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Performance Overview
The Rising
A Play by Michael Oatman, MFA
Playwright-In-Residence at Karamu Theater
*Selected performances to be introduced by
Drug education specialist or Gang Intervention professional.
The focus of this dramatic performance is to expose young audiences to
the impact of drug using/selling amongst young people and it’s
destructive effects.
Drug Selling
Peer Pressure
Gun violence
Proper Nutrition
Benefit of Education
The Rising, is about two brothers who are trapped
between wanting to do the right thing and the call of street life.
Primary Audiences:
Students [Middle School [8th
Graders] Junior High School, High School]
School educators and personnel
Parents and other family members
Secondary Audience:
General members of inner-city communities.
Audience Appeal Statement/Goals
This play will feature all youth actors, contemporary youth dialog and an ending that
emphasizes the consequences of an illegal lifestyle but also offers the hope of escaping it.
Learning Outcomes
* To deliver Entertainment that is interwoven with anti-drug message.
* To explore the effect of crime, violence and drugs in the inner-city.
* To explore the unbreakable bonds of family and brotherhood.
* To explore the cost of gun violence
* To Increase awareness of the benefits of education
5 Facts Embedded in the Play
1. The number one cause of Death for black males 18-24 in America is homicide. – The
Center for Disease Control, Page 13
2. The number one cause of death for African Americans is heart disease. – The Center for
Disease Control, Page 18
3. There are more African American males in colleges than in prison. – Washington post,
Page 39
4. Over fifty percent of African American children do not graduate from high school. – The
Intelligence Daily, Page 12
5. Nearly one and three African American males is, or has been involved with the justice
system in America. – The Sentencing Project, Page 38
The Rising
A Play in Seven Movements
Michael Oatman, MFA,
Playwright In Residence at Karamu Theater
Cast of Characters
Terrell --- 20 year-old, African American Male
Trina --- 13 year-old, African American Female
Banky --- 20 year-old, African American Male
Mother Stokes --- 70 year-old, African American Female
*Dava --- 18 years-old, African American Female *Double Cast with Mother Stokes
*Ms. Waters --- 30 year-old, African American Female *Triple Cast with Mother Stokes
Grandma’s House
Two siblings are trapped between wanting to do the right thing and the call of street life.
(At Rise: The lights reveal Trina standing on a street corner looking around suspiciously.
She looks out at a car passing-by.)
I mean, don’t get it twisted . . . I get it in . . . I ain’t no punk . . . you know who my brother is?
What he do? What he would do to you if you knew you was talking to like this? [Beat] Terrell .
. . that’s right. [Beat] Yeah . . . I’m his sister, but ain’t nothing little about me, and I can stand on
any corner I want. Unless you want me to call Terrell? Yeah, that’s what I thought. [She
reaches into her pocket and produces a plastic bag, she inspects the contents and puts it back
away. An imaginary drug user walks up and she and the user transact business.] You want
twenty, you want twenty . . . Yeah, yeah, that’s what’s up. I ain’t trying to hear that. That is
twenty dollars worth . . . no. . . keep it moving. [The unseen drug user exits the stage. A
pedestrian walks by and she perceives that they might be a drug user.] Hey man . . . hey, I got
them red tops . . . red tops . . . [The pedestrian continues to walk by. She goes back to her
position. Terrell enters the scene and stands in the corner and observes Trina for a few
moments. Trina notices Terrell staring at her.] Terrell . . . uhh, what you doing here?
Man, keep yo voice down . . .
. . . Man . . .
. . . you out here popping fly wit me . . . man, people listening.
You think I care who listening? first of all I dun told you about running around here sounding
like you ignorant. You know how talk. This is real life not some rap video. So knock off the
“yo, yo, yo” garbage.
. . . I be . . . [Terrell shoots Trina a hard stare.] . . . I’m just out here minding my own business.
Girl, if you don’t get over here . . . you trying to make me catch another case . . . whatchu doing
out here this early in the morning? I woke up and looked in your bed and you was gone.
Terrell . . . I was just . . . [Trina grabs Terrell by the collar and starts to yank her away. He
reaches in her pocket and pulls out a plastic bag.]
Whatchu doing?
Don’t tell me nothing.
I’m . . . I’m . . . Putting in work.
Putting in . . . girl if you don’t . . . who gave you this?
Don’t tell me nobody, who gave you this? I dun told you, I don’t want you on this corner.
I’m just out here trying to make that money . . .
. . . Did I ask you to make money?
I’m just trying to be like you, man . . .
. . . And I dun told you I don’t want you to be like me. These streets ain’t for you. I ain’t out
here risking everything so that you be out here doing the same thing . . . I catch you out here
again and I’m gon break you neck. Let’s go. [They exit as Mother Stokes ambles in on a cane
and takes a seat at a small desk down stage.]
Mother Stokes
We got these dope boys on every corner. It was almost twenty years ago . . . I stood there and
watched this one boy knowed take his last breath. Right on there . . . on dat hard concrete. He
wasn’t no different than the other young bucks running around here. No better, no worse . . .
And I had feeling for him. Like . . . like I got feeling for all the others. I stand at my window,
day after day after day and I watch. Watch this place slowly slip slide itself into hell. There was
a time, when . . . when . . . when we walked through the doors of Hilton Valley Estates and
thanked God almighty for giving us this place, this clean place to live. Thanked God that we
didn’t have to live in dem rat traps down there by the tracks and near the bridge. There was a
time when a body consider his’self downright lucky to be chosen to live in the Valley . . . lucky
to live in the projects. There was a time. [Laughs.] Can you b’leeve it? Lucky. Was a time
that you had to be picked, chosen, put on a list to have the right to come through them dare gates
out there. That was a long time since past. Back den, was nothing but working folk, that lived in
here. What’en no drugs, what’en no guns or any such nonsense, just folks, living and trying to
keep the police boots outcho hindquarters. Was a time that the only fear a body had was outside
dem dare gates, was a time that we wus all family . . . there was a time . . . but that time ain’t no
more. All we got now is memories of what used to be . . . alls we can do now is hold on to the
few crumbs God dun thought to leave us. I stood there and watched that boy take his last . . .
watched the air run out his lungs . . . watched the life drain from his eyes . . . bad dope they said.
Took it in the veins, shaking and twisting and dying from that poison he bought from across
town. And if it ain’t the dope it’s the shooting, did you know that the number one cause of death
for black males 18-24 is homicide? Did you know that? Vincent was a good boy, just ‘caught
that fever, got his first taste of junk and never looked back. I stood there and watched him take
his last . . . and I promised . . . God help me, I promised that I wasn’t gon never let my babies . . .
all my babies, any babies that dun growed up out the cracks of these concrete sidewalks fall from
the cross town dope. Wasn’t gon ever let them march to their peace early by taking no bad junk
into dey veins. That’s why I do what I do. [Banky enters.] That’s why I make sure that the
drugs dey get is as clean as the pure driven snow. Quality. And not that poison. Heaven help
me, it’s the least a body could do. Banky. Get over here. Dis here batch is done. Take it over to
the Dutchman. [She hands a bag of dope over to Banky.] And you bes remind that fool he still
owe us for dem red tops. And make sure he pay for that fo he even get a sniff of this. We ain’t
running no charity. And take Terrell just in case he need a little convincing.
Yes ma’am.
Mother Stokes
Good boy. Now git. [Banky exits the scene.] Used to baby sit that boy before he was knee high
to a fire hydrant. Good boy, very capable, him and Terrell. ‘Bout raised both those boys. Very
capable. All we can do is play our part, right? And make sure things even out end. [She gets
up.] Now I got to get, I got bingo in a few minutes. [She begins to exit.] Yes indeedy, I can’t
miss my bingo, no sir. [Mother Stokes exits. Terrell and Trina enter from the opposite side of
the stage. Terrell has Trina by the collar.]
Sit down, withcho dumb butt. [Terrell stands and stares at Trina for several seconds.]
Getcho your hands off me . . .
. . . Be quiet before you wake up grandma. You know she sick. Whatchu think this gon do to her
if you drop out? She already got one drop-out grandchild. Now you trying to join the stupid
club? Man they say half of black kids don’t even graduate. Is that what you want?
I swear you be trippin’.
I don’t know what you want me to say.
I want you to say that you gon do what I tell you. Whatchu out in them streets for, you don’t
need no money? I give you everything you need. What would mama say if she saw you doing
Same thing she said when you did it.
Don’t give no lip.
You a hypocrite.
You don’t belong out there, you a girl.
That school teaching you them big words, huh? Good, ‘cause out in this world you gon need
Man, I ain’t trying to here that . . . you out in these streets hustling everyday.
This ain’t about me.
You always say that . . .
. . . Trina . . . you ain’t nothing but a kid, man you ain’t even out of the eight grade yet. I’m a
grown man, and I make grown man decisions. You just a girl . . .
