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Causes Of Birth Defects
Causes of Birth Defects Every day a baby is born with a birth defect, and these defects range from minor abnormalities that need no treatment, to
severe defects that may need surgery, need medication, or even cause disabilities. A birth defect is a biochemical or physical abnormality that is
present at birth, and they usually are caused by environmental influences or inheritance. Around 4,000 birth defects have been discovered throughout
the years and each year 1 out of 33 babies are born with a defect ("Gupta"). What mothers do while pregnant can be a major factor causing the baby to
be born with a defect. The most common causes of birth defects include smoking, alcohol use, prescription medications, and recreational drugs use
while pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy is one of the most common causes of birth defects in babies. If a mother is smoking during her pregnancy
the fetus is also experiencing the effects smoking can cause. On average 20% of women smoke during their pregnancies causing 1,000 baby deaths
each year in the United States ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). Smoking during pregnancy accounts for 30% of babies being born underweight, 14%
of premature labors, and 10% of all infant deaths ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). The placenta connects from the uterus to the developing fetus, giving
the baby the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow. When a mother inhales the poisonous gases from the cigarette, they travel into the mother's blood
stream and through the
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Hypospadias: Birth Defect In Boys
Hypospadias is a birth defect in boys, where the opening of the urethra is not in the proper place. With hypospadias, the abnormal formation of the
urethra in the penis occurs in the 8th to 14th weeks of gestation. There a differing degrees of hypospadias. It is generally considered minor when the
urethra is placed just below the end of the penis. More severe forms range from the urethra opening being placed at mid–shaft to behind the scrotum.
About 5 in every 1000 boys will be born with some degree of hypospadias, which is usually diagnosed shortly after birth. In some cases hypospadias is
inherited, but the cause is unknown. It is known that hormones stimulate the formation of the urethra and foreskin during the 8th to 14th weeks of
gestation. The result of a malfunction in the action of these hormones causes hypospadias to occur. Some known risk factors include family history,
maternal age over 40, and exposure during pregnancy to smoking and chemicals including pesticides. ... Show more content on ...
A circumcision should not be preformed at birth because the foreskin may be needed in the repair of the penis. Hypospadias can somethings cause
a curved penis, which if not repaired can cause future problems with erection and urination. If there is a curve in the penis it will also be repaired at
the time of the repair of the hypospadias. Surgery will generally repair the normal appearance of the penis, and the boy will usually have normal adult
sexual function of the penis. In some cases a second surgery may be
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Baby Birth Defect
Imagine a mother was pregnant with her first child, but was living in Love Canal, New York. Her life just could not seem to be better, she had an
amazing husband and was about to have her first baby. The child was born with a cleft lip, extra fingers and toes, and mental retardation. That mother
would probably still love that baby unconditionally, but how would she feel knowing that her baby's whole life has been drastically changed and she
did not know why. Later in the child's life the mother finds out that her child will always have physical and mental limitations because of Hooker
Chemical Company. This is what was happening, to not just one, but many families who lived in Love Canal, New York. The whole town, adults and
children of all ... Show more content on ...
In the video, "Lois Gibbs – The Love Canal Story", Lois Gibbs shares how she and a group of scientists investigated people outside the fence of Love
Canal, to try and see if there was a larger amount of disease from the people living there. They found that fifty–six percent of the children were born
with birth defects; "fifty–six percent of our children had three ears, double rows of teeth, extra fingers, extra toes, or were mentally retarded" (Lois
Gibbs). In the video it also stated that at that time there were twenty–two women pregnant, and of that twenty–two, there four normal babies born.
Unfortunately the other eighteen babies were miscarriages, stillborn, or born birth defected. These mishaps were not because the parents of the
children had anything wrong with them (before the chemicals), it was because of the large amount of chemicals they were around and
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Essay On Birth Defect
It is hard for family to be informed that a child is born with some kind of birth defect. Parents are under tremendous stress once they are informed
about a defect and then have to decided what they should do to help fix their child's defect. The day a parent finds out they are pregnant, most
people are very excited. No one ever wants their baby to be born with a birth defect. A special group of parents must be chosen to have a child with
a defect. There are only a few options to choose from when a parent has to pick what they should do to care their baby. Most parents are willing for
their child to have surgery if the surgery will help, but there is always some who fear for their baby to undergo surgery. For the parents who are
against the options of their baby having surgery they choose abortions or getting their child prescribed medicine. Parents wanting their child to have
surgery trust surgeons to operate on their child and are okay that their child may be a little different than other children.... Show more content on ...
Today the world is blessed to have many intelligent doctors and surgeons to help fix an infant's defect. The most common birth defects are a cleft
lip or palate and a heart defect. To fix these common defects surgery is usually an option. To let a child undergo surgery is a very scary thing to
do. When any parent makes the choice of surgery to help fix their child's defect they have to also think about the risks the child can have during
surgery. To be put to sleep is always dangerous there is always a chance the patient may not wake up, although the chance is slim. Anyone who
makes the choice of surgery has to be strong and believe in the doctors and surgeons to operate on their child. Depending on how bad a child's birth
defect is determines the level of help a child needs to mend the defect.. The two common birth defects to have surgery on is, a cleft lip or palate or a
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Essay On Birth Defect
Not every birth in this world is perfect, unfortunately. One out of every 33 babies born in the United States has some form of birth abnormality
according to the CDC. Sometimes mutations and birth defects can occur. Of course, no mother would ever want a child with a birth defect. So how
do these birth defects and problems occur? Basically anything a mother does to her body will also have a direct effect on the developing fetus inside.
Simply put it, a teratogen is defined as "any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes."
(Santrock, 2013). The effects of teratogens may vary from child to child, but it will always have a dramatic impact on the family in most situations.
Birth defects ... Show more content on ...
Birth defects usually break down into two categories: genetic and non–genetic causes. During conception, half of the mother's and father's
chromosomes come together to form the genetic blueprint for the future child. However, sometimes the parents may carry a form of genetic
defect that they may not be aware of. Perhaps the defect has been carried down in the family from generation to generation, but just hasn't emerged
yet. These defects are established at birth and often cannot be prevented (Selner & Leord, 2012). An example of a genetic birth defect would be
Down syndrome. This occurs roughly 1 in 800 births, making it one of the most common chromosomal disorders. Down syndrome is caused by
the presence of three copies of the 21st chromosome. One of the biggest causes attributed to Down syndrome has to do with the mother's maternal
age. According to Lobo and Zhaurova (2008), the risk of having a child with the condition exponentially increases after the woman reaches age 35.
In young mothers, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is 1 in 2,000, but the frequency rises to 1 in 100 when a woman is 40, and 1 in 12
when she is 50 years old (Lobo & Zhaurova,
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Essay about Love
Love Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Love is what great writers write about, great singers sing about,
and great philosophers ponder. Love is a powerful emotion, for which there is no wrong definition, for it suits each and every person differently.
Whether love is between family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be experienced in many different ways. People experience
love for the first time by being part of a family. Family love is demonstrated through lessons of sacrifice, concern and compassion, from the cradle to
the grave. There are many different levels and conditions of family love. It is the love we cherish between our intermediate family and our... Show more
content on ...
A close–knit loving bond between two people can begin with a friendship. Whether it is a friendship between two males, two females, or one male
and one female, these friendships will develop into love. In no way is it a romantic love, but this type of love connects and bonds friends. Friends
may move away or friendships may wane, but the love between the two people burns on forever. Romantic love is a love that not every person
will experience. It is a type of love that is not there at the beginning, but grows within the individual. When one finally finds the love they have
been looking for, one can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic love is a connection between two souls that is captured with a feeling that
is not only felt within the heart but within their body as well. I have never been in love with a girl; I can only imagine what it might be like to be
in love. Guessing from my sister's relationship with boys, it seems like a big headache instead of a wonderful feeling. To simply write a definition
of love is complicated because every person has a different perception of love. The only way to capture the true meaning of love is to experience the
feeling and find out for oneself, what love is. In our lives and the lives of others, love is evident. Whether it is between family, friends, or lovers, love
is a precious
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Noonan Syndrome Is Agenetic Birth Defect That Results In
Noonan syndrome is a genetic birth defect that results in many physical deformities and possible developmental handicaps. Noonan Syndrome affects
male children while Turner Syndrome affects females. This paper will focus solely on Noonan Syndrome, which affects 1 in approximately 2,000
people. Complications include but are not limited to: short stature, widely spaced eyes, some form of heart disease, and stunted puberty or infertility.
Noonan syndrome is a biochemical disorder that occurs before a person is born and is formed through the genetic makeup of the parents that result in
that of their offspring.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of the disorder and how genetics and biochemistry work together to create this ... Show more content
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These causes specifically are completely biochemical, occurring within the chemical processes that develop the fetus. A singlegene defect goes hand in
hand with inheritance. All genes are inherited therefore so are bad genes; a single gene defect is that, a gene for a disease is inherited and manifests as
a birth defect. Then, there's chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomes are those structures within our cells that contain genes. If an abnormality
occurs (such as a replacement, of one piece of the gene for another) this will also results in a birth defect within the fetus.
Noonan Syndrome is the result of a chromosomal abnormality. This specific type of abnormality can only be detected by deep molecular testing of
the parents and the offspring who has been affected by Noonan syndrome. Detection then becomes a tricky process as the signs and symptoms of the
defect can be misdiagnosed as their individual appearances. A short stature can be seen as just a physical abnormality, the same for eye spacing and
other physically noticeable attributes. The heart diseases can be seen as completely separate problems as well. For this reason cases of Noonan
syndrome can persist into a person 's adult life completely undiagnosed. Detection therefore relies on the parents being genetically tested before ever
Noonan syndrome through inheritance is of an autosomal dominant pattern. That
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The Dangers Of Vaccinating Children From Viruses That...
Mothers who are vaccinated are protecting their unborn children from viruses that could cause birth defects. Protecting future generations is vital in
order to try and exterminate disease. The dangers of not vaccinating include exposing the individual child to disease, and also exposing other
vulnerable people who may have compromised immune systems or not are eligible for vaccination. By receiving a vaccination you are limiting a future
outbreak. Disease has been a problem for as long as mankind has been around. By making vaccinations mandatory for schools in every state we as a
whole will be much healthier and less likely to get sick. 93% of children between the ages of 19–35 months have gotten the vaccine for Polio and the
causes for that disease have decreased by 99%. In today's world our medicine and science is getting much better. One of the first vaccines created
was for smallpox. A man named Edward Jenner discovered that by taking the right amount of the live virus cowpox (vaccinia) and injecting it into his
patients they did not catch smallpox. Like most things, the right dosage of a vaccine can prevent people from getting sick. The fact that vaccines have
nearly gotten rid of some deadly diseases is a reason why getting vaccinated is important. With better education and information, people who choose not
to vaccinate their children can be encouraged to consider vaccination, which will benefit both their families and society as a whole.
Vaccines are very
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Birth Defect
to not drink, smoke, or abuse drugs. Drinks lots of water to stay hydrated, exercise as much as possible, and to take pre–natal vitamins.
Doctors may let older women know who are pregnant or who are expecting to get pregnant (generally over age 35), that there is more of a chance
for birth defects at this age just because their bodies aren't in the best condition and because their bodies may have a harder time carrying or
providing the best care to their baby that the baby needs, compared to someone who is younger. Doctors also tell patients after they have their first
child the risks of having more children as they get older since they will be approaching a more advanced maternal age because they will be older when
they decide or if they decide ... Show more content on ...
Knowing that your child has a birth defect or an abnormality can make the delivery very emotional. An older woman trying to deliver a baby may
also have more difficulty with the delivery depending on how healthy and in shape she is. That may also affect the labor process as well and how fast
it will go. Although, the most common birth defect in children with mothers of an advanced maternal age is Down syndrome. Down syndrome occurs
from a chromosomal defect. The mother must also be motivated to keep herself healthy in good shape during and before the pregnancy (if planning to
get pregnant). The mother must want to maintain a good health status in order to make the pregnancy a successful one, no matter the age. She must
follow all the doctor's orders and go to her regular check ups as needed. Usually, by not following the doctor's orders is where abnormalities and
defects can occur. The doctors make the mother aware of the consequences that can happen when they don't do what is asked of them during the
pregnancy and what can happen if they do the complete opposite. The complete opposite would be eating bad, not caring about their health status at all,
not drinking enough water or drinking an excessive amount of sugary or alcoholic beverages, smoking, using drugs, not taking the pre–natal vitamins,
and not exercising as much as they could be. All of these things can result in
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Essay Birth Defects
Birth defects, or congenital malformations, are the faulty formation of structures or body parts present at birth.
Sporadic, hereditary, or acquired defects may be immediately observed or may become manifest later in life; they may be visible on the body surface
or present internally. Birth defects may be life threatening and require surgical correction, or they may interfere with function or appearance. It is
estimated that about 3% of all children are born with major defects; minor defects or variations are estimated to occur in 10% to 15% of births.
Malformations may be single or multiple. Multiple malformations that occur in a regular recognizable pattern are referred to as syndromes––for
sometimes ... Show more content on ...
In cases of autosomal recessive inheritance, both parents are normal but each carries a silent, or recessive, gene that, if matched in an offspring, causes
the birth defect. Because both parents are so–called carriers (heterozygotes) of the same abnormal gene, they run a 25% risk (1 in 4) of having a child
with the birth defect caused by that particular gene. Examples of birth defects inherited in this autosomal recessive manner are TAY–SACHS
DISEASE and SICKLE–CELL ANEMIA. In cases of X–linked recessive inheritance the abnormal gene is located on the X chromosome.
