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Potential subjects-Issues in and surrounding sports
Athletes not having the support when it comes to their mental health
 Social Media
 Abuse
 Fans on game days and chants
 Stress and pressure
Sports-Mental Health
The dark side of social media and the impact it has on sports, players.. And how it all
becomes too much for athletes and slowly affects mental health and can possibly
begin to take a negative affect on their career and force them into extended breaks or
even force them into early retirement.
Online social media abuse has come more and more into the public limelight and has
become more and more of an issue with racism in pretty much every sport now..
A strong example is how football players of colour instantly suffer racial abuse after a
game they didn’t perform or cost the team the game.. The best recent example of this
was after England’s devastating Euro 2020 final loss on penalties to Italy in where
Marcus Rashford, Jaden Sancho and Bukayo Saka missed their penalties in the
Girls sexualising players and the impact on how they view themselves
Endless criticism after tiny mistakes
Mental health impacts
Does all that slowly begin to take a hold of players and does taking extended breaks
and even the thought of retirement begin to creep into minds
What help are they given from clubs and coaches
Do families become affected by this
A fanzine is a non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a
particular cultural phenomenon for the pleasure of others who share their interest
Fanzines in football fans were extremely popular and many teams would have a fanzine.
Manchester United and Arsenal were the main two premier league teams that had
fanzines.. In 2014, one of Manchester United’s biggest and most established fanzine
creator Andy Mitten was interviewed about fanzines and how the moving times and
social media was impacting fanzines and said they won’t be around much longer as times
move along..
Fanzine Audience
• Fanzines are normally aimed at the audience of age group that enjoys what they
create but also can understand it
• The producers try to find ways to make the fanzine enjoyable that anyone who
picks it up can understand it but also see the funny side of it without getting
offended by anything inside it.
• The reasons to make it in that way helps out with people
• Always maintain an upbeat reads throughout even during reading negatives
• Audience groups can differ throughout because the page designs or what is
included inside the fanzine
• The creator will always try to use something that is a talked about moment as
the cover to create a laugh or show off the moment again
Existing Product
Existing Product
The Gooner is the Arsenal fanzine which in recent times has been asking for fans to reach out and save the fanzine from
going out of business. The audience is again aimed at majority Arsenal fans but like blowing bubbles every football can
read it and see how the fans of that club see their own club and its performances. The tone of Gooner is very much like
Arsenal fan Tv is on YouTube, rather aggressive but when things are going in the favour of the club the tone becomes
positive to celebrate the performances of the team. The Gooner is created using images of the players during a game..
Looking at the middle image of current Arsenal Captain Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang that is taken from his debut game in
2017 and that is using the face of the club to grab the attention of fans who want to pick the Gooner up and read about
the best news about the team or the game that has just past.
For me I like how the Gooner is set up and presented because its again a simple yet affective presentation because they
haven’t tried to overcomplicate it and for a simple design of just player with text it grabs the eye and you instantly want
to pick it up and slowly read through that particular edition of Gooner.
Gooner stays straight on with on repeating colour scheme throughout and with this been a fanzine for Arsenal it isn’t a
shocking surprise to see a Red and White scheme on front covers and on the pages inside.
One of the older covers that feature Ian Wright show this well having a strong mix of Ian in his white vest after taking his
shirt off combined with Lee Dixon in the strong dark red of the Arsenal shirt. But the interesting thing in this cover with
the text that runs across the bottom saying The Greatest but it’s in blue which does come at a surprise because Arsenal
are fully red and red never blue.
Existing Product
Existing Product
Blowing bubbles is the name of this fanzine all about West Ham United and this edition released in November 2016. I choose to use Blowing Bubbles because for my
research I wanted to use something that shows the good in football and shows how football should be with fans talking about their club but with only respect
toward club and players. This is also showing real life and how fans view their club during the good and the bad.
