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The Declaration Of The United Nations
"We the people of the United Nations," is the beginning of the UN preamble. First states,
"Determined to save succeeding generations from war." Secondly to, "reaffirm faith in fundamental
human rights." Third, to uphold international law. And fourth, "to promote social progress and better
standards of life in larger freedom." The UN is a controversial topic that many people have different
opinions about. In this paper it will discuss the history to how the United Nations came about, the
structure of it, what it has done and is doing towards helping people and keeping peace. And overall
show the efforts toward their Charter and what can be done about the future for the United Nations.
The United Nations started to produce through the ... Show more content on ...
The UN began as an alliance that formed a little after the American entry when Germany declared
war on the U.S., 1941. WW11 was hot and heavy, a global conflict that created the "Grand
Alliance." WW11 was brutal and bloody. Death count was as high as 71 million. The effect the war
had was huge. In the end it altered the world. The UN was created to contain the change of what the
world had become. Franklin D. Roosevelt pushed for the formation of the UN. Representatives from
China, the Soviet Union, United and the United States came together and formulated the basic
outline for the new international organization. On October 24, 1945, the United Nations officially
came into existence. The structure of the United Nations has six main parts. The six main parts of
the UN are the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship
Council (later outdated), International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. All of them meet
frequently and do things such as make decisions and issue declarations. Although these parts may
come together as one, they are completely different. The United is more than these parts: fifteen
agencies. Part of why the membership growth is so fast is because of its complexity. Because the
UN gets larger, it is also given more responsibilities. The Security Council is the main part of the
whole UN family. It was initially made up of eleven states and later on grew. Members include the
Permanent Five and then some other
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Persuasive Essay On The Cuban Missile Crisis
Sponsor: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Committee: Historic Security Council
Topic A: The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Security Council,
Condemning the Jupiter and Thor projects by the United States of America as a dangerous threat to
international peace and security,
Taking note of Cuba's right to sovereignty without interference by the United States such as was
seen in the Bay of Pigs Invasion,
Recalling article 2(4) of the UN Charter which states that member states should refrain from
unprovoked, aggressive displays of force, including blockades,
Supporting the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics' legal right to provide arms to an ally as shown
by the United States when they provided nuclear missiles to Italy, and Turkey,
Alarmed by the unnecessary threat of nuclear war proposed by President Kennedy on his October 22
letter to the Soviet Union in response to a legal action,
Concerned by the United States' quarantine of Cuba also announced on October 22, which will
prevent ships from entering Cuba;
Demands the United States withdraw their military quarantine of Cuba immediately as:
It violates Article 2(4) of the UN Charter and thereby international law by committing an illegal act
which threatens violence against the Soviet Union,
It holds the ability to block ships arbitrarily from entering Cuba thereby:
Threatening to deprive the Cuban people from goods such as food
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Nonpermanent Members Of The United Nations
On October 24, 1945, the five victors of World War II assembled in San Francisco to draft a
document called the Charter of the United Nations, which outlined the laws of the United Nations.
This charter created six different branches of the UN. One of the six organs was the UN Security
Council. The Security Council was assigned the task of ensuring that international peace and
security is maintained. The SC consists of fifteen total members whom are also members of the
United Nations. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Republic of China, the United States
of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and France act as the five
permanent members of the United Nations because they were the original victors of the Second
World War. The remaining ten nonpermanent members of the UN are elected by the General
Assembly for a two year term. Each member of the UN Security Council is allowed only one
Diving more in depth about how the UNSC ensures that international peace and security is
maintained, it is important to understand how the Security Council operates. The charter states that,
"the Security Council shall act in accordance with the purposes and principle of the United Nations."
(Article 24) When it comes to the topic of voting, "decisions of the Security Council procedural
matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members." (Article 27) The Security Council
has the authority and ability to investigate any
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Taking a Look at the Reconstruction Era
The Reconstruction Era the period most memorable during the 1860 to the 1877. The period passed
through out a lot of problem like violence the assassination of president Abraham Lincoln, country
been divided over the issue of slavery and a lot of reconstruct had to be made after the fight of the
civil war. At the time the civil war won the victory around 3 million slaves had their freedom. But
their where still problem in rebuilding the nation. When president Abraham Lincoln died in April
14,1865. A new president was elected named Andrew Johnson under his supervision south state
submit ''black codes'' to control the attitude and behavior of all African Americans.
During the reconstruction era the united stated faced many challenge in rebuilding the nation. The
period of Reconstruction During the reconstruction era the united stated faced many challenge in
rebuilding the nation. When African America and white citizens where fighting between each other
homes and farms were destroyed. People also kill farm animals. The temperature of the crops, that
come from agriculture fell below normal. Those problems were challenge in rebuilding the nation.
Reconstruction era was the period from 1865 to 1877 in which programs were created to keep
together the white and black people. To stop the differences between them. The issue that had the
most unbelievable result was the emancipation proclamation which let free many African Americans
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The First Seminole War
The First Seminole War was the first of three conflicts in the early 19th century that involved the
United States Army and the Seminole population in Florida. At the time, Florida was still under the
control of Spain. Most of its population consisted of the Seminole Native Americans and African
Americans. The dates of the First Seminole War are debated but most believe that it occurred
between 1816 and 1818. This war took place after the War of 1812 and tensions were still high
between the United States, Spain, and Great Britain. Spain still had control of Florida, but they
didn't do a good job of enforcing the borders (Mahon, 1998). In 1812, a fort was built near the
Apalachicola River in Florida. This was used as a strategic point during the conflict and tried to
recruit Seminoles into the American army.
After the War of 1812 was over, the fort built near the Apalachicola River was taken over by African
Americans and was then deemed the "Negro fort." The people in neighboring states were outraged
by this and couldn't believe it really existed. General Andrew Jackson wanted this fort to be gone
and threatened Spain about it. Soon after, Fort Scott was built right above the Florida border in
response to the "Negro fort." It was put there so the American troops could watch over what was
happening in Florida. The indigenous people, the Seminoles, still very much inhabited the area and
didn't like this.
In 1816, a supply ship that was transferring equipment to Fort Scott was
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U.s. Foreign Policy : The Game Of Plausible Deniability
US: Overextended in the Game of Plausible Deniability
As I previously stated in the "U.S. Foreign Policy" section of my paper, the U.S. was spread across
the globe in several conflicts. The U.S. had forces in Haiti, Somalia, the Balkans, and the middle
East, so when the bloodshed began in Rwanda, the U.S. was not eager to extend it resources to
another battle.
John Shattuck, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights stated, "Bosnia was in one of its real
crisis modes. The Europeans didn't want to authorize American air strikes for fear that it would
endanger troops, and US was not about to authorize any troops for Bosnia. So it was a terrible
stalemate there. And thousands and thousands of Haitian boat people were taking to the high seas
and trying to get away from Haiti (PBS, America's Response)
The United States found itself is a precarious position. The U.S. did not want to send troops to
another battle in Africa, especially after Americans were sickened seeing the naked mutilated bodies
of U.S. troops being dragged through the streets of Somalia. But, the U.S. had a moral duty to act
against human rights atrocities since the U.S. had adopted the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human
Rights Doctrine. The United Nations could apply pressure to the United States to act if the Rwandan
crisis had actually been reported as a crisis by the U.S and not merely a skirmish. So to avoid being
pressured, the United States maintained it was not aware of the unfolding crisis.
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Should Child Soldiers Be Granted Amnesty Essay
Child soldiers should be granted amnesty. The reason child soldiers should be considered as victims
are because they are forced into labor, drugged, and threatened into service. Many of these child
soldiers, after being rescued and rehabilitated, are able to be adopted into loving families and lead
normal lives. However, those who are sent back to where they became child soldiers will surely
commit those crimes again.
The first reason that child soldiers should be considered as victims are that they are drugged. In
many cases, after the child is taken away from their family, the warlords and their older soldiers will
give the children drugs such as cocaine, marijuana and narcotics to make them more obedient. In the
case of a boy named Ishmael Beah, he was forced into service by government soldiers through
threats, cocaine laced with gunpowder called ... Show more content on ...
"Root Causes of Child Recruitment."United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the
Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016.
Beah, Ishmael. "Advocate for Children Affected by War." UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web.
12 May 2016.
"Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance." Rescue and Refugee Support.
International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016.
United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and
Armed Conflict. "Root Causes of Child Recruitment."United Nations Office of the Special
Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d. Web.
12 May 2016.
Beah, Ishmael. "Advocate for Children Affected by War." UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web.
12 May 2016.
"Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance." Rescue and Refugee Support.
International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May
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Rwanda Genocide: Who Is to Blame?
The Genocide in Rwanda:
Who is to Blame?
Maria Chiara Billones Lucatello
February 3, 2010
International Relations
Mr. Conzemius
"A small boy of 11 years, was curled up in a ball of fresh flesh and blood, in his eyes was a glance of
lost hope, abandonment, and defeat. He was without vision; A little girl at nine years of age, was
pinned up against a tree...her legs apart, and she was covered in things even hell can't imagine;
excrement, urine and blood . . . in her mouth was cold fresh meat, cut with a machete, that of her
father... near in a ditch with putrid water were four bodies, cut up in pieces, stacked up–their parents
and older brothers."
When most people think of Rwanda today, the first thing that comes to mind is the 1994 ... Show
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Nevertheless, they failed to prevent this ridiculous genocide because of their lack of attempt and
lack of effort to stop it. On the fourteenth–anniversary of the genocide, the UN's thoughts go out to
the victims who have been traumatized, hurt, or dead during Rwanda's Genocide. Quote UN
secretary–General Ban Ki–Moon's message "It is often those who most need their rights protected,
who also need to be informed that the Declaration exists –– and that it exists for them."– This
message was a little too late after hundreds of thousands of people have been brutally massacred in
the genocide in Rwanda. Though the UN seemed to have convinced the people in Rwanda that they
were doing their best to stop this, nevertheless, the UN is respectively responsible for their inability
to keep peace among the ethnic tribes (Hutus and Tutsis). (M2PressWIRE, 2008)
The final reason why the United Nations is to blame for Rwanda's Genocide is because of the fact
that they ignored evidence of planned genocide and abandoned Rwandans in need of protection. The
United Nations failed trying. The independent report, commissioned by UN Secretary–General Kofi
Annan ( who was in charge at the time of the Rwandan Genocide), says the UN peacekeeping
operation in Rwanda was hopeless from the start by an poor consent and destroyed by the Security
Council's unwillingness to strengthen it once the slaughters, murders and rape began. UN officials,
together with Annan and then–Secretary–General
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Ban Ki Moon: An Essay On Ban Ki-Moon
Ban Ki Moon
Have you ever got the feeling to strive to realize your grand dream? Did you ever drown yourself
deep in that thought? Or did you just ignored it and never took the time to try and achieve it? Or
perhaps it is because you thought that it is impossible to realize it? Why would you say something is
impossible when you never tried it before? We cannot be pessimistic about anything in this world,
because nothing is impossible, logically speaking. Because other people have achieved more and
even broke their own limit to attain their biggest goal. The living proof: take a look at Ban–Ki–
Ban Ki Moon was born on 13th June 1944 during the Korean War in a small farming village in
North Chungcheong Province. In his childhood, Ban saw the United Nations helped his country to
recover and rebuild and was deeply fascinated by this. When he grew up his father had a business in
warehouse rental, but his father's business got bankrupt later on. In 1962 Ban Ki Moon won a
contest sponsored by the Red Cross and he won a trip to the United States. In United States Ban Ki
moon was given the chance to meet with the U.S President at that time, John F. Kennedy. Due to all
of these life–changing events, Ban has the passion to be a diplomat.
In 1962, Ban Ki–moon ... Show more content on ...
It's the first time Korean people want to be elected. During the period in which these polls took
place, Ban made major speeches to the Asia society and the Council on Foreign Relations in New
York. Ban must have a support from diplomat community and Ban must have avoid the veto right
from any of the five permanent members of the council: People's Republic of China, France, Russia,
the United Kingdom, and the United States. Ban was viewed as a stark contrast from Kofi Annan.
Ban tries to get agreement from France, because in biography Ban can speaks English and France,
it's the language which is used in United Nation
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The Council Of The United States Essay
made up of fifty four member countries elected by the general assembly for three year terms with
staggered elections and each member has one vote
The secretary–general of the UN is the closest thing to a "president of the world" that exists. The
secretary general is nominated unanimously by the Security Council which must include the five
permanent states, and then approved by the general assembly. The staff of the secretary general can
be regarded as an international civil service, which is not to seek nor receive instructions from any
other authority but the UN itself. Trusteeship Council
The trusteeship council now defunct was established in order to supervise the trust territories created
after the end of the second war. The administration of each territory was carried out by a specific
state, but certain supervisory responsibilities were performed by the General Assembly through the
agency of the Trusteeship Council.
International Court of Justice
The international court of justice now called the world court is the organ of the UN responsible for
the handling of judicial disputes between states. The Court which is headquartered in The Hague is
composed of fifteen judges elected by concurrent vote of the General Assembly and the Security
Council. However only states, not individuals or businesses, can sue or be sued in the World Court.
Current Roles of the United Nations
The current roles of the United
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The Purpose of the African Union Mission in Somalia...
