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Chapter 13
Antitrust and Regulation
    • Key Concepts
    • Summary
    • Practice Quiz
    • Internet Exercises
       ©2000 South-Western College Publishing
In this chapter, you will
  learn to solve these
   economic puzzles:
  Can is market failure
        universities water
  Why doesn’t the    and
     colleges orrationale
   company electric
  an economic engaging
  education by
    company compete?
      in  regulation?

What is a Trust?
A combination or
 cartel consisting of
 firms that place their
 assets in the custody
 of a board of trustees

What is
  Predatory Pricing?
The practice of one or
 more firms temporarily
 reducing prices in order to
 eliminate competition and
 then raising prices
When was the age of the
  Robber Barons?
In the later part of the 1800’s

What was done to limit
 the power of Trusts?
Congress passed laws
 aimed at preventing firms
 from engaging in
 anticompetitive activities

What is the
    Sherman Act?
The federal antitrust law
 enacted in 1890 that
 prohibits monopolization
 and conspiracies to
 restrain trade
What is the Clayton Act?
 A 1914 amendment that
  strengthens the Sherman
  Act by making it illegal
  for firms to engage in
  certain anticompetitive
  business practices
What business practices
 were declared illegal
under the Clayton Act?
  • Price discrimination
  • Exclusive dealing
  • Tying contracts
  • Stock acquisition of
    competing companies
  • Interlocking directorates
Was the Clayton Act an
improvement over the
    Sherman Act?
Although more specific
 than the Sherman Act, the
 Clayton Act is also vague

What is the Federal
Trade Commission Act?
The federal act that in 1914
 established the Federal
 Trade Commission (FTC)
 to investigate unfair
 competitive practices of
What is the
Robinson-Patman Act?
 A 1936 amendment to
  the Clayton Act that
  strengthens the
  Clayton Act against
  price discrimination
What is the basic
     purpose of the
 Robinson-Patman Act?
To prevent large sellers from
 offering different prices to
 different buyers where the
 effect is to harm even a
 single small firm
What is the
  Celler-Kefauver Act?
A 1950 amendment to the
 Clayton Act that prohibits
 one firm from merging with
 a competitor by purchasing
 its physical assets if the
 effect is to substantially
 lessen competition
What are some key
 Antitrust cases?
• Standard Oil Case 1911
• Alcoa Case 1945
• IBM Case 1982
• AT&T Case 1982
• MIT Case 1992
• Microsoft Case 1995
What was the outcome of
the Standard Oil Case?
   The Rule of Reason

What is the
    Rule of Reason?
The antitrust doctrine that
 the existence of
 monopoly alone is not
 illegal unless the
 monopoly engages in
 illegal business practices
What was the outcome of
   the Alcoa Case?
     The Per se Rule

What is the Per se Rule?
The antitrust doctrine that
 the existence of monopoly
 alone is illegal, regardless
 of whether or not the
 monopoly engages in
 illegal business practices
What was the result of
  the IBM Case?
  A switch back to the
   Rule of Reason

What was the result of
 the AT&T Case?
Technology made this
 natural monopoly
 obsolete, and AT&T was
 found guilty of
 anticompetitive pricing
What was the result of
  the MIT Case?
Eight Ivy League schools
 agreed to stop colluding to
 fix prices, and MIT was
 found guilty of price fixing

What was the result of
 the Microsoft Case?
Microsoft was not allowed
 to purchase Intuit Inc., a
 competitor in the personal
 finance software industry

How can firms avoid
charges of Price Fixing?
   They can merge
    into one company

When did a lot of Mergers
  begin taking place?
      In the 1980’s

What are the different
 types of Mergers?
   • Horizontal
   • Vertical
   • Conglomerate

What is a
Horizontal Merger?
A merger of firms that
 competes in the same

What is a
Vertical Merger?
A merger of a firm
 with its suppliers

What is a
Conglomerate Merger?
A merger between firms in
 unregulated markets

What can be said about
Conglomerate Mergers?
  They are generally
   allowed because they
   do not significantly
   decrease competition
What can be said
about Antitrust Laws
 in other Countries?
  They are weak in
   comparison to U.S.
   antitrust laws

