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Assessment cover sheet 
Colin Butt 
Login #: 
Saul Alexander 
Bachelor of Interactive Entertainment 
Serious Games 
Game Design Document 
Date Due: 
Tutorial Group: 
Darren Foster 
Special Instructions: 
This confirms the submission of your assessment at the 
Time and date indicated 
Assessment #: 
Login #: 
Rock it Science 
Colin Butt 
Joshua Scott 
Maaz Amin 
Justin Hinchliffe 
Table of Contents 
Version History ............................................................................................................................. 5 
Game Design Goals ........................................................................................................................ 6 
High Concept .............................................................................................................................. 6 
Common Questions ..................................................................................................................... 6 
What is this game? .................................................................................................................. 6 
Why create this game? ............................................................................................................ 6 
Where does this game take place? .......................................................................................... 6 
Who Do I control? .................................................................................................................. 6 
Are there any other characters? ............................................................................................... 6 
What is the main focus? .......................................................................................................... 6 
What's Different? .................................................................................................................... 6 
Game Overview .............................................................................................................................. 7 
Synopsis: ..................................................................................................................................... 7 
Aesthetics: ................................................................................................................................... 7 
Gameplay features: ..................................................................................................................... 7 
Genre / Demographic .................................................................................................................. 7 
Release details ............................................................................................................................. 7 
Editor / Engine ............................................................................................................................ 7 
Requirements Specification ............................................................................................................ 8 
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 8 
Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 8 
Background ................................................................................................................................. 8 
Player profiles ............................................................................................................................. 8 
Usability Requirements ............................................................................................................... 8 
Conceptual Requirements. .......................................................................................................... 9 
Source of Serious Content .......................................................................................................... 9 
Score Tracking ............................................................................................................................ 9 
Needs of the Supporting Organization ........................................................................................ 9 
Business Requirements ............................................................................................................... 9 
Technical Requirements.............................................................................................................. 9
Game Features and Differentiation ........................................................................................... 10 
Open Issues and Assumptions .................................................................................................. 10 
Feasibility Assessment .................................................................................................................. 10 
Development Team ................................................................................................................... 10 
Work Breakdown Structure ...................................................................................................... 11 
Market Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 11 
Financial plan ............................................................................................................................ 11 
Product strategy ........................................................................................................................ 12 
Vision ........................................................................................................................................ 12 
Gameplay ...................................................................................................................................... 12 
Game Flow ................................................................................................................................ 12 
Mission structure ....................................................................................................................... 12 
Objective ................................................................................................................................... 12 
General Game flow ....................................................................................................................... 12 
Flowchart .................................................................................................................................. 13 
Setting up a Bunsen and burning magnesium ....................................................................... 14 
Turning copper coins into silver/gold. .................................................................................. 14 
Change a flame’s colour ....................................................................................................... 15 
Methane Rocket .................................................................................................................... 15 
Cannon fire Experiment ........................................................................................................ 16 
Mechanics ..................................................................................................................................... 17 
Mouse Movements and Clicking .............................................................................................. 17 
Hints and Tips ........................................................................................................................... 17 
Precision of Variables ............................................................................................................... 17 
Variations of results .................................................................................................................. 17 
Characters ..................................................................................................................................... 18 
Playable Characters ................................................................................................................... 18 
NPC’s ........................................................................................................................................ 18 
Levels ............................................................................................................................................ 19 
Classroom Laboratory ............................................................................................................... 19 
Aesthetic ................................................................................................................................... 19
Schematic .................................................................................................................................. 20 
Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 20 
Overview ................................................................................................................................... 20 
Menus ........................................................................................................................................ 20 
GUI elements ............................................................................................................................ 20 
Camera ...................................................................................................................................... 21 
Controller mapping: .................................................................................................................. 21 
Sound ............................................................................................................................................ 22 
Music......................................................................................................................................... 22 
SFX ........................................................................................................................................... 22 
Technical A.I................................................................................................................................. 22 
Technical ....................................................................................................................................... 23 
Major Development Tasks ........................................................................................................ 23 
Saving and Persistence. ............................................................................................................. 23 
Options ...................................................................................................................................... 23 
Testing/Debugging Procedures ................................................................................................. 23 
Testing Procedures. ................................................................................................................... 23 
Software list .............................................................................................................................. 24 
Master Assets List ..................................................................................................................... 24 
Game Model assets ................................................................................................................... 24 
Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 25 
Budget and Costing estimate. ....................................................................................................... 26 
Version History 
0.1 11/3/2014 
Google doc created. Basic layout and information written. 
0.2: 1/ 04/2014 
Edited document’s layout. 
0.3 04/04/2014 
Final document formatted
Game Design Goals 
High Concept 
This game will teach students studying high-school level science by allowing them to gain the experience and understanding they would get from performing an actual experiment with none of the requirements or time spent. 
Common Questions 
What is this game? 
A serious game designed to teach practical and theoretical science skills to high school students. Students will play a series of mini-games that explains concepts while giving them a chance to perform the experiments themselves in a safe and simple simulation. 
Why create this game? 
Experiments are considered the most enjoyable parts of Science classes. However, the rooms, time and equipment required mean it is impossible for students to do them outside of class-time, especially because a certified teacher is always required to be in the room when a student is performing scientific experiments. 
Where does this game take place? 
The game takes place in a simulation of a classroom science lab. 
Who Do I control? 
The player has no avatar, but is simply themselves in a classroom, working on class experiments. 
Are there any other characters? 
A Teacher will preside over the player’s education, giving instructions and hints. 
What is the main focus? 
Teaching scientific theory and experiments outside the classroom. 
What's Different? 
Unlike other online tutorials that show and describe the processes to perform scientific experiments, this game will actually give players the ability to perform them, making it easier to understand and learn
Game Overview 
A click and drag game where students must complete scientific experiments that are taught in school curriculum. 
It will teach many facts learnt in science class, such as chemical reactions, dissection, and more. 
A childish style so the game doesn’t seem to real and daunting, but with objects that resemble real objects found in a lab so students don’t get confused. 
Gameplay features: 
 Realistic displays of chemical reactions, using scientific knowledge to recreate the events of the experiment. 
 Teach students how to safely use scientific equipment such as Bunsen burners and beakers. 
 Click and drag interface gameplay that allows players to interact and participate in experiments 
 Simple yet realistic models and graphics 
Genre / Demographic 
Drag and drop, going for an audience in students and teachers. 
Release details 
We wish to develop a serious game that recreates the science experiments taught in class 
Editor / Engine 
The game will be developed using C# in the Unity Engine. Assets will be created in Maya.
Requirements Specification 
The game will be played by students outside of laboratories and classrooms, and will help them learn the skills and knowledge they need to work efficiently when faced with experiments. 
The game will function as complementary material for students who are struggling or require assistance in learning new science procedures and experiments for the classroom. 
Students need skills and abilities to work during classroom experiments, but the equipment and materials required makes it impossible for students to practise without assistance. 
Player profiles 
Players of the game will be high school students of both genders in years 7-10, typically aged between 12 and 16. The game will primarily appeal to children interested in science, but it will be playable and understandable by anyone who is willing to learn. Students may attend private schools, public schools or even be home-schooled, and may not have computers capable of running hardware-intensive games. They should understand some of the theory associated with the experiments, but will not need experience with the practical work. 
