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Phylogenetic Analysis Homework assignment
This assignment will be completedon your own and
turned in the weekof 11/8-11/10.
Molecular evolution is the study of how proteins
and nucleic acidsevolve. Included in this
field are studies of mutations and chromosomal
rearrangements, the evolutionary process,
the identification of sequence patterns conferring
function in proteins and nucleic acids,
and the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of
organisms and the molecules that
they make. All of thesestudies rely on comparisons
of nucleotide or amino acid sequences.
In this tutorial, you will be introduced to someof
the fundamental principles of molecular
evolution and the types of bioinformatics tools that
are used in evolutionary studies. We
will begin by carrying out a manual sequence
comparison, so that the basicconcepts can
be introduced, and the remainder of the project
will be carried out at The Biology
Workbench, a set of bioinformatics analysis
programs managed by The San Diego
Supercomputing Center at the University of
California, San Diego.
• To introduce the principles of molecular evolution
• To acquaint you with the tools that are available to
compare nucleotide and
amino acid sequences
• To learnabout the use of protein sequences in
reconstructions of evolutionary history
Branchingevolution occurs when one ancestral species
gives rise to two or more progeny
species. However, speciation events don't
involve the vast majority of the genes in a
genome. That is, for most genes, both of the
progeny species inherit identical genes from
the ancestor. Following speciation, these genes
evolve independently in the separate
lineages. Studies of molecular evolution therefore rely
heavily on comparisons of related
sequences from different organisms.
Shown below is an alignment of two homologous
sequences that we will use as a starting
place. Homologous sequences are sequences
that have descended from a common
ancestral sequence. You can't meaningfully
compare sequences unless they are
homologous. Thisalignment uses the single letter
amino acid code, in which G represents
glycine, Q represents glutamine, etc. The aligned
proteins have been shown to be involved
in the metabolism of similar, but different, toxic
compounds. As you can see, these amino
acid sequences are very similar and it is easy to
recognize that they are related by common
An expanded version of this alignment is shown
below. In this expanded alignment, both
the amino acidsand the corresponding DNAnucleotides
are shown. For ease of analysis,
the codons have been broken into separate entries in
a table.
Alignment of nahAc and dntAc sequences.
This region was chosen at random to represent
the changes that take place in
nucleotide sequences over time.
Answer the questions below by manually comparing
these sequences (this section is
for your own understanding, you do not need to turn
this in.)
1. Assuming that the dntAc sequence represents the
ancestral sequence, how
many nucleotide changes (mutations) have
occurred in this region to create the
nahAc nucleotide sequence? Remember that in
actuality neither sequence
represents the ancestral sequence.
2. Ofthesenucleotide changes, how many of these
changed the amino acid
encoded by that codon (i.e, how many were
nonsynonymous changes)?
3. How many nucleotide changes were in the
first codon position? How many of
these altered the encoded amino acid?
4. How many nucleotide changes were in the
second codon position? How many
of these altered the encoded amino acid?
5. How many of the nucleotide changes were in
the third codon position? How
many of thesealtered the encoded amino acid?
6. Compare the % identity of thesetwo sequences at
the nucleotide vs protein
level. Percent identity is equal to (# of
positions in common / total # positions)
* 100.
Nucleotide % identity
Amino acid % identity
7. Why is therea difference between amino acid %
identity and nucleotide percent
If needed, a table of the single letter amino
acid code can be found at:
If needed, a codon table can be found at:
The manual analysis that you just carried out
introduced you to someof the ways that
molecules evolve. The purpose of that manual
analysis was to get you thinking about
the mechanisms by which genes and proteins
change over time,and the types of forces
that control those changes. For example, when
we do analyses of this type we almost
always see many more changes in the 3rd
position of codons than in the first position.
Why is this? Do you thinkthat thesenucleotides
mutate at a higher rate than
nucleotides in the first position? What else
might be responsible for this
Several computer tools have been developed that allow
you to quickly retrieve, align,
and compare genes and proteins from different
organisms. The remaining portion of
this tutorial will be carried out using The
Biology Workbench, a set of bioinformatics
analysis programs managed by The San Diego
Supercomputing Center at the University
of California, San Diego. The Biology Workbench
integrates a wide variety of different
programs, and this site can be used for many
different kinds of analyses in addition to
molecular evolution studies.
