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Roll Of Nindra To Incrase The
Department Of Swasthavritta & Yoga
Presented By: VanshVardhan Bhagora
Enrollment No:1910400143
Guided By: Dr. Swapnil Shinde,Dr.Sonali P.Ladhi, Dr.TejalGanvit
Collage Name: Aarihant Ayurvedic Medical Collage & Research
♪ The Trayopstapstambhas are the subsidiary pillars,
which supports the body throughout the life span, by
providing the qualities like Bala, Varna, Upachaya etc.
♪ They are considered as Subsidiary Or Secondary as
principal pillars of life are the three doshas.
♪ But Their Importance in normal functioning of the body
cannot be over looked. The Trayopstambhas are
Ahara, Nindra & Brahmacharya .
♪ Each one of these deserves due impotence because
these factors are concerned with the basic needs of
living system and over indulgence or total abstinence
of any of these may be harmful to life.
♪ The Ahara is mainly concerned with the energy production &
maintenance of living tissues.
♪ The Nindra is the one which provide complete relaxation to the body
& mind and there it restores the potential of individual. The
Brahmacharya is concerned with disciplined mode of sexual life and
˟ त्रय: उपस्तम्भा इति- आहार: , स्वप्नो, ब्रह्मचययतिति ।(च.सू.११/३५)
♪ Ahara (Food), Nidra( Sleep) & Brahmacharya ( Celibacy) are three pillars
of life.
♪ Sleep is equally important as Food, Hence we must know concept of
sleep described in Ayurveda.
Derivation Of Nindra
• Nindra is derived from the root “ Dra” with a prefix ‘N’. The
root “Dra” means undesired. Therefore Nidra is considered
as state in which there will be no desire (
• The word meaning of-
• Vachaspatyama- Sayana, Swapne, Tatwapratibodhe,
Abhavapratyayalam-bnyam, Swanyavastha
• Amrakosha- Sayana, Swapa, Swapna, Samvesa
• Vaidyakashabdasindhu- Swapi
• Sanskrit Hindi dictionary by V.S. ApteSuptavastha, Nind
Sithilala, Aakhayan Mudra, Kali Ki Avastha.
• Sanskrit- English Dictionary by V.S. Apte- Sleep, Sleepliness,
Sloth, Shutting, Bidding State.
˟ यदािुिनतसक्लान्तेकिायन्तेकिायत्मन: क्लिान्वििा ।
˟ तिषयेग्योतनिियन्तेिदास्वपतििानि: ।।( च. सू. २१/३५)
˟ कलान्त- तनन्विय , किायत्मन: इन्वियाति, क्लिान्विि तियारतहि तिषयेभ्य: रूप
स्वप्नश्च तनररन्वियप्रदेशे िनोिस्थानि् । ( च.पा)
♪ Charakacharya explains Nidra is special state of mind in which the mind is not
associated with any type of Indriyas. This detachment from the Bahya Vishaya
is result from the tiredness of the body as well as mind.
♪ When the mind & indriyas get exhausted, they withdraw themselves from their
objects & the individual sleeps.
♪ Sleep is nothing but location of mind in a place unconnected with sensory
˟ हद्यंचेिनास्थानिुक्तंसुश्रुि। देतहनाि ।।
ििोतििूिेिन्वमंस्तुतनद्रातिशतिदेतहनि ।( सु. शा. ४/३४)
♪ Hrudaya is the seat of Chetana and when it is dominated by covered by
Tamas the person gets sleep.
˟ श्लेष्मािृिेषुस्रोि: सु श्रिादुपरिेषु...।( अ. स. सू.९/२९)
♪ The Strotasa become accumulated with Shleshma and the Mana is devoid of
sense organs because of Fatigueness, So individual gets sleep.
˟ रातत्रस्विािप्रिािाििायािांिूिधात्रीप्रिदन्वन्तज्ञा
ििोििािाहुरघस्यंिूलंशेषा: पुनियायतधषुतनतदयशन्वन्त ।।(च.सू. २१/५९)
♪ The sleep caused by Ratrisvabhavaprabhava (Nature Of The Night) the sleep
par excellence and is also known as Bhutadhatri That Nurses all the living
♪ The sleep which occurs due to increased Tamas is the cause for
no righteous deeds because the person will always sleeping without
doing any Sadvritta. Other types of sleep are just like disease itself,
Hence they are grouped under Vyadhi disease.
