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J. BIOMED. MATER. RES. VOL. 9, PP. 569-596 (1975)
Biological Evaluation of Polymers
I. Poly(methy1 Methacylate)
AUTIAN, Materials Science Toxicology Laboratories, The University
of Tennessee,Centerfor the Health Sciences, Memphis, Tennessee 38163
A series of poly(methy1 methacrylate) formulations differing widely in chemical
and physical properties was employed for the evaluation of primary screening
methods for the assessment of acute toxicity. Materials and USP extracts of
materials were tested in parallel. Tissue culture, hemolysis, intradermal irrita-
tion, systemic toxicity, muscle implant and histopathologic responses were
determined for each of 27 formulations. A determination of the nonvolatile
methanol extractable components was carried out on each formulation. The
formulations varied with respect to percent, w/w, methyl methacrylate, N,N-
dimethyl-p-toluidine, stannous octoate, 3,4-diamino-toluene and, also, with
respect to curing conditions. Volatile components, primarily methyl methacry-
late, of three selected formulations were determined quantitatively by vacuum
distillation and mass spectrographic analysis.
Statistical analysis of the primary data indicated a significant correlation of
residue weight (methanol extractable) with hemolytic activity (r = 0.93) and
with the cumulative biological response (r = 0.9). Multiple linear regression
analysis of residue weights with hemolysis and intradermal irriation responses
gave the highest overall correlation (r = 0.96). Hemolytic activity and tissue
culture responses were significantly correlated (r = 0.87). It was concluded
that the observed variation of biological test results reflected significant differ-
ences in the toxicity of the test materials. The poly(methy1 methacrylate)
series examined was relatively low in toxicity and the biological tests examined,
particularly the in vitro tests, were found to be responsive to formulation and
curing conditions which indicated their suitability for primary toxicity screening.
Synthetic polymeric materials have found wide use in medical
practice as restorative structural substances and as components of
implanted prosthetic devices. At the present time, the selection
@ 1975by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
and use of a specific polymer material rests primarily on the judg-
ment of the investigator or practitioner, since there are no generally
accepted criteria or standards for preclinical evaluation. The
variable clinical success with a given polymer material, and the fact
that many different sources and formulations are available, points
to the need for evaluation prior to introduction into medical or dental
practice. Thisstudy was directed toward an evaluation of procedures
for preclinical evaluation.
Poly(methy1 methacrylate), PMMA, a polymer which has been
widely used as a restorative material and as a componcnt of pros-
thetic devices, was employed in an investigation of physical, chemical,
and toxicological properties with respect to formulation variables.
The principal objective of the work was the discrimination of test
methods providing the highest correlation between formulation and
toxicological parameters.
Biological Compatibilityof Poly(methy1Methacrylate)
Poly(methy1 methacrylate) has been used extensively as a pros-
thetic material in dental and mandibular corrections, and as a bone
cement in hip joint restructure. When used as a dental restorative
material, there are reports of little or no inflammatory response,1-4
while others have reported inflammation, formation of connective
tissue, and loss of bon~.~-'O Studies of orthopedic restorations
(1960-1970) indicated no lasting adverse effects of PMMA.11-13
Two long-term studies reported carcinomas associated with PMMA
restorati~ns.'~-'~Adverse response was noted in some cases of
"cold cured" restorations which suggested toxicity from the residual,
unpolymcrized, methyl methacrylate monomer. The clinical use of
PMMA in orthopedic surgery was approved by the Food and Drug
Administration in October, 1971. Since that time, many adverse
effects of PMMA bone cement have been Cardiac
arrests and pulmonary complications during hip joint repair with
PMMA have been noted; the adverse responses, e.g., hypotension16.
18,23,24928*30,35 or pulmonary embolism, 21,22e25-27 were in some cases
attributed to free monomer. Other reports have cited contact
dermatiti~,~Zchanges in urinary level of amino nitrogen,33 and
histological response of tissues with respect to blood levels.34 Homsy
et a1.35determined blood levels and clearance of methyl methacrylate
monomer in humans and canines exposed to subcutaneous PMh4A
implants and intravenous administration of the monomer.
Adverse biological response to plastic materials is primarily re-
lated to the kind and quantity of low molecular weight residual
components having adequate solubility in tissue fluids to leach from
the material into adjacent tissues and the systemic circulation.
The physical properties and chemical composition of the surface of
the material also influmce compatibility with tissues, hemolytic
activity and thrombogenic activity.
A polymeric material such as PMMA can possess a wide range of
toxic potentials, depending upon the kind and quantity of starting
materials usrd in its formulation and the physical history of the
polymer. Each polymer formulation must, therefore, be considered
to have a unique potential toxic liability.
Formulationof Poly(methy1Methacrylate)
The starting materials for PMMA formulations are given in
Table I. The formulations were varied systematically with respect
to methyl methacrylate (MMA) and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidinr
(DPT) concentrations. Stannous octoate (SO) and 3,4-diaminoto-
luene (DAT) were each used in two formulations. Details of for-
mulations were designed to provide diversity of final polymer proper-
Starting Materials: Poly(methy1Methacrylate) Formulations
Component Source
Hue-Lon Clear: poly(methy1methacrylate);
polymer beads with initiator, benzoyl
peroxide ( <2%)
Hue-Lon Liquid: methyl methacrylate (MMA)
with stabilizer, hydroquinone (<0.006%),
and crosslinkingagent, ethylene di-methacry-
late (l-Z%)
N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine (DPT)
Stannous octoate (SO)
L. D. Caulk Company
P. 0.Box 359
Milford, Delaware
J. T. Baker Chemical Co.
Phillipsburg, New Jersey
Eastman Chemical Co.
343 State Street
Rochester, New York
P. 0. Box 5074
Atlanta, Georgia
ties and have no direct relationship to specific end uses, although
highly cured formulations without additives approximated those
employed in the fabrication of prosthetic devices such as dentures.
The basic formulation procedurc consisted of mixing monomer
(Hue-Lon Liquid, MMA) and polymer beads (Hue-Lon Powder),
1:2, w/w, until the product reached a nontacky dough stage. Thr
dough was transferrrd to standard dental stone molds lined with
aluminum foil and pressure (20psi) was applied. The press asscmbly
was heatrd in a 65°C water bath 45 rnin and quenched in an ice bath
for 1hr (Table11, Code 1). The product, a hard, transparent plastic
sheet 5 mm thick, was stored at 4°Cuntil usrd. Table I1 describes
the variations in curing conditions and additives employed in the
formulation of PMRIA test materials. Additives, including excess
Formulation and Curing of Poly(methy1 Methacry1ate)a
Code Additives, O/~(W/W)~
______ _ ~
No. I I1 Method
6.0 DPT
4.0 DAT
4.0 SO
Monomer pipetted into polymer powder (1 :2,
w/w) with stirring (20 min) ;'dough placed in
dental press (20psi, 65"C, 45 min) followed by
O'C, 1hr.
# I procedure except cured at 65"C, 18 hr,
followed by lOO"C, 1 hr, and cooled 15 min
with tap water.
#1 Procedure
# 1 procedure except DPT added 5 min after
initiating stirring.
DAT added to monomer and suspension
added to polymer powder (monomer: polymer,
l:l, w/w); stirred until dough-like (about 20
rnin); cured 65"C, 18 hr, cooled (tap water).
# 1procedure except SO added at 5 min.
#6 Procedure
Monomer added to polymer powder (l:l,
w/w), stirred 65 min; cured (room temp.,
1hr) followed by O"C, 1 hr.
TABLE 11-(Continued)
Code Additives,
No. I
12 2MMA
13 2MMA
15 2MMA
16 2MMA
17 4 MMA
18 4MMA
19 4MMA
26 6MMA
28 2MMA
0.25 DPT
0.75 DPT
1.25 DPT
0.25 DPT
0.75 DPT
1.25 DPT
0.25 DPT
0.75 DPT
1.25 DPT
6.0 DPT
0.25 DAT
0.5 DAT
# 1procedure except cured at room tempera-
ture, 1hr, followed by O'C, 1 hr.
#2 Procedure
# 1 procedure except cured at 65"C, 90 min;
100°C, 1 hr, and cooled (tap water) 15 min.
# 1 procedure execpt cured at 65"C, 90 min;
lOO"C, 1 hr; cooled, room temperature.
# I Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procedure
# 1Procedure
#1 Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procedure
#4 Procdeure
# 1 procedure except DAT mixed with poly-
mer powder before adding monomer.
# 26 Procedure
#9 Procedure
*Abbreviations: MMA = methyl methacrylate; DPT = N,N-dimethyl-p-
bAmount added &s a percent of the total weight of the stated base formulation.