As the game is intended for educative purposes for children, the game will be rated General (G), and will have no violence, blood or anything of the like. 
Usability Requirements 
 Varying ages and stages of students mean some will understand theory better than others, or may feel insulted if they see too much hand-holding. Should have different difficulties. 
 May include younger students trying to get ahead in their studies. 
 Will probably only have short attention spans. Games will need to be enjoyable, but short enough not to drag out. 
 May not be experienced in computers 
 May not play video games at all. 
 May lack a gamer’s reflexes/cognitive abilities to react quickly
Conceptual Requirements 
The player should be able to quickly and easily jump into the game and start learning. They should be intrigued by the results of the experiments and wish to learn the theory that the game is showing them. Any experience of equipment use seen in the game should be able to translate into real life skills in the classroom, both for practical experiments and theoretical examinations. 
Source of Serious Content 
For developing the scope document, we are using educational websites designed for students, parents and teachers including: Science bob, science kids, Nuffle Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry’s website. 
Ideally once we have received approval we would like to interview school teachers to find out what they would like their students to learn, along with specifics on how their experimental procedures work. 
Score Tracking 
Students are graded based on their move efficiency and the number of mistakes they make, as well as following due order of instructions. Following instructions in the wrong order can result in penalties, either decreasing the player’s score or, if the player skips an important step or attempts something dangerous, causing a critical failure, forcing a restart. 
Needs of the Supporting Organization 
Since the supporting organisations for the game’s demographic are high schools and their students, the primary need is to educate students in the subject they’re studying to improve their abilities and grades. 
Business Requirements 
The game will be developed as commercial software for academic institutions. The game itself will not be funded by the schools, but students will be the prioritised market, and will receive discounts when purchasing the software for use. For the initial prototype, the project will be funded by the team itself, but funding may be requested from interested schools in the future 
Technical Requirements 
The game should easily be playable by any student, even ones who barely use their computer or play games. For this to happen, the team will focus on making sure the game can run on even relatively old hardware. The game’s download should also be small enough that will take more than an hour or two to download on a weak connection. The game will use a profile system, but will be stored on the computer itself
Game Features and Differentiation 
The game will be a 3D point and click simulation of performing experiments in a classroom. 
The game will differentiate itself when educating students in science because it will help them learn how to use equipment and perform experiments while outside the classroom. Other games designed for student focus on things that a student could learn purely theoretically, and are doable in any medium and medium besides a game 
Open Issues and Assumptions 
 The team is inexperienced and has not worked together before 
 The team is also small, and may not to be able to complete the entire game. 
 Obtaining additional project funding requires sufficient interest from potential clients. 
 Some games may be difficult to simulate correctly 
Feasibility Assessment 
Development Team 
The development team all have experience in learning science in the classroom, though they lack any extensive scientific knowledge. For the prototyping phase, the team is using governmental and educative websites and relates sources for research to help understand scientific concepts and theories, but during the main development phase the team plans to use textbooks and other official sources to ensure legitimacy. 
Game Design wise, the team will be made up of 5 game designers, each with their own skills and specific abilities. 
The roles of the project team are divided into 5 specific roles: 
 Lead Programmer: The design, experimentation and implementation of primary mechanics, as well as the explanation of programming concepts to other team members 
 Junior Programmer/QA: Implementing secondary mechanics as well as testing the code for bugs and inefficient code. 
 Artist and modelling: Developing models and other assets for use in the game. 
 Research and Design: Researching background for games and the scientific theory behind them to create the mechanics, instructions and dialogue used in the game. 
 Business and product management: Managing the project’s timeline, ensuring milestones are met, dealing with advertising, negotiating with clients and distributors and generally dealing with issues as they arise.
Work Breakdown Structure 
While each of the team members will have their own specific role to focus on, all team members will be able to contribute to different fields as needed to the best of their abilities. 
Market Analysis 
Students aged 12-16 typically need to study science as part of their school work, be they in public, private or home-schooled. Practical experimentation and demonstration allows students to better understand the theory they learn, as well as intrigue them to gain interest in their work. However, most classroom experiments require specific laboratories and their equipment, along with a professional teacher trained in teaching science. This means it is impossible for students to perform practical work outside the classroom. 
Financial plan 
The game is not expected to sell large amount of copies initially at release, but over time as different groups of students purchase the software to aid them as they study at high school. 
Students must mandatorily study science for up to 4 years, and every year can have up to 100 new students enter per school as new students. Not all of them will require or purchase the software, but this gives potential for long-term financial return on the software, as more students will purchase it each year. Depending on its popularity and maintenance, this means the software could remain relevant for at least 6 years before requiring a major update. 
Mech Design 
Product strategy 
The game will be targeted towards children in the classroom, and the game will advertised to schools that will incentivise their students to purchase the software through group discounts. 
If the game is successful, both financially and in teaching students, we would like to extend the concept to other schooling fields, including history and geography. 
Game Flow 
Much like in the classroom, students will be instructed in basic theory of how experiments work before being thrown into a scenario where they must learn use the equipment 
Mission structure 
The initial levels will be about the basic chemical reactions (combustion etc.) and later on the chemical reactions will get more complex. 
Complete the reaction properly and observe the results. 
General Game flow 
The game will use a profile system for each player playing the game. This profile will have the player’s name, year, grades and general progress. When a player starts the game, they will be taken to the profile screen where they can choose their profile, view their stats or create a new one. After selection, players are taken to the menu screens where they can choose their grade and field to choose which game they wish to play. 
Each game begins with a small explanation of what will be happening during the experiment and why, along with a general guideline for what the player will need to do. 
During the game itself, players can interact with objects in the scene to perform the experiment. They will be given instructions as required if they spend too much time without achieving anything. At the end of the experiment, a final explanation of the theory is shown, along with a small quiz for the player on what they should have learned. Players are then scored on their performance, with points in safety (mistakes made), efficiency (speed/number of hints) and understanding (answering questions).
The game’s general flow of menu progression is shown in this chart: 
Mini-game Level Flow and Progression 
The prototype version of the Game will contain up to five different mini-games, each contained in their own “scene”, with the potential of having multiple levels of instruction and hand- holding. 
The current proposed titles are 
 Setting up a Bunsen and burning magnesium: 
 Turning copper coins into Silver and Gold. 
 Creating and changing the colour of flames 
 Create a Methane Rocket 
 Cannon fire simulation 
Main MenuExit GameOptionsStart GameProfile SelectYear/Difficulty SelectGameExplanationGameConclusion and QiuzAssessment
Setting up a Bunsen Burner 
The Bunsen burner is one of the most common pieces of equipment used in high school classroom. Setting up a Bunsen burner and using it to burn magnesium is a common first experiment for students learning chemistry and science. This produces a blinding white light as the metal turns into magnesium oxide. 
It is also a dangerous piece of equipment to use with potential for harm if used incorrectly. A simulation allows a person to learn and simulate the process, making the real version easier and more fun. 
Game flow 
1. Click on the provided gloves and Goggles to de-spawn and “equip” them. An important step in almost any scientific experiment. 
