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Descriptive Essay On Meaningful Life
A Meaningful Life A meaningful life means find happiness in everything you do, it means enjoy
and share time with your loved ones, and have a purpose in life. To find happiness, we must go
through different tribulations and situations where life doesn't seem to be so easy. Happiness is an
art that can be learned, it describes a deep sense of inner well–being, peace and vitality. You must
know that even from your worst moments in life there is something good to take out of it. If we
really want to be happy we must be grateful for what we have, we must enjoy everything that has
been given to us. We must remember that out there, there is people wishing or working hard for
what we already have. As we read In Search of April Raintree we more content...
Not having a strong family base, may end up in troubles only. Few examples of this can be when
April doesn't want to accept her heritage and all the tough situations she was exposed make her
have no stability in her life. She is ashamed of her family, because from her point of view there
was nothing to be proud of. Her parents are alcoholics, they don't care about their future. April
and Cheryl are taking to the foster homes, where they have to deal with racism and
discrimination. "The only thing was that they spoke of their friends and families back home, and
I had no one to speak of, except Cheryl "(P. 82) At some point April blamed her parents for what's
going on in their life "Soon, April; soon, Cheryl. Well take you back home as soon as we get
better. well, you lied to us. You never intended to get better. you never care about us. You made
Cheryl cry and you don't even care. And because of you, I'm stuck here. I hate you both for lying
to us. I hope I ever see you again." Although, April is not being raise by her parents, and life is
throwing at her a lot of hard situations, she teach us that we never have to lose our purpose in life.
Have purpose in life is to have the desire to become someone no matter what, to have goals and
purposes to fight for. We have to visualize our future and work hard for it. As April did even at her
young age, she was making way for her future. "I work hard all the summer and put all
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Meaning of Life Essay
Jermaine Smith
Period 7
The True Meaning of Life
What is the meaning of life? Well known Greek philosphers such as Socrates and Plato believed
that our purpose in this life was to gain knowledge in preparation for the next life. Other
Philosophers such as Epicurus believed that pleasure is the main goal in life. After giving these ideas
lots of thought, I have come to my own conclusion that the true meaning of life is far more complex
than either of these; far too complex for any human to fully comprehend. In fact these two different
philosophies are only part of the grand picture. If it were that easy for men to figure out our lives
wouldn't be so messed up now. The meaning of life revolves around many different things.
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Maybe on a deeper level Socrates might have been talking about analyizing the purpose of one's
life. This in my opinion is just as important. I feel that in order for me to succeed in life I have to
at least examine the meaning of my being. I believe that it comes to a point in every persons life
where they sit back and think "why am I here?" Whether it happens often or not, I wouldn't
believe any person of sane health that said they never once thought about it. Socrates also said
that "the good of life is knowledge." He believed in a higher good in life that could be achieved
through an endless search for knowledge. His definition of higher good was when virtue and
knowledge united. Although I agree that what Socrates speaks of is an important part of living, I
would not go so far as to say it is the reason for liveing. I say this partially because of my definition
of knowledge. I see knowledge not as just to be found in the universe, but in a way created by
humans not unlike myself. Many things that are classified as knowledge such as: language,
mathematics, and history are all human created. Our language was created by people in earlier
civilizations, as well as mathematics. History is the story of these early people and civilizations.
Should I assume that my reason for living is to learn of someone else's life? If so, what was that
person's meaning for living? Undoubtitly these things are
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The Meaning Of Life
The central motivation in life is the pursuit of meaning or seeking meaning to one's life. The
meaning of life pertains to the significant of living and existence. The meaning of life as
perceived by us is derived from philosophical and religious contemplation including scientific
enquiries. So many people believed that in order to give meaning to life, it requires a pilgrimage
to a desolate part of the world or being of service but the truth is that we can give meaning to our
life through our own power to define what is important to us. Harold S. Kushner said "you don't
become happy by pursuing happiness. You become happy by living a life that means something."
You already have the power to create meaning and purpose in your life. For instance, a person
sweeping the floors can define their life as being meaningful if the money they earn provides
adequate food and shelter for their family. Whatever you do does not create meaning, it is the
meaning that you assigned to what you do that is important. The meaning you hold towards
something is represented from a deeper place within you. That is to say that the act or thing does not
in itself define you. Pursuing meaning, however, makes you feel good about yourself, because you
are pursuing something bigger than yourself, something that makes you create value. When you
understand how you contribute value, you will attach meaning to even the smallest thing you do.
The most motivating choices are ones that align with your "why" and
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Personal Experience: The Meaning of Life
When it comes to it everyone wants to know what there meaning in life is or their purpose for
being on this Earth. One way that people understand the meaning of life is through Religion.
Religion gives understand of how things happened and what we were put on this Earth for. The
meaning of life to me that I have always thought of what you do and how you do it through your life
to get yourself into status with everyone else. The meaning of life can also coivenced with the
purpose of life and who they are. Humans focus on the socially shared meaning of life, through
this it is by how much money and economic status that shows humans their real meaning in life.
"Humans rely heavily upon socially shared meaning as they go through their lives." (Four Needs
for Meaning). When thinking about most humans do see their meaning of life as of how far long
they have gotten in life by the status of others and of their own status. Have you ever went and sat
with your grandparents and listen to them tell you stories of what they have done in their life, this
can reflect on you and make you think more about what you have done and you want to do just like
your grandparents have done. Through the reading of the Four Needs for Meaning, it says,
"People's stories of their lives reveal that finding meaning in life is of crucial importance to
individuals. So through the stories that has been told can be the understanding of someone's
meaning of life and through this can show someone their really
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the meaning of life Essay
Meaning of life       What is the meaning of life. The meaning of
our lives, the purpose, and the dreams both dashed and realized, and the expectations forced upon
us by others. In other words how do you "translate" what life is?
"Translation" means to explain in simple terms. What is it supposed to be about? There
are different answers for different people at different times in their lives. A person's lifetime is filled
with self–examination. Why am I here? What am I doing? Is this as good as it gets? You have a
beginning. You're in the middle, and your story hasn' more content...
