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Module 3:

1960s-----------------------------2020s   Ubiquity       Digital eras

                                           Mobile    w


                                          Computer                      2
Facebook stats
ā€¢ 845 million active users (Dec 2011) ; 50% log in daily,
  425m via mobile, 80% of users outside US
ā€¢ Average user has 130 friends and connected to 80 pages,
  groups and events
ā€¢ More than 2.7 billion posts are liked and commented on per
ā€¢ On average, more than 250 million photos are uploaded per
  day. Facebook now hosts more photos than the top 20
  photo sites combined
ā€¢ Facebook bypassed Google as a No 1 most visited site in
ā€¢ 65% of US Facebook users said they are more likely to buy
  a product based on a positive Facebook friend referral
 Source:                         3
Facebook users in Southeast Asia
                                  April 1 2011         Sept 30 2011   Dec 31 2011
                Indonesia          35,177,260           40,418,840    41,777,240
                Philippines        22,376,740           26,721,920    27,033,680
                Thailand           8,699,080            12,076,740    13,275,580
                Malaysia           10,088,720           11,751,940    12,060,340
                Singapore          2,318,060            2,589,600      2,661,120    4
Source: Facebook,, as of Dec 31, 2011
CIMB on Facebook

      One-to-one customer
      complaint resolution


CIMB advertises
for social media-
savvy employees

CIMB ad copy
ā€œCIMB is looking for someone who wants
to spend all day on Facebook and get
paid for it. We want to bring our brand
closer to our customers and stakeholders
and are looking for people to help us do
so. If you believe that social media is the
next step in getting people to connect with
brands and if this is something you are
passionate about, then read on!ā€
Job: Asst Mgt/Exec-Social Media Team
ā€¢ Location: The World Wide Web           ā€¢ Requirements: Bachelors
ā€¢ Create and execute social media          Degree in any field, at least 1-3
  campaigns across the various             years working experience in any
  platforms that CIMB has                  field
  established communities in             ā€¢ Facebook & Twitter savvy
  (forums, Facebook, Twitter,              with an intimate knowledge
  YouTube etc)                             on developments of the media
ā€¢ Manage, monitor and engage in our        landscape
  online community as well as
  provide quantitative and qualitative   ā€¢ Able to work and engage with
  insights based on feedback from          people easily and comfortably
  this community                         ā€¢ Understand and appreciate
ā€¢ Formulate strategies for programs        the difference between LOL
  on social media that will                and ROFLMAO
  complement CIMB's initiatives
                                         ā€¢ Please ensure that resumes are
ā€¢ Assist in the development of social
  media strategies as well as              submitted together with your
  community management and                 Facebook ID and Twitter handle
  implementation of social media           for our reference.
  campaigns across the region
News updates


Why Facebook?
 1. Built-in audience

Your target audience is already on Facebook. No additional
registration or profile to fill to participate.

 2. Rapid rollout

Setting up a Facebook Page is easy - it doesnā€™t require a
developer or approval from IT.

 3. Minimal costs

A Facebook Page is free, versus high costs of developing
a custom social networking site. But note: Experts,
custom apps, games, landing pages cost money.               12
4. Viral Features
If you post something interesting, it will have a life of its

  5. Minimal Hassle

Facebook is aggressive in deleting spammers, rogue
accounts and inappropriate content. This minimizes issues
in managing your own community.

 6. Multimedia features

Hosting photos/videos is a lot easier and tagging makes
those photos easy for friends to share

7. Referral engine

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks are
great ways to drive traffic to your flagship website, e-
commerce platform or other owned sites.

 8. Leads

You can find new customers you would not have discovered
otherwise and review profiles to generate new leads.

 9. Engagement

You can engage with existing customers in new ways and
build longterm relationships for customer retention.
10. Targetted promos

Friendsā€™ recommendations of your promotions are better
received. Your giveaways, coupons, promos may trigger
call-to-actions and direct sales. It is easier to cross-promote
with partners.

 11. Customer support

You can do one-to-one customer support and redirect to
right personnel for resolution.

