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What Every Christian Should Know About
The Inquisition
What Every Christian Should Know About
The Inquisition
One of the re-occurring accusations against Christianity is that
Christians are responsible for: "The Inquisition!"
Frequently, while
trying to love one’s
neighbour and share
the Gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ,
Christians receive
some tirade against
"The Church" and
"The Inquisition!"
The Inquisition is used as some kind of general-purpose
club with which to bludgeon Evangelical Christians.
On one occasion while I
was being interviewed on a
national secular radio
programme, on the
publication of my book:
Biblical Principles for
Africa, the first caller
attacked me and my new
book over something that
the book doesn't even deal
with - she claimed that
Christians were
responsible for “the
Inquisition” which
“burned thousands
of witches!”
The Anti-Christian Inquisition
When I finally had the chance to respond to this emotional
outburst, I had to point out that the vast majority burned
at the stake by the Spanish Inquisition were not witches at all, but
Protestant believers.
Should one study the court records of the inquisitors it
becomes very clear that the inquisitors were by no
means Christians at all.
They would vindictively condemn to death
Christians who believed in, who translated, or who
taught, the Holy Scriptures.
Often the inquisitors
contemptuously tossed the
victim’s Bible into the fire
to be burned
with the martyr.
The Inquisition
occurred at a time of
blatant corruption,
when priesthoods,
bishoprics and even
papal seats were
bought and sold.
There were many
ungodly men
dominating all levels
of leadership in the
medieval Roman
Far from the Inquisition being Christians persecuting
non-Christians, the reality is that it was the very opposite.
The Inquisition was an anti-Christian persecution of
Protestant believers.
The Judas Factor
The church has never
been perfect. Even
amongst the twelve
Apostles there was a
Judas Iscariot
who betrayed Christ.
Yet it would not be
fair to make Judas a
representative of the
twelve Apostles!
The total record of the
church needs to be
examined, and the good
far outweighs the bad.
Besides of which the
Christian Faith is
centered in Christ,
not in Christians.
When someone brings up the question of evil perpetrated in God’s Name, we
need to first examine whether the people involved
were true Christians or not.
Our Lord Jesus Christ made it abundantly clear: "Not everyone
who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven,
but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to
Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name,
cast out demons in Your Name and done many wonders in Your
and then I will declare to them,! I never knew you, depart from
Me, you who practice lawlessness" Matthew 7: 21-23
Our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that some people are
truly part of His Church. The elect are all those who are
regenerated by His Holy Spirit. However, not all of those
in the larger, visible church are members of the true,
invisible Church of Christ.
The Lord warned that there would be weeds among the
wheat and goats amongst His sheep. Many who claim to
be Christians are not Christians at all.
Anyone who has read Foxes
Book of Martyrs, or similar
historical records of the cruel
persecutions endured by the
Waldensians, the Huguenots
and other Protestant
will know that
the Inquisition was
When people bring up the
Inquisition we need to ask
them: what do they
actually know about
the Inquisition?
Seldom has the individual
done any research on the
matter at all. The
Spanish Inquisition
began in the year AD
1233. This is almost 300
years before the
Protestant Reformation.
The Historical Facts
So, Protestants had no part in the Inquisition except as victims.
Bible-believing, Evangelical Protestants were often on the receiving end of
the Inquisition, tortured and killed for their beliefs.
This included tens of thousands of Waldensian
Christians tortured and murdered in the most
brutal ways
and the Lollards of England, the field workers of the
Reformation, who were mercilessly persecuted.
After the Council of Valencia placed the Bible on
The Index of Forbidden Books, in 1229,
the papacy viciously persecuted the Waldensians.
Bible Banned
The hostility of the inquisitors to the Bible is clearly
seen in their pronouncements such as in the
condemnation of English Bible translator, Professor
John Wycliffe of Oxford University:
"Pestilent and most wretched John Wycliffe, of damnable
memory ... crowned his wickedness by translating the
Scriptures into the mother tongue!"
Catholic historian Henry Knighton wrote: “John Wycliffe
translated the Gospel from Latin into the English…made
it the property of the masses and common to all
and…even to women…and so the pearl of the Gospel is
thrown before swine and trodden under foot and what
is meant to be the jewel of the clergy has been turned
into the jest of the laity…has become common…”
A synod of clergy in 1408
decreed: “It is
translate the text of
Holy Scripture from
one language into
another…we decree
and ordain that no-
one shall in future
translate on his
authority any text of
Scripture into the
English tongue or into
any other tongue, by
way of book, booklet
or treatise.
Nor shall any man read, in public or in private, this
kind of book, booklet or treatise, now recently
composed in the time of the said John Wycliffe
…under penalty of the greater excommunication.”
Similarly, the Inquisition
condemned the Professor
of Prague University,
John Hus
to be burned alive, for his
Reformation works.
On one day in 1519 seven
men and women in
Coventry were burned
alive by the Inquisition
for the crime of teaching
their children: The
Lords Prayer, The Ten
Commandments and The
Apostles Creed - in
The English Reformer, William Tyndale, was burned at the stake
in Belgium for the crime of having translated the Bible into the
English language.
William Tyndale was a
gifted scholar, a
graduate of both
Oxford and Cambridge
It was at Cambridge
that Tyndale was
introduced to the
writings of Luther and
Tyndale earned his
M.A. at Oxford then he
was ordained into the
ministry, served as a
chaplain and tutor and
dedicated his life
to the translation
of the Scriptures
from the original
Hebrew and
Greek languages.