Most of us whether we choose to admit it or not show that material things are what we base our
lives around. These ideas are at the heart of existentialism, which is a view of life that says that
human beings are the creators of their own sense of meaning or purpose. The most famous
existentialist, John Paul Sartre in his books and novels developed several themes that portray
existentialism. The first is the notion that "existence precedes essence." A legacy of
traditional philosophy has been that we have a fixed human nature. Sartre challenged that we
have no such set purpose or meaning. Our real meaning or who we are is a result of our
decisions. We are what we decide. The second associated concept is the importance of human
freedom. Sartre believed that every human being has the freedom to live life as we choose to. He
believed that we are often terrified by our freedom, and in fact frequently do not want to take
responsibility for our own actions. This attitude Sartre called "bad faith." Bad faith is an
act of self–deception in which we rationalize our actions as being caused by circumstances instead
of being self–caused. Basically blaming others for our own deceptions and mistakes. The third major
concept of existentialism is the idea of the Absurd. The philosopher Albert Camus popularized this
concept. The concept of the absurd is promoted by atheistic existentialist, such as Sartre and Camus.
The similarity between Christian and
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Life Essay : The Meaning Of Life
The Meaning of Life, our very reason of existence, something that all of us have tried to obtain
but very few have ever claimed to achieve, our purpose, our meaning. Perhaps it's our ambition
that blinds us, our selfishness that holds us back. Maybe we all know the path to the true
meaning of life, but have never decided that we should follow it. At all points in our lives, we are
given the option to follow the path, but all we can do i think about ourselves when in fact, we
should be doing the opposite. I believe that to find our true meaning in life, we must live a life of
happiness and peace with one another as a community and to live past death. Happiness is often
synonymized in today's society with financial or political success, but is it really? In the
documentary film "Happy," Neurological researchers explained happiness from a statistical and
scientific point–of–view. According to them, only ten percent of total perceived happiness is
directly correlated with economic and political outcomes. That leaves the other ninety percent
untouched by your economic and political positions. This is not true in cases of extreme poverty,
however. Your perceived happiness would improve exponentially from $3,500 a year to $35,000 a
year, but your perceived happiness will hardly change between $35,000 a year and $150,000 a year.
This does not mean that if you have wealth then you can not achieve happiness, this statistic just
states that wealth shall not grant a free pass to true
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The Meaning Of Life
Mehkya Wilcox
Everyone, in some form or fashion, has a desire to understand and question the purpose and
meaning of their life. In fact, it's important for people to understand the true meaning of the purpose
they have in life so that they may live well here on Earth. Philosophers, such as Socrates, Aristotle,
and Confucius began to question the life of a human being and what it meant to be a human being.
Each of these philosophers has their own philosophy or worldview of the best life a human being
can live, with the concept of having wisdom and virtue being the key components. In fact, each of
these philosophers expresses the importance of having a life full of wisdom and virtue based off
what they describe as the best life for a human being.
Socrates, according the Apology, describes the best life for a human being is to live the examined
life by having a "care for the soul". Basically, he believes that people should examine their lives by
asking questions and effectively prove it be true and know it for themselves rather than to rely
on someone else's word for it to be right or true. Essentially, this is the very thing that Socrates
discovered about the meaning of wisdom as he attempts to solve the Delphic riddle that "no one
is wiser than Socrates." He discovered that the people who claimed to be wise, such as the
politicians, poets and artisans were not really wise; they just appeared to be. In fact, he discovered
that even he was not wise and there are still some
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Meaning And Meaning In Life
Life has no meaning if you don't have the urge to wake up the next morning to see the next day.
Many people live their lives unhappy since they have no purpose or meaning to fulfill or satisfy
their needs. Purpose to me is something to live for and something to look forward to in life.
Without purpose and meaning in life there is no point of living at all. Recently in the
existentialism unit we've been reading, I learned that without a passion to live, one's life means
nothing and is a waste of a soul. Based on the previous books I've read, I learned I am happy
because I have things to look forward to in life and to wake up the next morning to enjoy the new
day. Three elements that give me purpose and meaning in my life are my family, more
My family supports me of my decisions in life and set an example of what to be like in the future.
My family teaches me how to go through life since they have experiences much much more
already. My mom leads a path for me in life. She teaches me to learn from my mistakes and never
give up. She is an example of a person who I would like to become in life. For instance, she is a
wonderful person who can take on not only a job but also a role of being a mother to my
annoying sister and me. No matter the ups and downs, she always supports me and manages to
get through her life at the same time. This gives me purpose because not only she encourages me
to do well in life; she is the main reason why I want to do well in life. By being herself, I go to
school and do my best so in the future so I can live up to her and help her in the way she has
helped me and brought me into this world. My purpose or meaning of life is because of my mom, to
work hard and be successful to raise a family of my own and support my mother back when I
grow up since she has done so much for me. My mom and my family give me meaning because
without them I would be alone, having to create my own path without an example. They push me
to be a better person and waking up the next day I have the urge to become a better person than I
was compared to the day before. Family gives me purpose and meaning in my life and so does food.
The last aspect that gives me meaning and purpose in my
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The Meaning Of My Life Essay
Gabrielle Lewis Mr. Bechervaise English 521 09 june 2017 Final Literary Essay: The meaning of
My life At one or three points in my life I've question the purpose of life and what my purpose of
being here was,or if there even is a true meaning to my life. Everyone has different aspects on
what the true meaning of their life is, some may say that the true purpose is to work hard, by
setting goals that you should achieve. Honestly, I feel as though this is most of the world's aspect
on life, very seldom does anyone want to do things that makes them truly happy, they do things that
they believe that would please society. The meaning of my life is to find out what the true meaning
and purpose of my life is, and be happy during more content...
In another short story we read, everyone was forced to be the same and people were punished for
showing their uniqueness, Ayn Rand said in the book Anthem , "Nobody was smarter than
anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker
than anybody else And everybody was really, really boring." everyone's life has a different
meaning, if not then we would be just like the people in these stories. Sometimes I ask myself
who I am and what makes me, me. I mostly think it's my personality that makes me so unique
from others , or the way I choose to dress and talk. Maybe it's all of these thing put together to
make up who I am, but I am so much more than just my choice of words and what I wear.I am
vulnerable and strong, I'm liberated and goofy, and I'm not always right. I am a positive person,
and I try not to judge people for the choices they choose to make in life. I try to uplift and
encourage my friends to do the best they can. I treat people fairly, as how I'd like to be treated.
I'm extremely awkward and shy around people I don't know. People that know me well would say
that I'm funny and loyal. But I feel like some of this might change in the future when I am more
matured than I am now. As I get older I will continue to surround myself with positive people. In the
movie Into The Wild, Chris said, "Happiness is only real when shared." I feel that the true meaning
to this is that when the people around
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The Meaning Of Life
The universal question since the onset of civilization has always been what the meaning of life is.
The answers put forward by people in today's society greatly differ from the answers of the Roman
and Greek civilizations of the past. As much as everyone will always question themselves at one
point in life about life's purpose, the contributions of great philosophers such as Socrates, Plato,
Aristotle and the Roman Stoics cannot be left out in the beliefs and theories that give life value.
