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Attack Trends 
Editors: Marcus Sachs, 
David Ahmad, 
providing the flexibility to imple-ment 
a variety of attacks based on 
time of day, day of year, and so on. 
There are different implemen-tations 
of CJ, the most basic of 
which exploits the passive Cascad-ing 
Style Sheets technology (CSS; intro-duced 
in 1993 to separate content 
and layout in WWW documents. 
In this article, we describe a prac-tical 
example of how an attacker 
can implement a CJ attack and 
discuss possible countermeasures. 
Attack Concept 
An attacker builds a CJ attack in 
three steps: 
1. The attacker creates a Web page 
(called a displayed page, or DP) 
including parts that look like 
the usual clickable objects, such 
as text hyperlinks or buttons. 
2. The attacker then creates a 
malicious page (called a hid-den 
page, or HP) including 
clickable objects whose posi-tion 
on the page fits perfectly 
with the previous ones. 
3. The attacker then displays the 
DPs on top of the HPs so that 
visitors to the page might de-cide 
to click on the DP’s fake 
hyperlink, thus clicking on 
a real HP hyperlink, which 
could be the starting point of 
an attack on the system. 
Figure 1a shows an example of a 
DP: this normal Web page presents 
information and words that could 
be hyperlinks (the Example words, 
in this case). No JavaScript or Flash 
scripts are embedded. Figure 1b 
shows how the attack is built via 
could correlate two document 
pages on different microfilm reels 
and scroll back and forth between 
them, as if they were on the same 
reel. This idea inspired Ted Nel-son, 
who applied its innovative 
concept to the Xanadu project 
in 1964 ( and 
Tim Berners-Lee, who went on to 
create the World Wide Web. To-day, 
hyperlinks are basic knowl-edge 
to any Internet user. 
Recently, attackers have dis-covered 
how to use hyperlinks to 
implement a security attack on 
our personal computers, a ruse 
called clickjacking (CJ). CJ doesn’t 
exploit a bug or a misconfigura-tion 
that might exist in a system, 
as in many other typical attacks, 
but instead exploits a Web page’s 
intrinsic capability to implement 
hyperlinks, a well-known and 
widespread feature in which al-most 
all of us trust, to date. 
The basic idea of CJ appeared 
at the Open Web Application Se-curity 
Project (OWASP) NYC 
AppSec conference in Septem-ber 
2008 and is fairly simple to 
launch. A normal Web page, dis-playing 
several “objects” that look 
like clickable hyperlinks, is fed to 
the user’s browser together with a 
page from the attacker that might 
be put “on top” of the normal 
Web page and made transparent 
or placed behind it and therefore 
not visible. In this work, we refer 
to the latter case because it’s more 
difficult to detect (which we’ll ex-plain 
later). The attacker page has 
real, clickable hyperlinks in the 
same position as the normal page. 
When the reader clicks on a hy-perlink 
on a “foreground” page, 
he or she unconsciously clicks on 
the background one, which could 
be the starting point of an attack 
on the communication’s security 
or on the whole local system’s. 
The CJ attack is similar to a 
more simple one based on a Web 
page with links pointing to URLs 
that differ from what the page text 
suggests. Nonetheless, the added 
complexity of building two pages 
(background and foreground) of-fers 
the attacker some advantages. 
As we’ll discuss in the remainder 
of the article, CJ is more difficult 
to detect because of this com-plexity. 
Automatic tools, such as 
Noscript ( for 
instance, usually check the load-ed 
Web page—the foreground 
page, in this case—looking for 
links to suspicious Web sites and 
don’t detect the background page. 
Moreover, the CJ attack might be 
configured by the attacker, modi-fying 
the background page at will, 
“As We May Think” (www.the is a 
popular essay that offers one of the 
first descriptions of the “hyper-link” 
concept, envisaging a microfilm reader machine that 
and Marco 
University of 
Frightened by Links
Attack Trends 73 
the HP. Here, the content can be 
anything—it’s not the content that 
matters—and the page has several 
hyperlinks that overlap perfectly 
with the DP’s Example words. 
Figure 2 shows the two pages dis-played 
on top of each other. 
