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A History of Chemical

      CHEE 2404
What is a Chemical Engineer?
a) An Engineer who manufactures
b) A Chemist who works in a factory
c) A glorified Plumber?

             CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   2
None of the above
• No universally accepted definition of ChE.
• However, aimed towards design of processes that
  change materials from one form to another more
  useful (and so more valuable) form, economically,
  safely and in an environmentally acceptable way.
• Application of basic sciences (math, chemistry,
  physics & biology) and engineering principles to
  the development, design, operation & maintenance
  of processes to convert raw materials to useful
  products and improve the human environment.
                 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   3
Chemical Engineering
• ChE involves specifying equipment, operating
  conditions, instrumentation and process control for
  all these changes.
  Air                        Mathematics

    Natural Gas


                   CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   4
What are the fields of Ch E?
    The traditional fields of ChE are:
•   petrochemicals, petroleum and natural gas
•   plastics and polymers
•   pulp and paper
•   instrumentation and process control
•   energy conversion and utilisation
•   environmental control
                   CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   5
What are the fields of Ch E?
• Biotechnology
• Biomedical and Biochemical
• food processing
• composite materials, corrosion and protective
• manufacture of microelectronic components
• Pharmaceuticals

                 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   6
What do Chemical Engineers do?
• Regarding Engineers: it is not what we do, but how we think about
  the world, that makes us different. We use all that we know to
  produce the best solution to a problem (problems that engineers face
  usually have more than one solution).
• Engineers use techniques of Quantitative Engineering Analysis to
  design/synthesize products (materials, devices), services, and processes
  even though they have an imperfect understanding of chemical,
  physical, biological, or human factors affecting them.
• Engineers operate under the constraint of producing a product or
  service that is timely, competitive, reliable, within the financial
  means of their company, and is consistent with its philosophy.

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                  7
What do Chemical Engineers do?

  Thus, they are involved in a wide range of
  activities such as:
• design, development and operation of process
• research and development of novel products and
• management of technical operations and sales

                 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry    8
• Chemical engineer is either currently, or has
  previously, occupied the CEO position for:

          3M                            Dow Chemical
        Du Pont                             Exxon
     General Electric                       BASF
     Union Carbide                         Gulf Oil
         Texaco                         B.F. Goodrich

                CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry          9
Where do Chemical Engineers
The majority of Chemical Engineers work in businesses known collectively as
the Chemical Process Industries (CPI)
 – Chemicals,
 – Oil and Gas (upstream and downstream)
 – Pulp and Paper,
 – Rubber and Plastics,
 – Food and Beverage,
 – Textile,
 – Electronics/IT
 – Metals, mineral processing
 – Electronics and microelectronics
 – Agricultural Chemicals Industries
 – Cosmetics/ Pharmaceutical
 – Biotechnology/Biomedical
 – Environmental, technical, and business consulting

                       CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                    10
Where do Chemical Engineers
• Many Chemical Engineers also work in supplier, consulting and
  governmental agencies related to the CPI by engaging in equipment
  manufacture, plant design, consulting, analytical services and
  standards development.
• Chemical Engineers hold lead positions in industrial firms and
  governmental agencies concerned with environmental protection since
  environmental problems are usually complex and require a thorough
  knowledge of the Social Sciences, Physics, Biology, Mathematics and
  Chemistry for their resolution.
• Chemical engineers have been referred to as “universal engineers.”

                       CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry               11
Where do Chemical Engineers
 work? Initial placement of 2001/1999 graduates (USA)
Chemical                                                   23.3   26.7
Fuels                                                      15.7   12.6
Electronics                                                15.9   15.6
Food/Consumer Prods.                                       10.6   11.4
Materials                                                  3.1    3.3
Biotech & Related Inds.                                    9.3    6.9
Pulp & paper                                               2.1    2.4
Engineering Services (Design & Construction)               5.6    4.8
Engineering Services (Research & Testing)                  1.8    2.4
Engineering Services (Environmental Engng.)                2.4    2.6
Business Services                                          5.8    6.4
Other Industries                                           3.9    4.8
                          CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                12
How much money do Chemical
   Engineers make? Starting salaries (USA)
  The National Association of Colleges and
  Employers (NACE) reported that, between Sept
  1999 - Jan 2000, the average starting salary offer
  made to graduating chemical engineering students
  in the USA was:
• $49,418 with a Bachelor's degree
• $56,100 with a Master's degree
• $68,491 with a Ph.D.

                  CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   13
What is an Industrial Chemist?
• Industrial Chemists are Applied Scientists.
• Typically, they undertake optimization of complex
  processes, but unlike engineers, they examine
  and change the chemistry of the process itself.
• Industrial Chemists are capable of fulfilling a
  multiplicity of roles - as research scientists,
  development chemists, technical representatives
  and as plant/company managers.

                  CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry    14
Early Industrial Chemistry
• As the Industrial Revolution (18th Century to the
  present) steamed along certain basic chemicals quickly
  became necessary to sustain growth.
• Sulfuric acid was first among these "industrial chemicals".
  It was said that a nation's industrial might could be gauged
  solely by the vigor of its sulfuric acid industry
• With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that English
  industrialists spent a lot of time, money, and effort in
  attempts to improve their processes for making sulfuric
  acid. A slight savings in production led to large profits
  because of the vast quantities of sulfuric acid consumed by

                     CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry         15
•   The German chemical industry experienced a period of rapid growth during the
    19th Century. It was focused on the production of fine chemicals or complicated
    dyestuffs based on coal tar. These were usually made in batch reactors
    (something all chemists are familiar with). Hence, their approach to running a
    chemical plant was based on teaming research chemists and mechanical
•   However, the English and American chemical industries produced only a few
    simple but widely used chemicals such as sulfuric acid and alkali (both made
    in continuous reactors, something chemists have little experience with). These
    bulk chemicals were produced using straightforward chemistry, but required
    complex engineering on a large scale. The chemical reactors were no longer
    just big pots, instead they involved complex plumbing systems where chemistry
    and engineering were inseparably tied together. Because of this, the chemical
    and engineering aspects of production could not be easily divided; as they were
    in Germany.