. . . Mother Stokes don’t think that I’m just a girl . . . she think that I’m ready get my player
weight up, get out and start earning.
I don’t care what Mother Stokes think, she don’t make decisions in our house.
You ain’t my father . . .
. . . And where is he? Is he here? Naw, when the last time you seen him? [Silence] Exactly.
Mama’s dead and our daddy might as well be. I’m the only father you gon get. [Terrell grabs
Trina by the collar and pulls her close.] You feel me? I said do you feel me?
Get off me, get off me. [Trina pulls away.]
Go get ready for school. The bus is on the way.
I ain’t ate breakfast.
Well, maybe next time you will be worried about eating instead of standing on that block like a
fool. You a female and you need to stay in a female’s place.
I hate you.
Good, I hate you too. [Trina storms off, as Terrell considers what she has just said.] Trina . . .
Trina . . . I didn’t mean . . . [Terrell briefly follows Trina as she exits to the other side of the stage
parallel to Terrell.] . . . [Terrell addresses the audience directly.] Man, I swear, sometimes it’s
easier to be on the block. [Beat] It’s like I watch life through a dirty glass or something, I bob
and weave and take the punches as they come. I ain’t never been nothing but poor. My whole
life, my mama died that way . . . and I swore, I swore, that wasn’t gon ever be me . . .
. . . See . . . this isn’t how I thought it was gonna be. I miss her. My grandma is a good grandma,
but I . . . I . . . miss my mama . . . sometime, when I like wake up, I swear that I forget that she is
even gone . . . it’s like for those few seconds . . . in that one moment . . . it’s like she’s still here
and everything, for just a second, is like it use to be . . .
. . . She just don’t understand how it is on these street. Man it’s crazy. What I look like, you
think that I’m gon end up in some paper hat working at McDonalds . . . hell naw, I’m gon make
my money. And I watched my mama, struggling, juggling two jobs and two kids and I say to
myself . . .
. . . It’s not gon be me. I’m not going to jail. I’m not stupid, I’m gon do something with myself.
I was just trying to . . . you get some money flowing. How is gonna tell me what I can and can’t
do . . .
. . . True, I know that I ain’t living right. I know how it sound me telling her not to do it. But. I
mean it’s my job right . . . it’s my job. I’m spose to tell her fat head what she spose to do. Right?
Trina and Terrell
This ain’t the way it spose to be. [Trina exits quickly.]
Trina . . . Trina . . . damn. [Beat] All this mess we be facing, made me get out in these streets
and start paper chasing. I mean I ain’t stupid . . . I know I ain’t living right. But I ain’t smart
like Trina, you know what I’m saying? I don’t got them school book skills. What am I suppose
to do? I don’t got no options man, I came up in the hood. I gotta be out here like that. Got to. I
get it in, and that’s what’s up. I can’t leave no money on the floor. I hustle so my little sister
don’t have too. You see what I’m saying? [Moves closer to the audience.] You see what I’m
saying? [Beat] Y’all don’t feel me.
You judging me.
You . . . think I’m a fool.
I know it,
I know it,
I see it in your eyes.
I do
This ain’t the old days,
bell bottoms and afros.
This is real life.
knuckles on pavement,
gun smoke in the air.
I gotta . . . you know,
shoot my regular.
Gotta scrape that money off the ground,
squeeze it out the streets,
one penny at a time.
I know that my clock is ticking.
I know that out there, somewhere,
There is probably a bullet . . . a bullet with my name it . . . I just don’t, don’t know how to get out
the game [Banky enters.]
You know that they’ll lock a dude up for talking to himself like that.
Shut up man.
You smoking or something? I done told, to just sell this stuff, who you talking to?
Here you come roasting. [Banky’s phone rings and he answers it.]
I ain’t trying to hear all that. I gotta eat too. Flat out. Get me my money, tomorrow. [Banky
hangs up his cell phone.] Terrell, is you ready to go or what?
Go where, Banky?
Mother Stokes want us to make a visit on your dude.
He still messing up on that money?
You know it.
Well, at least you can let a brother get his breakfast on.
Yeah man, a dude need a balanced meal to start off his day of hustling. [Terrell grabs a box of
cereal and pours a bowl and starts eating.]
Dang, just gon eat in my face like that? You got some Frosted Flakes?
Naw, I got some Cheerios though, got all them nutrients and vitamins and stuff.
Cherrios? You ain’t got no sausages up in here for a brother?
Trying to lay off that swine?
You crazy.
You know what the number one thing that kills black folks?
Uhhh . . . not having Mother Stokes money on time?
No, heart disease. All that pork and salt fool.
Awww . . . look at Mr. Muslim over here. [Terrell points over to the refrigerator to a box of
Cheerios. Banky gets up and grabs the box of Cheerios and sits back down.]
What I look like, you know where they at? [Banky grabs a bowl and makes a bowl of cereal.
The two eat cereal.]
Gotta get out in these streets and get this off. Ain’t like Mother Stokes gon wait for long.
Naw, she ain’t much for waiting is she?
By the way man I might need to borrow some money from you . . . I kinda messed my money up
the other day . . . I might need to get my hands on a few hundred for a week or two.
A couple hundred? For a week or two . . . naw I can’t do it.
You can’t do it? You just got off a package?
Yeah, but I gotta re-up . . . if I give you a couple of hundred, it’s throw my situation off. You my
dude, you know we go back to Kindergarten, but business is business. You know how it is man,
the game don’t love nobody.
Thanks man.
Come on don’t be like that. I’m out here just trying to make it happen like everybody else.
I feel you. [Beat] Two dollars.
For that bowl of Cherrios. Ain’t nothing free in this world, Banky. Like you said. The game
don’t love nobody.
Is you kidding?
Like a wise man once said, business is business. Now hand it over. [Terrell sticks his hand out.]
Man . . . [Banky reaches into his pocket and produces two dollars and lays it in Terrell’s hand
who quickly pockets the bills.]
$1.50 for a re-fill.
You suck. Whatchu need money for any way, you just re-ed up? In a week or so yo pockets gon
be bulging.
I’m thinking about opening up a bank account for Trina . . .
. . . She a smart girl.
Can I ask you something?
I was out on the block this morning.
On the block?
Yeah on the block.
Doing what?
Selling girl scout cookies, whatchu think?
Okay, what?
Did you?
Did I what?
Did you let her hold something?
Is that a joke?
Take a good look at my face and tell me if I’m joking.
I look like wanna go ten rounds with you? Life too short. I didn’t give her nothing.
And that’s the truth?
C’mon man, look around, she could’ve gotten that stuff anywhere. She could have gotten put on
by a thousand cats. Hell, while you checking me, you to be checking yo own stash.
Yeah, I guess. [Trina enters with a book bag.]
What’s up youngster?
Hey man.
We gon finish that conversation later and you better have yo butt home at 3:30pm, Grandma gon
be waiting for you and I’m gon make it my business to call to make sure you there.
I might be going over Marc’s house after school.
[Terrell simulates the noise of a game show buzzer.] Wrong answer. I want you home.
‘Cause I said, I don’t trust that little sneaky dude. If you roll up in here pregnant I’m gone snap
it in two.
He is not my boyfriend I just study with him.
And I said no. Get yo’self home, eat yo lunch and do your homework till I get home. Got it?
[Silence] Got it?
Good. Now get out of here. [Trina begins to exit.] And Trina . . . [Trina stops and turns
around.] . . . Here. [Terrell throws her a piece of fruit.]
That’s fifty cents.
What’s this?
A young dude need his nutrients out in this piece, don’tchu know that? [Trina starts eating the
fruit as she storms off. The scene fades to black.]
(Trina is sitting at a desk and she is writing quietly. Principal Waters walks up to her.)
Principal Waters
I hear that someone is having a bad day.
I guess.
Principal Waters
You guess. You must be having a bad day, Ms. Kittridge made you come in here by yourself to
work. The way I hear it, you were flapping those lips of yours again, getting smart, disrespecting
Ms. Kittridge.
Principal Waters
Yeah. And why is that?
I don’t know.
Principal Waters
Well, If you don’t know then nobody knows.
I don’t know what you want me to say.
Principal Waters
How long have I known you? Had your brother . . . watched you begin to grow into a young
lady. I know you been struggling since your mom passed. I know it’s been tough.
You don’t know anything.
Principal Waters
Because no one understands?
I didn’t say that.
Principal Waters
Do you know that when I was a young girl, barely older than you, that I lost my father.
Principal Waters
How did he die?
Principal Waters
Doesn’t matter, really. But, what matters is that I didn’t take it well . . . started feeling sorry for
myself and did things that I . . . that I regretted.
Like what?
Principal Waters
Now do you think there is anyway in the world I would ever tell you that?
Nope, but it was worth a shot.
Principal Waters
But I was lucky. When I came up it wasn’t as much out here. A child could make a mistake or
two and live to talk about it.