The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on the surface is an effective fighting force in
Somalia; however, the success of AMISOM is contingent upon Ugandan participation. The
existence of AMISOM is due to a long Somali history of political / economic instability and the
current struggle against the Somalia based terrorist organization, Al–Shabaab. The overall objective
within Somalia is to eliminate or at a minimum contain the Al–Shabaab threat. The creation of
AMISOM assists the Somalian Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its allies to effectively
target Al–Shabaab while using the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and African Union
(AU) backed AMISOM as an umbrella organization.
From the UN standpoint, Somalia has ... Show more content on ...
Next, the EU, like the UN, is assisting with the famine issue plaguing Somalia, as well as paying the
total of AMISOM troop salaries. Currently, members of the EU are considering the amount to which
that financial backing can be increased, given that the Union is already financially burdened with
several projects in the region, and the funds initially reserved for AMISOM will not be enough to
cover the costs sustained by the increasing troop ceiling. The new EU Resolution 2036 (2012) states,
"It is therefore vital, as stated in the resolution, that new contributors pledge to join the European
Union in providing financial support." The EU is active with the UN on international initiatives set
out by the UN Security Council Resolutions on eliminating piracy off the coast of Somalia. Piracy
acts have been occurring simultaneously with the instability in Somalia, further strengthening the
motives for a stable Somalia.
The AU operates AMISOM with the approval of the UN and is headquartered in Ethiopia. They face
many tasks which include health issues (AIDS/HIV epidemic), famine, intermediating in civil wars;
and improving the standard of living. According to their website, one of the objectives of the AU is
to promote peace, security, and stability on the continent. This objective directly aligns with
eliminating the threat posed by Al–Shabaab.
Due to these instabilities within Somalia, it was essential for the UN, EU, and AU to combine their
efforts and form an
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The Secretary Of State Administration
The Secretary of State is an official of the Federal Government that heads up the U.S. Department of
State. The Secretary of State is appointed by the President, and is the highest ranking appointed
executive branch official. A Secretary of State's main concerns deal with foreign policy, and the
position is considered to be the United States successor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs job. The
Secretary of State as well as the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, and Attorney
General are thought of as the four most important cabinet members. As the highest ranking member
of the cabinet, the Secretary of State is the third–highest official of the executive branch of the
Federal Government, after the President and Vice President. Six Secretaries of State have gone on to
be elected President. The Secretary of State, with the counsel of the Senate, is the President's main
foreign affairs representative. The Secretary of State carries out foreign policies through the Foreign
Service and the State Department of the United States. The duties of the Secretary of State in
relation to foreign policy hasn't changed that much since the late 1800s, but they have become much
more complex and complicated as international countries evolved and multiplied. The secretary of
State has many duties within the inner circle of the President, as The Secretary of State acts as the
President 's first adviser on current issues within United States foreign policy. It's also their job to
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The Détente During The Cold War
Détente is a French word that refers to the time during the Cold war that tensions between America
and the USSR cooled down. This cooling period began around 1971 and took full effect when
President Richard M. Nixon visited the secretary–general of the Soviet Communist party, Leonid I.
Brezhnev, in Moscow, May 1972. Both countries were shocked by the Vietnam War, and found that
the arms race was too expensive causing Détente, this time of low tensions. Though the détente did
not end the Cold War, it increased communications between the 2 nations and allowed them to form
treaties limiting their nuclear weapons.
Though there were many accomplishments during this time like China joining the United Nations.
The main achievements of this time period were the signing of ... Show more content on ...
This was negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union that tried to limit the
manufacture of missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. Of the agreements, the most
important were the Treaty on Anti–Ballistic Missile (ABM) Systems and the Interim Agreement.
Both were signed by President Richard M. Nixon for the United States and Leonid Brezhnev,
general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, for the U.S.S.R. on May 26, 1972, in Moscow. The
ABM treaty regulated antiballistic missiles. This treaty limited each side to only one ABM
deployment area and 100 interceptor missiles. These limitations allowed both sides to only protect a
small fraction of their entire country (hoped that it would stop both sides from attack). The Interim
Agreement reduced each side's number of ICBMs (intercontinental Ballistic Missile) and
submarine–launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). SALT II ( second negotiations) treaty set limits on
the number of strategic launchers. The treaty set a limit of about 2,400 of all such weapons systems
for each side. The SALT II treaty was signed by President Jimmy Carter and Brezhnev in Vienna on
June 18,
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The Syrian Civil War and UN’s Failure to Solve It
Between February 4th, and February 11th, 1945, the Yalta Conference was held in Crimea.[i] The
conference determined the majority of the decisions made by the most powerful branch of the
United Nations. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and
USSR Premier Joseph Stalin secured three permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council.
[ii] At the United Nations Conference on International Organization in April–June 1945, the five
permanent seats of the UNSC were finalized along with the Charter of the United Nations.[iii] The
main argument for accepting the veto rule was, "it was unconceivable that the United Nations should
undertake enforcement action against a great power."[iv] Not undertaking ... Show more content on ...
It is therefore essential to its legitimacy that its membership reflect the state of the world."[xiv]
These two opinions outline the main concern over the problematic structure of the UNSC, which is
that all permanent members of the council are elite nuclear powers whose actions are unchecked due
to their veto powers. The UNSC has neither true international representation, which is crucial to its
purpose of maintaining international peace and security, nor does it have the ability to carry out its
fundamental role since it predominantly addresses the strategic interests and political motives of its
permanent members. This problem of the UNSC, namely, that it is being ruled by P5 nations,
manifested itself in its lack of will to make humanitarian interventions to the Rwandan conflict in
1994.[xv] UNSC's inactivity at the Syrian Civil War is predominantly due to these two flaws in its
Although these two flaws constitute the main problem with UNSC, there are also other criticisms on
UNSC's structure. It is not unknown that the P5 nations secretly hold outside closed door meetings
and decide on matters concerning international peace and security. The results obtained from these
outside meetings are presented to the rest of the council during normal caucuses.[xvi] That P5
nations hold
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A New Piece Of Legislation
If the legislative branch does not agree with the way in which the judicial branch has interpreted the
law, they can introduce a new piece of legislation, and the process starts all over again.They can
initiate a constitutional amendment(changes in its written words), if the state ratify( Ratification is a
principal 's approval of an act of its agent where the agent lacked authority to legally bind the
principal.) it, that can make a Supreme Court ruling void. Congress can amend the Constitution to
overturn decisions of the Supreme Court.Congress can create lower courts.(Judicial branch) . They
can over ride a Presidential veto.If the president reject something,the legislative branch can review
that,and decide what to do.Senate can reject proposed treaties(formal agreements between two or
more sovereign states).Senate can reject presidential nominations of federal officials or
judges.Congress can impeach and remove the President (House serves as prosecution, Senate serves
as jury)(Executive branch) . The speaker of the house is supposed to preside over the daily sessions
of the Senate,Preserve order in the chamber,State parliamentary motions,Rule on parliamentary
questions,Appoint committee chairs and members,Refer bills to committee,Sign legislation, writs
and warrants and Act as the official spokesperson for the House or Assembly.The primary roles
assigned to the President pro tem are to (1) preside over the Senate in the president 's absence, (2)
exercise the powers and
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Essay on Cricket World Cup
Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Charter of the
Organisation of the Islamic Conference
‫ا‬ ‫‫ا‬
In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
We the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, determined: to acknowledge
the Conference of Kings, Heads of State and Government of the Member States convened in Rabat
from 9 to 12 Rajab, 1389 H, corresponding to 22 to 25 September 1969, as well as the Conference
of Foreign Ministers held in Jeddah from 14 to 18 Muharram 1392 H corresponding to 29 February
to 4 March 1972; to be guided by the noble Islamic values of unity and fraternity, and affirming the
essentiality of promoting and consolidating the unity and ... Show more content on
10. 11.
12. 13. 14.
To protect and defend the true image of Islam, to combat defamation of Islam and encourage
dialogue among civilisations and religions; To enhance and develop science and technology and
encourage research and cooperation among Member States in these fields; To promote and to protect
human rights and fundamental freedoms including the rights of women, children, youth, elderly and
people with special needs as well as the preservation of Islamic family values; To emphasize, protect
and promote the role of the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society; To safeguard the
rights, dignity and religious and cultural identity of Muslim communities and minorities in non–
Member States; To promote and defend unified position on issues of common interest
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Solitary On Juveniles
Dear: secretary general of the United Nation, After reading and doing some research of solitary on
juveniles here in the United States is a violation of human rights. I understand that there will be
behavioral to address when it comes to violations and gangs violence among juveniles. Is there
another way to address this behavioral instead of sending them to the solitary? Sending juveniles to
the solitary can bring lots of issues and become higher problems. Having juveniles in the solitary are
violating their human rights. They are not able to function well when they are in hold for more than
20 hours. Juveniles that are in the solitary are suffering from psychological damage that can caused
depression, panic attacks, obsessive thinking, anxiety, traumatizing and suicide thoughts.
Psychological damage is being exposed to the juveniles that are in the solitary. The brain of every
teenager starts to develop more as they are teenagers. Having a teenager in a solitary does not help
them developed the brain because they are in a small space and suffering from anxiety. Therefore,
that is considering violation of human rights. Juveniles are not able to function well when they are in
a solitary with no lights or nothing to do. These ... Show more content on ...
In order for them to behave well they need to have the solitary room. They have seen when a
juvenile is sent to the solitary room they come out with a trauma but there behavior improves.
Another thing they have observed is that they juveniles feel depressed for being in the solitary but
this makes them reflect not to get in trouble. The secretary will also respond to, there is no other way
to punished them we have seen their behavior improve when they are isolated from the rest of the
inmates. According to the philosopher Mary in order to for the juveniles to have personal identity
they need to have ability to feel
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Raphael Lemkin Accomplishments
1 Introduction
War and genocide are organized violence, and historically Established states have been the major
perpetrators of both. Martain shaw
The concept of genocide and the United Nations Genocide Convention are well–known, but the
inventor of both the word and the landmark instrument of international law, Raphael Lemkin, is a
figure, which has been eclipsed and over–shadowed by contemporaries. Raphael Lemkin, a name
later anglicized to Raphael Lemkin, was born on a farm called 'Ozerisko' near the village of
Bezwodene in eastern Poland on 24 June 1900. At the time of Lemkin's birth, the region into ...
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The council refer the matter to its social committee which received a draft resolution of the USA
suggesting that the commission of human rights deal with the problem and an amendment by Cuba
to the effect that an ad hoc committee should prepare the draft convention.
The economic social council with the assistances of experts of international and criminal law, a draft
convention on the crime of genocide is prepare. The council by the same resolution instructed the
secretary general to submit such draft to its next session after consultation with the general
assembly's committee on the progressive development and codification of international law and if
feasible with the commission of human rights. Finally the secretary general was instructed to refer
his draft convention to all member government for
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How Did Alexander Hamilton Influence Today
In the late 1700s, Alexander Hamilton was appointed Secretary of Treasury by George Washington.
It can be assessed whether or not Alexander Hamilton was more influential than George Washington
in those first years under the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton set up multiple ways to pay off the
nation's immense debt. Hamilton founded the Bank of the United States which is known today as the
Federal Reserve System. Hamilton influence also extended into making the United States a
commercial nation instead of an agrarian one. George Washington's influential years came before
the constitution, before and during the American Revolution. Alexander Hamilton was "more
influential than George Washington in the first years under the constitution" because he was the
leading force in trying to pay off America's debt, he set up the united bank and commercial nation
still used today, and George Washington's true time in the ... Show more content on
Hamilton had a vast majority of ideas; from combining state and national debt to the whiskey tax.
Now, these two examples had a fair amount of opposition, but each was adopted. Combining state
and national debt not only forced every American citizen, no matter if their state had paid off their
debt or not, to pay taxes and gave the government more money. This financial plan also gave the
government itself stronger, more steady footing in running the new country.
The Bank of the United States was mainly protested because of its modelling after the Bank of
England. Hamilton's main purpose of founding this bank was to prevent inflation. This was done by
having the bank issue currency so that Congress did not print off more money to pay off debt and
cause inflation. The Bank of the United States shows explicitly how influential Hamilton was during
this time because this bank stabilized the country then and is known as the Federal Reserve System
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Global Organizational Structure Is The Way A Company
As trade increases hyper–competition grows forcing organizations to go global. By a company
going global it requires them to rethink strategy and reform (Ananthram and Pearson, 2008). Global
organizational structure is the way a company aims to merge local preferences with global strategy.
The definition of global strategy is "strategic choices that have the characteristics of being globally
uniform or integrated," (Yip et al., 1997) such as standardization of products, uniform marketing,
and competitive moves, but all globally (Townsend et al., 2004; Zou and Cavusgil, 2002; Bayraktar
and Ndubisi, 2014). Global strategic strategy is a way to adjust to globalization. Globalization is
"the economic and social process by which economies and communities grow inextricably
interdependent "(Jhirad et al., 2009). The recent financial crisis (Das, 2010), large amount of
poverty, and climate change are all problems that show how the world is globally connected because
all countries impact each other (Jhirad et al., 2009).
