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Дэд сэдэв: 
 Дүгнэлт
Йoзеф Шvмпетэр
 Шvмпетэрийнхээр- коммунист орнуудад чөлөөт зах 
зээлvvдийг бий болгох нь хялбар vйл биш. 
 Процесс өөрөө эхлэхгvй. 
 Vvнийг хангах нөхцөлvvд нь бизнес орчинг бvрдvvлэх: 
 vйл ажиллагаа сайтай, өндөр чадавхитай банкууд, 
 боловсролтой мотив сайтай хvмvvс, 
 хvн амын дунд капитализмын өмнөх vеийн vнэт 
зvйлсийн талаархи мэдрэмж байх ёстой.
Жишээ нь: коммунизмын дараа эдийн засгийн 
зохистой дэг журмийг бий болгохын төлөөх өрсөлдөөн 
гарч ирэх ёстой. 
 Бvх юм хvнээс л хамаарна. 
 Хvмvvст менежментийн мэдлэг, 
 техникийн шинэ know-how бол мөнгөнөөс ч илvv 
чухал байх ёстой. 
 Зах Зээл өөрөө хvрээд ирэхгvй. 
 Харин эдийн засагчид? 
• Эдийн засгийн хvрээнээс хальж, сэтгэж сурах 
• Сэтгэлзvй, социологийн мэдлэгийг эзэмших 
• Өөрсдөдөө эргэлзэж сурах. 
 Зах зээл эмх замбараагүй байдлаар дvvрэн-vр дvнг урьдчилан 
• Эдийн засгийн бодлогыг "цэвэр оюун ухааны хvчээр хийнэ" 
гэдэг туйлын даруу зангийн хvрээнд л боломжтой бөлгөө.
Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн ба бизнесийн шинэ стратеги нэвтрүүлж 
амжилтанд хүрсэн компаний туршлагыг бусад нь 
Өрсөлдөөний харилцаа: 
1. Шууд харилцаа – өрсөлдөгчийнхөө зах зээлд эзлэж буй байр 
суурийг багасган ноёрхлоо дангаараа тогтоох гэсэн харилцаа 
2. Шууд бус дам харилцаа – өрсөлдөгчидтэйгээ хэлэлцэн 
тохиролцох, энэхүү харицаа нь бага зардалтай бөгөөд аль 
аль талдаа ашигтай тусдаг байна.
 Эргэх холбоос бүхий динамик системийн загвар 
Динамик системүүд нь чанарын гэхээсээ тоон өөчлөлтөнд суурилагдсан 
байдаг – хувьсал - эерэг болон сөрөг эргэх холбоостой. 
Системийг өөр өөр чиглэлд оруулах төрөл бүрийн хүчин зүйлүүдийн 
хоорондох өрсөлдөөнийг хамааруулж ойлгоно. 
Динамик системийн загварыг дараах өрсөлдөөний асуудлуудыг 
шийдвэрлэхэд ашиглаж болдог. Үүнд: 
 Соёлын динамик 
 Зах зээлийн эдийн засаг 
 Ардчилал 
 Нийгмийн нэр хүндийн төлөөх өрсөлдөөн 
 Дайн
Системийн коэволюци бас коадаптаци
Өрсөлдөөний загварууд 
Цогц системийн загвар 
Эдийн засгийн системд компаниуд - худалдан авагч - 
үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг. 
- Өрсөлдөөн, селекцийн төрөл бүрийн салбаруудыг 
нэгтгэн авч үзэх нь олон эргэх холбоос бүхий маш том, 
цогц сүлжээг үүсгэдэг. 
Энэхүү системийн чухал нөлөө бүхий холбоосийг олж 
шинжлэх нь бидний амьдарч буй цогц нийгмийн 
динамик-ийг зөв ойлгож, сайжруулах түлхүүр юм.
Өрсөлдөөнд оролцогчид ба өртөгчид 
Өрсөлдөөнд зөвхөн өрсөлдөгчид төдийгүй түүнд шууд болон шууд 
бус оролцогчид, эерэг болон сөрөг өртөгчид ч хамаардаг. Үүнд: 
 Өрсөлдөгчид: Худалдагчдыг гол төлөв өрсөлдөгчид боловч 
худалдан авагчид ч ялангуяа эрэлт нь нийлүүлэлтээсээ давсан 
нөхцөлд мөн өрсөлдөгчид . 
 Өрсөлдөх нөөц: Нийлүүлэлт нь эрэлтээсээ давсан зах зээлийн 
эдийн засагт худалдагчид худалдан авагчидын төлөө өрсөлддөг. 
Энэ нөхцөлд худалдан авагчид нь өрсөлдөх нөөц. 
 Ашиг хүртэгч: Өрсөлдөж буй нөөц нь хувь хүмүүс, компаниуд 
тэдгээр нь өрсөлдөөнөөс ашиг хүртэнэ.
+ Өрсөлдөөний стратеги, хэмжүүр 
Өрсөлдөгчид төрөл бүрийн стратегийг сонгож болно. 
Стратегийн параметрүүдийг тэнцвэржүүлэх загвар 
Өөрөөр хэлбэл хязгаарлагдмал хөрөнгөө эсрэг хоёр зорилт 
хоорондын тэнцвэржилтийн буюу оновчтой түвшинд зарцуулах 
шаардлага гарна.
+ Өрсөлдөөний үр дагавар 
 Бид дараах өрсөлдөөний үр дагаваруудыг судлана. Үүнд: 
1. Зах зээлийн тэнцвэрийн буюу алдагдсан боломжийн үр дагавар 
2. Гүйцэтгэлийн алдаатай хэмжүүрийн үр дагавар 
3. Өрсөлдөгч, ашиг хүртэгчдийн хоорондын тэнцвэргүй байдлын үр 
4. Хязгаарлагдмал оновчтой байдлын үр дагавар 
5. Бусдын төлөө тоглогчдын үр дагавар 
6. Ашиггүй ашиг хүртэгчдэд бага үйлчилсэний үр дагавар 
7. Тогтмол ба хувьсах зардлын үр дагавар
 Давуу байдлын тухай олголт 
 ¯éëäâýðëýë, ¿éëчèëãýýíèé êëàñòåð áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð. 
 Èííîâàö áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð. 
 Байгалийн өгөөжийн нөлөө ба өрсөлдөх чадвар. 
 Íèéãìèéí àñóóäàë áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð. 
 Ýêîëîãè áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð.
+ Давуу байдлын тухай ойлголт 
 Өрсөлдөх чадавхитай байхын тулд юуны өмнө өндөр хэмжээнд 
локалчилсан процессийн үр дүнд íýì¿¿ ºðòºã áóþó өрсөлдөх давуу 
байдлыг бий болгох хэрэгтэй. 
 Íýì¿¿ ºðòºã ãýäãèéã õóäàëäàí àâàãч, õýðýãëýãч, ¿éëчë¿¿ëýãчäèéí 
ýðýëò õýðýãöýýíä õàìãèéí ¿ð àøèãòàéãààð íèéö¿¿ëýõ чàäàâõè.
+ Үндэстний үнэт зүйлс, соёл, эдийн засгийн бүтэц, 
түүх өрсөлдөөний амжилтад нөлөөлнө. 
 Өâëºãäñºí- õàðüöàíãóé äàâóó òàë. 
 àðüöàíãóé äàâóó áàéäëàà õýðõýí ºðñХ ºëäºõ äàâóó áàéäàë áîëãîæ 
чàäñíààñ шалтгаална. 
 ªðñºëäºõ äàâóó áàéäëûã õàðèí øèíýýð áèé áîëãîно.
М.Е.Портер өрсөлдөх чадвар, 
стратегийн сонголт, өрсөлдөх 
давуу талын онолыг дэвш¿¿лэн, 
өрсөлдөх чадварын “Diamond 
Model”-ыг боловсруулсан. 
1990-ээд онд “The competitive 
advantage of nations” бүтээл- 
салбарын төвлөрсөн 
бүлэглэлийн шинэ үзэл 
баримтлалыг дэвшүүлжээ.
èêðî ýäèéí М çàñãèéí ñóóðü: 
 êîìïàíóóäûí ñòðàòåãè, 
 ïðàêòèê ¿éë àæèëëàãàà áîëîí ¿íäýñíèé õýìæýýíä êîìïàíóóä 
ºðñºëäºõ áèçíåñèéí áîäëîãî, 
 òýäãýýðèéã äýìæèõ áàéãóóëëàãóóä, îðîëò, äýä á¿òýö 
 ò¿¿íèéã ¿éëäâýðëýëèéí õ¿чèí ç¿éëèéí íºõöºë, ýðýëòèéí 
íºõöºë, êîìïàíèé ñòðàòåãè, ºðñºë人í, äýìæèõ 
áàéãóóëëàãóóäûã áàãòààñàí îчèð ýðäýíèé çàãâàðààð 
òºñººëсөн байна.
+ Компаний төгөлдөршил 
Үүнд: Дэмжих үйл ажиллагаа: 
 Компаний дэд бүтэц: 
Хүний нөөцийн 
Технологийн хөгжил 
Худалдан авалт 
Анхан шатны үйл 
Оролтын логистик 
Процессийн үйл 
Гарцын логистик 
дараахь үйлчилгээ
+ Колумбын петрохимийн 
“төвлөрсөн бүлэглэл”-ийн жишээ 
Зардлын бүлэг Зардлын бүрэлдэхүүн 
Пропилен Нэгжийн нийлүүлэлтийн зардал 
Тээвэрлэн авч ирэх 
Пропилен үйлдвэрлэх технологи 
Цахилгаан Киловат бүрийн үнэ 
Полипропилен үйлдвэрлэх технологи 
Гадагш тээвэрлэх Ачааны машины миль тутмын зардал 
Ачааны машины ашиглалт
+ ¯éëäâýðëýë, ¿éëчèëãýýíèé êëàñòåð áà ºðñºëäºõ 
 õîëáîî á¿õèé êîìïàíóóä, 
 òºðºëæñºí íèéë¿¿ëýãчèä, ¿éëчèëãýý ¿ç¿¿ëýãчèä 
 ¿íäýñíèé áóþó á¿ñ íóòãèéí õ¿ðýýíä ¿éë àæèëëàãààãààтай õîëáîãäñîí 
áàéãóóëëàãóóäûí газар зүйн òºâëºðºë. 
 õîîðîíäîî ºðñºëääºã óчðààñ òýäíèé á¿òýýìæ ºñч áàéäàã. 
 Êëàñòåðèéí õºãæëèéí ñàíààчëàãà íü ýäèéí çàñãèéí áîäëîãî, ìàêðî ýäèéí 
çàñãèéí òîãòâîðæóóëàëò, õóâüчëàë, çàõ çýýëèéã íýýëòòýé áîëãîõ, 
áèçíåñèéí ¿éë àæèëëàãààíû çàðäëûã áóóðóóëàõ чóõàë чèãëýë ìºí.
+ Кластерын шинэ ойлголт 
 Ãëîáàëь ºðñºë人íèé ýðèíèé òóðø òåõíîëîãèéí õºãæèë, ºðñºë人íèé 
èäýâõæëèéí óлìààñ ýäèéí çàñãèéí газар зүй áóþó áàéðøëûí 
óëàìæëàëò àч õîëáîãäëûг ¿ã¿éñãýæ áàéëàà. 
 Гэвч Бàéãóóëëàãóóäûí гàçàð ç¿éí болон ñî¸ëûí хувьд îéð äºò áàéäàë 
 тэдний õîîðîíä íÿãò õàðèëöàà, 
 ìýäýýëýëèéí èë¿¿ ñîëèëöîîг бий болгож, 
 бие биенээ харилцан тэтгэх 
 áóñàä олон äàâóó áàéäëóóäûг îëãîæ áàéíà.
Колумбад-цахилгааны үнэ өндөр байгаа нь, 
Мексикийн Пемескид-хуучин технологи нь сөргөөр нөлөөлж байгаа 
Венесуэлд байгалийн хий их ба цахилгааны үнийн хөнгөлөлт их 
зэрэг нь таатай орчинг бүрдүүлж байна.
+ Үйлдвэрлэлийн хүчин зүйлсийн 
Нөөцийн шилжилтийн үр дүнд сул хөгжилтэй бүсүүд 
өсөлтийн хурдац их, 
 өндөр хөгжилтэй бүсүүдийн хурдац бага. 
Ижил түвшинд хүрэхэд зах зээлийг төгс өрсөлдөөнтэй 
байна гэж үзээд үйлдвэрлэлийн хүчин зүйлс хаана 
өндөр үнэлэгдэж байна тийшээ шилжинэ гэж үзсэн. 
