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The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various
part of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at
Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956.
Supporting Point
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear
power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge
amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil
fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:
It costs about the same coal, so it is not expansive to make. It does not produce
smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. It
produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uraniumIt produces
small amount of wasteIt is reliable
Contrasting Point
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up
and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore,
although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it
does go wrong, a nuclear accident ca be a major accident.
Conclusion or Recomendation
People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear
power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for Students
Everything has been being changed by technology. Mobile phones and
Internet have the great role in making advantages as well as
disadvantages. The debate appears when the devices are used by
The most advantageous thing of mobile phones when students use is
getting connected. With cell phones in hand, students are
encouraged to build collaborative learning. they are able to share
notes and lesson with others. Additionally with mobile phones,
parents of the students will be less worried since they can easily
contact their children.
The second advantages is the existence of mobile phone’s feature as
memory aids. Students can store some important documents of their
lessons in notes, photos, or videos. Because of the portability, the
documents kept in that mobile phones can be easily used when they
are in necessity.
Besides some advantages stated above, mobile phones also give some
disadvantages when used by students. Reduction in learning is one of
the disadvantages. With mobile phone in hands of students, they are
attracted to focus on their phones call and messages and pay less
attention to their lessons and school works.
Again, the negative effects on using mobile phones, students
potentially do cheating. Mobile phones makes students cheat easily
on tests and assignments. They can simply send a text answer to
their friends. They have the ability and opportunity to cheat.
Finally, the disadvantages actually can be avoided if the parents
properly guide their children on the advantageous way of using
mobile phones.
Giving Children Homework
There are a lot of discussion as to whether children should be given homework
or not. Is it enough for children having time to study at school or needing
additional time in home for study after school time?
Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also
argue that children have their hobbies which they want to do after school, such
as sport or music. A further point they make is that a lot of homeworks are
pointless and does not help the children learn at all.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents
and teachers argue that it is important to find out whether children can work on
their own without the support from the teacher. They say that the evening is a
good time for children to sit down and think about what they have learned in
Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done. It
makes sense to send home tasks like independent reading or further writing
task which do not need the teacher support.
I think, on balance, that some homework is good idea but that should only given
at the weekend when children have more time.
The Advantage and Disadvantage of the Internet
Computer, tablet, mobile phone, and other devices connected to Internet
have been the most outstanding innovation in the history of mankind. As with
every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The target of internet has always been the communication. By the advent
of computer's Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a
global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who
is sitting in the other parts of the world. Today for better communication, we
can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones.
There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it
has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship.
However, Internet also has disadvantageous sides. One of them is the
wide spread of unsuitable content for kids. It is a very serious issue and related
to children's healthy mental life. There are thousands of such inappropriate
contents on the Internet which can be easily found.
Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be
very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages.
Gift Cards Bring Advantages and Disadvantages
Gift cards become more popular during recent years. For example, in one season
of holiday, sales reach $19 billion in United Stated and seem to grow more in
the following season due to their convenience in the side of consumers and
In retailers side, gift cards bring them some benefits. Selling gift card in simply
selling product. When the cards are sold, they will get benefit. Additionally, gift
card tends to be a matter of image and trend which means it is not strictly
influenced by the functionality. Since gift card is the trend, the sales will
increase significantly.
However, there is potential disadvantages in the side of consumers. For
example, itune gift cards apply process in the way of completing the shopping.
they need do one step to another steps in processing the shopping. Likely, most
of the steps apply time and date of validity or expiration. When certain step
loose that validating date, the gift cards may be in risk. The gift card can be
rejected to redeem. Again, in retailers side, producing card its self is costly. It
means that there is additional cost which retailers have to pay.
In whatever thing, we need to be wise. if we can use that gift card effectively,
the disadvantages can be reduced
(Statement of position):
I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing
outside , to stop you from getting sunburn.
Firstly, if you don’t wear a hat, you will get sunburn ant the sunburn is painful.
Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health
problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill
In my opinion all school students should wear hats.
The Importance of English
Thesis { I personally think that English is the world’s most important language.
Why do I say that?
Argument 1 { Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many
people all around the world, either as a first or second language.
Argument 2 { Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific
and technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political
development of many countries in the world.
Argument 3 { Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs.
Applicants who master either active or passive English are more favorable than
those who do not.
Conclusion { From the fact above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn
English to greet the global era.
