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First Edition
Georgia Common Core Coach for Composition II, First Edition T145GA ISBN-13: 978-1-62362-056-1
Cover Image Credit: © Sean Gallup/Getty Images News/Getty Images
Triumph Learning®
136 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016 © 2014 Triumph Learning, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
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The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers are the sole owners and developers of the Common
Core State Standards, © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.
First Edition
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Unit 1 — How to Write
Lesson 1: The Writing Process .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
Brainstorm.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
Plan. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
Draft.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
Revise.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
Edit.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
Publish .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26
Lesson 2: The Research Process.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 27
Generate Research Questions .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 30
Develop a Research Plan .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 32
Use Search Techniques.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
Types of Sources.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 36
Evaluate and Compare Sources.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 44
Take Notes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 47
Cite Sources and Avoid Plagiarism. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 53
Unit 2 — Writing for Different Purposes
Lesson 3: Writing Responses to Literature .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 57
Lesson 4: Writing Informative Texts. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 75
Lesson 5: Writing Arguments.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 91
Lesson 6: Writing Narratives .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 107
Grammar and Mechanics Guide .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 123
Glossary.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 149
Common Core
Georgia Performance
Standards (GPS)
SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.3.a
SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.2
SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.3.a
SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.2.a,
W.11–12.10, SL.11–12.1,
L.11–12.2.b, L.11–12.5.a
SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.1
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When you read someone else’s writing,
you are either pulled into the writing or
you read it without a lot of interest, maybe
even stopping before the text is finished.
Why? What makes a piece of writing
compelling enough that you want to keep
reading? What do strong writers do to make
their writing come alive?
This unit will walk you through each step of
the writing process. It will define the steps and
provide tips and strategies to help you execute
them more efficiently. You will also examine an
example of a student’s writing process. As you
read the student’s work, you will develop your
own written response to an assigned prompt.
As you learn techniques for strengthening your
style and language, your writing will become
more effective.
Once you have completed this unit, you
should have a clear understanding of how to
turn your ideas into a strong piece of work,
ready to be published.
1The Writing
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 5
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What Is the Writing Process?
Writing is an effective way for you to share your ideas and knowledge about a
topic or text. The challenge writers face is how to convey their ideas in a focused,
sophisticated manner so a reader will understand those ideas. A well-written piece
takes planning, forethought, and organization before the actual writing begins.
As you look at a writing assignment for the first time, you may not know where
to begin. You may wonder how you are going to translate all of your ideas into
a cohesive written piece. How will you connect ideas? How will you maintain a
reader’s interest? How will you ensure you are using correct grammar, spelling,
and mechanics?
There is a lot to consider when starting a writing project. The best writers break
their writing process into smaller, more manageable steps. Each step has different
elements to focus on so the entire project does not get overwhelming. No matter
what kind of writing you do, allow the following steps to guide you in composing a
thoughtful and polished written piece.
1. Brainstorm
When you brainstorm, write down any initial ideas about an
assigned topic. Then, thinking in a more focused way about
your audience and purpose, evaluate the ideas and choose
the best topic.
2. Plan
To make a plan for your writing, first determine
the thesis statement. Then, in an outline, gather and
organize the support and ideas into a structure that
you can follow as you write.
3. Draft
After you have a plan in place, develop a draft.
The draft will include an introduction, body paragraphs,
and a conclusion. After stating a clear and assertive thesis,
develop your body paragraphs to elaborate on supporting
ideas. Then write a conclusion that restates the thesis
and gives the reader more to think about.
6  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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4. Revise
When you revise, consider how the content, organization, and
style of your writing work together. Then make changes that
will improve your composition. At this stage, you can ask a
peer to review your work if you would like additional feedback.
6. Publish
At the end of the process, share your writing with readers by
publishing it. You may do this in a variety of ways, such as
turning in your writing to your teacher, sending it to friends or
family to read, or posting it online in an official venue.
5. Edit
To edit your writing, carefully read and correct errors in
spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage. Your finished work
should follow standard English conventions.
Writing Assignment
The following prompt asks you to write a personal narrative. Refer to this prompt
as you work through the various steps of the writing process.
Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive
details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved,
and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and what
you learned from the experience.
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 7
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Typically, you begin the writing process by brainstorming. The prompts you
respond to will vary: you may be asked to make an argument, explain a process, tell
a story, or write a response to literature. Sometimes, you will have to come up with
an idea entirely on your own. In every case, though, you will brainstorm ideas in
order to choose and narrow your topic. When you put effort into this brainstorming
step, you are likely to develop a topic that you can write about successfully.
When you brainstorm, you quickly collect ideas about a topic, getting your
thoughts flowing without judging them for quality. Just write down what comes to
mind. You can pick and choose the best idea or ideas later. As you brainstorm a
narrative, the thoughts you write down might be events in the story, character traits,
or details about the setting. All of these parts will be used to construct a complete
story later.
Take look at how a student brainstormed a topic and supporting ideas for the
following prompt.
Brainstorm a Topic
Different topics demand different brainstorming methods—you will need to choose
the method that works best for you. For instance, a graphic organizer works well for
a narrative prompt. An informational prompt might simply call for a table.
Write about a time you had a rite-of-passage experience. Use descriptive details
and sensory language to set the scene and introduce the people involved.
Explain what events happened, and what you learned as a result.
8  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Here’s how the student brainstormed a topic for her personal narrative.
Topic: rite-of-passage experience
Event: cat died in
4th grade
I learned: I felt as if I’d
lost a friend; seemed
different after
Event: stayed with
Mrs. Bagby during
I learned: I’m often
self-centered; enjoyed
helping someone else
for a change
Event: went to Camp Sousa
for band
I learned: I missed my
family more than I thought I
would; improved on the
Event: started Ross
Elementary School
I learned: I could make
new friends; missed old
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 9
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Writing Assignment
Now it’s time for you to brainstorm for a response to the personal narrative
prompt on page 7. On a computer or on a separate sheet of paper, use a graphic
organizer, a list, or another method to brainstorm ideas for your writing.
Brainstorm Supporting Ideas
Choosing a topic is a great starting point, but you still have some work to do
before you can begin writing. The next step is to brainstorm supporting ideas that
develop and explain your topic. Use webs, lists, charts, or outlines, or do some
freewriting—whichever method works best for you.
For example, as you brainstorm for the assigned prompt in this lesson, you
should figure out who is involved in the story, list the main events that take place,
and roughly describe where the action occurs.
Here is how a student used a graphic organizer to brainstorm supporting ideas
about her chosen topic.
PROMPT  The prompt asks the
student “to set the scene and
introduce the people involved.”
She begins to do that in her
brainstorming by recording
information. Circle the sections
of the chart that address this
part of the prompt.
DETAILS  The details writers
collect when brainstorming will
often be developed throughout
the writing process. Jot down
additional details the student
might add to the chart.
TOPIC  The prompt asks writers to
describe a rite-of-passage moment
and tell what they learned. What
did this student learn from that
rite-of-passage moment?
Chosen Topic stayed with Mrs. Bagby during
Who me
my parents
Mrs. Bagby
Where my house
Mrs. Bagby’s house
When during the storm
worst part of the storm
electricity went out
didn’t care about coming storm
stayed with and talked to Mrs. Bagby
storm got serious
Why it
changed me
I learned that I enjoyed helping
someone else.
I realized I didn’t need to have TV or
Internet all the time.
I learned about someone else’s life.
10  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Once you have a strong thesis statement, you can begin organizing. The most
common kinds of organization for narratives are chronological, or time-order, and
problem-solution, in which the characters in a story have a clear problem at the
outset that they must solve in order to reach a resolution.
This statement doesn’t suggest to the reader what kind of story will follow it. Your
thesis statement should be as specific as possible in order to keep the scope of your
writing manageable. A strong thesis statement will also keep your readers reading
past the first paragraph, wanting to learn more about what you have to say.
Now look at a revised version of the thesis statement, which offers details about
the story and indicates its message:
When you plan your writing, you put the information and details you have gath-
ered into an organized structure. An effective organization will make it easier to write
a draft, and it will improve your final product.
At this point, it is important to develop a thesis to guide you in your planning and
drafting. A thesis statement is a sentence declaring your position on the topic of
your writing and may contain major supporting ideas. The thesis is usually included
toward the beginning of a work, giving the audience an idea of what they can expect
to read. All of the ideas in a written work should relate to the thesis. In a personal
narrative, the thesis is often an indication of the meaning of the story to the author.
In a persuasive piece, the thesis would be a statement of the author’s opinion on
a topic along with significant supporting evidence. Although you may adjust your
thesis as you write, you need to come up with a solid working thesis for now.
A thesis statement needs to be interesting to the reader. Thesis statements that
are specific, clear, and intelligible usually capture readers’ attention. Take a look at
the following weak thesis statement:
The summer my dog died, I learned a lot of important lessons.
The summer my dog died in the country, I came to value the ties of love
and friendship that stretch beyond death.
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 11
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After deciding on an organizational pattern, develop an outline. A standard
outline, with Roman numerals, letters of the alphabet, numbers, or bullets labeling
different levels of ideas, works well for a narrative composition. You could create
one section on characters, one on setting, and one on plot. Or you could organize
the outline according to the different stages of the plot. You can also make a less
formal outline, as long as it clearly shows the different parts of your narrative. The
most important thing is that you are able to follow it when you begin drafting.
Here is the outline the student used to organize her personal narrative.
THESIS  In the thesis statement,
the student expresses the main
idea she wants to convey to the
reader. What makes this student's
thesis statement interesting? How
is it specific?
SUPPORT  In this outline, the stu-
dent records notes about the basic
ideas and supporting details she
will include in her narrative. How
does the student denote the major
supporting ideas she will be writ-
ing about? Draw a star next to
these letters or numbers. How
does she indicate the details she
will include? Circle these letters or
I.	Introduction
A. Thesis  When I came out of the storm, I was a
different person.
B.  We heard about the storm four days in advance.
C.  I didn’t pay attention; I was distracted:
1.	 wanted to watch a new movie
2.	 cross-country team had race coming up
3.	 two papers due at school
II.	Support
A.  My parents prepared for the storm.
1.	 bought batteries, flashlights, food and water
2.	 put sandbags around basement windows
B.  During the storm
1.	 I texted with friends.
2.	 We watched TV coverage.
3.	 Mom saw an explosion.
4.	 Power went out.
C.  First response to the storm
1.	 Frustrated when I couldn’t use electricity
or Internet
2.	 Dad said we needed to check on
Mrs. Bagby.
D.  We went to see Mrs. Bagby.
1.	 Background on Mrs. Bagby
2.	 We found Mrs. Bagby terrified in the dark.
3.	 I talked to her.
4.	 She asked me to stay.
E.  I stayed with Mrs. Bagby.
1.	 Mom brought food.
2.	 We played cards and talked.
12  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Writing Assignment
Now it’s time for you to plan your personal narrative. Using the thesis statement
and the supporting details you generated during your brainstorming, organize
your thoughts on a separate sheet of paper. Use an outline form you are
comfortable with.
Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive
details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved,
and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and what
you learned from the experience.
III.	Conclusion
A.  Life went back to normal.
1.	 school
2.	 track
3.	 electricity
B.  Lessons learned:
1.	 I didn’t feel the same after spending time
with Mrs. Bagby.
2.	 I felt older, ready to help other people more.
ORGANIZATION  The student’s
outline reflects the organizational
pattern she has chosen for her nar-
rative. Consider how the events
are presented. What pattern does
it look like she is planning to use?
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 13
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You have brainstormed a topic and thesis and gathered your ideas into a writing
plan. Now it’s time to turn all that work into sentences and paragraphs in a well-
developed draft. The first draft is called a rough draft for a reason. As you write,
you’re still thinking, so you will probably make some changes to your outline and
even your thesis.
•	 Your introduction should present the main idea of your composition in an
engaging and interesting way. The first sentences of your introduction should
grab your readers’ attention and keep them invested in your work. For example,
you might open a narrative with a line of dialogue, a shocking event, or a flash-
back. An informational piece, on the other hand, might begin with a startling
fact or a quote from an expert on the topic.
	 Remember to include your thesis in the introduction in order to let your readers
know what to expect in your piece. Also consider that, while the introduction
might seem like the most logical place to begin writing, some people find it
easier to develop the body of the composition or narrative first, and then use
those developed ideas to help formulate the best way to write the introduction.
•	 Develop the body of your composition by presenting support in well-
constructed paragraphs that focus on a central idea or event and specific
details connected to that central idea. To support the structure of a personal
narrative, develop characters and events through sensory details, description,
and dialogue. Remember that without adequate support, your thesis serves no
purpose, and your writing will not have a proper shape; the story will ultimately
leave the reader disappointed.
•	 Use your conclusion to wrap up the story and provide your readers with addi-
tional thoughts to consider. For example, if you are writing a personal narrative,
you might offer final details about an event as well as your own reflections on
the event. In an argument, you should reassert your position and make a final
appeal to the reader to accept your argument.
Use transitions such as first, next, however, after, additionally, because, and
therefore to help readers make connections between ideas as they read, both
within paragraphs and between them. Transitions help your ideas flow smoothly
and logically.
14  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Here is a draft of the student’s personal narrative about a rite-of-passage
experience. This is a late draft, after the student had time to revise and edit.
We heard the first weather forecasts on a Thursday eve-
ning in mid-October, almost four days before the storm was
predicted to hit. But I didn’t really pay attention. My mind was
focused on other things. I really wanted to watch a new movie
over the weekend. My cross-country team had an important
race on Saturday, and I had two papers due for school the
following Monday! None of that, however, stopped the storm.
Although it only lasted a few days, I came out of the storm a
different person.
By Sunday, I realized the storm was really coming. My par-
ents, usually very relaxed people, had bought batteries, flash-
lights, candles, and a lot of food. They had even put sandbags
around all the basement windows.
The storm really got going on Monday afternoon. I texted
with my friends while Mom and Dad watched coverage on
television. They kept looking outside, especially toward Main
Street. At about eight o’clock, my mom stood in front of the
window and gasped. A huge explosion lit up the sky. We all
stared in shock. It looked like a light show. Then the lights in
the house went out.