The normal mother has two X chromosomes, one of which carries the gene for the abnormal condition; but if her son inherits her X chromosome with
the abnormal gene, he will be affected with the condition. HEMOPHILIA is inherited in this matter. Multifactorial Defects
Many common birth defects do not occur in a pattern that indicates simple Mendelian inheritance. They seem to result from an interaction of genes and
the environment, including the intrauterine environment, and each factor includes a number of different hereditary and environmental influences;
hence, these defects are called multifactorial. Among them are congenital heart disease; neural tube defects, including
SPINA BIFIDA, myelomeningocele, and anencephaly; and CLUBFOOT, CLEFT LIP
AND PALATE, and dislocated hips.
Chromosome Number An increase or decrease in the total chromosome material can cause birth defects. For
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Birth Defects in differenct Cultures
In many cultures, birth defects are considered a curse and are sought to be removed by some method: spiritually or by simply ignoring them. However,
as science is improving and eyes are opening towards the topic of birth defects, more research has been conducted to understand and accept them. Since
the 1960s, the federal government introduced ways that mentally ill patients could live outside a mental hospital, where they were confined from the
general public, and live a normal life. Many communities and mental centers were built to allow continuous and efficient care for those patients from
their homes. Yet, the question remains whether or not the whole world has accepted mental illnesses. Many believe that the mentally ill should be...
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Canada is one of the many countries to improve mental health conditions culturally and medically, another leading country is Australia. In Australia, a
two–day event was held at the University of Melbourne called Try Walking in My Shoes. Try Walking in My Shoes, "look[s] at how empathy can be
boosted and community awareness raised by," (Sun–Herald 5) depicting what life is like for the mentally ill. Included in the event was a symposium
that explored the on–screen portrayals of people with a mental illness. In an effort to end the comical relief and violent killer stereotypes of the
mentally ill, Australian films like The Sunnyboy, a documentary of the life of a singer suffering from schizophrenia, and Hypothesis, a film about the
director's twelve year battle with bipolar disorder, were presented at the symposium. Canada's latest project and the symposium in Australia encourage
equality in care and behavior towards these patients. Equality is not seen in other parts of the world as people in other countries continue to classify
people with mental illnesses as a disgrace. Furthermore, despite all the awareness and campaigns to get people to sympathize and empathize with the
mentally ill, many people believe in ignoring and even neglecting these illnesses to avoid public ostracization. This is widely seen in developing
countries or in
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The Birth Of A Baby With Genetic Defects
Science has evolved rapidly, from paternal test, to vitro fertilization (IVF) and testing embryos for genetic defects; and recently talks of designer
babies. The first genetically tested embryo was in the US in 2000 . With his birth, came a law in the UK, (which was where this baby was born)
prohibiting the creation of more of these babies. This law was created since the British Medical Association, Dr Vivienne Nathanson, said that these
babies would feel as "medical products". This law still remains today, but the UK has allowed "the creation of babies with DNA from two women and
one man" (Gallagher), to prevent the birth of a baby with "mitochondrial diseases ". After the world discovered that the Chinese found a way to edit
genes, ... Show more content on ...
Why is this? Why is it alright to wish for our child to look a certain way, but when presented with the technology to choice how a child will look like,
it is seen as morally wrong? Improvement or enhancements made for health related issues are seen as acceptable but non health related modifications
are not acceptable.
To understand what a designer baby is, genetics also has to be understood. Generics is the study of heredity, discovered by Gregor Mendel (also
known as the father of genetics) and his pea plants experiment. In Mendel's experiment "he described the unit of heredity as a particle that does not
change and is passed on to offsprings" (Mandal). This means that a living being gets half of their genes from one parent and the other half from the
second parent. These genes are what get modified in designer babies. The term designer babies is the media's name for eugenics. Eugenicists believe
that it is in our society's best interest to encourage families with "good genes" to reproduce, and to condemn the "unfit" families. These genetically
modified children are considered as the "new eugenics"; "today's version is 'positive': it allows for the creation of more desirable babies"
(Tuhus–Dubrow, 40), also the original version deprived people of their rights and liberties.
The process used to modify genes is called CRISPR/Cas9. It was discovered in china in 2013; before CRISPR, scientist would
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Pros And Cons Of IVF Cause Birth Defects
Ranjana Bhattarai
SCB 101
Topics in Biology
Chapter feature: Process of science
Outside Article: "Does IVF Cause Birth Defects?"
Does IVF Cause Birth Defects?
Scientific development on reproduction and development have brought the concept of fertilization of sperm and egg outside the human body which is
called In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). It is the procedure of manual fertilization by mingling an egg and sperm and then transferring the embryo to the
uterus. The procedure of IVF is ovary stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization and embryo transfer and implantation. Many infertile couples can have
babies through this reproductive technology. This process of assisted reproductive technology in reproduction have been considered as very important
and valuable for those parents who are infertile. However, it is predicted that the use of IVF is associated with an increased risk of developmental
disabilities in the offspring. This is a very critical and significant concern for those who are planning to have babies through IVF. So, I chose this
research topic to find out the dangers which are threatening infertile couple to use this method to have babies. I want to find if the baby produced
through this method would have defects and disabilities or not?
In the article "Does IVF Cause Birth Defects?" by Amy Dockser Marcus, a study published ... Show more content on ...
It has included the result of many researchers who stated that children born through this process have birth defects on them in comparison to children
born naturally. Also, it has included the result of another group of researchers and doctors who stated that children born through this process do not
have any birth defects on them. However, the article has not been able to discover the fact to the point that whether IVF children have birth defects or
not. Honestly speaking, this is the weakness of the article and I did not like
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A Birth Defect
Different studies and different recourses show that about 1 in 33 babies that are born in the U.S have a birth defect. I decided to use this known fact
from the Human Biology thirteenth edition textbook by Sylvia S. Mader and Michael Windelpecht due to the fact that not many people know or even
care to think about it– that is– unless it happened to them or someone in their own circle. In order to understand how to prevent and test for a birth
defect you need to understand some common definitions and words that can be used while reading about the topic. For starters, as stated in the
merriam–webster dictionary, the medical definition of defect is "a lack or deficiency of something necessary for adequacy in form or function."
Another word that is used a lot when talking about this subject matter is test and testing. Based on the medical definition a test is "a diagnostic
procedure for determining the presence or nature of a condition or disease or for revealing a change in function." From this definition you can see
how the word test is also used in medical vocabulary to see what is wrong with a patient so the doctors can determine what to do next. The last term
that I want to explain briefly before continuing is one that people might get confused with, it is the word prevent. Although it might seem like an easy
word people still confuse it with the act of curing someone. The dictionary without a doubt states that the word prevent means "to keep from happening
or existing"
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Birth Defects
Birth Defetc s No one is immune to birth defetc s, yet not everyone is equally susceptible.
Birth defetc s are not merely a medical problem. They have profound effetc s on the social and psychological well being of their family and friends.
In the normal course of fetal development, cells migrate to their appropriate destination so that organs and limbs form where they should. Usually, the
genes perform flawlessly, but mistakes can and do occur. Some of the most common birth defetc s results from the interaction between one or two
abnormal genes out of 100,000 that make up who we are. This is caused by the genes parents pass on or effetc ed by drugs and alcohol upon the fetus of
a new born child. Down's syndrome, ... Show more content on ...
Spina bifida is hereditary and some other factors may be involved, such as drugs or alcohol and even the environment.
" True genetic disease are distinguished from diseases in which genetic factors play a part in the causation of the disorder, but are not totally
responsible for the disease" Strom 117). Mutations causing birth defetc s are not the result of a single gene but, have some genetic components in their
Therefore certain birth defetc s are prone to occur repeatedly in families but, not to be considered purely genetic such as spina bifida. Other causes of
birth disorders are causes from drug and alcohol abuse while pregnant. When a woman uses drugs during pregnancy, she is not only damaging her
health, but also that of her unborn child. The most harmful drugs are those classified as narcotics ( cocaine ,heroin etc
). Other harmful substance include alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. " A women's inter– uterine environment is designed to protetc the fetus from external
injury and to assure proper nutrition. Fetal homeostasis is however heavily dependent on the maternal habitat and can easily be subjetc ed to the
harmful effetc s of drug and alcohol misuse (Gardner 1). In marked contrast, alcohol purchase and consumption carries few restrictions and in terms of
damage to the
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Birth Defect Essay
Raising a child with a birth defect
A birth defect is a physical or mental malformation present at birth. Some birth defects are visible such as leprosy, and some are eternal such as
abnormal body function and divergent blood cells. Additionally, some birth deficiencies are genetic, and others transpire when external factors affect a
child maturation in the womb. For instance, a child whose mother smoked during pregnancy is vulnerable and likely to have a heart defect at birth.
A recent study contends that, in many occurrences, the birth of a child brings a sense of happiness to parents, for this reason, many parents muses
about getting a healthy child, realistically, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have a healthy child with all his/her organ functioning customary.
Nonetheless, what should happen if a ... Show more content on ...
As a parent or a guardian, you should admit the feeling of surprise, anger, and denial that devour you. It is natural and very acceptable to feel
emotionally disturbed but do not let it weigh you down, talk to a counselor or a psychotherapist that can help you come in term with the new reality.
Seek specialized care. Early intervention is pivotal in evaluating your child's need and seeking treatment for him/her. Getting nutrimental advice,
distinguish which occupational therapy may suit your child need and seek suitable professionals to coordinate with in your endeavor to make your kid
Commemorate your child. A child with a congenital disability is prone to stigmatization, mainly in a society that views a child weakness as a curse
or worse, Insulate your child from the surrounding discrimination.Raising a child with a birth defect should not be draining job to any parent or
guardian. Remember to let yourself enjoy your child the same way you could have if she/he was born with no deficiency. The fact that your kid was
born with a congenital disability does not deny him/her the joy and the fulfillment of a happy
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The Effect Of Pair Of Stone Wales Defects On The...
Molecular Dynamics Based Investigation to Study the Effect of Pair of Stone–Thrower–Wales Defects on the Mechanical Response and Failure
Morphology of Graphene
G. Rajasekaran, Rajesh Kumar and Avinash Parashar Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee–
247667, India
Structural defects are inevitable in graphene due to its production techniques as well as chemical and heat treatment processes. These defects in
graphene are introduced either during the production process or deliberately by us to tailor its properties. In this article, the effect of nearest neighbour
distance and angular orientation between Stone–Thrower–Wales defects (STW–2) on the mechanical properties and failure morphology of graphene
was investigated in the frame of molecular dynamics. Mechanical properties and failure morphology of graphene was predicted to be the function of
angular orientation between STW–2 defects, when the nearest neighbour distance was in the range of 10 Г…. Graphene sheet containing pair of
STW–2 defects had shown an overall increase of 8% and 11% in fracture strength and strain respectively as compared to graphene with single STW–2
defect. This study also characterised the failure morphology of graphene sheet with single and pair of STW–2 defects in the armchair direction.
Keywords: Graphene, Stone–Thrower–Wales defect, nearest neighbour distance, angular orientation, mechanical properties, Young's modulus and
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Birth Defects Essays
Birth Defects
No one is immune to birth defects, yet not everyone is equally susceptible.
Birth defects are not merely a medical problem. They have profound effects on the social and psychological well being of their family and friends.
In the normal course of fetal development, cells migrate to their appropriate destination so that organs and limbs form where they should. Usually, the
genes perform flawlessly, but mistakes can and do occur. Some of the most common birthdefects results from the interaction between one or two
abnormal genes out of 100,000 that make up who we are. This is caused by the genes parents pass on or effected by drugs and alcohol upon the fetus of
a new born child. Down's syndrome, the most common genetic ... Show more content on ...
Over the next few years, he gradually became paralyzed and blind. Finally, he became so affected that he was completely unaware of anything or
anyone around him. Then, just before his fourth birthday, he died. (Gravelle 56).
" About one in three hundred people carries this disease, but carriers are ten times more common among mid and eastern European Jews"
(Gravelle 56). This devastating disease has a tremendous emotional effect on the parents. From day one they watch their beautiful healthy child grow
up and live a normal life.
Their child could live a normal life for three to four years without any symptoms. And then with no warning their normal way of life changes
dramatically as they watch their child suffer a slow traumatizing death. Along with watching their child, they also have to face their new life. They
now have to sent most of their time and money on the child, but how ? If they both take off work who will pay for all the doctor bills. If one takes
off work who should it be? Physical breakdowns are a major component facing parents as the deal with all this added pressure. Their life will consist
living around hospitals and live in nurses which many might get to help cope with the child. Their sex life changes. Most of the time parents feel dirty
or diseased them selves causing intimacy to stop and from this, parents soon grow farther apart. Their are
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The Common Genetic Birth Defects
One of the most common genetic birth defects is Down syndrome which is a congenital disorder caused from a chromosome defect. It causes
impairments and physical abnormalities. This is a condition where a child is born with an extra copy of their 21st chromosome. According to the
National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), 1 in 700 babies are born with DS. There is not an exact cause of how DS happens but there is an
explanation as to what happens. When there is any case of reproduction, genes from both parents are passed to the children. Within these genes there
are chromosomes and the child is supposed to receive 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 total. Children with DS end up with 3 copies or an extra partial
copy of chromosome 21 instead of 2... Show more content on ...
Children with DS often grow slowly and as they become an adult they are shorter than normal. Their neck can have excess fat and skin which makes
it look shorter than normal. Short, stocky arms and legs along with a wide space between the big toe and second toe is also a physical body
symptom. As for face shapes and features they can have slanted eyes, nasal bridge that looks pushed in, small ears that look low on the head,
irregularly shaped mouth and tongue. A child's tongue can partly stick out and the teeth can come in late and in a different order than other children.
Most children with DS have mild to moderate cognitive disabilities such as impulsive behavior, short attention span and slow learning capabilities.