Each of the theories gives a different perspective on the meaning of life. Life without meaning is
arguably equivalent to death; in other words, if life has no meaning why live when you will
eventually die and just vanish. Over the years philosophers have been occupied in finding the
ultimate meaning of life. This paper analyses three major philosophical views; Theism Nihilism and
Subjectivism, and personal opinions on the meaning of life. Life without meaning is arguably
equivalent to death; in other words, if life has no meaning why live when you will eventually die
and just vanish.
Theism is the belief in one or more gods as the creators or rulers of the entire universe. This is
without the rejection of revelations. Some of the prominent examples of theism include religions
such as Christianity, Judaism Hinduism, and Islam. Theism argues that God is an omnipotent and
omniscient entity who gives meaning to man and the rest of creation. Theism provides that God the
creator has control
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What Is The Meaning of Life? Essay
A belief in God is an important part of many people's lives. How does God, as an important human
construct make a difference when determining the meaning of life? The western religions believe
their scriptures are the direct word of God. Hence they use them as the authoritative source for many
facets of life. Eastern religions tend to treat their scriptures as interpretations by humans, yet still
many of life's mysteries are accepted at truth in their scriptures. So should these scriptures be a
foundation for the meaning of life? Also, what if we assume there is some sort of God but there is
no answer to which one is the right one. Does it matter to our purpose in life if there is a God which
we cannot identify? These are more content...
The meaning of life is spelled out in detail in western scriptures especially the Qur'an, but should
we accept it? I think for many people this is acceptable. Scriptures are easily accessible by a huge
percentage of people. They are taught and explained even to those who cannot read. They are a
great resource to those who do not have many resources. However for people with greater means
to access books and different schools of thought, it makes less sense to accept scriptures at face
value. Why should a person be confined to one view of the meaning of life? There are so many
people, why would there be one meaning of life that is the same for all of them? Would God have
created automatons that must go about fulfilling the same goal, yet see fit to give us great powers
of reasoning? I don't believe this would be the case. As people around the world become more
affluent and able to gain insight from other cultures it makes sense to stop relying so heavily on
scriptures for answers to the meaning of life.
If the word of God should not tell us the answer to the meaning of life, then does it matter if we
believe in God at all? In some sense it does. The belief in God gives some semblance of meaning,
as it is hard to imagining any God placing us here with no purpose. Even if a practitioner does not
know or understand this purpose, it is still comforting to know there is one. Without any belief in
God the search for an answer goes back to
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Essay on The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from
which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there
can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned
above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not
to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there
is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define
life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or
great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life
meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or
her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its
catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have
become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in
any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62,
'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident
is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide
range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in
humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be,
laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those
emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in
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Life Essay : The True Meaning Of Life
Life as we know it could vanish within seconds. The next day is not promised to anyone that
walks on this earth. As we live our everyday lives peacefully, we tend not to think what our
mission or purpose in life is. Instead, we think what we must do for that to be a "successful" person.
Despite this way of thinking, just think for a second. What makes life meaningful? What is life
anyway? These questions dive right into the heart of the philosophical, psychological, and the
biological aspects of life and what the true meaning of life is. This is a very arguable topic due to
every person's different perspective on life and what it means to them. In summary, I personally
think that life is simply what you make of it and each person's accomplishments has its own merit
What is life? That is a question that every human being has asked. Some might say it is merely just
going to work every day and doing the things needed to survive. Others might say that life is a
meaningful amount of time on Earth that is spent nurturing and caring for the ones you love. Both
outlooks are not wrong.
Biology of Life
Life starts out as a fetus in the mother's womb. This process lasts about 40 weeks. The 40 weeks
are broken up into three trimesters. It begins with a stage called conception. This is when the sperm
cell fertilizes the egg creating a zygote (the developing individual produced from such a cell). The
zygote divides into many cells which is then rooted in the uterus. This is called a fetus
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Definition Essay: What's The Meaning Of Life?
The answer to life's biggest question, "What is the meaning of life?" is yet to be answered.
However, the answer is a fairly simple one. The answer depends upon the person the question was
for. Our beliefs, character, and background will affect the answer to this question. It was Lewis
Vaughn who said, "No one can simply hand you the meaning of life as if it were a gift basket. The
process of examining the question of life's meaning or purpose is personal. You have to take that
journey for yourself" (Vaughn, 365).
People in this world have many viewpoints, but ultimately one can be a pessimist, and optimist, a
realist, or an opportunist. When dealing with the question of the "meaning of life" one would either
take a pessimistic outlook, more content...
You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is
the meaning" (Vaughn, 368). Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven life, who had said,
"You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense"
(Vaughn, 375). It was the results of a Gallup poll that was take from a thousand people in
eighty–four different countries that raised doubts about what Warren had said. When the question
"Do you feel your life has an important meaning of purpose?" 92% of the people who claimed any
religious affiliation said yes, 6% had said no. 83% of those who claimed to be secular, nonreligious,
atheist, or agnostic has said yes, and 14% said
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Life : A Personal Essay : The Meaning Of Life
According to the "Oxford English Dictionary", 'life' is a noun that is defined as, "The condition that
distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth,
reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death." (OED Online, Oxford
University Press). So, it's technically saying that life is the development and change of a living thing
until it dies. Scientifically, that's correct but there's a much deeper meaning to life than given. There
are about 7 billion human beings living on this earth at this moment. Each has their own unique life
and destiny to follow. Everyone faces different challenges in life which supports themeaning of life
being a unique set of experiences that lead people to their happiest and truest selves. Us humans
were put on this earth to teach and learn from one another. We learn different emotions through each
other such as: anger, compassion, jealousy, sadness, and more. We were taught these in order to
teach the coming generations how to feel in different situations in order to stay in touch with their
humanity. Displaying and feeling these emotions allows us to experience life changing situations
differently than others, which makes each of our lives more unique. While some people might
remember the day they were married as one of their happiest moments and their best memory,
others might look back on theirs and feel sad and angry because theirs wasn't as great as the last
persons. Life is
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What is the most asked philosophical question? It seems to me that the answer is: what is the
meaning of life? Everywhere in the world, one can find the evidence that finding a meaning in life
is very important for people. Humanity appears to be preoccupied with this question since the very
dawn of civilization.
What do Socrates, Baruch De Spinoza and Simone De Beauvoir have in common? Yes, their names
all have an 'S' in it. But there is something else: They are all individuals who have been trying to
find the meaning of life. In this essay I will reflect on the meaning of life as presented by these three
Let me first explain why I have chosen this approach. The meaning of life has been an interest to me
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The ultimate goal for the human being is to break out of this circle. The only way to do so is by not
having any desires anymore. The fact you actually desire to have no desires anymore makes this
pursuit a very difficult one.
