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Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Legacy Β1.1
 Global Issues
1 Which global issue is each person talking about? Match the statements (1-8) to the
issues (A-H).
A poverty
B global warming
C disease
D air pollution
E endangered species
F war
G illiteracy
H deforestation
2 Match the columns to form collocations.
developing A site
war B world
landfill C countries
non-profit D professionals
medical E children
orphan F help
trained G zone
natural H organisation
“It’s terrible that some children can’t enjoy books, as they
are never taught to read.”
“The ice in Antarctica is melting because the world’s
temperature is rising.”
“My class is collecting tins of food to send to poor families in
“I saw on the news that two big countries have started
fighting each other.”
“There is too much smog to see the mountains from my
house in the city.”
“The Big Cats Reserve protects animals from becoming
“Rainforests once covered 14% of the Earth’s land surface.
Now they cover only 6%.”
“Scientists are working on a cure for a deadly virus.”
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Legacy Β1.1
 Education
3 Fill in: resit, do, pass, fail, hand, attend, take, graduate.
Normally, people would tell you to avoid computer games when you’re revising. However, if you 1) …………………
school in the UK, the BBC offers a series of excellent revision games and quizzes, suitable for students who want
to 2) ………………… their GCSE exams. These quizzes are perfect for anyone looking to 3) ………………… better
in their upcoming exams. In fact, results have shown that students who use BBC Bitesize are more likely to
4) ………………… their exams and achieve higher grades. With BBC Bitesize, students feel more confident when
they 5) ………………… in their coursework. Bitesize even offers extra study material for students who have to
6) ………………… failed exams. The BBC hopes to reduce the number of students who 7) ………………… their
exams so that young people can 8) ………………… from school with the best results possible.
 General revision
4 Choose the correct item.
1 Some flowers give off a nasty/thorny/
poisonous smell that keeps animals away.
2 The farm’s cattle/livestock/beasts included
cows, horses and sheep.
3 It is important to take a spear/torch/bulb with
you if you go for a walk when it’s dark.
4 Our charity is concerned with the success/
peace/survival of pandas.
5 The solar panels/bulbs/twigs on the roof create
enough electricity to power the whole building.
6 There is a serious food shortage/failure/
pressure in several countries around the world.
7 Thousands of families around the world do not
have a clean water access/supply/amount.
8 My school held a wonderful fundraising
effort/event/system last summer to raise
money for endangered animals.
5 Fill in: incredible, common, sharp, moving, bright, scarce, daily, unknown.
1 It is a sad fact that a huge number of people
throw away lots of food ………………… .
2 A lot of plants, like roses, have …………………
3 Tulips are quite ………………… garden plants;
you can see them in a lot of gardens.
4 Life was hard in the village as food was
………………… and crops weren’t growing.
5 Lizards have ………………… abilities. If they
lose a leg, it grows back!
6 Some animals are scared of …………………
lights, as they mistake them for hunters.
7 Scientists have just discovered a previously
………………… species of frog in the rainforest.
8 My mum always say that a good education is the
key to a(n) ………………… future.
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Legacy Β1.1
6 Choose the correct item.
1 The charity’s goal is to encourage/improve
conditions in poorer countries.
2 If you install/connect flickering lights on your
farm, they will keep wild animals away.
3 We all need to make/require an effort to protect
our planet’s resources.
4 Our puppy keeps locking up/burying things in
the flower beds.
5 The young scientist has estimated/earned a lot
of praise for his clever invention.
6 We have to prevent/reduce hunters from killing
wild animals.
7 An international charity has allowed/provided
the medical equipment for this hospital.
8 The weather gets chilly as night falls/grows up.
 Phrasal verbs
7 Fill in with: after, up (x3), across, about, out.
Eyes on our Planet is an environmental organisation. They encourage young people all over the world to look
1) ………………… their local areas and bring 2) ………………… change to society. They try to set
3) ………………… a recycling movement wherever they go. Recycling can seem like a lot of effort, but Eyes on our
Planet insist that anyone can easily take 4) ………………… recycling as part of their daily routine. People from the
organisation visit schools to teach students the facts and put 5) ………………… their message of change. They
carry 6) ………………… educational workshops to show others how important recycling is. A lot of people are so
inspired that they sign 7) ………………… to become speakers for the organisation. Eyes on our Planet believe that
together, we can change the world.