In the example, when the user 
moves the mouse on top of the ini-tial 
letter E on the word Example 
on the DP, the mouse displays a 
clickable object (the pointer turns 
into the symbol used for clickable 
objects) because of the links in the 
HP. If the user clicks it, he or she 
expects to see a further page with 
the “Example” while it will acti-vate 
a link on the HP. The three 
links on the HP show three dif-ferent 
possible exploitations stem-ming 
from the CJ attack: 
• in “Example 1” the link launch-es 
JavaScript, which opens a 
small message window, as an ex-ample 
of CJ where a script could 
be launched without the user 
being aware of it; 
• in “Example 2” the link exe-cutes 
a normal search on Google 
but also sends the search phrase 
to a remote server that stores this 
information to, for instance, an-alyze 
the most searched words, 
again, without the user being 
aware of it; and 
• in “Example 3” the link sends a 
new cookie to the Web brows-er’s 
host, where a similar ap-proach 
could be used to steal 
cookies and possibly sensitive 
information about the user. 
How can the attacker display 
the DP overlapped on the HP in 
an undetectable way? This is due 
to the current features of HTML 
and CSS. An iframe is an HTML 
element used to create Web pages 
divided into different frames with 
different contents (more pages in a 
page). Frames are commonly used 
to place contents aside, but iframe 
(a) (b) 
Figure 1. The display page (DP) and hidden page (HP) implemented in the example at (a) DP shows a 
text describing the possible exploitation of the CJ attack, including a link to a more detailed explanation, and (b) HP shows a generic 
text with images that are the real clickable objects in the background of the fake links on the DP. 
Figure 2. The display page (DP) and hidden page (HP) are here overlapped, showing the 
correspondence between the words “Example” in the DP, looking like hyperlinks, and the 
images on the HP that are real clickable objects.
Attack Trends 
tags let contents overlap; thus, it’s 
possible to create a page made of 
two frames overlapping—the for-mer 
displaying the DP and the lat-ter 
displaying the HP. 
But just overlapping the two 
pages wouldn’t be enough to 
complete the ruse because the user 
would actually see both pages, 
one on top of the other as Figure 
2 shows. To fix this, the attacker 
uses CSS—thanks to its many 
presentation features, it’s pos-sible 
to completely hide the HP 
(by covering it with an opaque 
foreground) while still referring 
to it when clicking. This is done 
thanks to the z-index command, 
which gives the programmer the 
capability to reference the depth at 
which the cursor will be active. A 
negative argument of the z-index 
command, as in the code exam-ples 
of Figure 3, will set the cursor 
point of activity slightly behind 
the DP on the HP. 
In other words, the details of 
the attack that we present in the 
following section exploits some 
of the more recent features add-ed 
to the WWW protocols that 
aim to provide the presentation’s 
maximum flexibility and rich-ness. 
Developers use iframe exten-sively 
today, and the Web is full of 
sites, so it’s reasonable to 
assume that browsers will support 
them for a long time to come, so 
we should learn how to avoid this 
sort of attack. 
Hands-on Code 
In the Web pages implementing 
the example presented in Figures 
1 and 2, a suitable CSS is used, de-scribed 
in this section. The code 
in Figure 3 explains the main steps 
needed to build the attack page. 
In the DP’s HTML code, an 
iframe has been set up with the 
width, height, and scrolling set up 
as shown in Figure 3. Attackers use 
the width and height properties to 
make the positioning absolute in the 
fake page, while the scrolling prop-erty— 
set to “no”—avoids the pres-ence 
of scrolling bars in the back if 
the HP is longer than one page. 
Figure 4 shows a fragment 
of the CSS code. The class re-lated 
to the HP is backpage, 
which has the property opacity 
set to 0. This guarantees that the 
page will be invisible when load-ed 
on the iframe 
in the DP. The 
class refers to the 
fake visible page; this class has the 
opacity set to 1, guaranteeing the 
page’s visibility. The position set to 
absolute assures that every browser 
displays the page in the same posi-tion, 
avoiding bad alignments that 
could cause problems in the fake 
button position. The attacker’s 
code specifies position tags to fit 
the visible page to the hidden one. 
