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Reece Mechan – GWL6
GWL6 – The Relationship between Producer and Audience
In thispodcastI will be examiningthe relationshipbetween producer and audience. A producer can
limit down an audience through two different types of audience research these include; primary
researchand secondaryresearch.Primaryresearchiswhenthe researchconductedis original and it
has not been copied from anywhere else. An example of how primary research can be carried out
will be to carry out questionnaires. Secondary research is completely different to primary because
you are not conducting the research you are using other people’s research and using it as a way to
form a basis for it. An example of secondary research is stuff from books and websites such as;
Wikipedia and IMDB. After either secondary or primary research has been conducted it then falls
intoanothertwodifferentcategorieswhichare Quantitative researchand Qualitative research. Like
primary and secondary research, quantitative and qualitative research is completely different.
Quantitative research is when the research produces data and information into numbers and
percentages; this can be reviewed in either a table, pie chart or a bar chart. Qualitative research is
researchthat looksat people’sviews,opinions,preferencesandoverall behaviour towards the film.
Usuallywhenmarketingafilmthe producerwill relymostlyongenderstereotypes;forexample men
like fast cars, death, and explosions; whereas women like fashion and love. Another way the
producer can decide on the target audience is through preview screenings/test screenings.
Producerstendtoholda previewscreening/testscreeningstogetaudience feedback so if everyone
in the audience comes out and say the ending was bad then the producer will go back and re edit
the ending to make it good.
The distributor is responsible for bringing the film the biggest audience it can. One of the
responsibilities of the distributor is deciding what time of year the film gets released. This is
important when distributing a film because if it was a horror film you would release it closer to
Halloween to get a bigger audience than if you would release it near Valentine’s Day.
There are three differenttypesof marketing; advertising, publicity, and promotion. An example of
promotioninfilmiswhenthe castor directordoesan interview on a TV or radio chat show they can
alsoinclude apressjunket.A pressjunketiswhen a star from the film/director gets interviewed by
differentjournalistsall day.Pressjunket’scaneitherbe inbotha formal and informal setting. When
the distributor is advertising the film they usually put out four trailers and put the posters for the
filmup. Whenadvertisingthe postersthe distributor will choose places where the target audience
will see it; for example if you were advertising a drama you won’t put the poster in a car/gaming
magazine because stereotypically women are more interested in dramas than men so you would
advertise it in magazines which are aimed at women.
Reece Mechan – GWL6
The firstcase studyI am lookingatis Spectre(SamMendes,2015). Spectre isthe latestinstalment in
the 007 franchise and like the rest of the films in the franchise its marketing campaign is
predominantlyaimedatmen. The firstpartof the marketcampaignis the postersthatwere used. In
total the filmreleased3official postersandtheyare mostly aimedatmen who are between teens –
late 20s. Asyou can see on the poster I have chosen as example the only colours used are dark and
can alsobe describedasbeingmasculine.Anotherwaywe cansee itaimsat guysisthat Daniel Craig
isholdinga gun;thisgivesus the sense that the film is going to be action, which is genre which can
be classed as predominantly male. By putting the 007 logo it is telling the audience that the film is
part of the James Bond franchise, which attracts its own audience alone. When the film was being
advertised the posters were put up on buses, on billboards next to car shops, and they were in
magazines that had a predominantly male audience. These magazines include; GQ, Men’s
health/fitness, and just general lads mags (FHM& Zoo).
The second official poster I have chosen to analyse is shown above. I have chosen to analyse this
photo because I feel like it is aiming itself at a different target audience, unlike the first poster I
Reece Mechan – GWL6
lookedatthisexample isaimedat a more female audience. I think this because they have placed a
female onthe frontcoverwhichmakesherand bondlooklike acouple,alsotheyhave chosentoput
the backgroundas a white.The white backgroundisusuallyseenon various romantic comedies and
dramas.AnotherreasonwhyI believe this poster is aimed at a more female audience is because of
the coloursusedinside the 007 logo.The coloursusedare warm coloursthat don’treallygive off the
vibe thatthe filmisgoingto be an action.Obviouslythe poster still has various hints that the film is
goingto fitintothe action genre but out of the two posters I would say that the second poster says
that itis goingto have more of a romanticfeel toit.I feel like withthisposterbeingaimed at a more
female audience itwouldhave been advertisednear various shopping centres and would also have
been advertised near spas.