In the Christian tradition, however, the general teaching is that human beings have only one life.
That one life decides whether we will enter heaven or hell. Of course, many people today do not
call themselves Christians anymore, but I still think that a great deal of our underlying premises
about the meaning of life is still based on the religious doctrines.
Of our three philosophers, I think Simone De Beauvoir is the only one of whom it can be said
that she was part of the Christian cultural tradition. The remarkable thing about De Beauvoir is
that she was a devout Catholic in her early childhood who intended to become a nun. However, at
the age of 14 she changed her attitude radically and became an atheist for the rest of her life. I
wonder whether this had anything to do with the fact that she witnessed the First World War as a
child. Maybe she concluded that God could not be present in such evil, just like many Jews did after
the Holocaust.
Baruch De Spinoza lived in the Protestant Netherlands of the 17th century, but he came from the
Jewish tradition himself. Like Beauvoir, Spinoza left the religious community he originated from.
He was even expelled because his views were considered too radical.
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Essay about What is life?
"What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the
satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience that nature gives intelligent answers to
intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If
nature has never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question.
The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or
measured life. Life is always linked to material systems; what man sees and measures are living
systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some
physical systems.
A look at the living world reveals more content...
The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from
organs may come an individual organism, such as a human being. Individuals in turn may be
combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of
complexity are new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new
information for the biologist.
The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the
sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided eyesight for his study of the human body.
In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of
structure. Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood
circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm have an intricate internal
structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert
Hooke described the cellular structure of plants.
As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the
nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex organisms are composed of
semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria
were discovered and studied.
In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and
he has learned to observe with x–rays as
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Life Essay : What Is The Meaning Of Life
Meaning of Life
The meaning of life will vary from person to person. Some people believe happiness is the
ultimate meaning of life. Others may believe it is perseverance or love or millions of other things.
Everyone has different experiences and different opinions; these opinions and experiences will
shape our views and lead us to decide what we feel is meaningful to us. There is not a right or
wrong answer to the question: "What is the meaning of life?". The truth is, it is all dependent on
your personal beliefs.
Ever since I was a kid I had struggled a lot in many different areas in my life. If it was not one
thing, it was the other. In elementary school, I was very outgoing and very talkative. I had a lot
of friends, I would get into trouble from time to time because I never kept my mouth shut. I
enjoyed school and did pretty well with my grades. Despite being "okay" or "normal" on the
outside, I had begun to notice I felt different on the inside. As I got older, I began to develop
interests that most girls were not at all interested in. I preferred boys clothes over the dresses and
blouses my mom would buy for me. I would beg my mom to let me play football with my dad and
brother rather than go get my nails done with her and my sister. At the time, I was just a "tomboy"
and my mom hated it.
It was not just in the stereotypical ways like "I don't like nail polish" or "I don't like dresses".
Although those statements were true, I think I knew it was something more than
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Persuasive Essay About The Meaning Of Life
"The meaning of life is nothing more than having a goal and doing something that needs to be
accomplished. Life is given to prove who you are as a person and to be willing to spend your life
like it was the most expensive thing you carried in your entire life." – Jamie La "Thinking of the
possibilities that life has given us. It's literally endless that making our dreams come true is
possible. Just remember that anything is possible, you just have to go for it. Don't just stop there,
just keep going till the very end. It's all about whether you're able to make it happen, so make them
happen." – Jamie La "Maybe we just have to see things in a different perspective. Maybe we just
do things differently than what we used to do before. Maybe we should understand life at its
fullest and understand why life's like this. Maybe we just have to aim for the best we could
possibly can. Maybe if we start making changes that can change the way we see a better life. Maybe
if we start working hard and dedicating ourselves to our goals, big rewards will eventually come to
us." – Jamie La "Strolling to places that brings new adventures, to find something new that was
not been discovered before. Seeing new people, seeing new things, and seeing new places are
adventures yet to be explored. It is a journey to explore new things and to embrace life to its fullest.
As we keep going, the journey and adventure will also do its thing." – Jamie La "Learn how to
accept other people for who they are. All they ever want was to be welcomed in this world. They
just want to feel like they belong in this society." – Jamie La "You're here because you want to share
your dreams and passions to this world. You're here because you want to make a difference in life.
You're here because you want to achieve success. More importantly, you're here because you want to
show the world who you are today." – Jamie La "They say that success all comes from your will to
work hard and putting yourself out there in the real world. Though it may be tough at times to
reach towards it, it's because you need to keep pushing yourself towards your full potential. It's not
going to be easy getting to where you want to be, and most of us can relate to it. Just
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The Meaning of Life and Death Essay
The Meaning of Life and Death
The abstract idea of life cannot be explained by such simple ideas as being animated, breathing, or
speaking. Ordinary machines in this century can perform all of these basic functions. The
quandary with defining death is not as abstract and elusive as that of life. The problem of
defining life and death has plagued philosophers and the religious bodies for thousands of years
for one reason; each philosophy or religion has tried to define the meaning of life and death from
only their certain perspective. The seemingly appropriate approach to this problem would be to
understand the ideas presented in various philosophies and religions and through this knowledge
create a new definition for each idea of more content...
The living have not yet been annihilated (otherwise they wouldn't be alive)" (Cook). Also, according
to modern philosopher Steven Luper in an interpretation of Epicurus, death is also "permanent
non–existence", which is brought upon by some act of biological "retirement". This applies to both
humans and replicants. Hereinafter, the deaths of humans and replicants should be considered one
and the same.