I love how blowing bubbles is set out and presented the front cover is simple and clear and you instantly know what’s coming up during the fanzine. Sometimes just
having a simple front cover draws you in more and that’s the case with blowing bubbles I saw the simple image of Sir Bobby Moore and straight away my eyes were
locked on and I wanted to go into more detail reading it. The cover also adds in a charity set up to try help real life issues like cancer because Moore sadly passed
away due to cancer and since then the Bobby Moore trust has been working hard to fund money and to help put more research into finding a cancer cure, this also
caught my eye and people always want to try and help others and advertising such a good cause should grab the attention. Throughout blowing bubbles the theme
is kept the same with all pages using the lovely Maroon colour that has become so famous as the colours of West Ham throughout the history of the club, the
maroon theme keeps each page looking nice and making sure there is a theme throughout.
The page layout is again rather simple with two images then the text surrounding the images. This is a basic layout and the text is the a basic font but it’s a clear and
understandable font. The page tends to have a headline in a bigger font, subheading in a slightly smaller font so the text drops the size again which each font
remains easy to read. I find the simple layouts the better because it becomes a lot clearer and the text is always easy to read and blowing bubbles shows this
because the simple cover caught my eye and looking into more after deciding I wanted to use a football fanzine to show the good side of fanbases and how true fans
will support the team through the tough to the end absolute highs of winning.
Blowing bubbles is of course aimed at West Ham fans but the way its created is in a way every football fan can read and still enjoy even if they don’t support or
follow this is a good idea to try include when it comes to creating my idea because if you can manage to grab the attention of every fan you are then covering every
base. The tone is very chilled and calm meaning everything is easier to read and everything looks so clear.
The pictures that are used throughout Blowing Bubbles are always there trying to tie up lose ends and give the reader a clear vision and view about the moment
they are reading about, the player or just the history of the club. In this particular edition the article about Sir Bobby Moore includes two images of the late Sir
Bobby then around both images is the small yet simple text which is giving you that all important information about Sir Bobby and how even though he has sadly
passed he still should be given a knighthood for what he did during his life and career.
Articles and images are always trying to link together so the reader can see the moment they are reading about and really feel that moment, I feel the Blowing
Bubbles text and page design really aid this process because not only does it offer a simple easy on the eye layout but it still pounds in lots of incredible detail that
makes you just want to read on and really learn about the shock moment on West Ham signing Carlos Tevez or the heartbreak of Steven Gerrard scoring in the 90th
minute in the 2006 FA Cup Final making it 3-3. The colour schemes and following the West Ham kits and the colours of them so trying to follow the kits.
The cover of this edition is the prefect example Sir Bobby in his maroon home shirt with the Blowing Bubbles heading in the matching colour so that links and
creates a strong pleasing cover to the eye.
Existing Product
Existing Product
United We Stand
This fanzine is Manchester United’s fanzine and this edition and the cover of Robin Van Persie on tile like background
then the pages on the inside follow a similar idea with the simple design.
The cover is a simple picture of Robin Van Persie on a tile like background and this for me creates a stunning cover
because it’s different and catches the eye because Van Persie also has the tile type effect. The cover used the typical
red of Manchester United so that instantly is keeping a simple theme but making sure they stick to roots of the club.
The Masterpiece title is clever because this edition came out when United first signed the dutchman and he was seen
as the missing masterpiece that would lead United to even more dominance than they already had at the current
moment. The simple text and simple red banner across the top with the smaller black banner under just creates the
effective yet simple layout.
The page design is simple keeping the repeated theme of using the black and red combination with then a simple
middle size text layout. The red strip along the bottom of the page creates a more eye-catching design than just
having the standard black background and the white text.
You would think the color would be mainly red and some white because the color of the strips that can run across the
arms of the United shirts. But having the black background really brings out the strength in the white text which
creates a then stronger layout because the colors work together and then you add in the red.
Potential Audience
My potential audience is going to be teenagers because I am using social media and these
days teenagers are the ones using social media and end up either sitting behind a screen
and using social media wrongly or rightly depending on the situation.
I am also using sports which are these days by teenagers aged 15-19 dominated so they are
my main audience because they all can relate to the content I am going to include in my
For me though the audience I could see it maybe dropping a few years below but also it
could go a couple of years higher. Now this is because kids younger and older relate to both
the topic I am going to be using inside the fanzine. I want to keep an open mind about my
audience because I want to make sure I have enough detail in my fanzine that if some of the
information doesn’t link to the audience age group I am hoping to connect with.
