 
made up of several components: daily energy re-quirement 
(DER*), resting energy requirement 
(RER), exercise energy requirement (EER), thermic 
effect of food (TEF), and adaptive thermogenesis 
(AT): DER = RER + EER + TEF + AT. Because 
the RER varies among individuals, a manufacturer’s 
recommendations may be too high for a given cat. 
A goal of at least 
40% protein, dry 
basis, in a low-fat 
diet (6% to 10% 
fat) or more 
protein in a 
higher-fat diet 
(12% to 16% fat) 
is a healthy 
approach to take. 
*Unlike metabolizable energy requirement (MER), DER includes 
energy required for activity, such as work, gestation, and growth, as 
well as energy needed for maintaining normal body temperature.
2010 purina+pro fnl-12
2010 purina+pro fnl-12
2010 purina+pro fnl-12
2010 purina+pro fnl-12
2010 purina+pro fnl-12

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2010 purina+pro fnl-12

  • 1. SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS Critical Updates on Canine and Feline Health Sponsored by: From 2010 NAVC and WVC Conferences
  • 2.
  • 3. Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me… Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases Deborah S. Greco, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Senior Research Scientist, Nestlé Purina PetCare Outline of diagnostic approaches that can help practitioners solve three endocrine presentations in cats Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) Debra L. Zoran, DVM, PhD, DACVIM-SAIM, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas The role of intestinal bacteria and diet in the diagnosis and management of IBD in cats Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects David C. Twedt, DVM, DACVIM, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado Understanding the major aspects involved in diagnosing and treating canine and feline liver disease From Problem to Success: A Weight Loss Program That Works, Growing Relationships, Not Girth in Cats Margie Scherk, DVM, DABVP (Feline), Vancouver, BC, Canada Designing a weight loss program that can ensure success— both for the cat and the client 2 7 14 24 Symposium Proceedings: Critical Updates on Canine and Feline Health From 2010 NAVC and WVC Conferences
  • 4. Disorders of the endocrine system are routinely encountered in feline practice. Certain endocrine disorders, such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus, are relatively simple to diagnose in cats, whereas others, such as hypoadrenocorticism, are more challenging. This article outlines the diagnos-tic approach for three common endocrine presentations in cats—polydipsia/polyuria (PU/PD), weight gain, and insulin resistance as reflected by clinical cases in the field. Evaluation of Polydipsia/Polyuria One of the most common presenting complaints for endocrine disorders is PU/PD. The major endocrine diseases that cause PU/PD are, in order of frequency, diabetes mellitus, hyperthy-roidism, hyperadrenocorticism, acromegaly or hypersomatotro-pism, hypercalcemia resulting from hyperparathyroidism, hypokalemia associated with hyperal-dosteronism, diabetes insipidus, and pheochromocytoma (Table 1). The diagnostic approach to polydipsia and polyuria is shown in Figure 1. In pa-tients presenting with PU or PD, the cli-nician must first document whether the patient is indeed drinking or urinating excessively. The most common condition mistaken for PU is pollakiuria (Table 2) resulting from urinary tract disease. When the presence of PU/PD is suspect, the clinician should ask several questions to determine whether the cat is consum-ing or eliminating excessive water. The presence of large amounts of urine in the litter box as opposed to small, more fre-quently eliminated amounts of urine points to PU and compensatory PD. PD may be more difficult to identify than PU. In general, because cats are desert species, it is unusual to witness cats drinking water frequently. In con-trast, dogs are often presented for PD when they are, in fact, just “sloppy” drinkers. If the owner can quantitate and measure the amount of water the cat is drinking, any consumption of water in excess of 60 to 70 ml/kg/day would be considered PD. Evaluation of Weight Gain Endocrine causes of weight gain include, in order of frequency, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism, hypothy- Deborah S. Greco, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Senior Research Scientist, Nestlé Purina PetCare Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me… Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases Symposium Proceedings: Critical Updates on Canine and Feline Health Table 1. Causes of PU/PD Nonendocrine Causes Chronic renal failure Hepatic disease (PSS) Pyometra, pyelonephritis Hypercalcemia of malignancy, vitamin D toxicosis, granulomatous disease, chronic renal failure, etc Acute renal failure (nephrotoxicants) Primary PU Endocrine Causes Diabetes mellitus Hyperthyroidism Hyperadrenocorticism Hypercalcemia resulting from hyperparathyroidism or hypoadrenocorticism Hyperkalemia associated with hyperaldosteronism Diabetes insipidus (central, nephrogenic) Hypersomatotropism (acromegaly) Pheochromocytoma PD = polydipsia; PSS = portosystemic shunt; PU = polyuria 2 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases
  • 5. Table 2. Distinguishing PU from Pollakiuria and Incontinence Signs PU Pollakiuria Incontinence Urination Active Active Passive Frequency 2–3 times normal More than 3 times normal Nocturia Urgency Uncommon Common None Volume of urine Increased Small, multiple Variable Mucus Rare Common Rare Concentration of urine Dilute Concentrated Either Weight loss Common Rare Rare PU = polyuria Test Endocrine disorder > 100 ml/kg/day H2O; nocturia fT4 (dialysis) NORMAL HIGH hyperthyroidism Bile acids, ultrasound RULE OUT PSS DDAVP® NO RESPONSE Water deprivation test NO RESPONSE Nephrogenic DI RESPONSE Primary PD RESPONSE Central DI ABNORMAL MDB, CBC, U/A, chemistry TT4, blood pressure INCREASED BUN/Cr; low USG CRF INCREASED BUN/Cr; NORMAL/INCREASED USG INCREASED Ca ACTH stimulation NORMAL RULE OUT ARF RULE OUT Neoplasia (SCC, LSA) INCREASED TT4 Hyperthyroidism Hyperglycemia, glucosuria Advanced DM ABNORMAL Addison’s disease NO RESPONSE to insulin DECREASED K Measure aldosterone RULE OUT acromegaly (IGF) RULE OUT Cushing’s syndrome (LDDS) Figure 1. Diagnostic Flowchart for PD and PU ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; ARF = acute renal failure; BUN = blood urea nitrogen; Ca = calcium; CBC = complete blood count; Cr = creatinine; CRF = chronic renal failure; DDAVP = brand name for desmopressin acetate; DI = diabetes insipidus; DM = diabetes mellitus; fT4 = free thyroxine; IGF = insulin-like growth factor; K = potassium; LDDS = low-dose dexamethasone suppression; LSA = lymphosarcoma; MDB = minimum database; PD = polydipsia; PSS = portosystemic shunt; PU = polyuria; SCC = squamous cell carcinoma; TT4 = total thyroxine; U/A = urinalysis; USG = urine-specific gravity Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases 3
  • 6. (see Nestlé Purina Body Condition System). Creating a diagnostic flowchart of common rule outs can help eliminate endocrine disorders as diagnostic differentials (Figure 2). The dietary history is one of the most important aspects of history taking for weight gain. The examiner should ask what type of diet is being fed—homemade, raw, or commercial. For com-mercial diets, is the cat primarily fed dry food or a mixture of dry and canned food? If the cat is being fed a commercial food, also ask about the specific brand, and if the diet is homemade, ask for a complete list of ingredients. Other important questions include: ■ How long has the diet been fed? ■ When was the diet changed last, and how frequently is it changed? ■ How much is the cat eating, and how is the food being measured (weighing vs cups)? ■ Is the cat fed ad libitum or restricted? How many times per day is the cat fed? roidism, acromegaly, and insulinoma (Table 3). The primary differentials for nonendocrine causes of weight gain, which are much more common, feature overfeeding and the feeding of treats. Patient records on the body condition score (BCS) can help determine whether the weight gain is a result of nonendocrine problems Table 3. Causes of Weight Gain Nonendocrine Causes Overfeeding Feeding treats Feeding high caloric density food Large abdominal tumors Endocrine Causes Hyperadrenocorticism Hypothyroidism Hypersomatotropism (acromegaly) Insulinoma Type 2 diabetes mellitus—early Weight gain Figure 2. Diagnostic Flowchart for Weight Gain NORMAL appetite INCREASED appetite DECREASED appetite RULE OUT overfeeding Hyperglycemia, increased fructosamine MDB MDB, TSH, TT4 NORMAL MBD LOW BG Low-carbohydrate diet, insulin, oral hypoglycemics Weight loss diet OM RULE OUT insulinoma RESPONSE NO RESPONSE Early type 2 DM LDDS, IGF RESPONSE NO RESPONSE Continue diet to target weight RULE OUT dietary noncompliance NORMAL Repeat MDB, TSH, TT4 HIGH IGF; acromegaly POSITIVE LDDS; Cushing’s syndrome NORMAL Test Endocrine disorder LOW TT4 and HIGH TSH LOW TT4 and LOW TSH Hypothyroidism fT4 by dialysis LOW fT4 NORMAL or HIGH fT4 Secondary hypothyroidism Euthyroid sick syndrome BG = blood glucose; DM = diabetes mellitus; fT4 = free thyroxine; IGF = insulin-like growth factor; LDDS = low-dose dexamethasone suppression; MDB = minimum database; OM = Purina Veterinary Diets OM Overweight Management Feline Formula; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone; TT4 = total thyroxine 4 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases
  • 7. Ribs visible on shorthaired cats; no palpable fat; severe abdominal tuck; lumbar vertebrae and wings of ilia easily palpated. TOO HEAVY IDEAL TOO THIN Call 1-800-222-VETS (8387), weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT Ribs easily visible on shorthaired cats; lumbar vertebrae obvious with minimal muscle mass; pronounced abdominal tuck; no palpable fat. Ribs easily palpable with minimal fat covering; lumbar vertebrae obvious; obvious waist behind ribs; minimal abdominal fat. Ribs palpable with minimal fat covering; noticeable waist behind ribs; slight abdominal tuck; abdominal fat pad absent. Well-proportioned; observe waist behind ribs; ribs palpable with slight fat covering; abdominal fat pad minimal. Ribs palpable with slight excess fat covering; waist and abdominal fat pad distinguishable but not obvious; abdominal tuck absent. Ribs not easily palpated with moderate fat covering; waist poorly discernible; obvious rounding of abdomen; moderate abdominal fat pad. Ribs not palpable with excess fat covering; waist absent; obvious rounding of abdomen with prominent abdominal fat pad; fat deposits present over lumbar area. Ribs not palpable under heavy fat cover; heavy fat deposits over lumbar area, face and limbs; distention of abdomen with no waist; extensive abdominal fat deposits. ] ] ] ] ] 1 3 5 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases 5