Corruption and Indonesian Culture
Corruption has happened for many years and today it becomes a bad culture
in Indonesia for three reasons.
Most adult Indonesian or foreigners have known and admitted that
corruptions happen in many places. The daily newspapers, news programs on TV and
radio have reported corruptions are done everywhere, almost in all departments or
public services of this country. Corruptions happen in health, education
departments and banks. When we manage to get some documents in public service
offices, we usually need much money to pay. Manipulations happen everywhere.
The actions to eliminate corruption are weak. The ever stronger culture
seems not to come to an end when the responsible institutions who have to
reinforce the justice today commit corruption. This is the worst. Corruptions
happen in police department, courts where judges, public prosecutors, lawyers make
deals to do corruption. All of us also heard in the end of 2004, Probosutejo
reported that he had bribed the Supreme Court, or called Mahkamah Agung which
becomes the highest level where the justice can be obtained. Perhaps you have to
try to come to the local courts and see what happen there. You will see practices of
bribery and other kinds of corruption. Therefore, we can say that corruptions
becomes our culture. Do you like it?
The citizens have no goodwill to fight against the corruption. They create
the situations in which people ahave opportunities to do corruptions. The citizens
like to break the rules because they are not disciplined. For example, in the street
when they drive a car or ride motorcycle, they do not have the driving license or
necessary documents. Then, they are caught by the local policemen. To avoid more
difficulties, they like to bribe the officer. The officer let them go then. In other
words, the citizens and officers are the same, doing corruption together. If only
the people were critical, disciplined, and obey the rules, and willing to report any
wrong behaviors, this country will not be number one corrupting country in the
Conclusion Based on the reasons, we can conclude that corruption is becoming
a bad culture in Indonesia if it is not ended soon by all of us. It seems that there
must be more severe penalty for the Corruptors. Do we still care about the future
of this country?
The Dangerous of Using Drugs
Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for us.
Why it is very dangerous for us? Because its can caused harm to our body.
In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using drug.
In general, the impact of using drug are can unconscious, make us hallucinate, can
harm our nerve, and cause addictive effect. Beside that, using drugs can make the
users depressed, liver disease, schizophrenia, blockage of blood vessels,
dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and finally it can cause DEATH!
When viewed in terms of Islamic law, drugs are forbidden. Because it is
cause badness, self harm, debilitate. And Islam proscribes all that can cause
badness, self harm because it is included zhalim. Also if we using drugs, it means we
already do the forbidden things in Islam, it means we sin. So, in terms of Islamic
law, using drugs also dangerous.
Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their
future, and endanger their homeland, their country. From the data, 32 percent of
drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers, so, if many teenagers –in this case
Indonesia- use drugs, it can be endanger this country, harm youth generation,
whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth using drugs, our nation can be
So, from now on we must pay attention of drugs, because it’s very dangerous,
both in terms of health, religion (Islam), nationality and state.
The Problem of Being Too Fat
Being too fat is commonly known as overweight or obesity. It is simply
defined as too much body fat inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of
health problem.
Being too fat is recognized as a major factor for heart disease. Due to the
overweight, the heart will work harder. It can lead to the heart attack.
Furthermore, obesity potentially rises blood cholesterol and blood pressure. In
addition, being too fat can change the amount of sugar in the blood. This will cause
diabetes and other serous disease.
Beside all of that, being too fat is often avoided by many young women. They
said that becoming too fat will bother their physical beauty appearance.
More serious studies are necessary to see the effect of obesity. However it
is clear enough that overweight is not good enough for healthy life.
The Power of Music in our life
Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has certain role
completing our day to day activities. Here are some reasons why music is heard
everywhere andanywhere. Music is a way to express feelings. When we fall in love, the
kind of music we’d listen to would be all about love. When we’re sad, we would go for
music that is melancholic in nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re
happy, we’d choose songs with happy tunes too.
Song can help to memorize the last experiences. A favorite song is a powerful
documentary. People with Alzheimer which are impaired the brain would remember
details about songs they were familiar with. For example, an elderly woman who couldn’t
even remember her husband’s name wouldremember the details of her favorite song;
when it was played, how it made her feel and things about the song that made it
especially memorable for her.
