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Humanoid robots, robots with an anthropomorphic body plan and human-like
senses, are enjoying increasing popularity as research tool. More and more groups
worldwide work on issues like bipedal locomotion, dexterous manipulation, audio-visual
perception, human-robot interaction, adaptive control, and learning, targeted for the
application in humanoid robots.
These efforts are motivated by the vision to create a new kind of tool: robots that
work in close cooperation with humans in the same environment that we designed to suit
our needs. While highly specialized industrial robots are successfully employed in
industrial mass production, these new applications require a different approach: general
purpose humanoid robots. The human body is well suited for acting in our everyday
environments. Stairs, door handles, tools, and so on are designed to be used by humans.
A robot with a human-like body can take advantage of these human-centered designs.
The new applications will require social interaction between humans and robots. If a
robot is able to analyze and synthesize speech, eye movements, mimics, gestures, and
body language, it will be capable of intuitive communication with humans. Most of these
modalities require a human-like body plan. A human-like action repertoire also facilitates
the programming of the robots by demonstration and the learning of new skills by
imitation of humans, because there is a one-to-one mapping of human actions to robot
Last, but not least, humanoid robots are used as a tool to understand human
intelligence. In the same way biomimetic robots have been built to understand certain
aspects of animal intelligence, humanoid robots can be used to test models of aspects of
human intelligence.
Addressing all of the above areas simultaneously exceeds the current state of the art.
Today's humanoid robots display their capabilities in tasks requiring a limited subset of
skills. After some brief historical notes, this article will review the state-of the- art in
humanoid robotics and discuss possible future developments.
A robot is a mechanical device that can perform tasks automatically. It may – but
need not – be humanoid in appearance. Some robots require some degree of guidance,
which may be done using a remote control, or with a computer interface. A robot is
usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by a program or circuitry. Robots
can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled and range from humanoids
such as ASIMO and TOPIO to Nano- robots, 'swarm' robots, and industrial robots. By
mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense
of intelligence or thought of its own. The branch of technology that deals with robots is
called robotics. [1]
Machinery was initially used for repetitive functions, such as lifting water and
grinding grain. With technological advances more complex machines were developed,
such as those invented by Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century AD, and the automata of
Al-Jazari in the 12th century AD. They were not widely adopted as human labour,
particularly slave labour, was still inexpensive compared to the capital-intensive
As mechanical techniques developed through the Industrial age, more practical
applications were proposed by Nikola Tesla, who in 1898 designed a radio-controlled
. Electronics evolved into the driving force of development with the advent of the
first electronic autonomous robots created by William Grey Walter in Bristol, England in
1948. The first digital and programmable robot was invented by George Devol in 1954
and was named the Unimate. It was sold to General Motors in 1961 where it was used to
lift pieces of hot metal from die casting machines at the Inland
Fisher Guide Plant in the West Trenton section of Ewing Township, New Jersey. [2]
Robots have replaced humans in the assistance of performing those repetitive and
dangerous tasks which humans prefer not to do, or are unable to do due to size
limitations, or even those such as in outer space or at the bottom of the sea where humans
could not survive the extreme environments.
Some people have developed an awareness of potential problems associated with
autonomous robots and how they may affect society. Fear of robot behaviour, such as the
Frankenstein complex, drive current practice in establishing what autonomy a robot
should and should not have.
The word robot can refer to both physical robots and virtual software agents, but
the latter are usually referred to as bots There is no consensus on which machines qualify
as robots but there is general agreement among experts, and the public, that robots tend to
do some or all of the following: move around, operate a mechanical limb, sense and
manipulate their environment, and exhibit intelligent behavior — especially behavior
which mimics humans or other animals.
There is no one definition of robot which satisfies everyone and many people
have their own. For example Joseph Engelberger, a pioneer in industrial robotics, once
remarked: "I can't define a robot, but I know one when I see one." According to the
encyclopedia Britannica a robot is "any automatically operated machine that replaces
human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform
functions in a humanlike manner." Merriam-Webster describes a robot as a "machine that
looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a
human being", or a "device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive
tasks", or a "mechanism guided by automatic controls".
This seminar report is divided into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the robotic
systems and humanoid robot. A section on overview has been elaborated with various
definitions of robots by various Scientists and engineers in this chapter. Chapter 2 is
devoted to the literature survey and concept of humanoid robot from the engineer’s point
of view. The detail history of robots is discussed in this chapter. Chapter 3 is concern
with future trends in robotic system. The robo tele-surgery system and robonauts are the
examples of future developments which are discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4 discusses
the applications of the Humanoid Robots and robotic systems in various fields. Chapter 5
concentrates on the prospects from Humanoid Robots. The advantages and
Disadvantages are also discussed including the conclusion and future scope of Humanoid
Robots as well as Robotic systems.
While there is no single correct definition of "robot", a typical robot will have
several, or possibly all, of the following characteristics.
It is an electric machine which has some ability to interact with physical objects
and to be given electronic programming to do a specific task or to do a whole range of
tasks or actions. It may also have some ability to perceive and absorb data on physical
objects, or on its local physical environment, or to process data, or to respond to various
stimuli. This is in contrast to a simple mechanical device such as a gear or a hydraulic
press or any other item which has no processing ability and which does tasks through
purely mechanical processes and motion. [3]
For robotic engineers, the physical appearance of a machine is less important than
the way its actions are controlled. The more the control system seems to have agency of
its own, the more likely the machine is to be called a robot. An important feature of
agency is the ability to make choices. Higher-level cognitive functions, though, are not
necessary, as shown by ant robots. [3]
1) A clockwork car is never considered a robot.
2) A mechanical device able to perform some preset motions but with no ability to
adapt (an automaton) [4] is rarely considered a robot.
3) A remotely operated vehicle is sometimes considered a robot (or tele-robot).
4) A car with an onboard computer, like Bigtrak, which could drive in a
programmable sequence, might be called a robot.
5) A self-controlled car which could sense its environment and make driving
decisions based on this information, such as the 1990s driverless cars of Ernst
Dickmanns or the entries in the DARPA Grand Challenge, would quite likely be
called a robot.
6) A sentient car, like the fictional KITT, which can make decisions, navigate freely
and converse fluently with a human, is usually considered a robot. [5]
However, for many laymen, if a machine appears able to control its arms or limbs,
and especially if it appears anthropomorphic or zoomorphic (e.g. ASIMO or Aibo), it
would be called a robot. [3]
1) A player piano is rarely characterized as a robot.
2) A CNC milling machine is very occasionally characterized as a robot.
3) A factory automation arm is almost always characterized as an industrial robot.
4) An autonomous wheeled or tracked device, such as a self-guided rover or self-
guided vehicle, is almost always characterized as a mobile robot or service robot.
5) A zoomorphic mechanical toy, like Roboraptor, is usually characterized as a
6) A mechanical humanoid, like ASIMO, is almost always characterized as a robot,
usually as a service robot.
