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Invisible Man Monologue
i saw jeff once yes what did he look like? a carved smile he cut out his eye leads so then he can
never sleep and never be something hes not him self i can tell you that who are you? i am his brother
he always said go to sleep ever time and in less i was awake he wood not come after me and and he
always said go to sleep ever night ok but where were you when this happinged? i was at this hospital
i had a slight visin and i runed out of the hospital and i here a lone wold it said become my child i
said no i dont need you for you for me to become your sun i will not and after that i thoght for a
second how can he do it how can he carve a smile in his face and cut out his eye lashies he look like
a real crazy man that had that face that look ... Show more content on ...
he hurt my friend my sister and my family and can i see him yes here he is i ask him why wood you
hurt them why he said cases the vocies the bullys the family wall i bunch him in his face and now i
am where jeff is in his head and sleander trys at night to
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Analyzing Willa's Last Words
Have you ever felt like someone's watching you, or just felt in easy about a situation? Well than you
have something in common with Willa the main character of the book, "famous last words" written
by Katie Alender. The novel is a murder mystery with a hint of friendship and romance. You go into
the life of Willa a high school girl that just moved to hollywood California. Where there have been
robots of a holly wood killer going around and killing young actresses. When Willa goes to her new
school for the first time ,she meets a girl named Marina. Willa is kinda uncertain about Maina's
behaviors but is still open to being friends. then she meets Wyatt, who is fascinated by the
Hollywood killer and would do anything to know more. But recently Willa has been having
hallucinations and visions. Willa ... Show more content on ...
I would recommend this book to everyone, even if they think they don't like that genera. I would
give the book a five out of five stars rating because, the writer had lots of author's craft and creative.
I have heard that this book is similar to "The Body In The Woods". I did not read this book myself
but a friend said that it is simpler because they both have to do with death and murderers on the
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Sanger Rainsford-Personal Narrative
Boom! Startled, I quickly put my sharpened knife on my counter. With a smirk appearing, I realized
we had company; therefore, I worked my way down our marble steps to the entrance of my chateau.
Slowly but surely I walked down to see the door open with two men standing, only one I knew
immediately. As I glared to find the face of the man who dared walk into my island, I suddenly
recognized the face – Sanger Rainsford. Aha! In that moment, I knew he would be my best match on
this island. "It is a very great pleasure and honor to welcome Mr. Sanger Rainsford, the celebrated
hunter, to my home," I smoothly said, "I've read your book... I am General Zaroff." Firmly, I signed
to have Ivan put away his pistol to not frighten our guest. After a time of discussing my Cossack
background, we escorted him to the dining ... Show more content on ...
"And that was?" replied Rainsford with a frightened look. "I had to invent a new animal," I
concluded. Speaking ever so confidently, I kept on and on about my little game with the people I
find here. As I spoke, he looked at me as if I were a supernatural creature, but my only thoughts
were about how exciting it would be to play with Sanger Rainsford, and to tell my story of the
victory. Soon after, Ivan and I got up to show off our basement. "It's not everyday we get company
around here," I reminded myself, "we haven't shown our chateau in ages." As we walked down the
elegant staircase, each step creaked one by one. My hand–held lamp with the bright, burning fire
was in clutch as we walked around the dusty furniture until we saw some of my men. They were
silent, but you could see the fear in their eyes – almost like the fear in Rainsford's. One had the guts
to come up, and offer another light looking for a way to impress me with his concern, but I quickly
declined. "I hope," Rainsford interrupted impatiently, "that you'll excuse me tonight, General Zaroff.
I'm really not feeling at all
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The Unknown Narrative
The Unknown
A tail from WW2
I feel the wind as it blows through my long shaggy uncut hair. The tiny breeze blows through my
nostrils with its sweet scent of dandelion and Spring. The grass is long and uncut prickly with
nearby thorns cutting into my already sore back. As I hear the pitter patter of rain behind me I know
now is the time to head out from my safe place which I call home. I slide into my now damp boots,
my legs are asleep probably from sitting which makes it hard to get up but I still try to stand. The
loud THUDS of soldier's boots snaps me out of my dreamland as they come closer.
When I get up I feel the searing pain of my back for the first time. I hide in the nearby thorns for it is
the only safe place now. The soldiers ... Show more content on ...
"Yes you will be fine if you keep still", he replies. I keep as still as possible until he tells me I can
move. He makes me sit up, and move my legs, feet, and arms seems like i'm ok. The door screeches
open once more the woman I saw earlier this morning. The general of concentration camp 113. She
comes up to me grabs me by the arm and throws me to the ground. She yells
"Are you one of the escapees from camp 109"?!
I'm flustered not knowing what she is talking about. Speechless The general brings me to my feet
with one hand and slaps me across the face with her other. I again fall back to the hard concrete
floor. She yells again
"Are you from camp 109"!? "NO" I yell in a startled cry. I try to stand but fall into a chair almost
lifeless. The two soldiers that accompanied the general pick me off the chair and make me stand to
face the scar faced general. She asks me a question a I can not understand almost like gibberish. She
asks again
" cn sho ell e wht hapnd deemer 12 f ths yer"? (can you tell me what happened december 12th of
this year). I again don't understand the question my head won't stop spinning. My head clears out
finally but I guess they gave up on me because I didn't see them leave but there gone. Now they are
gone I have to think of my escape, or I will never get out of
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Genim Nowakowski's Story Essay: Where Did He Come From?
Crunch! The sickening sound of Derek punching Harvey echoes throughout the quiet, dark clearing
of this small town that I call home. Oh you're probably wondering, "Who is this guy?" and "Where
did he come from?" And to answer your questions I am Genim Nowakowski and I am from Riven
Hills, Nevada. I am sixteen years old, I have auburn hair, bright green eyes, and I am 5'6. Let me tell
you my friends, how I got to be in this clearing is not a story for the ones who believe in happy
ending and fairy tales. It all started my freshmen year of high school, when my best friend, Harvey
Ashwood, was bit by some creature while walking home from lacrosse practice after school. I
remember Harvey calling me frantically yelling, "GENIM! Oh my god! ... Show more content on ...
"Where's Harvey?" I asked with a worried expression on my face. "He didn't um... he didn't want to
see you. After you passed out he stated he didn't want to see or hear from you again. Ever." Derek
told me with a sympathetic look on his face. I feel something wet hit my hand, so I look down to my
surprise I'm crying. All of a sudden my body starts shake as I sobbed mercilessly not caring who
was in the room or who could hear me. Suddenly I feel strong and sturdy arms wrap around my
waist, hugging me. "I'm sorry, Genim. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault this is happening to you." Derek
sobbed in to my neck as we clung onto each other as if we was each other's lifeline. "Derek," I
hoarsely whispered, "it is not your fault. I knew sooner or later he was going to find out. And I guess
I just wanted it to be later." I told him brokenly. "Genim," Derek started off in a soft voice, "he
shouldn't have said what he did, best friend or not, Harvey will learn the hard way on how to deal
with the supernatural." Derek finished off with a slightly angry tone. "Harvey is NOT my best
friend. Not anymore at least." I told Derek in a firm voice. As I ran my hand down my face, I
noticed that all of my invisible tattoos had started to glow. "Derek," I hesitantly started out, "I need
out of this town. Could I come with you?" I asked him in a low tone in which if he wasn't a
werewolf he wouldn't have
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The Story Of My Life
Flora pushed the top of the case open and hopped down to the floor. She was the new instrument in
the room and was eager to see what child would be learning to play her. Looking at the clock above
the door, she saw that it was time for band class to begin. Knowing she couldn't be out of her case
when they showed up, she quickly jumped back into the case and closed the lid without latching it.
She shouldn't have gotten out in the first place, but she was way too eager to be cooped up in the
tiny thing. Minutes passed and Flora got impatient but she kept telling herself that maybe the kid
learning to play her was new and didn't know where the band room was. Or maybe this kid doesn't
even know what a flute looks like, Flora thought. ... Show more content on ...
"She means you're not the first bait to try and lure in kids," Trevor blated, "the director's tried
numerous other instruments: guitar, trap set, contrabass flute––" "What's a contrabass?" "Nevermind
that. She was an odd one let me tell ya." Trevor reminessed. "She always was bringing us
woodwinds down. But we digress, the point is that they were here for a push to revive the music
department. Do you see how well that went?" Claire responded. "Cut the poor kid some slack," a
trombone said coming over to where they were speaking. "Sorry about the two of them, they're just
tired of being neglected for so long." "Thanks, who are you?" "I'm Tristan. I'm sort of the backbone
here for us horns. Been here the longest with Sheldon. It's been nearly 15 years..." "Who's Sheldon?"
Flora asked. "Tristan don't. She's not ready to meet him yet." Claire warned. "What does it matter?
She'll be here with us forever because don't worry 'there's plenty of funding for the fine arts!'"
Trevor honked. "Says who?" Tristan asked. "The principal that's who. I heard him come in and talk
to the director. He said that there is plenty of funding for both the football team and the band. He's
the boss so what he says must
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Bruce Wayne Monologue
Tonight was the Wayne Charity Ball and you being the daughter of Bruce Wayne meant you had to
go. As you chat with the guests a former Robin caught your eye. He walked over to you and lead
you away from the guests. He was going to admit something. Something he's been hiding since he
first met you. "Is there a reason as to why you dragged me over here?." Y/N whisper yelled. "I was
expecting a hello but I'll take what I can get," Jason said with a smirk. You had this weird feeling in
your stomach and the fact he was looking you dead in the eyes made it well worse. Usually, his eyes
held little to no emotion but when he was with you it changed. You know exactly what he was
thinking by just looking at him. ]You quickly turned your head in
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Creative Story : A Short Story
Jake was at his house staying up late for the new year special`. He heard someone knock at the door
so he gets up and thinks, "who can it be at this hour?" When he opens up the door no one is there so
he goes back inside. Then after a few minutes it happens again *knock* *knock*
Jake starts to get annoyed and he opens up to no one there he steps outside and yells, "hello?" Then
he hears rustling in the bushes so he yells, "who's there!" Then the rustling stops s he goes back
inside and he feels like something is wrong. He looks around his painting is there, the flowers are
there. Then he looks out the window and nearly falls off the couch with surprise as huge building is
in the empty lot on the other side of the street.
Last time it was just a pile of rubble where no one knew what was once there. He hears the doorbell
and walks over in fear he opens it up and no one is there. Then something darts behind the tree. He
walks over there and a man is there holding a baseball bat and wearing a officer uniform then Jake
notices the man Is entirely black. skin, shirt, and hair then the man raises the bat and knocks out
Jake with it.
Jake wakes up on a operating table he gets up looks around and walks out the door and down the
hallway. He sees what looks like a person down the hall and walks to it. He yells "hello?" And it
turns around to reveal its rotting face. Jake slowly takes a step back and it takes a step forward jake
takes another one back and the zombie start running at
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Personal Narrative-Home
"Denver, Denver, Denver! Look at me! Look at me!" A voice was coming from across the yard. I
was on the porch in a comfy sunbeam minding my own business. I found a stick and was trying to
chew on it before Lady saw it and took it away. She had gone into the house to get something so I
didn't know how much time I had. I knew better than to look up cuz whenever I hear that squeaky
voice it means I'm probably going to get teased. But I couldn't help myself. I quickly glanced his
way. I looked up and there he was swinging on a thin branch holding onto a tiny, thin branch with
one furry paw. His tail flailed in the wind and I thought he was going to drop to the ground. I did
sort of wish he would drop to the ground then I would get to have a good chase. Mrs. Squirrel had
some babies a few weeks ago. Over the past couple of days, the little ones had started exploring on
their own. They have acres of fields to explore on the other side of the fence. For whatever reason,
they insist on exploring in my yard. ... Show more content on ...
Look at ME!" Well, that was the final straw I couldn't help myself and besides, I had a job to do. I'm
the new deputy around here and I have to try to keep peace and order. I trotted his way and stood
under him. He was bouncing while holding onto the branch. My head bobbed up and down
following his movements. He was out of reach. I yelled at him, "Hey kid, what do you want? I'm
trying to have a little peace and quiet and sneak in a good chew on a stick..." I was interrupted by a
loud, chattering voice. We heard his mother yelling at him, "Randy get back up here! You're too
close to that dog! He's going to get
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Danny Phantom: A Fictional Narrative
"So, you're the famous Danny Phantom?" Ron asked, leaning on the table and looking at the white
haired hero behind him as he nodded and waved slightly. "Yeah, you could say that. No need to ask
your name. Danny Fenton's told me a lot about you." Phantom said, "I'm sorry for you getting in the
way of that fight with Skulker, man." "No big," Kim said, leaning on the table as well and smiling at
him as he raised an eyebrow and leaned into his seat, "Ron here had been looking for Danny when
you saved him. Why were you fighting him in the first place anyway?" "He's been after my pelt
going on three years now. It was the usual rubbish." Phantom replied, ignoring the disgusted looks
on their faces as Ron muttered "Eww.", and winced as Danny shrugged and said, "He'll never get it.
I'd rather di–er–fade than get skinned by a little green blob in a mechanical suit." ... Show more
content on ...
"Can we not get into that, Danny? They don't need to know just yet." he said, closing the folder and
crossing her arms as Nick entered the room and sat at the head of the table. The meeting between
SHELD and Global Justice had begun. "For the record, I think you're a great guy." Ron whispered to
Danny who smiled and whispered his thanks back to the blonde as he looked to the table and opened
his folder, reading the briefing
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Eudora Welty: A Narrative Fiction
Where am I. I wake up, my head pushed against a desk and I wonder where I am. Who am I today?
A vague memory of a bet comes to mind. "You were right." Tom announces loudly, his mocking
voice banging through my ears. "You bastard! You drugged me didn't you? I can't believe it!" I yell
at him in sheer horror, perhaps a bit too surprised. Tom quickly replies, "Jesus, calm down. You're
fine, you won, didn't you? You're the winner!" "You owe me a shit ton of drinks you fucker." I laugh
and grunt in mock disgust, noticing I am not wearing any pants. "If you wanted to get with me you
could have just asked." Tom laughs unimpressed,"Oh mate, this must be so embarrassing for you.