What is the history of
Government Regulation?
 From the later part of the
  1800’s to the 1970’s, there
  was an increase in
  regulation; in the 1970’s
  there was a movement
  away from regulation
What is the basic
 argument in favor of
Government Regulation?
     Market failure

In what ways does the
    Market Fail?
 • Natural monopoly
 • Externalities
 • Imperfect information

What is a
  Natural Monopoly?
An industry in which long-
 run average cost is
 minimized when only one
 firm serves the market

What is
Marginal Cost Pricing?
A system of pricing in
 which the price charged
 equals the marginal cost
 of the last unit produced

P         Regulated Monopoly
      Fair return price efficient price
$30               A
$20                       B
 $5                 MR        C        LRMC
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7               D9 Q
What is a
   Normal Profit?
The accounting profit
 required to induce a
   firm’s owners to
     employ their
 resources in the firm
Do Production Costs
 include Normal Profit?
Yes, because normal profit
 is considered a necessary
   expense of a business

What kind of Profit is
    made at the
 Fair Return Price?
    Normal Profit

What happens when
  Pollution is present?
Pollution causes polluting
 firms to overproduce, while
 causing firms that pay the
 cost of cleaning up the
 pollution to underproduce
What can be done when
  the Externality of
 Pollution is present?
 The government can
  regulate the industry to
  minimize the pollution

What happens with
Imperfect Information?
Deficient information on
 unsafe products can cause
 consumers to overconsume
 a product
P    Impact of Imperfect Information
                           E1        S
$10                             D1
      25     50     75     100       Q
Decrease in

              Increase in
informed of
Key Concepts

Key Concepts
•   What is a Trust?
•   What is Predatory Pricing?
•   What is the Sherman Act?
•   What is the Clayton Act?
•   What is the Federal Trade Commission Act?
•   What is the Robinson-Patman Act?
•   What is the Celler-Kefauver Act?
•   What is the Rule of Reason?
•   What is the Per se Rule?
Key Concepts cont.
•   What are the different types of Mergers?
•   What is a Horizontal Merger?
•   What is a Vertical Merger?
•   What is a Conglomerate Merger?
•   What can be said about Antitrust Laws in other
•   What is a Natural Monopoly?
•   What happens when Pollution is present?
•   What happens with Imperfect Information?


A trust is a cartel that places the
assets of competing companies in the
custody of a board of trustees. During
the last decades of the 19th century,
trusts engaged in anticompetitive
strategies to eliminate competition and
raise prices, such as predatory pricing.

The Sherman Act of 1890 and the
Clayton Act of 1914 are the two most
important antitrust laws. The Sherman
Act marked the first attempt of the U.S.
government to outlaw monopolizing
behavior. Because this act was vague, the
Clayton Act was passed to define
anticompetitive behavior more precisely.

The Clayton Act prohibited (1)
price discrimination, (2) exclusive
dealing, (3) tying contracts, (4)
stock acquisition, and (5)
interlocking directorates.

The Robinson-Patman Act of 1936
strengthened the Clayton Act by
prohibiting certain forms of price
discrimination. This law is called the
“Chain Store Act” because it was
aimed at large retail chain stores that
were obtaining volume discounts.

The Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950
strengthened the Clayton Act declaring
illegal the acquisition of the assets of
one firm by another firm if the effect is
to lessen competition.

The rule of reason and the per se
rule are the two main philosophies the
courts have used in interpreting
antirust law. Under the rule of reason,
monopolist were not subject to
prosecution unless they acted in an
anticompetitive manner.

The Supreme Court decision in the
Alcoa case of 1945 replaced the rule of
reason with the per se rule, which
states that the mere existence of
monopoly is illegal. Today, the trend is
in favor of dominant firms because of
international competition.

A horizontal merger is a merger of
two competing firms. A vertical
merger is a merger of two firms where
one produces an input used by the
other firm. A conglomerate merger is a
merger of two firms producing
unrelated products.