Further, music can unite people for a cause and changes the world. A song with
good lyric and striking deep chord can stimulate the universal feeling of all people. We
can see it in the case of the famous and legendary Michael Jacson's Heal the World. It
can arouse humanism of a lot people in this world.So what would the world be like
without music? It would be lonely.
Laptop as Students' Friend
Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such
other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their
progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented
subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
First, modern schools tend to applyfast transferring knowledge because the
school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in
demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject.
Since there is a laptop on every students' desk, this method will help student to get
better understanding.
Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there
is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop
has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide
which computer or laptop they need, then complete the transaction. After that the
laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and
From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who
want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because
it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provide
several laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need.
Why Exercise is Important
The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too
busy to do that. However, many expert said thatexercise has great role in making our
body healthy
Being physically active offers many advantage. In physical reword, exercise can
reduce weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce
stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes
and some forms of cancer. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects
mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then
we can increase our life quality and expectancy.
How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found
among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while
shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can
go cycling while enjoy the leisure time.
Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit
of exercise will help better.
Fast Food
Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not
just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time
they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health?
Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food
operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants
since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time
Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast
food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to
give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from
its original healthy form.
It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the
chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show
that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.
So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply
feeds hunger and craving.
Learning English
Why is Learning English Important? Language is the mean of communication.
Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global
languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However
English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal,
he has to master English.
Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in
writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or
second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean
English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those
countries. Futhermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language
but also use English mostly in daily comunication.
Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors
leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides
andinstructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant
noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of
science and technic will include many countries in economic, social and politics
Finaly, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most
top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive.
Job applicants who master English are more favourable than ones who do not.
The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet
the global era.
Jakarta Issue
Jakarta is the second-worst place for expatriates to work in outside of
the United States of America, Canada and Western Europe. It is according to a
recent report published by Businessweek.
The Businessweek report ranked emerging markets that might be challenging
to move into due to their level of pollution, disease, political violence
and availability of good and services.
The report ranked Jakarta second, just below lagos in Nageria and
above Riyadh Saudi Arabia, saying the threat of violence from extremest, in
particular, was serious drawback to living in Jakarta. Bombings targeting foreign
interests in Jakarta, such as the JW Marriot hotel bombing in 2003, have been
repeated elsewhere in the city.
The report said despite problem common to many developing cities such as
the risk of disease, poor sanitation, and excessive pollution, Indonesia can be an
enticing location.
In response, the Jakarta administration took the report positively, saying it
could spur the administration to improve its performance.
Is Smoking Good for Us?
Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50
thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven
times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because
ofdiseases caused by smoking.
Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five
cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker.
If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent
of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and
half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.
Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to
developbronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as
much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes.
Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money
from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.
Opportunity in the Global Financial Crisis
US. financial crisis and its contagion to Europe and the rest of the world
could also create new opportunity for Indonesia in term of foreign
direc investment and the development of basic infrastructure.
As the US. financial crisis has now spread to Europe, the oil-rich countries
such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Arab Emirate which have accumulated hundreds of
billion of Dollars in their foreign reserve, are now reviewing their holding
or investmentvehicle. They are looking for more diversified investmentoutside the
US and Europe.
Because of unfavorable political developments in Thailand and Malaysia over
the past few months, Indonesia which has largely Muslim population could become
one of these oil-rich countries' favorite place for foreign direct investment. That
wil be true if the conditions, legal and market infrastructure are conducive for
Islamic financial instruments.
The government had improved the legal framework with the recent actment
of laws on sharia banking and bonds. The long term nature of Islamic bonds could
make them the most suitable investment instrument for Indonesia, as
these bondsgrant an investor a share in an asset along with the cash flows and risks
commensurate with such ownership.
The financial crisis that has gripped the globe and weakening economic
growth in the rest of the world will serve to the government to accelerate
the investment reform measures in order to grab the hidden opportunity in the
global crisis. (simplified from the on Oct 9)
The Advantages of Gold Coin Investment
Gold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the dawn of
civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily
change to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden
and shiny color does not easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or
coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA, becomes an advantageous investment.
Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain situations, many people
are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as currency
without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need.
The Gold values tend to be stable; take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero
inflation effect. It is very rare that the gold prices fell. Even every year, the gold
price tends to increase.
Investments in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more profitable if
it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for
example gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as
an alternative investment, whether it is for the medium-terminvestment and long-
term investment. Besides that gold coins need less cost in production and
manufacturing sot it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of jewelry.
Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as
collections. Because the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness
are the point. There might be coins that cost up to more than a million because of the
history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event when the coin is launched.
From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it could be useful to
consider investing gold coin or think aboutgold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.
Career in Translation
Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the
word. According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It
tries to bring the precise message in different language.
Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in
understanding to the actors' dialogue. So the way they get the understanding about
the movie is reading the translating text running. If Hindi translation is provided, it will
bring the better understanding for Indian moviegoer.Hollywood movie spread over
other Asia countries. Therefore,Arabic translation, Indonesian translation and Farsi
translationare widely needed and that is a big chance for English masterin that
India is likely being an English speaking country. Indiatranslation will grow
better and. It seems Indonesia, Malaysiaand Filipina will reach that mark too
soon. Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for
translating job seekers.
Writing for Money Online
The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways
to make money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a
result in the rise of internet based jobs.
Blog writing is an increasingly popular way to earn money online determined
by the owner of the blog. They are very popular because of tBlogs are usually
written on a certain subject area but can vary as its content is heir simplicity to
get up and running. There are many free websites out there that will help you set
up your own blog if you choose to go that route because blog plus advertisement is a
potential money
Article writing is also good money to earn money online. Make sure to gear
your articles to promote and advertise you own business ventures. These articles
are a free way to market the products and services you offer for free. The most
effective advertising with these articles comes from the dialogue box that is
inserted at the end of each article. These dialogue boxes contain links to basically
any website you would like to drive traffic to. For instance, you might have one link
in your dialogue box to a product you are selling and one to a blog where you are
promoting a discussing other products.
Writing takes some time to gain credibility through but once it’s done’
earning potential can become very powerful.
Controlling Children Using Computer
Computer and internet are useful as well as powerful. Information about
health and safe usage of computer and Internet, especially for children, should be
owned by each family. Computer connected to internet is powerful way to socialize with
others. It can be good but also bad effect. Recently we hear a lot of children get the
advantage of social networking sites but we often see the news about the disadvantage
of it for children. Healthy and safety of computer and Internet usage should continue
to be campaigned.
The role of parent in assisting and directing children in using computer is very
necessary. Installation of software monitor such as key logger which has function to
watch and note all activities relating to keyboard usage is helpful but not enough to
protect children from potential harms. Children tend to hide what they have done in
front of the computer to their parent. They see that all of they have done are their
privacy and no one may know.
We can not prevent children from using computer because it is multifunctional.
However, many parents worry about what their kids do in front of the computer;
whether they are doing homework or even just playing games. Or spending all time to
surf internet which is the materials do not fit with his age. There is a
tendency, especially teenagers, want to become acquainted with many strangers
outside. The lack parental supervision of children's activities is likely to pose a
potential danger to them. So parental monitor against the use of computers needs to be
done from time to time.
Why is It Important to Choose the Accredited School?
Most of teenagers need to go to school and there are a lot ofschools over there.
Nowadays, schools grow to offer plenty of choice; private and state ones. However it is
a hard choice since there are many factors which need to be considered before making
the selection. Some will be influenced by friends; because some friend got to certain
school than we go to there too. Some prefer to choose certain school because ofthe
closer distance. In fact, the primary decisive matter for selecting school is whether
the school has been accredited or not.
Why is important to choose an accredited school? Well, accredited schools have
an edge over the unaccreditedschools. This label of Accredited School has an impact
inemployment opportunities. As result, if there are two or morestudents with similar
qualifications, the student who comes from the accredited school will have an edge over
the other candidate. Student from an accredited school has more open door
than student with an accredited one.
Many students select certain school depending more on short term factors like
friend influence and short distance from home. It is not bad since commuting actually
needs much cost. Choosing school which is closer to home will save time, energy and
money. However if that school is not accredited, the time and money spent along
studying seems to be waste in the long term because it could become a limiting factor
in gaining future opportunities.
Accredited school is not the only factor which will drive student’s success.
Personality and characterization are very important too. However a student with good
personality who comes from an accredited school is better than the others.
Analytical Expositon
Career in Translation
Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the
meaning and not the word. According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic
equivalence translation. It tries to bring the precise message in different
Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in
understanding to the actors’ dialogue. So the way they get the understanding
about the movie is reading the translating text running. If Hindi translation is
provided, it will bring the better understanding for Indian moviegoer. Hollywood
movie spread over other Asia countries. Therefore, Arabic translation,
Indonesian translation and Farsi translation are widely needed and that is a big
chance for English master in that countries.