♪ Physical & Mental Fatigue is the main cause of sleep. When Mind &
Sense Organs get exhausted, Then sense organs cannot conjugate with
their objects and this fatigue of mind and sense organs induces sleep.
♪ Elevation Of Tamas quality & fatigue induce sleep. Heart & Brain is
the seat of mind. Sattva, Rajas & Tamas are qualities of mind. Tamas
quality induces sleep while Sattva guna is responsible for awakening
Proper Sleep:
˟ रातत्रस्विािप्रिािा ििा या िूिधात्रीं प्रिदन्वन्त िज्ञा: ।
िूिातन िातन प्रातिनो दधाति पुष्णाति इति िूिधात्री, धात्रीि धात्री।।(च.सू. २१/५९,च.पा)
♪ The Sleep caused by nature of night is excellent sleep. It keeps every one lively,
Nourishes them like mother. So called as Bhutadhatri.
˟ तनद्रां िु िैष्णिीं पाप्मानिुपतदशन्वन्त सा स्विािि: एिं सियप्रातिनोडतिस्पृषति ।(सु.शा.४/३२)
♪ It is like Maya of Vishnu, It naturally comes to all beings. It is also known as Papini
as it destroy all means, Through which good action can be done at that time.
Proper Way To Sleep:
˟ स्वास्तीिय शयन िेश्म सुखं कालस्थिोतचिं ।
आनयन्तया तचरातिद्रा प्रनष्टा या तनतित्ति : ।।(च.सू. २१/५४)
♪ Over a comfortable bed in home & at
proper time at which sleep is accustomed,
One should go to sleep.
Relation Of Sleep With Help
♪ Happiness Or Misery, Nourishment Or Malnourishment, Strength Or Weakness,
Potency Or Impotency & Sexual Urge, Life Or Death, Orientation Of
Surroundings, Activeness Of Brain Or Disorientation and Sluggished Sense
depend on sleep. Therefore one should take proper sleep at proper time.
♪ Sleep is a Non- Suppressible Urge. Urge Of Sleep should not be avoided and
one should sleep at proper time.
♪ Untimely Sleep & Excessive Sleep take away both Happiness & Longevity.
Kala Ratri is fierceful night. At the same time if properly enjoyed. They bring
about Happiness, Longevity to human being as real knowledge ie. Satya Buddhi
brings about Siddhi To Yogi.
Effect On Heart:
• पुण्डरीक
े न सदृशं हृदयं स्यादधोिुखि्।
जागृिस्ततिकसति स्वपिश्च तनिीलति ।।(सु. िा.५/३१ )
♪ Heart which is like lotus in downward
direction, Blooms in wakeful state & closes
while sleep.
Production Of Sleep:
• ििोतििूिेिन्वमंस्तुतनद्रातिशतिदेतहनि।
तनद्रा हेिु: िि:, सत्वं बोधने हेिुरुच्यिे ।।
स्विाि एि िा हेिुगयरीयान पररकीिययिे ।( सु.सू.५/३५)
♪ When Tamas increases the person Sleeps.
♪ When Sattva increases person Awakens.
♪ Naturally the Tamas & Sattva qualities alternately are
heard responsible for Sleep & Awakening.
Types Of Nindra:
♪ Acharya Charaka has classified Nindra in following
manner according to causes-
˟ ििोििा श्लेष्मसिुद्भािाचिन : शरीरश्रिसंििाच ।
आगन्तुकीव्याध्यनुितिनीचरातत्रस्विािप्रििाचतनद्रा ।।( च. सू.२१/५८)
1. Tamobhava- Caused By Tama
2. SleshmaSamudbhava- Caused By Highly Aggravated Kapha
3. Manah Sharira Srama Sambhava- Caused By Physical & Mental
4. Agantuki- Indicative Of Bad Prognosis Leading Imminent Death.
Produced Due To Tamas, With Bad Signs Without Any Diseases is
Agantuki Sleep.
5. Vyadhi Anuvartini- Caused As A Complication Of Other Diseases Like
Sannipataja Jwara
6. Ratri- Swabhava Prabhava- Caused By The Very Nature Of Night.
Types Of Nidra Cause Of Nidra
तमोभवा Due To Excess Of Tamas Quality
श्लेष्मसमुद्भवा Due To Excess Of Kapha Dosha
मन: शरीरसम्भवा Due To Mental & Physical Fatigue
आगन्तुकी Occuring Due To Other Reasons Like
Alcohol Consumption Etc.