Deregulation is a movement that
began in the1980’s to eliminate
regulations primarily in the
transportation and telecommunications
industries. Today, the current trend is
toward further deregulation resulting
from federal budget cuts.

Marginal cost pricing is a
competitive pricing strategy for a
regulated natural monopoly. Using this
approach, regulators set the
monopolist’s price equal to its
marginal cost. Another method is for
regulators to establish a fair-return
price equal to long-run average cost
and the monopolist earns zero
economic profit.
Regulation of a natural monopoly
is justified on the basis of market
failure. Two other cases based on
market failure include externalities and
imperfect information.

P         Regulated Monopoly
      Fair return price efficient price
$30               A
$20                       B
 $5                 MR        C        LRMC
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7               D9 Q
Chapter 13 Quiz

   ©2000 South-Western College Publishing
1. Which of the following is illegal under
   the Sherman Act?
    a. Attempts to monopolize.
    b. Price fixing.
    c. Formation of cartels.
    d. All of the above are illegal.

D. The Sherman Act of 1890 is the federal
 antitrust law to curb trusts, but the
 federal government did not win a notable
 case until 1911.
2. Officers of five large building-materials
   companies meet and agree that none of
   them will submit bids on government
   contracts lower than an agreed-upon level.
   This is an example of
    a. price fixing.
    b. vertical restriction.
    c. a tying contract.
    d. an interlocking directorate.
A. The Sherman Act was enacted with
  vague language, but price fixing is clearly
  a “conspiracy in restraint of trade”.

3. A fabric shop cannot sell Singer sewing
  machines if it also sells other brands of
  sewing machines. This is an example of
   a. a resale price maintenance.
   b. territorial restrictions.
   c. a tying agreement.
   d. exclusive dealing.
D. If the effect is to “substantially lessen
 competition” such as an agreement between
 a manufacturer and a retailer is a violation
 of the Clayton Act of 1914.

4. Under the Clayton Act, horizontal mergers
  by stock acquisition were
   a. not considered.
   b. illegal if they could be shown to lessen
   c. illegal under any circumstances.
   d. legal if they could be shown to lessen
B. Horizontal mergers are combinations
  among competitors in the same industry
  which, if allowed, eliminate existing
5. Under the Clayton Act, which of the
  following was illegal even if it was not
  shown to lessen competition substantially?
   a. Price discrimination.
   b. Tying contracts.
   c. Horizontal mergers by stock acquisition.
   d. Interlocking directorates.
  D. Interlocking directorates is the
    situation in which a director of one
    company serves on the board of
    directors of a competing company.
6. The importance of the Federal Trade
  Commission Act of 1914 is that it
   a. set up an independent antitrust agency
     with the power to investigate complaints.
   b. strengthened the law against mergers.
   c. strengthened the law against price
   d. none of the above.
A. The FTC Act of 1914 established a five-
  member commission appointed by the
  president to investigate “unfair methods
  of competition.”
7. Which of the following is concerned
  primarily with price discrimination?
   a. The Sherman Act.
   b. The Clayton Act.
   c. The Robinson -Patman Act.
   d. The Celler-Kefauver Act.
C. The Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 is
 an amendment to the Clayton Act that
 strengthens the Clayton Act against
 price discrimination.

8. Which of the following is concerned
  primarily with mergers?
   a. The Sherman Act.
   b. The Clayton Act.
   c. The Robinson-Patman Act.
   d. The Celler-Kefauver Act.
D. The Celler-Kefauver Act is called the
 “antimerger act” because it closed the
 loophole in the Clayton Act by prohibiting
 mergers by sale of physical assets.

9. The Utah Pie case was brought under
    which of the following laws?
     a. The Sherman Act.
     b. The Federal Trade Commission Act.
     c. The Robinson-Patman Act.
     d. The Celler-Kefauver Act.

C. Utah Pie was a small frozen desert pie firm in
 Salt Lake City that used three outside
 national competitors for price discrimination.
 The Supreme Court ruled in Utah Pie’s favor.

