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Retail and Consumer Brands Insights

Product Development
Consumer-Driven Product
Today’s fast changing and less predictable fashion market environment makes
it increasingly challenging for retailers and brands to develop the right pro-
ducts in time. Product life cycles become ever shorter and consumers change
their preferences from one day to another without prior notice. Industry
leaders have turned their product development processes, organisation and
systems into a distinctive competitive advantage. They succeed in developing
the right products in a time- and cost-efficient way – at an increasingly improved

A competitive product development translates
right back into higher margins. According to a re-          approach with structured input from countries,
cent Kurt Salmon study, each week of lead time              key accounts and own stores on future assort-
reduction results in a 0.25 percentage points in-           ment needs.
crease of maintained margin. Kurt Salmon regular-
ly benchmarks fashion retailers and brands across           assortment down to product attribute level,
the globe on five key performance areas in product           based on sell-through data from key accounts
development:                                                and own retail.
  Effectiveness: Is a closed-loop planning and
  controlling process in place to develop the right         and future competitors’ activities, trend research,
  products? Are consumer insights incorporated in           customer and consumer feedback on ideas, con-
  the most effective way?                                   cepts and line previews, thereby also leveraging
  Efficiency: Is the product development time- and           new media (e.g. social networks).
  cost-efficient? Are the right processes and KPIs
  in place to measure development efficiency?                consumer needs as well as optimising product
  Calendar Management: Is the calendar properly             price/ value.
  managed to achieve competitive go-to-market                                                             -
  calendar lead times? In total and by individual           velopment process to ensure full integrity with
  process step?                                             financial and assortment plans.
  Organisation: Is the organisational structure
  (team set-up, location and reporting lines) ap-         Kurt Salmon has helped many retailers and brands
  propriate to support effective and efficient de-         improving their effectiveness in product develop-
  velopment?                                              ment, leading to a better financial and operational
  System Support: Do current systems solely man-          performance (cf. figure 1).
  age product data (PDM) or do they support the
  complete product life cycle including workflow,          Figure 1: Performance improvement through effective product
  internal and external collaboration (PLM)?
                                                                  Financial                     Operational
Effectiveness – Are you developing the right                     Performance                    Performance
products?                                                       Improvements                   Improvements
An effective product development uses planning
data, trend information and market feedback in a                       sales of 2                      style adop-
structured, proactive way to create consumer-rele-           - 5% through greater           tion rate by 25 - 40%
                                                             customer relevance             through structured
vant products that lead to increased adoption and
                                                                                            market data input
hit rates and an improved sales and margin perfor-                      margin
mance.                                                       of 1 - 3 percentage                       style hit
                                                             points through                 rate by 15 - 20%
                                                             better sell-through            through shorter cal-
    line/ buy plans, resulting in a clear and strategy-
                                                                                            endar lead times
    conform framework to design and develop into.

2     PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE?                                                  KURT SALMON GERMANY
Industry leaders do not only plan their margin tar-      the product design and development process. These
gets upfront but also keep track of them through-        best practices are all based on the following five
out the development process if products are              basic principles:
changed. They are able to translate the require-           Parallelising activities, e.g. by blocking materials
ments of their consumers in terms of quality, inno-        upfront before PO placement
vation, fashionability and price into detailed techni-     Speeding up activities, e.g. by shifting techni-
cal and cost implications for product components           cal developments to Asia reducing coordination
and production processes. As sourcing costs have           time with suppliers, or by differentiating costing
seen a steep increase due to higher cost for mate-         according to product type
rials and labour, engineering skills have become a         Synchronising activities, e.g. by avoiding waiting
competitive advantage again. Understanding fab-            time between design and technical development
ric and component prices as well as workmanship            through better workload balancing and stag-
allows a more accurate product costing based on            gered design
design, Bill of Material and technical documenta-          Differentiating activities, e.g. by differentiating
tion. It also sets a proper basis for a systematic         costing and technical specification level of detail
value engineering by                                       according to level of fashionability of product
  optimising costly, but non-value adding product          Eliminating redundant activities, e.g. by reduc-
  attributes or components,                                ing prototype/ sample iterations
  replacing materials (e.g. fabrics, trims, acces-
  sories) through lower cost alternatives of same        A prominent example of where those principles
  value from a consumer point of view,                   fall into place is material management. As fabric
  differentiating quality requirements for work-         is a core element of the critical path, earlier fabric
  manship in products (e.g. number of stitches per       availability is a key driver for lead time reduction.
  centimetre) instead of seeking same high quality       Upfront blocking reduces waiting times during the
  standards for all products.                            development process and bulk production by 4 - 6
  optimising engineered production together with         weeks. Early and evolving material commitments
  suppliers to reduce production minutes.                to suppliers also reduce cost and improve quality,
                                                         especially if they go along with the consolidation
                                                         of different materials.
  Kurt Salmon Success Story:
  Product Development Revamp at European                 Industry leaders increasingly leverage overseas of-
  Sportswear Brand                                       fices for additional activities at the source to sup-
                                                         port faster decision making and reduce coordination
    Background: The brand had made substan-              times. They shift, for example, product development,
    tial progress in their move from a manu-             approvals of material, lab dips and samples at dif-
    facturing-driven wholesale organisation to           ferent stages to overseas counterparts. Kurt Salmon
    a consumer-driven brand organisation with            has supported many retail and brand clients in de-
    a growing retail business; at the same time,         fining roles and responsibilities of their overseas of-
    product development processes and the                fices and interfaces with headquarters.
    related organisational structures remained           Staggered design and development has proven to
    centered around a manufacturing-driven               be a key driver for higher efficiency. It comprises
    mindset.                                             three basic principles:
    Approach: Kurt Salmon supported the client             Start your product development with long lead
    in benchmarking and developing the future              time products. Long lead time can be due to
    calendar vision and in defining the to-be pro-          complexity of design, technical specifications,
    cess and organisation including FTE require-           materials and/ or workmanship.
    ments, interfaces with product management              Postpone developments with high demand risks
    and sourcing, split of roles and responsibilities      to a later point of time. High demand risks go
    between headquarters and overseas sourcing             along with high fashionability and can refer to
    offices.                                                the full style or single attributes such as material,
    Result: 12% reduction of total lead time and           colour and shape.
    EBIT increase by 3.5 percentage points.                Stagger handover of completed work packages
                                                           to the next function (e.g. from design to techni-
                                                           cal product development) instead of waiting un-
Efficiency – Are you developing the products right?         til 100% completion of the full collection.
Leading companies have put various best prac-
tices in place to optimise their process efficiency,      Differentiating multi-step costing, technical speci-
i.e. to avoid any unnecessary time and cost during       fications and prototype sampling is another state-                                                  PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE?   3
Figure 2: Differentiated product development



of-the-art approach to reduce time and cost during           gic trade-off between cost, quality and time, but
the definition of product requirements. Fashion-              rather optimise all of them at the same time. Best
able items with short lead times do not require the          practice companies have defined key financial and
same level of costing, initial sketch and technical          operational metrics to continuously improve their
specification details compared to standard prod-              development efficiency (cf. figure 3).
ucts with longer life times and bigger quantities
where a detailed engineering can save substantial            Calendar Management – Do you manage your
cost in production. Similarly, the number of proto-          calendar properly?
types needed for approval and the number of cri-             To optimally leverage an effective and efficient
teria to be checked at samples should be lower for           product development it needs to be combined
existing or less complex products (cf. figure 2).             with an integrated calendar management across
                                                             functions and company boundaries. Kurt Salmon
Efficiency improvements in product development                has identified four distinctive management princi-
pay off quickly as they do not require a strate-             ples in numerous projects around the globe which
                                                             distinguish best practice companies from others:
                                                                     set targets, make them transparent, track
Figure 3: Performance improvement through efficient product     and adhere to them.
development                                                          enforce early collaboration, internally and
                                                               with external partners.
        Financial                      Operational
                                                                           clear roles and responsibilities for
       Performance                     Performance
                                                               each function in place.
      Improvements                    Improvements
                                                                      take decisions at predefined milestones
              sales-                        prototype          and stick to them.
    men sample cost of            iteration rate of 50
    >40% in wholesale             - 65% through stag-        These principles need to be incorporated into cal-
    through earlier in-           gered design, devel-       endar management. Best practice companies have
    volvement of coun-            opment and costing         defined clear meeting milestones and handover
    tries and key ac-             process
                                                             points including timing, duration, input, output,
                                            fit and lab       participants, roles and responsibilities, as well as
             airfreight           dip iteration rates        key decisions to be taken. Such a disciplined ap-
    express cost by up            of 20 - 30% through        proach to decision-making and timing is vital for
    to 70% through clear          clear communication
                                                             shorter lead times. Project experiences have prov-
    roles and predefined           and enforcement of
    milestones for deci-          technical standards        en that often up to 30 - 40% reduction in overall
    sion making                                              lead time from concept development to in-store
                                                             date can be achieved.

4    PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE?                                                KURT SALMON GERMANY
and considered a distinctive competitive advantage.
  Kurt Salmon Success Story:                            Development team sizes should be reviewed from
  Supply Chain Performance Improvement Pro-             time to time or when changes in the organisation
  gramme at Leading Eastern European Retailer           have been made (e.g. outsourcing or shift of prod-
                                                        uct development activities to Asia). Kurt Salmon
    Background: The company was performing              knows the productivity benchmarks in creative and
    well financially, but lagging behind operatio-       technical development and the key impacting fac-
    nally in terms of development efficiency and         tors on developers’ workload.
    calendar lead time.
    Approach: Kurt Salmon was engaged to ulti-          Do you have the right PDM/ PLM system support?
    mately improve profitability by reducing time-       A rising number of European retailers and whole-
    to-market through improved process efficien-         salers have started to critically review their current
    cy, clear meeting milestones and a competitive      system support for product development. Some of
    sourcing and supply chain model. The project        them have already begun to select and implement a
    ranged from strategic concept development           new Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system.
    to the facilitation of cross-functional commu-
    nication and the monitoring of calendar ad-         Product Development Management Systems (PDM)
    herence, using Kurt Salmon’s tracking tool.         focus on improving product data management.
    Result: Decrease of calendar lead time by 15%       They prevent designers and developers from re-
    in the short-term and 25% in the long term          inventing the wheel during the process. They fea-
    with phased guidance of the client from new         ture sketch, colour and material libraries which
    calendar development through specification           can be leveraged every time a new style is created.
    of key levers for improvement up to imple-          They also support technical specification genera-
    mentation.                                          tion, updates and administration. Advanced cost-
                                                        ing tools allow for a bottom-up costing approach
                                                        which enables the designer to better design ac-
                                                        cording to margin and cost targets. PLM systems
Industry leaders work on differentiated go-to-          enhance these functionalities, also covering work-
market calendars by supply mode, e.g. for NOS,          flow management, as well as internal and external
Seasonal Replenishment, Seasonal Fashion and            collaboration. By providing transparency on de-
Quick Response. Such an approach allows to bet-         sign and product development planning and sta-
ter exploit key competitive priorities (e.g. time vs.   tus data, they enable a real-time interaction with
cost) for different types of products. At corporate     overseas offices and vendors and allow for their
level, overlapping calendars – both between dif-        collaborative participation throughout the entire
ferent seasons/ collections and between different       process. On the demand side, PLM systems are
supply modes – need to be carefully considered in       able to create line plans with product briefs and
terms of resource availability and workload. Latest     key metrics which can be planned and tracked
at this point it becomes evident that an increase in    throughout the entire season. On the supply side,
the number of collections does not work with long       PLM functionalities include vendor management,
calendars: overlaps between seasons become sig-         production and capacity planning, and vendor
nificant and can no longer be managed anymore.           compliance/ quality assurance (cf. figure 4).

Organisational Structure – Do you have the right        Kurt Salmon has identified three stages of PLM
team structure in place?                                adoption a retailer or brand would typically go
A proper team structure is a strong enabler for ef-     through (cf. figure 5). In the first stage PLM is not
fective and efficient development processes. In          used beyond the walls of design and product devel-
product-driven companies cross-functional teams         opment. Working in different systems for products
with product/ merchandising, design and techni-         and sourcing does not allow making significant re-
cal development simplify the communication and          ductions in cycle times or costs – product design
alignment on the demand side between product            and development is just one piece of a larger pro-
planning and development. In rather supply chain-       cess that needs to be managed. By moving to the
and efficiency-driven companies technical product        second stage of PLM adoption, retailers and brands
development will be pooled into shared services         link product development and sourcing. Sourcing
and be part of sourcing or manufacturing in order       activities such as raw material management and
to ease the communication on the supply side. Ded-      costing are managed through the PLM system.
icated teams for material and/ or colour research       Furtheremore, information on supplier capabilities
and development become the more important, the          and capacities will be stored to improve collabora-
more product development tasks are kept inhouse         tion between product and sourcing. Working of                                                 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE?   5
Figure 4: Functionalities of PLM Systems
                                                                                                 jects – from the definition of business requirements
                                                                                                 to user trainings and go-live – with all major soft-
                                                                                                 ware vendors, thereby keeping a neutral position.

                                                                                                 Project experiences have proven that the following
                                         Libraries                                               considerations are crucial for successful PLM sys-
                                                                                                 tem selections and implementations:

                           Pro rcing &

                                                                                                 1. Define a vision for the future: Identify which




                              d uc

                                         Develop-                                                   new capabilities are critical to the organisation


                                          ment                                                      in the next two to four years to understand fu-
                                  Mg teri           st
                                                         g                                          ture requirements.
                                    m al         Co
                                      t.                                                         2. Focus on critical functionality: Focus on func-
                              br                                ies
                                ar                            ar                                    tionality which supports what is critical or
                                  ies                       br
                                                                                                    unique to the business today and tomorrow and
                                  Calendar Management,
                                                                                                    do not become hijacked by non-critical func-
                                  Supplier Management                                               tionality. Different requirements of headquarters
                                                                                                    and overseas offices need to be connected.
                                                                                                 3. Plan for configuration and customisation: Set
                                                                                                    expectations of time and budget for configura-
a central calendar allows focusing on the critical                                                  tion and customisation and be sure to include
tasks for all involved parties. While there are great                                               the effort for internal staff in the evaluation
benefits associated with the link of product devel-                                                  process.
opment and sourcing in a PLM system, there are                                                   4. Assess vendor itself along with other selection
even greater benefits to those retailers and brands                                                  criteria: It is not only about buying PLM soft-
who take a more expansive approach to PLM adop-                                                     ware, but also about gaining a strategic partner.
tion. The last of what Kurt Salmon considers the                                                    Evaluate the vendor itself, review who the ven-
three stages in PLM adoption takes PLM systems                                                      dor’s other customers are, how the roadmap is
outside a retailer’s or brand’s “own wall” and con-                                                 created and which opportunities there are for
nects suppliers to the system. Bringing suppliers                                                   your involvement, such as committees, user con-
into the upfront discussions about product design                                                   ferences, and meetings with the product staff.
and development shaves off greater amounts of                                                    5. Use demo scripts rather than requirement lists:
time, cost and quality issues in the process.                                                       Demo scripts which articulate process flows pro-
                                                                                                    vide greater clarity on how well a PLM system
Kurt Salmon regularly supports retailers and                                                        will meet your particular needs and help you to
brands in PLM selection and implementation pro-                                                     better differentiate the vendors.

Figure 5: Sample evaluation of individual benchmarking results

                                              Stage 1                                         Stage 2                                     Stage 3

                                   Product                                          Product                                    Product
                                   Design &                    Sourcing             Design &               Sourcing            Design &                Sourcing
                                 Development                                      Development                                Development


                                                                                                                              Component              Final Product
                                        PLM                                                       PLM                          Suppliers               Suppliers

                                     Product Development                           Product Development and                     Collaborative Supply Web
                                         Automation                                Sourcing Synchronisation
      What                 Automation of product design and                    Improved coordination between PD&D and     PD&D, sourcing and suppliers combine to
                           development function                                sourcing                                   optimise entire supply chain

      Why                  Need to cut new product introduction cycle          Need to cut cycle times and reduce costs   Substantial need to improve quality, time to
                           time                                                through buying clout                       market and product costs

      How                  Create central library of reusable designs          Reuse of product components enables        Visibility across entire chain enables players
                           and components                                      quantity discounts                         to create the optimal work flow

      What Impact          10 - 20% reduction in cycle times                   20 - 40% reduction in cycle times;         40 - 80% reduction in cycle times,
                                                                               2 - 3 % reduction in product costs         3 - 5 % reduction in product costs; 20 - 40%
                                                                                                                          decrease in product quality issues

6   PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE?                                                                                                         KURT SALMON GERMANY
Figure 6: Sample evaluation of individual benchmarking results

                     Development Cycle                                   Technical Development Cycle
   Development specs to line close/ market week                                  Fit approval to in-store

      42 weeks          33                  24            7           40 weeks         31                23         4

                         Key: As compared to industry averages – Example retail apparel
                                  = Below average                = Average             = Best-in-class

6. Drive the implementation plan and phases:                     Kurt Salmon Product Development Survey
   With PLM systems customers should be driving                  – Are you competitive?
   the implementation planning. Splitting the im-                Kurt Salmon has benchmarked more than 400 Eu-
   plementation into phases with manageable                      ropean, US and Asian retailers and brands in the
   packages is key. Business value, process change,              apparel and footwear industry to date. The results
   and organisational readiness should determine                 have created a globally unique database that al-
   which functionality is piloted/ rolled out when               lows fast and deep insights into the competitive
   and to which brands/ categories.                              positioning of a retailer or brand when it comes to
7. Start change management early with package                    product development. Take part in the survey and
   selection: Getting an organisation ready for a                get exclusive access to this extensive database!
   business transformation project takes a long                  Participants will receive an individual presentation
   time and it starts with the package selection.                of their benchmarking results in comparison with
                                                                 the top competitors in their industry and segment
                                                                 (cf. figure 6). If you would like to take part in our
  Kurt Salmon Success Story:                                     survey or should you have any questions regard-
  PLM System Selection Support, Blue Print                       ing our service offers please contact Dorothea
  Definition and Implementation at Leading                        Ern-Stockum or Dr. Sven Kromer at dorothea.ern@
  American Outdoor Brand                                or

     Background: Globally operating US footwear
     company comprised of six brands was looking
     to reduce the dependency on manual Excel
     spreadsheets and disparate systems that con-
     nected merchandising, planning, and product
     development functions.
     Approach: Kurt Salmon and the client jointly
     reviewed the business processes, defined the
     functional requirements in an RFP and in use
     cases, and managed the software vendor eva-
     luation and selection. In the following phases
     Kurt Salmon supported the detailed process
     design and the training of the team in the new
     processes and system.
     Result: The PLM implementation has been
     part of a set of initiatives for a targeted 20%
     reduction in go-to-market calendar lead time.                                                           PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE?   7
©2012 Kurt Salmon
                                                                                                                Copyright Note:
Kurt Salmon Germany GmbH
Königsallee 11
40212 Düsseldorf
T: +49 (0)211 7595 0 F: +49 (0)211 7595 111

The authors:

Dr. Sven Kromer
Partner, Kurt Salmon Germany

Senta Trorlicht
Senior Consultant, Kurt Salmon Germany

Dorothea Ern-Stockum
Managing Director, Kurt Salmon Germany


Strategy and transaction                        Operations

 Brand Equity and Consumer Insights               Merchandising and Planning
 Competitor, Channel and Category Analysis        Product Development and Sourcing
 New Market Entry and Internationalization        Store Operations
 Commercial Due Diligence and                     Supply Chain and Logistics
 Post Acquisition Integration                     Information Technology
 Turnaround and Restructuring

      Formed by the merger of Kurt Salmon Associates and Ineum Consulting, Kurt Salmon is a global manage-
      ment consultancy of more than 1,600 consultants in 15 countries across five continents.
      Kurt Salmon is an industry specialist and in Germany focused on retail, consumer goods and financial
      services. Today‘s increasingly complex environment demands more than just a consultant — as a trusted
      advisor, Kurt Salmon works with industry leaders to design and then drive strategies and solutions that
      make a lasting and meaningful impact. Kurt Salmon is committed to delivering measurable results for
      its clients through executional excellence.

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kurt salmon white paper consumer driven product development

  • 1. Retail and Consumer Brands Insights Consumer-Driven Product Development
  • 2. Consumer-Driven Product Development Today’s fast changing and less predictable fashion market environment makes it increasingly challenging for retailers and brands to develop the right pro- ducts in time. Product life cycles become ever shorter and consumers change their preferences from one day to another without prior notice. Industry leaders have turned their product development processes, organisation and systems into a distinctive competitive advantage. They succeed in developing the right products in a time- and cost-efficient way – at an increasingly improved speed-to-market. A competitive product development translates right back into higher margins. According to a re- approach with structured input from countries, cent Kurt Salmon study, each week of lead time key accounts and own stores on future assort- reduction results in a 0.25 percentage points in- ment needs. crease of maintained margin. Kurt Salmon regular- ly benchmarks fashion retailers and brands across assortment down to product attribute level, the globe on five key performance areas in product based on sell-through data from key accounts development: and own retail. Effectiveness: Is a closed-loop planning and controlling process in place to develop the right and future competitors’ activities, trend research, products? Are consumer insights incorporated in customer and consumer feedback on ideas, con- the most effective way? cepts and line previews, thereby also leveraging Efficiency: Is the product development time- and new media (e.g. social networks). cost-efficient? Are the right processes and KPIs in place to measure development efficiency? consumer needs as well as optimising product Calendar Management: Is the calendar properly price/ value. managed to achieve competitive go-to-market - calendar lead times? In total and by individual velopment process to ensure full integrity with process step? financial and assortment plans. Organisation: Is the organisational structure (team set-up, location and reporting lines) ap- Kurt Salmon has helped many retailers and brands propriate to support effective and efficient de- improving their effectiveness in product develop- velopment? ment, leading to a better financial and operational System Support: Do current systems solely man- performance (cf. figure 1). age product data (PDM) or do they support the complete product life cycle including workflow, Figure 1: Performance improvement through effective product development internal and external collaboration (PLM)? Financial Operational Effectiveness – Are you developing the right Performance Performance products? Improvements Improvements An effective product development uses planning data, trend information and market feedback in a sales of 2 style adop- structured, proactive way to create consumer-rele- - 5% through greater tion rate by 25 - 40% customer relevance through structured vant products that lead to increased adoption and market data input hit rates and an improved sales and margin perfor- margin mance. of 1 - 3 percentage style hit points through rate by 15 - 20% better sell-through through shorter cal- line/ buy plans, resulting in a clear and strategy- endar lead times conform framework to design and develop into. 2 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE? KURT SALMON GERMANY
  • 3. Industry leaders do not only plan their margin tar- the product design and development process. These gets upfront but also keep track of them through- best practices are all based on the following five out the development process if products are basic principles: changed. They are able to translate the require- Parallelising activities, e.g. by blocking materials ments of their consumers in terms of quality, inno- upfront before PO placement vation, fashionability and price into detailed techni- Speeding up activities, e.g. by shifting techni- cal and cost implications for product components cal developments to Asia reducing coordination and production processes. As sourcing costs have time with suppliers, or by differentiating costing seen a steep increase due to higher cost for mate- according to product type rials and labour, engineering skills have become a Synchronising activities, e.g. by avoiding waiting competitive advantage again. Understanding fab- time between design and technical development ric and component prices as well as workmanship through better workload balancing and stag- allows a more accurate product costing based on gered design design, Bill of Material and technical documenta- Differentiating activities, e.g. by differentiating tion. It also sets a proper basis for a systematic costing and technical specification level of detail value engineering by according to level of fashionability of product optimising costly, but non-value adding product Eliminating redundant activities, e.g. by reduc- attributes or components, ing prototype/ sample iterations replacing materials (e.g. fabrics, trims, acces- sories) through lower cost alternatives of same A prominent example of where those principles value from a consumer point of view, fall into place is material management. As fabric differentiating quality requirements for work- is a core element of the critical path, earlier fabric manship in products (e.g. number of stitches per availability is a key driver for lead time reduction. centimetre) instead of seeking same high quality Upfront blocking reduces waiting times during the standards for all products. development process and bulk production by 4 - 6 optimising engineered production together with weeks. Early and evolving material commitments suppliers to reduce production minutes. to suppliers also reduce cost and improve quality, especially if they go along with the consolidation of different materials. Kurt Salmon Success Story: Product Development Revamp at European Industry leaders increasingly leverage overseas of- Sportswear Brand fices for additional activities at the source to sup- port faster decision making and reduce coordination Background: The brand had made substan- times. They shift, for example, product development, tial progress in their move from a manu- approvals of material, lab dips and samples at dif- facturing-driven wholesale organisation to ferent stages to overseas counterparts. Kurt Salmon a consumer-driven brand organisation with has supported many retail and brand clients in de- a growing retail business; at the same time, fining roles and responsibilities of their overseas of- product development processes and the fices and interfaces with headquarters. related organisational structures remained Staggered design and development has proven to centered around a manufacturing-driven be a key driver for higher efficiency. It comprises mindset. three basic principles: Approach: Kurt Salmon supported the client Start your product development with long lead in benchmarking and developing the future time products. Long lead time can be due to calendar vision and in defining the to-be pro- complexity of design, technical specifications, cess and organisation including FTE require- materials and/ or workmanship. ments, interfaces with product management Postpone developments with high demand risks and sourcing, split of roles and responsibilities to a later point of time. High demand risks go between headquarters and overseas sourcing along with high fashionability and can refer to offices. the full style or single attributes such as material, Result: 12% reduction of total lead time and colour and shape. EBIT increase by 3.5 percentage points. Stagger handover of completed work packages to the next function (e.g. from design to techni- cal product development) instead of waiting un- Efficiency – Are you developing the products right? til 100% completion of the full collection. Leading companies have put various best prac- tices in place to optimise their process efficiency, Differentiating multi-step costing, technical speci- i.e. to avoid any unnecessary time and cost during fications and prototype sampling is another state- PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE? 3
  • 4. Figure 2: Differentiated product development T T of-the-art approach to reduce time and cost during gic trade-off between cost, quality and time, but the definition of product requirements. Fashion- rather optimise all of them at the same time. Best able items with short lead times do not require the practice companies have defined key financial and same level of costing, initial sketch and technical operational metrics to continuously improve their specification details compared to standard prod- development efficiency (cf. figure 3). ucts with longer life times and bigger quantities where a detailed engineering can save substantial Calendar Management – Do you manage your cost in production. Similarly, the number of proto- calendar properly? types needed for approval and the number of cri- To optimally leverage an effective and efficient teria to be checked at samples should be lower for product development it needs to be combined existing or less complex products (cf. figure 2). with an integrated calendar management across functions and company boundaries. Kurt Salmon Efficiency improvements in product development has identified four distinctive management princi- pay off quickly as they do not require a strate- ples in numerous projects around the globe which distinguish best practice companies from others: set targets, make them transparent, track Figure 3: Performance improvement through efficient product and adhere to them. development enforce early collaboration, internally and with external partners. Financial Operational clear roles and responsibilities for Performance Performance each function in place. Improvements Improvements take decisions at predefined milestones sales- prototype and stick to them. men sample cost of iteration rate of 50 >40% in wholesale - 65% through stag- These principles need to be incorporated into cal- through earlier in- gered design, devel- endar management. Best practice companies have volvement of coun- opment and costing defined clear meeting milestones and handover tries and key ac- process points including timing, duration, input, output, counts fit and lab participants, roles and responsibilities, as well as airfreight dip iteration rates key decisions to be taken. Such a disciplined ap- express cost by up of 20 - 30% through proach to decision-making and timing is vital for to 70% through clear clear communication shorter lead times. Project experiences have prov- roles and predefined and enforcement of milestones for deci- technical standards en that often up to 30 - 40% reduction in overall sion making lead time from concept development to in-store date can be achieved. 4 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE? KURT SALMON GERMANY
  • 5. and considered a distinctive competitive advantage. Kurt Salmon Success Story: Development team sizes should be reviewed from Supply Chain Performance Improvement Pro- time to time or when changes in the organisation gramme at Leading Eastern European Retailer have been made (e.g. outsourcing or shift of prod- uct development activities to Asia). Kurt Salmon Background: The company was performing knows the productivity benchmarks in creative and well financially, but lagging behind operatio- technical development and the key impacting fac- nally in terms of development efficiency and tors on developers’ workload. calendar lead time. Approach: Kurt Salmon was engaged to ulti- Do you have the right PDM/ PLM system support? mately improve profitability by reducing time- A rising number of European retailers and whole- to-market through improved process efficien- salers have started to critically review their current cy, clear meeting milestones and a competitive system support for product development. Some of sourcing and supply chain model. The project them have already begun to select and implement a ranged from strategic concept development new Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) system. to the facilitation of cross-functional commu- nication and the monitoring of calendar ad- Product Development Management Systems (PDM) herence, using Kurt Salmon’s tracking tool. focus on improving product data management. Result: Decrease of calendar lead time by 15% They prevent designers and developers from re- in the short-term and 25% in the long term inventing the wheel during the process. They fea- with phased guidance of the client from new ture sketch, colour and material libraries which calendar development through specification can be leveraged every time a new style is created. of key levers for improvement up to imple- They also support technical specification genera- mentation. tion, updates and administration. Advanced cost- ing tools allow for a bottom-up costing approach which enables the designer to better design ac- cording to margin and cost targets. PLM systems Industry leaders work on differentiated go-to- enhance these functionalities, also covering work- market calendars by supply mode, e.g. for NOS, flow management, as well as internal and external Seasonal Replenishment, Seasonal Fashion and collaboration. By providing transparency on de- Quick Response. Such an approach allows to bet- sign and product development planning and sta- ter exploit key competitive priorities (e.g. time vs. tus data, they enable a real-time interaction with cost) for different types of products. At corporate overseas offices and vendors and allow for their level, overlapping calendars – both between dif- collaborative participation throughout the entire ferent seasons/ collections and between different process. On the demand side, PLM systems are supply modes – need to be carefully considered in able to create line plans with product briefs and terms of resource availability and workload. Latest key metrics which can be planned and tracked at this point it becomes evident that an increase in throughout the entire season. On the supply side, the number of collections does not work with long PLM functionalities include vendor management, calendars: overlaps between seasons become sig- production and capacity planning, and vendor nificant and can no longer be managed anymore. compliance/ quality assurance (cf. figure 4). Organisational Structure – Do you have the right Kurt Salmon has identified three stages of PLM team structure in place? adoption a retailer or brand would typically go A proper team structure is a strong enabler for ef- through (cf. figure 5). In the first stage PLM is not fective and efficient development processes. In used beyond the walls of design and product devel- product-driven companies cross-functional teams opment. Working in different systems for products with product/ merchandising, design and techni- and sourcing does not allow making significant re- cal development simplify the communication and ductions in cycle times or costs – product design alignment on the demand side between product and development is just one piece of a larger pro- planning and development. In rather supply chain- cess that needs to be managed. By moving to the and efficiency-driven companies technical product second stage of PLM adoption, retailers and brands development will be pooled into shared services link product development and sourcing. Sourcing and be part of sourcing or manufacturing in order activities such as raw material management and to ease the communication on the supply side. Ded- costing are managed through the PLM system. icated teams for material and/ or colour research Furtheremore, information on supplier capabilities and development become the more important, the and capacities will be stored to improve collabora- more product development tasks are kept inhouse tion between product and sourcing. Working of PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE? 5
  • 6. Figure 4: Functionalities of PLM Systems jects – from the definition of business requirements to user trainings and go-live – with all major soft- ware vendors, thereby keeping a neutral position. Project experiences have proven that the following Libraries considerations are crucial for successful PLM sys- tem selections and implementations: Planning ries Lib Pro rcing & 1. Define a vision for the future: Identify which tion ra ra Des ries Lib d uc Develop- new capabilities are critical to the organisation ig Sou n ment in the next two to four years to understand fu- Ma Mg teri st in g ture requirements. m al Co Li t. 2. Focus on critical functionality: Focus on func- br ies ar ar tionality which supports what is critical or ies br Li unique to the business today and tomorrow and Calendar Management, do not become hijacked by non-critical func- Supplier Management tionality. Different requirements of headquarters Collaboration and overseas offices need to be connected. 3. Plan for configuration and customisation: Set expectations of time and budget for configura- a central calendar allows focusing on the critical tion and customisation and be sure to include tasks for all involved parties. While there are great the effort for internal staff in the evaluation benefits associated with the link of product devel- process. opment and sourcing in a PLM system, there are 4. Assess vendor itself along with other selection even greater benefits to those retailers and brands criteria: It is not only about buying PLM soft- who take a more expansive approach to PLM adop- ware, but also about gaining a strategic partner. tion. The last of what Kurt Salmon considers the Evaluate the vendor itself, review who the ven- three stages in PLM adoption takes PLM systems dor’s other customers are, how the roadmap is outside a retailer’s or brand’s “own wall” and con- created and which opportunities there are for nects suppliers to the system. Bringing suppliers your involvement, such as committees, user con- into the upfront discussions about product design ferences, and meetings with the product staff. and development shaves off greater amounts of 5. Use demo scripts rather than requirement lists: time, cost and quality issues in the process. Demo scripts which articulate process flows pro- vide greater clarity on how well a PLM system Kurt Salmon regularly supports retailers and will meet your particular needs and help you to brands in PLM selection and implementation pro- better differentiate the vendors. Figure 5: Sample evaluation of individual benchmarking results Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Product Product Product Design & Sourcing Design & Sourcing Design & Sourcing Development Development Development PLM Component Final Product PLM PLM Suppliers Suppliers Product Development Product Development and Collaborative Supply Web Automation Sourcing Synchronisation What Automation of product design and Improved coordination between PD&D and PD&D, sourcing and suppliers combine to development function sourcing optimise entire supply chain Why Need to cut new product introduction cycle Need to cut cycle times and reduce costs Substantial need to improve quality, time to time through buying clout market and product costs How Create central library of reusable designs Reuse of product components enables Visibility across entire chain enables players and components quantity discounts to create the optimal work flow What Impact 10 - 20% reduction in cycle times 20 - 40% reduction in cycle times; 40 - 80% reduction in cycle times, 2 - 3 % reduction in product costs 3 - 5 % reduction in product costs; 20 - 40% decrease in product quality issues 6 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE? KURT SALMON GERMANY
  • 7. Figure 6: Sample evaluation of individual benchmarking results Development Cycle Technical Development Cycle Development specs to line close/ market week Fit approval to in-store 42 weeks 33 24 7 40 weeks 31 23 4 Key: As compared to industry averages – Example retail apparel = Below average = Average = Best-in-class 6. Drive the implementation plan and phases: Kurt Salmon Product Development Survey With PLM systems customers should be driving – Are you competitive? the implementation planning. Splitting the im- Kurt Salmon has benchmarked more than 400 Eu- plementation into phases with manageable ropean, US and Asian retailers and brands in the packages is key. Business value, process change, apparel and footwear industry to date. The results and organisational readiness should determine have created a globally unique database that al- which functionality is piloted/ rolled out when lows fast and deep insights into the competitive and to which brands/ categories. positioning of a retailer or brand when it comes to 7. Start change management early with package product development. Take part in the survey and selection: Getting an organisation ready for a get exclusive access to this extensive database! business transformation project takes a long Participants will receive an individual presentation time and it starts with the package selection. of their benchmarking results in comparison with the top competitors in their industry and segment (cf. figure 6). If you would like to take part in our Kurt Salmon Success Story: survey or should you have any questions regard- PLM System Selection Support, Blue Print ing our service offers please contact Dorothea Definition and Implementation at Leading Ern-Stockum or Dr. Sven Kromer at dorothea.ern@ American Outdoor Brand or Background: Globally operating US footwear company comprised of six brands was looking to reduce the dependency on manual Excel spreadsheets and disparate systems that con- nected merchandising, planning, and product development functions. Approach: Kurt Salmon and the client jointly reviewed the business processes, defined the functional requirements in an RFP and in use cases, and managed the software vendor eva- luation and selection. In the following phases Kurt Salmon supported the detailed process design and the training of the team in the new processes and system. Result: The PLM implementation has been part of a set of initiatives for a targeted 20% reduction in go-to-market calendar lead time. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – ARE YOU COMPETITIVE? 7
  • 8. ©2012 Kurt Salmon Copyright Note: Kurt Salmon Germany GmbH Königsallee 11 40212 Düsseldorf T: +49 (0)211 7595 0 F: +49 (0)211 7595 111 The authors: Dr. Sven Kromer Partner, Kurt Salmon Germany Senta Trorlicht Senior Consultant, Kurt Salmon Germany Responsible: Dorothea Ern-Stockum Managing Director, Kurt Salmon Germany OUR SERVICES Strategy and transaction Operations Brand Equity and Consumer Insights Merchandising and Planning Competitor, Channel and Category Analysis Product Development and Sourcing New Market Entry and Internationalization Store Operations Commercial Due Diligence and Supply Chain and Logistics Post Acquisition Integration Information Technology Turnaround and Restructuring Formed by the merger of Kurt Salmon Associates and Ineum Consulting, Kurt Salmon is a global manage- ment consultancy of more than 1,600 consultants in 15 countries across five continents. Kurt Salmon is an industry specialist and in Germany focused on retail, consumer goods and financial services. Today‘s increasingly complex environment demands more than just a consultant — as a trusted advisor, Kurt Salmon works with industry leaders to design and then drive strategies and solutions that make a lasting and meaningful impact. Kurt Salmon is committed to delivering measurable results for its clients through executional excellence.