Homework Assignment
You are going to retrieve, align, and compare
hemoglobin protein sequences from a variety
of animals. Print out the phylogenetic trees for both b-
hemoglobin & a- and b -hemoglobin.
Don’t forget to writeyour name on the
assignment. Each tree will be worth 10
points. There
are additional questions in the protocol that you should
answer for your lab manuals only.
Bonus points (10):
Do a third separate alignment of a gene of interest
to you from 5 different species, print out
and include the phylogenetic tree.
Extend the hemoglobin analysis for 5 additional
species suggested at the end of the
assignment, print out and include the phylogenetic
Project 1: b-hemoglobin gene alignment
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells
that is involved in oxygen transport. It
belongs to
a family of related globin oxygen-binding
genes that has evolved through a number of
speciation and gene duplication events.
In the instructions below, the actions that you
will need to take on the internet site are
indicated in boldface type.
Computer-Aided Sequence Comparisons
First, you will need to access The Biology Workbench at:
In order to use the site, you need to set up a
free account. To do this, select Register and
follow the instructions.
You will be taken to a new session. You
can carryout several different projects at the
same time using The Biology Workbench, and it
keeps your different projects in different
folders, which are referred to as sessions.
Now, select Protein Tools to begin.
Retrieving protein sequences using The Biology
You are going to retrieve, align, and compare
hemoglobin proteins from a variety of
different animals. You will do this using a tool
named Ndjinn. Click on protein tools and
then use the menu to select Ndjinn -
Multiple Database search, then select Run. First,
you need to select the database to use for the
search. In the alphabetical list of
databases select Swissprot database. SWISSPROT is
a protein sequence database that
was begun in 1986 and is maintained
collaboratively by the Swiss Institute for
Bioinformatics and the European Bioinformatics Institute.
This database has recently
been updated, and is now divided into divisions
(human, rodent, mammal, vertebrate,
etc.).Be sure to search the correct division for
each organism.
Secondly, in the search box, enterthe term beta
hemoglobin in order to search for beta
hemoglobin sequences. Change hits per page to 50
Then select Search. A list of
sequences will be returned (lots and lots of hemoglobin
sequences are in the databases,
which is one of the reasons why we are using
this protein). You want to select the box
next to the entrylabeled
Hemoglobin subunit beta (Hemoglobin beta chain)
(Beta-globin) [Homo sapiens (Human)]
This result won't be at the top of the list.
Make sure that you selected the sequence for
the beta chain, and not the alpha, delta or gamma
Now, select Import Sequence from the list of
actions at the bottom of the page.
This will return you to the Protein tools screen,
but now the entryyou just imported will
be underneath the action menu.
For this project, you also want to import 4 more
hemoglobin beta sequences into your
session - from gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), mouse
(Musmusculus), chicken (Gallus gallus),
and bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeiana). The specific
sequences you want are labeled as
musculus (Mouse)]
catesbeiana (American bullfrog) (Rana
Note: to get thesesequences quickly, you can use
Ndjinn with the appropriate search
terms. Even faster, you could change the
settings for Ndjinn (so it displayed all hits
instead of 10) and use the 'search in page'
feature of your browser. Select the
sequences, then select Import Sequence from the
list of actions at the bottom of the
This will take you to a page similar to the one
that you were at before, but now there
should be five different hemoglobin sequences listed
on the page. These organisms are
related in a way that should be pretty clear to
you. The human hemoglobin sequence is
identical to that from chimpanzees. Which of the
remaining four amino acid sequences
do you thinkwill be most like the human sequence?
Which sequence will be the next
closest? Which sequence do you thinkwill be the
most different from the human
sequence? Why?
Aligning the sequences.