My first thought was to get online to find out more infor-
mation. But our Internet, just like our electricity, was out.
Frustrated, I daydreamed about the funny things I could Tweet
about later. Then I heard my dad shout from the other room,
“Mrs. Bagby! Simona, come help me with Mrs. Bagby!” He
raced toward the front door.
Mrs. Bagby has been our neighbor for a long time. When I
was young, she always had a piece of candy to give me. But as
she got older, she seemed to become afraid. “Who are you
and what are you doing on my porch?” she’d snapped at me
recently, even though she had always called me by name. I’d
heard her grown children and grandchildren describe her as
“stubborn and difficult.” Now Dad wanted us to go see her in
the middle of a terrible storm.
When we entered Mrs. Bagby’s house, I did not find a stub-
born and difficult woman. I found a terrified one. Mrs. Bagby
sat wide-eyed and shaking in a rocking chair in her living
room. The room was dark—no candles, no flashlight. I looked
toward Dad, and he nodded at me. Carrying my flashlight, I
moved closer to her. Finally, I leaned down and put my hand on
her shoulder.
Introduction  The student
sets up the situation of the storm
in an intriguing way in the first
paragraph. Underline the words
that tell you her focus.
ORGANIZATION  In paragraph 5,
the student provides important
background information for the
reader. Draw two lines under the
sentence that connects the back-
ground information with the
present situation.
DETAILS  The student develops
the events in the narrative through
description and dialogue. In
paragraph 6, she describes Mrs.
Bagby’s condition when she finds
her. Draw boxes around the
descriptive details that paint a
picture of the situation.
central IDEA  Within a cohe-
sive paragraph, all the supporting
sentences work together to
strengthen the central idea or
relate to a sequence of events.
What is the central idea of para-
graph 2? Circle the sentence that
tells you.
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 15
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“Mrs. Bagby, it’s me, Simona. I live next door, remem-
ber?” I tried to speak as gently as I could.
Slowly she raised her head and looked at me. I could see
tears sitting at the very edges of her eyes. Both her fists were
clenched around the edge of a frayed blanket. She smiled
weakly and grabbed my hand.
“Please stay with me, Simona. I am so afraid.”
For three days, I lived with Mrs. Bagby. My parents tried to
convince her to stay at our house, but she was too nervous to
leave. Her relatives were unable to get to her because of closed
roads and airports. Several times a day, my mom brought over
meals. Most of the time, though, it was just Mrs. Bagby and me.
We played cards when it was light out. Mrs. Bagby took a lot of
naps in her chair. And we talked—a lot. Mrs. Bagby told me
about serving as a nurse during World War II. I told her about
my cross-country team and my dream of becoming a social
worker when I grow up.
By the following week, I was back at school and running
with my team again. We had electricity, fresh food, and access
to the Internet. After the storm was over, my life seemed to go
back to normal on the outside, but I did not feel like the same
person. The experience of living with Mrs. Bagby for those
days—of seeing her fear and sharing her life—had changed me.
I no longer felt like Simona, just another teenager. Instead, I was
Simona, a young adult ready to go into the world and make a
difference for the sake of other people—people like Mrs. Bagby.
CONCLUSION  In the conclusion,
the student reflects on her experi-
ence and what she has learned
from it by contrasting what was
happening in the real world with
what was happening inside her
head. Underline the sentence that
shows when the student moves
from external experiences to
internal ones.
Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive
details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved,
and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and
describe what you learned from the experience.
Writing Assignment
Now it’s your turn. Write a draft of your personal narrative on a computer or on a
separate sheet of paper.
TRANSITIONS  In paragraph 10,
the student uses transitional
phrases to show the sequence of
events over three days. Draw stars
beside the transitional phrases in
the paragraph.
16  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Formal Style and Objective Tone
When you are writing, your audience and purpose influence the content of your
text. You are frequently asking yourself if your readers will understand what you are
saying and whether you are saying it as well as possible in order to reach your
overall goal.
Audience and purpose also affect the style and tone you use in writing. For
example, you know the difference between the language you use in an e-mail to a
friend and the language you might use in a school assignment. The first uses
informal language; the language in the latter is formal. When you are writing for
academic and work purposes, use formal language, which avoids slang and
nonstandard grammar. Maintain an objective tone, as well, which is straightforward,
impersonal, and unbiased. The only exception would be, for instance, when you are
developing dialogue in a narrative. In those cases, you may use informal language.
The student has used a formal style and objective tone in the following excerpt
from her personal narrative. If she were using an informal style, how might she
reword the second sentence?
By Sunday, I realized the storm was really coming. My parents, usually very
relaxed people, had bought batteries, flashlights, candles, and a lot of food.
They had even put sandbags around all the basement windows.
Read the sentences below. Rewrite each sentence so that it uses the appropriate
formal style and tone for writing in a school setting.
1.	 That experience was, like, so life-changing, it was amazing.
2.	 I couldn’t stand my next-door neighbor because he was just so, so weird.
Try It
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 17
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When you revise your draft, you improve its content, organization, and style.
Revising is more than correcting simple mistakes—you will do that in the editing
stage. Revision can involve substantial changes that add insight to your draft, and you
may adjust your content to fulfill your purpose for writing. Many writers go through
several rounds of revision before they begin editing and publishing their work.
Look at the types of sentences you have used in your composition. Think
about the ways all the sentences in a paragraph work together. Do they all sound
the same? You should always provide sentence variety for your readers by mixing
simple, compound, and complex sentences. Vary the way you begin sentences, as
well. They should not all begin with simple subjects. You might begin sentences with
transitions, prepositional phrases, or dependent clauses. Use short sentences when
you want to convey an idea forcefully or summarize a complicated idea. Use longer
sentences to provide more information and complex ideas.
Precise Language and Concrete Details
Vague or general language can keep readers from understanding—or envision-
ing—what the writer intends. Look for places where you can provide more precise
language and concrete details. Replace vague or general terms with descriptive
and sensory details that give life to characters, settings, and events. Use vocabulary
that is specific to a subject area or field to make your work more authentic. Provide
explanations to give readers the clearest possible understanding of concepts,
processes, or arguments. Here is a sentence from an early version of the mentor text:
Mrs. Bagby looked sad and scared.
Can you really see or understand Mrs. Bagby’s condition from this sentence?
Take a look at the sentence with sensory details and vivid action verbs:
I could see tears sitting at the very edges of her eyes. Both her fists were
clenched around the edge of a frayed blanket.
As a reader, you suddenly see the frightened, elderly woman in her dark home.
Rewrite the following sentence using more precise language.
I looked at the sky.

Try It
18  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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When you revise a draft, ask yourself the following questions:
•	 Are my tone and level of formality appropriate for my audience and purpose?
•	 Does my descriptive language create a clear, vivid picture?
•	 Have I used precise verbs, nouns, and adjectives?
•	 Have I varied my sentences by adjusting how they begin and by using simple,
compound, and complex sentences?
•	 Have I used devices such as parallelism, repetition, and figurative language to
give certain parts of my composition a greater impact?
•	 Would changing the point of view of the piece be helpful?
•	 Are there places where I should delete, add, or rearrange material?
•	 What additional supporting details do I need to include?
•	 Where might I include transitional words, phrases, and
sentences to help connect my ideas?
First Draft
I lived with Mrs. Bagby for three days. My parents tried
to convince her to stay at our house. She was too nervous
to leave. Her relatives were unable to get to her because
of closed roads and closed airports. Several times a day, Ma
brought over munchies for us to chow on. Most of the time,
though, it was just Mrs. Bagby and me. We played cards when
it was light out. Mrs. Bagby took a lot of naps in her chair. And
we talked—a lot. Mrs. Bagby talked about her life in the past.
I told her about my cross-country team. I told her my ideas
about becoming a social worker.
Varying the sentence structure
helps to connect ideas and keep
readers from getting bored. You
can do this by starting sentences
in different ways or by combining
sentences. Underline the sentences
in the student’s composition you
would revise.
FORMAL STYLE  Compositions
written for school assignments
need to use a formal writing
style. Circle the sentence that is
too casual for this type of writing.
Authors use precise language
and concrete details to make
their writing come alive for read-
ers. What words or phrases might
the student use to better convey
her conversation with Mrs. Bagby?
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 19
CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 19 5/7/13 2:17 PM
Revised Draft
For three days, I lived with Mrs. Bagby. My parents tried
to convince her to stay at our house, but she was too ner-
vous to leave. Her relatives were unable to get to her because
of closed roads and airports. Several times a day, my mom
brought over meals. Most of the time, though, it was just
Mrs. Bagby and me. We played cards when it was light out.
Mrs. Bagby took a lot of naps in her chair. And we talked—a
lot. Mrs. Bagby told me about serving as a nurse during World
War II. I told her about my cross-country team and my dream
of becoming a social worker when I grow up.
writer adjusted the first sentence
of the paragraph by putting the
introductory phrase “For three
days” at the beginning so the first
few sentences don’t all begin with
the subject. Underline another
change in sentence structure.
FORMAL style  To make the
style more formal and objective,
the student replaced “Ma” with
“my mom.” Circle another phrase
that was changed to be more
that the student included a more
detailed description of what
Mrs. Bagby discusses with her.
Draw a box around these precise
details about Mrs. Bagby’s life.
Revise a Draft
The following paragraph did not make it into the final draft of the student’s
personal narrative. Read the paragraph below and then revise it on a separate
sheet of paper.
My parents had to rescue me after two hours. I remembered a storm from
about five years earlier. I totally freaked out during that storm. I crawled
into my closet. I cried. I took my stuffed animals and books into the closet.
I had some real big issue-type things with storms. I wasn’t one bit excited
about another one.
Try It
20  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Having a peer read your writing can be a great help when you are revising your
work. Conducting a peer review gives you the opportunity to work with a classmate
to evaluate and improve your draft. Focus on providing your peer with constructive
feedback. When you are critiquing someone else’s writing, you are also developing
your own writing skills, so be sure to take the time to analyze carefully.
As you critique your classmate’s work, first explain the strengths of their writing.
For example, “I think this sentence is strong because it communicates the main
character’s personality so clearly.”
Then identify specific weak areas and suggest solutions. Never say, “This part
just isn’t very clear to me. I got confused.” Instead, ask specific questions that your
classmate can answer. For example, “I don’t understand what you mean by signifi-
cant experience. What was the experience exactly? Why was it important? Can you
revise to clarify that idea?” You could also ask questions about the writing choices
your classmate made, such as the processes they used to choose a topic and
develop an outline and a draft.
Here are some questions that you can ask as you review a peer’s writing:
•	 What are the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction? What effect does
it have on me as a reader? Can I identify the main idea or thesis?
•	 Does each body paragraph support the main idea or thesis?
•	 Does each body paragraph include strong supporting or descriptive details?
•	 Does the writer connect ideas in the composition fluidly?
•	 Does the conclusion summarize the main ideas and offer something to
•	 Are the language and writing style appropriate for the audience and purpose?
Writing Assignment
Exchange your draft with a peer and use the peer review forms provided
by your teacher to review each other’s work. Remember to be thoughtful and
constructive in your comments, and take a few minutes to discuss your feedback
with your classmate.
Once you are finished with your peer review, it’s time to revise your draft.
Read through your draft with a critical eye and make changes using the revision
checklist your teacher has provided or one of your own. Be sure to incorporate
any helpful comments or suggestions from your peer review. You may compose
your revised draft on a computer or a separate sheet of paper.
Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive
details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved,
and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and what
you learned from the experience.
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 21
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When you edit your writing, you read it carefully to be sure your grammar, spell-
ing, punctuation, and capitalization follow all the conventions of standard English.
You have probably already developed some of your own strategies for editing
your work. Thoroughness is the most important part of editing, however, so you
need to slow down and look at the composition in several different ways. For exam-
ple, you might read through your revision one time to find spelling mistakes, another
time to check for correct grammar, and a final time to make sure you have punctu-
ated and capitalized correctly. If possible, read your text out loud slowly, so that you
can hear grammar mistakes. Or, you can ask someone to read the text to you as
you read along, marking noticeable errors as you see or hear them.
Conventions and grammar rules occasionally change over time. For example, in
the past, commas were always used after each item in a series except for the last
item. (Sheree used her birthday money to buy books, headphones, and movie tick-
ets.) Now some style guides allow the final comma, before the conjunction in the
list, to be removed. (Sheree used her birthday money to buy books, headphones
and movie tickets.) Be sure to find out which conventions your teachers prefer, or
which style guides to refer to for usage rules.
Use the following editing marks to correct errors you find.
	 Insert parentheses	 	 Insert em dash	 	 Close up space
#	 Add space	 	Indent	 ^	Insert
	 Insert hyphen	 	Transpose
	Period	 ,^	 Insert comma	
’ 	 Insert apostrophe
“	 Insert quotation marks	 	Capitalize	 	Lowercase
	 Insert en dash	 	 New paragraph
22  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 22 5/7/13 2:17 PM
We heard the first whether forecasts on a Thursday
evening in midOctober, almost four days before the storm
was predicted to hit. But I didn’t really pay attention. My mind is
focused on other things. Ireally wanted to watch a new movie
over the weekend. My cross-country team had an important
race on Saturday, and I had two papers do for school  the
following Monday! None of that, however, stopped the storm.
Although only it lasted a few days, I came out of the storm a
different person.
By Sunday, I realized the storm is really coming. My parents,
usually very relaxed people, had bought bateries, flashlights
candles, and a lot of food. They had even put sandbags around
all the basement windows
SPELLING  The student confused
the words whether and weather.
These two words sound the same
but have different spellings and
meanings. How can the student
make sure she has spelled the
word correctly?
HYPHENATION  The student
did not originally use a hyphen to
join the prefix mid- with the word
October. However, the word did
not look right, so she reviewed
the rules about the use of hy-
phens. List some other prefixes
that require hyphens to connect
to words.
VERB TENSE  The student made
an error here in verb tense. She
reread the sentence and realized
she had used the present-tense
form of the verb to be rather than
the past-tense form, so she
replaced is with was. Underline
three other past-tense verbs used
in the draft.
This excerpt from a draft of a student’s response shows how the student used
editing marks to make corrections.
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 23
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Syntax refers to the way sentences are structured. The English language allows
for a variety of sentence structures, but they need to follow certain conventions.