 / Д.Рикардо, Хекшере-Олин, Хекшере-Олина– 
Самуэльсона, Солоу и Свана, Мэнкью–Ромер–Уэйла, 
Барро, Сала и Мартин/
+ Èííîâàö и áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð. 
 Үíäýñòíèé ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð, àðä ò¿ìíèé àæ àìüäðàëûí 
ò¿âøèíã äýýøë¿¿ëýõýä øèíý á¿òýýãäýõ¿¿í, ïðîöåññ, 
ìåíåæìåíòèéí àðãà áàðèëûí èííîâàö çàéëøã¿é õýðýãòýé. 
 Үíäýñòíèé èííîâàöûí чàäàâõè ???
+ Компанийн өðñºëäºõ äàâóó òàë 
Иííîâàöûí õàìãèéí èõ чàäàâõòàé хэсэгт õºðºí㺠
Бóñäàä ¿ë ã¿éöýãäýõ ºðñºëäºõ äàâóó òàë: 
 ªìч ýçýìøëèéí òàëààðõè ìýäýýëëèéí óðñãàë, 
 îðîí íóòãèéí áàéãóóëëàãà, 
 êîìïàíóóäòàé òîãòîîñîí äàâóó ýðõ 
 áàéðøëûí äàâóó áàéäàë.
+ Хаана өрсөлдөхөө сонгох
+ Өрсөлдөгчийн үйл ажиллагааны танилцуулга ба 
өрсөлдөгч, зардал, хэрэглэгчийн судалгааг нэгтгэх 
+ Байгалийн өгөөжийн нөлөө ба 
өрсөлдөх чадвар. 
 “Бàéãóóëëàãóóäûí ã¿éöýòãýõ ¿¿ðýã. Òóõàéëáàë, áàéãàëèéí íººöèéí 
áàÿëàã áàéäàë íü óëñ òºðèéí èíñòèòóö, ýäèéí çàñãèéí áîäëîãûí чàíàðò 
ñºðºã íºëºº ¿ç¿¿ëæ, ÿâààíäàà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàðûã ìóóòãàäàã áàéíà. 
 Газар зүйн байршил - баялагт гаднаас нөлөөлөх өөр нэг өгөөж. Ж: 
том зах зээлд ойр байх явдал нь гадаад худалдааны үр ашигт 
эерэгээр нөлөөлнө.
Ì.Ïîðòåðèéí ºðñºë人íèé øèíý çàãâàð 
 Кîìïàíóóäàä ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàðòàé áîëîõ øèíý ¿¿ðýã 
 Бèçíåñ, Çàñãèéí ãàçàð, îðîí íóòãèéí áóñàä áàéãóóëëàãóóäûí 
õîîðîíäûí õàðèëöààíû øèíý õýëáýð, 
 Çàñãèéí ãàçðûí áîäëîãûí òóõàé ñýòãýõ á¿õýë á¿òýí øèíý àðãà çàì 
øààðäëàãàòàé áàéãààã íîòëîí õàðóóëæ áàéíà.
Íèéãìèéí àñóóäàë áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð 
 Нèéãìèéí áîäëîãî 
 Ýäèéí çàñãèéí áîäëîãî 
 ¿í àðäûíõàà ñàéí ñàéõàí àæ àìüäðàëûí òºëºº æèíõýí äýâøèë Хãàðãàõàä чèãë¿¿ëýí õîîðîíä íü èíòåãðàöчëàõ õýðýãòýé.
+ Ýêîëîãè áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð 
 Бàéãàëь îðчíû чàíãà ñòàíäàðò íü êîìïàíóóäûã 
íººöºº èë¿¿ á¿òýýìæòýé àøèãëàõàä 
 èííîâàöûã øààðäàæ, 
 ãëîáàë ºðñºë人íèé øèíý øààðäëàãà. 
 Бàéãàëü îðчèí, íººöèéí á¿òýýìæ, èííîâàö, 
ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàðûã õîîðîíä õîëáîñîí ýäèéí 
çàñãèéí ñóóðü үзэл баримтлалыг áèé áîëãîõ
+ Àæ ¿éëäâýðèéí ýêîëîãè íü ¿éëäâýðèéíõýý íººöèéí á¿òýýìæ, 
ºðñºëäºõ àäâàðàà ñàéæðóóëàõûã çîðüæ ч áóé êîìïàíóóäàä 
èõýâчëàí аøèãòàé. 
 Бàéãàëü îðчíûã áîõèðäóóëæ áóé êîìïàíè íèéãýì 
ÿàæ õîõèðч áàéãààã òîîöäîãã¿éãýýñ 
ÿâààíäàà íýð õ¿íä íü óíàñíààð ÿìàð õîõèðîë 
ººðºº àìсдаг. 
 Аæ ¿éëäâýðèéí ýêîëîãè íü ìàòåðèàë, ýðчèì 
õ¿чíèé óðñãàëä àíõààðëàà õàíäóóëдаг. 
 Нèéãìèéí õ¿ðýýíä ºðñºëäºõ чàäàâõèä íºëººëºõ 
áóñàä õ¿чèí ç¿éë¿¿äèéã îíîâчòîé áàéäëààð 
òîîöîæ чàääàãã¿é.
 - Michael E. Porter and Claas van der Linde, “Green and 
Competitive: Ending the Stalemate”, Ha rva rd 
 Bus ine s s Re vie w, September-October 1995 
 - Àëëåí Õàììîíä “Áàéãàëü îðчèí ºðñºë人íèé äàâóó òàëûí íýã ýõ 
ñóðâàëæ áîëîõ íü” 
 - Daniel C. Esty and Michael E. Porter, "Industrial Ecology and 
Competitiveness: Strategic Implications for the Firm", Jo urna l 
o f Indus tria l Ec o lo g y 2, no. 1, 1998.
 Өрсөлдөөн нь байгаль, нийгмийн хүрээнд явагдах систес 
динамикийн үзэгэдэл. 
 Зөвхөн эдийн засагт явагддаг процесс бус 
 Дэлхийн даяаршлын өнөө үед хөгжлийг нэг улс үндэстэн, 
систем дэх салбарын өсөлт, хөгжлөөр авч үзэхээ больж 
 Хөгжлийн түвшинг мөнгөн орлогын түвшнээр хэмждэггүй. 
 Хөгжил нь эрх чөлөө. 
 Хүний хөгжил нь хүний сонголтуудыг өргөжүүлэх үйл явц. 
*1. Хүний хөгжил 
*2. Хүний амьдралын чанар 
*3. Хүний амьдралын орчин
BTTemplates_ 100 원대 PPT디자인
 Аливаа баялаг тухайн эдийн засагт үйл ажиллагаа явуулж 
буй компаниудын түвшинд бий болдог учраас үндэсний 
өрсөлдөх чадварт микро эдийн засгийн хүчин зүйлс 
шийдвэрлэх үүрэгтэй гэдэг.
Theories Personality 
& Assessment 
Modified by 
Elizabeth T Santosa, M.Psi, psi.
Definition of Personality? 
PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy refers to the relatively enduring 
characteristics that differentiate one person 
from another and that lead people to act in a 
consistent and predictable manner, both in 
different situations and over extended periods 
of time. 
Personality is defined as: the enduring or 
lasting patterns of behavior and thought (across 
time and situation).
+ Personality 
Four Major Perspectives on Personality 
Psychoanalytic - unconscious motivations 
Trait - specific dimensions of personality 
Humanistic - inner capacity for growth 
Social-Cognitive - influence of environment
Sigmund Freud 
University of Vienna 1873 
Voracious Reader 
Medical School Graduate 
Specialized in Nervous 
Disorders : SSoommee ppaattiieennttss’’ ddiissoorrddeerrss 
hhaadd nnoo pphhyyssiiccaall ccaauussee.. 
+ Sigmund Freud 
What is the structure and development of 
personality, according to Sigmund Freud and his 
successors (i.e.,psychoanalysts)? 
 According to psychoanalysts, much of bbeehhaavviioorr iiss 
ccaauusseedd bbyy ppaarrttss ooff ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy wwhhiicchh aarree ffoouunndd iinn 
tthhee uunnccoonnsscciioouuss aanndd ooff wwhhiicchh wwee aarree uunnaawwaarree. 
 Freud’s 3 levels of awareness/consciousness: 
 the ccoonnsscciioouuss mind; 
 the pprreeccoonnsscciioouuss mind; and 
 the uunnccoonnsscciioouuss mind.
+Psychoanalysis: The Unconscious 
“the mind is like an iceberg “the mind is like an iceberg -- mmoossttlyly hhididddeenn”” 
Conscious Awareness 
small part above surface 
below the surface 
(thoughts, feelings, 
wishes, memories) 
Banishing unacceptable 
thoughts and passions to 
Dreams and Slips
+ Psychoanalysis: 
Freud’s Theory of Personality 
 Three levels of consciousness: 
 CCoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd: 
things we are 
focusing on. 
 PPrreeccoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd: 
things are are not 
currently aware of 
but which we could 
focus on. 
 UUnnccoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd: 
that which we are 
unaware of.
+ Psychoanalysis: 
Freud’s Theory of Personality 
 Freud’s theory suggest that personality is composed of 
tthhee iidd, tthhee eeggoo, and tthhee ssuuppeerreeggoo. 
 iidd: the unorganized, inborn part of personality whose 
purpose is to immediately reduce tensions relating to 
hunger, sex, aggression, and other primitive impulses. 
 eeggoo: restrains instinctual energy in order to maintain the 
safety of the individual and to help the person to be a 
member of society. 
 ssuuppeerreeggoo: the rights and wrongs of society and consists 
of the conscience and the ego-ideal.
+Freud aanndd PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy SSttrruuccttuurree 
Id - energy constantly striving to satisfy basic drives 
Pleasure Principle 
Ego - seeks to gratify the Id in realistic ways 
Reality Principle 
Super Ego 
- voice of conscience 
that focuses on how 
we ought to behave 
Ego Super 
+ Freud’s Theory: 
“the ID” 
 The iidd uses the most primitive of thinking process. 
 Basic biological urges (e.g., hunger, self-protection). 
 The iidd operates on the PPlleeaassuurree PPrriinncciippllee. 
 Seeks pleasure and avoids pain:“II wwaanntt wwhhaatt II wwaanntt NNOOWW!!” 
 The iidd operates completely at an unconscious level. 
 No direct contact with reality. 
 TThhee id has 2 major instincts: 
 EErrooss: life instinct = motivates people to focus on pleasure-seeking 
tendencies (e.g., sexual urges). 
 TThhaannaattooss: death instinct = motivates people to use aggressive 
urges to destroy. 
 The energy for the id’s instincts comes from the lliibbiiddoo, (the 
energy storehouse).
+ Freud’s Theory: 
“the Ego” 
The eeggoo consists of a conscious faculty for 
perceiving and dealing intelligently with reality. 
The eeggoo acts as a mediator between the id and 
the superego. 
The ego is partly conscious. 
Deals with the demands of reality. 
Makes rational decisions.
Freud’s Theory: 
“the Ego” 
 The eeggoo serves the ID: 
The rational part of personality that maintains 
contact with reality. 
 Governed by ‘RReeaalliittyy PPrriinncciippllee’’ 
 “What consequences are there to my behavior?” 
 TThhee eeggoo iiss tthhee EExxeeccuuttiivvee ooff tthhee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy 
 The eeggoo controls higher mental processes. 
 Reasoning, problem solving. 
 The eeggoo uses these higher mental processes to help satisfy the urges of the ID.
Freud’s Theory: 
“the Superego” 
 SSuuppeerreeggoo: the moral part of personality. 
 Internalized rules of parents and society. 
 SSuuppeerreeggoo consists of two parts: 
CCoonnsscciieennccee: “notions of right/wrong.” 
 EEggoo IIddeeaall: “how we ideally like to be.” 
 SSuuppeerreeggoo:: constrains us from gratifying every impulse (e.g., 
murder) because they are immoral, and nnoott because we might 
get caught. 
 SSuuppeerreeggoo: partly conscious, partly unconscious.
Freud: superego, id, and ego 
According to Freud, an individual’s feelings, 
thoughts, and behaviors are the result of tthhee 
iinntteerraaccttiioonn ooff tthhee iidd,, tthhee ssuuppeerreeggoo,, aanndd tthhee 
Freud’s Theory of Personality: 
 The id, the ego, and the superego are continually in 
ccoonnfflliicctt with one another. 
 This conflict generates aannxxiieettyy. 
 If the ego did not effectively handle the resulting 
anxiety, people would be so overwhelmed with 
anxiety that they would not be able to carry on with 
the tasks of everyday living. 