Now we will carryout an alignment of the five
hemoglobin sequences that you have
retrieved. We will use a program called ClustalW to
perform the alignment. ClustalW is
a multiple sequence alignment tool that searches out
the best global alignment—that is,
the alignment with the most identity across the entire
range of all of the sequences. The
program is adjustable in that you can give different
weights to different types of
Select the boxes of all five of the hemoglobin
sequences. Then select CLUSTALW
Multiple Sequence Alignment from the action menu,
and select Run. This will take you
to a new page. Change output tree from
'unrooted tree' to 'rooted and unrooted trees',
and Select submit. This will take you to a new
page. Scroll down the page to the section
called ‘Sequencealignment’. Each of the amino
acid sequences that you retrieved is
shown in the alignment.
The alignment is color-coded, so that you can see
different types of changes without
looking at the specific amino acidsin the
sequence. Four different colors are used to
indicate varying levels of sequence conservation.
The bright blue areasare areasthat
are identical across all 5 sequences. The green
and dark blue areasare conserved but
not identical. Thismeans that although different amino
acidsare in this position, the
amino acids are similar to one another--for
example an amino acid with a hydrophobic R
group has been replaced by another amino acid
that also has a hydrophobic R group.
The black regions are unconserved--different amino
acidswith different properties are
present in this position in the different proteins.
One thingthat you can see in this alignment is that
thereare someregions in the protein
that are highly conserved, and others that are
only conserved to a lesser extent. This
reflects the fact that someparts of a protein can
and do evolve at different rates than
other parts of a protein. The highly conserved
regions are likely to be directly involved in
the functioning of the protein, which in this
case might be in binding the heme group
or in
interchain interactions. In an enzyme, amino acids
located at the active site are likely to be
highly conserved. The less conserved regions are
unlikely to be directly involved in
the functioning of the protein, for example, they
may have a 'spacer' function to
separate two otherregions.
Mutations happen randomly, however, and occur without
regard to the type of change
in the encoded protein. When changes occur
that produce a nonfunctional protein, the
organisms that have that mutation are likely to be
eliminated via natural selection. The
selection pressure against organisms with nonfunctional or
less-functional hemoglobin is
likely to be high.The highly conserved regions
aren't conserved because mutations never
occurred in thesepositions, but rather because natural
selection eliminated those
mutations once they did occur.
The Phylogenetic Tree created from the alignment
The ClustalW program also gives you another means
of viewing the information in the
alignment--it also depicts this information in the
form of a phylogenetic tree.
At the bottom of the page is a dendrogram
that depicts the relationships between the
sequences. In this figure, the sequences are
represented at the tips of the lines. A
branchpoint, where two lines diverge, represents a
single ancestor sequence. Two
sequences that have a single branchpoint between
them are more closely related to each
otherthan to the othersequences. The horizontal
length of the branches represents
evolutionary distance (related to amount of
dissimilar sequence), so that two sequences
with a high amount of similarity are connected by a
smaller distance than two sequences
that are less closely related.
This type of diagram can be used to infer the
evolutionary relationships between the
sequences, because you would expect that
sequences which are nearly identical shared a
recent common ancestor. Similarly, the evolutionary
relationships between the source
organisms can be inferred from the relationships
between the sequences.
Here, you can see the relationship that you
intuitively expected--the gorilla sequence is
very similar to the human sequence, because these
two organisms are both primates
and therefore shared a common ancestor more
recently than humans and mice did.
Similarly, the mouse, a mammal, shared a
common ancestor with the primates more
recently than it shared a common ancestor with
the chicken or frog.
Different models for evolutionary mechanisms might
produce different evolutionary
distances than those shown here.
• Print out the phylogenetic tree (rooted or
unrooted) and include it in your
homework assignment
The relationship between alpha and beta globin
Hemoglobin is a tetramer (4 subunits) of two
different polypeptides named alpha and
beta hemoglobin. Alpha and beta hemoglobin are
related to each othervia an ancient
gene duplication event. That is, therewas one gene
(the ancestral globin), and it
duplicated to form two genes in the same
organism (alpha and beta globins), and then
thesegenes underwent independent evolution as
the progeny of that organism
replicated. This gene duplication event occurred
before mammals diverged, Therefore,
an alpha globin gene in a mouse is more
closely related to (or, more recently diverged
from) an alpha globin gene from a
chimpanzee than it is to a beta globin
gene from the
same mouse. Gene duplication is a very important
evolutionary process, and it is clear
that it has happened numeroustimes on an
evolutionary timescale.