You shat your pants last night." I look at him in disbelief. "What?! ... Show more content on ...
A kidnapping. Five hours later the daughter of media tycoon James Alexander was safe home, the
kidnapper shot, and a fat pay delivered. For once I wouldn't break the cash for beer since Tom had
lost the bet to determine what drug was in the packet we had stolen from a crime scene of a past
case. It was Ketamine and it apparently makes you shit your pants. We retire back to the office,
which is now Tom's apartment since his latest ex kicked him out. A lunch of cheap cornerstone
kebabs and we go on to retrieve a bag of DNA samples we had sent last night for examination at the
National Crime Agency, who let us use their facilities if in turn we took on the more discreet cases.
Their examination of the evidence is enough to confirm that our suspect was indeed guilty. It goes as
per usual; run around the city, get said suspect, get in some trouble but not enough to put the case in
danger, deliver the suspect to authorities. Case closed. At this point in my story, the reader may be
wondering why my account of the crime I am here attempting to recount is rather vague in details
regarding other crimes. The answer for that is that I have no interest in divulging past successes and
mistakes and that the main intention of me leaving my beer aside to tell this story is in convincing
whoever it may concern, and myself, of my
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Short Story: Empire Island
Once again darkness surrounded you, but this time the warmth was wrapped around you like a
blanket. You walk aimlessly for what seems like an eternity.
"Oh don't be so dramatic." A voice echoed through the stark plain, "I can't wait until he claims me,"
the voice was raspy and powerful, it made a chuffing sound as if it was laughing, "well technically
he'll claim you."
You tried to speak. Nothing come out.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Again with the chuffing, "damn I'm funny."
"Wh–who?" Was all that you could manage.
A faint glow began to shine through the darkness, light danced off the ground, a full moon could be
seen rising in the distance, and a shadowy figure sat under the moon. You looked down to see that
the ground was water. ... Show more content on ...
"Nothing, nothing, you may go!" He pushed you out the door and waved you off.
Your foot tapped impatiently and drummed your fingers against your chin, it was almost 8 pm,
earlier Kyoutani said it only took 20 minutes to get to your house, so what was taking Oikawa so
long? You called him hours age, did Kyo do something bad like bite someone or pee on something,
it wouldn't be that hard to believe if he did. You can't explain why but you really did miss the
grumpy mutt. Even though he was gone only for a day you got pretty lonely. Damn that dog for
making you actually care about his well being.
"Yohoo~" Oikawa behind your then chuckled as you spat a stream of cursing.
"Where did? How did you? What?!" You held a hand to heart, "Where have you been!"
"Traffic," He joined you by the curb in front of your house, "listen (F/n), I found Kyo a permanent
You looked at Oikawa shocked. He spoke in a quiet tone and that caught you off guard. Your cousin
being seriou, what? Oikawa seemed sincer enough but something inside you said to not trust
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Monologue Of Jacqueline Walker
Hi, Im Jacqueline Walker. Otherwise known as Jackie. Now, this isn't one of those cliche high
school stories, where the main character goes from rags to riches, or vise versa. It's actually about
two girls, and i'm both. ~Weeks Before.~
*Beep* *Beep* My alarm clock sounded. "Ugh." I groaned, it was the end of spring break, and I
knew I had to go back to my dreadful High School. Once I finally got out of bed, I banged on the
bathroom door. "Nobody is in there, Good." I thought, heading into the small room.
~At School~
Speeding towards english class, I dumped my History textbooks in my mangled up locker. I still had
like five minutes left, but I've always had a habit of being super early.
With the newly placed textbooks in my locker, I wandered ... Show more content on
I walked off, "This Alya thing is really working out for me." I thought, speeding off with the sweet
taste of victory.
~The Next Week.~
The movie went well, we all talked, and got pretty close. I was invited to sit at their table during
lunch, and nothing much else really happened.
I enjoyed the first month of popularity, but it started to end as soon as I took it too far, just the way I
thought I couldn't
Soon enough, everybody wanted to be my friend, I had boys crowding me, people wanting to take
selfies with me. Until, I saw Mason, in the back of the crowd, he gave me a disappointed look, and
walked off.
It turns out, that Morgan also liked Mason, and when she found out I was dating him, It didn't go so
well. Mason started had grown to hate Alya, and I was a full blown outcast. People threw food at me
during lunch, I was booed at during presentations. "I went too far." I thought, running into the
bathroom, crying.
I only had a little bit of Jacquelines blood left, and I was going to use it. No more Alya, no more
Alya forever.
Soon enough, the needle was empty. I didn't have enough to turn back into Jacqueline. I nimbly
pulled the needle out of my arm. "AGH!" I
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Alice's Death: A Narrative Fiction
"Alice is pretty... Alice is smart... Alice is dead." I've heard the same voice several times before. The
doctors were convinced it was a standard hallucination caused by grief. However, I never knew
Alice. There was no reason for me to grieve. There was no reason for her death to keep me looking
over my shoulder. She was just another face in the hallways. Yet, her sudden murder was never
Everybody figured it was her psychotic uncle, but it was never proven true. We all just moved on.
Even though Alice was gone, the world never stopped moving. I pulled my jacket closer to my body
and hastened my pace as a shiver made its way down my spine. I couldn't help but to risk a glance
over my shoulder only to see teens gathered in circles, ... Show more content on ...
"Where am I?" I instead inquired.
"Oh me, oh my!" he shouted, waving his hands around excessively. "Why, you're in wonderland!
The land of wonder! The wonder of land!"
"I'm going crazy." I stated, leaning back in the chair.
"Indeed. You're entirely bonkers." My eyebrows rose at that. "But I'll tell you a secret, all the best
people are." His unnecessarily wide grin was beginning to creep me out more than anything else.
"I just want to go home." I whined, quickly growing irritated and stressed. His smile soon faded. I
found that his straight face was far more terrifying than his smiling face.
"Nevins," he called, turning to the rabbit. "Who exactly is our guest?" He stared at me suspiciously.
"Um..." the rabbit–human thing hesitated. "She may or may not have come from the Otherland. The
queen and her minions are searching for her. We need to help her!"
The entire table went silent as the man in the top hat froze, then chuckled crazily as he stared at me.
A teapot fell to the ground and shattered. "Get her out of my tea party. Now."
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Obedience, Morality In Blood Coats, Red Demons
I shuddered, "who is he? The old man with the top hat?" "His name is unknown, but he is a very evil
man. Wicked," she gruffed, clearing her throat. "Once he starts following you, then so do the Blood
Coats." "The Blood Coats? "Blood Coats, Scarlet Coats, Red Demons, they have been known by
many names." "The red cloak figures?" I whispered. "Yes," she cooed, "so, you have seen them
more than once before, have you?" "Yeah, but who are they?" "They're a deadly cult of the most
dark, and evil sort. They practice dark magic, and they will stop at nothing until they seek what they
desire." "Is the old man with the top hat, is he their master?" I inquired. Mrs. Worthington gave a
cackle. "He is not, though he probably wishes he was. No, but to be merely considered and enter in
as one of them is his deepest desire. But, initiation is very difficult, you see?" ... Show more content
on ...
A trial period to prove obedience and loyalty. They must demonstrate that they truly are the most
evil. Once they have done all this and more, they must seal it with a catch. And, after all is said and
done, if they are found worthy, they enter in, and one of the old members is killed. "Why? Why do
they murder one of the members?" There may be only twelve members at a time. Only twelve, and
the master. Twelve is an unbreakable bond you
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My Hero's Journey-Personal Narrative
I don't remember my name, or most of my early life, but I know I was a thief. I was part of a group
of thieves, five of us. "Do you remember where you're from?" A village called Greenbridge. I don't
know how far it is from here. "Greenbridge?" Why, does it sound familiar? She hesitated. She didn't
know him, but if she was going to help, she had to give him reason to trust her. Besides, it might feel
good to finally tell someone. "It's where I'm from. I did something there that I'm... not proud of."
That makes two of us. "What did you do?" You mean, besides abandoning everyone I care about?
My wife, my little girl, my friends? "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." It's fine. In the time I've been
here, I've done a lot of thinking. "Pardon me for asking, but what happened to you?" Now that's a
story. ... Show more content on ...
One of the things we liked to do was pose as workers at the inn and snatch things out of people's
rooms. "Did the innkeeper ever catch you?" He knew us, all right. A steady portion of whatever we
made from selling our loot helped him with expenses. Besides, we didn't do this often, or otherwise
too many guests would notice things were missing and the inn would be crawling with guards. But
one night, a couple of nobles were staying, and we decided to take what we could while they were
eating dinner. Some of the nicest stuff you'd ever seen in your life. I guess we got a little too caught
up in what we found because the door opened, and they started screaming "Thieves! Thieves!" The
wife fainted, and the husband went back downstairs to get help. That's when we scrambled out the
window. We heard him and some other guys barking orders to saddle up the horses, and we knew
they were going to search the grounds and the surrounding woods for
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A Short Story : A Story?
"Why do you always have to say that," said Steff. "And then," said Joey. "This is what i'm talking
about, you don't even care," said Steff. The two just continued to argue through most of the night
until Steff couldn't handle it. She ran out the house in tears,not knowing which direction she was
going. Joey grabbed his sweater and ran after Steff With her sweater, but she just kept running till
she couldn't breathe anymore. Little did Steff know they were in the mythical forest till she saw the
tree. Joey caught up and asked "Why'd you run out like that?" with tears filling her eyes, she replied
with "You don't even care anymore." "Why wouldn't I care" asked Joey, "Because all you ever say is
and then," replied Steff. "I'm sorry Steff" said Joey, "Steff I love y–" Joey paused as he noticed
someone was watching them. He asked "What's your name?" "Yasmin" the stranger said, without
any further hesitation she struck them with her magic. As they both fell to the floor, she fled the
forest. Yasmin knew exactly what she was doing, she just didn't know if the timing was perfect.
Yasmin went to her house deep into the mystical forest with her cat putulia. She was looking at the
formula, something seemed to be off. She analyzed it one more time and realized it was the formula
for creating and forming snow. She panicked and ran to her spell bowl and said "What's the outcome
of Steff and Joey's future?" the bowl said "They'll fall more deeply in love and realize they belong
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The Last Leaf Epilogue
The thrilling cry rang around our swarming decks, lifted its troubled voice above the roaring of the
elements, and caused strong hearts to tremble, and weaker ones to sicken over the perils of the
unknown victim. *"Who is it? Where is he?"* No one can tell. After some time a dark struggling
spot is seen astern upon the frothy wake, raising two pleading arms and raising a frightened voice
for help, for rescue. *"There he is! There he is!"* A hundred voices proclaim the dangerous truth, a
hundred fingers point towards that far off spot. But before their echoes have died upon the howling
gale, our fast–moving ship has carried us beyond the reach of that frightened voice, almost too far
away to see those outstretched and pleading arms. *"Cut away the life buoy! Jump to men! Hard
down the helm! Make ready the lee quarter boat!"* It was the trembling but ready and sounding
voice of the officer of the deck that issued these rapid orders. Its ... Show more content on ...
*"Call your men! Give me the bullhorn! I can see you are determined – so go and do what you
can."* Talmage walked quickly forwards toward the expectant crew and cast a searching glance
across their anxious faces. Some who stood before him could read that glance and so dropped theirs
to the deck as they shuffled behind their comrades. Others pressed forward into those vacant voids
to hear what he had to say. He had but a few words, and he spoke those words to those latter men.
*"Boys,"* he said, *"one of our shipmates, one of YOUR messmates is overboard, and in need of
help. No doubt he is at this current moment straining his eyes to see a boat lowered, and it would
strengthen his heart and resolve to see such a thing happen. He can see the ship has turned around
and that gives him hope, let's not leave him to struggle alone. Look at that sea, know the risks that
you will encounter and then step forward. Who will go with me to pick him
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Humorous Wedding Speech: Who The Hell Is David?
Tribute Speech "Who the hell is David? He asked me to work for him because he has a football
game but got scheduled to work." This was the very first thing Preston said to me. He didn't even
know who I was at first he thought my name was Nick. I was scared to say something to him
because he walked in and I noticed he was missing his legs. I felt bad at first when I saw that and I
really wanted to ask him but I didn't have the nerves to ask him anything about it. Preston realized
that I was looking at his prosthetic legs and he asked me if I wanted to know what happened to him.
When he asked me that I responded right away with a yes and I focused my attention to him. He
made up a story telling me that he was in Florida surfing with his friends
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Creative Writing: The Silent Maze
The Silent Maze
By. Madelynn Tamer
Lost in a maze... It's nerve driving silence is maddening but, how did I get here? I notice quite
quickly that i am here with others. "Hey, who are you people?!'' a very startled boy asked. Another
boy looked around at the yellow room around us "wondering that same thing but...wait I know you"!
He pointed to a girl in the corner of the room with red and blue hair, eyes, and lips plus a shaggy
black fedora. "Jeremy'! She exclaimed. I soon noticed that the boy who pointed her out was wearing
the same hat.
I wanted to speak but they had already started a conversation. I thought maybe walking into the rest
of the maze would catch their attention. ... Show more content on ...
Darting lizards were coming through little holes in the walls, somehow not making a sound. We
stopped for a second, I looked in the distance and saw shafts of light in the ceiling closing and
becoming dark. I didn't feel safe.
The colorless walls seemed to be closing in on us. I heard the sound of rocks falling from the ceiling
behind us, and turned to see a large creature emerge from the pile of stones. "RUN"! Nick shouted.
Everyone seemed to go in different directions. I ran to a hallway I remember seeing an axe at and
picked it up. "It's following me"! I heard sue cry in the distance. I ran back to the sound where I
heard sue's voice. She was running in circles with this strange horned creature following her. I
aimed and threw the axe straight into it's head.