The final posterinthe marketingcampaignforspectre isshownabove.Ifeel like thisposterisaimed
at the same target audience as the first image, which is teenage – early 20s males. I think this
because of the colourswhichare used,the coloursusedare dark colours which aren’t really seen as
beingwelcomingcoloursbutare classedasmasculine colours.Idon’t really think this poster gives a
lot of codes and conventions of an action film, the marketers have solely relied on the brand of
James Bond and people’s knowledge of the film franchise. Like the first poster I think this would
have been advertised in magazines such as; Men’s Health, GQ and Empire. It would have also been
advertised on the side of public transport and bus/tram/tube/train stations/stops.
Spectre released 3 different types of trailers; Teaser, Theatrical, TV. The teaser trailer included
variouscodesandconventionssuchas;beautiful location,cars,andfinallyweapons. After releasing
the teasertrailerthe film then released two theatrical trailers which made the audience have a lot
more questions regarding the film and its plot. With the trailer being aimed at men it would have
beenbroadcasted in-between shows that are aimed at men; this includes; sports channels and car
Reece Mechan – GWL6
The teasertrailermakesthe audience have somanydifferentquestions.Some of these include what
James Bond is keeping from people, whose funeral he attended, and finally who is the man that
Bondgoesto visit.The audience heardabouta secretthatJamesBond was keeping when we found
out that Miss Moneypenny had discovered in the files from Skyfall. The trailer uses non diegetic
audio for whilst she is speaking, as a result of this we can hear her speak about the secret whilst
bond is holding a picture with the corner burned out, shown below. This screen shot opens up
another question to the audience and that is whose face has been burned out of the image? Also
why is this picture relevant to Bond?
After watching the theatrical trailer the first question the audience gets is why James Bond was in
Mexico?We hear M askBond thisquestionsowe know he wasn’t sent on a mission so it makes the
audience think thatthe reason he was there was to kill or spy on someone personal. Like all James
Bondtrailerstheymake usask questionsandleave the audience feeling confused. I would say that
personallyafterwatchingthe theatrical trailerIhave 20 questions. Another convention of the Bond
filmsisthe cars and explosionsandthistrailerdoesn’tdisappointasshownbelow.The trailer is very
strictly aimed at its target audience. The target audience for the trailers are late teens – early 20s
males. It aims itself at this audience because it features; weapons, cars, car chases, beautiful
women, references to sex scenes, and finally violence. Most of these are also the code and
conventions for an action film which is also heavily seen as a masculine genre.
Reece Mechan – GWL6
Anotherwaythe filmwasmarketedwasthroughpressarticles/interviews.Icouldonlyfinda total of
11 pressarticles/interviewswhichisstillalotbut there’smostlikelyalotmore.The firstpressarticle
I am going to be looking at is the issue of Loaded Lea Seydoux did. Loaded is a famous for being a
lad’smag that are usuallyboughtbyteenage boysorearly20s men.Thisappealstowardsthem they
have portrayed Lea Seydoux as being over sexualised. This would bring the film a wider audience
because ladswill see thisissueandthinkLeaSeydoux is attractive which will make them go see the
film so they can see more of her.
The next press article I am going to look at is Monica Bellucci’s issue of Greek magazine K. I have
chosento use thiscoverafterthe Loadedissue because it’saverydifferenttargetaudience they are
aiming at but they are still using attractive women but portraying them in different ways. I am not
reallyfamiliarwiththe magazine KsoI don’treallyknow the age range of its target audience butit is
very obvious that it is aimed at women. Through the film choosing to do an interview for this
magazine it is opening itself to a different audience. The female audience might not have been
attracted to the film through the posters or trailers, or they may not have had the opportunity to
have seenthese formsof promotion.Soformanywomen this issue would be the first time hearing
Reece Mechan – GWL6
aboutthe film.SeeingMonicaBellucci doaninterviewforthismagazine itisalsoshowing the public
that they are trying to break the stereotype of the 007 films only being aimed at men.
The next two press articles feature in the magazine GQ. The first issue for GQ I am going to be
lookingatfeaturesDaniel Craigand Monica Bellucci. GQ is famously known for being the magazine
of men’sstyle andclass.Withthe magazine beingfamousforbeingthesetraitsitwasinevitable that
Spectre hadan issue because stereotypically every male wants the life of James Bond with the fast
cars and the endless amounts of women falling at his feet. I think the magazine has chosen to
feature MonicaBellucci onitis because she isthe postergirl for what James Bond uses as some eye
candy. The second issue features Christoph Waltz. Through having Christoph Waltz appear in
magazines promoting the film it would bring a wider audience into the film because after many
years in the business he has made a name for himself and also created a loyal fan base.