Research Methodology
This research is qualitative. When the research focuses on fields such as human behavior, strategy
configuration, and policy assessment the qualitative approach is recognized as the appropriate
scientific method (Tilaki and Hedayati, 2015;Polkinghorne, 1991). This study will examine the
organizational structure of the United Nations in order to come to a conclusion as to a more efficient
structure that could have been used during the
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Un Secretary General-Mr. Ki Moon Ban
From his childhood during Korean War to his second election as the Secretary General of the United
Nations, Mr. Ki–moon Ban has demonstrated the leadership of resiliency, with which he was able to
turn crisis into opportunities for his success. Moreover, Mr. Ban's diligence, sincerity and warm–
heartedness also contributed greatly to his rise, along with high performance capability. With such
recognition, Mr. Ban successfully expanded his political network (both in Korea and in the
organization of US) with apparent sincerity, great communication skill and sharp sociopolitical
awareness. During the course of this paper, our group ("We") will analyze and discuss how Mr. Ki–
moon Ban used various situational conflicts as an opportunity to ... Show more content on ...
After the resignation, Mr. Han offered Mr. Ki–moon Ban the Chief of Staff to the United Nations
position. Instead of viewing this position as "demotion," Mr. Ban utilized this as an opportunity to
expand his network, learn the UN, and achieving high performance to become the Secretary General
of the UN in near future. Such resilience and positive perspective enabled Mr. Ban to be at his
current position.
Throughout his career, Mr. Ban has shown energy, enthusiasm and "on–the–field" leadership. As
previously mentioned, he actively engaged and visited China and Philippine to help the escape of
North Korean official. During his tenure at the UN, he visited the civil war sites of Darfur, Sudan
and Cote d'Ivoire. To address the climate change issue, Mr. Ban visited the Antarctic to raise
awareness of the global warming. Since his anointment as the Secretary General, Mr. Ban is known
to travel the entire earth on monthly basis. He strongly feels that in order to truly provide help where
needed, actual visit would allow him to give more effective guidance and support. Mr. Ban's famous
quote, "Nobody can halt a diligent person with a stop sign," echoes with his belief; in order to tackle
complex world issues in the UN, his energy and diligence will be critical elements.
Another core strength of Mr. Ban would be his focus on transparency and mutual trust. Throughout
his political career, Mr. Ban was known to have strong sense of
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The International Community And Responsibility To...
The International Community and Responsibility to Protect 3318 Words 14 Pages
The International Community has a Right to Intervene in Sovereign States in order to end Serious
Human Rights Abuses? Discuss.
Humanitarian intervention is definitely one of the most controversial subjects of the recent decades–
among states, international organizations, non–governmental organizations (NGOs) and academia.
The centre of the debate is the clash of traditional principles of state sovereignty and new adopted
norms on use of force for humanitarian purposes. Despite the political controversies between the
countries, humanitarian intervention is now an international norm which calls for action anytime
there are serious mass life threatening ... Show more content on ...
The discussion on humanitarian intervention emerged in the 1990s with the end of the Cold War and
severe ethnical violence taking place. However, the legal roots of humanitarian intervention are
found on Chapter VII of UN Charter and UN Convention on Prevention and Punishment of
Genocide (Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of International Court of Justice, 1945;
Convention on Genocide, 1948). With the "second wave of democratization" occurring from the late
1940s to 1960s it was strongly embraced the concept of sovereignty by the new liberated states
(Huntington, 1991). Same concept is used currently as a counter–argument to humanitarian
intervention (J. Bajorja & R. McMahon, 2013). However, the co–founders of ICISS argue "...that
sovereign states are defined not by the inviolability of their borders –– the assumption of the post–
colonial era – but by their obligation to protect their citizens" (Homans, 2011).
Humanitarian intervention represents a revolution in the international law, as it challenges the old
Treaty of Westphalia (Treaty of Westphalia, 1648), which certified the domestic sovereignty of state
actors. This principle was also endorsed by the UN Charter in 1945 in the article 2(7), where it was
stated that "nothing should authorize intervention in matters essentially within the domestic
jurisdiction of any state" (Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of International Court of
Justice, 1945, p.3). However, Chapter VII grants
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History and Principle Sections of United Nations
UNITED NATION History and Principle Sections of United Nation: The United Nation was
established by fifty one states on 24th October, 1945 as a consequence of initiatives taken by the
governments of the countries that had led the war against Germany and Japan. By 2010, 192 states
were members of UN. While joining of a new member the member states agreed to accept the
obligation of UN charter. UN has four purposes to maintain international peace and security to co–
operate in solving international problems promoting respect for human rights and being a center for
harmonizing the actions of nations. UN was set up to correct the problems of its predecessor the
League of Nations. UN has six main organs Security Council, General Assembly, The Secretariat,
Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship and International Court of Justice. THE SECURITY
COUNCIL: The Security Council has the main responsibility for maintaining the international peace
and security. In the beginning it was eleven states after 1965 it was fifteen states, it has five
permanent members which are USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA and CHINA. And the rest ten
members are not permanent. The decisions of security councils are binding and it must pass by
majority of nine out of fifteen members and as well as each of five permanent members these
permanent members have Veto Powers. Security Council considers a threat to international peace
and force to settle the dispute peacefully. They also take majors to enforce its
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The UN and Peace Keeping Missions Essay
After the final defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, many people believed that the
establishment of New League of Nations was the key to peace and security. In 24th October 1945,
46 nations from around the world gathered in San Francisco to create UN (United Nations),
replacing League of Nation. United Nations was build in an aim to maintain international law, to
develop friendly relations among nations, to achieve international co–operation and to promote
peace and security. In this essay, I will explore how to tell if something is a state or government,
explain the structure of UN, contrast different examples of a policy area in which UN has effective
authority and another area in which UN has nominal authority, and show how ... Show more content
on ...
The general has the power to express his opinions to the security council if he thinks the matter in
concern may be against international peace and security. Generally, his role is to use utilize his
power to prevent international dispute from arising, escalating and spreading. The security council is
at the core of the United Nations with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of peace and
security. With 15 members, security council provides a forum to address important issues. Among
the 15 members, 5 are the permanent members: China, France, England, Russia and the United
States. These permanent members have veto power, allowing them executive power over decisions.
The other non–permanent members are elected by the general assembly for two–year term. The
roles of the security council is to determine the existence of threat, to call upon its members to solve
the issue by peaceful means and to recommend methods of adjustment. The security council has the
power to resort to imposing sanctions. Moreover, it has the authority to use its forces to maintain
international peace and security. After World War 2, instead of executing the war criminals who
were responsible for the Holocaust, they were tried in a court with genuine trials. This idea of the
international justice shaped the new world order. International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the main
judicial organization of the UN with a broad range of responsibilities. It was established to
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Whiskey Rebellion Dbq
During George Washington's Presidency he did achieve the goals for the United States that are listed
in the Preamble. In the Preamble it states, "We the People of the United States, in order to form a
more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare..." During his period in office, Washington established justice, insured
domestic tranquility, provided for the common defense and promoted general welfare. As stated in
the Preamble that "the people" will establish justice, George Washington did exactly that while in
office. When Washington came to office the first thing he did was put a working government in
place, which would then help establish justice and overall ... Show more content on
However, George Washington provided a common defense and maintained domestic tranquility.
Take the Whiskey Rebellion for example, farmers revolted against a tax passed by Congress and it
did not end well. As stated in America: The History of Our Nation, "Some Pennsylvania farmers
who were against the tax started a violent protest. Washington sent federal troops to Pennsylvania,
showing that armed rebellion would not be accepted." The reason for this rebellion was because of
the tax Congress put on whiskey made and sold in the country, which is why it is called the Whiskey
Rebellion. This uprising tested the will of the new government, however Washington's forceful
response showed Americans that armed rebellion was not acceptable in a republic. Furthermore,
when Washington left office, in his farewell address he made two major points. Firstly, he warned
against political divisions, he feared that violent divisions might tear the nation apart. Secondly, he
stated that the United States should not get entangled in foreign affairs. Probably because if they did
interfere in foreign affairs the citizens of the United States may support different sides, which would
create issues within the country that might tear it apart. These points contribute to the fact that
Washington maintained domestic tranquility and provided common
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Essay on The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb
Technology has allowed for the furtherance of warfare, from the invention of gun powder to the
splitting of the atom. These findings have propelled the leap of numerous nations' in the ability to
wage war against each other. Of these discoveries, the splitting atom spawned an invention that
would hurl the world from conventional warfare into the nuclear age. These ideals were the
brainstorming of some of the greatest minds in America and abroad. These scientists began to
formulate the creation of the atomic bomb, a device that would change the world in ways that had
never been imagined before. The world changed the day that the atomic bomb was dropped on
Japan. This evoked a cataclysmic spiral in the morals and methods of how ... Show more content on ...
Truman's inner council was made up of high level government officials who included: The Secretary
of State , Secretary of War , Asst. Secretary of War , Secretary of the Navy , Admiral Leahy ,
General Marshall , and all the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. With this conglomerate of
mentors, Truman sought the truth as well as the consequences with the decision to press ahead with
this operation. In a memorandum to President Truman from Secretary of War Henry Stimson in an
eye opening statement said; "Within four months we shall in all probability have completed the most
terrible weapon ever known in human history, one bomb which could destroy a whole city." Did
Truman not have a heart, knowing those that would be caught up in the collateral damage of war
would be non–combatants? Is it adventitious to think Truman would have entertained other venues
of peace with the delivery of such a statement? Not only did Secretary Stimson think that the
proposed dropping of the bomb was not within the moral arena of thought, others too voiced their
opinions on the subject to the President. General Groves Secretary of the Army painted a bleak
picture that predicted a desolate civilization to Truman in a statement he made. "Atomic energy if
controlled by the major peace–loving nations
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The Department Of Defense
Alex Novoa Professor Guenther POS1041 04/05/2017 Department of Defense The Department of
Defense also known as the "DoD" is an executive branch department of the federal government of
the United States charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the
government concerned directly with national security and the United States Armed Forces. Before
being named the Department of Defense it was first called the Department of War, which was that
each branch was on its own. It had its own cabinet level secretary. It then changed to the DoD
shortly after WWII; to run the entire military to decrease political infighting. Each of the branch's
individual secretaries now report to the Secretary of Defense. The decision to unify ... Show more
content on ...
Some of those high–ranking officials, civil and military are: the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of
the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force, Army Chief of Staff, Commandant of the Marine Corps,
Chief of Naval Operations, and Air Force Chief of Staff, Chief of the National Guard Bureau and the
Combatant Commanders of the Combatant Commands. All of these high–ranking positions, civil
and military, require Senate confirmation. The Department of Defense is composed of the Office of
the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and the Joint Staff (JS), Office of the
Inspector General (DODIG), the Combatant Commands, the Military Departments (Department of
the Army (DA), Department of the Navy (DON) & Department of the Air Force (DAF)), the
Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities, the National Guard Bureau (NGB), and such other
offices, agencies, activities, organizations, and commands established or designated by law, or by
the President or by the Secretary of Defense. As the head of the department, the Secretary of
Defense is the chief witness for the
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Crime Meeting Memo
To: Wynne Ferdinand, Head of Department
From: Shirley Baez
Subject: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Meeting
Date: April 7, 2016
The United States government funds many United Nations organizations. By now, as the new head
of our department, you've attended several meetings where you got to meet with the head of each
department and other important members. Your next meeting is with the United Nations office on
Drugs and Crime. This memo covers the following information on this organization: what it does,
how it's run and what our future funding options are. You will be meeting with the Executive
Director of the UNODC who also happens to be the Director–General of the United Nations Office
in Vienna to discuss ... Show more content on ...
In order to be hired to work for the UN or specifically for the UNODC, the employee must first, fill
out an application on the UN careers site for the job of their choice. Upon submission, the
application is evaluated in terms of experience, education and skills. Only if it is determined that the
candidate met most or all of the requirements will they be contacted to undergo an assessment.
These assessments may be a knowledge–based test or another type of simulation exercise. Based on
the results of the test, candidates will then participate in a competency–based interview. Lastly,
should the candidate be a fit for the position after all the assessments, a decision will be made by the
head of the department.
Current Membership
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice (CCPCJ) are commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
and Governing Bodies of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Their decisions
provide guidance to the Member States and the UNODC. The task at hand for both Commissions is
how to improve the governance structure and financial situation of the United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime.
In reference to members, the fact sheet on elections and membership on the UNODC site states the
following on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Commission on Crime Prevention and
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The Anaconda Plan Essay
The Anaconda Plan
At the onset of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln met with his generals to devise a strategy
by which the rebellious states of the Confederacy could be brought back into the Union. General
Winfield Scott, commanding general of the Union army, proposed a plan of battle that became
known as the Anaconda Plan.
General Winfield Scott, commanding general of the Union Army
From the Collections of
The Mariners' Museum
General Scott, a native Virginian, believed that the majority of Southerners desired a complete union
with the United States. In order to restore the Union with as little bloodshed as possible, he favored
a relatively nonaggressive policy. The primary strategy of Scott's plan was to create a complete ...