  12. Reputation mgt

Proactive correction of misinformation, errors, inaccuracies,
myths and responding quickly to negative comments may
avert a crisis.                                            15
Cons of Facebook
ā€¢ Facebook may change: While Facebook is the current
  ā€œitā€ social network, traffic may flatten and its future is not
  guaranteed. If users abandon Facebook, theyā€™ll be
  abandoning your company/brand page too.
ā€¢ Youā€™re Limited to Facebookā€™s Feature Set: If
  Facebook decides to drop or add features that arenā€™t
  popular, or imposes restrictions that kill your
  communityā€™s growth, youā€™re out of luck.
ā€¢ No Data Ownership: You are limited by number of
  invites to your page and applications.
ā€¢ Your Competitors Can Do the Same Thing: There are
  no barriers to entry for Facebook pages. They can copy
  the popular apps you develop. They can join your group
  without your knowledge.
Facebook Page Basics

           How To Start A Page:
What type of Facebook page
      is right for me?
         Local Business or Place
         page is best:
         ā€¢ Merge with Bing Place data
           (map & link on info tab)
         ā€¢ Fans can ā€˜check inā€™ to your
         ā€¢ Fields on info tab are more
         ā€¢ Categories help potential
           clients find your business
Why a Facebook page
            is the best for business:
  Page                   vs    Profile             vs   Group
ā€¢ Custom URLs                 ā€¢ Custom URLs             ā€¢ No custom URLS
ā€¢ Unlimited                   ā€¢ Limited Friends,        ā€¢ No support for
  Fans/Likes                    Manual friending          custom apps
ā€¢ Can add Apps,               ā€¢ Line between            ā€¢ Can restrict who
  Custom Tabs,                  personal and              can access: open,
  Games                         business blurred          closed, and secret.
ā€¢ Visitor insights and        ā€¢ No analytics            ā€¢ Can send bulk
  analytics                   ā€¢ Cannot appoint            message into inbox
ā€¢ Indexed by search             admins                    of up to 5000
  engines and can be          ā€¢ Limited custom            members
  seen by non-fans              apps                    ā€¢ No analytics
ā€¢ Messages appear                                       ā€¢ Better for quick,
  as updates                                              active discussions
ā€¢ Can target by
  location, language                                                      19
10 Facebook Tips
ā€¢   Create a Page to promote events, conferences,
    seminars, projects, launches, your blog, your
ā€¢   Share: Be useful. Answer questions, offer tips,
    guides, timely information.
ā€¢   Do link and promote to stories on your organisation,
    but provide some other value-add or insider
    insight, this is not just a broadcast medium.
ā€¢   Be human: Show you care, be witty, disclose some
    of your personal interests, it helps to get to know you
ā€¢   Use apps to automate stuff: blog posts, Twitter
    updates ~ but donā€™t overdo it!
10 Facebook Tips
ā€¢    Tag all photos and videos with ā€œCompany ABCā€
     for events. Divide photos into separate albums.
ā€¢    Address new fans with personal messages
ā€¢    Have two or three admins as backups
ā€¢    For CSR: like-minded groups for related pages: eg
     Breast Cancer Awareness, Eradicate Polio.
ā€¢    Use smart lists to divide group and target
     messages once you have mastered various apps
Note: Pages vs Groups: Pages are better for a long-term relationships
with your fans, readers or customers; Groups are better for hosting an
active discussion and attracting quick attention. Community pages are for
generic causes or topics.
Steps to creating a new page
1. Go To:
   ā€¢ Also a link to ā€˜Create a Pageā€™ on the Home Page
   ā€¢ Links to ā€˜Create a Pageā€™ In lower left corner of existing pages
2. Select the ā€˜Local Business or Placeā€™ Page type
   ā€¢ Choose your business type category
   ā€¢ Enter business name & info
   ā€¢ Click ā€˜Get Startedā€™
3. Log into the personal account you want to admin the page
   ā€¢ You will be prompted to do so if you were not logged in when
     you started
4. Fill out your ā€˜infoā€™ tab with details about your business
   ā€¢ Add links to your website, Twitter, etc.
   ā€¢ Add info about what you specialize in and offer
   ā€¢ Make a good first impression that makes people want to like the
5. Follow the steps on the ā€˜Get Started Tabā€™
ā€˜Get startedā€™ tab makes it easy!
ā€˜Get startedā€™ tab walks you through:
1. Adding images
2. Posting a status update
   ā€¢ Encourage your friends to share your page
   ā€¢ Announce a new website or promo offer