2. Set up a gauze mat and tripod. Not necessary, but a crucial part depending on the experiment being conducted 
3. Connect the tap running from the Bunsen burner to the tap to allow the gas to flow. 
4. Pull tap in the direction of the burner to turn the gas on. 
5. Pick up match and place over box to on fire, then place fire over burner to light it. 
6. Open air-hole to turn burner into a lighter blue, causing a roaring sound. 
Victory Conditions 
Follow the instructions correctly to light the Bunsen burner. Understand and explain how and why the system works. 
Turning copper coins into silver/gold 
By dipping a coin in a solution of sodium zincate and zinc, the coin can change colours to silver, and gold when held over a flame. This is a simple and fun experiment that is easy to perform but produces an interesting illusory effect. This scene should be larger than the magnesium one and require scrolling, as it requires use of more equipment 
Game Flow 
1. pour sodium hydroxide into water and stir 
2. Heat bowl over Bunsen burner, causing to boil 
3. Add zinc powder, causing it to dissolve into powder. 
4. Drop coin into mixture at bottom where powder is and wait. 
5. Remove and rinse w/ water coin to show it as silver. 
6. Hold coin until Bunsen to turn gold.
Victory Conditions 
Understand the chemical reaction and legitimacy of the effect, along with why the process works. 
Change a flame’s colour 
Many forms of salts and chemicals allow a flame to briefly change colour when added to it. Performing this experiment allows the student to observe colour effects while learning the effects of the material. 
Game Flow 
1. Pick up a stick and drop it in one of the mixtures. 
2. Place over flame to observe colour. 
3. Repeat until all colours observed. 
Victory Conditions 
Answer which materials turned colours at the end and why? The player’s primary goal was to change the colour to purple and explain why it happened. 
Methane Rocket 
The methane Rocket uses an ignited mixture of oxygen and methane to produce a loud bang with a burst of force, propelling it across a room. 
Game Flow 
1. Pour bottle of water into the measuring cylinder. 
2. Calculate the measurement to divide bottle into thirds. 
3. Fill the bottle with one third of methane. 
4. Fill the rest of it with oxygen 
5. Use a rubber band stopper. 
6. Lift bottle and place on launcher 
7. Use eye protection. 
8. Pick up match and use on rocket. 
Victory Condition 
Explain and understand the chemical reaction that propels the rocket.
Cannon fire Experiment 
This experiment simulates the chemical reaction and resulting bangs and bursting energy. Its primary purpose is for enthusing students, making it a useful task for an educative game to grab the player’s interest. 
Game Flow 
1. Click on Safety Screens and goggles to set up. 
2. Place dish on mat. 
3. Mix Ethanol, hydrogen peroxide and water. 
4. Light match and use on solution. 
5. Add a spatula of potassium manganate 
Victory Conditions 
Observe the chemical reaction and understand why it happened.
Mouse Movements and Clicking 
This will be the main way of interacting with the game, it can be used to pick up objects, twist them and move them into place. This will be necessary to complete puzzles, as players will use the movements to drag components to each other, turn knobs. In the case of objects being poured, the act of holding a jug / beaker / glass could be done by holding the left mouse button, while pouring would be done with by holding the right click, players will have to be very precise on how much they pour, however. Players turning knobs or moving objects, will have to hold left click on a button and move the mouse around to move the object, or left or right to turn the knob, clockwise, or counter-clockwise. 
Hints and Tips 
Too much or too little of the ingredients will result in a failure, with many different outcomes coming from results. If the player goes too far over or under the limits of the ingredients, the teacher will step in and help the player back on track. He will also do this if the player is grabbing wrong ingredients or sitting motionless. 
Precision of Variables 
For the limits of ingredients, earlier levels will have less precise amounts with players being able to certain units above or below and still achieve a good score, all the while the teacher letting you know at the end that you succeeded but could have had a little extra or less of an ingredient. Later in the game, however, players must be very precise in adding or taking ingredients to the mix. (e.g. if the fire from a Bunsen burner is too hot, it will burn something, so an early level would allow for a few degrees Celsius either way, where a little level would ask you to have an exact number.) This allows for a scaling difficulty level. 
Variations of results 
The results depending on what the player has added missed are attempting to be as close to real life as possible, so if the players result is explosive, a small explosion will pop up on the screen to show this if the result is rather dangerous, (e.g. dangerous gas, acidic) a sign will show up on the school's front doors saying QUARANTINE. However if the player is successful, a teacher will show a document with A++ or some other grade relating to the players actions. A minor loss will be shown with the experiment fizzling out and the teacher looking disappointed.
Playable Characters 
The playable character is a student in a science lab, unseen to the student playing them; they self- insert themselves into the character which will help the player in learning messages taught by the game. The player will have a generic voice with the option of changing between boy and girl. They will only say basic things to help the player understand when progress is being made, such as “Yes!” “Ah HA!” “I did it!” The character also throws in several scientific references in the quotes, in case of a fail, the player will shout “Jinkies!” after Velma from Scooby Doo or, “Excelsior!” On completion the character can be seen being presented with a grade the character will react depending on how well they went they will react better on a higher mark and worse on a lower mark. 
The main Non playable character in the game takes the form of a science teacher, he shows similarities to Bill Nye the science guy and shows up in helping hand bubbles to show hints to the player and help them through the game. Upon completion of the levels he will hand you a sheet with the “grade” of the character and judge you on how well you played, he will give you feedback, telling you “he thinks you are ready to move onto the next lesson” or if you don’t do well in the experiment, he will say something more along the lines of “you should try this experiment again to master it before you move on.”
Classroom Laboratory 
Overview An ordinary classroom laboratory with all the necessary equipment available for scientific experiments and it provides workspace for one researcher/student. The same class laboratory will be used by each grade of the school as it possesses every facility needed to perform experiments. 
Environmental objects: Like all other laboratories, a workbench will be present on which the student will work in a standing position. On the workbench, all the relevant chemicals to the reaction will be present along with some irrelevant chemicals to make sure the student is paying attention. Laboratory glassware such as beakers and thermometers, Bunsen burners, dissection tools, measuring tools etc. will be present on the bench if required by the experiment. 
The aesthetics will be semi-realistic. The lightning of lab will be white and bright. The table will have water source like tap and water basin. Microscope will be part of a prop just to create the feel of the lab. The room will show the periodic table, the water cycle and chemical hazard signs on the wall in the form of posters. Volumetric lights will be coming through a window. The texturing of chemicals and other components will be semi-realistic. Shaders will be applied accordingly but keeping in mind their performance impact (see figure 1). 
Figure 1 School Laboratory
Figure 2 Hint 
As the player only views one table and one wall, this is unnecessary. 
The interface will start with the profile screen where the respective profile will be chosen by the player. After that the menu screen will appear. 
A simple screen that shows play and close game function. Play will lead to grades 1 – 10 buttons/icons, after choosing one of them, a list of mini-games will appear that can be selected to play. 
GUI elements 
Before the game begins a small amount of information will be displayed in a text box. Likewise, pop up hints will appear if the student spends too much time without achieving anything (see figure 2). At the end of the experiment, a final explanation of the theory is shown, along with a small quiz for the player on what they should have learned. Pop up labels for objects will appear when hovered over. A semi-transparent objective will also keep hovering on the top of screen (see figure 3). A question icon will also remain on the screen; in case the player is stuck he can manually pop up the hint.