The four basic types of sentences include:
•	 simple (an independent clause):
My mind was focused on other things.
•	 compound (more than one independent clause):
My cross-country team had an important race on Saturday, and I had two
papers due for school the following Monday!
•	 complex (one independent clause and at least one dependent clause):
When we entered Mrs. Bagby’s house, I did not find a stubborn and difficult
•	 compound-complex (more than one independent clause and at least one
dependent clause):
After the storm was over, my life seemed to go back to normal on the outside,
but I did not feel like the same person.
Make sure you have used correct syntax in your writing. Additionally, it is impor-
tant to vary your sentence structure. Using a variety of sentence types helps to keep
your reader from getting bored. One way you can add variety to your sentence
types is to express related ideas in a single sentence. For example, if you have sev-
eral sentences with the same subject or verb, consider combining them.
Example:	 Kaila was interested in pursuing a degree in marine biology.
		 Douglas was interested in pursuing a degree in marine biology.
		Combined Subject: Both Kaila and Douglas were interested in
pursuing degrees in marine biology.
Example:	 Cynthia walked into the library.
		 Cynthia climbed the stairs to her favorite reading room.
		Combined Verb: Cynthia walked into the library and climbed
the stairs to her favorite reading room.
Sentence structure can also link ideas within a composition. As you revise and
edit a draft, look carefully for ways to combine or separate sentences so that your
ideas are clear. Your composition should show a logical progression of thought.
Grammar Review
24  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Writing Assignment
Now it’s time for you to edit your narrative, using the editing checklist your
teacher has provided, or one of your own. You may work either on your computer
or on a separate sheet of paper.
Revise each set of sentences below into one or two stronger sentences that
show the connection between ideas as clearly as possible. Remember that you
do not have to make all the sentences long and complicated, but you should use
correct syntax.
1.	 I had a terrible bike accident. I learned that I was not as indestructible as I
thought. I also learned that I was happier recognizing my limitations.
2.	 All the things I hoped for were now within reach. Adopting a new puppy was
within reach. My mom’s desire for a new job was within reach. Also, my future at
a good college was within reach. My whole perspective was changed.
3.	 We drove around the small town of Springfield, Illinois. Abraham Lincoln lived
there for 25 years as a lawyer. We visited several of the historical sites. I wanted
to learn more about Abraham Lincoln’s early life. I also wanted to read more
about his presidency.
Grammar Review continued
Try It
Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 25
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Publishing is the final step in the writing process. At this point, you produce a
final draft for others to read. If your final draft is handwritten, your handwriting must
be neat and legible.
At this point, you can add a title that will grab the reader’s attention. You may
also want to divide your composition into smaller chunks of text by using subhead-
ings to make your writing easier to follow. Many authors add photographs, illustra-
tions, maps, or diagrams to a composition to enhance the reader’s understanding of
the topic.
Your teacher may have specific guidelines for submitting your work, such as
double-spacing the text and using a certain margin width to allow for comments.
You may be asked to submit a stapled hard copy of your writing, or to submit a digi-
tal copy as an email attachment. Carefully follow your teacher’s or school’s publish-
ing guidelines, or you might not get proper credit for your work. In addition to giving
your work to your teacher, consider other ways to share your writing with a wider
•	 Submit creative writing, such as narratives, to a writing contest for a literary
•	 Submit pieces like arguments and informative texts to your school or local
•	 Exchange writing with classmates and discuss both the content and format of
your completed writing assignment.
•	 Print copies of your writing and distribute them to friends and family.
•	 Read your writing aloud to a librarian or author you know.
Technology Suggestions
•	 Post your writing to your class Web site or blog.
•	 Create your own Web site to feature your writing and that of your friends.
Provide hyperlinks of art and information related to your topics.
•	 Develop a wiki with classmates on a topic covered in your writing.
•	 Record an online video or podcast in which you and your classmates read and
discuss a specific type of writing.
•	 Create a video tutorial on writing the type of text you wrote. Use your own
process and final text as an example.
Writing Assignment
Once you have finished revising and editing your work, follow your teacher’s
instructions for publishing your final draft. Be sure to follow any formatting and
submission guidelines your teacher or school may have.
26  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process
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Have you ever been so curious about a person or a place that
you went online or to a library to get more information? Maybe
you wanted to find out about a musician’s life or look up fun ways
to spend time in a faraway city. Your curiosity would lead you to
informative texts that answer your questions. In this lesson, you’ll
learn how to write an informative text—from brainstorming and
organizing, drafting and revising, to editing and publishing. As you
work through the lesson, you’ll develop a thesis and learn how to
research to gather facts and details to support your thesis.
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 75
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What Is an Informative Text?
An informative text provides information about a topic. Facts, details, examples,
or quotations support the text’s central idea. A biography of Alexander Hamilton,
Frederick Douglass’s autobiography, a history of the Roman Empire, The New York
Times, NASA’s Web site, your textbooks, an essay on wildflowers, and an article
about a newly discovered planet are all examples of informative texts. Informative
texts are nonfiction and are based on research from outside sources.
Writers of informative texts weave together various pieces of information from
different sources. However, they don’t simply provide information; they also offer
analysis and interpretation. For example, an informative text about Qin Shi Huang’s
burial site in China would not only provide information about the archaeological site,
but also an interpretation suggesting how and why the site is significant. Even read-
ers already familiar with Qin Shi Huang should come away with a new understand-
ing of the topic because of the writer’s unique presentation and analysis.
In the process of writing an informative text, you will research to learn about a
new topic in order to become an expert. You’ll consider what you have learned,
draw conclusions, and present your knowledge to readers in a way that allows them
to become experts, too. Because of this, you need to keep your audience in mind
as you write. If you’re writing about Qin Shi Huang, for example, your readers may
not have any background knowledge of him and you will need to provide it. Con-
sider whether it is necessary to provide descriptions, definitions, and explanations
in order for readers to best understand the topic. You will also need to keep in mind
what level of language, formality, and detail is appropriate for your readers.
Regardless of its topic, every informative text should have a compelling intro-
duction that provides a thesis for the text, body paragraphs that contain details
supporting the thesis, and a conclusion. The flowchart on the following page
shows how to present information effectively in an informative text.
76  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
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Begin with a surprising statement, a little-known fact, or an
unexpected question to catch your readers’ attention. Then
state the thesis for the text—the main idea you want to convey
to readers about the topic. The introduction also indicates the
most important supporting details you will use.
Supporting Details
Each paragraph in the body of an informative text
contains its own thesis sentence, supported by
facts, details, examples, and quotations from your
research. These paragraphs are meant to convince
readers that your thesis is accurate.
The conclusion summarizes your main points and offers final
thoughts or information about the topic. It should follow
logically from the information you presented in the text. By the
time your readers finish your conclusion, you want them to
feel that you have proven your ideas thoroughly.
Writing Assignment
The following prompt asks you to write an informative text about an
archaeological site. Refer back to this prompt as you brainstorm, plan, draft,
revise, and edit your response.
The abandoned remains of past civilizations provide information about the
people and cultures of human history. Think of an archaeological site that
interests you. Research the site to learn more about it. What is the original
history of the site? How and when was it discovered? What does it tell us
about the people who once lived there? Then describe the site and explain
its significance.
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 77
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When writing an informative text, pay close attention to what the prompt requires
you to do. Review the writing assignment on the previous page. The prompt clearly
defines the expectations of the assignment: you are going to research an archaeo-
logical site, describe it, and explain its significance.
The first stage of writing is brainstorming. In this stage, you come up with topic
ideas and write down your thoughts about the topic. When writing an informative
text that requires research, you should also think about the most important ques-
tions you want to answer about your topic. Your readers may have the same
questions. You also want to consider what sources you will need and what
keywords or phrases you can use in an online or library search.
A student was asked to write about the archaeological site of Emperor Qin
Shi Huang’s burial site and what it reveals about the people living at that time.
Take a look at the chart the student developed while brainstorming for the
informative piece.
The student’s questions drive her
research and writing. Underline
one question you might also use
as you brainstorm for your writing
prompt in this lesson.
You will use keywords and phrases
to research your topic. Draw a circle
around the keywords and phrases
the student brainstormed for
her topic.
What are the most important
questions I want to answer?
What questions might my
readers want to have
Who was Qin Shi Huang?
When, where, and how was
the burial site constructed?
Why did the emperor have
this kind of burial site? What
was the size and expense
of the project? How was it
discovered? What does it say
about the people who lived
then? What did they value?
Where will I look for sources of
Internet, books, library
What keywords or phrases will
I use to search?
Qin Shi Huang
Qin Shi Huang’s burial site
people of ancient China
culture of ancient China
78  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
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After brainstorming questions to guide your research, select print and electronic
sources that might contain useful information. Evaluate each source to be sure it is
relevant, reliable, credible, and accurate. Avoid sources that depend too much on
personal opinion.
Once you have solid sources, read and take notes. Continually review the main
topic so that you can eliminate unrelated material. Keep asking yourself questions
about the topic. Focus on the most important ideas, facts, details, examples, and
quotations that answer the main questions about your topic. Photographs and visual
data in charts and graphics can also be valuable. For example, you can include a
visual of the archaeological site so readers can see what the site looks like or where
it is located. Be sure you record the sources of the information. You will need this
information later for your bibliography or works-cited list.
After you have read a good amount of source material and taken notes, think
about what you have learned. What ideas have come out of your reading? Use this
material to develop a thesis statement, which presents the main argument of your
essay. In this case, ask yourself, What have I learned about this archaeological site
and its significance?
Below is a list of potential thesis statements the student came up with for her
response to the prompt about the significance of Qin Shi Huang’s burial site.
Possible Thesis Statements
Qin Shi Huang’s impressive tomb was guarded by clay warriors,
showing a respect for power.
The clay soldiers in the terracotta army show how wealthy the
empire was.
The extravagant burial place for the emperor shows that the
culture believed in life after death.
Final Thesis Statement
The vast terracotta army guarding the tomb of
Emperor Qin Shi Huang revealed a culture
that revered its powerful leaders and valued
craftsmanship by those in service to such leaders.
Writing Assignment
On a separate sheet of paper, brainstorm a response to the prompt given earlier
in the lesson about archaeological sites. Conduct research to find additional
information to use in your essay. Use whichever brainstorming method works best
to help you organize ideas. Then write a thesis statement to guide your response.
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 79
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After brainstorming questions, researching your topic, and developing a thesis
statement, you can organize your ideas and information. Choose an organizational
plan that best presents the ideas you want your readers to understand. Here are
several organizational patterns that can be used to present informational text.
Description Example
cause-and-effect describes the cause of
an event and explains
its effect or effects
an article in which the author
explains what happened in New
Orleans in the aftermath (the
effects) of being hit by Hurricane
Katrina (the cause)
explains how two or
more things or ideas
are alike or different
an essay illustrating how the
philosophies of capitalism and
communism are alike and
presents events in the
order in which they
a biography written in time order,
starting with the subject’s birth
and ending with his or her death
states a problem and
then describes a
an article describing the
difficulties involved in the study of
cancer and how those issues
may be overcome
topical arranges information in
sections according to
points that support the
an essay describing music styles
as represented in different parts
of the world
Based on your organizational plan, develop an outline that shows the different
parts of your essay. If you use a formal outline, list main points next to Roman
numerals. Write the topics that form the main points of the composition next to cap-
ital letters. Then list details about each topic, denoted by numbers. You can also
write a less formal outline that includes headings for each paragraph with a list of
supporting details on separate lines or beside bullet points.
Your structure should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Each body paragraph should focus on a specific reason that develops your thesis and
the evidence that supports it, including facts, details, examples, or quotations.
80  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
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Writing Assignment
Now, using your thesis and the information you gathered while researching your
topic, organize your thoughts for your essay on a separate sheet of paper. Use
an outline form you are comfortable with.
Here is how the student writing about Qin Shi Huang’s burial site plans to
organize her essay.
intends to devote a section to
“historical background.” Which
point would be most helpful for
readers unfamiliar with the
topic? Explain.
SUPPORT  The student lists the
sources she plans to use to sup-
port her ideas. Draw a star next
to the sources she includes in
her outline.
DEVELOPMENT  The student
plans to talk about two aspects of
craftsmanship. Circle these aspects.
I.	Introduction
Background information about Qin Shi Huang
Discovery of the terracotta warriors
A. Thesis The vast terracotta army guarding the
tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang revealed a culture
that revered its powerful leaders and valued
craftsmanship by those in service to such leaders.
II.	 Historical Background
A. Thesis  Who Qin Shi Huang was and what
he did
B. What the terracotta army was and why it
was built
III.	Reverence for Powerful Leaders
A.  military might
1.	 UNESCO quote
2. quote
B.  wealth—UNESCO quote
IV.	Respect for Craftsmanship
A.  the size of project—UNESCO quote
B.  technical and artistic qualities—UNESCO quote
V.	Conclusion
A.  restatement of thesis
B. final observations connected to the people of
Qin Shi Huang’s time
C. final idea to think about: how we bury leaders
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 81
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Once you have organized your ideas and research information, you can draft
your informative text. Your outline and research notes are your roadmap, so refer to
them often. You may want to adjust the organization of your composition as you
write. It is not unusual to find a better way to organize your materials at this stage.
Later, you will revise your draft.
Each paragraph of your text must support your thesis. This support comes from
the facts, definitions, details, quotations, and other information you gathered during
research. If you use direct quotes from a source, be sure the wording is accurate
and that you set it apart with quotation marks. You can also summarize or para-
phrase information from a source, restating the author’s ideas in your own words
while maintaining the author’s meaning. Whether you use direct quotes, summaries,
or paraphrases, be sure to cite the source.
As you draft your informative text, keep your audience in mind. Use appropriate
transitions to connect ideas, and make sure your ideas follow a logical flow. This will
help readers understand the concepts you present.
Read this student’s draft of her response to the prompt about Emperor Qin Shi
Huang’s burial site. This is a fairly late draft, after the student had time to revise
and edit. Later in the lesson, we’ll look at earlier versions, so you can see how
the draft reached its current form.