10. Although U.S. Steel controlled nearly
   75% of the domestic iron and steel
   industry, in 1920 the Supreme Court ruled
   that the firm was not in violation of the
   Sherman Act because there was no
   evidence of abusive behavior. What
   antitrust doctrine was the court applying
   in this case?
    a. The rule of reason.
    b. The per se rule.
    c. The marginal cost pricing rule.
    d. The natural monopoly rule.
A. The rule of reason applied when a firm was
 not engaged in anticompetitive behavior.
11. In which antitrust case did the Supreme
   Court begin to apply the per se rule to
   determine whether a firm was in violation
   of the Sherman Act?
    a. The Standard Oil case.
    b. The Alcoa case.
    c. The IBM case.
    d. The MIT case.

B. The Supreme Court decision in the Alcoa
  case of 1945 replaced the rule of reason with
  the per se rule, which states that the mere
  existence of monopoly is illegal.
12. The Interstate Commerce Commission
   (ICC) was established in
    a. 1887.
    b. 1890.
    c. 1929.
    d. 1933.
A. The ICC was established for the original
 purpose of regulating rail prices by reducing
 duplicate trains, depots, and tracks.

13. Today, the Civil Aeronautics Board
  (CAB) regulates airline
   a. ticket prices.
   b. routes.
   c. safety.
   d. all of the above.
   e. none of the above; the CAB was
     abolished in 1984.
E. The CAB was established in 1938 to
  regulate airline fares and air routes.

14. Which of the following provides the
  basis for regulation?
   a. Natural monopoly.
   b. Externalities.
   c. Imperfect information.
   d. All of the above.

D. In each of these cases, the argument in
 favor of regulation is market failure.

15. Consider a regulated natural monopoly. If
   the regulatory commission wants to establish
   a fair-return price, then it should set a price
   ceiling where the demand curve crosses the
   monopoly’s long-run
    a. marginal revenue curve.
    b. average revenue curve.
    c. marginal cost curve.
    d. average cost curve.
D. One method for regulators to establish a
  fair-return price is to set price equal to long-
  run average cost and the monopolist earns
  zero economic profit
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13 antitrust and regulation