 The ego tries to control anxiety (i.e., to reduce 
anxiety) through the use of ego ddeeffeennssee 
+ EgDoe Dfeenfesnes Me Mecehcahnainsimsmss: 
When the inner war 
gets out of hand, the 
result is Anxiety 
Ego protects itself via 
Defense Mechanisms 
DDeeffeennssee MMeecchhaanniissmmss reduce/redirect 
anxiety by distorting reality
+ Ego Defense Mechanisms 
DDeeffiinniittiioonn: An defense mechanism is a psychology 
tendency that the ego uses to help prevent people from 
becoming overwhelmed by any conflict (and resulting 
anxiety) among the id, the ego, and the superego. 
Defense mechanisms operate at an uunnccoonnsscciioouuss 
We are not aware of them during the time that we are 
actually using them. 
However, we may later become aware of their 
previous operation and use.
+ Freud’s Theory: 
Defense Mechanisms 
RReepprreessssiioonn: pushing unacceptable and anxiety-producing 
thoughts into the unconscious; involves 
intentional forgetting but nnoott consciously done; repressed 
material can be memories or unacceptable impulses. 
 A rape victim cannot recall the details of the attack. 
RReeggrreessssiioonn: acting in ways characteristic of earlier life 
stages/earlier stage of personality. 
 A young adult, anxious on a trip to his parents/ home, 
sits in the corner reading comic books, as he often did 
in grade school.
+ Freud’s Theory: 
Defense Mechanisms 
RReeaaccttiioonn ffoorrmmaattiioonn: replacing an anxiety-producing 
feeling with its exact opposite, typically going 
overboard; repressed thoughts appear as mirror 
 A man who is anxious about his interest in gay men 
begins dating women several times a week. 
RRaattiioonnaalliizzaattiioonn: creating false but believable excuses 
to justify inappropriate behavior; real motive for 
behavior is not accepted by ego. 
 A student cheats on an exam, explaining that cheating 
is legitimate on an unfair examination.
+ Freud’s Theory: 
Defense Mechanisms 
DDeenniiaall: claiming and believing that something which is 
actually true is false. 
 A person disbelieves that she is age, asserting that “I 
am not getting older.” 
DDiissppllaacceemmeenntt: redirecting emotional feelings (e.g., 
anger) to a substitute target; involves directing 
unacceptable impulses onto a less threatening 
 A husband, angry at the way his boss treated him, 
screams at his children. 
 Instead of telling your professor what you really think 
of her, you tailgate and harass a slow driver on your 
way home from school.
+ Freud’s Theory: 
Defense Mechanisms 
 PPrroojjeeccttiioonn: attributing one’s own unacceptable feelings 
or beliefs to others; perceiving the external world in 
terms of one’s own personal conflicts. 
 An employee at a store, tempted to steal some 
merchandise, suspects that other employees are 
 SSuubblliimmaattiioonn: substitute socially acceptable behavior for 
unacceptable impulses. 
 Playing video games instead of getting in a fight.
+ Freud: 
Stages of Personality Development 
 Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality 
suggests that personality develops tthhrroouugghh aa sseerriieess 
ooff ssttaaggeess, each of which is associated with a major 
biological function. 
 More specifically, Freud theorized that as people 
age, they pass through several systematic ssttaaggeess ooff 
ppssyycchhoosseexxuuaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt in their personality.
+ Psychosexual Stages of Development 
are Source of Unconscious Conflicts. 
 The stages of personality ddeevveellooppmmeenntt involve critical 
events that occur in every child’s life. 
 At each level, there is a conflict between pplleeaassuurree aanndd 
 The resolution of this conflict determines personality. 
 AAtt aannyy ssttaaggee,, ““aa ffiixxaattiioonn”” ccaann ooccccuurr: 
 If needs are either under-gratified or over-gratified, we 
become ffiixxaatteedd aatt aa ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ssttaaggee. 
 Each stage also involves an eerrooggeennoouuss zzoonnee. 
 Parts of the body that involve sexual pleasure.
Freud and Personality Development 
“personality forms during the first few years of life, 
rooted in unresolved conflicts of early childhood” 
“personality forms during the first few years of life, 
rooted in unresolved conflicts of early childhood” 
Psychosexual Stages 
Oral (0-18 mos) - centered on the mouth 
Anal (18-36 mos) - focus on bowel/bladder elim. 
Phallic (3-6 yrs) - focus on genitals/“Oedipus Complex” 
(Identification & Gender Identity) 
Latency (6-puberty) - sexuality is dormant 
Genital (puberty on) - sexual feelings toward others 
Strong conflict can fixate an individual at Stages 1,2 or 3
+ Freud’s Stages of Personality 
OOrraall ssttaaggee: the oral state is the first period, occurring 
during the first year of life. 
 AAnnaall ssttaaggee: next comes the anal stage, lasting from 
approximately age 1 to age 3. 
 PPhhaalllliicc ssttaaggee: the phallic stages follows, with interest 
focusing on the genitals. 
 LLaatteennccyy ppeerriioodd: then follows the latency period lasting 
until puberty. 
GGeenniittaall ssttaaggee: after puberty, people move into the 
genital stage, a period of mature sexuality.
(1) Oral stage of development: 
 Time period: Birth to 18 months: 
 Erogenous zone is mmoouutthh. 
Gratification through sucking and swallowing. 
OOrraall ffiixxaattiioonn has two possible outcomes. 
OOrraall rreecceeppttiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: 
 Preoccupied with eating/drinking. 
Reduce tension through oral activity. 
 eating, drinking, smoking, biting nails 
 Passive and needy; sensitive to rejection. 
OOrraall aaggggrreessssiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: 
Hostile and verbally abusive to others.
(2) Anal stage of development: 
 Time period: 1 1/2 to 3 years of age. 
 Erogenous zone is the anus. 
Conflict surrounds toilet training. 
 AAnnaall ffiixxaattiioonn has two possible outcomes. 
 AAnnaall rreetteennttiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy. 
 Stingy, compulsive orderliness, stubborn, 
 AAnnaall eexxppuullssiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy. 
 Lack of self control, messy, careless.
(3) Phallic stage of development: 
 Time period: 3 to 6 years. 
 Erogenous zone is the genitals: self-stimulation of the 
genitals produces pleasure. 
 At age 5 or 6, near the end of the phallic stage, children 
experience the Oedipal conflict (boys)/the Electra conflict 
(girls)--a process through which they learn to identify with 
the same gender parent by acting as much like that parent 
as possible. 
OOeeddiippuuss ccoommpplleexx ((bbooyyss)) vvss EElleeccttrraa ccoommpplleexx ((ggiirrllss)) 
Child is sexually attracted to the other sex parent and 
wishes to replace the same sex parent.
(3) Phallic stage of development: 
 Oedipus complex ((lliittttllee bbooyyss)):: 
CCaassttrraattiioonn aannxxiieettyy:: 
 Son believes father knows about his desire for mom. 
 Fears dad will castrate him. 
Represses his desire and defensively iiddeennttiiffiieess with 
(3) Phallic stage (continued): 
 Electra ccoommpplleexx ((lliittttllee ggiirrllss)):: 
 PPeenniiss eennvvyy:: 
Daughter is initially attached to mom. 
 Shift of attachment occurs when she realizes she lacks a 
 She desires dad whom she sees as a means to obtain aa 
ppeenniiss ssuubbssttiittuuttee ((aa cchhiilldd)). 
Represses her desire for dad. 
 incorporates the values of her mother 
 accepts her inherent “inferiority” in society
(4) Latency Period: 
During the latency period, little girls and little boys try 
to socialize only with members of their own gender. 
 Freud posits that children do this so as to help 
minimize the awareness of “sexuality.” 
 Thus, they continue the process of sexual repression 
that began in the previous stage (for those who 
successfully made it through the Oedipal 
Complex/Electra Complex).
(5) Genital Stage: 
 When adolescence begin puberty, they enter the 5th stage of 
psychosexual development. 
 They develop secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., pubic 
 The onset of the physical sexual characteristics “re-awakens” 
people sexual urges, and thus they are no longer able to 
successfully repress their sexual desires, impulses, and 
 They begin searching for a marital mate, with whom they can 
share sex and intimacy.
Summary of Freud (on personality): 
 Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has provoked a number of 
• a lack of supportive scientific data; 
• the theory’s inadequacy in making predictions; and 
• its limitations owing to the restricted population on which 
it is based. 
 Still, the theory remains popular. 
• For instance, the neo-Freudian psychoanalytic theorists 
built upon Freud’s work, although they placed greater 
emphasis on the role of the ego and paid greater 
attention to social factors in determining behavior.
+ Psychoanalysis: 
Freud and Personality 
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic 
Were Freud’s theories 
the “best of his time” 
or were they simply 
Current research 
many of Freud’s 
specific ideas 
Development does not 
stop in childhood 
Dreams may not be 
drives and wishes 
Slips of the tongue are 
likely competing 
“nodes” in memory network
+ Summary: 
Freud and Personality 
Freud’s Ideas as Scientific Theory 
Theories must explain observations 
and offer testable hypotheses 
Few Objective OObbsseerrvvaattiioonnss FFeeww HHyyppootthheesseess 
((FFrreeuudd’’ss tthheeoorriieess bbaasseedd oonn hhiiss rreeccoolllleeccttiioonnss && 
iinntteerrpprreettaattiioonnss ooff ppaattiieennttss’’ ffrreeee aassssoocciiaattiioonnss,, 
ddrreeaammss && sslliippss oo’’ tthhee ttoonngguuee)) 
DDooeess NNoott PPRREEDDIICCTT BBeehhaavviioorr oorr TTrraaiittss
+ 4 Types of Personality Theories: 
((11)).. PPssyycchhooddyynnaammiicc approaches 
to personality. 
((22)).. HHuummaanniissttiicc approaches 
to personality. 
((33)).. TTrraaiitt approaches to personality. 
((44)).. SSoocciiaall CCooggnniittiivvee approaches 
to personality.
+(1) Psychodynamic Personality 
 Source of information aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: 
• Obtained from expert analyst from people in therapy. 
CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: 
• unconscious internal conflict associated with childhood 
• Also, unconscious conflicts between pleasure-seeking 
impulses and social restraints. 
OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: 
• negative. 
CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: 
• very comprehensive.
+ Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) 
Many are called NNeeoo--FFrreeuuddiiaannss. All place lleessss emphasis on sex. 
CCaarrll JJuunngg: 
Personal vs. CCoolllleeccttiivvee UUnnccoonnsscciioouuss. 
Balance between iinnttrroovveerrssiioonn and eexxttrroovveerrssiioonn. 
 AAllffrreedd AAddlleerr: 
SSttrriivviinngg ffoorr ssuuppeerriioorriittyy = motivation to master 
Notion of an IInnffeerriioorriittyy CCoommpplleexx. 
 KKaarreenn HHoorrnneeyy: 
Personality is CCuullttuurraall rraatthheerr tthhaann bbiioollooggiiccaall.
+(2) Humanistic Personality 
 Source of information aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: 
• obtained from self-reports from the general 
population and people in therapy. 
 CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: 
• self concepts, 
• self-actualizing tendencies. 
• conscious feelings about oneself (based on one’s 
previous experiences). 
 OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: 
• positive. 
 CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: 
• fairly comprehensive.
The Humanistic Perspective 
“Healthy” rather than “Sick” 
Individual as greater than the sum of test scores
+ Humanistic Personality Theories: 
Maslow and Rogers 
Humanistic approach (Third Force): 
Rejected Freud’s pessimistic view of personality. 
Rejected Behaviorist’s mechanistic view. 
More optimistic/positive about human nature. 
Humans are free and basically good. 
Humans are inner-directed. 
 Everyone has the potential for healthy growth. 
Health growth involves Self actualization: 
 “Be all you can be.” 
Given the right environmental conditions, 
we can reach our full potential.
Roger’s Person-Centered Perspective 
People are basically good 
with actualizing tendencies. 
Given the right environmental 
conditions, we will develop 
to our full potentials 
Genuineness, Acceptance, Empathy 
SSeellff CCoonncceepptt: central feature 
of personality (+ or -)
+ Humanistic Personality Theories: 
Carl Rogers 
 SSeellff--ccoonncceepptt: our image or perception of ourselves 
((RReeaall SSeellff versus IIddeeaall SSeellff)). 
We have a need for ppoossiittiivvee rreeggaarrdd/aapppprroovvaall from others. 
Conditions of worth or conditional positive regard. 
 The conditions under which other people will approve of 
We change our behavior to obtain approval. 
What we need is: UUnnccoonnddiittiioonnaall ppoossiittiivvee rreeggaarrdd. 
 Anxiety signifies that we are not being true to our ideal self. 
Well-adjusted persons: self-concept & experience. 
 Poorly adjusted person: self-concept & experience.
+ Maslow’s Hierarchy of human motives: 
one must satisfy lower needs before one 
satisfies higher needs.