Some health issues that are often symptoms of DS are heart defects, hypothyroidism, eye conditions, hearing and dental problems, respiratory infections
and depression. (What is Down Syndrome) Children and adults with DS can face many major health concerns during their life. A few of the most
common include repetitive and obsessive–compulsive behaviors, autism spectrum conditions, neuropsychological problems, and inattentive behaviors.
Young children with DS that have "limitations in language and communication skills, cognition, and non–verbal problem solving abilities present with
increased likelihood of developing: Disruptive, impulsive, inattentive, hyperactive and oppositional behaviors; anxious,
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I Am Born With Multiple Birth Defects, Including A Cleft...
I was born with multiple birth defects, including a cleft palate. These defects required me to need several surgeries throughout my childhood. This
experience introduced me to the medical field early on and started my passion for pursuing a career in the discipline. I came to University of South
Florida as a pre–nursing student in the hopes of making in to the nursing program. I plan to apply to nursing school this spring and hope to continue
my education to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Pediatric Registered Nurse, or a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
My previous experience in the hospital setting showed me many different career options within the field, and one that always stuck out was CRNAs.
They were always the ones to make me feel comfortable and safe as they put me to sleep before a surgery, making them one of my favorite
individuals in the surgical room. I want to be a CRNA so I can be that person for children going through the same thing that I went through.
Additionally, I enjoy science and have always excelled in the subject, so I am extremely fascinated in the science behind anesthesia. The idea of putting
someone to sleep to make surgery tolerable and painless interests me.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist is a two year graduate program. To be accepted in to this program you must receive a bachelor's degree in
nursing, be certified as a registered nurse, and complete a year of clinical
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Birth Defects Of Babies Are Serious Functional Or...
Birth defects in babies are serious functional or structural abnormalities that are present at birth in 3%("approximately 120,000"(Simeone 1104) ) of
infants in the United States each year. There are quite a few different types of defects that you may not even be able to see on the infant at first. It
could be something developmental that will only get worse as they get older. If you believe that birth defects are only caused by women doing illegal
drugs and drinking while pregnant, you're wrong. It could be a complete genetic disorder that the baby has inherited or a chromosome problem where
the baby is missing even just a part or a whole chromosome and in some cases gains an extra. Sometimes before the baby, is born you are able to do ...
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It could be very mild and be solved with therapy, or there are some extreme cases that need surgery as soon as the child is born.Spina Bifida is another
common structural defect that is very serious and it messes with spine. There is a three different types of spina bifida; the first type is
Myelomeningocele which is where the baby 's spine doesn't completely close. "With this condition, a sac of fluid comes through an opening in the
baby's back. Part of the spinal cord and nerves are in this sac and are damaged. This type of spina bifida causes moderate to severe disabilities."
(CDC) The next type is meningocele this has some similarities to the first type with the sac but with this the spine isn't in the sac, this type will only
have some minor disabilities. The final type is Spina Bifida Occulta which is the more mild out of the three. This is where there is only a small gap
in the baby's back with no sac. This is harder to find in infants usually is isn't even discovered until people are young adults, not many disabilities are
caused by this type. There is not only common structural defects, but also developmental or functional defects. A well known type that affects the
nervous system is Down Syndrome. This is when people either have an extra piece on a chromosome or they have a whole extra chromosome number
21. "It is the most common chromosomal cause of mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. People
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The Major Environmental Cause And Environmental Effects Of...
Approximately 150,000 babies born in the United States every year are affected by birth defects, at least 25 percent of those birth defects are
environmentally caused (Birth Defects Statistics). Not only do birth defects affect thousands of babies, other developmental problems such as low birth
weight and preterm labor also have an effect on a staggering number of children. Some developmental problems and birth defects are unavoidable, but
environmentally caused issues can and should be prevented. Factors that are considered to be environmental include smoking tobacco, drinking
alcohol, using illegal drugs, taking prescription medications, having infectious diseases or sexually transmitted diseases, and having poor nutrition.
Environmental factors can cause birth defects and developmental complications, but due to the limited amount of treatments, making appropriate
nutrition and lifestyle decisions during pregnancy can prevent these detrimental issues.
Birth defects and developmental complications can be caused by non environmental factors, or environmental factors. Genetics and heredity are known
causes of birth defects that are not environmental factors. Birth defects such as Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell
Anemia are examples of genetics and heredity issues, which are unavoidable and can not be prevented. However, environmental factors including:
alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, infectious diseases, sexual transmitted
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Causes Of Birth Defects
Causes of Birth Defects
Every day a baby is born with a birth defect, and these defects range from minor abnormalities that need no treatment, to severe defects that may need
surgery, need medication, or even cause disabilities. Caused by environmental influences or inheritance, a birth defect is a biochemical or physical
abnormality present at birth. Around 4,000 birth defects have been discovered throughout the years and each year 1 out of 33 babies are born with a
defect ("Gupta"). What mothers do while pregnant can be a major factor that causes a birth defect. The most common causes of birth defects include
smoking, alcohol use, and recreational drug use while pregnant.
Smoking during pregnancy is one of the most common causes of birth defects in babies. If a mother is smoking during her pregnancy the fetus is also
experiencing the effects smoking can cause. On average twenty percent of women smoke during their pregnancies causing 1,000 baby deaths each year
in the United States ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). Smoking during pregnancy accounts for thirty percent of babies born underweight, fourteen
percent of premature labors, and ten percent of all infant deaths ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). The placenta connects from the uterus to the
developing fetus, giving the baby the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow. When a mother inhales the poisonous gases from the cigarette, they travel
into the mother's blood stream and through the placenta into the fetus. While this
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The Effects Of Prenatal Testing On Children With A Birth...
Prenatal testing was designed to allow a mother with a possible high risk the option to ensure the health of their unborn child with a birth defect. The
testing will also detect harm to the unborn fetus if the mother was exposed to a disease or sickness. There are multiple levels of screening and testing
that can be done to provide to give results to an unborn child. The screenings are safe non–invasive procedures that will detect particular birth defects.1
The types of screenings that can be provided are ultrasound, and blood test.
Ultrasound screening uses sound waves to create an image of the fetus in the uterus. The test will determined the size and the position of the fetus as
well as any abnormalities with the bones or organs of the unborn fetus. 2 There are many types of ultrasounds and at different levels they will reveal
more in depth issues or abnormalities. The first type being nuchal translucency ultrasound; this type of ultrasound is done at 11 weeks 2 day to 14
weeks and 2 days. This ultrasound measures fluid at the back of the babies' neck allowing detection of Down syndrome and major heart defects. The
second type of ultrasound available is fetal anatomy survey or a level 1 ultrasound. This ultrasound will show how far along the pregnancy is. This is
done between 17 to 20 weeks and allowing a head to toe scan to detect birth defects. If the level 1 scan is deemed to be abnormal a level 2 ultrasound
will be preformed to detect harder to find defects.
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Hospital Birth Defects
Birth Defects Associated With Out–Of–Hospital Births
At a point in history, Homebirths and Midwives were prevalent when delivering. However; the use of these two methods plateaued as many people
were concerned with the health of the infants and the mothers. The ultimate goal of delivery is the safety and protection of both the mother and the
child. For a time, and still to this day, women turned to hospitals to ensure that safety. However, as a new wave of feminism has empowered mothers to
take control of the natural birthing process, more and more women are reverting back to the home birth method. Though homebirth goes smoothly for
most mothers, there is always the potential for complications that many mothers are not prepared to handle. ... Show more content on ...
However, the best choice should be the one that achieves the ultimate goal of the safe delivery. The statistics hold the records and can be paramount
for a mother who wants to make the decision. The figures indicate that birth at home is risky when compared to birth in the hospital mostly where
there are a delivery complications, and emergency services are needed. According to the Federal birth registers, out of a thousand babies born at home,
3.9 would likely to have birth defects mostly associated with delivery emergency and complications. On the other hand, the same statistics claim that
for the hospital–based deliveries, only 1.8 of one thousand babies faced birth–related defects (Mathews, Curtin & through Friday, 2015). The statists
also point out that there is a high risk of deficiency when the baby is born at home than when born in the hospital environment. The defects as result of
childbirth–related complication are high in midwives attended birth than those delivery process carried out in hospital when there is an emergency.
Statisticians document 7 defects per one thousand deliveries that have associated birth complications with deliveries attended by midwives. According
to the statistics done in the years 2016 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the home delivery has gained favors than hospital delivery in
the recent time. This implies that as more birth
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Tuning Mechanical Properties Of Graphene With Stone...
Tuning mechanical properties of graphene with Stone–Thrower–Wales defects – A molecular dynamics study
G. Rajasekaran and Avinash Parashar Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee– 247667, India
Structural defects which are inevitable during the production, chemical and heat treatment processes can affect the mechanical properties of graphene
and also defects can be deliberately introduced in graphene by ion beam irradiation to get required properties for specific applications. So,
understanding the effect of defects on mechanical properties and failure behaviours of a graphene sheet is important for its applications. In this work,
the effects of linear and angular orientation of different types of Stone–Thrower–Wales (STW–1 and STW–2) defects on the mechanical properties and
failure behaviour of graphene membrane have been investigated in the frame of molecular dynamics. This work discussing about tuneable mechanical
properties by amending the linear orientation of STW–1 and STW–2 defects at different angles in zigzag direction and armchair direction respectively.
The results obtained from the present work may provide the insights in tailoring the mechanical properties by preparing defects in graphene, and give a
full picture for the applications of graphene with defects in flexible electronics and nanodevices.
Keywords: Graphene, linear and angular orientation, fracture properties, Young's
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A Case Control Study On Birth Defects
In 2002, a case–control study was started in Brittanny, France. The candidates were women who were well into their second trimester (Douglas). Out
of this study, they concluded that 79 out of the 580 babies were born with birth defects (Douglas). The mothers were questioned about their home lives
and their hobbies, along with their occupation. Twenty–nine percent of the women were found to be exposed to these solvents based on the products
they use in their home while twenty–one percent of women were exposed to harmful products through their profession (Douglas). "Women who
reported regular exposure to solvents were four times more likely to have a baby with an oral cleft as compared to women who did not report regular
exposure. Using job... Show more content on ...
Hormones are the building blocks of life. Without them, you can't create new lives. However, hormones are starting to cause people to worry. Breast
development is on the rise. Girls, on average, are beginning to mature and grow breasts at the age of nine, which causes one to raise suspicion
considering how the average in the 1960's was around age 11 (Steingraber 746). Early breast development can be linked to breast cancer later on in
life. "A common misconception is that all man–made chemicals are harmful, and all natural chemicals are good for us. However, many natural
chemicals are just as harmful to human health, if not more so" (Lorch). Dorea Reeser provides a different perspective to counteract the harmful effects
of manmade chemicals. Dorea Reeser upholds a Ph. D. in environmental chemistry at the University of Toronto. She researches and studies the
chemical reactions at water surfaces, and how the chemical and physical properties influence these reactions and the release of important trace gases
into the troposphere.
"The idea that nature can harm us is not new. Have you ever heard of malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, botulism or tetanus? Why, then, are so many convinced
that anything and everything natural is healthier for us than synthetic products? It 's true that modern chemistry has brought us a number of toxic
chemicals, like DDT and dioxins, but do you really think that nature 's chemicals are any less
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National Birth Defects Registry
The Birth Defects Registry is operated by the US by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Besides the CDC, there are other
non–profit institutions that monitor birth defect data, an example of these organizations is the National Birth Defect Registry.
The main function of the Birth Defect Registry is to: "(i) collect information on birth defect incidence by state; (ii) monitor annual trends in birth defect
occurrence and mortality; (iii) conduct research studies to identify generic and environmental risk factors for birth defects; and (iv) promote
educational activities for the prevention of birth defects" (Bowie & Green, 2016).
Most of the birth defects occur during the first three months of pregnancy when the baby's organs
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Birth Defects and the Millennum Development Goals Essay
Birth defects is a critical issue and this is reflected through the intersectionality of birth defects and several of the Millennium Development goals. Birth
defects is related to goals 4,5 and 6 which are infant mortality, improving maternal health and environmental health. All of these goals are interrelated of
preventing and improving birth outcomes. The web of connections birth defects has with the millennium development emphasize the importance of
handling this issue.
Birth defects affects different nations across different severities. To understand the causes of birth defects its important to compare the extremes in
order to better the health of these children and mothers and how to prevent birth defects. So the comparing the US ... Show more content on ...
In many cases, two or more environmental factors may be interrelated or synergistic" (Al–Hadithi , Shabila, Saleh & Al–Diwan , 2012). Although the
cause of most birth defects are unknown, certain genetic and environmental factors increase the chance of birth defects developing. These factors
include exposure to radiation, certain drugs, alcohol, isotretinoin, accutane, nutritional deficiencies, certain infections in the mother, injuries, and
hereditary disorders. While some risks are avoidable others occur no matter how strictly a pregnant woman adheres to healthful living practices.
Environmental substances that can cause birth defects are called teratogens. A teratogen is any substance that can cause or increase the chance of a
birth defect. Examples include radiation (including x–rays), certain drugs, and toxins (including alcohol). Most pregnant women who are exposed to
teratogens have newborns withabnormalities. Whether or not a birth defect occurs depends on when, how much, and how long the pregnant woman
was exposed to the teratogen. For example, exposure to a teratogen during the time that certain parts of the brain are developing is more likely to
cause a defect in those areas than exposure before or after this critical period. Many birth
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Birth Defects Discrimination
The stigma and discrimination of living with severe birth defects
Birth defects are health problems that occurs when a baby is developing in uterus (in the womb) of an individual (Healthline Editorial Team, 2017).