OExcess MMA was added to the MMA of the base formulation before mixing.
toluidine; DAT = 3,4-diaminotoluene;SO = stannous octoate.
monomer, were added as a wt '% of the total weight of the basic
Biological Tests
Agar Overlay Tissue Culture Test.-Tissue culture toxicity was
evaluated using nonreplicating mouse fibroblast cells.36 Monolayers
of cells in Petri dishes were covered with a thin layer of agar contain-
ing minimum nutrients to maintain cell viability. The cells were
vitally stained with neutral red and the test samples were applied
to the surface of the agar, 2 samples per Petri dish, along with one
positive (toxic) control material and one negative (nontoxic) control
material.* The standard assay consisted of duplicate test plates.
Solid samples were applied as squares of approximately 1 cm.
Liquid samples (USP extracts) were applied to 1cm filter paper assay
disks, 0.2 ml per disk. The test plates were incubated for 24 hr
and the monolayer responses reported in the form of a Response
Index (RI), as shown in Table 111. A toxic response was detected
by loss of the vital dye followed by lysis if the concentration of leach-
able toxic components was high enough. The zone size and percent
of cells lysed within the zone were determined microscopically,
although zones were apparent macroscopically.
Extraction of Materials for Biological Tests.-The USP procedure37
for extraction of materials (4g materials/20 ml extraction medium,
121"C, 1 hr) was employed to obtain extracts for both in vitro and
in vivo tests. The PRIMA material was prepared for extraction by
breaking the 5 mm thick sheet into small pieces. Four or 5 pieces
of approximately equal dimensions totaling 4 g were selected for
extraction. Cottonseed oil (C), polyethylene glycol-400 (P), and
saline (S) extracts were prepared for tissue culture (TC), intradermal
irritation (ID) and systemic toxicity tests (IV or IP), Table IV.
All tests were carried out on each extract within 6 hr of extraction.
Hemolysis Test.-Five g of material (prepared as for USP extraction
was added to 10 ml of saline (0.9% sodium chloride, aqueous) in
.16 X 150 mm assay tubes and equilibrating at 37°C for 30 min.
Freshly collected rabbit blood (1ml of 2y0 sodium oxalate per 20 ml
of blood) was diluted with saline to a positive control optical density
of 0.9-1.0. Two-tenths ml was added to each assay tube and mixed
by gentle inversion, followedby incubation, 37°C for 1hr. The tubes
were centrifuged, 500 X 9, 5 min, and the supernatant removed for
determination of optical density (O.D.) at 545 nm (saline reference).
The negative control was saline and blood only. The positive control
(loo'%hemolysis) was obtained by addition of 0.2 ml blood to 10 ml
of 0.1% sodium carbonate. Treated and control tubes were handled
* Positive control: Poly(viny1 chloride) tubing demonstrated to be consistently
Negative control: Polyethylene film demonstrated to be consistentlycytotoxic.
Rating Scales For Biological Response
Agar Overlay Tissue Culture Test:
Zone Index (ZI)
0 No detectable zone around or under sample
1 Zone limited to area under sample
2 Zone not greater than 0.5 cm in extension from sample
3 Zone not greater than 1.0 cm in extension from sample
4 Zone greater than 1 cm in extension from sample but not
5 Zone involving the entire plate
0 No observable lysis
1 Less than 20% of zone lysed
2 Less than 40% of zone lysed
3 Less than 60% of zone lysed
4 Less than 80% of zone lysed
5 Greater than 80% lysis within zone
involving the entire plate
Lysis Index (LI)
Response Index (RI) = ZI/LI
Percent Hemolysis (HY,): 0 to l0Oy'
Percent Inhibition fo Cell Growth (ICGY,): 0 to 100%
Rating Scalea
Hemolysis Test:
Inhibition of Cell Growth:
Intradermal Irritation (I. D.):
0 No detectable irritation
2, 3, 4
Systemic Toxicity (I. V. or I. P.):
Intramuscular Implant Test (IM):
.5 Minimal irritation detected
Very slight but distinct irritation
Increasing intensity of inflammation and wheal
Rating Scale = Number of deaths after 7 days: 0 to 5
Rating scale was analagous to that for I. D.: intensity of gross visible
inflammation and necrosis around implant primary factors.
Histopathologic Rating (HR) :
Rating Scale:
1 Minimal response detected
2, 3, 4
Not different from negative control
Increasing tissue reaction around implant; the degree
of necrosis primary factor
UOriginal data converted as follows for computer analysis:
0 = 0 ; % = .5, f = 1 , 1 = 2 , 2 = 3 , 3 = 4 , > 3 = 5
" r -o o
? ?
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 3 3 4 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 3
3 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 1 3 0
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 O N O 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 0
3 0 0 0 N 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 0
e.33 3 3 3 3 H 3 F i 3 3 3 3
Explanation of Headings: Table IVa
M = Material sample
C = USP cottonseed oil extract
P = USP polyethylene glycol-400 extract
S = USP saline extract
H = Hemolysis, % (polymer test sample)
MI = Intramuscular implant response
I D = Intradermal irritation response
IP = Systemic toxicity, I. P. administration
IV = Systemic toxicity, I. V. administration
HR = Histopathologic rating of MI
CI = Cumulative biological index (see under “Statistical Analysis”)
ICG = Inhibition of cell growth, %; tissue culture
HE^ = Hemolysis, yo(USP saline extract of polymer)
IRW = Weight of methanol extractable substances,%
93ee Table I11for rating scales.
alike. The assay was carried out with 5-fold replication, and the
percent hemolysis was estimated using the average O.D. values:
Hemolysis yo =
O.D. (treated) - O.D. (negative control)
x 100
O.D. (positive control) - O.D. (negative control)
The hemolytic activity of USP saline extracts was carried out in
the above manner except that the blood was added directly to the
saline extract.
The influence of surface properties of materials on hemolytic
activity was determined by carrying a set of assay tubes in parallel
with a standard assay of a material, but without the addition of blood.
At the end of the 1 hr incubation period, the standard set with blood
was centrifuged and assayed normally. The set without blood was
decanted into new assay tubes, taking care not to transfer any of the
material test sample, 0.2 ml blood was added to the decantate,
incubated for 1 hr at 37”C, and assayed normally.
Inhibition of Cell Growth.-Distilled water extracts of materials,
USP, were incorporated into Eagle’s medium* 38 at a final extract
* Modified Basal Medium Eagle supplemented with 5% newborn calf serum,
1% tglutamine, and 50 mcg/ml of streptomycin sulfate, magnesium being
added as magnesium chloride, 177 mg/l.
concentration of 50% with respect to the original extract by mixing
equal volumes of double strength Eagle’s medium and distilled
water extract. Growth in the extract-treated medium was compared
to growth in the untreated Eagle’s medium. Two X 105 mouse
fibroblast cells (strain L-929) in Eagle’s medium were added to each
of 20 assay tubes. The tubes were centrifuged, 500 X g, 5 min,
and the medium decanted, taking care to maintain asepsis and not to
lose cells. Ten received 2 ml Eagle’s medium and ten received 2 ml
treated medium. Five of the treated set and 5 of the control set
were centrifuged, decanted, washed twice with saline (centrifugation),
and stored at 4°C until assayed for cell protein by the Lowry modifi-
cation of the Oyama and Eagle 40,41 protein assay procedure (zero-
time controls). The remaining 10 tubes were incubated for 72 hr
(37OC, 5% COn-air atmosphere), centrifuged, washed, and assayed
for total protein along with the zero-time controls. The inhibition
of cell growth was calculated as the decrease in net (72 hr minus zero-
time) cell protein in the treated set as a percent of the net cell protein
of the control set.
Intradermal Irritation Test.-Irritant response42was determined
by injection of 0.2 ml of a USP extract (C, P, or S) of a test material
intracutaneously into 10 sites of each of 2 rabbits, previously clipped
of hair on the dorsal surface. Two-tenths ml of a negative control
solution (saline) and a positive control solution (20% ethyl alcohol)
were injected intracutaneously in each animal. After 3 days the
irritant response was rated on a 6-point scale (Table 111) with respect
to intensity. The protocol was essentially that described in the
United States Pharmacopeia, XVIII.37
Systemic Toxicity Test.-Extracts were administered to 5 mice with
5 control mice receiving the untreated extraction solution. Saline
extracts were administered intravenously (IV), 50 ml/kg. Poly-
ethylene glycol-400 and cottonseed oil extracts were administered
intraperitoneally (IP), 50 ml/kg and 10 ml/kg, respectively. The
animals were observed for signs of toxicity and mortality at 1 week
(0-5 scale, Table 111).
Intramuscular Implantation Tests.-The protocol was essentially
that described in the United States Pharmacopeia, XVIII.37 A
trocar needle was employed to implant thin sections of the test mate-
rial into the paravertebral muscle of rabbits, lightly anesthetized
with sodium pentothal and shaved on the dorsal surface. Each
animal received 2 negative (nontoxic), 2 positive (toxic) control
implants, same control materials as used in tissue culture, and 6
implants of the test material. After 1week the rabbits were sacri-
ficed; the implant sites were surgically removed and examined for
grosstoxicity. The intensity of response was recorded using a 6-point
scale (Table 111). The tissue including the implantation site was
preserved in formalin, examined histologically, and a Histopatho-
logic Rating, HR,41was recorded on a &point scale (0-4, Table 111).