The alpha and beta sequences arose in an
ancestor common to all of the animals that
are looking at. That is, this gene duplication
event occurred before the divergence of
lineages that led to modern primates, mammals, birds,
and amphibians.
To import the alpha globin sequences into your
session, pressthe gray Return button on
the screen, then deselect the alignment, and then
select Protein Tools. Then use Ndjinn
to import the following sequences. If you
carryout a search for 'hemoglobin alpha' in
SWISSPROT database using Ndjinn, you will have to
search through several hundred
responses--it may help to use the 'find in page'
feature of your internet browser.
(Human), Pan troglodytes
(Chimpanzee), and Pan paniscus (Pygmy chimpanzee)
catesbeiana (American bull frog)]
gorilla (Lowland gorilla)]
Onceyou have all the sequences imported, select all
ten sequences (your 5 beta
sequences and 5 alpha sequences) and perform
another Clustal W alignment of the
sequences. Make sure that the entire results
page has loaded (this takesa little bit of
time), and then examine the unrooted phylogenetic
tree of the sequences.
• Print out the phylogenetic tree (dendrogram) of
alpha and beta globin
sequences from the five organisms. Include it in
your assignment.
Answer thesequestions for your lab manuals:
1 . Do the alpha sequences cluster together
separately from the beta sequences?
2. Is the branching pattern among the alpha
sequences similar to the branching
among the beta sequences?
Independent project: For (10) bonus points you
may do an independent project
where you alignsequences from 5 different species
from a gene you are interested in or
you may extend the beta hemoglobin gene analysis
and complete the project idea below.
Print the phylogenetic tree and include it in your
homework assignment to get the bonus
Bonus project idea
Estimating relationships between existing mammals.
In the analysis that we carried out, it was fairly
easy to predict the results because we
understand the relationships between humans,
gorillas, mice, chickens, and frogs. The
way in which otheranimals are related can be
difficult to understand. Even among the
mammals, it may be difficult to see how different
organisms are related to each other.
Using beta hemoglobin sequences, investigate
relationships between the organisms
Minke whale Killer
Whale Harbor seal
Indian Elephant
White Rhinoceros
Brazilian Manatee
European River Otter
Polar Bear
Before carrying out the analysis, predict the
relationships between the different
1. Are whales and seals more closely related to
one another than to any of these
other species?
2. To which organism is the manatee most closely
3. To which organism is the elephant most closely
4. To which organism is the otter most closely
After carrying out the analysis:
1. Are whales and seals more closely related to
one another than to any of these
other species?
2. To which organism is the manatee most closely
3. To which organism is the elephant most closely
4. To which organism is the otter most closely
Would you predict that you would see the same
results if you used a different protein for
the analysis, for example the cytochrome c
protein? Why or why not?
The following review questions will help to reinforce
what you've learned in this tutorial.
Answer them for your lab manual.
Questions – Review
1. Why was it necessary to carryout an alignment of
the sequences we analyzed?
2. Nucleotide substitutions might lead to changes in
the sequence of amino acidsin a
protein, which can be seen by comparing
homologous positions in a sequence alignment.
How would deletions or insertions appear in a
sequence alignment?
3. Sometimes gene duplications result in the
formation of a pseudogene, a sequence of
nucleotides that is very similar to a gene but
isn't expressed. This can occur in a variety
ways, for example if the gene is duplicated
but a regulatoryregion or the promoter
region for that gene is not duplicated. Which
would evolve (accumulate nucleotide
substitutions) more rapidly, a pseudogene or a
duplicated gene that was expressed?