Not like anymore.
Principal Waters
No. It isn’t. We both know that. Being a kid today is tough. It’s not easy. You don’t have the
same amount of room that you use to have. Not all kids are able to walk away from those
mistakes, so you guys have to be smarter. You have to say to yourself, if I do this, what happens
now? Where does it lead?
We got into a fight.
Principal Waters
Me and Terrell.
Principal Waters
Why is that?
I did something.
Principal Waters
Did somthing?
Did something stupid.
Principal Waters
Hmmmm . . . can it be fixed.
I don’t know.
Principal Waters
You wanna talk about it?
Principal Waters
Okay. But maybe later we can talk about it.
Yeah. Maybe.
Principal Waters
At this point in your life we have to make good decisions, pull away from the nonsense.
My problem is not that easy solve. It’s tough out here Ms. Waters.
Principal Waters
I know, Trina. I’m not going to give you an after school speech. I grew up right down the
street . . . I know how it goes. I know it can get tough . . . and I don’t have any easy answers
because there aren’t any. What I can tell you is what my grandmother told me. It’s not about
where you are, its about who you are. You can take a rose and sit it in a garbage dump, but it’s
still a rose. And that’s what you have to decided, what we all have to decide at some point. Who
are you? Who do you want to be? Once you decide that nothing else matters.
Principal Waters
Yeah.. And when yo need me . . . to talk . . . about your problem. I will be here. You know that
Yes ma’m. [Principal Waters gets up to exit.]
Principal Waters
Well, until then you got detention for a month.
Principal Waters . . .
Principal Waters
. . . Whatchu thought I went soft? Like you kids love to say some much, don’t get it twisted, you
still have to pay for being disruptive in class.
Yes ma’am.
Principal Waters
If you act like you got some sense maybe, I will consider slice a few days off of that. Now
gather your things and go back to class and act like the bright girl you always been.
Yes ma’am. [Principal Waters begins to exit.] Principal Waters.
Principal Waters
Yes Trina?
My mother use to wear her like that sometime.
Principal Waters
Yes. I like it. I like it a lot. [Principal Waters smiles and then exits the room. Trina stands
there and ponders for a moment and then follows after Trina.]
(Terrell is sitting on a crate in the darkness a blinking light shines on half of his face from
the right. On the other half of the stage, Trina is doing his homework.)
The red and blue light
heard the echo
the gunshot
somebody fell
never to get up again
see, that’s how we do
heard a rumor
it was somebody I knew
somebody what was once
but ain’t no more
This is the way we play the game
everybody guilty
so nobody to blame
I swear
I’m tired now
like I’m running and can’t never stop
fighting for every inch
just to keep what I got.
Them sirens
got me turned
going in circles
The late night gun fights
I’m tired now
I mean it this time
I ain’t just saying that
I’m tired
gotta do something else
But what?
Up to my neck in the game
I gotta live
I gotta eat
This is my world
This is what I come from
People don’t know me
Can’t see me
And can’t be me
They mistake what it’s about
All they see is the sparkle and shine
The bling, on my neck
They don’t know. They just don’t know. [Terrell gets up and walks over to Trina.] Whatchu
working on?
Algebra. My head hurt just thinking about it.
How long have you been sitting there watching me?
Not long. I was just looking for grandma.
She sleep, she wasn’t feeling well. Whatchu doing here? It’s barely 7 o clock, since when you
get in that early? Shouldn’t you be out there grinding?
I guess
Then what you here for?
I can’t come see about my little sister?
I guess.
How was school?
Nothing, it was fine.
You think I don’t know my own sister? What happened.
I kinda got in trouble.
Trouble how?
I got into it with Ms. Kittridge.
How many times I got to tell you not to . . .
. . . You don’t have to give me the speech. Principal Waters already beat you to it.
Principal Waters, man she still stalking the halls?
Man, I use to spend my time in her office than homeroom. She was good people though.
Yeah. I know.
Let me guess detention?
For a month.
Yeah that was Waters. She use to hand it out like candy. Well, that’s what you get for acting up.
You just make sure you stay in them books.
You hear me?
You know what I think?
Naw, what do you think?
I think you just want to be the only one making some money around here.
Then you not as smart as I think. You think I care about that?
Then why you always on my back . . . I was just trying to do how you do. Make a little
something . . . help out a little.
I don’t want you to do how I do. You smart, you got good grades, it ain’t nothing out there.
Then why you out there?
I ain’t as smart as you . . . I’m a felon, I got a number.
To be honest sometimes I don’t know. But what I do know is that it ain’t for you. [Long beat] I
gotta to ask you something.
Who was it that gave you that stuff?
Does it matter?
Yeah, I think it do.
Just leave it alone.
How about you let me decide what I’m gon leave alone, who gave it to you. I said who gave it to
Your boss okay . . . Mother Stokes gave it to me. [Beat] And by the way I owe her now, since
you took it from me.
Mother Stokes?
She gave it too you?
Yes. And she want me to work for her. What am I suppose to tell her, no?
[Terrell pounds his hand on the table.] Okay . . . I’m gon take care of this.
And what about her money . . .
Forget about it. I’m gonna handle it. Keep working on your homework.
Can I come with you?
No, I got this.
But . . .
. . . I said no . . . now don’t make me tell you again. [Terrell stands up.] I gotta go.
Terrell, we can . . .
. . . I got it. I got it. [Terrell gives Trina a hug.] I know I don’t say this enough. But I love you.
I know. [Beat] Maybe we could tell grandma . . . maybe she could . . .
[Terrell laughs] . . . Grandma is a good woman, and I’m glad that she look after you when she
can, but naw, I think I’m do this myself.
Do you . . . do you ever miss her?
[Pause] Everyday of my life. [Terrell exit.]
(The scene opens and Mother Stokes is sitting at the table and is counting money. Terrell
Uhh . . . Mother?
Mother Stokes
Wait a minute, suga. [She can be heard quietly counting to herself.] There we go, all finished.
Now, what can I do you for baby.
How you doing today Mother?
Mother Stokes
I’m fair for a square I spose, what do you need boy, time is money honey.
I need to talk to you about something.
Mother Stokes
It’s about Trina.
Mother Stokes
Yessss . . . she’s a good girl. I like her, she gon do big things out here. Grow up strong. Like
I agree . . . But uhhh . . . well, I heard you uhhh, gave her one of our little “starter kits.”
Mother Stokes
Yeah, I let her hold something. It was about time don’tcha think? I’m surprised you didn’t get
her out here earning her keep.
That’s just the thing Mother . . . I don’t want her . . . you know, in the game.
Mother Stokes
I don’t understand.
I don’t want her doing this.
Mother Stokes
And I don’t want dis here arthritis. But it is what it is.
I don’t want my little sister going through what I go through.
Mother Stokes
Whatchu go through, whatchu go through . . . like what? Making money, getting paid? Is that
what you mean?
It’s just too dangerous out here for . . .
Mother Stokes
. . . It’s her turn. You want her out here with flat pockets? I’m trying to help her, teach her.
Teach her what?
Mother Stokes
The same thing I taught you young buck, how to make something outcho self.
She’s smart.
Mother Stokes
I know, that’s why we need her. We got too many fools working for us as it is.
Trina got good grades, she can be something, she better then this.
Mother Stokes
Better than this . . . or do you mean, better than me?
That’s not what I meant.
Mother Stokes
Okay, then baby, what do you mean?
I just mean that . . . that Trina is, I don’t know, she special. She got something in her that, I don’t
know . . . she ain’t made for these streets.
Mother Stokes
That’s exactly why we gots to school her . . .
. . . No . . .
Mother Stokes
. . . No? You saying no to old Mother Stokes?
. . . Mother . . .
Mother Stokes
. . . You saying no to the same somebody that brought you into the game? To the somebody that
was like a mother to you when yo mammy died? You saying no to me? How long you done
worked for me?
For longer than I could remember.
Mother Stokes
And what usually happen to people who say no to me?
I . . . uhhh . . . I . . .
Mother Stokes
[Mother Stokes bangs her cane.] . . . What happens?
I know what happens.
Mother Stokes
Do you? Or have you forgot.
I ain’t forgot. Someone say no and Carlos, or Bang or Smokehouse pay ‘em a little visit.
Mother Stokes
Exactly. Now what I want you doing is out on dem streets making my runs, picking up my
money and pushing my product. You leave the figuring and thinking to Mother, and stop asking
for things I can’t give you.
I ain’t asking.
Mother Stokes
[She laughs.] Boy who you talking to? I make a call and that house of yours blows up, you,
your little sister and your grandma all blowed to pieces. You think she been sick now, wait till
her house fall on her. I don’t cotton to being told what to do, boy. This thing ain’t your call.
Like, I said I ain’t asking. Trina is out the game.
Mother Stokes
Or what?