Reece Mechan – GWL6
Reece Mechan – GWL6
The fourthmost popularwayfilmsare promotedisthroughreviewsin various newspapers and film
magazines. The review I have chosen to look at is from the guardian website. When people are
choosing what film they want to go and see they will look at reviews so that don’t waste their
money, this is why it is important for a film to be popular with critics. Luckily for Spectre it was
surroundedbygoodreviews.Thiswould have helped the audience be persuaded to see it also the
newspaper would have brought in a different audience. I chose to look at the guardian review
because guysmyage and guyswhoare intheirearly20s don’tusually read the guardian so it would
bringin theirreadersintoseeingthe film, the readersforthe guardianisusuallymid30s+. Inthe film
the article isdescribedas“boththe Guardian and the Telegraph going so far as to give it five stars.”
The fifth way for a film to get wide publicity is through social media; such as Facebook, Tumblr,
Instagram, and Twitter. The image below is of the official Spectre Facebook page. When a film is
advertisedwell onsocial mediaitattractsthe youngeraudience.The good thing about a film having
its own social media pages is that people can share and retweet the trailers and posts. Also it is a
way to improve interactivity between the film and the audience this is because the audience can
commentandtweetonthe postsso otherfanscan see it.Social mediabringsin a wider audience to
the film because when the page posts the trailer or posters people can share them so all their
friends can see the post and eventually word gets out to people who might not be the target
audience and they go and see the film.
Reece Mechan – GWL6
When filming for Spectre was under way stars like Lea Seydoux was sharing behind the scene
pictures, like the one shown below. When a star posts a picture like this it goes out to all their
followersandtheycan retweetittoall theirfollowers.The positive of tweets like this is that it gets
word about the film out before the trailers and posters get released.
Anotherwaysocial media is useful towards a film is because the production company can post the
trailerontoTumblrand Instagramand itwill appearoneverybody’snewsfeed.Anexample of this is
shownbelow.Thiswill attractawideraudience because with it appearing on everyone’s Instagram
feed it will reach people who won’t have necessarily seen it or they won’t fit into the target
Reece Mechan – GWL6
Merchandise andTie-Insare anotherway to get word out about the film, some of the merchandise
for Spectre is shown below. Some of the merchandise include; vodka, dog figures, a soundtrack,
pens, andfinallyDaniel Craiglolly.Other than the lolly the merchandise for the film can be seen as
verymasculine productsthishelpscementthe targetaudience andalsobringsthe filmmore money.
Reece Mechan – GWL6
The next marketing campaign I am going to look at is for Deadpool (Tim Miller, 2016). I think the
film’s posters were predominantly aimed at men. I think this because the poster uses masculine
colours. Another reason why I think the poster is aimed at men is because there is a gun in the
centre of the page,thismakesguyswantto go watch the filmbecause stereotypicallythey are more
likely to watch films with weapons and death in than a female is. Because the film is aimed at
studentsthe distributorswould of put the posters up on the side of bus stops and near tram stops,
this would attract the younger audience because a lot of students don’t drive so they would get
buses and trams to places when they go out.
Unlike Spectre the film Dead pool caused a hurricane of controversy which were very public on
social media and in the newspapers. It’s very rare when a film causes a lot of controversy which is
oddbecause reallyitsfree advertising andpeople tendtosee controversial films so they can have a
proper opinion and a voice on the film. Some of the controversy surrounding the film before its
release was that apparently the film featured a lot of rape jokes and references to sexual assault,
thenthe filmangeredonlinefeministblogsbyapparentlybeingheavilysexist.After cuts were made
to the film it was released but just because there were cuts doesn’t mean people still weren’t
offendedaccordingtovariouswebsitesthe residentsof Utahwere deeply offended by a joke in the
bar scene where Deadpool liftshismaskup. The filmthencauseda lotof offense tomums for their
jokes and explicit language which later meant that they couldn’t take their children.
Deadpool released3differenttrailers;ateaser,theatrical andTV trailer. The teaser trailer only lasts
for 0:45 seconds and only shows Deadpool speaking to the audience directly. At the end of the
theatrical traileritincludesaplugin for the Deadpool website where the red band trailer has been
put. The trailer uses various forms of codes and conventions for a superhero trailer, this includes
hints of a battle between protagonist and antagonist, clues on how the superhero got powers and
also weapons.