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  • 1. 1 Phylogenetic Analysis Homework assignment This assignment will be completedon your own and turned in the weekof 11/8-11/10. Introduction Molecular evolution is the study of how proteins and nucleic acidsevolve. Included in this field are studies of mutations and chromosomal rearrangements, the evolutionary process, the identification of sequence patterns conferring function in proteins and nucleic acids, and the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of organisms and the molecules that they make. All of thesestudies rely on comparisons of nucleotide or amino acid sequences. In this tutorial, you will be introduced to someof the fundamental principles of molecular evolution and the types of bioinformatics tools that are used in evolutionary studies. We will begin by carrying out a manual sequence comparison, so that the basicconcepts can be introduced, and the remainder of the project will be carried out at The Biology Workbench, a set of bioinformatics analysis programs managed by The San Diego Supercomputing Center at the University of
  • 2. California, San Diego. Objectives • To introduce the principles of molecular evolution • To acquaint you with the tools that are available to compare nucleotide and amino acid sequences • To learnabout the use of protein sequences in reconstructions of evolutionary history Project Branchingevolution occurs when one ancestral species gives rise to two or more progeny species. However, speciation events don't involve the vast majority of the genes in a genome. That is, for most genes, both of the progeny species inherit identical genes from the ancestor. Following speciation, these genes evolve independently in the separate lineages. Studies of molecular evolution therefore rely heavily on comparisons of related sequences from different organisms. Shown below is an alignment of two homologous sequences that we will use as a starting place. Homologous sequences are sequences that have descended from a common ancestral sequence. You can't meaningfully compare sequences unless they are
  • 3. homologous. Thisalignment uses the single letter amino acid code, in which G represents glycine, Q represents glutamine, etc. The aligned proteins have been shown to be involved in the metabolism of similar, but different, toxic compounds. As you can see, these amino acid sequences are very similar and it is easy to recognize that they are related by common descent. 2 dntAc: KMGVDDEVIVSRQNDGSVR nahAc: KMGIDDEVIVSRQSDGSIR An expanded version of this alignment is shown below. In this expanded alignment, both the amino acidsand the corresponding DNAnucleotides are shown. For ease of analysis, the codons have been broken into separate entries in a table. Alignment of nahAc and dntAc sequences. K M G V D E V I V dntAc AAA ATG GGC GTC GAT GAA GTC ATC GTC nahAc AAA ATG GGT ATT GAC GAG GTC ATC GTC
  • 4. K M G I D E V I V S R Q N D G S V R dntAc TCC CGC CAG AAC GAT GGC TCG GTG CGA nahAc TCT CGG CAG AGC GAC GGT TCG ATT CGT S R Q S D G S I R This region was chosen at random to represent the changes that take place in nucleotide sequences over time. Answer the questions below by manually comparing these sequences (this section is for your own understanding, you do not need to turn this in.) 1. Assuming that the dntAc sequence represents the ancestral sequence, how many nucleotide changes (mutations) have occurred in this region to create the nahAc nucleotide sequence? Remember that in actuality neither sequence represents the ancestral sequence. 2. Ofthesenucleotide changes, how many of these changed the amino acid encoded by that codon (i.e, how many were nonsynonymous changes)?
  • 5. 3. How many nucleotide changes were in the first codon position? How many of these altered the encoded amino acid? 4. How many nucleotide changes were in the second codon position? How many of these altered the encoded amino acid? 5. How many of the nucleotide changes were in the third codon position? How many of thesealtered the encoded amino acid? 6. Compare the % identity of thesetwo sequences at the nucleotide vs protein 3 level. Percent identity is equal to (# of positions in common / total # positions) * 100. Nucleotide % identity Amino acid % identity
  • 6. 7. Why is therea difference between amino acid % identity and nucleotide percent identity? If needed, a table of the single letter amino acid code can be found at: ml If needed, a codon table can be found at: The manual analysis that you just carried out introduced you to someof the ways that molecules evolve. The purpose of that manual analysis was to get you thinking about the mechanisms by which genes and proteins change over time,and the types of forces that control those changes. For example, when we do analyses of this type we almost always see many more changes in the 3rd position of codons than in the first position. Why is this? Do you thinkthat thesenucleotides mutate at a higher rate than nucleotides in the first position? What else might be responsible for this phenomenon? Several computer tools have been developed that allow
  • 7. you to quickly retrieve, align, and compare genes and proteins from different organisms. The remaining portion of this tutorial will be carried out using The Biology Workbench, a set of bioinformatics analysis programs managed by The San Diego Supercomputing Center at the University of California, San Diego. The Biology Workbench integrates a wide variety of different programs, and this site can be used for many different kinds of analyses in addition to molecular evolution studies. 4 Homework Assignment You are going to retrieve, align, and compare hemoglobin protein sequences from a variety of animals. Print out the phylogenetic trees for both b- hemoglobin & a- and b -hemoglobin. Don’t forget to writeyour name on the assignment. Each tree will be worth 10 points. There are additional questions in the protocol that you should answer for your lab manuals only. Bonus points (10): Do a third separate alignment of a gene of interest to you from 5 different species, print out and include the phylogenetic tree.