Or maybe . . . I don’t know maybe the cops get a call . . . about this little old lady that supplying
half the drug dealer in the projects. Maybe they get a call. You feel me?
Mother Stokes
[Long, long beat.] Now calm down, no call to start talking crazy.
Crazy is you spending whatever time you got left rotting in a cell. You feel me?
Mother Stokes
I do. [Long beat]
Look, I don’t want to get into no beef with . . .
Mother Stokes
. . . I gets it baby. Old Mother is hard-headed sometimes is all, but I get it. No need for us to get
cross over one little block boy, right? We go back way too far for that mess. Trina is out . . . and
I’ll let everybody know.
Thank you.
Mother Stokes
No, problem baby, when you right, you right. Now go get my money, honey. The Dutchman
will be waiting for you.
And I know that you fronted Trina, I’m gon get that off and get you yo money on that.
Mother Stokes
Don’tchu worry about that Terrell. Whenever. Whenever.
I really appreciate this Mother.
Mother Stokes
No problem baby, now send in Banky on your way out. [Terrell exits. A few moments later
Banky enters.]
Yeah, Mother Stokes.
Mother Stokes
I like the work you been doing lately. Been showing that you a solider. It’s time to step up,
move up, you know what I mean?
Yeah, I guess.
Mother Stokes
Mother got a job for you. It’s gon be tough on ya, but in this world, we gotta do what we gotta
do, right baby?
Er . . . right. So uhhh . . . what do you want me to do? [Mother Stokes smiles a sinister smile as
the lights fade to black.]
(Terrell is sitting at a table. Trina enters.)
Been waiting for you?
Waiting for me for what? You about to give me another lecture?
Naw, ain’t like you ever listen anyway.
I ain’t be on the corner man, I been just chilling.
This ain’t about that.
What’s up?
I want to give you something.
You got that I-Pod I been asking you about?
Naw, this something else. [Terrell hands Trina a date book.]
What’s this?
It’s a bank book.
A bank book?
Yeah, remember how be talking about you going to college, maybe Howard or one of dem big
time type schools?
Well, I put a little something away in it.
College, man that’s years away. I ain’t even in high school yet.
Believe me when I tell you. It goes like that. [Terrell snaps his fingers.] One day you gon look
up and you gon be a grown woman. I want you to keep the book. And every time you get a little
piece of change I want you to put some of it in your account. You feel me?
I guess.
Man, I’m serious . . . this important.
This is important.
Okay, okay . . . calm down. You act like you dying of cancer or something.
Naw, but it’s time I start trying to do the right thing. I can’t keep doing what I’m doing. Now
take that and put it somewhere safe.
And you going to college?
Yeah, yeah. For sure. I gotta bounce Marc waiting for me at the court.
Cool. [Trina exits quickly the lights fade to black.]
(Banky is standing and looking at his watch and waiting. Terrell enters.)
Dude you late, I been waiting here for twenty minutes.
Sorry, man. I had to talk to my sister about something. What in the hell are we doing meeting
in alley any way. It stank around here. Who we meeting here?
Just picking up something is all. It won’t be long. [Terrell fades forward to the edge of the
Whatever . . . I need to talk to you anyway man. Look, I know we started this whole thing
together, but, I don’t know man. It’s starting to get to me. I gotta make some kinda move. I
can’t do this no more. I’m thinking . . . you know that maybe I might, I don’t know, like go back
to school or something. You know get my diploma and maybe like go to community college and
get a degree or something. You know what I mean? I mean it ain’t like I’m fifty. I mean I’m
still young, you know? I mean maybe I could I don’t know . . . [Terrell is facing the audience
but hears a click. He does not turn around.] Banky . . .
. . .Yeah?
Why you pointing a gun at me?
I think you know?
You ain’t gon do this?
What did you think she was gon do? You thought was gon let that ride? Are you crazy?
You ain’t gon do this . . . we been friend since we was babies. You ain’t gon do this.
. . . Terrell how many times have I told you . . . how many times? The streets don’t forgive
nothing. You always gotta look out for number one.
So you promised to kill me?
You know what it is.
I don’t, please tell me what it is.
It’s the game, Terrell. How many times I dun told you, the game don’t love nobody. [Terrell
turns quickly.]
Don’t . . . [The lights fade to black as the gun fires, the lights come back up quickly and Terrell is
on his knees. Banky fires again. Terrell falls over dead.]
Told you before man, the game . . . the game don’t love nobody. [The lights come up on stage.
Banky stands over Terrell for a moment then exits.]
(The spotlight comes up and Banky is sitting on a crate and he is counting money. Trina
How you doing?
How you think I’m doing?
He was like your brother too?
I know.
We can’t let her get away with this.
Let who?
You know she did this.
I don’t know nothing . . . and you don’t know nothing. Stay out of this.
She had my brother killed.
And what do you suggest we do?
Go after her . . . she . . . she murdered my brother. Had ‘em gunned down like a dog in the street.
I can’t let that go. He was all I had.
I know.
She can’t get away with this.
Is you crazy? You gotta let it go. I had love for him too, but you gotta chalk it up to the game
and move on. That’s what he would want.
No. I can’t let it go. [Beat] I need your help.
My help?
Instead of my help, why don’t you take my advice. Stay out these streets. Your brother said it to
me all the time. But I never listened.
I need a gun.
You need a degree. Ain’t no problem a gun gon help you solve.
I need a gun.
Just like your brother . . . hard-headed.
Banky I need a gun.
Okay . . . every man gotta make his own choice in the end. [Banky reaches into his pocket and
pulls out a gun. He lays it on the table.] Here. [Trina takes it, cracks the barrel and looks into
the chamber.] It’s loaded. [Trina lays it back on the table.]
Good, ‘cause I gotta represent for Terrell.
I agree. When you get that college degree, you gon be representing plenty.
That’s what Terrell wanted for you . . . that’s what I want too. [Banky exits. Trina stands on
stage and looks at the gun. Trina walks away from the gun and addresses the audience directly.]
I am his sister
I keep real
I do my job
I remember him
in snatches and flashes
his face
his smile
his smell
I tell the tales
of all that silly stuff he use to do
I know he gone be with me forever
Some where buried deep inside
where no one can get at
this tear is for him
he did not know
he couldn’t see
how beautiful he was
he fell asleep
on the train tracks
rumbling right at him
couldn’t hear it
couldn’t hear it
couldn’t hear it
and he never woke up
he’s gone now . . . and I feel it
feel it building
feel it bubbling up in me
feel it rising
rising in me
his dreams
my dreams
I’m rising . . . I’m different now
Somehow I got out of high school and got Ms. Waters helped me into college . . . I mean, I had
my bumps in the road, and I didn’t end up at Howard like I thought, ended up at Wayne State
instead. My first year of college, financial aid . . . it’s hard work. And you know what . . . that
little old bank account my brother opened helped out. Banky sends me a little something every
month. So I manage, you know. But there are no happy endings. There are no fairy tales, just
hard work and even harder decisions. See my brother bought into all the hype . . . he believed all
that nonsense that you we see on the television screens . . . yeah they’ll tell you that one and
three black males is or has been involved in the justice system, but what they don’t tell you is
that at any given time there are more black males in college then in prison; in fact, twice as
many. The newspapers don’t tell us that. Don’t tell you that black kids go to college all the time.
But that’s okay, because I’m living proof of it. You understand? [Dava enters.]
Trina . . . you ready? It’s time to go girl.
Yeah, baby. I’m ready to go
Come on we gon be late for the game . . . I hear Devon is gon be there. [Dava grabs Trina’s
hand and starts dragging her off stage.]
I guess I’ll catch y’all on the rebound. [The lights fade to black.]

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194132175 the-rising

  • 1. Get Homework/Assignment Done Homework Help Research Paper help Online Tutoring click here for freelancing tutoring sites Performance Overview The Rising A Play by Michael Oatman, MFA Playwright-In-Residence at Karamu Theater *Selected performances to be introduced by Drug education specialist or Gang Intervention professional. The focus of this dramatic performance is to expose young audiences to the impact of drug using/selling amongst young people and it’s destructive effects. Themes Drug Selling Peer Pressure Gun violence Proper Nutrition Benefit of Education Synopsis: The Rising, is about two brothers who are trapped between wanting to do the right thing and the call of street life. Primary Audiences: Students [Middle School [8th Graders] Junior High School, High School] School educators and personnel
  • 2. Parents and other family members Secondary Audience: General members of inner-city communities. Audience Appeal Statement/Goals This play will feature all youth actors, contemporary youth dialog and an ending that emphasizes the consequences of an illegal lifestyle but also offers the hope of escaping it. Learning Outcomes * To deliver Entertainment that is interwoven with anti-drug message. * To explore the effect of crime, violence and drugs in the inner-city. * To explore the unbreakable bonds of family and brotherhood. * To explore the cost of gun violence * To Increase awareness of the benefits of education 5 Facts Embedded in the Play 1. The number one cause of Death for black males 18-24 in America is homicide. – The Center for Disease Control, Page 13 1.html 2. The number one cause of death for African Americans is heart disease. – The Center for Disease Control, Page 18 3. There are more African American males in colleges than in prison. – Washington post, Page 39 1.html 4. Over fifty percent of African American children do not graduate from high school. – The Intelligence Daily, Page 12 5. Nearly one and three African American males is, or has been involved with the justice system in America. – The Sentencing Project, Page 38
  • 3. The Rising A Play in Seven Movements Michael Oatman, MFA, Playwright In Residence at Karamu Theater Cast of Characters Terrell --- 20 year-old, African American Male Trina --- 13 year-old, African American Female Banky --- 20 year-old, African American Male Mother Stokes --- 70 year-old, African American Female *Dava --- 18 years-old, African American Female *Double Cast with Mother Stokes *Ms. Waters --- 30 year-old, African American Female *Triple Cast with Mother Stokes Settings Apartment Grandma’s House Alleyway Synopsis Two siblings are trapped between wanting to do the right thing and the call of street life.