  • 8. ■ Who feeds the animal, and what ages are the family members (eg, children, grandparents)? ■ Are there other pets in the house-hold, and what diets are they fed? Table 4. Causes of Insulin Resistance ■ Does the cat have access to the outdoors? ■ Does the cat receive supplements (eg, treats, vitamins, yogurt)? It is important to remember that many clients do not perceive treats and additives (eg, table food) as part of the cat’s diet and, therefore, may forget to mention them. Another tricky aspect is determining who in the household is responsible for feeding the ani-mal. Many times the primary caregiver is surprised to find that another family member has been feed-ing a specific food or treat without telling the pri-mary caregiver. In addition, problems may arise because owners have preconceived notions about pet foods. Clients may indicate that they will not feed certain flavors of foods or certain ingredients because of “allergies.” Furthermore, it may be diffi-cult to obtain an accurate dietary history because clients may be embarrassed or unwilling to divulge exactly what and how much is being fed. For these Tips for Investigating Weight Gain ✔ In cats, always check the underside of the tarsus for evidence of diabetic neuropathy. ✔ Ask the client to bring photographs of the patient from several years ago for comparison of skull and facial changes. ✔ Check the patient’s teeth for increased interdental spaces (acromegaly). ✔ Assign a BCS and record each score in the patient’s medical record. Cats in normal body condition (BCS 4–5 on the Nestlé Purina scale) will have ribs easily palpable and normal abdominal tuck. ✔ If necessary, perform the knuckle test (quick BCS). Animals in normal body condition have ribs that feel like the tops of the knuckles with the hand extended. Overweight patients have ribs that palpate similar to the palm of the extended hand. BCS = body condition score 6 Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…Controversial and Challenging Feline Cases Nonendocrine Causes Infection (eg, UTI, pulmonary, skin disease) Cancer Immune disease Drugs, pancreatitis, liver disease, stress Endocrine Causes Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Hyperadrenocorticism Hypersomatotropism (acromegaly) UTI = urinary tract infection reasons, having clients complete a written ques-tionnaire is often the best and most expedient way to obtain a dietary history. Performing a thorough physical examination, comparing the patient’s current weight with its weight several years ago, and establishing the pa-tient’s BCS are important for determining the rea-son for weight gain (see Tips for Investigating Weight Gain). Evaluation of Insulin Resistance It is very rare to obtain a perfect glucose curve in a patient. Generally, problems associated with the blood glucose curve can be differentiated by the characteristics of the curve and the insulin dose (dosing interval). If the patient is receiving less than 2.2 U/kg per dose, the blood glucose curve is usually indicative of one of the following: ■ Insufficient insulin dose—Corrective action, increase dose ■ Short duration of action of insulin— Corrective action, change to longer-acting insulin or twice-daily dose regimen ■ Insulin-induced hypoglycemic hyper-glycemia (Somogyi effect)—Corrective action, reduce insulin dose by 25% ■ Insulin overlap or prolonged insulin action—Corrective action, change to shorter-duration insulin or insulin mixture (ie, 30% regular, 70% NPH) If the patient is receiving more than 2.2 U/kg of insulin per dose, insulin resistance should be investigated (Table 4). In cats, the top diagnos-tic differentials for insulin resistance include hyperthyroidism, hypersomatotropism (acromegaly), and hyperadrenocorticism. ■
  • 9. Feline inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) applies to a number of poorly understood enteropathies characterized by infiltration of inflammatory cells into the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa. The cellular infiltrate is composed of variable populations of lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and neutrophils that can be distributed throughout the GI tract.1-3 In severely affected cats, this infiltrate may be accompanied by changes in the mucosal architecture, including villus atrophy, fusion, fibrosis, and lymphangiectasia. Although IBD appears to be a common clinical problem in cats, little is known about the etiopathogenesis or the local and systemic consequences of the disease, including the development of lymphoma and nutritional deficiencies.4 In addition, the nature of inflammation associated with IBD is just beginning to be characterized beyond the visible changes in gross histopathology that have been described.5-11 This paper reviews what is known about feline IBD, with particular focus on the role of commensal and pathogenic in-testinal bacteria as well as diet in the diagnosis and manage-ment of the disease. Diagnostic Process Feline IBD, a commonly diagnosed condition of adult cats, is characterized by persistent clinical signs consistent with GI disease (eg, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea) that occur concurrently with histologic evidence of mucosal inflammation.12 The median age of cats presenting with IBD is around 7 years, and most cats present with a history of these signs occurring intermittently for weeks to years. Purebred cats, such as the Siamese and Abyssinian, may be overrepresented, but definitive breed predilections have not been reported. There is no reported predilection based on sex. Diagnosis by exclusion Because clinical signs of IBD can be as-sociated with various primary GI and extra-GI diseases, it is important to consider broad groupings of differen-tials and obtain a minimum database (ie, CBC, serum biochemical panel, urinalysis) until sufficient data have been collected to narrow the list of dif-ferentials. A number of possible causes of intestinal inflammation must be considered, however, including infec-tious disease, food sensitivity (allergy) or food intolerance, endocrinopathies (eg, hyperthyroidism), parasitic disease, and neoplastic disease. These differentials should be investigated thoroughly before settling on a diagnosis of idiopathic IBD and instituting a treatment plan. Food allergy and intolerance can be particularly difficult to distinguish from IBD and other intestinal disorders, es-pecially because of shared clinical signs and identical histopathologic changes in the bowel. Therefore, appropriate food trials are an extremely important com-ponent of both reaching a diagnosis and implementing therapy in cats with GI disease or suspected IBD. In addition to food trials, the diagnostic plan for a cat with chronic vomiting or diarrhea should include multiple fecal examina-tions or therapeutic deworming trials with broad-spectrum agents, such as fenbendazole, assessment of thyroid and Debra L. Zoran, DVM, PhD, DACVIM-SAIM, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) Symposium Proceedings: Critical Updates on Canine and Feline Health Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 7
  • 10. FeLV/FIV status, and assessment of GI function, including measuring cobalamin and folate and conducting trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) and pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI) tests. Many cats with IBD have concurrent inflam-mation of the liver and pancreas—a phenome-non called triaditis.13 Because chronic pancreatitis can cause few distinguishing signs and be diffi-cult to diagnose by laboratory testing alone, a degree of clinical suspicion is necessary to care-fully assess cats.14,15 Serum cobalamin levels are commonly decreased in cats with severe bowel disease or pancreatitis. Furthermore, in cats with hypocobalaminemia, diarrhea does not resolve until replacement therapy has been instituted. Cobalamin therapy in some cats may be life-long, whereas in others, once the clinical disease has been resolved, supplementation can be dis-continued. Imaging and exploratory measures In addition to laboratory evaluation, radiography and ultrasonography are important aspects of overall assessment of cats with possible IBD. Al-though abdominal radiographs and ultrasound findings cannot confirm IBD, they are essential for ruling out other GI problems, including in-testinal 8 Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) foreign bodies, intussusception, masses, and involvement of other organs, especially the liver and pancreas. Many cats with intestinal in-flammation have thickened loops of bowel, changes in bowel layering, or evidence of mesen-teric lymphadenopathy.16 These changes are not indicative of a specific cause but are further con-firmation of intestinal disease that requires addi-tional assessment. Abdominal ultrasonography can reveal impor-tant information about the location and severity of lesions, thereby suggesting whether endoscopy or abdominal exploratory surgery might be the appropriate next step. Because intestinal biopsy specimens obtained either endoscopically or during exploratory surgery are essential to con-firm the presence of inflammatory infiltrates, ei-ther diagnostic measure is an important part of the process. However, a number of problems have been associated with using histopathologic changes or findings to diagnose IBD.17 First, problems correlating a pathologist’s interpretation of inflammation found in the GI biopsy specimen with the actual disease have been well documented.5 The presence of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the wall of the gut does not mean the problem is idiopathic, does not necessarily correlate with the cytokine expression or degree of clinical disease, and does not mean that IBD can be accurately dif-ferentiated from lymphoma. As a result, stan-dards for histopathologic interpretation of biopsy specimens have been recommended by pathologists to help improve the utility and consistency of interpreting GI histopathologic findings5,18 (see WSAVA Guidelines for GI Histopathology). Inflammatory response The basis of the immunologic response in cats with IBD is unknown, and it remains to be deter-mined whether the inflammatory response results from the presence of undefined pathogens or ex-emplifies an inappropriate response to dietary antigens or intraluminal commensal bacteria. De-termining the cytokine and immune cell popula-tion in cats with IBD is important from both a WSAVA Guidelines for GI Histopathology The WSAVA guidelines offer pertinent information about GI histopathology.5 Small cell (ie, lymphocytic, low-grade) lymphoma can be extremely difficult to distinguish from IBD. Because the disease can be local (only in the jejunum or ileum) or found only in the deeper layers of the intestinal wall (submucosa or muscularis), if during endoscopy, biopsy specimens are not obtained from the appropriate sites or are inadequate in depth, lesions can be missed. If cats are not responding to appropriate therapy or were responding to therapy but are now losing weight or having recurrent diarrhea despite therapy, the possibility of lymphoma should be reconsidered. Several recent reviews on this subject provide more details specific to GI lymphoma and its management.18 WSAVA = World Small Animal Veterinary Association Abdominal radiographs and ultrasound findings cannot confirm IBD but are essential for ruling out other GI problems, such as intes-tinal foreign bodies and intussusception.
