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Robotics: Machines and
Controls - Introduction
Department of IoT, SCOPE, VIT, Vellore Campus
Introduction to ROBOTICS
A Robot is:
An electromechanical device that is:
•Sensible for environment
What is a Robot: I
What is a Robot: II
Wheeled Robot
Legged Robot
What is a Robot: III
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
What Can Robots Do: I
Decontaminating Robot
Cleaning the main circulating pump housing
in the nuclear power plant
Jobs that are dangerous
for humans
What Can Robots Do: II
Repetitive jobs that are
boring, stressful, or labor-
intensive for humans
Welding Robot
What Can Robots Do: III
Manual tasks that human
don’t want to do
≈250 B.C. - Ctesibius, an ancient Greek engineer and
mathematician, invented a water clock which was the most
accurate for nearly 2000 years.
≈60 A.D. – Hero of Alexandria designs the first automated
programmable machine. These 'Automata' were made from a
container of gradually releasing sand connected to a spindle via a
string. By using different configurations of these pulleys, it was
possible to repeatably move a statue on a pre-defined path.
History of Robotics - The Origins of Robots
Origin of a Robot The origin of industrial robots lies way back in
1700's and have grown tremendously over decades
vaucanson Built several human sized mechanical dolls that
plays music
1805 – h.maillardet – mechanical doll capable of drawing pictures
1805 - Doll, made by Maillardet, that wrote
in either French or English and could draw
1738 - Jacques de Vaucanson builds a mechanical duck
made of more that 4,000 parts. The duck could quack,
bathe, drink water, eat grain, digest it and void it.
Whereabouts of the duck are unknown today.
Robotics was first introduced into our vocabulary by Czech playwright
Karel Capek in his 1920’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots.
The word “robota” in Czech means simply work. Robots as machines
that resemble people, work tirelessly, and revolt against their creators. .
Karel Capek
History of Robotics - The Origins of Robots
The same myth/concept is found in
many books/movies today:
“Terminator”, “Star-Wars” series.
Mary Shelley’s 1818 Frankenstein.
Frankenstein & The Borg are examples
of “cybernetic organisms”.
1940 - Sparko, the Westinghouse dog, uses both mechanical
and electrical components.
1941 - Isaac Asimov introduced the word 'Robotics' in the
science fiction short story 'Liar!‘
1948 - William Grey Walter builds Elmer and Elsie, two of the
earliest autonomous robots with the appearance of turtles.
The robots used simple rules to produce complex behaviors.
Cybernetics is a discipline that was created in the late 1940’s
by Norbert Wiener, combining feedback control theory,
information sciences and biology to try to explain the
common principles of control and communications in both
animals and machines.
1956 - Joseph Engleberger, a Columbia physics student
buys the rights to Devol’s robot and founds the
Unimation Company.
1956 - George Devol applied for a patent for the first
programmable robot, later named 'Unimate’.
1957 - Launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1.
1954 – cw kenward – robot design
1959 – first commercial robot introduced by planet corporation controlled by switches
1960 – first unimate robot introduced for manipulator control
1966 – Trallfa, built and installed spray painting robot
1968 – mobile robot named “shakey”
1971 – stanford arm, a small electrically powered robot arm
1973 – first computer type robot programming language developed. (AL ,WAVE)
1974 – invention of all electric drive robot Followed by industrial implementations for manufacturing works
1979 – development of SCARA type robot
1982 – IBM introduced Robots for assembly using robotic arm
1990’s – invention of walking robots and rehabilitation robots, space robots, defense applications
2000’s – Micro and Nano robots using smart materials, underwater and ariel vehicle
Various Generations of Robots
• A first-generation robot is a simple mechanical arm.
• These machines have the ability to make precise motions at high speed, many times, for a long time.
Second generation
• A second-generation robot has rudimentary machine intelligence.
• Such a robot is equipped with sensors that tell it things about the outside world.
• These devices include pressure sensors, proximity sensors, tactile sensors, radar, sonar, ladar, and vision
• A controller processes the data from these sensors and adjusts the operation of the robot accordingly.
Third generation
• The concept of a third-generation robot encompasses two major avenues of evolving smart robot technology
• An autonomous robot can work on its own. It contains a controller, and it can do things largely without supervision, either
by an outside computer or by a human being – Insect robot
• There are some situations in which autonomous robots do not perform efficiently. In these cases, a fleet of simple insect
robots, all under the control of one central computer, can be used.
• These machines work like ants in an anthill, or like bees in a hive.
Fourth generation Cognitive Robotics
• Any robot of a sort yet to be seriously put into operation is a fourth
generation robot. Examples of these might be robots that reproduce and
evolve, or that incorporate biological as well as mechanical components.
Fifth Generation Artificial Intelligence Robotics
• Robot controller will involve complete artificial intelligence
(AI), miniature sensors, and decision making capabilities
Robotics and programmable automation
The field of robotics has its origins in science fiction. The term robot was derived from the English translation of a fantasy
play written in Czechoslovakia around 1920. It took another 40 years before the modern technology of industrial robotics
began. Today Robots are highly automated mechanical manipulators controlled by computers. We survey some of the
science fiction stories about robots, and we trace the historical development of robotics technology.