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This being the case, Navy Secretary Gideon Welles feared that the Anaconda Plan would invite
foreign nations to extend diplomatic relations to the Confederacy. The blockade also posed the risk
of offending other nations attempting to trade with the Confederacy. If the blockade proved only
partially successful, it would only serve to infuriate foreign nations.
The Anaconda Plan
From the Collections of
The Mariners' Museum
The United States ultimately adopted the Anaconda Plan, with alterations. The blockade was to
remain central to the Union strategy, but land offensives would also be launched in an effort to take
the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia.
The job of creating and maintaining a true blockade of the South fell on the shoulders of Gideon
Welles. To meet this new challenge the navy began a massive expansion of its fleet. In the spring of
1861, the navy consisted of 82 largely obsolete ships; by December of that year there would be 264
ships in the navy. By the end of the war, the United States Navy would maintain a force of over 600
John Bull
From the Collections of
The Mariners' Museum
For both the North and the South, one of the most strategically important coastal regions was
Hampton Roads in Virginia, where the wide mouth of the James River poured into the Chesapeake
Bay. For the North, Hampton Roads was the
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The United Nations and Its Humanitarian, Peace and...
DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES 4. The United Nations Development Program –UNDP 5. The United
Nations Children's Fund –UNICEF 6. The United Nations Population Fund –UNFPA 7.
HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS AGENCIES 8 .Under–Secretary–General for Humanitarian Affairs
and Emergency Relief Coordinator 9. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees –
UNHCR 10. The World Food Program –WFP 11. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
Palestine Refugees in the Near East –UNRWA 12. PEACE AND SECURITY AGENCIES 13.
Department of Political Affairs– DPA 14. Department of Peacekeeping Operations– DPKO 15.
Department for Disarmament Affairs Disarmament Issues– DDA 16. ECONOMİC AND
SOCİAL AGENCIES 17. Department of Economic and Social Affairs– DESA 18. United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development– UNCTAD 19. United Nations Environment
Program– UNEP 20. United Nations Human Settlements Program –UN–HABITAT 21. United
Nations Drug Control Program– UNDCP The United Nations (UN) is an international organization
established in 1945. It was founded at the end of World War II by the victorious world powers. The
aim was to avoid conflicts between nations and make future wars impossible, by developing
collective security. Governments can make easy cooperation with international law, international
security, economic development, and social equity. In the beginning 51 states was member, in 2005
it was 191 members. The
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Kofi Annan's Argument Against Globalization
Kofi Annan believes that globalization is unavoidable when he compares it to the laws of gravity
which is inescapable; this is exemplified when he states that "arguing against globalization is like
arguing against the laws of gravity". He believes it is pointless because it is bound to happen and
instead of fighting against globalization individuals should embrace and take the advantages it
offers. Kofi Annan has been the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize along with many other honorific
awards and has served as a secretary–general of the United Nations. Kofi Annan is definitely aware
of what happens globally and values the concept of world peace and development because he has
seen the poor situations in the world, especially in developing ... Show more content on ...
The European colonization was a period in history when European countries such as Britain rapidly
took over and colonized many parts of the world which led to trade and interaction between
different peoples. Throughout the centuries of European control much advancement has been made
in transportation, communication and technology. In particular, the printing press, which was created
around the 1500's was a printing medium used to copy text. The printing press was slow to develop,
but it gradually initiated one of the first technological advancements which spread throughout
European cities and countries. This meant that with more printing presses being made there were
more copies of texts which led to a faster way of communication. The invention and advancement of
the printing press was one of the first contributing factors of globalization through communication.
One of the other major events that shaped history was the Silk Road. The Silk Road was an ancient
trade route stretching from Europe to Asia. It was used to export goods, but also served as a means
of carrying out cultural trade amongst different civilizations and it was used to exchange ideas. This
presents the idea that even though initially its purpose was only to trade and gain materials, it
eventually transformed into a way of communication between many different
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Rwanda Genocide Sociology
The term genocide encompasses some of the darkest times in the history of the world. There is no
definitive answer as to what drives one sect of society to try and eliminate another based purely on
their cultural, racial, national or political affiliation either by birth or by choice. During World War
II, between six and eleven million Jewish people were systematically exterminated by the Nazis.
Although it was the most prolific of genocides, it was not the first or the last of this atrocity to occur.
In 1994, genocide occurred in the African nation of Rwanda. At the time it happened, the world paid
little heed while almost a million people were killed. After the incident, the reaction of the United
Nations came under scrutiny as researchers ... Show more content on ...
This had to do with the peacekeepers that were sent to Rwanda, and how long they should stay
there. The UN wanted to pull out troops, but they did not want to be hated. During the time the plan
was being approved President Clinton did not want to commit any forces to Rwanda. Because of
this, the US was scrutinized by the media and asked why they said no, but they did try to help clean
up the situation. Althorugh troops were sent, they did not arrive until the middle of July. Though
they were late, this did help to receive any other refugees to get away and to clam the genocide. But
only fifty US vehicles were really sent to help them get out, the extra troops were sent by the UN
Secretary General for peacekeeping duties along with 200 artillery pieces for a thousand men.
Thanks to all the plans that had been approved and suggested by others to appease the situation
thought many have died a few were saved thanks to UN efforts and as all know thans to a certain
owner of a hotel who convinced a UN officer to take refugees out of Rwanda despite the risk of
taking them out. There were many road blocks that were swarming with Hutus trying to stop them ,
but it was too late and because of this many more lives were saved so the UN sending peacekeepers
actually saved lives CONCLUSION In conclusion, the Rwandan genocide clearly stemmed from
decades of feuds and led to the death of over 800,000 people. Some people think the genocide could
have been prevented if the United States and the United Nations would have done more sooner.
Looking at the history of Alexander
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The Executive Branch: Role In Foreign Affairs
When asked today who controls the majority of the foreign policy of the United States, an American
would probably answer, "The Executive Branch." However, the legislative branch plays a role in
foreign affairs as well. When President Obama traveled to Cuba, twenty members of congress
accompanied him. In fact there once was a time, a small window in post World War II America,
where the executive branch would not dare to make a decision without consulting the Senate's
Committee on Foreign Relations. Instead, President Truman committed himself to working with
members of his own party as well as Republicans to foster a bipartisan, decisive congress. World
War II had created a perfect storm for bipartisanship to flourish: Europe was in tatters, ... Show more
content on ...
In order to see a United Nations that allowed open discussion of world issues, the Republican and
Democrat United States delegates had to be united in their proposals and opinions at all times. The
United States Delegates during the San Francisco Conference worked for a United Nations that
could not necessarily exercise military or economic power, but moral power and the power of a
global opinion: as Senator Vandenberg explained, it would be the "Town Meeting of the world."
These principles offended the Soviet Union's idea that the strongest nations should rule over the
weaker ones, but they especially fought over the terms of the Security Council and the General
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Hammarskjöld What Is The Driving Force Behind The Un
Xander McIntosh
The King's College
Founder's Competition
17 November 2016
The United Nations: An Internship Like No Other
"The United Nations was not created to lead mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell."
Dag Hammarskjöld , former United Nations Secretary–General
The kinds of hell Dag Hammarskjöld referred to are not difficult to imagine in a world ravished by
World War II and terrified by the threat of nuclear war. Hammarskjöld is known today as the second
Secretary–General of the United Nations (UN) and widely regarded as a man of unimpeachable
character. His career at the UN was remarkable, in that he was completely uninterested in the
bureaucratic politics many at the United Nations engage in, choosing to lead projects from the
command tent instead of the corner office. He was the first and only Secretary–General to be chosen
unanimously and is largely regarded as the greatest leader of the United Nations in history. John F.
Kennedy once said about Hammarskjöld, "I realize now, in comparison to him I am a small man. He
was the greatest statesman of our century." (Cite) The question then begs to be asked: what is the
driving force behind this man's impeccable integrity? As we know now, it was his passionate and
private Christian faith. His compassion for his fellow man manifested itself in the form of service to
millions through the United Nations. In addition, a collection of vivid personal Christian reflections,
hailed by many as one of the most
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The Homeland Security Act Of 2002
The Homeland security act of 2002, was a major reconstruction of civil services in the United States
of America, which had not happened since the passing of the Civil Service Reform act of 1978
(Brook & King, 2007). Over the period of 24 years, minor modifications of civil service reform
were established. The events that took place during the September 11 terrorist attacks would once
more restructure the United States civil services. George H W Bush proclaimed in his state of the
union address, on January 29, 2002, "Our first priority must always be the security of our nation"
(American Rhetoric Online Speech Bank, 2002, para. 28). In addition, Bush stated later in his
speech, "America is no longer protected by vast oceans. We are ... Show more content on ...
The Acts effective date was set 60 days after the date of enactment, which established the DHS in
early 2003 (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). The newly established Department primary mission is to prevent
terrorist attacks, reduce the vulnerability of the United States, and minimize damages caused by
terrorist attacks (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). Accomplishment of the mission was through coalescing 22
federal agencies together, under the management of one department. An established chain of
command leaves the Secretary of the DHS, overall in charge of the whole department.
The secretary of the DHS, Appointed by the President, is the head of the department. The president
appoints the secretary with the consent of the senate (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). After the appointment
of the secretary, the secretary takes complete control of the department. The secretary delegates the
functions of the department established by the act. In addition, can enter into agreements with other
executive agencies and ensure the systems and databases are compatible with the other entities of
the department (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). The secretary also has the authority to make contracts,
grants, and cooperation agreements between other federal and non–federal agencies to combat
terrorism (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). The secretary has the responsibility to access, and advocate, the
resources need by state and local governments that is to implement the
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Australia And The United States
Australia and the United States of America are two modern, democratic, English–speaking countries
both initially settled by the British. Captain James Cook led a fleet of settlers and convicts into the
Botany Bay in Australia in 1788. The United States declared its Independence in 1776, and fought a
war with the British to obtain that independence. Australia began with a central government, then
the states came about and, lastly, local governments came into being (, 2014). It was
opposite for the U.S. Communities combined into territories and states, which eventually became
the Unites States. Both Australia and the United States look as if to have similar systems of
government at first glance. They are both federated nations, which means that the "power to govern"
is shared between national and state governments. Both systems are bicameral, consisting of two
chambers, with an elected House of Representatives and Senate. However, Australia is a
constitutional monarchy and the U.S. is a republic. The similarities and differences between the two
systems can be seen in their structure, their Constitutions, their elections of the heads of state, and
their legislature.
The United States and Australia both have a Parliament that contains two houses: the House of
Representatives and the Senate. In the United States our Parliament is called Congress. Australia's
political system can be considered a mixture of the US and British systems. The parliamentary and
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The Role Of Genocide In Rwanda
In April of 1994, a terrible atrocity began in the African country of Rwanda where around eight
hundred thousand individuals were massacred over a time period of 100 brutal days. If thought
about in mathematical terms, this works out to about 333 deaths per hour; which is a rate of deaths
worse than what occurred during the Holocaust. (2) The term genocide is defined in the United
Nations Genocide Convention, established in 1948, as "any of the following acts committed with the
intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) killing
members of the group; b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c)
deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to ... Show more content on ...
This becomes incredibly apparent surround the cable sent by the Canadian General Roméo Dallaire
who was leading the UNAMIR mission on January 11th. It was sent directly to the office of Kofi
Annan, and contained information about a meeting between a UNAMIR official and a Hutu
informant who that a genocide was incredibly imminent and gave the location of a major weapons
cache of the Interhamwe, the military of the Hutu government, as he did not agree with what was
about to take place and was willing to share this information in exchange for protection. (8) The
Secretariat receive this report a full three months before the genocide occurred and were fully aware
of what might happen should no action be taken, but the information never made it to the security
council. (8) Although some countries, especially those in the P5 were well aware of what was
occurring, many other member states relied purely on the information provided and therefore had no
idea that a genocide could occur in the small African nation.
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The Issues Of Financial Reform Within The Un,...
The issues of Financial Reform within the UN, peacekeeping, and the Veto power are all
interrelated. Veto countries abuse the powers they are given by refusing to pay, or contributing little
to the UN and allowing the weaker countries to do the dirty work. Peace Keeping is, perhaps, The
most important of the UN’s duties. But without the funds and equipment of the veto countries
Peacekeeping forces will become only a memory. The main problem facing the UN, despite the
issues with Veto powers, Peacekeeping, and the Americans, is the organization 's financial situation.
It has been forced to begin a lengthy restructuring to make it more cost effective due to the lack of
funds it is encountering. In a recent UN report entitled, “Renewing the United Nations: A
Programme for Reform” the UN officials began to address this problem. The report outlined the
course which will be taken in order to balance the budget. Since the organization itself is completely
reliant upon the money it receives from it’s members it is almost helpless in its hopes to move
forward. The only way of punishing members who do not pay is to kick them out of the organization
and cut off the benefits they receive. The current financial reform of the UN is very complex. It will
involve, for the most part, cuts in employee’s and an increased efficiency from it’s four
departments. These departments being Peace and Security; Economic and Social Affairs;
Development Co–operation; and Humanitarian Affairs.
