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Lyme Disease Protocol
 I’m sharing this protocol to help people explore the
possibilities available to them for treating Lyme
 This protocol worked for me, and it draws on a
variety of methods from leading experts, as well as
people with Lyme who have healed themselves
 That being said, I’m not a doctor, and this
information shouldn’t be construed as medical
 Research all supplements before use to check for personal contraindications
 Links to all information and products found in this PowerPoint are available in the video
description of either Part 1 or Part 2 (all products are one I used and recommend)
 Due to fillers and contaminants, using low quality supplements can do more harm than
good. It’s better to take a few high-quality supplements than a bunch of low quality ones.
 This protocol lasts for one year, with an additional six
months of maintenance, to be safe and prevent relapse
 Today, one year in, I’m symptom free, and I feel better
now than I did before I got Lyme
 The reason I feel better than before is because parts of
this protocol, like fasting, flow states and healing tech,
help you not only heal, they help you optimize your
health, as well as you mindset and creativity
 And this is the goal: To heal yourself first, and then to
optimize your health
 Diet
 Detox
 Fasting
 Flow States
 Herbs and Supplements
 Healing Tech
 Plant Medicine
 Systemic Repair
 Mindset
 The simple Secret
“All disease begins in the gut.”
 Eat:
 Organic Vegetables, Pastured Chicken, Grass Fed Beef,
Wild Salmon
 2 years
 Eliminate:
 Processed Foods, Grains, Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol
 1 Year (Preferably 18 Months)
 Peanuts, Dairy, Soy, Eggs, Honey, Sweeteners, Fruit
 6 Months (Preferably 1 Year)
 Notes:
 When ready to reintroduce these foods, start slow,
with small portions
 See how you feel when you introduce a new food, one
at a time
 Start with the Elimination Diet
 If you don’t feel better, try eliminating foods with
 Notes:
 Follow this diet for 6 months (minimum), to allow your
digestive system to heal.
 With a healthy gut, your body can help you heal yourself
 Committing to the diet will be hard, but it gets easier,
especially when you start seeing the difference and feeling
 Research other Food Sensitivity Diets, like FODMAPS and
 Bonus:
 Do the elimination diet and the Lectin Avoidance Diet at
the same time
 Licorice Root:
 3gr per day
 Six weeks on, two weeks off
 The whole root (powder or cut & sifted)
 Can make a tea
 Consume the powder or root pieces after drinking the tea
 Each serving can make several cups of tea before eating
 Making the tea makes the licorice easier to chew
 Bone Broth:
 1-3 cups per day
 Preferred: Homemade
 Good: Brands that use organic ingredients with grass-fed beef
or pastured chicken
 Suggestions in links found in video description
 After three months of drinking the bone broth and taking
the licorice root, I improved my digestion and healed my
acid reflux
 I got off Prilosec and have been off ever since
 I continue to drink bone broth daily, and take licorice root for
2-4 weeks at a time, periodically
 Notes:
 Read the contraindications for licorice root, and always do
your research before introducing new supplements
 Some research suggests you should avoid bone broth if you
have SIBO. Bone Broth wasn’t a problem for me.
 I haven’t tried this yet, but you could try making your bone
broth with licorice root.
 Perhaps try a teaspoon of powder in a cup first
 Digestive Enzymes:
 Take 1-2 capsules before most meals (not all)
 To keep from becoming dependent on digestive
enzymes, take a break every couple months
 Betaine HCL:
 Take 1-3 pills before each meal to increase stomach acid,
improve digestion and protect yourself from pathogens
 Some sources say you can take six or more capsules at a
time, but be careful. I’d stick to three, unless supervised
by a doctor, as I got gastritis at some point after taking
high doses of betaine (no proof this was the cause, but
that’s why I say be careful).
 Activated Charcoal*
 Liposomal Vitamin C*
 Liposomal Glutathione*
 Organic Milk Thistle*
 Sulforaphane
 Decaf Green Tea
 Organic Cranberries, Pure Cranberry Juice
 Organic Spirulina
*Denotes Core Supplements
 Activated Charcoal:
 1-2 Teaspoons each day, on empty stomach
 Take 2 hours apart from other supplements and
 5 days on, two days off
 Notes:
 Take extended breaks
 Only buy organic, made from coconut shells
 Liposomal Vitamin C
 Far superior to regular Vitamin C
 Take at least 1-2gr per day
 Liposomal Glutathione
 Regular glutathione doesn’t absorb well
 The brand linked to is strong and effective, so start slow
 Chelates heavy metals
 1gr per day
 Emtpy the capsule under your tongue, hold for at least
one minute before swallowing
 Take activated charcoal a couple hours after, or by end of
the night, and drink plenty of water
 Sulforaphane:
 Eat: 100g Broccoli Sprouts Daily
 Or take as a supplement:
 If taking a supplement, make sure it has myrosinase in it
 If you buy the one linked below, add a quarter teaspoon of
mustard seed powder, which is a great source of myrosinase
 Colonics (1 or 2 should be fine)
 Coffee Enemas
 Float Tanks and Epsom Salt Baths
 Exercise
 Far Infrared Mats (Pair with Near Infrared Lightbulbs)
 Saunas (especially infrared saunas)
 Fasting
 Selenium, Magnesium
 Basil, cilantro, parsley, dandelion, fennel, flax,
 Garlic, ginger, turmeric
 Fasting allows your body to heal itself, and
accelerates your detox process
 The human body evolved to fast
 Your body is intelligent, and fasting is how you
keep it sharp: check out the links to learn more!