The emphasis on death in Blade Runner can be attributed to many different reasons. One of these
reasons includes the search for a solution to its inevitable arrival. The prime objective of the
replicants in Blade Runner is to discover when they were created. To a human, this is common
knowledge, but the replicants are not given this information freely. Although, in contrast to the
human knowledge of when they were incepted or born, the replicants know the ultimate length of
their life. After Roy finally meets Tyrell, he is asked, "What seems to be the problem?" Roy
answers, predictably, "death." Why is death such a problem to the replicants? The replicants do not
actually have a problem with death; they have a problem with the brevity of their life. This is why
the replicants hope that their creator, the person that gave them the time limit on their life, can
extend it. This is similar to the hope held by most humans of a life after death, but because the
replicants know that there is no such life for them after death,
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Essay On The Meaning Of Life

  • 1. Descriptive Essay On Meaningful Life A Meaningful Life A meaningful life means find happiness in everything you do, it means enjoy and share time with your loved ones, and have a purpose in life. To find happiness, we must go through different tribulations and situations where life doesn't seem to be so easy. Happiness is an art that can be learned, it describes a deep sense of inner well–being, peace and vitality. You must know that even from your worst moments in life there is something good to take out of it. If we really want to be happy we must be grateful for what we have, we must enjoy everything that has been given to us. We must remember that out there, there is people wishing or working hard for what we already have. As we read In Search of April Raintree we more content... Not having a strong family base, may end up in troubles only. Few examples of this can be when April doesn't want to accept her heritage and all the tough situations she was exposed make her have no stability in her life. She is ashamed of her family, because from her point of view there was nothing to be proud of. Her parents are alcoholics, they don't care about their future. April and Cheryl are taking to the foster homes, where they have to deal with racism and discrimination. "The only thing was that they spoke of their friends and families back home, and I had no one to speak of, except Cheryl "(P. 82) At some point April blamed her parents for what's going on in their life "Soon, April; soon, Cheryl. Well take you back home as soon as we get better. well, you lied to us. You never intended to get better. you never care about us. You made Cheryl cry and you don't even care. And because of you, I'm stuck here. I hate you both for lying to us. I hope I ever see you again." Although, April is not being raise by her parents, and life is throwing at her a lot of hard situations, she teach us that we never have to lose our purpose in life. Have purpose in life is to have the desire to become someone no matter what, to have goals and purposes to fight for. We have to visualize our future and work hard for it. As April did even at her young age, she was making way for her future. "I work hard all the summer and put all Get more content on
  • 2. Meaning of Life Essay Jermaine Smith Period 7 The True Meaning of Life What is the meaning of life? Well known Greek philosphers such as Socrates and Plato believed that our purpose in this life was to gain knowledge in preparation for the next life. Other Philosophers such as Epicurus believed that pleasure is the main goal in life. After giving these ideas lots of thought, I have come to my own conclusion that the true meaning of life is far more complex than either of these; far too complex for any human to fully comprehend. In fact these two different philosophies are only part of the grand picture. If it were that easy for men to figure out our lives wouldn't be so messed up now. The meaning of life revolves around many different things. more content... Maybe on a deeper level Socrates might have been talking about analyizing the purpose of one's life. This in my opinion is just as important. I feel that in order for me to succeed in life I have to at least examine the meaning of my being. I believe that it comes to a point in every persons life where they sit back and think "why am I here?" Whether it happens often or not, I wouldn't believe any person of sane health that said they never once thought about it. Socrates also said that "the good of life is knowledge." He believed in a higher good in life that could be achieved through an endless search for knowledge. His definition of higher good was when virtue and knowledge united. Although I agree that what Socrates speaks of is an important part of living, I would not go so far as to say it is the reason for liveing. I say this partially because of my definition of knowledge. I see knowledge not as just to be found in the universe, but in a way created by humans not unlike myself. Many things that are classified as knowledge such as: language, mathematics, and history are all human created. Our language was created by people in earlier civilizations, as well as mathematics. History is the story of these early people and civilizations. Should I assume that my reason for living is to learn of someone else's life? If so, what was that person's meaning for living? Undoubtitly these things are Get more content on
  • 3. The Meaning Of Life The central motivation in life is the pursuit of meaning or seeking meaning to one's life. The meaning of life pertains to the significant of living and existence. The meaning of life as perceived by us is derived from philosophical and religious contemplation including scientific enquiries. So many people believed that in order to give meaning to life, it requires a pilgrimage to a desolate part of the world or being of service but the truth is that we can give meaning to our life through our own power to define what is important to us. Harold S. Kushner said "you don't become happy by pursuing happiness. You become happy by living a life that means something." You already have the power to create meaning and purpose in your life. For instance, a person sweeping the floors can define their life as being meaningful if the money they earn provides adequate food and shelter for their family. Whatever you do does not create meaning, it is the meaning that you assigned to what you do that is important. The meaning you hold towards something is represented from a deeper place within you. That is to say that the act or thing does not in itself define you. Pursuing meaning, however, makes you feel good about yourself, because you are pursuing something bigger than yourself, something that makes you create value. When you understand how you contribute value, you will attach meaning to even the smallest thing you do. The most motivating choices are ones that align with your "why" and Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Experience: The Meaning of Life When it comes to it everyone wants to know what there meaning in life is or their purpose for being on this Earth. One way that people understand the meaning of life is through Religion. Religion gives understand of how things happened and what we were put on this Earth for. The meaning of life to me that I have always thought of what you do and how you do it through your life to get yourself into status with everyone else. The meaning of life can also coivenced with the purpose of life and who they are. Humans focus on the socially shared meaning of life, through this it is by how much money and economic status that shows humans their real meaning in life. "Humans rely heavily upon socially shared meaning as they go through their lives." (Four Needs for Meaning). When thinking about most humans do see their meaning of life as of how far long they have gotten in life by the status of others and of their own status. Have you ever went and sat with your grandparents and listen to them tell you stories of what they have done in their life, this can reflect on you and make you think more about what you have done and you want to do just like your grandparents have done. Through the reading of the Four Needs for Meaning, it says, "People's stories of their lives reveal that finding meaning in life is of crucial importance to individuals. So through the stories that has been told can be the understanding of someone's meaning of life and through this can show someone their really Get more content on