India is likely being an English speaking country. India translation will grow
better and. It seems Indonesia, Malaysia and Filipina will reach that mark too
soon. Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for
translating job seekers.
Discussion tex1 ENGLISH

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Discussion tex1 ENGLISH

  • 1. DISCUSSION TEXT The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power Issue Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956. Supporting Point Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It cause no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow: It costs about the same coal, so it is not expansive to make. It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uraniumIt produces small amount of wasteIt is reliable Contrasting Point On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident ca be a major accident. Conclusion or Recomendation People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world.
  • 2. DISCUSSION TEXT The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for Students Everything has been being changed by technology. Mobile phones and Internet have the great role in making advantages as well as disadvantages. The debate appears when the devices are used by students. The most advantageous thing of mobile phones when students use is getting connected. With cell phones in hand, students are encouraged to build collaborative learning. they are able to share notes and lesson with others. Additionally with mobile phones, parents of the students will be less worried since they can easily contact their children. The second advantages is the existence of mobile phone’s feature as memory aids. Students can store some important documents of their lessons in notes, photos, or videos. Because of the portability, the documents kept in that mobile phones can be easily used when they are in necessity. Besides some advantages stated above, mobile phones also give some disadvantages when used by students. Reduction in learning is one of the disadvantages. With mobile phone in hands of students, they are attracted to focus on their phones call and messages and pay less attention to their lessons and school works. Again, the negative effects on using mobile phones, students potentially do cheating. Mobile phones makes students cheat easily on tests and assignments. They can simply send a text answer to their friends. They have the ability and opportunity to cheat. Finally, the disadvantages actually can be avoided if the parents properly guide their children on the advantageous way of using mobile phones.
  • 3. DISCUSSION TEXT Giving Children Homework There are a lot of discussion as to whether children should be given homework or not. Is it enough for children having time to study at school or needing additional time in home for study after school time? Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also argue that children have their hobbies which they want to do after school, such as sport or music. A further point they make is that a lot of homeworks are pointless and does not help the children learn at all. However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents and teachers argue that it is important to find out whether children can work on their own without the support from the teacher. They say that the evening is a good time for children to sit down and think about what they have learned in school. Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to get anything done. It makes sense to send home tasks like independent reading or further writing task which do not need the teacher support. I think, on balance, that some homework is good idea but that should only given at the weekend when children have more time.
  • 4. DISCUSSION TEXT The Advantage and Disadvantage of the Internet Computer, tablet, mobile phone, and other devices connected to Internet have been the most outstanding innovation in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. The target of internet has always been the communication. By the advent of computer's Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other parts of the world. Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship. However, Internet also has disadvantageous sides. One of them is the wide spread of unsuitable content for kids. It is a very serious issue and related to children's healthy mental life. There are thousands of such inappropriate contents on the Internet which can be easily found. Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages. Gift Cards Bring Advantages and Disadvantages Gift cards become more popular during recent years. For example, in one season of holiday, sales reach $19 billion in United Stated and seem to grow more in the following season due to their convenience in the side of consumers and retailers. In retailers side, gift cards bring them some benefits. Selling gift card in simply selling product. When the cards are sold, they will get benefit. Additionally, gift card tends to be a matter of image and trend which means it is not strictly influenced by the functionality. Since gift card is the trend, the sales will increase significantly. However, there is potential disadvantages in the side of consumers. For example, itune gift cards apply process in the way of completing the shopping. they need do one step to another steps in processing the shopping. Likely, most of the steps apply time and date of validity or expiration. When certain step loose that validating date, the gift cards may be in risk. The gift card can be rejected to redeem. Again, in retailers side, producing card its self is costly. It means that there is additional cost which retailers have to pay. In whatever thing, we need to be wise. if we can use that gift card effectively, the disadvantages can be reduced
  • 5. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT SHOULD CHILDREN WEAR HATS AT SCHOOL? (Statement of position): I believe that you should always wear a hat at school when you are playing outside , to stop you from getting sunburn. Firstly, if you don’t wear a hat, you will get sunburn ant the sunburn is painful. Secondly, sunburn could lead to skin cancer. Sunburn can lead to health problems later in life. Many older people suffer from skin cancer which can kill them. In my opinion all school students should wear hats. The Importance of English Thesis { I personally think that English is the world’s most important language. Why do I say that? Argument 1 { Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people all around the world, either as a first or second language. Argument 2 { Secondly, English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of many countries in the world. Argument 3 { Thirdly, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants who master either active or passive English are more favorable than those who do not. Conclusion { From the fact above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the global era.