This defect may be caused by genetic disorders, problems with chromosomes, or environmental factors; disorders such as mandibulo–facial dysostosis,
cleft palate and spina bifida. The lives of people with severe birth defects conditions are often contributed by stigma as well as discrimination. Stigma is
a major cause of discrimination which leads to rejections, being scorned and gossip at; isolated socially, bullied; and even labelled. The book, Palacio,
R.J Wonder, 2012 demonstrated the story of a boy named August or "Auggie" Pullman, a ten
–year–old boy living in Manhattan who was born with
severe birth defects (mandibulo–facial dysostosis and a cleft palate) which left him severely disfigured. It was difficult for him to make friends. He
lives with his parents, his older sister Via; and his dog Daisy. August was homeschooled up until the fifth grade but his parents decided it was time for
him attend a real school. They enrolled him in Beecher Prep, a neighborhood private school. There August (Auggie) was faced with many obstacles
during the school year because of his appearance. He dealt with many stigma and discrimination from both students and parents.
Do you know what it is like to experience, shame, isolation and rejection? World Health Organization (WHO),
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Congenital Birth Defects
"I don't care if it's a boy or girl. I just want a healthy baby." Advancements in technology allow parents to learn more than ever about their baby in
utero such as the sex, developmental milestones and potentially any congenital defects. A new parents' greatest fear is that their baby will be sick or
struggle to survive; if parents were able to know their child would be born with a condition that would keep them from leading a typical life, should
they be able to terminate? Having a disability or congenital birth defect does not mean the same thing for our youth as it did ten, twenty, or even fifty
years ago. The same advancements in technology and science that allow us to learn more in utero have enabled us to understand genetic conditions...
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Meiosis is only performed by a male or female's sex organs because the cells found in those organs, gametes, contain the X or Y chromosomes
(Maayan 2011). When the gametes are producing more cells, they pass on the X or Y chromosomes to the new haploid daughter cells. Randomly,
during miosis I or meiosis II, the homologue pairs or the chromatids do not separate in a process called nondisjunction (Mader 2015). When this
occurs occurs and some new cells will be left with no chromosomes and others with double the amount of chromosomes. If a woman has an egg with
no x chromosome is fertilized or if a sperm with no X chromosome fertilizes an egg, what will result is a zygote with only one X chromosome instead
of the normal two ("Chromosomal Abnormalities" 2017). If this zygote is formed, it is called monosomy X or what we know as Turner Syndrome
("Chromosomal Abnormalities"
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Summary: Preventing Birth Defects With Folic Acid
Preventing Birth Defects with Folic Acid
Folic acid is a vitamin that is used by the body to create new cells and keep the blood healthy. Everyone needs folic acid to stay healthy. It is
especially important if you are pregnant.
Folic acid is artificial (synthetic). The vitamin in its natural form is called folate. Some foods are natural sources of folate, and other foods have folic
acid added to them (fortified foods). You can also buy folic acid supplements or vitamins that contain folic acid.
Folic acid helps reduce your baby's risk of serious birth defects, especially:
Spina bifida. Spina bifida occurs when a baby's spinal column does not develop completely. This can ... Show more content on ...
Your health care provider may recommend that you see a nutrition specialist (nutritionist). A nutritionist can help you make healthy food choices and
get more folate from your diet.
Nutrition education programs may be available through your community health department.
Learn more about the importance of folic acid from:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
The Office on Women's Health:–publications/fact–sheet/folic–acid.html
National Institutes of Health:–Consumer
The March of Dimes:–acid.aspx
It is important to start taking folic acid when you plan to become pregnant, because many birth defects can happen before you know that you are
You can get more folate and folic acid from your diet. Look for certain foods that are fortified with folic acid.
Your health care provider may recommend that you take a supplement to get enough folic acid.
ExitCareВ® Patient Information ©2012 ExitCare,
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Case Study on Birth Defects
1. How does the class–presented case study of birth defects draw together and demonstrate each of the goals of epidemiologists (15 points)? During
class lecture on 4/4/2014, I learned about a case study regarding neural tube defects (NTD). The instructor, Amy Ham, discussed this study as well as
various ways professionals apply the goals of epidemiology:
" –To determine the extent of disease found in the community–To trace the etiology of disease –To study the natural history of disease in a specific
population –To evaluate the research –To provide the foundation for developing policy (Ham, 2014)"
Researchers in the case study aimed to determine the extent of NTD within the community, trace the etiology of NTD, and study the natural history of
NTD in the specific population. In evaluating their research, they found that there were no real differences between women with NTD births and those
who had healthy births. The only correlation was that women who did not graduate high school were twice as likely to have NTD pregnancy (Ham,
2014). It can be speculated that this is because women who finish high school may have learned more about health, may be older, or better prepared for
pregnancy. The study left many questions about NTD unanswered, however, which provides the foundation for further research. Additional studies on
NTD have demonstrated that enzyme transformation failures which increase homocysteine levels are responsible for preventing closure of the
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Birth Defect Effect
"There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more." Robert M. Hensel says that, to look at a person with a disability
and think nothing more of them is a disability for us. Birth defects are abnormalities mostly found in infants. There are many issues that come along
with having a birth defect but some can be prevented. Analyzing all that is known in accordance to birth defects can help us look for more solutions in
minimizing birth defect rates. For this reason education for pregnant women regarding birth defects needs to be more prevalent in the medical
community. Learning about birth defects and the importance of preventing them can benefit the community greatly to have a healthier community. By
learning... Show more content on ...
Because of all the research that has been done on birth defects, there is now a new technology that helps the situation in regards to birth defects.
One of these technologies is a robot used to aid in treatment. Researchers at the University of Sheffield, Boston's Children Hospital and Harvard
Medical School developed a robot that is used to aid the treatment of oesophageal atresia (Biotech Week 1). Oesophageal atresia is a rare genetic
birth defect where the upper and lower parts of the oesophagus don't connect. The research spent on this project shows how important education of
birth defects is important even to doctors and health scientists in order to improve the technology for birth defects. The more they learn about birth
defects and the science behind it, the more developments there will be in this field. The new robot makes it easier and less stressful for the patient and
those surrounding the patient. The child is able to move around and live normally as they undergo their treatment (Biotech Week 1). Since the robot is
inside the child, they are able to interact and do what they want as the robot repairs the tissue inside. Another benefit is that with this robot they are
able to improve in the medical field. "We further want to look at other tubular tissues, such as intestine and the vascular system, to see if this
technology can be used to help with
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Birth Defect Research Paper
Use of Genetic Engineering to Stop Birth Defects Every year in the United States around 120,000 infants are born with defects(1). This means that 1
in every 33 babies are born with a harmful defect(1). These children face many hardships throughout their lives. A birth defects is any physical or
biochemical abnormality that is present at birth and that may be inherited or the result of an environmental influence. These defects can range from
mild to severe based on each case. Children born with defects do not normally live the average life span and their life is filled with challenges and
hardships. Birth defects are the leading cause for infant death in the United States. These children get shunned in today's society. If or when they go to...
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The main two ways are environmental and genetic. Environmental defects are ones that are caused by the infant's environment either in utero or after
the birth. These could range from drug induced to the toxins that are in the environment where the child is born. There are also multiple ways that birth
defects can be presented. The most common and accepted ones are structural and functional/developmental birth defects. Structural abnormalities are
defects that occur in the structure or body parts of the infant (5). These could include cleft lip, heart defects, spina bifida, or anyone that challenges the
normal growth of the infant internally or externally. Functional/developmental defects are associated with any abnormality that alters how a body part
or body system works (5). These most commonly lead to intellectual and developmental disorders. The most common developmental defects are
nervous system or brain problem, sensory problems, degenerative disorders, and metabolic disorders (5). Both of these types of defect can
dramatically alter the child's life and lead to many surgeries and therapies. If genetic engineering was used to alter the genetic material while these
affected infants were in utero they could had been born completely
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Congenital Birth Defect: Cleft Palate Essay examples
Cleft palate is a congenital birth defect. Treatment of cleft palate requires the interdisciplinary efforts of a Cleft Palate/Craniofacial team, which
includes speech–language pathologists and dentists. Approximately fifty percent of individuals who suffer from cleft palate have been shown to have
disorders in speech and/or language, with the potential to benefit from treatment (LeDuc, 2008). Individuals with cleft palate may experience secondary
disorders such as feeding and suckling difficulties in infancy, facial deformities, hypernasality, and difficulty maintaining sufficient intraoral pressure to
properly produce pressure consonants. These problems can occur at multiple stages as a child grows into adolescence and young... Show more content
on ...
The success of speech therapy intervention is dependent on successful surgical correction. The authors note that postsurgical complications may
include stiffness due to scar tissue decreasing the flexibility of the velum, tethering of the velum, weakness of the velum, and shrinking of the velar
tissues. The authors also note the risk of malocclusion as the child grows and the palate continues to grow and develop. Ibrahim, Kilpatrick, Reilly, and
Vogel (2009) performed a comparative study of the acoustic measures of hypernasality in the speech of school–aged children aged 2–14 years, some
with cleft lip/palate and others without cleft lip/palate. Ibrahim, Kilpatrick, Reilly, and Vogel (2009) provided perceptual ratings of the hyper
/hyponasality of vowel production in the children's speech. Any child who was sick or had acquired an upper respiratory infection was excluded
from the study, as was any child with cleft lip/palate who also had any other disorders or comorbidities. The study included a perceptual assessment in
which two speech therapists were required to agree upon the perception of the phonemes the child produced. Each child held and sustained two
vowels, followed by production of two CVC words without nasal phonemes. This process was repeated five times with each child. The
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The Effects Of Birth Defects On The Development Of The Fetus
Prenatal development is the process in which a human embryo or fetus gestates during pregnancy, from fertilization until birth (Prenatal Development).
Most cases of unhealthy development can be avoided, however there are some genetic and environmental factors that cannot. Some genetic factors that
affect the development of the fetus are Phenylketonuria, Sickle–cell Anemia, Tay–Sachs Disease, and Down Syndrome (Feldman 402). Some
environmental teratogens that affect the development of the fetus are disease, toxic substances, the mothers age and well–being (Feldman 403).
Teratogens are environmental agents such as drugs, chemicals, viruses, or other factors that produce a birth defect (Feldman 403). About 2–5% of all
pregnancies that occur result in the fetus being born with a serious birth defect. A cause of birth defects can be linked to faulty genes and or
chromosomes (Feldman 402). The following diseases are more common when resulting from genetic and or chromosomal adversity. Phenylketonuria,
an inherited disease in which the fetus cannot produce the required enzymes for normal development, results in the accumulation of poisons that
eventually cause intellectual disabilities (Feldman 402). This disease usually occurs in about 1 and 10,000 pregnancies, and because of how rare this
disease is, it has a successful treatments when caught early enough right after birth (Phenylketonuria). This disease is caused by the PAH gene, the gene
that is responsible for making the
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Antidepressants Cause Birth Defects
The main argument being made is that some antidepressants can cause birth defects, the article provides us with a study to help prove this. The study
looked at data on more than 38,000 women who had given birth in 1997–2009 and compared what the mother's antidepressants are and the child's
number of birth defects (Neighmond, 2015). One concept or idea that ties into child development is epigenetics, where the environment influences or
alters gene expression (Berk, 2018), which makes me wonder if in some cases the child being exposed to an environment of a depressed mother, it
may cause some genes to alter. This also ties into the concept of passive gene environment, where parents who are genetically related to the child set up
the environment... Show more content on ...
An example could be, if the mother or father is showing signs of depression, they may neglect to take proper care for the child. Maybe because they
are depressed, they may not focus all their time into the child, rather focusing on their depression. A woman who avoids taking antidepressants during
her pregnancy to try and ensure her baby is born without defects could still have a child with some sort of birth defect, other things can cause birth
defects, such as current or prior drug use illegal or prescribed, or in other cases that child is just genetically predisposed to it. Birth defects can happen
due to genes malfunctioning or even when there are problems with a chromosome (Berk, 2018). So, it is impossible to say that a pregnant mother can
avoid birth defects by not taking antidepressants. This idea is further reinforced by Jennita Reefhuis in her abstract video when she cautions us that
antidepressants are not the only thing that can cause birth defects, other possibilities such as pre–existing conditions in the mother who takes
antidepressants or other unknown influences may have a large impact on birth defects as well (Reefhuis,
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Birth Defects And Its Effects On Society
Sean Moren
Mrs. Bumgarner
English I Honors
5 May 2017
Studies have been completed, showing that 10% of birth defects are caused by chemicals in industrial products.("Birth Defects and Environmental
Causes." ) The chemicals in industrial products come from many things, however, food is one of the largest contributors to birth defects. Therefore, it is
important that consumers understand how the industry 's use of chemicals can affect one's, health through their use of packing, synthetic chemicals,
and the alternatives to chemical filled foods.
People that work with plastic bottling plants and people who use plastics that are not BPA free have a chance to be harmed permanently. Being
exposed to large amount of BPA can permanently harm... Show more content on ...
(Corbett)Polyurethane laminating, an adhesive for flexible packaging is easy and cheap to use as a sealant for food packaging. However, it can cause
cancer if it react to the moisture in the food causing aromatic amines, which can be deadly. This adhesive is bad because it can react with the moisture
for 41 plus days after it has cured, unlike other adhesives stop reacting seconds after being cured.(Corbett)
There are many ways humans are exposed to chemicals in food, for example eating processed meats, drinking soda, eating foods with
preservatives, or taking dietary supplements. Eating 50 grams or more of processed meats every day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by
18%. That is equivalent to about 4 strips of bacon of 1 hot dog. Red meat also increases the risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate
cancer.(Simon)The lifetime risk of developing colon cancer is 5%. By eating processed meat, the risk of developing colon cancer would rise to 6%.