 You can start fasting right away, but if you haven’t
fasted before, I recommend waiting until you’ve
fixed your diet for a couple of weeks, because this
will make fasting less unpleasant
 For the first year, you can take your Lyme-relevant
herbs and supplements while fasting, if necessary
 Once a week, do a 24 hour fast
 After two months, do a 48 hour fast
 After the 48 hour fast, continue doing one 24 hour fast
per week for another month; then do a 72 hour fast
 After the 72 hour fast, continue doing one 24 hour fast
per week for another month, and then do a 5 day fast
 After the five day fast, continue doing your 24 hour
fasts once a week for two to three more months, and
then do a 7 day fast
 At the end of the first year, your goal is to complete a 10
day water fast
 10 Day Water-Only Fast:
 Like the 5 and 7 day fasts, the 10 day fast will help you
detox at a deeper level, and accelerate your healing
 The weekly 24 hour fasts, and the shorter extended fasts
will prepare you for the 10 day water fast
 Water Only: This means no supplements, herbs, teas or
medicines. Only water, and lots of it.
 This 10 day fast made a dramatic difference in my
 Fasting is not only free: it gives you the biggest rewards
 It’s also one of the easiest and most effective ways to heal
yourself, once you get used to it
 Bonus:
 At the end of the 18 months, do another 5 or 10 day water
 For optimal health, continue fasting once a week for the
rest of your life, or a three day fast once a month
 Do at least one extended fast once a year; ideally, one 5
day water-only fast per quarter
 In addition to weekly 24 hour fasts, try intermittent
fasting 5 days a week: longevity, improved digestions,
clear thinking, and much more
 Notes:
 After the 10 day fast, reintroduce foods much slower
than with a 5 day fast
 Read the links for more on the incredible healing
benefits, and why humans evolved with fasting
 IMPORTANT: Make sure to read the links on how to
break your extended fasts: what to eat, how much, and
what to avoid
 Check out the links and videos for more on how people
have healed Lyme Disease with water fasting
 You don’t need to wait until the end to do the 10 day fast!
 What activities do you get lost in? Where you lose
complete track of time?
 What activities make you feel most like yourself? Like
you melt into timelessness?
 For some, that’s extreme sports, or surfing, or
skydiving, or running; for others, that’s writing, or
creating, or deep thinking. For many, it’s a
combination of activities, as well as getting into social
flow through outings or deep conversation
 Flow states elevate your state of mind, and while in
flow, you experience a form of higher consciousness
 Flow states get you out of your head, and reconnect
you to your body and/or your deeper self, where ideas
and intuition come from
 After being in a flow state, you feel nourished on
multiple levels, and this can be healing for body, mind
and spirit
 For more on how Steven Kotler healed advanced Lyme
disease by entering flow states, check out the links in
the video description
 The Buhner Protocol
 I followed and recommend The Buhner Protocol for
treating Lyme, as well as all the co-infections
 I bought most of the herbs he recommends from a site
called Woodland Essence, but I just found a new site
called Montana Farmacy that sells tinctures wholesale,
in 16 and 32oz bottles
 You can get most of the information you need to follow
Buhner’s protocol for free online
 If you want to go deep, his books are worth it as well.
 Samento and Banderol:
 Samento:
 Samento is a rare form of Cat’s Claw that is especially
effective against Lyme
 Banderol:
 Banderol is an extract from the Otoba tree, and is effective
against Lyme.
 Together, Samento and Banderol work together to kill
Lyme. I had a detox reaction the first time I took both,
so start slow.
 Cat’s Claw:
 If the Samento/Banderol combination exceeds budget,
Cat’s Clas is still an effective remedy
 Allicin:
 Extracted from garlic. Be careful if you megadose.
 Wild Oregano Oil
 Grapefruit Seed Extract
 Chapparo Amargo
 Thorne’s SF722
 “SF722 is the best supplement I know of for talking care
of any kind of fungi (yeast, mold, Candida). You can take
a lot of it at once. I’ve taken up to 30 at once with no side
effects. For someone with obvious signs of Candia
overgrowth I recommend people take 30 a day for the
first few days, and then cut back to 10 a day for a few
weeks. For cases where someone is unsure of a Candida
infection, take 10 a day for a few days and cut back to 5 a
day thereafter. Take this supplement whenever
consuming foods that may feed Candida (like sweeter
fruits such as pineapple), and always have this
supplement on hand.”
 Biofilms are communities of
microorganisms that adhere together ,
forming a protective matrix that shields
them from your medicines
 Breaking up the Lyme biofilms is essential
to killing the bacteria and healing yourself
 Use Proteolytic enzymes like Serrapeptase
and Lumbrokinase to break up the biofilms
 Serrapeptase:
 Enzyme produced by silkworms
 Improves effectiveness of herbs and antibiotics
 Lumbrokinase:
 Powerful enzyme produced by earthworms
 Improves delivery of supplements and prescription
medicines, making them more effective
 Dosage:
 On a completely empty stomach, take one each and wait an
hour before eating
 I moved up to two each after a week, to great effect
 I would keep them on my nightstand to take if I woke up in
the middle of the night, and also first thing in the morning
 Proteolytic Enzymes digest protein and fibrin, reduce
inflammation, cleanse the blood, assist the immune
system, kill/digest bacteria (as well as molds, viruses,
and fungi), and more.