  • 11. Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 9 pathologic and therapeutic standpoint, as treat-ment of IBD in cats is nonspecific and based on dietary modification, administration of antibi-otics, and suppression of the immune system. The Role of Bacteria In humans and experimental animals, recent studies indicate a strong association between the development of IBD and a breakdown of normal tolerance mechanisms, host susceptibility, and enteric microflora.19-22 It is likely that these same factors are important in feline IBD9-11,23 (see Are Bacteria a Key Component?). Modulation of the enteric microenvironment in humans with IBD has been shown to reduce proinflammatory cy-tokines in the mucosa and, therefore, decrease the inflammatory response.24 In humans, IBD therapy has included antibiotics with immune-modulating capacity, prebiotics, probiotics, and immunosuppressants as well as other drugs that modify cytokine release.22,25 Unfortunately, studies assessing modulation of enteric flora (using probiotics, prebiotics, or other specific therapy for cytokines) in cats with IBD are only in the early stages. Nevertheless, few stud-ies have shown that intestinal microbiota in cats with IBD are clearly different from those in nor-mal cats and often the difference is a decrease in normal commensals (eg, bifidobacteria, lacto-bacilli) and an increase in pathogenic species.6,9 At this time, therapy for IBD in cats continues to in-clude inflammatory suppression and antibiotic therapy. The most effective IBD therapies include steroids (ie, 1 to 2 mg/kg of prednisolone or methylprednisolone PO Q 12 H) or other drugs that interrupt the proinflammatory pathways ac-tive in the gut. In cats that are intolerant of steroids, budesonide therapy may be a reasonable choice. Alternatively, in cats in which steroids are no longer effective or are causing morbidity (eg, diabetes), immunosuppressive therapy may be necessary and is often effective. The two drugs most commonly recommended and effective for cats in this setting are cyclosporine and chloram-bucil. Antibiotic therapy with 5 to 10 mg/kg of metronidazole PO Q 12H has been effective for a Are Bacteria a Key Component? One group of investigators11 is seeking to determine the effect of mucosal bacteria and their relationship to cytokine responses and inflammation in the bowel of cats. Intestinal biopsies were collected from 17 cats undergoing diagnostic investigation of signs of GI disease and from 10 healthy controls.11 Subjective duodenal histopathology ranged from normal (10) to mild (6) to moderate (8) to severe (3) IBD. The mucosal response was evaluated by objective histopathology and cytokine mRNA levels in duodenal biopsies. The number of mucosa-associated Enterobacteriaceae was higher in cats with signs of GI disease than in healthy cats. These pathogens, including Escherichia coli and Clostridium species, were associated with significant changes in mucosal architecture, principally atrophy and fusion; up-regulation of cytokines, particularly IL-8; and the number of clinical signs exhibited by affected cats. The study findings indicate that an abnormal mucosa-associated flora is associated with the presence and severity of duodenal inflammation and clinical disease activity in cats. The observations provide a rational basis for future investigations to address the potential causal involvement of mucosa-associated bacteria. They are perhaps most consistent with a model proposed for the mucosal response to gram-negative bacteria, whereby proinflammatory cytokines (eg, IL-1, IL-8, IL-12) produced by epithelial cells in response to such stimuli as gram-negative bacteria are modulated by macrophage production of IL-10. Support for this concept in the canine GI tract is provided by studies of the small intestines of dogs in which expression of IL-10 and IFN-β mRNA by lamina propria cells and the intestinal epithelium was observed in the face of a luminal bacterial flora that was more numerous than that of control dogs.23 Additional evidence that bacteria are a key component of IBD in cats has been collaborated by Inness and coworkers,9 who characterized the gut microflora of both healthy cats and cats with colonic IBD. Cats with IBD were found to have significantly higher populations of Desulfovibrio (a genus of bacteria that produce toxic sulfides) compared with normal cats, which had higher populations of bifidobacteria and bacteroides (normal flora). These authors proposed that modulation of intestinal flora with probiotics and dietary intervention to decrease the production of pathogenic bacteria were likely important in treating cats with IBD. Finally, another study10 found that the expression of cytokines in biopsy specimens from the intestines of cats with IBD represented greater transcription of genes encoding IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, TNF-α, and TGF-β than from those of cats with normal intestines. These results also suggested that, in cats with IBD, both proinflammatory and immune dysregulation features were present. IBD = inflammatory bowel disease; IFN = interferon; IL = interleukin; TGF = transforming growth factor; TNF = tumor necrosis factor number of years and continues to be recommended as initial therapy for IBD.12,26 There is also a widely held belief that metronidazole is effective not only because of its antibacterial properties but because of concurrent immune-modulating properties. Some data support these ideas, but the specific role of metronidazole as treatment for IBD is still not completely known. Because metronidazole may be poorly tolerated and has potential for serious ad-verse effects, it should not be given indefinitely. Another antibiotic that may be useful in cats with presumed IBD is tylosin at a dose of 10 to 20
  • 12. Diets Designed to Promote GI Health The highly digestible diets from different pet food manufacturers have a variety of formulations— different protein and carbohydrate sources, different levels of fat, and various additives designed to promote intestinal health (eg, fructooligosaccharide [FOS], mannondigosaccharide [MOS], omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidant vitamins, soluble fiber). If one type of highly digestible diet has been fed for at least 2 weeks with minimal response, then it is entirely reasonable to try another diet from a different source or try an entirely different dietary strategy (eg, high-protein/low-carbohydrate, novel antigen, hydrolyzed diet). In addition, diarrhea may be attributed to carbohydrate intolerance or bacterial changes resulting from dietary changes. Thus, the addition of probiotics or prebiotics to help influence microflora is a reasonable therapeutic option, as is the addition of either metronidazole or tylosin. mg/kg PO Q 12 H; however, less is known about the effects of tylosin on cats when used long-term. 27,28 Finally, data in humans with IBD are increas-ingly showing that probiotics and antioxidant prebiotic nutraceuticals may be important com-ponents of therapy.25 At this time, it is difficult to make specific recommendations concerning the probiotic or nutraceutical therapy with the greatest benefit because of the paucity of studies in cats with IBD and the species-specific nature of probiotics and their effects. However, probi-otics that provide an immune-modulating effect or that increase the number of beneficial species while competing against pathogens might be ex-pected to be helpful. In several studies in kit-tens, probiotics containing Enterococcus faecium (SF68) appeared to improve immune function and had better responses to therapy when ex-posed to enteric protozoa.29 Furthermore, whereas probiotic therapy alone would not be expected to produce clinical remission, cats un-dergoing long-term therapy for IBD may bene-fit from the addition of probiotics to their treatment regimen. 10 Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) The Role of Dietary Management The use of diet to help manage GI disease is not a new concept, but the type of diet to use has be-come an increasingly complex issue. In many, if not most, cats with mild IBD, especially those without significant infiltrate of inflammatory cells (mild to moderate infiltrate) or without sig-nificant weight loss or other morbidity, the best approach is to feed a highly digestible diet or to change the diet to one with fewer additives, flavorings, or other substances that may be associ-ated with food intolerance. Many cats (nearly two-thirds in one study) with chronic diarrhea have complete resolution of clinical signs when fed a highly digestible diet.30,31 Highly digestible diets are not defined in a reg-ulatory sense but generally indicate a product with protein digestibility of greater than 85% (typical diets are 78% to 81%) and fat digestibility of greater than 90% (typical diets are 77% to 85%). These diets are designed to provide food that is easy to digest because it has moderate to low fat, moderate to increased protein, and moderate to decreased carbohydrates; may have additives to improve intestinal health, such as soluble fibers, omega-3 fatty acids, and increased antioxidant vi-tamins; and contain no gluten, lactose, food color-ing, preservatives, and similar additives. Many different brands fall under the category of “highly digestible,” but they are not all alike. The protein digestibility of a diet is one of the key factors that can determine its success in cats with IBD. In general, meat-source proteins and diets containing meat meals are more digestible than plant-source proteins, and animal proteins are more digestible than meat by-products. In addition, to increase digestibility of foods in cats, the number and amount of carbohydrates in the food are decreased—a single-source car-bohydrate food is better than foods with many different sources, and highly digestible carbohy-drate sources are better than complex plant-source carbohydrates. Therefore, when one diet from this category is not accepted or seems to make the diarrhea worse, it cannot be assumed that all diets in this category will be ineffective and unaccepted. Diets from different manufac- Treatment of IBD in cats is nonspecific and based on dietary manage-ment, antibiotic treatment, and immunosuppression.