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Legacy Β1.1
 Word formation
8 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1 A lot of charities work hard to raise
................................ about not dumping rubbish
in the street. (AWARE)
2 Akida was able to study at university because of
an educational ................................ that he won.
3 The scientists won the Nobel Prize for their
................................, the LED light. (INVENT)
4 Unfortunately, the first test was a
................................ but the second was
successful. (FAIL)
5 John and Jane went to a protest against
................................ last month. (RACE)
6 The government is trying to reduce the problem
of ................................ in the city centre.
7 Dale’s teacher had a talk with him about his bad
................................ . (BEHAVE)
8 A pet can become ................................ ill if it
eats tulips or daffodils. (SERIOUS)
Grammar in use
 Modals
9 Match the modal verbs in bold to their functions.
You should wear a raincoat. It’s raining outside. A you aren’t allowed to …
Stop that! You mustn’t feed the animals. B do you want me to …
You can see lots of deer in the park. C are obliged to …
Shall I make you something to eat? D is able to …
Visitors have to stay on footpaths inside the park. E it’s possible to …
Patrick can make sculptures out of recycled materials. F it’s necessary to …
You need to sign up for the nature talk. G I request that you …
Could you lower your voice, please? H I recommend that you …
10 Rewrite the sentences using: needn’t, were able to, may, can’t, were allowed to.
1 They managed to find a good home for the stray
They .................................................................
2 Is it OK if we play on the grass?
3 The students had permission to use
dictionaries during the exam.
The students ....................................................
4 It’s not necessary for you to walk the dog
You ...................................................................
5 Martin isn’t able to come to the clean-up day
because he’s on holiday.
Martin ...............................................................
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Legacy Β1.1
 some/any/no/every and compounds
11 Complete a dialogue with the compounds of: some/any/no/every.
Aaron: 1) ………………… from the local environmental organisation gave a talk at my school yesterday. Did you
know that animals like the panda are at risk of extinction?
Betty: That’s terrible! Why?
Aaron: They have 2) ………………… to live and 3) ………………… to eat because their habitat is being
Betty: Isn’t there 4) ………………… in their country who can protect them?
Aaron: There are some government programmes in China, but charities also help a lot. In fact, we can even do
5) ………………… here in the UK to help.
Betty: Really? Can I do 6) ………………… to help these beautiful animals?
Aaron: Yes, of course! If 7) ………………… donates a little money to organisations that protect endangered
animals, they can use it to save pandas and their habitats.
Betty: Great! Let’s do some fundraising at school!
 Nouns
12 Choose the correct item.
1 There is/are a lot of rubbish on the beach.
2 The money for the groceries are/is on the table.
3 Your new trousers is/are really nice!
4 Politics are/is my favourite class at college.
5 The police are/is going around the area looking
for the bank robbers.
6 People are/is very friendly in my town.
 a/an  the  zero article
13 Fill a, an or the where necessary.
● 1) ………………… Brazil is named after 2) ………………… tree.
● Welwitschia, 3) ………………… enormous plant found in Angola and 4) ………………… Namib Desert in
5) ………………… Africa, can live for up to 2000 years.
● Most plants collect energy from 6) ………………… Sun to make 7) ………………… food they need to eat
using 8) ………………… special process called photosynthesis.
● There is 9) ………………… flower called the scarlet pimpernel that can forecast 10) …………………
weather. If 11) ………………… flower is closed up, rain is coming and if it is opened up, the day will be
● Scientifically speaking, 12) ………………… tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables. This is because they have
seeds inside them.
● About 60 percent of fresh-cut flowers grown in 13) ………………… USA come from 14) …………………
● Lavender is a beautiful purple flower that grows in countries around 15) ………………… Mediterranean
Sea. It gives out 16) ………………… amazing smell that can help people relax.
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6 Legacy Β1.1
 Sentence transformations
14 Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the
first. Use two to five words.
1 Visitors mustn’t touch the museum exhibits.
Visitors .............................................................
....................................... the museum exhibits.
2 A university degree isn’t necessary if you want to
work as a waiter. (NEED)
You ..................................................................
have a university degree to work as a waiter.
3 Thomas failed to pass his driving test. (ABLE)
Thomas ............................................................
................................................. his driving test.
4 There is nothing to eat in the fridge. (NOT)
There ................................................................
..................................................... in the fridge.