 Take on an empty stomach, or they will digest your
food instead
 Do your own research on biofilms. I had great success
breaking up the biofilm while also hitting it with
natural antibiotics and healing tech, but some experts
 If taking blood thinners, take caution when using
 Burdock Root Tea:
 Improve igestion, reduce inflammation, eliminate harmful
bacteria in gut, control diabetes, detoxifies the blood and
liver, promotes hormone balance, boosts immunity
 1-2gr, 3x per day
 Bladderwrack:
 Reduce inflammation (internal and topical), digestion, cancer
prevention, heart health, thyroid, vision health, anti-aging
 Fucoidan Extract:
 Fucoidan is extracted from brown seaweed, like bladderwrack
 Need to do more research, but I learned about fucoidan from
Don Mau’s NB Protocol
 Boosts immune system, anti-viral, anti-cancer
 Crocodile/Alligator Oil:
 Natural antibiotic, antifungal, antipathogen that works
better than prescription antibiotics in some cases
 It cured my paronychia (bar rot), which topical
antibiotics (and even an antibiotic injection) couldn’t
 Some sources claim consuming this oil is also effective
 Ozone Oil:
 Ozonated oils like coconut, hemp and olive oil that help
treat pathogenic infections
 Use to help detox through sweating, reduce
inflammation, and raise your body temperature
 A chronically low temperature makes your body a
happy home for pathogens.
 It also helped with stress and relaxation
 Use Daily:
 Rest on your mat for at least two hours a day, one
hour on your stomach and an hour on your back
 I got best results at night, before bed
 Notes:
 Pair with a Near Infrared Lamp to double up on
 Infrared Saunas are even better, but I prefer lying
on the mat because I can read, write, or watch
movies, winding down for a couple hours before
 If you can, sit on the mat during the day. I would sit
at my desk and work while sitting on the mat on a
low temperature. This helped raise my body heat
during the day, as pathogens thrive in a body with a
chronically low body temperature
 Don’t worry about all the other claims people make about these
mats. I did the research and tried it out, and while I can’t verify
any other claims, it made me detox through sweat, and it reduced
inflammation and bloating. I felt much better after each session.
 You want to sweat, but if you find yourself exhausted after a few
days of heavy sweating, you’re probably fatiguing your adrenals.
 I used it on the highest setting, and sweated puddles
 You can sleep on the mat for a month or two when you first start
treatment, but having a low body temperature while sleeping is
important, so refrain from sleeping on it long-term
 Instead of a heater in the winter, you could experiment and sleep
on your mat on a low setting
 Be careful. A lot of the mats on Amazon don’t protect you from
EMF. I’d go with the BioMat, which is expensive, or the mat in the
link, which is a good company that also protects against EMF
 Ozone treats systemic diseases, like Lyme or
cancer, and boosts the immune system, among
many other benefits
 Check out links in description for benefits and
 Notes:
 Search for a doctor in your area who performs IV
Ozone Therapy
 I saw Dr. Howard Robins in NYC.
 He’s one of the best, the cheapest, and an ozone pioneer
 With Dr. Robins, I did two IV injections a day for the
first couple weeks, then went to five days a week for a
couple months
 Minimum Effective Dose: 3 treatments a week, for at
least one year
 After a few months, I moved away from New York to
focus on healing, so I bought my own ozone machine
to do ozone saunas and drink ozone water
 Make sure to take probiotics while doing ozone if you
can handle them. If the probiotics make you feel
worse, do your research. It could be leaky gut, or low
stomach acid
 The machine I bought was the O3 Elite, by PromoLife
(The Single Model)
 Technology developed by NASA
 Helps heal leaky gut, fractures, and wounds; reduces
inflammation, improves circulation, and more
 For more information, read the links, or check out the
YouTube video with one of the pioneers of the
technology, Dr. Dennis, to go deep into all the ways
this technology can help you heal
 Notes:
 Dr. Dennis developed a PEMF device called ICES, which
is what I’ve used for the past year on my gut and on my
 Requires experimentation: You have to test out
locations and settings to see what works for you
 Powerful detox tool
 Highly absorbable source of magnesium
 Reduce stress and anxiety
 Promote relaxation and general health
 Recover from exercise
 Pain relief
 Improve sleep
 Enhance mood and creativity
 Clear your mind
 Get the benefits of meditation without meditating
 Float tanks were one of my go-to healing tools. After
an hour or two in the float tank, I felt like a newborn
 Float tanks helped me heal me feel like myself, and for
a few hours after each float I’d feel like a kid again:
light, playful and happy to be alive
 Floating during this protocol helps you detox, and
rejuvenates you when exhausted from all the natural
 Floating also made my fasts easier, and reenergized me
mentally, physically, and spiritually
 To save money (floats cost from $80-100 per hour), I
bought my own float tank
 I’d float for an hour or two each day. I slept like a baby,
stopped waking up to pee at night, and healed rapidly
 If you do buy your own float tank, they take about 20 minutes
a week worth of maintenance. Only purchase if you can
commit to the weekly maintenance
 Link below
 If you don’t have access to a float tank and don’t want
to buy one, a simple alternative is to do frequent
Epsom salt baths. It’s nothing like floating, but it will
help you detox and absorb magnesium
 If nothing else, try Epsom salt foot baths
 Infrared:
 Far Infrared Mats
 Near Infrared Lamps
 Infrared Saunas
 IV Ozone
 Float Tanks
 After a few months following this protocol, you can start
repairing your gut. Continue with the bone broth and licorice
root, and consider the following supplements:
 L-Glutamine
 10gr per day
 When first starting, take 10gr twice a day
 You can take up to 40gr per day, for a week or two
 Zinc Carnosine
 1 capsule daily on empty stomach
 Aloe Vera (fresh, or extract), Slippery Elm, Cat’s Claw
 NAG, MSM, Grass Fed Colostrum, Arabinogalactans
 Start with L-glutamine and Zinc Carnosine, and add more
gradually, depending on your needs
 Hormone Optimization
 After a long bout with Lyme disease, your hormones will
be “all out of whack”
 Balancing your hormones will be tricky, and not
something you want to mess with, so I recommend
working with a functional medicine or naturopathic
doctor familiar with optimizing hormones
 I started this phase a year into the protocol, but working
with an expert can help you determine when you should
begin treatment.
 Sleep: Get plenty of sleep. Help your body to heal itself.