  • 13. Cobalamin Homeostasis Cobalamin homeostasis is a complex, multistep process that involves participation of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, and liver. Following ingestion, cobalamin is released from food in the stomach. It is then bound to a nonspecific cobalamin-binding protein of salivary and gastric origin called haptocorrin. IF, a cobalamin-binding protein that promotes cobalamin absorption in the ileum, is produced by the stomach and pancreas in dogs and the pancreas but not the stomach in cats.35 The affinity of cobalamin for haptocorrin is higher at acid pH than that for IF, so most is bound to haptocorrin in the stomach. After entering the duodenum, haptocorrin is degraded by pancreatic proteases and cobalamin is transferred from haptocorrin to IF.35 A portion of cobalamin taken up by hepatocytes is rapidly re-excreted in bile bound to haptocorrin. This rapid turnover means that cats with cobalamin malabsorption can totally deplete their body cobalamin stores within 1 to 2 months.35 Recent studies indicate that subnormal cobalamin concentrations are common in cats with GI disease or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.4 Investigation of the relationship of subnormal serum cobalamin concentrations to cobalamin deficiency and the effect of cobalamin deficiency on cats has revealed the clinical significance of cobalamin deficiency in cats.4 Serum MMA concentrations (median; range) decreased after cobalamin supplementation. Serum homocysteine concentrations were not significantly altered, whereas cysteine concentrations increased significantly. Mean body weight increased significantly after cobalamin therapy, and the average body weight gain was 8.2%. Significant linear relationships were observed between alterations in serum MMA and fTLI concentrations and the percentage of body weight change. There is also emerging evidence that cobalamin supplementation may result in clinical improvement of cats with IBD without recourse to immunosuppressive therapy.15 In this respect, it is interesting to note that cobalamin deficiency is associated with altered immunoglobulin production and cytokine levels in mice. The impact of cobalamin deficiency on the immune environment of cats remains to be established. fTLI = feline trypsin-like immunoreactivity; IF = intrinsic factor; MMA = methylmalonic acid Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 11 turers have various formulations (see Diets De-signed to Promote GI Health). Novel Antigen or Elimination Diets Allergy and intolerance are the most common ad-verse reactions cats have to food. Food allergy or hypersensitivity is an adverse reaction to a food or food additive with a proven immunologic basis. In contrast, food intolerance is a nonimmunologic abnormal physiologic response to a food or food additive. Food poisoning, food idiosyncrasy, and pharmacologic reactions to foods also fall under the category of food intolerance. The specific food allergens that cause problems in cats have been poorly documented, with only 10 studies describing the clinical lesions associated with adverse reactions.30-33 In these reports, more than 80% of cases were attributed to beef, dairy products, or fish. The incidence of food allergy in cats remains unknown but is estimated to be only 15% to 20% of all food-related causes of diarrhea.33 However, food intolerance is believed to contribute to 60% to 65% of feline diarrhea cases. In two separate studies, a majority of cats responded to dietary therapy with a highly digestible diet.31,34 The causes of dietary intolerance that need to be carefully considered in feline diets are pri-marily protein and carbohydrates—both sources and amounts. The diagnosis of both food allergy and intolerance is based on a dietary elimination trial. The major difference between these two types of adverse food reactions is the length of time on the diet required to achieve a response (cats with food allergy may require 6 to 12 weeks on the elimination diet before an improvement will be seen). Various commercial and homemade elimination diets, as well as diets formulated with hydrolyzed proteins, may be used in cats with suspected food allergy or intolerance. The key is to select a diet that has a novel protein source based on a careful dietary history and is balanced and nutritionally adequate (commercial diets are best for this); how-ever, a homemade elimination diet may be nec-essary to find an appropriate test diet. If a homemade diet must be used for long-term therapy, a complete and balanced diet containing the necessary protein sources should be formulated by a nutritionist. For most cats with food allergy, avoiding the offending food is most effective and can result in complete resolution of signs. How-ever, short-term steroid therapy can decrease the concurrent intestinal inflammation until the ap-propriate food sources can be identified. GI disease may decrease the availability of a number of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, thereby having important consequences on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. The diagnostic utility of measuring the serum concentrations of cobalamin and folate in cats with suspected intestinal disease has re-cently been established. Although the impact of deficiencies in cobalamin and folate are not com-
  • 14. B12) in cats with gastrointestinal disease. Simpson KW, Fyfe J, Cornetta A, et al. J Vet Intern Med 15:26-32, 2001. 5. Histopathological standards for the diagnosis of gastrointesti-nal inflammation in endoscopic biopsy samples of the dog and cat: A report from the World Small Animal Veterinary Associa-tion Gastrointestinal Standardization Group. Day MJ, Bilzer T, Mansell J, et al. J Comp Pathol 138:1-43, 2008. 6. Molecular characterization of intestinal bacteria in healthy cats and cats with IBD. Ritchie L. MS dissertation. Texas A&M University, 2008. 7. Quantitative evaluation of inflammatory and immune re-sponses in cats with inflammatory bowel disease. Goldstein RE, Greiter-Wilke A, McDonough SP, Simpson KW. Am Coll Vet Intern Med Proc, 2003. 8. Immune cell populations in the duodenal mucosa of cats with inflammatory bowel disease. Waly NE, Stokes CR, Gruffydd-Jones TJ, et al. J Vet Intern Med 18:113-122, 2004. 9. Molecular characterisation of the gut microflora of healthy and inflammatory bowel disease cats using fluorescence in situ hybridisation with special reference to Desulfovibrio spp. Inness VL, McCartney AL, Khoo C, et al. J Anim Phys Anim Nutr 91:48-53, 2006. 10. Measurement of cytokine mRNA expression in intestinal biopsies of cats with inflammatory enteropathy using quan-titative real-time RT-PCR. Van Nguyen N, Tagliner K, Helps CR, et al. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 113:404-414, 2006. 11. The relationship of mucosal bacteria to duodenal histopathol-ogy, cytokine mRNA, and clinical disease activity in cats with inflammatory bowel disease. Janeczko S, Atwater D, Bogel E, et al. Vet Microbiol 128:178-193, 2008. 12. Inflammatory bowel disease. Current perspectives. Jergens AE. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 29:501-521, 1999. 13. Relationship between inflammatory hepatic disease and inflam-matory bowel disease, pancreatitis and nephritis in cats. Weiss DJ, Gagne JM, Armstrong PJ. JAVMA 209:114-116, 1996. 14. Pancreatitis in cats: Diagnosis and management of a chal-lenging disease. Zoran DL. JAAHA 42:1-9, 2006. 15. Diagnosis of pancreatitis. Steiner JM. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 33:1181-1195, 2003. 16. Radiographic, ultrasonographic and endoscopic findings in cats with inflammatory bowel disease of the stomach and small intestine. 33 cases (1990-1997). Baez JL, Hendrick MJ, Walker LM, Washabau RJ. JAVMA 215:349-354, 1999. 17. Interobserver variation among histopathologic evaluation of intestinal tissues from dogs and cats. Willard MD, Jergens AE, Duncan RB, et al. JAVMA 220:1177-1181, 2002. 18. Feline alimentary lymphoma: Demystifying the enigma. Wil-son HM. Top Companion Anim Med 23(4):177-184, 2008. 19. Chemokine expression in IBD: Mucosal chemokine expres-sion is unselectively increased in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Banks C, Bateman A, Payne R, et al. J Pathol 199:28-35, 2003. 20. Bacterial interactions with cells of the intestinal mucosa: Toll-like receptors and NOD2. Cario E. Gut 54:1182-1193, 2005. 21. Experimental models of inflammatory bowel disease reveal innate, adaptive, and regulatory mechanisms of host dia-logue with the microbiota. Elson CO, Cong Y, McCracken VJ, et al. Immunol Rev 206:260-276, 2005. 22. Inflammatory bowel disease: Epidemiology, pathogenesis, and therapeutic opportunities. Hanauer SB. Inflam Bowel Dis 12(Suppl 1):S3-S9, 2006. 23. Intestinal cytokine mRNA expression in canine inflamma-tory bowel disease: A meta-analysis with critical appraisal. Jergens AE, Sonea IM, Kauffman LK, et al. Comp Med 59:153-162, 2009. pletely known, the role of cobalamin in normal function of the GI tract and in many other aspects of metabolism is well documented4,15,35 (see Cobalamin Homeostasis). Furthermore, because cats are obligate carnivores that consume much higher amounts of protein in their diet, the im-portance of cobalamin and other B vitamins in maintaining protein metabolism cannot be over-stated. Therefore, evaluation of all cats with GI disease, not just cats with IBD, is an important part of not only the diagnostic process but also the management of these diseases. Although other vitamin or mineral deficiencies may occur with longstanding or severe IBD, they are less likely (because of storage of fat-soluble vi-tamins and some minerals) and supplementation without documentation of a deficiency can be dangerous. Thus, supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins is not generally recommended unless signs of deficiency, such as bleeding from vitamin K deficiency, are occurring or tissue or blood levels of the vitamin are determined. Closing Remarks In conclusion, much remains to be learned about the complex interplay between GI mi-croflora, dietary antigens, the epithelium, im-mune effector cells, and soluble mediators in the feline GI tract in health and disease. The devel-opment of feline-specific reagents together with the growing realization of the nutritional conse-quences of IBD have precipitated a shift beyond reliance on qualitative histology, holding prom-ise for improved understanding, therapy, and prevention in the future. ■ References 1. Lymphocytic plasmacytic gastroenteritis in cats: 14 cases (1985-1990). Dennis JS, Kruger JM, Mullaney TP. JAVMA 200:1712-1718, 1992. 2. Lymphocytic plasmacytic enterocolitis in cats: 60 cases (1988-1990). Hart JR, Shaker E, Patnaik AK, et al. JAAHA 30:505-514, 1994. 3. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in dogs and cats: 84 cases (1987-1990). Jergens AE, Moore FM, Hayness JS, et al. JAVMA 200:1603-1608, 1992. 4. Subnormal concentrations of serum cobalamin (vitamin Allergy and intolerance are the most common adverse reactions cats have to food. The incidence of food allergy in cats is unknown, but food intole-rance probably accounts for 60% to 65% of feline diarrhea cases. 12 Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis)
  • 15. Feline IBD: The Good (Diets), the Bad (Bacteria), and the Ugly (Diagnosis) 13 24. Differential effect of immune cells on non-pathogenic gram-negative bacteria-induced nuclear factor-kappaB activation and pro-inflammatory gene expression in intestinal epithe-lial cells. Haller D, Holt L, Parlesak A, et al. Immunology 112:310–320, 2004. 25. Probiotics in gastrointestinal diseases. Guarner F. In Versa-lovic J, Wilson M (eds): Therapeutic Microbiology: Probiotics and Related Strategies —Washington, DC: ASM Press, 2008, pp 255-271. 26. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in cats: Rational treatment selection. Trepanier L. J Feline Med Surg 11:32- 38, 2009. 27. Inflammatory bowel disease. German AJ. In Bonagura J, Twedt D (eds): Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV—St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier, 2008, pp 501-506. 28. Tylosin responsive diarrhea. Westermarch E. In Bonagura J, Twedt D (eds): Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV—St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier, 2008, pp 507-509. 29. Effect of supplementation with Enterococcus faecium (SF68) on immune functions in cats. Veir JK, Knorr R, Cavadini C, et al. Vet Ther 8:229-238, 2007. 30. Food sensitivity in cats with chronic idiopathic gastrointestinal problems. Guilford WG, Strombeck DR, Rogers Q, et al. J Vet Intern Med 15:7-13, 2001. 31. Dietary therapy of feline diarrhea. Guilford WG, Center SA, Strombeck DR, et al. NZ Vet 51:262-265, 2003. 32. Adverse reactions to foods: Allergies versus intolerance. Roude-bush P. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC (eds): Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, ed 6—St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2005, p 153. 33. Food allergy in dogs and cats: A review. Verlinden A, Hesta M, Millet S, et al. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 46:259-273, 2006. 34. Evaluation of two diets in the nutritional management of cats with naturally occurring chronic diarrhea. Laflamme DP, Martineau B, Jones W, et al. Vet Ther 5:43-51, 2004. 35. Early biochemical and clinical responses to cobalamin sup-plementation in cats with signs of gastrointestinal disease and severe hypocobalaminemia. Ruaux CG, Steiner JM, Williams DA. J Vet Intern Med 19(2):155-160, 2005.