Robotics: - Robotics is an applied engineering science that has been referred to as a
combination of machine tool technology and computer science. It includes machine design,
production theory, micro electronics, computer programming & artificial intelligence.
Industrial robot: -
The official definition of an industrial robot is provided by the robotics industries association (RIA).
Industrial robot is defined as an automatic, freely programmed, servo-controlled, multi-purpose manipulator to handle
various operations of an industry with variable programmed motions.
Automation and robotics:-
Automation and robotics are two closely related technologies. In an industrial context, we can dean automation as a
technology that is concerned with the use of mechanical, electronic, and computer-based systems in the operation and
control of production Examples of this technology include transfer lines. Mechanized assembly machines, feedback
control systems (applied to industrial processes), numerically controlled machine tools, and robots. Accordingly, robotics
is a form of industrial automation. Ex:- Robotics, CAD/CAM, FMS, CIMS
Types of Automation:- Automation is categorized into three types. They are,
1)Fixed Automation
2) Programmable Automation
3) Flexible Automation
(1) Fixed Automation
It is the automation in which the sequence of processing or assembly operations to be
carried out is fixed by the equipment configuration. In fixed automation, the sequence
of operations (which are simple) are integrated in a piece of equipment. Therefore, it
is difficult to automate changes in the design of the product. It is used where high
volume of production is required Production rate of fixed automation is high. In this
automation, no new products are processed for a given sequence of assembly
i) High volume of production rates,
ii) Relatively inflexible in product variety (no new products are produced). Ex:-
Automobile industries … etc.
(2) Programmable Automation
It is the automation in which the equipment is designed to accommodate various product configurations in order to
change the sequence of operations or assembly operations by means of control program. Different types of programs
can be loaded into the equipment to produce products with new configurations (i.e., new products). It is employed for
batch production of low and medium volumes. For each new batch of different configured product, a new control
program corresponding to the new product is loaded into the equipment. This automation is relatively economic for
small batches of the product.
i) High investment in general purpose,
ii) Lower production rates than fixed automation,
iii) Flexibility & Changes in products configuration,
iv) More suitable for batch production.
Ex:- Industrial robot, NC machines tools… etc.
(3) Flexible Automation
A computer integrated manufacturing system which is an extension of
programmable automation is referred as flexible automation. It is developed
to minimize the time loss between the changeover of the batch production
from one product to another while reloading. The program to produce new
products and changing the physical setup i.e., it produces different products
with no loss of time. This automation is more flexible in interconnecting work
stations with material handling and storage system.
i) High investment for a custom engineering system.
ii) Medium Production rates
iii) Flexibility to deal with product design variation,
iv) Continuous production of variable mixtures of products.
Ex:- Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
Laws of Robots
The former defines in I, Robot robots as intelligent machines that have positronic brains. These positronic brains are
programmed by humans, who stamp into them the three laws of robotics, namely
First Law A robot must not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow one to come to harm;
Second Law A robot must always obey human beings unless that is in conflict with the First Law;
Thrid Law A robot must protect itself from harm unless that is in conflict with the First or Second Law.
Latter, the Zeroth Law, was added: A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come
to harm.
Asimov’s robot stories are a kind of exploration of the implications of implementing these laws in robots.
However, the works of most other authors ignore or even contradict them. So, these laws have not prevailed as
Asimov intended. Thus these three Laws are sometimes seen as a future design directives that should be
considered by the people that would work in artificial intelligence, once an artificial intelligence has reached the
stage where it can comprehend these laws.
The three types of drive systems that are generally used for industrial
robots are: (i)Hydraulic drive (ii)Electric drive (iii)Pneumatic drive
i) Hydraulic drive
• It gives a robot great speed and strength. They provide high speed and strength, hence they are adopted for large
industrial robots.
• This type of drives are preferred in environments in which the use of electric drive robots may cause fire hazards
• Example: In spray painting.
Disadvantages of a hydraulic robot:
• Occupy more floor space for ancillary equipment in addition to that required by the robot.
• There are housekeeping problems such as leaks.
ii) Electric drive
This provides a robot with less speed and strength. Electric drive systems are adopted for smaller robots.
• Robots supported by electric drive systems are more accurate, exhibit better repeatability and are cleaner to use.
• Electrically driven robots are the most commonly available . Electrically driven robots can be classified into two
broad categories.
(i)Stepper motor driven.
(ii)Direct Current (DC) servo-motor driven.
iii) Pneumatic drive
• Generally used for smaller robots.
• Have fewer axes of movement.
• Carry out simple pick-and-place material-handling operations, such as picking up an object at one location and placing it
at another location.
• These operations are generally simple and have short cycle times.
• Here pneumatic power can be used for sliding or rotational joints.
• Pneumatic robots are less expensive than electric or hydraulic robots.
Robot specifications are used to define certain characteristics of an industrial robot. No two industrial robots are exactly alike.
Each varies depending upon
• payload,
• reach,
• axes, and
• application capabilities, among other aspects.