Even for a 3-axis CNC milling machine using the same control system as a robot
arm, it is the arm which is almost always called a robot, while the CNC machine is
usually just a machine. Having eyes can also make a difference in whether a machine is
called a robot, since humans instinctively connect eyes with sentience. However, simply
being anthropomorphic is not a sufficient criterion for something to be called a robot. A
robot must do something; an inanimate object shaped like ASIMO would not be
considered a robot. [6]
The idea of automata originates in the mythologies of many cultures around the
world. Engineers and inventors from ancient civilizations, including Ancient China,
Ancient Greece, and Ptolemaic Egypt, attempted to build self-operating machines, some
resembling animals and humans. Early descriptions of automata include the artificial
doves of Archytas, the artificial birds of Mozi and Lu Ban, a "speaking" automaton by
Hero of Alexandria, a washstand automaton by Philo of Byzantium, and a human
automaton described in the Lie-Zi. [4][5] Following table 2.4 Shows the detail history and
timeline of robot and automata development.
Table 2.4 Timeline of robot and automata development[7]
Date Significance Robot name Inventor
AD and
Descriptions of over a hundred
machines and automata, including a fire
engine, wind organ, coin-operated
machine, and steam-powered aeliopile,
in Pneumatica and Automata by Heron
Ctesibius, Philo,
Heron, and others
1206 Early programmable automata Robot band Al-Jazari
c. 1495 Designs for a humanoid robot
Leonardo da Vinci
Mechanical duck that was able to eat,
flap its wings, and excrete
Jacques de Vaucanson
Japanese mechanical toys that served
tea, fired arrows, and painted
Hisashige Tanaka
(c. 1860)
Remotely (mechanical) steered
clockwork fire ship
Remotely controlled torpedos by John
sson (pneumatic), John Louis Lay
(electric wire guided), and Victor von
Scheliha (electric wire guided)[15]
John Ericsson, John
Louis Lay, Victor von
Tesla demonstrates the first radio
controlled (wireless) vessel (torpedo)
(torpedo) Nikola Tesla
First fictional automata called "robots"
appear in the play R.U.R.
Karel ÄŚapek
Humanoid robot, based on a suit of
armor with electrical actuators,
exhibited at the annual exhibition of the
Model Engineers Society in London
Eric W. H. Richards
Remotely controlled humanoid robot
exhibited at the 1939 and 1940 World's
Westinghouse Electric
Simple robots exhibiting biological
Elsie and
William Grey Walter
First commercial robot, from the
Unimation company founded by
George Devol and Joseph Engelberger,
based on Devol's patents
Unimate George Devol
1961 First installed industrial robot Unimate George Devol
1963 First palletizing robot Palletizer Fuji Yusoki Kogyo
First robot with six electromechanically
drived axes
Famulus KUKA Robotics
Programmable universal manipulation
arm, a Unimation product
PUMA Victor Scheinman
The concept of human-like automatons is nothing new. Already in the second
century B.C., Hero of Alexander constructed statues that could be animated by water, air
and steam pressure. In 1495 Leonardo da Vinci designed and possibly built a mechanical
device that looked like an armored knight. It was designed to sit up, wave its arms, and
move its head via an exible neck while opening and closing its jaw. By the eighteenth
century, elaborate mechanical dolls were able to write short phrases, play musical
instruments, and perform other simple, life-like acts. [8]
In 1921 the word robot was coined by Karel Capek in its theatre play: R.U.R.
(Rossum's Universal Robots). The mechanical servant in the play had a humanoid
appearance. The first humanoid robot to appear in the movies was Maria in the film
Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1926). Westinghouse Electric Corporation exhibited at the 1939
and 1940 World's Fairs the tall motor man Elektro. Humanoid in appearance, it could
drive on wheels in the feet, play recorded speech, smoke cigarettes, blow up balloons,
and move its head and arms. Elektro was controlled by 48 electrical relays and could
respond to voice commands.
Humanoid robots were not only part of the western culture. In 1952, Ozamu
Tezuka created Astroboy, the first and one of the world's most popular Japanese sci-
robots. In 1973 the construction of a human-like robot was started at the Waseda
University in Tokyo. Wabot-1 was the first full-scale anthropomorphic robot able to walk
on two legs. It could also communicate with a person in Japanese and was able to grip
and transport objects with touch-sensitive hands. The group of Ichiro Kato also
developed Wabot-2, which could read music and play an electronic organ. It was
demonstrated at the Expo 1985 in Tsukuba, Japan. Wabot-2 was equipped with a
hierarchical system of 80 microprocessors. Its wire-driven arms and legs had 50 degrees
of freedom. [9]
Many researchers have also been inspired by the movie Star Wars (George Lucas,
1977) which featured the humanoid robot C3-PO and by the TV series Star Trek - The
Next Generation (Gene Roddenberry, 1987) [3] which featured the humanoid Data.
In 1986 Honda began a robot research program with the goal that a robot "should
coexist and cooperate with human beings, by doing what a person cannot do and by
cultivating a new dimension in mobility to ultimately benefit society."After ten years of
research, Honda introduced in 1996 P2 to the public, the first self-contained full-body
humanoid. It was able to walk not only on at oors, but could also climb stairs. It was
followed in 1997 by P3 and ASIMO.
In the U.S. Manny, a full-scale android body was completed by the Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory in 1989. [3] Manny had 42 degrees of freedom, but no
intelligence or autonomous mobility. Rodney Brooks and his team at MIT started in
1993to construct the humanoid upper-body Cog. It was designed and built to emulate
human thought processes and experience the world as a human.
Another milestone was the Sony Dream Robot, unveiled by Sony in the year
2000. The small humanoid robot, which was later called Qrio, was able to recognize
faces, could express emotion through speech and body language, and could walk on at as
well as on irregular surfaces.
More recent examples of humanoid robot appearances in the movies include
David from A.I. (Steven Spielberg, 2001), and NS-5 from I, robot (Alex Proyas, 2004)
Leaving Science Fiction aside, the expectations concerning intelligent robotic
technology development over the next decade or so are quite modest. Some practical
application domains where intelligent robotic technology is most likely to be used are:
1) Robotic Tele Surgery.
2) Robonauts.
Medical robotics is an active area of research on the application of computers and
robotic technology to surgery, in planning and execution of surgical operations and in
training of surgeons. Fig. 4.1 shows the basic concept of Robotic Tele-Surgery.
Fig.3.1 Robotic Tele-surgery [11].
The complete tele-surgical workstation will incorporate two robotic manipulators
with dexterous manipulation and tactile sensing capabilities, master devices with force
and tactile feedback, and improved imaging and 3D display systems, all controlled
through computers.
Robotic Tele Surgery is a promising application of robotics to medicine, aiming
to enhance the dexterity and sensation of regular and minimally invasive surgery through
using millimeter-scale robotic manipulators under control of the surgeon. The first
generation of surgical robots is already being installed in a number of operating rooms
around the world. These aren't true autonomous robots that can perform surgical tasks on
their own, but they are lending a mechanical helping hand to surgeons. Robotics is being
introduced to medicine because they allow for unprecedented control and precision of
surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. These machines still require a
human surgeon to operate them and input instructions. Remote control and voice
activation are the methods by which these surgical robots are controlled.