                           CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                     16
• Economics drives industry and
  technological developments.
• Sulfuric Acid (Oil of Vitriol) & "Fuming"
  Sulfuric Acid (Oleum) (H2SO4)
• Required for the production of alkali salts
  (used in fertilizers) and dyestuffs

                CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   17
Lead Chamber Process
• 1749 John Roebuck developed the process to make
  relatively concentrated (30-70%) sulfuric acid in lead lined
  chambers rather than the more expensive glass vessels.
• air, water, sulfur dioxide, a nitrate (potassium, sodium, or
  calcium nitrate, and a large lead container.

                     CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry         18
• The nitrate was the most expensive ingredient because
  during the final stage of the process, it was lost to the
  atmosphere (in the form of nitric oxide).
• Additional nitrate (sodium nitrate) was imported from
  Chile - costly!
• In 1859, John Glover helped solve this problem with a
  mass transfer tower to recover some of this lost nitrate.
  Acid trickled down against upward flowing burner gases
  which absorbed some of the previously lost nitric oxide.
  When the gases were recycled back into the lead chamber
  the nitric oxide could be re-used.

                    CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry        19
CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   20
•   Notice how sulfuric acid production closely mirrors historical events effecting the American economy.
•   Sulfuric acid production dropped after the American involvement in World War I (1917-1919) and open world trade
•   The stock market crash of 1929 further stagnated growth which was restored at the outbreak of
•   World War II (1938). As the U.S. entered the war (1941) economy was rapidly brought up to full production
•   The post war period (1940-1965) saw the greatest economic growth in America's history, and this was reflected in
    ever increasing sulfuric acid production.
•   Massive inflation during the late sixties and the energy crisis and economic recession of the early seventies also
    reveal themselves in the sulfuric acid curve

                                       CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                                                             21
                                              Figure 1-1, Source: "US Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics from Colonial Times to 1970."
Making soap – a luxury
• It has been suggested that some form of soap, made by boiling fat with
  ashes, was being made in Babylon as early as 2800BC, but probably
  used only for washing garments.

• Pliny the Elder (7BC–53AD) mentions that soap was being produced
  from tallow and beech ashes by the Phoenicians in 600BC.
• Oils or fats are boiled with alkali in a reaction which produces soap
  and glycerin
• Saponification is hydrolysis of an ester under basic conditions, forming
  an alcohol and salt
• Soap acts to reduce surface tension (surfactant) of water to make it
  “wetter” and emulsifiying dirt (holding it in suspension)

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                 22
                                 Na2CO3 was used

CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                23
• 1700’s the demand for soap increased due to washing of clothes,
  requiring Na2CO3
• The Alkali compounds, Soda ash (Na 2CO3) and potash (K2CO3),
  were used in making glass, soap, and textiles and were therefore in
  great demand.
• This alkali was imported to France from Spanish and Irish peasants
  who burned seaweed and New England settlers who burned brush,
  both to recover the ash
• At the end of the 1700's, English trees became scarce and the only
  native source of soda ash in the British Isles was kelp (seaweed).
• Alkali imported from America in the form of wood ashes (potash),
  Spain in the form of barilla (a plant containing 25% alkali), or from
  soda mined in Egypt, were all very expensive due to high shipping

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                   24
King Louis XVI of France offered an award (equivalent
                to half a million dollars) to anyone who could turn NaCl
                (common table salt) into Na2CO3 because French access
                to these raw materials was threatened.

• Nicolas Leblanc was a poor young man working in a
  chemistry research lab established by the wealthiest man in
  France, the Duke of Orleans.
• It took Leblanc 5 years to stumble upon the idea of
  reacting NaCl with sulfuric acid to form sodium sulfate,
  and then converting to sodium carbonate with limestone.
• In 1789 he went to collect his prize…unfortunately this
  was during the time of the French Revolution.
• A factory was built, but the Duke was executed and the
  factory seized.
                     CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                 25
Alkali and the Le Blanc Process
• Dependence on imported soda ended with the Le Blanc Process which
  converted common salt into soda ash using sulfuric acid, limestone
  and coal as feedstock (raw materials) and produced hydrochloric acid
  as a by-product.

• 2 NaCl (salt) + H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) => Na2SO4 (saltcake,
  intermediate) + 2 HCl (hydrochloric acid gas, a horrible waste product)
• Na2SO4 (saltcake) + Ca2CO3 (calcium carbonate, limestone) + 4 C(s)
  (coal) => Na2CO3 (soda ash extracted from black ash) + CaS (dirty
  calcium sulfide waste) + 4 CO (carbon monoxide)

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                26
Alkali and the Le Blanc Process
• In many ways, this process began the modern chemical industry.
• From its adoption in 1810 it was continually improved over the next 80
  years through elaborate engineering efforts mainly directed at
  recovering or reducing the terrible by-products of the process, namely:
  hydrochloric acid, nitrogen oxides, sulfur, manganese, and chlorine
• Indeed because of these polluting chemicals many manufacturing sites
  were surrounded by a ring of dead and dying grass and trees.

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                27
Alkali and the Le Blanc Process
A petition against the Le Blanc Process in 1839 complained that:
"the gas from these manufactories is of such a deleterious
nature as to blight everything within its influence, and is
alike baneful to health and property. The herbage of the
fields in their vicinity is scorched, the gardens neither yield
fruit nor vegetables; many flourishing trees have lately
become rotten naked sticks. Cattle and poultry droop and
pine away. It tarnishes the furniture in our houses, and when
we are exposed to it, which is of frequent occurrence, we
are afflicted with coughs and pains in the head...all of
which we attribute to the Alkali works."