Figure 3 Objective Display 
A first person viewpoint, from the perspective of the player. Camera position is fixed and it can’t be moved around. The camera is facing the work bench where the experiment will be performed and a good view of the lab can be seen. 
Controller mapping: 
 Mouse is the main input device/controller. 
 Pointer is moved to pick up objects, twist them, move them into place and turn knobs. Pointer is used for interaction. 
 Clicking the objects and glassware with the left mouse button pressed holds them. 
 Keeping the right click pressed will pour the liquid present in the glassware. 
 Holding the left click on knobs and moving the mouse clockwise or anticlockwise will turn it on or off. 
 Enter serves as pause button.
A light-hearted and lively background track with no vocals that is easy listening and follows a short loop. Because it is game audio, it should be addictive. The music should be irritating or boring after looping again, instead it should motivate the player to do experiments. 
Sounds effects will be exaggerated and these include: clinks of glasses, the fizzing of chemicals, a burning sound effect, dissection sound, click and drag sound, reaction failure sound, interface button sounds, text box pop up sound etc. Sound contractors will be told about the budget and time limit of the project and the implementation of music i.e. each level has a different music that matches its situation and surrounding and the music loops per level. He will be given the list of sound effects which will be kept updated. 
Technical A.I 
The Major A.I character will be the teacher, who can offer assistance based off the player's progression. In most modes, actions will be restricted to a pre-set order, with a brief overview of the instructions at the beginning with helpful reminders if the player consistently fails at an activity. On higher difficulties, less detailed instructions will be given only at the beginning of the game, and the game will automatically fail and reprimand the player if they do something wrong in order to educate them. This is predominantly done with safety procedures such as equipping goggles and gloves, where failure to use them in real life could result in future danger. 
Instructions will be placed in a dialogue box next to the teacher, which will update as the player progresses through the level of if the player spends too much time on a task and requires more detailed instructions. The teacher may also have special animations if it wants to get the player’s attention.
Major Development Tasks 
 Creating a fun yet easy to use point and click system 
 Reacting to the player’s actions/lack thereof 
 Grading the player’s performance and measuring success 
 A profile system that documents the player’s progress. 
 Creating a variety of fun and enjoyable games to play. 
Saving and Persistence 
Students should be able to save their progress in the game, allowing them to replay any level they have already completed while reviewing the material to get better scores and prepare for tests. 
Players should be able to enable and adjust the volume of music, voices, and sound effects as well as adjust the game’s graphical fidelity to increase performance. 
Testing/Debugging Procedures 
For the most part, code will be tested by programmers as they write the code themselves, checking to see if gameplay functions correctly. Code will be peer-reviewed by programmers in informal review settings every one to two weeks to determine structure, understanding and efficiency of coding. 
Testing Procedures 
During development, most testing will be done informally by the development team, checking for functionality and errors. 
As milestones are reached and progress is made, formal testing procedures will be done with teachers and students to determine functionality and effectiveness when used by an actual player.
Software list 
The project team plans to use the resources already available to them, and will not require any additional software purchases. These include, but are not limited to: 
 Game Engine: Unity 3Ds, along with its default basic packages as well as components and packages downloaded from freely available sources on the Internet 
 Programming editor: Language will be C#, written using Mono-develop Unity and notepad++ 
 Asset Modelling: Autodesk Software, particularly Maya. 
 Image Creation and editing: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Paint. 
 File sharing: Group Google drive, drop box. 
 Project management: Microsoft Word, Excel and project. 
Master Assets List 
This list includes any additional models, textures and sound effects that must be developed specifically by the team for the project. It does not include simple assets and default software assets/packages such as water/flame effects in Unity or cubes. This list was created for the original prototype version of the game, and is subject to be changed/added to as the project commences into its more advanced stages as more games are added. 
Game Model assets: Game specific assets may be used in multiple games, but are listed based off the game they first appear in. 
Bunsen Burner 
Flame Colour 
Methane Rocket 
Cannon Fire 
Bunsen Burner 
Small bowl 
Liquid Bowls 
Burner Tap 
multiple Sticks 
Measuring Cylinder 
Protective Screen 
Magnesium Strip 
Oxygen Tank 
Mixing Mat 
Washing Bowl 
Water Trough
Numb Task Name Duration Start day End Day predecessor 
1 Preproduction 15 1 15 
2 Conceptualization 3 1 4 
3 Requirements Des 2 4 6 2 
4 Detailed Design 4 6 10 3 
5 Documentation 4 10 14 4 
6 Prototyping 4 10 14 4 
7 End Preproduction 1 15 16 5,6 
8 Production 1 28 16 42 
9 Game Research 8 16 24 
10 Game Writing 8 24 32 9 
11 Programming 16 16 32 
12 Asset Creation 16 16 32 
13 Implementation 2 32 34 10,11,12 
14 Testing/Debugging 4 32 36 13 
15 Play Testing 4 36 40 14 
16 Evaluation 2 40 42 15 
17 Production 2 28 42 70 
18 Game Research 8 42 50 
19 Game Writing 8 50 58 18 
20 Programming 16 42 58 
21 Asset Creation 16 42 58 
22 Implementation 2 58 60 19,20,21 
23 Testing/Debugging 4 60 64 22 
24 Play Testing 4 64 68 23 
25 Evaluation 2 68 70 24 
26 Production 3 28 70 98 
27 Game Research 8 70 78 
28 Game Writing 8 78 86 27 
29 Programming 16 70 86 
30 Asset Creation 16 70 86 
31 Implementation 2 86 88 28,29,30 
32 Testing/Debugging 4 88 92 31 
33 Play Testing 4 92 96 32 
34 Evaluation 2 96 98 33 
35 Production 4 28 98 126 
36 Game Research 8 98 106 
37 Game Writing 8 106 114 36 
38 Programming 16 98 114 
39 Asset Creation 16 98 114 
40 Implementation 2 114 116 37,38,39 
41 Testing/Debugging 4 116 120 40 
42 Play Testing 4 120 124 41 
43 Evaluation 2 124 126 42 
35 Production 5 28 126 154 
36 Game Research 8 126 134 
37 Game Writing 8 134 142 36 
38 Programming 16 126 142 
39 Asset Creation 16 126 142 
40 Implementation 2 142 144 37,38,39 
41 Testing/Debugging 4 144 148 40 
42 Play Testing 4 148 152 41 
43 Evaluation 2 152 154 42 
44 Post-Production 28 154 182 
45 Finalisation 6 154 160 
46 Final Testing 14 160 174 45 
47 Distribution 4 174 178 46 
48 Evaluation 4 178 182 47 
This is the team’s planned 
timeline schedule for the 
Dates and days are subject 
to change, but the 
estimated maximum 
length of the project is 6 
months, during which 10 
or more mini-games will 
be created. 
A "production cycle" is a 
period of time during 
which the team will work 
on mini-games and assets. 
The team plans to develop 
1-3 of these games per 
development cycle 
depending on their assets 
and the work required, 
along with other general 
assets like the interface. 
This will give the team 
the ability to adjust to 
working as a team and 
determine their abilities 
and working efficiency
Budget and Costing estimate. 
Team salary 
Weekly ($) 
Role Includes 
Colin Butt 
Programmer / game design 
Programming, Debugging 
Joshua Scott 
Designer / Programming 
Level Design, Implementation and programming 
Bennett Gillies 
Sprite work, drawing object design 
Maaz Amin 
Character Design, Environment Design 
Justin Hinchliffe 
Designer / Audio 
Primary Sound effects 
Miscellaneous costs and Totals 
Business Registration 
Feasibility study 
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  • 1. Assessment cover sheet Name: Colin Butt Login #: Cbutt1 Lecturer: Saul Alexander Program: Bachelor of Interactive Entertainment Course: Serious Games Assessment: Game Design Document Weight: 30% Date Due: 4/04/2014 Tutorial Group: 1 Tutor: Darren Foster HAS SPECIAL CONSIDERATION BEEN GRANTED: NO Special Instructions: This confirms the submission of your assessment at the Time and date indicated Course: Assessment #: Login #: 
  • 2. Rock it Science Colin Butt Joshua Scott Maaz Amin Justin Hinchliffe GDS209
  • 3. Table of Contents Version History ............................................................................................................................. 5 Game Design Goals ........................................................................................................................ 6 High Concept .............................................................................................................................. 6 Common Questions ..................................................................................................................... 6 What is this game? .................................................................................................................. 6 Why create this game? ............................................................................................................ 6 Where does this game take place? .......................................................................................... 6 Who Do I control? .................................................................................................................. 6 Are there any other characters? ............................................................................................... 6 What is the main focus? .......................................................................................................... 6 What's Different? .................................................................................................................... 6 Game Overview .............................................................................................................................. 7 Synopsis: ..................................................................................................................................... 7 Aesthetics: ................................................................................................................................... 7 Gameplay features: ..................................................................................................................... 7 Genre / Demographic .................................................................................................................. 7 Release details ............................................................................................................................. 7 Editor / Engine ............................................................................................................................ 7 Requirements Specification ............................................................................................................ 8 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Background ................................................................................................................................. 8 Player profiles ............................................................................................................................. 8 Usability Requirements ............................................................................................................... 8 Conceptual Requirements. .......................................................................................................... 9 Source of Serious Content .......................................................................................................... 9 Score Tracking ............................................................................................................................ 9 Needs of the Supporting Organization ........................................................................................ 9 Business Requirements ............................................................................................................... 9 Technical Requirements.............................................................................................................. 9
  • 4. Game Features and Differentiation ........................................................................................... 10 Open Issues and Assumptions .................................................................................................. 10 Feasibility Assessment .................................................................................................................. 10 Development Team ................................................................................................................... 10 Work Breakdown Structure ...................................................................................................... 11 Market Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 11 Financial plan ............................................................................................................................ 11 Product strategy ........................................................................................................................ 12 Vision ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Gameplay ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Game Flow ................................................................................................................................ 12 Mission structure ....................................................................................................................... 12 Objective ................................................................................................................................... 12 General Game flow ....................................................................................................................... 12 Flowchart .................................................................................................................................. 13 Setting up a Bunsen and burning magnesium ....................................................................... 14 Turning copper coins into silver/gold. .................................................................................. 14 Change a flame’s colour ....................................................................................................... 15 Methane Rocket .................................................................................................................... 15 Cannon fire Experiment ........................................................................................................ 16 Mechanics ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Mouse Movements and Clicking .............................................................................................. 17 Hints and Tips ........................................................................................................................... 17 Precision of Variables ............................................................................................................... 17 Variations of results .................................................................................................................. 17 Characters ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Playable Characters ................................................................................................................... 18 NPC’s ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Levels ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Classroom Laboratory ............................................................................................................... 19 Aesthetic ................................................................................................................................... 19
  • 5. Schematic .................................................................................................................................. 20 Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 20 Menus ........................................................................................................................................ 20 GUI elements ............................................................................................................................ 20 Camera ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Controller mapping: .................................................................................................................. 21 Sound ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Music......................................................................................................................................... 22 SFX ........................................................................................................................................... 22 Technical A.I................................................................................................................................. 22 Technical ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Major Development Tasks ........................................................................................................ 23 Saving and Persistence. ............................................................................................................. 23 Options ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Testing/Debugging Procedures ................................................................................................. 23 Testing Procedures. ................................................................................................................... 23 Software list .............................................................................................................................. 24 Master Assets List ..................................................................................................................... 24 Game Model assets ................................................................................................................... 24 Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Budget and Costing estimate. ....................................................................................................... 26 Version History 0.1 11/3/2014 Google doc created. Basic layout and information written. 0.2: 1/ 04/2014 Edited document’s layout. 0.3 04/04/2014 Final document formatted
  • 6. Game Design Goals High Concept This game will teach students studying high-school level science by allowing them to gain the experience and understanding they would get from performing an actual experiment with none of the requirements or time spent. Common Questions What is this game? A serious game designed to teach practical and theoretical science skills to high school students. Students will play a series of mini-games that explains concepts while giving them a chance to perform the experiments themselves in a safe and simple simulation. Why create this game? Experiments are considered the most enjoyable parts of Science classes. However, the rooms, time and equipment required mean it is impossible for students to do them outside of class-time, especially because a certified teacher is always required to be in the room when a student is performing scientific experiments. Where does this game take place? The game takes place in a simulation of a classroom science lab. Who Do I control? The player has no avatar, but is simply themselves in a classroom, working on class experiments. Are there any other characters? A Teacher will preside over the player’s education, giving instructions and hints. What is the main focus? Teaching scientific theory and experiments outside the classroom. What's Different? Unlike other online tutorials that show and describe the processes to perform scientific experiments, this game will actually give players the ability to perform them, making it easier to understand and learn
  • 7. Game Overview Synopsis: A click and drag game where students must complete scientific experiments that are taught in school curriculum. It will teach many facts learnt in science class, such as chemical reactions, dissection, and more. Aesthetics: A childish style so the game doesn’t seem to real and daunting, but with objects that resemble real objects found in a lab so students don’t get confused. Gameplay features:  Realistic displays of chemical reactions, using scientific knowledge to recreate the events of the experiment.  Teach students how to safely use scientific equipment such as Bunsen burners and beakers.  Click and drag interface gameplay that allows players to interact and participate in experiments  Simple yet realistic models and graphics Genre / Demographic Drag and drop, going for an audience in students and teachers. Release details We wish to develop a serious game that recreates the science experiments taught in class Editor / Engine The game will be developed using C# in the Unity Engine. Assets will be created in Maya.
  • 8. Requirements Specification Purpose The game will be played by students outside of laboratories and classrooms, and will help them learn the skills and knowledge they need to work efficiently when faced with experiments. Scope The game will function as complementary material for students who are struggling or require assistance in learning new science procedures and experiments for the classroom. Background Students need skills and abilities to work during classroom experiments, but the equipment and materials required makes it impossible for students to practise without assistance. Player profiles Players of the game will be high school students of both genders in years 7-10, typically aged between 12 and 16. The game will primarily appeal to children interested in science, but it will be playable and understandable by anyone who is willing to learn. Students may attend private schools, public schools or even be home-schooled, and may not have computers capable of running hardware-intensive games. They should understand some of the theory associated with the experiments, but will not need experience with the practical work. As the game is intended for educative purposes for children, the game will be rated General (G), and will have no violence, blood or anything of the like. Usability Requirements  Varying ages and stages of students mean some will understand theory better than others, or may feel insulted if they see too much hand-holding. Should have different difficulties.  May include younger students trying to get ahead in their studies.  Will probably only have short attention spans. Games will need to be enjoyable, but short enough not to drag out.  May not be experienced in computers  May not play video games at all.  May lack a gamer’s reflexes/cognitive abilities to react quickly
  • 9. Conceptual Requirements The player should be able to quickly and easily jump into the game and start learning. They should be intrigued by the results of the experiments and wish to learn the theory that the game is showing them. Any experience of equipment use seen in the game should be able to translate into real life skills in the classroom, both for practical experiments and theoretical examinations. Source of Serious Content For developing the scope document, we are using educational websites designed for students, parents and teachers including: Science bob, science kids, Nuffle Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry’s website. Ideally once we have received approval we would like to interview school teachers to find out what they would like their students to learn, along with specifics on how their experimental procedures work. Score Tracking Students are graded based on their move efficiency and the number of mistakes they make, as well as following due order of instructions. Following instructions in the wrong order can result in penalties, either decreasing the player’s score or, if the player skips an important step or attempts something dangerous, causing a critical failure, forcing a restart. Needs of the Supporting Organization Since the supporting organisations for the game’s demographic are high schools and their students, the primary need is to educate students in the subject they’re studying to improve their abilities and grades. Business Requirements The game will be developed as commercial software for academic institutions. The game itself will not be funded by the schools, but students will be the prioritised market, and will receive discounts when purchasing the software for use. For the initial prototype, the project will be funded by the team itself, but funding may be requested from interested schools in the future Technical Requirements The game should easily be playable by any student, even ones who barely use their computer or play games. For this to happen, the team will focus on making sure the game can run on even relatively old hardware. The game’s download should also be small enough that will take more than an hour or two to download on a weak connection. The game will use a profile system, but will be stored on the computer itself
  • 10. Game Features and Differentiation The game will be a 3D point and click simulation of performing experiments in a classroom. The game will differentiate itself when educating students in science because it will help them learn how to use equipment and perform experiments while outside the classroom. Other games designed for student focus on things that a student could learn purely theoretically, and are doable in any medium and medium besides a game Open Issues and Assumptions  The team is inexperienced and has not worked together before  The team is also small, and may not to be able to complete the entire game.  Obtaining additional project funding requires sufficient interest from potential clients.  Some games may be difficult to simulate correctly Feasibility Assessment Development Team The development team all have experience in learning science in the classroom, though they lack any extensive scientific knowledge. For the prototyping phase, the team is using governmental and educative websites and relates sources for research to help understand scientific concepts and theories, but during the main development phase the team plans to use textbooks and other official sources to ensure legitimacy. Game Design wise, the team will be made up of 5 game designers, each with their own skills and specific abilities. The roles of the project team are divided into 5 specific roles:  Lead Programmer: The design, experimentation and implementation of primary mechanics, as well as the explanation of programming concepts to other team members  Junior Programmer/QA: Implementing secondary mechanics as well as testing the code for bugs and inefficient code.  Artist and modelling: Developing models and other assets for use in the game.  Research and Design: Researching background for games and the scientific theory behind them to create the mechanics, instructions and dialogue used in the game.  Business and product management: Managing the project’s timeline, ensuring milestones are met, dealing with advertising, negotiating with clients and distributors and generally dealing with issues as they arise.
  • 11. Work Breakdown Structure While each of the team members will have their own specific role to focus on, all team members will be able to contribute to different fields as needed to the best of their abilities. Market Analysis Students aged 12-16 typically need to study science as part of their school work, be they in public, private or home-schooled. Practical experimentation and demonstration allows students to better understand the theory they learn, as well as intrigue them to gain interest in their work. However, most classroom experiments require specific laboratories and their equipment, along with a professional teacher trained in teaching science. This means it is impossible for students to perform practical work outside the classroom. Financial plan The game is not expected to sell large amount of copies initially at release, but over time as different groups of students purchase the software to aid them as they study at high school. Students must mandatorily study science for up to 4 years, and every year can have up to 100 new students enter per school as new students. Not all of them will require or purchase the software, but this gives potential for long-term financial return on the software, as more students will purchase it each year. Depending on its popularity and maintenance, this means the software could remain relevant for at least 6 years before requiring a major update. Programming Research Design Experiment Implementation Mechanics QA/Prog Research Testing Debugging Commenting Documenting Art/Model Research Modelling Texturing Animating Implementation Research Research Reference Document Mech Design Dialogue Management Planning Documentation Negotiation Assistance Management
  • 12. Product strategy The game will be targeted towards children in the classroom, and the game will advertised to schools that will incentivise their students to purchase the software through group discounts. Vision If the game is successful, both financially and in teaching students, we would like to extend the concept to other schooling fields, including history and geography. Gameplay Game Flow Much like in the classroom, students will be instructed in basic theory of how experiments work before being thrown into a scenario where they must learn use the equipment Mission structure The initial levels will be about the basic chemical reactions (combustion etc.) and later on the chemical reactions will get more complex. Objective Complete the reaction properly and observe the results. General Game flow The game will use a profile system for each player playing the game. This profile will have the player’s name, year, grades and general progress. When a player starts the game, they will be taken to the profile screen where they can choose their profile, view their stats or create a new one. After selection, players are taken to the menu screens where they can choose their grade and field to choose which game they wish to play. Each game begins with a small explanation of what will be happening during the experiment and why, along with a general guideline for what the player will need to do. During the game itself, players can interact with objects in the scene to perform the experiment. They will be given instructions as required if they spend too much time without achieving anything. At the end of the experiment, a final explanation of the theory is shown, along with a small quiz for the player on what they should have learned. Players are then scored on their performance, with points in safety (mistakes made), efficiency (speed/number of hints) and understanding (answering questions).
  • 13. Flowchart The game’s general flow of menu progression is shown in this chart: Mini-game Level Flow and Progression The prototype version of the Game will contain up to five different mini-games, each contained in their own “scene”, with the potential of having multiple levels of instruction and hand- holding. The current proposed titles are  Setting up a Bunsen and burning magnesium:  Turning copper coins into Silver and Gold.  Creating and changing the colour of flames  Create a Methane Rocket  Cannon fire simulation Main MenuExit GameOptionsStart GameProfile SelectYear/Difficulty SelectGameExplanationGameConclusion and QiuzAssessment
  • 14. Setting up a Bunsen Burner The Bunsen burner is one of the most common pieces of equipment used in high school classroom. Setting up a Bunsen burner and using it to burn magnesium is a common first experiment for students learning chemistry and science. This produces a blinding white light as the metal turns into magnesium oxide. It is also a dangerous piece of equipment to use with potential for harm if used incorrectly. A simulation allows a person to learn and simulate the process, making the real version easier and more fun. Game flow 1. Click on the provided gloves and Goggles to de-spawn and “equip” them. An important step in almost any scientific experiment. 2. Set up a gauze mat and tripod. Not necessary, but a crucial part depending on the experiment being conducted 3. Connect the tap running from the Bunsen burner to the tap to allow the gas to flow. 4. Pull tap in the direction of the burner to turn the gas on. 5. Pick up match and place over box to on fire, then place fire over burner to light it. 6. Open air-hole to turn burner into a lighter blue, causing a roaring sound. Victory Conditions Follow the instructions correctly to light the Bunsen burner. Understand and explain how and why the system works. Turning copper coins into silver/gold By dipping a coin in a solution of sodium zincate and zinc, the coin can change colours to silver, and gold when held over a flame. This is a simple and fun experiment that is easy to perform but produces an interesting illusory effect. This scene should be larger than the magnesium one and require scrolling, as it requires use of more equipment Game Flow 1. pour sodium hydroxide into water and stir 2. Heat bowl over Bunsen burner, causing to boil 3. Add zinc powder, causing it to dissolve into powder. 4. Drop coin into mixture at bottom where powder is and wait. 5. Remove and rinse w/ water coin to show it as silver. 6. Hold coin until Bunsen to turn gold.
  • 15. Victory Conditions Understand the chemical reaction and legitimacy of the effect, along with why the process works. Change a flame’s colour Many forms of salts and chemicals allow a flame to briefly change colour when added to it. Performing this experiment allows the student to observe colour effects while learning the effects of the material. Game Flow 1. Pick up a stick and drop it in one of the mixtures. 2. Place over flame to observe colour. 3. Repeat until all colours observed. Victory Conditions Answer which materials turned colours at the end and why? The player’s primary goal was to change the colour to purple and explain why it happened. Methane Rocket The methane Rocket uses an ignited mixture of oxygen and methane to produce a loud bang with a burst of force, propelling it across a room. Game Flow 1. Pour bottle of water into the measuring cylinder. 2. Calculate the measurement to divide bottle into thirds. 3. Fill the bottle with one third of methane. 4. Fill the rest of it with oxygen 5. Use a rubber band stopper. 6. Lift bottle and place on launcher 7. Use eye protection. 8. Pick up match and use on rocket. Victory Condition Explain and understand the chemical reaction that propels the rocket.
  • 16. Cannon fire Experiment This experiment simulates the chemical reaction and resulting bangs and bursting energy. Its primary purpose is for enthusing students, making it a useful task for an educative game to grab the player’s interest. Game Flow 1. Click on Safety Screens and goggles to set up. 2. Place dish on mat. 3. Mix Ethanol, hydrogen peroxide and water. 4. Light match and use on solution. 5. Add a spatula of potassium manganate Victory Conditions Observe the chemical reaction and understand why it happened.
  • 17. Mechanics Mouse Movements and Clicking This will be the main way of interacting with the game, it can be used to pick up objects, twist them and move them into place. This will be necessary to complete puzzles, as players will use the movements to drag components to each other, turn knobs. In the case of objects being poured, the act of holding a jug / beaker / glass could be done by holding the left mouse button, while pouring would be done with by holding the right click, players will have to be very precise on how much they pour, however. Players turning knobs or moving objects, will have to hold left click on a button and move the mouse around to move the object, or left or right to turn the knob, clockwise, or counter-clockwise. Hints and Tips Too much or too little of the ingredients will result in a failure, with many different outcomes coming from results. If the player goes too far over or under the limits of the ingredients, the teacher will step in and help the player back on track. He will also do this if the player is grabbing wrong ingredients or sitting motionless. Precision of Variables For the limits of ingredients, earlier levels will have less precise amounts with players being able to certain units above or below and still achieve a good score, all the while the teacher letting you know at the end that you succeeded but could have had a little extra or less of an ingredient. Later in the game, however, players must be very precise in adding or taking ingredients to the mix. (e.g. if the fire from a Bunsen burner is too hot, it will burn something, so an early level would allow for a few degrees Celsius either way, where a little level would ask you to have an exact number.) This allows for a scaling difficulty level. Variations of results The results depending on what the player has added missed are attempting to be as close to real life as possible, so if the players result is explosive, a small explosion will pop up on the screen to show this if the result is rather dangerous, (e.g. dangerous gas, acidic) a sign will show up on the school's front doors saying QUARANTINE. However if the player is successful, a teacher will show a document with A++ or some other grade relating to the players actions. A minor loss will be shown with the experiment fizzling out and the teacher looking disappointed.
  • 18. Characters Playable Characters The playable character is a student in a science lab, unseen to the student playing them; they self- insert themselves into the character which will help the player in learning messages taught by the game. The player will have a generic voice with the option of changing between boy and girl. They will only say basic things to help the player understand when progress is being made, such as “Yes!” “Ah HA!” “I did it!” The character also throws in several scientific references in the quotes, in case of a fail, the player will shout “Jinkies!” after Velma from Scooby Doo or, “Excelsior!” On completion the character can be seen being presented with a grade the character will react depending on how well they went they will react better on a higher mark and worse on a lower mark. NPC’s The main Non playable character in the game takes the form of a science teacher, he shows similarities to Bill Nye the science guy and shows up in helping hand bubbles to show hints to the player and help them through the game. Upon completion of the levels he will hand you a sheet with the “grade” of the character and judge you on how well you played, he will give you feedback, telling you “he thinks you are ready to move onto the next lesson” or if you don’t do well in the experiment, he will say something more along the lines of “you should try this experiment again to master it before you move on.”
  • 19. Levels Classroom Laboratory Overview An ordinary classroom laboratory with all the necessary equipment available for scientific experiments and it provides workspace for one researcher/student. The same class laboratory will be used by each grade of the school as it possesses every facility needed to perform experiments. Environmental objects: Like all other laboratories, a workbench will be present on which the student will work in a standing position. On the workbench, all the relevant chemicals to the reaction will be present along with some irrelevant chemicals to make sure the student is paying attention. Laboratory glassware such as beakers and thermometers, Bunsen burners, dissection tools, measuring tools etc. will be present on the bench if required by the experiment. Aesthetic The aesthetics will be semi-realistic. The lightning of lab will be white and bright. The table will have water source like tap and water basin. Microscope will be part of a prop just to create the feel of the lab. The room will show the periodic table, the water cycle and chemical hazard signs on the wall in the form of posters. Volumetric lights will be coming through a window. The texturing of chemicals and other components will be semi-realistic. Shaders will be applied accordingly but keeping in mind their performance impact (see figure 1). Figure 1 School Laboratory
  • 20. Figure 2 Hint Schematic As the player only views one table and one wall, this is unnecessary. Interface Overview The interface will start with the profile screen where the respective profile will be chosen by the player. After that the menu screen will appear. Menus A simple screen that shows play and close game function. Play will lead to grades 1 – 10 buttons/icons, after choosing one of them, a list of mini-games will appear that can be selected to play. GUI elements Before the game begins a small amount of information will be displayed in a text box. Likewise, pop up hints will appear if the student spends too much time without achieving anything (see figure 2). At the end of the experiment, a final explanation of the theory is shown, along with a small quiz for the player on what they should have learned. Pop up labels for objects will appear when hovered over. A semi-transparent objective will also keep hovering on the top of screen (see figure 3). A question icon will also remain on the screen; in case the player is stuck he can manually pop up the hint.
  • 21. Figure 3 Objective Display Camera A first person viewpoint, from the perspective of the player. Camera position is fixed and it can’t be moved around. The camera is facing the work bench where the experiment will be performed and a good view of the lab can be seen. Controller mapping:  Mouse is the main input device/controller.  Pointer is moved to pick up objects, twist them, move them into place and turn knobs. Pointer is used for interaction.  Clicking the objects and glassware with the left mouse button pressed holds them.  Keeping the right click pressed will pour the liquid present in the glassware.  Holding the left click on knobs and moving the mouse clockwise or anticlockwise will turn it on or off.  Enter serves as pause button.
  • 22. Sound Music A light-hearted and lively background track with no vocals that is easy listening and follows a short loop. Because it is game audio, it should be addictive. The music should be irritating or boring after looping again, instead it should motivate the player to do experiments. SFX Sounds effects will be exaggerated and these include: clinks of glasses, the fizzing of chemicals, a burning sound effect, dissection sound, click and drag sound, reaction failure sound, interface button sounds, text box pop up sound etc. Sound contractors will be told about the budget and time limit of the project and the implementation of music i.e. each level has a different music that matches its situation and surrounding and the music loops per level. He will be given the list of sound effects which will be kept updated. Technical A.I The Major A.I character will be the teacher, who can offer assistance based off the player's progression. In most modes, actions will be restricted to a pre-set order, with a brief overview of the instructions at the beginning with helpful reminders if the player consistently fails at an activity. On higher difficulties, less detailed instructions will be given only at the beginning of the game, and the game will automatically fail and reprimand the player if they do something wrong in order to educate them. This is predominantly done with safety procedures such as equipping goggles and gloves, where failure to use them in real life could result in future danger. Instructions will be placed in a dialogue box next to the teacher, which will update as the player progresses through the level of if the player spends too much time on a task and requires more detailed instructions. The teacher may also have special animations if it wants to get the player’s attention.
  • 23. Technical Major Development Tasks  Creating a fun yet easy to use point and click system  Reacting to the player’s actions/lack thereof  Grading the player’s performance and measuring success  A profile system that documents the player’s progress.  Creating a variety of fun and enjoyable games to play. Saving and Persistence Students should be able to save their progress in the game, allowing them to replay any level they have already completed while reviewing the material to get better scores and prepare for tests. Options Players should be able to enable and adjust the volume of music, voices, and sound effects as well as adjust the game’s graphical fidelity to increase performance. Testing/Debugging Procedures For the most part, code will be tested by programmers as they write the code themselves, checking to see if gameplay functions correctly. Code will be peer-reviewed by programmers in informal review settings every one to two weeks to determine structure, understanding and efficiency of coding. Testing Procedures During development, most testing will be done informally by the development team, checking for functionality and errors. As milestones are reached and progress is made, formal testing procedures will be done with teachers and students to determine functionality and effectiveness when used by an actual player.
  • 24. Software list The project team plans to use the resources already available to them, and will not require any additional software purchases. These include, but are not limited to:  Game Engine: Unity 3Ds, along with its default basic packages as well as components and packages downloaded from freely available sources on the Internet  Programming editor: Language will be C#, written using Mono-develop Unity and notepad++  Asset Modelling: Autodesk Software, particularly Maya.  Image Creation and editing: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Paint.  File sharing: Group Google drive, drop box.  Project management: Microsoft Word, Excel and project. Master Assets List This list includes any additional models, textures and sound effects that must be developed specifically by the team for the project. It does not include simple assets and default software assets/packages such as water/flame effects in Unity or cubes. This list was created for the original prototype version of the game, and is subject to be changed/added to as the project commences into its more advanced stages as more games are added. Game Model assets: Game specific assets may be used in multiple games, but are listed based off the game they first appear in. Bunsen Burner Flame Colour Methane Rocket Cannon Fire Bunsen Burner Fire Bottle Small bowl Tubing Liquid Bowls Target Mat Burner Tap multiple Sticks Launchpad Powder Match Measuring Cylinder Protective Screen Magnesium Strip Oxygen Tank Mixing Mat Gloves Washing Bowl Goggles Water Trough
  • 25. Numb Task Name Duration Start day End Day predecessor 1 Preproduction 15 1 15 2 Conceptualization 3 1 4 3 Requirements Des 2 4 6 2 4 Detailed Design 4 6 10 3 5 Documentation 4 10 14 4 6 Prototyping 4 10 14 4 7 End Preproduction 1 15 16 5,6 8 Production 1 28 16 42 9 Game Research 8 16 24 10 Game Writing 8 24 32 9 11 Programming 16 16 32 12 Asset Creation 16 16 32 13 Implementation 2 32 34 10,11,12 14 Testing/Debugging 4 32 36 13 15 Play Testing 4 36 40 14 16 Evaluation 2 40 42 15 17 Production 2 28 42 70 18 Game Research 8 42 50 19 Game Writing 8 50 58 18 20 Programming 16 42 58 21 Asset Creation 16 42 58 22 Implementation 2 58 60 19,20,21 23 Testing/Debugging 4 60 64 22 24 Play Testing 4 64 68 23 25 Evaluation 2 68 70 24 26 Production 3 28 70 98 27 Game Research 8 70 78 28 Game Writing 8 78 86 27 29 Programming 16 70 86 30 Asset Creation 16 70 86 31 Implementation 2 86 88 28,29,30 32 Testing/Debugging 4 88 92 31 33 Play Testing 4 92 96 32 34 Evaluation 2 96 98 33 35 Production 4 28 98 126 36 Game Research 8 98 106 37 Game Writing 8 106 114 36 38 Programming 16 98 114 39 Asset Creation 16 98 114 40 Implementation 2 114 116 37,38,39 41 Testing/Debugging 4 116 120 40 42 Play Testing 4 120 124 41 43 Evaluation 2 124 126 42 35 Production 5 28 126 154 36 Game Research 8 126 134 37 Game Writing 8 134 142 36 38 Programming 16 126 142 39 Asset Creation 16 126 142 40 Implementation 2 142 144 37,38,39 41 Testing/Debugging 4 144 148 40 42 Play Testing 4 148 152 41 43 Evaluation 2 152 154 42 44 Post-Production 28 154 182 45 Finalisation 6 154 160 46 Final Testing 14 160 174 45 47 Distribution 4 174 178 46 48 Evaluation 4 178 182 47 Schedule This is the team’s planned timeline schedule for the project. Dates and days are subject to change, but the estimated maximum length of the project is 6 months, during which 10 or more mini-games will be created. A "production cycle" is a period of time during which the team will work on mini-games and assets. The team plans to develop 1-3 of these games per development cycle depending on their assets and the work required, along with other general assets like the interface. This will give the team the ability to adjust to working as a team and determine their abilities and working efficiency
  • 26. Budget and Costing estimate. Team salary Member Role Weekly ($) Role Includes Colin Butt Programmer / game design 500 Programming, Debugging Joshua Scott Designer / Programming 500 Level Design, Implementation and programming Bennett Gillies Animator 500 Sprite work, drawing object design Maaz Amin Animator 500 Character Design, Environment Design Justin Hinchliffe Designer / Audio 500 Primary Sound effects Miscellaneous costs and Totals Item Quantity Rate Totals Business Registration 1 200 $200.00 Insurance 1 150 $150.00 Feasibility study 5 50 $2500 Unity 5 0 $0 Maya 3 Student Trial $0 Sound Sound FX library 1 150 $150.00 Music Library 1 400 $400.00 Music Licensing 1 50 $50 Project Totals Personal Expenses $14000.00 Business Expenses $3450.00 GST $311.00 Grand Total $17761.00