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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality
The internet operates under what is called the "end–to–end principle." This is where "features are
implemented as close to the end points of the network as possible."4 It is often described as a "dumb
network." Much like how a water system provides the same amount to all users through pipes
regardless of what its used for, only the end user decides and controls how a "dumb network" is
utilized. Some claim that this is a major reason that the internet was so successful. However, it is
also pointed out that internet is already not "a level playing field," because of the advantages of
bigger companies who can afford more robust servers and high–bandwidth services.1 If Net
Neutrality was not carried out, Internet Service Providers would gain ... Show more content on ...
According to "Net Neutrality" from, without Net Neutrality, the internet could become
like cable TV in that "The Internet would be controlled by a few very large companies who would
be free to decide how much service should cost and what content users have access to"4 Certain
websites could be restricted or offered for extra, transforming the internet from a free, unrestricted
place into a space controlled and operated by large companies. In addition, it is pointed out that once
humans become accustomed to improvement, it becomes difficult to go back to something worse. If
ISPs created "fast lanes" and "slow lanes," customers would find the "slow lanes" unbearable after
using the superior version.1 Author Nicholas Carr has done extensive research proving this
phenomenon.1 This would disadvantage smaller websites that cannot afford to pay ISPs a fee to be
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Essay about Riordan Manufacturing Wan And Legacy
Riordan Manufacturing: WAN and Legacy Transition Problems Riordan Manufacturing's network
configuration consists of infrastructure within four locations. The headquarters is in San Jose, CA
and the other three are in remote in Albany GA, Pontiac MI, and Hangzhou, China. The
investigation and detail required to demonstrate transition of WAN from Legacy to current design
shows sources for which any problems may exist. Contributing information about the WAN includes
the VoIP data router, satellite between headquarters and China, and T–1 connections ... Show more
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VoIP systems implementation challenges consist of interoperability between multiple voice and data
standards; networks transmission characteristics and protocols; regulatory guidelines and
maintenance issues. (, 2006). These exist on top of connection used over satellite to
Riordan's China location.
One of the critical drawbacks of VoIP service is its dependence upon another service, an Internet
connection. The quality and overall reliability of the phone connection is entirely reliant upon the
quality, reliability, and speed of the internet connection which it is using. (Wikipedia, 2006)
Global Implications of VoIP There will be lot of challenges posed to the existing regulatory
frameworks and rules by the VoIP and thereby is considered a truly disruptive technology. VoIP
must be regulated like the telecommunications industry. Thus, from legacy to VoIP there is more to
consider with an enterprise WAN to support 4 locations.
There are several regulatory issues that concern VoIP technology. IP phones may not provide the
reliability, identification, and proper routing of the emergency calls, but all public
telecommunications operators provide a service which receives emergency calls and routes them to
the nearest emergency call centre. In an age of global terrorism, the calls made from the IP phones
are only digital packets
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Holden Caulfield 's The Catcher Of The Rye
It is evident that the protagonist, Holden Caulfield suffers from depression due to the death of his
younger brother, Allie in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Due to Allie's death, Holden's
actions elicit his own views of the world and the "phonies" around him. Holden has tunnel–vision to
living a simple, happy life and isolates himself from those around him who understand the concept
of growing up. Salinger uses a hat, a museum, and a merry–go–round to illuminate Holden's
emotion, the notion of adulthood, and the reality of growing up. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic
theory and the studies of Ego, Superego, and Id are used to show the significance of Holden's
behavior in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
The unconventional hat that is in Holden's possession symbolizes his wish to hold onto the
simplicity of childhood and separate himself from the "phonies" that surround him. The hat also
comforts Holden in the aspect that it holds onto his brother's childhood that was lost due to his
premature death. Holden is terrified of growing up due to the fact that it leads to the "phoniness" of
adulthood. It is justified throughout the novel that Holden believes no one acts how they truly feel;
and it is hard to trust and be trusted. The hat offers Holden "quite a lot of protection" (213).
However, he is not so fond of wearing the hat because he doesn't want to stand out and draw
unwanted attention to himself; causing conflicting thoughts in Holden's mind that leads
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Summary Of Id, Ego, And Superego In Fablehaven
The book series Fablehaven accurately portrays the three parts of the psychic apparatus, id, ego, and
superego, created by Sigmund Freud amongst the three main characters. Kendra, the first main
character introduced, represents the ego because at times she must determine to follow the rules and
play it safe or break the rules to help her family. Seth, the second main character introduced,
represents the id as he constantly acts on his own impulses without any regard to the rules which
usually lands him in trouble. The last main character introduced, Grandpa, represents the superego
since he always follow the rules of the preserve, as well as teaching them to Kendra and Seth, to
ensure the safety of them all from the fable creatures. Kendra, Seth, and Grandpa create perfect
examples of Sigmund Freud's id, ego, and superego.
Kendra, the first character revealed to the reader, demonstrates the psychic apparatus the ego by
representing the reason in situations that commonly occur between the Id and the Superego. The ego
must make a choice between listening to the id or following the superego. Depending on the
situation, if the ego sides with the id the superego can make the ego feel guilty. In the story Kendra,
after weighing the odds and letting her personal id get the better of her, decides to follow Seth into
the woods even though it stands against their grandfather's will. Upon the return of their sneaky
adventure they think that they made it back without anyone noticing they left; however, that night at
dinner their grandfather openly asks "What do you suppose makes people so eager to break rules?"
(pg.59). Which in turn made Kendra feel guilty. " Kendra felt a jolt of guilt" (pg.59). In Contrast,
Kendra could also represent the superego in place of the grandparents because she mostly follows
the rules without thoughts of breaking them. "Unlike her little brother, Kendra was not a natural rule
breaker" (pg.53) and " If you don't get back in bed," warned Kendra, "I'm telling grandpa in the
morning."(pg.167) represent great supporting quotes from the text to offer significant support that
Kendra could represent the superego as well. With Kendras main personalities being her ego and
superego it shows how rare
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Henry Turner Movie Essay
Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist to suggest that everyone has a large unconscious. He also
identified three parts of the personality: the id, ego, and superego. Freud said that the id operates on
"pleasure principle", the ego operates on "reality principle", and the superego operates on "moral
principle". A great showcase of the different parts of the personality can be found within the movie
Regarding Henry. In this movie Henry Turner falls victim to an armed man in his local convenience
store. After the accident Henry's personality, and life in general, undergoes a drastic change. In my
opinion, Henry's natural state is his id. In this movie, Henry Turner appears to be largely controlled
by his id. One of the first big examples of this is when he leaves the house late at night by himself to
go purchase cigarettes. Henry goes out at a dangerous hour because he feels the need for a cigarette
and this is what results in him being shot. Another example of him using his id is when he lashes out
at his caretaker, Bradley. Henry loves Bradley but when Bradley tries to tell him that it's time to go
back home Henry is overcome by emotions and lashes out. He screams at Bradley, which is very out
of ... Show more content on ...
The id is what causes your impulsive actions, the ego is what makes you step back and rationalize,
and the superego is what controls your morals. Henry Turner spends a large majority of the movie
operating on his superego. It makes him more loving and compassionate, contrary to how he acted
while operating on his id. After the accident, his natural state is definitely his superego. This film
helps to show how easily our personalities can be affected by certain events. It also shows that
people seem to become a much better person when operating on their superego, not their id. It is
much better to be thoughtful and rational than
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Psychoanalysis In The Film : Do I Drink Too Much Alcohol
As depicted in the film: Do I Drink Too Much alcohol consumption by youth is especially
dangerous as an adolescent is incapable of limiting ingestion as the brain is less developed and
incapable. The alcohol levels can be driven so high that they can kill brain cells and have the
potential of being fatal. A child is capable of ingesting large quantities of alcohol before feeling the
effects of alcohol as the brain works to blockade the intoxicating effects. The average age of alcohol
consumption today is 13 years of age and some countries allow a person to drink as young as 18
years of age. Most brains in males don't fully develop until the age of 26 or later and female brains
develop slightly sooner. The material is relatively taboo and research is limited as an ethical
dilemma exists when studying the consumption rate and the intake amount of an adolescent.
Psychoanalysis utilize several techniques to assist their patients at overcoming addiction or abuse
though one must careful analyze and distinguish which methods are going to prove most successful.
A psychoanalyst will evaluate the interaction between the conscious and unconscious mind bringing
repressed fears/conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as: dream interpretation and
free association. One method that may be utilized is addiction displacement. This involves the
redirection of energy to a substitute/displaced action because another is more direct, action is not
considered permissible. Ex:
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My Prank Friend
My best friend, Ashley, and I have been known to get into some serious trouble together. We have
gotten in so much trouble that our parents would not allow us to see each other for a while, but we
are still best friends despite that. We have learned some serious lessons together. One blazing hot,
Alabama, summer day Ashley and I, who were around eight at the time, were playing at my house
when we learned a very important lesson which we still regret to this day. We decided to prank call a
family friend who had a daughter our age. That day we made a poor decision, went through with the
prank call, and both ended up in serious trouble while learning an important lesson.
Since it was such a sweltering summer day, Ashley and I decided not to play outside, but that
usually meant trouble for us. We spent the majority of the day watching YouTube videos on my third
generation iPod Touch and sneaking around getting into my mom's makeup. In one of the videos we
watched a man was making prank calls, and we decided we wanted to be like him by making our
own prank calls. We decided to go ask my mom if it would be okay to do this, but she, of course,
told us absolutely not. Since we were two extremely stubborn, bored girls we decided to make the
prank calls anyway, but we had to figure out how. We watched, even more, videos on prank calling,
and we thought we were set even though we really had no clue what we were doing. Since we
thought we were prepared to make what would turn out
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Theories Of The Id, Ego, And Superego
Marcuse develops the aesthetic principle based on modification of Freudian theories of the Id, ego,
and Freud's writings the id is behavior stem from libido energy, is what gives us
pleasure. The ego is the part of the psyche that represents and regulates reality. The ego "strives for
"what is useful" and what can be obtained without damage to itself and to its vital environment.
Under the reality principle, the human being develops the function of reason: it learns to "test" the
reality, to distinguish between good and bad, true and false, useful and harmful" (Marcuse). The ego
is essentially what has allowed us to stay alive or not burn our hand with the pretty campfire a
second time. The superego is our moral compass that has been thought to us since the day we were
born; it is simply the rules and ethical norms of the society we live in. Although Marcuse does
develop some of his theory on Freud's theories he rejects Freud's ahistorical approach and chooses to
politicize Freud's primarily psychological theories.
Marcuse's aesthetic principle is an extension of the id, while the performance principle is an
extension of to the ego. The aesthetic principle is a system where society encourages people to live
in a way that will give them true joy or happiness. According to Marcuse if society transforms from
to aesthetic based society it will eventually lead to the dissolvent of systems where a few powerful
elites have total control.
Marcuse discusses how the
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The Importance Of Net Neutrality On The Internet
Imagine waking up one day and realizing you can no longer access your favorite websites. Without
net neutrality, this is exactly what will happen. Net neutrality is a government regulation; it ensures
that companies do not get favored internet speeds for paying internet service providers (ISPs) a
premium. The current net neutrality laws in the United States require our ISPs to give us equal
speeds on any websites we may use regardless of creators or content. In the U.S net neutrality laws
are strict, if Congress were to abolish these laws it would be disastrous; it would impinge upon our
first amendment freedoms, internet service would cost more, small businesses would be negatively
affected, and it would be the end of voice over internet protocol (VoIP).
If we were to do away with net neutrality we would no longer have our basic freedoms on the
internet. In 2017, newspapers and other non–internet based forms of news are becoming obsolete.