 Supplements:
 Burdock root tea, Vitamin D, Bone Broth, Maca, Omega 3s, Magnesium
 Pregnenolone:
 Do your research, but I started taking this recently with great results.
It helped with mood, energy, drive, learning and mental clarity.
 I started with 10mg, but recommend starting at 5mg.
 When I don’t work out each day, doing at least a couple sets of
pushups, the pregnenolone makes me feel anxious, so exercise is
 I believe the pregnenolone works for me because my steroid
production and biosynthesis was nearly nonexistant, as shown in my
Ubiome stool analysis results
 As a male, I’m about to start following the Testosterone protocol found
on the Art of Manliness website, which I’ll link to.
 Optimal levels of testosterone are crucial to feeling healthy , driven and
If you’ve been living with a long-
term chronic illness, you know
how it gets in your head.
Over time, we come to identify
with the illness, and it becomes
a part of our daily life.
 If your mind still thinks it’s ill, even after
you’ve healed, you won’t feel well. You’ll
undermine your healing by eating the wrong
foods, or drinking alcohol before you’re ready,
or any activity that undermines your progress
 If your mind still thinks it’s ill, you’ll sabotage
your healing the same way an emotionally
unhealthy person sabotages their
relationships with people, and for similar
 Deep down, healing is scary because once you’re
healthy, you’ll have to live your life again. You
won’t have an excuse for not succeeding in life
 Until I got the illness out of my mind, I thought
everything would make me sick. I was afraid to
drink the water at restaurants. Was this tap water?
Does the glass have residue from poor quality
soap? I wouldn’t walk in the grass without my
shoes. I doubted everything. This doubt would
take over, and I’d fear I’d always be ill, and I’d give
into binge eating because at least food gave me
comfort. But only in the moment.
 For the first nine years all I heard the doctors say
is that nothing was wrong with me, so I thought,
“Maybe it’s just me.” Because I didn’t know what
the illness was for so long, I identified with the
illness, and came to accept it as a part of me. This
weakness in my mindset is what made it easy for
me to sabotage my recovery.
 Even this past year, where I healed myself like it
was my job, I took detours here and there, and I’d
binge eat on “healthy” snacks, for example, and so
I had this yo-yoing progress. Two steps forward,
one step back.
 Healing your mind begins with how you talk
about the disease
 It’s not, “My symptoms.”
 It’s , “The symptoms.”
 The symptoms aren’t yours. The illness isn’t you.
The illness is something you’re experiencing.
 Once I realized the illness was in my head, in
abstract terms, I was able to start working on it.
 I cultivated a healthy mindset, and stopped
sabotaging my healing
 Commit each day to getting a little
better. Commit to healing for 18 months.
Commit to becoming your best self
 Commit to the protocol you choose,
while also keeping a keen eye on what’s
working and what isn’t working
 Commit to what works for you, and
commit to avoiding anything that
sabotages your healing process
 If this protocol isn’t for you, but there are some
things you’ve learned that you’d like to integrate
into your own protocol, like fasting, then commit
to fasting
 When we don’t commit, we yo-yo. We renege on
our own decision to heal because we lack
 You can heal, but you have to commit. Take
healing seriously, but don’t forget to play!
 Defend your body with your life. Make healing
your purpose for the next 18 months
 Do your research. Don’t take any advice or
recommendations at face value
 For instance, the Amazon links in the description
below are affiliate links. Ask yourself, “Why is this guy
recommending these products? To make money? To
profit off a problem people are experiencing? Is he
recommending these products based on making a
profit at any cost, or do these recommendations come
with integrity? Has he personally used the products?
Does he seem trustworthy? If he seems trustworthy,
are things what they seem, or is he good at appearing
trustworthy? Can he vouch for the products, because
they’re what he used to heal himself?”
 These are the types of questions I asked before buying
any supplement recommended to me, or buying any
healing tech people recommended
 I’d be doing you a disservice if I told you, “You can
trust me. Buy these products.” Anyone you don’t know
who tells you to trust them, whether explicitly or
implicitly, is probably more concerned about making
money than about what’s best for you
 Just because I recommend a product, and it worked
for me, maybe it’s not what you need, and that’s why
we all need to do our own research and experiment
 If you’re developing your own protocol, stick with
it, and also think about rounding out your
clinical treatment with natural methods, like
entering flow states, and fasting on a regular basis
 Fasting and Flow States have been around since
humans have been humans. When you learn how
intelligent your body is, and you allow it to do
what is natural, your body takes care of itself
 Set your healing goal and make it your
 You can heal, but you have to commit
 Visualize yourself as healthy and living the
life you see for yourself
 Every day, recommit to your healing
 Every day, take little steps toward your
healing goal
 Every day, do the hard thing
 Do the hard thing today that will make life a little easier
 It’s like riding a bike. It’s hard at first, but over time, it gets
easy, and soon you don’t have to think about it
 When you master a new skill or mindset, you go from working
hard to hardly working
 If changing your diet is too hard, for instance, change one
thing at a time. If giving up sweeteners is too hard, start
with giving up cane sugar. Then, once that’s easy, give up
other types of sweeteners, like Maple Syrup and honey.
Once that’s easy, give up the high-sugar fruits, and so on
 If going for a walk is too hard, the first day, walk out your
front door. The next day, repeat, until you’re able walk to
the sidewalk. Then push it a little further.
 The changes you have to make to heal yourself will be
hard, but over time, they will become easy
 The protocol gets easier when you commit to doing
the things that make your feel better, even when that’s
the last thing you want to do in the moment
 Replace bad habits with good habits
 For instance, instead of watching another show, get your
mind healthy by doing something that gets you into
 Each point in this protocol is important, but skipping
the free things, like fasting, flow states, and mindset
will make this protocol, and any protocol, less effective
 The free things in this protocol happen to be the most
rewarding, and they will continue to give you value
long after your heal
 I wish you way more than luck.