Which is substantially larger than the normal 5%. (Simon) Meat is not the only food that has major health effects, soda has bad health effects too.
Aspartame is a chemical that is used in soda as an artificial sweetener. It has many harmful effects to the human body even in medium intakes. Some of
the many effects are blindness, impaired hearing, numbness of the limbs, atypical facial pain, headaches.(Gold) Aspartame does not just have
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Causes Of Birth Defects

  • 1. Causes Of Birth Defects Causes of Birth Defects Every day a baby is born with a birth defect, and these defects range from minor abnormalities that need no treatment, to severe defects that may need surgery, need medication, or even cause disabilities. A birth defect is a biochemical or physical abnormality that is present at birth, and they usually are caused by environmental influences or inheritance. Around 4,000 birth defects have been discovered throughout the years and each year 1 out of 33 babies are born with a defect ("Gupta"). What mothers do while pregnant can be a major factor causing the baby to be born with a defect. The most common causes of birth defects include smoking, alcohol use, prescription medications, and recreational drugs use while pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy is one of the most common causes of birth defects in babies. If a mother is smoking during her pregnancy the fetus is also experiencing the effects smoking can cause. On average 20% of women smoke during their pregnancies causing 1,000 baby deaths each year in the United States ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). Smoking during pregnancy accounts for 30% of babies being born underweight, 14% of premature labors, and 10% of all infant deaths ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). The placenta connects from the uterus to the developing fetus, giving the baby the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow. When a mother inhales the poisonous gases from the cigarette, they travel into the mother's blood stream and through the ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Hypospadias: Birth Defect In Boys Hypospadias Hypospadias is a birth defect in boys, where the opening of the urethra is not in the proper place. With hypospadias, the abnormal formation of the urethra in the penis occurs in the 8th to 14th weeks of gestation. There a differing degrees of hypospadias. It is generally considered minor when the urethra is placed just below the end of the penis. More severe forms range from the urethra opening being placed at mid–shaft to behind the scrotum. About 5 in every 1000 boys will be born with some degree of hypospadias, which is usually diagnosed shortly after birth. In some cases hypospadias is inherited, but the cause is unknown. It is known that hormones stimulate the formation of the urethra and foreskin during the 8th to 14th weeks of gestation. The result of a malfunction in the action of these hormones causes hypospadias to occur. Some known risk factors include family history, maternal age over 40, and exposure during pregnancy to smoking and chemicals including pesticides. ... Show more content on ... A circumcision should not be preformed at birth because the foreskin may be needed in the repair of the penis. Hypospadias can somethings cause a curved penis, which if not repaired can cause future problems with erection and urination. If there is a curve in the penis it will also be repaired at the time of the repair of the hypospadias. Surgery will generally repair the normal appearance of the penis, and the boy will usually have normal adult sexual function of the penis. In some cases a second surgery may be ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Baby Birth Defect Imagine a mother was pregnant with her first child, but was living in Love Canal, New York. Her life just could not seem to be better, she had an amazing husband and was about to have her first baby. The child was born with a cleft lip, extra fingers and toes, and mental retardation. That mother would probably still love that baby unconditionally, but how would she feel knowing that her baby's whole life has been drastically changed and she did not know why. Later in the child's life the mother finds out that her child will always have physical and mental limitations because of Hooker Chemical Company. This is what was happening, to not just one, but many families who lived in Love Canal, New York. The whole town, adults and children of all ... Show more content on ... In the video, "Lois Gibbs – The Love Canal Story", Lois Gibbs shares how she and a group of scientists investigated people outside the fence of Love Canal, to try and see if there was a larger amount of disease from the people living there. They found that fifty–six percent of the children were born with birth defects; "fifty–six percent of our children had three ears, double rows of teeth, extra fingers, extra toes, or were mentally retarded" (Lois Gibbs). In the video it also stated that at that time there were twenty–two women pregnant, and of that twenty–two, there four normal babies born. Unfortunately the other eighteen babies were miscarriages, stillborn, or born birth defected. These mishaps were not because the parents of the children had anything wrong with them (before the chemicals), it was because of the large amount of chemicals they were around and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Essay On Birth Defect It is hard for family to be informed that a child is born with some kind of birth defect. Parents are under tremendous stress once they are informed about a defect and then have to decided what they should do to help fix their child's defect. The day a parent finds out they are pregnant, most people are very excited. No one ever wants their baby to be born with a birth defect. A special group of parents must be chosen to have a child with a defect. There are only a few options to choose from when a parent has to pick what they should do to care their baby. Most parents are willing for their child to have surgery if the surgery will help, but there is always some who fear for their baby to undergo surgery. For the parents who are against the options of their baby having surgery they choose abortions or getting their child prescribed medicine. Parents wanting their child to have surgery trust surgeons to operate on their child and are okay that their child may be a little different than other children.... Show more content on ... Today the world is blessed to have many intelligent doctors and surgeons to help fix an infant's defect. The most common birth defects are a cleft lip or palate and a heart defect. To fix these common defects surgery is usually an option. To let a child undergo surgery is a very scary thing to do. When any parent makes the choice of surgery to help fix their child's defect they have to also think about the risks the child can have during surgery. To be put to sleep is always dangerous there is always a chance the patient may not wake up, although the chance is slim. Anyone who makes the choice of surgery has to be strong and believe in the doctors and surgeons to operate on their child. Depending on how bad a child's birth defect is determines the level of help a child needs to mend the defect.. The two common birth defects to have surgery on is, a cleft lip or palate or a ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay On Birth Defect Not every birth in this world is perfect, unfortunately. One out of every 33 babies born in the United States has some form of birth abnormality according to the CDC. Sometimes mutations and birth defects can occur. Of course, no mother would ever want a child with a birth defect. So how do these birth defects and problems occur? Basically anything a mother does to her body will also have a direct effect on the developing fetus inside. Simply put it, a teratogen is defined as "any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes." (Santrock, 2013). The effects of teratogens may vary from child to child, but it will always have a dramatic impact on the family in most situations. Birth defects ... Show more content on ... Birth defects usually break down into two categories: genetic and non–genetic causes. During conception, half of the mother's and father's chromosomes come together to form the genetic blueprint for the future child. However, sometimes the parents may carry a form of genetic defect that they may not be aware of. Perhaps the defect has been carried down in the family from generation to generation, but just hasn't emerged yet. These defects are established at birth and often cannot be prevented (Selner & Leord, 2012). An example of a genetic birth defect would be Down syndrome. This occurs roughly 1 in 800 births, making it one of the most common chromosomal disorders. Down syndrome is caused by the presence of three copies of the 21st chromosome. One of the biggest causes attributed to Down syndrome has to do with the mother's maternal age. According to Lobo and Zhaurova (2008), the risk of having a child with the condition exponentially increases after the woman reaches age 35. In young mothers, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is 1 in 2,000, but the frequency rises to 1 in 100 when a woman is 40, and 1 in 12 when she is 50 years old (Lobo & Zhaurova, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay about Love Love Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Love is what great writers write about, great singers sing about, and great philosophers ponder. Love is a powerful emotion, for which there is no wrong definition, for it suits each and every person differently. Whether love is between family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be experienced in many different ways. People experience love for the first time by being part of a family. Family love is demonstrated through lessons of sacrifice, concern and compassion, from the cradle to the grave. There are many different levels and conditions of family love. It is the love we cherish between our intermediate family and our... Show more content on ... A close–knit loving bond between two people can begin with a friendship. Whether it is a friendship between two males, two females, or one male and one female, these friendships will develop into love. In no way is it a romantic love, but this type of love connects and bonds friends. Friends may move away or friendships may wane, but the love between the two people burns on forever. Romantic love is a love that not every person will experience. It is a type of love that is not there at the beginning, but grows within the individual. When one finally finds the love they have been looking for, one can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic love is a connection between two souls that is captured with a feeling that is not only felt within the heart but within their body as well. I have never been in love with a girl; I can only imagine what it might be like to be in love. Guessing from my sister's relationship with boys, it seems like a big headache instead of a wonderful feeling. To simply write a definition of love is complicated because every person has a different perception of love. The only way to capture the true meaning of love is to experience the feeling and find out for oneself, what love is. In our lives and the lives of others, love is evident. Whether it is between family, friends, or lovers, love is a precious ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Noonan Syndrome Is Agenetic Birth Defect That Results In Noonan syndrome is a genetic birth defect that results in many physical deformities and possible developmental handicaps. Noonan Syndrome affects male children while Turner Syndrome affects females. This paper will focus solely on Noonan Syndrome, which affects 1 in approximately 2,000 people. Complications include but are not limited to: short stature, widely spaced eyes, some form of heart disease, and stunted puberty or infertility. Noonan syndrome is a biochemical disorder that occurs before a person is born and is formed through the genetic makeup of the parents that result in that of their offspring. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of the disorder and how genetics and biochemistry work together to create this ... Show more content on ... These causes specifically are completely biochemical, occurring within the chemical processes that develop the fetus. A singlegene defect goes hand in hand with inheritance. All genes are inherited therefore so are bad genes; a single gene defect is that, a gene for a disease is inherited and manifests as a birth defect. Then, there's chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomes are those structures within our cells that contain genes. If an abnormality occurs (such as a replacement, of one piece of the gene for another) this will also results in a birth defect within the fetus. Noonan Syndrome is the result of a chromosomal abnormality. This specific type of abnormality can only be detected by deep molecular testing of the parents and the offspring who has been affected by Noonan syndrome. Detection then becomes a tricky process as the signs and symptoms of the defect can be misdiagnosed as their individual appearances. A short stature can be seen as just a physical abnormality, the same for eye spacing and other physically noticeable attributes. The heart diseases can be seen as completely separate problems as well. For this reason cases of Noonan syndrome can persist into a person 's adult life completely undiagnosed. Detection therefore relies on the parents being genetically tested before ever conceiving. Noonan syndrome through inheritance is of an autosomal dominant pattern. That ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Dangers Of Vaccinating Children From Viruses That... Mothers who are vaccinated are protecting their unborn children from viruses that could cause birth defects. Protecting future generations is vital in order to try and exterminate disease. The dangers of not vaccinating include exposing the individual child to disease, and also exposing other vulnerable people who may have compromised immune systems or not are eligible for vaccination. By receiving a vaccination you are limiting a future outbreak. Disease has been a problem for as long as mankind has been around. By making vaccinations mandatory for schools in every state we as a whole will be much healthier and less likely to get sick. 93% of children between the ages of 19–35 months have gotten the vaccine for Polio and the causes for that disease have decreased by 99%. In today's world our medicine and science is getting much better. One of the first vaccines created was for smallpox. A man named Edward Jenner discovered that by taking the right amount of the live virus cowpox (vaccinia) and injecting it into his patients they did not catch smallpox. Like most things, the right dosage of a vaccine can prevent people from getting sick. The fact that vaccines have nearly gotten rid of some deadly diseases is a reason why getting vaccinated is important. With better education and information, people who choose not to vaccinate their children can be encouraged to consider vaccination, which will benefit both their families and society as a whole. Vaccines are very ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Birth Defect to not drink, smoke, or abuse drugs. Drinks lots of water to stay hydrated, exercise as much as possible, and to take pre–natal vitamins. Doctors may let older women know who are pregnant or who are expecting to get pregnant (generally over age 35), that there is more of a chance for birth defects at this age just because their bodies aren't in the best condition and because their bodies may have a harder time carrying or providing the best care to their baby that the baby needs, compared to someone who is younger. Doctors also tell patients after they have their first child the risks of having more children as they get older since they will be approaching a more advanced maternal age because they will be older when they decide or if they decide ... Show more content on ... Knowing that your child has a birth defect or an abnormality can make the delivery very emotional. An older woman trying to deliver a baby may also have more difficulty with the delivery depending on how healthy and in shape she is. That may also affect the labor process as well and how fast it will go. Although, the most common birth defect in children with mothers of an advanced maternal age is Down syndrome. Down syndrome occurs from a chromosomal defect. The mother must also be motivated to keep herself healthy in good shape during and before the pregnancy (if planning to get pregnant). The mother must want to maintain a good health status in order to make the pregnancy a successful one, no matter the age. She must follow all the doctor's orders and go to her regular check ups as needed. Usually, by not following the doctor's orders is where abnormalities and defects can occur. The doctors make the mother aware of the consequences that can happen when they don't do what is asked of them during the pregnancy and what can happen if they do the complete opposite. The complete opposite would be eating bad, not caring about their health status at all, not drinking enough water or drinking an excessive amount of sugary or alcoholic beverages, smoking, using drugs, not taking the pre–natal vitamins, and not exercising as much as they could be. All of these things can result in ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay Birth Defects Birth defects, or congenital malformations, are the faulty formation of structures or body parts present at birth. Sporadic, hereditary, or acquired defects may be immediately observed or may become manifest later in life; they may be visible on the body surface or present internally. Birth defects may be life threatening and require surgical correction, or they may interfere with function or appearance. It is estimated that about 3% of all children are born with major defects; minor defects or variations are estimated to occur in 10% to 15% of births. Malformations may be single or multiple. Multiple malformations that occur in a regular recognizable pattern are referred to as syndromes––for example, the FETALALCOHOL SYNDROME sometimes ... Show more content on ... In cases of autosomal recessive inheritance, both parents are normal but each carries a silent, or recessive, gene that, if matched in an offspring, causes the birth defect. Because both parents are so–called carriers (heterozygotes) of the same abnormal gene, they run a 25% risk (1 in 4) of having a child with the birth defect caused by that particular gene. Examples of birth defects inherited in this autosomal recessive manner are TAY–SACHS DISEASE and SICKLE–CELL ANEMIA. In cases of X–linked recessive inheritance the abnormal gene is located on the X chromosome. The normal mother has two X chromosomes, one of which