With so many variables to consider it can make the robot selection process seem overwhelming, but it does not have to be. Understanding each robot
specification will help you select the right industrial robot to allow for full optimization of your manufacturing process.
The following are important to define when choosing between different types of robots:
• Axes - A robot axis represents a degree of freedom. A degree of freedom determines an independent motion of the robot. The
more axes a robot has the more flexibility or movement it will be capable of. Most industrial robots have between three to seven
axes. It is important to consider the number of axes when selecting an industrial robot as it will determine its range of motion.
• Payload - Payload capacity represents the maximum amount of weight a robot arm can tolerate. Robotic payload is typically
expressed in kilograms. Payload varies greatly among industrial robots, from 0.5 kg to over 1000 kg. Considering the workpieces
as well as the weight of any end-effectors integrated with the robot will help guide you to selecting a robot with an appropriate
payload capacity.
Robot specifications
• Repeatability - Repeatability references a robot’s ability to return to the exact same position over and over. In
other words, it defines how precise a robot may be. Repeatability is expressed in millimeters plus or minus the
point of alteration to determine the robot’s margin of error.
• Reach - A robot’s reach may be broken down into two types; vertical and horizontal. Vertical reach determines
the maximum height a robot arm can obtain when extended upward from its base. Horizontal reach defines the
maximum distance obtained from the center of the robot base to its wrist. A robot’s reach can determine the
scope of its work envelope.
•Robot Mass - Robot mass is the weight of a robot. It is usually expressed in kilograms and references the weight
of the robotic manipulator only. This can be important to consider if you are looking to mount a robot on a shelf,
table, or overhead.
• Structure - Structure refers to the type of robot. There are many types of industrial robots with the most
common including articulated, delta, SCARA, and gantry. This specification is important because it determines a
robot’s work envelope and functionality. Articulated robots are generally the most common used in welding
automation and robotic assembly.
• Motion Speed - Motion speed lists the degrees traveled per second to define the speed of each robotic axis.
• Motion Range - This specification defines the scope of movement for each robotic axis as expressed in
Robot configurations:
There are five basic configurations commonly available
in commercial industrial robotics.
Cartesian Robots
A robot with 3 prismatic joints.
Commonly Applications
•pick and place work
•assembly operations
•handling machine tools
•arc welding
Cylindrical Robots
Commonly used for:
•handling at die-casting machines
•assembly operations
•handling machine tools
•spot welding
A robot with 2 prismatic joints and a rotary joint
Robot body has a vertical column
that swivels about a vertical axis.
The arm consists of orthogonal
slides which allow the arm to be
moved up or down and in and out
with respect to the body.
Spherical/Polar Robots
A robot with 1 prismatic joint
and 2 rotary joints – the axes
consistent with a polar
coordinate system.
Commonly used for:
•handling at die casting or
fettling machines
•handling machine tools
•arc/spot welding
- Similar to the human arm.
- Consists of several straight members connected by joints which
are analogous to the human shoulder.
- Similar to jointed arm configuration.
- Shoulder and elbow rotational axes are vertical.
- Permits the robot to perform insertion tasks in a vertical direction.
(Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm)
SCARA Robots (Selective Compliance Articulated
Robot Arm)
Commonly used for:
•pick and place work
•assembly operations
Advantages and Disadvantages of the 5 Robot Types
Configuration Advantages Disadvantages
3 linear axes, easy to visualize, rigid
structure, easy to program
Can only reach front of itself,
requires large floor space, axes hard
to seal
2 linear axes +1 rotating, can reach all
around itself, reach and height axes
rigid, rotational axis easy to seal
Can’t reach above itself, base
rotation axis as less rigid, linear
axes is hard to seal, won’t reach
around obstacles
1 linear + 2 rotating axes, height axis
is rigid, large work area for floor space
2 ways to reach point, difficult to
program off-line, highly complex
Spherical (polar)
1 linear + 2 rotating axes, long
horizontal reach
Can’t reach around obstacles, short
vertical reach
3 rotating axes can reach above or
below obstacles, largest work area for
least floor space
Difficult to program off-line, 2 or 4
ways to reach a point, most complex
Applications of robots
1.Read the safety sections of the manufacturer’s manual before operating a robot for the first time.
2.E-stops must be operational and within reach at all times when the robot is powered on.
3.When approaching a damaged or possibly stuck robot arm, first remove the power and be wearing
proper protection equipment (safety glasses, shoes, attire, etc.)
4.Before robot operation:
1. Check for signs of damage to the robots, observe if there are any fluid spills, broken wires, loose
cables, etc.
2. Dress properly and use appropriate safety equipment:
1.Wear safety glasses and other suitable PPE
2.Remove loose-fitting clothing (ties, scarves, extra-long or loose sleeves, etc.)
3.Tie up long hair, etc.
3. If uncertain of the safety of the operation to be undertaken, notify the RL Lab Manager or other
CSL faculty or staff and obtain guidance before proceeding.
4. Use extra caution when performing motion experiments for the first time or if recovering from a
collision. When running any new code, observe the robot carefully with a hand on the E-Stop
(Emergency-Stop) button
During robot operation:
1. Everyone in the vicinity of the robot must be mentally alert and paying attention (no
headphones, etc.)