  • 16. Few controlled studies are investigating treatments for liver disease in dogs and cats. When recommending specific therapeutic ap-proaches, however, most authors point out the im-portance of linking adequate nutritional support with specific therapies and general hepatic support. Man-agement of liver-related complications should also be addressed if and when they occur. This article cov-ers the major aspects associated with managing liver disease in small animals and outlines some basic treatment goals (see box). Nutritional Management The liver is paramount in metabolism and plays a key role in regulating protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Metabolic derangements that occur in dogs and cats with liver disease can lead to malnutrition, impaired hepatic regeneration, and the clinical consequences of hepatic insufficiency (eg, he-patic encephalopathy [HE], ascites, gastrointestinal [GI] ulcera-tion, coagulopathy, immunosuppression). The liver also has the unique ability to regenerate following injury, a process that oc-curs through appropriate nutrition. The overall goal of nutritional management of liver disease is predominately supportive and requires a fine balance between promoting hepatocellular regeneration and providing nu-trients to maintain homeostasis without ex-ceeding the metabolic capacity that leads to accumulation of toxic metabolites. Basic nutritional concepts One of the most important aspects of liver dis-ease therapy is ensuring that the patient has appropriate energy intake to prevent anorexia and weight loss, thereby minimizing catabo-lism. Adjustments to the diet are required when malnutrition is present. To this end, practitioners must first calculate the patient’s caloric needs. Calculation of the basal energy re-quirement (BER) is based on the weight of lean body mass; the weight of fat or ascites is not included (see box). The BER is then multiplied by an illness factor estimated to be 1.0 to 1.4 to achieve daily caloric needs.1 Although no comprehensive studies have looked at illness factors in dogs or cats with liver disease, studies have shown that humans with cirrhosis have an energy intake comparable with that of normal controls.2 Energy requirements should be individually adjusted to main-tain optimal body weight. It is important to ensure that poor diet palatability is not the reason a pa-tient refuses to eat. Patients can be of-fered an ideal diet for a particular condition, but I would rather have David C. Twedt, DVM, DACVIM, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects Symposium Proceedings: Critical Updates on Canine and Feline Health How to Calculate BER • For animals weighing < 2 kg: 70 x [kg*] 0.75 = kcal/day • For animals weighing > 2 kg: 30 x [kg*] + 70 = kcal/day • Nutritional requirements for most cats can also be expressed as 50–55 kcal/kg body weight. *Of lean body mass BER = basal energy requirement Treatment Goals ✔ Remove or correct inciting cause if identified. ✔ Provide adequate nutrition and prevent malnutrition. ✔ Provide specific treatment for hepatic disease and/or related complications. ✔ Provide an environment for optimal hepatic function and regeneration. 14 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects
  • 17. Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 15 patients eat almost any diet than nothing at all. When nutritional requirements are not being met by voluntary intake, enteral supplementation should be considered. Fat A misconception about dietary fat content and liver disease is prevalent, especially in the nutri-tional management of feline hepatic lipidosis. In general, dogs and cats with liver disease have a good tolerance for dietary fat. Fat not only im-proves palatability but provides important energy density to the diet. Therefore, lipid restriction typically is not necessary for dogs or cats with liver disease; this also holds true for cats with id-iopathic hepatic lipidosis. However, dietary con-trol is probably the most important aspect of managing a case of hepatic lipidosis. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates should make up no more than 35% of the diet’s total calories for cats and 45% for dogs.3 Adequate carbohydrate intake is impor-tant to maintain glucose concentrations, especially in dogs with advanced liver disease or when hypo-glycemia is a concern in patients with portosys-temic shunts (PSS). Feeding frequent small meals throughout the day may help patients maintain glucose concentrations. I have observed hypoglycemia in some dogs with cirrhosis and PSS and hyperglycemia in some cats with hepatic lipidosis or cats receiving steroids. In conjunction with liver disease (and sometimes concurrent steroid therapy), cats with glucose intolerance or a tendency to develop hy-perglycemia after a meal will require a lower-car-bohydrate diet. The best way to prevent hyper- or hypoglycemia is to feed frequent small meals. In general, I prefer to feed an energy-dense, low-fiber diet to patients with liver disease. However, man-aging dietary fiber plays a role in how it relates to the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. Protein A misconception about protein content and liver disease also exists. It was previously thought that patients with liver disease should be placed on a As a general recommendation, dietary protein should represent 15% to 20% of the digestible kilocalories in the diet. Dietary Protein Intake The goals of dietary protein intake are to: ✔ Adjust quantities and types of nutrients to meet the patient’s nutrient requirements. ✔ Avoid production of excess nitrogen by-products that cause hepatic encephalopathy. ✔ Provide a high-quality, highly digestible protein source.5 Poor-quality proteins may aggravate hepatic encephalopathy and fail to promote hepatic regeneration. Protein requirements for patients with liver disease may be greater than those for normal dogs and cats. Most quality commercial and prescription diets are suitable for this purpose. protein-restricted diet to reduce the liver’s work-load and the production of detrimental nitroge-nous waste products. This approach is not well substantiated, however. Many veterinary nutri-tionists and gastroenterologists now believe that restricting protein could be detrimental, especially if patients have a negative nitrogen balance.4 As a general recommendation, dietary protein should represent 15% to 20% of the digestible kilocalories (kcal) in the diet.3Most highly di-gestible diets (eg, GI diets) are adequate for pa-tients with most liver conditions5 (see Dietary Protein Intake). Protein restriction should only be instituted in patients with evidence of protein in-tolerance— most often patients with PSS or signs of HE.6 In these situations, lower protein content and diets with a milk- or plant-based protein source rather than a meat source are recommended to prevent HE and colonic production of excess nitrogen by-products. Because cats have such a high protein requirement, I rarely—if ever—limit protein intake in cats with liver disease, such as lipidosis, and find HE an uncommon consequence in cats. Basic Therapeutic Options Antiinflammatory therapy Decreasing inflammation should be specifically addressed in dogs with chronic hepatitis and possibly in cats with some types of cholangitis. At Colorado State University, our clinical im-pression suggests that antiinflammatory therapy is beneficial in some if not all cases of chronic
  • 18. hepatitis, but this approach remains controver-sial because no good controlled studies have been conducted in dogs. One retrospective study found that some dogs with chronic hepatitis tend to have a prolonged survival when treated with corticosteroids,7 al-though dogs of many different breeds and a di-versity of histology and concurrent therapies were included. Nevertheless, the use of steroids versus the use of no steroids offered benefits in some cases (around 25%), and these responders may in fact represent dogs with immune-medi-ated liver disease. An initial dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg/day of prednisone or prednisolone is sug-gested. When clinical improvement is suspected or after several weeks of therapy, the dose can be gradually tapered to 0.5 mg/kg/day or Q 48 H. The only accurate way to evaluate response to therapy is to evaluate biopsy specimens in approx-imately 6 to 8 months. It is impossible to deter-mine any improvement based on liver enzymes because of concurrent steroid hepatopathy. Al-ternatively, practitioners could stop steroid ad-ministration 16 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects and recheck the enzymes in 1 to 2 months after the steroid effects on the liver have resolved. Persistent elevations would suggest that hepatitis is continuing. Some reports also show improvement of im-mune hepatitis in humans treated with budes-onide. 8 These patients had fewer side effects from systemic steroids because of the rapid first-pass he-patic metabolism of budesonide. This drug may be an option in some dogs or cats with inflamma-tory liver disease because it may somewhat lessen the side effects associated with steroids. Because of the side effects of corticosteroids and the failure to successfully monitor liver en-zymes while receiving steroids, other immuno-suppressive therapy, including azathioprine9 and cyclosporine, may represent a more rational ap-proach (see Getting the Most Out of Antiin-flammatory Therapy in Dogs). Hepatic copper metabolism Copper is an essential trace metal required for many metabolic functions. The liver is quintes-sential in regulating the concentration and ex-cretion of excess copper through bile. Hepatic copper concentrations can increase in dogs because of either a primary genetic defect or diminished copper excretion secondary to cholestatic liver dis-ease. Copper accumulation caused by cholestatic disease does not occur as frequently, and copper concentrations are lower than in breed-associated copper hepatotoxicity. With either mechanism of copper accumulation, subcellular damage to hepa-tocytes can result. Damage from copper apparently results in lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial damage.10 If the liver biopsy of a dog with chronic hepati-tis indicates significant abnormal hepatic copper accumulation, then dietary copper chelators or zinc therapy should be instituted. Hepatic copper levels of greater than 1,000 mcg/g of dry weight liver (normal < 400 mcg/g liver) require therapy to reduce copper concentrations. It is first important to feed diets with a lower copper content and to avoid nutritional supple-ments with additional copper. A restricted copper intake of about 1.25 mg/1,000 kcal of metaboliz- Getting the Most Out of Antiinflammatory Therapy in Dogs Azathioprine is an effective immunosuppressant shown to increase survival in humans treated for chronic hepatitis when administered in conjunction with corticosteroids.9 The therapy may also be beneficial in dogs (do not use azathioprine in cats because of toxicity) by increasing the immunosuppressive response and enabling reduction of both the steroid dose and side effects. Initially, a dose of 2.2 mg/kg/day is suggested, followed by Q 48 H after several weeks. The level of glucocorticoids can frequently be reduced when using azathioprine. Of importance, azathioprine has infrequently been associated with drug-induced hepatic necrosis or acute pancreatitis. If the dog worsens clinically or the alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value increases dramatically, I would stop the medication. At Colorado State University, we have realized good clinical response when using cyclosporine in some dogs with chronic hepatitis. Our experience using 5 mg/kg Q 12 H or Q 24 H (without steroids) has been encouraging in dogs believed to have immune-mediated chronic hepatitis. The veterinary formulation Atopica ( is a microemulsified preparation with the same properties and bioavailability as the human product Neoral ( and its generic counterpart. Generally after several days or longer, I will obtain a blood level at the trough (before the next pill). The ideal range of blood levels is 400–600 ng/mL. Many dogs develop gingival hyperplasia when higher concentrations of cyclosporine are administered. Azithromycin at 10 mg/kg/day for 4–6 weeks will often decrease gingival hyperplasia. With evidence of clinical response at a dose of 5 mg/kg Q 12 H, I often decrease the frequency to Q 24 H and eventually to alternate-day therapy. Using cyclosporine alone, practitioners can follow the level of liver en-zymes and direct therapy based on response without the need for liver biopsy.