Senator Al Franken claims, net neutrality is fundamental to free speech and is the most important
first amendment issue of our time (Franken 1). He understands that we must keep net neutrality
because, without it, our ISPs would be able to control what kinds of opinions and media coverage
we are exposed to on the internet. According to Freepress, "We should be afraid for independent
journalists, rising stars and diverse voices who have grown up with and thrived on the open Web"
(Net neutralities impact on free speech 1). Without net
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Case Study: Kutlwano
.1. The Id. The Id is known as the pleasure principle and is the part that is unconscious, thus
directing behaviour (Gehart, 2013). It enables people to act in a way that satisfies their wants and
not their needs, therefore enabling individuals to seek pleasure in order to satisfy it (Seligman &
Reichenberg, 2013). Kutlwano posses the id in that he seems to get pleasure from his relationship
with his brother, and Tamia– when they are not fighting. 9.2. The ego. The ego is the part of the
mind that serves as a bridge between the id and superego (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2014). It
develops as the child grows and separates from its mother (Bateman & Holmes, 2001). It is
moreover evident that Kutlwano's ego started developing when he went to school, being away from
his mother. ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, the id can be considered healthy in the way it deals with Kutlwano's internal and
external pressures (Gehart, 2013). Kutlwano's decision to seek counselling depicts a healthy ego as
it moved towards self preservation. 9.3. The Superego The superego is the opposite of what the id is.
instead of it being the pleasure principle, it is considered as an internalisation of rules and laws;
making it the internalised parent, distinguishing right from wrong (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2013).
It is essential to know that an individual losses pleasure when they choose to focus on the superego
(American Psychological Association, 2009). Kutlwano's superego is seen his longing ways to stop
the fighting between his parents, hence the closeness to his older brother (the peacemaker). Even
though Tamia suggested Kutlwano goes to counselling, it was Kutlwano's superego that made the
decision to actually go. 10. DEFENCE
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Freud And Anxiety
In Freud's opinion anxiety is an unpleasant inner state that people seek to avoid. Anxiety acts as a
signal to the ego that things are not going right. The ego sits at the center of some appealing
powerful forces: reality and society as symbolized by the superego and biology as represented by
the Id. When these make contradictory strains upon the ego, that means if one feel threatened or feel
as if it were about to failure under the weight of it all, it serves as a signal to the ego that its
existence, and with it the survival of the whole organism, is in danger. The ego which is ruled by the
id, and deterred by reality, struggles to overcome its economic duty of bringing about harmony
among the forces and influences working in and upon it. Accordingly they are driven to
unconscious. In one understanding of Freud's opinion about the Roland's case, clearly such impulses
on the part of the Roland as a child, demands using defense mechanisms to protect him from
feelings of anxiety or threatened. Such redirection for Roland at first stage is non–conscious
repression of those feelings. He represses those anxiety– creating feelings to protect him against
emotional issues which are undoubtedly the most valuable and instinctively accessible depiction of
his ... Show more content on ...
Here Freud is explicitly claiming that in sublimation it is the repression of the energy that is lifted.
In other words, Freud puts the "representative of all moral restrictions, the advocate of the impulse
toward perfection, in short it is as much as we have been able to apprehend psycho– logically of
what people call the 'higher' things in human
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Emotion In Holden Caulfieinger's Catcher In The Rye
The character Holden Caulfieeld in the novel " Catcher in the Rye " covers his true feelings by
giving the audience and the characters in the story the impression that he doesn't care when in
actuality , he cares deeply about every aspect he has been through in the chapters. He provides very
nonchalant , terse , and swearing responses to almost every conversation he's in . For example
"godamm movies " or "very big deal " as a symbol of his unconcerned attitude . The author Salinger
used diction to convey the decptive mood of the protaganist to mask most of his most hurtful
moments . Caulfield's displays a defense mechanism to shield his true emotions by showinging
signals of non chalant actions too surecure his ego and superego . Holden often callled the world
fake and phony but couldn't induldge the person he really was a phony too . Salinger states ",
Nobody'd move .. Nobody'd be different . The only thing would be different would be you " to
prodcast the imagenery lense the character observed the museum through . He uses " you " which is
an example of the phsycolantic lense because , the "you " in the statement is used as a shield to
shadow his real feelings towards the situation . In order to keep the audience unaware of what his
mind and soul are battling his i.d protects his deeper thoughts . " Nobody'd move , Nobody'd be
different " is visual symbolism to the fact that Caulfield is afraid of change . The character would
know what is expected , he
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A Business Phone Service Provider Essay
San Diego, California Business Phone Service Providers Finding a business phone service provider
in San Diego, CA can be confusing at times. But it is a very important first step when you are a
business owner, whether you are just starting up or have been in business for years. The telephone is
still the first form of communication most customers and vendors go for when they want to get in
touch with a business, especially if that business happens to be further away. You need a phone
service that is both affordable and reliable, so before you make the decision of what company to go
with, do your research. There are two main phone service providers that you can choose from, either
a traditional analog service or the newer VoIP phone service. You should understand just what the
difference is between the two before you make your final decision. You can compare below the
difference between these two types of providers. What is Business VoIP Phone Service? The more
recent type of phone service, VoIP, stands for voice over Internet protocol. This is a new alternative
to using the more traditional analog phone lines of the past. VoIP phone service in San Diego, CA
has been around for nearly a decade but has just now become more popular among business owners.
Many people are making the switch to VoIP from their traditional PSTN lines. Newer companies,
especially small start–ups, are also more likely to choose this type of service for their company.
They'll get the same call
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Defense Mechanisms Are The Most Important Of The Ego Function
(1) According to Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, Basham, Heller, Mattei, & Shilket (2011) defense
mechanisms are the most important of the ego functions. One threat are problems among the
different agencies of the mind (id, ego, superego). This occurs when individual's unconscious wishes
and fears are not attuned with behavior expectations of their family member, caregivers or friends
(Berzoff et al., 2011). Another danger is the disturbance of the mental balance due to trauma.
Trauma occurs when psychological steadiness is intervened when trying to cope with startling
events (Berzoff et al., 2011). These encounters may have prompted for Susana to communicate
various forms of defense mechanism, according the case study.
One of the mechanisms Susana uses is regression. Regression is adopting behavior from an earlier
period of development (Robbins et al., 2012). For example, this becomes clear with the obvious
signs of Susana becoming clingier with her mom Jackie along with the hitting of scratching when
she tries to stop her from unacceptable behaviors. A reason for this defense mechanism could be due
to Jacquie's relationship with her new boyfriend. Susana use to spend time with her mom and falling
asleep however this has changed because Jacquie is no longer there on the weekends as she goes
out. Susana's actions correlate with regression because she is 5–year–old child but her outburst are
coinciding with those of a toddler. This type of anger behavior is maladaptive because they
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Sigmund Freud, The Founder Of Psychoanalysis, Used A...
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, used a psychodynamic approach of understand the
development of a person. He theorized that psychic determinism dominates the personality process.
Therefore, all thought process in the mind are based on the unconscious or preconscious, things that
called be recalled, which then becomes conscious. A person's unconscious is much larger than their
preconscious and their conscious is limited. The personality structure is designated into three facets
the ID, Ego and Super–Ego. These three functions compete with one another to create an
individual's personality and their actions. In Freud's perception, the greatest system is the ID, which
resides in the unconscious. It is responsible for the fantasy ... Show more content on
Getting out of bed will lead to earning a salary or gaining an education. Going back to sleep may
feel good but can negatively affect their job or schooling. People use judgement to outweigh the
consequences. Stimulus barrier, another ego functioning, is the skill of regulating or blocking
stimulus to concentrate on a targeted task. New Yorkers use stimulus barrier daily as car horns,
sirens, skyscrapers, city lights and conversations fill the streets. One must filter out most of the noise
and sights to not become overly stimulated. Freud also believed impulse control and regulation was
an ego function. This function regulates the person's feelings, desires and drives. Impulse control
and regulation is enacted when the person choses a healthy lunch and decides to not partake in junk
food. Although they may desire it, they have enough control to not have the unhealthy meal. When
the individual is in a stressful situation, Freud theorized that the ego employs defense mechanisms.
Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological coping skills. Some of these defenses are
denial, intellectualization/rationalization, reaction–formation and projection. Denial is the inability
to accept reality. It is considered one of the most primitive, yet can be detrimental if sustained long
term. Some people can accept the traumatic or stressful event but are unable to connect an emotion
or feeling to it. Freud would
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Henry Turner Superego
Freud believes there is three parts of a person's personality, the Id, Ego and Superego. The Id is the
portion of the brain that is based on a "pleasure principle", meaning that this is the part that controls
a person's craving and wants. There is also the Ego which is based on the "reality principle",
meaning this is the section of your brain telling you how it really is and saying you can't have
something based on the present situation. Lastly, there is the Superego which is based on "moral
principle", meaning that you can't have something your Id wants because it is morally wrong. Henry
Turner was living a fairly normal life, till one day his Id took over and he wanted some cigarettes
and when he went to purchase them something unexpected happened. A man was trying to rob him,
but Henry wouldn't give up his money and tried running away and got shot twice. He was able to
live through, but when he came back, he wasn't able to be himself, he couldn't walk, talk or
remember anything about him or his life. He went through extensive training and rehab to be able to
retain the walking and talking part that he had forgotten. While in rehab, ... Show more content on ...
He was forced to start all over and relearn how walk and talk, meaning he didn't know right from
wrong. Since he didn't know what was right and what was wrong, he just did all the things his brain
wants him to do. He didn't have any more morals to live by, because he had to start all over and
learn right from wrong. An example of this is when he learns his wife cheated on him, he doesn't
know that it was wrong until he starts to remember more and more about what he learned in
previous years. I also believe the most prominent scene to prove his Id is his natural state is when he
buys the dog and leaves to go walk around with nothing else to do. The traumatic accident he goes
through changed him as a person and made him become more of someone who is controlled by their
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I Answered The Phone Before Viewing The Caller Id Essay
"Hello" I answered the phone before viewing the caller ID. "Hey Cee Cee", a male voice say in a
sexual tone. "Who is this", I replied with curiosity. "This is Michael", he replied. I should have
known it was Michael because he is the only one that calls me Cee Cee. I immediately deleted his
number after his baby mother knocked on my door during the wee hours in the morning. "Oh hey,
what's up?" I responded in my still interested by feeling disgusted voice "nothing just thinking about
you." He said in a lustful tone, I immediately remembered how he would make me feel during
intercourse and I couldn't deny that I would've like to have him once again. "Look Michael, why are
you calling me now with no explanation of what happen? You were not even honest with me about
your child." I replied feeling slightly hurt but still aroused by his voice. "Listen Cee Cee, I am sorry,
I wanted to tell you so many time but I felt you wouldn't have anything thing to do with me. I
enjoyed your company so much and I love and missed how you would make me feel when we were
together. I miss your smile Cee Cee, your touch and especially miss the way you taste." He paused
and took a deep breath, then continued. "Look, I know that I wasn't honest, and I have tried to get
you out of my mind and my heart but I can't. I feel as though I am trapped between a rock and a hard
place because I love my son and I care deeply for my wife and.." "Your wife!" I interrupted without
realizing it. "Yes,
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The I Don 't Like You
CHAPTER 1 "He wondered what had gotten into him. It had been mad to defy Lord William like
that. He felt lucky to be alive." (29) The Id will be very influential in the future CHAPTER 2 142 "It
has a deceitful feeling.." Philip is hesitant to run for prior because he feels that Milius' tactics are
immoral–superego. 150 "That night Philip dreamed about Jonathan, the abandoned baby." Philip's
dream about Jonathan illustrate his subconscious worry and guilt about his son CHAPTER 3 173
"'You want to know why I don't like you? All right, I'll tell you. I don't like you because you have no
refinement. I don't like you because you can hardly read. I don't like you because you're only
interested in your dogs and your horses and your self" (Follett 173). Aliena has a strong personality
and speaks her mind. Although she seems confrontational (id), she also seems in control of what she
says. This shows her emotional balance, in comparison to William's imbalance. CHAPTER 4 231
"I'm not going to do it, he thought. Tom would be so happy if the cathedral burned down." Jack's
superego– cares for his mom, and therefore Tom, so he burns down the church. CHAPTER 5
"Bishop Henry and Bishop Waleran both turned their heads to Philip and stared at him. Their
expressions showed utter astonishment as they realized that Philip...had negotiated a deal with the
king behind their backs...Philip realized he had made an enemy for life" (Follett 331). Philip
succumbs to immoral means to build his
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Psychological Resistance In A. S. Byatt's Possession
Chapter three Psychological Resistance In more detail, A.S Byatt's Possession is redolent of certain
aspects of Freudian psychology, more specifically, repression. In this novel the reader is told of the
undertakings of the main character Roland Mitchell not only because of growing up in a society
filled with a " pretty blank day" but because of growing up in the hands of a drunken mother. A.S
Byatt writes that "[H]e thought himself as a latecomer" and adds: He (Roland) had arrived too late
for things that were still in the air but vanished, the whole ferment and brightness and journeying's
and youth of the 1960s, the blissful dawn of what he and his contemporaries saw a pretty blank day.