+ Humanistic Personality Theories: 
Abraham Maslow 
 SSeellff--aaccttuuaalliizzaattiioonn is the culmination of a lifetime of inner-directed 
growth and improvement: 
• Challenging ourselves to the fullest. 
• Can you identify a self-actualized individual? 
• Characteristics of tthhee sseellff--aaccttuuaalliizzeedd ppeerrssoonn: 
Creative and open to new experiences. 
Committed to a cause or a higher goal. 
 Trusting and caring of others, yet not dependent. 
Have the courage to act on their convictions.
(+3) Trait Personality Theories: 
 SSoouurrccee ooff iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: 
• obtained from observation of behavior and questionnaire 
responses from the general population as well as from 
people in therapy. 
CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: 
• stable internal characteristics; 
• some emphasize genetic basis. 
OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: 
• neutral - neither positive nor negative. 
CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: 
• not very comprehensive.
+ (3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): 
 TTrraaiitt aapppprrooaacchheess hhaavvee ttrriieedd ttoo iiddeennttiiffyy tthhee mmoosstt bbaassiicc 
aanndd rreellaattiivveellyy eenndduurriinngg ddiimmeennssiioonnss aalloonngg wwhhiicchh ppeeooppllee 
ddiiffffeerr ffrroomm oonnee aannootthheerr----ddiimmeennssiioonnss kknnoowwnn aass ttrraaiittss.. 
HHooww mmaannyy ttrraaiitt ddiimmeennssiioonnss aarree tthheerree?? 
HHooww ccaann wwee mmeeaassuurree tthheessee ttrraaiitt ddiimmeennssiioonnss?? 
WWhheerree ddoo tthheessee ttrraaiitt ddiimmeennssiioonnss oorriiggiinnaattee??
+ (3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): 
 AAllllppoorrtt: Most important personality traits are those that 
reflect our values. 
 AAllllppoorrtt suggested that there are 3 kinds of traits: 
• ccaarrddiinnaall: a single personality trait that directs most of a 
person’s activities (e.g., greed, lust, kindness). 
• cceennttrraall: a set of major characteristics that make up the 
core of a person’s personality. 
• sseeccoonnddaarryy: less important personality traits that do not 
affect behavior as much as central and cardinal traits 
(3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): 
 HHaannss EEyysseenncckk:: 
found two (2) major 
trait dimensions: 
• iinnttrroovveerrssiioonn 
(quiet versus 
• NNeeuurroottiicciissmm 
eemmoottiioonnaall ssttaabbiilliittyy 
(moody versus calm).
+(3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): 
Cattell’s Theory of Personality: 
CCaatttteellll’’ss Trait Theory: 
Distinguished 3 types of traits: 
 AAbbiilliittyy.. 
 TTeemmppeerraammeenntt.. 
 Also: 
 Surface Traits: Less important to personality. 
 Source Traits: More important basic underlying 
CCaatttteellll identified 16 basic traits. 
• He developed the 16PF to measure these traits.
+(3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): 
Recently personality theorists have begun to converge on the 
view that there are 5 basic personality dimensions: 
 1: emotional stability vveerrssuuss nneeuurroottiicciissmm:: 
 calm, secure, self-satisfied VS anxious, insecure, self-pitying. 
 2: eexxttrraavveerrssiioonn vveerrssuuss iinnttrroovveerrssiioonn:: 
 sociable, fun-loving, affectionate VS retiring, sober, reserved. 
 3: ooppeennnneessss vveerrssuuss cclloossee--mmiinnddeeddnneessss:: 
 imaginative, independent VS practical, conforming. 
 4: aaggrreeeeaabblleenneessss vveerrssuuss ddiissaaggrreeeeaabblleenneessss:: 
 kind, trusting, helpful VS ruthless, suspicious, uncooperative. 
 5: ccoonnsscciieennttiioouussnneessss vveerrssuuss uunnddeeppeennddaabbllee:: 
 organized, careful, disciplined VS disorganized, careless, 
Five Factor Model of Traits
Five FactoTrh Me Bodige Fl iovfe Traits 
Emotional Stability 
• Calm/Anxious 
• Secure/Insecure 
• Sociable/Retiring 
• Fun Loving/Sober 
• Imaginative/Practical 
• Independent/Conforming 
• Soft-Hearted/Ruthless 
• Trusting/Suspicious 
• Organized/Disorganized 
• Careful/Careless
+ Trait Theories of Personality: 
 TTrraaiittss: 
Characteristics or typical ways of acting: 
 across situations, over time. 
 each personality is unique. 
 Explain why individuals behave in certain ways. 
How many traits are there, and what are they? 
Not easy to answer; little consensus.
+ Assessing Personality Traits 
How can we assess traits? 
(aim to simplify a person’s behavior patterns) 
Personality IInnvveennttoorriieess 
• most widely used personality inventory. 
• assess psychological disorders 
(not normal traits). 
• empirically derived - test items selected based 
upon how well they discriminate between 
groups of traits.
+ Do traits exist? 
The Trait-Situation  WWaalltteerr MMiisscchheell (1968) argued that: Debate 
 Behavior is not consistent across time or situation. 
 If no consistency, not much point in arguing for “personality.” 
 Thus, “personality” is an illusion. 
 SSiittuuaattiioonniissmm:: 
 Mischel believed that behavior is influenced more by the ssiittuuaattiioonn than 
any internal “trait.” 
 PPeerrssoonn xx ssiittuuaattiioonn iinntteerraaccttiioonniissmm:: 
BBootthh (a) internal traits and (b) the situation we are in are important 
determinants of behavior.
+ (4) Social-Cognitive (Learning) 
Approaches to 
 Source of information aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: 
Personality Theories: 
Obtained from experiments, observations of behavior, 
and questionnaire responses from the general 
 CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: 
•reciprocal influence between people (cognitions and 
behavior) and their environmental situations, colored by 
their perceptions of control. 
 OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: 
•neutral: neither positive nor negative. 
 CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: 
•not very comprehensive.
+ Social-Cognitive-Learning 
Behavior learned through 
conditioning and observation 
What we think about our situation 
affects our behavior 
Interaction of 
Environment and Intellect
+ Social-Cognitive Personality 
Social Learning Theory 
BBaanndduurraa: Theoretical origins in behaviorism. 
Emphasizes the role of learning in personality. 
Classical Conditioning. 
Operant Conditioning . 
 Instead of studying what’s going on inside the person (traits), 
study what is going on outside the person (environment). 
How does the environment shape personality?
+ Social-Cognitive Personality 
Social Learning Theory 
 BBaanndduurraa also emphasized the importance of cognition in 
personality development. 
 People develop a sense of sseellff--eeffffiiccaaccyy: 
Our beliefs about our ability to achieve goals. 
 Individuals with hhiigghheerr self-efficacy: 
 accept greater challenges. 
 try harder to meet challenges. 
 Bandura also discusses the notion of RReecciipprrooccaall 
 The individual and the environment continually 
influence one another.
+ Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: 
Reciprocal Determination 
BBeehhaavviioorr Environment 
IInntteerrnnaall WWoorrlldd ++ EExxtteerrnnaall WWoorrlldd == UUss
+ Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: 
Reciprocal Determination
+ Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: 
Personal Control 
IInntteerrnnaall LLooccuuss ooff CCoonnttrrooll:: 
You pretty much control your own destiny 
EExxtteerrnnaall LLooccuuss ooff CCoonnttrrooll:: 
Luck, fate and/or powerful others control your destiny. 
MMeetthhooddss ooff SSttuuddyy:: 
• CCoorrrreellaattee ffeeeelliinnggss ooff ccoonnttrrooll wwiitthh bbeehhaavviioorr.. 
• EExxppeerriimmeenntt bbyy rraaiissiinngg//lloowweerriinngg ppeeooppllee’’ss sseennssee ooff 
ccoonnttrrooll aanndd nnoottiinngg tthhee ccoonnsseeqquueenncceess aanndd eeffffeeccttss..
+ Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: 
Outcomes of Personal Control 
LLeeaarrnneedd HHeellpplleessssnneessss:: 
bad events 
lack of control 
helpless behavior 
IImmppoorrttaanntt IIssssuueess:: 
• Nursing Homes 
• Prisons 
Comparison of Personality 
Personality Assessment 
 Personality aasssseessssmmeenntt involves the techniques for 
systematically gathering information about a person in 
order to understand and predict behavior. 
GGooaall ooff ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy aasssseessssmmeenntt: to obtain reliable, 
valid measures of individual differences that will 
permit the accurate prediction of behavior.
How do we measure “Personality”? 
 ((11)) IInntteerrvviieeww: 
 Ask the person about themselves. 
Obtain information that reveals personality. 
 ((22)) BBeehhaavviioorraall OObbsseerrvvaattiioonn: 
Watch the individual’s behavior in an actual or simulated 
 PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy TTeessttss: 
 ((33)) OObbjjeeccttiivvee tests (questionnaire tests). 
 ((44)) PPrroojjeeccttiivvee tests.
How do we measure personality? 
(2) Behavioral assessment 
 Behavioral aasssseessssmmeenntt is based on the principles of 
learning theory. 
BBeehhaavviioorraall aasssseessssmmeenntt employs direct measurement 
of behavior to determine the characteristics related to 
+ How do we measure personality? 
(3) Objective Test Assessment 
 Objective ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy tteessttss (self-report 
questionnaires) present the test taker with a number 
of specific items to which she is asked to respond, 
either on paper or on a computer screen. 
 SSeellff--rreeppoorrtt mmeeaassuurreess ask people about a sample 
range of their behaviors. 
 These reports are used to infer the presence of 
particular personality characteristics.
How do we measure personality? 
(3) Objective Test Assessment 
 Examples of objective ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy mmeeaassuurreess:: 
 the MMPI (the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality 
 the 16 PF (the Sixteen Personality Factor 
 the NEO-PI (the NEO Personality Inventory). 
 The most commonly used self-report measure is the 
MMiinnnneessoottaa MMuullttiipphhaassiicc PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy IInnvveennttoorryy ((MMMMPPII-- 
22)), designed to differentiate people with specific 
sorts of psychological difficulties from normal 
+ Minnesota Multiphasic Personality 
Inventory (MMPI-2) 
Most widely used personality instrument. 
Used in clinical and employment settings. 
MMPI-2 Has several different scales ((mmuullttiipphhaassiicc)).. 
MMPI sample items: 
 ‘I usually feel that life is worthwhile and interesting 
(FALSE) = Depression. 
 ‘I seem to hear things that other people can’t hear’ 
(TRUE) = Schizophrenia. 
Measures aspects of personality that, if extreme, suggest 
a problem: 
 Extreme suspiciousness may indicate paranoia.
+ How do we measure personality? 
(4) Projective Test Assessment 
 A projective ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy tteesstt is one in which the subject 
is given an ambiguous stimulus and asked to respond 
 pictures or inkblots. 
No clear answer. 
 The ambiguous stimulus allows test takers to project 
their own needs, dreams, feelings into their response. 
 The observer’s responses to the stimulus are then used 
to infer information about the observer’s personality.
How do we measure personality? 
(4) Projective Test Assessment (continued) 
 All pprroojjeeccttiivvee tteessttss are based on the projective hypothesis 
which states that the individual's response to an 
ambiguous stimulus represents a projection of his or her 
own inner, often unconscious, feelings and needs. 
 Indirect method of personality assessment: 
 Based on ppssyycchhooaannaallyyttiicc aassssuummppttiioonnss: 
 Personality is mostly unconscious. 
 People are unaware of contents of unconscious.
How do we measure personality? 
(4) Projective Test Assessment (continued): 
 The 2 most frequently used projective tests are: 
• the RRoorrsscchhaacchh: reactions to inkblots are employed to 
classify personality types. 
• the TThheemmaattiicc AAppppeerrcceeppttiioonn TTeesstt ((TTAATT)): stories about 
ambiguous pictures are used to draw inferences about 
the storyteller’s personality.
Rorschach Inkblot Test 
 Most popular projective technique. 
Respond to inkblot: ““WWhhaatt ccoouulldd tthhiiss bbee??””

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  • 4. + БИЗНЕС ОРЧИН  Шvмпетэрийнхээр- коммунист орнуудад чөлөөт зах зээлvvдийг бий болгох нь хялбар vйл биш.  Процесс өөрөө эхлэхгvй.  Vvнийг хангах нөхцөлvvд нь бизнес орчинг бvрдvvлэх:  vйл ажиллагаа сайтай, өндөр чадавхитай банкууд,  боловсролтой мотив сайтай хvмvvс,  хvн амын дунд капитализмын өмнөх vеийн vнэт зvйлсийн талаархи мэдрэмж байх ёстой.