                     CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                28
CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   29
Soda Ash and the Solvay Process
• In 1873 a new process - the Solvay Process - replaced Le Blanc's
  method for producing Alkali.
• The process was perfected in 1863 by a Belgian chemist, Ernest
  Solvay. The chemistry was based upon an old discovery by A. J.
  Fresnel who in 1811 had shown that Sodium Bicarbonate could be
  precipitated from a salt solution containing ammonium bicarbonate.
• This chemistry was far simpler than that devised by Le Blanc, however
  to be used on an industrial scale many engineering obstacles had to be
  overcome. Sixty years of attempted scale-up had failed until Solvay
  finally succeeded. Solvay's contribution was therefore one of
  chemical engineering.

                        CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                30
Soda Ash and the Solvay Process
• The heart of his design was an 80 foot tall high-efficiency
  carbonating tower in which ammoniated brine trickled down and
  carbon dioxide flowed up. Plates and bubble caps created a large
  surface area (contacting area) over which the two chemicals could
  react forming sodium bicarbonate.
• Solvay's engineering resulted in a continuously operating process
  free of hazardous by-products and with an easily purified final
• By 1880 it was evident that it would rapidly replace the traditional Le
  Blanc Process.

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                 31
The dawn of Chemical Engineering
• English industrialists spent a lot of time, money, and effort in attempts
  to improve their processes for making bulk chemicals because a slight
  savings in production led to large profits because of the vast quantities
  of sulfuric acid consumed by industry.
• The term "chemical engineer" had been floating around technical
  circles throughout the 1880's, but there was no formal education for
  such a person.
• The "chemical engineer" of these years was either a mechanical
  engineer who had gained some knowledge of chemical process
  equipment, a chemical plant foreman with a lifetime of experience but
  little education, or an applied chemist with knowledge of large scale
  industrial chemical reactions.

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                  32
The dawn of Chemical Engineering
• In 1887 George Davis, an Alkali Inspector from the "Midland" region
  of England molded his knowledge into a series of 12 lectures on
  chemical engineering, which he presented at the Manchester
  Technical School. This chemical engineering course was organized
  around individual chemical operations, later to be called “unit
  operations”. Davis explored these operations empirically and
  presented operating practices employed by the British chemical

                        CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry              33
A new profession “Chemical
• For all intents and purposes the chemical engineering profession began
  in 1888 when Professor Lewis Norton of the Massachusetts
  Institute of Technology (MIT) initiated the first four year bachelor
  program in chemical engineering entitled "Course X" (ten). Soon
  other colleges, such as the University of Pennsylvania and Tulane
  University followed MIT's lead in 1892 and 1894 respectively.

                        CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                34
First US Chemical Engineering
• 1888, Lewis M. Norton at MIT, as part of
  Chemistry Department.
• In response to rapid rise of the industrial
  chemical industries.
• Based on descriptive industrial chemistry,
  of salt, potash, sulfuric acid, soap, coal.
• Graduates lacked concepts and tools to
  solve new problems in the emerging
  petroleum and organic chemical industries.
               CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   35
First Canadian Chemical
              Engineering education
•   1878 Toronto (Analytical and Applied Chemistry)
•   1902 Queen’s (Department of Chemical Engineering)
•   1904 Toronto (Department of ChE and Applied Chemistry)
•   1912 Ecole Polytechnique (from “Diploma d’ingenieur-chimiste”
         granted through Laval)
•   1942 Ecole Polytechnique (Industrial Chemistry)
•   1958 Ecole Polytechnique (Department of chemical Engineering)

•   1914 McGill
•   1915 UBC
•   1926 Alberta
•   1934 Saskatchewan
•   1940 Laval
•   (Nova Scotia Technical College 1947)

                           CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry           36
A new profession “Chemical
• From its beginning chemical engineering was tailored to fulfill the
  needs of the chemical industry which, in the USA, was mostly based
  on petroleum derived feedstocks. Competition between manufacturers
  was brutal, and all strove to be the "low cost producer." However, to
  stay ahead of the pack chemical plants had to be optimized. This
  necessitated things such as; continuously operating reactors (as
  opposed to batch operation), recycling and recovery of unreacted
  reactants, and cost effective purification of products. These advances
  in-turn required plumbing systems (for which traditional chemists
  where unprepared) and detailed physical chemistry knowledge
  (unbeknownst to mechanical engineers). The new chemical engineers
  were capable of designing and operating the increasingly complex
  chemical operations which were rapidly emerging.

                        CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                37
Unit operations
• In transforming matter from inexpensive raw materials to highly
  desired products, chemical engineers became very familiar with the
  physical and chemical operations necessary in this metamorphosis.
• Examples of this include:
   – filtration
   – drying
   – distillation
   – crystallization
   – grinding
   – sedimentation                          Physical
   – combustion
   – catalysis
                                     Chemical operations
   – heat exchange
   – coating, and so on.

                        CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                 38
Unit Operations
• These "unit operations" repeatedly found their way into
  industrial practice, and became a convenient manner of
  organizing chemical engineering knowledge.
• Additionally, the knowledge gained concerning a "unit
  operation" governing one set of materials can easily be
  applied to others
• driving a car is driving a car no matter what the make .
• So, whether one is distilling alcohol for hard liquor or
  petroleum for gasoline, the underlying principles are the

                    CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry        39
Unit operations
• The "unit operations" concept had been latent in the chemical
  engineering profession ever since George Davis had organized his
  original 12 lectures around the topic.
• But, it was Arthur Little who first recognized the potential of using
  “Unit Operations" to separate chemical engineering from other
• While mechanical engineers focused on machinery, and industrial
  chemists concerned themselves with products, and applied chemists
  studied individual reactions, no one, before chemical engineers, had
  concentrated upon the underlying processes common to all chemical
  products, reactions, and machinery. The chemical engineer, utilizing
  the conceptual tool that was unit operations, could now make claim to
  industrial territory by showing his or her uniqueness and worth to the
  American chemical manufacturer.