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Foreign Aid Effects
The act of cutting spending from other sectors could potentially have a negative impact on the
national security of the United States. One of the most important sectors outside of defense spending
related to boosting the strength of national security is foreign aid. Foreign aid has been used as a
tool by the United States to stabilize weak states and build alliances with states that could potentially
become dangerous adversaries in the future. One of the most significant historic examples of foreign
aid was the Marshall Plan in the aftermath of World War II, a conflict in which much of Europe had
been decimated by the violence of the war and was unable to rebuild without outside aid (Sarkesian
12). The United States had emerged as the strongest ... Show more content on ...
In the statement, Rubio points out that foreign aid is already less than 1% of budget, so cutting it
would not make a major difference in supporting the 54 billion dollar increase in defense spending
(Rubio). This statement highlights the present opposition to Trump, even within his own party, that
understands the immense impact that foreign aid has on boosting national security. Major foreign
leaders, such as the Secretary General of the United Nations, have also spoken against the proposed
foreign aid cut and the devastating effect that it would have on international affairs. The spokesman
of Secretary General Antonio Guterres recently released a statement sharing the view that
"combating terrorism" and ensuring international security "requires more than military spending"
(Al Jazeera). President Trump and his cabinet should listen to the concerns of their fellow party
members and world leaders in regards to this stance, as well as study the history of the positive
impact that foreign aid has had on United States national
... Get more on ...

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The Declaration Of The United Nations

  • 1. The Declaration Of The United Nations "We the people of the United Nations," is the beginning of the UN preamble. First states, "Determined to save succeeding generations from war." Secondly to, "reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights." Third, to uphold international law. And fourth, "to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom." The UN is a controversial topic that many people have different opinions about. In this paper it will discuss the history to how the United Nations came about, the structure of it, what it has done and is doing towards helping people and keeping peace. And overall show the efforts toward their Charter and what can be done about the future for the United Nations. The United Nations started to produce through the ... Show more content on ... The UN began as an alliance that formed a little after the American entry when Germany declared war on the U.S., 1941. WW11 was hot and heavy, a global conflict that created the "Grand Alliance." WW11 was brutal and bloody. Death count was as high as 71 million. The effect the war had was huge. In the end it altered the world. The UN was created to contain the change of what the world had become. Franklin D. Roosevelt pushed for the formation of the UN. Representatives from China, the Soviet Union, United and the United States came together and formulated the basic outline for the new international organization. On October 24, 1945, the United Nations officially came into existence. The structure of the United Nations has six main parts. The six main parts of the UN are the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council (later outdated), International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. All of them meet frequently and do things such as make decisions and issue declarations. Although these parts may come together as one, they are completely different. The United is more than these parts: fifteen agencies. Part of why the membership growth is so fast is because of its complexity. Because the UN gets larger, it is also given more responsibilities. The Security Council is the main part of the whole UN family. It was initially made up of eleven states and later on grew. Members include the Permanent Five and then some other ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On The Cuban Missile Crisis Sponsor: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea Committee: Historic Security Council Topic A: The Cuban Missile Crisis DEFUSING THE THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR THROUGH THE RESOLUTION OF THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS The Security Council, Condemning the Jupiter and Thor projects by the United States of America as a dangerous threat to international peace and security, Taking note of Cuba's right to sovereignty without interference by the United States such as was seen in the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Recalling article 2(4) of the UN Charter which states that member states should refrain from unprovoked, aggressive displays of force, including blockades, Supporting the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics' legal right to provide arms to an ally as shown by the United States when they provided nuclear missiles to Italy, and Turkey, Alarmed by the unnecessary threat of nuclear war proposed by President Kennedy on his October 22 letter to the Soviet Union in response to a legal action, Concerned by the United States' quarantine of Cuba also announced on October 22, which will prevent ships from entering Cuba; Demands the United States withdraw their military quarantine of Cuba immediately as: It violates Article 2(4) of the UN Charter and thereby international law by committing an illegal act which threatens violence against the Soviet Union, It holds the ability to block ships arbitrarily from entering Cuba thereby: Threatening to deprive the Cuban people from goods such as food ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Nonpermanent Members Of The United Nations On October 24, 1945, the five victors of World War II assembled in San Francisco to draft a document called the Charter of the United Nations, which outlined the laws of the United Nations. This charter created six different branches of the UN. One of the six organs was the UN Security Council. The Security Council was assigned the task of ensuring that international peace and security is maintained. The SC consists of fifteen total members whom are also members of the United Nations. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Republic of China, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and France act as the five permanent members of the United Nations because they were the original victors of the Second World War. The remaining ten nonpermanent members of the UN are elected by the General Assembly for a two year term. Each member of the UN Security Council is allowed only one representative. Diving more in depth about how the UNSC ensures that international peace and security is maintained, it is important to understand how the Security Council operates. The charter states that, "the Security Council shall act in accordance with the purposes and principle of the United Nations." (Article 24) When it comes to the topic of voting, "decisions of the Security Council procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members." (Article 27) The Security Council has the authority and ability to investigate any ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Taking a Look at the Reconstruction Era The Reconstruction Era the period most memorable during the 1860 to the 1877. The period passed through out a lot of problem like violence the assassination of president Abraham Lincoln, country been divided over the issue of slavery and a lot of reconstruct had to be made after the fight of the civil war. At the time the civil war won the victory around 3 million slaves had their freedom. But their where still problem in rebuilding the nation. When president Abraham Lincoln died in April 14,1865. A new president was elected named Andrew Johnson under his supervision south state submit ''black codes'' to control the attitude and behavior of all African Americans. During the reconstruction era the united stated faced many challenge in rebuilding the nation. The period of Reconstruction During the reconstruction era the united stated faced many challenge in rebuilding the nation. When African America and white citizens where fighting between each other homes and farms were destroyed. People also kill farm animals. The temperature of the crops, that come from agriculture fell below normal. Those problems were challenge in rebuilding the nation. Reconstruction era was the period from 1865 to 1877 in which programs were created to keep together the white and black people. To stop the differences between them. The issue that had the most unbelievable result was the emancipation proclamation which let free many African Americans ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The First Seminole War The First Seminole War was the first of three conflicts in the early 19th century that involved the United States Army and the Seminole population in Florida. At the time, Florida was still under the control of Spain. Most of its population consisted of the Seminole Native Americans and African Americans. The dates of the First Seminole War are debated but most believe that it occurred between 1816 and 1818. This war took place after the War of 1812 and tensions were still high between the United States, Spain, and Great Britain. Spain still had control of Florida, but they didn't do a good job of enforcing the borders (Mahon, 1998). In 1812, a fort was built near the Apalachicola River in Florida. This was used as a strategic point during the conflict and tried to recruit Seminoles into the American army. After the War of 1812 was over, the fort built near the Apalachicola River was taken over by African Americans and was then deemed the "Negro fort." The people in neighboring states were outraged by this and couldn't believe it really existed. General Andrew Jackson wanted this fort to be gone and threatened Spain about it. Soon after, Fort Scott was built right above the Florida border in response to the "Negro fort." It was put there so the American troops could watch over what was happening in Florida. The indigenous people, the Seminoles, still very much inhabited the area and didn't like this. In 1816, a supply ship that was transferring equipment to Fort Scott was ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. U.s. Foreign Policy : The Game Of Plausible Deniability US: Overextended in the Game of Plausible Deniability As I previously stated in the "U.S. Foreign Policy" section of my paper, the U.S. was spread across the globe in several conflicts. The U.S. had forces in Haiti, Somalia, the Balkans, and the middle East, so when the bloodshed began in Rwanda, the U.S. was not eager to extend it resources to another battle. John Shattuck, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights stated, "Bosnia was in one of its real crisis modes. The Europeans didn't want to authorize American air strikes for fear that it would endanger troops, and US was not about to authorize any troops for Bosnia. So it was a terrible stalemate there. And thousands and thousands of Haitian boat people were taking to the high seas and trying to get away from Haiti (PBS, America's Response) The United States found itself is a precarious position. The U.S. did not want to send troops to another battle in Africa, especially after Americans were sickened seeing the naked mutilated bodies of U.S. troops being dragged through the streets of Somalia. But, the U.S. had a moral duty to act against human rights atrocities since the U.S. had adopted the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Doctrine. The United Nations could apply pressure to the United States to act if the Rwandan crisis had actually been reported as a crisis by the U.S and not merely a skirmish. So to avoid being pressured, the United States maintained it was not aware of the unfolding crisis. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Should Child Soldiers Be Granted Amnesty Essay Child soldiers should be granted amnesty. The reason child soldiers should be considered as victims are because they are forced into labor, drugged, and threatened into service. Many of these child soldiers, after being rescued and rehabilitated, are able to be adopted into loving families and lead normal lives. However, those who are sent back to where they became child soldiers will surely commit those crimes again. The first reason that child soldiers should be considered as victims are that they are drugged. In many cases, after the child is taken away from their family, the warlords and their older soldiers will give the children drugs such as cocaine, marijuana and narcotics to make them more obedient. In the case of a boy named Ishmael Beah, he was forced into service by government soldiers through threats, cocaine laced with gunpowder called ... Show more content on ... "Root Causes of Child Recruitment."United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Beah, Ishmael. "Advocate for Children Affected by War." UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web. 12 May 2016. "Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance." Rescue and Refugee Support. International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Bibliography: United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. "Root Causes of Child Recruitment."United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. United Nations, n.d. Web. 12 May 2016. Beah, Ishmael. "Advocate for Children Affected by War." UNICEF. UNICEF, 25 May 2012. Web. 12 May 2016. "Building a Future for Former Child Soldiers: Programs at a Glance." Rescue and Refugee Support. International Rescue Committee, n.d. Web. 12 May ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Rwanda Genocide: Who Is to Blame? The Genocide in Rwanda: Who is to Blame? By Maria Chiara Billones Lucatello February 3, 2010 International Relations Mr. Conzemius "A small boy of 11 years, was curled up in a ball of fresh flesh and blood, in his eyes was a glance of lost hope, abandonment, and defeat. He was without vision; A little girl at nine years of age, was pinned up against a tree...her legs apart, and she was covered in things even hell can't imagine; excrement, urine and blood . . . in her mouth was cold fresh meat, cut with a machete, that of her father... near in a ditch with putrid water were four bodies, cut up in pieces, stacked up–their parents and older brothers." When most people think of Rwanda today, the first thing that comes to mind is the 1994 ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, they failed to prevent this ridiculous genocide because of their lack of attempt and lack of effort to stop it. On the fourteenth–anniversary of the genocide, the UN's thoughts go out to the victims who have been traumatized, hurt, or dead during Rwanda's Genocide. Quote UN secretary–General Ban Ki–Moon's message "It is often those who most need their rights protected, who also need to be informed that the Declaration exists –– and that it exists for them."– This message was a little too late after hundreds of thousands of people have been brutally massacred in the genocide in Rwanda. Though the UN seemed to have convinced the people in Rwanda that they were doing their best to stop this, nevertheless, the UN is respectively responsible for their inability to keep peace among the ethnic tribes (Hutus and Tutsis). (M2PressWIRE, 2008) The final reason why the United Nations is to blame for Rwanda's Genocide is because of the fact that they ignored evidence of planned genocide and abandoned Rwandans in need of protection. The United Nations failed trying. The independent report, commissioned by UN Secretary–General Kofi Annan ( who was in charge at the time of the Rwandan Genocide), says the UN peacekeeping operation in Rwanda was hopeless from the start by an poor consent and destroyed by the Security Council's unwillingness to strengthen it once the slaughters, murders and rape began. UN officials, together with Annan and then–Secretary–General
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  • 17.