Through psychedelic years he was a school boy in a depressed Lancashire cotton town. His father
was a minor official in ... Show more content on ...
Such redirection for Roland at first stage is non–conscious repression of those feelings. He represses
those anxiety– producing feelings to protect him against emotional issues which are probably the
most valuable and intuitively accessible picture of his internal mental that he has. Of course the
painful Memories and urges which are exiled to Roland's unconscious, will not fade. In fact they
will continue to have an influential effect on his behavior through whole his life. There are some
forces, which try to keep painful or socially undesirable thoughts and memories out of the conscious
mind. These forces are called defense mechanisms. There is a continuous combat between the wish
(repressed into the id) and the defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms are used to protect one
from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise because one feels threatened, or because ones id or
superego becomes too
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Archetypes In O Brother Where Art Thou
Throughout the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou, classic storytelling through archetypes is
reworked into a more modern time in order to create the unique gem that it is. Archetypes are a
general persona of a character that is repeated many times through films and literature, they define
the character and give meaning to their roles. Archetypes have been used ever since stories were
made, from the Odyssey to even Percy Jackson. Archetypes tend to set the stage for the story, and
get revealed throughout the story adding more life and energy to it. Three examples of archetypes
expressed very well through characters in the movie are the hero, the alter ego, and the temptress.
First off, every story has it's own hero, "a larger than life character that often goes on some kind of
journey or quest while demonstrating specific qualities and abilities". This describes the hero of O
Brother, Where Art Thou, a man called Everett, very well. Everett is the guy who starts the trio's
whole adventure, a man on a mission. He tells the other guys that the mission is to get some
treasure, but in reality Everett is trying to get his wife and family back. Throughout their journey, he
is the obvious leader of the group; the other guys look up to him and follow him in whatever he does
in order to "get to the treasure". Everett shows that he is a hero is when, after Delmar and Pete find
out that there is actually no treasure and he just needed to escape with them because they were all
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Breaking Away Narrative
It is a dark, fall night. John's parents left for a vacation. John is all alone. He decides to call me for a
sleepover. My parents also aren't home. I have to ride my bike all the way to John's house. We have
been friends since Kindergarten. It takes me 15 minutes to get to his house. As soon as I arrive, we
went into the living room to play video games. We are enjoying our time playing video games. I told
Brody that I want to do something else. John took the house phone from the counter and started to
make prank calls to random numbers. After he calls Pizza Hut, we both got a good laugh at the
reaction. Now John is trying to get me to make some prank calls. It took me four or five tries but
eventually I found a number. I call the number. The phone keeps ringing. A man with a deep voice
picks up the phone. The man says, "Hello Brody." I backed away in shock! I asked John if he knew
what he meant. He replied, "No. I have no idea who that was or how he knew your name. I know
Caller ID is off, so it doesn't display the name. I quickly hung up the ... Show more content on ...
We thought it would be a good idea to get our minds off of what happened. John and I are watching
Outlast by our favorite YouTuber, Gash. It is a horror game based on an insane asylum. It has always
been our favorite game to watch together. After about 10 minutes, we are deeply into the storyline.
Out of nowhere, I hear a noise outside. It sounds like something in the bushes. I'm confused. "Hey
John, get over here!" We both decide to check out the noise that I heard outside the premises. I
bravely open the curtain. My heart is racing. My adrenaline is going crazy! I opened the curtain, and
there is a man standing right outside of the window. The man is looking into my eyes. He reminds
me of one of the characters from the Outlast game.I looked into the hideous face of the man. He
slowly starts walking to the front door. I turn around and tell John, "We need to get out of here! Go
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Literary Criticism : Hills Like White Elephants
Literary Criticism: Hills like White Elephants
Author Information:
Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, the second of six children, and spent his
early years in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. Both his mother and father were active members
of the First Congregational Church and ran a strict household. All their children were required to
abstain from any enjoyment on Sundays, for example, and were strictly punished for any
disobedience. Hemingway later condemned them for their distinctly middle–class values and
oppressive sense of morality.
 In the early 1920s, an American man and a girl, probably nineteen or twenty years old,
are waiting at a Spanish railway station for the express train that will take them to
 While indulging in some beers, they sit in the hot shade while discussing what the
American man says will be "a simple operation" for the girl.
 The tension between the two is almost as sizzling as the heat of the Spanish sun. The
man, while urging the girl to have the operation, says again and again that he really
doesn 't want her to do it, if she really doesn 't want to. However, he clearly is insisting that
she do so.
 The girl is trying to be brave and nonchalant but is clearly frightened of committing
herself to having the operation. She repeats throughout the story– noting that the hills
beyond the train station "look like white elephants" – hoping that the figure of speech
will please the
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Economics Test Questions
1. What is the range of price for left handed guitars and what is the average cost? 2. What are the
main differences between standard, or right handed, and left handed guitars? 3. Can a standard
guitar be played by using the left hand? 4. Is it better to purchase an acoustic left handed guitar or an
electric left handed guitar? 5. Where can left handed guitars be purchased? 6. How can guitar books
specifically written for left hand guitarists be acquired? 7. Why are left handed guitars more
expensive on average than standard guitars? 8. Are there as many different models of left handed
guitars available on the market as there are standard guitars? 9. Are the strings placed differently on
a left handed guitar than on a standard guitar?
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The Thematic Apperception Test ( Tat )
11. Remember that the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) "is a projective test in which a person is
presented with a series of ambiguous pictures and composes a story. It is an "apperception" test
because the person reports not what he or she sees but rather a narrative or imaginary interpretation"
(Murray, 1938, p. 324). Measured by a self–report test, such as the Thematic Apperception Test. The
results demonstrated significant differences. According to the American Journal of Forensic
Psychology, adolescent male sex offenders demonstrate perceptual distortion of their environment
through the use of denial as a defense mechanism. Personality characteristics varied in areas such as
the internalized values and attitudes, their external expression, and inflated self–esteem. The results
concluded that adolescent sexual offender is characterized as a unique individual, a result of a
stunted developmental process. Some sex offenders have deviant fantasies and the strong desire to
act on them. There have been instances where some sexual fantasies were actually carried out. Male
and female juvenile sex offenders often exhibit behavior that is sexually abusive at a young age;
some of their unfortunate and innocent victims tend to be male, but there number of victims
increases just as often as the type. Juvenile sex offenders tend to lack social skills that are an
important attributes of their offending, and low intelligence, but a history of sexual abuse in their
family is common.
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Doctor Moorhead And A Patient Analysis
The common characteristic of Kim's works was to make detectives notice that the mysterious
phenomenon had been just an appearance, that is, to overturn the plot. What deserves attention here
is Freud's theory of humor, which has a remarkable analogy with Kim's strange plot. He gives an
example of humor as follows: "A rogue who was being led out to execution on a Monday remarked:
'Well, this week's beginning nicely.''" We feel a kind of humoristic pleasure here because of,
according to Freud, "an economy in expenditure upon feeling." The situation that ought to drive the
criminal to despair might rouse intense pity in us; but that pity is inhibited because we understand
that he, who is more closely concerned, makes nothing of the situation. As a result of this
understanding, the expenditure on the pity, which was already prepared, becomes unutilized and we
laughed it off. Then, what does the condemned obtain from this remark? He talks as if it was no
business of his and makes remark from another ... Show more content on ...
Heroine Stella, who had made a car accident resulting in death of the victim, has been receiving
doctor Moorhead's counseling since several months ago. Stella confides the inside secret having
impulsive aggression, and this doctor – he had sexual relations with patients several times – tells her
that it is a natural instinctual drive and recommends its cancellation by killing animals or spurious
suicide (reckless driving or gambling). However, she can't get satisfied with them and kills him at
last. The tragic ending of this story that is a kind of thriller, where Moorhead seems to represent sex
drive (Libido), so does Stella death drive, is caused by that she had believed the opinion of this
doctor. She should have ignored (burned) the theory maintaining the real existence of impulsive
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Nathaniel Hawthorne 's The Birthmark
Sometimes, man is too eager to repair natural imperfections that may exist using science, rather than
seeing these imperfections as beautiful natural occurrences, which will eventually lead to the
destruction of nature. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birthmark," it appears that Aylmer the main
character wants to show the world that perfection is not beauty, and he demonstrates this with his
wife Georgiana and that science should not alter the way that nature set man on this world to be.
Hawthorne was a major asset to the transcendental movement, and this short story is a perfect
example why. Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts to show the world the comparison between perfection
and beauty mainly by: a psychoanalytic version of the plot and Sigmund Freud's three fundamentals.
In Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birthmark," the main character, Aylmer, wants to have a perfect
wife. His wife, Georgiana, is a very beautiful woman with just one flaw, the birthmark on her face.
As a scientist, Aylmer tries to create a solution that will get rid of Georgiana's birthmark, thus
making her perfect. According to Hawthorne, however, this is not possible.
During the transcendental phase of American life, which involved literature from Hawthorne,
transcendental writers would support Nature and its importance. In "The Birthmark," Nathaniel
Hawthorne tries to show the people that nature does not make anything flawless, and that this is the
beauty of it. "Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffably
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Analysis Of Mario Garcia 's ' Rationalizing Malibu '
Mira Latif
Professor Mario Garcia
English M01B
22 April 2016
Freud's Psychoanalytic Theories as Applied to Mario Garcia's "Rationalizing Malibu"
In Mario Garcia's "Rationalizing Malibu", readers traverse a terrain that is often unseen–one that
involves both the beautiful and ugly sides of Malibu. In this paper, the thoughts of the narrator are
dissected using Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic concepts of id, ego, and superego–superseding
ambiguity with clarity. The reader is not immediately aware of the fact that Blaine does not actually
exist, but rather, discovers it at the end of the story. One element that is reoccurring and ever–present
in the narrator's life is the loss of women. He loses his mother, grandmother, and a woman he was
dating. The narrator uses repression, projection, rationalization, and denial to dull the pain of his
past and reinvent himself. By using Freud's Psychoanalytic theory and concepts of projection,
rationalization, denial, and repression the reader is made to see the ugly truth behind a seemingly
perfect picture.
I. Introduction Mario Garcia's "Rationalizing Malibu" illustrates the life of a troubled man who
spirals out of control after experiencing a series of hardships. His problems begin with his bleak
childhood that is riddled with physical violence at the hands of his abusive father. The reader is
made to believe that these problems are happening to Blaine, an alter ego the narrator has
subconsciously created, when the
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Psychoanalytic Theory In Hamlet
Hamlet is perhaps Shakespeare's most problematic protagonist with a complex personality that has
been readily analyzed by many experts, including the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud
himself. Psychoanalytic theory is a school of literary criticism developed by Freud in the late 19th
century. It is founded on the existence of three spheres of consciousness, known as the Ego,
Superego and Id, that affect a person's thought process and mind in general. Freud's
psychoanalytical theories linking these fundamental components to the human psyche are evident in
Hamlet's character and decisions. The Ego, Superego and Id affect his thoughts and actions
regarding topics such as suicide, murder and sexual desires in very different ways, leading him to
pursue a variety of impulses in diverging manners. This famous trinity is present in different degrees
in the subconscious, preconscious and consciousness, with Id at the most primitive stage, Superego
settled in the preconscious and the Ego floating through all three realms of the mind.
The Id is a realm of instinctual desires and consists of the traits that one inherits at birth, perpetually
stuck within the unconscious. It remains infantile in its function throughout a person's life and does
not change with time or experience, as it is not in touch with the external world, unaffected by
reality or logic. Hamlet is often unpredictable and a large degree of his impulsive tendencies can be
illustrated by his erratic relationship
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Pincus Kolender, How Does He Relate To The 3-D Time Capsule?