Tyndale was shocked by the
ignorance of the Bible prevalent
amongst the clergy. To one such
cleric he declared:
“I defy the Pope and
all his laws. If God
spares my life,
before many years
pass I will make it
possible for the boy
who drives the plow
to know more of the
Scriptures than you
Failing to obtain any
ecclesiastical approval
for his proposed
translation, Tyndale
went into exile to
As he described it
“not only was there no
room in my lord of
London’s palace to
translate the New
Testament, but also
that there was no place
to do it in all England.”
Tyndale sailed in 1524 for
Germany, never to return to
his homeland. In Hamburg
he worked on the New
Testament, which was ready
for printing by the following
As the pages began to roll off
the press in Cologne, soldiers
of the Holy Roman Empire
raided the printing press.
Tyndale fled with as many of
the pages as had so far been
printed. Only one
incomplete copy of this
Cologne New Testament
edition survives.
Tyndale moved to Worms where the complete
New Testament was published the following year (1526).
Of the 6000 copies printed,
only 2 of this edition have survived.
Not only did the first printed edition of the English New Testament
need to be produced in Germany, but they had to be smuggled into
England. There the bishops did all they could to seek them out and
destroy them. The Bishop of London, Cuthbert Tunstall, preached
against the translation of the New Testament into English and had
copies of Tyndale’s New Testaments ceremonially burned at St.
In 1535 Tyndale was
betrayed by a fellow
Englishman, Henry
Phillips, who gained his
confidence only to
treacherously arrange for
his arrest.
Tyndale was taken to the
state prison in the castle of
Vilvorde, near Brussels.
For 500 days, Tyndale suffered in a cold , dark and damp dungeon
and then
on 6 October, 1536, he was taken to a stake where he was
garrotted and burned. His last reported words were:
“Lord, open the king of England’s eyes.”
The Lord did indeed answer
the dying prayer of Tyndale in
the most remarkable way.
By this time there was an
Archbishop of Canterbury
(Thomas Cranmer) and a
Vicar General (Thomas
Cromwell) both of whom
were committed to the
Protestant cause.
They persuaded King Henry
to approve the publication of
the Coverdale translation.
By 1539 every parish church
in England was required to
make a copy of this English
Bible available to all of its
And so in this way Tyndale’s
dying prayer was
spectacularly answered.
The sudden, unprecedented
countrywide access to the
Scriptures created widespread
Just in the lifetime of William
2 million Bibles were sold
throughout the British Isles.
About 90% of Tyndale’s
wording passed on into the
King James Version of the
Anne Askew was born
during the reign of King Henry
VIII to an honoured knight, Sir
William Askew.
Anne was described as
“attractive in form and
faith”, a beautiful and
high-spirited young
woman, well educated,
with unusual gifts, and
“very pious.”
Her father arranged that
she should be married to
the son of a friend,
Thomas Kyme, to whom
her deceased sister had
originally been promised.
Anne endeavored to be a faithful wife, and bore her husband two
children. However, despite an initially happy marriage, her husband,
Kyme, threw her out of the home because of her Protestant Faith.
Anne had acquired a copy of the English Bible and had studied it
enthusiastically. She abandoned her formal Catholic religion for the life-
changing Protestant Faith in a personal Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Her enthusiastic witness drew the attention of the priests who warned
her husband about her “sedition.” When challenged she confessed that
she was no longer a Romanist, but “a daughter of the Reformation”.
At this, her husband threw her out of the home.
However, he acknowledge that he had never known
a more devout woman than Anne.
In 1545, Anne was examined by the Inquisition concerning her beliefs.
Her answers were full of wisdom and quotes from the Holy Scriptures,
and she often out-maneuvered the inquisitors pointing out the
contradictions in their own position. This only served to enrage them
more. Lord Bonner was determined to see her burned for heresy.
Thomas Wriothesley, the lord
Chancellor of England, was
determined to crush the
Reformation. He summoned her
before the council and subjected
her to an examination that lasted
five hours.
One of the council, Mr. Paget,
challenged Anne:
“How can you avoid
the very words of
Christ, take, eat, this is
My Body which is
broken for you?”
Thomas Wriothesley
Anne answered: “Christ’s meaning in that passage is similar to the
meaning of those other places of Scripture, ‘ ‘I am the door’, I am the
vine’. ‘Behold the Lamb of God.’ ‘That rock was Christ.’ And other such
references to Himself. We are not in these texts to take Christ for the
material thing which He is signified by, for then we will make Him a door,
a vine, a lamb, a stone, quite contrary to the Holy Ghost’s meaning.
All these indeed signify Christ, even as the bread signifies His body in
that place.”
She was charged and imprisoned in Newgate Prison. Her enemies were
determined to see her burn. On 28 June, she was taken to Guild Hall to
be examined again by the council. She was taunted with being a heretic.
She responded that she had done nothing for which the Law of God
required her death. When asked directly if she denied the doctrine of
Transubstantiation, that the sacrament of the Eucharist was the actual
body and blood of Christ, Anne responded
: “God is a spirit, not a wafer cake. He is to be worshipped in spirit and
in truth { John 4:24 } and not by the impious superstitious homage paid
to a wafer converted, by popish jugglery, into a god.”
That very day, 28 June, the council condemned Anne Askew to be
burned to death at the stake.
However, before that
sentence was to be carried
out, Lord Wriothesley ordered
her to be stretched on the
rack. As the levers were
turned and the torture began,
Anne remained silent.
Wriothesley was so angered
by his lack of success that he
ordered the torture to be
increased. Then the officer of
the rack was so moved by the
sight of this pious woman
enduring such torture in
silence, he refused to
intensify the torture.