व्याध्यनुवर्तिनी Due To Disease Like HyperThyroidism,
Anaemia Etc.
रार्िस्वभावप्रभवा Occuring At Night Due To Excess Of
♪ It is natural sleep which occurs during night. In
the person with predominant sattva guna, Sleep
is produced at Midnight.
♪ Aggravation Of Vata, Depletion Of Kapha,
Mental & Physical Diseases lead to improper
♪ Acharya Dalhana has classified Nidra into Three types on
the basis of Susruta Samhita like Tamasi when
Sangyavaha Srotatas become filled with Sleshma
dominated by TamoGuna, Tamasi Nidra is produced.
♪ Swabhaviki: This type of Nidra occurs Naturally & Daily in
all living beings.
♪ Vaikariki: If there is any disturbance in Mana & Body,
Nidra does not occur. But if Nidra is occurred, It is
Vaikariki Nidra.
♪ Acharya Charaka, Nidra is a condition in which Mana
including Indriyas dissociates themselves from their objects.
♪ According To Acharya Sushruta Nidra is related to God
♪ Acharya Vagabhatta has said that Nidra is produced
from Tamas at the time of commencement of the creation.
♪ It is another form of Tamas itself & Manifest when tama
is predominant, Generally at Night.
Physiology Of Nidra:
♪ When the mind including Sensory & Motor Organs is
exhausted and They dissociate themselves from their
objects, Then the individual sleeps.
♪ According to Acharya Charaka, When the Man including
Indriyas is exhausted and Thus they dissociate themselves
from their objects, The individual sleeps. When the Mana
(as well as the soul) get exhausted or become inactive
and the individual gets sleep.
♪ Acharya Shusruta said about the Physiology Of Nidrathat
Hridaya is the seat of Chetana in living being.
♪ When this is invaded by Tamo Guna, Persons are
subjected to Nidra. Tamo Guna is causes of Sleep and
Satva Guna is cause of Awakening But Overall, Nature
itself is more dominant cause.
♪ Acharya Caraka explained physiology of Nidra that when
Srotats of the body become covered by Kapha, Then the
body is fatigued by Exertion and When the sense organs
are not functioning. Nidra manifests in the body.
Effect Of Sleep:
• तनद्रायत्तंसुखं दु: खं पुतष्ट: काशययबलाबलि।
िृषिाक्लीबिा ज्ञानिज्ञानंजीतििंनच।।
अकालेडतिप्रसगाच्चन अचतनद्रातनषेतििा।
ु यायिकालरातत्रररिापरा ।।
सैियुक्तापुनयुयक्तेतनद्रादेहंसुखायुषा ।
पुरुषंयोतगनंतसद्धयासत्याबुन्वद्धररिागिा ।।(च. सू.२१/३६-३८)
♪ Happiness, Misery, Nourishment, Emaciation, Strength, Weakness, Virility,
Sterility, Knowledge, Ignorance, Life & Death- All these occur depending
on Proper Or Improper Sleep.
♪ According To Shusruta Samhita, A Good Sleep enjoyed at proper time
and for proper period
♪ Tends to Improve the Growth, Strength, Vigor and Complexion of the
♪ It increases the sense of well- being by freshening the body and
mind also restores the natural equilibrium among different body
♪ So much so that the scope and Importance of good
sleep has been equated with the soundness of health
enjoyed by a person.
♪ There is no Physiological system in the body which
doesn’t get Salutary effect of sound and Soothing Sleep.
♪ Untimely and Improper Sleep takes away both Happiness
and Longevity. The Same Sleep, If Properly enjoyed brings
Happiness and Longevity in human beings as real
knowledge brings about Spiritual Power in a Yogi.