                        CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                40
Paradigm: a pattern or model
    Paradigm is a constellation that defines a
    profession and an intellectual discipline

– Firm theoretical foundations, triumphant applications to
  solve important problems
– Universities agree on core subjects taught to all
  students, standard textbooks and handbooks,
  accreditation of degrees
– Professional societies and journals
– Organize research directions - what is a good research
  problem, and what are legitimate methods of solution?

                 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry         41
Chemical engineering paradigms

  Pre-paradigm - engineers with no formal
1. The first paradigm - Unit Operations, 1923
2. The second paradigm - Transport Phenomena, 1960
3. The third paradigm - ?

                   CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry    42
• Fire (300,000 BC) as the first chemical technology
   – Led to pyro-technologies: cooking, pottery, metallurgy,
     glass, reaction engineering

• Chemical technology as empirical art, with no
  reliable scientific foundation or formally educated
• Ecole des Ponts et Chausee, 1736, first modern
  engineering school.
                    CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry         43
The first paradigm
• Arthur D. Little, industrialist and chair of
  visiting committee of chemical engineering
  at MIT, wrote report in 1908
    “Unit Operations should be the foundation of
               chemical engineering”

• First textbook Walker-Lewis-McAdams
  “Principles of Chemical Engineering” 1923

                CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry     44
The first paradigm: early success
• Became
  – core of chemical engineering curriculum, unit
    operations, stoichiometry, thermodynamics
  – principle to organize useful knowledge
  – inspiration for research to fill in the gaps in
• Effective in problem solving
  – graduates have a toolbox to solve processing
    problems in oil distillation, petrochemical, new
                 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry       45
The first paradigm: later
• World War II creation of new technologies by
  scientists without engineering education: atomic
  bomb, radar.
• Engineering students needed to master new
  concepts and tools in chemistry and physics.
• Unit Operations no longer created streams of
  exciting new research problems that were
  challenging to professors and students, and useful
  in industry.
                  CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   46
The second paradigm
• First textbook “Transport Phenomena” by Bird-
  Stewart-Lightfoot, 1960, based on kinetic theory
  of gases

                 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry      47
The second paradigm
• Textbook by Amundson
  “Mathematical Methods in
  Chemical Engineering”,
• A new burst of creative
  research activities.
• American chemical
  industry dominated world,
  DuPont and Exxon
  content to recruit
  academically educated
  graduates, willing to teach
  them technology.
                    CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   48
The second paradigm: early
• The Engineering Science movement
  became dominant in the US, and was taught
  at all the leading universities.
• AIChE accreditation requires differential
  equations, transport phenomena.
• Research funding agencies and journals turn
  their backs on empirical and qualitative
  research as “old fashioned”.

               CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   49
Chemical Engineering
•   Production of Synthetic Ammonia and Fertilizers,
•   Production of petrochemicals,
•   Commercial-scale production of antibiotics (biotechnology/ pharmaceuticals),
•   Establishment of the plastics industry,
•   Establishment of the synthetic fiber industry,
•   Establishment of the synthetic rubber industry,
•   Electrolytic production of Aluminum,
•   Energy production and the development of new sources of energy,
•   Production of fissionable isotopes,
•   Production of IT products (storage devices, microelectronics, ultraclean
•   Artificial organs and biomedical devices,
•   Food processing,
•   Process Simulation tools.

                            CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                     50
Undergraduate curriculum
• Designed to provide students with a broad background in the
  underlying sciences of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
• Detailed knowledge of engineering principles and practices, along
  with a good appreciation of social and economic factors
• Laboratory involvement is an important component
   – Develop team work skills,
   – Development of problem-identification and problem-solving skills.
• Stress the preparation of students for independent work and
  development of interpersonal skills necessary for professional

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry               51
Undergraduate curriculum
• Elective courses provide an opportunity to obtain additional training in
  areas of emphasis:
   – Environment
   – Computers and Process Control
   – Energy
   – Biotechnology
   – Petroleum
   – Research & Development

                         CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                 52
• Basic Sciences
   – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
• Engineering Sciences
   – Thermodynamics (Heat, work, phase equilibrium, chemical
   – Transport Phenomena (heat transfer, fluid mechanics, mass
   – Numerical Analysis
• Engineering Design
   – Computer-Aided Design
   – Chemical Reaction Engineering
   – Separation Processes
   – Process Control
   – Process Design
                       CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry            53
Co-operative education
•   Co-operative education integrates on-campus studies with practical work experience
     –   Results in a degree solidly grounded in both theory and practice
     –   Acquiring skills that are complementary to academic training
     –   Facilitates getting a desirable job upon graduation (50% of jobs are not advertised)

•   Co-op is a challenging and rewarding way to earn your degree and the necessary work
    experience to gain an edge on the career market at graduation

                        FALL         WINTER       SUMMER
     Year 1             AT1          AT2          FREE
     Year 2             AT3          AT4          FREE
     Year 3             WT1          AT5          WT2
     Year 4             AT6          WT3          WT4
     Year 5             AT7          AT8

•   Students also have the ability to do a 12 or 16 month internship in which all work terms
    are done at once
                                   CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                               54
Skills required
• Technical skills are vital.
     – But all employees will have a high level of technical competence
       (otherwise they aren’t employed for long).
•    “Soft Skills” advance careers
     – Leadership (self motivated),
     – Ability to work in groups,
     – Communication
    With such a broad education, Chemical Engineers are well prepared to
    address problems involving all types of changes to the physical and/or
    chemical state of materials.