If I can cover bases of covering the age and can manage to drop the potential group by a
couple of years, then also cover a couple of years above I can cover all aspects and I can
make sure that everything is covered and then I am happy with who is reading and knowing
Content Research
So I need to research about the NFL, Football, social media, some celebrity stories about their stories with mental
health or issues with certain things during their careers.
1. Research the records and history of the sports
2. Social media in sport and how social media came about to become what it is now
3. Sponsors and how players promote to boost themselves
4. Celebrity stories- can be either in sports or outside of sports
5. Euro 2020 story and key information
6. What can be done to stop and prevent social media becoming and staying a worser thing that it is now
7. How to reach out and be given the correct support and advice to deal with mental health
8. How to deal with abuse of any kind and making sure you speak up and don’t try to hide away thinking it’ll pass
9. What the future holds and how we can all work toward creating a safer online community which everyone can
enjoy without worry and abuse.
Interview practise
Question 1- Why do you support Liverpool
A: Grandad was born in Liverpool and he didn’t have the easiest time growing up so he would use
football as the way out and as his method of trying to find some peace and to enjoy something. Dad
followed his dad in having a bad up bringing then following his dads choices in team and also using
football and the love of the game as their escapes.
Both my Dad and Grandad had difficult moments growing up and they both used the love of football and
finding the support and following Liverpool made the difficult times that little bit easier and helped them
because they had an escape. I didn’t have this type of upbringing but having the game there and having
the support have both helped me at times and getting through the moments where I may have had no
other option or someone to go to. still have that confidence in following them in supporting the same
Q2. Did supporting Liverpool get you into football or were you already into football?
A: I started following and supporting the club at age 4. The club had a massive influence on me growing
up buying the shirts that the team would wear that season or in seasons past. My dad would also have
the games on in the background so I would know something was happening and as I got older I started
sitting and watching and now I do my best to not miss a game now.
My Dad played a major role in playing football showing videos and bringing Liverpool into the family,
watching football with your father is something that to me is a part of childhood that you will never
forget because they teach you the ways and how to get behind the team and that to me is something I
will always remember and be thankful I had that with my dad.
Interview Practise
• Q3. Better atmosphere at anfield?
A: That is not even a question.. Nothing beats a Champions league night.
That semi final against Barca in the 4-0 comeback
Hands down that was one of the best atmospheres in a football match ever let alone the best Liverpool atmosphere.
Q4. More influence on the team? Mo Salah or Van Dijk
A: Virgil Van Dijk. The way they both came in and started changing the team has been massive in the team becoming the side they are
today but the way Virgil came in and turned one of the worst defences into one of the best is unreal.
Q5. Dream 5 a side Liverpool team
Alisson, Sami Hyypiä, Alan Hansen, Steven Gerrard, King Kenny
Q6. Your thoughts on FSG
Over the years been good, giving the manager the money, he needs, not splashing out on players they don’t need, youth
Understands fan not agreeing with FSG not giving the money to compete with Manchester City, Chelsea and Manchester United
Little gems
Academy playing a major role. Curtis Jones and Harvey Elliot
Good promising young players coming through
Jurgen Klopp has a major role in the youth development of players at Liverpool. His style of coaching homegrown talent
Interview Practise
Q7. Can the squad stay competitive?
Yes, with the young players gaining experience
Curtis Jones favourite young player
Nat Phillips- Massively impressed with how he stepped up and filled in during the club’s injury crisis
Future Van Dijk
Q8. One player to steal their ability
Van Dijk
Just because also playing as centre back just watching how easy he makes everything look I wish I could just take his ability and put that into my game. His speed, his
recovery, his heading, his incredible long range passing and just how each pass is prefect. I’d just love to steal every single bit of his ability and take myself into that
Q9. Predictions for the season
For the Domestic cups- I wouldn’t have, major hope because Klopp prefers Youth development and should the young guns take the team further he will slowly bring the
big guns in but that normally doesn’t happen because we always seem to get put against teams who want to win and we lose.
Premier League and Champions League are so much more important to Liverpool because every team who enters the champions league want to become the best team
in all of Europe and Liverpool been the most successful team from England with 6 the fans of course want us to keep winning and winning.