As a wayto promote the filmtowideraudiencesthe filmdidfeaturesin magazines such as; Empire,
Film,andPopcorn.Thisgetsthe word out aboutthe film toa wideraudience.The filmhas chosen to
do features for these magazines because they have the same target audience as the film so it’s
attracting people who might not have seen the trailer or the posters.

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  • 1. Reece Mechan – GWL6 GWL6 – The Relationship between Producer and Audience In thispodcastI will be examiningthe relationshipbetween producer and audience. A producer can limit down an audience through two different types of audience research these include; primary researchand secondaryresearch.Primaryresearchiswhenthe researchconductedis original and it has not been copied from anywhere else. An example of how primary research can be carried out will be to carry out questionnaires. Secondary research is completely different to primary because you are not conducting the research you are using other people’s research and using it as a way to form a basis for it. An example of secondary research is stuff from books and websites such as; Wikipedia and IMDB. After either secondary or primary research has been conducted it then falls intoanothertwodifferentcategorieswhichare Quantitative researchand Qualitative research. Like primary and secondary research, quantitative and qualitative research is completely different. Quantitative research is when the research produces data and information into numbers and percentages; this can be reviewed in either a table, pie chart or a bar chart. Qualitative research is researchthat looksat people’sviews,opinions,preferencesandoverall behaviour towards the film. Usuallywhenmarketingafilmthe producerwill relymostlyongenderstereotypes;forexample men like fast cars, death, and explosions; whereas women like fashion and love. Another way the producer can decide on the target audience is through preview screenings/test screenings. Producerstendtoholda previewscreening/testscreeningstogetaudience feedback so if everyone in the audience comes out and say the ending was bad then the producer will go back and re edit the ending to make it good. The distributor is responsible for bringing the film the biggest audience it can. One of the responsibilities of the distributor is deciding what time of year the film gets released. This is important when distributing a film because if it was a horror film you would release it closer to Halloween to get a bigger audience than if you would release it near Valentine’s Day. There are three differenttypesof marketing; advertising, publicity, and promotion. An example of promotioninfilmiswhenthe castor directordoesan interview on a TV or radio chat show they can alsoinclude apressjunket.A pressjunketiswhen a star from the film/director gets interviewed by differentjournalistsall day.Pressjunket’scaneitherbe inbotha formal and informal setting. When the distributor is advertising the film they usually put out four trailers and put the posters for the filmup. Whenadvertisingthe postersthe distributor will choose places where the target audience will see it; for example if you were advertising a drama you won’t put the poster in a car/gaming magazine because stereotypically women are more interested in dramas than men so you would advertise it in magazines which are aimed at women.
  • 2. Reece Mechan – GWL6 The firstcase studyI am lookingatis Spectre(SamMendes,2015). Spectre isthe latestinstalment in the 007 franchise and like the rest of the films in the franchise its marketing campaign is predominantlyaimedatmen. The firstpartof the marketcampaignis the postersthatwere used. In total the filmreleased3official postersandtheyare mostly aimedatmen who are between teens – late 20s. Asyou can see on the poster I have chosen as example the only colours used are dark and can alsobe describedasbeingmasculine.Anotherwaywe cansee itaimsat guysisthat Daniel Craig isholdinga gun;thisgivesus the sense that the film is going to be action, which is genre which can be classed as predominantly male. By putting the 007 logo it is telling the audience that the film is part of the James Bond franchise, which attracts its own audience alone. When the film was being advertised the posters were put up on buses, on billboards next to car shops, and they were in magazines that had a predominantly male audience. These magazines include; GQ, Men’s health/fitness, and just general lads mags (FHM& Zoo). The second official poster I have chosen to analyse is shown above. I have chosen to analyse this photo because I feel like it is aiming itself at a different target audience, unlike the first poster I
  • 3. Reece Mechan – GWL6 lookedatthisexample isaimedat a more female audience. I think this because they have placed a female onthe frontcoverwhichmakesherand bondlooklike acouple,alsotheyhave chosentoput the backgroundas a white.The white backgroundisusuallyseenon various romantic comedies and dramas.AnotherreasonwhyI believe this poster is aimed at a more female audience is because of the coloursusedinside the 007 logo.The coloursusedare warm coloursthat don’treallygive off the vibe thatthe filmisgoingto be an action.Obviouslythe poster still has various hints that the film is goingto fitintothe action genre but out of the two posters I would say that the second poster says that itis goingto have more of a romanticfeel toit.I feel like withthisposterbeingaimed at a more female audience itwouldhave been advertisednear various shopping centres and would also have been advertised near spas. The final posterinthe marketingcampaignforspectre isshownabove.Ifeel like thisposterisaimed at the same target audience as the first image, which is teenage – early 20s males. I think this because of the colourswhichare used,the coloursusedare dark colours which aren’t really seen as beingwelcomingcoloursbutare classedasmasculine colours.Idon’t really think this poster gives a lot of codes and conventions of an action film, the marketers have solely relied on the brand of James Bond and people’s knowledge of the film franchise. Like the first poster I think this would have been advertised in magazines such as; Men’s Health, GQ and Empire. It would have also been advertised on the side of public transport and bus/tram/tube/train stations/stops. Spectre released 3 different types of trailers; Teaser, Theatrical, TV. The teaser trailer included variouscodesandconventionssuchas;beautiful location,cars,andfinallyweapons. After releasing the teasertrailerthe film then released two theatrical trailers which made the audience have a lot more questions regarding the film and its plot. With the trailer being aimed at men it would have beenbroadcasted in-between shows that are aimed at men; this includes; sports channels and car shows.