  • 5. + БИЗНЕС ОРЧИН Жишээ нь: коммунизмын дараа эдийн засгийн зохистой дэг журмийг бий болгохын төлөөх өрсөлдөөн гарч ирэх ёстой.  Бvх юм хvнээс л хамаарна.  Хvмvvст менежментийн мэдлэг,  техникийн шинэ know-how бол мөнгөнөөс ч илvv чухал байх ёстой. МОНГОЛ: ХӨӨСРӨЛТИЙН ЭДИЙН ЗАСАГ
  • 6. ШVМПЕТЭР: ПРОЦЕСС ЭХЛЭХЭД ХУГАЦАА ХЭРЭГТЭЙ  Зах Зээл өөрөө хvрээд ирэхгvй.  Харин эдийн засагчид? • Эдийн засгийн хvрээнээс хальж, сэтгэж сурах • Сэтгэлзvй, социологийн мэдлэгийг эзэмших • Өөрсдөдөө эргэлзэж сурах.  Зах зээл эмх замбараагүй байдлаар дvvрэн-vр дvнг урьдчилан харахгvй. • Эдийн засгийн бодлогыг "цэвэр оюун ухааны хvчээр хийнэ" гэдэг туйлын даруу зангийн хvрээнд л боломжтой бөлгөө.
  • 8. + 2. МАКРО ЭДИЙН ЗАСГИЙН ӨРСӨЛДӨӨНИЙ ЗАГВАРУУД Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн ба бизнесийн шинэ стратеги нэвтрүүлж амжилтанд хүрсэн компаний туршлагыг бусад нь хуулбарладаг. Өрсөлдөөний харилцаа: 1. Шууд харилцаа – өрсөлдөгчийнхөө зах зээлд эзлэж буй байр суурийг багасган ноёрхлоо дангаараа тогтоох гэсэн харилцаа 2. Шууд бус дам харилцаа – өрсөлдөгчидтэйгээ хэлэлцэн тохиролцох, энэхүү харицаа нь бага зардалтай бөгөөд аль аль талдаа ашигтай тусдаг байна.
  • 9. + МАКРО ЭДИЙН ЗАСГИЙН ӨРСӨЛДӨӨНИЙ ЗАГВАРУУД  Эргэх холбоос бүхий динамик системийн загвар Динамик системүүд нь чанарын гэхээсээ тоон өөчлөлтөнд суурилагдсан байдаг – хувьсал - эерэг болон сөрөг эргэх холбоостой. Системийг өөр өөр чиглэлд оруулах төрөл бүрийн хүчин зүйлүүдийн хоорондох өрсөлдөөнийг хамааруулж ойлгоно. Динамик системийн загварыг дараах өрсөлдөөний асуудлуудыг шийдвэрлэхэд ашиглаж болдог. Үүнд:  Соёлын динамик  Зах зээлийн эдийн засаг  Ардчилал  Нийгмийн нэр хүндийн төлөөх өрсөлдөөн  Дайн
  • 11. + Өрсөлдөөний загварууд Цогц системийн загвар Эдийн засгийн системд компаниуд - худалдан авагч - үүрэг гүйцэтгэдэг. - Өрсөлдөөн, селекцийн төрөл бүрийн салбаруудыг нэгтгэн авч үзэх нь олон эргэх холбоос бүхий маш том, цогц сүлжээг үүсгэдэг. Энэхүү системийн чухал нөлөө бүхий холбоосийг олж шинжлэх нь бидний амьдарч буй цогц нийгмийн динамик-ийг зөв ойлгож, сайжруулах түлхүүр юм.
  • 12. + Өрсөлдөөнд оролцогчид ба өртөгчид Өрсөлдөөнд зөвхөн өрсөлдөгчид төдийгүй түүнд шууд болон шууд бус оролцогчид, эерэг болон сөрөг өртөгчид ч хамаардаг. Үүнд:  Өрсөлдөгчид: Худалдагчдыг гол төлөв өрсөлдөгчид боловч худалдан авагчид ч ялангуяа эрэлт нь нийлүүлэлтээсээ давсан нөхцөлд мөн өрсөлдөгчид .  Өрсөлдөх нөөц: Нийлүүлэлт нь эрэлтээсээ давсан зах зээлийн эдийн засагт худалдагчид худалдан авагчидын төлөө өрсөлддөг. Энэ нөхцөлд худалдан авагчид нь өрсөлдөх нөөц.  Ашиг хүртэгч: Өрсөлдөж буй нөөц нь хувь хүмүүс, компаниуд тэдгээр нь өрсөлдөөнөөс ашиг хүртэнэ.
  • 13. + Өрсөлдөөний стратеги, хэмжүүр Өрсөлдөгчид төрөл бүрийн стратегийг сонгож болно. Стратегийн параметрүүдийг тэнцвэржүүлэх загвар Өөрөөр хэлбэл хязгаарлагдмал хөрөнгөө эсрэг хоёр зорилт хоорондын тэнцвэржилтийн буюу оновчтой түвшинд зарцуулах шаардлага гарна.
  • 14. + Өрсөлдөөний үр дагавар  Бид дараах өрсөлдөөний үр дагаваруудыг судлана. Үүнд: 1. Зах зээлийн тэнцвэрийн буюу алдагдсан боломжийн үр дагавар 2. Гүйцэтгэлийн алдаатай хэмжүүрийн үр дагавар 3. Өрсөлдөгч, ашиг хүртэгчдийн хоорондын тэнцвэргүй байдлын үр дагавар 4. Хязгаарлагдмал оновчтой байдлын үр дагавар 5. Бусдын төлөө тоглогчдын үр дагавар 6. Ашиггүй ашиг хүртэгчдэд бага үйлчилсэний үр дагавар 7. Тогтмол ба хувьсах зардлын үр дагавар
  • 15. + 2. МÈКРО ЭДИЙН ЗАСГИЙН ӨРСӨЛДӨХ ЧАДВАР  Давуу байдлын тухай олголт  ¯éëäâýðëýë, ¿éëчèëãýýíèé êëàñòåð áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð.  Èííîâàö áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð.  Байгалийн өгөөжийн нөлөө ба өрсөлдөх чадвар.  Íèéãìèéí àñóóäàë áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð.  Ýêîëîãè áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð.
  • 16. + Давуу байдлын тухай ойлголт  Өрсөлдөх чадавхитай байхын тулд юуны өмнө өндөр хэмжээнд локалчилсан процессийн үр дүнд íýì¿¿ ºðòºã áóþó өрсөлдөх давуу байдлыг бий болгох хэрэгтэй.  Íýì¿¿ ºðòºã ãýäãèéã õóäàëäàí àâàãч, õýðýãëýãч, ¿éëчë¿¿ëýãчäèéí ýðýëò õýðýãöýýíä õàìãèéí ¿ð àøèãòàéãààð íèéö¿¿ëýõ чàäàâõè.
  • 17. + Үндэстний үнэт зүйлс, соёл, эдийн засгийн бүтэц, түүх өрсөлдөөний амжилтад нөлөөлнө.  Өâëºãäñºí- õàðüöàíãóé äàâóó òàë.  àðüöàíãóé äàâóó áàéäëàà õýðõýí ºðñХ ºëäºõ äàâóó áàéäàë áîëãîæ чàäñíààñ шалтгаална.  ªðñºëäºõ äàâóó áàéäëûã õàðèí øèíýýð áèé áîëãîно.
  • 18. + М.Е.Портер өрсөлдөх чадвар, стратегийн сонголт, өрсөлдөх давуу талын онолыг дэвш¿¿лэн, өрсөлдөх чадварын “Diamond Model”-ыг боловсруулсан. 1990-ээд онд “The competitive advantage of nations” бүтээл- салбарын төвлөрсөн бүлэглэлийн шинэ үзэл баримтлалыг дэвшүүлжээ.
  • 19. + èêðî ýäèéí М çàñãèéí ñóóðü:  êîìïàíóóäûí ñòðàòåãè,  ïðàêòèê ¿éë àæèëëàãàà áîëîí ¿íäýñíèé õýìæýýíä êîìïàíóóä ºðñºëäºõ áèçíåñèéí áîäëîãî,  òýäãýýðèéã äýìæèõ áàéãóóëëàãóóä, îðîëò, äýä á¿òýö  ò¿¿íèéã ¿éëäâýðëýëèéí õ¿чèí ç¿éëèéí íºõöºë, ýðýëòèéí íºõöºë, êîìïàíèé ñòðàòåãè, ºðñºë人í, äýìæèõ áàéãóóëëàãóóäûã áàãòààñàí îчèð ýðäýíèé çàãâàðààð òºñººëсөн байна.
  • 20. + Компаний төгөлдөршил Үүнд: Дэмжих үйл ажиллагаа:  Компаний дэд бүтэц: Хүний нөөцийн менежмент Технологийн хөгжил Худалдан авалт Анхан шатны үйл ажиллагаа: Оролтын логистик Процессийн үйл ажиллагаа Гарцын логистик Маркетинг, Борлуулалт Борлуулалтын дараахь үйлчилгээ
  • 21. + Колумбын петрохимийн “төвлөрсөн бүлэглэл”-ийн жишээ Зардлын бүлэг Зардлын бүрэлдэхүүн Пропилен Нэгжийн нийлүүлэлтийн зардал Тээвэрлэн авч ирэх Пропилен үйлдвэрлэх технологи Цахилгаан Киловат бүрийн үнэ Полипропилен үйлдвэрлэх технологи Гадагш тээвэрлэх Ачааны машины миль тутмын зардал Ачааны машины ашиглалт
  • 22. + ¯éëäâýðëýë, ¿éëчèëãýýíèé êëàñòåð áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð.  õîëáîî á¿õèé êîìïàíóóä,  òºðºëæñºí íèéë¿¿ëýãчèä, ¿éëчèëãýý ¿ç¿¿ëýãчèä  ¿íäýñíèé áóþó á¿ñ íóòãèéí õ¿ðýýíä ¿éë àæèëëàãààãààтай õîëáîãäñîí áàéãóóëëàãóóäûí газар зүйн òºâëºðºë.  õîîðîíäîî ºðñºëääºã óчðààñ òýäíèé á¿òýýìæ ºñч áàéäàã.  Êëàñòåðèéí õºãæëèéí ñàíààчëàãà íü ýäèéí çàñãèéí áîäëîãî, ìàêðî ýäèéí çàñãèéí òîãòâîðæóóëàëò, õóâüчëàë, çàõ çýýëèéã íýýëòòýé áîëãîõ, áèçíåñèéí ¿éë àæèëëàãààíû çàðäëûã áóóðóóëàõ чóõàë чèãëýë ìºí.
  • 23. + Кластерын шинэ ойлголт  Ãëîáàëь ºðñºë人íèé ýðèíèé òóðø òåõíîëîãèéí õºãæèë, ºðñºë人íèé èäýâõæëèéí óлìààñ ýäèéí çàñãèéí газар зүй áóþó áàéðøëûí óëàìæëàëò àч õîëáîãäëûг ¿ã¿éñãýæ áàéëàà.  Гэвч Бàéãóóëëàãóóäûí гàçàð ç¿éí болон ñî¸ëûí хувьд îéð äºò áàéäàë íü:  тэдний õîîðîíä íÿãò õàðèëöàà,  ìýäýýëýëèéí èë¿¿ ñîëèëöîîг бий болгож,  бие биенээ харилцан тэтгэх  áóñàä олон äàâóó áàéäëóóäûг îëãîæ áàéíà.
  • 24. + Колумбад-цахилгааны үнэ өндөр байгаа нь, Мексикийн Пемескид-хуучин технологи нь сөргөөр нөлөөлж байгаа бол, Венесуэлд байгалийн хий их ба цахилгааны үнийн хөнгөлөлт их зэрэг нь таатай орчинг бүрдүүлж байна.
  • 25. + Үйлдвэрлэлийн хүчин зүйлсийн шилжилт Нөөцийн шилжилтийн үр дүнд сул хөгжилтэй бүсүүд өсөлтийн хурдац их,  өндөр хөгжилтэй бүсүүдийн хурдац бага. Ижил түвшинд хүрэхэд зах зээлийг төгс өрсөлдөөнтэй байна гэж үзээд үйлдвэрлэлийн хүчин зүйлс хаана өндөр үнэлэгдэж байна тийшээ шилжинэ гэж үзсэн.  / Д.Рикардо, Хекшере-Олин, Хекшере-Олина– Самуэльсона, Солоу и Свана, Мэнкью–Ромер–Уэйла, Барро, Сала и Мартин/
  • 26. + Èííîâàö и áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð.  Үíäýñòíèé ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð, àðä ò¿ìíèé àæ àìüäðàëûí ò¿âøèíã äýýøë¿¿ëýõýä øèíý á¿òýýãäýõ¿¿í, ïðîöåññ, ìåíåæìåíòèéí àðãà áàðèëûí èííîâàö çàéëøã¿é õýðýãòýé.  Үíäýñòíèé èííîâàöûí чàäàâõè ???