The most interesting CSS class 
is named clickjack. It posi-tions 
the fake clickable object (let-ter 
“E” of the word Example) over 
the true, hidden one (the buttons 
in the HP). The position set to ab-solute 
assures that every browser 
displays the fake link in the same 
position (top: 440 and left: 750) of 
the DP and the padding property 
sets the fake link box’s size. The 
z-index property is the most im-portant 
one. The fake link is only a 
span element (see Figure 5), and the 
span element isn’t really clickable, 
whereas the behind link really is. 
The negative z-index property in 
practice positions the user’s mouse 
pointer behind the fake link, on 
top of the real one in the HP. Con-sequently, 
the user is fooled because 
he or she sees the clickable symbol 
in the pointer when moving it on 
top of the fake link in the DP. 
Attack Implementation 
and Countermeasures 
Given that it’s possible to hide 
an HP behind a DP and steal 
clicks, we now turn our attention 
to how an attacker can imple-ment 
the attack to make a reader 
look at the DP, and to possible 
The CJ attack can be implemented 
in many different ways—the most 
straightforward is to set up a Web 
site and write a few Web pages 
with content of some interest for 
the general reader and place hyper-links 
between them. These pages 
will implement the CJ attack, in 
the sense that the writer (that is, 
the attacker) will include HPs be-hind 
them. The drawback here 
is that the attacker must be able 
to propose content of interest to 
bring lots of users to the Web site 
and make it somehow trackable. 
A more difficult-to-implement 
strategy is to crack an existing 
Web site that already has content 
attracting users and modify the re-lated 
Web pages to DPs with HPs 
behind. This requires skill and 
could be easily detected by the 
Web site administrator. 
Another approach leverages the 
fact that Web pages can be sent 
. . . . . 
<{ tt iframe } id =“attacksite” class= “covered page” width= “1000 ” 
height = “600”scrolling = “no” 
src = “http://www.—scanner/”> 
</{ tt iframe}> 
. . . . . 
. . . . . 
Figure 3. Fragment of the HTML code of the display page, where is set up the iframe that will 
be used to load the hidden page.
Attack Trends 75 
embedded in an email message. 
Most mail clients and Web mail-ers 
can show HTML content and 
therefore display the DP and the 
HP one over the other in the mes-sage’s 
body. The user who decided 
to click on a link in the DP will 
therefore do an action that has the 
same potential threat of clicking 
on an executable embedded in 
the mail message (usually used to 
launch viruses or Trojans). 
Now that the CJ attack is set 
up, what could be the attacker’s 
target? CJ can be used for many 
different purposes, including 
• phishing, in which the attacker 
steals the data inserted in a regis-tration 
form by sending them to 
himself rather than to the desti-nation 
appearing on the DP; 
• malicious JavaScript code insert-ed 
into the client machine, with 
the purpose of grabbing the 
victim’s cookies or performing 
some HTTP Request Smug-gling 
(HRS) attacks; and 
• launching a more complex secu-rity 
threat on the client machine, 
for instance, executing a port scan 
or accepting a cookie from a Web 
site without the user’s consent. 
A great “real-life” example comes 
from Guya.NET (http://blog. 
where the author made a simple 
online game that loaded back-ground 
Flash scripts, grabbed 
game clicks, and stole the Web 
camera stream. The game’s engine 
is a simple JavaScript that moves a 
fake button within a specific area; 
to win the game, the user has to 
click on the button as quickly as 
possible. The engine sometimes 
positions the button over hidden 
links, putting the z-index prop-erty 
“down” when the attacker 
wants to grab clicks. Unaware 
of all this, the user clicks on the 
button and enables the local Web 
camera to stream data to the at-tacker’s 
Web site. 