1. What is a 3–D time capsule? 2. Described what happened when Matt saw Pincus Kolender for a
second time? 3. Who is Pincus Kolender, how does he relate to the 3–D time capsule? 4. What
would you tell your great, great, great grandchildren about life in 2015 if you could use the 3–D
time capsule? 5. Why do you think 3–D time capsules are important? 6. Can you write in your own
words what a 3–D time capsule is and how it is used? 7. What are some motives behind the creation
of the 3–D time capsule? 8. From the information given could you develop a set of instructions on
how the 3–D time capsule works? 9. Why do you think a 3–D time capsule is important in the 21
century? 10. Can you provide an example of how 3–D time capsule technology is
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Summary Of Cesare Lombroso's 'Atavistic Criminal'
In his essay, Stephen D. Arata uses Cesare Lombroso's "atavistic criminal" as a starting point for his
analysis of Edward Hyde. According to Lombroso's model, criminals are born not made, and can be
identified by their physical deformities such as, "enormous jaws, high cheek bones, and prominent
superciliary arches."(233) They are "throwbacks to man's savage past," to use Arata's words. (233)
He that, when the novel was published, many readers saw the markers of the Lombrosan criminal
born out in the physical description of Hyde; his being referred by Utterson as as "troglodytic" being
the most clear–cut example. (240) Arata then ties the atavist description of Hyde in to the class
discourse of the period, noting how it was customary for the lower classes to be associated with
atavism and physical deformities. However, Arata believes that due to Hyde's proclivities–
particularly those pertaining to vice–he is meant to caricature the bourgeois rather than the
proletariat. His depravities, Arata believes, adhere those of the Lombrosan criminal, viz. "an
inclination for excessive idleness, love of orgies, and an irresponsible craving of evil." (235) Such
vices are not those of the destitute working–class but of a "monied gentlemen", he argues, which
would make him, "a companion of Jean Floressas des Esseintes and Dorian Gray, not Vilella." (235)
He then references Max Nordau, who, in his book Degeneration (1895), argued that the degenerate
population "consists chiefly of rich
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Franz Kafka Research Paper
Over time, psychoanalysis has been revised and developed in different directions. There are many
basic tenets of psychoanalysis, and it has received criticism from a wide variety of sources.
Nonetheless, it remains a strong influence within the realm of psychiatry, and more so in some
quarters than others. Simply put, Freud explores the unconscious mind. And although Kafka may
not have meant for it to come across this way in his writing, his characters and the events that take
place truly do reflect him. Knowing Franz Kafka's life is a key to understand his writings for the
events of his life are the clear origin of the neurotic tensions of his works. Thesis: Through the use
of Freudian Psychoanalysis, Franz Kafka's life as well as Kafka's work, The Trial, is further
unearthed using the three psychic zones of id, ego and superego as well as the themes of alienation,
guilt, frustration and helplessness.
Id refers to internal and primitive impulses. Of these impulses, sexual impulse is the strongest. The
id manifested through K. as he suddenly had the urge to kiss Fraulein Burstner "like a thirsty animal
furiously lapping at the water of the spring it has found at last" (Kafka 26). K. has this urges, among
other urges throughout the novel to either exploit, manipulate, belittle, or gain control and authority
over others due to how highly he thought of himself. Kafka had many failed relationships with
women, so Kafka may have lived vicariously through K.'s acts. Through his
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Captain Beatty Character Analysis
Anyone who has read the book "'Fahrenheit 451"' will immediately remember the infamous Captain
Beatty. For people who have not read the book, or do not remember Captain Beatty, he is the fire
chief who has a very controversial role in the book. He starts out looking like the antagonist of the
story but then towards the end of the book one could wonder if he was the alter ego of Montag, for
example, he shows the other way the story of Montag could have gone instead of him ending up
with Granger's group helping re–educate the world one book at a time.
In the beginning, Beatty seems like the typical fireman in that time, against books, seems to have
never read any books, burns houses, and blindly following what the government tells him to, ...
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The exact quote Beatty says "There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats, for I am arm'd so strong in
honesty that they pass me as an idle wind, which I respect not!"(119) This shows that even Beatty
was reading books for quite some time. This is where the similarity between Montag and Beatty
ends, and where their stories take different routes. At this point, Montag stood up for what he
believed in and risked his life. This could have gone another way, Beatty's way, Montag could have
sucked it up and stayed a fireman and lived a lie like Beatty had.
Shortly after that quote, Montag realized that Beatty wanted to die, on page 122, and he was
wondering why. In class, we think that Beatty wanted to die because he did not want to have to carry
the burden of reading when it is against the law or without being able to share it with everyone and
he thought that the only way for him to get rid of that burden was to die. Montag could have thought
that and committed suicide like Beatty did but since we established Beatty was Montag's alter ego
he did not do that and he went to find Granger's group instead.
In conclusion, Beatty can be depicted as both an antagonist and as Montag's alter ego/ other half
because he was living a very similar life to Montag such as being a fire chief, reading books, being
bombarded with questions etc, until he took a different road at the end, which seemed like a safer
road because he still had his job and a good
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Symbolism And Symbolism In Wan Echo Sonnet By Robert Pack
In ¨An Echo Sonnet¨ by Robert Pack, he was able to develop a clear message with his carefully
structured poem. By employing a Shakespearean Sonnet form and a rhyming echo that answers the
question raised by the voice, Pack revealed that the echo was the voice´s alter ego. Through the use
of structure and other literary elements such as personification, imagery, and symbolism, the author
developed the idea that although one might have insecurities about the future, it is important to take
the ¨leap¨ of faith in order to truly be alive.
In the first quatrain, the author starts off with general questions about life that helps characterize the
voice. In the first sentence, the voice wonders if he is able to start from nothingness. This could be
an indication for either low aspiration or being too scared to take any actions for progression. To
answer this, the echo replies with ¨start¨. In order to progress on this empty page, everyone must
start somewhere and take that one small step. The voice then worries about the outcome of life by
juxtaposing joy and grief. The echo replies that grief is an outcome of life because it is not trying to
conceal the inevitable truth. This introduction presents the voice as being insecure and anxious as he
tries to understand the meaning of life and an echo that is direct.
The next four lines address death with symbolism and personification to establish the idea of not
fearing the unknown future. In line 5, the voice talks about the life cycle
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Television Series Named Breaking Bad Essay
In 2008, AMC showcased a hit television series named Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad follows a
protagonist Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher (who lives with his wife, Skyler and their
teenage son who has cerebral palsy) who is diagnosed with inoperable cancer, and turns to
manufacturing and selling methamphetamine in order to secure his family's future (Breaking Bad).
Although on the surface Walter White is depicted as a good guy turned bad, in actuality the
character is truly embracing his deviant subconscious self. Walter White can reasonably be deemed
as an immoral character due to the fact that his criminal behavior was instinctual, he continuously
justifies his decisions, and he displays an insatiable desire to commit unlawful acts.
In the beginning, it is fairly certain that he starts manufacturing and selling methamphetamine to
secure his family's long term financial security. But as his work progresses, his infamy grows. The
pseudonym Heisenberg he picks for himself slowly begins to take on a life of its own. Unlike
Walter, Heisenberg is self–assured and confident. He is able to hold his own against aggressive and
psychologically unstable drug dealers, and he only grows stronger as the series advances. Walter
White's long dormant pride and ego start to awaken as the series deepens. The more he taps into his
alter ego, the more he shows his true colors. Therefore, throughout the show, it is evident that he is
imploring his natural instincts. It comes so
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Freud 's Psychoanalytic Theory : The Death Instinct And...
In the textbook, the authors discuss Freud's psychoanalytic theory in which, according to Freud,
individuals acted out their desires and behaviors in response to a mental system made up of the ego,
superego, and id (Cervone & Pervin, 2013). The ego seeks reality. On one hand the ego wants to
meet the desires of the id, but at the same time the ego also wants to satisfy the demands of the
superego. The superego controls the moral and social acceptable aspects of an individual's behavior.
The id is the part of the system that functions under the pleasure principle. Simply put, the id wants
to achieve pleasure and it wants to avoid pain. Individuals entered states were they would seek to
relive tension and to achieve pleasure. These states are called instincts or drives. There are two
instincts within Freud's psychoanalytic theory: the death instinct and the life instinct. The goal of the
death instinct is for individuals to die. The life instinct, on the other hand, includes drives controlled
by the ego and sexual drives. There is an energy that helps motivate individuals in the life instinct.
The name of the energy is the libido. The overall goal of the life instinct is for individuals to
preserve and to reproduce. The drives of the life instinct are really important because they are
shaped by the pleasure principle. The drives of the life instinct cause tension on an individual and
therefore individuals want to release that tension by acting on the pleasure principle. It
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Is Sigmund Freud'sA Primer Of Freudian Psychology?
In "A Primer of Freudian Psychology" Sigmund Freud started as a medical doctor with a strong
knowledge of scientific research and he would use that to specialize in nervous disorders treatments.
Freud started to use psychoanalytic methods to treat neurotic patients, and he as Psychoanalysis was
related on being a "pan–sexualist". As Freud continue to focus his works in the psychoanalytic area,
he later realized and determined it did not fall under what he studied in the medical field instead it
was mostly related to psychology. He clearly identified this method of psychology as a theory of
personality which treats those emotionally disturbed people. Freud's purpose to serve in the social
human services helped him develop and understand the nature of people, as he suggested it can only
be gained by scientific exploration and analysis. He believed the study of man made up the
philosophy of what he called it "knowledge through science" (Hall 20). Freud had extensively
studied human nature, with the experience and knowledge he had attained he became "pessimistic
and critical" (Hall 20), this led him to determine that man would rather live in their own unrealistic
world full of fantasies and delusions rather than in a true and realistic world. The tremendous
knowledge he held, Freund changed how society and people can make each other better in a social
and collaborative atmosphere to become a healthier civilization as a whole.
As Freud dug deeper into people's personality he came up with three important systems call the id,
the ego, and the superego. The three systems collaborate with one another in order for the individual
to effectively transition through his environment in satisfactory ways. These systems are very
important for man, that is impart because it helps man fulfill their necessities and desires. In the
other hand, when the three systems are not working together the person might be struggling and are
unstable with their personality. This can lead to a very damaging situation for that individual
because they are not content with themselves or the world around them, it can also intervene with
how they perceive and do things effectively. The main purpose and function of the id or as Freud
called it
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Examples Of Isolation In The Ocean At The End Of The Lane
What if I told you, everything you do this very moment is driven by your unconscious desires, and
you had no idea about it? It hides deep in the abyss of your mind, influencing your actions and
thoughts. When a situation pops up, people deal with them according to their comfortability, but
they usually fall under a category 'defense mechanisms'. This can be seen very clearly in Neil
Gaiman's 'The Ocean at the End of the Lane', as the conflicted characters are seen to have problems
of their own, one of them being loneliness. After much reading, it is observed that the characters
have used defense mechanisms of their own to react to loneliness. The characters of 'The Ocean at
the End of the Lane' deal with loneliness by accepting, distracting ... Show more content on ...
The narrator's father's reason behind his loneliness is mainly due to his wife's new job, as stated in
chapter 6, "Good news darling, I've got a job... I'll be working four days a week." (6.6) This leads
him to deprive of a partner, which is a huge cause of loneliness as explained by a marriage study
that "...unhappily married is associated with significantly lower levels of overall happiness, life
satisfaction, self–esteem and overall health." (Hawkins & Booth, 2005) Thus, the narrator's father
turns to Ursula Monkton to fulfill his desires, displaying projection as his defense mechanism as he
thinks the feeling was mutual. In chapter 8, the narrator catches his father having intercourse with
Ursula Monkton and thinks, " I was scared by what it meant that my father was kissing the
neck of Ursula Monkton"." (8.39) The narrator worries about his father's closeness with Ursula, who
he considers a
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The Call Into Ministry, And If It Was God Calling?
Ring..., Ring..., Ring...! The phone rings, you see the caller ID, and then you make the choice to
answer it, or send it straight to voice mail. A decision that can be made simply by the press of a
button. But what if the choice wasn't so simple? What if the caller ID was different? What if it was
God calling? Would you make the choice to answer the call then? A call into ministry is a once in a
life time opportunity! But what exactly does that opportunity constitute or consist of? How do you
know if you are called into ministry, and if you are called, are you called into a specific vocation
that you feel God gifted you in? Before you can answer any of these questions, you must first pick
up the phone and begin to discern what could possibly be the call of a lifetime.