Divasvapna( Indication Of Day-Sleep):
• गीिाध्ययन िद्यस्रीकियिारध्वकतशयिा: ।
अजीतियन: क्षिा: क्षीिािृद्धाबालास्तथाडबला:।।
िृष्णािीसारशूलािाय: श्वातसनोतहन्विन: क
ृ शा: ।
पतििातिहिोन्मिा: क्लान्तायानप्रजागरै: ।।
िोधशोकियक्लान्तातदिास्वपनोतचिाश्चये ।
सिय एिेतदिास्वप्नंसेिेरनसािंकातलकि्।।(च.सू.२१/३९-४१)
• अतिसारातद प्रिातिना तदिास्वप्न अजीिय - तनद्रातहस्रोिोज्वरोधेनाअतनिबबलं क
ृ त्वा शीघ्र
िाहारंपचति । तदिास्वप्न सात्म्यानां सहसा िि् पररत्यागे दोषा ।
प्रजागरं- अथोअधयिात्रं ित्कालं तदिास्वप्न तिध्यिे िुकििा स्वप्नं सेिेिसुस्थोप्यसुन्वखिो
ििेि् । नरातिरंशनांिन् कािं तदिा स्वापयेि् । रातत्रिां अतिसंक्षोित्वाि् अल्पतनद्रत्वं सूचयति
।। ( च.पा)
 For Most, Day Sleep is Contra- Indicated but sleeping during the day
time can be prescribed for those who are exhausted by Singing,
Study, Alcoholic Drinks, Sexual Acts, Elimination Therapy, Carrying
Heavy Weight, Walking Long Distance.
 Those suffering from Phthisis, Wasting Disease like Tuberculosis,
Thirst, Diarrhea, Colic Pain, Dyspnea, Hiccup, Insanity, Those Who are
Too Old, Too Young, Weak & Emaciated
 Those Injured By Fall and Assault, Those Exhausted By Journey By
Vehicle, Anger, Grief & Fear and Those Who are accustomed to day
sleep. i.e. They are working in night.
 Day Time is Contraindicated But Day Time is recommended only in
Grishma Rutu ( Summer Season)
Effect Of Sleep During Daytime:
• तिग्धं प्रस्वपनं तदिा ।(च.सू. २१/५०)
♪ Sleeping during daytime leads to Kapha- Vriddhi as Divaswapa
induces snigdha guna in the body.
• तदिास्वप्नश्च िृट्शूलतहिाडजीिायतिसारािाि् । (सु.शा. ४/४८)
♪ Excessive day sleep can induce Polydipsia ( Trishna), Pain (Shoola),
Hiccup(Hikka) & Diarrhea(Atisara)
Benefits Of Divasvapna ( Day- Sleep):
• धािुसाम्यंिथा ह्येषां बलंचाप्युपजायिे ।
श्लेष्मापुष्णातिचागातनस्थैययिितिचायुष: ।।
रात्रीिांचातिसंक्षेपातििास्वपन: प्रशस्यिे ।।
ु प्यि:।
♪ Equilibrium Of Dhatus and Strength are maintained and
Kapha Nourishes The Organs and Ensures The Longevity.
♪ In Summer Season, Nights Become Shorter and Vata gets
aggravated in the body due to absorption of fluid ( Adana
♪ Therefore, During This Season, Sleep during the daytime
is prescribed for all.
Contra- Indication Of Divaswapna (Day- Sleep):
• िेदन्वस्वन: िेहतनत्या: श्लेष्मला: श्लेष्मरोतगि:।
दू तषतिषािायश्चातदिानशयीरनकदाचन ।।
हलीिक: तशर:शूलंस्तैतित्यंगुरुगात्रिा ।
अंगिदोडतनिबनाशश्चप्रलेपो ह्रद्यस्य च ।।
शोफोरोचकह्रल्लासपीनसाधायििेदका: ।
कोठ: तपडका: कण्ड
ू स्तिाकासोगलािय: ।।
मृतिबुन्वद्धप्रिोहश्चसंरोध: स्रोिसांज्वर:।
इन्वियािासािथययतिषिेग प्रिियनि ।।
ििेिृिां तदिास्वप्नस्यातहिस्यतनशेििाि ।
िमािन्वद्धिातहिंस्वप्नंबुद्धध्वास्वप्यािसुखंबुध् ।।(च.सू.२१/४५-४९)
 Sleeping during the daytime in the seasons other than
summer is not advisable as it causes vitiation of Kapha &
 Persons with Excessive Fat, Those who are addicted to
Taking Unctuous Substances, Those with Kapha
Constitution, Those suffering from diseases due to the
vitiation of Kapha and Those suffering from Artificial
Poisoning should never sleep during day time.