  • 5. the meaning of life Essay ;                Meaning of life       What is the meaning of life. The meaning of our lives, the purpose, and the dreams both dashed and realized, and the expectations forced upon us by others. In other words how do you "translate" what life is? "Translation" means to explain in simple terms. What is it supposed to be about? There are different answers for different people at different times in their lives. A person's lifetime is filled with self–examination. Why am I here? What am I doing? Is this as good as it gets? You have a beginning. You're in the middle, and your story hasn' more content... Most of us whether we choose to admit it or not show that material things are what we base our lives around. These ideas are at the heart of existentialism, which is a view of life that says that human beings are the creators of their own sense of meaning or purpose. The most famous existentialist, John Paul Sartre in his books and novels developed several themes that portray existentialism. The first is the notion that "existence precedes essence." A legacy of traditional philosophy has been that we have a fixed human nature. Sartre challenged that we have no such set purpose or meaning. Our real meaning or who we are is a result of our decisions. We are what we decide. The second associated concept is the importance of human freedom. Sartre believed that every human being has the freedom to live life as we choose to. He believed that we are often terrified by our freedom, and in fact frequently do not want to take responsibility for our own actions. This attitude Sartre called "bad faith." Bad faith is an act of self–deception in which we rationalize our actions as being caused by circumstances instead of being self–caused. Basically blaming others for our own deceptions and mistakes. The third major concept of existentialism is the idea of the Absurd. The philosopher Albert Camus popularized this concept. The concept of the absurd is promoted by atheistic existentialist, such as Sartre and Camus. The similarity between Christian and Get more content on
  • 6. Life Essay : The Meaning Of Life The Meaning of Life, our very reason of existence, something that all of us have tried to obtain but very few have ever claimed to achieve, our purpose, our meaning. Perhaps it's our ambition that blinds us, our selfishness that holds us back. Maybe we all know the path to the true meaning of life, but have never decided that we should follow it. At all points in our lives, we are given the option to follow the path, but all we can do i think about ourselves when in fact, we should be doing the opposite. I believe that to find our true meaning in life, we must live a life of happiness and peace with one another as a community and to live past death. Happiness is often synonymized in today's society with financial or political success, but is it really? In the documentary film "Happy," Neurological researchers explained happiness from a statistical and scientific point–of–view. According to them, only ten percent of total perceived happiness is directly correlated with economic and political outcomes. That leaves the other ninety percent untouched by your economic and political positions. This is not true in cases of extreme poverty, however. Your perceived happiness would improve exponentially from $3,500 a year to $35,000 a year, but your perceived happiness will hardly change between $35,000 a year and $150,000 a year. This does not mean that if you have wealth then you can not achieve happiness, this statistic just states that wealth shall not grant a free pass to true Get more content on
  • 7. The Meaning Of Life Mehkya Wilcox Everyone, in some form or fashion, has a desire to understand and question the purpose and meaning of their life. In fact, it's important for people to understand the true meaning of the purpose they have in life so that they may live well here on Earth. Philosophers, such as Socrates, Aristotle, and Confucius began to question the life of a human being and what it meant to be a human being. Each of these philosophers has their own philosophy or worldview of the best life a human being can live, with the concept of having wisdom and virtue being the key components. In fact, each of these philosophers expresses the importance of having a life full of wisdom and virtue based off what they describe as the best life for a human being. Socrates, according the Apology, describes the best life for a human being is to live the examined life by having a "care for the soul". Basically, he believes that people should examine their lives by asking questions and effectively prove it be true and know it for themselves rather than to rely on someone else's word for it to be right or true. Essentially, this is the very thing that Socrates discovered about the meaning of wisdom as he attempts to solve the Delphic riddle that "no one is wiser than Socrates." He discovered that the people who claimed to be wise, such as the politicians, poets and artisans were not really wise; they just appeared to be. In fact, he discovered that even he was not wise and there are still some Get more content on
  • 8. Meaning And Meaning In Life Life has no meaning if you don't have the urge to wake up the next morning to see the next day. Many people live their lives unhappy since they have no purpose or meaning to fulfill or satisfy their needs. Purpose to me is something to live for and something to look forward to in life. Without purpose and meaning in life there is no point of living at all. Recently in the existentialism unit we've been reading, I learned that without a passion to live, one's life means nothing and is a waste of a soul. Based on the previous books I've read, I learned I am happy because I have things to look forward to in life and to wake up the next morning to enjoy the new day. Three elements that give me purpose and meaning in my life are my family, more content... My family supports me of my decisions in life and set an example of what to be like in the future. My family teaches me how to go through life since they have experiences much much more already. My mom leads a path for me in life. She teaches me to learn from my mistakes and never give up. She is an example of a person who I would like to become in life. For instance, she is a wonderful person who can take on not only a job but also a role of being a mother to my annoying sister and me. No matter the ups and downs, she always supports me and manages to get through her life at the same time. This gives me purpose because not only she encourages me to do well in life; she is the main reason why I want to do well in life. By being herself, I go to school and do my best so in the future so I can live up to her and help her in the way she has helped me and brought me into this world. My purpose or meaning of life is because of my mom, to work hard and be successful to raise a family of my own and support my mother back when I grow up since she has done so much for me. My mom and my family give me meaning because without them I would be alone, having to create my own path without an example. They push me to be a better person and waking up the next day I have the urge to become a better person than I was compared to the day before. Family gives me purpose and meaning in my life and so does food. The last aspect that gives me meaning and purpose in my Get more content on
  • 9. The Meaning Of My Life Essay Gabrielle Lewis Mr. Bechervaise English 521 09 june 2017 Final Literary Essay: The meaning of My life At one or three points in my life I've question the purpose of life and what my purpose of being here was,or if there even is a true meaning to my life. Everyone has different aspects on what the true meaning of their life is, some may say that the true purpose is to work hard, by setting goals that you should achieve. Honestly, I feel as though this is most of the world's aspect on life, very seldom does anyone want to do things that makes them truly happy, they do things that they believe that would please society. The meaning of my life is to find out what the true meaning and purpose of my life is, and be happy during more content... In another short story we read, everyone was forced to be the same and people were punished for showing their uniqueness, Ayn Rand said in the book Anthem , "Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else And everybody was really, really boring." everyone's life has a different meaning, if not then we would be just like the people in these stories. Sometimes I ask myself who I am and what makes me, me. I mostly think it's my personality that makes me so unique from others , or the way I choose to dress and talk. Maybe it's all of these thing put together to make up who I am, but I am so much more than just my choice of words and what I wear.I am vulnerable and strong, I'm liberated and goofy, and I'm not always right. I am a positive person, and I try not to judge people for the choices they choose to make in life. I try to uplift and encourage my friends to do the best they can. I treat people fairly, as how I'd like to be treated. I'm extremely awkward and shy around people I don't know. People that know me well would say that I'm funny and loyal. But I feel like some of this might change in the future when I am more matured than I am now. As I get older I will continue to surround myself with positive people. In the movie Into The Wild, Chris said, "Happiness is only real when shared." I feel that the true meaning to this is that when the people around Get more content on