Wriothesley himself grabbed the levers and mercilessly stretched her
body until her joints were pulled asunder and her bones were broken.
Yet, despite the intense sufferings, all the cruelties of her enemies failed
to change the patience sweetness of Anne’s Christian demeanor.
When the day of her execution arrived, Anne was so crippled as a result
of her tortures on the rack that she had to be carried in a chair to the
stake. One who witnessed her death wrote: “She had an angel’s
countenance and a smiling face.” She was offered one last chance at a
pardon if she would renounce the doctrines of the Reformation and
embrace Catholicism. This she boldly refused
. “I believe all those Scriptures to be true which He hath confirmed
with His most precious blood. Yea, and, as St. Paul sayeth, those
Scriptures are sufficient for our learning and salvation that Christ hath
left here with us; so that I believe we need no unwritten verities with
which to rule His Church.”
All who witnessed her noble martyrdom were impressed and inspired
by the courage of this beautiful woman who gladly gave her life for
Christ of one as the truest and purest witnesses of the Gospel of the
Christian Church.
were tortured
and burned
at the stake
in Spain,
Italy, France,
England and
Yet the Dutch Protestants suffered even
worse persecutions at the hands of the
Catholic Inquisition.
Under King Phillip II
of Spain, more than
18,000 Protestants
were executed in
the Netherlands. In
an attempt to force
them to confess to
"heresy", both men
and women were
mercilessly tortured.
Excommunicating Holland
At that time, Spain was the most powerful country in the world. Holland was
occupied by Spain. In 1566, Phillip II issued a proclamation demanding that
all his subjects accept the decrees made by the Council of Trent.
Early in 1567, to crush the flourishing Protestant
Faith in Holland, Phillip sent in the Duke of Alva,
who unleashed a reign of terror upon the Dutch
In 1568 the
condemned all
three million
inhabitants of the
Netherlands to
death as "heretics".
Under the courageous leadership of
William Prince of Orange, the Dutch Protestants
rose up in resistance
against the oppression of Catholic Spain.
Prince William the Silent
and his brave Dutch
resistance fighters
became the inspiration of
Protestants world wide,
particularly in England.
Born 2 July 1489, in
Nottinghamshire, Thomas
Cranmer studied for the
priesthood at Cambridge
He was ordained as a priest
and threw himself into his
further studies, becoming an
outstanding theologian.
In 1520, he joined some
scholars who met
regularly to discuss
Luther’s theological
Reform on the continent.
This group was dubbed
“Little Germany.”
William Tyndale, who
would later give his life
translating the Bible into
English, was also part of
this theological discussion
group, along with
By 1525, Cranmer was
praying for the abolition
of Papal power in
With the accession to the
throne of the young Edward VI
in 1547, Cranmer’s time had
arrived. He immediately began
to transform the Church of
England into a decidedly
Protestant church. In 1547,
Cranmer published his: “Book
of Homilies” which required
the clergy to preach sermons
emphasizing Reformed
doctrines. In 1549, he
published the first “Book of
Common Prayer” which was
revised in 1552 by a second
edition, which was more clearly
In 1553, Cranmer produced The 42
Articles as the doctrinal statements
that moved the Church of England
even more towards a Reformed,
Calvinist direction. These were later
revised into The 39 Articles, which
under Queen Elizabeth became the
official foundational statement of the
Church of England worldwide.
By Thomas Cranmer’s immense
learning, ecclesiastical
authority and hard work, he
dominated the religious
revolution, which propelled
England into
the Reformed Camp.
Bloody Mary’s Reign of Terror
With Queen Mary’s accession, Stephen
Gardiner was appointed Chancellor and
Reginald Pole became the new
Archbishop of Canterbury.
Parliament repealed the Reformation
Acts of Henry VIII and Edward VI and
reintroduced the Heresy Laws.
Bloody Mary then began a relentless
campaign against the Protestants. Along
with the Reformers Nicholas Ridley, The
Bishop of London, and Hugh Latimer, The
Bishop of Worcester, Cranmer was
arrested and moved to Oxford in March
1554 to stand trial.
Queen Mary was a
fervent Catholic
and determined to
force England back
to Catholicism.
Bloody Mary began
a relentless
campaign against
the Protestants.
Her cousin, Lady Jane Grey, was beheaded for
refusing to renounce her Protestant Faith.
Reformers, Protestant
Bishops and Bible
translators were
burned at the stake.
For five tragic years
Bloody Mary sought
to bludgeon the
people of England
back to Rome.
The Spanish Connection
Mary’s marriage to Phillip II, a
member of the powerful Hapsburg
family and brother of Ferdinand,
Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire,
endangered not only the Protestant
Reformation, but the very
independence of England.
Phillip II was soon to become King of
Spain, and he was a fanatical enemy
of Protestantism.
Phillip II had made it
known that his goal was to
conquer the world for
Spain and the Roman
Foxes Book of Martyrs records the condemnation of
prominent Protestant preacher, Reformer and Bible
translator, John Rogers, who was burned at the stake,
January 1555.
Asked by the inquisitor to recant his beliefs, Rogers replied that
what he had preached from the pulpit he would seal now
with his blood.
"Then thou art an heretic!" exclaimed the inquisitor.
"That shall be known on the Day of Judgement," replied Rogers.
"Well, I will never pray for you", said his judge.
"I will pray for you", responded Rogers. As he walked to
the stake in Smithfield, Rogers sang the Psalms.
At his trial, Bishop Ridley was urged to reject his Protestant
Faith. His reply: "As for the doctrine which I have taught,
my conscience assureth me that it is sound and according
to God's Word ... in confirmation thereof I seal
the same with my blood."