                          CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry                  55
Chemical Engineering: New
• Phasing out of formerly successful products: tetra-ethyl
  lead, DDT, cellophane, freon or CFC.
• End of the parade of new polymers: celluloid, bakelite,
  nylon, kevlar.
• To attract the best students, the lure of new products to
  enhance lives - laptop computers, cellular phone and
• Cost-cutting and environmental protection is no match for
  glamorous new products.
• We need to give chemical engineers the intellectual
  toolbox, to innovate exciting new products that people will
  learn to love.

                     CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry         56
Product Engineering: a third
• Product engineering is innovation and design of
  useful products that people want
   – 1. Define a product, study the customers &
   – 2. Understand property-structure
   – 3. Design and innovate the product

                 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry     57
How do I find out more information?
• IChemE

• Join the student chapter of CSChE
• Talk to Chemical Engineers
• Read Chemical Engineering magazines
              CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry   58

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1 -a_history_of_ch_e

  • 1. A History of Chemical Engineering CHEE 2404
  • 2. What is a Chemical Engineer? a) An Engineer who manufactures chemicals b) A Chemist who works in a factory c) A glorified Plumber? CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 2
  • 3. None of the above • No universally accepted definition of ChE. • However, aimed towards design of processes that change materials from one form to another more useful (and so more valuable) form, economically, safely and in an environmentally acceptable way. • Application of basic sciences (math, chemistry, physics & biology) and engineering principles to the development, design, operation & maintenance of processes to convert raw materials to useful products and improve the human environment. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 3
  • 4. Chemical Engineering • ChE involves specifying equipment, operating conditions, instrumentation and process control for all these changes. Chemistry Air Mathematics Natural Gas Coal Economics Minerals Energy Physics Biology CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 4
  • 5. What are the fields of Ch E? The traditional fields of ChE are: • petrochemicals, petroleum and natural gas processing • plastics and polymers • pulp and paper • instrumentation and process control • energy conversion and utilisation • environmental control CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 5
  • 6. What are the fields of Ch E? • Biotechnology • Biomedical and Biochemical • food processing • composite materials, corrosion and protective coatings • manufacture of microelectronic components • Pharmaceuticals CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 6
  • 7. What do Chemical Engineers do? • Regarding Engineers: it is not what we do, but how we think about the world, that makes us different. We use all that we know to produce the best solution to a problem (problems that engineers face usually have more than one solution). • Engineers use techniques of Quantitative Engineering Analysis to design/synthesize products (materials, devices), services, and processes even though they have an imperfect understanding of chemical, physical, biological, or human factors affecting them. • Engineers operate under the constraint of producing a product or service that is timely, competitive, reliable, within the financial means of their company, and is consistent with its philosophy. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 7
  • 8. What do Chemical Engineers do? Thus, they are involved in a wide range of activities such as: • design, development and operation of process plants • research and development of novel products and processes • management of technical operations and sales CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 8
  • 9. • Chemical engineer is either currently, or has previously, occupied the CEO position for: 3M Dow Chemical Du Pont Exxon General Electric BASF Union Carbide Gulf Oil Texaco B.F. Goodrich CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 9
  • 10. Where do Chemical Engineers work? The majority of Chemical Engineers work in businesses known collectively as the Chemical Process Industries (CPI) – Chemicals, – Oil and Gas (upstream and downstream) – Pulp and Paper, – Rubber and Plastics, – Food and Beverage, – Textile, – Electronics/IT – Metals, mineral processing – Electronics and microelectronics – Agricultural Chemicals Industries – Cosmetics/ Pharmaceutical – Biotechnology/Biomedical – Environmental, technical, and business consulting CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 10
  • 11. Where do Chemical Engineers work? • Many Chemical Engineers also work in supplier, consulting and governmental agencies related to the CPI by engaging in equipment manufacture, plant design, consulting, analytical services and standards development. • Chemical Engineers hold lead positions in industrial firms and governmental agencies concerned with environmental protection since environmental problems are usually complex and require a thorough knowledge of the Social Sciences, Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry for their resolution. • Chemical engineers have been referred to as “universal engineers.” CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 11
  • 12. Where do Chemical Engineers work? Initial placement of 2001/1999 graduates (USA) Chemical 23.3 26.7 Fuels 15.7 12.6 Electronics 15.9 15.6 Food/Consumer Prods. 10.6 11.4 Materials 3.1 3.3 Biotech & Related Inds. 9.3 6.9 Pulp & paper 2.1 2.4 Engineering Services (Design & Construction) 5.6 4.8 Engineering Services (Research & Testing) 1.8 2.4 Engineering Services (Environmental Engng.) 2.4 2.6 Business Services 5.8 6.4 Other Industries 3.9 4.8 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 12
  • 13. How much money do Chemical Engineers make? Starting salaries (USA) The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) reported that, between Sept 1999 - Jan 2000, the average starting salary offer made to graduating chemical engineering students in the USA was: • $49,418 with a Bachelor's degree • $56,100 with a Master's degree • $68,491 with a Ph.D. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 13
  • 14. What is an Industrial Chemist? • Industrial Chemists are Applied Scientists. • Typically, they undertake optimization of complex processes, but unlike engineers, they examine and change the chemistry of the process itself. • Industrial Chemists are capable of fulfilling a multiplicity of roles - as research scientists, development chemists, technical representatives and as plant/company managers. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 14
  • 15. Early Industrial Chemistry • As the Industrial Revolution (18th Century to the present) steamed along certain basic chemicals quickly became necessary to sustain growth. • Sulfuric acid was first among these "industrial chemicals". It was said that a nation's industrial might could be gauged solely by the vigor of its sulfuric acid industry • With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that English industrialists spent a lot of time, money, and effort in attempts to improve their processes for making sulfuric acid. A slight savings in production led to large profits because of the vast quantities of sulfuric acid consumed by industry. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 15