2. Have a safety-buddy present when the robot is performing any autonomous function.
3. E-Stop pushbuttons must always be within reach of any person working with the robot
4. Before starting any robot movement, communicate with others loud and deliberately on the
operation about to be executed, such as “Starting robot motion”
5. For collaborative robots (ISO/TS 15066:2016), personnel can be within the robot’s workspace
while the robot is performing autonomous functions, but it is highly recommended to avoid
entering the robot’s workspace unless necessary.
6. For non-collaborative robots, all personnel must be outside of the robot workspace while the
robot is performing any autonomous function.
7. Disable the robot after experimentation is complete.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a large regulatory agency of the United States
Department of Labor that originally had federal visitorial powers to inspect and examine workplaces.
AI and ML in Robotics
Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to disrupt practically every industry imaginable, and industrial
robotics is no different. The powerful combination of robotics and AI or machine learning
opens the door to new automation possibilities.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being applied in limited ways and
enhancing the capabilities of industrial robotic systems. We have yet to reach the full
potential of robotics and machine learning, but current applications are promising.
4 Tenets of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning in Robotics
AI and machine learning are impacting four areas of robotic processes to make current
applications more efficient and profitable. The scope of AI in robotics includes:
1.Vision – AI is helping robots detect items they’ve never seen before and recognize objects
with greater detail.
2.Grasping – robots are also grasping items they’ve never seen before with AI and machine
learning helping them determine the best position and orientation to grasp an object.
3.Motion Control – machine learning helps robots maintain productivity with dynamic
interaction and obstacle avoidance.
4.Data – AI and machine learning help robots understand physical and logistical data
patterns to be proactive and act accordingly.
AI and machine learning are still in their infancy concerning robotic applications, but they’re
already having an important impact.
Glossary of Robotics-Related Machine Learning Concepts
Kinematics – Branch of classical mechanics which describes the motion of points (alternatively “particles”), bodies
(objects), and systems of bodies without consideration of the masses of those objects nor the forces that may have
caused the motion; often referred to as “geometry of motion”.
Bayesian models – Method of statistical inference that casts statistical problems in the framework of decision making. It
entails formulating subjective prior probabilities to express pre-existing information, careful modeling of the data
structure, checking and allowing for uncertainty in model assumptions, formulating a set of possible decisions and a
utility function to express how the value of each alternative decision is affected by the unknown model parameters.
Inverse optimal control – Inverse reinforcement learning is the problem of recovering an unknown reward function in a
Markov decision process from expert demonstrations of the optimal policy.
Support vector machines – Also called support vector networks, SVMs are supervised learning models with associated
learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification and regression analysis.
Relevance to Artificial Intelligence
• Effectors
• Sensors
• Architecture
• Integration of various inputs
• Hierarchy of information representation
• Emotions
• Effector vs. Actuator
• Degrees of freedom (d.f.)
• 6 d.f. for free body in
• Locomotion
• Statically stable vs.
Dynamically stable
• Manipulation
• Rotary vs. Prismatic
• End Effector
Four-finger Utah/MIT hand
• Force-sensing
• Tactile-sensing
• Sonar
• Visual (camera)
• Proprioceptive
Robot with camera
• Classical architecture
• shortcomings
• Behavior-based architecture
Reason about behavior of objects
Identify objects
Build maps
Avoid objects
Design for a behavior-based mobile robot
Information Representation Hierarchy
• Raw data
• Cognitive
• Conceptual
• Simple
• Inter-
Information Representation Hierarchy
Information Representation Hierarchy
Current Developments
• Emotions
• Energy-efficiency
• Integration
• Hierarchy of information representation
• Control structures
• Synthesis of neural nets and fuzzy logic
• Robotic surgery
• Telepresence
• Robot perception
• Face and object recognition
Importance of Emotions
• Emotions help prevent people from repeating their mistakes
(decisions that resulted in negative feelings)
• Recognizing emotions would allow robots to become more responsive
to users’ needs
• Exhibiting emotions would help robots interact with humans
Classification of Emotions
• Continuous
• Emotions defined in multi-dimensional space of
• Arousal-Valence Plane
• Discrete
• Defines 5, 6, or more “basic” emotional states upon
which more complex emotions are based
Arousal-Valence Plane
• Valence – whether emotion is positive or negative
• Arousal – intensity of emotion
Classification of Emotions
Plutchik’s Theory:
• Eight primitive emotions that more complex emotions are
based upon
• Gladness (joy)
• Sadness
• Anger
• Surprise
• Acceptance
• Disgust
• Expectancy
• Fear
Complexity of Emotional Classification
Future of Robotics
• Design robots to recognize
presence, posture, and gaze
• Develop viable social exchange