  • 4. MOVEMENT ONE (At Rise: The lights reveal Trina standing on a street corner looking around suspiciously. She looks out at a car passing-by.) Trina I mean, don’t get it twisted . . . I get it in . . . I ain’t no punk . . . you know who my brother is? What he do? What he would do to you if you knew you was talking to like this? [Beat] Terrell . . . that’s right. [Beat] Yeah . . . I’m his sister, but ain’t nothing little about me, and I can stand on any corner I want. Unless you want me to call Terrell? Yeah, that’s what I thought. [She reaches into her pocket and produces a plastic bag, she inspects the contents and puts it back away. An imaginary drug user walks up and she and the user transact business.] You want twenty, you want twenty . . . Yeah, yeah, that’s what’s up. I ain’t trying to hear that. That is twenty dollars worth . . . no. . . keep it moving. [The unseen drug user exits the stage. A pedestrian walks by and she perceives that they might be a drug user.] Hey man . . . hey, I got them red tops . . . red tops . . . [The pedestrian continues to walk by. She goes back to her position. Terrell enters the scene and stands in the corner and observes Trina for a few moments. Trina notices Terrell staring at her.] Terrell . . . uhh, what you doing here? Trina Man, keep yo voice down . . . Terrell
  • 5. . . . Man . . . Trina . . . you out here popping fly wit me . . . man, people listening. Terrell You think I care who listening? first of all I dun told you about running around here sounding like you ignorant. You know how talk. This is real life not some rap video. So knock off the “yo, yo, yo” garbage. Trina . . . I be . . . [Terrell shoots Trina a hard stare.] . . . I’m just out here minding my own business. Terrell Girl, if you don’t get over here . . . you trying to make me catch another case . . . whatchu doing out here this early in the morning? I woke up and looked in your bed and you was gone. Trina Terrell . . . I was just . . . [Trina grabs Terrell by the collar and starts to yank her away. He reaches in her pocket and pulls out a plastic bag.] Terrell Whatchu doing? Trina Nothing. Terrell Don’t tell me nothing. Trina I’m . . . I’m . . . Putting in work. Terrell Putting in . . . girl if you don’t . . . who gave you this? Trina Nobody. Terrell Don’t tell me nobody, who gave you this? I dun told you, I don’t want you on this corner. Trina I’m just out here trying to make that money . . .
  • 6. Terrell . . . Did I ask you to make money? Trina I’m just trying to be like you, man . . . Terrell . . . And I dun told you I don’t want you to be like me. These streets ain’t for you. I ain’t out here risking everything so that you be out here doing the same thing . . . I catch you out here again and I’m gon break you neck. Let’s go. [They exit as Mother Stokes ambles in on a cane and takes a seat at a small desk down stage.] Mother Stokes We got these dope boys on every corner. It was almost twenty years ago . . . I stood there and watched this one boy knowed take his last breath. Right on there . . . on dat hard concrete. He wasn’t no different than the other young bucks running around here. No better, no worse . . . And I had feeling for him. Like . . . like I got feeling for all the others. I stand at my window, day after day after day and I watch. Watch this place slowly slip slide itself into hell. There was a time, when . . . when . . . when we walked through the doors of Hilton Valley Estates and thanked God almighty for giving us this place, this clean place to live. Thanked God that we didn’t have to live in dem rat traps down there by the tracks and near the bridge. There was a time when a body consider his’self downright lucky to be chosen to live in the Valley . . . lucky to live in the projects. There was a time. [Laughs.] Can you b’leeve it? Lucky. Was a time that you had to be picked, chosen, put on a list to have the right to come through them dare gates out there. That was a long time since past. Back den, was nothing but working folk, that lived in here. What’en no drugs, what’en no guns or any such nonsense, just folks, living and trying to keep the police boots outcho hindquarters. Was a time that the only fear a body had was outside dem dare gates, was a time that we wus all family . . . there was a time . . . but that time ain’t no more. All we got now is memories of what used to be . . . alls we can do now is hold on to the few crumbs God dun thought to leave us. I stood there and watched that boy take his last . . . watched the air run out his lungs . . . watched the life drain from his eyes . . . bad dope they said. Took it in the veins, shaking and twisting and dying from that poison he bought from across town. And if it ain’t the dope it’s the shooting, did you know that the number one cause of death for black males 18-24 is homicide? Did you know that? Vincent was a good boy, just ‘caught
  • 7. that fever, got his first taste of junk and never looked back. I stood there and watched him take his last . . . and I promised . . . God help me, I promised that I wasn’t gon never let my babies . . . all my babies, any babies that dun growed up out the cracks of these concrete sidewalks fall from the cross town dope. Wasn’t gon ever let them march to their peace early by taking no bad junk into dey veins. That’s why I do what I do. [Banky enters.] That’s why I make sure that the drugs dey get is as clean as the pure driven snow. Quality. And not that poison. Heaven help me, it’s the least a body could do. Banky. Get over here. Dis here batch is done. Take it over to the Dutchman. [She hands a bag of dope over to Banky.] And you bes remind that fool he still owe us for dem red tops. And make sure he pay for that fo he even get a sniff of this. We ain’t running no charity. And take Terrell just in case he need a little convincing. Banky Yes ma’am. Mother Stokes Good boy. Now git. [Banky exits the scene.] Used to baby sit that boy before he was knee high to a fire hydrant. Good boy, very capable, him and Terrell. ‘Bout raised both those boys. Very capable. All we can do is play our part, right? And make sure things even out end. [She gets up.] Now I got to get, I got bingo in a few minutes. [She begins to exit.] Yes indeedy, I can’t miss my bingo, no sir. [Mother Stokes exits. Terrell and Trina enter from the opposite side of the stage. Terrell has Trina by the collar.] Terrell Sit down, withcho dumb butt. [Terrell stands and stares at Trina for several seconds.] Trina Getcho your hands off me . . . Terrell . . . Be quiet before you wake up grandma. You know she sick. Whatchu think this gon do to her if you drop out? She already got one drop-out grandchild. Now you trying to join the stupid club? Man they say half of black kids don’t even graduate. Is that what you want? Trina No. Terrell I swear you be trippin’.
  • 8. Trina I don’t know what you want me to say. Terrell I want you to say that you gon do what I tell you. Whatchu out in them streets for, you don’t need no money? I give you everything you need. What would mama say if she saw you doing this? Trina Same thing she said when you did it. Terrell Don’t give no lip. Trina You a hypocrite. Terrell You don’t belong out there, you a girl. Trina Sexist. Terrell That school teaching you them big words, huh? Good, ‘cause out in this world you gon need ‘em. Trina Man, I ain’t trying to here that . . . you out in these streets hustling everyday. Terrell This ain’t about me. Trina You always say that . . . Terrell . . . Trina . . . you ain’t nothing but a kid, man you ain’t even out of the eight grade yet. I’m a grown man, and I make grown man decisions. You just a girl . . . Trina . . . Mother Stokes don’t think that I’m just a girl . . . she think that I’m ready get my player weight up, get out and start earning.