The main advantage of this technique is the reduced trauma to healthy tissue,
which is a leading cause for patients' postoperative pain and long hospital stay. The
hospital stay and rest periods, and therefore the procedure costs, can be significantly
reduced with MIS, but MIS procedures are more demanding on the surgeon, requiring
more difficult surgical techniques.
Telesurgical tasks require high dexterity and fidelity during manipulation since
most of the manipulation is delicate. Therefore, the design requirements for the
teleportation controllers are significantly different from classical teleportation
applications. An important component of the teleoperator design is the quantization of the
human operator sensitivity and performance. This is necessary for providing the
specifications of the controller as well as measures to evaluate designs. It is also
important to have a control design methodology which systematically includes these
control design [12].
Here are three surgical robots that have been recently developed:
1) da Vinci Surgical System
2) ZEUS Robotic Surgical System
3) AESOP Robotic System
4) da Vinci system consists of two primary components.
In today's operating rooms, you'll find two or three surgeons, an anesthesiologist
and several nurses, all needed for even the simplest of surgeries. Most surgeries require
nearly a dozen people in the room. As with all automation, surgical robots will
eventually eliminate the need for some of those personnel. Taking a glimpse into the
future, surgery may require only one surgeon, an anesthesiologist and one or two
nurses. In this nearly empty operating room, the doctor will sit at a computer console,
either in or outside the operating room, using the surgical robot to accomplish what it
once took a crowd of people to perform [12].
The use of a computer console to perform operations from a distance opens up the
idea of tele-surgery, which would involve a doctor performing delicate surgery miles
away from the patient. If the doctor doesn't have to stand over the patient to perform
the surgery, and can remotely control the robotic arms at a computer station a few feet
from the patient, the next step would be performing surgery from locations that are
even farther away. If it were possible to use the computer console to move the robotic
arms in real-time, then it would be possible for a doctor in California to operate on a
patient in New York. A major obstacle in tele-surgery has been the time delay between
the doctors moving his or her hands to the robotic arms responding to those
movements. Currently, the doctor must be in the room with the patient for robotic
systems to react instantly to the doctor's hand movements [12].
Having fewer personnel in the operating room and allowing doctors the ability to
operate on a patient long-distance could lower the cost of health care. In addition to
cost efficiency, robotic surgery has several other advantages over conventional
surgery, including enhanced precision and reduced trauma to the patient.
Robotics also decreases the fatigue that doctors experience during surgeries that
can last several hours. Surgeons can become exhausted during those long surgeries,
and can experience hand tremors as a result. Even the steadiest of human hands cannot
match those of a surgical robot. The da Vinci system has been programmed to
compensate for tremors, so if the doctor's handshakes the computer ignores it and
keeps the mechanical arm steady [12].
One of the most interesting things about space travel is the drama. Human beings
place themselves into amazing vehicles and travel into a completely hostile environment
that is almost beyond imagination, and then describe their experiences for us in words
and pictures. Landing on the moon would not have been quite the same without the
astronauts providing us with words to go along with grainy black and white pictures of
the lunar landscape [9].
However, the problem with human space exploration is that the human body is
too fragile for the harsh conditions of space. We have learned that space travel can take
its toll on astronauts. Temperatures in space can swing from 248 degrees Fahrenheit (120
degrees Celsius) to -148 F (-100 C). There also isn't the Earth's atmosphere to shield us
from the sun's radiation. In order to survive, astronauts must wear bulky space suits that
cost about $12 million each. Space suits are not practical for an emergency situation [9].
NASA has recognized the frailty of our bodies and is preparing a new breed of
astronauts to perform some of the more difficult tasks in space. These new space
explorers won't need space suits or oxygen to survive outside of spacecraft. These
Astronauts are called Robonauts which will assist humans in future space applications
The individual parts of a Robonaut are:
1. Head
2. Torso
3. Legs
4. Arms
5. Hands
3.3.1 Head
Two small color video cameras are mounted in the headpiece that delivers stereo
vision to the astronaut operating the Robonaut. Stereo lithography was used to make an
epoxy-resin helmet to cover and protect the headpiece. The neck is jointed to allow the
head to turn side to side and up and down. [9]
3.3.2 Torso
The torso provides a central unit for connecting the peripheral arm, head and leg
attachments. It also houses the control system, which is described in the next section. [9]
3.3.3 Leg
The one part of the Robonauts design that deviates from the humanoid look is that
it has only one leg. The leg's only function is to provide support when the hands are
unable to. [9]
3.3.4 Arms
Just like its human counterparts, the Robonaut will have two arms that can move
in many directions and have a greater range than our own arms. The arms will be
equipped with more than 150 sensors each and will be densely packed with joints. Space-
rated motors, harmonic drives and fail-safe brakes will be integrated into each arm.[9]
3.3.5 Hands
Perhaps the most impressive parts of the Robonaut are its hands. Its hands are the
closest to the size and ability of human hands inside a space suit. The jointed hand may
even exceed the movements of a suited human hand. Fourteen brushless motors to power
each hand are inside the eight-inch-long forearm. The hand has four fingers and an
opposable thumb. The hand was designed with five digits so that it would be compatible
with tools designed for humans.
The primary purpose of Robonaut is to do what humans can't -- make a quick
escape from a spacecraft to an environment with no oxygen. It can depart the spacecraft
in the fraction of the time that a human astronaut can. In an emergency situation, when
timing is crucial to survival, the Robonaut could save lives of future space voyagers.
Robonaut won't be limited to use in space. It could also be used to go into hazardous
locations on Earth in place of humans, like volcanoes and nuclear plants.
Robonaut will be powered by PowerPC processors, which has been used in other
space applications. The processors will run the VxWorks real-time operating system.
NASA says that this combination offers flexible computing and could support varied
development activities. The system's software is written in C and C++. Control Shell
software is used to aid the development process and provides a graphical development
environment, which enhances researchers understanding of the system and code. [9]
Because the capabilities of humanoid robots are rather limited, there are few real-
world applications for them so far. The most visible use of humanoid robots is
technology demonstration.
Famous humanoid robots like the Honda Asimo or the Toyota Partner Robots do
not accomplish any useful work. They are, however, presented to the media and
demonstrate their capabilities like walking, running, climbing stairs, playing musical
instruments or conducting orchestras on stage and during exhibitions. Such a showcase of
corporate technology attracts public attention and strengthens the brand of the car
manufacturers. Hence, the huge development costs of these advanced humanoids might
be covered from the marketing budgets. [11]
Another area where money is not much of an issue is missions to space. Since
human life support in space is costly and space missions are dangerous, there is a need to
complement or replace humans in space by human-like robots. The two prominent
projects in this area are the NASA Robonaut and DLR's Justin . Both use a humanoid
torso mounted on a wheeled base. The humanoid appearance of the robots is justified,
because they can keep using space-certified tools which have been designed for humans
and because the humanoid body makes teleoperation by humans easier. [11]
While in industrial mass production robot arms are used which are not
anthropomorphic at all, the Japanese company Yaskawa sees a market for human-like
dual-arm robots in manufacturing.