  • 18. Ban Ki Moon: An Essay On Ban Ki-Moon Ban Ki Moon Have you ever got the feeling to strive to realize your grand dream? Did you ever drown yourself deep in that thought? Or did you just ignored it and never took the time to try and achieve it? Or perhaps it is because you thought that it is impossible to realize it? Why would you say something is impossible when you never tried it before? We cannot be pessimistic about anything in this world, because nothing is impossible, logically speaking. Because other people have achieved more and even broke their own limit to attain their biggest goal. The living proof: take a look at Ban–Ki– Moon. Ban Ki Moon was born on 13th June 1944 during the Korean War in a small farming village in North Chungcheong Province. In his childhood, Ban saw the United Nations helped his country to recover and rebuild and was deeply fascinated by this. When he grew up his father had a business in warehouse rental, but his father's business got bankrupt later on. In 1962 Ban Ki Moon won a contest sponsored by the Red Cross and he won a trip to the United States. In United States Ban Ki moon was given the chance to meet with the U.S President at that time, John F. Kennedy. Due to all of these life–changing events, Ban has the passion to be a diplomat. In 1962, Ban Ki–moon ... Show more content on ... It's the first time Korean people want to be elected. During the period in which these polls took place, Ban made major speeches to the Asia society and the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Ban must have a support from diplomat community and Ban must have avoid the veto right from any of the five permanent members of the council: People's Republic of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Ban was viewed as a stark contrast from Kofi Annan. Ban tries to get agreement from France, because in biography Ban can speaks English and France, it's the language which is used in United Nation ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. The Council Of The United States Essay made up of fifty four member countries elected by the general assembly for three year terms with staggered elections and each member has one vote Secretariat The secretary–general of the UN is the closest thing to a "president of the world" that exists. The secretary general is nominated unanimously by the Security Council which must include the five permanent states, and then approved by the general assembly. The staff of the secretary general can be regarded as an international civil service, which is not to seek nor receive instructions from any other authority but the UN itself. Trusteeship Council The trusteeship council now defunct was established in order to supervise the trust territories created after the end of the second war. The administration of each territory was carried out by a specific state, but certain supervisory responsibilities were performed by the General Assembly through the agency of the Trusteeship Council. International Court of Justice The international court of justice now called the world court is the organ of the UN responsible for the handling of judicial disputes between states. The Court which is headquartered in The Hague is composed of fifteen judges elected by concurrent vote of the General Assembly and the Security Council. However only states, not individuals or businesses, can sue or be sued in the World Court. Current Roles of the United Nations The current roles of the United ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Purpose of the African Union Mission in Somalia... The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on the surface is an effective fighting force in Somalia; however, the success of AMISOM is contingent upon Ugandan participation. The existence of AMISOM is due to a long Somali history of political / economic instability and the current struggle against the Somalia based terrorist organization, Al–Shabaab. The overall objective within Somalia is to eliminate or at a minimum contain the Al–Shabaab threat. The creation of AMISOM assists the Somalian Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its allies to effectively target Al–Shabaab while using the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and African Union (AU) backed AMISOM as an umbrella organization. From the UN standpoint, Somalia has ... Show more content on ... Next, the EU, like the UN, is assisting with the famine issue plaguing Somalia, as well as paying the total of AMISOM troop salaries. Currently, members of the EU are considering the amount to which that financial backing can be increased, given that the Union is already financially burdened with several projects in the region, and the funds initially reserved for AMISOM will not be enough to cover the costs sustained by the increasing troop ceiling. The new EU Resolution 2036 (2012) states, "It is therefore vital, as stated in the resolution, that new contributors pledge to join the European Union in providing financial support." The EU is active with the UN on international initiatives set out by the UN Security Council Resolutions on eliminating piracy off the coast of Somalia. Piracy acts have been occurring simultaneously with the instability in Somalia, further strengthening the motives for a stable Somalia. The AU operates AMISOM with the approval of the UN and is headquartered in Ethiopia. They face many tasks which include health issues (AIDS/HIV epidemic), famine, intermediating in civil wars; and improving the standard of living. According to their website, one of the objectives of the AU is to promote peace, security, and stability on the continent. This objective directly aligns with eliminating the threat posed by Al–Shabaab. Due to these instabilities within Somalia, it was essential for the UN, EU, and AU to combine their efforts and form an ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. The Secretary Of State Administration The Secretary of State is an official of the Federal Government that heads up the U.S. Department of State. The Secretary of State is appointed by the President, and is the highest ranking appointed executive branch official. A Secretary of State's main concerns deal with foreign policy, and the position is considered to be the United States successor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs job. The Secretary of State as well as the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, and Attorney General are thought of as the four most important cabinet members. As the highest ranking member of the cabinet, the Secretary of State is the third–highest official of the executive branch of the Federal Government, after the President and Vice President. Six Secretaries of State have gone on to be elected President. The Secretary of State, with the counsel of the Senate, is the President's main foreign affairs representative. The Secretary of State carries out foreign policies through the Foreign Service and the State Department of the United States. The duties of the Secretary of State in relation to foreign policy hasn't changed that much since the late 1800s, but they have become much more complex and complicated as international countries evolved and multiplied. The secretary of State has many duties within the inner circle of the President, as The Secretary of State acts as the President 's first adviser on current issues within United States foreign policy. It's also their job to ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The Détente During The Cold War Détente is a French word that refers to the time during the Cold war that tensions between America and the USSR cooled down. This cooling period began around 1971 and took full effect when President Richard M. Nixon visited the secretary–general of the Soviet Communist party, Leonid I. Brezhnev, in Moscow, May 1972. Both countries were shocked by the Vietnam War, and found that the arms race was too expensive causing Détente, this time of low tensions. Though the détente did not end the Cold War, it increased communications between the 2 nations and allowed them to form treaties limiting their nuclear weapons. Though there were many accomplishments during this time like China joining the United Nations. The main achievements of this time period were the signing of ... Show more content on ... This was negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union that tried to limit the manufacture of missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. Of the agreements, the most important were the Treaty on Anti–Ballistic Missile (ABM) Systems and the Interim Agreement. Both were signed by President Richard M. Nixon for the United States and Leonid Brezhnev, general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, for the U.S.S.R. on May 26, 1972, in Moscow. The ABM treaty regulated antiballistic missiles. This treaty limited each side to only one ABM deployment area and 100 interceptor missiles. These limitations allowed both sides to only protect a small fraction of their entire country (hoped that it would stop both sides from attack). The Interim Agreement reduced each side's number of ICBMs (intercontinental Ballistic Missile) and submarine–launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). SALT II ( second negotiations) treaty set limits on the number of strategic launchers. The treaty set a limit of about 2,400 of all such weapons systems for each side. The SALT II treaty was signed by President Jimmy Carter and Brezhnev in Vienna on June 18, ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. The Syrian Civil War and UN’s Failure to Solve It Between February 4th, and February 11th, 1945, the Yalta Conference was held in Crimea.[i] The conference determined the majority of the decisions made by the most powerful branch of the United Nations. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and USSR Premier Joseph Stalin secured three permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council. [ii] At the United Nations Conference on International Organization in April–June 1945, the five permanent seats of the UNSC were finalized along with the Charter of the United Nations.[iii] The main argument for accepting the veto rule was, "it was unconceivable that the United Nations should undertake enforcement action against a great power."[iv] Not undertaking ... Show more content on ... It is therefore essential to its legitimacy that its membership reflect the state of the world."[xiv] These two opinions outline the main concern over the problematic structure of the UNSC, which is that all permanent members of the council are elite nuclear powers whose actions are unchecked due to their veto powers. The UNSC has neither true international representation, which is crucial to its purpose of maintaining international peace and security, nor does it have the ability to carry out its fundamental role since it predominantly addresses the strategic interests and political motives of its permanent members. This problem of the UNSC, namely, that it is being ruled by P5 nations, manifested itself in its lack of will to make humanitarian interventions to the Rwandan conflict in 1994.[xv] UNSC's inactivity at the Syrian Civil War is predominantly due to these two flaws in its structure. Although these two flaws constitute the main problem with UNSC, there are also other criticisms on UNSC's structure. It is not unknown that the P5 nations secretly hold outside closed door meetings and decide on matters concerning international peace and security. The results obtained from these outside meetings are presented to the rest of the council during normal caucuses.[xvi] That P5 nations hold ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. A New Piece Of Legislation If the legislative branch does not agree with the way in which the judicial branch has interpreted the law, they can introduce a new piece of legislation, and the process starts all over again.They can initiate a constitutional amendment(changes in its written words), if the state ratify( Ratification is a principal 's approval of an act of its agent where the agent lacked authority to legally bind the principal.) it, that can make a Supreme Court ruling void. Congress can amend the Constitution to overturn decisions of the Supreme Court.Congress can create lower courts.(Judicial branch) . They can over ride a Presidential veto.If the president reject something,the legislative branch can review that,and decide what to do.Senate can reject proposed treaties(formal agreements between two or more sovereign states).Senate can reject presidential nominations of federal officials or judges.Congress can impeach and remove the President (House serves as prosecution, Senate serves as jury)(Executive branch) . The speaker of the house is supposed to preside over the daily sessions of the Senate,Preserve order in the chamber,State parliamentary motions,Rule on parliamentary questions,Appoint committee chairs and members,Refer bills to committee,Sign legislation, writs and warrants and Act as the official spokesperson for the House or Assembly.The primary roles assigned to the President pro tem are to (1) preside over the Senate in the president 's absence, (2) exercise the powers and ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Essay on Cricket World Cup Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference 1 Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference ‫‫ا‬ ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫‫ا‬ ‬ In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful We the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, determined: to acknowledge the Conference of Kings, Heads of State and Government of the Member States convened in Rabat from 9 to 12 Rajab, 1389 H, corresponding to 22 to 25 September 1969, as well as the Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Jeddah from 14 to 18 Muharram 1392 H corresponding to 29 February to 4 March 1972; to be guided by the noble Islamic values of unity and fraternity, and affirming the essentiality of promoting and consolidating the unity and ... Show more content on ... 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
  • 33. 4 12. 13. 14. To protect and defend the true image of Islam, to combat defamation of Islam and encourage dialogue among civilisations and religions; To enhance and develop science and technology and encourage research and cooperation among Member States in these fields; To promote and to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms including the rights of women, children, youth, elderly and people with special needs as well as the preservation of Islamic family values; To emphasize, protect and promote the role of the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society; To safeguard the rights, dignity and religious and cultural identity of Muslim communities and minorities in non– Member States; To promote and defend unified position on issues of common interest ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Solitary On Juveniles Dear: secretary general of the United Nation, After reading and doing some research of solitary on juveniles here in the United States is a violation of human rights. I understand that there will be behavioral to address when it comes to violations and gangs violence among juveniles. Is there another way to address this behavioral instead of sending them to the solitary? Sending juveniles to the solitary can bring lots of issues and become higher problems. Having juveniles in the solitary are violating their human rights. They are not able to function well when they are in hold for more than 20 hours. Juveniles that are in the solitary are suffering from psychological damage that can caused depression, panic attacks, obsessive thinking, anxiety, traumatizing and suicide thoughts. Psychological damage is being exposed to the juveniles that are in the solitary. The brain of every teenager starts to develop more as they are teenagers. Having a teenager in a solitary does not help them developed the brain because they are in a small space and suffering from anxiety. Therefore, that is considering violation of human rights. Juveniles are not able to function well when they are in a solitary with no lights or nothing to do. These ... Show more content on ... In order for them to behave well they need to have the solitary room. They have seen when a juvenile is sent to the solitary room they come out with a trauma but there behavior improves. Another thing they have observed is that they juveniles feel depressed for being in the solitary but this makes them reflect not to get in trouble. The secretary will also respond to, there is no other way to punished them we have seen their behavior improve when they are isolated from the rest of the inmates. According to the philosopher Mary in order to for the juveniles to have personal identity they need to have ability to feel ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Raphael Lemkin Accomplishments 1 Introduction War and genocide are organized violence, and historically Established states have been the major perpetrators of both. Martain shaw The concept of genocide and the United Nations Genocide Convention are well–known, but the inventor of both the word and the landmark instrument of international law, Raphael Lemkin, is a figure, which has been eclipsed and over–shadowed by contemporaries. Raphael Lemkin, a name later anglicized to Raphael Lemkin, was born on a farm called 'Ozerisko' near the village of Bezwodene in eastern Poland on 24 June 1900. At the time of Lemkin's birth, the region into ... Show more content on ... The council refer the matter to its social committee which received a draft resolution of the USA suggesting that the commission of human rights deal with the problem and an amendment by Cuba to the effect that an ad hoc committee should prepare the draft convention. The economic social council with the assistances of experts of international and criminal law, a draft convention on the crime of genocide is prepare. The council by the same resolution instructed the secretary general to submit such draft to its next session after consultation with the general assembly's committee on the progressive development and codification of international law and if feasible with the commission of human rights. Finally the secretary general was instructed to refer his draft convention to all member government for ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. How Did Alexander Hamilton Influence Today In the late 1700s, Alexander Hamilton was appointed Secretary of Treasury by George Washington. It can be assessed whether or not Alexander Hamilton was more influential than George Washington in those first years under the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton set up multiple ways to pay off the nation's immense debt. Hamilton founded the Bank of the United States which is known today as the Federal Reserve System. Hamilton influence also extended into making the United States a commercial nation instead of an agrarian one. George Washington's influential years came before the constitution, before and during the American Revolution. Alexander Hamilton was "more influential than George Washington in the first years under the constitution" because he was the leading force in trying to pay off America's debt, he set up the united bank and commercial nation still used today, and George Washington's true time in the ... Show more content on ... Hamilton had a vast majority of ideas; from combining state and national debt to the whiskey tax. Now, these two examples had a fair amount of opposition, but each was adopted. Combining state and national debt not only forced every American citizen, no matter if their state had paid off their debt or not, to pay taxes and gave the government more money. This