Note that the DP in the ex-ample 
is indexed by search en-gines 
and appears like a normal 
Web page (Figure1a), although it 
also appears on the result list for a 
search of “Example of Clickjack-ing” 
in Google (Figure 6). Any 
search engine working on a Web 
page’s content doesn’t have a rea-son 
to consider such a DP to be a 
threat because its content is quite 
normal. To understand that this 
page could be a threat to user se-curity, 
the search engine would 
have to be configured to look at 
the HTML code (in particular, 
the iframe and z-index tags). 
background-color: white; 
color: red; 
font-weight: bolt; 
font-size: 18px; 
position: absolute; 
top: 250px; 
left: -10px; 
z-index: -10; 
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; 
text-decoration: underline; 
background-color: white; 
color: red; 
font-weight: bolt; 
font-size: 18px; 
position: absolute; 
top: 250px; 
left: 100px; 
z-index: -10; 
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; 
width: 1000px; 
Figure 4. Example of HTML code for the Cascading Style Sheet of the Web pages implementing the clickjacking attack. 
<span class=”clickjack”> Example 1</span> 
<span class=”clickjackdescription”> The browser opens a javacript 
stored in another page (in the backgrounded one)</span> 
Figure 5. HTML code corresponding to one of the fake links in the displayed page. 
Figure 6. The displayed page of the example 
provided in this manuscript as indexed by Google 
when searching the words “Clickjacking Example.” 
It appears in the first results page returned by the 
Google search engine.
Attack Trends 
The same page can be sent by 
email; a conventional mail client 
will open it without alerting the 
user that there’s a hidden page be-hind 
the displayed one. Figure 7 
shows the page embedded in an 
email read with a Gmail account. 
and Discussion 
When the user positions the mouse 
pointer on the DP’s fake link, the 
real link’s URL in the HP will ap-pear 
at the bottom of the browser 
window (in all main browsers). If 
a careful user checks the URL, 
he or she might realize that some-thing’s 
wrong. This is probably the 
most effective countermeasure to a 
CJ attack, but we believe most us-ers 
don’t make it a habit to check 
this or even have the knowledge to 
realize that it might indicate some-thing 
wrong in the URL. 
What about automatic detection? 
Is it possible to configure brows-ers 
or embedded HTML readers to 
detect these attacks? To date, such 
tools correctly interpret the HTML 
iframe tag, the opacity property, and 
the z-index property, all of which 
have already been used without 
malicious intent for several years. 
Therefore, HTML readers in gen-eral 
won’t signal the user if these tags 
appear in the page. 
Moreover, due to the attack’s 
nature, a browser asked to show 
the page’s source code will show 
just the DP’s source code, not the 
HP’s. We’ve checked the most 
common browsers (such as Firefox 
and Internet Explorer), and they 
showed the same behavior; thus, 
a simple check on suspicious links 
on the page’s code won’t give a 
substantial result, simply because 
the checked HTML code doesn’t 
include the HP. On the contrary, 
when the HP is put on top and 
not behind the DP, the browser 
sees the HP’s HTML code. This is 
why we believe this implementa-tion 
of the CJ attack is more effec-tive— 
because it’s less detectable. 
Other possible countermea-sures 
when browsing pages that 
aren’t fully trusted could be to 
• use a non-graphical Web brows-er, 
such as Lynx (http://lynx.isc. 
org/), which doesn’t support any 
graphic layer, or 
• control the script execution, if us-ing 
a conventional graphic brows-er. 
For instance, with Mozilla 
Firefox, install the NoScript 
( plug-in, 
which blocks embedded content 
from untrusted domains. This 
will solve all CJ attacks aimed at 
stealing clicks to execute scripts. 
Unfortunately, NoScript blocks 
all the scripts regardless of their 
potential danger and makes Web 
surfing a bit annoying. 
A more effective alternative is to 
implement new browser plug-ins. 
The easiest would be a plug-in that 
warns the user any time an iframe 
tag appears in a Web page. Unfor-tunately, 
this will occur very fre-quently, 
even for safe Web pages. 
Similarly to the NoScript approach, 
it makes continuous approval re-quests 
and could lead the user into 
a habit of automatic approval that 
renders the warning meaningless. 
We believe the most effective so-lution 
to the problem is a new plug-in 
that intelligently checks whether 
more clickable objects overlap in 
pages within an iframe and z-index 
tag and warns the user only in such 
special cases. This solution would 
have little impact on user habits and 
a reasonable degree of effectiveness. 
The price to pay is a substantial ef-fort 
in software development. 