Cultural Snapshot
Qin Shi Huang’s Terracotta Army
When Chinese farmers stumbled across a life-size clay
warrior while trying to drill a well in 1974, they had no idea
what they had discovered. The life-size terracotta figure was
part of a vast army of statues created to honor the life of the
first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, who reigned over the
first-ever unified China from 221 to 210 B.C. Archaeologists
investigated the site, quickly unearthing three pits with thou-
sands of terracotta soldiers and horses. The vast terracotta
army guarding the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang revealed a
culture that revered its powerful leaders and valued craftsman-
ship by those in service to such leaders.
Introduction  The student
begins her draft by describing the
discovery of Qin Shi Huang’s burial
site and terracotta army, which
leads to her thesis statement.
Underline the thesis statement.
82  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 82 5/6/13 8:40 AM
Historical Background
Qin Shi Huang became the king of the feudal state Qin
when he was a teenager. By the time he had unified the
various—often warring—states in China into the Chinese
Empire, he had already chosen a spot for his burial site. For
about 40 years, until Qin Shi Huang’s death, laborers worked
on the burial complex and the terracotta army. The site covered
820,000 square feet and included 7,000 warriors, chariots,
horses, and 40,000 weapons, such as swords and arrows. The
clay soldiers were designed to escort the Emperor into the
afterlife, where he planned to rule eternally.
Reverence for Powerful Leaders
In ancient China, an emperor held complete authority. Qin
Shi Huang had united China into a vast empire through his
military might, which was reflected in the terracotta figures
that bore “unique testimony to the military organization in
China at the time” (UNESCO). The pits of terracotta soldiers
represented the forces that had “triumphed over all other
Chinese armies and who were the decisive factor in forming a
united China” ( Honoring an Emperor
like Qin Shi Huang in a worthy manner required great wealth.
As of yet, the actual tomb remains closed, but writings sug-
gest that it is filled with great treasures, including “replicas of
the area’s rivers and streams made with mercury flowing to the
sea through hills and mountains of bronze. Precious stones
such as pearls are said to represent the sun, moon, and other
stars” ( The decision to open the
tomb rests with the Chinese government. At this time the tech-
nology does not exist to excavate the tomb without causing
damage to its contents. In addition, the land around the tomb
contains high levels of mercury, which poses a serious health
risk to humans.
BACKGROUND  A fact is a piece
of information presented as accu-
rate and true. Circle the facts the
student includes to help readers
understand the size of the terra-
cotta army.
TRANSITIONS  Transitions make
connections between ideas within
and across sentences and para-
graphs. Underline any transitional
words or phrases in paragraph 3.
uses subheadings to help organize
the complex ideas in her writing.
How do these subheadings make
the text easier for readers?
SUPPORT  The student uses direct
quotations to support the main
idea of her paragraph. How does
she cite her sources?
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 83
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 83 5/6/13 8:40 AM
How effectively does the student present facts, details, examples,
or quotations?
How does the student present the connection between the
terracotta army and the culture of the time?
How successfully does the student implement an organizational
structure? Explain.
The terracotta army could never have been built without
the labor of many talented craftsmen. Work on the site took 40
years, and was not complete by the time of the emperor’s death.
According to UNESCO, as many as 700,000 people from all over
the empire worked to create the site, which depicted the palace
and the empire modeled to scale. “Automatically triggered
weapons” even guarded the many riches housed at the site.
Not only are there a vast number of figures, but each of the
life-size clay warriors is unique, with different facial expres-
sions. Although most of the figures have lost their color, it is
obvious that their clothing was brightly colored at the time it
was painted. Clearly, the craftsmen who made these figures
were devoted to their work and to their emperor. The UNESCO
Web site explains that the statues’ “exceptional technical and
artistic qualities” make them major Chinese artworks.
Because powerful leaders were held in such high regard, it
makes sense that the craftsmanship of the emperor’s burial site
would reflect both majesty and authority. China’s first emperor
was honored in a way unlike any rulers before him, and visitors
to the site today must wonder about the leader who could com-
mand such a project. Thousands of years from now, what will
people think of the way we bury our culture’s leaders?
STYLE  The student uses a formal
style, with objective, precise lan-
guage. Suppose she had used a
more casual, familiar style. What
effect would that have?
SUPPORT  Photographs, graph-
ics, and multimedia are useful
ways to enhance and aid compre-
hension. Draw a star at points
where the student could include
a photograph, graphic, or piece
of multimedia if this essay were
published online.
CONCLUSION  A conclusion
should revisit the thesis in a clear,
succinct way. Underline the
restatement of the thesis state-
ment in the conclusion. What
other information does the student
include in the conclusion?
84  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 84 5/6/13 8:40 AM
Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Writers of informative texts often use domain-specific vocabulary, or
vocabulary related to a specific subject area. Domain-specific vocabulary is often
unfamiliar to readers, so be conscious of when you use it. You need to make sure
that the meanings of these words are clear to readers.
For example, read this sentence about Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s burial site.
When archaeologists began exploring the strata, they made a variety of dis-
coveries that offered keys to the past.
The sentence uses the word strata, which specifically relates to the topic of the
text. Readers who do not understand the word may not be able to comprehend the
writer’s meaning. See what happens in this revision.
When archaeologists began exploring the strata, or layers of earth, they
made a variety of discoveries that offered keys to the past.
The writer includes a definition of strata so readers can understand how the term
is used in the sentence. When you think readers might be confused by terminology,
offer definitions or other clues to make a complex topic more comprehensible.
Read the sentence below. Circle the domain-specific vocabulary. Look the word
up in a dictionary and rewrite the sentence to include a definition or clarification.
Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum symbolized his power in life and his hope for the afterlife.
Try It
Writing Assignment
Write a draft in response to the following prompt. You may compose your draft
on a computer or on a separate sheet of paper.
The abandoned remains of past civilizations provide information about the
people and cultures of human history. Think of an archaeological site that
interests you. Research the site to learn about it. What is the original history of
the site? How and when was it discovered? What does it tell us about the peo-
ple who once lived there? Then describe the site and explain its significance.
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 85
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 85 5/6/13 8:40 AM
After completing a draft, it’s time to revise your informative text. When you
revise, you read your draft, looking for weak spots and ways to strengthen or
improve them. Here are several important considerations:
•	 Be sure you have stated your thesis clearly. If you find that it’s not as clear as it
could be, adjust your thesis so it says exactly what you want it to say and is
supported by the information in your essay.
•	 Check that you have provided enough necessary background or context so
readers are not confused.
•	 Review the facts, details, examples, or quotations that you used to support
your thesis. Are they providing essential support? Eliminate any weak evidence
and replace it with a stronger example. Consider how you have approached
quotations, summaries, and paraphrases. Have you provided source informa-
tion when needed?
•	 Review the organization of your draft. Is it arranged clearly? Will readers be able
to follow the logic of your composition? Does each paragraph clearly support
your thesis? Do your transitions help readers move smoothly from one idea to
the next? At times, you may discover that it is best to combine two paragraphs
into one; at other times, you may need to break up a paragraph. The same
holds true for sentences within paragraphs.
•	 Evaluate your word choice. In an informative text, your style should be formal. If
you use technical terminology or domain-specific vocabulary, be sure to define
these terms.
•	 As you read your draft, make notes on the page so you can go back and make
Take a look at the following paragraphs from the first draft of the essay about
Emperor Qin Shi Haung’s burial site. Then compare it to the same paragraphs
from the final draft to see what kinds of changes the student made when she
revised her essay.
First Draft
In the long ago times of ancient China, an emperor just
held onto complete and utter authority in a really powerful
way. Qin Shi Huang had united China into a vast empire
through his military might. That was reflected in the terracotta
figures, which bore “unique testimony to the military organi-
zation in China at the time” (UNESCO). The pits of terracotta
soldiers represented the forces that had “triumphed over all
other Chinese armies and who were the decisive factor in
LANGUAGE  The language in
the first sentence is awkward and
repetitive, and the style is too
informal for the task. Circle the
words and phrases that are repeti-
tive or reflect a casual style.
86  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 86 5/6/13 8:40 AM
forming a united China” ( Honoring
an Emperor like Qin Shi Huang took a bunch of wealth, if
you wanted to do it in the right way. It was not a good idea to
spend those kinds of resources on one human being. The
actual tomb remains closed. Writings suggest that it is filled
with great treasures, including “replicas of the area’s rivers
and streams made with mercury flowing to the sea through
hills and mountains of bronze. Precious stones such as
pearls are said to represent the sun, moon, and other stars”
( The great effort and cost of the
terracotta were borne by a culture devoted to its mighty leaders.
Revised Draft
In ancient China, an emperor held complete authority.
Qin Shi Huang had united China into a vast empire through
his military might, which was reflected in the terracotta figures
that bore “unique testimony to the military organization in
China at the time” (UNESCO). The pits of terracotta soldiers
represented the forces that had “triumphed over all other
Chinese armies and who were the decisive factor in forming a
united China” ( Honoring an Emperor
like Qin Shi Huang in a worthy manner required great wealth.
As of yet, the actual tomb remains closed, but writings sug-
gest that it is filled with great treasures, including “replicas of
the area’s rivers and streams made with mercury flowing to the
sea through hills and mountains of bronze. Precious stones such
as pearls are said to represent the sun, moon, and other stars”
( The decision to open the tomb rests
with the Chinese government. At this time the technology does
not exist to excavate the tomb without causing damage to its
contents. In addition, the land around the tomb contains high
levels of mercury, which poses a serious health risk to humans.
LANGUAGE  Why did the
student revise and adjust the
language in the first sentence
of the revised draft?
TRANSITIONS  Where could the
student add a transition to make a
clearer connection between ideas?
SUPPORT  The student has
included an irrelevant opinion in
this paragraph. Underline the sen-
tence containing this opinion.
SUPPORT  The student deleted
the sentence that expressed an
opinion. Why delete that type of
TRANSITIONS  Notice how the
student used transitions to join
sentences and connect ideas.
Circle two transitions.
Writing Assignment
A peer review is an opportunity to get a different perspective on your writing.
Exchange your current draft with a classmate. Read your partner’s draft and
make suggestions to improve it, using what you’ve learned so far as a guide.
Then revise your draft, either on a separate sheet of paper or on the computer.
As you revise, consider your partner’s comments and add any improvements of
your own. Then use a revision checklist to double-check that you have improved
your writing as much as possible.
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 87
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 87 5/6/13 8:40 AM
Edit and Publish
In the editing stage of writing, you verify that your spelling, grammar, punctua-
tion, and sentence structure are correct. You may need to read through your text
several times to make sure you have correctly applied the conventions of the English
language. Keep a dictionary or grammar textbook on hand to look up the answers
to questions about conventions that come up as you revise.
Reading aloud can be an effective way to edit carefully. When you read a text
aloud, you will often hear errors that you would miss if you were reading silently. Lis-
ten for awkward phrasing and inconsistencies in style and logic.
Since you have used research sources in your informative text, you will also need
to double-check that all your quotations and sources have been cited correctly.
After you make final changes to your informative text, you are ready to publish
your work. Print a clean copy and turn it in to your teacher. You may also want to
share your work with friends and family members. Ask them to read your work and
tell what they learned about the topic of your informative text.
Look at this excerpt from a draft of the student’s response to the prompt about
Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s burial site. The student has used proofreading marks to
edit her response.
The terracotta army could never has been built without
the labor of many talented craftsman. Work on the site took
40 years, and was not complete by the time of the emperor’s
death. According to UNESCO, as many as 700,000 people from
all over the empire worked to create the site, which depicted the
palace and the empire modeled to scale. “Automatically trig-
gered weapons even guarded the many riches housed at the site.
VERB TENSE  The tense of a verb
must be consistent throughout
sentences and paragraphs. Circle
an example of an error in verb
tense that the student fixed.
NOUNS  Double-check that you
have used singular and plural
nouns correctly, especially when
the plural form is irregular.
Underline an irregular plural noun.
direct quotations, insert the quota-
tion mark at the end of the exact
words used in the source. From
what source did the student get
this quote?
88  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 88 5/6/13 8:40 AM
Not only are there a vast number of figures but each of
the life-size clay warriors is unique, with differentfacial
expressions. Although most of the figures have lost their color, it
is obvious that there clothing was brightly colored at the time it
was painted. Clearly, the craftsmen who made these figures
where devoted to their work and to their emperor. The UNESCO
Web site explains that the statues’, “exceptional technical and
qualities artistic” make them major Chinese artworks. Because
powerful leaders were held in such high regard, it makes sense
that the craftsmanship of the emperor’s burial site would reflect
both majesty and authority. China’s first emperor was honored
in a way unlike any rulers before him, and visitors to the site
today must wonder about the leader who could command such
a project. Thousands of year from now, what will people think of
the way we bury our culture’s leaders?
SPELLING  Some words are
easy to misspell because there
are other words that sound and
look similar. Explain why there
is the incorrect spelling.
PUNCTUATION  Commas belong
at the end of introductory phrases.
What does a comma tell you to do
as you read?
PUNCTUATION  Why did the
student delete the comma before
“exceptional technical . . . ”?
PARAGRAPH  Paragraphs are
used to separate ideas in a text.
Why did the student start a new
paragraph here?
WORD ORDER  Read your sen-
tences aloud so that you can hear
whether you have reversed the
word order. Circle the words that
the student reversed.
NOUNS  The student added an s
to year to make it a plural noun.
Circle other plural nouns in this
Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 89
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 89 5/6/13 8:40 AM
Hyphenation and Dashes
Punctuation marks such as hyphens and dashes can help you communicate
your ideas more clearly. Use a hyphen to join two or more words being used as
an adjective before a noun, and with the prefixes ex-, self-, and all-. Look at the
chart. The first column shows the original words. The second column shows
them written correctly.
Revise the following sentences, inserting hyphens and dashes where appropriate.
1.	 The archaeologist’s conference presented current information about Qin Shi
Huang’s terracotta army one of the most impressive finds in the last 50 years.
2.	 The human like quality of the statues completely unique mesmerizes many visitors.
Try It
The enormous burial site of Qin Shi Huang it covers 820,000 square feet
includes many thousands of statues and weapons.
The enormous burial site of Qin Shi Huang—it covers 820,000 square feet—
includes many thousands of statues and weapons.