  • 16. The German chemical industry experienced a period of rapid growth during the 19th Century. It was focused on the production of fine chemicals or complicated dyestuffs based on coal tar. These were usually made in batch reactors (something all chemists are familiar with). Hence, their approach to running a chemical plant was based on teaming research chemists and mechanical engineers. • However, the English and American chemical industries produced only a few simple but widely used chemicals such as sulfuric acid and alkali (both made in continuous reactors, something chemists have little experience with). These bulk chemicals were produced using straightforward chemistry, but required complex engineering on a large scale. The chemical reactors were no longer just big pots, instead they involved complex plumbing systems where chemistry and engineering were inseparably tied together. Because of this, the chemical and engineering aspects of production could not be easily divided; as they were in Germany. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 16
  • 17. • Economics drives industry and technological developments. • Sulfuric Acid (Oil of Vitriol) & "Fuming" Sulfuric Acid (Oleum) (H2SO4) • Required for the production of alkali salts (used in fertilizers) and dyestuffs CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 17
  • 18. Lead Chamber Process • 1749 John Roebuck developed the process to make relatively concentrated (30-70%) sulfuric acid in lead lined chambers rather than the more expensive glass vessels. • air, water, sulfur dioxide, a nitrate (potassium, sodium, or calcium nitrate, and a large lead container. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 18
  • 19. • The nitrate was the most expensive ingredient because during the final stage of the process, it was lost to the atmosphere (in the form of nitric oxide). • Additional nitrate (sodium nitrate) was imported from Chile - costly! • In 1859, John Glover helped solve this problem with a mass transfer tower to recover some of this lost nitrate. Acid trickled down against upward flowing burner gases which absorbed some of the previously lost nitric oxide. When the gases were recycled back into the lead chamber the nitric oxide could be re-used. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 19
  • 21. Notice how sulfuric acid production closely mirrors historical events effecting the American economy. • Sulfuric acid production dropped after the American involvement in World War I (1917-1919) and open world trade resumed. • The stock market crash of 1929 further stagnated growth which was restored at the outbreak of • World War II (1938). As the U.S. entered the war (1941) economy was rapidly brought up to full production capacity. • The post war period (1940-1965) saw the greatest economic growth in America's history, and this was reflected in ever increasing sulfuric acid production. • Massive inflation during the late sixties and the energy crisis and economic recession of the early seventies also reveal themselves in the sulfuric acid curve CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 21 Figure 1-1, Source: "US Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics from Colonial Times to 1970."
  • 22. Making soap – a luxury • It has been suggested that some form of soap, made by boiling fat with ashes, was being made in Babylon as early as 2800BC, but probably used only for washing garments. • Pliny the Elder (7BC–53AD) mentions that soap was being produced from tallow and beech ashes by the Phoenicians in 600BC. • Oils or fats are boiled with alkali in a reaction which produces soap and glycerin • Saponification is hydrolysis of an ester under basic conditions, forming an alcohol and salt • Soap acts to reduce surface tension (surfactant) of water to make it “wetter” and emulsifiying dirt (holding it in suspension) CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 22
  • 23. Historically, Na2CO3 was used CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 23
  • 24. • 1700’s the demand for soap increased due to washing of clothes, requiring Na2CO3 • The Alkali compounds, Soda ash (Na 2CO3) and potash (K2CO3), were used in making glass, soap, and textiles and were therefore in great demand. • This alkali was imported to France from Spanish and Irish peasants who burned seaweed and New England settlers who burned brush, both to recover the ash • At the end of the 1700's, English trees became scarce and the only native source of soda ash in the British Isles was kelp (seaweed). • Alkali imported from America in the form of wood ashes (potash), Spain in the form of barilla (a plant containing 25% alkali), or from soda mined in Egypt, were all very expensive due to high shipping costs. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 24
  • 25. King Louis XVI of France offered an award (equivalent to half a million dollars) to anyone who could turn NaCl (common table salt) into Na2CO3 because French access to these raw materials was threatened. • Nicolas Leblanc was a poor young man working in a chemistry research lab established by the wealthiest man in France, the Duke of Orleans. • It took Leblanc 5 years to stumble upon the idea of reacting NaCl with sulfuric acid to form sodium sulfate, and then converting to sodium carbonate with limestone. • In 1789 he went to collect his prize…unfortunately this was during the time of the French Revolution. • A factory was built, but the Duke was executed and the factory seized. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 25
  • 26. Alkali and the Le Blanc Process • Dependence on imported soda ended with the Le Blanc Process which converted common salt into soda ash using sulfuric acid, limestone and coal as feedstock (raw materials) and produced hydrochloric acid as a by-product. • 2 NaCl (salt) + H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) => Na2SO4 (saltcake, intermediate) + 2 HCl (hydrochloric acid gas, a horrible waste product) • Na2SO4 (saltcake) + Ca2CO3 (calcium carbonate, limestone) + 4 C(s) (coal) => Na2CO3 (soda ash extracted from black ash) + CaS (dirty calcium sulfide waste) + 4 CO (carbon monoxide) CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 26
  • 27. Alkali and the Le Blanc Process • In many ways, this process began the modern chemical industry. • From its adoption in 1810 it was continually improved over the next 80 years through elaborate engineering efforts mainly directed at recovering or reducing the terrible by-products of the process, namely: hydrochloric acid, nitrogen oxides, sulfur, manganese, and chlorine gas. • Indeed because of these polluting chemicals many manufacturing sites were surrounded by a ring of dead and dying grass and trees. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 27
  • 28. Alkali and the Le Blanc Process A petition against the Le Blanc Process in 1839 complained that: "the gas from these manufactories is of such a deleterious nature as to blight everything within its influence, and is alike baneful to health and property. The herbage of the fields in their vicinity is scorched, the gardens neither yield fruit nor vegetables; many flourishing trees have lately become rotten naked sticks. Cattle and poultry droop and pine away. It tarnishes the furniture in our houses, and when we are exposed to it, which is of frequent occurrence, we are afflicted with coughs and pains in the head...all of which we attribute to the Alkali works." CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 28