3. Adding a ā€˜Likeā€™ button to your website
   ā€¢ Takes a little coding knowledge

4. Inviting friends & announcing to fans
   ā€¢ Upload an Excel doc
   ā€¢ Import email contacts
   ā€¢ Suggest to personal Facebook friends

5. Syncing to a mobile device

Converting a Group to a Page
Facebook DOES NOT allow you to convert a group
to a page
ā€“ Groups were part of Facebook BEFORE Pages were
ā€“ When Pages were first introduced Facebook temporarily
  allowed converting
ā€“ Only way to migrate group members to page fans now is
  to ask them to ā€˜Likeā€™ it
ā€“ Post new page URL on group wall and invite member to
  ā€˜Likeā€™ the page
ā€“ Send a message and/or chat to members ask them to
  spread the news & like the page
ā€“ Consider incentives to ā€˜likeā€™ the page & suggest it (eg:% off
   a service, coupons, being entered into a drawing for a free
  gifts, etc.)                                              24
Converting your Profile to a Page
ā€¢ Facebook lets you convert a personal Profile
  into a Page!
  ā€“ Cannot be undone ā€“ So be sure itā€™s your best
  ā€“ Friends will be converted into fans that ā€˜Likeā€™ the
  ā€“ Only Photos will be transferred. NOTE: All other
    data lost!
  ā€“ Facebook will provide you with a stripped-down
    version of a Personal Profile, called a Business
    Account, which will be the admin of the new
    Page. It cannot become ā€˜Friendsā€™ with anyone or
    ā€˜Likeā€™ anything, etc.                             25
Custom landing pages
Custom landing tabs good for branding &
getting people to your website
ā€“ Now custom tabs use iFrames (not FBML) & are more
  customizable than in the past
ā€“ Can have interactive buttons, tabs, and animations
ā€“ You require a designer to customize your landing tab
ā€“ Some free applications available (not as customizable & usually
  include their logo) eg:

Custom tab with game element

Text on your Page




ā€œLikeā€ related sites, events,
CIMB       AirAsia     Edelman

Creative use of Profile pic

540 px

           180 px
Make landing
                    page work for
                    you ā€“ call to

TIP: Use
to get size right
Edit Page > Manage Permissions

Generate leads
ā€¢ Get fans to sign up
  for email updates,
  newsletters, free
ā€¢ Have monthly


Use buttons on Blog, Website, Twitter, print, etc 34
Tie-ups: Eg: CIMB and SF Coffee

Create Facebook-only specials
ā€¢ Have regular daily or weekly or monthly Facebook
  giveaways or discounts. Eg: Release a new QR code each
  month along with the special offer - 25% off of a product you
  regularly sell or entire purchase if at a store or free samples
  or giveaways

A word of cautionā€¦
1. Avoid shameless plugs on        1.Donā€™t undermine your
   how wonderful you or the          effectiveness at work.
   company are.                    2.ā€œFriendingā€ should not be
2. Your personal views are           taken literally ā€“ but others
   your own, donā€™t post              may misconstrue this as
   updates in anger or in spite.     being partisan or biased.
   Nothing is private on           3.Avoid racial, religious slurs
   Facebook.                         and personal attacks.
3. Donā€™t sign up for every         4.You are still a company rep
   game/quiz and annoy others        24/7: Verify facts, identify
   with your updates.                sources before passing along
4. Do not disclose confidential      news. Make it clear if you are
   information obtained              skeptical of veracity of
   through work that may bring       information, if you are.
   the company into disrepute.
Must-know Facebook Basics
Info             Like               Add photo