It howled, and sue.... Pulled out it's tooth. It fell to the floor, green stuff coming out of it's mouth. We
hurried on, thinking it may still be following us. "How did you know what to do"? Nick asked her.
"Read it in a book one time".
We reached the end of the maze. Everyone was doing a little victory dance. Just then... the room
went dark and I felt a sharp pain in my head. "AaAaah"!
Lost in a maze... it's nerve driving silence is maddening but, how did I get
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Personal Narrative
The teenage boy stood there still as stone, a marble statue, his flesh had gone beyond the colour of
marble, to a new ghostly tinge of white, void of colour. His eyes were the only thing expressing any
emotion, and that was fear. Extreme fear, the kind where you can feel your impending death, as it
stares you in the face. After moments of complete petrification the traumatised boy spoke in a shaky
and terrified voice. "W–Why are you h–here Lock, get away from me please..." he said to my
boyfriend, his eyes flinching, as if his body wasn't still petrified. Eric, my boyfriend, chuckled
loudly, that real genuine laugh, the one that your dad would make which felt warm and hearty like a
hug during a thunderstorm. Usually it'd lighten up a conversation, ... Show more content on ...
But Eric was sort of like me, we didn't seem to talk much while in the car, especially at night it, it
was reflecting time, time to look at the stars and think. Although after half an hour the silence was
getting a bit eerie. "Don't tell your mum about this," Eric said, cutting the silence with a knife, as if
silence were something you could cut. His words were solemn and awkward, it made me shift in my
seat. "Okay," I replied confused, I didn't really know why, but my mum was a very messed up
person. The old thing had really lost her marbles when she got dementia, she'd thought often think
Eric was the Lock person, even though she'd never met
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Short Story: Empire Island
Once again darkness surrounded you, but this time the warmth was wrapped around you like a
blanket. You walk aimlessly for what seems like an eternity.
"Oh don't be so dramatic." A voice echoed through the stark plain, "I can't wait until he claims me,"
the voice was raspy and powerful, it made a chuffing sound as if it was laughing, "well technically
he'll claim you."
You tried to speak. Nothing come out.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Again with the chuffing, "damn I'm funny."
"Wh–who?" Was all that you could manage.
A faint glow began to shine through the darkness, light danced off the ground, a full moon could be
seen rising in the distance, and a shadowy figure sat under the moon. You looked down to see that
the ground was water. ... Show more content on ...
"Nothing, nothing, you may go!" He pushed you out the door and waved you off.
Your foot tapped impatiently and drummed your fingers against your chin, it was almost 8 pm,
earlier Kyoutani said it only took 20 minutes to get to your house, so what was taking Oikawa so
long? You called him hours age, did Kyo do something bad like bite someone or pee on something,
it wouldn't be that hard to believe if he did. You can't explain why but you really did miss the
grumpy mutt. Even though he was gone only for a day you got pretty lonely. Damn that dog for
making you actually care about his well being.
"Yohoo~" Oikawa behind your then chuckled as you spat a stream of cursing.
"Where did? How did you? What?!" You held a hand to heart, "Where have you been!"
"Traffic," He joined you by the curb in front of your house, "listen (F/n), I found Kyo a permanent
You looked at Oikawa shocked. He spoke in a quiet tone and that caught you off guard. Your cousin
being seriou, what? Oikawa seemed sincer enough but something inside you said to not trust
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Cyrus Monologue
I should have warned Cyrus sooner, I should have killed the man who killed Miles before it
happened, and I shouldn't have let the man ever get that close to you."
She smiled at me and said, "Serenity this wasn't your fault. If it was anyone's fault, it was the men
who did this. Just promise me one thing before I die."
"I'll do anything," I said.
"Promise me to try to survive the game, and get everyone back to the real world."
"I promise," I said with tears streaming down my cheeks. Then she too shattered into shards and
disappeared into the sky.
At six o'clock, I went back to town to meet Bebe. When he saw that I was alone, he asked, "Where
are the others."
I replied, "They're dead. We got ambushed. I tried to save them, but I couldn't, I ... Show more
content on ...
She replied, "Sure, that's where I was heading too."
So we began our journey to the next town. Three days later we entered the town, and decided to get
a place to stay. Between the two of us we had enough money to rent a two bedroom two bath
apartment. The apartment was quite spacious and came fully furnished which was perfect because
we do not have a lot of free time to spend buying furniture. On July 20, 2025 we realized that we
have now been in the game for a whole year. Cecelia and I now have one hundred fifty thousand
dollars saved up. We plan to find Pierre Domonique, the man responsible for all this mayhem, and
end his reign of terror. It is said that once he is killed we will all be able to escape the game. Over
the past months I have spent a lot of time studying Pierre Domonique. He is an older man with grey
hair and icy blue eyes that cut thought you like a knife. I have trained myself to spot people out in a
large crowd, so he cannot hide from me any longer. The only thing that is stopping us from attacking
is the fact that we do not have enough people or weapons.
I turned to Cecelia and said, "Where going to need a squad if we plan to take out
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Monologue Lord Of The Flies
I was walking when suddenly I heard a voice behind me shout, "Hi! Wait a minute!" Before I
continue... I should probably tell you about where I am. I believe I'm on an island. I'm not sure
though? Oh I'm Ralph though. I am from Britain. I wrote this with my blood and some leaves well
stranded on this island. Anyways I got side tracked where did I leave off. Ohh yeah this boy was
following me. He was shorter than an average boy, very fat, glasses, and asthma. He kept following
me which was ANNOYING. The boy has this crazy idea that we are trapped here. Frankly I don't
believe him. I kept walking toward nowhere well the boy trugs along behind me slowly. I still have
yet to know the annoying boy's name. I notice in front of me water. I started to run foreword excited
to get in the water. ... Show more content on ...
I broke out laughing. As I was sitting gin the water I looked down and say a pretty white shell. The
boy "Piggy" shouted, "It's a conch!" I respond, "A conch what is that...?" The boy "Piggy" goes on
this long boring story about it I mainly tuned him out. Then he yells, "We need to call an assembly.
Get everyone on the island together in one place. You need to blow into he conch to get everyone
her. I would do it but I have asthma." I looked at him and said, "I just blow into it...?" He nods. I
start to blow, blow, blow, and blow. Boys, boys, and more boys start to come and come. I blow one
last time and notice a group of boys walking in all black. The guy leading seems to be the leader. I
can tell this by the way he is carrying himself, and the way the other guys look to compared to him.
Once he comes he is very cocky and I find his name to be Jack. He and his boys are a group of choir
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A Short Story : A Story?
A rock the size of a grapefruit cracked Sally's window and landed on her bed with a thud. The glass
shattered on her bed and the floor.
She flinched. She banged her foot onto a dresser. Her heart pounded and sweat trickled down her
forehead. She went to her mom but once she put her foot to the door of her room, a rock hit her heel
and blood dripped everywhere. Her mom yelled, "Sally, it's time to eat lunch!"
"Are you there?" Her mom's slim body appeared in the doorway. She saw all the blood. "Are we
okay?"yelled Sally's mom
"A little dizzy!"
"Sure," But then, another rock as big as a eraser came in. She looked through the broken window
and a doll with blood all on it and holding a knife appeared from behind a tree. The eyes were made
out of buttons that were sewn on the head. Fabric covered the cotton in the middle. A knife peeked
through its fist.
"Is it just me or am I seeing this crazy doll?" asked Sally's mom, sweat trickling down her neck, her
heart pounding, and her forehead wet. She sprinted to Sally and put her onto a soft chair. She took a
band–aid and patted it onto her cut. Blood gushed out of a hole. Sally's mom fixed the position.
Sally was lucky that her mom used to be a person who worked in a hospital so she knew a nearby
hospital. She carried Sally into the car she and started the engine. They arrived and sended her
daughter into the emergency room. She carried the cot up the small stairway.
"Plep, plep,plep," squeaked a voice.
"What was
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Mr. Howell: A Fictional Narrative
2010–Dan "Mr...Mr Howell." I woke up in a hurry. Groaning and wiping away the bit of dribble that
dared leave my mouth...I cautiously opened my eye. Oh shite...this isn't my dorm room. Okay...okay
Dan, where could you possibly be? Have I been abducted? Has my captor come to torture me?
Turning my head to the direction the voice had come from. Both my eyes open huge, I ended up
seeing a short, balding man in a suit glaring at me. When I groaned, he replied "Glad to see you are
awake, Mr. Howell as your snoring was quite disruptive, if I may say so, your snoring was like that
of a fire–breathing dragon with a head cold." The room erupted in laughter and the man just
smirked. Feeling my face heat up, oh shite I remember now. I'm in my university class. You think it
would have been clear having been in ... Show more content on ...
Oh shite, where's my id card? Damn! Rummaging through my book bag, I finally sorted out my
problem, coming across my card. Cringing as I stared at the photo because it was one of the rare
moments when I had forgotten to straighten my hair. My hair was total mess and I basically looked a
bit like Elijah wood from the Lord of the rings, I looked like a hobbit. Standing in the way of the
door, I heard someone cough out Excuse me. Spluttering out sorry and then sliding my id card
through the scanner, the door made an annoying loud beep that I still have not gotten used to yet as
it opened. I mean, why is that beep even a thing, like what even is its purpose. More like what is my
purpose? I feel an existential crisis coming about. After the door swung open, the person behind me
beelined for the elevator, which already had a crowd waiting. Since I wasn't about that life, I decided
to take the stairs. Rushing up two flights of stairs was a nightmare, but it was worth not having to be
stuck in an elevator full of your fellow floor mates whose names you should know but
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Danny Phantom: A Fictional Narrative
"So, you're the famous Danny Phantom?" Ron asked, leaning on the table and looking at the white
haired hero behind him as he nodded and waved slightly. "Yeah, you could say that. No need to ask
your name. Danny Fenton's told me a lot about you." Phantom said, "I'm sorry for you getting in the
way of that fight with Skulker, man." "No big," Kim said, leaning on the table as well and smiling at
him as he raised an eyebrow and leaned into his seat, "Ron here had been looking for Danny when
you saved him. Why were you fighting him in the first place anyway?" "He's been after my pelt
going on three years now. It was the usual rubbish." Phantom replied, ignoring the disgusted looks
on their faces as Ron muttered "Eww.", and winced as Danny shrugged and said, "He'll never get it.
I'd rather di–er–fade than get skinned by a little green blob in a mechanical suit." ... Show more
content on ...
"Can we not get into that, Danny? They don't need to know just yet." he said, closing the folder and
crossing her arms as Nick entered the room and sat at the head of the table. The meeting between
SHELD and Global Justice had begun. "For the record, I think you're a great guy." Ron whispered to
Danny who smiled and whispered his thanks back to the blonde as he looked to the table and opened
his folder, reading the briefing
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Summary Of ' The ' Crazy ' Weird '
Silence is really freakin' weird. Anyone who's spent time alone knows that. It's even weirder when
you 're alone in a supposedly abandoned building at 3 AM waiting for your best friend to finish
hunting vampires, but I've been told that's not a common experience. For a fraction of a second, it
seems as if someone or something is coming, and I listen carefully for any sign of motion. It turns
out to be nothing but my imagination, inventing an excuse for action. I sigh and quietly start
humming an irritatingly catchy pop song I heard on the radio earlier. I check my watch and discover
I've only been here for about twenty minutes. If patience is a virtue, it's clearly not one I possess.
Standing here idle gives me the chance to mentally ... Show more content on ...
Despite my cautiousness, it still manages to creak in protest. You've probably attracted the attention
of everything in the building by now, I scold myself. The room is empty except for a few overturned
desks. A thick covering of dust has settled over all the furniture, which from what I can tell hasn 't
been disturbed in at least a decade. I stand motionless, listening for any sign of life. Nothing. A few
seconds later, something changes. I can't pinpoint what it is. Maybe a shift in the stale air of the
decrepit building. A hint of a sound. Even a hunch that something is coming. Maybe all three. I whip
around to face whatever is behind me, but there's nothing to see. Anything that was there is already
long gone. I catch the barest glimpse of a ghostly white face. About fifteen feet away. Pale skin, dark
eyes. Exactly what we came here looking for. Before I know what's happened, it's less than a few
feet behind me. I turn back around, confronted by the face I'd seen, which I can now see is framed
by long locks of black hair. Her skin seems to almost glow in the moonlight, which is penetrating
into the room through the pitiful remains of a roof. She smiles, revealing deadly sharp fangs. I
tighten my grip on my stake. Any tighter and the wood would be digging into my palm. I walk along
the wall, hoping to find a light switch. I need to see beyond the narrow beam of my flashlight. The
moonlight helps, but it's not nearly enough. If I
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Personal Narrative Fiction
I stepped back, confusion ricocheting against my skull. I couldn't draw my gaze away from those
pools of madder, seeming to meld perfectly to the flickering brightness that clung to his iris. I was
so entranced, how beautiful it was. A harsh bark snapped my attention back to what he was saying.
"Vhat vould your name be?" He stared into my eyes, his fingers tapping against the sheath on his
left side, producing a slight clicking sound from the leather. I tore away from the movement and
back to his eyes, biting the inside of my lip, wanting to speak, yet no words passed from my lips. It
is simple, just say your name. "Vell? That vas not a question." I flinched involuntarily, stepping
away. He followed, his mere presence felt commanding, like I should obey or something unforeseen
may happen. ... Show more content on ...