On 16 October 1555, just
outside the walls of Balliol
College, Oxford, a stout
stake had been driven into
the ground with fagots of
firewood piled high at its
Two men were led out and
fastened to the stake by a
single chain bound around
both their waists.
The older man was Hugh Latimer, the Bishop
of Worcester, one of the most powerful preachers
of his day, and the other Nicolas Ridley, the
Bishop of London, respected as one of the finest
theologians in England.
More wood was carried and piled up around
their feet. Then it was set alight. As the wood
kindled and the flames began to rise,
Bishop Latimer encouraged his companion:
“Be of good cheer,
Master Ridley, and play
the man! We shall this
day light such a
candle, by God’s
grace, in England, as
I trust shall never be
put out.”
Hundreds in the crowd
watching the burning of
these bishops wept
The vindictiveness of Queen Mary and Cardinal Pole was also seen in
how they wanted to humiliate and punish Archbishop Cranmer for all
the havoc he had wrecked upon Catholicism by promoting the
Reformation in England. They determined that he must be burned at
the stake – after making a public rejection of the Protestant faith.
Cranmer was subjected to a long and tedious trial after
debilitating, enfeebling mental torture, isolation and
physically exhausting imprisonment.
On the morning of 21 March 1556, Cranmer was escorted from his cell
amidst fierce rain and dark skies. The weather forced the formalities
preceeding the burning to be moved indoors, to St. Mary’s Church.
There Cranmer was forced to stand, in ragged threadbare clothes,
before the pulpit, while Henry Cole spoke of Cranmer’s “crimes” and the
need for his death.
Cranmer was then invited to
“openly express the true and
undoubted profession of your
faith.”Cranmer took off his cap,
thanked the people for their
prayers and exhorted them in
four points: To care less for this
world and more for the next,
to obey their sovereigns out of
the fear of God, to do good to
all people and to be concerned
for the poor.
Then he declared:
“As I am come to the
last end of my life,
whereupon hangeth all
my life past and all my
life to come…I shall
therefore declare unto
you my very faith, how I
believe, without any
colour or
He then recited
The Nicene Creed.
The Creed of Nicea
325 A.D.
We believe in one God, the Father All-sovereign, maker of
heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, and the only-begotten Son
of God, Begotten of the Father before all the ages, Light of
Light, true God of true God, begotten not made, of one
substance with the Father, through whom all things were
made; who for us men and for our salvation came down
from the heavens, and was made flesh of the Holy Spirit
and the Virgin Mary, and became man, and was crucified
for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried,
and rose again on the third day according to the
Scriptures, and ascended into the heavens, and sits on the
right hand of the Father, and comes again with glory to
judge living and dead, of whose kingdom there shall be no
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and the Life-giver, that
proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and Son is
worshipped together and glorified together, who spoke
through the prophets:
In one holy catholic and apostolic church:
We acknowledge one baptism unto remission of sins. We
look for a resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age
to come.
As loud rumblings spread through
the shocked congregation,
Cranmer declared:
“as for the Pope, I refuse
him as Christ’s enemy and
Anti-Christ, with all his
false doctrines.
And as for the sacrament…”
At this, Cranmer was, being heckled
and interjected, ordered to stop.
However, he continued: “Teacheth
so true a doctrine of the sacrament
that it shall stand at the Last Day
before the Judgment!”
Cranmer was silenced at this point
and dragged from the stage.
But the Friars did not have to pull
him to the stake, because
Cranmer rushed to the stake,
giving his captors a hard time
keeping up with him.
In front of the stake Cranmer
knelt on the bare ground and
prayed. Then he clasped the
hands of friends who stood
nearby and bade them farewell.
He was bound to the stake with a steel band around his waist. As the
fire was kindled and the flames leapt up, Cranmer stretched out his right
arm and held his hand in the flame stating: “This hand hath offended.”
He continued to hold his hand out until it had been burned to a stump.
His last words were: “ Lord
Jesus, receive my spirit!”
He then collapsed and was
consumed in the flames. His
courage and steadfastness at the
end inspired Protestants in
England .
As one historian put it: “His
fame has been brightened
by the fire that consumed
The end result of Mary’s attempts to return England to Catholicism were
rather to convince the vast majority of Englishmen in the resolution and
determination never again to succumb to such tyranny, superstition, and
intolerance. By trying to exterminate the Reformation, Bloody
Mary had only succeeded in entrenching it.
Phillip II became the husband of Mary and the King of England in 1554.
In 1556 he became officially King of Spain. However, by God’s grace,
the marriage was fruitless and Mary died without having conceived a
A Ruined Realm
Bloody Mary ended her days in
great agony, and fever and
mental derangement.
The death of Bloody Mary on 17
November 1558 was an
occasion of great public
rejoicing in England.
The country was ravaged by
pestilence and sickened by the
sight of countless grey-haired
men of God being callously
burned at the stake for “heresy.”
During Mary’s short five-year
reign the country had been
Blaming The Victims
Anyone attempting to blame Christians for the Inquisition is obviously
ignorant of the historical record. It is an utter distortion to blame the
victims for the tortures and murders, which were inflicted upon them.
So, the next time non-Christians attempt to blame
believers for the Inquisition, point out to them that
in reality the Inquisition was an anti-Christian
persecution of Protestant believers.
“Woe to those who call evil good;
and good evil; who put darkness
for light, and light for darkness..."
Isaiah 5:20
PO Box 74
Newlands, 7725
Cape Town
South Africa
PO Box 74
Newlands, 7725
Cape Town
South Africa

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The Inquisition

  • 1. What Every Christian Should Know About The Inquisition
  • 2.