A call into ministry consists of many different feelings and emotions. Not only does it consists of
emotions, it also consists of thoughts and actions. Thoughts and actions brought about by prayer,
choices, and discernment of decisions. But what exact is ministry? Webster's dictionary defines
ministry as: "religious leaders as a group; the office, duties, or work of a religious minister." To me,
ministry is much more than just work! Ministry is an opportunity of a lifetime! Ministry is the
opportunity to serve God, Share Christ, and shape lives! Ministry is an opportunity to share the
grace and wisdom of God with the talents He has given you! But more importantly, it is the
opportunity to be involved in something or
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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

  • 1. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality The internet operates under what is called the "end–to–end principle." This is where "features are implemented as close to the end points of the network as possible."4 It is often described as a "dumb network." Much like how a water system provides the same amount to all users through pipes regardless of what its used for, only the end user decides and controls how a "dumb network" is utilized. Some claim that this is a major reason that the internet was so successful. However, it is also pointed out that internet is already not "a level playing field," because of the advantages of bigger companies who can afford more robust servers and high–bandwidth services.1 If Net Neutrality was not carried out, Internet Service Providers would gain ... Show more content on ... According to "Net Neutrality" from, without Net Neutrality, the internet could become like cable TV in that "The Internet would be controlled by a few very large companies who would be free to decide how much service should cost and what content users have access to"4 Certain websites could be restricted or offered for extra, transforming the internet from a free, unrestricted place into a space controlled and operated by large companies. In addition, it is pointed out that once humans become accustomed to improvement, it becomes difficult to go back to something worse. If ISPs created "fast lanes" and "slow lanes," customers would find the "slow lanes" unbearable after using the superior version.1 Author Nicholas Carr has done extensive research proving this phenomenon.1 This would disadvantage smaller websites that cannot afford to pay ISPs a fee to be ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Essay about Riordan Manufacturing Wan And Legacy Riordan Manufacturing: WAN and Legacy Transition Problems Riordan Manufacturing's network configuration consists of infrastructure within four locations. The headquarters is in San Jose, CA and the other three are in remote in Albany GA, Pontiac MI, and Hangzhou, China. The investigation and detail required to demonstrate transition of WAN from Legacy to current design shows sources for which any problems may exist. Contributing information about the WAN includes the VoIP data router, satellite between headquarters and China, and T–1 connections ... Show more content on ... VoIP systems implementation challenges consist of interoperability between multiple voice and data standards; networks transmission characteristics and protocols; regulatory guidelines and maintenance issues. (, 2006). These exist on top of connection used over satellite to Riordan's China location. One of the critical drawbacks of VoIP service is its dependence upon another service, an Internet connection. The quality and overall reliability of the phone connection is entirely reliant upon the quality, reliability, and speed of the internet connection which it is using. (Wikipedia, 2006) Global Implications of VoIP There will be lot of challenges posed to the existing regulatory frameworks and rules by the VoIP and thereby is considered a truly disruptive technology. VoIP must be regulated like the telecommunications industry. Thus, from legacy to VoIP there is more to consider with an enterprise WAN to support 4 locations. There are several regulatory issues that concern VoIP technology. IP phones may not provide the reliability, identification, and proper routing of the emergency calls, but all public telecommunications operators provide a service which receives emergency calls and routes them to the nearest emergency call centre. In an age of global terrorism, the calls made from the IP phones are only digital packets ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Holden Caulfield 's The Catcher Of The Rye It is evident that the protagonist, Holden Caulfield suffers from depression due to the death of his younger brother, Allie in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Due to Allie's death, Holden's actions elicit his own views of the world and the "phonies" around him. Holden has tunnel–vision to living a simple, happy life and isolates himself from those around him who understand the concept of growing up. Salinger uses a hat, a museum, and a merry–go–round to illuminate Holden's emotion, the notion of adulthood, and the reality of growing up. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory and the studies of Ego, Superego, and Id are used to show the significance of Holden's behavior in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. The unconventional hat that is in Holden's possession symbolizes his wish to hold onto the simplicity of childhood and separate himself from the "phonies" that surround him. The hat also comforts Holden in the aspect that it holds onto his brother's childhood that was lost due to his premature death. Holden is terrified of growing up due to the fact that it leads to the "phoniness" of adulthood. It is justified throughout the novel that Holden believes no one acts how they truly feel; and it is hard to trust and be trusted. The hat offers Holden "quite a lot of protection" (213). However, he is not so fond of wearing the hat because he doesn't want to stand out and draw unwanted attention to himself; causing conflicting thoughts in Holden's mind that leads ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Summary Of Id, Ego, And Superego In Fablehaven The book series Fablehaven accurately portrays the three parts of the psychic apparatus, id, ego, and superego, created by Sigmund Freud amongst the three main characters. Kendra, the first main character introduced, represents the ego because at times she must determine to follow the rules and play it safe or break the rules to help her family. Seth, the second main character introduced, represents the id as he constantly acts on his own impulses without any regard to the rules which usually lands him in trouble. The last main character introduced, Grandpa, represents the superego since he always follow the rules of the preserve, as well as teaching them to Kendra and Seth, to ensure the safety of them all from the fable creatures. Kendra, Seth, and Grandpa create perfect examples of Sigmund Freud's id, ego, and superego. Kendra, the first character revealed to the reader, demonstrates the psychic apparatus the ego by representing the reason in situations that commonly occur between the Id and the Superego. The ego must make a choice between listening to the id or following the superego. Depending on the situation, if the ego sides with the id the superego can make the ego feel guilty. In the story Kendra, after weighing the odds and letting her personal id get the better of her, decides to follow Seth into the woods even though it stands against their grandfather's will. Upon the return of their sneaky adventure they think that they made it back without anyone noticing they left; however, that night at dinner their grandfather openly asks "What do you suppose makes people so eager to break rules?" (pg.59). Which in turn made Kendra feel guilty. " Kendra felt a jolt of guilt" (pg.59). In Contrast, Kendra could also represent the superego in place of the grandparents because she mostly follows the rules without thoughts of breaking them. "Unlike her little brother, Kendra was not a natural rule breaker" (pg.53) and " If you don't get back in bed," warned Kendra, "I'm telling grandpa in the morning."(pg.167) represent great supporting quotes from the text to offer significant support that Kendra could represent the superego as well. With Kendras main personalities being her ego and superego it shows how rare ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Henry Turner Movie Essay Sigmund Freud was the first psychologist to suggest that everyone has a large unconscious. He also identified three parts of the personality: the id, ego, and superego. Freud said that the id operates on "pleasure principle", the ego operates on "reality principle", and the superego operates on "moral principle". A great showcase of the different parts of the personality can be found within the movie Regarding Henry. In this movie Henry Turner falls victim to an armed man in his local convenience store. After the accident Henry's personality, and life in general, undergoes a drastic change. In my opinion, Henry's natural state is his id. In this movie, Henry Turner appears to be largely controlled by his id. One of the first big examples of this is when he leaves the house late at night by himself to go purchase cigarettes. Henry goes out at a dangerous hour because he feels the need for a cigarette and this is what results in him being shot. Another example of him using his id is when he lashes out at his caretaker, Bradley. Henry loves Bradley but when Bradley tries to tell him that it's time to go back home Henry is overcome by emotions and lashes out. He screams at Bradley, which is very out of ... Show more content on ... The id is what causes your impulsive actions, the ego is what makes you step back and rationalize, and the superego is what controls your morals. Henry Turner spends a large majority of the movie operating on his superego. It makes him more loving and compassionate, contrary to how he acted while operating on his id. After the accident, his natural state is definitely his superego. This film helps to show how easily our personalities can be affected by certain events. It also shows that people seem to become a much better person when operating on their superego, not their id. It is much better to be thoughtful and rational than ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Psychoanalysis In The Film : Do I Drink Too Much Alcohol As depicted in the film: Do I Drink Too Much alcohol consumption by youth is especially dangerous as an adolescent is incapable of limiting ingestion as the brain is less developed and incapable. The alcohol levels can be driven so high that they can kill brain cells and have the potential of being fatal. A child is capable of ingesting large quantities of alcohol before feeling the effects of alcohol as the brain works to blockade the intoxicating effects. The average age of alcohol consumption today is 13 years of age and some countries allow a person to drink as young as 18 years of age. Most brains in males don't fully develop until the age of 26 or later and female brains develop slightly sooner. The material is relatively taboo and research is limited as an ethical dilemma exists when studying the consumption rate and the intake amount of an adolescent. Psychoanalysis utilize several techniques to assist their patients at overcoming addiction or abuse though one must careful analyze and distinguish which methods are going to prove most successful. A psychoanalyst will evaluate the interaction between the conscious and unconscious mind bringing repressed fears/conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as: dream interpretation and free association. One method that may be utilized is addiction displacement. This involves the redirection of energy to a substitute/displaced action because another is more direct, action is not considered permissible. Ex: ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. My Prank Friend My best friend, Ashley, and I have been known to get into some serious trouble together. We have gotten in so much trouble that our parents would not allow us to see each other for a while, but we are still best friends despite that. We have learned some serious lessons together. One blazing hot, Alabama, summer day Ashley and I, who were around eight at the time, were playing at my house when we learned a very important lesson which we still regret to this day. We decided to prank call a family friend who had a daughter our age. That day we made a poor decision, went through with the prank call, and both ended up in serious trouble while learning an important lesson. Since it was such a sweltering summer day, Ashley and I decided not to play outside, but that usually meant trouble for us. We spent the majority of the day watching YouTube videos on my third generation iPod Touch and sneaking around getting into my mom's makeup. In one of the videos we watched a man was making prank calls, and we decided we wanted to be like him by making our own prank calls. We decided to go ask my mom if it would be okay to do this, but she, of course, told us absolutely not. Since we were two extremely stubborn, bored girls we decided to make the prank calls anyway, but we had to figure out how. We watched, even more, videos on prank calling, and we thought we were set even though we really had no clue what we were doing. Since we thought we were prepared to make what would turn out ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Theories Of The Id, Ego, And Superego Marcuse develops the aesthetic principle based on modification of Freudian theories of the Id, ego, and Freud's writings the id is behavior stem from libido energy, is what gives us pleasure. The ego is the part of the psyche that represents and regulates reality. The ego "strives for "what is useful" and what can be obtained without damage to itself and to its vital environment. Under the reality principle, the human being develops the function of reason: it learns to "test" the reality, to distinguish between good and bad, true and false, useful and harmful" (Marcuse). The ego is essentially what has allowed us to stay alive or not burn our hand with the pretty campfire a second time. The superego is our moral compass that has been thought to us since the day we were born; it is simply the rules and ethical norms of the society we live in. Although Marcuse does develop some of his theory on Freud's theories he rejects Freud's ahistorical approach and chooses to politicize Freud's primarily psychological theories. Marcuse's aesthetic principle is an extension of the id, while the performance principle is an extension of to the ego. The aesthetic principle is a system where society encourages people to live in a way that will give them true joy or happiness. According to Marcuse if society transforms from to aesthetic based society it will eventually lead to the dissolvent of systems where a few powerful elites have total control. Marcuse discusses how the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Importance Of Net Neutrality On The Internet Imagine waking up one day and realizing you can no longer access your favorite websites. Without net neutrality, this is exactly what will happen. Net neutrality is a government regulation; it ensures that companies do not get favored internet speeds for paying internet service providers (ISPs) a premium. The current net neutrality laws in the United States require our ISPs to give us equal speeds on any websites we may use regardless of creators or content. In the U.S net neutrality laws are strict, if Congress were to abolish these laws it would be disastrous; it would impinge upon our first amendment freedoms, internet service would cost more, small businesses would be negatively affected, and it would be the end of voice over internet protocol (VoIP). If we were to do away with net neutrality we would no longer have our basic freedoms on the internet. In 2017, newspapers and other non–internet based forms of news are becoming obsolete. Senator Al Franken claims, net neutrality is fundamental to free speech and is the most important first amendment issue of our time (Franken 1). He understands that we must keep net neutrality because, without it, our ISPs would be able to control what kinds of opinions and media coverage we are exposed to on the internet. According to Freepress, "We should be afraid for independent journalists, rising stars and diverse voices who have grown up with and thrived on the open Web" (Net neutralities impact on free speech 1). Without net ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Case Study: Kutlwano .1. The Id. The Id is known as the pleasure principle and is the part that is unconscious, thus directing behaviour (Gehart, 2013). It enables people to act in a way that satisfies their wants and not their needs, therefore enabling individuals to seek pleasure in order to satisfy it (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2013). Kutlwano posses the id in that he seems to get pleasure from his relationship with his brother, and Tamia– when they are not fighting. 