  • 6. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Corruption and Indonesian Culture Corruption has happened for many years and today it becomes a bad culture in Indonesia for three reasons. Most adult Indonesian or foreigners have known and admitted that corruptions happen in many places. The daily newspapers, news programs on TV and radio have reported corruptions are done everywhere, almost in all departments or public services of this country. Corruptions happen in health, education departments and banks. When we manage to get some documents in public service offices, we usually need much money to pay. Manipulations happen everywhere. The actions to eliminate corruption are weak. The ever stronger culture seems not to come to an end when the responsible institutions who have to reinforce the justice today commit corruption. This is the worst. Corruptions happen in police department, courts where judges, public prosecutors, lawyers make deals to do corruption. All of us also heard in the end of 2004, Probosutejo reported that he had bribed the Supreme Court, or called Mahkamah Agung which becomes the highest level where the justice can be obtained. Perhaps you have to try to come to the local courts and see what happen there. You will see practices of bribery and other kinds of corruption. Therefore, we can say that corruptions becomes our culture. Do you like it? The citizens have no goodwill to fight against the corruption. They create the situations in which people ahave opportunities to do corruptions. The citizens like to break the rules because they are not disciplined. For example, in the street when they drive a car or ride motorcycle, they do not have the driving license or necessary documents. Then, they are caught by the local policemen. To avoid more difficulties, they like to bribe the officer. The officer let them go then. In other words, the citizens and officers are the same, doing corruption together. If only the people were critical, disciplined, and obey the rules, and willing to report any wrong behaviors, this country will not be number one corrupting country in the world. Conclusion Based on the reasons, we can conclude that corruption is becoming a bad culture in Indonesia if it is not ended soon by all of us. It seems that there must be more severe penalty for the Corruptors. Do we still care about the future of this country?
  • 7. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT The Dangerous of Using Drugs Everybody must pay attention of drugs. Drugs are very dangerous for us. Why it is very dangerous for us? Because its can caused harm to our body. In terms of health, many organs in our body can be harm because using drug. In general, the impact of using drug are can unconscious, make us hallucinate, can harm our nerve, and cause addictive effect. Beside that, using drugs can make the users depressed, liver disease, schizophrenia, blockage of blood vessels, dehydration, optic nerve damage, brain damage, and finally it can cause DEATH! When viewed in terms of Islamic law, drugs are forbidden. Because it is cause badness, self harm, debilitate. And Islam proscribes all that can cause badness, self harm because it is included zhalim. Also if we using drugs, it means we already do the forbidden things in Islam, it means we sin. So, in terms of Islamic law, using drugs also dangerous. Furthermore, if the users of drugs are teenagers, it can endanger their future, and endanger their homeland, their country. From the data, 32 percent of drugs users in Indonesia are teenagers, so, if many teenagers –in this case Indonesia- use drugs, it can be endanger this country, harm youth generation, whereas youths are nation expectation. If the youth using drugs, our nation can be destroy! So, from now on we must pay attention of drugs, because it’s very dangerous, both in terms of health, religion (Islam), nationality and state.
  • 8. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT The Problem of Being Too Fat Being too fat is commonly known as overweight or obesity. It is simply defined as too much body fat inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of health problem. Being too fat is recognized as a major factor for heart disease. Due to the overweight, the heart will work harder. It can lead to the heart attack. Furthermore, obesity potentially rises blood cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition, being too fat can change the amount of sugar in the blood. This will cause diabetes and other serous disease. Beside all of that, being too fat is often avoided by many young women. They said that becoming too fat will bother their physical beauty appearance. More serious studies are necessary to see the effect of obesity. However it is clear enough that overweight is not good enough for healthy life. The Power of Music in our life Do you agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has certain role completing our day to day activities. Here are some reasons why music is heard everywhere andanywhere. Music is a way to express feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of music we’d listen to would be all about love. When we’re sad, we would go for music that is melancholic in nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re happy, we’d choose songs with happy tunes too. Song can help to memorize the last experiences. A favorite song is a powerful documentary. People with Alzheimer which are impaired the brain would remember details about songs they were familiar with. For example, an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her husband’s name wouldremember the details of her favorite song; when it was played, how it made her feel and things about the song that made it especially memorable for her. Further, music can unite people for a cause and changes the world. A song with good lyric and striking deep chord can stimulate the universal feeling of all people. We can see it in the case of the famous and legendary Michael Jacson's Heal the World. It can arouse humanism of a lot people in this world.So what would the world be like without music? It would be lonely.