  • 3. What Every Christian Should Know About The Inquisition
  • 4. One of the re-occurring accusations against Christianity is that Christians are responsible for: "The Inquisition!"
  • 5. Frequently, while trying to love one’s neighbour and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, Christians receive some tirade against "The Church" and "The Inquisition!"
  • 6. The Inquisition is used as some kind of general-purpose club with which to bludgeon Evangelical Christians.
  • 7. On one occasion while I was being interviewed on a national secular radio programme, on the publication of my book: Biblical Principles for Africa, the first caller attacked me and my new book over something that the book doesn't even deal with - she claimed that Christians were responsible for “the Inquisition” which “burned thousands of witches!”
  • 8. The Anti-Christian Inquisition When I finally had the chance to respond to this emotional outburst, I had to point out that the vast majority burned at the stake by the Spanish Inquisition were not witches at all, but Protestant believers.
  • 9. Should one study the court records of the inquisitors it becomes very clear that the inquisitors were by no means Christians at all.
  • 10. They would vindictively condemn to death Christians who believed in, who translated, or who taught, the Holy Scriptures.
  • 11. Often the inquisitors contemptuously tossed the victim’s Bible into the fire to be burned with the martyr.
  • 12. The Inquisition occurred at a time of blatant corruption, when priesthoods, bishoprics and even papal seats were bought and sold. There were many ungodly men dominating all levels of leadership in the medieval Roman church.
  • 13. Far from the Inquisition being Christians persecuting non-Christians, the reality is that it was the very opposite. The Inquisition was an anti-Christian persecution of Protestant believers.
  • 14. The Judas Factor The church has never been perfect. Even amongst the twelve Apostles there was a Judas Iscariot who betrayed Christ. Yet it would not be fair to make Judas a representative of the twelve Apostles!
  • 15. The total record of the church needs to be examined, and the good far outweighs the bad. Besides of which the Christian Faith is centered in Christ, not in Christians.
  • 16. When someone brings up the question of evil perpetrated in God’s Name, we need to first examine whether the people involved were true Christians or not.
  • 17. Our Lord Jesus Christ made it abundantly clear: "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name and done many wonders in Your Name….
  • 18. and then I will declare to them,! I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness" Matthew 7: 21-23
  • 19. Our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that some people are truly part of His Church. The elect are all those who are regenerated by His Holy Spirit. However, not all of those in the larger, visible church are members of the true, invisible Church of Christ.
  • 20. The Lord warned that there would be weeds among the wheat and goats amongst His sheep. Many who claim to be Christians are not Christians at all.
  • 21. Anyone who has read Foxes Book of Martyrs, or similar historical records of the cruel persecutions endured by the Waldensians, the Huguenots and other Protestant Reformers, will know that the Inquisition was anti-Christian.
  • 22. When people bring up the Inquisition we need to ask them: what do they actually know about the Inquisition? Seldom has the individual done any research on the matter at all. The Spanish Inquisition began in the year AD 1233. This is almost 300 years before the Protestant Reformation. The Historical Facts
  • 23. So, Protestants had no part in the Inquisition except as victims. Bible-believing, Evangelical Protestants were often on the receiving end of the Inquisition, tortured and killed for their beliefs.
  • 24. This included tens of thousands of Waldensian Christians tortured and murdered in the most brutal ways
  • 25. and the Lollards of England, the field workers of the Reformation, who were mercilessly persecuted.
  • 26. After the Council of Valencia placed the Bible on The Index of Forbidden Books, in 1229, the papacy viciously persecuted the Waldensians. Bible Banned
  • 27.
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  • 32. The hostility of the inquisitors to the Bible is clearly seen in their pronouncements such as in the condemnation of English Bible translator, Professor John Wycliffe of Oxford University:
  • 33. "Pestilent and most wretched John Wycliffe, of damnable memory ... crowned his wickedness by translating the Scriptures into the mother tongue!"
  • 34. Catholic historian Henry Knighton wrote: “John Wycliffe translated the Gospel from Latin into the English…made it the property of the masses and common to all and…even to women…and so the pearl of the Gospel is thrown before swine and trodden under foot and what is meant to be the jewel of the clergy has been turned into the jest of the laity…has become common…”
  • 35. A synod of clergy in 1408 decreed: “It is dangerous…to translate the text of Holy Scripture from one language into another…we decree and ordain that no- one shall in future translate on his authority any text of Scripture into the English tongue or into any other tongue, by way of book, booklet or treatise.
  • 36. Nor shall any man read, in public or in private, this kind of book, booklet or treatise, now recently composed in the time of the said John Wycliffe …under penalty of the greater excommunication.”
  • 37. Similarly, the Inquisition condemned the Professor of Prague University, John Hus to be burned alive, for his Reformation works.
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  • 41. On one day in 1519 seven men and women in Coventry were burned alive by the Inquisition for the crime of teaching their children: The Lords Prayer, The Ten Commandments and The Apostles Creed - in English!
  • 42. The English Reformer, William Tyndale, was burned at the stake in Belgium for the crime of having translated the Bible into the English language.
  • 43. GOD’S OUTLAW William Tyndale was a gifted scholar, a graduate of both Oxford and Cambridge Universities. It was at Cambridge that Tyndale was introduced to the writings of Luther and Zwingli.
  • 44. Tyndale earned his M.A. at Oxford then he was ordained into the ministry, served as a chaplain and tutor and dedicated his life to the translation of the Scriptures from the original Hebrew and Greek languages.