  • 10. The Meaning Of Life The universal question since the onset of civilization has always been what the meaning of life is. The answers put forward by people in today's society greatly differ from the answers of the Roman and Greek civilizations of the past. As much as everyone will always question themselves at one point in life about life's purpose, the contributions of great philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the Roman Stoics cannot be left out in the beliefs and theories that give life value. Each of the theories gives a different perspective on the meaning of life. Life without meaning is arguably equivalent to death; in other words, if life has no meaning why live when you will eventually die and just vanish. Over the years philosophers have been occupied in finding the ultimate meaning of life. This paper analyses three major philosophical views; Theism Nihilism and Subjectivism, and personal opinions on the meaning of life. Life without meaning is arguably equivalent to death; in other words, if life has no meaning why live when you will eventually die and just vanish. Theism is the belief in one or more gods as the creators or rulers of the entire universe. This is without the rejection of revelations. Some of the prominent examples of theism include religions such as Christianity, Judaism Hinduism, and Islam. Theism argues that God is an omnipotent and omniscient entity who gives meaning to man and the rest of creation. Theism provides that God the creator has control Get more content on
  • 11. What Is The Meaning of Life? Essay A belief in God is an important part of many people's lives. How does God, as an important human construct make a difference when determining the meaning of life? The western religions believe their scriptures are the direct word of God. Hence they use them as the authoritative source for many facets of life. Eastern religions tend to treat their scriptures as interpretations by humans, yet still many of life's mysteries are accepted at truth in their scriptures. So should these scriptures be a foundation for the meaning of life? Also, what if we assume there is some sort of God but there is no answer to which one is the right one. Does it matter to our purpose in life if there is a God which we cannot identify? These are more content... The meaning of life is spelled out in detail in western scriptures especially the Qur'an, but should we accept it? I think for many people this is acceptable. Scriptures are easily accessible by a huge percentage of people. They are taught and explained even to those who cannot read. They are a great resource to those who do not have many resources. However for people with greater means to access books and different schools of thought, it makes less sense to accept scriptures at face value. Why should a person be confined to one view of the meaning of life? There are so many people, why would there be one meaning of life that is the same for all of them? Would God have created automatons that must go about fulfilling the same goal, yet see fit to give us great powers of reasoning? I don't believe this would be the case. As people around the world become more affluent and able to gain insight from other cultures it makes sense to stop relying so heavily on scriptures for answers to the meaning of life. If the word of God should not tell us the answer to the meaning of life, then does it matter if we believe in God at all? In some sense it does. The belief in God gives some semblance of meaning, as it is hard to imagining any God placing us here with no purpose. Even if a practitioner does not know or understand this purpose, it is still comforting to know there is one. Without any belief in God the search for an answer goes back to Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on The Meaning of Life The Meaning of Life My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means so. more content... Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role." At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored. Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in Get more content on
  • 13. Life Essay : The True Meaning Of Life Life as we know it could vanish within seconds. The next day is not promised to anyone that walks on this earth. As we live our everyday lives peacefully, we tend not to think what our mission or purpose in life is. Instead, we think what we must do for that to be a "successful" person. Despite this way of thinking, just think for a second. What makes life meaningful? What is life anyway? These questions dive right into the heart of the philosophical, psychological, and the biological aspects of life and what the true meaning of life is. This is a very arguable topic due to every person's different perspective on life and what it means to them. In summary, I personally think that life is simply what you make of it and each person's accomplishments has its own merit What is life? That is a question that every human being has asked. Some might say it is merely just going to work every day and doing the things needed to survive. Others might say that life is a meaningful amount of time on Earth that is spent nurturing and caring for the ones you love. Both outlooks are not wrong. Biology of Life Life starts out as a fetus in the mother's womb. This process lasts about 40 weeks. The 40 weeks are broken up into three trimesters. It begins with a stage called conception. This is when the sperm cell fertilizes the egg creating a zygote (the developing individual produced from such a cell). The zygote divides into many cells which is then rooted in the uterus. This is called a fetus Get more content on
  • 14. Definition Essay: What's The Meaning Of Life? The answer to life's biggest question, "What is the meaning of life?" is yet to be answered. However, the answer is a fairly simple one. The answer depends upon the person the question was for. Our beliefs, character, and background will affect the answer to this question. It was Lewis Vaughn who said, "No one can simply hand you the meaning of life as if it were a gift basket. The process of examining the question of life's meaning or purpose is personal. You have to take that journey for yourself" (Vaughn, 365). People in this world have many viewpoints, but ultimately one can be a pessimist, and optimist, a realist, or an opportunist. When dealing with the question of the "meaning of life" one would either take a pessimistic outlook, more content... You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning" (Vaughn, 368). Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven life, who had said, "You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense" (Vaughn, 375). It was the results of a Gallup poll that was take from a thousand people in eighty–four different countries that raised doubts about what Warren had said. When the question "Do you feel your life has an important meaning of purpose?" 92% of the people who claimed any religious affiliation said yes, 6% had said no. 83% of those who claimed to be secular, nonreligious, atheist, or agnostic has said yes, and 14% said Get more content on
  • 15. Life : A Personal Essay : The Meaning Of Life According to the "Oxford English Dictionary", 'life' is a noun that is defined as, "The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death." (OED Online, Oxford University Press). So, it's technically saying that life is the development and change of a living thing until it dies. Scientifically, that's correct but there's a much deeper meaning to life than given. There are about 7 billion human beings living on this earth at this moment. Each has their own unique life and destiny to follow. Everyone faces different challenges in life which supports themeaning of life being a unique set of experiences that lead people to their happiest and truest selves. Us humans were put on this earth to teach and learn from one another. We learn different emotions through each other such as: anger, compassion, jealousy, sadness, and more. We were taught these in order to teach the coming generations how to feel in different situations in order to stay in touch with their humanity. Displaying and feeling these emotions allows us to experience life changing situations differently than others, which makes each of our lives more unique. While some people might remember the day they were married as one of their happiest moments and their best memory, others might look back on theirs and feel sad and angry because theirs wasn't as great as the last persons. Life is Get more content on
  • 16. What is the most asked philosophical question? It seems to me that the answer is: what is the meaning of life? Everywhere in the world, one can find the evidence that finding a meaning in life is very important for people. Humanity appears to be preoccupied with this question since the very dawn of civilization. What do Socrates, Baruch De Spinoza and Simone De Beauvoir have in common? Yes, their names all have an 'S' in it. But there is something else: They are all individuals who have been trying to find the meaning of life. In this essay I will reflect on the meaning of life as presented by these three philosophers. Let me first explain why I have chosen this approach. The meaning of life has been an interest to me for a more content... The ultimate goal for the human being is to break out of this circle. The only way to do so is by not having any desires anymore. The fact you actually desire to have no desires anymore makes this pursuit a very difficult one. In the Christian tradition, however, the general teaching is that human beings have only one life. That one life decides whether we will enter heaven or hell. Of course, many people today do not call themselves Christians anymore, but I still think that a great deal of our underlying premises about the meaning of life is still based on the religious doctrines. Of our three philosophers, I think Simone De Beauvoir is the only one of whom it can be said that she was part of the Christian cultural tradition. The remarkable thing about De Beauvoir is that she was a devout Catholic in her early childhood who intended to become a nun. However, at the age of 14 she changed her attitude radically and became an atheist for the rest of her life. I wonder whether this had anything to do with the fact that she witnessed the First World War as a child. Maybe she concluded that God could not be present in such evil, just like many Jews did after the Holocaust. Baruch De Spinoza lived in the Protestant Netherlands of the 17th century, but he came from the Jewish tradition himself. Like Beauvoir, Spinoza left the religious community he originated from. He was even expelled because his views were considered too radical. Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about What is life? "What is life?" The question has been asked innumerable times but has been answered to the satisfaction of few. Science is based on the experience that nature gives intelligent answers to intelligent questions. To senseless questions, nature gives senseless answers – or no answers at all. If nature has never provided an answer to this question, perhaps something is wrong with the question. The question is wrong indeed. It has no sense, for life in itself does not exist. No one has seen or measured life. Life is always linked to material systems; what man sees and measures are living systems of matter. Life is not a thing to be studied; rather, "being alive" is a quality of some physical systems. A look at the living world reveals more content... The more complex the system, the more complex its qualities. Organs may be built from cells; from organs may come an individual organism, such as a human being. Individuals in turn may be combined to form societies or populations, which again have their own rules. At each level of complexity are new qualities not present in the simpler levels. The study of each level yields new information for the biologist. The history of biology has been marked by a penetration into ever smaller dimensions. In the sixteenth century, Vesalius was dependent on his unaided eyesight for his study of the human body. In the following century, the optical microscope led to the discovery of many new details of structure. Marcello Malpighi observed the capillary vessels that complete the cycle of blood circulation and showed that even such tiny insects as the silkworm have an intricate internal structure. Anton van Leeuwenhoek described blood cells and the compound eyes of insects. Robert Hooke described the cellular structure of plants. As microscopes were improved, more and more details of structure were described. By the nineteenth century, it was becoming clear that all complex organisms are composed of semi–independent units called cells. The major structural features of cells were established. Bacteria were discovered and studied. In this century, the electron microscope has taken the scientist down to molecular dimensions, and he has learned to observe with x–rays as Get more content on
  • 18. Life Essay : What Is The Meaning Of Life Meaning of Life The meaning of life will vary from person to person. Some people believe happiness is the ultimate meaning of life. Others may believe it is perseverance or love or millions of other things. Everyone has different experiences and different opinions; these opinions and experiences will shape our views and lead us to decide what we feel is meaningful to us. There is not a right or wrong answer to the question: "What is the meaning of life?". The truth is, it is all dependent on your personal beliefs. Ever since I was a kid I had struggled a lot in many different areas in my life. If it was not one thing, it was the other. In elementary school, I was very outgoing and very talkative. I had a lot of friends, I would get into trouble from time to time because I never kept my mouth shut. I enjoyed school and did pretty well with my grades. Despite being "okay" or "normal" on the outside, I had begun to notice I felt different on the inside. As I got older, I began to develop interests that most girls were not at all interested in. I preferred boys clothes over the dresses and blouses my mom would buy for me. I would beg my mom to let me play football with my dad and brother rather than go get my nails done with her and my sister. At the time, I was just a "tomboy" and my mom hated it. It was not just in the stereotypical ways like "I don't like nail polish" or "I don't like dresses". Although those statements were true, I think I knew it was something more than Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay About The Meaning Of Life "The meaning of life is nothing more than having a goal and doing something that needs to be accomplished. Life is given to prove who you are as a person and to be willing to spend your life like it was the most expensive thing you carried in your entire life." – Jamie La "Thinking of the possibilities that life has given us. It's literally endless that making our dreams come true is possible. Just remember that anything is possible, you just have to go for it. Don't just stop there, just keep going till the very end. It's all about whether you're able to make it happen, so make them happen." – Jamie La "Maybe we just have to see things in a different perspective. Maybe we just do things differently than what we used to do before. Maybe we should understand life at its fullest and understand why life's like this. Maybe we just have to aim for the best we could possibly can. Maybe if we start making changes that can change the way we see a better life. Maybe if we start working hard and dedicating ourselves to our goals, big rewards will eventually come to us." – Jamie La "Strolling to places that brings new adventures, to find something new that was not been discovered before. Seeing new people, seeing new things, and seeing new places are adventures yet to be explored. It is a journey to explore new things and to embrace life to its fullest. As we keep going, the journey and adventure will also do its thing." – Jamie La "Learn how to accept other people for who they are. All they ever want was to be welcomed in this world. They just want to feel like they belong in this society." – Jamie La "You're here because you want to share your dreams and passions to this world. You're here because you want to make a difference in life. You're here because you want to achieve success. More importantly, you're here because you want to show the world who you are today." – Jamie La "They say that success all comes from your will to work hard and putting yourself out there in the real world. Though it may be tough at times to reach towards it, it's because you need to keep pushing yourself towards your full potential. It's not going to be easy getting to where you want to be, and most of us can relate to it. Just Get more content on
  • 20. The Meaning of Life and Death Essay The Meaning of Life and Death The abstract idea of life cannot be explained by such simple ideas as being animated, breathing, or speaking. Ordinary machines in this century can perform all of these basic functions. The quandary with defining death is not as abstract and elusive as that of life. The problem of defining life and death has plagued philosophers and the religious bodies for thousands of years for one reason; each philosophy or religion has tried to define the meaning of life and death from only their certain perspective. The seemingly appropriate approach to this problem would be to understand the ideas presented in various philosophies and religions and through this knowledge create a new definition for each idea of more content... The living have not yet been annihilated (otherwise they wouldn't be alive)" (Cook). Also, according to modern philosopher Steven Luper in an interpretation of Epicurus, death is also "permanent non–existence", which is brought upon by some act of biological "retirement". This applies to both humans and replicants. Hereinafter, the deaths of humans and replicants should be considered one and the same. The emphasis on death in Blade Runner can be attributed to many different reasons. One of these reasons includes the search for a solution to its inevitable arrival. The prime objective of the replicants in Blade Runner is to discover when they were created. To a human, this is common knowledge, but the replicants are not given this information freely. Although, in contrast to the human knowledge of when they were incepted or born, the replicants know the ultimate length of their life. After Roy finally meets Tyrell, he is asked, "What seems to be the problem?" Roy answers, predictably, "death." Why is death such a problem to the replicants? The replicants do not actually have a problem with death; they have a problem with the brevity of their life. This is why the replicants hope that their creator, the person that gave them the time limit on their life, can extend it. This is similar to the hope held by most humans of a life after death, but because the replicants know that there is no such life for them after death, Get more content on