We are currently investigating 
this option by implementing such 
a plug-in with the aim to evaluate 
which are the best algorithms to 
implement to make it effective in 
detecting clickjacked pages with the 
minimum amount of false alarms 
(unnecessary bothering the user). 
Franco Callegati is associate profes-sor 
of Communication Networks at the 
University of Bologna, Italy. His research 
interests include performance evalua-tion 
of telecommunication networks and 
network security. Callegati has a PhD in 
electronics, computer science, and tele-communications 
engineering from the 
University of Bologna, Italy. He’s a mem-ber 
of the IEEE. Contact him at franco. 
Marco Ramilli is a PhD student in 
electronics, computer science, and 
telecommunications at the Univer-sity 
of Bologna, Italy. His research in-terests 
are in the field of security and 
penetration testing of distributed sys-tems 
and electronic voting systems 
security. Ramilli has a masters in in-formatic 
engineering from the Univer-sity 
of Bologna, Italy. He’s a member 
of the IEEE. Contact him at marco. 
Figure 7. The sample displayed page sent embedded in an email. The users see it embedded in 
the email message and, if clicking on it, start the clickjacking attack.

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  • 1. Attack Trends Editors: Marcus Sachs, David Ahmad, 72 COPUBLISHED BY THE IEEE COMPUTER AND RELIABILITY SOCIETIES ■ 1540-7993/09/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE ■ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009 providing the flexibility to imple-ment a variety of attacks based on time of day, day of year, and so on. There are different implemen-tations of CJ, the most basic of which exploits the passive Cascad-ing Style Sheets technology (CSS; intro-duced in 1993 to separate content and layout in WWW documents. In this article, we describe a prac-tical example of how an attacker can implement a CJ attack and discuss possible countermeasures. Attack Concept An attacker builds a CJ attack in three steps: 1. The attacker creates a Web page (called a displayed page, or DP) including parts that look like the usual clickable objects, such as text hyperlinks or buttons. 2. The attacker then creates a malicious page (called a hid-den page, or HP) including clickable objects whose posi-tion on the page fits perfectly with the previous ones. 3. The attacker then displays the DPs on top of the HPs so that visitors to the page might de-cide to click on the DP’s fake hyperlink, thus clicking on a real HP hyperlink, which could be the starting point of an attack on the system. Figure 1a shows an example of a DP: this normal Web page presents information and words that could be hyperlinks (the Example words, in this case). No JavaScript or Flash scripts are embedded. Figure 1b shows how the attack is built via could correlate two document pages on different microfilm reels and scroll back and forth between them, as if they were on the same reel. This idea inspired Ted Nel-son, who applied its innovative concept to the Xanadu project in 1964 ( and Tim Berners-Lee, who went on to create the World Wide Web. To-day, hyperlinks are basic knowl-edge to any Internet user. Recently, attackers have dis-covered how to use hyperlinks to implement a security attack on our personal computers, a ruse called clickjacking (CJ). CJ doesn’t exploit a bug or a misconfigura-tion that might exist in a system, as in many other typical attacks, but instead exploits a Web page’s intrinsic capability to implement hyperlinks, a well-known and widespread feature in which al-most all of us trust, to date. The basic idea of CJ appeared at the Open Web Application Se-curity Project (OWASP) NYC AppSec conference in Septem-ber 2008 and is fairly simple to launch. A normal Web page, dis-playing several “objects” that look like clickable hyperlinks, is fed to the user’s browser together with a page from the attacker that might be put “on top” of the normal Web page and made transparent or placed behind it and therefore not visible. In this work, we refer to the latter case because it’s more difficult to detect (which we’ll ex-plain later). The attacker page has real, clickable hyperlinks in the same position as the normal page. When the reader clicks on a hy-perlink on a “foreground” page, he or she unconsciously clicks on the background one, which could be the starting point of an attack on the communication’s security or on the whole local system’s. The CJ attack is similar to a more simple one based on a Web page with links pointing to URLs that differ from what the page text suggests. Nonetheless, the added complexity of building two pages (background and foreground) of-fers the attacker some advantages. As we’ll discuss in the remainder of the article, CJ is more difficult to detect because of this com-plexity. Automatic tools, such as Noscript ( for instance, usually check the load-ed Web page—the foreground page, in this case—looking for links to suspicious Web sites and don’t detect the background page. Moreover, the CJ attack might be configured by the attacker, modi-fying the background page at will, “As We May Think” (www.the is a popular essay that offers one of the first descriptions of the “hyper-link” concept, envisaging a microfilm reader machine that Franco Callegati and Marco Ramilli University of Bologna Frightened by Links