  • 45. Tyndale was shocked by the ignorance of the Bible prevalent amongst the clergy. To one such cleric he declared: “I defy the Pope and all his laws. If God spares my life, before many years pass I will make it possible for the boy who drives the plow to know more of the Scriptures than you do.”
  • 46. Failing to obtain any ecclesiastical approval for his proposed translation, Tyndale went into exile to Germany. As he described it “not only was there no room in my lord of London’s palace to translate the New Testament, but also that there was no place to do it in all England.”
  • 47. Tyndale sailed in 1524 for Germany, never to return to his homeland. In Hamburg he worked on the New Testament, which was ready for printing by the following year. As the pages began to roll off the press in Cologne, soldiers of the Holy Roman Empire raided the printing press. Tyndale fled with as many of the pages as had so far been printed. Only one incomplete copy of this Cologne New Testament edition survives.
  • 48. Tyndale moved to Worms where the complete New Testament was published the following year (1526). Of the 6000 copies printed, only 2 of this edition have survived.
  • 49. Not only did the first printed edition of the English New Testament need to be produced in Germany, but they had to be smuggled into England. There the bishops did all they could to seek them out and destroy them. The Bishop of London, Cuthbert Tunstall, preached against the translation of the New Testament into English and had copies of Tyndale’s New Testaments ceremonially burned at St. Paul’s.
  • 50. BETRAYAL AND BURNING In 1535 Tyndale was betrayed by a fellow Englishman, Henry Phillips, who gained his confidence only to treacherously arrange for his arrest. Tyndale was taken to the state prison in the castle of Vilvorde, near Brussels.
  • 51. For 500 days, Tyndale suffered in a cold , dark and damp dungeon and then
  • 52. on 6 October, 1536, he was taken to a stake where he was garrotted and burned. His last reported words were: “Lord, open the king of England’s eyes.”
  • 53.
  • 54. TYNDALE’S DYING PRAYER ANSWERED The Lord did indeed answer the dying prayer of Tyndale in the most remarkable way. By this time there was an Archbishop of Canterbury (Thomas Cranmer) and a Vicar General (Thomas Cromwell) both of whom were committed to the Protestant cause.
  • 55. They persuaded King Henry to approve the publication of the Coverdale translation. By 1539 every parish church in England was required to make a copy of this English Bible available to all of its parishioners.
  • 56. And so in this way Tyndale’s dying prayer was spectacularly answered. The sudden, unprecedented countrywide access to the Scriptures created widespread excitement. Just in the lifetime of William Shakespeare, 2 million Bibles were sold throughout the British Isles. About 90% of Tyndale’s wording passed on into the King James Version of the Bible.
  • 57.
  • 58. Anne Askew was born during the reign of King Henry VIII to an honoured knight, Sir William Askew.
  • 59. Anne was described as “attractive in form and faith”, a beautiful and high-spirited young woman, well educated, with unusual gifts, and “very pious.” Her father arranged that she should be married to the son of a friend, Thomas Kyme, to whom her deceased sister had originally been promised.
  • 60. Anne endeavored to be a faithful wife, and bore her husband two children. However, despite an initially happy marriage, her husband, Kyme, threw her out of the home because of her Protestant Faith.
  • 61. Anne had acquired a copy of the English Bible and had studied it enthusiastically. She abandoned her formal Catholic religion for the life- changing Protestant Faith in a personal Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Her enthusiastic witness drew the attention of the priests who warned her husband about her “sedition.” When challenged she confessed that she was no longer a Romanist, but “a daughter of the Reformation”. At this, her husband threw her out of the home. However, he acknowledge that he had never known a more devout woman than Anne.
  • 62. In 1545, Anne was examined by the Inquisition concerning her beliefs. Her answers were full of wisdom and quotes from the Holy Scriptures, and she often out-maneuvered the inquisitors pointing out the contradictions in their own position. This only served to enrage them more. Lord Bonner was determined to see her burned for heresy.
  • 63. Thomas Wriothesley, the lord Chancellor of England, was determined to crush the Reformation. He summoned her before the council and subjected her to an examination that lasted five hours. One of the council, Mr. Paget, challenged Anne: “How can you avoid the very words of Christ, take, eat, this is My Body which is broken for you?” Thomas Wriothesley
  • 64. Anne answered: “Christ’s meaning in that passage is similar to the meaning of those other places of Scripture, ‘ ‘I am the door’, I am the vine’. ‘Behold the Lamb of God.’ ‘That rock was Christ.’ And other such references to Himself. We are not in these texts to take Christ for the material thing which He is signified by, for then we will make Him a door, a vine, a lamb, a stone, quite contrary to the Holy Ghost’s meaning. All these indeed signify Christ, even as the bread signifies His body in that place.”
  • 65. She was charged and imprisoned in Newgate Prison. Her enemies were determined to see her burn. On 28 June, she was taken to Guild Hall to be examined again by the council. She was taunted with being a heretic. She responded that she had done nothing for which the Law of God required her death. When asked directly if she denied the doctrine of Transubstantiation, that the sacrament of the Eucharist was the actual body and blood of Christ, Anne responded
  • 66. : “God is a spirit, not a wafer cake. He is to be worshipped in spirit and in truth { John 4:24 } and not by the impious superstitious homage paid to a wafer converted, by popish jugglery, into a god.” That very day, 28 June, the council condemned Anne Askew to be burned to death at the stake.
  • 67. However, before that sentence was to be carried out, Lord Wriothesley ordered her to be stretched on the rack. As the levers were turned and the torture began, Anne remained silent. Wriothesley was so angered by his lack of success that he ordered the torture to be increased. Then the officer of the rack was so moved by the sight of this pious woman enduring such torture in silence, he refused to intensify the torture.