  • 27. + Компанийн өðñºëäºõ äàâóó òàë Иííîâàöûí õàìãèéí èõ чàäàâõòàé хэсэгт õºðºí㺠îðóóëàõ. Бóñäàä ¿ë ã¿éöýãäýõ ºðñºëäºõ äàâóó òàë:  ªìч ýçýìøëèéí òàëààðõè ìýäýýëëèéí óðñãàë,  îðîí íóòãèéí áàéãóóëëàãà,  êîìïàíóóäòàé òîãòîîñîí äàâóó ýðõ  áàéðøëûí äàâóó áàéäàë.
  • 29. + Өрсөлдөгчийн үйл ажиллагааны танилцуулга ба өрсөлдөгч, зардал, хэрэглэгчийн судалгааг нэгтгэх нь
  • 30. + Байгалийн өгөөжийн нөлөө ба өрсөлдөх чадвар.  “Бàéãóóëëàãóóäûí ã¿éöýòãýõ ¿¿ðýã. Òóõàéëáàë, áàéãàëèéí íººöèéí áàÿëàã áàéäàë íü óëñ òºðèéí èíñòèòóö, ýäèéí çàñãèéí áîäëîãûí чàíàðò ñºðºã íºëºº ¿ç¿¿ëæ, ÿâààíäàà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàðûã ìóóòãàäàã áàéíà.  Газар зүйн байршил - баялагт гаднаас нөлөөлөх өөр нэг өгөөж. Ж: том зах зээлд ойр байх явдал нь гадаад худалдааны үр ашигт эерэгээр нөлөөлнө.
  • 31. + Ì.Ïîðòåðèéí ºðñºë人íèé øèíý çàãâàð  Кîìïàíóóäàä ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàðòàé áîëîõ øèíý ¿¿ðýã  Бèçíåñ, Çàñãèéí ãàçàð, îðîí íóòãèéí áóñàä áàéãóóëëàãóóäûí õîîðîíäûí õàðèëöààíû øèíý õýëáýð,  Çàñãèéí ãàçðûí áîäëîãûí òóõàé ñýòãýõ á¿õýë á¿òýí øèíý àðãà çàì øààðäëàãàòàé áàéãààã íîòëîí õàðóóëæ áàéíà.
  • 32. + Íèéãìèéí àñóóäàë áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð  Нèéãìèéí áîäëîãî  Ýäèéí çàñãèéí áîäëîãî  ¿í àðäûíõàà ñàéí ñàéõàí àæ àìüäðàëûí òºëºº æèíõýí äýâøèë Хãàðãàõàä чèãë¿¿ëýí õîîðîíä íü èíòåãðàöчëàõ õýðýãòýé.
  • 33. + Ýêîëîãè áà ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàð  Бàéãàëь îðчíû чàíãà ñòàíäàðò íü êîìïàíóóäûã íººöºº èë¿¿ á¿òýýìæòýé àøèãëàõàä чèãë¿¿ëнэ.  èííîâàöûã øààðäàæ,  ãëîáàë ºðñºë人íèé øèíý øààðäëàãà.  Бàéãàëü îðчèí, íººöèéí á¿òýýìæ, èííîâàö, ºðñºëäºõ чàäâàðûã õîîðîíä õîëáîñîí ýäèéí çàñãèéí ñóóðü үзэл баримтлалыг áèé áîëãîõ
  • 34. + Àæ ¿éëäâýðèéí ýêîëîãè íü ¿éëäâýðèéíõýý íººöèéí á¿òýýìæ, ºðñºëäºõ àäâàðàà ñàéæðóóëàõûã çîðüæ ч áóé êîìïàíóóäàä èõýâчëàí аøèãòàé.  Бàéãàëü îðчíûã áîõèðäóóëæ áóé êîìïàíè íèéãýì ÿàæ õîõèðч áàéãààã òîîöäîãã¿éãýýñ ÿâààíäàà íýð õ¿íä íü óíàñíààð ÿìàð õîõèðîë ººðºº àìсдаг.  Аæ ¿éëäâýðèéí ýêîëîãè íü ìàòåðèàë, ýðчèì õ¿чíèé óðñãàëä àíõààðëàà õàíäóóëдаг.  Нèéãìèéí õ¿ðýýíä ºðñºëäºõ чàäàâõèä íºëººëºõ áóñàä õ¿чèí ç¿éë¿¿äèéã îíîâчòîé áàéäëààð òîîöîæ чàääàãã¿é.
  • 35. +  - Michael E. Porter and Claas van der Linde, “Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate”, Ha rva rd  Bus ine s s Re vie w, September-October 1995  - Àëëåí Õàììîíä “Áàéãàëü îðчèí ºðñºë人íèé äàâóó òàëûí íýã ýõ ñóðâàëæ áîëîõ íü”  - Daniel C. Esty and Michael E. Porter, "Industrial Ecology and Competitiveness: Strategic Implications for the Firm", Jo urna l o f Indus tria l Ec o lo g y 2, no. 1, 1998.
  • 36. + Дүгнэлт  Өрсөлдөөн нь байгаль, нийгмийн хүрээнд явагдах систес динамикийн үзэгэдэл.  Зөвхөн эдийн засагт явагддаг процесс бус  Дэлхийн даяаршлын өнөө үед хөгжлийг нэг улс үндэстэн, систем дэх салбарын өсөлт, хөгжлөөр авч үзэхээ больж байна.
  • 37.  Хөгжлийн түвшинг мөнгөн орлогын түвшнээр хэмждэггүй.  Хөгжил нь эрх чөлөө.  Хүний хөгжил нь хүний сонголтуудыг өргөжүүлэх үйл явц. 37 *1. Хүний хөгжил *2. Хүний амьдралын чанар *3. Хүний амьдралын орчин
  • 38. THANK YOU BTTemplates_ 100 원대 PPT디자인
  • 39. +
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  • 44. +  Аливаа баялаг тухайн эдийн засагт үйл ажиллагаа явуулж буй компаниудын түвшинд бий болдог учраас үндэсний өрсөлдөх чадварт микро эдийн засгийн хүчин зүйлс шийдвэрлэх үүрэгтэй гэдэг.
  • 45. Theories Personality & Assessment Modified by Elizabeth T Santosa, M.Psi, psi.
  • 46. + Definition of Personality? PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy refers to the relatively enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another and that lead people to act in a consistent and predictable manner, both in different situations and over extended periods of time. Personality is defined as: the enduring or lasting patterns of behavior and thought (across time and situation).
  • 47. + Personality Four Major Perspectives on Personality Psychoanalytic - unconscious motivations Trait - specific dimensions of personality Humanistic - inner capacity for growth Social-Cognitive - influence of environment
  • 48. + Sigmund Freud University of Vienna 1873 Voracious Reader Medical School Graduate Specialized in Nervous Disorders : SSoommee ppaattiieennttss’’ ddiissoorrddeerrss hhaadd nnoo pphhyyssiiccaall ccaauussee.. (1856-1939)
  • 49. + Sigmund Freud What is the structure and development of personality, according to Sigmund Freud and his successors (i.e.,psychoanalysts)?  According to psychoanalysts, much of bbeehhaavviioorr iiss ccaauusseedd bbyy ppaarrttss ooff ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy wwhhiicchh aarree ffoouunndd iinn tthhee uunnccoonnsscciioouuss aanndd ooff wwhhiicchh wwee aarree uunnaawwaarree.  Freud’s 3 levels of awareness/consciousness:  the ccoonnsscciioouuss mind;  the pprreeccoonnsscciioouuss mind; and  the uunnccoonnsscciioouuss mind.
  • 50. +Psychoanalysis: The Unconscious “the mind is like an iceberg “the mind is like an iceberg -- mmoossttlyly hhididddeenn”” Conscious Awareness small part above surface (Preconscious) Unconscious below the surface (thoughts, feelings, wishes, memories) Repression Banishing unacceptable thoughts and passions to unconscious: Dreams and Slips
  • 51. + Psychoanalysis: Freud’s Theory of Personality  Three levels of consciousness:  CCoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd: things we are focusing on.  PPrreeccoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd: things are are not currently aware of but which we could focus on.  UUnnccoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd: that which we are unaware of.
  • 52. + Psychoanalysis: Freud’s Theory of Personality  Freud’s theory suggest that personality is composed of tthhee iidd, tthhee eeggoo, and tthhee ssuuppeerreeggoo.  iidd: the unorganized, inborn part of personality whose purpose is to immediately reduce tensions relating to hunger, sex, aggression, and other primitive impulses.  eeggoo: restrains instinctual energy in order to maintain the safety of the individual and to help the person to be a member of society.  ssuuppeerreeggoo: the rights and wrongs of society and consists of the conscience and the ego-ideal.
  • 53. +Freud aanndd PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy SSttrruuccttuurree Id - energy constantly striving to satisfy basic drives Pleasure Principle Ego - seeks to gratify the Id in realistic ways Reality Principle Super Ego - voice of conscience that focuses on how we ought to behave Ego Super Ego Id
  • 54. + Freud’s Theory: “the ID”  The iidd uses the most primitive of thinking process.  Basic biological urges (e.g., hunger, self-protection).  The iidd operates on the PPlleeaassuurree PPrriinncciippllee.  Seeks pleasure and avoids pain:“II wwaanntt wwhhaatt II wwaanntt NNOOWW!!”  The iidd operates completely at an unconscious level.  No direct contact with reality.  TThhee id has 2 major instincts:  EErrooss: life instinct = motivates people to focus on pleasure-seeking tendencies (e.g., sexual urges).  TThhaannaattooss: death instinct = motivates people to use aggressive urges to destroy.  The energy for the id’s instincts comes from the lliibbiiddoo, (the energy storehouse).
  • 55. + Freud’s Theory: “the Ego” The eeggoo consists of a conscious faculty for perceiving and dealing intelligently with reality. The eeggoo acts as a mediator between the id and the superego. The ego is partly conscious. Deals with the demands of reality. Makes rational decisions.
  • 56. + Freud’s Theory: “the Ego”  The eeggoo serves the ID: The rational part of personality that maintains contact with reality.  Governed by ‘RReeaalliittyy PPrriinncciippllee’’  “What consequences are there to my behavior?”  TThhee eeggoo iiss tthhee EExxeeccuuttiivvee ooff tthhee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy  The eeggoo controls higher mental processes.  Reasoning, problem solving.  The eeggoo uses these higher mental processes to help satisfy the urges of the ID.
  • 57. + Freud’s Theory: “the Superego”  SSuuppeerreeggoo: the moral part of personality.  Internalized rules of parents and society.  SSuuppeerreeggoo consists of two parts: CCoonnsscciieennccee: “notions of right/wrong.”  EEggoo IIddeeaall: “how we ideally like to be.”  SSuuppeerreeggoo:: constrains us from gratifying every impulse (e.g., murder) because they are immoral, and nnoott because we might get caught.  SSuuppeerreeggoo: partly conscious, partly unconscious.
  • 58. + Freud: superego, id, and ego According to Freud, an individual’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are the result of tthhee iinntteerraaccttiioonn ooff tthhee iidd,, tthhee ssuuppeerreeggoo,, aanndd tthhee eeggoo..
  • 59. + Freud’s Theory of Personality:  The id, the ego, and the superego are continually in ccoonnfflliicctt with one another.  This conflict generates aannxxiieettyy.  If the ego did not effectively handle the resulting anxiety, people would be so overwhelmed with anxiety that they would not be able to carry on with the tasks of everyday living.  The ego tries to control anxiety (i.e., to reduce anxiety) through the use of ego ddeeffeennssee mmeecchhaanniissmmss.
  • 60. + EgDoe Dfeenfesnes Me Mecehcahnainsimsmss: Id Super Ego Ego When the inner war gets out of hand, the result is Anxiety Ego protects itself via Defense Mechanisms DDeeffeennssee MMeecchhaanniissmmss reduce/redirect anxiety by distorting reality
  • 61. + Ego Defense Mechanisms DDeeffiinniittiioonn: An defense mechanism is a psychology tendency that the ego uses to help prevent people from becoming overwhelmed by any conflict (and resulting anxiety) among the id, the ego, and the superego. Defense mechanisms operate at an uunnccoonnsscciioouuss lleevveell: We are not aware of them during the time that we are actually using them. However, we may later become aware of their previous operation and use.
  • 62. + Freud’s Theory: Defense Mechanisms RReepprreessssiioonn: pushing unacceptable and anxiety-producing thoughts into the unconscious; involves intentional forgetting but nnoott consciously done; repressed material can be memories or unacceptable impulses.  A rape victim cannot recall the details of the attack. RReeggrreessssiioonn: acting in ways characteristic of earlier life stages/earlier stage of personality.  A young adult, anxious on a trip to his parents/ home, sits in the corner reading comic books, as he often did in grade school.