  • 9. Terrell I don’t care what Mother Stokes think, she don’t make decisions in our house. Trina You ain’t my father . . . Terrell . . . And where is he? Is he here? Naw, when the last time you seen him? [Silence] Exactly. Mama’s dead and our daddy might as well be. I’m the only father you gon get. [Terrell grabs Trina by the collar and pulls her close.] You feel me? I said do you feel me? Trina Get off me, get off me. [Trina pulls away.] Terrell Go get ready for school. The bus is on the way. Trina I ain’t ate breakfast. Terrell Well, maybe next time you will be worried about eating instead of standing on that block like a fool. You a female and you need to stay in a female’s place. Trina I hate you. Terrell Good, I hate you too. [Trina storms off, as Terrell considers what she has just said.] Trina . . . Trina . . . I didn’t mean . . . [Terrell briefly follows Trina as she exits to the other side of the stage parallel to Terrell.] . . . [Terrell addresses the audience directly.] Man, I swear, sometimes it’s easier to be on the block. [Beat] It’s like I watch life through a dirty glass or something, I bob and weave and take the punches as they come. I ain’t never been nothing but poor. My whole life, my mama died that way . . . and I swore, I swore, that wasn’t gon ever be me . . . Trina . . . See . . . this isn’t how I thought it was gonna be. I miss her. My grandma is a good grandma, but I . . . I . . . miss my mama . . . sometime, when I like wake up, I swear that I forget that she is even gone . . . it’s like for those few seconds . . . in that one moment . . . it’s like she’s still here and everything, for just a second, is like it use to be . . .
  • 10. Terrell . . . She just don’t understand how it is on these street. Man it’s crazy. What I look like, you think that I’m gon end up in some paper hat working at McDonalds . . . hell naw, I’m gon make my money. And I watched my mama, struggling, juggling two jobs and two kids and I say to myself . . . Trina . . . It’s not gon be me. I’m not going to jail. I’m not stupid, I’m gon do something with myself. I was just trying to . . . you get some money flowing. How is gonna tell me what I can and can’t do . . . Terrell . . . True, I know that I ain’t living right. I know how it sound me telling her not to do it. But. I mean it’s my job right . . . it’s my job. I’m spose to tell her fat head what she spose to do. Right? Right? Trina and Terrell This ain’t the way it spose to be. [Trina exits quickly.] Terrell Trina . . . Trina . . . damn. [Beat] All this mess we be facing, made me get out in these streets and start paper chasing. I mean I ain’t stupid . . . I know I ain’t living right. But I ain’t smart like Trina, you know what I’m saying? I don’t got them school book skills. What am I suppose to do? I don’t got no options man, I came up in the hood. I gotta be out here like that. Got to. I get it in, and that’s what’s up. I can’t leave no money on the floor. I hustle so my little sister don’t have too. You see what I’m saying? [Moves closer to the audience.] You see what I’m saying? [Beat] Y’all don’t feel me. You judging me. You . . . think I’m a fool. I know it, I know it, I see it in your eyes. I do This ain’t the old days, bell bottoms and afros.
  • 11. This is real life. knuckles on pavement, gun smoke in the air. I gotta . . . you know, shoot my regular. Gotta scrape that money off the ground, squeeze it out the streets, one penny at a time. I know that my clock is ticking. I know that out there, somewhere, There is probably a bullet . . . a bullet with my name it . . . I just don’t, don’t know how to get out the game [Banky enters.] Banky You know that they’ll lock a dude up for talking to himself like that. Terrell Shut up man. Banky You smoking or something? I done told, to just sell this stuff, who you talking to? Terrell Here you come roasting. [Banky’s phone rings and he answers it.] Banky I ain’t trying to hear all that. I gotta eat too. Flat out. Get me my money, tomorrow. [Banky hangs up his cell phone.] Terrell, is you ready to go or what? Terrell Go where, Banky? Banky Mother Stokes want us to make a visit on your dude. Terrell He still messing up on that money? Banky You know it.
  • 12. Terrell Well, at least you can let a brother get his breakfast on. Banky Breakfast. Terrell Yeah man, a dude need a balanced meal to start off his day of hustling. [Terrell grabs a box of cereal and pours a bowl and starts eating.] Banky Dang, just gon eat in my face like that? You got some Frosted Flakes? Terrell Naw, I got some Cheerios though, got all them nutrients and vitamins and stuff. Banky Cherrios? You ain’t got no sausages up in here for a brother? Terrell Trying to lay off that swine? Banky You crazy. Terrell You know what the number one thing that kills black folks? Banky Uhhh . . . not having Mother Stokes money on time? Terrell No, heart disease. All that pork and salt fool. Banky Awww . . . look at Mr. Muslim over here. [Terrell points over to the refrigerator to a box of Cheerios. Banky gets up and grabs the box of Cheerios and sits back down.] Banky Bowl? Terrell What I look like, you know where they at? [Banky grabs a bowl and makes a bowl of cereal. The two eat cereal.]
  • 13. Banky Gotta get out in these streets and get this off. Ain’t like Mother Stokes gon wait for long. Terrell Naw, she ain’t much for waiting is she? Banky Nope. Terrell By the way man I might need to borrow some money from you . . . I kinda messed my money up the other day . . . I might need to get my hands on a few hundred for a week or two. Banky A couple hundred? For a week or two . . . naw I can’t do it. Terrell You can’t do it? You just got off a package? Banky Yeah, but I gotta re-up . . . if I give you a couple of hundred, it’s throw my situation off. You my dude, you know we go back to Kindergarten, but business is business. You know how it is man, the game don’t love nobody. Terrell Thanks man. Banky Come on don’t be like that. I’m out here just trying to make it happen like everybody else. Terrell I feel you. [Beat] Two dollars. Banky What? Terrell For that bowl of Cherrios. Ain’t nothing free in this world, Banky. Like you said. The game don’t love nobody. Banky Is you kidding? Terrell
  • 14. Like a wise man once said, business is business. Now hand it over. [Terrell sticks his hand out.] Banky Man . . . [Banky reaches into his pocket and produces two dollars and lays it in Terrell’s hand who quickly pockets the bills.] Terrell $1.50 for a re-fill. Banky You suck. Whatchu need money for any way, you just re-ed up? In a week or so yo pockets gon be bulging. Terrell I’m thinking about opening up a bank account for Trina . . . Banky . . . She a smart girl. Terrell Can I ask you something? Banky What? Terrell I was out on the block this morning. Banky On the block? Terrell Yeah on the block. Banky Doing what? Terrell Selling girl scout cookies, whatchu think? Banky Okay, what? Terrell Did you?
  • 15. Banky Did I what? Terrell Did you let her hold something? Banky Is that a joke? Terrell Take a good look at my face and tell me if I’m joking. Banky I look like wanna go ten rounds with you? Life too short. I didn’t give her nothing. Terrell And that’s the truth? Banky C’mon man, look around, she could’ve gotten that stuff anywhere. She could have gotten put on by a thousand cats. Hell, while you checking me, you to be checking yo own stash. Terrell Yeah, I guess. [Trina enters with a book bag.] Banky What’s up youngster? Trina Hey man. Terrell We gon finish that conversation later and you better have yo butt home at 3:30pm, Grandma gon be waiting for you and I’m gon make it my business to call to make sure you there. Trina I might be going over Marc’s house after school. Terrell [Terrell simulates the noise of a game show buzzer.] Wrong answer. I want you home. Trina Why? Terrell
  • 16. ‘Cause I said, I don’t trust that little sneaky dude. If you roll up in here pregnant I’m gone snap it in two. Trina He is not my boyfriend I just study with him. Terrell And I said no. Get yo’self home, eat yo lunch and do your homework till I get home. Got it? [Silence] Got it? Trina Yeah. Terrell Good. Now get out of here. [Trina begins to exit.] And Trina . . . [Trina stops and turns around.] . . . Here. [Terrell throws her a piece of fruit.] Banky That’s fifty cents. Trina What’s this? Banky A young dude need his nutrients out in this piece, don’tchu know that? [Trina starts eating the fruit as she storms off. The scene fades to black.] MOVEMENT TWO (Trina is sitting at a desk and she is writing quietly. Principal Waters walks up to her.) Principal Waters I hear that someone is having a bad day.
  • 17. Trina I guess. Principal Waters You guess. You must be having a bad day, Ms. Kittridge made you come in here by yourself to work. The way I hear it, you were flapping those lips of yours again, getting smart, disrespecting Ms. Kittridge. Trina Yeah. Principal Waters Yeah. And why is that? Trina I don’t know. Principal Waters Well, If you don’t know then nobody knows. Trina I don’t know what you want me to say. Principal Waters How long have I known you? Had your brother . . . watched you begin to grow into a young lady. I know you been struggling since your mom passed. I know it’s been tough. Trina You don’t know anything. Principal Waters Because no one understands? Trina I didn’t say that. Principal Waters Do you know that when I was a young girl, barely older than you, that I lost my father. Trina Really? Principal Waters Yes.