It recently announced the Motoman-SDA10 robot which consists of two 7DOF
arms on a torso that has an additional rotational joint. Each arm has a payload of 10kg.
Yaskawa aims to directly replace humans on production lines. The robot is able to hold a
part with one arm while using a tool with the other arm. It can also pass a part from one
arm to the other without setting it down. Sales target for the SDA10 is 3000 units/year
An obvious domain for the use of humanoid robots is the household. Some
humanoid projects explicitly address this domain. They include the Armar series of
robots developed in Karlsruhe, Twenty-One developed at Waseda University, and the
personal robot PR1 developed in Stanford. While these robots demonstrate impressive
isolated skills needed in a household environment, they are far from autonomous
operation in an unmodified household [12].
A currently more viable application for humanoid robots is robot competitions.
RoboCup and FIRA, for example, feature competitions for humanoid soccer robots.
These robots are fully autonomous and play together as a team. When they fall, they get
up by themselves and continue playing. The participating research groups either construct
their own robots or they use commercial humanoid robot kits available, e.g., from
Robotis and Kondo. RoboCup also selected the Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot as
successor of the Sony Aibo in the Standard Platform League. Another popular
competition for humanoid robots is Robo-One, where teleoperated robots engage in
martial arts. There are also competitions for robots in humanpopulated environments like
the AAAI mobile robot competition, where the robots are supposed to attend a
conference, and RoboCup at home where the robots are supposed to do useful work in a
home environment. Because they provide a standardized test bed, such robot
competitions serve as benchmark for AI and robotics [11].
In automotive industry the Robots are used for:
1. Welding of various parts
2. Robustness and precision of the assembly of pieces
3. Manipulate very heavy loads
4.7 ASSEMBLY [13]
Another strong partners is the assembly of manufactured products
1. Execute repetitive sequence of movement, boring, demotivating and dangerous tasks at
constant performance.
2. Use the optimal sequence of operations.
3. Can monitor the quality assembly line with adapted enhance sensor technologies
Spatial probes sent for many years to explore and discover our universe
1. Telemanipulator used to collect samples of soil
2. The famous Canadian spatial manipulator Canada arm mounted on American
spaceships and the new space station remote manipulator system (SSRMS) that is used to
assemble the international space station.
3. Mars Rover in 1998 explored the neighbor planet while being teleguided from the
4. Provided an incredible amount of new information about this unknown environment.
1. Automatic banking
2. Automatic Refueling station.
After four decades of research on humanoid robots impressive results have been
obtained, but the real-world capabilities of humanoids are still limited. This should not
discourage further research. In fact, research on cognitive robots, including humanoids, is
gaining momentum. More and more research groups worldwide are targeting this
application. A good part of the difficulties humanoid robots face comes from perception.
Here, more advanced methods are developed every year to cope with the ambiguities of
sensory signals. The continuous improvements of computer vision and speech
recognition systems will make it easier to use humanoid robots in unmodified
environments. Advances are also to be expected from the mechanical side. Multiple
research groups develop muscle like actuators with controllable stiffness. Such compliant
actuation will significantly contribute to the safe operation of robots in the close vicinity
of humans. Compliance also leads to control schemes that support the dynamics of the
body instead of imposing inefficient trajectories on it. Insights from biophysics and
neuroscience also give ideas for robust control strategies, which degrade gracefully in
case of disturbances or component failure. In general, research on humanoid robots
strengthens the respect for the biological model, the human. Much remains to be learned
from it in areas like perception, mechanics, and control. I am convinced that it will be
possible to understand many of nature's inventions which account for its astonishing
performance. Two remaining issues could hinder the widespread application of humanoid
robots: costs and system complexity. Here, the toy industry played a pioneer role with the
introduction of simple, inexpensive humanoid robots. The low costs needed for the toy
market are possible because of the high volumes. Children are growing up now with
robotic companions. As personal robots mature, they will meet prepared users [9].
Are tough.
Are strong.
Cannot be exhausted.
Have no emotions.
Do not complain.
Are not well developed yet.
Have no emotion.
Robots are going to play a very significant part in our daily life. Like computers
in the 21th
century Robots are going to be common house hold items in future. With the
development of computers, semiconductor technology Robotics will grow in leaps and
bounds. They will find applications in almost all areas and become universal. There are
expected times when Robots will over power mankind in future. The ethnicity of
providing intelligence to robots is questioned but future is the answer to this question. It
is for us to wait and see whether the creators or the creation will rule the world.
1) 2015-2020 - every South Korean household will have a robot and many
European, The Ministry of Information and Communication (South Korea), 2007.
2) 2018 - robots will routinely carry out surgery, South Korea government 2007. [9]
3) 2022 - intelligent robots that sense their environment, make decisions, and learn
are used in 30% of households and organizations – TechCast. [10]
4) 2030 - robots capable of performing at human level at most manual jobs Marshall
5) 2034 - robots (home automation systems) performing most household tasks,
Helen Greiner, Chairman of iRobot. [10]
6) 2050 - robot "brains" based on computers that execute 100 trillion instructions per
second will start rivaling human intelligence. [9]
5.5.1 Military robots
1) 2015 - one third of US fighting strength will be composed of robots - US
Department of Defense, 2006. [5]
2) 2035 - first completely autonomous robot soldiers in operation - US Department
of Defense, 2006 [5]
5.5.2 Developments related to robotics from the Japan NISTEP 2030 report
1) 2013-2014 — agricultural robots (AgRobots). [8]
2) 2013-2017 — robots that care for the elderly. [12]
3) 2017 — medical robots performing low-invasive surgery. [12]
4) 2017-2019 — household robots with full use. [4]
2019-2021 — Nano-robots. [10]
[1] M. Vukobratovic and B. Borovac., ―Zero-moment point, thirty five years of its life.
Int. J. of Humanoid Robotics‖, PHI Publication, 1:157{173, 2004.
[2] T. McGeer., ―Passive dynamic walking. International Journal of Robotics Research‖,
I- Tech Publication, 9(2):68{82, 1990.
[3] S. Collins, A. Ruina, R. Tedrake, and M. Wisse. ―Eficient bipedal robots based on
passive-dynamic walkers‖. PHI Publication, pages 1082 to 1085, 2005.
[4] R. Playter, M. Buehler, and M. Raibert. ―SPIE Unmanned Systems Technology‖.
VIII, 2006.
[5] J. Rebula, F. Canas, J. Pratt, and A. Goswami., ―Learning capture points for
humanoid push recovery‖. 2007.