Twelve-Week Intramuscular Implantation Test.-This test followed
the identical protocol for the 1week implantation test, except that
14rabbits were implanted with material tested and 1rabbit sacrificed
and evaluated each week.
Physical and Chemical Analytical Procedures
VolatileComponentsof PMMA Formulations.-Volatile components
of 3 selected PMMA Samples (4,7, and 27, Table 11)were obtained
by heating 1.5-2.5 g of polymer under vacuum (85°C f 3"C, 10-3
torr) in an all glass system for 90 min. The collection vessel, a
5 mm i. d. glass tube (- 180°C)was heat-sealed, removed from the
system, the weight of volatile material determined and the contents
analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, Table V.
Extraction of Polymer Formulations.-Methanol was used for the
extraction of all PMMA formulations (Table 11). The test sample
was broken into small pieces and 20-25 pieces of approximately
equal size totaling 10 g (=I=0.1mg) were extractedin 150ml of meth-
anol with continuous agitation, 23"C, for 24 hr. After extraction,
the solvent was decanted and held at 4°C until used.
Three samples (4, 7, and 27, Table 11)employed for the determina-
tion of volatile components were subsequently extracted with 100ml
of methanol for 15 hr by refluxing under ambient conditions (bp
64.5 =t0.3"C). The solvent was decanted and evaporated at 50°C.
The residue was weighed and analyzed by infrared and mass spec-
Quantitation of Methanol Extractable Residue.-Eighty to 90 ml of
the 24 hr extract used in the biological tests was reduced to approx-
imately 10ml under reduced pressure in a rotary evaporator (40°C).
The concentrate was quantitatively transferred to a tared crucible,
reduced to dryness (25"C, 4 days, 15-20 mm Hg), and weighed. The
amount of residue (RW, % w/w) was calculated as a percent of the
original sample weight.
Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Methanol Extract.-Fifty ml of
methanol extract was concentrated to 10 ml on a rotary evaporator,
and further reduced to approximately 2 ml under a stream of dry
nitrogen in a graduated cylinder. The final volume was recorded
(=t0.05ml). The sample was filtered on Whatman No. 1 filter paper
and chromatographed on a Varian Model 2100 Gas Chromatograph
with flame ionization detection.
A stepwise multiple linear regression45was performed on residue
weight %, versus the 9 biological test results showing significant
variation. A similar analysis of hemolysis % versus other biological
tests was carried out. A test was also made of the correlation betwecn
the Cumulative Biological Index (CI) and residue weight %. CI
was defined as the sum of all biological test results, except inhibition
of cell growth %, normalized to a value of 100 for the maximum or
positive control response. In the case of tissue culture data, the
sum of Zone Index (ZI, maximum of 5) plus Lysis Index (LI, maxi-
mum of 5 ) was normalized to 100 (e.g., the sum was multiplied by
Twenty-seven formulations of PMMA were tested for toxicity.
Table I1 presents the formulation data, and Table IV, the primary
biological test results, along with residue weight yoof the methanol
extractable components. The PMMA formdations gave a wide
range of toxic responses in vitro, but relatively little response in vivo.
The residue weight yo showed sufficient systematic quantitative
variation for statistical analysis. Gas chromatography and infrared
and ultraviolet absorption data obtained on extracts or residues
were qualitatively related to formulation and curing protocols, but
were not sufficiently quantitative for statistical analysis.
CumulativeBiological Index
The correlation of the Cumulative Biological Index (CI)” with
The apparentresidue weight % was significant (r = 0.9), Figure 1.
*Defined under “statistical analysis.”
Fig. 1. Poly(methy1methacrylate):regression of residue weight on cumulative
The curves indicate the approximate upper andbiological response (T = 0.90).
lower limits of biological response.
upper and lower limits of CI, indicated by the 2 linear curves,
differed by approximately 150 CI units over the observed range of
residue weights. The formulations that included N,N-dimethyl-p-
toluidine (DPT), an activator of the polymerization reaction, showed
uniformly low biological response and residue weights of 1% or less,
which was consistent with the assumption that free monomer contrib-
utes significantly to biological response. The addition of 6% DPT
(formulation 4) resulted in one of the lowest values of CI. DPT
was detected by gas chromatography in methanol extracts of all
samples formulated with 20.75% DPT. Biological response was
significantly affected by the presence of DAT (formulations 5, 26,
and 27).
Benzoyl peroxide and its degradation products may contribute
to biological response and residual benzoyl peroxide would be expected
to be greatest in the less polymerized formulations which showed the
highest biological response. Benzoic acid, a primary degradation
product of benzoyl peroxide, should be greatest in the more highly
polymerized formulations. Hydroquinone, and unstable compound,
was also present. The presence of these compounds and their
relative leachability may contribute to the 150 CI variation of CI
The influence of curing conditions was evident in formulations
9-13 (Table VI), which were identical in composition, but,were cured
Influence of Curing Conditions on Biological Response
Degree of Tissue
Sampleb Curing Culture Hemolysis CI
9 Lowest 4/3 84 394
13 2/2 61 191
11 1/1 1 116
12 o/o 0 30
10 Highest 0/0 1 81
a2y0 excess monomer.
bSee Table 11.
under different conditions. The degree of curing increased in the
order 9, a highly quenched formulation, 13, 11, 12 and 10. The
latter two were raised to 100°C for the last hr of curing and were
considered highly cured. The CI values for those formulations were
394, 191, 116, 30 and 81, respectively, which further supported the
assumption that free monomer, a function of curing conditions, was
a significant factor in the biological response of PMMA formulations.
Curing conditions were also found to be correlated with the hemolytic
activity of both the materials and USP saline extractsof the materials;
see Tables I1 and IV.
The regression of RW on CI and the empirical correlation of CI
with curing conditions and type of additives in the formulations in-
dicated that the biological tests employed provided a sensitive index
of leachable toxic components. The fact that the lower limits of CI
showed a linear regression through the origin (Fig. 1) supported the
conclusion that little or no biologically inert substances (e.g., polymer)
contributed to RW. It is also consistent with the conclusion that the
variability of CI at a given RW reflects differences in biological
activity resulting from differential leachability of low molecular
weight components of diffcrent formulations.
The results of a 5 week study of reproducibility of biological test
results are given in Table VII. The major part of the variation
could be accounted for on the basis of decreasing biological activity
with respect to time, particularly apparentin the in vivo andhemolysis
results. It was concluded that the principal component of variation
was differences in biological activity of samples rather than the
variability of test results.
The Influence of SampleAge on Biological Test Results
Table VIII summarizes tissue culture and hemolysis test results
obtained on samples of different ages. The tissue culture test
results varied little for tests on materials and on extracts of materials.
However, the hemolysis test results declined significantly with time,
with the exception of formulation 5 which contained a high (4%)
level of DAT. There was an overall correlation of 0.87 between
tissue culture and hemolysis test results for samples assayed within
the first 50 days after formulation. Residual hemolytic activity of
1.9% or higher (128 to 206 days after formulation ) was consistently
associated with a distinct tissue culture response (RI = 2/2 or
higher). The relative insensitivity of tissue culture test results with
regard to sample age supports the selection of tissue culture tests for
comparative studies, although under fixed conditions the hemolysis
test provides essentially the same relative information and is con-
siderably easier to perform.
Chronic Toxicity of PMMA Implants
The results of a 12 week study of muscle implants of formulations
3, 5, 6, and 24 are shown in Table IX. The highly cured sample
(formulation 5) showed the lowest overall response in spite of the
presence of DAT, which in other tests gave a very high overall re-
sponse (CI = 474). There was no significant response after 1week
for any of the formulations, and only formulation 6 with stannous
octoate gave a distinct response (HR = 2) at 1week. H R ratings
of 2 for all samples at 3 days indicated a significant degree of initial
tissue reaction (primarily due to trauma);however, chronic toxicity
was not great for the 4 samples tested.
CorrelationsBetween Tests
The multivariate correlation of residue weight % (RW) with
biological tests (Fig. 2) indicated that residue weight was most
RW=0.65(H,o/o)t .93 (lD,C) + .29
r = 0.96
I I I I I I I 1 I
0 I 2 3 4 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12
Fig. 2. Prediction of residue weight using hemolytic activity of material
Formulation numbers are indicated for
samples and the cottonseed oil extract intradermal irritation responses.
curve is the line of perfect correlation.
selected data points.
highly correlated with hemolysis and intradermal irritation of cotton-
seed oil extracts.