  • 19. Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 17 able energy (ME) has been suggested.3 The cop-per content is listed on the label of most diets; if not, the manufacturer should be able to provide this information. If a homemade diet is used, liver, shellfish, organ meats, and cereals are all high in copper content and should be excluded. Copper-specific chelators (eg, penicillamine, trientine) are the standard therapies used to re-move excess hepatic copper in cases of breed-asso-ciated copper hepatotoxicity. Chelators bind with copper either in the blood or the tissues and then promote copper removal through the kidneys.11-13 Zinc therapy has a number of potential benefits in dogs with chronic hepatitis. Zinc has antifi-brotic and hepatoprotective properties11,14 (see The Role of Oral Zinc Therapy). When zinc is administered as the acetate, sulfate, gluconate, or other salt, it has proven effective in preventing he-patic copper reaccumulation in humans who have Wilson’s disease and have been decoppered with chelators.4 When these patients received oral zinc, hepatic copper concentrations did not increase. Choleretic drug therapy Decreasing cholestasis has been shown to be ben-eficial in humans and animals with cholestatic he-patobiliary disease. As serum bile concentrations increase (predominately cytotoxic bile acids), cell membrane permeability changes and fibrogenesis can occur. Ursodeoxycholic acid (300-mg cap-sules) is a choleretic agent developed to dissolve gallstones but later found to have positive effects in patients with chronic hepatitis. This synthetic hydrophilic bile acid essentially changes the bile acid pool from more toxic hydrophobic bile acids to less toxic hydrophilic bile acids. Ursodeoxy-cholic acid has been shown to increase bile acid– dependent flow and minimize hepatocellular inflammatory changes, fibrosis, and some im-munomodulating effects.15,16 The hepatoprotective characteristics of ur-sodeoxycholic acid, much like those of antibi-otics, make it good adjunct therapy at a dose of 15 mg/kg/day. No toxicity has been observed in dogs or cats at this dose.15,16 However, some practition-ers are concerned about using it if there is a possi-bility of bile duct obstruction (for fear of biliary rupture). Although with bile obstruction surgical correction is indicated, ursodeoxycholic acid is not a prokinetic and will not worsen the disease. This drug has been shown in controlled studies to be beneficial in humans with primary biliary cirrho-sis. 17 I routinely supplement ursodeoxycholic acid in dogs with hepatitis and cats with cholangitis. Antifibrotic drug therapy Corticosteroids, zinc, and penicillamine all have some antifibrotic effects but are used predomi-nately for their other effects. Colchicine, which has been used in treating humans with chronic hepati-tis and other types of liver fibrosis, reportedly in-terferes with the deposition of hepatic collagen and stimulates collagenase activity to break down de-posited fibrous tissue in the liver. It also is shown to have some antiinflammatory properties. How-ever, convincing data on the benefits of colchicines are lacking for humans and dogs with liver disease. A critical appraisal of colchicine use in humans with chronic hepatitis now questions its effective-ness; in fact, a large, placebo-controlled study of chronic hepatitis in humans found no benefits, and the study authors did not recommended its use.18 If liver biopsy indicates significant abnormal copper accumulation, then dietary copper chelators or zinc therapy should be instituted. The Role of Oral Zinc Therapy Oral zinc therapy works by causing an induction of the intestinal copper-binding protein metalloth-ionein. Dietary copper binds to the metallothionein with a high affinity that prevents transfer from the intestine into the blood. When the intestinal cell dies and is sloughed, the metallothionein-bound copper becomes excreted through the stool.11 An initial induction dose of 15 mg/kg Q 12 H (or 50–100 mg Q 12 H) of elemental zinc is sug-gested. 14 After 1–3 months of induction, the dose can be reduced by approximately half. The goal is to have serum zinc concentrations greater than 200 mcg/dL but less than 500. Zinc must be administered on an empty stomach and has the frequent side effect of vomiting. Re-placement zinc therapy administered at a dose of 2–3 mg/kg/day is given for its antioxidant effects and replacement value in animals with zinc deple-tion in their liver.
  • 20. Three case reports of colchicine use in dogs have indicated questionable results.19-21 However, based on these reports, a dose of 0.03 mg/kg/day has been suggested. The generic form is inexpensive, with generally only minimal GI side effects noted at high doses. Recently losartan, an angiotensin-II receptor antagonist used for treating high blood pressure, has shown some effects in preventing hepatic fi-brosis by preventing up-regulation of the stel-late, or collagen-producing, cells in the liver. Clinical response to losartan has been noted in human studies of hepatitis.22 Antibiotic therapy Antibiotics are indicated in some patients with primary hepatic infections, such as bacterial hepa-titis, cholangitis, or leptospirosis. The selection of appropriate antibiotics is based on culture and sensitivity testing. There is, however, evidence that secondary bacterial colonization may take place in a diseased liver.23 Kupffer cells, which are fixed he-patic macrophages, function in filtering the portal blood of bacteria and other toxic products. Kupf-fer cell dysfunction in patients with liver disease could account for a secondary bacterial infection. This is supported by studies that have identified bacteria in many hepatic cultures.24 Therefore, it may be prudent to initiate antibiotic therapy for at least a trial of several weeks in patients with sig-nificant hepatic disease (ie, chronic hepatitis). Amoxicillin, amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, ceph-alosporin, or metronidazole therapy is suggested. Metronidazole may have some immunosuppres-sive properties as well as anaerobic antibacterial mechanisms. Because of hepatic metabolism of metronidazole, I recommend a dose of 7.5 to 10 mg/kg Q 12 H, which is much lower than that used for other bacterial infections. Vitamins and Nutraceuticals for Liver Support Although vitamin and nutraceutical adjunct ther-apies have gained interest in managing certain 18 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects types of liver disease, few published reports have shown their benefit in clinical disease; much of the information gathered has been generated from in vitro studies. Some current information as well as suggested uses of pertinent vitamins and nu-traceuticals are presented here. Vitamins Because vitamin metabolism, specifically vitamin storage and the conversion of provitamins to a metabolically active state, takes place in hepato-cytes of the liver, the vitamin status of patients with liver disease needs to be considered. Fat-soluble vitamins (ie, A, D, E, K) are prone to be deficient because they require bile salts to form intestinal micelles for absorption. In pa-tients with cholestatic liver disease, bile acids ab-normally excrete into the intestine, affecting the uptake of fat-soluble vitamins.25Water-soluble vitamins (ie, B, C) are generally found in high concentrations in the liver, where many are stored as coenzymes. In patients with liver dis-ease, increased demand for these vitamins, al-tered conversion to the vitamin’s active form, or decreased hepatic storage may occur. Vitamin E. Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) func-tions as a cellular membrane-bound antioxidant. Evidence now shows that oxidative damage from free radical generation occurs in patients with liver disease.26 Because cellular damage is likely multifactorial in these patients, free radi-cals may play an important role in initiating or perpetuating this damage.27,28 Vitamin E is inexpensive and safe when sup-plemented at a dose of 10 IU/kg/day: d-α- tocopherol , the natural form of vitamin E, is recommended because of greater uptake, disper-sion, and bioactivity compared with the more common synthetic dl-α-tocopherol. d-α-Tocoph-erol is also retained in tissues by a 2:1 ratio over the synthetic formulation.25 In patients with sig-nificant cholestatic liver disease, I suggest a water-soluble formulation. Vitamin C. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an im-portant soluble intracellular antioxidant that helps convert oxidized tocopherol radicals back to active α-tocopherol. Vitamin C is also necessary Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are prone to be deficient because they require bile salts for absorption. Water-soluble vitamins B and C are generally found in high concentrations in the liver.
  • 21. Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 19 for the synthesis of carnitine, which is important for transporting fat into mitochondria. Humans with liver disease often have low hepatic vitamin C concentrations, partially because they cannot synthesize vitamin C; however, dogs and cats can synthesize this vitamin. Although vitamin C supplementation may be beneficial in treating liver disease, supplementa-tion of excessive amounts of vitamin C may be deleterious in patients with increased hepatic copper or iron concentrations because ascorbate is believed to promote oxidative damage caused by these transition metals.26 Vitamin K. Vitamin K stores in the liver can become depleted in patients with advanced liver disease and can result in serious coagulopathy. Deficiency can occur from reduced intestinal absorption from cholestatic liver disease or as the result of advanced liver dysfunction with a failure of hepatic conversion to the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (ie, factors II, VII, IX, X). This can result in prolongation of coagulation as measured by prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time and can cause significant bleeding. Vitamin K supplementation is warranted in patients with liver disease to maintain hepatic stores. With severe cholestasis or overt coagula-tion abnormalities, 0.5 to 2.0 mg/kg of par-enteral vitamin K1 (phytonadione) SC Q 12 H for two or three doses (or until normalization of prothrombin time) is recommended for dogs and cats with hepatic disease. Vitamin K1 sup-plementation is recommended for 24 to 36 hours before invasive procedures, such as he-patic biopsy or feeding tube placement.6 Vitamin B. B vitamins are important in many metabolic functions and may become deficient in both dogs and cats with liver disease. How-ever, deficiencies are difficult to diagnose or ana-lytically document. Because B vitamins are water-soluble, they are relatively nontoxic and supplementation using a B-complex formulation is recommended in patients with liver disease. Cats are particularly prone to vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency. Subnormal concentrations of vitamin B12 have been reported in cats with liver disease, particularly idiopathic hepatic lipido-sis. 29 Cats with cholangiohepatitis frequently have concurrent inflammatory bowel disease or chronic pancreatitis and subsequent cobalamin deficiency. The recommended dose of cobalamin for cats is 250 mcg SC weekly until normal cobalamin con-centrations have been maintained. There is not enough vitamin B12 in B-complex formulations to correct its deficiency in cats. Nutraceuticals The North American Veterinary Nutraceutical Council defines a nutraceutical as “a non-drug sub-stance that is produced in a purified or extracted form and administered orally to patients to provide agents required for normal body structure and function and administered with the intent of im-proving the health and well being of animals.”30 Many nutraceuticals used in animals are listed as nutritional supplements. Typical categories include: ■ Antioxidants ■ Omega fatty acids ■ Amino acids ■ Chondroprotective agents ■ Herbals ■ Probiotics Although some nutraceuticals have shown po-tential for improving veterinary care, little infor-mation is known about their purity, dosage, safety, side effects, and effectiveness.With a few excep-tions, little has been done to address these issues. Included here are nutraceutical compounds that have shown some scientific evidence for both effectiveness and relative safety in the man-agement of liver disease. S-Adenosylmethionine. S-Adenosylmethio-nine (SAMe), a naturally occurring molecule synthesized in all living cells, is essential in inter-mediary metabolism and has both hepatoprotec-tive and antioxidant properties. The liver normally produces abundant SAMe, but evidence also suggests conversion from me-thionine to SAMe is hindered in patients with liver disease and, therefore, results in the depletion of glutathione concentrations.31 Orally adminis-tered SAMe (but not oral glutathione) has been shown to increase intracellular glutathione levels Although some nutraceuticals have shown potential for improving veterinary care, information about their purity, dosage, safety, side effects, and effectiveness remains limited.