financial plan also gave the government itself stronger, more steady footing in running the new country. The Bank of the United States was mainly protested because of its modelling after the Bank of England. Hamilton's main purpose of founding this bank was to prevent inflation. This was done by having the bank issue currency so that Congress did not print off more money to pay off debt and cause inflation. The Bank of the United States shows explicitly how influential Hamilton was during this time because this bank stabilized the country then and is known as the Federal Reserve System ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Global Organizational Structure Is The Way A Company As trade increases hyper–competition grows forcing organizations to go global. By a company going global it requires them to rethink strategy and reform (Ananthram and Pearson, 2008). Global organizational structure is the way a company aims to merge local preferences with global strategy. The definition of global strategy is "strategic choices that have the characteristics of being globally uniform or integrated," (Yip et al., 1997) such as standardization of products, uniform marketing, and competitive moves, but all globally (Townsend et al., 2004; Zou and Cavusgil, 2002; Bayraktar and Ndubisi, 2014). Global strategic strategy is a way to adjust to globalization. Globalization is "the economic and social process by which economies and communities grow inextricably interdependent "(Jhirad et al., 2009). The recent financial crisis (Das, 2010), large amount of poverty, and climate change are all problems that show how the world is globally connected because all countries impact each other (Jhirad et al., 2009). Research Methodology This research is qualitative. When the research focuses on fields such as human behavior, strategy configuration, and policy assessment the qualitative approach is recognized as the appropriate scientific method (Tilaki and Hedayati, 2015;Polkinghorne, 1991). This study will examine the organizational structure of the United Nations in order to come to a conclusion as to a more efficient structure that could have been used during the ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Un Secretary General-Mr. Ki Moon Ban From his childhood during Korean War to his second election as the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ki–moon Ban has demonstrated the leadership of resiliency, with which he was able to turn crisis into opportunities for his success. Moreover, Mr. Ban's diligence, sincerity and warm– heartedness also contributed greatly to his rise, along with high performance capability. With such recognition, Mr. Ban successfully expanded his political network (both in Korea and in the organization of US) with apparent sincerity, great communication skill and sharp sociopolitical awareness. During the course of this paper, our group ("We") will analyze and discuss how Mr. Ki– moon Ban used various situational conflicts as an opportunity to ... Show more content on ... After the resignation, Mr. Han offered Mr. Ki–moon Ban the Chief of Staff to the United Nations position. Instead of viewing this position as "demotion," Mr. Ban utilized this as an opportunity to expand his network, learn the UN, and achieving high performance to become the Secretary General of the UN in near future. Such resilience and positive perspective enabled Mr. Ban to be at his current position. Throughout his career, Mr. Ban has shown energy, enthusiasm and "on–the–field" leadership. As previously mentioned, he actively engaged and visited China and Philippine to help the escape of North Korean official. During his tenure at the UN, he visited the civil war sites of Darfur, Sudan and Cote d'Ivoire. To address the climate change issue, Mr. Ban visited the Antarctic to raise awareness of the global warming. Since his anointment as the Secretary General, Mr. Ban is known to travel the entire earth on monthly basis. He strongly feels that in order to truly provide help where needed, actual visit would allow him to give more effective guidance and support. Mr. Ban's famous quote, "Nobody can halt a diligent person with a stop sign," echoes with his belief; in order to tackle complex world issues in the UN, his energy and diligence will be critical elements. Another core strength of Mr. Ban would be his focus on transparency and mutual trust. Throughout his political career, Mr. Ban was known to have strong sense of ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The International Community And Responsibility To... The International Community and Responsibility to Protect 3318 Words 14 Pages The International Community has a Right to Intervene in Sovereign States in order to end Serious Human Rights Abuses? Discuss. Humanitarian intervention is definitely one of the most controversial subjects of the recent decades– among states, international organizations, non–governmental organizations (NGOs) and academia. The centre of the debate is the clash of traditional principles of state sovereignty and new adopted norms on use of force for humanitarian purposes. Despite the political controversies between the countries, humanitarian intervention is now an international norm which calls for action anytime there are serious mass life threatening ... Show more content on ... The discussion on humanitarian intervention emerged in the 1990s with the end of the Cold War and severe ethnical violence taking place. However, the legal roots of humanitarian intervention are found on Chapter VII of UN Charter and UN Convention on Prevention and Punishment of Genocide (Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of International Court of Justice, 1945; Convention on Genocide, 1948). With the "second wave of democratization" occurring from the late 1940s to 1960s it was strongly embraced the concept of sovereignty by the new liberated states (Huntington, 1991). Same concept is used currently as a counter–argument to humanitarian intervention (J. Bajorja & R. McMahon, 2013). However, the co–founders of ICISS argue "...that sovereign states are defined not by the inviolability of their borders –– the assumption of the post– colonial era – but by their obligation to protect their citizens" (Homans, 2011). Humanitarian intervention represents a revolution in the international law, as it challenges the old Treaty of Westphalia (Treaty of Westphalia, 1648), which certified the domestic sovereignty of state actors. This principle was also endorsed by the UN Charter in 1945 in the article 2(7), where it was stated that "nothing should authorize intervention in matters essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state" (Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of International Court of Justice, 1945, p.3). However, Chapter VII grants ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. History and Principle Sections of United Nations UNITED NATION History and Principle Sections of United Nation: The United Nation was established by fifty one states on 24th October, 1945 as a consequence of initiatives taken by the governments of the countries that had led the war against Germany and Japan. By 2010, 192 states were members of UN. While joining of a new member the member states agreed to accept the obligation of UN charter. UN has four purposes to maintain international peace and security to co– operate in solving international problems promoting respect for human rights and being a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. UN was set up to correct the problems of its predecessor the League of Nations. UN has six main organs Security Council, General Assembly, The Secretariat, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship and International Court of Justice. THE SECURITY COUNCIL: The Security Council has the main responsibility for maintaining the international peace and security. In the beginning it was eleven states after 1965 it was fifteen states, it has five permanent members which are USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA and CHINA. And the rest ten members are not permanent. The decisions of security councils are binding and it must pass by majority of nine out of fifteen members and as well as each of five permanent members these permanent members have Veto Powers. Security Council considers a threat to international peace and force to settle the dispute peacefully. They also take majors to enforce its ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The UN and Peace Keeping Missions Essay After the final defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, many people believed that the establishment of New League of Nations was the key to peace and security. In 24th October 1945, 46 nations from around the world gathered in San Francisco to create UN (United Nations), replacing League of Nation. United Nations was build in an aim to maintain international law, to develop friendly relations among nations, to achieve international co–operation and to promote peace and security. In this essay, I will explore how to tell if something is a state or government, explain the structure of UN, contrast different examples of a policy area in which UN has effective authority and another area in which UN has nominal authority, and show how ... Show more content on ... The general has the power to express his opinions to the security council if he thinks the matter in concern may be against international peace and security. Generally, his role is to use utilize his power to prevent international dispute from arising, escalating and spreading. The security council is at the core of the United Nations with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of peace and security. With 15 members, security council provides a forum to address important issues. Among the 15 members, 5 are the permanent members: China, France, England, Russia and the United States. These permanent members have veto power, allowing them executive power over decisions. The other non–permanent members are elected by the general assembly for two–year term. The roles of the security council is to determine the existence of threat, to call upon its members to solve the issue by peaceful means and to recommend methods of adjustment. The security council has the power to resort to imposing sanctions. Moreover, it has the authority to use its forces to maintain international peace and security. After World War 2, instead of executing the war criminals who were responsible for the Holocaust, they were tried in a court with genuine trials. This idea of the international justice shaped the new world order. International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the main judicial organization of the UN with a broad range of responsibilities. It was established to ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Whiskey Rebellion Dbq During George Washington's Presidency he did achieve the goals for the United States that are listed in the Preamble. In the Preamble it states, "We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare..." During his period in office, Washington established justice, insured domestic tranquility, provided for the common defense and promoted general welfare. As stated in the Preamble that "the people" will establish justice, George Washington did exactly that while in office. When Washington came to office the first thing he did was put a working government in place, which would then help establish justice and overall ... Show more content on ... However, George Washington provided a common defense and maintained domestic tranquility. Take the Whiskey Rebellion for example, farmers revolted against a tax passed by Congress and it did not end well. As stated in America: The History of Our Nation, "Some Pennsylvania farmers who were against the tax started a violent protest. Washington sent federal troops to Pennsylvania, showing that armed rebellion would not be accepted." The reason for this rebellion was because of the tax Congress put on whiskey made and sold in the country, which is why it is called the Whiskey Rebellion. This uprising tested the will of the new government, however Washington's forceful response showed Americans that armed rebellion was not acceptable in a republic. Furthermore, when Washington left office, in his farewell address he made two major points. Firstly, he warned against political divisions, he feared that violent divisions might tear the nation apart. Secondly, he stated that the United States should not get entangled in foreign affairs. Probably because if they did interfere in foreign affairs the citizens of the United States may support different sides, which would create issues within the country that might tear it apart. These points contribute to the fact that Washington maintained domestic tranquility and provided common ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb Technology has allowed for the furtherance of warfare, from the invention of gun powder to the splitting of the atom. These findings have propelled the leap of numerous nations' in the ability to wage war against each other. Of these discoveries, the splitting atom spawned an invention that would hurl the world from conventional warfare into the nuclear age. These ideals were the brainstorming of some of the greatest minds in America and abroad. These scientists began to formulate the creation of the atomic bomb, a device that would change the world in ways that had never been imagined before. The world changed the day that the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan. This evoked a cataclysmic spiral in the morals and methods of how ... Show more content on ... Truman's inner council was made up of high level government officials who included: The Secretary of State , Secretary of War , Asst. Secretary of War , Secretary of the Navy , Admiral Leahy , General Marshall , and all the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. With this conglomerate of mentors, Truman sought the truth as well as the consequences with the decision to press ahead with this operation. In a memorandum to President Truman from Secretary of War Henry Stimson in an eye opening statement said; "Within four months we shall in all probability have completed the most terrible weapon ever known in human history, one bomb which could destroy a whole city." Did Truman not have a heart, knowing those that would be caught up in the collateral damage of war would be non–combatants? Is it adventitious to think Truman would have entertained other venues of peace with the delivery of such a statement? Not only did Secretary Stimson think that the proposed dropping of the bomb was not within the moral arena of thought, others too voiced their opinions on the subject to the President. General Groves Secretary of the Army painted a bleak picture that predicted a desolate civilization to Truman in a statement he made. "Atomic energy if controlled by the major peace–loving nations ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Department Of Defense Alex Novoa Professor Guenther POS1041 04/05/2017 Department of Defense The Department of Defense also known as the "DoD" is an executive branch department of the federal government of the United States charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government concerned directly with national security and the United States Armed Forces. Before being named the Department of Defense it was first called the Department of War, which was that each branch was on its own. It had its own cabinet level secretary. It then changed to the DoD shortly after WWII; to run the entire military to decrease political infighting. Each of the branch's individual secretaries now report to the Secretary of Defense. The decision to unify ... Show more content on ... Some of those high–ranking officials, civil and military are: the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and Secretary of the Air Force, Army Chief of Staff, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Chief of Naval Operations, and Air Force Chief of Staff, Chief of the National Guard Bureau and the Combatant Commanders of the Combatant Commands. All of these high–ranking positions, civil and military, require Senate confirmation. The Department of Defense is composed of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and the Joint Staff (JS), Office of the Inspector General (DODIG), the Combatant Commands, the Military Departments (Department of the Army (DA), Department of the Navy (DON) & Department of the Air Force (DAF)), the Defense Agencies and DoD Field Activities, the National Guard Bureau (NGB), and such other offices, agencies, activities, organizations, and commands established or designated by law, or by the President or by the Secretary of Defense. As the head of the department, the Secretary of Defense is the chief witness for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Crime Meeting Memo To: Wynne Ferdinand, Head of Department From: Shirley Baez Subject: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Meeting Date: April 7, 2016 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM The United States government funds many United Nations organizations. By now, as the new head of our department, you've attended several meetings where you got to meet with the head of each department and other important members. Your next meeting is with the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime. This memo covers the following information on this organization: what it does, how it's run and what our future funding options are. You will be meeting with the Executive Director of the UNODC who also happens to be the Director–General of the United Nations Office in Vienna to discuss ... Show more content on ... In order to be hired to work for the UN or specifically for the UNODC, the employee must first, fill out an application on the UN careers site for the job of their choice. Upon submission, the application is evaluated in terms of experience, education and skills. Only if it is determined that the candidate met most or all of the requirements will they be contacted to undergo an assessment. These assessments may be a knowledge–based test or another type of simulation exercise. Based on the results of the test, candidates will then participate in a competency–based interview. Lastly, should the candidate be a fit for the position after all the assessments, a decision will be made by the head of the department. Current Membership The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) are commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Governing Bodies of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Their decisions provide guidance to the Member States and the UNODC. The task at hand for both Commissions is how to improve the governance structure and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. In reference to members, the fact sheet on elections and membership on the UNODC site states the following on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Anaconda Plan Essay The Anaconda Plan At the onset of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln met with his generals to devise a strategy by which the rebellious states of the Confederacy could be brought back into the Union. General Winfield Scott, commanding general of the Union army, proposed a plan of battle that became known as the Anaconda Plan. General Winfield Scott, commanding general of the Union Army From the Collections of The Mariners' Museum General Scott, a native Virginian, believed that the majority of Southerners desired a complete union with the United States. In order to restore the Union with as little bloodshed as possible, he favored a relatively nonaggressive policy. The primary strategy of Scott's plan was to create a complete ... Show more content on ... This being the case, Navy Secretary Gideon Welles feared that the Anaconda Plan would invite foreign nations to extend diplomatic relations to the Confederacy. The blockade also posed the risk of offending other nations attempting to trade with the Confederacy. If the blockade proved only partially successful, it would only serve to infuriate foreign nations. The Anaconda Plan From the Collections of The Mariners' Museum The United States ultimately adopted the Anaconda Plan, with alterations. The blockade was to remain central to the Union strategy, but land offensives would also be launched in an effort to take the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia. The job of creating and maintaining a true blockade of the South fell on the shoulders of Gideon Welles. To meet this new challenge the navy began a massive expansion of its fleet. In the spring of 1861, the navy consisted of 82 largely obsolete ships; by December of that year there would be 264 ships in the navy. By the end of the war, the United States Navy would maintain a force of over 600 ships. John Bull From the Collections of The Mariners' Museum