  • 8. Or Extend the hemoglobin analysis for 5 additional species suggested at the end of the assignment, print out and include the phylogenetic tree. Project 1: b-hemoglobin gene alignment Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that is involved in oxygen transport. It belongs to a family of related globin oxygen-binding genes that has evolved through a number of speciation and gene duplication events. In the instructions below, the actions that you will need to take on the internet site are indicated in boldface type. Computer-Aided Sequence Comparisons First, you will need to access The Biology Workbench at: In order to use the site, you need to set up a free account. To do this, select Register and follow the instructions. You will be taken to a new session. You can carryout several different projects at the same time using The Biology Workbench, and it keeps your different projects in different folders, which are referred to as sessions. Now, select Protein Tools to begin. Retrieving protein sequences using The Biology Workbench.
  • 9. You are going to retrieve, align, and compare hemoglobin proteins from a variety of different animals. You will do this using a tool named Ndjinn. Click on protein tools and then use the menu to select Ndjinn - Multiple Database search, then select Run. First, you need to select the database to use for the search. In the alphabetical list of databases select Swissprot database. SWISSPROT is a protein sequence database that was begun in 1986 and is maintained collaboratively by the Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics and the European Bioinformatics Institute. This database has recently been updated, and is now divided into divisions (human, rodent, mammal, vertebrate, etc.).Be sure to search the correct division for each organism. Secondly, in the search box, enterthe term beta hemoglobin in order to search for beta hemoglobin sequences. Change hits per page to 50 Then select Search. A list of 5 sequences will be returned (lots and lots of hemoglobin sequences are in the databases, which is one of the reasons why we are using this protein). You want to select the box next to the entrylabeled SWISSPROT:HBB_HUMAN Hemoglobin subunit beta (Hemoglobin beta chain)
  • 10. (Beta-globin) [Homo sapiens (Human)] This result won't be at the top of the list. Make sure that you selected the sequence for the beta chain, and not the alpha, delta or gamma sequences. Now, select Import Sequence from the list of actions at the bottom of the page. This will return you to the Protein tools screen, but now the entryyou just imported will be underneath the action menu. For this project, you also want to import 4 more hemoglobin beta sequences into your session - from gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), mouse (Musmusculus), chicken (Gallus gallus), and bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeiana). The specific sequences you want are labeled as follows: SWISSPROT:HBB1_MOUSE HEMOGLOBIN BETA-1 CHAIN (B1) (MAJOR) [Mus musculus (Mouse)] SWISSPROT:HBB_CHICK HEMOGLOBIN BETA CHAIN [Gallus gallus (Chicken)] SWISSPROT:HBB_LITCT HEMOGLOBIN BETA CHAIN [Lithobates catesbeiana (American bullfrog) (Rana catesbeiana)] SWISSPROT:HBB_GORGO (P02024) HEMOGLOBIN BETA CHAIN [Gorilla
  • 11. gorilla] Note: to get thesesequences quickly, you can use Ndjinn with the appropriate search terms. Even faster, you could change the settings for Ndjinn (so it displayed all hits instead of 10) and use the 'search in page' feature of your browser. Select the sequences, then select Import Sequence from the list of actions at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a page similar to the one that you were at before, but now there should be five different hemoglobin sequences listed on the page. These organisms are related in a way that should be pretty clear to you. The human hemoglobin sequence is identical to that from chimpanzees. Which of the remaining four amino acid sequences do you thinkwill be most like the human sequence? Which sequence will be the next closest? Which sequence do you thinkwill be the most different from the human sequence? Why? 6 Aligning the sequences. Now we will carryout an alignment of the five hemoglobin sequences that you have retrieved. We will use a program called ClustalW to