5 I recommend planting some marigolds in the
garden. (SHOULD)
We ....................................................................
......................... some marigolds in the garden
 Prepositions
15 Choose the correct item.
1 The animal charity depends on/at/in donations
from kind people.
2 There has been an increase in/on/at the number
of people who are looking for a job.
3 The local people protested for/against/of the
opening of a factory in their area.
4 Wild animals like lions feed with/on/up the cattle
of the Maasai tribe.
5 After a long war between them, the two tribes
now live at/in/with peace.
6 Children are often very close with/for/to the
family pet.
7 The number of lions living in/on/at the wild is
very low because of hunting.
8 By supporting conservation groups, we can save
endangered species by/of/from extinction.
Everyday English
16 Complete the gaps (1-5) with the sentences (a-e).
A: How awful! The park is full of litter again. It makes me really angry to see all
this rubbish. 1) …………………………….. to stop this.
B: You’re right. 2) …………………………….. this is by making people who
litter the park pay big fines. If we do this, people will be more careful.
A: 3) …………………………….. The police can’t always be around to see who
throws litter on the ground, so they can’t really catch everyone.
B: 4) …………………………….. We could ask the local council to have more
rubbish and recycling bins at the park. All the residents in the area could
get together and sign a letter to the mayor requesting this.
A: 5) …………………………….. We can also get help from the teachers at
school to write the letter.
a Maybe you’re right
b Let’s do that then.
c Action need to be
d I don’t know about
e I think that one way to
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7 Legacy B1.1
Pairwork Activities Student A
Work with Student B. Ask student B questions about literacy classes. Then answer
student B's questions about a beach clean-up.
Literacy classes
 where/classes?
 who/teacher?
 who/suitable?
 how long/classes/last?
 what/bring?
South Beach is in desperate need of a clean-up before the
summer holidays begin.
The Dolphin Bay lifeguards need volunteers to help us pick up
litter and fix broken fences.
Free drinks and ice cream for anyone willing to help.
Please come to:
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 8 Legacy B1.1
Pairwork Activities Student B
Work with Student A. Answer Student A's questions about literacy classes. Then ask
student A questions about a beach clean-up.
Beach clean-up
 where?
 who/organise?
 what/work/involved?
 what/volunteers/receive?
 when/event?
Come to the city library on Saturday afternoon. Mrs Yamada, the
librarian, is offering literacy classes to students who want to learn to
read and write better.
Suitable for students from age 8-14.
Classes are FREE! Just bring your love for books and a pen or pencil
to write with.
Classes are from 10am – 2pm
Free juice and snacks are offered.
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 9 Legacy B1.1
Portfolio Activities
Name: ………………………………………………… Date: ………………………. Class: ...................
Write a fact file about a non-profit organisation and answer the questions below.
Name of organisation:
Global issue(s) concerned with: ................................................................................................
Where the organisation works: ..................................................................................................
What they do: ............................................................................................................................
What people can do to help: .....................................................................................................
Unit 7
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 10 Legacy B1.1
Play in groups of three or four. You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the
dice. You move your counter the same number of squares as shown on the dice. Answer
the questions your counter lands on. If you can’t, you miss a turn. The player who reaches
FINISH first wins.
Having a pet has
with/for/in people.
There isn’t
good on TV tonight.
We allow/
money to charity.
4 5
Could you like to
have some coffee?
Your luggage are/is
She has sailed
down the/−/a River
Nile twice.
There’s an/the/ 
elephant at the
wildlife protection
centre now.
10 11
Thousands of
animal species are
close to …….. .
Mike needs to get
55% to do/
pass/take the
My class is raising
about poverty in
Africa. (AWARE)
in your project by
Global ...................
temperatures to
Shall/Will/Must you
help me, please?
17 18
We would/
should/need help
the charity. It's a
good idea.
student in the class
has to do a project
on illiteracy.
20 21
We saw lions
during our trip to
the/−/a Kenya.
War broke
between the two
This spring, Kyle
will graduate/
attend/pass from
There was
anyone/no one in
the library.
Spiders are really
scary ………….!
needn’t drop litter.
It’s bad for the Earth.