Mechanics Review
life size warriors life-size warriors
reddish brown clay reddish-brown clay
Use a dash to indicate emphasis, a summary statement, or clarifying
information. For example, read this sentence.
This sentence is not correct as it stands. The words “it covers 820,000 square
feet” represent a sudden change in thought that is different from the rest of the
sentence. You should use long dashes called em dashes to set off this information.
To show a span of numbers, use a shorter dash called an en dash. For instance,
to show the dates 221 to 210 b.c.e., you would write the following: 221–210 b.c.e.
Writing Assignment
Now use what you have reviewed to edit your informational text, using the editing
checklist your teacher has provided or one of your own. You may either work on
your computer or on a separate sheet of paper. When you have finished editing
your informative text, you may publish it.
90  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts
CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 90 5/6/13 8:40 AM

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Georgia Common Core Coach, CCGPS Edition, Composition, Level II

  • 1. This book is printed on paper containing a minimum of 10% post-consumer waste. Phone: (800) 338-6519 • Fax: (866) 805-5723 • E-mail: CommonCoreCoachforCompositionII Common CoreCoach Common CoreCoach DevelopedExclusivelyfortheCCGPS YourInstructionalAnchor! ISBN-13: 978-1-62362-056-1 9 7 8 1 6 2 3 6 2 0 5 6 1 9 0 0 0 0 GEORGIA GEORGIA T145GA CCGPS Edition II for Composition First Edition
  • 2.             H S Georgia Common Core Coach for Composition II, First Edition T145GA ISBN-13: 978-1-62362-056-1 Cover Image Credit: © Sean Gallup/Getty Images News/Getty Images Triumph Learning® 136 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016 © 2014 Triumph Learning, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America.  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers are the sole owners and developers of the Common Core State Standards, © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. CommonCoreCoach First Edition GEORGIA forComposition II CC13_ELA_L2C_FM_SE 1 5/8/13 9:39 AM
  • 3. Duplicatinganypartofthisbookisprohibitedbylaw.©2014TriumphLearning,LLC 3 Contents Unit 1 — How to Write Lesson 1: The Writing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Brainstorm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Draft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Revise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Edit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Publish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Lesson 2: The Research Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Generate Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Develop a Research Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Use Search Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Types of Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Evaluate and Compare Sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Take Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Cite Sources and Avoid Plagiarism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Unit 2 — Writing for Different Purposes Lesson 3: Writing Responses to Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Lesson 4: Writing Informative Texts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Lesson 5: Writing Arguments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Lesson 6: Writing Narratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Grammar and Mechanics Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) W.11–12.1.d,W.11–12.2.b, W.11–12.2.e,W.11–12.3.d, W.11–12.4,W.11–12.5, W.11–12.6,W.11–12.10, SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.3.a W.11–12.2.b,W.11–12.7, W.11–12.8,W.11–12.10, SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.2 W.11–12.1.c,W.11–12.2.c, W.11–12.9.a–b,W.11–12.10, SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.3.a W.11–12.2.a–e,W.11–12.10, SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.2.a, L.11–12.6 W.11–12.1.a–e,W.11–12.2.f, W.11–12.10, SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.2.b, L.11–12.5.a W.11–12.3.a–e,W.11–12.10, SL.11–12.1, L.11–12.1 CC13_ELA_L2C_FM_SE 3 5/8/13 9:39 AM
  • 4. When you read someone else’s writing, you are either pulled into the writing or you read it without a lot of interest, maybe even stopping before the text is finished. Why? What makes a piece of writing compelling enough that you want to keep reading? What do strong writers do to make their writing come alive? This unit will walk you through each step of the writing process. It will define the steps and provide tips and strategies to help you execute them more efficiently. You will also examine an example of a student’s writing process. As you read the student’s work, you will develop your own written response to an assigned prompt. As you learn techniques for strengthening your style and language, your writing will become more effective. Once you have completed this unit, you should have a clear understanding of how to turn your ideas into a strong piece of work, ready to be published. Lesson 1The Writing Process Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 5 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 5 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 5. What Is the Writing Process? Writing is an effective way for you to share your ideas and knowledge about a topic or text. The challenge writers face is how to convey their ideas in a focused, sophisticated manner so a reader will understand those ideas. A well-written piece takes planning, forethought, and organization before the actual writing begins. As you look at a writing assignment for the first time, you may not know where to begin. You may wonder how you are going to translate all of your ideas into a cohesive written piece. How will you connect ideas? How will you maintain a reader’s interest? How will you ensure you are using correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics? There is a lot to consider when starting a writing project. The best writers break their writing process into smaller, more manageable steps. Each step has different elements to focus on so the entire project does not get overwhelming. No matter what kind of writing you do, allow the following steps to guide you in composing a thoughtful and polished written piece. 1. Brainstorm When you brainstorm, write down any initial ideas about an assigned topic. Then, thinking in a more focused way about your audience and purpose, evaluate the ideas and choose the best topic. 2. Plan To make a plan for your writing, first determine the thesis statement. Then, in an outline, gather and organize the support and ideas into a structure that you can follow as you write. 3. Draft After you have a plan in place, develop a draft. The draft will include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. After stating a clear and assertive thesis, develop your body paragraphs to elaborate on supporting ideas. Then write a conclusion that restates the thesis and gives the reader more to think about. 6  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 6 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 6. 4. Revise When you revise, consider how the content, organization, and style of your writing work together. Then make changes that will improve your composition. At this stage, you can ask a peer to review your work if you would like additional feedback. 6. Publish At the end of the process, share your writing with readers by publishing it. You may do this in a variety of ways, such as turning in your writing to your teacher, sending it to friends or family to read, or posting it online in an official venue. 5. Edit To edit your writing, carefully read and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage. Your finished work should follow standard English conventions. Writing Assignment The following prompt asks you to write a personal narrative. Refer to this prompt as you work through the various steps of the writing process. Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved, and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and what you learned from the experience. Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 7 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 7 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 7. Brainstorm Typically, you begin the writing process by brainstorming. The prompts you respond to will vary: you may be asked to make an argument, explain a process, tell a story, or write a response to literature. Sometimes, you will have to come up with an idea entirely on your own. In every case, though, you will brainstorm ideas in order to choose and narrow your topic. When you put effort into this brainstorming step, you are likely to develop a topic that you can write about successfully. When you brainstorm, you quickly collect ideas about a topic, getting your thoughts flowing without judging them for quality. Just write down what comes to mind. You can pick and choose the best idea or ideas later. As you brainstorm a narrative, the thoughts you write down might be events in the story, character traits, or details about the setting. All of these parts will be used to construct a complete story later. Take look at how a student brainstormed a topic and supporting ideas for the following prompt. Brainstorm a Topic Different topics demand different brainstorming methods—you will need to choose the method that works best for you. For instance, a graphic organizer works well for a narrative prompt. An informational prompt might simply call for a table. Write about a time you had a rite-of-passage experience. Use descriptive details and sensory language to set the scene and introduce the people involved. Explain what events happened, and what you learned as a result. 8  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 8 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 8. Here’s how the student brainstormed a topic for her personal narrative. Topic: rite-of-passage experience Event: cat died in 4th grade I learned: I felt as if I’d lost a friend; seemed different after Event: stayed with Mrs. Bagby during superstorm I learned: I’m often self-centered; enjoyed helping someone else for a change Event: went to Camp Sousa for band I learned: I missed my family more than I thought I would; improved on the trombone Event: started Ross Elementary School I learned: I could make new friends; missed old school Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 9 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 9 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 9. Writing Assignment Now it’s time for you to brainstorm for a response to the personal narrative prompt on page 7. On a computer or on a separate sheet of paper, use a graphic organizer, a list, or another method to brainstorm ideas for your writing. Brainstorm Supporting Ideas Choosing a topic is a great starting point, but you still have some work to do before you can begin writing. The next step is to brainstorm supporting ideas that develop and explain your topic. Use webs, lists, charts, or outlines, or do some freewriting—whichever method works best for you. For example, as you brainstorm for the assigned prompt in this lesson, you should figure out who is involved in the story, list the main events that take place, and roughly describe where the action occurs. Here is how a student used a graphic organizer to brainstorm supporting ideas about her chosen topic. PROMPT  The prompt asks the student “to set the scene and introduce the people involved.” She begins to do that in her brainstorming by recording information. Circle the sections of the chart that address this part of the prompt. DETAILS  The details writers collect when brainstorming will often be developed throughout the writing process. Jot down additional details the student might add to the chart. TOPIC  The prompt asks writers to describe a rite-of-passage moment and tell what they learned. What did this student learn from that rite-of-passage moment? Chosen Topic stayed with Mrs. Bagby during superstorm Who me my parents Mrs. Bagby Where my house Mrs. Bagby’s house When during the storm worst part of the storm What happened electricity went out didn’t care about coming storm stayed with and talked to Mrs. Bagby storm got serious Why it changed me I learned that I enjoyed helping someone else. I realized I didn’t need to have TV or Internet all the time. I learned about someone else’s life. 10  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 10 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 10. Once you have a strong thesis statement, you can begin organizing. The most common kinds of organization for narratives are chronological, or time-order, and problem-solution, in which the characters in a story have a clear problem at the outset that they must solve in order to reach a resolution. This statement doesn’t suggest to the reader what kind of story will follow it. Your thesis statement should be as specific as possible in order to keep the scope of your writing manageable. A strong thesis statement will also keep your readers reading past the first paragraph, wanting to learn more about what you have to say. Now look at a revised version of the thesis statement, which offers details about the story and indicates its message: Plan When you plan your writing, you put the information and details you have gath- ered into an organized structure. An effective organization will make it easier to write a draft, and it will improve your final product. At this point, it is important to develop a thesis to guide you in your planning and drafting. A thesis statement is a sentence declaring your position on the topic of your writing and may contain major supporting ideas. The thesis is usually included toward the beginning of a work, giving the audience an idea of what they can expect to read. All of the ideas in a written work should relate to the thesis. In a personal narrative, the thesis is often an indication of the meaning of the story to the author. In a persuasive piece, the thesis would be a statement of the author’s opinion on a topic along with significant supporting evidence. Although you may adjust your thesis as you write, you need to come up with a solid working thesis for now. A thesis statement needs to be interesting to the reader. Thesis statements that are specific, clear, and intelligible usually capture readers’ attention. Take a look at the following weak thesis statement: The summer my dog died, I learned a lot of important lessons. The summer my dog died in the country, I came to value the ties of love and friendship that stretch beyond death. Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 11 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 11 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 11. After deciding on an organizational pattern, develop an outline. A standard outline, with Roman numerals, letters of the alphabet, numbers, or bullets labeling different levels of ideas, works well for a narrative composition. You could create one section on characters, one on setting, and one on plot. Or you could organize the outline according to the different stages of the plot. You can also make a less formal outline, as long as it clearly shows the different parts of your narrative. The most important thing is that you are able to follow it when you begin drafting. Here is the outline the student used to organize her personal narrative. THESIS  In the thesis statement, the student expresses the main idea she wants to convey to the reader. What makes this student's thesis statement interesting? How is it specific? SUPPORT  In this outline, the stu- dent records notes about the basic ideas and supporting details she will include in her narrative. How does the student denote the major supporting ideas she will be writ- ing about? Draw a star next to these letters or numbers. How does she indicate the details she will include? Circle these letters or numbers. I. Introduction A. Thesis  When I came out of the storm, I was a different person. B.  We heard about the storm four days in advance. C.  I didn’t pay attention; I was distracted: 1. wanted to watch a new movie 2. cross-country team had race coming up 3. two papers due at school II. Support A.  My parents prepared for the storm. 1. bought batteries, flashlights, food and water 2. put sandbags around basement windows B.  During the storm 1. I texted with friends. 2. We watched TV coverage. 3. Mom saw an explosion. 4. Power went out. C.  First response to the storm 1. Frustrated when I couldn’t use electricity or Internet 2. Dad said we needed to check on Mrs. Bagby. D.  We went to see Mrs. Bagby. 1. Background on Mrs. Bagby 2. We found Mrs. Bagby terrified in the dark. 3. I talked to her. 4. She asked me to stay. E.  I stayed with Mrs. Bagby. 1. Mom brought food. 2. We played cards and talked. 12  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 12 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 12. Writing Assignment Now it’s time for you to plan your personal narrative. Using the thesis statement and the supporting details you generated during your brainstorming, organize your thoughts on a separate sheet of paper. Use an outline form you are comfortable with. Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved, and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and what you learned from the experience. III. Conclusion A.  Life went back to normal. 1. school 2. track 3. electricity B.  Lessons learned: 1. I didn’t feel the same after spending time with Mrs. Bagby. 2. I felt older, ready to help other people more. ORGANIZATION  The student’s outline reflects the organizational pattern she has chosen for her nar- rative. Consider how the events are presented. What pattern does it look like she is planning to use? Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 13 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 13 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 13. Draft You have brainstormed a topic and thesis and gathered your ideas into a writing plan. Now it’s time to turn all that work into sentences and paragraphs in a well- developed draft. The first draft is called a rough draft for a reason. As you write, you’re still thinking, so you will probably make some changes to your outline and even your thesis. • Your introduction should present the main idea of your composition in an engaging and interesting way. The first sentences of your introduction should grab your readers’ attention and keep them invested in your work. For example, you might open a narrative with a line of dialogue, a shocking event, or a flash- back. An informational piece, on the other hand, might begin with a startling fact or a quote from an expert on the topic. Remember to include your thesis in the introduction in order to let your readers know what to expect in your piece. Also consider that, while the introduction might seem like the most logical place to begin writing, some people find it easier to develop the body of the composition or narrative first, and then use those developed ideas to help formulate the best way to write the introduction. • Develop the body of your composition by presenting support in well- constructed paragraphs that focus on a central idea or event and specific details connected to that central idea. To support the structure of a personal narrative, develop characters and events through sensory details, description, and dialogue. Remember that without adequate support, your thesis serves no purpose, and your writing will not have a proper shape; the story will ultimately leave the reader disappointed. • Use your conclusion to wrap up the story and provide your readers with addi- tional thoughts to consider. For example, if you are writing a personal narrative, you might offer final details about an event as well as your own reflections on the event. In an argument, you should reassert your position and make a final appeal to the reader to accept your argument. Use transitions such as first, next, however, after, additionally, because, and therefore to help readers make connections between ideas as they read, both within paragraphs and between them. Transitions help your ideas flow smoothly and logically. 