Update Status    Share              Create album

Messages         Comment            Tag photo

Chat             @ Mentions         Upload video

Friend Request   Notes              Create A Page

Subscriptions    Question           Apps

Join Group       Privacy Settings   Events

Wall             Acct Settings      Vanity URL
Searching Facebook in real-time

Other methods: (searchword                             39
Facebook: New Features
ā€¢   Subscribe Button
ā€¢   Smart Lists
ā€¢   Timeline
ā€¢   Ticker and Privacy settings
ā€¢   Video chat
Subscribe and Allow Subscribers

To allow others to Subscribe to your Public posts,
go here:
Subscribers can see only the things you share

Smart Lists

   Create lists for Close Friends, Acquaintances,
   Work Mates or Restricted. Good for targetting
   posts to appropriate list of friends.                          42



Creative uses of new cover pic

cover-photo-hacks/                                           45
Facebook: Rules on Cover Pages
According to Facebook, cover images may not
ā€¢ Price or purchase information, such as "40% off" or
  "Download it at our website".
ā€¢ Contact information, such as web address, email, mailing
  address or other information intended for your Page's
  About section.
ā€¢ References to user interface elements, such as Like or
  Share, or any other Facebook site features.
ā€¢ Calls to action, such as "Get it now" or "Tell your friends".
ā€¢ Other stipulations: ā€œCovers must not be false, deceptive
  or misleading, and must not infringe on third parties'
  intellectual property. You may not encourage or
  incentivize people to upload your cover image to their
  personal timelines.ā€                                       46
Facebook: No more privacy
ā€¢ Ticker: broadcasts all your activity, even to
  those people who arenā€™t your friends.
ā€¢ Go to Home > Privacy Settings > Apps
  and Websites > Edit Settings for each
  app and remove ā€˜Add app activity to your
  timelineā€™ for individual apps.
ā€¢ How to control your privacy on new FB
Facebook Video Chat
ā€¢ Powered by Skype

Case study: Intel
   ā€¢ Turning followers into brand ambassadors

Source: Ekaterina Walter, Social Media Strategist, Intel
Get to know your audience

Make it fun with quirky questions,
     games, polls, surveys

Avoid automated updates*
 ā€¢ Frequent automated status updates
   makes your Page inhuman
 ā€¢ Facebook hides repeated updates in
   ā€œShow Similar Postsā€
 ā€¢ Space out updates so you donā€™t clog up
   your fans News Feeds ā€“ 3 to 5 posts/day
 ā€¢ Find a balance between ā€œofficialā€ updates
   and being human and spontaneous
* Exceptions: Long weekend or going on leave or reaching customers in different
time zones. Do not post every tweet to FB, instead use Selective Tweets app and
#fb to cross-post relevant tweets.
Encourage shares, @mentions,
   show gratitude for sharing
ā€¢ Use @<insert name of fan> to encourage
ā€¢ Use of photos and videos gets a lot of traffic

Provide house rules or
moderation guidelines

Celebrate milestones

Important considerations
ā€¢ Promotion Guidelines:
ā€¢ Analytics:
ā€¢ Sponsored stories:
ā€¢ Facebook advertising:
ā€¢ Free course on Facebook Pages:
Case study: MAS
Engaging bloggers using Facebook

MAS: Blogger outreach
ā€¢ As part of MAS' blogger engagement
  programme, 15 bloggers won a simple
  contest and were invited to participate in an
  exclusive cabin crew training programme.
ā€¢ During the half-day programme, they were
  given insights into cabin crew procedures on
  grooming, first aid, emergency landing
  evacuation, and water/raft drill.
ā€¢ Location: Malaysia Airlines Academy,
  Kelana Jaya
1. Photos first posted on MAS Facebook page
 2. Re-posted on bloggerā€™s blog with personal account of
 3. Article re-posted on ā€œLiving Malaysian Hospitalityā€ ā€“
    MAS blog
Source: Ogilvy, 360 Digital Influence   60