carries the gene for the abnormal condition; but if her son inherits her X chromosome with the abnormal gene, he will be affected with the condition. HEMOPHILIA is inherited in this matter. Multifactorial Defects Many common birth defects do not occur in a pattern that indicates simple Mendelian inheritance. They seem to result from an interaction of genes and the environment, including the intrauterine environment, and each factor includes a number of different hereditary and environmental influences; hence, these defects are called multifactorial. Among them are congenital heart disease; neural tube defects, including SPINA BIFIDA, myelomeningocele, and anencephaly; and CLUBFOOT, CLEFT LIP AND PALATE, and dislocated hips. Chromosome Number An increase or decrease in the total chromosome material can cause birth defects. For ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Birth Defects in differenct Cultures In many cultures, birth defects are considered a curse and are sought to be removed by some method: spiritually or by simply ignoring them. However, as science is improving and eyes are opening towards the topic of birth defects, more research has been conducted to understand and accept them. Since the 1960s, the federal government introduced ways that mentally ill patients could live outside a mental hospital, where they were confined from the general public, and live a normal life. Many communities and mental centers were built to allow continuous and efficient care for those patients from their homes. Yet, the question remains whether or not the whole world has accepted mental illnesses. Many believe that the mentally ill should be... Show more content on ... Canada is one of the many countries to improve mental health conditions culturally and medically, another leading country is Australia. In Australia, a two–day event was held at the University of Melbourne called Try Walking in My Shoes. Try Walking in My Shoes, "look[s] at how empathy can be boosted and community awareness raised by," (Sun–Herald 5) depicting what life is like for the mentally ill. Included in the event was a symposium that explored the on–screen portrayals of people with a mental illness. In an effort to end the comical relief and violent killer stereotypes of the mentally ill, Australian films like The Sunnyboy, a documentary of the life of a singer suffering from schizophrenia, and Hypothesis, a film about the director's twelve year battle with bipolar disorder, were presented at the symposium. Canada's latest project and the symposium in Australia encourage equality in care and behavior towards these patients. Equality is not seen in other parts of the world as people in other countries continue to classify people with mental illnesses as a disgrace. Furthermore, despite all the awareness and campaigns to get people to sympathize and empathize with the mentally ill, many people believe in ignoring and even neglecting these illnesses to avoid public ostracization. This is widely seen in developing countries or in ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Birth Of A Baby With Genetic Defects Science has evolved rapidly, from paternal test, to vitro fertilization (IVF) and testing embryos for genetic defects; and recently talks of designer babies. The first genetically tested embryo was in the US in 2000 . With his birth, came a law in the UK, (which was where this baby was born) prohibiting the creation of more of these babies. This law was created since the British Medical Association, Dr Vivienne Nathanson, said that these babies would feel as "medical products". This law still remains today, but the UK has allowed "the creation of babies with DNA from two women and one man" (Gallagher), to prevent the birth of a baby with "mitochondrial diseases ". After the world discovered that the Chinese found a way to edit genes, ... Show more content on ... Why is this? Why is it alright to wish for our child to look a certain way, but when presented with the technology to choice how a child will look like, it is seen as morally wrong? Improvement or enhancements made for health related issues are seen as acceptable but non health related modifications are not acceptable. To understand what a designer baby is, genetics also has to be understood. Generics is the study of heredity, discovered by Gregor Mendel (also known as the father of genetics) and his pea plants experiment. In Mendel's experiment "he described the unit of heredity as a particle that does not change and is passed on to offsprings" (Mandal). This means that a living being gets half of their genes from one parent and the other half from the second parent. These genes are what get modified in designer babies. The term designer babies is the media's name for eugenics. Eugenicists believe that it is in our society's best interest to encourage families with "good genes" to reproduce, and to condemn the "unfit" families. These genetically modified children are considered as the "new eugenics"; "today's version is 'positive': it allows for the creation of more desirable babies" (Tuhus–Dubrow, 40), also the original version deprived people of their rights and liberties. The process used to modify genes is called CRISPR/Cas9. It was discovered in china in 2013; before CRISPR, scientist would ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Pros And Cons Of IVF Cause Birth Defects Ranjana Bhattarai SCB 101 Topics in Biology Chapter feature: Process of science Outside Article: "Does IVF Cause Birth Defects?" Does IVF Cause Birth Defects? Scientific development on reproduction and development have brought the concept of fertilization of sperm and egg outside the human body which is called In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). It is the procedure of manual fertilization by mingling an egg and sperm and then transferring the embryo to the uterus. The procedure of IVF is ovary stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization and embryo transfer and implantation. Many infertile couples can have babies through this reproductive technology. This process of assisted reproductive technology in reproduction have been considered as very important and valuable for those parents who are infertile. However, it is predicted that the use of IVF is associated with an increased risk of developmental disabilities in the offspring. This is a very critical and significant concern for those who are planning to have babies through IVF. So, I chose this research topic to find out the dangers which are threatening infertile couple to use this method to have babies. I want to find if the baby produced through this method would have defects and disabilities or not? In the article "Does IVF Cause Birth Defects?" by Amy Dockser Marcus, a study published ... Show more content on ... It has included the result of many researchers who stated that children born through this process have birth defects on them in comparison to children born naturally. Also, it has included the result of another group of researchers and doctors who stated that children born through this process do not have any birth defects on them. However, the article has not been able to discover the fact to the point that whether IVF children have birth defects or not. Honestly speaking, this is the weakness of the article and I did not like ... Get more on ...
  • 14. A Birth Defect Different studies and different recourses show that about 1 in 33 babies that are born in the U.S have a birth defect. I decided to use this known fact from the Human Biology thirteenth edition textbook by Sylvia S. Mader and Michael Windelpecht due to the fact that not many people know or even care to think about it– that is– unless it happened to them or someone in their own circle. In order to understand how to prevent and test for a birth defect you need to understand some common definitions and words that can be used while reading about the topic. For starters, as stated in the merriam–webster dictionary, the medical definition of defect is "a lack or deficiency of something necessary for adequacy in form or function." Another word that is used a lot when talking about this subject matter is test and testing. Based on the medical definition a test is "a diagnostic procedure for determining the presence or nature of a condition or disease or for revealing a change in function." From this definition you can see how the word test is also used in medical vocabulary to see what is wrong with a patient so the doctors can determine what to do next. The last term that I want to explain briefly before continuing is one that people might get confused with, it is the word prevent. Although it might seem like an easy word people still confuse it with the act of curing someone. The dictionary without a doubt states that the word prevent means "to keep from happening or existing" ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Birth Defects Birth Defetc s No one is immune to birth defetc s, yet not everyone is equally susceptible. Birth defetc s are not merely a medical problem. They have profound effetc s on the social and psychological well being of their family and friends. In the normal course of fetal development, cells migrate to their appropriate destination so that organs and limbs form where they should. Usually, the genes perform flawlessly, but mistakes can and do occur. Some of the most common birth defetc s results from the interaction between one or two abnormal genes out of 100,000 that make up who we are. This is caused by the genes parents pass on or effetc ed by drugs and alcohol upon the fetus of a new born child. Down's syndrome, ... Show more content on ... Spina bifida is hereditary and some other factors may be involved, such as drugs or alcohol and even the environment. " True genetic disease are distinguished from diseases in which genetic factors play a part in the causation of the disorder, but are not totally responsible for the disease" Strom 117). Mutations causing birth defetc s are not the result of a single gene but, have some genetic components in their causation. Therefore certain birth defetc s are prone to occur repeatedly in families but, not to be considered purely genetic such as spina bifida. Other causes of birth disorders are causes from drug and alcohol abuse while pregnant. When a woman uses drugs during pregnancy, she is not only damaging her health, but also that of her unborn child. The most harmful drugs are those classified as narcotics ( cocaine ,heroin etc ). Other harmful substance include alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. " A women's inter– uterine environment is designed to protetc the fetus from external injury and to assure proper nutrition. Fetal homeostasis is however heavily dependent on the maternal habitat and can easily be subjetc ed to the harmful effetc s of drug and alcohol misuse (Gardner 1). In marked contrast, alcohol purchase and consumption carries few restrictions and in terms of damage to the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Birth Defect Essay Raising a child with a birth defect A birth defect is a physical or mental malformation present at birth. Some birth defects are visible such as leprosy, and some are eternal such as abnormal body function and divergent blood cells. Additionally, some birth deficiencies are genetic, and others transpire when external factors affect a child maturation in the womb. For instance, a child whose mother smoked during pregnancy is vulnerable and likely to have a heart defect at birth. A recent study contends that, in many occurrences, the birth of a child brings a sense of happiness to parents, for this reason, many parents muses about getting a healthy child, realistically, there is nothing wrong with wanting to have a healthy child with all his/her organ functioning customary. Nonetheless, what should happen if a ... Show more content on ... As a parent or a guardian, you should admit the feeling of surprise, anger, and denial that devour you. It is natural and very acceptable to feel emotionally disturbed but do not let it weigh you down, talk to a counselor or a psychotherapist that can help you come in term with the new reality. Seek specialized care. Early intervention is pivotal in evaluating your child's need and seeking treatment for him/her. Getting nutrimental advice, distinguish which occupational therapy may suit your child need and seek suitable professionals to coordinate with in your endeavor to make your kid better. Commemorate your child. A child with a congenital disability is prone to stigmatization, mainly in a society that views a child weakness as a curse or worse, Insulate your child from the surrounding discrimination.Raising a child with a birth defect should not be draining job to any parent or guardian. Remember to let yourself enjoy your child the same way you could have if she/he was born with no deficiency. The fact that your kid was born with a congenital disability does not deny him/her the joy and the fulfillment of a happy ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Effect Of Pair Of Stone Wales Defects On The... Molecular Dynamics Based Investigation to Study the Effect of Pair of Stone–Thrower–Wales Defects on the Mechanical Response and Failure Morphology of Graphene G. Rajasekaran, Rajesh Kumar and Avinash Parashar Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee– 247667, India ABSTRACT Structural defects are inevitable in graphene due to its production techniques as well as chemical and heat treatment processes. These defects in graphene are introduced either during the production process or deliberately by us to tailor its properties. In this article, the effect of nearest neighbour distance and angular orientation between Stone–Thrower–Wales defects (STW–2) on the mechanical properties and failure morphology of graphene was investigated in the frame of molecular dynamics. Mechanical properties and failure morphology of graphene was predicted to be the function of angular orientation between STW–2 defects, when the nearest neighbour distance was in the range of 10 Г…. Graphene sheet containing pair of STW–2 defects had shown an overall increase of 8% and 11% in fracture strength and strain respectively as compared to graphene with single STW–2 defect. This study also characterised the failure morphology of graphene sheet with single and pair of STW–2 defects in the armchair direction. Keywords: Graphene, Stone–Thrower–Wales defect, nearest neighbour distance, angular orientation, mechanical properties, Young's modulus and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Birth Defects Essays Birth Defects No one is immune to birth defects, yet not everyone is equally susceptible. Birth defects are not merely a medical problem. They have profound effects on the social and psychological well being of their family and friends. In the normal course of fetal development, cells migrate to their appropriate destination so that organs and limbs form where they should. Usually, the genes perform flawlessly, but mistakes can and do occur. Some of the most common birthdefects results from the interaction between one or two abnormal genes out of 100,000 that make up who we are. This is caused by the genes parents pass on or effected by drugs and alcohol upon the fetus of a new born child. Down's syndrome, the most common genetic ... Show more content on ... Over the next few years, he gradually became paralyzed and blind. Finally, he became so affected that he was completely unaware of anything or anyone around him. Then, just before his fourth birthday, he died. (Gravelle 56). " About one in three hundred people carries this disease, but carriers are ten times more common among mid and eastern European Jews" (Gravelle 56). This devastating disease has a tremendous emotional effect on the parents. From day one they watch their beautiful healthy child grow up and live a normal life. Their child could live a normal life for three to four years without any symptoms. And then with no warning their normal way of life changes dramatically as they watch their child suffer a slow traumatizing death. Along with watching their child, they also have to face their new life. They now have to sent most of their time and money on the child, but how ? If they both take off work who will pay for all the doctor bills. If one takes off work who should it be? Physical breakdowns are a major component facing parents as the deal with all this added pressure. Their life will consist living around hospitals and live in nurses which many might get to help cope with the child. Their sex life changes. Most of the time parents feel dirty or diseased them selves causing intimacy to stop and from this, parents soon grow farther apart. Their are ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Common Genetic Birth Defects One of the most common genetic birth defects is Down syndrome which is a congenital disorder caused from a chromosome defect. It causes impairments and physical abnormalities. This is a condition where a child is born with an extra copy of their 21st chromosome. According to the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS), 1 in 700 babies are born with DS. There is not an exact cause of how DS happens but there is an explanation as to what happens. When there is any case of reproduction, genes from both parents are passed to the children. Within these genes there are chromosomes and the child is supposed to receive 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 total. Children with DS end up with 3 copies or an extra partial copy of chromosome 21 instead of 2... Show more content on ... Children with DS often grow slowly and as they become an adult they are shorter than normal. Their neck can have excess fat and skin which makes it look shorter than normal. Short, stocky arms and legs along with a wide space between the big toe and second toe is also a physical body symptom. As for face shapes and features they can have slanted eyes, nasal bridge that looks pushed in, small ears that look low on the head, irregularly shaped mouth and tongue. A child's tongue can partly stick out and the teeth can come in late and in a different order than other children. Most children with DS have mild to moderate cognitive disabilities such as impulsive behavior, short attention span and slow learning capabilities. Some health issues that are often symptoms of DS are heart defects, hypothyroidism, eye conditions, hearing and dental problems, respiratory infections and depression. (What is Down Syndrome) Children and adults with DS can face many major health concerns during their life. A few of the most common include repetitive and obsessive–compulsive behaviors, autism spectrum conditions, neuropsychological problems, and inattentive behaviors. Young children with DS that have "limitations in language and communication skills, cognition, and non–verbal problem solving abilities present with increased likelihood of developing: Disruptive, impulsive, inattentive, hyperactive and oppositional behaviors; anxious, ... Get more on ...