  • 63. + Freud’s Theory: Defense Mechanisms RReeaaccttiioonn ffoorrmmaattiioonn: replacing an anxiety-producing feeling with its exact opposite, typically going overboard; repressed thoughts appear as mirror opposites.  A man who is anxious about his interest in gay men begins dating women several times a week. RRaattiioonnaalliizzaattiioonn: creating false but believable excuses to justify inappropriate behavior; real motive for behavior is not accepted by ego.  A student cheats on an exam, explaining that cheating is legitimate on an unfair examination.
  • 64. + Freud’s Theory: Defense Mechanisms DDeenniiaall: claiming and believing that something which is actually true is false.  A person disbelieves that she is age, asserting that “I am not getting older.” DDiissppllaacceemmeenntt: redirecting emotional feelings (e.g., anger) to a substitute target; involves directing unacceptable impulses onto a less threatening object/person.  A husband, angry at the way his boss treated him, screams at his children.  Instead of telling your professor what you really think of her, you tailgate and harass a slow driver on your way home from school.
  • 65. + Freud’s Theory: Defense Mechanisms  PPrroojjeeccttiioonn: attributing one’s own unacceptable feelings or beliefs to others; perceiving the external world in terms of one’s own personal conflicts.  An employee at a store, tempted to steal some merchandise, suspects that other employees are stealing.  SSuubblliimmaattiioonn: substitute socially acceptable behavior for unacceptable impulses.  Playing video games instead of getting in a fight.
  • 66. + Freud: Stages of Personality Development  Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality suggests that personality develops tthhrroouugghh aa sseerriieess ooff ssttaaggeess, each of which is associated with a major biological function.  More specifically, Freud theorized that as people age, they pass through several systematic ssttaaggeess ooff ppssyycchhoosseexxuuaall ddeevveellooppmmeenntt in their personality.
  • 67. + Psychosexual Stages of Development are Source of Unconscious Conflicts.  The stages of personality ddeevveellooppmmeenntt involve critical events that occur in every child’s life.  At each level, there is a conflict between pplleeaassuurree aanndd rreeaalliittyy.  The resolution of this conflict determines personality.  AAtt aannyy ssttaaggee,, ““aa ffiixxaattiioonn”” ccaann ooccccuurr:  If needs are either under-gratified or over-gratified, we become ffiixxaatteedd aatt aa ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ssttaaggee.  Each stage also involves an eerrooggeennoouuss zzoonnee.  Parts of the body that involve sexual pleasure.
  • 68. Freud and Personality Development “personality forms during the first few years of life, rooted in unresolved conflicts of early childhood” “personality forms during the first few years of life, rooted in unresolved conflicts of early childhood” Psychosexual Stages Oral (0-18 mos) - centered on the mouth Anal (18-36 mos) - focus on bowel/bladder elim. Phallic (3-6 yrs) - focus on genitals/“Oedipus Complex” (Identification & Gender Identity) Latency (6-puberty) - sexuality is dormant Genital (puberty on) - sexual feelings toward others Strong conflict can fixate an individual at Stages 1,2 or 3
  • 69. + Freud’s Stages of Personality Development: OOrraall ssttaaggee: the oral state is the first period, occurring during the first year of life.  AAnnaall ssttaaggee: next comes the anal stage, lasting from approximately age 1 to age 3.  PPhhaalllliicc ssttaaggee: the phallic stages follows, with interest focusing on the genitals.  LLaatteennccyy ppeerriioodd: then follows the latency period lasting until puberty. GGeenniittaall ssttaaggee: after puberty, people move into the genital stage, a period of mature sexuality.
  • 70. + (1) Oral stage of development:  Time period: Birth to 18 months:  Erogenous zone is mmoouutthh. Gratification through sucking and swallowing. OOrraall ffiixxaattiioonn has two possible outcomes. OOrraall rreecceeppttiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy:  Preoccupied with eating/drinking. Reduce tension through oral activity.  eating, drinking, smoking, biting nails  Passive and needy; sensitive to rejection. OOrraall aaggggrreessssiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: Hostile and verbally abusive to others.
  • 71. + (2) Anal stage of development:  Time period: 1 1/2 to 3 years of age.  Erogenous zone is the anus. Conflict surrounds toilet training.  AAnnaall ffiixxaattiioonn has two possible outcomes.  AAnnaall rreetteennttiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy.  Stingy, compulsive orderliness, stubborn, perfectionistic.  AAnnaall eexxppuullssiivvee ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy.  Lack of self control, messy, careless.
  • 72. + (3) Phallic stage of development:  Time period: 3 to 6 years.  Erogenous zone is the genitals: self-stimulation of the genitals produces pleasure.  At age 5 or 6, near the end of the phallic stage, children experience the Oedipal conflict (boys)/the Electra conflict (girls)--a process through which they learn to identify with the same gender parent by acting as much like that parent as possible. OOeeddiippuuss ccoommpplleexx ((bbooyyss)) vvss EElleeccttrraa ccoommpplleexx ((ggiirrllss)) Child is sexually attracted to the other sex parent and wishes to replace the same sex parent.
  • 73. + (3) Phallic stage of development:  Oedipus complex ((lliittttllee bbooyyss)):: CCaassttrraattiioonn aannxxiieettyy::  Son believes father knows about his desire for mom.  Fears dad will castrate him. Represses his desire and defensively iiddeennttiiffiieess with dad.
  • 74. + (3) Phallic stage (continued):  Electra ccoommpplleexx ((lliittttllee ggiirrllss))::  PPeenniiss eennvvyy:: Daughter is initially attached to mom.  Shift of attachment occurs when she realizes she lacks a penis.  She desires dad whom she sees as a means to obtain aa ppeenniiss ssuubbssttiittuuttee ((aa cchhiilldd)). Represses her desire for dad.  incorporates the values of her mother  accepts her inherent “inferiority” in society
  • 75. + (4) Latency Period: During the latency period, little girls and little boys try to socialize only with members of their own gender.  Freud posits that children do this so as to help minimize the awareness of “sexuality.”  Thus, they continue the process of sexual repression that began in the previous stage (for those who successfully made it through the Oedipal Complex/Electra Complex).
  • 76. + (5) Genital Stage:  When adolescence begin puberty, they enter the 5th stage of psychosexual development.  They develop secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., pubic hair).  The onset of the physical sexual characteristics “re-awakens” people sexual urges, and thus they are no longer able to successfully repress their sexual desires, impulses, and urges.  They begin searching for a marital mate, with whom they can share sex and intimacy.
  • 77. + Summary of Freud (on personality):  Freud’s psychoanalytic theory has provoked a number of criticisms. • a lack of supportive scientific data; • the theory’s inadequacy in making predictions; and • its limitations owing to the restricted population on which it is based.  Still, the theory remains popular. • For instance, the neo-Freudian psychoanalytic theorists built upon Freud’s work, although they placed greater emphasis on the role of the ego and paid greater attention to social factors in determining behavior.
  • 78. + Psychoanalysis: Freud and Personality Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective Were Freud’s theories the “best of his time” or were they simply incorrect? Current research contradicts many of Freud’s specific ideas Development does not stop in childhood Dreams may not be unconscious drives and wishes Slips of the tongue are likely competing “nodes” in memory network
  • 79. + Summary: Freud and Personality Freud’s Ideas as Scientific Theory Theories must explain observations and offer testable hypotheses Few Objective OObbsseerrvvaattiioonnss FFeeww HHyyppootthheesseess ((FFrreeuudd’’ss tthheeoorriieess bbaasseedd oonn hhiiss rreeccoolllleeccttiioonnss && iinntteerrpprreettaattiioonnss ooff ppaattiieennttss’’ ffrreeee aassssoocciiaattiioonnss,, ddrreeaammss && sslliippss oo’’ tthhee ttoonngguuee)) DDooeess NNoott PPRREEDDIICCTT BBeehhaavviioorr oorr TTrraaiittss
  • 80. + 4 Types of Personality Theories: ((11)).. PPssyycchhooddyynnaammiicc approaches to personality. ((22)).. HHuummaanniissttiicc approaches to personality. ((33)).. TTrraaiitt approaches to personality. ((44)).. SSoocciiaall CCooggnniittiivvee approaches to personality.
  • 81. +(1) Psychodynamic Personality Theories:  Source of information aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: • Obtained from expert analyst from people in therapy. CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: • unconscious internal conflict associated with childhood experiences. • Also, unconscious conflicts between pleasure-seeking impulses and social restraints. OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: • negative. CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: • very comprehensive.
  • 82. + Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) Theories: Many are called NNeeoo--FFrreeuuddiiaannss. All place lleessss emphasis on sex. CCaarrll JJuunngg: Personal vs. CCoolllleeccttiivvee UUnnccoonnsscciioouuss. Balance between iinnttrroovveerrssiioonn and eexxttrroovveerrssiioonn.  AAllffrreedd AAddlleerr: SSttrriivviinngg ffoorr ssuuppeerriioorriittyy = motivation to master environment. Notion of an IInnffeerriioorriittyy CCoommpplleexx.  KKaarreenn HHoorrnneeyy: Personality is CCuullttuurraall rraatthheerr tthhaann bbiioollooggiiccaall.
  • 83. +(2) Humanistic Personality Theories:  Source of information aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: • obtained from self-reports from the general population and people in therapy.  CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: • self concepts, • self-actualizing tendencies. • conscious feelings about oneself (based on one’s previous experiences).  OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: • positive.  CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: • fairly comprehensive.
  • 84. The Humanistic Perspective MMaassllooww’’ss SSeellff--AAccttuuaalliizziinngg PPeerrssoonn RRooggeerr’’ss PPeerrssoonn--CCeenntteerreedd PPeerrssppeeccttiivvee “Healthy” rather than “Sick” Individual as greater than the sum of test scores
  • 85. + Humanistic Personality Theories: Maslow and Rogers Humanistic approach (Third Force): Rejected Freud’s pessimistic view of personality. Rejected Behaviorist’s mechanistic view. More optimistic/positive about human nature. Humans are free and basically good. Humans are inner-directed.  Everyone has the potential for healthy growth. Health growth involves Self actualization:  “Be all you can be.” Given the right environmental conditions, we can reach our full potential.
  • 86. Roger’s Person-Centered Perspective People are basically good with actualizing tendencies. Given the right environmental conditions, we will develop to our full potentials Genuineness, Acceptance, Empathy SSeellff CCoonncceepptt: central feature of personality (+ or -)
  • 87. + Humanistic Personality Theories: Carl Rogers  SSeellff--ccoonncceepptt: our image or perception of ourselves ((RReeaall SSeellff versus IIddeeaall SSeellff)). We have a need for ppoossiittiivvee rreeggaarrdd/aapppprroovvaall from others. Conditions of worth or conditional positive regard.  The conditions under which other people will approve of us. We change our behavior to obtain approval. What we need is: UUnnccoonnddiittiioonnaall ppoossiittiivvee rreeggaarrdd.  Anxiety signifies that we are not being true to our ideal self. Well-adjusted persons: self-concept & experience.  Poorly adjusted person: self-concept & experience.
  • 88. + Maslow’s Hierarchy of human motives: one must satisfy lower needs before one satisfies higher needs.
  • 89. + Humanistic Personality Theories: Abraham Maslow  SSeellff--aaccttuuaalliizzaattiioonn is the culmination of a lifetime of inner-directed growth and improvement: • Challenging ourselves to the fullest. • Can you identify a self-actualized individual? • Characteristics of tthhee sseellff--aaccttuuaalliizzeedd ppeerrssoonn: Creative and open to new experiences. Committed to a cause or a higher goal.  Trusting and caring of others, yet not dependent. Have the courage to act on their convictions.
  • 90. (+3) Trait Personality Theories:  SSoouurrccee ooff iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: • obtained from observation of behavior and questionnaire responses from the general population as well as from people in therapy. CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: • stable internal characteristics; • some emphasize genetic basis. OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: • neutral - neither positive nor negative. CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: • not very comprehensive.
  • 91. + (3) Trait Personality Theories (cont):  TTrraaiitt aapppprrooaacchheess hhaavvee ttrriieedd ttoo iiddeennttiiffyy tthhee mmoosstt bbaassiicc aanndd rreellaattiivveellyy eenndduurriinngg ddiimmeennssiioonnss aalloonngg wwhhiicchh ppeeooppllee ddiiffffeerr ffrroomm oonnee aannootthheerr----ddiimmeennssiioonnss kknnoowwnn aass ttrraaiittss.. HHooww mmaannyy ttrraaiitt ddiimmeennssiioonnss aarree tthheerree?? HHooww ccaann wwee mmeeaassuurree tthheessee ttrraaiitt ddiimmeennssiioonnss?? WWhheerree ddoo tthheessee ttrraaiitt ddiimmeennssiioonnss oorriiggiinnaattee??