  • 9. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Laptop as Students' Friend Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function. First, modern schools tend to applyfast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every students' desk, this method will help student to get better understanding. Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to the students' houses. That is really easy and save time and money. From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provide several laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need. Why Exercise is Important The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do that. However, many expert said thatexercise has great role in making our body healthy Being physically active offers many advantage. In physical reword, exercise can reduce weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our life quality and expectancy. How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time. Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help better.
  • 10. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Fast Food Fast food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health? Fast food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period. Fast food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form. It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues. So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and craving.
  • 11. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Learning English Why is Learning English Important? Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English. Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Futhermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in daily comunication. Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides andinstructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technic will include many countries in economic, social and politics developement. Finaly, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more favourable than ones who do not. The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT
  • 12. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Jakarta Issue Jakarta is the second-worst place for expatriates to work in outside of the United States of America, Canada and Western Europe. It is according to a recent report published by Businessweek. The Businessweek report ranked emerging markets that might be challenging to move into due to their level of pollution, disease, political violence and availability of good and services. The report ranked Jakarta second, just below lagos in Nageria and above Riyadh Saudi Arabia, saying the threat of violence from extremest, in particular, was serious drawback to living in Jakarta. Bombings targeting foreign interests in Jakarta, such as the JW Marriot hotel bombing in 2003, have been repeated elsewhere in the city. The report said despite problem common to many developing cities such as the risk of disease, poor sanitation, and excessive pollution, Indonesia can be an enticing location. In response, the Jakarta administration took the report positively, saying it could spur the administration to improve its performance. Is Smoking Good for Us? Before we are going to smoke, it is better to look at the fact. About 50 thousands people die every year in Britain as direct result of smoking. This is seven times as many as die in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of smokers die because ofdiseases caused by smoking. Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers. Additionally, children of smoker are more likely to developbronchitis and pneumonia. In one hour in smoky room, non smoker breathes as much as substance causing cancer as if he had smoked fifteen cigarettes. Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for every body else.
  • 13. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT Opportunity in the Global Financial Crisis US. financial crisis and its contagion to Europe and the rest of the world could also create new opportunity for Indonesia in term of foreign direc investment and the development of basic infrastructure. As the US. financial crisis has now spread to Europe, the oil-rich countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Arab Emirate which have accumulated hundreds of billion of Dollars in their foreign reserve, are now reviewing their holding or investmentvehicle. They are looking for more diversified investmentoutside the US and Europe. Because of unfavorable political developments in Thailand and Malaysia over the past few months, Indonesia which has largely Muslim population could become one of these oil-rich countries' favorite place for foreign direct investment. That wil be true if the conditions, legal and market infrastructure are conducive for Islamic financial instruments. The government had improved the legal framework with the recent actment of laws on sharia banking and bonds. The long term nature of Islamic bonds could make them the most suitable investment instrument for Indonesia, as these bondsgrant an investor a share in an asset along with the cash flows and risks commensurate with such ownership. The financial crisis that has gripped the globe and weakening economic growth in the rest of the world will serve to the government to accelerate the investment reform measures in order to grab the hidden opportunity in the global crisis. (simplified from the on Oct 9)
  • 14. The Advantages of Gold Coin Investment Gold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the dawn of civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA, becomes an advantageous investment. Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold values tend to be stable; take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that the gold prices fell. Even every year, the gold price tends to increase. Investments in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment, whether it is for the medium-terminvestment and long- term investment. Besides that gold coins need less cost in production and manufacturing sot it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of jewelry. Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event when the coin is launched. From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it could be useful to consider investing gold coin or think aboutgold IRA transfer. It is really recommended. Career in Translation Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the word. According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It tries to bring the precise message in different language. Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in understanding to the actors' dialogue. So the way they get the understanding about the movie is reading the translating text running. If Hindi translation is provided, it will bring the better understanding for Indian moviegoer.Hollywood movie spread over other Asia countries. Therefore,Arabic translation, Indonesian translation and Farsi translationare widely needed and that is a big chance for English masterin that countries. India is likely being an English speaking country. Indiatranslation will grow better and. It seems Indonesia, Malaysiaand Filipina will reach that mark too soon. Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for translating job seekers.