I quickly glanced around, searching for some sort of exit within this strange village, something
seemed off, as if pieces of a puzzle weren't fitting together properly. The feeling of this place
unnerved me, like I didn't belong. I felt as if I didn't fit in back at my own pack, but this place was
different, something dark masked by the hushed little bit of civilization frosted with snow. I knew
that I wouldn't be able to run anyways, I surely wasn't fast enough for this man, I would probably
only stumble into the snow like I had done before, yet running for different reasons, so I forced
myself to speak. "M–Matthew...." Continue, I urged myself. "M–my name is
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Creative Writing: The Alchemist-Personal Narrative
I got on the train and looked for a seat. Unfortunately, all of them were taken. I looked for someone
to sit with and saw a very tall almost bald guy, and a short blonde boy. "Can I sit with you two?" The
boy looked at me. "Yeah sure." He said before quickly turning away. I think he was blushing. I sat
down across from them. "What's your names?" "I'm Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist. " he said
with a grin. "And I'm Alex Louis Armstrong the Armstrong Alchemist." "Oh so you're both State
Alchemist?" "Yeah." "That's so cool. I'm (y/n) (l/n). I like alchemy but I'm not very good at it." Ed
nodded. "So where are you going?" "Resembool. My mom lives there and I'm checking on her
because she hasn't responded to my letters for awhile." ... Show more content on ...
"Hey Edward!" I smiled and waved. He walked up to me "Did you find your mom?" "No she wasn't
home. I'm actually looking for her now." "Wanna ask Pinako if she knows her? She lives right here."
"Um sure." He lead me into the house. "Whose this Ed? You finally get a girlfriend?" We both
blushed and he quickly said no. I mean I kind of like him, but I just met him. "She's just a friend.
This is (y)." "It's nice to meet you Pinako." We shook hands. "I was wondering if you know a lady
named (M/n) (L/n). She's my mother and I'm looking for her." "Oh dear. I'm sorry to say but your
mother passed away recently. She was in a car accident." "W–what?" I said tears in my eyes. "I'm
sorry." "But...I...Nevermind. Thank you for telling me..." I ran out crying. I ran to my mom's house,
sat on her porch swing, and cried my eyes out. It's not fair. I loved my mother... I felt someone wrap
their arms around me. It was Ed. I hugged him back and cried into his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so
sorry." He said. "You'll get through this. Everything will be okay." "Ed she was my only family left.
Now I have no one." "You have me." He said blushing. "Thanks Edward." I pulled away from the
hug and wiped my tears. Timeskip (they're going back to
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The Middle Of An Empty Hallway Of Thomas Jefferson High,...
In the middle of an empty hallway of Thomas Jefferson High, myself and three of my good friends:
Mike, Shaun and Chris. We all stood around thinking of who we were going to ask out at the school.
Mike, the shortest of us all chose first.
Mike, said "I'm asking Sherry Wilson."
"Who?" Shaun asked.
"Sherry Wilson!" Mike said
Shaun replied sarcastically "Oh, that'll be easy!"
Everyone laughed.
"Who are you asking?" Asked Mike, "Mariah Lopez!" Shaun replied. Everybody nodded their head
in agreement. "That's right, Mariah Lopez." Shaun carried on bragging about her special features.
"You know she has a sister right," looking at me. "Nope, I'm good." I replied. "Well who are you
asking then?" asked Mike. "I don't know yet!" I answered. I'm taking Stacy Porter, announced Chris.
I looked shocked, because I just told him last night I was going to ask her. Stacy Porter was 5"4',
light skinned, hazel eyes, white teeth and arched eyebrows. She was simply gorgeous. "So, Mell
(short for Germell) who are you going to ask?" They all asked sounding like a local band hitting the
same note at once. "Oh, I'm going to ask (it was dead silence for about five seconds), suddenly the
bell rang for class. I walked away leaving them puzzled. As I was walking away, I heard Chris say in
a conniving tone "alright we'll meet right back here after class." During second period all I could
think about was Chris picking Stacy ahead of me.
"Mr. Allmond!" "Mr. Allmond!" The teacher was
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King Arthur Monologue
He wasn't doing this. You tried to convince yourself, you really did but the very real young
American standing in your living room made it extremely difficult. Your face had been like stone for
about five whole minutes with your mouth slightly agape and your eyes dead as you stared at him.
He was a whirlwind, bustling through your home as he spouted words that were barely cohesive; he
sounded like he was speaking in tongues. Before he had barged in your home like he owned the
place and quite literally shoved you down on the couch, you had been getting ready to head out with
your friend Arthur. It wasn't unusual for you two to go traipsing about the city late at night and do
simple things like get coffee–or tea for the brit– even if it was ... Show more content on ...
You two spend so much time isn't a stretch to assume!" You cross your arms and scoff,
"It isn't your business anyways. Now if you'll excuse me..." You go to stand but his large hand
knocks you back down and he towers over you, "Ya can't." "Excuse me?" "Ya just can't." You sigh
and try to wiggle around him but he grabs you by the shoulders and pins you down to your couch.
His blue eyes pierce into you; they weren't malicious or angry, they were desperate. You sit there,
perplexed and a bit indignant, "Is this about winning? You cannot be that immature." "No!", he
responds quickly, too quickly, and he looks like he regrets it as soon as he opened his mouth, "I
messed up." He lets go of you and flops beside you; he looks genuinely broken. "Alfred. What is
going on?" You were serious. As much as he annoyed you, you never hated him. You didn't want
him broken apart, just matured. He stares at you with sad eyes through his dirty blond
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Rudy Dialectical Journal
W... Where am I?
A teenage, fair–skinned boy with long red hair awakens but is blindfolded. He is in a silver–colored
coffin. He is wearing nothing but a red cloth around his lower body and his limbs are chained
Two birds, a crow and a dove fly above. They appear to observe the teenager as they fly.
"Why am I hearing birds?" asks the boy. "Why can't I see?"
"Because you're blindfolded."
A skull appears on top of the boy. A scythe and a golden sword also appear; the former on top of the
boy's upper body and the sword on top of the boy's legs.
The ground on which the coffin stands on is now glowing red. The source is that of a red–colored
magic circle around the coffin.
"Who are you?" asks the boy.
"Death," answered the skull.
"Wha–" ... Show more content on ...
"Private. Sixteen years old."
"Charan Seth," replies a boy with dark skin, short raven black colored hair, and light brown eyes.
"Private. Seventeen years old."
"Thank you. Now, everyone please rest up. We'll prepare to move at sixteen hundred."
Hours later, Rudy's platoon conducts their objective, which is to occupy a trench that the Centauri
forces had abandoned. Despite the questions being invited, the platoon had taken the trench and now
await further orders.
Everyone in Rudy's platoon are tense. They now assume the Centauri forces are planning a trap due
to abandoning an important position. As for Rudy himself, he falls asleep but doesn't appear
Rudy finds himself dreaming to be in the same coffin he was in earlier. He is again blindfolded and
shackled, with the same skull looking over him.
"So, you really do want to die?" asks the skull.
"S... Shut up!" Rudy shouts, albeit uncertain but defiant.
"If that be the case... "
The blindfold disappears around Rudy. Rudy begins to open but as he does, only darkness remains.
In truth, Rudy and his platoon no longer breathe. Rudy had died with his eyes open, with a feeling of
despair having caught up to
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Creative Writing: Empire Island
In a small village, there lived a boy named Lucas. He was known in his COMMUNITY as a good–
for–nothing JUVENILE delinquent. So, of course, when he told the residents that the terrible
monster, Fenrir, was threatening to awaken from its slumber, no one believed him. "You have to
listen to me!" he said as he clenched his fists tightly. "I... I can feel it!" The crowd ERUPTED with
laughter. "Yes, yes, sure! Like we would believe you just because you feel it. Do you take us for
fools?" said the village chief while shaking his head. "You must be RIDICULOUS. Fenrir was
sealed years ago in the Cave years ago!" Lucas's lower lip trembled. In anger, he grabbed the chief
by his collar and snarled, "Have you gone SENILE already, old man?! Do you really think that
simply stuffing Fenrir, a beast well–known for being able to easily crush villages, into a cave would
keep it quiet? Yeah, right!" ... Show more content on ...
"If you all won't do anything, then I will!" He stormed away from the crowd, and set off to where
Fenrir resided. The Cave was located deep in the forest by Lucas's village. After much walking, he
finally reached the entrance. An ACRID scent from inside burned his nose. Lucas gulped and
clutched his bag beside him tightly. "All I have to do is ignite this... and hopefully it'll die.
Hopefully," he muttered before stepping
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The Night
In the early morning in the magical forest, we lived in a cabin. The sun gleaming through the leafs
on the trees, the water glowing blue as it flows down from the melting snow as it falls into the lake.
I wake to the piercing sound of a dragon roar. I run down the wooden stairs creaking beneath my
feet, and smashing open the door. But realizing there is nothing there. The only thing there is Piper,
who is barking to her heart 's content. I was probably just imagining things I said to myself. I should
probably get you some breakfast Piper. I sit down at my table with paper at my side going on her
steak. I noticed we are running out of food. I sigh. looks like we 're going to go hunting again. I look
at Piper and say stay. I love my ... Show more content on ...
I am a fast fluffy wolf.
"What are the chances of that!"
Running as fast as I can to get to my cabin. Reaching the cabin I can see it over the horizon. But
there is a dragon flying over my house. The dragon catches me out of the corner of his eyes and
soars away.
I look at John, "can you help me fix it?"
"Of course."
I wake to the sound of bashing and hammering. I slowly get up. Yes! No dragon yelling in my face. I
should probably tame that dragon. let's go to the market for supplies.
We get on our horses and ride of. As we approach the market I watch the fish in the bright blue river.
We start walking through the market looking at all the colorful tent tops, But one catches my eye.
The one that has two colors.
"That looks interesting."
"Cool it sells magic
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Short Story : ' The Tree '
It has already been a month since the accident occurred. Fall was nothing but a memory now, having
made way for the harsh season of winter. The trees, once filled with vibrant colors and a feeling of
warmth, was now a shadow of its former self, but in a sense, related to me more. Reminiscent of the
past, I looked at the tree, suddenly hit by nostalgia. In a moment of clarity, I realized the
significance, the representation, the resemblance between the tree and I. As the pure white
snowflakes danced across the clear blue sky, the tree, now naked and exposed in front of me,
exemplified my own self. I couldn't hide from the truth; I couldn't hide behind the vibrant colors of
my life, I couldn 't hide and live life the way I had been before. Just like the tree, who needs
sunshine to grow, I could not live without telling the truth to his family. Just like the tree, I need my
sunshine, I need Jack.
As the cool winter breeze ruffled the ends of my scarf, I thought back to the days when I was truly
happy, the days when I was a sapling, growing steadily with the support of my sunshine. Although I
would never see him again, I knew he would always be there for me. As long as the sun keeps
shining, the sapling would mature into a strong, health tree. And just like that, I would grow as well.
Tears streaming down my face, I looked up into the sky as the cold frosty weather crystallized my
tears. Even though the dense clouds stopped the sunlight from shining through, one day, it will
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Keira's Perfection
Keira currently works as a lifeguard and enjoys writing and theatre in her spare time. She is grateful
for this opportunity to share her work and hopes you enjoy her story.
When I open my eyes, all I feel is cold. My fingers are numb, my muscles are stiff, and walking is a
challenge. I have no memories. I can barely control my own body. Stitches hold me together. With
every step, pain erupts through my body. All I can think about is what might have happened to me.
There are people similar to me; some shorter, taller, or bigger than myself. They call me "ideal,"
"perfection," "beautiful," but I don't feel this way. I am different. They don't seem to care.
They continue to test me. I am fast, strong, agile. I am toned, and my hair extends to ... Show more
content on ...
Elowen panics, staring at the oddly familiar stranger.
"Hi, one second." Elowen closes the door, unlocking it to then be opened fully.
"I'm sorry, it's quite early!"
She wears a bright yellow sweater. The woman introduces herself as Elizabeth, the neighbour from
down the hall.
Elowen opens her mouth, when she is interrupted by the whistle of the kettle. She rushes to the
kitchen. "Would you like some tea?" Elowen asks.
"That would be lovely! As long as I'm not intruding. . . ."
"Oh, of course not. My mother isn't here right now, but I'll let her know you stopped by. I'm Elowen,
by the way; you can call me El." She gestures to the half–unpacked living room, and Elizabeth takes
a seat on the couch.
"Nice to meet you," she says with a smile.
The two chat casually and sip tea, both sitting with legs crossed and a hand under a knee. Elowen is
surprised when her often evil cat, Marvin, shows a liking to her guest. As Elizabeth talks about her
job at a museum, Elowen notices four freckles perfectly lining Elizabeth's left collarbone; then, she
lightly touches her own four marks lining the same place.
"Anyway, I should go. Thanks for the tea!" Elizabeth says in a rush.
"No problem, see you later, I
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Personal Narrative Fiction
"What does this friend of yours look like?" asked Judy, taking notes the entire time "What does this
friend of yours look like?" asked Judy, taking notes the entire time. Her paws were a blur, writing
down notes at nearly the speed of light. "He... um... he's a blue colt," I explained. "Like, all cyan
blue, and his mane is a cherry red. He has green eyes, and he's always wearing a satchel around his
neck. He shouldn't be too hard to miss." Judy coughed. "I'm sorry, you said he has a blue coat?"
"Well, yeah. I know it's unusual, but he's a mueto, you never really know with them," I replied,
chuckling nervously, hoping desperately that I was improving the mood. "Excuse me, may you
repeat that? What's a mueto?" she asked. "Oh, nevermind... ... Show more content on ...
There were so many smells that I couldn't distinguish them all, and they all came from different
places. On every side was some sort of sound, whether it was walking, talking, cars driving by, or
the sound of some tacky pop song blaring out of a nearby speaker. "Welcome to Zootopia,
population ten million!" announced Judy. "You don't have to worry; I understand where your anxiety
is coming from. I grew up in a small town." "OH... MY GOSH..." I wheezed, unable to get over my
shock. "What is it?" asked Nick. "Everything okay over there, buddy?" "I... um... I'm just in a bit of
culture shock, if you know what I mean... this is all just... just... so surreal... I'm not even convinced
I'm not dreaming, I have weird dreams like this all the time..." "We're heading to my car," said Judy.