between robots and humans
• Design systems that can learn via
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1-History of Robots, Robotics, Programable automations-08-05-2023 (1).pdf

  • 1. Robotics: Machines and Controls - Introduction Department of IoT, SCOPE, VIT, Vellore Campus
  • 4. A Robot is: An electromechanical device that is: •Reprogrammable •Multifunctional •Sensible for environment 4 ROBOTICS
  • 5. What is a Robot: I Manipulator 5 ROBOTICS
  • 6. What is a Robot: II Wheeled Robot Legged Robot 6 ROBOTICS
  • 7. What is a Robot: III Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 7 ROBOTICS
  • 8. What Can Robots Do: I Decontaminating Robot Cleaning the main circulating pump housing in the nuclear power plant Jobs that are dangerous for humans 8 ROBOTICS
  • 9. What Can Robots Do: II Repetitive jobs that are boring, stressful, or labor- intensive for humans Welding Robot 9 ROBOTICS
  • 10. What Can Robots Do: III The SCRUBMATE Robot Manual tasks that human don’t want to do 10 ROBOTICS
  • 11. ≈250 B.C. - Ctesibius, an ancient Greek engineer and mathematician, invented a water clock which was the most accurate for nearly 2000 years. ≈60 A.D. – Hero of Alexandria designs the first automated programmable machine. These 'Automata' were made from a container of gradually releasing sand connected to a spindle via a string. By using different configurations of these pulleys, it was possible to repeatably move a statue on a pre-defined path. History of Robotics - The Origins of Robots 11 ROBOTICS
  • 12. Origin of a Robot The origin of industrial robots lies way back in 1700's and have grown tremendously over decades vaucanson Built several human sized mechanical dolls that plays music 1805 – h.maillardet – mechanical doll capable of drawing pictures 1805 - Doll, made by Maillardet, that wrote in either French or English and could draw landscapes. 1738 - Jacques de Vaucanson builds a mechanical duck made of more that 4,000 parts. The duck could quack, bathe, drink water, eat grain, digest it and void it. Whereabouts of the duck are unknown today.
  • 13. Robotics was first introduced into our vocabulary by Czech playwright Karel Capek in his 1920’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots. The word “robota” in Czech means simply work. Robots as machines that resemble people, work tirelessly, and revolt against their creators. . Karel Capek History of Robotics - The Origins of Robots The same myth/concept is found in many books/movies today: “Terminator”, “Star-Wars” series. Mary Shelley’s 1818 Frankenstein. Frankenstein & The Borg are examples of “cybernetic organisms”. 13 ROBOTICS
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  • 15. 1940 - Sparko, the Westinghouse dog, uses both mechanical and electrical components. 1941 - Isaac Asimov introduced the word 'Robotics' in the science fiction short story 'Liar!‘ 1948 - William Grey Walter builds Elmer and Elsie, two of the earliest autonomous robots with the appearance of turtles. The robots used simple rules to produce complex behaviors. Cybernetics is a discipline that was created in the late 1940’s by Norbert Wiener, combining feedback control theory, information sciences and biology to try to explain the common principles of control and communications in both animals and machines.
  • 16. 1956 - Joseph Engleberger, a Columbia physics student buys the rights to Devol’s robot and founds the Unimation Company. 1956 - George Devol applied for a patent for the first programmable robot, later named 'Unimate’. 1957 - Launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1.
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  • 19. 1954 – cw kenward – robot design 1959 – first commercial robot introduced by planet corporation controlled by switches 1960 – first unimate robot introduced for manipulator control 1966 – Trallfa, built and installed spray painting robot 1968 – mobile robot named “shakey” 1971 – stanford arm, a small electrically powered robot arm 1973 – first computer type robot programming language developed. (AL ,WAVE) 1974 – invention of all electric drive robot Followed by industrial implementations for manufacturing works 1979 – development of SCARA type robot 1982 – IBM introduced Robots for assembly using robotic arm 1990’s – invention of walking robots and rehabilitation robots, space robots, defense applications 2000’s – Micro and Nano robots using smart materials, underwater and ariel vehicle
  • 20. Various Generations of Robots First-generation • A first-generation robot is a simple mechanical arm. • These machines have the ability to make precise motions at high speed, many times, for a long time. Second generation • A second-generation robot has rudimentary machine intelligence. • Such a robot is equipped with sensors that tell it things about the outside world. • These devices include pressure sensors, proximity sensors, tactile sensors, radar, sonar, ladar, and vision systems. • A controller processes the data from these sensors and adjusts the operation of the robot accordingly. Third generation • The concept of a third-generation robot encompasses two major avenues of evolving smart robot technology • An autonomous robot can work on its own. It contains a controller, and it can do things largely without supervision, either by an outside computer or by a human being – Insect robot • There are some situations in which autonomous robots do not perform efficiently. In these cases, a fleet of simple insect robots, all under the control of one central computer, can be used. • These machines work like ants in an anthill, or like bees in a hive.