14  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 14 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 14. Here is a draft of the student’s personal narrative about a rite-of-passage experience. This is a late draft, after the student had time to revise and edit. We heard the first weather forecasts on a Thursday eve- ning in mid-October, almost four days before the storm was predicted to hit. But I didn’t really pay attention. My mind was focused on other things. I really wanted to watch a new movie over the weekend. My cross-country team had an important race on Saturday, and I had two papers due for school the following Monday! None of that, however, stopped the storm. Although it only lasted a few days, I came out of the storm a different person. By Sunday, I realized the storm was really coming. My par- ents, usually very relaxed people, had bought batteries, flash- lights, candles, and a lot of food. They had even put sandbags around all the basement windows. The storm really got going on Monday afternoon. I texted with my friends while Mom and Dad watched coverage on television. They kept looking outside, especially toward Main Street. At about eight o’clock, my mom stood in front of the window and gasped. A huge explosion lit up the sky. We all stared in shock. It looked like a light show. Then the lights in the house went out. My first thought was to get online to find out more infor- mation. But our Internet, just like our electricity, was out. Frustrated, I daydreamed about the funny things I could Tweet about later. Then I heard my dad shout from the other room, “Mrs. Bagby! Simona, come help me with Mrs. Bagby!” He raced toward the front door. Mrs. Bagby has been our neighbor for a long time. When I was young, she always had a piece of candy to give me. But as she got older, she seemed to become afraid. “Who are you and what are you doing on my porch?” she’d snapped at me recently, even though she had always called me by name. I’d heard her grown children and grandchildren describe her as “stubborn and difficult.” Now Dad wanted us to go see her in the middle of a terrible storm. When we entered Mrs. Bagby’s house, I did not find a stub- born and difficult woman. I found a terrified one. Mrs. Bagby sat wide-eyed and shaking in a rocking chair in her living room. The room was dark—no candles, no flashlight. I looked toward Dad, and he nodded at me. Carrying my flashlight, I moved closer to her. Finally, I leaned down and put my hand on her shoulder. Introduction  The student sets up the situation of the storm in an intriguing way in the first paragraph. Underline the words that tell you her focus. ORGANIZATION  In paragraph 5, the student provides important background information for the reader. Draw two lines under the sentence that connects the back- ground information with the present situation. DETAILS  The student develops the events in the narrative through description and dialogue. In paragraph 6, she describes Mrs. Bagby’s condition when she finds her. Draw boxes around the descriptive details that paint a picture of the situation. central IDEA  Within a cohe- sive paragraph, all the supporting sentences work together to strengthen the central idea or relate to a sequence of events. What is the central idea of para- graph 2? Circle the sentence that tells you. Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 15 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 15 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 15. “Mrs. Bagby, it’s me, Simona. I live next door, remem- ber?” I tried to speak as gently as I could. Slowly she raised her head and looked at me. I could see tears sitting at the very edges of her eyes. Both her fists were clenched around the edge of a frayed blanket. She smiled weakly and grabbed my hand. “Please stay with me, Simona. I am so afraid.” For three days, I lived with Mrs. Bagby. My parents tried to convince her to stay at our house, but she was too nervous to leave. Her relatives were unable to get to her because of closed roads and airports. Several times a day, my mom brought over meals. Most of the time, though, it was just Mrs. Bagby and me. We played cards when it was light out. Mrs. Bagby took a lot of naps in her chair. And we talked—a lot. Mrs. Bagby told me about serving as a nurse during World War II. I told her about my cross-country team and my dream of becoming a social worker when I grow up. By the following week, I was back at school and running with my team again. We had electricity, fresh food, and access to the Internet. After the storm was over, my life seemed to go back to normal on the outside, but I did not feel like the same person. The experience of living with Mrs. Bagby for those days—of seeing her fear and sharing her life—had changed me. I no longer felt like Simona, just another teenager. Instead, I was Simona, a young adult ready to go into the world and make a difference for the sake of other people—people like Mrs. Bagby. CONCLUSION  In the conclusion, the student reflects on her experi- ence and what she has learned from it by contrasting what was happening in the real world with what was happening inside her head. Underline the sentence that shows when the student moves from external experiences to internal ones. Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved, and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and describe what you learned from the experience. Writing Assignment Now it’s your turn. Write a draft of your personal narrative on a computer or on a separate sheet of paper. TRANSITIONS  In paragraph 10, the student uses transitional phrases to show the sequence of events over three days. Draw stars beside the transitional phrases in the paragraph. 16  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 16 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 16. Formal Style and Objective Tone When you are writing, your audience and purpose influence the content of your text. You are frequently asking yourself if your readers will understand what you are saying and whether you are saying it as well as possible in order to reach your overall goal. Audience and purpose also affect the style and tone you use in writing. For example, you know the difference between the language you use in an e-mail to a friend and the language you might use in a school assignment. The first uses informal language; the language in the latter is formal. When you are writing for academic and work purposes, use formal language, which avoids slang and nonstandard grammar. Maintain an objective tone, as well, which is straightforward, impersonal, and unbiased. The only exception would be, for instance, when you are developing dialogue in a narrative. In those cases, you may use informal language. The student has used a formal style and objective tone in the following excerpt from her personal narrative. If she were using an informal style, how might she reword the second sentence? By Sunday, I realized the storm was really coming. My parents, usually very relaxed people, had bought batteries, flashlights, candles, and a lot of food. They had even put sandbags around all the basement windows. Read the sentences below. Rewrite each sentence so that it uses the appropriate formal style and tone for writing in a school setting. 1. That experience was, like, so life-changing, it was amazing. 2. I couldn’t stand my next-door neighbor because he was just so, so weird. Try It Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 17 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 17 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 17. Revise When you revise your draft, you improve its content, organization, and style. Revising is more than correcting simple mistakes—you will do that in the editing stage. Revision can involve substantial changes that add insight to your draft, and you may adjust your content to fulfill your purpose for writing. Many writers go through several rounds of revision before they begin editing and publishing their work. Look at the types of sentences you have used in your composition. Think about the ways all the sentences in a paragraph work together. Do they all sound the same? You should always provide sentence variety for your readers by mixing simple, compound, and complex sentences. Vary the way you begin sentences, as well. They should not all begin with simple subjects. You might begin sentences with transitions, prepositional phrases, or dependent clauses. Use short sentences when you want to convey an idea forcefully or summarize a complicated idea. Use longer sentences to provide more information and complex ideas. Precise Language and Concrete Details Vague or general language can keep readers from understanding—or envision- ing—what the writer intends. Look for places where you can provide more precise language and concrete details. Replace vague or general terms with descriptive and sensory details that give life to characters, settings, and events. Use vocabulary that is specific to a subject area or field to make your work more authentic. Provide explanations to give readers the clearest possible understanding of concepts, processes, or arguments. Here is a sentence from an early version of the mentor text: Mrs. Bagby looked sad and scared. Can you really see or understand Mrs. Bagby’s condition from this sentence? Take a look at the sentence with sensory details and vivid action verbs: I could see tears sitting at the very edges of her eyes. Both her fists were clenched around the edge of a frayed blanket. As a reader, you suddenly see the frightened, elderly woman in her dark home. Rewrite the following sentence using more precise language. I looked at the sky. Try It 18  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 18 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 18. When you revise a draft, ask yourself the following questions: • Are my tone and level of formality appropriate for my audience and purpose? • Does my descriptive language create a clear, vivid picture? • Have I used precise verbs, nouns, and adjectives? • Have I varied my sentences by adjusting how they begin and by using simple, compound, and complex sentences? • Have I used devices such as parallelism, repetition, and figurative language to give certain parts of my composition a greater impact? • Would changing the point of view of the piece be helpful? • Are there places where I should delete, add, or rearrange material? • What additional supporting details do I need to include? • Where might I include transitional words, phrases, and sentences to help connect my ideas? First Draft I lived with Mrs. Bagby for three days. My parents tried to convince her to stay at our house. She was too nervous to leave. Her relatives were unable to get to her because of closed roads and closed airports. Several times a day, Ma brought over munchies for us to chow on. Most of the time, though, it was just Mrs. Bagby and me. We played cards when it was light out. Mrs. Bagby took a lot of naps in her chair. And we talked—a lot. Mrs. Bagby talked about her life in the past. I told her about my cross-country team. I told her my ideas about becoming a social worker. SENTENCE STRUCTURE  Varying the sentence structure helps to connect ideas and keep readers from getting bored. You can do this by starting sentences in different ways or by combining sentences. Underline the sentences in the student’s composition you would revise. FORMAL STYLE  Compositions written for school assignments need to use a formal writing style. Circle the sentence that is too casual for this type of writing. PRECISE LANGUAGE  Authors use precise language and concrete details to make their writing come alive for read- ers. What words or phrases might the student use to better convey her conversation with Mrs. Bagby? Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 19 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 19 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 19. Revised Draft For three days, I lived with Mrs. Bagby. My parents tried to convince her to stay at our house, but she was too ner- vous to leave. Her relatives were unable to get to her because of closed roads and airports. Several times a day, my mom brought over meals. Most of the time, though, it was just Mrs. Bagby and me. We played cards when it was light out. Mrs. Bagby took a lot of naps in her chair. And we talked—a lot. Mrs. Bagby told me about serving as a nurse during World War II. I told her about my cross-country team and my dream of becoming a social worker when I grow up. SENTENCE STRUCTURE  The writer adjusted the first sentence of the paragraph by putting the introductory phrase “For three days” at the beginning so the first few sentences don’t all begin with the subject. Underline another change in sentence structure. FORMAL style  To make the style more formal and objective, the student replaced “Ma” with “my mom.” Circle another phrase that was changed to be more formal. PRECISE LANGUAGE  Notice that the student included a more detailed description of what Mrs. Bagby discusses with her. Draw a box around these precise details about Mrs. Bagby’s life. Revise a Draft The following paragraph did not make it into the final draft of the student’s personal narrative. Read the paragraph below and then revise it on a separate sheet of paper. My parents had to rescue me after two hours. I remembered a storm from about five years earlier. I totally freaked out during that storm. I crawled into my closet. I cried. I took my stuffed animals and books into the closet. I had some real big issue-type things with storms. I wasn’t one bit excited about another one. Try It 20  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 20 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 20. Having a peer read your writing can be a great help when you are revising your work. Conducting a peer review gives you the opportunity to work with a classmate to evaluate and improve your draft. Focus on providing your peer with constructive feedback. When you are critiquing someone else’s writing, you are also developing your own writing skills, so be sure to take the time to analyze carefully. As you critique your classmate’s work, first explain the strengths of their writing. For example, “I think this sentence is strong because it communicates the main character’s personality so clearly.” Then identify specific weak areas and suggest solutions. Never say, “This part just isn’t very clear to me. I got confused.” Instead, ask specific questions that your classmate can answer. For example, “I don’t understand what you mean by signifi- cant experience. What was the experience exactly? Why was it important? Can you revise to clarify that idea?” You could also ask questions about the writing choices your classmate made, such as the processes they used to choose a topic and develop an outline and a draft. Here are some questions that you can ask as you review a peer’s writing: • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction? What effect does it have on me as a reader? Can I identify the main idea or thesis? • Does each body paragraph support the main idea or thesis? • Does each body paragraph include strong supporting or descriptive details? • Does the writer connect ideas in the composition fluidly? • Does the conclusion summarize the main ideas and offer something to consider? • Are the language and writing style appropriate for the audience and purpose? Writing Assignment Exchange your draft with a peer and use the peer review forms provided by your teacher to review each other’s work. Remember to be thoughtful and constructive in your comments, and take a few minutes to discuss your feedback with your classmate. Once you are finished with your peer review, it’s time to revise your draft. Read through your draft with a critical eye and make changes using the revision checklist your teacher has provided or one of your own. Be sure to incorporate any helpful comments or suggestions from your peer review. You may compose your revised draft on a computer or a separate sheet of paper. Write a narrative about a favorite memory from childhood. Use descriptive details and sensory language to set the scene, introduce the people involved, and tell an entertaining story. Explain why the memory is a favorite, and what you learned from the experience. Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 21 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 21 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 21. Edit When you edit your writing, you read it carefully to be sure your grammar, spell- ing, punctuation, and capitalization follow all the conventions of standard English. You have probably already developed some of your own strategies for editing your work. Thoroughness is the most important part of editing, however, so you need to slow down and look at the composition in several different ways. For exam- ple, you might read through your revision one time to find spelling mistakes, another time to check for correct grammar, and a final time to make sure you have punctu- ated and capitalized correctly. If possible, read your text out loud slowly, so that you can hear grammar mistakes. Or, you can ask someone to read the text to you as you read along, marking noticeable errors as you see or hear them. Conventions and grammar rules occasionally change over time. For example, in the past, commas were always used after each item in a series except for the last item. (Sheree used her birthday money to buy books, headphones, and movie tick- ets.) Now some style guides allow the final comma, before the conjunction in the list, to be removed. (Sheree used her birthday money to buy books, headphones and movie tickets.) Be sure to find out which conventions your teachers prefer, or which style guides to refer to for usage rules. Use the following editing marks to correct errors you find. Insert parentheses Insert em dash Close up space # Add space Indent ^ Insert Delete ^ Insert hyphen Transpose Period ,^ Insert comma ^ ’ Insert apostrophe ^ “ Insert quotation marks Capitalize Lowercase n Insert en dash New paragraph 22  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 22 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 22. We heard the first whether forecasts on a Thursday evening in midOctober, almost four days before the storm was predicted to hit. But I didn’t really pay attention. My mind is focused on other things. Ireally wanted to watch a new movie over the weekend. My cross-country team had an important race on Saturday, and I had two papers do for school  the following Monday! None of that, however, stopped the storm. Although only it lasted a few days, I came out of the storm a different person. By Sunday, I realized the storm is really coming. My parents, usually very relaxed people, had bought bateries, flashlights candles, and a lot of food. They had even put sandbags around all the basement windows weather # - was due t , . SPELLING  The student confused the words whether and weather. These two words sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. How can the student make sure she has spelled the word correctly? HYPHENATION  The student did not originally use a hyphen to join the prefix mid- with the word October. However, the word did not look right, so she reviewed the rules about the use of hy- phens. List some other prefixes that require hyphens to connect to words. VERB TENSE  The student made an error here in verb tense. She reread the sentence and realized she had used the present-tense form of the verb to be rather than the past-tense form, so she replaced is with was. Underline three other past-tense verbs used in the draft. This excerpt from a draft of a student’s response shows how the student used editing marks to make corrections. was Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 23 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 23 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 23. Syntax Syntax refers to the way sentences are structured. The English language allows for a variety of sentence structures, but they need to follow certain conventions. The four basic types of sentences include: • simple (an independent clause): My mind was focused on other things. • compound (more than one independent clause): My cross-country team had an important race on Saturday, and I had two papers due for school the following Monday! • complex (one independent clause and at least one dependent clause): When we entered Mrs. Bagby’s house, I did not find a stubborn and difficult woman. • compound-complex (more than one independent clause and at least one dependent clause): After the storm was over, my life seemed to go back to normal on the outside, but I did not feel like the same person. Make sure you have used correct syntax in your writing. Additionally, it is impor- tant to vary your sentence structure. Using a variety of sentence types helps to keep your reader from getting bored. One way you can add variety to your sentence types is to express related ideas in a single sentence. For example, if you have sev- eral sentences with the same subject or verb, consider combining them. Example: Kaila was interested in pursuing a degree in marine biology. Douglas was interested in pursuing a degree in marine biology. Combined Subject: Both Kaila and Douglas were interested in pursuing degrees in marine biology. Example: Cynthia walked into the library. Cynthia climbed the stairs to her favorite reading room. Combined Verb: Cynthia walked into the library and climbed the stairs to her favorite reading room. Sentence structure can also link ideas within a composition. As you revise and edit a draft, look carefully for ways to combine or separate sentences so that your ideas are clear. Your composition should show a logical progression of thought. Grammar Review 24  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 24 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 24. Writing Assignment Now it’s time for you to edit your narrative, using the editing checklist your teacher has provided, or one of your own. You may work either on your computer or on a separate sheet of paper. Revise each set of sentences below into one or two stronger sentences that show the connection between ideas as clearly as possible. Remember that you do not have to make all the sentences long and complicated, but you should use correct syntax. 