[6] B. Verrelst, R. Van Ham, B. Vanderborght, F. Daerden, and D. Lefeber., ―Pneumatic
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  • 1. 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION Humanoid robots, robots with an anthropomorphic body plan and human-like senses, are enjoying increasing popularity as research tool. More and more groups worldwide work on issues like bipedal locomotion, dexterous manipulation, audio-visual perception, human-robot interaction, adaptive control, and learning, targeted for the application in humanoid robots. These efforts are motivated by the vision to create a new kind of tool: robots that work in close cooperation with humans in the same environment that we designed to suit our needs. While highly specialized industrial robots are successfully employed in industrial mass production, these new applications require a different approach: general purpose humanoid robots. The human body is well suited for acting in our everyday environments. Stairs, door handles, tools, and so on are designed to be used by humans. A robot with a human-like body can take advantage of these human-centered designs. The new applications will require social interaction between humans and robots. If a robot is able to analyze and synthesize speech, eye movements, mimics, gestures, and body language, it will be capable of intuitive communication with humans. Most of these modalities require a human-like body plan. A human-like action repertoire also facilitates the programming of the robots by demonstration and the learning of new skills by imitation of humans, because there is a one-to-one mapping of human actions to robot actions. Last, but not least, humanoid robots are used as a tool to understand human intelligence. In the same way biomimetic robots have been built to understand certain aspects of animal intelligence, humanoid robots can be used to test models of aspects of human intelligence. Addressing all of the above areas simultaneously exceeds the current state of the art. Today's humanoid robots display their capabilities in tasks requiring a limited subset of
  • 2. 2 skills. After some brief historical notes, this article will review the state-of the- art in humanoid robotics and discuss possible future developments. A robot is a mechanical device that can perform tasks automatically. It may – but need not – be humanoid in appearance. Some robots require some degree of guidance, which may be done using a remote control, or with a computer interface. A robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by a program or circuitry. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled and range from humanoids such as ASIMO and TOPIO to Nano- robots, 'swarm' robots, and industrial robots. By mimicking a lifelike appearance or automating movements, a robot may convey a sense of intelligence or thought of its own. The branch of technology that deals with robots is called robotics. [1] Machinery was initially used for repetitive functions, such as lifting water and grinding grain. With technological advances more complex machines were developed, such as those invented by Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century AD, and the automata of Al-Jazari in the 12th century AD. They were not widely adopted as human labour, particularly slave labour, was still inexpensive compared to the capital-intensive machines. As mechanical techniques developed through the Industrial age, more practical applications were proposed by Nikola Tesla, who in 1898 designed a radio-controlled boat[2] . Electronics evolved into the driving force of development with the advent of the first electronic autonomous robots created by William Grey Walter in Bristol, England in 1948. The first digital and programmable robot was invented by George Devol in 1954 and was named the Unimate. It was sold to General Motors in 1961 where it was used to lift pieces of hot metal from die casting machines at the Inland
  • 3. 3 Fisher Guide Plant in the West Trenton section of Ewing Township, New Jersey. [2] Robots have replaced humans in the assistance of performing those repetitive and dangerous tasks which humans prefer not to do, or are unable to do due to size limitations, or even those such as in outer space or at the bottom of the sea where humans could not survive the extreme environments. Some people have developed an awareness of potential problems associated with autonomous robots and how they may affect society. Fear of robot behaviour, such as the Frankenstein complex, drive current practice in establishing what autonomy a robot should and should not have. 1.2 OVERVIEW The word robot can refer to both physical robots and virtual software agents, but the latter are usually referred to as bots There is no consensus on which machines qualify as robots but there is general agreement among experts, and the public, that robots tend to do some or all of the following: move around, operate a mechanical limb, sense and manipulate their environment, and exhibit intelligent behavior — especially behavior which mimics humans or other animals. There is no one definition of robot which satisfies everyone and many people have their own. For example Joseph Engelberger, a pioneer in industrial robotics, once remarked: "I can't define a robot, but I know one when I see one." According to the encyclopedia Britannica a robot is "any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner." Merriam-Webster describes a robot as a "machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being", or a "device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks", or a "mechanism guided by automatic controls".
  • 4. 4 1.3 ORGANIZATION OF REPORT This seminar report is divided into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the robotic systems and humanoid robot. A section on overview has been elaborated with various definitions of robots by various Scientists and engineers in this chapter. Chapter 2 is devoted to the literature survey and concept of humanoid robot from the engineer’s point of view. The detail history of robots is discussed in this chapter. Chapter 3 is concern with future trends in robotic system. The robo tele-surgery system and robonauts are the examples of future developments which are discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4 discusses the applications of the Humanoid Robots and robotic systems in various fields. Chapter 5 concentrates on the prospects from Humanoid Robots. The advantages and Disadvantages are also discussed including the conclusion and future scope of Humanoid Robots as well as Robotic systems.
  • 5. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMANOID ROBOTS While there is no single correct definition of "robot", a typical robot will have several, or possibly all, of the following characteristics. It is an electric machine which has some ability to interact with physical objects and to be given electronic programming to do a specific task or to do a whole range of tasks or actions. It may also have some ability to perceive and absorb data on physical objects, or on its local physical environment, or to process data, or to respond to various stimuli. This is in contrast to a simple mechanical device such as a gear or a hydraulic press or any other item which has no processing ability and which does tasks through purely mechanical processes and motion. [3] 2.2 MENTAL AGENCY For robotic engineers, the physical appearance of a machine is less important than the way its actions are controlled. The more the control system seems to have agency of its own, the more likely the machine is to be called a robot. An important feature of agency is the ability to make choices. Higher-level cognitive functions, though, are not necessary, as shown by ant robots. [3] 1) A clockwork car is never considered a robot. 2) A mechanical device able to perform some preset motions but with no ability to adapt (an automaton) [4] is rarely considered a robot. 3) A remotely operated vehicle is sometimes considered a robot (or tele-robot).