  • 22. in hepatocytes and prevent gluta thione depletion when exposed to toxic substances.32 Therefore, SAMe in part acts as an anti oxidant, replenishing the gluta thione stores. Preliminary veterinary studies suggest that SAMe supplementation in-creases hepatic glutathione concentrations in nor-mal cats and prevents glutathione depletion in dogs with steroid-induced hepatopathy .32 SAMe treatment following acetaminophen administra-tion prevented hepatic glutathione depletion.33 Because SAMe is easily oxidized, it is important to use products that have been tested for their sta-bility. In addition, product purity can vary from formulation to formulation, so it is advisable to use products from reputable companies. N-Acetylcysteine. N-Acetylcysteine, the acetylated variant of the amino acid L-cysteine, is an excellent source of the sulfhydryl groups. It is converted in the body into metabolites that stimulate glutathione synthesis, thereby promot-ing detoxification and acting directly as free rad-ical scavengers. N-Acetylcysteine has historically been used as a mucolytic agent for various respiratory ill-nesses but apparently also has beneficial effects in conditions characterized by oxidative stress or decreased glutathione concentrations. N-Acetyl-cysteine is currently the mainstay of treatment for acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.33 It also appears to have some clinical usefulness as a chelating agent in treating acute metal poison-ing, both as an agent protecting the liver and kidney from damage and as intervention to en-hance elimination of metals. N-Acetylcysteine is available in a drug formu-lation and as a nutritional supplement. The oral dose recommended for acetaminophen toxicity is 70 mg/kg Q 8 H. The IV loading dose of 140 mg/kg is followed by a dose of 70 mg/kg. N-Acetylcysteine reportedly has extremely low toxicity with few side effects. I use N-acetylcys-teine IV when the patient is vomiting or too sick to take oral SAMe, which is my preference as maintenance therapy. Phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid used as a nutritional supplement for its hepatoprotective effects. A building block for cell membranes, phosphatidylcholine is required for normal bile acid transport. It is thought to be hepatoprotective by improving membrane in-tegrity and function. In vitro studies have shown that phosphatid-ylcholine increases hepatic collagenase activity and may help prevent fibrosis.34 Clinical trials have indicated that phosphatidylcholine protects the liver against damage from alcohol, viral hep-atitis, and other toxic factors that operate by damaging cell membranes.34 Several phosphatidylcholine supplements are available. No major side effects have been reported other than occasional nausea or diarrhea. Phos-phatidylcholine is rapidly absorbed, enhances ab-sorption of other compounds, and is included as a carrier in one silybin product. Given the apparent safety of phosphatidyl-choline, animal studies would be worthwhile. L-Carnitine. L-Carnitine is a vitamin -like sub-stance found in most cells. Because it is predom-inately synthesized in the liver, liver disease can precipitate deficiency. Clinically, carnitine defi-ciency has been associated with increased am-monia concentrations, hypoglycemia, and fatty livers.35 In one study, carnitine given to obese cats un-dergoing rapid weight loss from caloric restric-tion was found to protect against hepatic triglyceride accumulation.35 Some studies sug-gest that L-carnitine deficiency may play a role in the pathogenesis of idiopathic feline hepatic lipidosis; however, carnitine concentrations were higher in the plasma, liver, and muscle of study cats than in control cats.36 A deficiency of carnitine may lead to impaired mitochondrial function, but studies failed to show carnitine deficiency in cats with hepatic lipidosis.37 Supplementation with 250 mg/day of carnitine in cats with lipidosis is reportedly associated with better survival rates, but this has not been documented. Silymarin. Silymarin, an active extract of milk thistle, grows wild throughout Europe and has In preliminary studies, SAMe supplementation increased hepatic glutathione concentrations in normal cats and prevented glutathione depletion in dogs with steroid-induced hepatopathy. 20 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects
  • 23. Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 21 been used there for more than 2,000 years as a medical remedy for liver disease. In the United States, silymarin is classified as a nutraceutical. Mounting evidence suggests that milk thistle has medicinal benefits for various types of liver disease as well as a protective effect against hepa-totoxins. A recent poll of liver patients at one U.S. hepatology clinic found that 31% were using alternative agents for their disease and that milk thistle was the most common nontradi-tional therapy.38 Several human trials have as-sessed the efficacy of silymarin in the treatment of liver disease. The data are somewhat difficult to interpret because of the limited number of patients, poor study design, variable etiologies, and lack of standardization of preparations with different dosing protocols. However, compelling evidence suggests that silymarin has a therapeutic effect in humans with acute viral hepatitis, alco-holic liver disease, cirrhosis, and toxin- or drug-induced hepatitis.39 To date, limited clinical studies have evaluated the efficacy of silymarin in dogs and cats with liver disease. In one placebo-controlled experi-mental study of dogs poisoned with the Amanita phalloides mushroom, silybin had a sig-nificant positive effect on liver damage and sur-vival outcome.40 The purity and potency of commercial milk thistle products vary by manufacturer, and the therapeutic dose for dogs and cats is unknown, although suggested doses range from 50 to 250 mg/day. Milk thistle reportedly has extremely low toxicity. When the active isomer silybin is complexed with phosphatidylcholine, oral uptake and bioavailability are greater.41 I recently conducted a pharmacokinetic study of silybin, specifically evaluating Marin ( in normal cats. There was evidence of some oxidative protection in red blood cells but no outward signs of toxicity at a dose of 5 mg/kg. A new compound Denamarin ( contains SAMe and sily-bin– phosphatidylcholine and is available in a chewable formulation. The combination of compounds apparently has good absorption and is very stable. Hepatic Complications Secondary complications can develop as liver disease becomes advanced. HE, GI ulceration, and ascites are common in patients with advanced hepatitis or cirrhosis. Hepatic encephalopathy HE results from either portosystemic shunting of blood (congenital or acquired) or hepatocyte de-pletion from acute or chronic liver disease. Many factors can cause HE, most of which are derived from nitrogenous products produced in the GI tract. Ammonia is only one of many substances that cause HE but is commonly used as its marker. Plasma amino acid concentrations may become al-tered in patients with liver disease. Increased levels of aromatic amino acids are hypothesized to form false neurotransmitters, leading to HE, whereas higher concentrations of branched-chain amino acids had a more protective effect5 (see HE and Dietary Protein3,5,42). There are three basic therapeutic goals for man-aging HE (see box on page 22). The first step is using enemas to clean the colon of both bacteria and protein substrates for ammonia production. Slightly acidic enemas can lower the pH of the colon, thereby ionizing ammonia and reducing its absorption. Povidone-iodine can safely be given by Mounting evidence suggests that milk thistle has medicinal benefits for various types of liver disease as well as protective effects against hepatotoxins. HE and Dietary Protein The importance of the dietary protein source has been studied in humans with HE and several experimental studies in dogs with PSS.42 Vegetable and dairy protein sources with lower concentrations of aromatic amino acids have produced the best results in maintaining a positive nitrogen balance with minimal encephalo-pathic signs.5 Foods using soybean meal averted encephalopathic signs in dogs with experimentally created shunts,42 and Purina Veterinary Diet HA Hypoaller-genic formula could be an option in these cases. In addition, dairy products (espe-cially cottage cheese) have been frequently recommended for use in homemade foods for dogs and cats with PSS and chronic hepatic insufficiency.3 However, the amino acid composition of these protein sources is not significantly different from that of meat sources, suggesting that other food factors (eg, digestibility, levels of soluble carbohydrate, fermentable fiber) are important. Fermentable carbohydrates in crease microbial nitrogen fixation, reduce intra-luminal ammonia production in the gut, and promote colonic evacuation. Fer-mentable fiber added to the diet has been shown to decrease ammonia production. Commercial and homemade foods can be supplemented with various sources of soluble fiber, such as psyllium husk fiber. HE = hepatic encephalopathy; PSS = portosystemic shunt
  • 24. enema as a 10% solution (weak-tea color) that will both acidify the colon and have antiseptic action, thereby reducing bacterial numbers. Intestinal antibiotics can be used to alter bowel flora and suppress urease-producing organisms important in forming factors that cause HE. An-tibiotic suggestions include oral ampicillin, amino-glycosides (eg, neomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin), or metronidazole. Metronidazole at a dose of 7 to 10 mg/kg PO Q 12 H has been useful in control-ling anaerobic urease-producing bacteria. Practitioners should monitor patients carefully be-cause metronidazole is partially metabolized in the liver; the lower dose range is suggested. A nondigestible disaccharide lactulose given orally can acidify the colon, convert ammonia to ammonium that is poorly ab-sorbable, and thus trap ammonia in the colon. The fermentation products of lactulose can also act Basic Therapeutic Goals for HE 1. Recognize and correct precipitating 2. Reduce intestinal production and absorption of neurotoxins, with special emphasis on ammonia. 3. Achieve the fine balance between providing too much and too little protein. HE = hepatic encephalopathy as an osmotic laxative and reduce colonic bacteria and protein substrates. Lactulose is not absorbed systemically and is considered safe. A dose of 1 to 10 ml PO Q 8 H is generally effective, but the dose should be adjusted to cause three or four soft stools a day. Lactulose can also be given by enema when treating severe cases of HE. Gastrointestinal ulceration Ulceration in the GI tract, a common occurrence in both advanced acute and chronic liver disease, can cause GI signs, such as vomiting and anorexia. In addition, blood loss into the intestinal tract promotes HE because blood is an excellent pro-tein source of ammonia production. Gastric ulcers should be treated with a histamine-2 (H2) blocker, such as 2 to 5 mg/kg of ranitidine Q 8 H to Q 12 H and a 1 mg tab/25 kg of oral sucralfate Q 8 H given 1 hour before ranitidine. Cimetidine should be avoided in patients with liver disease because it is metabolized by the liver causes of HE. 22 Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects and is an enzyme suppressor that can alter the he-patic metabolism of other drugs. If blood loss is se-vere and there is need for transfusion, only fresh blood should be administered because ammonia concentrations can increase in stored blood. Ascites In patients with liver disease, ascites occurs when portal hypertension, hypoalbuminemia, and renal sodium and water retention work in concert to cause fluid exudation. The presence of ascites is a poor prognostic indicator. Diuretics are the major means of managing as-cites in small animals. Too rapid removal of ascitic fluid can cause metabolic complications and pre-cipitate HE. The goal of diuretic therapy should be gentle water diuresis. The two diuretics most commonly used are furosemide and spironolactone. The general consensus at CSU is that spironolactone is more effective with liver disease. The loop diuretic furosemide can, however, cause marked dehy-dration and loss of potassium, which can precip-itate HE. In patients with liver disease, sodium reabsorption at the distal tubule may be great and may counter the effects of furosemide at-tributable to elevated aldosterone concentrations (reported to occur in some dogs with liver dis-ease). 43 Spironolactone at a dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg/day is consequently the first-line diuretic. Furosemide can be added later if necessary. If an animal has tense ascites, paracentesis should be performed to decrease intraabdominal pressure, relieve compression of the venous circulation, and improve patient comfort. Summary It is critical to recognize the complexity of the medical and nutritional needs of patients with liver disease. Practitioners should formulate an individualized therapeutic and dietary plan ac-cordingly. Because there are few good controlled studies evaluating liver disease therapy, it is im-portant to carefully monitor each patient and adjust the treatment, based on clinical response of the patient, laboratory changes, or histologic findings. ■ Cimetidine should be avoided in patients with liver disease because it is metabolized by the liver and is an enzyme suppressor that can alter hepatic metabolism of other drugs.