9.2. The ego. The ego is the part of the mind that serves as a bridge between the id and superego (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2014). It develops as the child grows and separates from its mother (Bateman & Holmes, 2001). It is moreover evident that Kutlwano's ego started developing when he went to school, being away from his mother. ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, the id can be considered healthy in the way it deals with Kutlwano's internal and external pressures (Gehart, 2013). Kutlwano's decision to seek counselling depicts a healthy ego as it moved towards self preservation. 9.3. The Superego The superego is the opposite of what the id is. instead of it being the pleasure principle, it is considered as an internalisation of rules and laws; making it the internalised parent, distinguishing right from wrong (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2013). It is essential to know that an individual losses pleasure when they choose to focus on the superego (American Psychological Association, 2009). Kutlwano's superego is seen his longing ways to stop the fighting between his parents, hence the closeness to his older brother (the peacemaker). Even though Tamia suggested Kutlwano goes to counselling, it was Kutlwano's superego that made the decision to actually go. 10. DEFENCE ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Freud And Anxiety In Freud's opinion anxiety is an unpleasant inner state that people seek to avoid. Anxiety acts as a signal to the ego that things are not going right. The ego sits at the center of some appealing powerful forces: reality and society as symbolized by the superego and biology as represented by the Id. When these make contradictory strains upon the ego, that means if one feel threatened or feel as if it were about to failure under the weight of it all, it serves as a signal to the ego that its existence, and with it the survival of the whole organism, is in danger. The ego which is ruled by the id, and deterred by reality, struggles to overcome its economic duty of bringing about harmony among the forces and influences working in and upon it. Accordingly they are driven to unconscious. In one understanding of Freud's opinion about the Roland's case, clearly such impulses on the part of the Roland as a child, demands using defense mechanisms to protect him from feelings of anxiety or threatened. Such redirection for Roland at first stage is non–conscious repression of those feelings. He represses those anxiety– creating feelings to protect him against emotional issues which are undoubtedly the most valuable and instinctively accessible depiction of his ... Show more content on ... Here Freud is explicitly claiming that in sublimation it is the repression of the energy that is lifted. In other words, Freud puts the "representative of all moral restrictions, the advocate of the impulse toward perfection, in short it is as much as we have been able to apprehend psycho– logically of what people call the 'higher' things in human ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Emotion In Holden Caulfieinger's Catcher In The Rye The character Holden Caulfieeld in the novel " Catcher in the Rye " covers his true feelings by giving the audience and the characters in the story the impression that he doesn't care when in actuality , he cares deeply about every aspect he has been through in the chapters. He provides very nonchalant , terse , and swearing responses to almost every conversation he's in . For example "godamm movies " or "very big deal " as a symbol of his unconcerned attitude . The author Salinger used diction to convey the decptive mood of the protaganist to mask most of his most hurtful moments . Caulfield's displays a defense mechanism to shield his true emotions by showinging signals of non chalant actions too surecure his ego and superego . Holden often callled the world fake and phony but couldn't induldge the person he really was a phony too . Salinger states ", Nobody'd move .. Nobody'd be different . The only thing would be different would be you " to prodcast the imagenery lense the character observed the museum through . He uses " you " which is an example of the phsycolantic lense because , the "you " in the statement is used as a shield to shadow his real feelings towards the situation . In order to keep the audience unaware of what his mind and soul are battling his i.d protects his deeper thoughts . " Nobody'd move , Nobody'd be different " is visual symbolism to the fact that Caulfield is afraid of change . The character would know what is expected , he ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. A Business Phone Service Provider Essay San Diego, California Business Phone Service Providers Finding a business phone service provider in San Diego, CA can be confusing at times. But it is a very important first step when you are a business owner, whether you are just starting up or have been in business for years. The telephone is still the first form of communication most customers and vendors go for when they want to get in touch with a business, especially if that business happens to be further away. You need a phone service that is both affordable and reliable, so before you make the decision of what company to go with, do your research. There are two main phone service providers that you can choose from, either a traditional analog service or the newer VoIP phone service. You should understand just what the difference is between the two before you make your final decision. You can compare below the difference between these two types of providers. What is Business VoIP Phone Service? The more recent type of phone service, VoIP, stands for voice over Internet protocol. This is a new alternative to using the more traditional analog phone lines of the past. VoIP phone service in San Diego, CA has been around for nearly a decade but has just now become more popular among business owners. Many people are making the switch to VoIP from their traditional PSTN lines. Newer companies, especially small start–ups, are also more likely to choose this type of service for their company. They'll get the same call ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Defense Mechanisms Are The Most Important Of The Ego Function (1) According to Berzoff, Flanagan, Hertz, Basham, Heller, Mattei, & Shilket (2011) defense mechanisms are the most important of the ego functions. One threat are problems among the different agencies of the mind (id, ego, superego). This occurs when individual's unconscious wishes and fears are not attuned with behavior expectations of their family member, caregivers or friends (Berzoff et al., 2011). Another danger is the disturbance of the mental balance due to trauma. Trauma occurs when psychological steadiness is intervened when trying to cope with startling events (Berzoff et al., 2011). These encounters may have prompted for Susana to communicate various forms of defense mechanism, according the case study. One of the mechanisms Susana uses is regression. Regression is adopting behavior from an earlier period of development (Robbins et al., 2012). For example, this becomes clear with the obvious signs of Susana becoming clingier with her mom Jackie along with the hitting of scratching when she tries to stop her from unacceptable behaviors. A reason for this defense mechanism could be due to Jacquie's relationship with her new boyfriend. Susana use to spend time with her mom and falling asleep however this has changed because Jacquie is no longer there on the weekends as she goes out. Susana's actions correlate with regression because she is 5–year–old child but her outburst are coinciding with those of a toddler. This type of anger behavior is maladaptive because they ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Sigmund Freud, The Founder Of Psychoanalysis, Used A... Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, used a psychodynamic approach of understand the development of a person. He theorized that psychic determinism dominates the personality process. Therefore, all thought process in the mind are based on the unconscious or preconscious, things that called be recalled, which then becomes conscious. A person's unconscious is much larger than their preconscious and their conscious is limited. The personality structure is designated into three facets the ID, Ego and Super–Ego. These three functions compete with one another to create an individual's personality and their actions. In Freud's perception, the greatest system is the ID, which resides in the unconscious. It is responsible for the fantasy ... Show more content on ... Getting out of bed will lead to earning a salary or gaining an education. Going back to sleep may feel good but can negatively affect their job or schooling. People use judgement to outweigh the consequences. Stimulus barrier, another ego functioning, is the skill of regulating or blocking stimulus to concentrate on a targeted task. New Yorkers use stimulus barrier daily as car horns, sirens, skyscrapers, city lights and conversations fill the streets. One must filter out most of the noise and sights to not become overly stimulated. Freud also believed impulse control and regulation was an ego function. This function regulates the person's feelings, desires and drives. Impulse control and regulation is enacted when the person choses a healthy lunch and decides to not partake in junk food. Although they may desire it, they have enough control to not have the unhealthy meal. When the individual is in a stressful situation, Freud theorized that the ego employs defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological coping skills. Some of these defenses are denial, intellectualization/rationalization, reaction–formation and projection. Denial is the inability to accept reality. It is considered one of the most primitive, yet can be detrimental if sustained long term. Some people can accept the traumatic or stressful event but are unable to connect an emotion or feeling to it. Freud would ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Henry Turner Superego Freud believes there is three parts of a person's personality, the Id, Ego and Superego. The Id is the portion of the brain that is based on a "pleasure principle", meaning that this is the part that controls a person's craving and wants. There is also the Ego which is based on the "reality principle", meaning this is the section of your brain telling you how it really is and saying you can't have something based on the present situation. Lastly, there is the Superego which is based on "moral principle", meaning that you can't have something your Id wants because it is morally wrong. Henry Turner was living a fairly normal life, till one day his Id took over and he wanted some cigarettes and when he went to purchase them something unexpected happened. A man was trying to rob him, but Henry wouldn't give up his money and tried running away and got shot twice. He was able to live through, but when he came back, he wasn't able to be himself, he couldn't walk, talk or remember anything about him or his life. He went through extensive training and rehab to be able to retain the walking and talking part that he had forgotten. While in rehab, ... Show more content on ... He was forced to start all over and relearn how walk and talk, meaning he didn't know right from wrong. Since he didn't know what was right and what was wrong, he just did all the things his brain wants him to do. He didn't have any more morals to live by, because he had to start all over and learn right from wrong. An example of this is when he learns his wife cheated on him, he doesn't know that it was wrong until he starts to remember more and more about what he learned in previous years. I also believe the most prominent scene to prove his Id is his natural state is when he buys the dog and leaves to go walk around with nothing else to do. The traumatic accident he goes through changed him as a person and made him become more of someone who is controlled by their ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. I Answered The Phone Before Viewing The Caller Id Essay "Hello" I answered the phone before viewing the caller ID. "Hey Cee Cee", a male voice say in a sexual tone. "Who is this", I replied with curiosity. "This is Michael", he replied. I should have known it was Michael because he is the only one that calls me Cee Cee. I immediately deleted his number after his baby mother knocked on my door during the wee hours in the morning. "Oh hey, what's up?" I responded in my still interested by feeling disgusted voice "nothing just thinking about you." He said in a lustful tone, I immediately remembered how he would make me feel during intercourse and I couldn't deny that I would've like to have him once again. "Look Michael, why are you calling me now with no explanation of what happen? You were not even honest with me about your child." I replied feeling slightly hurt but still aroused by his voice. "Listen Cee Cee, I am sorry, I wanted to tell you so many time but I felt you wouldn't have anything thing to do with me. I enjoyed your company so much and I love and missed how you would make me feel when we were together. I miss your smile Cee Cee, your touch and especially miss the way you taste." He paused and took a deep breath, then continued. "Look, I know that I wasn't honest, and I have tried to get you out of my mind and my heart but I can't. I feel as though I am trapped between a rock and a hard place because I love my son and I care deeply for my wife and.." "Your wife!" I interrupted without realizing it. "Yes, ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The I Don 't Like You CHAPTER 1 "He wondered what had gotten into him. It had been mad to defy Lord William like that. He felt lucky to be alive." (29) The Id will be very influential in the future CHAPTER 2 142 "It has a deceitful feeling.." Philip is hesitant to run for prior because he feels that Milius' tactics are immoral–superego. 