"It's not too far away. Don't worry, you won't have to walk on the sidewalk for very long, and you'll
get used to the city here in no time at all." "I'm... no. I'm never getting used to this," I admitted,
following them along on the sidewalk. It took everything in me to keep from wringing my tail again,
but at least I seemed to trust Nick and Judy. I had never been comfortable around other foxes, but at
least I wasn't letting my tension get to my head this
... Get more on ...
Putney Mountain: A Short Story
"What is that? Someone is trying to scare me," he whispered, getting his bike he rode around the
pathway to Ernest's house. +++
Leaning his bike against the fence, he went up the steps and knocked on the door several times.
Opening the door, Ernest asked,"What's wrong with you? What happened to your head? Why is it
"I ran into a tree. Ernest, will you wash the blood off and put a band–aid on it."
Placing his arm around the boy's trembling shoulders, he helped him into the house before asking
again, "Son, what's wrong? I want you to sit down!" He pointed toward the sofa, before going to the
kitchen and returned with a first aid kit.
"May I get you something to drink?" ... Show more content on ...
"It was not what I saw as much as the blood–curdling screams I heard that frightened me. When I
got up and looked around, I couldn't see anything." Afraid Ernest would laugh, Justin hesitated to
tell him about the men, and the mines. Recalling once Ernest said, old mines would never hurt you
unless you went inside.
Hesitating to tell him that he knew all about the mountains, patting the sofa, Ernest said, "Son, sit
down. We need to talk." Moving closer to the old man and stared at him without knowing what he
would hear next, Justin asked, "What do you want to say?" "Please trust me, when I tell you that I
will take care of the mountainside. You must never tell anyone about it, not even your parents. Will
you promise? You and I both know they would never believe you went up there and came back."
"Okay, guess you're right, I won't say anything, but I remember the area and could find it again. I
also cut my initials on a big tree," Justin boasted but said nothing about losing his knife and the man
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Invisible Man Monologue i saw jeff once yes what did he look like? a carved smile he cut out his eye leads so then he can never sleep and never be something hes not him self i can tell you that who are you? i am his brother he always said go to sleep ever time and in less i was awake he wood not come after me and and he always said go to sleep ever night ok but where were you when this happinged? i was at this hospital i had a slight visin and i runed out of the hospital and i here a lone wold it said become my child i said no i dont need you for you for me to become your sun i will not and after that i thoght for a second how can he do it how can he carve a smile in his face and cut out his eye lashies he look like a real crazy man that had that face that look ... Show more content on ... he hurt my friend my sister and my family and can i see him yes here he is i ask him why wood you hurt them why he said cases the vocies the bullys the family wall i bunch him in his face and now i am where jeff is in his head and sleander trys at night to ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Analyzing Willa's Last Words Have you ever felt like someone's watching you, or just felt in easy about a situation? Well than you have something in common with Willa the main character of the book, "famous last words" written by Katie Alender. The novel is a murder mystery with a hint of friendship and romance. You go into the life of Willa a high school girl that just moved to hollywood California. Where there have been robots of a holly wood killer going around and killing young actresses. When Willa goes to her new school for the first time ,she meets a girl named Marina. Willa is kinda uncertain about Maina's behaviors but is still open to being friends. then she meets Wyatt, who is fascinated by the Hollywood killer and would do anything to know more. But recently Willa has been having hallucinations and visions. Willa ... Show more content on ... I would recommend this book to everyone, even if they think they don't like that genera. I would give the book a five out of five stars rating because, the writer had lots of author's craft and creative. I have heard that this book is similar to "The Body In The Woods". I did not read this book myself but a friend said that it is simpler because they both have to do with death and murderers on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Unknown Narrative The Unknown A tail from WW2 I feel the wind as it blows through my long shaggy uncut hair. The tiny breeze blows through my nostrils with its sweet scent of dandelion and Spring. The grass is long and uncut prickly with nearby thorns cutting into my already sore back. As I hear the pitter patter of rain behind me I know now is the time to head out from my safe place which I call home. I slide into my now damp boots, my legs are asleep probably from sitting which makes it hard to get up but I still try to stand. The loud THUDS of soldier's boots snaps me out of my dreamland as they come closer. When I get up I feel the searing pain of my back for the first time. I hide in the nearby thorns for it is the only safe place now. The soldiers ... Show more content on ... "Yes you will be fine if you keep still", he replies. I keep as still as possible until he tells me I can move. He makes me sit up, and move my legs, feet, and arms seems like i'm ok. The door screeches open once more the woman I saw earlier this morning. The general of concentration camp 113. She comes up to me grabs me by the arm and throws me to the ground. She yells "Are you one of the escapees from camp 109"?! I'm flustered not knowing what she is talking about. Speechless The general brings me to my feet with one hand and slaps me across the face with her other. I again fall back to the hard concrete floor. She yells again "Are you from camp 109"!? "NO" I yell in a startled cry. I try to stand but fall into a chair almost lifeless. The two soldiers that accompanied the general pick me off the chair and make me stand to face the scar faced general. She asks me a question a I can not understand almost like gibberish. She asks again " cn sho ell e wht hapnd deemer 12 f ths yer"? (can you tell me what happened december 12th of this year). I again don't understand the question my head won't stop spinning. My head clears out finally but I guess they gave up on me because I didn't see them leave but there gone. Now they are gone I have to think of my escape, or I will never get out of ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Genim Nowakowski's Story Essay: Where Did He Come From? Crunch! The sickening sound of Derek punching Harvey echoes throughout the quiet, dark clearing of this small town that I call home. Oh you're probably wondering, "Who is this guy?" and "Where did he come from?" And to answer your questions I am Genim Nowakowski and I am from Riven Hills, Nevada. I am sixteen years old, I have auburn hair, bright green eyes, and I am 5'6. Let me tell you my friends, how I got to be in this clearing is not a story for the ones who believe in happy ending and fairy tales. It all started my freshmen year of high school, when my best friend, Harvey Ashwood, was bit by some creature while walking home from lacrosse practice after school. I remember Harvey calling me frantically yelling, "GENIM! Oh my god! ... Show more content on ... "Where's Harvey?" I asked with a worried expression on my face. "He didn't um... he didn't want to see you. After you passed out he stated he didn't want to see or hear from you again. Ever." Derek told me with a sympathetic look on his face. I feel something wet hit my hand, so I look down to my surprise I'm crying. All of a sudden my body starts shake as I sobbed mercilessly not caring who was in the room or who could hear me. Suddenly I feel strong and sturdy arms wrap around my waist, hugging me. "I'm sorry, Genim. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault this is happening to you." Derek sobbed in to my neck as we clung onto each other as if we was each other's lifeline. "Derek," I hoarsely whispered, "it is not your fault. I knew sooner or later he was going to find out. And I guess I just wanted it to be later." I told him brokenly. "Genim," Derek started off in a soft voice, "he shouldn't have said what he did, best friend or not, Harvey will learn the hard way on how to deal with the supernatural." Derek finished off with a slightly angry tone. "Harvey is NOT my best friend. Not anymore at least." I told Derek in a firm voice. As I ran my hand down my face, I noticed that all of my invisible tattoos had started to glow. "Derek," I hesitantly started out, "I need out of this town. Could I come with you?" I asked him in a low tone in which if he wasn't a werewolf he wouldn't have ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Story Of My Life Flora pushed the top of the case open and hopped down to the floor. She was the new instrument in the room and was eager to see what child would be learning to play her. Looking at the clock above the door, she saw that it was time for band class to begin. Knowing she couldn't be out of her case when they showed up, she quickly jumped back into the case and closed the lid without latching it. She shouldn't have gotten out in the first place, but she was way too eager to be cooped up in the tiny thing. Minutes passed and Flora got impatient but she kept telling herself that maybe the kid learning to play her was new and didn't know where the band room was. Or maybe this kid doesn't even know what a flute looks like, Flora thought. ... Show more content on ... "She means you're not the first bait to try and lure in kids," Trevor blated, "the director's tried numerous other instruments: guitar, trap set, contrabass flute––" "What's a contrabass?" "Nevermind that. She was an odd one let me tell ya." Trevor reminessed. "She always was bringing us woodwinds down. But we digress, the point is that they were here for a push to revive the music department. Do you see how well that went?" Claire responded. "Cut the poor kid some slack," a trombone said coming over to where they were speaking. "Sorry about the two of them, they're just tired of being neglected for so long." "Thanks, who are you?" "I'm Tristan. I'm sort of the backbone here for us horns. Been here the longest with Sheldon. It's been nearly 15 years..." "Who's Sheldon?" Flora asked. "Tristan don't. She's not ready to meet him yet." Claire warned. "What does it matter? She'll be here with us forever because don't worry 'there's plenty of funding for the fine arts!'" Trevor honked. "Says who?" Tristan asked. "The principal that's who. I heard him come in and talk to the director. He said that there is plenty of funding for both the football team and the band. He's the boss so what he says must ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Bruce Wayne Monologue Tonight was the Wayne Charity Ball and you being the daughter of Bruce Wayne meant you had to go. As you chat with the guests a former Robin caught your eye. He walked over to you and lead you away from the guests. He was going to admit something. Something he's been hiding since he first met you. "Is there a reason as to why you dragged me over here?." Y/N whisper yelled. "I was expecting a hello but I'll take what I can get," Jason said with a smirk. You had this weird feeling in your stomach and the fact he was looking you dead in the eyes made it well worse. Usually, his eyes held little to no emotion but when he was with you it changed. You know exactly what he was thinking by just looking at him. ]You quickly turned your head in ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Creative Story : A Short Story Jake was at his house staying up late for the new year special`. He heard someone knock at the door so he gets up and thinks, "who can it be at this hour?" When he opens up the door no one is there so he goes back inside. Then after a few minutes it happens again *knock* *knock* Jake starts to get annoyed and he opens up to no one there he steps outside and yells, "hello?" Then he hears rustling in the bushes so he yells, "who's there!" Then the rustling stops s he goes back inside and he feels like something is wrong. He looks around his painting is there, the flowers are there. Then he looks out the window and nearly falls off the couch with surprise as huge building is in the empty lot on the other side of the street. Last time it was just a pile of rubble where no one knew what was once there. He hears the doorbell and walks over in fear he opens it up and no one is there. Then something darts behind the tree. He walks over there and a man is there holding a baseball bat and wearing a officer uniform then Jake notices the man Is entirely black. skin, shirt, and hair then the man raises the bat and knocks out Jake with it. Jake wakes up on a operating table he gets up looks around and walks out the door and down the hallway. He sees what looks like a person down the hall and walks to it. He yells "hello?" And it turns around to reveal its rotting face. Jake slowly takes a step back and it takes a step forward jake takes another one back and the zombie start running at ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Personal Narrative-Home "Denver, Denver, Denver! Look at me! Look at me!" A voice was coming from across the yard. I was on the porch in a comfy sunbeam minding my own business. I found a stick and was trying to chew on it before Lady saw it and took it away. She had gone into the house to get something so I didn't know how much time I had. I knew better than to look up cuz whenever I hear that squeaky voice it means I'm probably going to get teased. But I couldn't help myself. I quickly glanced his way. I looked up and there he was swinging on a thin branch holding onto a tiny, thin branch with one furry paw. His tail flailed in the wind and I thought he was going to drop to the ground. I did sort of wish he would drop to the ground then I would get to have a good chase. Mrs. Squirrel had some babies a few weeks ago. Over the past couple of days, the little ones had started exploring on their own. They have acres of fields to explore on the other side of the fence. For whatever reason, they insist on exploring in my yard. ... Show more content on ... Look at ME!" Well, that was the final straw I couldn't help myself and besides, I had a job to do. I'm the new deputy around here and I have to try to keep peace and order. I trotted his way and stood under him. He was bouncing while holding onto the branch. My head bobbed up and down following his movements. He was out of reach. I yelled at him, "Hey kid, what do you want? I'm trying to have a little peace and quiet and sneak in a good chew on a stick..." I was interrupted by a loud, chattering voice. We heard his mother yelling at him, "Randy get back up here! You're too close to that dog! He's going to get ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Danny Phantom: A Fictional Narrative "So, you're the famous Danny Phantom?" Ron asked, leaning on the table and looking at the white haired hero behind him as he nodded and waved slightly. "Yeah, you could say that. No need to ask your name. Danny Fenton's told me a lot about you." Phantom said, "I'm sorry for you getting in the way of that fight with Skulker, man." "No big," Kim said, leaning on the table as well and smiling at him as he raised an eyebrow and leaned into his seat, "Ron here had been looking for Danny when you saved him. Why were you fighting him in the first place anyway?" "He's been after my pelt going on three years now. It was the usual rubbish." Phantom replied, ignoring the disgusted looks on their faces as Ron muttered "Eww.", and winced as Danny shrugged and said, "He'll never get it. I'd rather di–er–fade than get skinned by a little green blob in a mechanical suit." ... Show more content on ... "Can we not get into that, Danny? They don't need to know just yet." he said, closing the folder and crossing her arms as Nick entered the room and sat at the head of the table. The meeting between SHELD and Global Justice had begun. "For the record, I think you're a great guy." Ron whispered to Danny who smiled and whispered his thanks back to the blonde as he looked to the table and opened his folder, reading the briefing ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Eudora Welty: A Narrative Fiction Where am I. I wake up, my head pushed against a desk and I wonder where I am. Who am I today? A vague memory of a bet comes to mind. "You were right." Tom announces loudly, his mocking voice banging through my ears. "You bastard! You drugged me didn't you? I can't believe it!" I yell at him in sheer horror, perhaps a bit too surprised. Tom quickly replies, "Jesus, calm down. You're fine, you won, didn't you? You're the winner!" "You owe me a shit ton of drinks you fucker." I laugh and grunt in mock disgust, noticing I am not wearing any pants. "If you wanted to get with me you could have just asked." Tom laughs unimpressed,"Oh mate, this must be so embarrassing for you. You shat your pants last night." I look at him in disbelief. "What?! ... Show more content on ... A kidnapping. Five hours later the daughter of media tycoon James Alexander was safe home, the kidnapper shot, and a fat pay delivered. For once I wouldn't break the cash for beer since Tom had lost the bet to determine what drug was in the packet we had stolen from a crime scene of a past case. It was Ketamine and it apparently makes you shit your pants. We retire back to the office, which is now Tom's apartment since his latest ex kicked him out. A lunch of cheap cornerstone kebabs and we go on to retrieve a bag of DNA samples we had sent last night for examination at the National Crime Agency, who let us use their facilities if in turn we took on the more discreet cases. Their examination of the evidence is enough to confirm that our suspect was indeed guilty. It goes as per usual; run around the city, get said suspect, get in some trouble but not enough to put the case in danger, deliver the suspect to authorities. Case closed. At this point in my story, the reader may be wondering why my account of the crime I am here attempting to recount is rather vague in details regarding other crimes. The answer for that is that I have no interest in divulging past successes and mistakes and that the main intention of me leaving my beer aside to tell this story is in convincing whoever it may concern, and myself, of my ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Short Story: Empire Island Once again darkness surrounded you, but this time the warmth was wrapped around you like a blanket. You walk aimlessly for what seems like an eternity. "Oh don't be so dramatic." A voice echoed through the stark plain, "I can't wait until he claims me," the voice was raspy and powerful, it made a chuffing sound as if it was laughing, "well technically he'll claim you." You tried to speak. Nothing come out. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Again with the chuffing, "damn I'm funny." "Wh–who?" Was all that you could manage. A faint glow began to shine through the darkness, light danced off the ground, a full moon could be seen rising in the distance, and a shadowy figure sat under the moon. You looked down to see that the ground was water. ... Show more content on ... "Nothing, nothing, you may go!" He pushed you out the door and waved you off. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Your foot tapped impatiently and drummed your fingers against your chin, it was almost 8 pm, earlier Kyoutani said it only took 20 minutes to get to your house, so what was taking Oikawa so long? You called him hours age, did Kyo do something bad like bite someone or pee on something, it wouldn't be that hard to believe if he did. You can't explain why but you really did miss the grumpy mutt. Even though he was gone only for a day you got pretty lonely. Damn that dog for making you actually care about his well being. "Yohoo~" Oikawa behind your then chuckled as you spat a stream of cursing. "Where did? How did you? What?!" You held a hand to heart, "Where have you been!" "Traffic," He joined you by the curb in front of your house, "listen (F/n), I found Kyo a permanent home." You looked at Oikawa shocked. He spoke in a quiet tone and that caught you off guard. Your cousin being seriou, what? Oikawa seemed sincer enough but something inside you said to not trust ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Monologue Of Jacqueline Walker Hi, Im Jacqueline Walker. Otherwise known as Jackie. Now, this isn't one of those cliche high school stories, where the main character goes from rags to riches, or vise versa. It's actually about two girls, and i'm both. ~Weeks Before.~ *Beep* *Beep* My alarm clock sounded. "Ugh." I groaned, it was the end of spring break, and I knew I had to go back to my dreadful High School. Once I finally got out of bed, I banged on the bathroom door. "Nobody is in there, Good." I thought, heading into the small room. ~At School~ Speeding towards english class, I dumped my History textbooks in my mangled up locker. I still had like five minutes left, but I've always had a habit of being super early. With the newly placed textbooks in my locker, I wandered ... Show more content on ... I walked off, "This Alya thing is really working out for me." I thought, speeding off with the sweet taste of victory. ~The Next Week.~ The movie went well, we all talked, and got pretty close. I was invited to sit at their table during lunch, and nothing much else really happened. I enjoyed the first month of popularity, but it started to end as soon as I took it too far, just the way I thought I couldn't Soon enough, everybody wanted to be my friend, I had boys crowding me, people wanting to take selfies with me. Until, I saw Mason, in the back of the crowd, he gave me a disappointed look, and walked off. It turns out, that Morgan also liked Mason, and when she found out I was dating him, It didn't go so well. Mason started had grown to hate Alya, and I was a full blown outcast. People threw food at me during lunch, I was booed at during presentations. "I went too far." I thought, running into the bathroom, crying. I only had a little bit of Jacquelines blood left, and I was going to use it. No more Alya, no more Alya forever. Soon enough, the needle was empty. I didn't have enough to turn back into Jacqueline. I nimbly pulled the needle out of my arm. "AGH!" I ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Alice's Death: A Narrative Fiction "Alice is pretty... Alice is smart... Alice is dead." I've heard the same voice several times before. The doctors were convinced it was a standard hallucination caused by grief. However, I never knew Alice. There was no reason for me to grieve. There was no reason for her death to keep me looking over my shoulder. She was just another face in the hallways. Yet, her sudden murder was never solved. Everybody figured it was her psychotic uncle, but it was never proven true. We all just moved on. Even though Alice was gone, the world never stopped moving. I pulled my jacket closer to my body and hastened my pace as a shiver made its way down my spine. I couldn't help but to risk a glance over my shoulder only to see teens gathered in circles, ... Show more content on ... "Where am I?" I instead inquired. "Oh me, oh my!" he shouted, waving his hands around excessively. "Why, you're in wonderland! The land of wonder! The wonder of land!" "I'm going crazy." I stated, leaning back in the chair. "Indeed. You're entirely bonkers." My eyebrows rose at that. "But I'll tell you a secret, all the best people are." His unnecessarily wide grin was beginning to creep me out more than anything else. "I just want to go home." I whined, quickly growing irritated and stressed. His smile soon faded. I found that his straight face was far more terrifying than his smiling face. "Nevins," he called, turning to the rabbit. "Who exactly is our guest?" He stared at me suspiciously. "Um..." the rabbit–human thing hesitated. "She may or may not have come from the Otherland. The queen and her minions are searching for her. We need to help her!" The entire table went silent as the man in the top hat froze, then chuckled crazily as he stared at me. A teapot fell to the ground and shattered. "Get her out of my tea party. Now." ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Obedience, Morality In Blood Coats, Red Demons I shuddered, "who is he? The old man with the top hat?" "His name is unknown, but he is a very evil man. Wicked," she gruffed, clearing her throat. "Once he starts following you, then so do the Blood Coats." "The Blood Coats? "Blood Coats, Scarlet Coats, Red Demons, they have been known by many names." "The red cloak figures?" I whispered. "Yes," she cooed, "so, you have seen them more than once before, have you?" "Yeah, but who are they?" "They're a deadly cult of the most dark, and evil sort. They practice dark magic, and they will stop at nothing until they seek what they desire." "Is the old man with the top hat, is he their master?" I inquired. Mrs. Worthington gave a cackle. "He is not, though he probably wishes he was. No, but to be merely considered and enter in as one of them is his deepest desire. But, initiation is very difficult, you see?" ... Show more content on ... A trial period to prove obedience and loyalty. They must demonstrate that they truly are the most evil. Once they have done all this and more, they must seal it with a catch. And, after all is said and done, if they are found worthy, they enter in, and one of the old members is killed. "Why? Why do they murder one of the members?" There may be only twelve members at a time. Only twelve, and the master. Twelve is an unbreakable bond you ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. My Hero's Journey-Personal Narrative I don't remember my name, or most of my early life, but I know I was a thief. I was part of a group of thieves, five of us. "Do you remember where you're from?" A village called Greenbridge. I don't know how far it is from here. "Greenbridge?" Why, does it sound familiar? She hesitated. She didn't know him, but if she was going to help, she had to give him reason to trust her. Besides, it might feel good to finally tell someone. "It's where I'm from. I did something there that I'm... not proud of." That makes two of us. "What did you do?" You mean, besides abandoning everyone I care about? My wife, my little girl, my friends? "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." It's fine. In the time I've been here, I've done a lot of thinking. "Pardon me for asking, but what happened to you?" Now that's a story. ... Show more content on ... One of the things we liked to do was pose as workers at the inn and snatch things out of people's rooms. "Did the innkeeper ever catch you?" He knew us, all right. A steady portion of whatever we made from selling our loot helped him with expenses. Besides, we didn't do this often, or otherwise too many guests would notice things were missing and the inn would be crawling with guards. But one night, a couple of nobles were staying, and we decided to take what we could while they were eating dinner. Some of the nicest stuff you'd ever seen in your life. I guess we got a little too caught up in what we found because the door opened, and they started screaming "Thieves! Thieves!" The wife fainted, and the husband went back downstairs to get help. That's when we scrambled out the window. We heard him and some other guys barking orders to saddle up the horses, and we knew they were going to search the grounds and the surrounding woods for ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. A Short Story : A Story? "Why do you always have to say that," said Steff. "And then," said Joey. "This is what i'm talking about, you don't even care," said Steff. The two just continued to argue through most of the night until Steff couldn't handle it. She ran out the house in tears,not knowing which direction she was going. Joey grabbed his sweater and ran after Steff With her sweater, but she just kept running till she couldn't breathe anymore. Little did Steff know they were in the mythical forest till she saw the tree. Joey caught up and asked "Why'd you run out like that?" with tears filling her eyes, she replied with "You don't even care anymore." "Why wouldn't I care" asked Joey, "Because all you ever say is and then," replied Steff. "I'm sorry Steff" said Joey, "Steff I love y–" Joey paused as he noticed someone was watching them. He asked "What's your name?" "Yasmin" the stranger said, without any further hesitation she struck them with her magic. As they both fell to the floor, she fled the forest. Yasmin knew exactly what she was doing, she just didn't know if the timing was perfect. Yasmin went to her house deep into the mystical forest with her cat putulia. She was looking at the formula, something seemed to be off. She analyzed it one more time and realized it was the formula for creating and forming snow. She panicked and ran to her spell bowl and said "What's the outcome of Steff and Joey's future?" the bowl said "They'll fall more deeply in love and realize they belong ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. The Last Leaf Epilogue The thrilling cry rang around our swarming decks, lifted its troubled voice above the roaring of the elements, and caused strong hearts to tremble, and weaker ones to sicken over the perils of the unknown victim. *"Who is it? Where is he?"* No one can tell. After some time a dark struggling spot is seen astern upon the frothy wake, raising two pleading arms and raising a frightened voice for help, for rescue. *"There he is! There he is!"* A hundred voices proclaim the dangerous truth, a hundred fingers point towards that far off spot. But before their echoes have died upon the howling gale, our fast–moving ship has carried us beyond the reach of that frightened voice, almost too far away to see those outstretched and pleading arms. *"Cut away the life buoy! Jump to men! Hard down the helm! Make ready the lee quarter boat!"* It was the trembling but ready and sounding voice of the officer of the deck that issued these rapid orders. Its ... Show more content on ... *"Call your men! Give me the bullhorn! I can see you are determined – so go and do what you can."* Talmage walked quickly forwards toward the expectant crew and cast a searching glance across their anxious faces. Some who stood before him could read that glance and so dropped theirs to the deck as they shuffled behind their comrades. Others pressed forward into those vacant voids to hear what he had to say. He had but a few words, and he spoke those words to those latter men. *"Boys,"* he said, *"one of our shipmates, one of YOUR messmates is overboard, and in need of help. No doubt he is at this current moment straining his eyes to see a boat lowered, and it would strengthen his heart and resolve to see such a thing happen. He can see the ship has turned around and that gives him hope, let's not leave him to struggle alone. Look at that sea, know the risks that you will encounter and then step forward. Who will go with me to pick him ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Humorous Wedding Speech: Who The Hell Is David? Tribute Speech "Who the hell is David? He asked me to work for him because he has a football game but got scheduled to work." This was the very first thing Preston said to me. He didn't even know who I was at first he thought my name was Nick. I was scared to say something to him because he walked in and I noticed he was missing his legs. I felt bad at first when I saw that and I really wanted to ask him but I didn't have the nerves to ask him anything about it. Preston realized that I was looking at his prosthetic legs and he asked me if I wanted to know what happened to him. When he asked me that I responded right away with a yes and I focused my attention to him. He made up a story telling me that he was in Florida surfing with his friends ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Creative Writing: The Silent Maze The Silent Maze By. Madelynn Tamer Lost in a maze... It's nerve driving silence is maddening but, how did I get here? I notice quite quickly that i am here with others. "Hey, who are you people?!'' a very startled boy asked. Another boy looked around at the yellow room around us "wondering that same thing but...wait I know you"! He pointed to a girl in the corner of the room with red and blue hair, eyes, and lips plus a shaggy black fedora. "Jeremy'! She exclaimed. I soon noticed that the boy who pointed her out was wearing the same hat. I wanted to speak but they had already started a conversation. I thought maybe walking into the rest of the maze would catch their attention. ... Show more content on ... Darting lizards were coming through little holes in the walls, somehow not making a sound. We stopped for a second, I looked in the distance and saw shafts of light in the ceiling closing and becoming dark. I didn't feel safe. The colorless walls seemed to be closing in on us. I heard the sound of rocks falling from the ceiling behind us, and turned to see a large creature emerge from the pile of stones. "RUN"! Nick shouted. Everyone seemed to go in different directions. I ran to a hallway I remember seeing an axe at and picked it up. "It's following me"! I heard sue cry in the distance. I ran back to the sound where I heard sue's voice. She was running in circles with this strange horned creature following her. I aimed and threw the axe straight into it's head. It howled, and sue.... Pulled out it's tooth. It fell to the floor, green stuff coming out of it's mouth. We hurried on, thinking it may still be following us. "How did you know what to do"? Nick asked her. "Read it in a book one time". We reached the end of the maze. Everyone was doing a little victory dance. Just then... the room went dark and I felt a sharp pain in my head. "AaAaah"! Lost in a maze... it's nerve driving silence is maddening but, how did I get ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Personal Narrative The teenage boy stood there still as stone, a marble statue, his flesh had gone beyond the colour of marble, to a new ghostly tinge of white, void of colour. His eyes were the only thing expressing any emotion, and that was fear. Extreme fear, the kind where you can feel your impending death, as it stares you in the face. After moments of complete petrification the traumatised boy spoke in a shaky and terrified voice. "W–Why are you h–here Lock, get away from me please..." he said to my boyfriend, his eyes flinching, as if his body wasn't still petrified. Eric, my boyfriend, chuckled loudly, that real genuine laugh, the one that your dad would make which felt warm and hearty like a hug during a thunderstorm. Usually it'd lighten up a conversation, ... Show more content on ... But Eric was sort of like me, we didn't seem to talk much while in the car, especially at night it, it was reflecting time, time to look at the stars and think. Although after half an hour the silence was getting a bit eerie. "Don't tell your mum about this," Eric said, cutting the silence with a knife, as if silence were something you could cut. His words were solemn and awkward, it made me shift in my seat. "Okay," I replied confused, I didn't really know why, but my mum was a very messed up person. The old thing had really lost her marbles when she got dementia, she'd thought often think Eric was the Lock person, even though she'd never met ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Short Story: Empire Island Once again darkness surrounded you, but this time the warmth was wrapped around you like a blanket. You walk aimlessly for what seems like an eternity. "Oh don't be so dramatic." A voice echoed through the stark plain, "I can't wait until he claims me," the voice was raspy and powerful, it made a chuffing sound as if it was laughing, "well technically he'll claim you." You tried to speak. Nothing come out. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Again with the chuffing, "damn I'm funny." "Wh–who?" Was all that you could manage. A faint glow began to shine through the darkness, light danced off the ground, a full moon could be seen rising in the distance, and a shadowy figure sat under the moon. You looked down to see that the ground was water. ... Show more content on ... "Nothing, nothing, you may go!" He pushed you out the door and waved you off. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Your foot tapped impatiently and drummed your fingers against your chin, it was almost 8 pm, earlier Kyoutani said it only took 20 minutes to get to your house, so what was taking Oikawa so long? You called him hours age, did Kyo do something bad like bite someone or pee on something, it wouldn't be that hard to believe if he did. You can't explain why but you really did miss the grumpy mutt. Even though he was gone only for a day you got pretty lonely. Damn that dog for making you actually care about his well being. "Yohoo~" Oikawa behind your then chuckled as you spat a stream of cursing. "Where did? How did you? What?!" You held a hand to heart, "Where have you been!" "Traffic," He joined you by the curb in front of your house, "listen (F/n), I found Kyo a permanent home." You looked at Oikawa shocked. He spoke in a quiet tone and that caught you off guard. Your cousin being seriou, what? Oikawa seemed sincer enough but something inside you said to not trust ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Cyrus Monologue I should have warned Cyrus sooner, I should have killed the man who killed Miles before it happened, and I shouldn't have let the man ever get that close to you." She smiled at me and said, "Serenity this wasn't your fault. If it was anyone's fault, it was the men who did this. Just promise me one thing before I die." "I'll do anything," I said. "Promise me to try to survive the game, and get everyone back to the real world." "I promise," I said with tears streaming down my cheeks. Then she too shattered into shards and disappeared into the sky. At six o'clock, I went back to town to meet Bebe. When he saw that I was alone, he asked, "Where are the others." I replied, "They're dead. We got ambushed. I tried to save them, but I couldn't, I ... Show more content on ... She replied, "Sure, that's where I was heading too." So we began our journey to the next town. Three days later we entered the town, and decided to get a place to stay. Between the two of us we had enough money to rent a two bedroom two bath apartment. The apartment was quite spacious and came fully furnished which was perfect because we do not have a lot of free time to spend buying furniture. On July 20, 2025 we realized that we have now been in the game for a whole year. Cecelia and I now have one hundred fifty thousand dollars saved up. We plan to find Pierre Domonique, the man responsible for all this mayhem, and end his reign of terror. It is said that once he is killed we will all be able to escape the game. Over the past months I have spent a lot of time studying Pierre Domonique. He is an older man with grey hair and icy blue eyes that cut thought you like a knife. I have trained myself to spot people out in a large crowd, so he cannot hide from me any longer. The only thing that is stopping us from attacking is the fact that we do not have enough people or weapons. I turned to Cecelia and said, "Where going to need a squad if we plan to take out ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Monologue Lord Of The Flies I was walking when suddenly I heard a voice behind me shout, "Hi! Wait a minute!" Before I continue... I should probably tell you about where I am. I believe I'm on an island. I'm not sure though? Oh I'm Ralph though. I am from Britain. I wrote this with my blood and some leaves well stranded on this island. Anyways I got side tracked where did I leave off. Ohh yeah this boy was following me. He was shorter than an average boy, very fat, glasses, and asthma. He kept following me which was ANNOYING. The boy has this crazy idea that we are trapped here. Frankly I don't believe him. I kept walking toward nowhere well the boy trugs along behind me slowly. I still have yet to know the annoying boy's name. I notice in front of me water. I started to run foreword excited to get in the water. ... Show more content on ... I broke out laughing. As I was sitting gin the water I looked down and say a pretty white shell. The boy "Piggy" shouted, "It's a conch!" I respond, "A conch what is that...?" The boy "Piggy" goes on this long boring story about it I mainly tuned him out. Then he yells, "We need to call an assembly. Get everyone on the island together in one place. You need to blow into he conch to get everyone her. I would do it but I have asthma." I looked at him and said, "I just blow into it...?" He nods. I start to blow, blow, blow, and blow. Boys, boys, and more boys start to come and come. I blow one last time and notice a group of boys walking in all black. The guy leading seems to be the leader. I can tell this by the way he is carrying himself, and the way the other guys look to compared to him. Once he comes he is very cocky and I find his name to be Jack. He and his boys are a group of choir ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. A Short Story : A Story? A rock the size of a grapefruit cracked Sally's window and landed on her bed with a thud. The glass shattered on her bed and the floor. She flinched. She banged her foot onto a dresser. Her heart pounded and sweat trickled down her forehead. She went to her mom but once she put her foot to the door of her room, a rock hit her heel and blood dripped everywhere. Her mom yelled, "Sally, it's time to eat lunch!" "Are you there?" Her mom's slim body appeared in the doorway. She saw all the blood. "Are we okay?"yelled Sally's mom "A little dizzy!" "Emergency?" "Sure," But then, another rock as big as a eraser came in. She looked through the broken window and a doll with blood all on it and holding a knife appeared from behind a tree. The eyes were made out of buttons that were sewn on the head. Fabric covered the cotton in the middle. A knife peeked through its fist. "Is it just me or am I seeing this crazy doll?" asked Sally's mom, sweat trickling down her neck, her heart pounding, and her forehead wet. She sprinted to Sally and put her onto a soft chair. She took a band–aid and patted it onto her cut. Blood gushed out of a hole. Sally's mom fixed the position. Sally was lucky that her mom used to be a person who worked in a hospital so she knew a nearby hospital. She carried Sally into the car she and started the engine. They arrived and sended her daughter into the emergency room. She carried the cot up the small stairway. "Plep, plep,plep," squeaked a voice. "What was ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Mr. Howell: A Fictional Narrative 2010–Dan "Mr...Mr Howell." I woke up in a hurry. Groaning and wiping away the bit of dribble that dared leave my mouth...I cautiously opened my eye. Oh shite...this isn't my dorm room. Okay...okay Dan, where could you possibly be? Have I been abducted? Has my captor come to torture me? Turning my head to the direction the voice had come from. Both my eyes open huge, I ended up seeing a short, balding man in a suit glaring at me. When I groaned, he replied "Glad to see you are awake, Mr. Howell as your snoring was quite disruptive, if I may say so, your snoring was like that of a fire–breathing dragon with a head cold." The room erupted in laughter and the man just smirked. Feeling my face heat up, oh shite I remember now. I'm in my university class. You think it would have been clear having been in ... Show more content on ... Oh shite, where's my id card? Damn! Rummaging through my book bag, I finally sorted out my problem, coming across my card. Cringing as I stared at the photo because it was one of the rare moments when I had forgotten to straighten my hair. My hair was total mess and I basically looked a bit like Elijah wood from the Lord of the rings, I looked like a hobbit. Standing in the way of the door, I heard someone cough out Excuse me. Spluttering out sorry and then sliding my id card through the scanner, the door made an annoying loud beep that I still have not gotten used to yet as it opened. I mean, why is that beep even a thing, like what even is its purpose. More like what is my purpose? I feel an existential crisis coming about. After the door swung open, the person behind me beelined for the elevator, which already had a crowd waiting. Since I wasn't about that life, I decided to take the stairs. Rushing up two flights of stairs was a nightmare, but it was worth not having to be stuck in an elevator full of your fellow floor mates whose names you should know but ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Danny Phantom: A Fictional Narrative "So, you're the famous Danny Phantom?" Ron asked, leaning on the table and looking at the white haired hero behind him as he nodded and waved slightly. "Yeah, you could say that. No need to ask your name. Danny Fenton's told me a lot about you." Phantom said, "I'm sorry for you getting in the way of that fight with Skulker, man." "No big," Kim said, leaning on the table as well and smiling at him as he raised an eyebrow and leaned into his seat, "Ron here had been looking for Danny when you saved him. Why were you fighting him in the first place anyway?" "He's been after my pelt going on three years now. It was the usual rubbish." Phantom replied, ignoring the disgusted looks on their faces as Ron muttered "Eww.", and winced as Danny shrugged and said, "He'll never get it. I'd rather di–er–fade than get skinned by a little green blob in a mechanical suit." ... Show more content on ... "Can we not get into that, Danny? They don't need to know just yet." he said, closing the folder and crossing her arms as Nick entered the room and sat at the head of the table. The meeting between SHELD and Global Justice had begun. "For the record, I think you're a great guy." Ron whispered to Danny who smiled and whispered his thanks back to the blonde as he looked to the table and opened his folder, reading the briefing ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Summary Of ' The ' Crazy ' Weird ' Silence is really freakin' weird. Anyone who's spent time alone knows that. It's even weirder when you 're alone in a supposedly abandoned building at 3 AM waiting for your best friend to finish hunting vampires, but I've been told that's not a common experience. For a fraction of a second, it seems as if someone or something is coming, and I listen carefully for any sign of motion. It turns out to be nothing but my imagination, inventing an excuse for action. I sigh and quietly start humming an irritatingly catchy pop song I heard on the radio earlier. I check my watch and discover I've only been here for about twenty minutes. If patience is a virtue, it's clearly not one I possess. Standing here idle gives me the chance to mentally ... Show more content on ... Despite my cautiousness, it still manages to creak in protest. You've probably attracted the attention of everything in the building by now, I scold myself. The room is empty except for a few overturned desks. A thick covering of dust has settled over all the furniture, which from what I can tell hasn 't been disturbed in at least a decade. I stand motionless, listening for any sign of life. Nothing. A few seconds later, something changes. I can't pinpoint what it is. Maybe a shift in the stale air of the decrepit building. A hint of a sound. Even a hunch that something is coming. Maybe all three. I whip around to face whatever is behind me, but there's nothing to see. Anything that was there is already long gone. I catch the barest glimpse of a ghostly white face. About fifteen feet away. Pale skin, dark eyes. Exactly what we came here looking for. Before I know what's happened, it's less than a few feet behind me. I turn back around, confronted by the face I'd seen, which I can now see is framed by long locks of black hair. Her skin seems to almost glow in the moonlight, which is penetrating into the room through the pitiful remains of a roof. She smiles, revealing deadly sharp fangs. I tighten my grip on my stake. Any tighter and the wood would be digging into my palm. I walk along the wall, hoping to find a light switch. I need to see beyond the narrow beam of my flashlight. The moonlight helps, but it's not nearly enough. If I ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Personal Narrative Fiction I stepped back, confusion ricocheting against my skull. I couldn't draw my gaze away from those pools of madder, seeming to meld perfectly to the flickering brightness that clung to his iris. I was so entranced, how beautiful it was. A harsh bark snapped my attention back to what he was saying. "Vhat vould your name be?" He stared into my eyes, his fingers tapping against the sheath on his left side, producing a slight clicking sound from the leather. I tore away from the movement and back to his eyes, biting the inside of my lip, wanting to speak, yet no words passed from my lips. It is simple, just say your name. "Vell? That vas not a question." I flinched involuntarily, stepping away. He followed, his mere presence felt commanding, like I should obey or something unforeseen may happen. ... Show more content on ... I quickly glanced around, searching for some sort of exit within this strange village, something seemed off, as if pieces of a puzzle weren't fitting together properly. The feeling of this place unnerved me, like I didn't belong. I felt as if I didn't fit in back at my own pack, but this place was different, something dark masked by the hushed little bit of civilization frosted with snow. I knew that I wouldn't be able to run anyways, I surely wasn't fast enough for this man, I would probably only stumble into the snow like I had done before, yet running for different reasons, so I forced myself to speak. "M–Matthew...." Continue, I urged myself. "M–my name is ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Creative Writing: The Alchemist-Personal Narrative I got on the train and looked for a seat. Unfortunately, all of them were taken. I looked for someone to sit with and saw a very tall almost bald guy, and a short blonde boy. "Can I sit with you two?" The boy looked at me. "Yeah sure." He said before quickly turning away. I think he was blushing. I sat down across from them. "What's your names?" "I'm Edward Elric the Fullmetal Alchemist. " he said with a grin. "And I'm Alex Louis Armstrong the Armstrong Alchemist." "Oh so you're both State Alchemist?" "Yeah." "That's so cool. I'm (y/n) (l/n). I like alchemy but I'm not very good at it." Ed nodded. "So where are you going?" "Resembool. My mom lives there and I'm checking on her because she hasn't responded to my letters for awhile." ... Show more content on ... "Hey Edward!" I smiled and waved. He walked up to me "Did you find your mom?" "No she wasn't home. I'm