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07 Legacy B1_1 Unit 7.doc

  • 1. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Legacy Β1.1 Vocabulary  Global Issues 1 Which global issue is each person talking about? Match the statements (1-8) to the issues (A-H). A poverty B global warming C disease D air pollution E endangered species F war G illiteracy H deforestation 2 Match the columns to form collocations. developing A site war B world landfill C countries non-profit D professionals medical E children orphan F help trained G zone natural H organisation 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 “It’s terrible that some children can’t enjoy books, as they are never taught to read.” “The ice in Antarctica is melting because the world’s temperature is rising.” “My class is collecting tins of food to send to poor families in Africa.” “I saw on the news that two big countries have started fighting each other.” “There is too much smog to see the mountains from my house in the city.” “The Big Cats Reserve protects animals from becoming extinct.” “Rainforests once covered 14% of the Earth’s land surface. Now they cover only 6%.” “Scientists are working on a cure for a deadly virus.”
  • 2. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Legacy Β1.1  Education 3 Fill in: resit, do, pass, fail, hand, attend, take, graduate. Normally, people would tell you to avoid computer games when you’re revising. However, if you 1) ………………… school in the UK, the BBC offers a series of excellent revision games and quizzes, suitable for students who want to 2) ………………… their GCSE exams. These quizzes are perfect for anyone looking to 3) ………………… better in their upcoming exams. In fact, results have shown that students who use BBC Bitesize are more likely to 4) ………………… their exams and achieve higher grades. With BBC Bitesize, students feel more confident when they 5) ………………… in their coursework. Bitesize even offers extra study material for students who have to 6) ………………… failed exams. The BBC hopes to reduce the number of students who 7) ………………… their exams so that young people can 8) ………………… from school with the best results possible.  General revision 4 Choose the correct item. 1 Some flowers give off a nasty/thorny/ poisonous smell that keeps animals away. 2 The farm’s cattle/livestock/beasts included cows, horses and sheep. 3 It is important to take a spear/torch/bulb with you if you go for a walk when it’s dark. 4 Our charity is concerned with the success/ peace/survival of pandas. 5 The solar panels/bulbs/twigs on the roof create enough electricity to power the whole building. 6 There is a serious food shortage/failure/ pressure in several countries around the world. 7 Thousands of families around the world do not have a clean water access/supply/amount. 8 My school held a wonderful fundraising effort/event/system last summer to raise money for endangered animals. 5 Fill in: incredible, common, sharp, moving, bright, scarce, daily, unknown. 1 It is a sad fact that a huge number of people throw away lots of food ………………… . 2 A lot of plants, like roses, have ………………… thorns. 3 Tulips are quite ………………… garden plants; you can see them in a lot of gardens. 4 Life was hard in the village as food was ………………… and crops weren’t growing. 5 Lizards have ………………… abilities. If they lose a leg, it grows back! 6 Some animals are scared of ………………… lights, as they mistake them for hunters. 7 Scientists have just discovered a previously ………………… species of frog in the rainforest. 8 My mum always say that a good education is the key to a(n) ………………… future.
  • 3. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Legacy Β1.1 6 Choose the correct item. 1 The charity’s goal is to encourage/improve conditions in poorer countries. 2 If you install/connect flickering lights on your farm, they will keep wild animals away. 3 We all need to make/require an effort to protect our planet’s resources. 4 Our puppy keeps locking up/burying things in the flower beds. 5 The young scientist has estimated/earned a lot of praise for his clever invention. 6 We have to prevent/reduce hunters from killing wild animals. 7 An international charity has allowed/provided the medical equipment for this hospital. 8 The weather gets chilly as night falls/grows up.  Phrasal verbs 7 Fill in with: after, up (x3), across, about, out. Eyes on our Planet is an environmental organisation. They encourage young people all over the world to look 1) ………………… their local areas and bring 2) ………………… change to society. They try to set 3) ………………… a recycling movement wherever they go. Recycling can seem like a lot of effort, but Eyes on our Planet insist that anyone can easily take 4) ………………… recycling as part of their daily routine. People from the organisation visit schools to teach students the facts and put 5) ………………… their message of change. They carry 6) ………………… educational workshops to show others how important recycling is. A lot of people are so inspired that they sign 7) ………………… to become speakers for the organisation. Eyes on our Planet believe that together, we can change the world.