  • 30. Soda Ash and the Solvay Process • In 1873 a new process - the Solvay Process - replaced Le Blanc's method for producing Alkali. • The process was perfected in 1863 by a Belgian chemist, Ernest Solvay. The chemistry was based upon an old discovery by A. J. Fresnel who in 1811 had shown that Sodium Bicarbonate could be precipitated from a salt solution containing ammonium bicarbonate. • This chemistry was far simpler than that devised by Le Blanc, however to be used on an industrial scale many engineering obstacles had to be overcome. Sixty years of attempted scale-up had failed until Solvay finally succeeded. Solvay's contribution was therefore one of chemical engineering. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 30
  • 31. Soda Ash and the Solvay Process • The heart of his design was an 80 foot tall high-efficiency carbonating tower in which ammoniated brine trickled down and carbon dioxide flowed up. Plates and bubble caps created a large surface area (contacting area) over which the two chemicals could react forming sodium bicarbonate. • Solvay's engineering resulted in a continuously operating process free of hazardous by-products and with an easily purified final product. • By 1880 it was evident that it would rapidly replace the traditional Le Blanc Process. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 31
  • 32. The dawn of Chemical Engineering • English industrialists spent a lot of time, money, and effort in attempts to improve their processes for making bulk chemicals because a slight savings in production led to large profits because of the vast quantities of sulfuric acid consumed by industry. • The term "chemical engineer" had been floating around technical circles throughout the 1880's, but there was no formal education for such a person. • The "chemical engineer" of these years was either a mechanical engineer who had gained some knowledge of chemical process equipment, a chemical plant foreman with a lifetime of experience but little education, or an applied chemist with knowledge of large scale industrial chemical reactions. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 32
  • 33. The dawn of Chemical Engineering • In 1887 George Davis, an Alkali Inspector from the "Midland" region of England molded his knowledge into a series of 12 lectures on chemical engineering, which he presented at the Manchester Technical School. This chemical engineering course was organized around individual chemical operations, later to be called “unit operations”. Davis explored these operations empirically and presented operating practices employed by the British chemical industry. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 33
  • 34. A new profession “Chemical Engineering” • For all intents and purposes the chemical engineering profession began in 1888 when Professor Lewis Norton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) initiated the first four year bachelor program in chemical engineering entitled "Course X" (ten). Soon other colleges, such as the University of Pennsylvania and Tulane University followed MIT's lead in 1892 and 1894 respectively. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 34
  • 35. First US Chemical Engineering education • 1888, Lewis M. Norton at MIT, as part of Chemistry Department. • In response to rapid rise of the industrial chemical industries. • Based on descriptive industrial chemistry, of salt, potash, sulfuric acid, soap, coal. • Graduates lacked concepts and tools to solve new problems in the emerging petroleum and organic chemical industries. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 35
  • 36. First Canadian Chemical Engineering education • 1878 Toronto (Analytical and Applied Chemistry) • 1902 Queen’s (Department of Chemical Engineering) • 1904 Toronto (Department of ChE and Applied Chemistry) • 1912 Ecole Polytechnique (from “Diploma d’ingenieur-chimiste” granted through Laval) • 1942 Ecole Polytechnique (Industrial Chemistry) • 1958 Ecole Polytechnique (Department of chemical Engineering) • 1914 McGill • 1915 UBC • 1926 Alberta • 1934 Saskatchewan • 1940 Laval • (Nova Scotia Technical College 1947) CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 36
  • 37. A new profession “Chemical Engineering” • From its beginning chemical engineering was tailored to fulfill the needs of the chemical industry which, in the USA, was mostly based on petroleum derived feedstocks. Competition between manufacturers was brutal, and all strove to be the "low cost producer." However, to stay ahead of the pack chemical plants had to be optimized. This necessitated things such as; continuously operating reactors (as opposed to batch operation), recycling and recovery of unreacted reactants, and cost effective purification of products. These advances in-turn required plumbing systems (for which traditional chemists where unprepared) and detailed physical chemistry knowledge (unbeknownst to mechanical engineers). The new chemical engineers were capable of designing and operating the increasingly complex chemical operations which were rapidly emerging. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 37
  • 38. Unit operations • In transforming matter from inexpensive raw materials to highly desired products, chemical engineers became very familiar with the physical and chemical operations necessary in this metamorphosis. • Examples of this include: – filtration – drying – distillation – crystallization – grinding – sedimentation Physical – combustion – catalysis Chemical operations – heat exchange – coating, and so on. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 38
  • 39. Unit Operations • These "unit operations" repeatedly found their way into industrial practice, and became a convenient manner of organizing chemical engineering knowledge. • Additionally, the knowledge gained concerning a "unit operation" governing one set of materials can easily be applied to others • driving a car is driving a car no matter what the make . • So, whether one is distilling alcohol for hard liquor or petroleum for gasoline, the underlying principles are the same! CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 39
  • 40. Unit operations • The "unit operations" concept had been latent in the chemical engineering profession ever since George Davis had organized his original 12 lectures around the topic. • But, it was Arthur Little who first recognized the potential of using “Unit Operations" to separate chemical engineering from other professions • While mechanical engineers focused on machinery, and industrial chemists concerned themselves with products, and applied chemists studied individual reactions, no one, before chemical engineers, had concentrated upon the underlying processes common to all chemical products, reactions, and machinery. The chemical engineer, utilizing the conceptual tool that was unit operations, could now make claim to industrial territory by showing his or her uniqueness and worth to the American chemical manufacturer. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 40
  • 41. Paradigm: a pattern or model Paradigm is a constellation that defines a profession and an intellectual discipline – Firm theoretical foundations, triumphant applications to solve important problems – Universities agree on core subjects taught to all students, standard textbooks and handbooks, accreditation of degrees – Professional societies and journals – Organize research directions - what is a good research problem, and what are legitimate methods of solution? CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 41