  • 21. Fourth generation Cognitive Robotics • Any robot of a sort yet to be seriously put into operation is a fourth generation robot. Examples of these might be robots that reproduce and evolve, or that incorporate biological as well as mechanical components. Fifth Generation Artificial Intelligence Robotics • Robot controller will involve complete artificial intelligence (AI), miniature sensors, and decision making capabilities
  • 22. Robotics and programmable automation The field of robotics has its origins in science fiction. The term robot was derived from the English translation of a fantasy play written in Czechoslovakia around 1920. It took another 40 years before the modern technology of industrial robotics began. Today Robots are highly automated mechanical manipulators controlled by computers. We survey some of the science fiction stories about robots, and we trace the historical development of robotics technology. Robotics: - Robotics is an applied engineering science that has been referred to as a combination of machine tool technology and computer science. It includes machine design, production theory, micro electronics, computer programming & artificial intelligence. Industrial robot: - The official definition of an industrial robot is provided by the robotics industries association (RIA). Industrial robot is defined as an automatic, freely programmed, servo-controlled, multi-purpose manipulator to handle various operations of an industry with variable programmed motions.
  • 23. Automation and robotics:- Automation and robotics are two closely related technologies. In an industrial context, we can dean automation as a technology that is concerned with the use of mechanical, electronic, and computer-based systems in the operation and control of production Examples of this technology include transfer lines. Mechanized assembly machines, feedback control systems (applied to industrial processes), numerically controlled machine tools, and robots. Accordingly, robotics is a form of industrial automation. Ex:- Robotics, CAD/CAM, FMS, CIMS Types of Automation:- Automation is categorized into three types. They are, 1)Fixed Automation 2) Programmable Automation 3) Flexible Automation
  • 24. (1) Fixed Automation It is the automation in which the sequence of processing or assembly operations to be carried out is fixed by the equipment configuration. In fixed automation, the sequence of operations (which are simple) are integrated in a piece of equipment. Therefore, it is difficult to automate changes in the design of the product. It is used where high volume of production is required Production rate of fixed automation is high. In this automation, no new products are processed for a given sequence of assembly operations. Features:- i) High volume of production rates, ii) Relatively inflexible in product variety (no new products are produced). Ex:- Automobile industries … etc.
  • 25. (2) Programmable Automation It is the automation in which the equipment is designed to accommodate various product configurations in order to change the sequence of operations or assembly operations by means of control program. Different types of programs can be loaded into the equipment to produce products with new configurations (i.e., new products). It is employed for batch production of low and medium volumes. For each new batch of different configured product, a new control program corresponding to the new product is loaded into the equipment. This automation is relatively economic for small batches of the product. Features:- i) High investment in general purpose, ii) Lower production rates than fixed automation, iii) Flexibility & Changes in products configuration, iv) More suitable for batch production. Ex:- Industrial robot, NC machines tools… etc.
  • 26. (3) Flexible Automation A computer integrated manufacturing system which is an extension of programmable automation is referred as flexible automation. It is developed to minimize the time loss between the changeover of the batch production from one product to another while reloading. The program to produce new products and changing the physical setup i.e., it produces different products with no loss of time. This automation is more flexible in interconnecting work stations with material handling and storage system. Features:- i) High investment for a custom engineering system. ii) Medium Production rates iii) Flexibility to deal with product design variation, iv) Continuous production of variable mixtures of products. Ex:- Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
  • 27. Laws of Robots The former defines in I, Robot robots as intelligent machines that have positronic brains. These positronic brains are programmed by humans, who stamp into them the three laws of robotics, namely First Law A robot must not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow one to come to harm; Second Law A robot must always obey human beings unless that is in conflict with the First Law; Thrid Law A robot must protect itself from harm unless that is in conflict with the First or Second Law. Latter, the Zeroth Law, was added: A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. Asimov’s robot stories are a kind of exploration of the implications of implementing these laws in robots. However, the works of most other authors ignore or even contradict them. So, these laws have not prevailed as Asimov intended. Thus these three Laws are sometimes seen as a future design directives that should be considered by the people that would work in artificial intelligence, once an artificial intelligence has reached the stage where it can comprehend these laws.
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  • 29. CLASSIFICATION OF ROBOT The three types of drive systems that are generally used for industrial robots are: (i)Hydraulic drive (ii)Electric drive (iii)Pneumatic drive i) Hydraulic drive • It gives a robot great speed and strength. They provide high speed and strength, hence they are adopted for large industrial robots. • This type of drives are preferred in environments in which the use of electric drive robots may cause fire hazards • Example: In spray painting. Disadvantages of a hydraulic robot: • Occupy more floor space for ancillary equipment in addition to that required by the robot. • There are housekeeping problems such as leaks. ii) Electric drive This provides a robot with less speed and strength. Electric drive systems are adopted for smaller robots. • Robots supported by electric drive systems are more accurate, exhibit better repeatability and are cleaner to use. • Electrically driven robots are the most commonly available . Electrically driven robots can be classified into two broad categories. (i)Stepper motor driven. (ii)Direct Current (DC) servo-motor driven.
  • 30. iii) Pneumatic drive • Generally used for smaller robots. • Have fewer axes of movement. • Carry out simple pick-and-place material-handling operations, such as picking up an object at one location and placing it at another location. • These operations are generally simple and have short cycle times. • Here pneumatic power can be used for sliding or rotational joints. • Pneumatic robots are less expensive than electric or hydraulic robots.