 If one violets the prescription regarding sleep during day time, he
would subject himself to Halimaka ( Type Of Jaundice), Headache,
Feeling as if body is covered by Wet Blanket, Heaviness Of The
Body, Malaise, Loss Of Digestive Fire, Hridaya- Alepa ( A feeling as if
adhered to the heart), Edema, Anorexia, Nausea, Sinusitis, Rhinitis,
Hemicranias, Urticaria, Eruption, Abscess, Prurutus, Drowsiness, Memory &
Intelligence, Obstruction Of The Circulating Channels Of The Body,
Fever, Weakness Of Sensory & Motor Organs and Enhancement Of
the toxic effects of artificial poisons.
 So one should considering the Merits and Demerits of sleep in
various Seasons & Situations.
 So that it may bring Happiness and Health to him.
 Just because you feel like you need to nap during the
day, It doesn’t mean it is beneficial for you.
Ratri- Jagrana- Effect Of Night Awakening:
• रात्रौजागरिं रुक्षं तिग्धंप्रस्वपनंतदिा ।
अरुक्षिनतिष्यन्वित्वासीनप्रचलातयिि ।।(च.सू.२१/५०)
♪ Awakening during night causes roughness in the body.
♪ Sleep during daytime cause’s unctuousness and sleeping in sitting
posture does neither cause roughness, dryness nor unctuousness.
• देहिृत्तौयथाआहारस्तथास्वप्न: सुखोिि: ।
♪ Like the Proper Diet, Proper Sleep is essential for maintenance of
the body. Proper sleep increase weight, induces obesity where as less
sleep produce emaciation
Nidra- One Of The Vega:
♪ Vegas are natural urges which should not be controlled
deliberately. Nidra is one among the 13 Vegas.
♪ The Dharana Of Nidra Vega may cause Moha, Gaurava
Of Shira and Akshi, Alasya, Jrumbha and Angamarda.
♪ The treatment that be given to these symptoms is
nothing but allow the individual to sleep.
♪ Gentle touch also can promote sleep.
Causes Of Insomnia:
♪ Elimination Of Doshas in Excess From The Body Through
Purgation & Emesis, Nasya, Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Smoking,
Excessive Physical Exercise, Excess Blood- Letting/ Loss, Fasting
& Uncomfortable Bed are causes for Insomnia.
♪ The above mentioned factors along with Overwork, Stress, Old
Age, Diseases, Especially these due to the vitiation of Vata like
Colic Pain etc. Are known to cause Sleeplessness even in
normal individuals. Some are insomniac even by nature.
♪ Inbalance Of Vata & Pitta Dosha and Mental Stress are the
causes of sleep.
Sleep Requirement:
♪ During sleep the body gets repaired by itself & the brain
processes the day’s events and helps to sort them. Some
sleep more and Other sleep less, But both may be
♪ The range of deviation of sleeping hours in the normal
adult population is 4 to 10 hours per day. Although the
Infants and Children sleep more while the old people less.
♪ A normal adult can with stand several days up to 10
days of sleep derivation without showing any remarkably
gross changers.
Category: Sleep Requirement:
New Born Babies 16-24 Hours
Children’s 12-14 Hours
Adults 4-10 Hours
Old About 5 Hours
Methods and Measures To Induce a Good Sleep:
• अभ्यगोत्सादनंिानंग्राम्यानूपौदकारसा:।
शाल्यिं सदतध क्षीरं िेहोिद्यंिन सुखि।।
िनसोडनुगुिागन्धा: शब्दा: संिाहनातनच।
चक्षुष्योस्तपयिंलेपं: तशरसोिदनस्यच ।।
स्वास्तीियशयनंिेश्मसुखंकलस्तथोतचि: ।
आनयन्त्यतचरातिद्रां प्रनष्टा यातनतित्ति: ।।(च.सू.२१/५२-५४)
♪ Aharaja Hetu: Gramya Anup, Varija Mamsa Rasa, Shalyanna, Shali with
Dadhi, Ksheera, Madhya, Sneha.
♪ Viharaja Hetu: Abhyanga, Snana, Utsadana , Samvahana,
Cakshusotaerpana, Application Of Soothing Pastes To The Head,
Application Of Soothing Pastes To The Face, Comfortable Bed, Sleep
in Proper Time.
♪ Manasika Hetu: Pleasure Of Mind, Indulging In Orders and Sound of
once own taste. Person Gets Sleep Immediately When the etiologies
of Sleeplessness are removed.
Sleep As A Non Supressible ( Adharaniya Vega)
• िेगािधारयेिाि तिण्मूत्र क्षििृट्क्षुधा।
तनद्रा कास श्रि श्वास जृम्भाश्रुछतदयरेिसां ।।(अ.ह.सू.४/१)
♪ It is one among the urges which should not be controlled. If
controlled produces various diseases.