 To health and freedom!

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Cain Callen's Lyme Disease Protocol: How to Heal Yourself

  • 2.  I’m sharing this protocol to help people explore the possibilities available to them for treating Lyme  This protocol worked for me, and it draws on a variety of methods from leading experts, as well as people with Lyme who have healed themselves  That being said, I’m not a doctor, and this information shouldn’t be construed as medical advice  Research all supplements before use to check for personal contraindications  Links to all information and products found in this PowerPoint are available in the video description of either Part 1 or Part 2 (all products are one I used and recommend)  Due to fillers and contaminants, using low quality supplements can do more harm than good. It’s better to take a few high-quality supplements than a bunch of low quality ones.
  • 3.  This protocol lasts for one year, with an additional six months of maintenance, to be safe and prevent relapse  Today, one year in, I’m symptom free, and I feel better now than I did before I got Lyme  The reason I feel better than before is because parts of this protocol, like fasting, flow states and healing tech, help you not only heal, they help you optimize your health, as well as you mindset and creativity  And this is the goal: To heal yourself first, and then to optimize your health
  • 4.  Diet  Detox  Fasting  Flow States  Herbs and Supplements  Healing Tech  Plant Medicine  Systemic Repair  Mindset  The simple Secret
  • 5. “All disease begins in the gut.” -Hippocrates
  • 6.  Eat:  Organic Vegetables, Pastured Chicken, Grass Fed Beef, Wild Salmon  2 years  Eliminate:  Processed Foods, Grains, Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol  1 Year (Preferably 18 Months)  Peanuts, Dairy, Soy, Eggs, Honey, Sweeteners, Fruit  6 Months (Preferably 1 Year)  Notes:  When ready to reintroduce these foods, start slow, with small portions  See how you feel when you introduce a new food, one at a time
  • 7.  Start with the Elimination Diet  If you don’t feel better, try eliminating foods with lectins  Notes:  Follow this diet for 6 months (minimum), to allow your digestive system to heal.  With a healthy gut, your body can help you heal yourself  Committing to the diet will be hard, but it gets easier, especially when you start seeing the difference and feeling better  Research other Food Sensitivity Diets, like FODMAPS and  Bonus:  Do the elimination diet and the Lectin Avoidance Diet at the same time
  • 8.  Licorice Root:  3gr per day  Six weeks on, two weeks off  The whole root (powder or cut & sifted)  Can make a tea  Consume the powder or root pieces after drinking the tea  Each serving can make several cups of tea before eating  Making the tea makes the licorice easier to chew  Bone Broth:  1-3 cups per day  Preferred: Homemade  Good: Brands that use organic ingredients with grass-fed beef or pastured chicken  Suggestions in links found in video description
  • 9.  After three months of drinking the bone broth and taking the licorice root, I improved my digestion and healed my acid reflux  I got off Prilosec and have been off ever since  I continue to drink bone broth daily, and take licorice root for 2-4 weeks at a time, periodically  Notes:  Read the contraindications for licorice root, and always do your research before introducing new supplements  Some research suggests you should avoid bone broth if you have SIBO. Bone Broth wasn’t a problem for me.  I haven’t tried this yet, but you could try making your bone broth with licorice root.  Perhaps try a teaspoon of powder in a cup first
  • 10.  Digestive Enzymes:  Take 1-2 capsules before most meals (not all)  To keep from becoming dependent on digestive enzymes, take a break every couple months  Betaine HCL:  Take 1-3 pills before each meal to increase stomach acid, improve digestion and protect yourself from pathogens  Some sources say you can take six or more capsules at a time, but be careful. I’d stick to three, unless supervised by a doctor, as I got gastritis at some point after taking high doses of betaine (no proof this was the cause, but that’s why I say be careful).
  • 11.
  • 12.  Activated Charcoal*  Liposomal Vitamin C*  Liposomal Glutathione*  EDTA*  Organic Milk Thistle*  Sulforaphane  Decaf Green Tea  Organic Cranberries, Pure Cranberry Juice  Organic Spirulina *Denotes Core Supplements
  • 13.  Activated Charcoal:  1-2 Teaspoons each day, on empty stomach  Take 2 hours apart from other supplements and medicines  5 days on, two days off  Notes:  Take extended breaks  Only buy organic, made from coconut shells  Liposomal Vitamin C  Far superior to regular Vitamin C  Take at least 1-2gr per day  Liposomal Glutathione  Regular glutathione doesn’t absorb well  The brand linked to is strong and effective, so start slow
  • 14.  EDTA:  Chelates heavy metals  1gr per day  Emtpy the capsule under your tongue, hold for at least one minute before swallowing  Take activated charcoal a couple hours after, or by end of the night, and drink plenty of water  Sulforaphane:  Eat: 100g Broccoli Sprouts Daily  Or take as a supplement:  If taking a supplement, make sure it has myrosinase in it  If you buy the one linked below, add a quarter teaspoon of mustard seed powder, which is a great source of myrosinase
  • 15.  Colonics (1 or 2 should be fine)  Coffee Enemas  Float Tanks and Epsom Salt Baths  Exercise  Far Infrared Mats (Pair with Near Infrared Lightbulbs)  Saunas (especially infrared saunas)  Fasting  Selenium, Magnesium  Basil, cilantro, parsley, dandelion, fennel, flax,  Garlic, ginger, turmeric
  • 16.