  • 42. Chemical engineering paradigms Pre-paradigm - engineers with no formal education 1. The first paradigm - Unit Operations, 1923 2. The second paradigm - Transport Phenomena, 1960 3. The third paradigm - ? CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 42
  • 43. Pre-paradigm • Fire (300,000 BC) as the first chemical technology – Led to pyro-technologies: cooking, pottery, metallurgy, glass, reaction engineering • Chemical technology as empirical art, with no reliable scientific foundation or formally educated engineers. • Ecole des Ponts et Chausee, 1736, first modern engineering school. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 43
  • 44. The first paradigm • Arthur D. Little, industrialist and chair of visiting committee of chemical engineering at MIT, wrote report in 1908 “Unit Operations should be the foundation of chemical engineering” • First textbook Walker-Lewis-McAdams “Principles of Chemical Engineering” 1923 CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 44
  • 45. The first paradigm: early success • Became – core of chemical engineering curriculum, unit operations, stoichiometry, thermodynamics – principle to organize useful knowledge – inspiration for research to fill in the gaps in knowledge • Effective in problem solving – graduates have a toolbox to solve processing problems in oil distillation, petrochemical, new polymers CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 45
  • 46. The first paradigm: later stagnation • World War II creation of new technologies by scientists without engineering education: atomic bomb, radar. • Engineering students needed to master new concepts and tools in chemistry and physics. • Unit Operations no longer created streams of exciting new research problems that were challenging to professors and students, and useful in industry. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 46
  • 47. The second paradigm • First textbook “Transport Phenomena” by Bird- Stewart-Lightfoot, 1960, based on kinetic theory of gases CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 47
  • 48. The second paradigm • Textbook by Amundson “Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering”, (1966). • A new burst of creative research activities. • American chemical industry dominated world, DuPont and Exxon content to recruit academically educated graduates, willing to teach them technology. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 48
  • 49. The second paradigm: early success • The Engineering Science movement became dominant in the US, and was taught at all the leading universities. • AIChE accreditation requires differential equations, transport phenomena. • Research funding agencies and journals turn their backs on empirical and qualitative research as “old fashioned”. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 49
  • 50. Chemical Engineering accomplishments • Production of Synthetic Ammonia and Fertilizers, • Production of petrochemicals, • Commercial-scale production of antibiotics (biotechnology/ pharmaceuticals), • Establishment of the plastics industry, • Establishment of the synthetic fiber industry, • Establishment of the synthetic rubber industry, • Electrolytic production of Aluminum, • Energy production and the development of new sources of energy, • Production of fissionable isotopes, • Production of IT products (storage devices, microelectronics, ultraclean environment), • Artificial organs and biomedical devices, • Food processing, • Process Simulation tools. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 50
  • 51. Undergraduate curriculum • Designed to provide students with a broad background in the underlying sciences of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics • Detailed knowledge of engineering principles and practices, along with a good appreciation of social and economic factors • Laboratory involvement is an important component – Develop team work skills, – Development of problem-identification and problem-solving skills. • Stress the preparation of students for independent work and development of interpersonal skills necessary for professional engineers. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 51
  • 52. Undergraduate curriculum • Elective courses provide an opportunity to obtain additional training in areas of emphasis: – Environment – Computers and Process Control – Energy – Biotechnology – Petroleum – Research & Development CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 52
  • 53. Curriculum • Basic Sciences – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry • Engineering Sciences – Thermodynamics (Heat, work, phase equilibrium, chemical equilibrium) – Transport Phenomena (heat transfer, fluid mechanics, mass transfer) – Numerical Analysis • Engineering Design – Computer-Aided Design – Chemical Reaction Engineering – Separation Processes – Process Control – Process Design CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 53
  • 54. Co-operative education • Co-operative education integrates on-campus studies with practical work experience – Results in a degree solidly grounded in both theory and practice – Acquiring skills that are complementary to academic training – Facilitates getting a desirable job upon graduation (50% of jobs are not advertised) • Co-op is a challenging and rewarding way to earn your degree and the necessary work experience to gain an edge on the career market at graduation FALL WINTER SUMMER Year 1 AT1 AT2 FREE Year 2 AT3 AT4 FREE Year 3 WT1 AT5 WT2 Year 4 AT6 WT3 WT4 Year 5 AT7 AT8 • Students also have the ability to do a 12 or 16 month internship in which all work terms are done at once CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 54
  • 55. Skills required • Technical skills are vital. – But all employees will have a high level of technical competence (otherwise they aren’t employed for long). • “Soft Skills” advance careers – Leadership (self motivated), – Ability to work in groups, – Communication With such a broad education, Chemical Engineers are well prepared to address problems involving all types of changes to the physical and/or chemical state of materials. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 55
  • 56. Chemical Engineering: New Directions? • Phasing out of formerly successful products: tetra-ethyl lead, DDT, cellophane, freon or CFC. • End of the parade of new polymers: celluloid, bakelite, nylon, kevlar. • To attract the best students, the lure of new products to enhance lives - laptop computers, cellular phone and internet. • Cost-cutting and environmental protection is no match for glamorous new products. • We need to give chemical engineers the intellectual toolbox, to innovate exciting new products that people will learn to love. CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 56
  • 57. Product Engineering: a third paradigm? • Product engineering is innovation and design of useful products that people want – 1. Define a product, study the customers & needs – 2. Understand property-structure – 3. Design and innovate the product CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 57
  • 58. How do I find out more information? • AIChE • CSChE • IChemE • Join the student chapter of CSChE • Talk to Chemical Engineers • Read Chemical Engineering magazines CHEE 2404:Industrial Chemistry 58