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03. Facebook

  • 2. 1960s-----------------------------2020s Ubiquity Digital eras Social W Mobile w w Personal Network Computer 2
  • 3. Facebook stats ā€¢ 845 million active users (Dec 2011) ; 50% log in daily, 425m via mobile, 80% of users outside US ā€¢ Average user has 130 friends and connected to 80 pages, groups and events ā€¢ More than 2.7 billion posts are liked and commented on per day ā€¢ On average, more than 250 million photos are uploaded per day. Facebook now hosts more photos than the top 20 photo sites combined ā€¢ Facebook bypassed Google as a No 1 most visited site in US ā€¢ 65% of US Facebook users said they are more likely to buy a product based on a positive Facebook friend referral Source: 3
  • 4. Facebook users in Southeast Asia 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 April 1 2011 Sept 30 2011 Dec 31 2011 Indonesia 35,177,260 40,418,840 41,777,240 Philippines 22,376,740 26,721,920 27,033,680 Thailand 8,699,080 12,076,740 13,275,580 Malaysia 10,088,720 11,751,940 12,060,340 Singapore 2,318,060 2,589,600 2,661,120 4 Source: Facebook,, as of Dec 31, 2011
  • 5. CIMB on Facebook One-to-one customer complaint resolution 5
  • 7. CIMB advertises for social media- savvy employees 7
  • 8. CIMB ad copy ā€œCIMB is looking for someone who wants to spend all day on Facebook and get paid for it. We want to bring our brand closer to our customers and stakeholders and are looking for people to help us do so. If you believe that social media is the next step in getting people to connect with brands and if this is something you are passionate about, then read on!ā€ 8
  • 9. Job: Asst Mgt/Exec-Social Media Team ā€¢ Location: The World Wide Web ā€¢ Requirements: Bachelors Responsibilities: ā€¢ Create and execute social media Degree in any field, at least 1-3 campaigns across the various years working experience in any platforms that CIMB has field established communities in ā€¢ Facebook & Twitter savvy (forums, Facebook, Twitter, with an intimate knowledge YouTube etc) on developments of the media ā€¢ Manage, monitor and engage in our landscape online community as well as provide quantitative and qualitative ā€¢ Able to work and engage with insights based on feedback from people easily and comfortably this community ā€¢ Understand and appreciate ā€¢ Formulate strategies for programs the difference between LOL on social media that will and ROFLMAO complement CIMB's initiatives ā€¢ Please ensure that resumes are ā€¢ Assist in the development of social media strategies as well as submitted together with your community management and Facebook ID and Twitter handle implementation of social media for our reference. 9 campaigns across the region
  • 11. Marketing 11
  • 12. Why Facebook? 1. Built-in audience Your target audience is already on Facebook. No additional registration or profile to fill to participate. 2. Rapid rollout Setting up a Facebook Page is easy - it doesnā€™t require a developer or approval from IT. 3. Minimal costs A Facebook Page is free, versus high costs of developing a custom social networking site. But note: Experts, custom apps, games, landing pages cost money. 12
  • 13. 4. Viral Features If you post something interesting, it will have a life of its own. 5. Minimal Hassle Facebook is aggressive in deleting spammers, rogue accounts and inappropriate content. This minimizes issues in managing your own community. 6. Multimedia features Hosting photos/videos is a lot easier and tagging makes those photos easy for friends to share 13
  • 14. 7. Referral engine Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks are great ways to drive traffic to your flagship website, e- commerce platform or other owned sites. 8. Leads You can find new customers you would not have discovered otherwise and review profiles to generate new leads. 9. Engagement You can engage with existing customers in new ways and build longterm relationships for customer retention. 14