  • 6. 6 4) A car with an onboard computer, like Bigtrak, which could drive in a programmable sequence, might be called a robot. 5) A self-controlled car which could sense its environment and make driving decisions based on this information, such as the 1990s driverless cars of Ernst Dickmanns or the entries in the DARPA Grand Challenge, would quite likely be called a robot. 6) A sentient car, like the fictional KITT, which can make decisions, navigate freely and converse fluently with a human, is usually considered a robot. [5] 2.3 PHYSICAL AGENCY However, for many laymen, if a machine appears able to control its arms or limbs, and especially if it appears anthropomorphic or zoomorphic (e.g. ASIMO or Aibo), it would be called a robot. [3] 1) A player piano is rarely characterized as a robot. 2) A CNC milling machine is very occasionally characterized as a robot. 3) A factory automation arm is almost always characterized as an industrial robot. 4) An autonomous wheeled or tracked device, such as a self-guided rover or self- guided vehicle, is almost always characterized as a mobile robot or service robot. 5) A zoomorphic mechanical toy, like Roboraptor, is usually characterized as a robot. 6) A mechanical humanoid, like ASIMO, is almost always characterized as a robot, usually as a service robot. Even for a 3-axis CNC milling machine using the same control system as a robot arm, it is the arm which is almost always called a robot, while the CNC machine is usually just a machine. Having eyes can also make a difference in whether a machine is called a robot, since humans instinctively connect eyes with sentience. However, simply being anthropomorphic is not a sufficient criterion for something to be called a robot. A robot must do something; an inanimate object shaped like ASIMO would not be considered a robot. [6]
  • 7. 7 2.4 HISTORY OF ROBOTICS The idea of automata originates in the mythologies of many cultures around the world. Engineers and inventors from ancient civilizations, including Ancient China, Ancient Greece, and Ptolemaic Egypt, attempted to build self-operating machines, some resembling animals and humans. Early descriptions of automata include the artificial doves of Archytas, the artificial birds of Mozi and Lu Ban, a "speaking" automaton by Hero of Alexandria, a washstand automaton by Philo of Byzantium, and a human automaton described in the Lie-Zi. [4][5] Following table 2.4 Shows the detail history and timeline of robot and automata development. Table 2.4 Timeline of robot and automata development[7] Date Significance Robot name Inventor 1st century AD and earlier Descriptions of over a hundred machines and automata, including a fire engine, wind organ, coin-operated machine, and steam-powered aeliopile, in Pneumatica and Automata by Heron ---------- Ctesibius, Philo, Heron, and others 1206 Early programmable automata Robot band Al-Jazari c. 1495 Designs for a humanoid robot Mechanical knight Leonardo da Vinci 1738 Mechanical duck that was able to eat, flap its wings, and excrete Digesting Duck Jacques de Vaucanson 19th century Japanese mechanical toys that served tea, fired arrows, and painted Karakuri toys Hisashige Tanaka (c. 1860) Remotely (mechanical) steered clockwork fire ship (Coastal fireship) Unknown/Giovanni Luppis Early 1870s Remotely controlled torpedos by John Eric sson (pneumatic), John Louis Lay (electric wire guided), and Victor von Scheliha (electric wire guided)[15] (torpedo) John Ericsson, John Louis Lay, Victor von Scheliha 1898 Tesla demonstrates the first radio controlled (wireless) vessel (torpedo) (torpedo) Nikola Tesla 1921 First fictional automata called "robots" appear in the play R.U.R. Rossum's Universal Robots Karel ÄŚapek
  • 8. 8 1928 Humanoid robot, based on a suit of armor with electrical actuators, exhibited at the annual exhibition of the Model Engineers Society in London Eric W. H. Richards 1930s Remotely controlled humanoid robot exhibited at the 1939 and 1940 World's Fairs Elektro Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1948 Simple robots exhibiting biological behaviors Elsie and Elmer William Grey Walter 1956 First commercial robot, from the Unimation company founded by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger, based on Devol's patents Unimate George Devol 1961 First installed industrial robot Unimate George Devol 1963 First palletizing robot Palletizer Fuji Yusoki Kogyo 1973 First robot with six electromechanically drived axes Famulus KUKA Robotics 1976 Programmable universal manipulation arm, a Unimation product PUMA Victor Scheinman The concept of human-like automatons is nothing new. Already in the second century B.C., Hero of Alexander constructed statues that could be animated by water, air and steam pressure. In 1495 Leonardo da Vinci designed and possibly built a mechanical device that looked like an armored knight. It was designed to sit up, wave its arms, and move its head via an exible neck while opening and closing its jaw. By the eighteenth century, elaborate mechanical dolls were able to write short phrases, play musical instruments, and perform other simple, life-like acts. [8] In 1921 the word robot was coined by Karel Capek in its theatre play: R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots). The mechanical servant in the play had a humanoid appearance. The first humanoid robot to appear in the movies was Maria in the film Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1926). Westinghouse Electric Corporation exhibited at the 1939 and 1940 World's Fairs the tall motor man Elektro. Humanoid in appearance, it could drive on wheels in the feet, play recorded speech, smoke cigarettes, blow up balloons, and move its head and arms. Elektro was controlled by 48 electrical relays and could respond to voice commands.
  • 9. 9 Humanoid robots were not only part of the western culture. In 1952, Ozamu Tezuka created Astroboy, the first and one of the world's most popular Japanese sci- robots. In 1973 the construction of a human-like robot was started at the Waseda University in Tokyo. Wabot-1 was the first full-scale anthropomorphic robot able to walk on two legs. It could also communicate with a person in Japanese and was able to grip and transport objects with touch-sensitive hands. The group of Ichiro Kato also developed Wabot-2, which could read music and play an electronic organ. It was demonstrated at the Expo 1985 in Tsukuba, Japan. Wabot-2 was equipped with a hierarchical system of 80 microprocessors. Its wire-driven arms and legs had 50 degrees of freedom. [9] Many researchers have also been inspired by the movie Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977) which featured the humanoid robot C3-PO and by the TV series Star Trek - The Next Generation (Gene Roddenberry, 1987) [3] which featured the humanoid Data. In 1986 Honda began a robot research program with the goal that a robot "should coexist and cooperate with human beings, by doing what a person cannot do and by cultivating a new dimension in mobility to ultimately benefit society."After ten years of research, Honda introduced in 1996 P2 to the public, the first self-contained full-body humanoid. It was able to walk not only on at oors, but could also climb stairs. It was followed in 1997 by P3 and ASIMO. In the U.S. Manny, a full-scale android body was completed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 1989. [3] Manny had 42 degrees of freedom, but no intelligence or autonomous mobility. Rodney Brooks and his team at MIT started in 1993to construct the humanoid upper-body Cog. It was designed and built to emulate human thought processes and experience the world as a human. Another milestone was the Sony Dream Robot, unveiled by Sony in the year 2000. The small humanoid robot, which was later called Qrio, was able to recognize faces, could express emotion through speech and body language, and could walk on at as well as on irregular surfaces.
  • 10. 10 More recent examples of humanoid robot appearances in the movies include David from A.I. (Steven Spielberg, 2001), and NS-5 from I, robot (Alex Proyas, 2004) [10].