  • 25. Treatment of Liver Disease: Medical and Nutritional Aspects 23 References 1. Hepatic disease, nutritional therapy and the metabolic envi-ronment: Timely topics in nutrition. Bauer JE. JAVMA 209:1850-1854, 1996. 2. Energy and protein requirements of patients with chronic liver disease. Kondrup J, Muller MJ. J Hepatol 27:239-247, 1997. 3. Nutrition and liver disease. Biourge V. Semin Vet Med Surg (Small Anim) 12:34-44, 1997. 4. Nutritional support for dogs and cats with hepatobiliary dis-ease. Center SA. J Nutr 125:2733S-2746S, 1998. 5. Vegetable versus animal protein diet in cirrhotic patients with chronic encephalopathy: A randomized cross-over comparison. Bianchi GP, Marchesini G, Fabbri A, et al. J Intern Med 233:369-371, 1993. 6. Nutritional support in hepatic disease. Part II. Dietary man-agement of common liver disorders in dogs and cats. Marks SL, Rogers QR, Strombeck DR, et al. Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 16:1287-1290, 1994. 7. 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  • 26. Obesity is the number one nutritional disorder in pets in the western world. Twenty-five per-cent of cats seen by veterinarians in the United States and Canada are overweight or obese.1 In optimal condi-tion, cats should carry 15% to 20% body fat. In 1998, Donoghue and Scarlett2 studied diet and obesity in cats. Using multivariate statistical analysis controlled for age, they showed that obesity is a risk factor for: ■ Diabetes mellitus ■ Skin problems ■ Hepatic lipidosis ■ Lameness Other researchers have found that a chronic overweight state, in cats as well as in other species, is associated with an in-creased risk for:3-5 ■ Hyperlipidemia ■ Insulin resistance ■ Glucose intolerance ■ Feline lower urinary tract disease ■ Anesthetic complications ■ Dyspnea and Pickwickian syndrome ■ Exercise intolerance ■ Heat intolerance ■ Impaired immune function ■ Exacerbation of degenerative joint disorders ■ Dermatologic conditions Interestingly, mixed-breed cats were found to be at higher risk for becoming overweight than purebred cats were. While this might be genetic, husbandry and awareness of the cat probably play a role. By keeping cats indoors, we eliminate their need to work for food and defend themselves. We leave them without stimulation for much of the day and feed them excessive quanti-ties of palatable, calorie-dense diets. Neutering has been shown to reduce the energy requirements (resting meta-bolic rate) of cats by 20% to 25%.6,7 A link has been shown between serum lep-tin levels and weight and fat gains follow-ing gonadectomy.8 Increased leptin levels may contribute to the decreased insulin sensitivity seen in overweight cats.9 These tendencies make it important that we counsel our clients to measure the amounts of food being fed and to watch carefully for weight gain and adjust calorie intake accordingly. Ingesting 10 extra pieces of an average maintenance kibble each day above a cat’s energy needs can result in a weight gain of 1 pound of body fat in 1 year. Russell and cowork-ers10 showed that the frequency of feed-ing, along with the quantity fed, makes a significant difference. Feeding small meals more often and limiting the num-ber of treats offered together provide the most appropriate feeding strategy, given innate feline physiology,11,12 and thus as-sist with weight loss. Assessing Body Composition and Condition: Tools Cats reach their adult weight at about 12 Margie Scherk, DVM, DABVP (Feline), Vancouver, BC, Canada From Problem to Success: A Weight Loss Program That Works, Growing Relationships, Not Girth in Cats Symposium Proceedings: Critical Updates on Canine and Feline Health 24 A Weight Loss Program That Works, Growing Relationships, Not Girth in Cats
  • 27. A Weight Loss Program That Works, Growing Relationships, Not Girth in Cats 25 to 15 months of age. This can be used as a guide to determine an individual’s ideal size, assuming opti-mal body condition score (BCS) at that time. It is easier to prevent weight gain than to lose weight. The prevalence of obesity increases after 2 years of age, plateaus until about 12 years, and then declines thereafter.13 Thus, an approved strategy is to: 1. Record a body weight at every veterinary visit. 2. Calculate the percent weight change to iden-tify trends. This is a valuable tool for detecting weight change patterns and, in my experience, helpful in identifying cats with early chronic illness, including pancreatitis, cholangitis, and bowel malabsorptive conditions (eg, inflam-matory bowel disease, intestinal lymphoma, adenocarcinoma). Likewise, a percentage weight change that is increasing gradually helps to identify cats at risk for obesity. % Weight change = (Current weight – Previous weight) Previous weight 3. Assess the BCS at every visit, categorizing the individual’s shape as emaciated, thin, ideal, heavy, or grossly obese on a scale of 1 to 9 (see page 5) or 1 to 5. For a cat in ideal condition, the bony prominences of the body (ie, pelvis, ribs) can be readily palpated but not seen or felt above the skin surfaces. There should be insufficient intraabdominal fat to obscure or interfere with abdominal palpation. 4. Assess muscle condition using a muscle score to help define whether weight is adequately proportioned to lean versus fat. 5. In questionable cases, use radiography and ultra-sonography to assess falciform fat deposits, par-alumbar fat, and perirenal fat. In research settings, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) evaluation is used for the most accurate bone density, muscle mass, and fat calculations. What to Feed It is not enough to simply feed less of a normal diet. Not only will the patient be unhappy and feel hungry, but all nutrient quantities will be de-creased, not just the calories. A diet should be bal-anced according to energy content. When cats eat enough of the diet to meet energy requirements, then their protein, vitamin, and mineral needs will be met as well. In cats, exceeding protein needs beyond mainte-nance requirements helps to induce satiety. When they were fed a diet with 45% of calories from pro-tein, cats lost more fat and less lean mass compared with cats fed a diet with 35% of calories from pro-tein, despite similar total weight loss and rate of weight loss.14 There are a number of approaches to feline weight loss: 1. High protein protects (minimizes loss of ) lean mass, stimulates cellular energy metabolism and protein turnover, and may enhance satiety. 2. High moisture can reduce caloric density, which promotes short-term weight loss: It takes a few weeks to a few months for cats to adapt to the lower-caloric density (as fed) in canned foods versus dry foods; however, this only works for some cats. 3. High fiber can reduce caloric density and induce satiety. Some cats will self-restrict calorie intake when fed a dry, high-fiber, low-calorie diet. 4. Low fat will reduce caloric density. High-fat diets are a risk factor for inducing obesity and are generally not considered optimum for a weight loss diet. That said, some cats will lose weight on a high-protein, high-fat, low-car-bohydrate diet. Ultimately, it is the calories ingested versus ex-pended that is required for loss of weight. Given the benefits of achieving lean body mass using the first approach, a goal of at least 40% protein, dry basis, in a low-fat diet (6% to 10% fat) or more protein in a higher-fat diet (12% to 16% fat) is a healthy approach to take. The energy requirement for an individual is made up of several components: daily energy re-quirement (DER*), resting energy requirement (RER), exercise energy requirement (EER), thermic effect of food (TEF), and adaptive thermogenesis (AT): DER = RER + EER + TEF + AT. Because the RER varies among individuals, a manufacturer’s recommendations may be too high for a given cat. A goal of at least 40% protein, dry basis, in a low-fat diet (6% to 10% fat) or more protein in a higher-fat diet (12% to 16% fat) is a healthy approach to take. *Unlike metabolizable energy requirement (MER), DER includes energy required for activity, such as work, gestation, and growth, as well as energy needed for maintaining normal body temperature.