  • 20. I Am Born With Multiple Birth Defects, Including A Cleft... I was born with multiple birth defects, including a cleft palate. These defects required me to need several surgeries throughout my childhood. This experience introduced me to the medical field early on and started my passion for pursuing a career in the discipline. I came to University of South Florida as a pre–nursing student in the hopes of making in to the nursing program. I plan to apply to nursing school this spring and hope to continue my education to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Pediatric Registered Nurse, or a Family Nurse Practitioner. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist My previous experience in the hospital setting showed me many different career options within the field, and one that always stuck out was CRNAs. They were always the ones to make me feel comfortable and safe as they put me to sleep before a surgery, making them one of my favorite individuals in the surgical room. I want to be a CRNA so I can be that person for children going through the same thing that I went through. Additionally, I enjoy science and have always excelled in the subject, so I am extremely fascinated in the science behind anesthesia. The idea of putting someone to sleep to make surgery tolerable and painless interests me. Education Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist is a two year graduate program. To be accepted in to this program you must receive a bachelor's degree in nursing, be certified as a registered nurse, and complete a year of clinical ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Birth Defects Of Babies Are Serious Functional Or... Birth defects in babies are serious functional or structural abnormalities that are present at birth in 3%("approximately 120,000"(Simeone 1104) ) of infants in the United States each year. There are quite a few different types of defects that you may not even be able to see on the infant at first. It could be something developmental that will only get worse as they get older. If you believe that birth defects are only caused by women doing illegal drugs and drinking while pregnant, you're wrong. It could be a complete genetic disorder that the baby has inherited or a chromosome problem where the baby is missing even just a part or a whole chromosome and in some cases gains an extra. Sometimes before the baby, is born you are able to do ... Show more content on ... It could be very mild and be solved with therapy, or there are some extreme cases that need surgery as soon as the child is born.Spina Bifida is another common structural defect that is very serious and it messes with spine. There is a three different types of spina bifida; the first type is Myelomeningocele which is where the baby 's spine doesn't completely close. "With this condition, a sac of fluid comes through an opening in the baby's back. Part of the spinal cord and nerves are in this sac and are damaged. This type of spina bifida causes moderate to severe disabilities." (CDC) The next type is meningocele this has some similarities to the first type with the sac but with this the spine isn't in the sac, this type will only have some minor disabilities. The final type is Spina Bifida Occulta which is the more mild out of the three. This is where there is only a small gap in the baby's back with no sac. This is harder to find in infants usually is isn't even discovered until people are young adults, not many disabilities are caused by this type. There is not only common structural defects, but also developmental or functional defects. A well known type that affects the nervous system is Down Syndrome. This is when people either have an extra piece on a chromosome or they have a whole extra chromosome number 21. "It is the most common chromosomal cause of mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. People ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Major Environmental Cause And Environmental Effects Of... Approximately 150,000 babies born in the United States every year are affected by birth defects, at least 25 percent of those birth defects are environmentally caused (Birth Defects Statistics). Not only do birth defects affect thousands of babies, other developmental problems such as low birth weight and preterm labor also have an effect on a staggering number of children. Some developmental problems and birth defects are unavoidable, but environmentally caused issues can and should be prevented. Factors that are considered to be environmental include smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, using illegal drugs, taking prescription medications, having infectious diseases or sexually transmitted diseases, and having poor nutrition. Environmental factors can cause birth defects and developmental complications, but due to the limited amount of treatments, making appropriate nutrition and lifestyle decisions during pregnancy can prevent these detrimental issues. Birth defects and developmental complications can be caused by non environmental factors, or environmental factors. Genetics and heredity are known causes of birth defects that are not environmental factors. Birth defects such as Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia are examples of genetics and heredity issues, which are unavoidable and can not be prevented. However, environmental factors including: alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, infectious diseases, sexual transmitted ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Causes Of Birth Defects Causes of Birth Defects Every day a baby is born with a birth defect, and these defects range from minor abnormalities that need no treatment, to severe defects that may need surgery, need medication, or even cause disabilities. Caused by environmental influences or inheritance, a birth defect is a biochemical or physical abnormality present at birth. Around 4,000 birth defects have been discovered throughout the years and each year 1 out of 33 babies are born with a defect ("Gupta"). What mothers do while pregnant can be a major factor that causes a birth defect. The most common causes of birth defects include smoking, alcohol use, and recreational drug use while pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy is one of the most common causes of birth defects in babies. If a mother is smoking during her pregnancy the fetus is also experiencing the effects smoking can cause. On average twenty percent of women smoke during their pregnancies causing 1,000 baby deaths each year in the United States ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). Smoking during pregnancy accounts for thirty percent of babies born underweight, fourteen percent of premature labors, and ten percent of all infant deaths ("Smoking During Pregnancy"). The placenta connects from the uterus to the developing fetus, giving the baby the nutrients and oxygen it needs to grow. When a mother inhales the poisonous gases from the cigarette, they travel into the mother's blood stream and through the placenta into the fetus. While this ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Effects Of Prenatal Testing On Children With A Birth... Prenatal testing was designed to allow a mother with a possible high risk the option to ensure the health of their unborn child with a birth defect. The testing will also detect harm to the unborn fetus if the mother was exposed to a disease or sickness. There are multiple levels of screening and testing that can be done to provide to give results to an unborn child. The screenings are safe non–invasive procedures that will detect particular birth defects.1 The types of screenings that can be provided are ultrasound, and blood test. Ultrasound screening uses sound waves to create an image of the fetus in the uterus. The test will determined the size and the position of the fetus as well as any abnormalities with the bones or organs of the unborn fetus. 2 There are many types of ultrasounds and at different levels they will reveal more in depth issues or abnormalities. The first type being nuchal translucency ultrasound; this type of ultrasound is done at 11 weeks 2 day to 14 weeks and 2 days. This ultrasound measures fluid at the back of the babies' neck allowing detection of Down syndrome and major heart defects. The second type of ultrasound available is fetal anatomy survey or a level 1 ultrasound. This ultrasound will show how far along the pregnancy is. This is done between 17 to 20 weeks and allowing a head to toe scan to detect birth defects. If the level 1 scan is deemed to be abnormal a level 2 ultrasound will be preformed to detect harder to find defects. Blood ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Hospital Birth Defects Birth Defects Associated With Out–Of–Hospital Births At a point in history, Homebirths and Midwives were prevalent when delivering. However; the use of these two methods plateaued as many people were concerned with the health of the infants and the mothers. The ultimate goal of delivery is the safety and protection of both the mother and the child. For a time, and still to this day, women turned to hospitals to ensure that safety. However, as a new wave of feminism has empowered mothers to take control of the natural birthing process, more and more women are reverting back to the home birth method. Though homebirth goes smoothly for most mothers, there is always the potential for complications that many mothers are not prepared to handle. ... Show more content on ... However, the best choice should be the one that achieves the ultimate goal of the safe delivery. The statistics hold the records and can be paramount for a mother who wants to make the decision. The figures indicate that birth at home is risky when compared to birth in the hospital mostly where there are a delivery complications, and emergency services are needed. According to the Federal birth registers, out of a thousand babies born at home, 3.9 would likely to have birth defects mostly associated with delivery emergency and complications. On the other hand, the same statistics claim that for the hospital–based deliveries, only 1.8 of one thousand babies faced birth–related defects (Mathews, Curtin & through Friday, 2015). The statists also point out that there is a high risk of deficiency when the baby is born at home than when born in the hospital environment. The defects as result of childbirth–related complication are high in midwives attended birth than those delivery process carried out in hospital when there is an emergency. Statisticians document 7 defects per one thousand deliveries that have associated birth complications with deliveries attended by midwives. According to the statistics done in the years 2016 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the home delivery has gained favors than hospital delivery in the recent time. This implies that as more birth ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Tuning Mechanical Properties Of Graphene With Stone... Tuning mechanical properties of graphene with Stone–Thrower–Wales defects – A molecular dynamics study G. Rajasekaran and Avinash Parashar Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee– 247667, India HIGHLIGHTS ABSTRACT Structural defects which are inevitable during the production, chemical and heat treatment processes can affect the mechanical properties of graphene and also defects can be deliberately introduced in graphene by ion beam irradiation to get required properties for specific applications. So, understanding the effect of defects on mechanical properties and failure behaviours of a graphene sheet is important for its applications. In this work, the effects of linear and angular orientation of different types of Stone–Thrower–Wales (STW–1 and STW–2) defects on the mechanical properties and failure behaviour of graphene membrane have been investigated in the frame of molecular dynamics. This work discussing about tuneable mechanical properties by amending the linear orientation of STW–1 and STW–2 defects at different angles in zigzag direction and armchair direction respectively. The results obtained from the present work may provide the insights in tailoring the mechanical properties by preparing defects in graphene, and give a full picture for the applications of graphene with defects in flexible electronics and nanodevices. Keywords: Graphene, linear and angular orientation, fracture properties, Young's ... Get more on ...
  • 27. A Case Control Study On Birth Defects In 2002, a case–control study was started in Brittanny, France. The candidates were women who were well into their second trimester (Douglas). Out of this study, they concluded that 79 out of the 580 babies were born with birth defects (Douglas). The mothers were questioned about their home lives and their hobbies, along with their occupation. Twenty–nine percent of the women were found to be exposed to these solvents based on the products they use in their home while twenty–one percent of women were exposed to harmful products through their profession (Douglas). "Women who reported regular exposure to solvents were four times more likely to have a baby with an oral cleft as compared to women who did not report regular exposure. Using job... Show more content on ... Hormones are the building blocks of life. Without them, you can't create new lives. However, hormones are starting to cause people to worry. Breast development is on the rise. Girls, on average, are beginning to mature and grow breasts at the age of nine, which causes one to raise suspicion considering how the average in the 1960's was around age 11 (Steingraber 746). Early breast development can be linked to breast cancer later on in life. "A common misconception is that all man–made chemicals are harmful, and all natural chemicals are good for us. However, many natural chemicals are just as harmful to human health, if not more so" (Lorch). Dorea Reeser provides a different perspective to counteract the harmful effects of manmade chemicals. Dorea Reeser upholds a Ph. D. in environmental chemistry at the University of Toronto. She researches and studies the chemical reactions at water surfaces, and how the chemical and physical properties influence these reactions and the release of important trace gases into the troposphere. "The idea that nature can harm us is not new. Have you ever heard of malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, botulism or tetanus? Why, then, are so many convinced that anything and everything natural is healthier for us than synthetic products? It 's true that modern chemistry has brought us a number of toxic chemicals, like DDT and dioxins, but do you really think that nature 's chemicals are any less ... Get more on ...