  • 12. perform the alignment. ClustalW is a multiple sequence alignment tool that searches out the best global alignment—that is, the alignment with the most identity across the entire range of all of the sequences. The program is adjustable in that you can give different weights to different types of mismatches. Select the boxes of all five of the hemoglobin sequences. Then select CLUSTALW Multiple Sequence Alignment from the action menu, and select Run. This will take you to a new page. Change output tree from 'unrooted tree' to 'rooted and unrooted trees', and Select submit. This will take you to a new page. Scroll down the page to the section called ‘Sequencealignment’. Each of the amino acid sequences that you retrieved is shown in the alignment. The alignment is color-coded, so that you can see different types of changes without looking at the specific amino acidsin the sequence. Four different colors are used to indicate varying levels of sequence conservation. The bright blue areasare areasthat are identical across all 5 sequences. The green and dark blue areasare conserved but not identical. Thismeans that although different amino acidsare in this position, the amino acids are similar to one another--for example an amino acid with a hydrophobic R group has been replaced by another amino acid
  • 13. that also has a hydrophobic R group. The black regions are unconserved--different amino acidswith different properties are present in this position in the different proteins. One thingthat you can see in this alignment is that thereare someregions in the protein that are highly conserved, and others that are only conserved to a lesser extent. This reflects the fact that someparts of a protein can and do evolve at different rates than other parts of a protein. The highly conserved regions are likely to be directly involved in the functioning of the protein, which in this case might be in binding the heme group or in interchain interactions. In an enzyme, amino acids located at the active site are likely to be highly conserved. The less conserved regions are unlikely to be directly involved in the functioning of the protein, for example, they may have a 'spacer' function to separate two otherregions. Mutations happen randomly, however, and occur without regard to the type of change in the encoded protein. When changes occur that produce a nonfunctional protein, the organisms that have that mutation are likely to be eliminated via natural selection. The selection pressure against organisms with nonfunctional or less-functional hemoglobin is likely to be high.The highly conserved regions aren't conserved because mutations never
  • 14. occurred in thesepositions, but rather because natural selection eliminated those mutations once they did occur. 7 The Phylogenetic Tree created from the alignment The ClustalW program also gives you another means of viewing the information in the alignment--it also depicts this information in the form of a phylogenetic tree. At the bottom of the page is a dendrogram that depicts the relationships between the sequences. In this figure, the sequences are represented at the tips of the lines. A branchpoint, where two lines diverge, represents a single ancestor sequence. Two sequences that have a single branchpoint between them are more closely related to each otherthan to the othersequences. The horizontal length of the branches represents evolutionary distance (related to amount of dissimilar sequence), so that two sequences with a high amount of similarity are connected by a smaller distance than two sequences that are less closely related. This type of diagram can be used to infer the evolutionary relationships between the sequences, because you would expect that sequences which are nearly identical shared a
  • 15. recent common ancestor. Similarly, the evolutionary relationships between the source organisms can be inferred from the relationships between the sequences. Here, you can see the relationship that you intuitively expected--the gorilla sequence is very similar to the human sequence, because these two organisms are both primates and therefore shared a common ancestor more recently than humans and mice did. Similarly, the mouse, a mammal, shared a common ancestor with the primates more recently than it shared a common ancestor with the chicken or frog. Different models for evolutionary mechanisms might produce different evolutionary distances than those shown here. • Print out the phylogenetic tree (rooted or unrooted) and include it in your homework assignment The relationship between alpha and beta globin sequences Hemoglobin is a tetramer (4 subunits) of two different polypeptides named alpha and beta hemoglobin. Alpha and beta hemoglobin are related to each othervia an ancient gene duplication event. That is, therewas one gene (the ancestral globin), and it