  • 18. Trina How did he die? Principal Waters Doesn’t matter, really. But, what matters is that I didn’t take it well . . . started feeling sorry for myself and did things that I . . . that I regretted. Trina Like what? Principal Waters Now do you think there is anyway in the world I would ever tell you that? Trina Nope, but it was worth a shot. Principal Waters But I was lucky. When I came up it wasn’t as much out here. A child could make a mistake or two and live to talk about it. Trina Not like anymore. Principal Waters No. It isn’t. We both know that. Being a kid today is tough. It’s not easy. You don’t have the same amount of room that you use to have. Not all kids are able to walk away from those mistakes, so you guys have to be smarter. You have to say to yourself, if I do this, what happens now? Where does it lead? Trina We got into a fight. Principal Waters Who? Trina Me and Terrell. Principal Waters Why is that? Trina
  • 19. I did something. Principal Waters Did somthing? Trina Did something stupid. Principal Waters Hmmmm . . . can it be fixed. Trina I don’t know. Principal Waters You wanna talk about it? Trina No. Principal Waters Okay. But maybe later we can talk about it. Trina Yeah. Maybe. Principal Waters At this point in your life we have to make good decisions, pull away from the nonsense. Trina My problem is not that easy solve. It’s tough out here Ms. Waters. Principal Waters I know, Trina. I’m not going to give you an after school speech. I grew up right down the street . . . I know how it goes. I know it can get tough . . . and I don’t have any easy answers because there aren’t any. What I can tell you is what my grandmother told me. It’s not about where you are, its about who you are. You can take a rose and sit it in a garbage dump, but it’s still a rose. And that’s what you have to decided, what we all have to decide at some point. Who are you? Who do you want to be? Once you decide that nothing else matters. Trina Yeah? Principal Waters
  • 20. Yeah.. And when yo need me . . . to talk . . . about your problem. I will be here. You know that right? Trina Yes ma’m. [Principal Waters gets up to exit.] Principal Waters Well, until then you got detention for a month. Trina Principal Waters . . . Principal Waters . . . Whatchu thought I went soft? Like you kids love to say some much, don’t get it twisted, you still have to pay for being disruptive in class. Trina Yes ma’am. Principal Waters If you act like you got some sense maybe, I will consider slice a few days off of that. Now gather your things and go back to class and act like the bright girl you always been. Trina Yes ma’am. [Principal Waters begins to exit.] Principal Waters. Principal Waters Yes Trina? Trina My mother use to wear her like that sometime. Principal Waters Really? Trina Yes. I like it. I like it a lot. [Principal Waters smiles and then exits the room. Trina stands there and ponders for a moment and then follows after Trina.]
  • 21. MOVEMENT THREE (Terrell is sitting on a crate in the darkness a blinking light shines on half of his face from the right. On the other half of the stage, Trina is doing his homework.) Terrell The red and blue light spinning spinning stop heard the echo
  • 22. the gunshot somebody fell never to get up again see, that’s how we do heard a rumor it was somebody I knew somebody what was once but ain’t no more This is the way we play the game everybody guilty so nobody to blame I swear I’m tired now like I’m running and can’t never stop fighting for every inch just to keep what I got. Them sirens spinning spinning got me turned going in circles The late night gun fights I’m tired now I mean it this time
  • 23. I ain’t just saying that I’m tired gotta do something else But what? Up to my neck in the game I gotta live I gotta eat This is my world This is what I come from People don’t know me Can’t see me And can’t be me They mistake what it’s about All they see is the sparkle and shine The bling, on my neck They don’t know. They just don’t know. [Terrell gets up and walks over to Trina.] Whatchu working on? Trina Algebra Terrell Algebra. My head hurt just thinking about it. Terrell Yeah. Trina How long have you been sitting there watching me? Terrell Not long. I was just looking for grandma. Trina She sleep, she wasn’t feeling well. Whatchu doing here? It’s barely 7 o clock, since when you get in that early? Shouldn’t you be out there grinding?
  • 24. Terrell I guess Trina Then what you here for? Terrell I can’t come see about my little sister? Trina I guess. Terrell How was school? Trina Okay. Terrell What? Trina Nothing, it was fine. Terrell You think I don’t know my own sister? What happened. Trina I kinda got in trouble. Terrell Trouble how? Trina I got into it with Ms. Kittridge. Terrell How many times I got to tell you not to . . . Trina . . . You don’t have to give me the speech. Principal Waters already beat you to it. Terrell Principal Waters, man she still stalking the halls? Trina
  • 25. Everyday. Terrell Man, I use to spend my time in her office than homeroom. She was good people though. Trina Yeah. I know. Terrell Let me guess detention? Trina For a month. Terrell Yeah that was Waters. She use to hand it out like candy. Well, that’s what you get for acting up. Trina Thanks. Terrell You just make sure you stay in them books. Trina Yeah. Terrell You hear me? Trina You know what I think? Terrell Naw, what do you think? Trina I think you just want to be the only one making some money around here. Terrell Then you not as smart as I think. You think I care about that? Trina Then why you always on my back . . . I was just trying to do how you do. Make a little something . . . help out a little. Terrell
  • 26. I don’t want you to do how I do. You smart, you got good grades, it ain’t nothing out there. Trina Then why you out there? Terrell I ain’t as smart as you . . . I’m a felon, I got a number. Trina So? Terrell To be honest sometimes I don’t know. But what I do know is that it ain’t for you. [Long beat] I gotta to ask you something. Trina What? Terrell Who was it that gave you that stuff? Trina Does it matter? Terrell Yeah, I think it do. Trina Just leave it alone. Terrell How about you let me decide what I’m gon leave alone, who gave it to you. I said who gave it to you. Trina Your boss okay . . . Mother Stokes gave it to me. [Beat] And by the way I owe her now, since you took it from me. Terrell Mother Stokes? Trina Yes. Terrell
  • 27. She gave it too you? Trina Yes. And she want me to work for her. What am I suppose to tell her, no? Terrell [Terrell pounds his hand on the table.] Okay . . . I’m gon take care of this. Trina And what about her money . . . Terrell Forget about it. I’m gonna handle it. Keep working on your homework. Trina Can I come with you? Terrell No, I got this. Trina But . . . Terrell . . . I said no . . . now don’t make me tell you again. [Terrell stands up.] I gotta go. Trina Terrell, we can . . . Terrell . . . I got it. I got it. [Terrell gives Trina a hug.] I know I don’t say this enough. But I love you. Trina I know. [Beat] Maybe we could tell grandma . . . maybe she could . . . Terrell [Terrell laughs] . . . Grandma is a good woman, and I’m glad that she look after you when she can, but naw, I think I’m do this myself. Trina Terrell? Terrell Yeah? Trina
  • 28. Do you . . . do you ever miss her? Terrell Mama? Trina Yeah. Terrell [Pause] Everyday of my life. [Terrell exit.] MOVEMENT FOUR (The scene opens and Mother Stokes is sitting at the table and is counting money. Terrell enters.) Terrell Uhh . . . Mother? Mother Stokes Wait a minute, suga. [She can be heard quietly counting to herself.] There we go, all finished. Now, what can I do you for baby. Terrell How you doing today Mother? Mother Stokes I’m fair for a square I spose, what do you need boy, time is money honey. Terrell I need to talk to you about something. Mother Stokes Yessum.
  • 29. Terrell It’s about Trina. Mother Stokes Yessss . . . she’s a good girl. I like her, she gon do big things out here. Grow up strong. Like me. Terrell I agree . . . But uhhh . . . well, I heard you uhhh, gave her one of our little “starter kits.” Mother Stokes Yeah, I let her hold something. It was about time don’tcha think? I’m surprised you didn’t get her out here earning her keep. Terrell That’s just the thing Mother . . . I don’t want her . . . you know, in the game. Mother Stokes I don’t understand. Terrell I don’t want her doing this. Mother Stokes And I don’t want dis here arthritis. But it is what it is. Terrell I don’t want my little sister going through what I go through. Mother Stokes Whatchu go through, whatchu go through . . . like what? Making money, getting paid? Is that what you mean? Terrell It’s just too dangerous out here for . . . Mother Stokes . . . It’s her turn. You want her out here with flat pockets? I’m trying to help her, teach her. Terrell Teach her what? Mother Stokes The same thing I taught you young buck, how to make something outcho self.
  • 30. Terrell She’s smart. Mother Stokes I know, that’s why we need her. We got too many fools working for us as it is. Terrell Trina got good grades, she can be something, she better then this. Mother Stokes Better than this . . . or do you mean, better than me? Terrell That’s not what I meant. Mother Stokes Okay, then baby, what do you mean? Terrell I just mean that . . . that Trina is, I don’t know, she special. She got something in her that, I don’t know . . . she ain’t made for these streets. Mother Stokes That’s exactly why we gots to school her . . . Terrell . . . No . . . Mother Stokes . . . No? You saying no to old Mother Stokes? Terrell . . . Mother . . . Mother Stokes . . . You saying no to the same somebody that brought you into the game? To the somebody that was like a mother to you when yo mammy died? You saying no to me? How long you done worked for me? Terrell For longer than I could remember. Mother Stokes And what usually happen to people who say no to me?