150 "That night Philip dreamed about Jonathan, the abandoned baby." Philip's dream about Jonathan illustrate his subconscious worry and guilt about his son CHAPTER 3 173 "'You want to know why I don't like you? All right, I'll tell you. I don't like you because you have no refinement. I don't like you because you can hardly read. I don't like you because you're only interested in your dogs and your horses and your self" (Follett 173). Aliena has a strong personality and speaks her mind. Although she seems confrontational (id), she also seems in control of what she says. This shows her emotional balance, in comparison to William's imbalance. CHAPTER 4 231 "I'm not going to do it, he thought. Tom would be so happy if the cathedral burned down." Jack's superego– cares for his mom, and therefore Tom, so he burns down the church. CHAPTER 5 "Bishop Henry and Bishop Waleran both turned their heads to Philip and stared at him. Their expressions showed utter astonishment as they realized that Philip...had negotiated a deal with the king behind their backs...Philip realized he had made an enemy for life" (Follett 331). Philip succumbs to immoral means to build his ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Psychological Resistance In A. S. Byatt's Possession Chapter three Psychological Resistance In more detail, A.S Byatt's Possession is redolent of certain aspects of Freudian psychology, more specifically, repression. In this novel the reader is told of the undertakings of the main character Roland Mitchell not only because of growing up in a society filled with a " pretty blank day" but because of growing up in the hands of a drunken mother. A.S Byatt writes that "[H]e thought himself as a latecomer" and adds: He (Roland) had arrived too late for things that were still in the air but vanished, the whole ferment and brightness and journeying's and youth of the 1960s, the blissful dawn of what he and his contemporaries saw a pretty blank day. Through psychedelic years he was a school boy in a depressed Lancashire cotton town. His father was a minor official in ... Show more content on ... Such redirection for Roland at first stage is non–conscious repression of those feelings. He represses those anxiety– producing feelings to protect him against emotional issues which are probably the most valuable and intuitively accessible picture of his internal mental that he has. Of course the painful Memories and urges which are exiled to Roland's unconscious, will not fade. In fact they will continue to have an influential effect on his behavior through whole his life. There are some forces, which try to keep painful or socially undesirable thoughts and memories out of the conscious mind. These forces are called defense mechanisms. There is a continuous combat between the wish (repressed into the id) and the defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms are used to protect one from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise because one feels threatened, or because ones id or superego becomes too ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Archetypes In O Brother Where Art Thou Throughout the movie O Brother, Where Art Thou, classic storytelling through archetypes is reworked into a more modern time in order to create the unique gem that it is. Archetypes are a general persona of a character that is repeated many times through films and literature, they define the character and give meaning to their roles. Archetypes have been used ever since stories were made, from the Odyssey to even Percy Jackson. Archetypes tend to set the stage for the story, and get revealed throughout the story adding more life and energy to it. Three examples of archetypes expressed very well through characters in the movie are the hero, the alter ego, and the temptress. First off, every story has it's own hero, "a larger than life character that often goes on some kind of journey or quest while demonstrating specific qualities and abilities". This describes the hero of O Brother, Where Art Thou, a man called Everett, very well. Everett is the guy who starts the trio's whole adventure, a man on a mission. He tells the other guys that the mission is to get some treasure, but in reality Everett is trying to get his wife and family back. Throughout their journey, he is the obvious leader of the group; the other guys look up to him and follow him in whatever he does in order to "get to the treasure". Everett shows that he is a hero is when, after Delmar and Pete find out that there is actually no treasure and he just needed to escape with them because they were all tied ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Breaking Away Narrative It is a dark, fall night. John's parents left for a vacation. John is all alone. He decides to call me for a sleepover. My parents also aren't home. I have to ride my bike all the way to John's house. We have been friends since Kindergarten. It takes me 15 minutes to get to his house. As soon as I arrive, we went into the living room to play video games. We are enjoying our time playing video games. I told Brody that I want to do something else. John took the house phone from the counter and started to make prank calls to random numbers. After he calls Pizza Hut, we both got a good laugh at the reaction. Now John is trying to get me to make some prank calls. It took me four or five tries but eventually I found a number. I call the number. The phone keeps ringing. A man with a deep voice picks up the phone. The man says, "Hello Brody." I backed away in shock! I asked John if he knew what he meant. He replied, "No. I have no idea who that was or how he knew your name. I know Caller ID is off, so it doesn't display the name. I quickly hung up the ... Show more content on ... We thought it would be a good idea to get our minds off of what happened. John and I are watching Outlast by our favorite YouTuber, Gash. It is a horror game based on an insane asylum. It has always been our favorite game to watch together. After about 10 minutes, we are deeply into the storyline. Out of nowhere, I hear a noise outside. It sounds like something in the bushes. I'm confused. "Hey John, get over here!" We both decide to check out the noise that I heard outside the premises. I bravely open the curtain. My heart is racing. My adrenaline is going crazy! I opened the curtain, and there is a man standing right outside of the window. The man is looking into my eyes. He reminds me of one of the characters from the Outlast game.I looked into the hideous face of the man. He slowly starts walking to the front door. I turn around and tell John, "We need to get out of here! Go ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Literary Criticism : Hills Like White Elephants Literary Criticism: Hills like White Elephants Author Information: Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, the second of six children, and spent his early years in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. Both his mother and father were active members of the First Congregational Church and ran a strict household. All their children were required to abstain from any enjoyment on Sundays, for example, and were strictly punished for any disobedience. Hemingway later condemned them for their distinctly middle–class values and oppressive sense of morality. Summary:  In the early 1920s, an American man and a girl, probably nineteen or twenty years old, are waiting at a Spanish railway station for the express train that will take them to Madrid.  While indulging in some beers, they sit in the hot shade while discussing what the American man says will be "a simple operation" for the girl.  The tension between the two is almost as sizzling as the heat of the Spanish sun. The man, while urging the girl to have the operation, says again and again that he really doesn 't want her to do it, if she really doesn 't want to. However, he clearly is insisting that she do so.
  • 44.  The girl is trying to be brave and nonchalant but is clearly frightened of committing herself to having the operation. She repeats throughout the story– noting that the hills beyond the train station "look like white elephants" – hoping that the figure of speech will please the ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Economics Test Questions 1. What is the range of price for left handed guitars and what is the average cost? 2. What are the main differences between standard, or right handed, and left handed guitars? 3. Can a standard guitar be played by using the left hand? 4. Is it better to purchase an acoustic left handed guitar or an electric left handed guitar? 5. Where can left handed guitars be purchased? 6. How can guitar books specifically written for left hand guitarists be acquired? 7. Why are left handed guitars more expensive on average than standard guitars? 8. Are there as many different models of left handed guitars available on the market as there are standard guitars? 9. Are the strings placed differently on a left handed guitar than on a standard guitar? ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. The Thematic Apperception Test ( Tat ) 11. Remember that the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) "is a projective test in which a person is presented with a series of ambiguous pictures and composes a story. It is an "apperception" test because the person reports not what he or she sees but rather a narrative or imaginary interpretation" (Murray, 1938, p. 324). Measured by a self–report test, such as the Thematic Apperception Test. The results demonstrated significant differences. According to the American Journal of Forensic Psychology, adolescent male sex offenders demonstrate perceptual distortion of their environment through the use of denial as a defense mechanism. Personality characteristics varied in areas such as the internalized values and attitudes, their external expression, and inflated self–esteem. The results concluded that adolescent sexual offender is characterized as a unique individual, a result of a stunted developmental process. Some sex offenders have deviant fantasies and the strong desire to act on them. There have been instances where some sexual fantasies were actually carried out. Male and female juvenile sex offenders often exhibit behavior that is sexually abusive at a young age; some of their unfortunate and innocent victims tend to be male, but there number of victims increases just as often as the type. Juvenile sex offenders tend to lack social skills that are an important attributes of their offending, and low intelligence, but a history of sexual abuse in their family is common. ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Doctor Moorhead And A Patient Analysis The common characteristic of Kim's works was to make detectives notice that the mysterious phenomenon had been just an appearance, that is, to overturn the plot. What deserves attention here is Freud's theory of humor, which has a remarkable analogy with Kim's strange plot. He gives an example of humor as follows: "A rogue who was being led out to execution on a Monday remarked: 'Well, this week's beginning nicely.''" We feel a kind of humoristic pleasure here because of, according to Freud, "an economy in expenditure upon feeling." The situation that ought to drive the criminal to despair might rouse intense pity in us; but that pity is inhibited because we understand that he, who is more closely concerned, makes nothing of the situation. As a result of this understanding, the expenditure on the pity, which was already prepared, becomes unutilized and we laughed it off. Then, what does the condemned obtain from this remark? He talks as if it was no business of his and makes remark from another ... Show more content on ... Heroine Stella, who had made a car accident resulting in death of the victim, has been receiving doctor Moorhead's counseling since several months ago. Stella confides the inside secret having impulsive aggression, and this doctor – he had sexual relations with patients several times – tells her that it is a natural instinctual drive and recommends its cancellation by killing animals or spurious suicide (reckless driving or gambling). However, she can't get satisfied with them and kills him at last. The tragic ending of this story that is a kind of thriller, where Moorhead seems to represent sex drive (Libido), so does Stella death drive, is caused by that she had believed the opinion of this doctor. She should have ignored (burned) the theory maintaining the real existence of impulsive ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Nathaniel Hawthorne 's The Birthmark Sometimes, man is too eager to repair natural imperfections that may exist using science, rather than seeing these imperfections as beautiful natural occurrences, which will eventually lead to the destruction of nature. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birthmark," it appears that Aylmer the main character wants to show the world that perfection is not beauty, and he demonstrates this with his wife Georgiana and that science should not alter the way that nature set man on this world to be. Hawthorne was a major asset to the transcendental movement, and this short story is a perfect example why. Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts to show the world the comparison between perfection and beauty mainly by: a psychoanalytic version of the plot and Sigmund Freud's three fundamentals. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birthmark," the main character, Aylmer, wants to have a perfect wife. His wife, Georgiana, is a very beautiful woman with just one flaw, the birthmark on her face. As a scientist, Aylmer tries to create a solution that will get rid of Georgiana's birthmark, thus making her perfect. According to Hawthorne, however, this is not possible. During the transcendental phase of American life, which involved literature from Hawthorne, transcendental writers would support Nature and its importance. In "The Birthmark," Nathaniel Hawthorne tries to show the people that nature does not make anything flawless, and that this is the beauty of it. "Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffably ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Analysis Of Mario Garcia 's ' Rationalizing Malibu ' Mira Latif Professor Mario Garcia English M01B 22 April 2016 Freud's Psychoanalytic Theories as Applied to Mario Garcia's "Rationalizing Malibu" Abstract In Mario Garcia's "Rationalizing Malibu", readers traverse a terrain that is often unseen–one that involves both the beautiful and ugly sides of Malibu. In this paper, the thoughts of the narrator are dissected using Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic concepts of id, ego, and superego–superseding ambiguity with clarity. The reader is not immediately aware of the fact that Blaine does not actually exist, but rather, discovers it at the end of the story. One element that is reoccurring and ever–present in the narrator's life is the loss of women. He loses his mother, grandmother, and a woman he was dating. The narrator uses repression, projection, rationalization, and denial to dull the pain of his past and reinvent himself. By using Freud's Psychoanalytic theory and concepts of projection, rationalization, denial, and repression the reader is made to see the ugly truth behind a seemingly perfect picture. I. Introduction Mario Garcia's "Rationalizing Malibu" illustrates the life of a troubled man who spirals out of control after experiencing a series of hardships. His problems begin with his bleak childhood that is riddled with physical violence at the hands of his abusive father. The reader is made to believe that these problems are happening to Blaine, an alter ego the narrator has subconsciously created, when the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Psychoanalytic Theory In Hamlet Hamlet is perhaps Shakespeare's most problematic protagonist with a complex personality that has been readily analyzed by many experts, including the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud himself. Psychoanalytic theory is a school of literary criticism developed by Freud in the late 19th century. It is founded on the existence of three spheres of consciousness, known as the Ego, Superego and Id, that affect a person's thought process and mind in general. Freud's psychoanalytical theories linking these fundamental components to the human psyche are evident in Hamlet's character and decisions. The Ego, Superego and Id affect his thoughts and actions regarding topics such as suicide, murder and sexual desires in very different ways, leading him to pursue a variety of impulses in diverging manners. This famous trinity is present in different degrees in the subconscious, preconscious and consciousness, with Id at the most primitive stage, Superego settled in the preconscious and the Ego floating through all three realms of the mind. The Id is a realm of instinctual desires and consists of the traits that one inherits at birth, perpetually stuck within the unconscious. It remains infantile in its function throughout a person's life and does not change with time or experience, as it is not in touch with the external world, unaffected by reality or logic. Hamlet is often unpredictable and a large degree of his impulsive tendencies can be illustrated by his erratic relationship ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Pincus Kolender, How Does He Relate To The 3-D Time Capsule? 1. What is a 3–D time capsule? 2. Described what happened when Matt saw Pincus Kolender for a second time? 3. Who is Pincus Kolender, how does he relate to the 3–D time capsule? 4. What would you tell your great, great, great grandchildren about life in 2015 if you could use the 3–D time capsule? 5. Why do you think 3–D time capsules are important? 