  • 15. 10. Targetted promos Friendsā€™ recommendations of your promotions are better received. Your giveaways, coupons, promos may trigger call-to-actions and direct sales. It is easier to cross-promote with partners. 11. Customer support You can do one-to-one customer support and redirect to right personnel for resolution. 12. Reputation mgt Proactive correction of misinformation, errors, inaccuracies, myths and responding quickly to negative comments may avert a crisis. 15
  • 16. Cons of Facebook ā€¢ Facebook may change: While Facebook is the current ā€œitā€ social network, traffic may flatten and its future is not guaranteed. If users abandon Facebook, theyā€™ll be abandoning your company/brand page too. ā€¢ Youā€™re Limited to Facebookā€™s Feature Set: If Facebook decides to drop or add features that arenā€™t popular, or imposes restrictions that kill your communityā€™s growth, youā€™re out of luck. ā€¢ No Data Ownership: You are limited by number of invites to your page and applications. ā€¢ Your Competitors Can Do the Same Thing: There are no barriers to entry for Facebook pages. They can copy the popular apps you develop. They can join your group without your knowledge. 16
  • 17. Facebook Page Basics How To Start A Page: 17
  • 18. What type of Facebook page is right for me? Local Business or Place page is best: ā€¢ Merge with Bing Place data (map & link on info tab) ā€¢ Fans can ā€˜check inā€™ to your location ā€¢ Fields on info tab are more detailed ā€¢ Categories help potential clients find your business 18
  • 19. Why a Facebook page is the best for business: Page vs Profile vs Group ā€¢ Custom URLs ā€¢ Custom URLs ā€¢ No custom URLS ā€¢ Unlimited ā€¢ Limited Friends, ā€¢ No support for Fans/Likes Manual friending custom apps ā€¢ Can add Apps, ā€¢ Line between ā€¢ Can restrict who Custom Tabs, personal and can access: open, Games business blurred closed, and secret. ā€¢ Visitor insights and ā€¢ No analytics ā€¢ Can send bulk analytics ā€¢ Cannot appoint message into inbox ā€¢ Indexed by search admins of up to 5000 engines and can be ā€¢ Limited custom members seen by non-fans apps ā€¢ No analytics ā€¢ Messages appear ā€¢ Better for quick, as updates active discussions ā€¢ Can target by location, language 19
  • 20. 10 Facebook Tips ā€¢ Create a Page to promote events, conferences, seminars, projects, launches, your blog, your website. ā€¢ Share: Be useful. Answer questions, offer tips, guides, timely information. ā€¢ Do link and promote to stories on your organisation, but provide some other value-add or insider insight, this is not just a broadcast medium. ā€¢ Be human: Show you care, be witty, disclose some of your personal interests, it helps to get to know you better. ā€¢ Use apps to automate stuff: blog posts, Twitter updates ~ but donā€™t overdo it! ( 20
  • 21. 10 Facebook Tips ā€¢ Tag all photos and videos with ā€œCompany ABCā€ for events. Divide photos into separate albums. ā€¢ Address new fans with personal messages ā€¢ Have two or three admins as backups ā€¢ For CSR: like-minded groups for related pages: eg Breast Cancer Awareness, Eradicate Polio. ā€¢ Use smart lists to divide group and target messages once you have mastered various apps Note: Pages vs Groups: Pages are better for a long-term relationships with your fans, readers or customers; Groups are better for hosting an active discussion and attracting quick attention. Community pages are for generic causes or topics. 21
  • 22. Steps to creating a new page 1. Go To: ā€¢ Also a link to ā€˜Create a Pageā€™ on the Home Page ā€¢ Links to ā€˜Create a Pageā€™ In lower left corner of existing pages 2. Select the ā€˜Local Business or Placeā€™ Page type ā€¢ Choose your business type category ā€¢ Enter business name & info ā€¢ Click ā€˜Get Startedā€™ 3. Log into the personal account you want to admin the page ā€¢ You will be prompted to do so if you were not logged in when you started 4. Fill out your ā€˜infoā€™ tab with details about your business ā€¢ Add links to your website, Twitter, etc. ā€¢ Add info about what you specialize in and offer ā€¢ Make a good first impression that makes people want to like the page 5. Follow the steps on the ā€˜Get Started Tabā€™ 22