  • 68. Wriothesley himself grabbed the levers and mercilessly stretched her body until her joints were pulled asunder and her bones were broken. Yet, despite the intense sufferings, all the cruelties of her enemies failed to change the patience sweetness of Anne’s Christian demeanor.
  • 69. When the day of her execution arrived, Anne was so crippled as a result of her tortures on the rack that she had to be carried in a chair to the stake. One who witnessed her death wrote: “She had an angel’s countenance and a smiling face.” She was offered one last chance at a pardon if she would renounce the doctrines of the Reformation and embrace Catholicism. This she boldly refused
  • 70. . “I believe all those Scriptures to be true which He hath confirmed with His most precious blood. Yea, and, as St. Paul sayeth, those Scriptures are sufficient for our learning and salvation that Christ hath left here with us; so that I believe we need no unwritten verities with which to rule His Church.”
  • 71. All who witnessed her noble martyrdom were impressed and inspired by the courage of this beautiful woman who gladly gave her life for Christ of one as the truest and purest witnesses of the Gospel of the Christian Church.
  • 72. Protestants were tortured and burned at the stake as "heretics" in Spain, Italy, France, England and Scotland.
  • 73. Yet the Dutch Protestants suffered even worse persecutions at the hands of the Catholic Inquisition.
  • 74. Under King Phillip II of Spain, more than 18,000 Protestants were executed in the Netherlands. In an attempt to force them to confess to "heresy", both men and women were mercilessly tortured.
  • 75. Excommunicating Holland At that time, Spain was the most powerful country in the world. Holland was occupied by Spain. In 1566, Phillip II issued a proclamation demanding that all his subjects accept the decrees made by the Council of Trent.
  • 76. Early in 1567, to crush the flourishing Protestant Faith in Holland, Phillip sent in the Duke of Alva, who unleashed a reign of terror upon the Dutch Protestants.
  • 77. In 1568 the Inquisition condemned all three million inhabitants of the Netherlands to death as "heretics".
  • 78. Under the courageous leadership of William Prince of Orange, the Dutch Protestants rose up in resistance against the oppression of Catholic Spain.
  • 79. Prince William the Silent and his brave Dutch resistance fighters became the inspiration of Protestants world wide, particularly in England.
  • 80. Born 2 July 1489, in Nottinghamshire, Thomas Cranmer studied for the priesthood at Cambridge University. He was ordained as a priest and threw himself into his further studies, becoming an outstanding theologian.
  • 81. In 1520, he joined some scholars who met regularly to discuss Luther’s theological Reform on the continent. This group was dubbed “Little Germany.” William Tyndale, who would later give his life translating the Bible into English, was also part of this theological discussion group, along with Cranmer. By 1525, Cranmer was praying for the abolition of Papal power in England.
  • 82. THE TIME FOR REFORM With the accession to the throne of the young Edward VI in 1547, Cranmer’s time had arrived. He immediately began to transform the Church of England into a decidedly Protestant church. In 1547, Cranmer published his: “Book of Homilies” which required the clergy to preach sermons emphasizing Reformed doctrines. In 1549, he published the first “Book of Common Prayer” which was revised in 1552 by a second edition, which was more clearly Protestant.
  • 83. In 1553, Cranmer produced The 42 Articles as the doctrinal statements that moved the Church of England even more towards a Reformed, Calvinist direction. These were later revised into The 39 Articles, which under Queen Elizabeth became the official foundational statement of the Church of England worldwide. By Thomas Cranmer’s immense learning, ecclesiastical authority and hard work, he dominated the religious revolution, which propelled England into the Reformed Camp.
  • 85. PERSECUTION UNDER BLOODY MARY With Queen Mary’s accession, Stephen Gardiner was appointed Chancellor and Reginald Pole became the new Archbishop of Canterbury. Parliament repealed the Reformation Acts of Henry VIII and Edward VI and reintroduced the Heresy Laws. Bloody Mary then began a relentless campaign against the Protestants. Along with the Reformers Nicholas Ridley, The Bishop of London, and Hugh Latimer, The Bishop of Worcester, Cranmer was arrested and moved to Oxford in March 1554 to stand trial.
  • 86. Queen Mary was a fervent Catholic and determined to force England back to Catholicism. Bloody Mary began a relentless campaign against the Protestants.
  • 87. Her cousin, Lady Jane Grey, was beheaded for refusing to renounce her Protestant Faith.
  • 88. Prominent Reformers, Protestant Bishops and Bible translators were burned at the stake. For five tragic years Bloody Mary sought to bludgeon the people of England back to Rome.
  • 90. Mary’s marriage to Phillip II, a member of the powerful Hapsburg family and brother of Ferdinand, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, endangered not only the Protestant Reformation, but the very independence of England. Phillip II was soon to become King of Spain, and he was a fanatical enemy of Protestantism. Phillip II had made it known that his goal was to conquer the world for Spain and the Roman Church.
  • 91. Foxes Book of Martyrs records the condemnation of prominent Protestant preacher, Reformer and Bible translator, John Rogers, who was burned at the stake, January 1555.
  • 92. Asked by the inquisitor to recant his beliefs, Rogers replied that what he had preached from the pulpit he would seal now with his blood. "Then thou art an heretic!" exclaimed the inquisitor. "That shall be known on the Day of Judgement," replied Rogers.
  • 93. "Well, I will never pray for you", said his judge. "I will pray for you", responded Rogers. As he walked to the stake in Smithfield, Rogers sang the Psalms.