RW % = 0.65(H %) +0.93(ID,C) +0.29 T = 0.96
Intradermal irritation (ID,C) contributed to the correlation only
slightly. The univariate correlation coefficient of RW % with H %
was 0.93.
The correlation of H '% with all other biological tests (Fig. 3)
indicated it to be most highly correlated with tissue culture param-
H % = 14.9 (ZI) + 11.4 (LI) - 12.2 T = 0.87
-10 0 lo I 2
Fig. 3. Prediction of hemolytic activity using tissue culture response: ZI(M) =
Zone index of material samples; LI(S-1) = Lysis index of USP saline extracts.
The curve is the line of perfect correlation. Numbers in parentheses indicate
the number of values at the indicated point.
The PMMA formulations employed in this study were relatively
low in toxicity, showing few significant in vivo responses, which
accounts for their lack of significant contribution to the above
correlations. The correlations obtained with polymer formulations
of higher toxicity will be presented in a second publication.
Inhibition of Cell Growth by Extracts.-A striking difference was
observed between the percent inhibition of cell growth (% ICG) by
extracts and the other biological data. All 12 extracts assayed com-
pletely inhibited growth (131-253%) and showed no signficant
trend regarding formulation variables (least significant difference,
95% confidence = 12%). The ID5, (concentration producing 50%
inhibition of growth) of MMA was determined to be 2.0 X M
(moles/liter). The intrinsic toxicity (slope of the dose-response
curve) was 3.7 X lo2% inhibition/mole. On the assumption that
methyl methacrylate was the active component in the ICG extracts,
concentrations in excess of 10" M were indicated for the extracts.
Mir et a1.4+48 reported 17% inhibition of contraction of guinea pig
illeum at 4.6 x 10-3 M ; 42% depression of blood pressure, 9.6%
depression of heart rate, and 65% increase in respiration rate, in
male dogs at 1.4 X They also reported 50% depression
of heart rate (8 x M ) ,
and coronary flow (1 X M ) in isolated rabbit heart assays.
Approximately 2% ethylene dimethacrylate was present in the
monomer employed in the present study and those reported by Mir
et al. It was detected in some of the methanol extracts of less
well-polymerized formulations of PMMA, but its contribution to
biological response was not determined. Since the limit of gas
chromatographic detection was f 1 ng, it was unlikely that ethylene
dimethacrylate was a significant factor for the more highly cured
formulations where it was not found in the methanol extract.
M .
M ) ,force of heart contraction (1 X
The Influence of Additives on Hemolytic Activity
Fifteen selected formulations were assayed in parallel for hemo-
lytic activity of the material and USP saline extracts of the material
(Fig. 4). There is no significant difference in the rank order of
response in the 2 assay systems, which indicated that the hemolytic
activity was due to readily soluble components of the formulations,
and that the physical presence of the solid material in the assay system
had no apparent effect. In view of the very steep dose-response
curves typically obtained in the hemolysis assay, consistency of the
2 rank orders was excellent.
Physical and Chemical Analyses of PMMA
Volatile Components.-Since the routine extraction and concen-
tration procedure used for gas chromatographic analysis of the
methanol extracts did not recover the highly volatile components of
the extracts, a vacuum distillation procedure which permitted quan-
titative recovery of those components was used with 3 typical
formulations, 4, 7 and 27 (Table V). Formulation 4, which con-
tained 6% DPT and was very low in biologica1,responses (CI = 91),
gave 0% volatile material. Similar low biological responses were
Fig. 4. Poly(methy1 methacrylate) : Rank order of hemolytic activities of
M = methylUSP extracts and material samples with respect to additives.
methacrylate (see Table IV).
obtained with all formulations containing DPT or highly cured sam-
ples without additives other than excess monomer. Formulation
7, with 6% stannous octoate, contained 1.1% volatile components
and had moderate biological activity (CI = 130.7). Formulation
27, with 6% excess monomer and 0.5% DAT, contained 11.0%
volatile material and was very toxic (CI = 408). Comparison of the
biological response of the three formulations indicated the volatile
component, identified by infrared spectrophotometry and mass
spectrometry to be methyl methacrylate, contributed substantially
to the biological response and both parameters were correlated with
the level of methanol extractable components. The relatively com-
plete curing obtained with DPT under the conditions of curing
used in this study cannot be extrapolated to conditions of "cold
curing" employed in situ, since all formulations with DPT were
cured in a dental press at elevated temperatures. Formulations 8
and 9 (Table 11),which contained 1 and 2% excess monomer re-
spectively, and cured at ambient temperature, gave two of the
highest biological responses (CI = 318 and 394, respectively), a
further indication of the importance of free monomer in influencing
biological response.
Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Extracts.-Methanol extracts
of formulations having 2 0.75% DPT contained quantities of DPT
correlated with concentrations in the initial formulation, The
quantity of ethylene dimethacrylate extracted by methanol was
inversely proportional to the degree of curing, none being found (less
than 1ng) in the extracts of highly cured samples. These two com-
pounds and MMA were the principal components found in methanol
extracts; other very minor unidentified components were sometimes
The results of this investigation support the following conclusions.
1. The biological tests examined, particularly the in vitro tests,
are responsive to formulation and curing conditions of PMMA and
are suitable for primary toxicity screening.
The results of this study suggest that methanol-extractable
residues of PMMA formulations in excess of 0.7% are significantly
related to adverse (toxic) biological response, and that residue weights
might serve as a useful index of formulation viability in the quality
control of PiLIRIIA formulations when used in conjunction with
biological tests.
PMMA can be expected to vary widely in toxicity, depending
on formulation, curing conditions, and physical history of the
material, a higher degree of variability being expected for “cold
cured” formulations. A need for rigorous control of formulation
procedures and protocols, particularly for “cold curing,” is indicated.
In vitro tests, particularly tissue culture and hemolysis tests
on materials, are the most sensitive to formulation variables and yield
the greatest information on acute toxicity. Erst-round testing of
new formulations, especially those containing additives, should in-
clude the intramuscular implantation and the intracutancous irri-
tation test with a cottonseed oil extract. On the basis of this study,
it is unlikely that a formulation having significant acute toxicity
would not be detected using the above series of tests.
5. The results of this investigation are pertinent primarily to the
evaluation of test procedures, and do not relate to specific end use
conditions of PMMA beyond the conclusions drawn above.
This study was supported through a research contract, no. 223-73-5231,of the
Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C.
The technical assistance of the staff of the Materials Science Toxicology
Laboratories, particularly Mrs. Alice Spralling, Mr. Michael Malik, Mrs. Eula
Baldwin, Mrs. Ramone Marquardt, and Dr. George Hung is gratefully acknowl-
edged. Computational serviceswere provided through USPHS Grant HL-09495.
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Received November 8,1974
Revised February 4, 1975

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Dillingham1975.biological evaluation of polymers

  • 1. J. BIOMED. MATER. RES. VOL. 9, PP. 569-596 (1975) Biological Evaluation of Polymers I. Poly(methy1 Methacylate) E. 0. DILLINGHAM, N. WEBB, W. H. LAWRENCE, and J. AUTIAN, Materials Science Toxicology Laboratories, The University of Tennessee,Centerfor the Health Sciences, Memphis, Tennessee 38163 Summary A series of poly(methy1 methacrylate) formulations differing widely in chemical and physical properties was employed for the evaluation of primary screening methods for the assessment of acute toxicity. Materials and USP extracts of materials were tested in parallel. Tissue culture, hemolysis, intradermal irrita- tion, systemic toxicity, muscle implant and histopathologic responses were determined for each of 27 formulations. A determination of the nonvolatile methanol extractable components was carried out on each formulation. The formulations varied with respect to percent, w/w, methyl methacrylate, N,N- dimethyl-p-toluidine, stannous octoate, 3,4-diamino-toluene and, also, with respect to curing conditions. Volatile components, primarily methyl methacry- late, of three selected formulations were determined quantitatively by vacuum distillation and mass spectrographic analysis. Statistical analysis of the primary data indicated a significant correlation of residue weight (methanol extractable) with hemolytic activity (r = 0.93) and with the cumulative biological response (r = 0.9). Multiple linear regression analysis of residue weights with hemolysis and intradermal irriation responses gave the highest overall correlation (r = 0.96). Hemolytic activity and tissue culture responses were significantly correlated (r = 0.87). It was concluded that the observed variation of biological test results reflected significant differ- ences in the toxicity of the test materials. The poly(methy1 methacrylate) series examined was relatively low in toxicity and the biological tests examined, particularly the in vitro tests, were found to be responsive to formulation and curing conditions which indicated their suitability for primary toxicity screening. INTRODUCTION Synthetic polymeric materials have found wide use in medical practice as restorative structural substances and as components of implanted prosthetic devices. At the present time, the selection 569 @ 1975by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • 2. 570 DILLINGHAM ET AL. and use of a specific polymer material rests primarily on the judg- ment of the investigator or practitioner, since there are no generally accepted criteria or standards for preclinical evaluation. The variable clinical success with a given polymer material, and the fact that many different sources and formulations are available, points to the need for evaluation prior to introduction into medical or dental practice. Thisstudy was directed toward an evaluation of procedures for preclinical evaluation. Poly(methy1 methacrylate), PMMA, a polymer which has been widely used as a restorative material and as a componcnt of pros- thetic devices, was employed in an investigation of physical, chemical, and toxicological properties with respect to formulation variables. The principal objective of the work was the discrimination of test methods providing the highest correlation between formulation and toxicological parameters. Biological Compatibilityof Poly(methy1Methacrylate) Poly(methy1 methacrylate) has been used extensively as a pros- thetic material in dental and mandibular corrections, and as a bone cement in hip joint restructure. When used as a dental restorative material, there are reports of little or no inflammatory response,1-4 while others have reported inflammation, formation of connective tissue, and loss of bon~.~-'O Studies of orthopedic restorations (1960-1970) indicated no lasting adverse effects of PMMA.11-13 Two long-term studies reported carcinomas associated with PMMA restorati~ns.'~-'~Adverse response was noted in some cases of "cold cured" restorations which suggested toxicity from the residual, unpolymcrized, methyl methacrylate monomer. The clinical use of PMMA in orthopedic surgery was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in October, 1971. Since that time, many adverse effects of PMMA bone cement have been Cardiac arrests and pulmonary complications during hip joint repair with PMMA have been noted; the adverse responses, e.g., hypotension16. 18,23,24928*30,35 or pulmonary embolism, 21,22e25-27 were in some cases attributed to free monomer. Other reports have cited contact dermatiti~,~Zchanges in urinary level of amino nitrogen,33 and histological response of tissues with respect to blood levels.34 Homsy et a1.35determined blood levels and clearance of methyl methacrylate monomer in humans and canines exposed to subcutaneous PMh4A implants and intravenous administration of the monomer.