♪ Sleep is defined as unconsciousness from which the person can be
aroused by sensory or other stimuli.
♪ There are Two Types:
1. Slow Wave Sleep (NREM)
2. REM Sleep ( Paradoxical Or Desynchronised Sleep)
Nidrarodha ( Suppression Of Sleep):
• तनद्राया िोहिूधायतक्षगौरिालस्यजृन्वम्भका: ।
अङगिदयश्च ित्रेष्ट: स्वप्न: संिाहनातन च ।।(अ.ह.सू.४/१२)
♪ Suppression Of Sleep Causes Delusion, Feeling Of Heaviness Of
Head & Eyes, Lassitude, Too Many Yawnings and Squeezing Pain all
over body. Good Sleep and Mild Massaging are the ideal treatment.
• जृम्भा अंगिदयस्तिा च तशरोरोगोडतक्षगौरिि् ।
तनद्रातिधारिात्तत्र स्वप्न: संिाहनातन च ।।(च.सू . ७/२३)
♪ Suppression Of The Urge For Sleep Causes Yawning, Malaise,
Drowsiness, Headache & Heaviness in the eyes. To overcome that one
should resort to sound sleep and massage of the body.
♪ Deep Sleep occurring in first hour after the wakefulness
for a day is slow wave sleep. It is exceedingly restful,
Associated with decrease in peripheral vascular tone , 10
to 30 % decrease in blood pressure respiratory rate and
basal metabolic rate along with other function of the body.
It is frequently called Dreamless Sleep.
♪ The eyes undergo rapid movements when person is as
sleep. Episodes of REM occur at every 90 minutes,
Lasting for about 5 To 30 Minutes. This state is
associated with active dreaming.
Different Theories Of Production Of Sleep:
1. Reticular activating reflex and other parts of the brain
are fatigued over the period of waking day. So they
become inactive and produce sleep.
2. Some center or Centers below midpontile level of brain
produce sleep.
3. Diencephalon Sleep Zone, Basal For Brain Sleep Zone,
Parts Of Hypothalamus & Suprachiasmatic Nuclei
responsible for production of sleep. The Production of
Sleep follows Circadian Rhythm.
Causes Of Sleeplessness :
• कायस्यतशरस्यश्चैितिरेकश्छदयनंियि ।
तचन्ता िोधस्तथाधूिोव्यायािोरक्तिोक्षिि ।।
उपिासोडसुखाशय्यासत्वौदाययििोजय: ।
एि एिं तिज्ञेया तनद्रा नाशस्य हेिि: ।
कायय कालों तिकारश्च प्रक
ृ तििायुयरेि च । । ( च.सू.२१/५५-५७)
• सत्वगुि िधयन, ििोगुिजय- योगाभ्यासातदना काल इति िाधयक्यं, िृद्धा तह
स्विािि: जागृरूका: ििंति तिकार: व्यातध शूलातद, प्रक
ृ ति स्विाि ।(च.पा)
 Elimination Of Dosas From The Body & Head Through Nasal
 Purgation
 Emesis Of Purification
 Blood Letting
 Worry
 Anger
 Smoke
 Physical Exercise
 Fasting
 Uncomfortable Bed
 Predominance Of Sattva
 Suppress Of Tamas
 Old Age
 By Yoga
 Disease
 Vata Vriddhi & Basic Natures are the causes of insomnia.
Roll Of Sleep In Immunity:
♪ It Removes Anxiety & Stress.
♪ It Brings a Lot Of Happiness & Restores The Good Health.
♪ Our Mind & Sense Organs To Be Going To Properly Well Being & Be Going
To Properly Work.
♪ It Gives a Fresh Feeling & Make a Mood Well
♪ It Gives Freshness To The Body & Mind.
♪ It Helps To Decrease & Remove The Depression, Anxiety, Headache & Such
Mental Disorders etc.
♪ It Helps Provide To The Increase The Strength.
♪ Helps To Increase The Immune Systems.
♪ It Restores The Mood & Memory
♪ It Decrease Inflammation, Blood Pressure, Insulin Resistance, Cortisol, Weight
Gain & Cardiovascular System
♪ Sleep Not Only Increases Your Immune System Functions. Its Also Been
Shown To Play A Role In Improving Antibody Responses To Vaccinations.