  • 60. For both the North and the South, one of the most strategically important coastal regions was Hampton Roads in Virginia, where the wide mouth of the James River poured into the Chesapeake Bay. For the North, Hampton Roads was the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The United Nations and Its Humanitarian, Peace and... CONTENTS 1. UNITED NATIONS 2. STRUCTURE OF UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES 3. DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES 4. The United Nations Development Program –UNDP 5. The United Nations Children's Fund –UNICEF 6. The United Nations Population Fund –UNFPA 7. HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS AGENCIES 8 .Under–Secretary–General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator 9. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR 10. The World Food Program –WFP 11. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East –UNRWA 12. PEACE AND SECURITY AGENCIES 13. Department of Political Affairs– DPA 14. Department of Peacekeeping Operations– DPKO 15. Department for Disarmament Affairs Disarmament Issues– DDA 16. ECONOMİC AND SOCİAL AGENCIES 17. Department of Economic and Social Affairs– DESA 18. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development– UNCTAD 19. United Nations Environment Program– UNEP 20. United Nations Human Settlements Program –UN–HABITAT 21. United Nations Drug Control Program– UNDCP The United Nations (UN) is an international organization established in 1945. It was founded at the end of World War II by the victorious world powers. The aim was to avoid conflicts between nations and make future wars impossible, by developing collective security. Governments can make easy cooperation with international law, international security, economic development, and social equity. In the beginning 51 states was member, in 2005 it was 191 members. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Kofi Annan's Argument Against Globalization Kofi Annan believes that globalization is unavoidable when he compares it to the laws of gravity which is inescapable; this is exemplified when he states that "arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity". He believes it is pointless because it is bound to happen and instead of fighting against globalization individuals should embrace and take the advantages it offers. Kofi Annan has been the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize along with many other honorific awards and has served as a secretary–general of the United Nations. Kofi Annan is definitely aware of what happens globally and values the concept of world peace and development because he has seen the poor situations in the world, especially in developing ... Show more content on ... The European colonization was a period in history when European countries such as Britain rapidly took over and colonized many parts of the world which led to trade and interaction between different peoples. Throughout the centuries of European control much advancement has been made in transportation, communication and technology. In particular, the printing press, which was created around the 1500's was a printing medium used to copy text. The printing press was slow to develop, but it gradually initiated one of the first technological advancements which spread throughout European cities and countries. This meant that with more printing presses being made there were more copies of texts which led to a faster way of communication. The invention and advancement of the printing press was one of the first contributing factors of globalization through communication. One of the other major events that shaped history was the Silk Road. The Silk Road was an ancient trade route stretching from Europe to Asia. It was used to export goods, but also served as a means of carrying out cultural trade amongst different civilizations and it was used to exchange ideas. This presents the idea that even though initially its purpose was only to trade and gain materials, it eventually transformed into a way of communication between many different ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Rwanda Genocide Sociology The term genocide encompasses some of the darkest times in the history of the world. There is no definitive answer as to what drives one sect of society to try and eliminate another based purely on their cultural, racial, national or political affiliation either by birth or by choice. During World War II, between six and eleven million Jewish people were systematically exterminated by the Nazis. Although it was the most prolific of genocides, it was not the first or the last of this atrocity to occur. In 1994, genocide occurred in the African nation of Rwanda. At the time it happened, the world paid little heed while almost a million people were killed. After the incident, the reaction of the United Nations came under scrutiny as researchers ... Show more content on ... This had to do with the peacekeepers that were sent to Rwanda, and how long they should stay there. The UN wanted to pull out troops, but they did not want to be hated. During the time the plan was being approved President Clinton did not want to commit any forces to Rwanda. Because of this, the US was scrutinized by the media and asked why they said no, but they did try to help clean up the situation. Althorugh troops were sent, they did not arrive until the middle of July. Though they were late, this did help to receive any other refugees to get away and to clam the genocide. But only fifty US vehicles were really sent to help them get out, the extra troops were sent by the UN Secretary General for peacekeeping duties along with 200 artillery pieces for a thousand men. Thanks to all the plans that had been approved and suggested by others to appease the situation thought many have died a few were saved thanks to UN efforts and as all know thans to a certain owner of a hotel who convinced a UN officer to take refugees out of Rwanda despite the risk of taking them out. There were many road blocks that were swarming with Hutus trying to stop them , but it was too late and because of this many more lives were saved so the UN sending peacekeepers actually saved lives CONCLUSION In conclusion, the Rwandan genocide clearly stemmed from decades of feuds and led to the death of over 800,000 people. Some people think the genocide could have been prevented if the United States and the United Nations would have done more sooner. Looking at the history of Alexander ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Executive Branch: Role In Foreign Affairs When asked today who controls the majority of the foreign policy of the United States, an American would probably answer, "The Executive Branch." However, the legislative branch plays a role in foreign affairs as well. When President Obama traveled to Cuba, twenty members of congress accompanied him. In fact there once was a time, a small window in post World War II America, where the executive branch would not dare to make a decision without consulting the Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations. Instead, President Truman committed himself to working with members of his own party as well as Republicans to foster a bipartisan, decisive congress. World War II had created a perfect storm for bipartisanship to flourish: Europe was in tatters, ... Show more content on ... In order to see a United Nations that allowed open discussion of world issues, the Republican and Democrat United States delegates had to be united in their proposals and opinions at all times. The United States Delegates during the San Francisco Conference worked for a United Nations that could not necessarily exercise military or economic power, but moral power and the power of a global opinion: as Senator Vandenberg explained, it would be the "Town Meeting of the world." These principles offended the Soviet Union's idea that the strongest nations should rule over the weaker ones, but they especially fought over the terms of the Security Council and the General ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Hammarskjöld What Is The Driving Force Behind The Un Xander McIntosh The King's College Founder's Competition 17 November 2016 The United Nations: An Internship Like No Other "The United Nations was not created to lead mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell." Dag Hammarskjöld , former United Nations Secretary–General The kinds of hell Dag Hammarskjöld referred to are not difficult to imagine in a world ravished by World War II and terrified by the threat of nuclear war. Hammarskjöld is known today as the second Secretary–General of the United Nations (UN) and widely regarded as a man of unimpeachable character. His career at the UN was remarkable, in that he was completely uninterested in the bureaucratic politics many at the United Nations engage in, choosing to lead projects from the command tent instead of the corner office. He was the first and only Secretary–General to be chosen unanimously and is largely regarded as the greatest leader of the United Nations in history. John F. Kennedy once said about Hammarskjöld, "I realize now, in comparison to him I am a small man. He was the greatest statesman of our century." (Cite) The question then begs to be asked: what is the driving force behind this man's impeccable integrity? As we know now, it was his passionate and private Christian faith. His compassion for his fellow man manifested itself in the form of service to millions through the United Nations. In addition, a collection of vivid personal Christian reflections, hailed by many as one of the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Homeland Security Act Of 2002 The Homeland security act of 2002, was a major reconstruction of civil services in the United States of America, which had not happened since the passing of the Civil Service Reform act of 1978 (Brook & King, 2007). Over the period of 24 years, minor modifications of civil service reform were established. The events that took place during the September 11 terrorist attacks would once more restructure the United States civil services. George H W Bush proclaimed in his state of the union address, on January 29, 2002, "Our first priority must always be the security of our nation" (American Rhetoric Online Speech Bank, 2002, para. 28). In addition, Bush stated later in his speech, "America is no longer protected by vast oceans. We are ... Show more content on ... The Acts effective date was set 60 days after the date of enactment, which established the DHS in early 2003 (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). The newly established Department primary mission is to prevent terrorist attacks, reduce the vulnerability of the United States, and minimize damages caused by terrorist attacks (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). Accomplishment of the mission was through coalescing 22 federal agencies together, under the management of one department. An established chain of command leaves the Secretary of the DHS, overall in charge of the whole department. The secretary of the DHS, Appointed by the President, is the head of the department. The president appoints the secretary with the consent of the senate (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). After the appointment of the secretary, the secretary takes complete control of the department. The secretary delegates the functions of the department established by the act. In addition, can enter into agreements with other executive agencies and ensure the systems and databases are compatible with the other entities of the department (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). The secretary also has the authority to make contracts, grants, and cooperation agreements between other federal and non–federal agencies to combat terrorism (H.R. Res. 5005, 2002). The secretary has the responsibility to access, and advocate, the resources need by state and local governments that is to implement the ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Australia And The United States Australia and the United States of America are two modern, democratic, English–speaking countries both initially settled by the British. Captain James Cook led a fleet of settlers and convicts into the Botany Bay in Australia in 1788. The United States declared its Independence in 1776, and fought a war with the British to obtain that independence. Australia began with a central government, then the states came about and, lastly, local governments came into being (, 2014). It was opposite for the U.S. Communities combined into territories and states, which eventually became the Unites States. Both Australia and the United States look as if to have similar systems of government at first glance. They are both federated nations, which means that the "power to govern" is shared between national and state governments. Both systems are bicameral, consisting of two chambers, with an elected House of Representatives and Senate. However, Australia is a constitutional monarchy and the U.S. is a republic. The similarities and differences between the two systems can be seen in their structure, their Constitutions, their elections of the heads of state, and their legislature. The United States and Australia both have a Parliament that contains two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the United States our Parliament is called Congress. Australia's political system can be considered a mixture of the US and British systems. The parliamentary and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Role Of Genocide In Rwanda In April of 1994, a terrible atrocity began in the African country of Rwanda where around eight hundred thousand individuals were massacred over a time period of 100 brutal days. If thought about in mathematical terms, this works out to about 333 deaths per hour; which is a rate of deaths worse than what occurred during the Holocaust. (2) The term genocide is defined in the United Nations Genocide Convention, established in 1948, as "any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) killing members of the group; b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to ... Show more content on ... This becomes incredibly apparent surround the cable sent by the Canadian General Roméo Dallaire who was leading the UNAMIR mission on January 11th. It was sent directly to the office of Kofi Annan, and contained information about a meeting between a UNAMIR official and a Hutu informant who that a genocide was incredibly imminent and gave the location of a major weapons cache of the Interhamwe, the military of the Hutu government, as he did not agree with what was about to take place and was willing to share this information in exchange for protection. (8) The Secretariat receive this report a full three months before the genocide occurred and were fully aware of what might happen should no action be taken, but the information never made it to the security council. (8) Although some countries, especially those in the P5 were well aware of what was occurring, many other member states relied purely on the information provided and therefore had no idea that a genocide could occur in the small African nation. ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Issues Of Financial Reform Within The Un,... The issues of Financial Reform within the UN, peacekeeping, and the Veto power are all interrelated. Veto countries abuse the powers they are given by refusing to pay, or contributing little to the UN and allowing the weaker countries to do the dirty work. Peace Keeping is, perhaps, The most important of the UN’s duties. But without the funds and equipment of the veto countries Peacekeeping forces will become only a memory. The main problem facing the UN, despite the issues with Veto powers, Peacekeeping, and the Americans, is the organization 's financial situation. It has been forced to begin a lengthy restructuring to make it more cost effective due to the lack of funds it is encountering. In a recent UN report entitled, “Renewing the United Nations: A Programme for Reform” the UN officials began to address this problem. The report outlined the course which will be taken in order to balance the budget. Since the organization itself is completely reliant upon the money it receives from it’s members it is almost helpless in its hopes to move forward. The only way of punishing members who do not pay is to kick them out of the organization and cut off the benefits they receive. The current financial reform of the UN is very complex. It will involve, for the most part, cuts in employee’s and an increased efficiency from it’s four departments. These departments being Peace and Security; Economic and Social Affairs; Development Co–operation; and Humanitarian Affairs. ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Foreign Aid Effects The act of cutting spending from other sectors could potentially have a negative impact on the national security of the United States. One of the most important sectors outside of defense spending related to boosting the strength of national security is foreign aid. Foreign aid has been used as a tool by the United States to stabilize weak states and build alliances with states that could potentially become dangerous adversaries in the future. One of the most significant historic examples of foreign aid was the Marshall Plan in the aftermath of World War II, a conflict in which much of Europe had been decimated by the violence of the war and was unable to rebuild without outside aid (Sarkesian 12). The United States had emerged as the strongest ... Show more content on ... In the statement, Rubio points out that foreign aid is already less than 1% of budget, so cutting it would not make a major difference in supporting the 54 billion dollar increase in defense spending (Rubio). This statement highlights the present opposition to Trump, even within his own party, that understands the immense impact that foreign aid has on boosting national security. Major foreign leaders, such as the Secretary General of the United Nations, have also spoken against the proposed foreign aid cut and the devastating effect that it would have on international affairs. The spokesman of Secretary General Antonio Guterres recently released a statement sharing the view that "combating terrorism" and ensuring international security "requires more than military spending" (Al Jazeera). President Trump and his cabinet should listen to the concerns of their fellow party members and world leaders in regards to this stance, as well as study the history of the positive impact that foreign aid has had on United States national ... Get more on ...