  • 4. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Legacy Β1.1  Word formation 8 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 A lot of charities work hard to raise ................................ about not dumping rubbish in the street. (AWARE) 2 Akida was able to study at university because of an educational ................................ that he won. (SCHOLAR) 3 The scientists won the Nobel Prize for their ................................, the LED light. (INVENT) 4 Unfortunately, the first test was a ................................ but the second was successful. (FAIL) 5 John and Jane went to a protest against ................................ last month. (RACE) 6 The government is trying to reduce the problem of ................................ in the city centre. (HOMELESS) 7 Dale’s teacher had a talk with him about his bad ................................ . (BEHAVE) 8 A pet can become ................................ ill if it eats tulips or daffodils. (SERIOUS) Grammar in use  Modals 9 Match the modal verbs in bold to their functions. You should wear a raincoat. It’s raining outside. A you aren’t allowed to … Stop that! You mustn’t feed the animals. B do you want me to … You can see lots of deer in the park. C are obliged to … Shall I make you something to eat? D is able to … Visitors have to stay on footpaths inside the park. E it’s possible to … Patrick can make sculptures out of recycled materials. F it’s necessary to … You need to sign up for the nature talk. G I request that you … Could you lower your voice, please? H I recommend that you … 10 Rewrite the sentences using: needn’t, were able to, may, can’t, were allowed to. 1 They managed to find a good home for the stray cat. They ................................................................. 2 Is it OK if we play on the grass? .......................................................................... 3 The students had permission to use dictionaries during the exam. The students .................................................... 4 It’s not necessary for you to walk the dog today. You ................................................................... 5 Martin isn’t able to come to the clean-up day because he’s on holiday. Martin ............................................................... 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  • 5. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Legacy Β1.1  some/any/no/every and compounds 11 Complete a dialogue with the compounds of: some/any/no/every. Aaron: 1) ………………… from the local environmental organisation gave a talk at my school yesterday. Did you know that animals like the panda are at risk of extinction? Betty: That’s terrible! Why? Aaron: They have 2) ………………… to live and 3) ………………… to eat because their habitat is being destroyed. Betty: Isn’t there 4) ………………… in their country who can protect them? Aaron: There are some government programmes in China, but charities also help a lot. In fact, we can even do 5) ………………… here in the UK to help. Betty: Really? Can I do 6) ………………… to help these beautiful animals? Aaron: Yes, of course! If 7) ………………… donates a little money to organisations that protect endangered animals, they can use it to save pandas and their habitats. Betty: Great! Let’s do some fundraising at school!  Nouns 12 Choose the correct item. 1 There is/are a lot of rubbish on the beach. 2 The money for the groceries are/is on the table. 3 Your new trousers is/are really nice! 4 Politics are/is my favourite class at college. 5 The police are/is going around the area looking for the bank robbers. 6 People are/is very friendly in my town.  a/an  the  zero article 13 Fill a, an or the where necessary. I IIN N NT T TE E ER R RE E ES S ST T TI IIN N NG G G P P PL L LA A AN N NT T T F F FA A AC C CT T TS S S ● 1) ………………… Brazil is named after 2) ………………… tree. ● Welwitschia, 3) ………………… enormous plant found in Angola and 4) ………………… Namib Desert in 5) ………………… Africa, can live for up to 2000 years. ● Most plants collect energy from 6) ………………… Sun to make 7) ………………… food they need to eat using 8) ………………… special process called photosynthesis. ● There is 9) ………………… flower called the scarlet pimpernel that can forecast 10) ………………… weather. If 11) ………………… flower is closed up, rain is coming and if it is opened up, the day will be sunny. ● Scientifically speaking, 12) ………………… tomatoes are fruits, not vegetables. This is because they have seeds inside them. ● About 60 percent of fresh-cut flowers grown in 13) ………………… USA come from 14) ………………… California. ● Lavender is a beautiful purple flower that grows in countries around 15) ………………… Mediterranean Sea. It gives out 16) ………………… amazing smell that can help people relax.