  • 2. Attack Trends 73 the HP. Here, the content can be anything—it’s not the content that matters—and the page has several hyperlinks that overlap perfectly with the DP’s Example words. Figure 2 shows the two pages dis-played on top of each other. In the example, when the user moves the mouse on top of the ini-tial letter E on the word Example on the DP, the mouse displays a clickable object (the pointer turns into the symbol used for clickable objects) because of the links in the HP. If the user clicks it, he or she expects to see a further page with the “Example” while it will acti-vate a link on the HP. The three links on the HP show three dif-ferent possible exploitations stem-ming from the CJ attack: • in “Example 1” the link launch-es JavaScript, which opens a small message window, as an ex-ample of CJ where a script could be launched without the user being aware of it; • in “Example 2” the link exe-cutes a normal search on Google but also sends the search phrase to a remote server that stores this information to, for instance, an-alyze the most searched words, again, without the user being aware of it; and • in “Example 3” the link sends a new cookie to the Web brows-er’s host, where a similar ap-proach could be used to steal cookies and possibly sensitive information about the user. How can the attacker display the DP overlapped on the HP in an undetectable way? This is due to the current features of HTML and CSS. An iframe is an HTML element used to create Web pages divided into different frames with different contents (more pages in a page). Frames are commonly used to place contents aside, but iframe (a) (b) Figure 1. The display page (DP) and hidden page (HP) implemented in the example at (a) DP shows a text describing the possible exploitation of the CJ attack, including a link to a more detailed explanation, and (b) HP shows a generic text with images that are the real clickable objects in the background of the fake links on the DP. Figure 2. The display page (DP) and hidden page (HP) are here overlapped, showing the correspondence between the words “Example” in the DP, looking like hyperlinks, and the images on the HP that are real clickable objects.
  • 3. Attack Trends 74 IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY tags let contents overlap; thus, it’s possible to create a page made of two frames overlapping—the for-mer displaying the DP and the lat-ter displaying the HP. But just overlapping the two pages wouldn’t be enough to complete the ruse because the user would actually see both pages, one on top of the other as Figure 2 shows. To fix this, the attacker uses CSS—thanks to its many presentation features, it’s pos-sible to completely hide the HP (by covering it with an opaque foreground) while still referring to it when clicking. This is done thanks to the z-index command, which gives the programmer the capability to reference the depth at which the cursor will be active. A negative argument of the z-index command, as in the code exam-ples of Figure 3, will set the cursor point of activity slightly behind the DP on the HP. In other words, the details of the attack that we present in the following section exploits some of the more recent features add-ed to the WWW protocols that aim to provide the presentation’s maximum flexibility and rich-ness. Developers use iframe exten-sively today, and the Web is full of iframe sites, so it’s reasonable to assume that browsers will support them for a long time to come, so we should learn how to avoid this sort of attack. Hands-on Code In the Web pages implementing the example presented in Figures 1 and 2, a suitable CSS is used, de-scribed in this section. The code in Figure 3 explains the main steps needed to build the attack page. In the DP’s HTML code, an iframe has been set up with the width, height, and scrolling set up as shown in Figure 3. Attackers use the width and height properties to make the positioning absolute in the fake page, while the scrolling prop-erty— set to “no”—avoids the pres-ence of scrolling bars in the back if the HP is longer than one page. Figure 4 shows a fragment of the CSS code. The class re-lated to the HP is backpage, which has the property opacity set to 0. This guarantees that the page will be invisible when load-ed on the iframe in the DP. The visiblepage class refers to the fake visible page; this class has the opacity set to 1, guaranteeing the page’s visibility. The position set to absolute assures that every browser displays the page in the same posi-tion, avoiding bad alignments that could cause problems in the fake button position. The attacker’s code specifies position tags to fit the visible page to the hidden one. The most interesting CSS class is named clickjack. It posi-tions the fake clickable object (let-ter “E” of the word Example) over the true, hidden one (the buttons in the HP). The position set to ab-solute assures that every browser displays the fake link in the same position (top: 440 and left: 750) of the DP and the padding property sets the fake link box’s size. The