  • 11. 11 CHAPTER 3 CURRENT TRENDS IN ROBOTICS Leaving Science Fiction aside, the expectations concerning intelligent robotic technology development over the next decade or so are quite modest. Some practical application domains where intelligent robotic technology is most likely to be used are: 1) Robotic Tele Surgery. 2) Robonauts. 3.1 ROBOTIC TELE-SURGERY Medical robotics is an active area of research on the application of computers and robotic technology to surgery, in planning and execution of surgical operations and in training of surgeons. Fig. 4.1 shows the basic concept of Robotic Tele-Surgery. Fig.3.1 Robotic Tele-surgery [11]. The complete tele-surgical workstation will incorporate two robotic manipulators with dexterous manipulation and tactile sensing capabilities, master devices with force and tactile feedback, and improved imaging and 3D display systems, all controlled through computers. Robotic Tele Surgery is a promising application of robotics to medicine, aiming to enhance the dexterity and sensation of regular and minimally invasive surgery through
  • 12. 12 using millimeter-scale robotic manipulators under control of the surgeon. The first generation of surgical robots is already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. These aren't true autonomous robots that can perform surgical tasks on their own, but they are lending a mechanical helping hand to surgeons. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because they allow for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. These machines still require a human surgeon to operate them and input instructions. Remote control and voice activation are the methods by which these surgical robots are controlled. The main advantage of this technique is the reduced trauma to healthy tissue, which is a leading cause for patients' postoperative pain and long hospital stay. The hospital stay and rest periods, and therefore the procedure costs, can be significantly reduced with MIS, but MIS procedures are more demanding on the surgeon, requiring more difficult surgical techniques. Telesurgical tasks require high dexterity and fidelity during manipulation since most of the manipulation is delicate. Therefore, the design requirements for the teleportation controllers are significantly different from classical teleportation applications. An important component of the teleoperator design is the quantization of the human operator sensitivity and performance. This is necessary for providing the specifications of the controller as well as measures to evaluate designs. It is also important to have a control design methodology which systematically includes these control design [12]. Here are three surgical robots that have been recently developed: 1) da Vinci Surgical System 2) ZEUS Robotic Surgical System 3) AESOP Robotic System 4) da Vinci system consists of two primary components.
  • 13. 13 3.2 ADVANTAGES OF ROBOTIC SURGERY In today's operating rooms, you'll find two or three surgeons, an anesthesiologist and several nurses, all needed for even the simplest of surgeries. Most surgeries require nearly a dozen people in the room. As with all automation, surgical robots will eventually eliminate the need for some of those personnel. Taking a glimpse into the future, surgery may require only one surgeon, an anesthesiologist and one or two nurses. In this nearly empty operating room, the doctor will sit at a computer console, either in or outside the operating room, using the surgical robot to accomplish what it once took a crowd of people to perform [12]. The use of a computer console to perform operations from a distance opens up the idea of tele-surgery, which would involve a doctor performing delicate surgery miles away from the patient. If the doctor doesn't have to stand over the patient to perform the surgery, and can remotely control the robotic arms at a computer station a few feet from the patient, the next step would be performing surgery from locations that are even farther away. If it were possible to use the computer console to move the robotic arms in real-time, then it would be possible for a doctor in California to operate on a patient in New York. A major obstacle in tele-surgery has been the time delay between the doctors moving his or her hands to the robotic arms responding to those movements. Currently, the doctor must be in the room with the patient for robotic systems to react instantly to the doctor's hand movements [12]. Having fewer personnel in the operating room and allowing doctors the ability to operate on a patient long-distance could lower the cost of health care. In addition to cost efficiency, robotic surgery has several other advantages over conventional surgery, including enhanced precision and reduced trauma to the patient. Robotics also decreases the fatigue that doctors experience during surgeries that can last several hours. Surgeons can become exhausted during those long surgeries, and can experience hand tremors as a result. Even the steadiest of human hands cannot match those of a surgical robot. The da Vinci system has been programmed to compensate for tremors, so if the doctor's handshakes the computer ignores it and
  • 14. 14 keeps the mechanical arm steady [12]. 3.3 ROBONAUTS One of the most interesting things about space travel is the drama. Human beings place themselves into amazing vehicles and travel into a completely hostile environment that is almost beyond imagination, and then describe their experiences for us in words and pictures. Landing on the moon would not have been quite the same without the astronauts providing us with words to go along with grainy black and white pictures of the lunar landscape [9]. However, the problem with human space exploration is that the human body is too fragile for the harsh conditions of space. We have learned that space travel can take its toll on astronauts. Temperatures in space can swing from 248 degrees Fahrenheit (120 degrees Celsius) to -148 F (-100 C). There also isn't the Earth's atmosphere to shield us from the sun's radiation. In order to survive, astronauts must wear bulky space suits that cost about $12 million each. Space suits are not practical for an emergency situation [9]. NASA has recognized the frailty of our bodies and is preparing a new breed of astronauts to perform some of the more difficult tasks in space. These new space explorers won't need space suits or oxygen to survive outside of spacecraft. These Astronauts are called Robonauts which will assist humans in future space applications [7]. The individual parts of a Robonaut are: 1. Head 2. Torso 3. Legs 4. Arms 5. Hands
  • 15. 15 3.3.1 Head Two small color video cameras are mounted in the headpiece that delivers stereo vision to the astronaut operating the Robonaut. Stereo lithography was used to make an epoxy-resin helmet to cover and protect the headpiece. The neck is jointed to allow the head to turn side to side and up and down. [9] 3.3.2 Torso The torso provides a central unit for connecting the peripheral arm, head and leg attachments. It also houses the control system, which is described in the next section. [9] 3.3.3 Leg The one part of the Robonauts design that deviates from the humanoid look is that it has only one leg. The leg's only function is to provide support when the hands are unable to. [9] 3.3.4 Arms Just like its human counterparts, the Robonaut will have two arms that can move in many directions and have a greater range than our own arms. The arms will be equipped with more than 150 sensors each and will be densely packed with joints. Space- rated motors, harmonic drives and fail-safe brakes will be integrated into each arm.[9] 3.3.5 Hands Perhaps the most impressive parts of the Robonaut are its hands. Its hands are the closest to the size and ability of human hands inside a space suit. The jointed hand may even exceed the movements of a suited human hand. Fourteen brushless motors to power each hand are inside the eight-inch-long forearm. The hand has four fingers and an opposable thumb. The hand was designed with five digits so that it would be compatible with tools designed for humans. The primary purpose of Robonaut is to do what humans can't -- make a quick escape from a spacecraft to an environment with no oxygen. It can depart the spacecraft
  • 16. 16 in the fraction of the time that a human astronaut can. In an emergency situation, when timing is crucial to survival, the Robonaut could save lives of future space voyagers. Robonaut won't be limited to use in space. It could also be used to go into hazardous locations on Earth in place of humans, like volcanoes and nuclear plants. Robonaut will be powered by PowerPC processors, which has been used in other space applications. The processors will run the VxWorks real-time operating system. NASA says that this combination offers flexible computing and could support varied development activities. The system's software is written in C and C++. Control Shell software is used to aid the development process and provides a graphical development environment, which enhances researchers understanding of the system and code. [9]