  • 4. Reece Mechan – GWL6 The teasertrailermakesthe audience have somanydifferentquestions.Some of these include what James Bond is keeping from people, whose funeral he attended, and finally who is the man that Bondgoesto visit.The audience heardabouta secretthatJamesBond was keeping when we found out that Miss Moneypenny had discovered in the files from Skyfall. The trailer uses non diegetic audio for whilst she is speaking, as a result of this we can hear her speak about the secret whilst bond is holding a picture with the corner burned out, shown below. This screen shot opens up another question to the audience and that is whose face has been burned out of the image? Also why is this picture relevant to Bond? After watching the theatrical trailer the first question the audience gets is why James Bond was in Mexico?We hear M askBond thisquestionsowe know he wasn’t sent on a mission so it makes the audience think thatthe reason he was there was to kill or spy on someone personal. Like all James Bondtrailerstheymake usask questionsandleave the audience feeling confused. I would say that personallyafterwatchingthe theatrical trailerIhave 20 questions. Another convention of the Bond filmsisthe cars and explosionsandthistrailerdoesn’tdisappointasshownbelow.The trailer is very strictly aimed at its target audience. The target audience for the trailers are late teens – early 20s males. It aims itself at this audience because it features; weapons, cars, car chases, beautiful women, references to sex scenes, and finally violence. Most of these are also the code and conventions for an action film which is also heavily seen as a masculine genre.
  • 5. Reece Mechan – GWL6 Anotherwaythe filmwasmarketedwasthroughpressarticles/interviews.Icouldonlyfinda total of 11 pressarticles/interviewswhichisstillalotbut there’smostlikelyalotmore.The firstpressarticle I am going to be looking at is the issue of Loaded Lea Seydoux did. Loaded is a famous for being a lad’smag that are usuallyboughtbyteenage boysorearly20s men.Thisappealstowardsthem they have portrayed Lea Seydoux as being over sexualised. This would bring the film a wider audience because ladswill see thisissueandthinkLeaSeydoux is attractive which will make them go see the film so they can see more of her. The next press article I am going to look at is Monica Bellucci’s issue of Greek magazine K. I have chosento use thiscoverafterthe Loadedissue because it’saverydifferenttargetaudience they are aiming at but they are still using attractive women but portraying them in different ways. I am not reallyfamiliarwiththe magazine KsoI don’treallyknow the age range of its target audience butit is very obvious that it is aimed at women. Through the film choosing to do an interview for this magazine it is opening itself to a different audience. The female audience might not have been attracted to the film through the posters or trailers, or they may not have had the opportunity to have seenthese formsof promotion.Soformanywomen this issue would be the first time hearing
  • 6. Reece Mechan – GWL6 aboutthe film.SeeingMonicaBellucci doaninterviewforthismagazine itisalsoshowing the public that they are trying to break the stereotype of the 007 films only being aimed at men. The next two press articles feature in the magazine GQ. The first issue for GQ I am going to be lookingatfeaturesDaniel Craigand Monica Bellucci. GQ is famously known for being the magazine of men’sstyle andclass.Withthe magazine beingfamousforbeingthesetraitsitwasinevitable that Spectre hadan issue because stereotypically every male wants the life of James Bond with the fast cars and the endless amounts of women falling at his feet. I think the magazine has chosen to feature MonicaBellucci onitis because she isthe postergirl for what James Bond uses as some eye candy. The second issue features Christoph Waltz. Through having Christoph Waltz appear in magazines promoting the film it would bring a wider audience into the film because after many years in the business he has made a name for himself and also created a loyal fan base.