z-index property is the most im-portant one. The fake link is only a span element (see Figure 5), and the span element isn’t really clickable, whereas the behind link really is. The negative z-index property in practice positions the user’s mouse pointer behind the fake link, on top of the real one in the HP. Con-sequently, the user is fooled because he or she sees the clickable symbol in the pointer when moving it on top of the fake link in the DP. Attack Implementation and Countermeasures Given that it’s possible to hide an HP behind a DP and steal clicks, we now turn our attention to how an attacker can imple-ment the attack to make a reader look at the DP, and to possible countermeasures. Implementation The CJ attack can be implemented in many different ways—the most straightforward is to set up a Web site and write a few Web pages with content of some interest for the general reader and place hyper-links between them. These pages will implement the CJ attack, in the sense that the writer (that is, the attacker) will include HPs be-hind them. The drawback here is that the attacker must be able to propose content of interest to bring lots of users to the Web site and make it somehow trackable. A more difficult-to-implement strategy is to crack an existing Web site that already has content attracting users and modify the re-lated Web pages to DPs with HPs behind. This requires skill and could be easily detected by the Web site administrator. Another approach leverages the fact that Web pages can be sent <body> . . . . . <{ tt iframe } id =“attacksite” class= “covered page” width= “1000 ” height = “600”scrolling = “no” src = “http://www.—scanner/”> </{ tt iframe}> . . . . . . . . . . </body> Figure 3. Fragment of the HTML code of the display page, where is set up the iframe that will be used to load the hidden page.
  • 4. Attack Trends 75 embedded in an email message. Most mail clients and Web mail-ers can show HTML content and therefore display the DP and the HP one over the other in the mes-sage’s body. The user who decided to click on a link in the DP will therefore do an action that has the same potential threat of clicking on an executable embedded in the mail message (usually used to launch viruses or Trojans). Now that the CJ attack is set up, what could be the attacker’s target? CJ can be used for many different purposes, including • phishing, in which the attacker steals the data inserted in a regis-tration form by sending them to himself rather than to the desti-nation appearing on the DP; • malicious JavaScript code insert-ed into the client machine, with the purpose of grabbing the victim’s cookies or performing some HTTP Request Smug-gling (HRS) attacks; and • launching a more complex secu-rity threat on the client machine, for instance, executing a port scan or accepting a cookie from a Web site without the user’s consent. A great “real-life” example comes from Guya.NET (http://blog. -camera-spying-using-clickjacking/), where the author made a simple online game that loaded back-ground Flash scripts, grabbed game clicks, and stole the Web camera stream. The game’s engine is a simple JavaScript that moves a fake button within a specific area; to win the game, the user has to click on the button as quickly as possible. The engine sometimes positions the button over hidden links, putting the z-index prop-erty “down” when the attacker wants to grab clicks. Unaware of all this, the user clicks on the button and enables the local Web camera to stream data to the at-tacker’s Web site. Note that the DP in the ex-ample is indexed by search en-gines and appears like a normal Web page (Figure1a), although it also appears on the result list for a search of “Example of Clickjack-ing” in Google (Figure 6). Any search engine working on a Web page’s content doesn’t have a rea-son to consider such a DP to be a threat because its content is quite normal. To understand that this page could be a threat to user se-curity, the search engine would have to be configured to look at the HTML code (in particular, the iframe and z-index tags). .clickjack{ background-color: white; cursor:pointer; color: red; font-weight: bolt; font-size: 18px; position: absolute; top: 250px; left: -10px; z-index: -10; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; text-decoration: underline; } .clickjackdescription{ background-color: white; cursor:pointer; color: red; font-weight: bolt; font-size: 18px; position: absolute; top: 250px; left: 100px; z-index: -10; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .backpage{ opacity:0; } .visiblepage{ position:absolute; top:10px; left:20px; width: 1000px; opacity:1; } Figure 4. Example of HTML code for the Cascading Style Sheet of the Web pages implementing the clickjacking attack. <span class=”clickjack”> Example 1</span> <span class=”clickjackdescription”> The browser opens a javacript stored in another page (in the backgrounded one)</span> Figure 5. HTML code corresponding to one of the fake links in the displayed page. Figure 6. The displayed page of the example provided in this manuscript as indexed by Google when searching the words “Clickjacking Example.” It appears in the first results page returned by the Google search engine.
  • 5. Attack Trends 76 IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY The same page can be sent by email; a conventional mail client will open it without alerting the user that there’s a hidden page be-hind the displayed one. Figure 7 shows the page embedded in an email read with a Gmail account. Countermeasures and Discussion When the user positions the mouse pointer on the DP’s fake link, the real link’s URL in the HP will ap-pear at the bottom of the browser window (in all main browsers). If a careful user checks the URL, he or she might realize that some-thing’s wrong. This is probably the most effective countermeasure to a CJ attack, but we believe most us-ers don’t make it a habit to check this or even have the knowledge to realize that it might indicate some-thing wrong in the URL. What about automatic detection? Is it possible to configure brows-ers or embedded HTML readers to detect these attacks? To date, such tools correctly interpret the HTML iframe tag, the opacity property, and the z-index property, all of which have already been used without malicious intent for several years. Therefore, HTML readers in gen-eral won’t signal the user if these tags appear in the page. Moreover, due to the attack’s nature, a browser asked to show the page’s source code will show just the DP’s source code, not the HP’s. We’ve checked the most common browsers (such as Firefox and Internet Explorer), and they showed the same behavior; thus, a simple check on suspicious links on the page’s code won’t give a substantial result, simply because the checked HTML code doesn’t include the HP. On the contrary, when the HP is put on top and not behind the DP, the browser sees the HP’s HTML code. This is why we believe this implementa-tion of the CJ attack is more effec-tive— because it’s less detectable. Other possible countermea-sures when browsing pages that aren’t fully trusted could be to • use a non-graphical Web brows-er, such as Lynx (http://lynx.isc. org/), which doesn’t support any graphic layer, or • control the script execution, if us-ing a conventional graphic brows-er. For instance, with Mozilla Firefox, install the NoScript ( plug-in, which blocks embedded content from untrusted domains. This will solve all CJ attacks aimed at stealing clicks to execute scripts. Unfortunately, NoScript blocks all the scripts regardless of their potential danger and makes Web surfing a bit annoying. A more effective alternative is to implement new browser plug-ins. The easiest would be a plug-in that warns the user any time an iframe tag appears in a Web page. Unfor-tunately, this will occur very fre-quently, even for safe Web pages. Similarly to the NoScript approach, it makes continuous approval re-quests and could lead the user into a habit of automatic approval that renders the warning meaningless. We believe the most effective so-lution to the problem is a new plug-in that intelligently checks whether more clickable objects overlap in pages within an iframe and z-index tag and warns the user only in such special cases. This solution would have little impact on user habits and a reasonable degree of effectiveness. The price to pay is a substantial ef-fort in software development. We are currently investigating this option by implementing such a plug-in with the aim to evaluate which are the best algorithms to implement to make it effective in detecting clickjacked pages with the minimum amount of false alarms (unnecessary bothering the user). Franco Callegati is associate profes-sor of Communication Networks at the University of Bologna, Italy. His research interests include performance evalua-tion of telecommunication networks and network security. Callegati has a PhD in electronics, computer science, and tele-communications engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy. He’s a mem-ber of the IEEE. Contact him at franco. Marco Ramilli is a PhD student in electronics, computer science, and telecommunications at the Univer-sity of Bologna, Italy. His research in-terests are in the field of security and penetration testing of distributed sys-tems and electronic voting systems security. Ramilli has a masters in in-formatic engineering from the Univer-sity of Bologna, Italy. He’s a member of the IEEE. Contact him at marco. Figure 7. The sample displayed page sent embedded in an email. The users see it embedded in the email message and, if clicking on it, start the clickjacking attack.