8th champions league over a 2nd title in England – For me I want us to become a European powerhouse and let Manchester City ruin English football with their money
and buying every other teams best player and they can keep doing that because if Liverpool can maintain this team then both competitions are possible and I would love
to see Hendo lift both in one season and prove to everyone We are England's best
50-50 to fans wanting the league over Europe
Q10. Could Liverpool learn from City
No, Liverpool have the better team overall City just have the squad depth
Interview Practise
Q11. All time top 3 Liverpool games
Liverpool 4-0 Barca (2019)
Liverpool Vs Norwich (Luis Suarez-2012-2014)
Liverpool Vs City (Champions league, Quarter Final 1st and 2nd leg 2018 5-1)
City game proved Liverpool dominating in Europe
City are dominating English domestic football with winning 4 of the last 8 titles and winning the domestic cups in recent years
While Liverpool haven’t won a domestic cup since 2012 under Kenny Dalglish
Q12. Who should follow Klopp?
For me I’d say Steven Gerrard after more time at Rangers.. He is a major Club Legend and his legacy at the club is just insane and we all want
him back one day.
I have to say he is hands down the Best premier league midfielder all of time and having him back in the league would be amazing.
I know he was probably a Role model growing up for young kids with his wicked right foot and his bullet long shots.
His Leadership when he captained the side was incredible and it was a huge shame that he couldn’t have won more and really cemented
himself in the history books.
Do you forgive the slip in 2014?
Yes, wasn’t his fault, team playing too high... needed a 1V1
Q13. One player you’d bring back
Ian Rush, Fernando Torres or Kenny Dalglish, Put them in between Salah and Mane, More clinical
What was it like been interviewed?
Getting interviewed is a process which straight away can come across stressful and put worry into
you. For me been interviewed about a topic that I felt super strong and more relaxed than I would
with something that I didn’t understand straight away.
I feel like going first in the pair allowed me to set my own tone of voice up by talking strongly about
my topic and really pushing the point across early and slowly build up my confidence so I can then
have a foundation and when it came to becoming the interviewer I felt calm and relaxed meaning
my tone of voice was relaxed I wasn’t rushing the questions and once the answer to that question
that been given I still felt good and relaxed enough to try ask more little questions to try get a more
in depth answer meaning I had learnt more about the process of interviewing but also how asking
more little questions that help extend the answer can help provide you with more depth.
This also allowed me to see a different side of been interviewed because over the summer I had
been applying for jobs and finally getting interviews and experiencing how nervous I was and how I
could tell my voice became shakey and I would speed up how I was talking in order to get it done as
quick as possible and get back to my normal way of going through the day.
Production Experiments
Production experiments analysis
For my experiments I wanted to try different skills on photoshop as print is one of my two preferred and favored choice of media
I began using an image of Liverpool players celebrating a win in a penalty shoot out because I wanted to try keep the interview and
experiments linked together. So, I had a look at some photoshop skills but remembered last year I had edited the color scheme to make
something flip into darker colors so changed the image into a rather dark image with light background and then just the outline of the
My second experiments was changing the logo of the Jacksonville Jaguars from a white background and boring same old logo into
something different and more colorful, so I began messing about with the color scheme and contrast and ended up making an all-blue
logo. I wanted to try make the logo stand out a bit more, so I tried to add in the original colors of the team badge, but it took way that
affect of creating something different in every way. My third experiment I wanted to try something completely new and test my skills
more. I began my searching the internet for a base image to use and change the picture style, color scheme but doing that while adding
in some new effects to try and test new skills and try to keep advancing my photoshop skills.
I hope that all these old and new skills can lead me when it comes to creating my product and I really show that even though I am still
new to using the software and still learning as I go, I have learnt quickly and can really take my work to new levels and push myself in
order to get a better outcome and final product.
I did these experiments to try develop my photoshop skills but also to learn more about the different techniques you can use, different
editing styles, color changes and so on. I felt last year when it came to my FMP my photoshop elements were lacking because I didn’t
have enough skills to really expand and develop my designs and I felt that was the one area I could have used to push my final work
further but I was lacking.