  • 92. + (3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): Allport  AAllllppoorrtt: Most important personality traits are those that reflect our values.  AAllllppoorrtt suggested that there are 3 kinds of traits: • ccaarrddiinnaall: a single personality trait that directs most of a person’s activities (e.g., greed, lust, kindness). • cceennttrraall: a set of major characteristics that make up the core of a person’s personality. • sseeccoonnddaarryy: less important personality traits that do not affect behavior as much as central and cardinal traits do.
  • 93. (3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): Eysenck  HHaannss EEyysseenncckk:: found two (2) major trait dimensions: • iinnttrroovveerrssiioonn vveerrssuuss eexxttrroovveerrssiioonn (quiet versus sociable). • NNeeuurroottiicciissmm vveerrssuuss eemmoottiioonnaall ssttaabbiilliittyy (moody versus calm).
  • 94. +(3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): Cattell’s Theory of Personality: CCaatttteellll’’ss Trait Theory: Distinguished 3 types of traits: DDyynnaammiicc..  AAbbiilliittyy..  TTeemmppeerraammeenntt..  Also:  Surface Traits: Less important to personality.  Source Traits: More important basic underlying traits. CCaatttteellll identified 16 basic traits. • He developed the 16PF to measure these traits.
  • 95. +(3) Trait Personality Theories (cont): Recently personality theorists have begun to converge on the view that there are 5 basic personality dimensions:  1: emotional stability vveerrssuuss nneeuurroottiicciissmm::  calm, secure, self-satisfied VS anxious, insecure, self-pitying.  2: eexxttrraavveerrssiioonn vveerrssuuss iinnttrroovveerrssiioonn::  sociable, fun-loving, affectionate VS retiring, sober, reserved.  3: ooppeennnneessss vveerrssuuss cclloossee--mmiinnddeeddnneessss::  imaginative, independent VS practical, conforming.  4: aaggrreeeeaabblleenneessss vveerrssuuss ddiissaaggrreeeeaabblleenneessss::  kind, trusting, helpful VS ruthless, suspicious, uncooperative.  5: ccoonnsscciieennttiioouussnneessss vveerrssuuss uunnddeeppeennddaabbllee::  organized, careful, disciplined VS disorganized, careless, impulsive.
  • 96. + Five Factor Model of Traits
  • 97. + Five FactoTrh Me Bodige Fl iovfe Traits Emotional Stability Extraversion Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness • Calm/Anxious • Secure/Insecure • Sociable/Retiring • Fun Loving/Sober • Imaginative/Practical • Independent/Conforming • Soft-Hearted/Ruthless • Trusting/Suspicious • Organized/Disorganized • Careful/Careless
  • 98. + Trait Theories of Personality: Summary  TTrraaiittss: Characteristics or typical ways of acting: Consistency:  across situations, over time. Distinctiveness:  each personality is unique.  Explain why individuals behave in certain ways. How many traits are there, and what are they? Not easy to answer; little consensus.
  • 99. + Assessing Personality Traits How can we assess traits? (aim to simplify a person’s behavior patterns) Personality IInnvveennttoorriieess MMMMPPII:: • most widely used personality inventory. • assess psychological disorders (not normal traits). • empirically derived - test items selected based upon how well they discriminate between groups of traits.
  • 100. + Do traits exist? The Trait-Situation  WWaalltteerr MMiisscchheell (1968) argued that: Debate  Behavior is not consistent across time or situation.  If no consistency, not much point in arguing for “personality.”  Thus, “personality” is an illusion.  SSiittuuaattiioonniissmm::  Mischel believed that behavior is influenced more by the ssiittuuaattiioonn than any internal “trait.”  PPeerrssoonn xx ssiittuuaattiioonn iinntteerraaccttiioonniissmm:: BBootthh (a) internal traits and (b) the situation we are in are important determinants of behavior.
  • 101. + (4) Social-Cognitive (Learning) Approaches to  Source of information aabboouutt ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy: Personality Theories: Obtained from experiments, observations of behavior, and questionnaire responses from the general population.  CCaauussee ooff bbeehhaavviioorr,, tthhoouugghhttss,, aanndd ffeeeelliinnggss: •reciprocal influence between people (cognitions and behavior) and their environmental situations, colored by their perceptions of control.  OOuuttllooookk oonn hhuummaannss: •neutral: neither positive nor negative.  CCoommpprreehheennssiivveenneessss ooff tthheeoorryy: •not very comprehensive.
  • 102. + Social-Cognitive-Learning Perspective Behavior learned through conditioning and observation What we think about our situation affects our behavior Interaction of Environment and Intellect
  • 103. + Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: Social Learning Theory BBaanndduurraa: Theoretical origins in behaviorism. Emphasizes the role of learning in personality. Classical Conditioning. Operant Conditioning . Modeling.  Instead of studying what’s going on inside the person (traits), study what is going on outside the person (environment). How does the environment shape personality?
  • 104. + Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: Social Learning Theory  BBaanndduurraa also emphasized the importance of cognition in personality development.  People develop a sense of sseellff--eeffffiiccaaccyy: Our beliefs about our ability to achieve goals.  Individuals with hhiigghheerr self-efficacy:  accept greater challenges.  try harder to meet challenges.  Bandura also discusses the notion of RReecciipprrooccaall DDeetteerrmmiinniissmm:  The individual and the environment continually influence one another.
  • 105. + Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: Reciprocal Determination PPeerrssoonnaall// CCooggnniittiivvee FFaaccttoorrss BBeehhaavviioorr Environment FFaaccttoorrss IInntteerrnnaall WWoorrlldd ++ EExxtteerrnnaall WWoorrlldd == UUss
  • 106. + Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: Reciprocal Determination
  • 107. + Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: Personal Control IInntteerrnnaall LLooccuuss ooff CCoonnttrrooll:: You pretty much control your own destiny EExxtteerrnnaall LLooccuuss ooff CCoonnttrrooll:: Luck, fate and/or powerful others control your destiny. MMeetthhooddss ooff SSttuuddyy:: • CCoorrrreellaattee ffeeeelliinnggss ooff ccoonnttrrooll wwiitthh bbeehhaavviioorr.. • EExxppeerriimmeenntt bbyy rraaiissiinngg//lloowweerriinngg ppeeooppllee’’ss sseennssee ooff ccoonnttrrooll aanndd nnoottiinngg tthhee ccoonnsseeqquueenncceess aanndd eeffffeeccttss..
  • 108. + Social-Cognitive Personality Theories: Outcomes of Personal Control LLeeaarrnneedd HHeellpplleessssnneessss:: Uncontrollable bad events Perceived lack of control Generalized helpless behavior IImmppoorrttaanntt IIssssuueess:: • Nursing Homes • Prisons •Colleges
  • 109. + Comparison of Personality Theories
  • 110. + Personality Assessment  Personality aasssseessssmmeenntt involves the techniques for systematically gathering information about a person in order to understand and predict behavior. GGooaall ooff ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy aasssseessssmmeenntt: to obtain reliable, valid measures of individual differences that will permit the accurate prediction of behavior.
  • 111. + How do we measure “Personality”?  ((11)) IInntteerrvviieeww:  Ask the person about themselves. Obtain information that reveals personality.  ((22)) BBeehhaavviioorraall OObbsseerrvvaattiioonn: Watch the individual’s behavior in an actual or simulated situation.  PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy TTeessttss:  ((33)) OObbjjeeccttiivvee tests (questionnaire tests).  ((44)) PPrroojjeeccttiivvee tests.
  • 112. + How do we measure personality? (2) Behavioral assessment  Behavioral aasssseessssmmeenntt is based on the principles of learning theory. BBeehhaavviioorraall aasssseessssmmeenntt employs direct measurement of behavior to determine the characteristics related to personality.
  • 113. + How do we measure personality? (3) Objective Test Assessment  Objective ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy tteessttss (self-report questionnaires) present the test taker with a number of specific items to which she is asked to respond, either on paper or on a computer screen.  SSeellff--rreeppoorrtt mmeeaassuurreess ask people about a sample range of their behaviors.  These reports are used to infer the presence of particular personality characteristics.
  • 114. + How do we measure personality? (3) Objective Test Assessment  Examples of objective ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy mmeeaassuurreess::  the MMPI (the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory).  the 16 PF (the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire).  the NEO-PI (the NEO Personality Inventory).  The most commonly used self-report measure is the MMiinnnneessoottaa MMuullttiipphhaassiicc PPeerrssoonnaalliittyy IInnvveennttoorryy ((MMMMPPII-- 22)), designed to differentiate people with specific sorts of psychological difficulties from normal individuals.
  • 115. + Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) Most widely used personality instrument. Used in clinical and employment settings. MMPI-2 Has several different scales ((mmuullttiipphhaassiicc)).. MMPI sample items:  ‘I usually feel that life is worthwhile and interesting (FALSE) = Depression.  ‘I seem to hear things that other people can’t hear’ (TRUE) = Schizophrenia. Measures aspects of personality that, if extreme, suggest a problem:  Extreme suspiciousness may indicate paranoia.
  • 116. + How do we measure personality? (4) Projective Test Assessment  A projective ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy tteesstt is one in which the subject is given an ambiguous stimulus and asked to respond spontaneously.  pictures or inkblots. No clear answer.  The ambiguous stimulus allows test takers to project their own needs, dreams, feelings into their response.  The observer’s responses to the stimulus are then used to infer information about the observer’s personality.
  • 117. + How do we measure personality? (4) Projective Test Assessment (continued)  All pprroojjeeccttiivvee tteessttss are based on the projective hypothesis which states that the individual's response to an ambiguous stimulus represents a projection of his or her own inner, often unconscious, feelings and needs.  Indirect method of personality assessment:  Based on ppssyycchhooaannaallyyttiicc aassssuummppttiioonnss:  Personality is mostly unconscious.  People are unaware of contents of unconscious.
  • 118. + How do we measure personality? (4) Projective Test Assessment (continued):  The 2 most frequently used projective tests are: • the RRoorrsscchhaacchh: reactions to inkblots are employed to classify personality types. • the TThheemmaattiicc AAppppeerrcceeppttiioonn TTeesstt ((TTAATT)): stories about ambiguous pictures are used to draw inferences about the storyteller’s personality.
  • 119. + Rorschach Inkblot Test  Most popular projective technique. Respond to inkblot: ““WWhhaatt ccoouulldd tthhiiss bbee??””

Editor's Notes

  1. Үүнд: Дэмжих үйл ажиллагаа: Компаний дэд бүтэц /Санхүү, Төлөвлөлт, Хөрөнгө оруулагчидтай харилцаа г.м./ Хүний нөөцийн менежмент /Ажилд авах, Сургалт, Компенсацын систем г.м./ Технологийн хөгжил /Бүтээгдэхүүний болон процессийн дизайн, Сорилт туршилт, материал судлал, Зах зээл судлал г.м./ Худалдан авалт /Эд анги, тоног төхөөрөмж, сурталчилгаа, үйлчилгээ г.м./ Анхан шатны үйл ажиллагаа: Оролтын логистик /Орох материалын агуулах, Мэдээ цуглуулах, Үйлчилгээ, Харилцагчдын оролцоо г.м./ Процессийн үйл ажиллагаа /Угсралт, Эд ангийн үйлдвэрлэл, Салбар процессийн үйл ажиллагаа г.м./ Гарцын логистик /Захиалга хүлээн авах, Агуулах, Тайлан мэдээ бэлтгэх г.м./ Маркетинг, Борлуулалт /Борлуулалтын явцыг дайчлах, Дэмжих, Сурталчлах, Санал бэлтгэх г.м./ Борлуулалтын дараахь үйлчилгээ /Угсралт, Хэрэглэгчдийг дэмжих, Санал гомдлыг шийдвэрлэх, Засвар үйлчилгээ г.м./
  2. Êëàñòåðûã õºãæ¿¿ëæ, ñàéæðóóëæ áàéõ ÿâäàë íü Çàñãèéí ãàçàð, êîìïàíóóä áîëîí áóñàä áàéãóóëëàãóóäûí ¿éë àæèëëàãààíû чóõàë õºòºëáºð áàéõ ¸ñòîé. Êëàñòåðèéí õºãæëèéí ñàíààчëàãà íü ýäèéí çàñãèéí áîäëîãî, ìàêðî ýäèéí çàñãèéí òîãòâîðæóóëàëò, õóâüчëàë, çàõ çýýëèéã íýýëòòýé áîëãîõ, áèçíåñèéí ¿éë àæèëëàãààíû çàðäëûã áóóðóóëàõ чóõàë чèãëýë ìºí.