  • 17. 17 CHAPTER 4 APPLICATION DOMAINS Because the capabilities of humanoid robots are rather limited, there are few real- world applications for them so far. The most visible use of humanoid robots is technology demonstration. 4.1 TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION Famous humanoid robots like the Honda Asimo or the Toyota Partner Robots do not accomplish any useful work. They are, however, presented to the media and demonstrate their capabilities like walking, running, climbing stairs, playing musical instruments or conducting orchestras on stage and during exhibitions. Such a showcase of corporate technology attracts public attention and strengthens the brand of the car manufacturers. Hence, the huge development costs of these advanced humanoids might be covered from the marketing budgets. [11] 4.2 SPACE MISSIONS Another area where money is not much of an issue is missions to space. Since human life support in space is costly and space missions are dangerous, there is a need to complement or replace humans in space by human-like robots. The two prominent projects in this area are the NASA Robonaut and DLR's Justin . Both use a humanoid torso mounted on a wheeled base. The humanoid appearance of the robots is justified, because they can keep using space-certified tools which have been designed for humans and because the humanoid body makes teleoperation by humans easier. [11]
  • 18. 18 4.3 MANUFACTURING While in industrial mass production robot arms are used which are not anthropomorphic at all, the Japanese company Yaskawa sees a market for human-like dual-arm robots in manufacturing. It recently announced the Motoman-SDA10 robot which consists of two 7DOF arms on a torso that has an additional rotational joint. Each arm has a payload of 10kg. Yaskawa aims to directly replace humans on production lines. The robot is able to hold a part with one arm while using a tool with the other arm. It can also pass a part from one arm to the other without setting it down. Sales target for the SDA10 is 3000 units/year [11]. 4.4 HOUSEHOLD An obvious domain for the use of humanoid robots is the household. Some humanoid projects explicitly address this domain. They include the Armar series of robots developed in Karlsruhe, Twenty-One developed at Waseda University, and the personal robot PR1 developed in Stanford. While these robots demonstrate impressive isolated skills needed in a household environment, they are far from autonomous operation in an unmodified household [12]. 4.5 ROBOT COMPETITIONS A currently more viable application for humanoid robots is robot competitions. RoboCup and FIRA, for example, feature competitions for humanoid soccer robots. These robots are fully autonomous and play together as a team. When they fall, they get up by themselves and continue playing. The participating research groups either construct their own robots or they use commercial humanoid robot kits available, e.g., from Robotis and Kondo. RoboCup also selected the Aldebaran Nao humanoid robot as successor of the Sony Aibo in the Standard Platform League. Another popular competition for humanoid robots is Robo-One, where teleoperated robots engage in martial arts. There are also competitions for robots in humanpopulated environments like
  • 19. 19 the AAAI mobile robot competition, where the robots are supposed to attend a conference, and RoboCup at home where the robots are supposed to do useful work in a home environment. Because they provide a standardized test bed, such robot competitions serve as benchmark for AI and robotics [11]. 4.6 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY [13] In automotive industry the Robots are used for: 1. Welding of various parts 2. Robustness and precision of the assembly of pieces 3. Manipulate very heavy loads 4.7 ASSEMBLY [13] Another strong partners is the assembly of manufactured products 1. Execute repetitive sequence of movement, boring, demotivating and dangerous tasks at constant performance. 2. Use the optimal sequence of operations. 3. Can monitor the quality assembly line with adapted enhance sensor technologies 4.8 SPATIAL EXPLORATION [13] Spatial probes sent for many years to explore and discover our universe 1. Telemanipulator used to collect samples of soil 2. The famous Canadian spatial manipulator Canada arm mounted on American spaceships and the new space station remote manipulator system (SSRMS) that is used to assemble the international space station. 3. Mars Rover in 1998 explored the neighbor planet while being teleguided from the Earth.
  • 20. 20 4. Provided an incredible amount of new information about this unknown environment. 4.9 CUSTOMER SERVICE [13] 1. Automatic banking 2. Automatic Refueling station.
  • 21. 21 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 PROSPECTS After four decades of research on humanoid robots impressive results have been obtained, but the real-world capabilities of humanoids are still limited. This should not discourage further research. In fact, research on cognitive robots, including humanoids, is gaining momentum. More and more research groups worldwide are targeting this application. A good part of the difficulties humanoid robots face comes from perception. Here, more advanced methods are developed every year to cope with the ambiguities of sensory signals. The continuous improvements of computer vision and speech recognition systems will make it easier to use humanoid robots in unmodified environments. Advances are also to be expected from the mechanical side. Multiple research groups develop muscle like actuators with controllable stiffness. Such compliant actuation will significantly contribute to the safe operation of robots in the close vicinity of humans. Compliance also leads to control schemes that support the dynamics of the body instead of imposing inefficient trajectories on it. Insights from biophysics and neuroscience also give ideas for robust control strategies, which degrade gracefully in case of disturbances or component failure. In general, research on humanoid robots strengthens the respect for the biological model, the human. Much remains to be learned from it in areas like perception, mechanics, and control. I am convinced that it will be possible to understand many of nature's inventions which account for its astonishing performance. Two remaining issues could hinder the widespread application of humanoid robots: costs and system complexity. Here, the toy industry played a pioneer role with the introduction of simple, inexpensive humanoid robots. The low costs needed for the toy market are possible because of the high volumes. Children are growing up now with robotic companions. As personal robots mature, they will meet prepared users [9].
  • 22. 22 5.2 ADVANTAGES OF HUMANOID ROBOTS Robots... Are tough. Are strong. Cannot be exhausted. Have no emotions. Do not complain. 5.3 DISADVANTAGES OF HUMANOID ROBOTS Robots... Are not well developed yet. Have no emotion. 5.4 CONCLUSION Robots are going to play a very significant part in our daily life. Like computers in the 21th century Robots are going to be common house hold items in future. With the development of computers, semiconductor technology Robotics will grow in leaps and bounds. They will find applications in almost all areas and become universal. There are expected times when Robots will over power mankind in future. The ethnicity of providing intelligence to robots is questioned but future is the answer to this question. It is for us to wait and see whether the creators or the creation will rule the world. 5.5 FUTURE SCOPE 1) 2015-2020 - every South Korean household will have a robot and many European, The Ministry of Information and Communication (South Korea), 2007. [10] 2) 2018 - robots will routinely carry out surgery, South Korea government 2007. [9]
  • 23. 23 3) 2022 - intelligent robots that sense their environment, make decisions, and learn are used in 30% of households and organizations – TechCast. [10] 4) 2030 - robots capable of performing at human level at most manual jobs Marshall Brain. 5) 2034 - robots (home automation systems) performing most household tasks, Helen Greiner, Chairman of iRobot. [10] 6) 2050 - robot "brains" based on computers that execute 100 trillion instructions per second will start rivaling human intelligence. [9] 5.5.1 Military robots 1) 2015 - one third of US fighting strength will be composed of robots - US Department of Defense, 2006. [5] 2) 2035 - first completely autonomous robot soldiers in operation - US Department of Defense, 2006 [5] 5.5.2 Developments related to robotics from the Japan NISTEP 2030 report 1) 2013-2014 — agricultural robots (AgRobots). [8] 2) 2013-2017 — robots that care for the elderly. [12] 3) 2017 — medical robots performing low-invasive surgery. [12] 4) 2017-2019 — household robots with full use. [4] 5) 2019-2021 — Nano-robots. [10]
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