This year I wanted to try out changing the look of a picture like I did with Jacksonville Allen Robinson picture going from it’s normal to a
different more tile type look to it. The Liverpool and Jacksonville Jaguar logo I just wanted to focus on using color changes and seeing
what I could after the change to expand.

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11 11-21 with feedback

  • 2. Brainstorming Potential subjects-Issues in and surrounding sports Athletes not having the support when it comes to their mental health  Social Media  Abuse  Fans on game days and chants  Stress and pressure
  • 3. Sports-Mental Health The dark side of social media and the impact it has on sports, players.. And how it all becomes too much for athletes and slowly affects mental health and can possibly begin to take a negative affect on their career and force them into extended breaks or even force them into early retirement. Online social media abuse has come more and more into the public limelight and has become more and more of an issue with racism in pretty much every sport now.. A strong example is how football players of colour instantly suffer racial abuse after a game they didn’t perform or cost the team the game.. The best recent example of this was after England’s devastating Euro 2020 final loss on penalties to Italy in where Marcus Rashford, Jaden Sancho and Bukayo Saka missed their penalties in the shootout Podcast Racism Girls sexualising players and the impact on how they view themselves Endless criticism after tiny mistakes Mental health impacts Does all that slowly begin to take a hold of players and does taking extended breaks and even the thought of retirement begin to creep into minds What help are they given from clubs and coaches Do families become affected by this
  • 4. Fanzine A fanzine is a non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural phenomenon for the pleasure of others who share their interest Fanzines in football fans were extremely popular and many teams would have a fanzine. Manchester United and Arsenal were the main two premier league teams that had fanzines.. In 2014, one of Manchester United’s biggest and most established fanzine creator Andy Mitten was interviewed about fanzines and how the moving times and social media was impacting fanzines and said they won’t be around much longer as times move along..
  • 5. Fanzine-Research Fanzine Audience • Fanzines are normally aimed at the audience of age group that enjoys what they create but also can understand it • The producers try to find ways to make the fanzine enjoyable that anyone who picks it up can understand it but also see the funny side of it without getting offended by anything inside it. • The reasons to make it in that way helps out with people • Always maintain an upbeat reads throughout even during reading negatives • Audience groups can differ throughout because the page designs or what is included inside the fanzine • The creator will always try to use something that is a talked about moment as the cover to create a laugh or show off the moment again
  • 7. Existing Product The Gooner is the Arsenal fanzine which in recent times has been asking for fans to reach out and save the fanzine from going out of business. The audience is again aimed at majority Arsenal fans but like blowing bubbles every football can read it and see how the fans of that club see their own club and its performances. The tone of Gooner is very much like Arsenal fan Tv is on YouTube, rather aggressive but when things are going in the favour of the club the tone becomes positive to celebrate the performances of the team. The Gooner is created using images of the players during a game.. Looking at the middle image of current Arsenal Captain Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang that is taken from his debut game in 2017 and that is using the face of the club to grab the attention of fans who want to pick the Gooner up and read about the best news about the team or the game that has just past. For me I like how the Gooner is set up and presented because its again a simple yet affective presentation because they haven’t tried to overcomplicate it and for a simple design of just player with text it grabs the eye and you instantly want to pick it up and slowly read through that particular edition of Gooner. Gooner stays straight on with on repeating colour scheme throughout and with this been a fanzine for Arsenal it isn’t a shocking surprise to see a Red and White scheme on front covers and on the pages inside. One of the older covers that feature Ian Wright show this well having a strong mix of Ian in his white vest after taking his shirt off combined with Lee Dixon in the strong dark red of the Arsenal shirt. But the interesting thing in this cover with the text that runs across the bottom saying The Greatest but it’s in blue which does come at a surprise because Arsenal are fully red and red never blue.
  • 9. Existing Product Blowing bubbles is the name of this fanzine all about West Ham United and this edition released in November 2016. I choose to use Blowing Bubbles because for my research I wanted to use something that shows the good in football and shows how football should be with fans talking about their club but with only respect toward club and players. This is also showing real life and how fans view their club during the good and the bad. I love how blowing bubbles is set out and presented the front cover is simple and clear and you instantly know what’s coming up during the fanzine. Sometimes just having a simple front cover draws you in more and that’s the case with blowing bubbles I saw the simple image of Sir Bobby Moore and straight away my eyes were locked on and I wanted to go into more detail reading it. The cover also adds in a charity set up to try help real life issues like cancer because Moore sadly passed away due to cancer and since then the Bobby Moore trust has been working hard to fund money and to help put more research into finding a cancer cure, this also caught my eye and people always want to try and help others and advertising such a good cause should grab the attention. Throughout blowing bubbles the theme is kept the same with all pages using the lovely Maroon colour that has become so famous as the colours of West Ham throughout the history of the club, the maroon theme keeps each page looking nice and making sure there is a theme throughout. The page layout is again rather simple with two images then the text surrounding the images. This is a basic layout and the text is the a basic font but it’s a clear and understandable font. The page tends to have a headline in a bigger font, subheading in a slightly smaller font so the text drops the size again which each font remains easy to read. I find the simple layouts the better because it becomes a lot clearer and the text is always easy to read and blowing bubbles shows this because the simple cover caught my eye and looking into more after deciding I wanted to use a football fanzine to show the good side of fanbases and how true fans will support the team through the tough to the end absolute highs of winning. Blowing bubbles is of course aimed at West Ham fans but the way its created is in a way every football fan can read and still enjoy even if they don’t support or follow this is a good idea to try include when it comes to creating my idea because if you can manage to grab the attention of every fan you are then covering every base. The tone is very chilled and calm meaning everything is easier to read and everything looks so clear. The pictures that are used throughout Blowing Bubbles are always there trying to tie up lose ends and give the reader a clear vision and view about the moment they are reading about, the player or just the history of the club. In this particular edition the article about Sir Bobby Moore includes two images of the late Sir Bobby then around both images is the small yet simple text which is giving you that all important information about Sir Bobby and how even though he has sadly passed he still should be given a knighthood for what he did during his life and career. Articles and images are always trying to link together so the reader can see the moment they are reading about and really feel that moment, I feel the Blowing Bubbles text and page design really aid this process because not only does it offer a simple easy on the eye layout but it still pounds in lots of incredible detail that makes you just want to read on and really learn about the shock moment on West Ham signing Carlos Tevez or the heartbreak of Steven Gerrard scoring in the 90th minute in the 2006 FA Cup Final making it 3-3. The colour schemes and following the West Ham kits and the colours of them so trying to follow the kits. The cover of this edition is the prefect example Sir Bobby in his maroon home shirt with the Blowing Bubbles heading in the matching colour so that links and creates a strong pleasing cover to the eye.
  • 11. Existing Product United We Stand This fanzine is Manchester United’s fanzine and this edition and the cover of Robin Van Persie on tile like background then the pages on the inside follow a similar idea with the simple design. The cover is a simple picture of Robin Van Persie on a tile like background and this for me creates a stunning cover because it’s different and catches the eye because Van Persie also has the tile type effect. The cover used the typical red of Manchester United so that instantly is keeping a simple theme but making sure they stick to roots of the club. The Masterpiece title is clever because this edition came out when United first signed the dutchman and he was seen as the missing masterpiece that would lead United to even more dominance than they already had at the current moment. The simple text and simple red banner across the top with the smaller black banner under just creates the effective yet simple layout. The page design is simple keeping the repeated theme of using the black and red combination with then a simple middle size text layout. The red strip along the bottom of the page creates a more eye-catching design than just having the standard black background and the white text. You would think the color would be mainly red and some white because the color of the strips that can run across the arms of the United shirts. But having the black background really brings out the strength in the white text which creates a then stronger layout because the colors work together and then you add in the red.