  • 17.  Fasting allows your body to heal itself, and accelerates your detox process  The human body evolved to fast  Your body is intelligent, and fasting is how you keep it sharp: check out the links to learn more!  You can start fasting right away, but if you haven’t fasted before, I recommend waiting until you’ve fixed your diet for a couple of weeks, because this will make fasting less unpleasant  For the first year, you can take your Lyme-relevant herbs and supplements while fasting, if necessary
  • 18.  Once a week, do a 24 hour fast  After two months, do a 48 hour fast  After the 48 hour fast, continue doing one 24 hour fast per week for another month; then do a 72 hour fast  After the 72 hour fast, continue doing one 24 hour fast per week for another month, and then do a 5 day fast  After the five day fast, continue doing your 24 hour fasts once a week for two to three more months, and then do a 7 day fast  At the end of the first year, your goal is to complete a 10 day water fast
  • 19.  10 Day Water-Only Fast:  Like the 5 and 7 day fasts, the 10 day fast will help you detox at a deeper level, and accelerate your healing  The weekly 24 hour fasts, and the shorter extended fasts will prepare you for the 10 day water fast  Water Only: This means no supplements, herbs, teas or medicines. Only water, and lots of it.  This 10 day fast made a dramatic difference in my health!  Fasting is not only free: it gives you the biggest rewards  It’s also one of the easiest and most effective ways to heal yourself, once you get used to it
  • 20.  Bonus:  At the end of the 18 months, do another 5 or 10 day water fast  For optimal health, continue fasting once a week for the rest of your life, or a three day fast once a month  Do at least one extended fast once a year; ideally, one 5 day water-only fast per quarter  In addition to weekly 24 hour fasts, try intermittent fasting 5 days a week: longevity, improved digestions, clear thinking, and much more
  • 21.  Notes:  After the 10 day fast, reintroduce foods much slower than with a 5 day fast  Read the links for more on the incredible healing benefits, and why humans evolved with fasting  IMPORTANT: Make sure to read the links on how to break your extended fasts: what to eat, how much, and what to avoid  Check out the links and videos for more on how people have healed Lyme Disease with water fasting  You don’t need to wait until the end to do the 10 day fast!
  • 22.
  • 23.  What activities do you get lost in? Where you lose complete track of time?  What activities make you feel most like yourself? Like you melt into timelessness?  For some, that’s extreme sports, or surfing, or skydiving, or running; for others, that’s writing, or creating, or deep thinking. For many, it’s a combination of activities, as well as getting into social flow through outings or deep conversation  Flow states elevate your state of mind, and while in flow, you experience a form of higher consciousness
  • 24.  Flow states get you out of your head, and reconnect you to your body and/or your deeper self, where ideas and intuition come from  After being in a flow state, you feel nourished on multiple levels, and this can be healing for body, mind and spirit  For more on how Steven Kotler healed advanced Lyme disease by entering flow states, check out the links in the video description
  • 25.
  • 26.  The Buhner Protocol  I followed and recommend The Buhner Protocol for treating Lyme, as well as all the co-infections  I bought most of the herbs he recommends from a site called Woodland Essence, but I just found a new site called Montana Farmacy that sells tinctures wholesale, in 16 and 32oz bottles  You can get most of the information you need to follow Buhner’s protocol for free online  If you want to go deep, his books are worth it as well.
  • 27.  Samento and Banderol:  Samento:  Samento is a rare form of Cat’s Claw that is especially effective against Lyme  Banderol:  Banderol is an extract from the Otoba tree, and is effective against Lyme.  Together, Samento and Banderol work together to kill Lyme. I had a detox reaction the first time I took both, so start slow.
  • 28.  Cat’s Claw:  If the Samento/Banderol combination exceeds budget, Cat’s Clas is still an effective remedy  Allicin:  Extracted from garlic. Be careful if you megadose.  Wild Oregano Oil  Grapefruit Seed Extract  Chapparo Amargo
  • 29.  Thorne’s SF722  “SF722 is the best supplement I know of for talking care of any kind of fungi (yeast, mold, Candida). You can take a lot of it at once. I’ve taken up to 30 at once with no side effects. For someone with obvious signs of Candia overgrowth I recommend people take 30 a day for the first few days, and then cut back to 10 a day for a few weeks. For cases where someone is unsure of a Candida infection, take 10 a day for a few days and cut back to 5 a day thereafter. Take this supplement whenever consuming foods that may feed Candida (like sweeter fruits such as pineapple), and always have this supplement on hand.”