♪ It Gives a Concentration & Gives Focus To Helping To Any Works.
♪ It Gives a Longevity & Span Of The Life.
♪ Muscles are Going To Be Repaired.
♪ The Body & Brain Get Repaired By Itself.
♪ Sleep & The Immune System have an interdependent relationship.
♪ Good Sleep Improves Your Immune System.
♪ Your Immune System is the first line of defense against illness.
♪ Infections- and fighting them affect your sleep
♪ Getting Good Quality Sleep is key to maintain your health.
♪ Sleep can Supercharge your immunization.
Sleep & Immunity:
♪ It’s an undeniable fact that sleep is crucial for your overall health and
well being. In fact, it is during sleep that our body carries out all of the
major housekeeping and repairs within all the systems of the body.
♪ As we sleep, our muscles are repaired, waste products are removed
from our cells and immune responses are busy to ensure that when we
wake, our body is ready to fit and ready for another day.
♪ A growing body of research has shown that getting enough good
sleep is essential for your immune system. This is the body’s defense
network that prevents or limits infection in your body.
♪ Healthy sleep can help boost the immune system and can even help
to prevent you from getting sick as often.
♪ Sleep not only increases your immune system function. It’s also been
shown to play a role in improving antibody responses to vaccinations.
♪ This means getting enough sleep before and after you’ re vaccinated
can help vaccines work in your body.
Sleep As A Superpower:
♪ Although some people say that sleep is a superpower, it’s just a normal
everyday process that keeps the brain and body including the immune
system, working at its best.
♪ It’s probably because we all do it every night that we forget just how key
sleep is to our and wellbeing. Sleep is a fantastically effective physiological
process that provides the foundation for good health.
♪ Good sleep plays a vital role in the immune response’s ability to function,
whereas a lack of sleep can reduce immunity from and increase susceptiblity
to infection.
♪ In fact, Numerous studies have demonstrated that sleep deprivation negatively
impacts upon the immune system.
♪ So sleep is essential for keeping the immune system at its best. It’s
also the case that sleep patterns can be altered by a poorly
functioning immune response.
♪ Your sleep and your immune system are interlinked. It’s a special
relationship build to last.
Immunity From Attack:
♪ Your immune system can be likened to an army protecting your body.
It’s an incredibly sophisticated & complex system that work firstly to
keep Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites and many other pathogens at bay.
♪ Should one of these baddies try to breach your defenses, Your
immune system steps in to try to vanquish invading germs inside the
♪ You have two levels of immunity: The Innate And The Acquired
Immune Systems.
Innate Immunity:
♪ Think of the innate immunity system as the first line of defense. The
baddies are approaching, They haven’t been fully identified yet, so your
body uses non- specific defenses to try and repel the invaders.
♪ It looks for anything that doesn’t belong in your body and seeks to
destroy it. Once a foreign organisms has been detected, your immune
system sends out signals which act to sound the alarm that a
pathogen is present. The invader is marked with a ‘tag’ to identify it as
a threat.
♪ There are various ways in which the invader is then attacked and
destroyed but, ultimately, the invading particle is broken down, any
resulting waste material is removed and your innate immune system
keeps waging its battle against invading foes.
Adaptive Immunity:
♪ Your adaptive or acquired immune system is more specialized. This is
the part that can fully recognize invading pathogen and then accurately
and specifically target an invader for destruction.
♪ Each time your body encounters a new pathogen, Your adaptive
system takes a note of it. Records are kept about the best way to
best deal with this latest invader should it ever come back.
♪ This is known as ‘Immunological Memory’ and is the reason why you
don’t get viruses like measles twice.
Roll Of Sleep In Our Immunity:
♪ Much Like An Army, The Cells Protecting your body can be split into
different branches and all have their own Specialisms. While we are not
going to go in- depth on every single type of cell, protein and molecule
here, we have provided some details on the major players and those
most discussed in sleep research.
• T Cells:
♪ T- Cells are type of white blood cell and fall into two categories: Helper
T Cells & Cytotoxic T Cells. Helper T Cells raise an alarm that an
intruder is in the body.
♪ They do this by releasing molecular signals that let other immune
cells know that an attack is under way and that help is needed.
♪ Cytotoxic T Cells have a much more direct role in fighting infection. They
recognize cells that have been invaded by pathogens and they attach directly
to those cells, using various methods to destroy them.