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  • 50. Robot specifications are used to define certain characteristics of an industrial robot. No two industrial robots are exactly alike. Each varies depending upon • payload, • reach, • axes, and • application capabilities, among other aspects. With so many variables to consider it can make the robot selection process seem overwhelming, but it does not have to be. Understanding each robot specification will help you select the right industrial robot to allow for full optimization of your manufacturing process. The following are important to define when choosing between different types of robots: • Axes - A robot axis represents a degree of freedom. A degree of freedom determines an independent motion of the robot. The more axes a robot has the more flexibility or movement it will be capable of. Most industrial robots have between three to seven axes. It is important to consider the number of axes when selecting an industrial robot as it will determine its range of motion. • Payload - Payload capacity represents the maximum amount of weight a robot arm can tolerate. Robotic payload is typically expressed in kilograms. Payload varies greatly among industrial robots, from 0.5 kg to over 1000 kg. Considering the workpieces as well as the weight of any end-effectors integrated with the robot will help guide you to selecting a robot with an appropriate payload capacity. Robot specifications
  • 51. • Repeatability - Repeatability references a robot’s ability to return to the exact same position over and over. In other words, it defines how precise a robot may be. Repeatability is expressed in millimeters plus or minus the point of alteration to determine the robot’s margin of error. • Reach - A robot’s reach may be broken down into two types; vertical and horizontal. Vertical reach determines the maximum height a robot arm can obtain when extended upward from its base. Horizontal reach defines the maximum distance obtained from the center of the robot base to its wrist. A robot’s reach can determine the scope of its work envelope. •Robot Mass - Robot mass is the weight of a robot. It is usually expressed in kilograms and references the weight of the robotic manipulator only. This can be important to consider if you are looking to mount a robot on a shelf, table, or overhead. • Structure - Structure refers to the type of robot. There are many types of industrial robots with the most common including articulated, delta, SCARA, and gantry. This specification is important because it determines a robot’s work envelope and functionality. Articulated robots are generally the most common used in welding automation and robotic assembly. • Motion Speed - Motion speed lists the degrees traveled per second to define the speed of each robotic axis. • Motion Range - This specification defines the scope of movement for each robotic axis as expressed in degrees.
  • 52. Robot configurations: There are five basic configurations commonly available in commercial industrial robotics.
  • 53. Cartesian Robots A robot with 3 prismatic joints. Commonly Applications •pick and place work •assembly operations •handling machine tools •arc welding
  • 54. Cylindrical Robots Commonly used for: •handling at die-casting machines •assembly operations •handling machine tools •spot welding A robot with 2 prismatic joints and a rotary joint
  • 55. CYLINDRICAL COORDINATE ROBOT Robot body has a vertical column that swivels about a vertical axis. The arm consists of orthogonal slides which allow the arm to be moved up or down and in and out with respect to the body.
  • 56. Spherical/Polar Robots A robot with 1 prismatic joint and 2 rotary joints – the axes consistent with a polar coordinate system. Commonly used for: •handling at die casting or fettling machines •handling machine tools •arc/spot welding
  • 57. JOINTED ARM CONFIGURATION - Similar to the human arm. - Consists of several straight members connected by joints which are analogous to the human shoulder.
  • 58. - Similar to jointed arm configuration. - Shoulder and elbow rotational axes are vertical. - Permits the robot to perform insertion tasks in a vertical direction. (Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm)
  • 59. SCARA Robots (Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) Commonly used for: •pick and place work •assembly operations
  • 60. Advantages and Disadvantages of the 5 Robot Types Configuration Advantages Disadvantages Cartesian coordinates 3 linear axes, easy to visualize, rigid structure, easy to program Can only reach front of itself, requires large floor space, axes hard to seal Cylindrical coordinates 2 linear axes +1 rotating, can reach all around itself, reach and height axes rigid, rotational axis easy to seal Can’t reach above itself, base rotation axis as less rigid, linear axes is hard to seal, won’t reach around obstacles SCARA coordinates 1 linear + 2 rotating axes, height axis is rigid, large work area for floor space 2 ways to reach point, difficult to program off-line, highly complex arm Spherical (polar) coordinates 1 linear + 2 rotating axes, long horizontal reach Can’t reach around obstacles, short vertical reach Revolute coordinates 3 rotating axes can reach above or below obstacles, largest work area for least floor space Difficult to program off-line, 2 or 4 ways to reach a point, most complex manipulator
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  • 72. ROBOT - GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES 1.Read the safety sections of the manufacturer’s manual before operating a robot for the first time. 2.E-stops must be operational and within reach at all times when the robot is powered on. 3.When approaching a damaged or possibly stuck robot arm, first remove the power and be wearing proper protection equipment (safety glasses, shoes, attire, etc.) 4.Before robot operation: 1. Check for signs of damage to the robots, observe if there are any fluid spills, broken wires, loose cables, etc. 2. Dress properly and use appropriate safety equipment: 1.Wear safety glasses and other suitable PPE 2.Remove loose-fitting clothing (ties, scarves, extra-long or loose sleeves, etc.) 3.Tie up long hair, etc. 3. If uncertain of the safety of the operation to be undertaken, notify the RL Lab Manager or other CSL faculty or staff and obtain guidance before proceeding. 4. Use extra caution when performing motion experiments for the first time or if recovering from a collision. When running any new code, observe the robot carefully with a hand on the E-Stop (Emergency-Stop) button
  • 73. During robot operation: 1. Everyone in the vicinity of the robot must be mentally alert and paying attention (no headphones, etc.) 2. Have a safety-buddy present when the robot is performing any autonomous function. 3. E-Stop pushbuttons must always be within reach of any person working with the robot 4. Before starting any robot movement, communicate with others loud and deliberately on the operation about to be executed, such as “Starting robot motion” 5. For collaborative robots (ISO/TS 15066:2016), personnel can be within the robot’s workspace while the robot is performing autonomous functions, but it is highly recommended to avoid entering the robot’s workspace unless necessary. 6. For non-collaborative robots, all personnel must be outside of the robot workspace while the robot is performing any autonomous function. 7. Disable the robot after experimentation is complete.