  • 30.  Biofilms are communities of microorganisms that adhere together , forming a protective matrix that shields them from your medicines  Breaking up the Lyme biofilms is essential to killing the bacteria and healing yourself  Use Proteolytic enzymes like Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinase to break up the biofilms
  • 31.  Serrapeptase:  Enzyme produced by silkworms  Improves effectiveness of herbs and antibiotics  Lumbrokinase:  Powerful enzyme produced by earthworms  Improves delivery of supplements and prescription medicines, making them more effective  Dosage:  On a completely empty stomach, take one each and wait an hour before eating  I moved up to two each after a week, to great effect  I would keep them on my nightstand to take if I woke up in the middle of the night, and also first thing in the morning
  • 32.  Proteolytic Enzymes digest protein and fibrin, reduce inflammation, cleanse the blood, assist the immune system, kill/digest bacteria (as well as molds, viruses, and fungi), and more.  Take on an empty stomach, or they will digest your food instead  Do your own research on biofilms. I had great success breaking up the biofilm while also hitting it with natural antibiotics and healing tech, but some experts disagree  If taking blood thinners, take caution when using Serrapeptase
  • 33.  Burdock Root Tea:  Improve igestion, reduce inflammation, eliminate harmful bacteria in gut, control diabetes, detoxifies the blood and liver, promotes hormone balance, boosts immunity  1-2gr, 3x per day  Bladderwrack:  Reduce inflammation (internal and topical), digestion, cancer prevention, heart health, thyroid, vision health, anti-aging  Fucoidan Extract:  Fucoidan is extracted from brown seaweed, like bladderwrack  Need to do more research, but I learned about fucoidan from Don Mau’s NB Protocol  Boosts immune system, anti-viral, anti-cancer
  • 34.  Crocodile/Alligator Oil:  Natural antibiotic, antifungal, antipathogen that works better than prescription antibiotics in some cases  It cured my paronychia (bar rot), which topical antibiotics (and even an antibiotic injection) couldn’t treat  Some sources claim consuming this oil is also effective  Ozone Oil:  Ozonated oils like coconut, hemp and olive oil that help treat pathogenic infections
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  • 36.  Use to help detox through sweating, reduce inflammation, and raise your body temperature  A chronically low temperature makes your body a happy home for pathogens.  It also helped with stress and relaxation  Use Daily:  Rest on your mat for at least two hours a day, one hour on your stomach and an hour on your back  I got best results at night, before bed
  • 37.  Notes:  Pair with a Near Infrared Lamp to double up on healing.  Infrared Saunas are even better, but I prefer lying on the mat because I can read, write, or watch movies, winding down for a couple hours before bed.  If you can, sit on the mat during the day. I would sit at my desk and work while sitting on the mat on a low temperature. This helped raise my body heat during the day, as pathogens thrive in a body with a chronically low body temperature
  • 38.  Don’t worry about all the other claims people make about these mats. I did the research and tried it out, and while I can’t verify any other claims, it made me detox through sweat, and it reduced inflammation and bloating. I felt much better after each session.  You want to sweat, but if you find yourself exhausted after a few days of heavy sweating, you’re probably fatiguing your adrenals.  I used it on the highest setting, and sweated puddles  You can sleep on the mat for a month or two when you first start treatment, but having a low body temperature while sleeping is important, so refrain from sleeping on it long-term  Instead of a heater in the winter, you could experiment and sleep on your mat on a low setting  Be careful. A lot of the mats on Amazon don’t protect you from EMF. I’d go with the BioMat, which is expensive, or the mat in the link, which is a good company that also protects against EMF
  • 39.  Ozone treats systemic diseases, like Lyme or cancer, and boosts the immune system, among many other benefits  Check out links in description for benefits and research  Notes:  Search for a doctor in your area who performs IV Ozone Therapy  I saw Dr. Howard Robins in NYC.  He’s one of the best, the cheapest, and an ozone pioneer
  • 40.  With Dr. Robins, I did two IV injections a day for the first couple weeks, then went to five days a week for a couple months  Minimum Effective Dose: 3 treatments a week, for at least one year  After a few months, I moved away from New York to focus on healing, so I bought my own ozone machine to do ozone saunas and drink ozone water  Make sure to take probiotics while doing ozone if you can handle them. If the probiotics make you feel worse, do your research. It could be leaky gut, or low stomach acid  The machine I bought was the O3 Elite, by PromoLife (The Single Model)
  • 41.  Technology developed by NASA  Helps heal leaky gut, fractures, and wounds; reduces inflammation, improves circulation, and more  For more information, read the links, or check out the YouTube video with one of the pioneers of the technology, Dr. Dennis, to go deep into all the ways this technology can help you heal  Notes:  Dr. Dennis developed a PEMF device called ICES, which is what I’ve used for the past year on my gut and on my brain  Requires experimentation: You have to test out locations and settings to see what works for you
  • 42.  Powerful detox tool  Highly absorbable source of magnesium  Reduce stress and anxiety  Promote relaxation and general health  Recover from exercise  Pain relief  Improve sleep  Enhance mood and creativity  Clear your mind  Get the benefits of meditation without meditating
  • 43.  Float tanks were one of my go-to healing tools. After an hour or two in the float tank, I felt like a newborn adult  Float tanks helped me heal me feel like myself, and for a few hours after each float I’d feel like a kid again: light, playful and happy to be alive  Floating during this protocol helps you detox, and rejuvenates you when exhausted from all the natural antibiotics  Floating also made my fasts easier, and reenergized me mentally, physically, and spiritually
  • 44.  To save money (floats cost from $80-100 per hour), I bought my own float tank  I’d float for an hour or two each day. I slept like a baby, stopped waking up to pee at night, and healed rapidly  If you do buy your own float tank, they take about 20 minutes a week worth of maintenance. Only purchase if you can commit to the weekly maintenance  Link below  If you don’t have access to a float tank and don’t want to buy one, a simple alternative is to do frequent Epsom salt baths. It’s nothing like floating, but it will help you detox and absorb magnesium  If nothing else, try Epsom salt foot baths
  • 45.  Infrared:  Far Infrared Mats  Near Infrared Lamps  Infrared Saunas  IV Ozone  PEMF (ICES)  Float Tanks
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  • 47.  After a few months following this protocol, you can start repairing your gut. Continue with the bone broth and licorice root, and consider the following supplements:  L-Glutamine  10gr per day  When first starting, take 10gr twice a day  You can take up to 40gr per day, for a week or two  Zinc Carnosine  1 capsule daily on empty stomach  Aloe Vera (fresh, or extract), Slippery Elm, Cat’s Claw  NAG, MSM, Grass Fed Colostrum, Arabinogalactans  Start with L-glutamine and Zinc Carnosine, and add more gradually, depending on your needs
  • 48.  Hormone Optimization  After a long bout with Lyme disease, your hormones will be “all out of whack”  Balancing your hormones will be tricky, and not something you want to mess with, so I recommend working with a functional medicine or naturopathic doctor familiar with optimizing hormones  I started this phase a year into the protocol, but working with an expert can help you determine when you should begin treatment.  Sleep: Get plenty of sleep. Help your body to heal itself.