  • 12. Potential Audience My potential audience is going to be teenagers because I am using social media and these days teenagers are the ones using social media and end up either sitting behind a screen and using social media wrongly or rightly depending on the situation. I am also using sports which are these days by teenagers aged 15-19 dominated so they are my main audience because they all can relate to the content I am going to include in my fanzine. For me though the audience I could see it maybe dropping a few years below but also it could go a couple of years higher. Now this is because kids younger and older relate to both the topic I am going to be using inside the fanzine. I want to keep an open mind about my audience because I want to make sure I have enough detail in my fanzine that if some of the information doesn’t link to the audience age group I am hoping to connect with. If I can cover bases of covering the age and can manage to drop the potential group by a couple of years, then also cover a couple of years above I can cover all aspects and I can make sure that everything is covered and then I am happy with who is reading and knowing
  • 13. Content Research So I need to research about the NFL, Football, social media, some celebrity stories about their stories with mental health or issues with certain things during their careers. So 1. Research the records and history of the sports 2. Social media in sport and how social media came about to become what it is now 3. Sponsors and how players promote to boost themselves 4. Celebrity stories- can be either in sports or outside of sports 5. Euro 2020 story and key information 6. What can be done to stop and prevent social media becoming and staying a worser thing that it is now 7. How to reach out and be given the correct support and advice to deal with mental health 8. How to deal with abuse of any kind and making sure you speak up and don’t try to hide away thinking it’ll pass over 9. What the future holds and how we can all work toward creating a safer online community which everyone can enjoy without worry and abuse.
  • 14. Interview practise Question 1- Why do you support Liverpool A: Grandad was born in Liverpool and he didn’t have the easiest time growing up so he would use football as the way out and as his method of trying to find some peace and to enjoy something. Dad followed his dad in having a bad up bringing then following his dads choices in team and also using football and the love of the game as their escapes. Both my Dad and Grandad had difficult moments growing up and they both used the love of football and finding the support and following Liverpool made the difficult times that little bit easier and helped them because they had an escape. I didn’t have this type of upbringing but having the game there and having the support have both helped me at times and getting through the moments where I may have had no other option or someone to go to. still have that confidence in following them in supporting the same team Q2. Did supporting Liverpool get you into football or were you already into football? A: I started following and supporting the club at age 4. The club had a massive influence on me growing up buying the shirts that the team would wear that season or in seasons past. My dad would also have the games on in the background so I would know something was happening and as I got older I started sitting and watching and now I do my best to not miss a game now. My Dad played a major role in playing football showing videos and bringing Liverpool into the family, watching football with your father is something that to me is a part of childhood that you will never forget because they teach you the ways and how to get behind the team and that to me is something I will always remember and be thankful I had that with my dad.
  • 15. Interview Practise • Q3. Better atmosphere at anfield? A: That is not even a question.. Nothing beats a Champions league night. That semi final against Barca in the 4-0 comeback Hands down that was one of the best atmospheres in a football match ever let alone the best Liverpool atmosphere. Q4. More influence on the team? Mo Salah or Van Dijk A: Virgil Van Dijk. The way they both came in and started changing the team has been massive in the team becoming the side they are today but the way Virgil came in and turned one of the worst defences into one of the best is unreal. Q5. Dream 5 a side Liverpool team Alisson, Sami Hyypiä, Alan Hansen, Steven Gerrard, King Kenny Q6. Your thoughts on FSG Over the years been good, giving the manager the money, he needs, not splashing out on players they don’t need, youth Understands fan not agreeing with FSG not giving the money to compete with Manchester City, Chelsea and Manchester United Little gems Academy playing a major role. Curtis Jones and Harvey Elliot Good promising young players coming through Jurgen Klopp has a major role in the youth development of players at Liverpool. His style of coaching homegrown talent
  • 16. Interview Practise Q7. Can the squad stay competitive? Yes, with the young players gaining experience Curtis Jones favourite young player Nat Phillips- Massively impressed with how he stepped up and filled in during the club’s injury crisis Future Van Dijk Q8. One player to steal their ability Van Dijk Just because also playing as centre back just watching how easy he makes everything look I wish I could just take his ability and put that into my game. His speed, his recovery, his heading, his incredible long range passing and just how each pass is prefect. I’d just love to steal every single bit of his ability and take myself into that position. Q9. Predictions for the season For the Domestic cups- I wouldn’t have, major hope because Klopp prefers Youth development and should the young guns take the team further he will slowly bring the big guns in but that normally doesn’t happen because we always seem to get put against teams who want to win and we lose. Premier League and Champions League are so much more important to Liverpool because every team who enters the champions league want to become the best team in all of Europe and Liverpool been the most successful team from England with 6 the fans of course want us to keep winning and winning. 