  • 15. Writing for Money Online The emergence of the internet has given internet entrepreneurs many ways to make money. Writers are one group that have benefited from their talents as a result in the rise of internet based jobs. Blog writing is an increasingly popular way to earn money online determined by the owner of the blog. They are very popular because of tBlogs are usually written on a certain subject area but can vary as its content is heir simplicity to get up and running. There are many free websites out there that will help you set up your own blog if you choose to go that route because blog plus advertisement is a potential money Article writing is also good money to earn money online. Make sure to gear your articles to promote and advertise you own business ventures. These articles are a free way to market the products and services you offer for free. The most effective advertising with these articles comes from the dialogue box that is inserted at the end of each article. These dialogue boxes contain links to basically any website you would like to drive traffic to. For instance, you might have one link in your dialogue box to a product you are selling and one to a blog where you are promoting a discussing other products. Writing takes some time to gain credibility through but once it’s done’ earning potential can become very powerful. Controlling Children Using Computer Computer and internet are useful as well as powerful. Information about health and safe usage of computer and Internet, especially for children, should be owned by each family. Computer connected to internet is powerful way to socialize with others. It can be good but also bad effect. Recently we hear a lot of children get the advantage of social networking sites but we often see the news about the disadvantage of it for children. Healthy and safety of computer and Internet usage should continue to be campaigned. The role of parent in assisting and directing children in using computer is very necessary. Installation of software monitor such as key logger which has function to watch and note all activities relating to keyboard usage is helpful but not enough to protect children from potential harms. Children tend to hide what they have done in front of the computer to their parent. They see that all of they have done are their privacy and no one may know.
  • 16. We can not prevent children from using computer because it is multifunctional. However, many parents worry about what their kids do in front of the computer; whether they are doing homework or even just playing games. Or spending all time to surf internet which is the materials do not fit with his age. There is a tendency, especially teenagers, want to become acquainted with many strangers outside. The lack parental supervision of children's activities is likely to pose a potential danger to them. So parental monitor against the use of computers needs to be done from time to time. Why is It Important to Choose the Accredited School? Most of teenagers need to go to school and there are a lot ofschools over there. Nowadays, schools grow to offer plenty of choice; private and state ones. However it is a hard choice since there are many factors which need to be considered before making the selection. Some will be influenced by friends; because some friend got to certain school than we go to there too. Some prefer to choose certain school because ofthe closer distance. In fact, the primary decisive matter for selecting school is whether the school has been accredited or not. Why is important to choose an accredited school? Well, accredited schools have an edge over the unaccreditedschools. This label of Accredited School has an impact inemployment opportunities. As result, if there are two or morestudents with similar qualifications, the student who comes from the accredited school will have an edge over the other candidate. Student from an accredited school has more open door than student with an accredited one. Many students select certain school depending more on short term factors like friend influence and short distance from home. It is not bad since commuting actually needs much cost. Choosing school which is closer to home will save time, energy and money. However if that school is not accredited, the time and money spent along studying seems to be waste in the long term because it could become a limiting factor in gaining future opportunities. Accredited school is not the only factor which will drive student’s success. Personality and characterization are very important too. However a student with good personality who comes from an accredited school is better than the others.
  • 17. Analytical Expositon Career in Translation Functionally, translation is transferring the message or the meaning and not the word. According to Nida, such translation is called dynamic equivalence translation. It tries to bring the precise message in different language. Many people like to watch Hollywood movie but many get trouble in understanding to the actors’ dialogue. So the way they get the understanding about the movie is reading the translating text running. If Hindi translation is provided, it will bring the better understanding for Indian moviegoer. Hollywood movie spread over other Asia countries. Therefore, Arabic translation, Indonesian translation and Farsi translation are widely needed and that is a big chance for English master in that countries. India is likely being an English speaking country. India translation will grow better and. It seems Indonesia, Malaysia and Filipina will reach that mark too soon. Translation job will be great in amount and that is good development for translating job seekers.