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  • 81. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a large regulatory agency of the United States Department of Labor that originally had federal visitorial powers to inspect and examine workplaces.
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  • 87. AI and ML in Robotics Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to disrupt practically every industry imaginable, and industrial robotics is no different. The powerful combination of robotics and AI or machine learning opens the door to new automation possibilities. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being applied in limited ways and enhancing the capabilities of industrial robotic systems. We have yet to reach the full potential of robotics and machine learning, but current applications are promising.
  • 88. 4 Tenets of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning in Robotics AI and machine learning are impacting four areas of robotic processes to make current applications more efficient and profitable. The scope of AI in robotics includes: 1.Vision – AI is helping robots detect items they’ve never seen before and recognize objects with greater detail. 2.Grasping – robots are also grasping items they’ve never seen before with AI and machine learning helping them determine the best position and orientation to grasp an object. 3.Motion Control – machine learning helps robots maintain productivity with dynamic interaction and obstacle avoidance. 4.Data – AI and machine learning help robots understand physical and logistical data patterns to be proactive and act accordingly. AI and machine learning are still in their infancy concerning robotic applications, but they’re already having an important impact.
  • 89. Glossary of Robotics-Related Machine Learning Concepts Kinematics – Branch of classical mechanics which describes the motion of points (alternatively “particles”), bodies (objects), and systems of bodies without consideration of the masses of those objects nor the forces that may have caused the motion; often referred to as “geometry of motion”. Bayesian models – Method of statistical inference that casts statistical problems in the framework of decision making. It entails formulating subjective prior probabilities to express pre-existing information, careful modeling of the data structure, checking and allowing for uncertainty in model assumptions, formulating a set of possible decisions and a utility function to express how the value of each alternative decision is affected by the unknown model parameters. Inverse optimal control – Inverse reinforcement learning is the problem of recovering an unknown reward function in a Markov decision process from expert demonstrations of the optimal policy. Support vector machines – Also called support vector networks, SVMs are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification and regression analysis.
  • 90. Relevance to Artificial Intelligence • Effectors • Sensors • Architecture • Integration of various inputs • Hierarchy of information representation • Emotions
  • 91. Effectors • Effector vs. Actuator • Degrees of freedom (d.f.) • 6 d.f. for free body in space • Locomotion • Statically stable vs. Dynamically stable • Manipulation • Rotary vs. Prismatic motion • End Effector Four-finger Utah/MIT hand
  • 92. Sensors • Force-sensing • Tactile-sensing • Sonar • Visual (camera) • Proprioceptive Robot with camera attached
  • 93. Architecture • Classical architecture • shortcomings • Behavior-based architecture Sensors Reason about behavior of objects Identify objects Build maps Avoid objects Actuators Design for a behavior-based mobile robot
  • 94. Information Representation Hierarchy • Raw data • Cognitive feature • Conceptual feature • Simple concept • Inter- connected synthesized concept
  • 97. Current Developments • Emotions • Energy-efficiency • Integration • Hierarchy of information representation • Control structures • Synthesis of neural nets and fuzzy logic • Robotic surgery • Telepresence • Robot perception • Face and object recognition
  • 98. Importance of Emotions • Emotions help prevent people from repeating their mistakes (decisions that resulted in negative feelings) • Recognizing emotions would allow robots to become more responsive to users’ needs • Exhibiting emotions would help robots interact with humans
  • 99. Classification of Emotions • Continuous • Emotions defined in multi-dimensional space of attributes • Arousal-Valence Plane • Discrete • Defines 5, 6, or more “basic” emotional states upon which more complex emotions are based
  • 100. Arousal-Valence Plane • Valence – whether emotion is positive or negative • Arousal – intensity of emotion
  • 101. Classification of Emotions Plutchik’s Theory: • Eight primitive emotions that more complex emotions are based upon • Gladness (joy) • Sadness • Anger • Surprise • Acceptance • Disgust • Expectancy • Fear
  • 102. Complexity of Emotional Classification
  • 103. Future of Robotics • Design robots to recognize presence, posture, and gaze • Develop viable social exchange between robots and humans • Design systems that can learn via reinforcement