1. I had a terrible bike accident. I learned that I was not as indestructible as I thought. I also learned that I was happier recognizing my limitations. 2. All the things I hoped for were now within reach. Adopting a new puppy was within reach. My mom’s desire for a new job was within reach. Also, my future at a good college was within reach. My whole perspective was changed. 3. We drove around the small town of Springfield, Illinois. Abraham Lincoln lived there for 25 years as a lawyer. We visited several of the historical sites. I wanted to learn more about Abraham Lincoln’s early life. I also wanted to read more about his presidency. Grammar Review continued Try It Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process 25 CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 25 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 25. Publish Publishing is the final step in the writing process. At this point, you produce a final draft for others to read. If your final draft is handwritten, your handwriting must be neat and legible. At this point, you can add a title that will grab the reader’s attention. You may also want to divide your composition into smaller chunks of text by using subhead- ings to make your writing easier to follow. Many authors add photographs, illustra- tions, maps, or diagrams to a composition to enhance the reader’s understanding of the topic. Your teacher may have specific guidelines for submitting your work, such as double-spacing the text and using a certain margin width to allow for comments. You may be asked to submit a stapled hard copy of your writing, or to submit a digi- tal copy as an email attachment. Carefully follow your teacher’s or school’s publish- ing guidelines, or you might not get proper credit for your work. In addition to giving your work to your teacher, consider other ways to share your writing with a wider audience: • Submit creative writing, such as narratives, to a writing contest for a literary magazine. • Submit pieces like arguments and informative texts to your school or local newspaper. • Exchange writing with classmates and discuss both the content and format of your completed writing assignment. • Print copies of your writing and distribute them to friends and family. • Read your writing aloud to a librarian or author you know. Technology Suggestions • Post your writing to your class Web site or blog. • Create your own Web site to feature your writing and that of your friends. Provide hyperlinks of art and information related to your topics. • Develop a wiki with classmates on a topic covered in your writing. • Record an online video or podcast in which you and your classmates read and discuss a specific type of writing. • Create a video tutorial on writing the type of text you wrote. Use your own process and final text as an example. Writing Assignment Once you have finished revising and editing your work, follow your teacher’s instructions for publishing your final draft. Be sure to follow any formatting and submission guidelines your teacher or school may have. 26  Lesson 1  •  The Writing Process CC13_ELA_L2C_U1_L1_SE 26 5/7/13 2:17 PM
  • 26. Have you ever been so curious about a person or a place that you went online or to a library to get more information? Maybe you wanted to find out about a musician’s life or look up fun ways to spend time in a faraway city. Your curiosity would lead you to informative texts that answer your questions. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to write an informative text—from brainstorming and organizing, drafting and revising, to editing and publishing. As you work through the lesson, you’ll develop a thesis and learn how to research to gather facts and details to support your thesis. Writing Informative Texts Lesson 4 Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 75 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 75 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 27. What Is an Informative Text? An informative text provides information about a topic. Facts, details, examples, or quotations support the text’s central idea. A biography of Alexander Hamilton, Frederick Douglass’s autobiography, a history of the Roman Empire, The New York Times, NASA’s Web site, your textbooks, an essay on wildflowers, and an article about a newly discovered planet are all examples of informative texts. Informative texts are nonfiction and are based on research from outside sources. Writers of informative texts weave together various pieces of information from different sources. However, they don’t simply provide information; they also offer analysis and interpretation. For example, an informative text about Qin Shi Huang’s burial site in China would not only provide information about the archaeological site, but also an interpretation suggesting how and why the site is significant. Even read- ers already familiar with Qin Shi Huang should come away with a new understand- ing of the topic because of the writer’s unique presentation and analysis. In the process of writing an informative text, you will research to learn about a new topic in order to become an expert. You’ll consider what you have learned, draw conclusions, and present your knowledge to readers in a way that allows them to become experts, too. Because of this, you need to keep your audience in mind as you write. If you’re writing about Qin Shi Huang, for example, your readers may not have any background knowledge of him and you will need to provide it. Con- sider whether it is necessary to provide descriptions, definitions, and explanations in order for readers to best understand the topic. You will also need to keep in mind what level of language, formality, and detail is appropriate for your readers. Regardless of its topic, every informative text should have a compelling intro- duction that provides a thesis for the text, body paragraphs that contain details supporting the thesis, and a conclusion. The flowchart on the following page shows how to present information effectively in an informative text. 76  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 76 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 28. Introduction Begin with a surprising statement, a little-known fact, or an unexpected question to catch your readers’ attention. Then state the thesis for the text—the main idea you want to convey to readers about the topic. The introduction also indicates the most important supporting details you will use. Supporting Details Each paragraph in the body of an informative text contains its own thesis sentence, supported by facts, details, examples, and quotations from your research. These paragraphs are meant to convince readers that your thesis is accurate. Conclusion The conclusion summarizes your main points and offers final thoughts or information about the topic. It should follow logically from the information you presented in the text. By the time your readers finish your conclusion, you want them to feel that you have proven your ideas thoroughly. Writing Assignment The following prompt asks you to write an informative text about an archaeological site. Refer back to this prompt as you brainstorm, plan, draft, revise, and edit your response. The abandoned remains of past civilizations provide information about the people and cultures of human history. Think of an archaeological site that interests you. Research the site to learn more about it. What is the original history of the site? How and when was it discovered? What does it tell us about the people who once lived there? Then describe the site and explain its significance. Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 77 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 77 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 29. Brainstorm When writing an informative text, pay close attention to what the prompt requires you to do. Review the writing assignment on the previous page. The prompt clearly defines the expectations of the assignment: you are going to research an archaeo- logical site, describe it, and explain its significance. The first stage of writing is brainstorming. In this stage, you come up with topic ideas and write down your thoughts about the topic. When writing an informative text that requires research, you should also think about the most important ques- tions you want to answer about your topic. Your readers may have the same questions. You also want to consider what sources you will need and what keywords or phrases you can use in an online or library search. A student was asked to write about the archaeological site of Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s burial site and what it reveals about the people living at that time. Take a look at the chart the student developed while brainstorming for the informative piece. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS  The student’s questions drive her research and writing. Underline one question you might also use as you brainstorm for your writing prompt in this lesson. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES  You will use keywords and phrases to research your topic. Draw a circle around the keywords and phrases the student brainstormed for her topic. What are the most important questions I want to answer? What questions might my readers want to have answered? Who was Qin Shi Huang? When, where, and how was the burial site constructed? Why did the emperor have this kind of burial site? What was the size and expense of the project? How was it discovered? What does it say about the people who lived then? What did they value? Where will I look for sources of information? Internet, books, library What keywords or phrases will I use to search? Qin Shi Huang Qin Shi Huang’s burial site people of ancient China culture of ancient China 78  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 78 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 30. After brainstorming questions to guide your research, select print and electronic sources that might contain useful information. Evaluate each source to be sure it is relevant, reliable, credible, and accurate. Avoid sources that depend too much on personal opinion. Once you have solid sources, read and take notes. Continually review the main topic so that you can eliminate unrelated material. Keep asking yourself questions about the topic. Focus on the most important ideas, facts, details, examples, and quotations that answer the main questions about your topic. Photographs and visual data in charts and graphics can also be valuable. For example, you can include a visual of the archaeological site so readers can see what the site looks like or where it is located. Be sure you record the sources of the information. You will need this information later for your bibliography or works-cited list. After you have read a good amount of source material and taken notes, think about what you have learned. What ideas have come out of your reading? Use this material to develop a thesis statement, which presents the main argument of your essay. In this case, ask yourself, What have I learned about this archaeological site and its significance? Below is a list of potential thesis statements the student came up with for her response to the prompt about the significance of Qin Shi Huang’s burial site. Possible Thesis Statements Qin Shi Huang’s impressive tomb was guarded by clay warriors, showing a respect for power. The clay soldiers in the terracotta army show how wealthy the empire was. The extravagant burial place for the emperor shows that the culture believed in life after death. Final Thesis Statement The vast terracotta army guarding the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang revealed a culture that revered its powerful leaders and valued craftsmanship by those in service to such leaders. Writing Assignment On a separate sheet of paper, brainstorm a response to the prompt given earlier in the lesson about archaeological sites. Conduct research to find additional information to use in your essay. Use whichever brainstorming method works best to help you organize ideas. Then write a thesis statement to guide your response. Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 79 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 79 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 31. Plan After brainstorming questions, researching your topic, and developing a thesis statement, you can organize your ideas and information. Choose an organizational plan that best presents the ideas you want your readers to understand. Here are several organizational patterns that can be used to present informational text. Organizational Pattern Description Example cause-and-effect describes the cause of an event and explains its effect or effects an article in which the author explains what happened in New Orleans in the aftermath (the effects) of being hit by Hurricane Katrina (the cause) compare-and- contrast explains how two or more things or ideas are alike or different an essay illustrating how the philosophies of capitalism and communism are alike and different chronological order presents events in the order in which they occurred a biography written in time order, starting with the subject’s birth and ending with his or her death problem-and- solution states a problem and then describes a solution an article describing the difficulties involved in the study of cancer and how those issues may be overcome topical arranges information in sections according to points that support the thesis an essay describing music styles as represented in different parts of the world Based on your organizational plan, develop an outline that shows the different parts of your essay. If you use a formal outline, list main points next to Roman numerals. Write the topics that form the main points of the composition next to cap- ital letters. Then list details about each topic, denoted by numbers. You can also write a less formal outline that includes headings for each paragraph with a list of supporting details on separate lines or beside bullet points. Your structure should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific reason that develops your thesis and the evidence that supports it, including facts, details, examples, or quotations. 80  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 80 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 32. Writing Assignment Now, using your thesis and the information you gathered while researching your topic, organize your thoughts for your essay on a separate sheet of paper. Use an outline form you are comfortable with. Here is how the student writing about Qin Shi Huang’s burial site plans to organize her essay. ORGANIZATION  The student intends to devote a section to “historical background.” Which point would be most helpful for readers unfamiliar with the topic? Explain. SUPPORT  The student lists the sources she plans to use to sup- port her ideas. Draw a star next to the sources she includes in her outline. DEVELOPMENT  The student plans to talk about two aspects of craftsmanship. Circle these aspects. I. Introduction Background information about Qin Shi Huang Discovery of the terracotta warriors A. Thesis The vast terracotta army guarding the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang revealed a culture that revered its powerful leaders and valued craftsmanship by those in service to such leaders. II. Historical Background A. Thesis  Who Qin Shi Huang was and what he did B. What the terracotta army was and why it was built III. Reverence for Powerful Leaders A.  military might 1. UNESCO quote 2. quote B.  wealth—UNESCO quote IV. Respect for Craftsmanship A.  the size of project—UNESCO quote B.  technical and artistic qualities—UNESCO quote V. Conclusion A.  restatement of thesis B. final observations connected to the people of Qin Shi Huang’s time C. final idea to think about: how we bury leaders today Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 81 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 81 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 33. Draft Once you have organized your ideas and research information, you can draft your informative text. Your outline and research notes are your roadmap, so refer to them often. You may want to adjust the organization of your composition as you write. It is not unusual to find a better way to organize your materials at this stage. Later, you will revise your draft. Each paragraph of your text must support your thesis. This support comes from the facts, definitions, details, quotations, and other information you gathered during research. If you use direct quotes from a source, be sure the wording is accurate and that you set it apart with quotation marks. You can also summarize or para- phrase information from a source, restating the author’s ideas in your own words while maintaining the author’s meaning. Whether you use direct quotes, summaries, or paraphrases, be sure to cite the source. As you draft your informative text, keep your audience in mind. Use appropriate transitions to connect ideas, and make sure your ideas follow a logical flow. This will help readers understand the concepts you present. Read this student’s draft of her response to the prompt about Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s burial site. This is a fairly late draft, after the student had time to revise and edit. Later in the lesson, we’ll look at earlier versions, so you can see how the draft reached its current form. Cultural Snapshot Qin Shi Huang’s Terracotta Army When Chinese farmers stumbled across a life-size clay warrior while trying to drill a well in 1974, they had no idea what they had discovered. The life-size terracotta figure was part of a vast army of statues created to honor the life of the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, who reigned over the first-ever unified China from 221 to 210 B.C. Archaeologists investigated the site, quickly unearthing three pits with thou- sands of terracotta soldiers and horses. The vast terracotta army guarding the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang revealed a culture that revered its powerful leaders and valued craftsman- ship by those in service to such leaders. Introduction  The student begins her draft by describing the discovery of Qin Shi Huang’s burial site and terracotta army, which leads to her thesis statement. Underline the thesis statement. 