  • 6. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6 Legacy Β1.1  Sentence transformations 14 Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first. Use two to five words. 1 Visitors mustn’t touch the museum exhibits. (ALLOWED) Visitors ............................................................. ....................................... the museum exhibits. 2 A university degree isn’t necessary if you want to work as a waiter. (NEED) You .................................................................. have a university degree to work as a waiter. 3 Thomas failed to pass his driving test. (ABLE) Thomas ............................................................ ................................................. his driving test. 4 There is nothing to eat in the fridge. (NOT) There ................................................................ ..................................................... in the fridge. 5 I recommend planting some marigolds in the garden. (SHOULD) We .................................................................... ......................... some marigolds in the garden  Prepositions 15 Choose the correct item. 1 The animal charity depends on/at/in donations from kind people. 2 There has been an increase in/on/at the number of people who are looking for a job. 3 The local people protested for/against/of the opening of a factory in their area. 4 Wild animals like lions feed with/on/up the cattle of the Maasai tribe. 5 After a long war between them, the two tribes now live at/in/with peace. 6 Children are often very close with/for/to the family pet. 7 The number of lions living in/on/at the wild is very low because of hunting. 8 By supporting conservation groups, we can save endangered species by/of/from extinction. Everyday English 16 Complete the gaps (1-5) with the sentences (a-e). A: How awful! The park is full of litter again. It makes me really angry to see all this rubbish. 1) …………………………….. to stop this. B: You’re right. 2) …………………………….. this is by making people who litter the park pay big fines. If we do this, people will be more careful. A: 3) …………………………….. The police can’t always be around to see who throws litter on the ground, so they can’t really catch everyone. B: 4) …………………………….. We could ask the local council to have more rubbish and recycling bins at the park. All the residents in the area could get together and sign a letter to the mayor requesting this. A: 5) …………………………….. We can also get help from the teachers at school to write the letter. a Maybe you’re right b Let’s do that then. c Action need to be taken d I don’t know about that. e I think that one way to solve
  • 7. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7 Legacy B1.1 Pairwork Activities Student A Work with Student B. Ask student B questions about literacy classes. Then answer student B's questions about a beach clean-up. Literacy classes  where/classes?  who/teacher?  who/suitable?  how long/classes/last?  what/bring? South Beach is in desperate need of a clean-up before the summer holidays begin. The Dolphin Bay lifeguards need volunteers to help us pick up litter and fix broken fences. Free drinks and ice cream for anyone willing to help. Please come to: SOUTH BEACH MONDAY 15TH JUNE MONDAY 15TH JUNE
  • 8. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 8 Legacy B1.1 Pairwork Activities Student B Work with Student A. Answer Student A's questions about literacy classes. Then ask student A questions about a beach clean-up. Beach clean-up  where?  who/organise?  what/work/involved?  what/volunteers/receive?  when/event? Come to the city library on Saturday afternoon. Mrs Yamada, the librarian, is offering literacy classes to students who want to learn to read and write better. Suitable for students from age 8-14. Classes are FREE! Just bring your love for books and a pen or pencil to write with. Classes are from 10am – 2pm Free juice and snacks are offered.
  • 9. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 9 Legacy B1.1 Portfolio Activities Name: ………………………………………………… Date: ………………………. Class: ................... Write a fact file about a non-profit organisation and answer the questions below. Name of organisation: Global issue(s) concerned with: ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................... Where the organisation works: .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................... What they do: ............................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... What people can do to help: ..................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................
  • 10. Unit 7 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 10 Legacy B1.1 Game Play in groups of three or four. You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice. You move your counter the same number of squares as shown on the dice. Answer the questions your counter lands on. If you can’t, you miss a turn. The player who reaches FINISH first wins. 1 Having a pet has advantages with/for/in people. 2 There isn’t something/ anything/nothing good on TV tonight. 3 We allow/ donate/present money to charity. 4 5 Would/Should/ Could you like to have some coffee? 6 Your luggage are/is upstairs. 7 8 She has sailed down the/−/a River Nile twice. 9 There’s an/the/  elephant at the wildlife protection centre now. 10 11 Thousands of animal species are close to …….. . (EXTINCT) 12 Mike needs to get 55% to do/ pass/take the exam. 13 My class is raising ............................. about poverty in Africa. (AWARE) 14 Hand/Take/Attend in your project by Friday. 15 Global ................... causes temperatures to rise. 16 Shall/Will/Must you help me, please? 17 18 We would/ should/need help the charity. It's a good idea. 19 Some/Every/Any student in the class has to do a project on illiteracy. 20 21 We saw lions during our trip to the/−/a Kenya. 22 War broke out/up/about between the two countries. 23 This spring, Kyle will graduate/ attend/pass from university. 24 There was everyone/ anyone/no one in the library. 25 Spiders are really scary ………….! (CREATE) 26 You shouldn’t/can’t/ needn’t drop litter. It’s bad for the Earth.