actually looking for her now." "Wanna ask Pinako if she knows her? She lives right here." "Um sure." He lead me into the house. "Whose this Ed? You finally get a girlfriend?" We both blushed and he quickly said no. I mean I kind of like him, but I just met him. "She's just a friend. This is (y)." "It's nice to meet you Pinako." We shook hands. "I was wondering if you know a lady named (M/n) (L/n). She's my mother and I'm looking for her." "Oh dear. I'm sorry to say but your mother passed away recently. She was in a car accident." "W–what?" I said tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry." "But...I...Nevermind. Thank you for telling me..." I ran out crying. I ran to my mom's house, sat on her porch swing, and cried my eyes out. It's not fair. I loved my mother... I felt someone wrap their arms around me. It was Ed. I hugged him back and cried into his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said. "You'll get through this. Everything will be okay." "Ed she was my only family left. Now I have no one." "You have me." He said blushing. "Thanks Edward." I pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears. Timeskip (they're going back to ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. The Middle Of An Empty Hallway Of Thomas Jefferson High,... In the middle of an empty hallway of Thomas Jefferson High, myself and three of my good friends: Mike, Shaun and Chris. We all stood around thinking of who we were going to ask out at the school. Mike, the shortest of us all chose first. Mike, said "I'm asking Sherry Wilson." "Who?" Shaun asked. "Sherry Wilson!" Mike said Shaun replied sarcastically "Oh, that'll be easy!" Everyone laughed. "Who are you asking?" Asked Mike, "Mariah Lopez!" Shaun replied. Everybody nodded their head in agreement. "That's right, Mariah Lopez." Shaun carried on bragging about her special features. "You know she has a sister right," looking at me. "Nope, I'm good." I replied. "Well who are you asking then?" asked Mike. "I don't know yet!" I answered. I'm taking Stacy Porter, announced Chris. I looked shocked, because I just told him last night I was going to ask her. Stacy Porter was 5"4', light skinned, hazel eyes, white teeth and arched eyebrows. She was simply gorgeous. "So, Mell (short for Germell) who are you going to ask?" They all asked sounding like a local band hitting the same note at once. "Oh, I'm going to ask (it was dead silence for about five seconds), suddenly the bell rang for class. I walked away leaving them puzzled. As I was walking away, I heard Chris say in a conniving tone "alright we'll meet right back here after class." During second period all I could think about was Chris picking Stacy ahead of me. "Mr. Allmond!" "Mr. Allmond!" The teacher was ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. King Arthur Monologue He wasn't doing this. You tried to convince yourself, you really did but the very real young American standing in your living room made it extremely difficult. Your face had been like stone for about five whole minutes with your mouth slightly agape and your eyes dead as you stared at him. He was a whirlwind, bustling through your home as he spouted words that were barely cohesive; he sounded like he was speaking in tongues. Before he had barged in your home like he owned the place and quite literally shoved you down on the couch, you had been getting ready to head out with your friend Arthur. It wasn't unusual for you two to go traipsing about the city late at night and do simple things like get coffee–or tea for the brit– even if it was ... Show more content on ... You two spend so much time isn't a stretch to assume!" You cross your arms and scoff, "It isn't your business anyways. Now if you'll excuse me..." You go to stand but his large hand knocks you back down and he towers over you, "Ya can't." "Excuse me?" "Ya just can't." You sigh and try to wiggle around him but he grabs you by the shoulders and pins you down to your couch. His blue eyes pierce into you; they weren't malicious or angry, they were desperate. You sit there, perplexed and a bit indignant, "Is this about winning? You cannot be that immature." "No!", he responds quickly, too quickly, and he looks like he regrets it as soon as he opened his mouth, "I messed up." He lets go of you and flops beside you; he looks genuinely broken. "Alfred. What is going on?" You were serious. As much as he annoyed you, you never hated him. You didn't want him broken apart, just matured. He stares at you with sad eyes through his dirty blond ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Rudy Dialectical Journal W... Where am I? A teenage, fair–skinned boy with long red hair awakens but is blindfolded. He is in a silver–colored coffin. He is wearing nothing but a red cloth around his lower body and his limbs are chained together. Two birds, a crow and a dove fly above. They appear to observe the teenager as they fly. "Why am I hearing birds?" asks the boy. "Why can't I see?" "Because you're blindfolded." A skull appears on top of the boy. A scythe and a golden sword also appear; the former on top of the boy's upper body and the sword on top of the boy's legs. The ground on which the coffin stands on is now glowing red. The source is that of a red–colored magic circle around the coffin. "Who are you?" asks the boy. "Death," answered the skull. "Wha–" ... Show more content on ... "Private. Sixteen years old." "Charan Seth," replies a boy with dark skin, short raven black colored hair, and light brown eyes. "Private. Seventeen years old." "Thank you. Now, everyone please rest up. We'll prepare to move at sixteen hundred." # Hours later, Rudy's platoon conducts their objective, which is to occupy a trench that the Centauri forces had abandoned. Despite the questions being invited, the platoon had taken the trench and now await further orders. Everyone in Rudy's platoon are tense. They now assume the Centauri forces are planning a trap due to abandoning an important position. As for Rudy himself, he falls asleep but doesn't appear comfortable. Rudy finds himself dreaming to be in the same coffin he was in earlier. He is again blindfolded and shackled, with the same skull looking over him. "So, you really do want to die?" asks the skull. "S... Shut up!" Rudy shouts, albeit uncertain but defiant. "If that be the case... " The blindfold disappears around Rudy. Rudy begins to open but as he does, only darkness remains. In truth, Rudy and his platoon no longer breathe. Rudy had died with his eyes open, with a feeling of despair having caught up to ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Creative Writing: Empire Island In a small village, there lived a boy named Lucas. He was known in his COMMUNITY as a good– for–nothing JUVENILE delinquent. So, of course, when he told the residents that the terrible monster, Fenrir, was threatening to awaken from its slumber, no one believed him. "You have to listen to me!" he said as he clenched his fists tightly. "I... I can feel it!" The crowd ERUPTED with laughter. "Yes, yes, sure! Like we would believe you just because you feel it. Do you take us for fools?" said the village chief while shaking his head. "You must be RIDICULOUS. Fenrir was sealed years ago in the Cave years ago!" Lucas's lower lip trembled. In anger, he grabbed the chief by his collar and snarled, "Have you gone SENILE already, old man?! Do you really think that simply stuffing Fenrir, a beast well–known for being able to easily crush villages, into a cave would keep it quiet? Yeah, right!" ... Show more content on ... "If you all won't do anything, then I will!" He stormed away from the crowd, and set off to where Fenrir resided. The Cave was located deep in the forest by Lucas's village. After much walking, he finally reached the entrance. An ACRID scent from inside burned his nose. Lucas gulped and clutched his bag beside him tightly. "All I have to do is ignite this... and hopefully it'll die. Hopefully," he muttered before stepping ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. The Night In the early morning in the magical forest, we lived in a cabin. The sun gleaming through the leafs on the trees, the water glowing blue as it flows down from the melting snow as it falls into the lake. I wake to the piercing sound of a dragon roar. I run down the wooden stairs creaking beneath my feet, and smashing open the door. But realizing there is nothing there. The only thing there is Piper, who is barking to her heart 's content. I was probably just imagining things I said to myself. I should probably get you some breakfast Piper. I sit down at my table with paper at my side going on her steak. I noticed we are running out of food. I sigh. looks like we 're going to go hunting again. I look at Piper and say stay. I love my ... Show more content on ... I am a fast fluffy wolf. "What are the chances of that!" Running as fast as I can to get to my cabin. Reaching the cabin I can see it over the horizon. But there is a dragon flying over my house. The dragon catches me out of the corner of his eyes and soars away. "THAT DRAGON ATTACKED MY HOUSE!" I look at John, "can you help me fix it?" "Of course." I wake to the sound of bashing and hammering. I slowly get up. Yes! No dragon yelling in my face. I should probably tame that dragon. let's go to the market for supplies. "ok" We get on our horses and ride of. As we approach the market I watch the fish in the bright blue river. We start walking through the market looking at all the colorful tent tops, But one catches my eye. The one that has two colors. "That looks interesting." "What?" "Cool it sells magic ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Short Story : ' The Tree ' It has already been a month since the accident occurred. Fall was nothing but a memory now, having made way for the harsh season of winter. The trees, once filled with vibrant colors and a feeling of warmth, was now a shadow of its former self, but in a sense, related to me more. Reminiscent of the past, I looked at the tree, suddenly hit by nostalgia. In a moment of clarity, I realized the significance, the representation, the resemblance between the tree and I. As the pure white snowflakes danced across the clear blue sky, the tree, now naked and exposed in front of me, exemplified my own self. I couldn't hide from the truth; I couldn't hide behind the vibrant colors of my life, I couldn 't hide and live life the way I had been before. Just like the tree, who needs sunshine to grow, I could not live without telling the truth to his family. Just like the tree, I need my sunshine, I need Jack. As the cool winter breeze ruffled the ends of my scarf, I thought back to the days when I was truly happy, the days when I was a sapling, growing steadily with the support of my sunshine. Although I would never see him again, I knew he would always be there for me. As long as the sun keeps shining, the sapling would mature into a strong, health tree. And just like that, I would grow as well. Tears streaming down my face, I looked up into the sky as the cold frosty weather crystallized my tears. Even though the dense clouds stopped the sunlight from shining through, one day, it will ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Keira's Perfection Keira currently works as a lifeguard and enjoys writing and theatre in her spare time. She is grateful for this opportunity to share her work and hopes you enjoy her story. When I open my eyes, all I feel is cold. My fingers are numb, my muscles are stiff, and walking is a challenge. I have no memories. I can barely control my own body. Stitches hold me together. With every step, pain erupts through my body. All I can think about is what might have happened to me. There are people similar to me; some shorter, taller, or bigger than myself. They call me "ideal," "perfection," "beautiful," but I don't feel this way. I am different. They don't seem to care. They continue to test me. I am fast, strong, agile. I am toned, and my hair extends to ... Show more content on ... Elowen panics, staring at the oddly familiar stranger. "Hi, one second." Elowen closes the door, unlocking it to then be opened fully. "I'm sorry, it's quite early!" She wears a bright yellow sweater. The woman introduces herself as Elizabeth, the neighbour from down the hall. Elowen opens her mouth, when she is interrupted by the whistle of the kettle. She rushes to the kitchen. "Would you like some tea?" Elowen asks. "That would be lovely! As long as I'm not intruding. . . ." "Oh, of course not. My mother isn't here right now, but I'll let her know you stopped by. I'm Elowen, by the way; you can call me El." She gestures to the half–unpacked living room, and Elizabeth takes a seat on the couch. "Nice to meet you," she says with a smile. The two chat casually and sip tea, both sitting with legs crossed and a hand under a knee. Elowen is surprised when her often evil cat, Marvin, shows a liking to her guest. As Elizabeth talks about her job at a museum, Elowen notices four freckles perfectly lining Elizabeth's left collarbone; then, she lightly touches her own four marks lining the same place. "Anyway, I should go. Thanks for the tea!" Elizabeth says in a rush. "No problem, see you later, I ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Personal Narrative Fiction "What does this friend of yours look like?" asked Judy, taking notes the entire time "What does this friend of yours look like?" asked Judy, taking notes the entire time. Her paws were a blur, writing down notes at nearly the speed of light. "He... um... he's a blue colt," I explained. "Like, all cyan blue, and his mane is a cherry red. He has green eyes, and he's always wearing a satchel around his neck. He shouldn't be too hard to miss." Judy coughed. "I'm sorry, you said he has a blue coat?" "Well, yeah. I know it's unusual, but he's a mueto, you never really know with them," I replied, chuckling nervously, hoping desperately that I was improving the mood. "Excuse me, may you repeat that? What's a mueto?" she asked. "Oh, nevermind... ... Show more content on ... There were so many smells that I couldn't distinguish them all, and they all came from different places. On every side was some sort of sound, whether it was walking, talking, cars driving by, or the sound of some tacky pop song blaring out of a nearby speaker. "Welcome to Zootopia, population ten million!" announced Judy. "You don't have to worry; I understand where your anxiety is coming from. I grew up in a small town." "OH... MY GOSH..." I wheezed, unable to get over my shock. "What is it?" asked Nick. "Everything okay over there, buddy?" "I... um... I'm just in a bit of culture shock, if you know what I mean... this is all just... just... so surreal... I'm not even convinced I'm not dreaming, I have weird dreams like this all the time..." "We're heading to my car," said Judy. "It's not too far away. Don't worry, you won't have to walk on the sidewalk for very long, and you'll get used to the city here in no time at all." "I'm... no. I'm never getting used to this," I admitted, following them along on the sidewalk. It took everything in me to keep from wringing my tail again, but at least I seemed to trust Nick and Judy. I had never been comfortable around other foxes, but at least I wasn't letting my tension get to my head this ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Putney Mountain: A Short Story "What is that? Someone is trying to scare me," he whispered, getting his bike he rode around the pathway to Ernest's house. +++ Leaning his bike against the fence, he went up the steps and knocked on the door several times. Opening the door, Ernest asked,"What's wrong with you? What happened to your head? Why is it bleeding?" "I ran into a tree. Ernest, will you wash the blood off and put a band–aid on it." Placing his arm around the boy's trembling shoulders, he helped him into the house before asking again, "Son, what's wrong? I want you to sit down!" He pointed toward the sofa, before going to the kitchen and returned with a first aid kit. "May I get you something to drink?" ... Show more content on ... "It was not what I saw as much as the blood–curdling screams I heard that frightened me. When I got up and looked around, I couldn't see anything." Afraid Ernest would laugh, Justin hesitated to tell him about the men, and the mines. Recalling once Ernest said, old mines would never hurt you unless you went inside. Hesitating to tell him that he knew all about the mountains, patting the sofa, Ernest said, "Son, sit down. We need to talk." Moving closer to the old man and stared at him without knowing what he would hear next, Justin asked, "What do you want to say?" "Please trust me, when I tell you that I will take care of the mountainside. You must never tell anyone about it, not even your parents. Will you promise? You and I both know they would never believe you went up there and came back." "Okay, guess you're right, I won't say anything, but I remember the area and could find it again. I also cut my initials on a big tree," Justin boasted but said nothing about losing his knife and the man finding ... Get more on ...