6. Can you write in your own words what a 3–D time capsule is and how it is used? 7. What are some motives behind the creation of the 3–D time capsule? 8. From the information given could you develop a set of instructions on how the 3–D time capsule works? 9. Why do you think a 3–D time capsule is important in the 21 century? 10. Can you provide an example of how 3–D time capsule technology is ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Summary Of Cesare Lombroso's 'Atavistic Criminal' In his essay, Stephen D. Arata uses Cesare Lombroso's "atavistic criminal" as a starting point for his analysis of Edward Hyde. According to Lombroso's model, criminals are born not made, and can be identified by their physical deformities such as, "enormous jaws, high cheek bones, and prominent superciliary arches."(233) They are "throwbacks to man's savage past," to use Arata's words. (233) He that, when the novel was published, many readers saw the markers of the Lombrosan criminal born out in the physical description of Hyde; his being referred by Utterson as as "troglodytic" being the most clear–cut example. (240) Arata then ties the atavist description of Hyde in to the class discourse of the period, noting how it was customary for the lower classes to be associated with atavism and physical deformities. However, Arata believes that due to Hyde's proclivities– particularly those pertaining to vice–he is meant to caricature the bourgeois rather than the proletariat. His depravities, Arata believes, adhere those of the Lombrosan criminal, viz. "an inclination for excessive idleness, love of orgies, and an irresponsible craving of evil." (235) Such vices are not those of the destitute working–class but of a "monied gentlemen", he argues, which would make him, "a companion of Jean Floressas des Esseintes and Dorian Gray, not Vilella." (235) He then references Max Nordau, who, in his book Degeneration (1895), argued that the degenerate population "consists chiefly of rich ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Franz Kafka Research Paper Over time, psychoanalysis has been revised and developed in different directions. There are many basic tenets of psychoanalysis, and it has received criticism from a wide variety of sources. Nonetheless, it remains a strong influence within the realm of psychiatry, and more so in some quarters than others. Simply put, Freud explores the unconscious mind. And although Kafka may not have meant for it to come across this way in his writing, his characters and the events that take place truly do reflect him. Knowing Franz Kafka's life is a key to understand his writings for the events of his life are the clear origin of the neurotic tensions of his works. Thesis: Through the use of Freudian Psychoanalysis, Franz Kafka's life as well as Kafka's work, The Trial, is further unearthed using the three psychic zones of id, ego and superego as well as the themes of alienation, guilt, frustration and helplessness. Id refers to internal and primitive impulses. Of these impulses, sexual impulse is the strongest. The id manifested through K. as he suddenly had the urge to kiss Fraulein Burstner "like a thirsty animal furiously lapping at the water of the spring it has found at last" (Kafka 26). K. has this urges, among other urges throughout the novel to either exploit, manipulate, belittle, or gain control and authority over others due to how highly he thought of himself. Kafka had many failed relationships with women, so Kafka may have lived vicariously through K.'s acts. Through his ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Captain Beatty Character Analysis Anyone who has read the book "'Fahrenheit 451"' will immediately remember the infamous Captain Beatty. For people who have not read the book, or do not remember Captain Beatty, he is the fire chief who has a very controversial role in the book. He starts out looking like the antagonist of the story but then towards the end of the book one could wonder if he was the alter ego of Montag, for example, he shows the other way the story of Montag could have gone instead of him ending up with Granger's group helping re–educate the world one book at a time. In the beginning, Beatty seems like the typical fireman in that time, against books, seems to have never read any books, burns houses, and blindly following what the government tells him to, ... Show more content on ... The exact quote Beatty says "There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats, for I am arm'd so strong in honesty that they pass me as an idle wind, which I respect not!"(119) This shows that even Beatty was reading books for quite some time. This is where the similarity between Montag and Beatty ends, and where their stories take different routes. At this point, Montag stood up for what he believed in and risked his life. This could have gone another way, Beatty's way, Montag could have sucked it up and stayed a fireman and lived a lie like Beatty had. Shortly after that quote, Montag realized that Beatty wanted to die, on page 122, and he was wondering why. In class, we think that Beatty wanted to die because he did not want to have to carry the burden of reading when it is against the law or without being able to share it with everyone and he thought that the only way for him to get rid of that burden was to die. Montag could have thought that and committed suicide like Beatty did but since we established Beatty was Montag's alter ego he did not do that and he went to find Granger's group instead. In conclusion, Beatty can be depicted as both an antagonist and as Montag's alter ego/ other half because he was living a very similar life to Montag such as being a fire chief, reading books, being bombarded with questions etc, until he took a different road at the end, which seemed like a safer road because he still had his job and a good ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Symbolism And Symbolism In Wan Echo Sonnet By Robert Pack In ¨An Echo Sonnet¨ by Robert Pack, he was able to develop a clear message with his carefully structured poem. By employing a Shakespearean Sonnet form and a rhyming echo that answers the question raised by the voice, Pack revealed that the echo was the voice´s alter ego. Through the use of structure and other literary elements such as personification, imagery, and symbolism, the author developed the idea that although one might have insecurities about the future, it is important to take the ¨leap¨ of faith in order to truly be alive. In the first quatrain, the author starts off with general questions about life that helps characterize the voice. In the first sentence, the voice wonders if he is able to start from nothingness. This could be an indication for either low aspiration or being too scared to take any actions for progression. To answer this, the echo replies with ¨start¨. In order to progress on this empty page, everyone must start somewhere and take that one small step. The voice then worries about the outcome of life by juxtaposing joy and grief. The echo replies that grief is an outcome of life because it is not trying to conceal the inevitable truth. This introduction presents the voice as being insecure and anxious as he tries to understand the meaning of life and an echo that is direct. The next four lines address death with symbolism and personification to establish the idea of not fearing the unknown future. In line 5, the voice talks about the life cycle ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Television Series Named Breaking Bad Essay In 2008, AMC showcased a hit television series named Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad follows a protagonist Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher (who lives with his wife, Skyler and their teenage son who has cerebral palsy) who is diagnosed with inoperable cancer, and turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine in order to secure his family's future (Breaking Bad). Although on the surface Walter White is depicted as a good guy turned bad, in actuality the character is truly embracing his deviant subconscious self. Walter White can reasonably be deemed as an immoral character due to the fact that his criminal behavior was instinctual, he continuously justifies his decisions, and he displays an insatiable desire to commit unlawful acts. In the beginning, it is fairly certain that he starts manufacturing and selling methamphetamine to secure his family's long term financial security. But as his work progresses, his infamy grows. The pseudonym Heisenberg he picks for himself slowly begins to take on a life of its own. Unlike Walter, Heisenberg is self–assured and confident. He is able to hold his own against aggressive and psychologically unstable drug dealers, and he only grows stronger as the series advances. Walter White's long dormant pride and ego start to awaken as the series deepens. The more he taps into his alter ego, the more he shows his true colors. Therefore, throughout the show, it is evident that he is imploring his natural instincts. It comes so ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Freud 's Psychoanalytic Theory : The Death Instinct And... In the textbook, the authors discuss Freud's psychoanalytic theory in which, according to Freud, individuals acted out their desires and behaviors in response to a mental system made up of the ego, superego, and id (Cervone & Pervin, 2013). The ego seeks reality. On one hand the ego wants to meet the desires of the id, but at the same time the ego also wants to satisfy the demands of the superego. The superego controls the moral and social acceptable aspects of an individual's behavior. The id is the part of the system that functions under the pleasure principle. Simply put, the id wants to achieve pleasure and it wants to avoid pain. Individuals entered states were they would seek to relive tension and to achieve pleasure. These states are called instincts or drives. There are two instincts within Freud's psychoanalytic theory: the death instinct and the life instinct. The goal of the death instinct is for individuals to die. The life instinct, on the other hand, includes drives controlled by the ego and sexual drives. There is an energy that helps motivate individuals in the life instinct. The name of the energy is the libido. The overall goal of the life instinct is for individuals to preserve and to reproduce. The drives of the life instinct are really important because they are shaped by the pleasure principle. The drives of the life instinct cause tension on an individual and therefore individuals want to release that tension by acting on the pleasure principle. It ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Is Sigmund Freud'sA Primer Of Freudian Psychology? In "A Primer of Freudian Psychology" Sigmund Freud started as a medical doctor with a strong knowledge of scientific research and he would use that to specialize in nervous disorders treatments. Freud started to use psychoanalytic methods to treat neurotic patients, and he as Psychoanalysis was related on being a "pan–sexualist". As Freud continue to focus his works in the psychoanalytic area, he later realized and determined it did not fall under what he studied in the medical field instead it was mostly related to psychology. He clearly identified this method of psychology as a theory of personality which treats those emotionally disturbed people. Freud's purpose to serve in the social human services helped him develop and understand the nature of people, as he suggested it can only be gained by scientific exploration and analysis. He believed the study of man made up the philosophy of what he called it "knowledge through science" (Hall 20). Freud had extensively studied human nature, with the experience and knowledge he had attained he became "pessimistic and critical" (Hall 20), this led him to determine that man would rather live in their own unrealistic world full of fantasies and delusions rather than in a true and realistic world. The tremendous knowledge he held, Freund changed how society and people can make each other better in a social and collaborative atmosphere to become a healthier civilization as a whole. As Freud dug deeper into people's personality he came up with three important systems call the id, the ego, and the superego. The three systems collaborate with one another in order for the individual to effectively transition through his environment in satisfactory ways. These systems are very important for man, that is impart because it helps man fulfill their necessities and desires. In the other hand, when the three systems are not working together the person might be struggling and are unstable with their personality. This can lead to a very damaging situation for that individual because they are not content with themselves or the world around them, it can also intervene with how they perceive and do things effectively. The main purpose and function of the id or as Freud called it ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Examples Of Isolation In The Ocean At The End Of The Lane What if I told you, everything you do this very moment is driven by your unconscious desires, and you had no idea about it? It hides deep in the abyss of your mind, influencing your actions and thoughts. When a situation pops up, people deal with them according to their comfortability, but they usually fall under a category 'defense mechanisms'. This can be seen very clearly in Neil Gaiman's 'The Ocean at the End of the Lane', as the conflicted characters are seen to have problems of their own, one of them being loneliness. After much reading, it is observed that the characters have used defense mechanisms of their own to react to loneliness. The characters of 'The Ocean at the End of the Lane' deal with loneliness by accepting, distracting ... Show more content on ... The narrator's father's reason behind his loneliness is mainly due to his wife's new job, as stated in chapter 6, "Good news darling, I've got a job... I'll be working four days a week." (6.6) This leads him to deprive of a partner, which is a huge cause of loneliness as explained by a marriage study that "...unhappily married is associated with significantly lower levels of overall happiness, life satisfaction, self–esteem and overall health." (Hawkins & Booth, 2005) Thus, the narrator's father turns to Ursula Monkton to fulfill his desires, displaying projection as his defense mechanism as he thinks the feeling was mutual. In chapter 8, the narrator catches his father having intercourse with Ursula Monkton and thinks, " I was scared by what it meant that my father was kissing the neck of Ursula Monkton"." (8.39) The narrator worries about his father's closeness with Ursula, who he considers a ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Call Into Ministry, And If It Was God Calling? Ring..., Ring..., Ring...! The phone rings, you see the caller ID, and then you make the choice to answer it, or send it straight to voice mail. A decision that can be made simply by the press of a button. But what if the choice wasn't so simple? What if the caller ID was different? What if it was God calling? Would you make the choice to answer the call then? A call into ministry is a once in a life time opportunity! But what exactly does that opportunity constitute or consist of? How do you know if you are called into ministry, and if you are called, are you called into a specific vocation that you feel God gifted you in? Before you can answer any of these questions, you must first pick up the phone and begin to discern what could possibly be the call of a lifetime. A call into ministry consists of many different feelings and emotions. Not only does it consists of emotions, it also consists of thoughts and actions. Thoughts and actions brought about by prayer, choices, and discernment of decisions. But what exact is ministry? Webster's dictionary defines ministry as: "religious leaders as a group; the office, duties, or work of a religious minister." To me, ministry is much more than just work! Ministry is an opportunity of a lifetime! Ministry is the opportunity to serve God, Share Christ, and shape lives! Ministry is an opportunity to share the grace and wisdom of God with the talents He has given you! But more importantly, it is the opportunity to be involved in something or ... Get more on ...