  • 23. ā€˜Get startedā€™ tab makes it easy! ā€˜Get startedā€™ tab walks you through: 1. Adding images 2. Posting a status update ā€¢ Encourage your friends to share your page ā€¢ Announce a new website or promo offer 3. Adding a ā€˜Likeā€™ button to your website ā€¢ Takes a little coding knowledge 4. Inviting friends & announcing to fans ā€¢ Upload an Excel doc ā€¢ Import email contacts ā€¢ Suggest to personal Facebook friends 5. Syncing to a mobile device 23
  • 24. Converting a Group to a Page Facebook DOES NOT allow you to convert a group to a page ā€“ Groups were part of Facebook BEFORE Pages were introduced ā€“ When Pages were first introduced Facebook temporarily allowed converting ā€“ Only way to migrate group members to page fans now is to ask them to ā€˜Likeā€™ it ā€“ Post new page URL on group wall and invite member to ā€˜Likeā€™ the page ā€“ Send a message and/or chat to members ask them to spread the news & like the page ā€“ Consider incentives to ā€˜likeā€™ the page & suggest it (eg:% off a service, coupons, being entered into a drawing for a free gifts, etc.) 24
  • 25. Converting your Profile to a Page ā€¢ Facebook lets you convert a personal Profile into a Page! ā€“ Cannot be undone ā€“ So be sure itā€™s your best option. ā€“ Friends will be converted into fans that ā€˜Likeā€™ the Page ā€“ Only Photos will be transferred. NOTE: All other data lost! ā€“ Facebook will provide you with a stripped-down version of a Personal Profile, called a Business Account, which will be the admin of the new Page. It cannot become ā€˜Friendsā€™ with anyone or ā€˜Likeā€™ anything, etc. 25
  • 26. Custom landing pages Custom landing tabs good for branding & getting people to your website ā€“ Now custom tabs use iFrames (not FBML) & are more customizable than in the past ā€“ Can have interactive buttons, tabs, and animations ā€“ You require a designer to customize your landing tab ā€“ Some free applications available (not as customizable & usually include their logo) eg: 26
  • 27. Custom tab with game element 27
  • 28. Text on your Page Posts Tabs About 28
  • 29. ā€œLikeā€ related sites, events, causes CIMB AirAsia Edelman 29
  • 30. Creative use of Profile pic 540 px 30 180 px
  • 31. Make landing page work for you ā€“ call to action TIP: Use to get size right 31
  • 32. Edit Page > Manage Permissions 32
  • 33. Generate leads ā€¢ Get fans to sign up for email updates, newsletters, free reports, whitepapers, DVDs. ā€¢ Have monthly giveaways 33
  • 34. Cross-promote Use buttons on Blog, Website, Twitter, print, etc 34
  • 35. Tie-ups: Eg: CIMB and SF Coffee 35
  • 36. Create Facebook-only specials ā€¢ Have regular daily or weekly or monthly Facebook giveaways or discounts. Eg: Release a new QR code each month along with the special offer - 25% off of a product you regularly sell or entire purchase if at a store or free samples or giveaways 36
  • 37. A word of cautionā€¦ 1. Avoid shameless plugs on 1.Donā€™t undermine your how wonderful you or the effectiveness at work. company are. 2.ā€œFriendingā€ should not be 2. Your personal views are taken literally ā€“ but others your own, donā€™t post may misconstrue this as updates in anger or in spite. being partisan or biased. Nothing is private on 3.Avoid racial, religious slurs Facebook. and personal attacks. 3. Donā€™t sign up for every 4.You are still a company rep game/quiz and annoy others 24/7: Verify facts, identify with your updates. sources before passing along 4. Do not disclose confidential news. Make it clear if you are information obtained skeptical of veracity of through work that may bring information, if you are. the company into disrepute. 37
  • 38. Must-know Facebook Basics Info Like Add photo Update Status Share Create album Messages Comment Tag photo Chat @ Mentions Upload video Friend Request Notes Create A Page Subscriptions Question Apps Join Group Privacy Settings Events Wall Acct Settings Vanity URL 38