8th champions league over a 2nd title in England – For me I want us to become a European powerhouse and let Manchester City ruin English football with their money and buying every other teams best player and they can keep doing that because if Liverpool can maintain this team then both competitions are possible and I would love to see Hendo lift both in one season and prove to everyone We are England's best 50-50 to fans wanting the league over Europe Q10. Could Liverpool learn from City No, Liverpool have the better team overall City just have the squad depth
  • 17. Interview Practise Q11. All time top 3 Liverpool games Liverpool 4-0 Barca (2019) Liverpool Vs Norwich (Luis Suarez-2012-2014) Liverpool Vs City (Champions league, Quarter Final 1st and 2nd leg 2018 5-1) City game proved Liverpool dominating in Europe City are dominating English domestic football with winning 4 of the last 8 titles and winning the domestic cups in recent years While Liverpool haven’t won a domestic cup since 2012 under Kenny Dalglish Q12. Who should follow Klopp? For me I’d say Steven Gerrard after more time at Rangers.. He is a major Club Legend and his legacy at the club is just insane and we all want him back one day. I have to say he is hands down the Best premier league midfielder all of time and having him back in the league would be amazing. I know he was probably a Role model growing up for young kids with his wicked right foot and his bullet long shots. His Leadership when he captained the side was incredible and it was a huge shame that he couldn’t have won more and really cemented himself in the history books. Do you forgive the slip in 2014? Yes, wasn’t his fault, team playing too high... needed a 1V1 Q13. One player you’d bring back Striker Ian Rush, Fernando Torres or Kenny Dalglish, Put them in between Salah and Mane, More clinical
  • 18. Reflections What was it like been interviewed? Getting interviewed is a process which straight away can come across stressful and put worry into you. For me been interviewed about a topic that I felt super strong and more relaxed than I would with something that I didn’t understand straight away. I feel like going first in the pair allowed me to set my own tone of voice up by talking strongly about my topic and really pushing the point across early and slowly build up my confidence so I can then have a foundation and when it came to becoming the interviewer I felt calm and relaxed meaning my tone of voice was relaxed I wasn’t rushing the questions and once the answer to that question that been given I still felt good and relaxed enough to try ask more little questions to try get a more in depth answer meaning I had learnt more about the process of interviewing but also how asking more little questions that help extend the answer can help provide you with more depth. This also allowed me to see a different side of been interviewed because over the summer I had been applying for jobs and finally getting interviews and experiencing how nervous I was and how I could tell my voice became shakey and I would speed up how I was talking in order to get it done as quick as possible and get back to my normal way of going through the day.
  • 20. Production experiments analysis For my experiments I wanted to try different skills on photoshop as print is one of my two preferred and favored choice of media creation. I began using an image of Liverpool players celebrating a win in a penalty shoot out because I wanted to try keep the interview and experiments linked together. So, I had a look at some photoshop skills but remembered last year I had edited the color scheme to make something flip into darker colors so changed the image into a rather dark image with light background and then just the outline of the players. My second experiments was changing the logo of the Jacksonville Jaguars from a white background and boring same old logo into something different and more colorful, so I began messing about with the color scheme and contrast and ended up making an all-blue logo. I wanted to try make the logo stand out a bit more, so I tried to add in the original colors of the team badge, but it took way that affect of creating something different in every way. My third experiment I wanted to try something completely new and test my skills more. I began my searching the internet for a base image to use and change the picture style, color scheme but doing that while adding in some new effects to try and test new skills and try to keep advancing my photoshop skills. I hope that all these old and new skills can lead me when it comes to creating my product and I really show that even though I am still new to using the software and still learning as I go, I have learnt quickly and can really take my work to new levels and push myself in order to get a better outcome and final product. I did these experiments to try develop my photoshop skills but also to learn more about the different techniques you can use, different editing styles, color changes and so on. I felt last year when it came to my FMP my photoshop elements were lacking because I didn’t have enough skills to really expand and develop my designs and I felt that was the one area I could have used to push my final work further but I was lacking. This year I wanted to try out changing the look of a picture like I did with Jacksonville Allen Robinson picture going from it’s normal to a different more tile type look to it. The Liverpool and Jacksonville Jaguar logo I just wanted to focus on using color changes and seeing what I could after the change to expand.