82  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 82 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 34. Historical Background Qin Shi Huang became the king of the feudal state Qin when he was a teenager. By the time he had unified the various—often warring—states in China into the Chinese Empire, he had already chosen a spot for his burial site. For about 40 years, until Qin Shi Huang’s death, laborers worked on the burial complex and the terracotta army. The site covered 820,000 square feet and included 7,000 warriors, chariots, horses, and 40,000 weapons, such as swords and arrows. The clay soldiers were designed to escort the Emperor into the afterlife, where he planned to rule eternally. Reverence for Powerful Leaders In ancient China, an emperor held complete authority. Qin Shi Huang had united China into a vast empire through his military might, which was reflected in the terracotta figures that bore “unique testimony to the military organization in China at the time” (UNESCO). The pits of terracotta soldiers represented the forces that had “triumphed over all other Chinese armies and who were the decisive factor in forming a united China” ( Honoring an Emperor like Qin Shi Huang in a worthy manner required great wealth. As of yet, the actual tomb remains closed, but writings sug- gest that it is filled with great treasures, including “replicas of the area’s rivers and streams made with mercury flowing to the sea through hills and mountains of bronze. Precious stones such as pearls are said to represent the sun, moon, and other stars” ( The decision to open the tomb rests with the Chinese government. At this time the tech- nology does not exist to excavate the tomb without causing damage to its contents. In addition, the land around the tomb contains high levels of mercury, which poses a serious health risk to humans. BACKGROUND  A fact is a piece of information presented as accu- rate and true. Circle the facts the student includes to help readers understand the size of the terra- cotta army. TRANSITIONS  Transitions make connections between ideas within and across sentences and para- graphs. Underline any transitional words or phrases in paragraph 3. ORGANIZATION  The student uses subheadings to help organize the complex ideas in her writing. How do these subheadings make the text easier for readers? SUPPORT  The student uses direct quotations to support the main idea of her paragraph. How does she cite her sources? Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 83 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 83 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 35. How effectively does the student present facts, details, examples, or quotations? How does the student present the connection between the terracotta army and the culture of the time? How successfully does the student implement an organizational structure? Explain. Craftsmanship The terracotta army could never have been built without the labor of many talented craftsmen. Work on the site took 40 years, and was not complete by the time of the emperor’s death. According to UNESCO, as many as 700,000 people from all over the empire worked to create the site, which depicted the palace and the empire modeled to scale. “Automatically triggered weapons” even guarded the many riches housed at the site. Not only are there a vast number of figures, but each of the life-size clay warriors is unique, with different facial expres- sions. Although most of the figures have lost their color, it is obvious that their clothing was brightly colored at the time it was painted. Clearly, the craftsmen who made these figures were devoted to their work and to their emperor. The UNESCO Web site explains that the statues’ “exceptional technical and artistic qualities” make them major Chinese artworks. Because powerful leaders were held in such high regard, it makes sense that the craftsmanship of the emperor’s burial site would reflect both majesty and authority. China’s first emperor was honored in a way unlike any rulers before him, and visitors to the site today must wonder about the leader who could com- mand such a project. Thousands of years from now, what will people think of the way we bury our culture’s leaders? Consider STYLE  The student uses a formal style, with objective, precise lan- guage. Suppose she had used a more casual, familiar style. What effect would that have? SUPPORT  Photographs, graph- ics, and multimedia are useful ways to enhance and aid compre- hension. Draw a star at points where the student could include a photograph, graphic, or piece of multimedia if this essay were published online. CONCLUSION  A conclusion should revisit the thesis in a clear, succinct way. Underline the restatement of the thesis state- ment in the conclusion. What other information does the student include in the conclusion? 84  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 84 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 36. Domain-Specific Vocabulary Writers of informative texts often use domain-specific vocabulary, or vocabulary related to a specific subject area. Domain-specific vocabulary is often unfamiliar to readers, so be conscious of when you use it. You need to make sure that the meanings of these words are clear to readers. For example, read this sentence about Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s burial site. When archaeologists began exploring the strata, they made a variety of dis- coveries that offered keys to the past. The sentence uses the word strata, which specifically relates to the topic of the text. Readers who do not understand the word may not be able to comprehend the writer’s meaning. See what happens in this revision. When archaeologists began exploring the strata, or layers of earth, they made a variety of discoveries that offered keys to the past. The writer includes a definition of strata so readers can understand how the term is used in the sentence. When you think readers might be confused by terminology, offer definitions or other clues to make a complex topic more comprehensible. Read the sentence below. Circle the domain-specific vocabulary. Look the word up in a dictionary and rewrite the sentence to include a definition or clarification. Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum symbolized his power in life and his hope for the afterlife. Try It Writing Assignment Write a draft in response to the following prompt. You may compose your draft on a computer or on a separate sheet of paper. The abandoned remains of past civilizations provide information about the people and cultures of human history. Think of an archaeological site that interests you. Research the site to learn about it. What is the original history of the site? How and when was it discovered? What does it tell us about the peo- ple who once lived there? Then describe the site and explain its significance. Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 85 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 85 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 37. Revise After completing a draft, it’s time to revise your informative text. When you revise, you read your draft, looking for weak spots and ways to strengthen or improve them. Here are several important considerations: • Be sure you have stated your thesis clearly. If you find that it’s not as clear as it could be, adjust your thesis so it says exactly what you want it to say and is supported by the information in your essay. • Check that you have provided enough necessary background or context so readers are not confused. • Review the facts, details, examples, or quotations that you used to support your thesis. Are they providing essential support? Eliminate any weak evidence and replace it with a stronger example. Consider how you have approached quotations, summaries, and paraphrases. Have you provided source informa- tion when needed? • Review the organization of your draft. Is it arranged clearly? Will readers be able to follow the logic of your composition? Does each paragraph clearly support your thesis? Do your transitions help readers move smoothly from one idea to the next? At times, you may discover that it is best to combine two paragraphs into one; at other times, you may need to break up a paragraph. The same holds true for sentences within paragraphs. • Evaluate your word choice. In an informative text, your style should be formal. If you use technical terminology or domain-specific vocabulary, be sure to define these terms. • As you read your draft, make notes on the page so you can go back and make revisions. Take a look at the following paragraphs from the first draft of the essay about Emperor Qin Shi Haung’s burial site. Then compare it to the same paragraphs from the final draft to see what kinds of changes the student made when she revised her essay. First Draft In the long ago times of ancient China, an emperor just held onto complete and utter authority in a really powerful way. Qin Shi Huang had united China into a vast empire through his military might. That was reflected in the terracotta figures, which bore “unique testimony to the military organi- zation in China at the time” (UNESCO). The pits of terracotta soldiers represented the forces that had “triumphed over all other Chinese armies and who were the decisive factor in LANGUAGE  The language in the first sentence is awkward and repetitive, and the style is too informal for the task. Circle the words and phrases that are repeti- tive or reflect a casual style. 86  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 86 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 38. forming a united China” ( Honoring an Emperor like Qin Shi Huang took a bunch of wealth, if you wanted to do it in the right way. It was not a good idea to spend those kinds of resources on one human being. The actual tomb remains closed. Writings suggest that it is filled with great treasures, including “replicas of the area’s rivers and streams made with mercury flowing to the sea through hills and mountains of bronze. Precious stones such as pearls are said to represent the sun, moon, and other stars” ( The great effort and cost of the terracotta were borne by a culture devoted to its mighty leaders. Revised Draft In ancient China, an emperor held complete authority. Qin Shi Huang had united China into a vast empire through his military might, which was reflected in the terracotta figures that bore “unique testimony to the military organization in China at the time” (UNESCO). The pits of terracotta soldiers represented the forces that had “triumphed over all other Chinese armies and who were the decisive factor in forming a united China” ( Honoring an Emperor like Qin Shi Huang in a worthy manner required great wealth. As of yet, the actual tomb remains closed, but writings sug- gest that it is filled with great treasures, including “replicas of the area’s rivers and streams made with mercury flowing to the sea through hills and mountains of bronze. Precious stones such as pearls are said to represent the sun, moon, and other stars” ( The decision to open the tomb rests with the Chinese government. At this time the technology does not exist to excavate the tomb without causing damage to its contents. In addition, the land around the tomb contains high levels of mercury, which poses a serious health risk to humans. LANGUAGE  Why did the student revise and adjust the language in the first sentence of the revised draft? TRANSITIONS  Where could the student add a transition to make a clearer connection between ideas? SUPPORT  The student has included an irrelevant opinion in this paragraph. Underline the sen- tence containing this opinion. SUPPORT  The student deleted the sentence that expressed an opinion. Why delete that type of sentence? TRANSITIONS  Notice how the student used transitions to join sentences and connect ideas. Circle two transitions. Writing Assignment A peer review is an opportunity to get a different perspective on your writing. Exchange your current draft with a classmate. Read your partner’s draft and make suggestions to improve it, using what you’ve learned so far as a guide. Then revise your draft, either on a separate sheet of paper or on the computer. As you revise, consider your partner’s comments and add any improvements of your own. Then use a revision checklist to double-check that you have improved your writing as much as possible. Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 87 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 87 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 39. Edit and Publish In the editing stage of writing, you verify that your spelling, grammar, punctua- tion, and sentence structure are correct. You may need to read through your text several times to make sure you have correctly applied the conventions of the English language. Keep a dictionary or grammar textbook on hand to look up the answers to questions about conventions that come up as you revise. Reading aloud can be an effective way to edit carefully. When you read a text aloud, you will often hear errors that you would miss if you were reading silently. Lis- ten for awkward phrasing and inconsistencies in style and logic. Since you have used research sources in your informative text, you will also need to double-check that all your quotations and sources have been cited correctly. After you make final changes to your informative text, you are ready to publish your work. Print a clean copy and turn it in to your teacher. You may also want to share your work with friends and family members. Ask them to read your work and tell what they learned about the topic of your informative text. Look at this excerpt from a draft of the student’s response to the prompt about Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s burial site. The student has used proofreading marks to edit her response. The terracotta army could never has been built without the labor of many talented craftsman. Work on the site took 40 years, and was not complete by the time of the emperor’s death. According to UNESCO, as many as 700,000 people from all over the empire worked to create the site, which depicted the palace and the empire modeled to scale. “Automatically trig- gered weapons even guarded the many riches housed at the site. VERB TENSE  The tense of a verb must be consistent throughout sentences and paragraphs. Circle an example of an error in verb tense that the student fixed. SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS  Double-check that you have used singular and plural nouns correctly, especially when the plural form is irregular. Underline an irregular plural noun. PUNCTUATION  When using direct quotations, insert the quota- tion mark at the end of the exact words used in the source. From what source did the student get this quote? ve e ” 88  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 88 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 40. Not only are there a vast number of figures but each of the life-size clay warriors is unique, with differentfacial expressions. Although most of the figures have lost their color, it is obvious that there clothing was brightly colored at the time it was painted. Clearly, the craftsmen who made these figures where devoted to their work and to their emperor. The UNESCO Web site explains that the statues’, “exceptional technical and qualities artistic” make them major Chinese artworks. Because powerful leaders were held in such high regard, it makes sense that the craftsmanship of the emperor’s burial site would reflect both majesty and authority. China’s first emperor was honored in a way unlike any rulers before him, and visitors to the site today must wonder about the leader who could command such a project. Thousands of year from now, what will people think of the way we bury our culture’s leaders? their SPELLING  Some words are easy to misspell because there are other words that sound and look similar. Explain why there is the incorrect spelling. PUNCTUATION  Commas belong at the end of introductory phrases. What does a comma tell you to do as you read? PUNCTUATION  Why did the student delete the comma before “exceptional technical . . . ”? PARAGRAPH  Paragraphs are used to separate ideas in a text. Why did the student start a new paragraph here? WORD ORDER  Read your sen- tences aloud so that you can hear whether you have reversed the word order. Circle the words that the student reversed. SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS  The student added an s to year to make it a plural noun. Circle other plural nouns in this paragraph. , ^ s Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts 89 CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 89 5/6/13 8:40 AM
  • 41. Hyphenation and Dashes Punctuation marks such as hyphens and dashes can help you communicate your ideas more clearly. Use a hyphen to join two or more words being used as an adjective before a noun, and with the prefixes ex-, self-, and all-. Look at the chart. The first column shows the original words. The second column shows them written correctly. Revise the following sentences, inserting hyphens and dashes where appropriate. 1. The archaeologist’s conference presented current information about Qin Shi Huang’s terracotta army one of the most impressive finds in the last 50 years. 2. The human like quality of the statues completely unique mesmerizes many visitors. Try It The enormous burial site of Qin Shi Huang it covers 820,000 square feet includes many thousands of statues and weapons. The enormous burial site of Qin Shi Huang—it covers 820,000 square feet— includes many thousands of statues and weapons. Mechanics Review life size warriors life-size warriors reddish brown clay reddish-brown clay Use a dash to indicate emphasis, a summary statement, or clarifying information. For example, read this sentence. This sentence is not correct as it stands. The words “it covers 820,000 square feet” represent a sudden change in thought that is different from the rest of the sentence. You should use long dashes called em dashes to set off this information. To show a span of numbers, use a shorter dash called an en dash. For instance, to show the dates 221 to 210 b.c.e., you would write the following: 221–210 b.c.e. Writing Assignment Now use what you have reviewed to edit your informational text, using the editing checklist your teacher has provided or one of your own. You may either work on your computer or on a separate sheet of paper. When you have finished editing your informative text, you may publish it. 90  Lesson 4  •  Writing Informative Texts CC13_ELA_L2C_U2_L4_SE 90 5/6/13 8:40 AM