  • 16. duplicated to form two genes in the same organism (alpha and beta globins), and then thesegenes underwent independent evolution as the progeny of that organism replicated. This gene duplication event occurred before mammals diverged, Therefore, an alpha globin gene in a mouse is more closely related to (or, more recently diverged from) an alpha globin gene from a chimpanzee than it is to a beta globin gene from the same mouse. Gene duplication is a very important evolutionary process, and it is clear that it has happened numeroustimes on an evolutionary timescale. The alpha and beta sequences arose in an ancestor common to all of the animals that we 8 are looking at. That is, this gene duplication event occurred before the divergence of the lineages that led to modern primates, mammals, birds, and amphibians. To import the alpha globin sequences into your session, pressthe gray Return button on the screen, then deselect the alignment, and then select Protein Tools. Then use Ndjinn to import the following sequences. If you carryout a search for 'hemoglobin alpha' in
  • 17. the SWISSPROT database using Ndjinn, you will have to search through several hundred responses--it may help to use the 'find in page' feature of your internet browser. SWISSPROT:HBA_HUMAN HEMOGLOBIN ALPHA CHAIN [Homo sapiens (Human), Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee), and Pan paniscus (Pygmy chimpanzee) (Bonobo)] SWISSPROT:HBA_CHICK HEMOGLOBIN ALPHA-A CHAIN [Gallus gallus (Chicken)] SWISSPROT:HBA_MOUSE HEMOGLOBIN ALPHA CHAIN [Musmusculus (Mouse)] SWISSPROT:HBAB_LITCT HEMOGLOBIN ALPHA-B CHAIN [Lithobates catesbeiana (American bull frog)] SWISSPROT:HBA_GORGO HEMOGLOBIN ALPHA CHAIN [Gorilla gorilla gorilla (Lowland gorilla)] Onceyou have all the sequences imported, select all ten sequences (your 5 beta sequences and 5 alpha sequences) and perform another Clustal W alignment of the sequences. Make sure that the entire results page has loaded (this takesa little bit of time), and then examine the unrooted phylogenetic
  • 18. tree of the sequences. • Print out the phylogenetic tree (dendrogram) of alpha and beta globin sequences from the five organisms. Include it in your assignment. Answer thesequestions for your lab manuals: 1 . Do the alpha sequences cluster together separately from the beta sequences? 2. Is the branching pattern among the alpha sequences similar to the branching among the beta sequences? Independent project: For (10) bonus points you may do an independent project where you alignsequences from 5 different species from a gene you are interested in or you may extend the beta hemoglobin gene analysis and complete the project idea below. Print the phylogenetic tree and include it in your homework assignment to get the bonus 9 points.
  • 19. Bonus project idea Estimating relationships between existing mammals. In the analysis that we carried out, it was fairly easy to predict the results because we understand the relationships between humans, gorillas, mice, chickens, and frogs. The way in which otheranimals are related can be difficult to understand. Even among the mammals, it may be difficult to see how different organisms are related to each other. Using beta hemoglobin sequences, investigate relationships between the organisms below. Minke whale Killer Whale Harbor seal Indian Elephant White Rhinoceros Brazilian Manatee European River Otter Polar Bear Hippopotamus Before carrying out the analysis, predict the relationships between the different organisms. 1. Are whales and seals more closely related to one another than to any of these other species? 2. To which organism is the manatee most closely related? 3. To which organism is the elephant most closely
  • 20. related? 4. To which organism is the otter most closely related? After carrying out the analysis: 1. Are whales and seals more closely related to one another than to any of these other species? 2. To which organism is the manatee most closely related? 3. To which organism is the elephant most closely related? 4. To which organism is the otter most closely related? Would you predict that you would see the same results if you used a different protein for 1 0 the analysis, for example the cytochrome c protein? Why or why not? 10
  • 21. The following review questions will help to reinforce what you've learned in this tutorial. Answer them for your lab manual. Questions – Review 1. Why was it necessary to carryout an alignment of the sequences we analyzed? 2. Nucleotide substitutions might lead to changes in the sequence of amino acidsin a protein, which can be seen by comparing homologous positions in a sequence alignment. How would deletions or insertions appear in a sequence alignment? 3. Sometimes gene duplications result in the formation of a pseudogene, a sequence of nucleotides that is very similar to a gene but
  • 22. isn't expressed. This can occur in a variety of ways, for example if the gene is duplicated but a regulatoryregion or the promoter region for that gene is not duplicated. Which would evolve (accumulate nucleotide substitutions) more rapidly, a pseudogene or a duplicated gene that was expressed? Explain.