  • 28. National Birth Defects Registry The Birth Defects Registry is operated by the US by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Besides the CDC, there are other non–profit institutions that monitor birth defect data, an example of these organizations is the National Birth Defect Registry. The main function of the Birth Defect Registry is to: "(i) collect information on birth defect incidence by state; (ii) monitor annual trends in birth defect occurrence and mortality; (iii) conduct research studies to identify generic and environmental risk factors for birth defects; and (iv) promote educational activities for the prevention of birth defects" (Bowie & Green, 2016). Most of the birth defects occur during the first three months of pregnancy when the baby's organs ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Birth Defects and the Millennum Development Goals Essay Birth defects is a critical issue and this is reflected through the intersectionality of birth defects and several of the Millennium Development goals. Birth defects is related to goals 4,5 and 6 which are infant mortality, improving maternal health and environmental health. All of these goals are interrelated of preventing and improving birth outcomes. The web of connections birth defects has with the millennium development emphasize the importance of handling this issue. Birth defects affects different nations across different severities. To understand the causes of birth defects its important to compare the extremes in order to better the health of these children and mothers and how to prevent birth defects. So the comparing the US ... Show more content on ... In many cases, two or more environmental factors may be interrelated or synergistic" (Al–Hadithi , Shabila, Saleh & Al–Diwan , 2012). Although the cause of most birth defects are unknown, certain genetic and environmental factors increase the chance of birth defects developing. These factors include exposure to radiation, certain drugs, alcohol, isotretinoin, accutane, nutritional deficiencies, certain infections in the mother, injuries, and hereditary disorders. While some risks are avoidable others occur no matter how strictly a pregnant woman adheres to healthful living practices. Environmental substances that can cause birth defects are called teratogens. A teratogen is any substance that can cause or increase the chance of a birth defect. Examples include radiation (including x–rays), certain drugs, and toxins (including alcohol). Most pregnant women who are exposed to teratogens have newborns withabnormalities. Whether or not a birth defect occurs depends on when, how much, and how long the pregnant woman was exposed to the teratogen. For example, exposure to a teratogen during the time that certain parts of the brain are developing is more likely to cause a defect in those areas than exposure before or after this critical period. Many birth ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Birth Defects Discrimination The stigma and discrimination of living with severe birth defects Birth defects are health problems that occurs when a baby is developing in uterus (in the womb) of an individual (Healthline Editorial Team, 2017). This defect may be caused by genetic disorders, problems with chromosomes, or environmental factors; disorders such as mandibulo–facial dysostosis, cleft palate and spina bifida. The lives of people with severe birth defects conditions are often contributed by stigma as well as discrimination. Stigma is a major cause of discrimination which leads to rejections, being scorned and gossip at; isolated socially, bullied; and even labelled. The book, Palacio, R.J Wonder, 2012 demonstrated the story of a boy named August or "Auggie" Pullman, a ten –year–old boy living in Manhattan who was born with severe birth defects (mandibulo–facial dysostosis and a cleft palate) which left him severely disfigured. It was difficult for him to make friends. He lives with his parents, his older sister Via; and his dog Daisy. August was homeschooled up until the fifth grade but his parents decided it was time for him attend a real school. They enrolled him in Beecher Prep, a neighborhood private school. There August (Auggie) was faced with many obstacles during the school year because of his appearance. He dealt with many stigma and discrimination from both students and parents. Do you know what it is like to experience, shame, isolation and rejection? World Health Organization (WHO), ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Congenital Birth Defects "I don't care if it's a boy or girl. I just want a healthy baby." Advancements in technology allow parents to learn more than ever about their baby in utero such as the sex, developmental milestones and potentially any congenital defects. A new parents' greatest fear is that their baby will be sick or struggle to survive; if parents were able to know their child would be born with a condition that would keep them from leading a typical life, should they be able to terminate? Having a disability or congenital birth defect does not mean the same thing for our youth as it did ten, twenty, or even fifty years ago. The same advancements in technology and science that allow us to learn more in utero have enabled us to understand genetic conditions... Show more content on ... Meiosis is only performed by a male or female's sex organs because the cells found in those organs, gametes, contain the X or Y chromosomes (Maayan 2011). When the gametes are producing more cells, they pass on the X or Y chromosomes to the new haploid daughter cells. Randomly, during miosis I or meiosis II, the homologue pairs or the chromatids do not separate in a process called nondisjunction (Mader 2015). When this occurs occurs and some new cells will be left with no chromosomes and others with double the amount of chromosomes. If a woman has an egg with no x chromosome is fertilized or if a sperm with no X chromosome fertilizes an egg, what will result is a zygote with only one X chromosome instead of the normal two ("Chromosomal Abnormalities" 2017). If this zygote is formed, it is called monosomy X or what we know as Turner Syndrome ("Chromosomal Abnormalities" ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Summary: Preventing Birth Defects With Folic Acid Preventing Birth Defects with Folic Acid WHAT IS FOLIC ACID? Folic acid is a vitamin that is used by the body to create new cells and keep the blood healthy. Everyone needs folic acid to stay healthy. It is especially important if you are pregnant. Folic acid is artificial (synthetic). The vitamin in its natural form is called folate. Some foods are natural sources of folate, and other foods have folic acid added to them (fortified foods). You can also buy folic acid supplements or vitamins that contain folic acid. WHY IS FOLIC ACID IMPORTANT DURINGPREGNANCY? Folic acid helps reduce your baby's risk of serious birth defects, especially: Spina bifida. Spina bifida occurs when a baby's spinal column does not develop completely. This can ... Show more content on ... Your health care provider may recommend that you see a nutrition specialist (nutritionist). A nutritionist can help you make healthy food choices and get more folate from your diet. Nutrition education programs may be available through your community health department. WHERE TO FIND MORE INFORMATION: Learn more about the importance of folic acid from: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The Office on Women's Health:–publications/fact–sheet/folic–acid.html National Institutes of Health:–Consumer The March of Dimes:–acid.aspx SUMMARY It is important to start taking folic acid when you plan to become pregnant, because many birth defects can happen before you know that you are pregnant. You can get more folate and folic acid from your diet. Look for certain foods that are fortified with folic acid. Your health care provider may recommend that you take a supplement to get enough folic acid.
  • 33. ExitCareВ® Patient Information ©2012 ExitCare, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Case Study on Birth Defects 1. How does the class–presented case study of birth defects draw together and demonstrate each of the goals of epidemiologists (15 points)? During class lecture on 4/4/2014, I learned about a case study regarding neural tube defects (NTD). The instructor, Amy Ham, discussed this study as well as various ways professionals apply the goals of epidemiology: " –To determine the extent of disease found in the community–To trace the etiology of disease –To study the natural history of disease in a specific population –To evaluate the research –To provide the foundation for developing policy (Ham, 2014)" Researchers in the case study aimed to determine the extent of NTD within the community, trace the etiology of NTD, and study the natural history of NTD in the specific population. In evaluating their research, they found that there were no real differences between women with NTD births and those who had healthy births. The only correlation was that women who did not graduate high school were twice as likely to have NTD pregnancy (Ham, 2014). It can be speculated that this is because women who finish high school may have learned more about health, may be older, or better prepared for pregnancy. The study left many questions about NTD unanswered, however, which provides the foundation for further research. Additional studies on NTD have demonstrated that enzyme transformation failures which increase homocysteine levels are responsible for preventing closure of the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Birth Defect Effect "There is no greater disability in society than the inability to see a person as more." Robert M. Hensel says that, to look at a person with a disability and think nothing more of them is a disability for us. Birth defects are abnormalities mostly found in infants. There are many issues that come along with having a birth defect but some can be prevented. Analyzing all that is known in accordance to birth defects can help us look for more solutions in minimizing birth defect rates. For this reason education for pregnant women regarding birth defects needs to be more prevalent in the medical community. Learning about birth defects and the importance of preventing them can benefit the community greatly to have a healthier community. By learning... Show more content on ... Because of all the research that has been done on birth defects, there is now a new technology that helps the situation in regards to birth defects. One of these technologies is a robot used to aid in treatment. Researchers at the University of Sheffield, Boston's Children Hospital and Harvard Medical School developed a robot that is used to aid the treatment of oesophageal atresia (Biotech Week 1). Oesophageal atresia is a rare genetic birth defect where the upper and lower parts of the oesophagus don't connect. The research spent on this project shows how important education of birth defects is important even to doctors and health scientists in order to improve the technology for birth defects. The more they learn about birth defects and the science behind it, the more developments there will be in this field. The new robot makes it easier and less stressful for the patient and those surrounding the patient. The child is able to move around and live normally as they undergo their treatment (Biotech Week 1). Since the robot is inside the child, they are able to interact and do what they want as the robot repairs the tissue inside. Another benefit is that with this robot they are able to improve in the medical field. "We further want to look at other tubular tissues, such as intestine and the vascular system, to see if this technology can be used to help with ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Birth Defect Research Paper Use of Genetic Engineering to Stop Birth Defects Every year in the United States around 120,000 infants are born with defects(1). This means that 1 in every 33 babies are born with a harmful defect(1). These children face many hardships throughout their lives. A birth defects is any physical or biochemical abnormality that is present at birth and that may be inherited or the result of an environmental influence. These defects can range from mild to severe based on each case. Children born with defects do not normally live the average life span and their life is filled with challenges and hardships. Birth defects are the leading cause for infant death in the United States. These children get shunned in today's society. If or when they go to... Show more content on ... The main two ways are environmental and genetic. Environmental defects are ones that are caused by the infant's environment either in utero or after the birth. These could range from drug induced to the toxins that are in the environment where the child is born. There are also multiple ways that birth defects can be presented. The most common and accepted ones are structural and functional/developmental birth defects. Structural abnormalities are defects that occur in the structure or body parts of the infant (5). These could include cleft lip, heart defects, spina bifida, or anyone that challenges the normal growth of the infant internally or externally. Functional/developmental defects are associated with any abnormality that alters how a body part or body system works (5). These most commonly lead to intellectual and developmental disorders. The most common developmental defects are nervous system or brain problem, sensory problems, degenerative disorders, and metabolic disorders (5). Both of these types of defect can dramatically alter the child's life and lead to many surgeries and therapies. If genetic engineering was used to alter the genetic material while these affected infants were in utero they could had been born completely ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Congenital Birth Defect: Cleft Palate Essay examples Cleft palate is a congenital birth defect. Treatment of cleft palate requires the interdisciplinary efforts of a Cleft Palate/Craniofacial team, which includes speech–language pathologists and dentists. Approximately fifty percent of individuals who suffer from cleft palate have been shown to have disorders in speech and/or language, with the potential to benefit from treatment (LeDuc, 2008). Individuals with cleft palate may experience secondary disorders such as feeding and suckling difficulties in infancy, facial deformities, hypernasality, and difficulty maintaining sufficient intraoral pressure to properly produce pressure consonants. These problems can occur at multiple stages as a child grows into adolescence and young... Show more content on ... The success of speech therapy intervention is dependent on successful surgical correction. The authors note that postsurgical complications may include stiffness due to scar tissue decreasing the flexibility of the velum, tethering of the velum, weakness of the velum, and shrinking of the velar tissues. The authors also note the risk of malocclusion as the child grows and the palate continues to grow and develop. Ibrahim, Kilpatrick, Reilly, and Vogel (2009) performed a comparative study of the acoustic measures of hypernasality in the speech of school–aged children aged 2–14 years, some with cleft lip/palate and others without cleft lip/palate. Ibrahim, Kilpatrick, Reilly, and Vogel (2009) provided perceptual ratings of the hyper /hyponasality of vowel production in the children's speech. Any child who was sick or had acquired an upper respiratory infection was excluded from the study, as was any child with cleft lip/palate who also had any other disorders or comorbidities. The study included a perceptual assessment in which two speech therapists were required to agree upon the perception of the phonemes the child produced. Each child held and sustained two vowels, followed by production of two CVC words without nasal phonemes. This process was repeated five times with each child. The ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Effects Of Birth Defects On The Development Of The Fetus Prenatal development is the process in which a human embryo or fetus gestates during pregnancy, from fertilization until birth (Prenatal Development). Most cases of unhealthy development can be avoided, however there are some genetic and environmental factors that cannot. Some genetic factors that affect the development of the fetus are Phenylketonuria, Sickle–cell Anemia, Tay–Sachs Disease, and Down Syndrome (Feldman 402). Some environmental teratogens that affect the development of the fetus are disease, toxic substances, the mothers age and well–being (Feldman 403). Teratogens are environmental agents such as drugs, chemicals, viruses, or other factors that produce a birth defect (Feldman 403). About 2–5% of all pregnancies that occur result in the fetus being born with a serious birth defect. A cause of birth defects can be linked to faulty genes and or chromosomes (Feldman 402). The following diseases are more common when resulting from genetic and or chromosomal adversity. Phenylketonuria, an inherited disease in which the fetus cannot produce the required enzymes for normal development, results in the accumulation of poisons that eventually cause intellectual disabilities (Feldman 402). This disease usually occurs in about 1 and 10,000 pregnancies, and because of how rare this disease is, it has a successful treatments when caught early enough right after birth (Phenylketonuria). This disease is caused by the PAH gene, the gene that is responsible for making the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Antidepressants Cause Birth Defects The main argument being made is that some antidepressants can cause birth defects, the article provides us with a study to help prove this. The study looked at data on more than 38,000 women who had given birth in 1997–2009 and compared what the mother's antidepressants are and the child's number of birth defects (Neighmond, 2015). One concept or idea that ties into child development is epigenetics, where the environment influences or alters gene expression (Berk, 2018), which makes me wonder if in some cases the child being exposed to an environment of a depressed mother, it may cause some genes to alter. This also ties into the concept of passive gene environment, where parents who are genetically related to the child set up the environment... Show more content on ... An example could be, if the mother or father is showing signs of depression, they may neglect to take proper care for the child. Maybe because they are depressed, they may not focus all their time into the child, rather focusing on their depression. A woman who avoids taking antidepressants during her pregnancy to try and ensure her baby is born without defects could still have a child with some sort of birth defect, other things can cause birth defects, such as current or prior drug use illegal or prescribed, or in other cases that child is just genetically predisposed to it. Birth defects can happen due to genes malfunctioning or even when there are problems with a chromosome (Berk, 2018). So, it is impossible to say that a pregnant mother can avoid birth defects by not taking antidepressants. This idea is further reinforced by Jennita Reefhuis in her abstract video when she cautions us that antidepressants are not the only thing that can cause birth defects, other possibilities such as pre–existing conditions in the mother who takes antidepressants or other unknown influences may have a large impact on birth defects as well (Reefhuis, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Birth Defects And Its Effects On Society Sean Moren Mrs. Bumgarner English I Honors 5 May 2017 Studies have been completed, showing that 10% of birth defects are caused by chemicals in industrial products.("Birth Defects and Environmental Causes." ) The chemicals in industrial products come from many things, however, food is one of the largest contributors to birth defects. Therefore, it is important that consumers understand how the industry 's use of chemicals can affect one's, health through their use of packing, synthetic chemicals, and the alternatives to chemical filled foods. People that work with plastic bottling plants and people who use plastics that are not BPA free have a chance to be harmed permanently. Being exposed to large amount of BPA can permanently harm... Show more content on ... (Corbett)Polyurethane laminating, an adhesive for flexible packaging is easy and cheap to use as a sealant for food packaging. However, it can cause cancer if it react to the moisture in the food causing aromatic amines, which can be deadly. This adhesive is bad because it can react with the moisture for 41 plus days after it has cured, unlike other adhesives stop reacting seconds after being cured.(Corbett) There are many ways humans are exposed to chemicals in food, for example eating processed meats, drinking soda, eating foods with preservatives, or taking dietary supplements. Eating 50 grams or more of processed meats every day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. That is equivalent to about 4 strips of bacon of 1 hot dog. Red meat also increases the risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer.(Simon)The lifetime risk of developing colon cancer is 5%. By eating processed meat, the risk of developing colon cancer would rise to 6%. Which is substantially larger than the normal 5%. (Simon) Meat is not the only food that has major health effects, soda has bad health effects too. Aspartame is a chemical that is used in soda as an artificial sweetener. It has many harmful effects to the human body even in medium intakes. Some of the many effects are blindness, impaired hearing, numbness of the limbs, atypical facial pain, headaches.(Gold) Aspartame does not just have ... Get more on ...