  • 94. At his trial, Bishop Ridley was urged to reject his Protestant Faith. His reply: "As for the doctrine which I have taught, my conscience assureth me that it is sound and according to God's Word ... in confirmation thereof I seal the same with my blood."
  • 95. THE OXFORD MARTYRS On 16 October 1555, just outside the walls of Balliol College, Oxford, a stout stake had been driven into the ground with fagots of firewood piled high at its base. Two men were led out and fastened to the stake by a single chain bound around both their waists.
  • 96. The older man was Hugh Latimer, the Bishop of Worcester, one of the most powerful preachers of his day, and the other Nicolas Ridley, the Bishop of London, respected as one of the finest theologians in England.
  • 97. More wood was carried and piled up around their feet. Then it was set alight. As the wood kindled and the flames began to rise, Bishop Latimer encouraged his companion:
  • 98. “Be of good cheer, Master Ridley, and play the man! We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.” Hundreds in the crowd watching the burning of these bishops wept openly.
  • 99. CONDEMNED The vindictiveness of Queen Mary and Cardinal Pole was also seen in how they wanted to humiliate and punish Archbishop Cranmer for all the havoc he had wrecked upon Catholicism by promoting the Reformation in England. They determined that he must be burned at the stake – after making a public rejection of the Protestant faith.
  • 100. IMPRISONMENT and TORTURE Cranmer was subjected to a long and tedious trial after debilitating, enfeebling mental torture, isolation and physically exhausting imprisonment.
  • 101. On the morning of 21 March 1556, Cranmer was escorted from his cell amidst fierce rain and dark skies. The weather forced the formalities preceeding the burning to be moved indoors, to St. Mary’s Church. There Cranmer was forced to stand, in ragged threadbare clothes, before the pulpit, while Henry Cole spoke of Cranmer’s “crimes” and the need for his death.
  • 102. CRANMER’S COURAGEOUS CONFESSION Cranmer was then invited to “openly express the true and undoubted profession of your faith.”Cranmer took off his cap, thanked the people for their prayers and exhorted them in four points: To care less for this world and more for the next, to obey their sovereigns out of the fear of God, to do good to all people and to be concerned for the poor.
  • 103. Then he declared: “As I am come to the last end of my life, whereupon hangeth all my life past and all my life to come…I shall therefore declare unto you my very faith, how I believe, without any colour or dissimulation.” He then recited The Nicene Creed. The Creed of Nicea 325 A.D. We believe in one God, the Father All-sovereign, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, and the only-begotten Son of God, Begotten of the Father before all the ages, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not made, of one substance with the Father, through whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from the heavens, and was made flesh of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man, and was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures, and ascended into the heavens, and sits on the right hand of the Father, and comes again with glory to judge living and dead, of whose kingdom there shall be no end: And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and the Life-giver, that proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and Son is worshipped together and glorified together, who spoke through the prophets: In one holy catholic and apostolic church: We acknowledge one baptism unto remission of sins. We look for a resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come.
  • 104. As loud rumblings spread through the shocked congregation, Cranmer declared: “as for the Pope, I refuse him as Christ’s enemy and Anti-Christ, with all his false doctrines. And as for the sacrament…” At this, Cranmer was, being heckled and interjected, ordered to stop. However, he continued: “Teacheth so true a doctrine of the sacrament that it shall stand at the Last Day before the Judgment!” Cranmer was silenced at this point and dragged from the stage.
  • 105. But the Friars did not have to pull him to the stake, because Cranmer rushed to the stake, giving his captors a hard time keeping up with him. In front of the stake Cranmer knelt on the bare ground and prayed. Then he clasped the hands of friends who stood nearby and bade them farewell.
  • 106. STEADFAST AT THE END He was bound to the stake with a steel band around his waist. As the fire was kindled and the flames leapt up, Cranmer stretched out his right arm and held his hand in the flame stating: “This hand hath offended.” He continued to hold his hand out until it had been burned to a stump.
  • 107. His last words were: “ Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!” He then collapsed and was consumed in the flames. His courage and steadfastness at the end inspired Protestants in England . As one historian put it: “His fame has been brightened by the fire that consumed him.”
  • 108. The end result of Mary’s attempts to return England to Catholicism were rather to convince the vast majority of Englishmen in the resolution and determination never again to succumb to such tyranny, superstition, and intolerance. By trying to exterminate the Reformation, Bloody Mary had only succeeded in entrenching it.
  • 109. Phillip II became the husband of Mary and the King of England in 1554. In 1556 he became officially King of Spain. However, by God’s grace, the marriage was fruitless and Mary died without having conceived a child.
  • 111. Bloody Mary ended her days in great agony, and fever and mental derangement. The death of Bloody Mary on 17 November 1558 was an occasion of great public rejoicing in England. The country was ravaged by pestilence and sickened by the sight of countless grey-haired men of God being callously burned at the stake for “heresy.” During Mary’s short five-year reign the country had been ruined.
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  • 114. Blaming The Victims Anyone attempting to blame Christians for the Inquisition is obviously ignorant of the historical record. It is an utter distortion to blame the victims for the tortures and murders, which were inflicted upon them.
  • 115. So, the next time non-Christians attempt to blame believers for the Inquisition, point out to them that in reality the Inquisition was an anti-Christian persecution of Protestant believers.
  • 116. “Woe to those who call evil good; and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness..." Isaiah 5:20
  • 117. REFORMATION SOCIETY PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town South Africa E-mail: Web:
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  • 130. FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town South Africa E-mail: Web: