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Thanks for purchasing the BlackHat Cash Machine. Trust me, this thing is well worth your money. You
will know that right when you make your money back. That should be later today if you really work
at this.
But first of all, let’s read some awesome legal stuff…
General Disclaimer:
I make every effort to ensure that I accurately represent these products and services and their potential
for income.
Earning and Income statements made by me and my customers are estimates of what we
think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and
you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.
As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business
experience, expense, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you
may experience.
The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average
purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar
results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot
guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the
Internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions.
The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you
agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or
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Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty:
The publisher has used his best efforts in preparing this book, and the information provided herein
is provided "as is." The author makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy
or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of
profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental,
consequential, or other damages.
Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered
trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. They are used throughout this book in an
editorial fashion only. In addition, terms suspected of being trademarks, registered trademarks, or
service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Use of a term in this book should not be
regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark, registered trademark, or service mark.
Chapter 1 – Software Walkthrough
In this chapter I will walk you through the software that accompanies this book and all it’s features.
Although it is a fairly simple software to use, I’ve found that explanation of some terms and knowing
exactly what each button does, will help many people who might be new to the concepts presented
1 – put in your login email and password
2- Target your audience and start gathering ids.
3- Add all the gathered ids as friends
4 – You will need to enter a captcha every 20 adds.
you login
put in zip code
select first id
and click add friend
and itll start adding all of them them
and then when captcha comes itll pop up
Chapter 2 – Signing Up To Affiliate Networks
The main focus of this product is e-whoring. So we will first take a look at
some affiliate networks that you should work with in this field.
The two really big ones that are also the most trustworthy are Adult Friend
Finder and Fling.
Signup to Adult Friend Finder here:
No the problem is, with these larger networks is that they have a whole lot of
members, so most people are already signed up on them – be it from their own
initiative or made by some ewhore or via an iframe. So finding a legit smaller
network should help you out.
Try these:
They will give you all kinds of tools to help you earn more.
Now let’s look at some webcam affiliates:
There are some pretty unique methods out there for the webcam sites, and these
usually convert pretty well.
So these should get you started. Join these and now off to the methods…
Chapter 3 – Hide Your Affiliate Link
It is sometimes necessary to hide, or cloak, your affiliate links to stop people
stealing your commission or bypassing the affiliate link and going straight to the
main site.
Some people will also replace your affiliate link with their own so that they
receive the commission; this is known as link hijacking.
The other advantages to hiding affiliate links are that if people see your link in
a post or email, they just won’t click it just because of the affiliate connection,
hiding links WILL increase your CTR (Click Through Ratio).
The quickest way to hide your links is to use a company like which is
free to use and turns links like
into something like this , however this is only really a
quick fix and is better to be used for mailing your opt-in lists, the people who
trust you, people who don’t know you can’t tell where that link is going to take
them, it could be a scam site for all they know, you will get better click through
rates using another method.
IMPORTANT: Some link cloaking techniques may prevent some sites from
dropping tracking cookies into your visitors computer which means you may not
get credit for that referral. Check all links to make sure they work correctly, if
you are still unsure use something like Affiliate Cloner to be on the safe side.
If you have your own website you can hide your links by setting up a
page redirect.
All you have to do is to just insert this one line of code into a php file:-
<?php header("location: http:// www .YourUglyAffiliateLink"); ?>
You can name your php file to anything you want, for example, great-
bargains.php, so your actual link would be YourWebsite/great-bargains.php
which will redirect to the site you are promoting.
This technique has a little more code than above, but it actually frames the
site you are promoting.
Again, you will need your own website to use this technique but it’s just as easy
to do.
The following code frames the site you are promoting making it look to the visitor
as if they are still on your site, in other words, no matter which page they go to on
the framed site they will only see your domain in the browser window.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""><head> <meta http-
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Product Title</title>
<META name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
</head><frameset rows="100%,*" border="0">
<frame src="http:// www .Your-Destination-Link" frameborder="0" />
<frame frameborder="0" noresize />
</frameset> document.removeEventListener('click, clickHandler, true);
This script is works a little differently to the above, it actually hides your affiliate
link or any other link, from a person who hovers over over a link on your actual
web page.
For example, if you hover over you will see in the bottom lefthand side of your browser
status bar.
But, if you use this little piece of extra code that I’m about to show you, you can
actually fool people that they are going to the site displayed on your actual page
and in their browser status bar, but take them to a totally different website!
Please note: There is a similar link cloaking code like the one I’m going to give
you available, however it doesn’t work in IE7, the following code does;-
<a onclick="parent.location.href='http://www.Affiliate-link';
return event.returnValue=false"
href=http://www.Display-Link>Anchor Text</a>
This is another very simple redirection technique by adding a line of code to
your htaccess file.
redirect 301 /AnyNameYouLike http://YourAffiliateUrl
Just add the above line of code to your htaccess file, the /AnyNameYouLike is the
directory or page you want to use for redirection, for example, if named it /dog-
food your link would look like this http://www.yourdomain/dog-food which
would redirect traffic to your affiliate link.
You don’t need to create any pages or directories using this technique, just
add the redirection code to your htaccess file.
OK, there you have it, several ways to mask your affiliate links, these methods
can increase your CTR and commissions, no more ugly affiliate links.
Myspace allows HTML, so you will be able to implement most of these on there.
Otherwise, just use your own landing page that will redirect to the link you
want to target.
Chapter 4 – Cookie Stuffing
Myspace is a very friendly environment for cookie stuffing. And given the power
of the friend adder we are providing you with, this is all automated cash.
Essentially what this means is that you have the potential to get paid even if
people don’t click on your links and even if they don’t believe what you’re saying
in the profile.
To cookie stuff, all you need to do is pick up your affiliate code and use one
of these scripts:
We will go over 3 different
methods of cookie stuffing. The first method of cookie stuffing, is the easiest
method of all time. This is called the image stuff. Here’s the basic code for the
image stuffer:
<img src=”” />
When you are using this method of cookie stuffing, everyone who
visits your site will get stuffed by your affiliate url. This forces the affiliate cookie
onto their computer when they visit your website with this code. The thing about
this code, is that there are many flaws. The visitor will see a red ‘x’ indicating
that there is a problem with the image, in which you know there isn’t because the
image url is actually linking to your affiliate link. Usually, you would find
something like
<img src=”” />
This code will link to an image file (image.jpg). If you put your
affiliate link in replacement of the image url, it will attempt to load the affiliate
url onto the user’s computer instead of the image. This is one of the simplest
ways of cookie stuffing. This is also a big no-no when an affiliate manager visits
your website. They will see what you are doing, and most likely ban you from
their affiliate network.
The next method that we will go through will be the basic IFrame
method. Let’s take a look at this code:
<IFRAME src="AFFILIATELINKHERE" width="1" height="1" scrolling="auto"
This code basically makes a 1 pixel x 1 pixel iframe. To the normal
internet user, this is not very noticeable. To the savvy internet browser, they will
see a 1 pixel box and wonder what this is. Some people might pick this up as a
cookie stuffing attempt while others may disregard it thinking it’s a website error.
The next code that we will go through will be the .htaccess
method. This method is more secure and very safe compared to the previous two.
This method is probably the one that’s worth your money. You can earn
hundreds, and even thousands of dollars a month simply with this method. Now
you ask … What’s .htaccess? .htaccess is a file that’s hidden in each website. This
can be in the main directory where index.html resides, a subdomain, or a folder
within the main directory. What you will do, is create a .htaccess file from a
notepad text file. You will put this code in the .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule signature.jpg [L,R=301] Now let’s
analyze this code. The signature.jpg is what you will use on your website as the
ploy image. When they try to load this signature.jpg file, they will be stuffed
with the affiliate link. Let’s say you have a website, and you put the “image”
signature.jpg such as Then they will
be stuffed with your affiliate link because when .htaccess reads this file,
it does not load the image, but the affiliate link.
Now copy and paste the code onto a text file, and save it as
“.htaccess”. Upload this file onto the directory of your website, and you will be
able to stuff whatever signature.jpg is with your affiliate link. There you have it!
Now of course, this is risky business and if you want to get paid you have to
be smart. Either make yourself a rotator that will only stuff every 100 visits or
so, either blank or fake the referrer.
You will only need two files on your server – the first one is index.php . To create
it, fire up Notepad and paste this code in:
echo "<meta http‐quiv="refresh" content="0;url=filter.php">";
Now go to Save->Save As and name it “index.php”. From the dropdown
menu below choose “All files” instead of Text Document.
The second one gets a little more complicated if you don’t know php, but
don’t worry, I’ll guide you though it:
Again, create a new text file and paste this in:
$mypages = array();
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$myrandompage = $mypages*mt_rand(0, count($mypages)
‐1)+; if($referer == "")
echo "<meta http‐equiv="refresh" content="0;url=$myrandompage">";
, echo "<meta http‐equiv="refresh" content="0;url=index.php">";
Now this was assuming you have 3 pages you want to randomly link to. I think
it’s pretty obvious that whenever you need more pages you just have to add
another line that is similar to those three, but you have to make sure that you copy
the full line and you only replace the text that’s in red. Otherwise you might
screw things up.
You will need to add this code on the very top on your whitehat page, then simply
use the link with the variable in it in order to fake the referrer to the offer. Use a
unique number for that.
// Add this code to the very top of the file that you would like to be
the fake referrer and then link to this file like this:
// (Where 111 = the number below).
// Change the number below to any number you want, affiliate networks
may hook onto the 111 so it would be best to change.
$num = "111";
// Change the below link to your affiliate link.
$url = "";
// Do not edit below
if (isset($_GET['goto']) && $_GET['goto']==$num){
echo "<html><head></head><body><form
method="post" id="linkrefer"><input type="hidden" name="num"
value="".$num."" /></form><script
return true;
if (isset($_POST['num']) && $_POST['num']==$num){
echo "<script>window.location.replace("$url")</script>)";
To make it cleaner, you could also just put all this code into a php file and just
include it in the whitehat site.
<?php include("fkref.php"); ?>
More advanced cookie stuffing techniques you can find out at membership
forums like
I listed them in the order of their price. So you can sign up to them in case you are
interested in this. Also, remember that you can also do this on other affiliate
networks and not just the adult ones. And when you do it, also make sure you test
that your link is stuffing, by checking on your own cookies.
Chapter 5 – The Methods
Here I will outline a couple of ewhoring ideas and methods that you can use.
Basically, you would want to take these and post them on your profile page. Then
use our software to blast thousands of friends to your account. One thing I should
warn you about – don’t care about the messages. People will send you messages
– some got burned with this type of thing in the past, so they will try and tell you
that they are not falling for that one again. Some people will just try and flirt with
you. Don’t waste your time. You’re here to make big bucks, not to talk hours with
a guy just to get a signup. You will eventually be doing this in case you’re not
getting results from just posting these up. Oh, and since we got here, let’s make
this clear again, so that you see how easy this all is: create account – edit profile –
push the button – done!
That’s how easy our software makes it.
For this, you are basically acting like a young girl who just turned 18 and
would like to get started right away… Here’s a sample text:
I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to start having sex right away. I mean I’m
ready – I love to experiment, but the guys in my class are a bunch of gay wats (excuse my
french). I am all over them and there are some really cute ones too, but they just don’t have the
guts to do it even when I’m begging them. So anyway, I hope I will find someone here who is
willing to help me feel the real sensation of life. I am so bored with the daily routine…
Of course you would have to change this up, add a few grammar mistakes, and make it fit
the place you’re posting in.
Just say in your profile that you don’t hang around myspace much because it’s not working on
your blackberry. If they want to chat, join <aff link> - it’s free and a lot of great open minded
people there.
If you need money fast, this is the method you want to use. The idea is to go to a freelance site
and hire affiliates for a very large payout - but they have to prove themselves before they get
approved. Get them to make signups on your highest paying networks. Those will be just to
qualify, so you don’t need to pay for them – just say you picked a winner, and it wasn’t them.
Also, if you find someone who is getting you quality leads, you would want to actually hire
Paying $90 per signup (30 signups a week per person).
The signups must come from unique UK, U.S. based IP addresses, must all be
legitimate, and cannot be the result of proxy spam. How you market this is entirely up
to you. (I'll discuss more in detail for those that are interested).
Before being awarded the project, you must prove you are capable of doing what I
need by providing 5 paid signups. Group of ppl are welcome.
I have a lot of similar work if I can find the right person/group.
Any questions, let me know. Additional information submitted:
How you will do this? I'll give some TIPs for those who are qualified
You will be given personal account to monitor your sale real time after providing 5 paid
All must have a real e-mail for verification!
All sign up should be happened from unique IP!
The Site Contains Adult Material, if youre not into this. please dont bid.
What we do?
In simple terms we drive traffic to an adult website and convince people(clients/s) to
register for $5 or be a member of that site. All we are doing is chatting and
convincing people to register for to earn money.
So that would be an example of an add. Just post it up on a lot of the major freelance sites
and wait for responses. It only takes 5 minutes and chances are high that someone will come
out and do it.
Do this if everything else didn’t work. Take a look at your inbox on myspace and see who is
buying into your profile. If you see a horny guy who thinks your pic is cute, start chatting with
him. Tell him you’re a model at an adult site and you do webcam shows for cheap. Use your
persuasion skills on him. Here’s a log on an actual chat a friend of mine had with a horny guy:
[14:43] namechanged: hi
[14:47] naughtyashley86: hey babe
[14:47] naughtyashley86: whats up?
[14:47] namechanged: not much you i had to say i thought you were amazing
[14:48] naughtyashley86: thanks
[14:48] naughtyashley86: i am just chattin with u
[14:49] namechanged: having a good day
[14:49] naughtyashley86: yeah so far
[14:49] naughtyashley86: are u?
[14:49] namechanged: yea so far
[14:50] naughtyashley86: cool
[14:50] naughtyashley86: where did u see my pics?
[14:50] namechanged: yahoo 360
[14:50] naughtyashley86: cool, u think i am sexy?
[14:51] namechanged: i do
[14:51] naughtyashley86: sweet
[14:51] naughtyashley86: did u notice on my 360 page that i do sexxxy cam shows?
[14:51] namechanged: i didnt i lost the page
[14:52] namechanged: cams huh?
[14:52] namechanged: how much
[14:53] naughtyashley86: its $25 and I can get u get an extra $25 in free credits too
[14:53] naughtyashley86: so u get 2 shows
[14:54] namechanged: credit card?
[14:55] naughtyashley86: or debit
[14:55] namechanged: how long a show?
[14:55] naughtyashley86: u get 40 mins cam time
[14:55] naughtyashley86: u dont have to use it all at once
[14:55] naughtyashley86: u start and stop the cam when u want
[14:56] namechanged: i was always kinda scared to my card number you know
[14:56] naughtyashley86: yeah i understand
[14:56] naughtyashley86: u dont give it to me or the cam site tho
[14:57] naughtyashley86: u process ur payment through a payment processor called CC Bill
[14:57] namechanged: safe?
[14:57] naughtyashley86: they are safe and secure
[14:57] naughtyashley86: they process for a lot of major companies
[14:57] naughtyashley86: they give u a subscription number when ur credit is approved
[14:58] namechanged: to see you i might have to
[14:58] namechanged: you look amazing
[14:59] naughtyashley86: thank u
[14:59] naughtyashley86: imagine seeing me on cam doing anything u want
[14:59] naughtyashley86:
[14:59] namechanged: lol ur killing me
[15:00] naughtyashley86: oh baby u can only imagine what i want to do to u
[15:00] namechanged: so how do i get to your site
[15:01] naughtyashley86: here is my link
[15:01] naughtyashley86: (Link: http://************************/XXXXXX
[15:01] naughtyashley86: u just get a user name there, it needs letters and a number in it
[15:02] naughtyashley86: let me know when u have a user name
[15:02] naughtyashley86: so i can guide u in and show u how to get that $25 special
[15:03] namechanged: ill let u know
[15:03] naughtyashley86: k
[15:06] naughtyashley86: did u get ur user name ok?
[15:06] namechanged: prosseing
[15:06] naughtyashley86: k
[15:07] namechanged: now
[15:08] naughtyashley86: ok,now u just click at the top where it says "buy xxx credit"
[15:08] naughtyashley86: look at the last line on the left side of that page
[15:08] naughtyashley86: it says "For additional pricing options...."
[15:08] naughtyashley86: that will get u the extra $25 in free credits
[15:10] naughtyashley86: soon as u have ur subscription number i can link u up to my cam
[15:10] naughtyashley86: do u want me to start out naked, nearly naked or surprise you?
[15:11] namechanged: naked lol
[15:11] naughtyashley86: mmmm
[15:11] namechanged: i wont get charged any more right?
[15:11] naughtyashley86: right
[15:12] namechanged: k brb
[15:16] namechanged: ready
[15:16] naughtyashley86: ok, just need ur subscription number
[15:17] namechanged: 0000000000
[15:17] naughtyashley86: http://camlink
[15:17] naughtyashley86: that link should bring u right to my cam room
That should inspire you…
There are a lot of ways to make money out there. All you have to do is know where to look.
And when you find one that made you $1, replicate it until it makes you $1 000 000 and so on.
This method I will share with you is going to work for you in so many ways, you won’t believe.
This involves working with:
As you can see from their salespage, they pay up to $0.60 per download, and yes, they do pay.
Now all you have to do is get people interested in your files.
Mixing this with ewhoring is going to be a blast!
- Download my first cam show
- See my pics
- Download online Dating ebook
Those are just a few ideas to get you started. The content you can get from various porn sites
and if you need to promise something that you can’t deliver, upload a corrupted file so they will
think it’s their computer’s fault.
This should be very easy to get you started with since the signup is easy and free and you don’t
have to worry about your traffic sources. Although I would cloak my link using the various
techniques listed above just I case they ban this website for some reason…
That was all.
Now Get Making Money!
Learn more
• The Simple 3-Step Formula I Used To Earn $5,203.89 Per Day During Lockdown By Just
Asking People Simple ‘Yes & No’ Questions On The Internet…
• Newbie Friendly Method Reveals How We Make $128+ Per Day With FREE Traffic In
Just 30 Minutes Per Day!
• 1-Click Smart A.I Mail App Sends Unlimited Emails To Unlimited Subscribers Into
Primary Inbox

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  • 2. Thanks for purchasing the BlackHat Cash Machine. Trust me, this thing is well worth your money. You will know that right when you make your money back. That should be later today if you really work at this. But first of all, let’s read some awesome legal stuff…
  • 3. General Disclaimer: I make every effort to ensure that I accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by me and my customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expense, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the Internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.
  • 4. Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher has used his best efforts in preparing this book, and the information provided herein is provided "as is." The author makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. They are used throughout this book in an editorial fashion only. In addition, terms suspected of being trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks have been appropriately capitalized. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark, registered trademark, or service mark.
  • 5. Chapter 1 – Software Walkthrough In this chapter I will walk you through the software that accompanies this book and all it’s features. Although it is a fairly simple software to use, I’ve found that explanation of some terms and knowing exactly what each button does, will help many people who might be new to the concepts presented herein. 1 – put in your login email and password
  • 6. 2- Target your audience and start gathering ids.
  • 7. 3- Add all the gathered ids as friends
  • 8. 4 – You will need to enter a captcha every 20 adds. Again: you login put in zip code parse stop select first id and click add friend and itll start adding all of them them and then when captcha comes itll pop up
  • 9. Chapter 2 – Signing Up To Affiliate Networks The main focus of this product is e-whoring. So we will first take a look at some affiliate networks that you should work with in this field. The two really big ones that are also the most trustworthy are Adult Friend Finder and Fling. Signup to Adult Friend Finder here: No the problem is, with these larger networks is that they have a whole lot of members, so most people are already signed up on them – be it from their own initiative or made by some ewhore or via an iframe. So finding a legit smaller network should help you out. Try these: They will give you all kinds of tools to help you earn more.
  • 10. Now let’s look at some webcam affiliates: There are some pretty unique methods out there for the webcam sites, and these usually convert pretty well. So these should get you started. Join these and now off to the methods…
  • 11. Chapter 3 – Hide Your Affiliate Link It is sometimes necessary to hide, or cloak, your affiliate links to stop people stealing your commission or bypassing the affiliate link and going straight to the main site. Some people will also replace your affiliate link with their own so that they receive the commission; this is known as link hijacking. The other advantages to hiding affiliate links are that if people see your link in a post or email, they just won’t click it just because of the affiliate connection, hiding links WILL increase your CTR (Click Through Ratio). The quickest way to hide your links is to use a company like which is free to use and turns links like into something like this , however this is only really a quick fix and is better to be used for mailing your opt-in lists, the people who trust you, people who don’t know you can’t tell where that link is going to take them, it could be a scam site for all they know, you will get better click through rates using another method. IMPORTANT: Some link cloaking techniques may prevent some sites from dropping tracking cookies into your visitors computer which means you may not get credit for that referral. Check all links to make sure they work correctly, if you are still unsure use something like Affiliate Cloner to be on the safe side.
  • 12. LINK REDIRECTION USING A PHP SCRIPT If you have your own website you can hide your links by setting up a page redirect. All you have to do is to just insert this one line of code into a php file:- <?php header("location: http:// www .YourUglyAffiliateLink"); ?> You can name your php file to anything you want, for example, great- bargains.php, so your actual link would be YourWebsite/great-bargains.php which will redirect to the site you are promoting.
  • 13. HIDE YOUR AFFILIATE LINKS USING A ZERO-FRAME CODE This technique has a little more code than above, but it actually frames the site you are promoting. Again, you will need your own website to use this technique but it’s just as easy to do. The following code frames the site you are promoting making it look to the visitor as if they are still on your site, in other words, no matter which page they go to on the framed site they will only see your domain in the browser window. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""><head> <meta http- equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Product Title</title> <META name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> </head><frameset rows="100%,*" border="0"> <frame src="http:// www .Your-Destination-Link" frameborder="0" /> <frame frameborder="0" noresize /> </frameset> document.removeEventListener('click, clickHandler, true); </html>
  • 14. HOW TO HIDE YOUR AFFILIATE LINKS ON A WEB PAGE This script is works a little differently to the above, it actually hides your affiliate link or any other link, from a person who hovers over over a link on your actual web page. For example, if you hover over you will see in the bottom lefthand side of your browser status bar. But, if you use this little piece of extra code that I’m about to show you, you can actually fool people that they are going to the site displayed on your actual page and in their browser status bar, but take them to a totally different website! Please note: There is a similar link cloaking code like the one I’m going to give you available, however it doesn’t work in IE7, the following code does;- <a onclick="parent.location.href='http://www.Affiliate-link'; return event.returnValue=false" href=http://www.Display-Link>Anchor Text</a>
  • 15. HOW TO HIDE AFFILIATE LINKS USING HTACCESS This is another very simple redirection technique by adding a line of code to your htaccess file. redirect 301 /AnyNameYouLike http://YourAffiliateUrl Just add the above line of code to your htaccess file, the /AnyNameYouLike is the directory or page you want to use for redirection, for example, if named it /dog- food your link would look like this http://www.yourdomain/dog-food which would redirect traffic to your affiliate link. You don’t need to create any pages or directories using this technique, just add the redirection code to your htaccess file. OK, there you have it, several ways to mask your affiliate links, these methods can increase your CTR and commissions, no more ugly affiliate links. Myspace allows HTML, so you will be able to implement most of these on there. Otherwise, just use your own landing page that will redirect to the link you want to target.
  • 16. Chapter 4 – Cookie Stuffing Myspace is a very friendly environment for cookie stuffing. And given the power of the friend adder we are providing you with, this is all automated cash. Essentially what this means is that you have the potential to get paid even if people don’t click on your links and even if they don’t believe what you’re saying in the profile. To cookie stuff, all you need to do is pick up your affiliate code and use one of these scripts: We will go over 3 different methods of cookie stuffing. The first method of cookie stuffing, is the easiest method of all time. This is called the image stuff. Here’s the basic code for the image stuffer: <img src=”” /> When you are using this method of cookie stuffing, everyone who visits your site will get stuffed by your affiliate url. This forces the affiliate cookie onto their computer when they visit your website with this code. The thing about this code, is that there are many flaws. The visitor will see a red ‘x’ indicating that there is a problem with the image, in which you know there isn’t because the image url is actually linking to your affiliate link. Usually, you would find something like <img src=”” /> This code will link to an image file (image.jpg). If you put your affiliate link in replacement of the image url, it will attempt to load the affiliate url onto the user’s computer instead of the image. This is one of the simplest ways of cookie stuffing. This is also a big no-no when an affiliate manager visits your website. They will see what you are doing, and most likely ban you from their affiliate network. The next method that we will go through will be the basic IFrame
  • 17. method. Let’s take a look at this code: <IFRAME src="AFFILIATELINKHERE" width="1" height="1" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></IFRAME> This code basically makes a 1 pixel x 1 pixel iframe. To the normal internet user, this is not very noticeable. To the savvy internet browser, they will see a 1 pixel box and wonder what this is. Some people might pick this up as a cookie stuffing attempt while others may disregard it thinking it’s a website error. The next code that we will go through will be the .htaccess method. This method is more secure and very safe compared to the previous two. This method is probably the one that’s worth your money. You can earn hundreds, and even thousands of dollars a month simply with this method. Now you ask … What’s .htaccess? .htaccess is a file that’s hidden in each website. This can be in the main directory where index.html resides, a subdomain, or a folder within the main directory. What you will do, is create a .htaccess file from a notepad text file. You will put this code in the .htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule signature.jpg [L,R=301] Now let’s analyze this code. The signature.jpg is what you will use on your website as the ploy image. When they try to load this signature.jpg file, they will be stuffed with the affiliate link. Let’s say you have a website, and you put the “image” signature.jpg such as Then they will be stuffed with your affiliate link because when .htaccess reads this file,
  • 18. it does not load the image, but the affiliate link. Now copy and paste the code onto a text file, and save it as “.htaccess”. Upload this file onto the directory of your website, and you will be able to stuff whatever signature.jpg is with your affiliate link. There you have it! Now of course, this is risky business and if you want to get paid you have to be smart. Either make yourself a rotator that will only stuff every 100 visits or so, either blank or fake the referrer.
  • 19. HERE’S HOW TO BLANK THE REFERRER: You will only need two files on your server – the first one is index.php . To create it, fire up Notepad and paste this code in: <?php echo "<meta http‐quiv="refresh" content="0;url=filter.php">"; ?> Now go to Save->Save As and name it “index.php”. From the dropdown menu below choose “All files” instead of Text Document. The second one gets a little more complicated if you don’t know php, but don’t worry, I’ll guide you though it: Again, create a new text file and paste this in: <?php $mypages = array(); $mypages[]=""; $mypages[]=""; $mypages[]=""; $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $myrandompage = $mypages*mt_rand(0, count($mypages) ‐1)+; if($referer == "") { echo "<meta http‐equiv="refresh" content="0;url=$myrandompage">"; } else , echo "<meta http‐equiv="refresh" content="0;url=index.php">"; } ?>
  • 20. Now this was assuming you have 3 pages you want to randomly link to. I think it’s pretty obvious that whenever you need more pages you just have to add another line that is similar to those three, but you have to make sure that you copy the full line and you only replace the text that’s in red. Otherwise you might screw things up.
  • 21. HERE’S HOW TO FAKE THE REFERRER: You will need to add this code on the very top on your whitehat page, then simply use the link with the variable in it in order to fake the referrer to the offer. Use a unique number for that. <?php // Add this code to the very top of the file that you would like to be the fake referrer and then link to this file like this: // (Where 111 = the number below). // Change the number below to any number you want, affiliate networks may hook onto the 111 so it would be best to change. $num = "111"; // Change the below link to your affiliate link. $url = ""; // Do not edit below if (isset($_GET['goto']) && $_GET['goto']==$num){ echo "<html><head></head><body><form action=""."http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."" method="post" id="linkrefer"><input type="hidden" name="num" value="".$num."" /></form><script language="JavaScript">document.getElementById("linkrefer").submit();</scr ipt></body></html>"; return true; exit(); } if (isset($_POST['num']) && $_POST['num']==$num){ echo "<script>window.location.replace("$url")</script>)"; } ?> To make it cleaner, you could also just put all this code into a php file and just include it in the whitehat site. <?php include("fkref.php"); ?>
  • 22. More advanced cookie stuffing techniques you can find out at membership forums like I listed them in the order of their price. So you can sign up to them in case you are interested in this. Also, remember that you can also do this on other affiliate networks and not just the adult ones. And when you do it, also make sure you test that your link is stuffing, by checking on your own cookies.
  • 23. Chapter 5 – The Methods Here I will outline a couple of ewhoring ideas and methods that you can use. Basically, you would want to take these and post them on your profile page. Then use our software to blast thousands of friends to your account. One thing I should warn you about – don’t care about the messages. People will send you messages – some got burned with this type of thing in the past, so they will try and tell you that they are not falling for that one again. Some people will just try and flirt with you. Don’t waste your time. You’re here to make big bucks, not to talk hours with a guy just to get a signup. You will eventually be doing this in case you’re not getting results from just posting these up. Oh, and since we got here, let’s make this clear again, so that you see how easy this all is: create account – edit profile – push the button – done! That’s how easy our software makes it. METHOD 1 – I AM READY For this, you are basically acting like a young girl who just turned 18 and would like to get started right away… Here’s a sample text: I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to start having sex right away. I mean I’m ready – I love to experiment, but the guys in my class are a bunch of gay wats (excuse my french). I am all over them and there are some really cute ones too, but they just don’t have the guts to do it even when I’m begging them. So anyway, I hope I will find someone here who is willing to help me feel the real sensation of life. I am so bored with the daily routine… Of course you would have to change this up, add a few grammar mistakes, and make it fit the place you’re posting in. METHOD 2 – I DON’T USE MYSPACE Just say in your profile that you don’t hang around myspace much because it’s not working on your blackberry. If they want to chat, join <aff link> - it’s free and a lot of great open minded people there.
  • 24. METHOD 3 – HAVE SOMEONE ELSE DO IT If you need money fast, this is the method you want to use. The idea is to go to a freelance site and hire affiliates for a very large payout - but they have to prove themselves before they get approved. Get them to make signups on your highest paying networks. Those will be just to qualify, so you don’t need to pay for them – just say you picked a winner, and it wasn’t them. Also, if you find someone who is getting you quality leads, you would want to actually hire them. Paying $90 per signup (30 signups a week per person). The signups must come from unique UK, U.S. based IP addresses, must all be legitimate, and cannot be the result of proxy spam. How you market this is entirely up to you. (I'll discuss more in detail for those that are interested). Before being awarded the project, you must prove you are capable of doing what I need by providing 5 paid signups. Group of ppl are welcome. I have a lot of similar work if I can find the right person/group. Any questions, let me know. Additional information submitted: How you will do this? I'll give some TIPs for those who are qualified You will be given personal account to monitor your sale real time after providing 5 paid signups. All must have a real e-mail for verification! All sign up should be happened from unique IP! The Site Contains Adult Material, if youre not into this. please dont bid. What we do? In simple terms we drive traffic to an adult website and convince people(clients/s) to register for $5 or be a member of that site. All we are doing is chatting and convincing people to register for to earn money.
  • 25. So that would be an example of an add. Just post it up on a lot of the major freelance sites and wait for responses. It only takes 5 minutes and chances are high that someone will come out and do it. METHOD 4 - REAL EWHORING Do this if everything else didn’t work. Take a look at your inbox on myspace and see who is buying into your profile. If you see a horny guy who thinks your pic is cute, start chatting with him. Tell him you’re a model at an adult site and you do webcam shows for cheap. Use your persuasion skills on him. Here’s a log on an actual chat a friend of mine had with a horny guy: [14:43] namechanged: hi [14:47] naughtyashley86: hey babe [14:47] naughtyashley86: whats up? [14:47] namechanged: not much you i had to say i thought you were amazing [14:48] naughtyashley86: thanks [14:48] naughtyashley86: i am just chattin with u [14:49] namechanged: having a good day [14:49] naughtyashley86: yeah so far [14:49] naughtyashley86: are u? [14:49] namechanged: yea so far [14:50] naughtyashley86: cool [14:50] naughtyashley86: where did u see my pics? [14:50] namechanged: yahoo 360 [14:50] naughtyashley86: cool, u think i am sexy? [14:51] namechanged: i do [14:51] naughtyashley86: sweet [14:51] naughtyashley86: did u notice on my 360 page that i do sexxxy cam shows? [14:51] namechanged: i didnt i lost the page [14:52] namechanged: cams huh? [14:52] namechanged: how much [14:53] naughtyashley86: its $25 and I can get u get an extra $25 in free credits too [14:53] naughtyashley86: so u get 2 shows [14:54] namechanged: credit card? [14:55] naughtyashley86: or debit [14:55] namechanged: how long a show? [14:55] naughtyashley86: u get 40 mins cam time [14:55] naughtyashley86: u dont have to use it all at once [14:55] naughtyashley86: u start and stop the cam when u want [14:56] namechanged: i was always kinda scared to my card number you know [14:56] naughtyashley86: yeah i understand [14:56] naughtyashley86: u dont give it to me or the cam site tho [14:57] naughtyashley86: u process ur payment through a payment processor called CC Bill [14:57] namechanged: safe? [14:57] naughtyashley86: they are safe and secure [14:57] naughtyashley86: they process for a lot of major companies
  • 26. [14:57] naughtyashley86: they give u a subscription number when ur credit is approved [14:58] namechanged: to see you i might have to [14:58] namechanged: you look amazing [14:59] naughtyashley86: thank u [14:59] naughtyashley86: imagine seeing me on cam doing anything u want [14:59] naughtyashley86: [14:59] namechanged: lol ur killing me [15:00] naughtyashley86: oh baby u can only imagine what i want to do to u [15:00] namechanged: so how do i get to your site [15:01] naughtyashley86: here is my link [15:01] naughtyashley86: (Link: http://************************/XXXXXX [15:01] naughtyashley86: u just get a user name there, it needs letters and a number in it [15:02] naughtyashley86: let me know when u have a user name [15:02] naughtyashley86: so i can guide u in and show u how to get that $25 special [15:03] namechanged: ill let u know [15:03] naughtyashley86: k [15:06] naughtyashley86: did u get ur user name ok? [15:06] namechanged: prosseing [15:06] naughtyashley86: k [15:07] namechanged: now [15:08] naughtyashley86: ok,now u just click at the top where it says "buy xxx credit" [15:08] naughtyashley86: look at the last line on the left side of that page [15:08] naughtyashley86: it says "For additional pricing options...." [15:08] naughtyashley86: that will get u the extra $25 in free credits [15:10] naughtyashley86: soon as u have ur subscription number i can link u up to my cam [15:10] naughtyashley86: do u want me to start out naked, nearly naked or surprise you? [15:11] namechanged: naked lol [15:11] naughtyashley86: mmmm [15:11] namechanged: i wont get charged any more right? [15:11] naughtyashley86: right [15:12] namechanged: k brb [15:16] namechanged: ready [15:16] naughtyashley86: ok, just need ur subscription number [15:17] namechanged: 0000000000 [15:17] naughtyashley86: http://camlink [15:17] naughtyashley86: that link should bring u right to my cam room That should inspire you…
  • 27. BONUS METHOD – EVEN EASIER MONEY There are a lot of ways to make money out there. All you have to do is know where to look. And when you find one that made you $1, replicate it until it makes you $1 000 000 and so on. This method I will share with you is going to work for you in so many ways, you won’t believe. This involves working with: As you can see from their salespage, they pay up to $0.60 per download, and yes, they do pay. Now all you have to do is get people interested in your files. Mixing this with ewhoring is going to be a blast! - Download my first cam show - See my pics - Download online Dating ebook Those are just a few ideas to get you started. The content you can get from various porn sites and if you need to promise something that you can’t deliver, upload a corrupted file so they will think it’s their computer’s fault. This should be very easy to get you started with since the signup is easy and free and you don’t have to worry about your traffic sources. Although I would cloak my link using the various techniques listed above just I case they ban this website for some reason… That was all. Now Get Making Money! Learn more • The Simple 3-Step Formula I Used To Earn $5,203.89 Per Day During Lockdown By Just Asking People Simple ‘Yes & No’ Questions On The Internet… • Newbie Friendly Method Reveals How We Make $128+ Per Day With FREE Traffic In Just 30 Minutes Per Day! • 1-Click Smart A.I Mail App Sends Unlimited Emails To Unlimited Subscribers Into Primary Inbox FREE DOWLOAD 100 EBOOK MAKE MONEY ONLINE AT HERE