  • 39. Searching Facebook in real-time Other methods: (searchword 39
  • 40. Facebook: New Features ā€¢ Subscribe Button ā€“ ā€¢ Smart Lists ā€“ post=10150278932602131 ā€¢ Timeline ā€“ ā€¢ Ticker and Privacy settings ā€¢ Video chat 40
  • 41. Subscribe and Allow Subscribers To allow others to Subscribe to your Public posts, go here: Subscribers can see only the things you share publicly: 41
  • 42. Smart Lists Create lists for Close Friends, Acquaintances, Work Mates or Restricted. Good for targetting posts to appropriate list of friends. 42
  • 43. Timeline 315px 850px 43
  • 44. Creative uses of new cover pic 44
  • 46. Facebook: Rules on Cover Pages According to Facebook, cover images may not contain: ā€¢ Price or purchase information, such as "40% off" or "Download it at our website". ā€¢ Contact information, such as web address, email, mailing address or other information intended for your Page's About section. ā€¢ References to user interface elements, such as Like or Share, or any other Facebook site features. ā€¢ Calls to action, such as "Get it now" or "Tell your friends". ā€¢ Other stipulations: ā€œCovers must not be false, deceptive or misleading, and must not infringe on third parties' intellectual property. You may not encourage or incentivize people to upload your cover image to their personal timelines.ā€ 46
  • 47. Facebook: No more privacy ā€¢ Ticker: broadcasts all your activity, even to those people who arenā€™t your friends. ā€¢ Go to Home > Privacy Settings > Apps and Websites > Edit Settings for each app and remove ā€˜Add app activity to your timelineā€™ for individual apps. ā€¢ How to control your privacy on new FB 47
  • 48. Facebook Video Chat ā€¢ Powered by Skype ā€¢ 48
  • 49. Case study: Intel ā€¢ Turning followers into brand ambassadors 49 Source: Ekaterina Walter, Social Media Strategist, Intel
  • 50. Get to know your audience 50
  • 51. Make it fun with quirky questions, games, polls, surveys 51
  • 52. Avoid automated updates* ā€¢ Frequent automated status updates makes your Page inhuman ā€¢ Facebook hides repeated updates in ā€œShow Similar Postsā€ ā€¢ Space out updates so you donā€™t clog up your fans News Feeds ā€“ 3 to 5 posts/day ā€¢ Find a balance between ā€œofficialā€ updates and being human and spontaneous * Exceptions: Long weekend or going on leave or reaching customers in different time zones. Do not post every tweet to FB, instead use Selective Tweets app and 52 #fb to cross-post relevant tweets.
  • 53. Encourage shares, @mentions, show gratitude for sharing ā€¢ Use @<insert name of fan> to encourage interaction ā€¢ Use of photos and videos gets a lot of traffic 53
  • 54. Provide house rules or moderation guidelines 54
  • 56. Important considerations ā€¢ Promotion Guidelines: ā€¢ Analytics: ā€¢ Sponsored stories: marketing ā€¢ Facebook advertising: ā€¢ Free course on Facebook Pages: 56
  • 57. Case study: MAS Engaging bloggers using Facebook 57
  • 58. MAS: Blogger outreach ā€¢ As part of MAS' blogger engagement programme, 15 bloggers won a simple contest and were invited to participate in an exclusive cabin crew training programme. ā€¢ During the half-day programme, they were given insights into cabin crew procedures on grooming, first aid, emergency landing evacuation, and water/raft drill. ā€¢ Location: Malaysia Airlines Academy, Kelana Jaya 58
  • 59. 1. Photos first posted on MAS Facebook page 2. Re-posted on bloggerā€™s blog with personal account of experience 3. Article re-posted on ā€œLiving Malaysian Hospitalityā€ ā€“ MAS blog Source: 59
  • 60. Source: Ogilvy, 360 Digital Influence 60

Editor's Notes

  1. While Facebookā€™s application platform lets you build unique functionality for users of your page, youā€™re limited to the tools it provides, and the guidelines that accompany them. With many big companies are still trapped in a Web 1.0 mindset, ownership of the e-mail list is priority #1. Youā€™re never going to get that with Facebook.