  • 31. Terrell I . . . uhhh . . . I . . . Mother Stokes [Mother Stokes bangs her cane.] . . . What happens? Terrell I know what happens. Mother Stokes Do you? Or have you forgot. Terrell I ain’t forgot. Someone say no and Carlos, or Bang or Smokehouse pay ‘em a little visit. Mother Stokes Exactly. Now what I want you doing is out on dem streets making my runs, picking up my money and pushing my product. You leave the figuring and thinking to Mother, and stop asking for things I can’t give you. Terrell I ain’t asking. Mother Stokes [She laughs.] Boy who you talking to? I make a call and that house of yours blows up, you, your little sister and your grandma all blowed to pieces. You think she been sick now, wait till her house fall on her. I don’t cotton to being told what to do, boy. This thing ain’t your call. Terrell Like, I said I ain’t asking. Trina is out the game. Mother Stokes Or what? Terrell Or maybe . . . I don’t know maybe the cops get a call . . . about this little old lady that supplying half the drug dealer in the projects. Maybe they get a call. You feel me? Mother Stokes [Long, long beat.] Now calm down, no call to start talking crazy. Terrell Crazy is you spending whatever time you got left rotting in a cell. You feel me?
  • 32. Mother Stokes I do. [Long beat] Terrell Look, I don’t want to get into no beef with . . . Mother Stokes . . . I gets it baby. Old Mother is hard-headed sometimes is all, but I get it. No need for us to get cross over one little block boy, right? We go back way too far for that mess. Trina is out . . . and I’ll let everybody know. Terrell Thank you. Mother Stokes No, problem baby, when you right, you right. Now go get my money, honey. The Dutchman will be waiting for you. Terrell And I know that you fronted Trina, I’m gon get that off and get you yo money on that. Mother Stokes Don’tchu worry about that Terrell. Whenever. Whenever. Terrell I really appreciate this Mother. Mother Stokes No problem baby, now send in Banky on your way out. [Terrell exits. A few moments later Banky enters.] Banky Yeah, Mother Stokes. Mother Stokes I like the work you been doing lately. Been showing that you a solider. It’s time to step up, move up, you know what I mean? Banky Yeah, I guess. Mother Stokes
  • 33. Mother got a job for you. It’s gon be tough on ya, but in this world, we gotta do what we gotta do, right baby? Banky Er . . . right. So uhhh . . . what do you want me to do? [Mother Stokes smiles a sinister smile as the lights fade to black.] MOVEMENT FIVE (Terrell is sitting at a table. Trina enters.) Terrell Been waiting for you? Trina Waiting for me for what? You about to give me another lecture? Terrell Naw, ain’t like you ever listen anyway. Trina I ain’t be on the corner man, I been just chilling. Terrell This ain’t about that. Trina What’s up? Terrell I want to give you something. Trina You got that I-Pod I been asking you about? Terrell Naw, this something else. [Terrell hands Trina a date book.] Trina
  • 34. What’s this? Terrell It’s a bank book. Trina A bank book? Terrell Yeah, remember how be talking about you going to college, maybe Howard or one of dem big time type schools? Terrell Well, I put a little something away in it. Trina College, man that’s years away. I ain’t even in high school yet. Terrell Believe me when I tell you. It goes like that. [Terrell snaps his fingers.] One day you gon look up and you gon be a grown woman. I want you to keep the book. And every time you get a little piece of change I want you to put some of it in your account. You feel me? Trina I guess. Terrell Man, I’m serious . . . this important. Trina Okay. Terrell This is important. Trina Okay, okay . . . calm down. You act like you dying of cancer or something. Terrell Naw, but it’s time I start trying to do the right thing. I can’t keep doing what I’m doing. Now take that and put it somewhere safe. Trina Alright.
  • 35. Terrell And you going to college? Trina Yeah, yeah. For sure. I gotta bounce Marc waiting for me at the court. Terrell Cool. [Trina exits quickly the lights fade to black.] MOVEMENT SIX (Banky is standing and looking at his watch and waiting. Terrell enters.) Banky Dude you late, I been waiting here for twenty minutes. Terrell Sorry, man. I had to talk to my sister about something. What in the hell are we doing meeting in alley any way. It stank around here. Who we meeting here? Banky Just picking up something is all. It won’t be long. [Terrell fades forward to the edge of the audience.] Terrell Whatever . . . I need to talk to you anyway man. Look, I know we started this whole thing together, but, I don’t know man. It’s starting to get to me. I gotta make some kinda move. I can’t do this no more. I’m thinking . . . you know that maybe I might, I don’t know, like go back to school or something. You know get my diploma and maybe like go to community college and get a degree or something. You know what I mean? I mean it ain’t like I’m fifty. I mean I’m still young, you know? I mean maybe I could I don’t know . . . [Terrell is facing the audience but hears a click. He does not turn around.] Banky . . . Banky . . .Yeah? Terrell Why you pointing a gun at me? Terrell
  • 36. Banky? Banky I think you know? Terrell You ain’t gon do this? Banky What did you think she was gon do? You thought was gon let that ride? Are you crazy? Terrell You ain’t gon do this . . . we been friend since we was babies. You ain’t gon do this. Banky . . . Terrell how many times have I told you . . . how many times? The streets don’t forgive nothing. You always gotta look out for number one. Terrell So you promised to kill me? Banky You know what it is. Terrell I don’t, please tell me what it is. Banky It’s the game, Terrell. How many times I dun told you, the game don’t love nobody. [Terrell turns quickly.] Terrell Don’t . . . [The lights fade to black as the gun fires, the lights come back up quickly and Terrell is on his knees. Banky fires again. Terrell falls over dead.] Banky Told you before man, the game . . . the game don’t love nobody. [The lights come up on stage. Banky stands over Terrell for a moment then exits.]
  • 37. MOVEMENT SEVEN (The spotlight comes up and Banky is sitting on a crate and he is counting money. Trina enters.) Banky How you doing? Trina How you think I’m doing? Banky Yeah. Trina He was like your brother too? Banky I know. Trina We can’t let her get away with this. Banky Let who? Trina You know she did this. Banky I don’t know nothing . . . and you don’t know nothing. Stay out of this. Trina She had my brother killed. Banky And what do you suggest we do?
  • 38. Trina Go after her . . . she . . . she murdered my brother. Had ‘em gunned down like a dog in the street. I can’t let that go. He was all I had. Banky I know. Trina She can’t get away with this. Banky Is you crazy? You gotta let it go. I had love for him too, but you gotta chalk it up to the game and move on. That’s what he would want. Trina No. I can’t let it go. [Beat] I need your help. Banky My help? Trina Yes. Banky Instead of my help, why don’t you take my advice. Stay out these streets. Your brother said it to me all the time. But I never listened. Trina I need a gun. Banky You need a degree. Ain’t no problem a gun gon help you solve. Trina I need a gun. Banky Just like your brother . . . hard-headed. Trina Banky I need a gun. Banky
  • 39. Okay . . . every man gotta make his own choice in the end. [Banky reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun. He lays it on the table.] Here. [Trina takes it, cracks the barrel and looks into the chamber.] It’s loaded. [Trina lays it back on the table.] Trina Good, ‘cause I gotta represent for Terrell. Banky I agree. When you get that college degree, you gon be representing plenty. Trina Thanks. Banky That’s what Terrell wanted for you . . . that’s what I want too. [Banky exits. Trina stands on stage and looks at the gun. Trina walks away from the gun and addresses the audience directly.] I am his sister I keep real I do my job I remember him in snatches and flashes his face his smile his smell I tell the tales of all that silly stuff he use to do I know he gone be with me forever Some where buried deep inside where no one can get at this tear is for him he did not know he couldn’t see how beautiful he was he fell asleep on the train tracks rumbling right at him couldn’t hear it couldn’t hear it couldn’t hear it and he never woke up he’s gone now . . . and I feel it
  • 40. feel it building feel it bubbling up in me feel it rising rising in me his dreams my dreams I’m rising . . . I’m different now changing changing Somehow I got out of high school and got Ms. Waters helped me into college . . . I mean, I had my bumps in the road, and I didn’t end up at Howard like I thought, ended up at Wayne State instead. My first year of college, financial aid . . . it’s hard work. And you know what . . . that little old bank account my brother opened helped out. Banky sends me a little something every month. So I manage, you know. But there are no happy endings. There are no fairy tales, just hard work and even harder decisions. See my brother bought into all the hype . . . he believed all that nonsense that you we see on the television screens . . . yeah they’ll tell you that one and three black males is or has been involved in the justice system, but what they don’t tell you is that at any given time there are more black males in college then in prison; in fact, twice as many. The newspapers don’t tell us that. Don’t tell you that black kids go to college all the time. But that’s okay, because I’m living proof of it. You understand? [Dava enters.] Dava Trina . . . you ready? It’s time to go girl. Trina Yeah, baby. I’m ready to go Dava Come on we gon be late for the game . . . I hear Devon is gon be there. [Dava grabs Trina’s hand and starts dragging her off stage.] Trina I guess I’ll catch y’all on the rebound. [The lights fade to black.] FIN.