  • 8. Reece Mechan – GWL6 The fourthmost popularwayfilmsare promotedisthroughreviewsin various newspapers and film magazines. The review I have chosen to look at is from the guardian website. When people are choosing what film they want to go and see they will look at reviews so that don’t waste their money, this is why it is important for a film to be popular with critics. Luckily for Spectre it was surroundedbygoodreviews.Thiswould have helped the audience be persuaded to see it also the newspaper would have brought in a different audience. I chose to look at the guardian review because guysmyage and guyswhoare intheirearly20s don’tusually read the guardian so it would bringin theirreadersintoseeingthe film, the readersforthe guardianisusuallymid30s+. Inthe film the article isdescribedas“boththe Guardian and the Telegraph going so far as to give it five stars.” The fifth way for a film to get wide publicity is through social media; such as Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter. The image below is of the official Spectre Facebook page. When a film is advertisedwell onsocial mediaitattractsthe youngeraudience.The good thing about a film having its own social media pages is that people can share and retweet the trailers and posts. Also it is a way to improve interactivity between the film and the audience this is because the audience can commentandtweetonthe postsso otherfanscan see it.Social mediabringsin a wider audience to the film because when the page posts the trailer or posters people can share them so all their friends can see the post and eventually word gets out to people who might not be the target audience and they go and see the film.
  • 9. Reece Mechan – GWL6 When filming for Spectre was under way stars like Lea Seydoux was sharing behind the scene pictures, like the one shown below. When a star posts a picture like this it goes out to all their followersandtheycan retweetittoall theirfollowers.The positive of tweets like this is that it gets word about the film out before the trailers and posters get released. Anotherwaysocial media is useful towards a film is because the production company can post the trailerontoTumblrand Instagramand itwill appearoneverybody’snewsfeed.Anexample of this is shownbelow.Thiswill attractawideraudience because with it appearing on everyone’s Instagram feed it will reach people who won’t have necessarily seen it or they won’t fit into the target audience.
  • 10. Reece Mechan – GWL6 Merchandise andTie-Insare anotherway to get word out about the film, some of the merchandise for Spectre is shown below. Some of the merchandise include; vodka, dog figures, a soundtrack, pens, andfinallyDaniel Craiglolly.Other than the lolly the merchandise for the film can be seen as verymasculine productsthishelpscementthe targetaudience andalsobringsthe filmmore money.
  • 11. Reece Mechan – GWL6 The next marketing campaign I am going to look at is for Deadpool (Tim Miller, 2016). I think the film’s posters were predominantly aimed at men. I think this because the poster uses masculine colours. Another reason why I think the poster is aimed at men is because there is a gun in the centre of the page,thismakesguyswantto go watch the filmbecause stereotypicallythey are more likely to watch films with weapons and death in than a female is. Because the film is aimed at studentsthe distributorswould of put the posters up on the side of bus stops and near tram stops, this would attract the younger audience because a lot of students don’t drive so they would get buses and trams to places when they go out. Unlike Spectre the film Dead pool caused a hurricane of controversy which were very public on social media and in the newspapers. It’s very rare when a film causes a lot of controversy which is oddbecause reallyitsfree advertising andpeople tendtosee controversial films so they can have a proper opinion and a voice on the film. Some of the controversy surrounding the film before its release was that apparently the film featured a lot of rape jokes and references to sexual assault, thenthe filmangeredonlinefeministblogsbyapparentlybeingheavilysexist.After cuts were made to the film it was released but just because there were cuts doesn’t mean people still weren’t offendedaccordingtovariouswebsitesthe residentsof Utahwere deeply offended by a joke in the bar scene where Deadpool liftshismaskup. The filmthencauseda lotof offense tomums for their jokes and explicit language which later meant that they couldn’t take their children. Deadpool released3differenttrailers;ateaser,theatrical andTV trailer. The teaser trailer only lasts for 0:45 seconds and only shows Deadpool speaking to the audience directly. At the end of the theatrical traileritincludesaplugin for the Deadpool website where the red band trailer has been put. The trailer uses various forms of codes and conventions for a superhero trailer, this includes hints of a battle between protagonist and antagonist, clues on how the superhero got powers and also weapons. As a wayto promote the filmtowideraudiencesthe filmdidfeaturesin magazines such as; Empire, Film,andPopcorn.Thisgetsthe word out aboutthe film toa wideraudience.The filmhas chosen to do features for these magazines because they have the same target audience as the film so it’s attracting people who might not have seen the trailer or the posters.