  • 3. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 571 Adverse biological response to plastic materials is primarily re- lated to the kind and quantity of low molecular weight residual components having adequate solubility in tissue fluids to leach from the material into adjacent tissues and the systemic circulation. The physical properties and chemical composition of the surface of the material also influmce compatibility with tissues, hemolytic activity and thrombogenic activity. A polymeric material such as PMMA can possess a wide range of toxic potentials, depending upon the kind and quantity of starting materials usrd in its formulation and the physical history of the polymer. Each polymer formulation must, therefore, be considered to have a unique potential toxic liability. MATERIALS AND METHODS Formulationof Poly(methy1Methacrylate) The starting materials for PMMA formulations are given in Table I. The formulations were varied systematically with respect to methyl methacrylate (MMA) and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidinr (DPT) concentrations. Stannous octoate (SO) and 3,4-diaminoto- luene (DAT) were each used in two formulations. Details of for- mulations were designed to provide diversity of final polymer proper- TABLE I Starting Materials: Poly(methy1Methacrylate) Formulations Component Source Hue-Lon Clear: poly(methy1methacrylate); polymer beads with initiator, benzoyl peroxide ( <2%) Hue-Lon Liquid: methyl methacrylate (MMA) with stabilizer, hydroquinone (<0.006%), and crosslinkingagent, ethylene di-methacry- late (l-Z%) N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine (DPT) 3,4-diaminotoluene(DAT) Stannous octoate (SO) L. D. Caulk Company P. 0.Box 359 Milford, Delaware J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Phillipsburg, New Jersey Eastman Chemical Co. 343 State Street Rochester, New York Dow-Corning P. 0. Box 5074 Atlanta, Georgia
  • 4. 572 DILLINGHAM ET AL. ties and have no direct relationship to specific end uses, although highly cured formulations without additives approximated those employed in the fabrication of prosthetic devices such as dentures. The basic formulation procedurc consisted of mixing monomer (Hue-Lon Liquid, MMA) and polymer beads (Hue-Lon Powder), 1:2, w/w, until the product reached a nontacky dough stage. Thr dough was transferrrd to standard dental stone molds lined with aluminum foil and pressure (20psi) was applied. The press asscmbly was heatrd in a 65°C water bath 45 rnin and quenched in an ice bath for 1hr (Table11, Code 1). The product, a hard, transparent plastic sheet 5 mm thick, was stored at 4°Cuntil usrd. Table I1 describes the variations in curing conditions and additives employed in the formulation of PMRIA test materials. Additives, including excess TABLE I1 Formulation and Curing of Poly(methy1 Methacry1ate)a Formulation Code Additives, O/~(W/W)~ ______ _ ~ No. I I1 Method 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IMMAc 6.0 DPT 4.0 DAT 4.0 SO .6.0SO Monomer pipetted into polymer powder (1 :2, w/w) with stirring (20 min) ;'dough placed in dental press (20psi, 65"C, 45 min) followed by O'C, 1hr. # I procedure except cured at 65"C, 18 hr, followed by lOO"C, 1 hr, and cooled 15 min with tap water. #1 Procedure # 1 procedure except DPT added 5 min after initiating stirring. DAT added to monomer and suspension added to polymer powder (monomer: polymer, l:l, w/w); stirred until dough-like (about 20 rnin); cured 65"C, 18 hr, cooled (tap water). # 1procedure except SO added at 5 min. #6 Procedure Monomer added to polymer powder (l:l, w/w), stirred 65 min; cured (room temp., 1hr) followed by O"C, 1 hr. ~~ (continued)
  • 5. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 573 TABLE 11-(Continued) Formulation Code Additives, No. I 9 SMMA 10 SMMA 11 PMMA 12 2MMA 13 2MMA 14 SMMA 15 2MMA 16 2MMA 17 4 MMA 18 4MMA 19 4MMA 20 GMMA 21 GMMA 22 GMMA 23 GMMA 24 GMMA 25 GMMA 26 6MMA 27 GMMA 28 2MMA %(W/WP I1 0.25 DPT 0.75 DPT 1.25 DPT 0.25 DPT 0.75 DPT 1.25 DPT 0.25 DPT 0.75 DPT 1.25 DPT 6.0 DPT 0.25 DAT 0.5 DAT Method # 1procedure except cured at room tempera- ture, 1hr, followed by O'C, 1 hr. #2 Procedure # 1 procedure except cured at 65"C, 90 min; 100°C, 1 hr, and cooled (tap water) 15 min. # 1 procedure execpt cured at 65"C, 90 min; lOO"C, 1 hr; cooled, room temperature. # I Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procedure # 1Procedure #1 Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procedure #4 Procdeure # 1 procedure except DAT mixed with poly- mer powder before adding monomer. # 26 Procedure #9 Procedure *Abbreviations: MMA = methyl methacrylate; DPT = N,N-dimethyl-p- bAmount added &s a percent of the total weight of the stated base formulation. OExcess MMA was added to the MMA of the base formulation before mixing. toluidine; DAT = 3,4-diaminotoluene;SO = stannous octoate. monomer, were added as a wt '% of the total weight of the basic formulation. Biological Tests Agar Overlay Tissue Culture Test.-Tissue culture toxicity was evaluated using nonreplicating mouse fibroblast cells.36 Monolayers of cells in Petri dishes were covered with a thin layer of agar contain- ing minimum nutrients to maintain cell viability. The cells were
  • 6. 574 DILLINGHAM ET AL. vitally stained with neutral red and the test samples were applied to the surface of the agar, 2 samples per Petri dish, along with one positive (toxic) control material and one negative (nontoxic) control material.* The standard assay consisted of duplicate test plates. Solid samples were applied as squares of approximately 1 cm. Liquid samples (USP extracts) were applied to 1cm filter paper assay disks, 0.2 ml per disk. The test plates were incubated for 24 hr and the monolayer responses reported in the form of a Response Index (RI), as shown in Table 111. A toxic response was detected by loss of the vital dye followed by lysis if the concentration of leach- able toxic components was high enough. The zone size and percent of cells lysed within the zone were determined microscopically, although zones were apparent macroscopically. Extraction of Materials for Biological Tests.-The USP procedure37 for extraction of materials (4g materials/20 ml extraction medium, 121"C, 1 hr) was employed to obtain extracts for both in vitro and in vivo tests. The PRIMA material was prepared for extraction by breaking the 5 mm thick sheet into small pieces. Four or 5 pieces of approximately equal dimensions totaling 4 g were selected for extraction. Cottonseed oil (C), polyethylene glycol-400 (P), and saline (S) extracts were prepared for tissue culture (TC), intradermal irritation (ID) and systemic toxicity tests (IV or IP), Table IV. All tests were carried out on each extract within 6 hr of extraction. Hemolysis Test.-Five g of material (prepared as for USP extraction was added to 10 ml of saline (0.9% sodium chloride, aqueous) in .16 X 150 mm assay tubes and equilibrating at 37°C for 30 min. Freshly collected rabbit blood (1ml of 2y0 sodium oxalate per 20 ml of blood) was diluted with saline to a positive control optical density of 0.9-1.0. Two-tenths ml was added to each assay tube and mixed by gentle inversion, followedby incubation, 37°C for 1hr. The tubes were centrifuged, 500 X 9, 5 min, and the supernatant removed for determination of optical density (O.D.) at 545 nm (saline reference). The negative control was saline and blood only. The positive control (loo'%hemolysis) was obtained by addition of 0.2 ml blood to 10 ml of 0.1% sodium carbonate. Treated and control tubes were handled * Positive control: Poly(viny1 chloride) tubing demonstrated to be consistently Negative control: Polyethylene film demonstrated to be consistentlycytotoxic. noncytotoxic.
  • 7. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 57.5 TABLE 111 Rating Scales For Biological Response Agar Overlay Tissue Culture Test: Zone Index (ZI) 0 No detectable zone around or under sample 1 Zone limited to area under sample 2 Zone not greater than 0.5 cm in extension from sample 3 Zone not greater than 1.0 cm in extension from sample 4 Zone greater than 1 cm in extension from sample but not 5 Zone involving the entire plate 0 No observable lysis 1 Less than 20% of zone lysed 2 Less than 40% of zone lysed 3 Less than 60% of zone lysed 4 Less than 80% of zone lysed 5 Greater than 80% lysis within zone involving the entire plate Lysis Index (LI) Response Index (RI) = ZI/LI Percent Hemolysis (HY,): 0 to l0Oy' Percent Inhibition fo Cell Growth (ICGY,): 0 to 100% Rating Scalea Hemolysis Test: Inhibition of Cell Growth: Intradermal Irritation (I. D.): 0 No detectable irritation 1 2, 3, 4 Systemic Toxicity (I. V. or I. P.): Intramuscular Implant Test (IM): .5 Minimal irritation detected Very slight but distinct irritation Increasing intensity of inflammation and wheal Rating Scale = Number of deaths after 7 days: 0 to 5 Rating scale was analagous to that for I. D.: intensity of gross visible inflammation and necrosis around implant primary factors. Histopathologic Rating (HR) : Rating Scale: 0 1 Minimal response detected 2, 3, 4 Not different from negative control Increasing tissue reaction around implant; the degree of necrosis primary factor UOriginal data converted as follows for computer analysis: 0 = 0 ; % = .5, f = 1 , 1 = 2 , 2 = 3 , 3 = 4 , > 3 = 5
  • 9. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 577 " r -o o ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 4 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 1 3 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 O N O 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 N 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 0 e.33 3 3 3 3 H 3 F i 3 3 3 3 22222222222222 4:
  • 10. 578 DILLINGHAM ET AL. TABLE IV-A Explanation of Headings: Table IVa M = Material sample C = USP cottonseed oil extract P = USP polyethylene glycol-400 extract S = USP saline extract H = Hemolysis, % (polymer test sample) MI = Intramuscular implant response I D = Intradermal irritation response IP = Systemic toxicity, I. P. administration IV = Systemic toxicity, I. V. administration HR = Histopathologic rating of MI CI = Cumulative biological index (see under “Statistical Analysis”) ICG = Inhibition of cell growth, %; tissue culture HE^ = Hemolysis, yo(USP saline extract of polymer) IRW = Weight of methanol extractable substances,% 93ee Table I11for rating scales. alike. The assay was carried out with 5-fold replication, and the percent hemolysis was estimated using the average O.D. values: Hemolysis yo = O.D. (treated) - O.D. (negative control) x 100 O.D. (positive control) - O.D. (negative control) The hemolytic activity of USP saline extracts was carried out in the above manner except that the blood was added directly to the saline extract. The influence of surface properties of materials on hemolytic activity was determined by carrying a set of assay tubes in parallel with a standard assay of a material, but without the addition of blood. At the end of the 1 hr incubation period, the standard set with blood was centrifuged and assayed normally. The set without blood was decanted into new assay tubes, taking care not to transfer any of the material test sample, 0.2 ml blood was added to the decantate, incubated for 1 hr at 37”C, and assayed normally. Inhibition of Cell Growth.-Distilled water extracts of materials, USP, were incorporated into Eagle’s medium* 38 at a final extract * Modified Basal Medium Eagle supplemented with 5% newborn calf serum, 1% tglutamine, and 50 mcg/ml of streptomycin sulfate, magnesium being added as magnesium chloride, 177 mg/l.
  • 11. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 579 concentration of 50% with respect to the original extract by mixing equal volumes of double strength Eagle’s medium and distilled water extract. Growth in the extract-treated medium was compared to growth in the untreated Eagle’s medium. Two X 105 mouse fibroblast cells (strain L-929) in Eagle’s medium were added to each of 20 assay tubes. The tubes were centrifuged, 500 X g, 5 min, and the medium decanted, taking care to maintain asepsis and not to lose cells. Ten received 2 ml Eagle’s medium and ten received 2 ml treated medium. Five of the treated set and 5 of the control set were centrifuged, decanted, washed twice with saline (centrifugation), and stored at 4°C until assayed for cell protein by the Lowry modifi- cation of the Oyama and Eagle 40,41 protein assay procedure (zero- time controls). The remaining 10 tubes were incubated for 72 hr (37OC, 5% COn-air atmosphere), centrifuged, washed, and assayed for total protein along with the zero-time controls. The inhibition of cell growth was calculated as the decrease in net (72 hr minus zero- time) cell protein in the treated set as a percent of the net cell protein of the control set. Intradermal Irritation Test.-Irritant response42was determined by injection of 0.2 ml of a USP extract (C, P, or S) of a test material intracutaneously into 10 sites of each of 2 rabbits, previously clipped of hair on the dorsal surface. Two-tenths ml of a negative control solution (saline) and a positive control solution (20% ethyl alcohol) were injected intracutaneously in each animal. After 3 days the irritant response was rated on a 6-point scale (Table 111) with respect to intensity. The protocol was essentially that described in the United States Pharmacopeia, XVIII.37 Systemic Toxicity Test.-Extracts were administered to 5 mice with 5 control mice receiving the untreated extraction solution. Saline extracts were administered intravenously (IV), 50 ml/kg. Poly- ethylene glycol-400 and cottonseed oil extracts were administered intraperitoneally (IP), 50 ml/kg and 10 ml/kg, respectively. The animals were observed for signs of toxicity and mortality at 1 week (0-5 scale, Table 111). Intramuscular Implantation Tests.-The protocol was essentially that described in the United States Pharmacopeia, XVIII.37 A trocar needle was employed to implant thin sections of the test mate- rial into the paravertebral muscle of rabbits, lightly anesthetized with sodium pentothal and shaved on the dorsal surface. Each
  • 12. $80 DILLINGHAM ET AL. animal received 2 negative (nontoxic), 2 positive (toxic) control implants, same control materials as used in tissue culture, and 6 implants of the test material. After 1week the rabbits were sacri- ficed; the implant sites were surgically removed and examined for grosstoxicity. The intensity of response was recorded using a 6-point scale (Table 111). The tissue including the implantation site was preserved in formalin, examined histologically, and a Histopatho- logic Rating, HR,41was recorded on a &point scale (0-4, Table 111). Twelve-Week Intramuscular Implantation Test.-This test followed the identical protocol for the 1week implantation test, except that 14rabbits were implanted with material tested and 1rabbit sacrificed and evaluated each week. Physical and Chemical Analytical Procedures VolatileComponentsof PMMA Formulations.-Volatile components of 3 selected PMMA Samples (4,7, and 27, Table 11)were obtained by heating 1.5-2.5 g of polymer under vacuum (85°C f 3"C, 10-3 torr) in an all glass system for 90 min. The collection vessel, a 5 mm i. d. glass tube (- 180°C)was heat-sealed, removed from the system, the weight of volatile material determined and the contents analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, Table V. Extraction of Polymer Formulations.-Methanol was used for the extraction of all PMMA formulations (Table 11). The test sample was broken into small pieces and 20-25 pieces of approximately equal size totaling 10 g (=I=0.1mg) were extractedin 150ml of meth- anol with continuous agitation, 23"C, for 24 hr. After extraction, the solvent was decanted and held at 4°C until used. Three samples (4, 7, and 27, Table 11)employed for the determina- tion of volatile components were subsequently extracted with 100ml of methanol for 15 hr by refluxing under ambient conditions (bp 64.5 =t0.3"C). The solvent was decanted and evaporated at 50°C. The residue was weighed and analyzed by infrared and mass spec- trometry. Quantitation of Methanol Extractable Residue.-Eighty to 90 ml of the 24 hr extract used in the biological tests was reduced to approx- imately 10ml under reduced pressure in a rotary evaporator (40°C). The concentrate was quantitatively transferred to a tared crucible, reduced to dryness (25"C, 4 days, 15-20 mm Hg), and weighed. The
  • 14. 582 DILLINGHAM ET AL. amount of residue (RW, % w/w) was calculated as a percent of the original sample weight. Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Methanol Extract.-Fifty ml of methanol extract was concentrated to 10 ml on a rotary evaporator, and further reduced to approximately 2 ml under a stream of dry nitrogen in a graduated cylinder. The final volume was recorded (=t0.05ml). The sample was filtered on Whatman No. 1 filter paper and chromatographed on a Varian Model 2100 Gas Chromatograph with flame ionization detection. StatisticalAnalysis A stepwise multiple linear regression45was performed on residue weight %, versus the 9 biological test results showing significant variation. A similar analysis of hemolysis % versus other biological tests was carried out. A test was also made of the correlation betwecn the Cumulative Biological Index (CI) and residue weight %. CI was defined as the sum of all biological test results, except inhibition of cell growth %, normalized to a value of 100 for the maximum or positive control response. In the case of tissue culture data, the sum of Zone Index (ZI, maximum of 5) plus Lysis Index (LI, maxi- mum of 5 ) was normalized to 100 (e.g., the sum was multiplied by 10). RESULTSAND DISCUSSION Twenty-seven formulations of PMMA were tested for toxicity. Table I1 presents the formulation data, and Table IV, the primary biological test results, along with residue weight yoof the methanol extractable components. The PMMA formdations gave a wide range of toxic responses in vitro, but relatively little response in vivo. The residue weight yo showed sufficient systematic quantitative variation for statistical analysis. Gas chromatography and infrared and ultraviolet absorption data obtained on extracts or residues were qualitatively related to formulation and curing protocols, but were not sufficiently quantitative for statistical analysis. CumulativeBiological Index The correlation of the Cumulative Biological Index (CI)” with The apparentresidue weight % was significant (r = 0.9), Figure 1. *Defined under “statistical analysis.”
  • 15. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 583 CUMULATIVE BIOLOGICAL INDEX Fig. 1. Poly(methy1methacrylate):regression of residue weight on cumulative The curves indicate the approximate upper andbiological response (T = 0.90). lower limits of biological response. upper and lower limits of CI, indicated by the 2 linear curves, differed by approximately 150 CI units over the observed range of residue weights. The formulations that included N,N-dimethyl-p- toluidine (DPT), an activator of the polymerization reaction, showed uniformly low biological response and residue weights of 1% or less, which was consistent with the assumption that free monomer contrib- utes significantly to biological response. The addition of 6% DPT (formulation 4) resulted in one of the lowest values of CI. DPT was detected by gas chromatography in methanol extracts of all samples formulated with 20.75% DPT. Biological response was significantly affected by the presence of DAT (formulations 5, 26, and 27). Benzoyl peroxide and its degradation products may contribute to biological response and residual benzoyl peroxide would be expected to be greatest in the less polymerized formulations which showed the highest biological response. Benzoic acid, a primary degradation product of benzoyl peroxide, should be greatest in the more highly polymerized formulations. Hydroquinone, and unstable compound,
  • 16. 584 DILLINGHAM ET AL. was also present. The presence of these compounds and their relative leachability may contribute to the 150 CI variation of CI observed. The influence of curing conditions was evident in formulations 9-13 (Table VI), which were identical in composition, but,were cured TABLE VI Influence of Curing Conditions on Biological Response Poly(methy1Methacrylate)* Degree of Tissue Sampleb Curing Culture Hemolysis CI 9 Lowest 4/3 84 394 13 2/2 61 191 11 1/1 1 116 12 o/o 0 30 10 Highest 0/0 1 81 a2y0 excess monomer. bSee Table 11. under different conditions. The degree of curing increased in the order 9, a highly quenched formulation, 13, 11, 12 and 10. The latter two were raised to 100°C for the last hr of curing and were considered highly cured. The CI values for those formulations were 394, 191, 116, 30 and 81, respectively, which further supported the assumption that free monomer, a function of curing conditions, was a significant factor in the biological response of PMMA formulations. Curing conditions were also found to be correlated with the hemolytic activity of both the materials and USP saline extractsof the materials; see Tables I1 and IV. The regression of RW on CI and the empirical correlation of CI with curing conditions and type of additives in the formulations in- dicated that the biological tests employed provided a sensitive index of leachable toxic components. The fact that the lower limits of CI showed a linear regression through the origin (Fig. 1) supported the conclusion that little or no biologically inert substances (e.g., polymer) contributed to RW. It is also consistent with the conclusion that the variability of CI at a given RW reflects differences in biological activity resulting from differential leachability of low molecular weight components of diffcrent formulations.
  • 17. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 585 The results of a 5 week study of reproducibility of biological test results are given in Table VII. The major part of the variation could be accounted for on the basis of decreasing biological activity with respect to time, particularly apparentin the in vivo andhemolysis results. It was concluded that the principal component of variation was differences in biological activity of samples rather than the variability of test results. The Influence of SampleAge on Biological Test Results Table VIII summarizes tissue culture and hemolysis test results obtained on samples of different ages. The tissue culture test results varied little for tests on materials and on extracts of materials. However, the hemolysis test results declined significantly with time, with the exception of formulation 5 which contained a high (4%) level of DAT. There was an overall correlation of 0.87 between tissue culture and hemolysis test results for samples assayed within the first 50 days after formulation. Residual hemolytic activity of 1.9% or higher (128 to 206 days after formulation ) was consistently associated with a distinct tissue culture response (RI = 2/2 or higher). The relative insensitivity of tissue culture test results with regard to sample age supports the selection of tissue culture tests for comparative studies, although under fixed conditions the hemolysis test provides essentially the same relative information and is con- siderably easier to perform. Chronic Toxicity of PMMA Implants The results of a 12 week study of muscle implants of formulations 3, 5, 6, and 24 are shown in Table IX. The highly cured sample (formulation 5) showed the lowest overall response in spite of the presence of DAT, which in other tests gave a very high overall re- sponse (CI = 474). There was no significant response after 1week for any of the formulations, and only formulation 6 with stannous octoate gave a distinct response (HR = 2) at 1week. H R ratings of 2 for all samples at 3 days indicated a significant degree of initial tissue reaction (primarily due to trauma);however, chronic toxicity was not great for the 4 samples tested. CorrelationsBetween Tests The multivariate correlation of residue weight % (RW) with biological tests (Fig. 2) indicated that residue weight was most
  • 19. BIOLOGICAL EVAL,UATION OF PMMA 587 D W > W m 0 a m c 2 RW=0.65(H,o/o)t .93 (lD,C) + .29 r = 0.96 I I I I I I I 1 I 0 I 2 3 4 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 RW, PREDICTED Fig. 2. Prediction of residue weight using hemolytic activity of material The Formulation numbers are indicated for samples and the cottonseed oil extract intradermal irritation responses. curve is the line of perfect correlation. selected data points. highly correlated with hemolysis and intradermal irritation of cotton- seed oil extracts. RW % = 0.65(H %) +0.93(ID,C) +0.29 T = 0.96 Intradermal irritation (ID,C) contributed to the correlation only slightly. The univariate correlation coefficient of RW % with H % was 0.93. The correlation of H '% with all other biological tests (Fig. 3) indicated it to be most highly correlated with tissue culture param- eters. H % = 14.9 (ZI) + 11.4 (LI) - 12.2 T = 0.87
  • 21. 142MMA0.25 152MMA0.75 162MMA1.25 174MMA0.25 184MMA0.75 194MMA1.25 206MMA 216MMA 226MMA0.25 236MMA0.75 246MMA1.25 256MMA6.0 266MMA6.25 276MMA0.5 DPT DPT DPT DPT DPT DPT DPT DPT DPT DPT DAT DAT 161/1182 161/1182 171/1178 171/1178 180/0185 211/1182 455/5164 282.5/2147 251/1186 241/1185 231/1190 431/2161 733/2197 114/2.5135 1/0151/11/11/1 1/0151/11/11/1 1/1161/11/11/1 1/1161/11/11/1 1/2171/01/01/0 1/1201/11/11/1 4/4 3/25 1/0241/11/11/1 1/0.5231/11/11/1 1/15 1/1221/21/11/1 3/3 4/3 67 67 68 73 74 77 81 80 79 1/21/11/171175 1/21/21/170175 1/21/11/181181 1/11/01/031178 1/21/11/161185 965167 483150 1/21/11/190188 1/11/11/180183 71164 5033190 783128 1/11/21/180181 1/11/11/1101189 aSeeTableIV-Aforexplanationofheadings;TableI1forformulationcode. bAgeofformulationattimeoftesting. cRI=ResponseIndex(seeTable111). 138td 0s
  • 23. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 591 - - - - - - - - - - (3) -@- -10 0 lo I 2 0 W > [L W v) 0 m 8 I 0 0 H ,X PREDICTED Fig. 3. Prediction of hemolytic activity using tissue culture response: ZI(M) = Zone index of material samples; LI(S-1) = Lysis index of USP saline extracts. The curve is the line of perfect correlation. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of values at the indicated point. The PMMA formulations employed in this study were relatively low in toxicity, showing few significant in vivo responses, which accounts for their lack of significant contribution to the above correlations. The correlations obtained with polymer formulations of higher toxicity will be presented in a second publication. Inhibition of Cell Growth by Extracts.-A striking difference was observed between the percent inhibition of cell growth (% ICG) by extracts and the other biological data. All 12 extracts assayed com- pletely inhibited growth (131-253%) and showed no signficant trend regarding formulation variables (least significant difference, 95% confidence = 12%). The ID5, (concentration producing 50% inhibition of growth) of MMA was determined to be 2.0 X M
  • 24. 592 DILLINGHAM ET AL. (moles/liter). The intrinsic toxicity (slope of the dose-response curve) was 3.7 X lo2% inhibition/mole. On the assumption that methyl methacrylate was the active component in the ICG extracts, concentrations in excess of 10" M were indicated for the extracts. Mir et a1.4+48 reported 17% inhibition of contraction of guinea pig illeum at 4.6 x 10-3 M ; 42% depression of blood pressure, 9.6% depression of heart rate, and 65% increase in respiration rate, in male dogs at 1.4 X They also reported 50% depression of heart rate (8 x M ) , and coronary flow (1 X M ) in isolated rabbit heart assays. Approximately 2% ethylene dimethacrylate was present in the monomer employed in the present study and those reported by Mir et al. It was detected in some of the methanol extracts of less well-polymerized formulations of PMMA, but its contribution to biological response was not determined. Since the limit of gas chromatographic detection was f 1 ng, it was unlikely that ethylene dimethacrylate was a significant factor for the more highly cured formulations where it was not found in the methanol extract. M . M ) ,force of heart contraction (1 X The Influence of Additives on Hemolytic Activity Fifteen selected formulations were assayed in parallel for hemo- lytic activity of the material and USP saline extracts of the material (Fig. 4). There is no significant difference in the rank order of response in the 2 assay systems, which indicated that the hemolytic activity was due to readily soluble components of the formulations, and that the physical presence of the solid material in the assay system had no apparent effect. In view of the very steep dose-response curves typically obtained in the hemolysis assay, consistency of the 2 rank orders was excellent. Physical and Chemical Analyses of PMMA Volatile Components.-Since the routine extraction and concen- tration procedure used for gas chromatographic analysis of the methanol extracts did not recover the highly volatile components of the extracts, a vacuum distillation procedure which permitted quan- titative recovery of those components was used with 3 typical formulations, 4, 7 and 27 (Table V). Formulation 4, which con- tained 6% DPT and was very low in biologica1,responses (CI = 91), gave 0% volatile material. Similar low biological responses were
  • 25. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 593 100 40 20 W OAT Fig. 4. Poly(methy1 methacrylate) : Rank order of hemolytic activities of M = methylUSP extracts and material samples with respect to additives. methacrylate (see Table IV). obtained with all formulations containing DPT or highly cured sam- ples without additives other than excess monomer. Formulation 7, with 6% stannous octoate, contained 1.1% volatile components and had moderate biological activity (CI = 130.7). Formulation 27, with 6% excess monomer and 0.5% DAT, contained 11.0% volatile material and was very toxic (CI = 408). Comparison of the biological response of the three formulations indicated the volatile component, identified by infrared spectrophotometry and mass spectrometry to be methyl methacrylate, contributed substantially to the biological response and both parameters were correlated with the level of methanol extractable components. The relatively com- plete curing obtained with DPT under the conditions of curing used in this study cannot be extrapolated to conditions of "cold curing" employed in situ, since all formulations with DPT were cured in a dental press at elevated temperatures. Formulations 8 and 9 (Table 11),which contained 1 and 2% excess monomer re- spectively, and cured at ambient temperature, gave two of the
  • 26. 594 DILLINGHAM ET AL. highest biological responses (CI = 318 and 394, respectively), a further indication of the importance of free monomer in influencing biological response. Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Extracts.-Methanol extracts of formulations having 2 0.75% DPT contained quantities of DPT correlated with concentrations in the initial formulation, The quantity of ethylene dimethacrylate extracted by methanol was inversely proportional to the degree of curing, none being found (less than 1ng) in the extracts of highly cured samples. These two com- pounds and MMA were the principal components found in methanol extracts; other very minor unidentified components were sometimes present. CONCLUSIONS The results of this investigation support the following conclusions. 1. The biological tests examined, particularly the in vitro tests, are responsive to formulation and curing conditions of PMMA and are suitable for primary toxicity screening. The results of this study suggest that methanol-extractable residues of PMMA formulations in excess of 0.7% are significantly related to adverse (toxic) biological response, and that residue weights might serve as a useful index of formulation viability in the quality control of PiLIRIIA formulations when used in conjunction with biological tests. PMMA can be expected to vary widely in toxicity, depending on formulation, curing conditions, and physical history of the material, a higher degree of variability being expected for “cold cured” formulations. A need for rigorous control of formulation procedures and protocols, particularly for “cold curing,” is indicated. In vitro tests, particularly tissue culture and hemolysis tests on materials, are the most sensitive to formulation variables and yield the greatest information on acute toxicity. Erst-round testing of new formulations, especially those containing additives, should in- clude the intramuscular implantation and the intracutancous irri- tation test with a cottonseed oil extract. On the basis of this study, it is unlikely that a formulation having significant acute toxicity would not be detected using the above series of tests. 2. 3. 4.
  • 27. BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF PMMA 595 5. The results of this investigation are pertinent primarily to the evaluation of test procedures, and do not relate to specific end use conditions of PMMA beyond the conclusions drawn above. This study was supported through a research contract, no. 223-73-5231,of the Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D. C. The technical assistance of the staff of the Materials Science Toxicology Laboratories, particularly Mrs. Alice Spralling, Mr. Michael Malik, Mrs. Eula Baldwin, Mrs. Ramone Marquardt, and Dr. George Hung is gratefully acknowl- edged. Computational serviceswere provided through USPHS Grant HL-09495. References 1. S. Coronel, “Les RCsines Acryliques en Prothke et en Biologie,” Thesis, Paris (1947). 2. M. Hodash, M. Povar, and G. Shklar, J . Periodontob, 39, 187 (1968). 3. M. Hadash, M. Povar, and G. Shklar, J . Prosthetic Dent., 22, 371 (1969). 4. W. A. Castelli, C. E. Nasjleti, D. F. Huelke, and R. Diax-PCrez, J. Dent. Res., 50, 414 (1971). 5. D. E. Brown, Arch. Otolaryngol., 88, 283 (1968). 6. C. E. Nasjleti, W. A. Castelli, and B. E. Keller, J . Dent. Res., 51,1382 (1972). 7. J. Waerhaug and H. Zander, Oral Srug., Oral Med., Oral Path., 9,46 (1956). 8. R. Narang and H. Wells, Znt. Assoc. Dent. Res. Program and Abstracts of Papers, 259, (1971). 9. J. C. Strain, J . Prosthetic Dent., 18,465 (1967). 10. T. E. Stungis and J. N. Fink, J. Prosthetic Dent., 22, 425 (1969). 11. J. Charnley, .I. Bone Joint Surg., 42B, 28 (1960). 12. J. Charnley, J . Bone Joint Surg., 50B. 288 (1968). 13. J, Charnley, Acrylic Cement in OrthopedicSurgery, Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1970. 14. B. S. Oppenheimer, E. T. Oppenheimer, A. P. Stout, M. Willhite, and I. Danishefsky, Cancer, 11, 204 (1958). 15. N. E. Stinson, Brit. J . Exp. Pathol., 45, 21 (1964). 16. T. A. Thomas, I. C. Sutherland, and T. D. Waterhouse, Anaesthesia, 26, 298 (1971). 17. P. Frost, Brit. Med. J., 3, 524 (1970). 18. H. Phillips, P. V. Cole, and A. W. Lettin, Brit. Med. J., 3, 460 (1971). 19. J. N. Powell, P. J. McGrath, S. K. Lahiri, and P. Hill, Brit. Med. J., 3, 326 (1970). 20. E. R. Kepes, P. S. Underwood, and L. Becsey, J. Am. Med. ASSOC.,222,576 (1972). 21. C. M. Evarts and R. J. Alfidi, J . Am. Med. Assoc., 225, 515 (1973). 22. C. A. Cohen and T. C. Smith, Anesthesiology, 35, 547 (1971). 23. A. F. Newens and R. G. Volz, Anesthesiology, 36, 298 (1972). 24. D. J. Peebles, R. H. Ellis, S. K. K. Stride, and B. R. J. Simpson, Brit. Med. J., 1, 349 (1972).
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