  • 1. Chapter 13 Antitrust and Regulation • Key Concepts • Summary • Practice Quiz • Internet Exercises ©2000 South-Western College Publishing 1
  • 2. In this chapter, you will learn to solve these economic puzzles: Can is market failure universities water Why doesn’t the and colleges orrationale improve company electric an economic engaging education by company compete? forprice-fixing? in regulation? 2
  • 3. What is a Trust? A combination or cartel consisting of firms that place their assets in the custody of a board of trustees 3
  • 4. What is Predatory Pricing? The practice of one or more firms temporarily reducing prices in order to eliminate competition and then raising prices 4
  • 5. When was the age of the Robber Barons? In the later part of the 1800’s 5
  • 6. What was done to limit the power of Trusts? Congress passed laws aimed at preventing firms from engaging in anticompetitive activities 6
  • 7. What is the Sherman Act? The federal antitrust law enacted in 1890 that prohibits monopolization and conspiracies to restrain trade 7
  • 8. What is the Clayton Act? A 1914 amendment that strengthens the Sherman Act by making it illegal for firms to engage in certain anticompetitive business practices 8
  • 9. What business practices were declared illegal under the Clayton Act? • Price discrimination • Exclusive dealing • Tying contracts • Stock acquisition of competing companies • Interlocking directorates 9
  • 10. Was the Clayton Act an improvement over the Sherman Act? Although more specific than the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act is also vague 10
  • 11. What is the Federal Trade Commission Act? The federal act that in 1914 established the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate unfair competitive practices of firms 11
  • 12. What is the Robinson-Patman Act? A 1936 amendment to the Clayton Act that strengthens the Clayton Act against price discrimination 12
  • 13. What is the basic purpose of the Robinson-Patman Act? To prevent large sellers from offering different prices to different buyers where the effect is to harm even a single small firm 13
  • 14. What is the Celler-Kefauver Act? A 1950 amendment to the Clayton Act that prohibits one firm from merging with a competitor by purchasing its physical assets if the effect is to substantially lessen competition 14
  • 15. What are some key Antitrust cases? • Standard Oil Case 1911 • Alcoa Case 1945 • IBM Case 1982 • AT&T Case 1982 • MIT Case 1992 • Microsoft Case 1995 15
  • 16. What was the outcome of the Standard Oil Case? The Rule of Reason 16
  • 17. What is the Rule of Reason? The antitrust doctrine that the existence of monopoly alone is not illegal unless the monopoly engages in illegal business practices 17
  • 18. What was the outcome of the Alcoa Case? The Per se Rule 18
  • 19. What is the Per se Rule? The antitrust doctrine that the existence of monopoly alone is illegal, regardless of whether or not the monopoly engages in illegal business practices 19
  • 20. What was the result of the IBM Case? A switch back to the Rule of Reason 20
  • 21. What was the result of the AT&T Case? Technology made this government-regulated natural monopoly obsolete, and AT&T was found guilty of anticompetitive pricing 21
  • 22. What was the result of the MIT Case? Eight Ivy League schools agreed to stop colluding to fix prices, and MIT was found guilty of price fixing 22
  • 23. What was the result of the Microsoft Case? Microsoft was not allowed to purchase Intuit Inc., a competitor in the personal finance software industry 23
  • 24. How can firms avoid charges of Price Fixing? They can merge into one company 24
  • 25. When did a lot of Mergers begin taking place? In the 1980’s 25
  • 26. What are the different types of Mergers? • Horizontal • Vertical • Conglomerate 26
  • 27. What is a Horizontal Merger? A merger of firms that competes in the same market 27
  • 28. What is a Vertical Merger? A merger of a firm with its suppliers 28
  • 29. What is a Conglomerate Merger? A merger between firms in unregulated markets 29
  • 30. What can be said about Conglomerate Mergers? They are generally allowed because they do not significantly decrease competition 30
  • 31. What can be said about Antitrust Laws in other Countries? They are weak in comparison to U.S. antitrust laws 31
  • 32. What is the history of Government Regulation? From the later part of the 1800’s to the 1970’s, there was an increase in regulation; in the 1970’s there was a movement away from regulation 32
  • 33. What is the basic argument in favor of Government Regulation? Market failure 33
  • 34. In what ways does the Market Fail? • Natural monopoly • Externalities • Imperfect information 34
  • 35. What is a Natural Monopoly? An industry in which long- run average cost is minimized when only one firm serves the market 35
  • 36. What is Marginal Cost Pricing? A system of pricing in which the price charged equals the marginal cost of the last unit produced 36
  • 37. P Regulated Monopoly $50 Fair return price efficient price $40 $30 A $25 $20 B $15 LRAC $10 $5 MR C LRMC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D9 Q 8 37
  • 38. What is a Normal Profit? The accounting profit required to induce a firm’s owners to employ their resources in the firm 38
  • 39. Do Production Costs include Normal Profit? Yes, because normal profit is considered a necessary expense of a business 39
  • 40. What kind of Profit is made at the Fair Return Price? Normal Profit 40
  • 41. What happens when Pollution is present? Pollution causes polluting firms to overproduce, while causing firms that pay the cost of cleaning up the pollution to underproduce 41
  • 42. What can be done when the Externality of Pollution is present? The government can regulate the industry to minimize the pollution 42
  • 43. What happens with Imperfect Information? Deficient information on unsafe products can cause consumers to overconsume a product 43
  • 44. P Impact of Imperfect Information $20 E1 S $15 E2 $10 D1 $5 D2 25 50 75 100 Q 44
  • 45. Decrease in quantity supplied Increase in Demand Consumers informed of defect 45
  • 47. Key Concepts • What is a Trust? • What is Predatory Pricing? • What is the Sherman Act? • What is the Clayton Act? • What is the Federal Trade Commission Act? • What is the Robinson-Patman Act? • What is the Celler-Kefauver Act? • What is the Rule of Reason? • What is the Per se Rule? 47
  • 48. Key Concepts cont. • What are the different types of Mergers? • What is a Horizontal Merger? • What is a Vertical Merger? • What is a Conglomerate Merger? • What can be said about Antitrust Laws in other • What is a Natural Monopoly? • What happens when Pollution is present? • What happens with Imperfect Information? 48
  • 49. Summary 49
  • 50. A trust is a cartel that places the assets of competing companies in the custody of a board of trustees. During the last decades of the 19th century, trusts engaged in anticompetitive strategies to eliminate competition and raise prices, such as predatory pricing. 50
  • 51. The Sherman Act of 1890 and the Clayton Act of 1914 are the two most important antitrust laws. The Sherman Act marked the first attempt of the U.S. government to outlaw monopolizing behavior. Because this act was vague, the Clayton Act was passed to define anticompetitive behavior more precisely. 51
  • 52. The Clayton Act prohibited (1) price discrimination, (2) exclusive dealing, (3) tying contracts, (4) stock acquisition, and (5) interlocking directorates. 52
  • 53. The Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 strengthened the Clayton Act by prohibiting certain forms of price discrimination. This law is called the “Chain Store Act” because it was aimed at large retail chain stores that were obtaining volume discounts. 53
  • 54. The Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950 strengthened the Clayton Act declaring illegal the acquisition of the assets of one firm by another firm if the effect is to lessen competition. 54
  • 55. The rule of reason and the per se rule are the two main philosophies the courts have used in interpreting antirust law. Under the rule of reason, monopolist were not subject to prosecution unless they acted in an anticompetitive manner. 55
  • 56. The Supreme Court decision in the Alcoa case of 1945 replaced the rule of reason with the per se rule, which states that the mere existence of monopoly is illegal. Today, the trend is in favor of dominant firms because of international competition. 56
  • 57. A horizontal merger is a merger of two competing firms. A vertical merger is a merger of two firms where one produces an input used by the other firm. A conglomerate merger is a merger of two firms producing unrelated products. 57
  • 58. Deregulation is a movement that began in the1980’s to eliminate regulations primarily in the transportation and telecommunications industries. Today, the current trend is toward further deregulation resulting from federal budget cuts. 58
  • 59. Marginal cost pricing is a competitive pricing strategy for a regulated natural monopoly. Using this approach, regulators set the monopolist’s price equal to its marginal cost. Another method is for regulators to establish a fair-return price equal to long-run average cost and the monopolist earns zero economic profit. 59
  • 60. Regulation of a natural monopoly is justified on the basis of market failure. Two other cases based on market failure include externalities and imperfect information. 60
  • 61. P Regulated Monopoly $50 Fair return price efficient price $40 $30 A $25 $20 B $15 LRAC $10 $5 MR C LRMC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 D9 Q 8 61
  • 62. Chapter 13 Quiz ©2000 South-Western College Publishing 62
  • 63. 1. Which of the following is illegal under the Sherman Act? a. Attempts to monopolize. b. Price fixing. c. Formation of cartels. d. All of the above are illegal. D. The Sherman Act of 1890 is the federal antitrust law to curb trusts, but the federal government did not win a notable case until 1911. 63