  • 49.  Supplements:  Burdock root tea, Vitamin D, Bone Broth, Maca, Omega 3s, Magnesium  Pregnenolone:  Do your research, but I started taking this recently with great results. It helped with mood, energy, drive, learning and mental clarity.  I started with 10mg, but recommend starting at 5mg.  When I don’t work out each day, doing at least a couple sets of pushups, the pregnenolone makes me feel anxious, so exercise is important  I believe the pregnenolone works for me because my steroid production and biosynthesis was nearly nonexistant, as shown in my Ubiome stool analysis results  As a male, I’m about to start following the Testosterone protocol found on the Art of Manliness website, which I’ll link to.  Optimal levels of testosterone are crucial to feeling healthy , driven and energized
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  • 51. If you’ve been living with a long- term chronic illness, you know how it gets in your head. Over time, we come to identify with the illness, and it becomes a part of our daily life.
  • 52.  If your mind still thinks it’s ill, even after you’ve healed, you won’t feel well. You’ll undermine your healing by eating the wrong foods, or drinking alcohol before you’re ready, or any activity that undermines your progress  If your mind still thinks it’s ill, you’ll sabotage your healing the same way an emotionally unhealthy person sabotages their relationships with people, and for similar reasons
  • 53.  Deep down, healing is scary because once you’re healthy, you’ll have to live your life again. You won’t have an excuse for not succeeding in life  Until I got the illness out of my mind, I thought everything would make me sick. I was afraid to drink the water at restaurants. Was this tap water? Does the glass have residue from poor quality soap? I wouldn’t walk in the grass without my shoes. I doubted everything. This doubt would take over, and I’d fear I’d always be ill, and I’d give into binge eating because at least food gave me comfort. But only in the moment.
  • 54.  For the first nine years all I heard the doctors say is that nothing was wrong with me, so I thought, “Maybe it’s just me.” Because I didn’t know what the illness was for so long, I identified with the illness, and came to accept it as a part of me. This weakness in my mindset is what made it easy for me to sabotage my recovery.  Even this past year, where I healed myself like it was my job, I took detours here and there, and I’d binge eat on “healthy” snacks, for example, and so I had this yo-yoing progress. Two steps forward, one step back.
  • 55.  Healing your mind begins with how you talk about the disease  It’s not, “My symptoms.”  It’s , “The symptoms.”  The symptoms aren’t yours. The illness isn’t you. The illness is something you’re experiencing.  Once I realized the illness was in my head, in abstract terms, I was able to start working on it.  I cultivated a healthy mindset, and stopped sabotaging my healing
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  • 57.  Commit each day to getting a little better. Commit to healing for 18 months. Commit to becoming your best self  Commit to the protocol you choose, while also keeping a keen eye on what’s working and what isn’t working  Commit to what works for you, and commit to avoiding anything that sabotages your healing process
  • 58.  If this protocol isn’t for you, but there are some things you’ve learned that you’d like to integrate into your own protocol, like fasting, then commit to fasting  When we don’t commit, we yo-yo. We renege on our own decision to heal because we lack conviction  You can heal, but you have to commit. Take healing seriously, but don’t forget to play!  Defend your body with your life. Make healing your purpose for the next 18 months
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  • 60.  Do your research. Don’t take any advice or recommendations at face value  For instance, the Amazon links in the description below are affiliate links. Ask yourself, “Why is this guy recommending these products? To make money? To profit off a problem people are experiencing? Is he recommending these products based on making a profit at any cost, or do these recommendations come with integrity? Has he personally used the products? Does he seem trustworthy? If he seems trustworthy, are things what they seem, or is he good at appearing trustworthy? Can he vouch for the products, because they’re what he used to heal himself?”
  • 61.  These are the types of questions I asked before buying any supplement recommended to me, or buying any healing tech people recommended  I’d be doing you a disservice if I told you, “You can trust me. Buy these products.” Anyone you don’t know who tells you to trust them, whether explicitly or implicitly, is probably more concerned about making money than about what’s best for you  Just because I recommend a product, and it worked for me, maybe it’s not what you need, and that’s why we all need to do our own research and experiment
  • 62.  If you’re developing your own protocol, stick with it, and also think about rounding out your clinical treatment with natural methods, like entering flow states, and fasting on a regular basis  Fasting and Flow States have been around since humans have been humans. When you learn how intelligent your body is, and you allow it to do what is natural, your body takes care of itself
  • 63.  Set your healing goal and make it your purpose  You can heal, but you have to commit  Visualize yourself as healthy and living the life you see for yourself  Every day, recommit to your healing  Every day, take little steps toward your healing goal  Every day, do the hard thing
  • 64.  Do the hard thing today that will make life a little easier tomorrow  It’s like riding a bike. It’s hard at first, but over time, it gets easy, and soon you don’t have to think about it  When you master a new skill or mindset, you go from working hard to hardly working  If changing your diet is too hard, for instance, change one thing at a time. If giving up sweeteners is too hard, start with giving up cane sugar. Then, once that’s easy, give up other types of sweeteners, like Maple Syrup and honey. Once that’s easy, give up the high-sugar fruits, and so on  If going for a walk is too hard, the first day, walk out your front door. The next day, repeat, until you’re able walk to the sidewalk. Then push it a little further.
  • 65.  The changes you have to make to heal yourself will be hard, but over time, they will become easy  The protocol gets easier when you commit to doing the things that make your feel better, even when that’s the last thing you want to do in the moment  Replace bad habits with good habits  For instance, instead of watching another show, get your mind healthy by doing something that gets you into flow
  • 66.  Each point in this protocol is important, but skipping the free things, like fasting, flow states, and mindset will make this protocol, and any protocol, less effective  The free things in this protocol happen to be the most rewarding, and they will continue to give you value long after your heal  I wish you way more than luck.  To health and freedom!