  • 64. 2. Officers of five large building-materials companies meet and agree that none of them will submit bids on government contracts lower than an agreed-upon level. This is an example of a. price fixing. b. vertical restriction. c. a tying contract. d. an interlocking directorate. A. The Sherman Act was enacted with vague language, but price fixing is clearly a “conspiracy in restraint of trade”. 64
  • 65. 3. A fabric shop cannot sell Singer sewing machines if it also sells other brands of sewing machines. This is an example of a. a resale price maintenance. b. territorial restrictions. c. a tying agreement. d. exclusive dealing. D. If the effect is to “substantially lessen competition” such as an agreement between a manufacturer and a retailer is a violation of the Clayton Act of 1914. 65
  • 66. 4. Under the Clayton Act, horizontal mergers by stock acquisition were a. not considered. b. illegal if they could be shown to lessen competition. c. illegal under any circumstances. d. legal if they could be shown to lessen competition. B. Horizontal mergers are combinations among competitors in the same industry which, if allowed, eliminate existing competition. 66
  • 67. 5. Under the Clayton Act, which of the following was illegal even if it was not shown to lessen competition substantially? a. Price discrimination. b. Tying contracts. c. Horizontal mergers by stock acquisition. d. Interlocking directorates. D. Interlocking directorates is the situation in which a director of one company serves on the board of directors of a competing company. 67
  • 68. 6. The importance of the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 is that it a. set up an independent antitrust agency with the power to investigate complaints. b. strengthened the law against mergers. c. strengthened the law against price discrimination.. d. none of the above. A. The FTC Act of 1914 established a five- member commission appointed by the president to investigate “unfair methods of competition.” 68
  • 69. 7. Which of the following is concerned primarily with price discrimination? a. The Sherman Act. b. The Clayton Act. c. The Robinson -Patman Act. d. The Celler-Kefauver Act. C. The Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 is an amendment to the Clayton Act that strengthens the Clayton Act against price discrimination. 69
  • 70. 8. Which of the following is concerned primarily with mergers? a. The Sherman Act. b. The Clayton Act. c. The Robinson-Patman Act. d. The Celler-Kefauver Act. D. The Celler-Kefauver Act is called the “antimerger act” because it closed the loophole in the Clayton Act by prohibiting mergers by sale of physical assets. 70
  • 71. 9. The Utah Pie case was brought under which of the following laws? a. The Sherman Act. b. The Federal Trade Commission Act. c. The Robinson-Patman Act. d. The Celler-Kefauver Act. C. Utah Pie was a small frozen desert pie firm in Salt Lake City that used three outside national competitors for price discrimination. The Supreme Court ruled in Utah Pie’s favor. 71
  • 72. 10. Although U.S. Steel controlled nearly 75% of the domestic iron and steel industry, in 1920 the Supreme Court ruled that the firm was not in violation of the Sherman Act because there was no evidence of abusive behavior. What antitrust doctrine was the court applying in this case? a. The rule of reason. b. The per se rule. c. The marginal cost pricing rule. d. The natural monopoly rule. A. The rule of reason applied when a firm was not engaged in anticompetitive behavior. 72
  • 73. 11. In which antitrust case did the Supreme Court begin to apply the per se rule to determine whether a firm was in violation of the Sherman Act? a. The Standard Oil case. b. The Alcoa case. c. The IBM case. d. The MIT case. B. The Supreme Court decision in the Alcoa case of 1945 replaced the rule of reason with the per se rule, which states that the mere existence of monopoly is illegal. 73
  • 74. 12. The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was established in a. 1887. b. 1890. c. 1929. d. 1933. A. The ICC was established for the original purpose of regulating rail prices by reducing duplicate trains, depots, and tracks. 74
  • 75. 13. Today, the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) regulates airline a. ticket prices. b. routes. c. safety. d. all of the above. e. none of the above; the CAB was abolished in 1984. E. The CAB was established in 1938 to regulate airline fares and air routes. 75
  • 76. 14. Which of the following provides the basis for regulation? a. Natural monopoly. b. Externalities. c. Imperfect information. d. All of the above. D. In each of these cases, the argument in favor of regulation is market failure. 76
  • 77. 15. Consider a regulated natural monopoly. If the regulatory commission wants to establish a fair-return price, then it should set a price ceiling where the demand curve crosses the monopoly’s long-run a. marginal revenue curve. b. average revenue curve. c. marginal cost curve. d. average cost curve. D. One method for regulators to establish a fair-return price is to set price equal to long- run average cost and the monopolist earns zero economic profit 77
  • 78. Internet Exercises Click on the picture of the book, choose updates by chapter for the latest internet exercises 78
  • 79. END 79