• Sleep Fact: When scientists compared T Cells from volunteers who were
allowed to sleep for 8 hours a night, with those who stayed awake all night,
they found that the T Cells in the sleep- deprived group had a much lower
ability to bind a key molecule featured in the immune response.
♪ As We have mentioned above, Binding to both infected cells and other
immune system cells is a T cell’s primary objective. Without their ability to
sick, they cannot fulfil their role in the immune response.
♪ This study therefore sheds light on how sleep derivation can directly affect
our immune response.
• B Cells:
♪ B Cells are another type of white blood cell which patrol the body, searching for
♪ B Cells have antibodies on their surface that can bind to pathogens as well as other
things. It helps to think of the antibody like a jigsaw piece. On the surface of the B
Cell is one jigsaw piece of a Two- Piece Puzzle.
♪ B Cells float around the body and when they come in contact with a virus or bacteria
that happens to have the other half of the jigsaw on its surface, Then the B Cells can
binds to it. This signals that an invader has been found and targeted for destruction.
♪ Helper T Cells can bind to B Cells to allow them to secrete multiple copies of their
specific antibody. The free antibody which will then bind to any pathogen they are
specific to and target them for destruction.
♪ They can also become memory B Cells- essentially remembering a specific pathogen
so that they can react appropriately if they come across it again.
• NK Cells
♪ We have natural killer(NK) cells that will destroy cells that have been
invaded and taken over by pathogens. They do this by secreting
compounds that tell infected cell to shut itself down by a process
known as Programmed Cell Death.
• Sleep Facts : Restricting Sleep to four hours for just one night was
found to reduce NK Cell activity by an average of 72% compared to
levels after a full night’s sleep.
♪ NK Cells play an essential role in killing tumor cells and research
has shown that reduced NK cell function is associated with a 1.6
times greater risk of dying from cancer.
• Phagocytes:
♪ This is a group of white blood cells including Neutrophils,
Macrophages & Dendritic Cells which all have the ability to engulf or eat
pathogens they find.
♪ Once the pathogens are inside these cells, Phagocytes use various
methods to break down the invading pathogens to get rid of them.
Each type of phagocyte has its own locality and superpower:
 Neutrophils- Found in huge quantities in the blood and usually the first
cells to arrive at a site of infection.
 Macrophages- Can cross out of blood vessels to fight infections in
other parts of the body.
• Dendritic Cells- Found in Tissues & Key to linking the Innate and
Acquired immune responses together, allowing for communication
between the two.
♪ All the cells detailed about have multiple other roles in addition to
those listed above and there is huge cross- talk and co-operation
between them.
♪ Your immune cells and many others also secrete small protiens
known as cytokines, which have a huge role in the immune response.
• Cytokines:
♪ Cytokines act like small messengers to bring immune cells to the
scene of the invasion, to amplify the signals that an attack is underway
and allow the different cells of the immune response to essentially ‘
communicate’ with each other.
♪ They are crucial to your immune response and there are many
different families & subgroups of cytokines which perform a whole host
of different roles within your body.
• Sleep fact: Research has shown that restricting sleep led to the
generation of inflammatory cytokines which are known to play a role in
the development of heart blood vessel and metabolic disorders.
Sleep Can Help Our Body Fight Infections:
♪ Infection can often affect sleep patterns and you may find yourself
experiencing periods of longer and deeper sleep when you fall it. Why
is that?
♪ During the active phase of the immune response your body may seek
to increase the duration of N3, Slow- Wave Sleep( Deep Sleep) and
decrease wakefulness and REM sleep. These changes to sleep may
help your body to devote more resources to fighting an infection.
Infections Can Disrupt Your Sleep:
• Viral: Its common for viral infections to disturb sleep, increase fatigue and
cause fevers. In a study of people infected with a common cold virus,
participants experienced decreased sleep time.
• For these people, sleep effeciancy fell by 5% during the virus’s active period
compared with its incubation period.
• Bacterial: Bacterial infections also cause sleep disturbances. For example, human
lyme disease, caused by bacterium Borrelia Burgdorferi, is associated with chronic
fatigue and sleep disoreders.
• People experiencing Lyme disease complained of:
 Difficulty Falling Asleep
 Frequent Nocturnal Awakenings
 Excessive Daytime Sleepiness.
• They also experienced:
 Increased Time To Fall Asleep
 Decreased Sleep Quality
 More Short Awakenings During The Night
 Broken Sleep
♪ Sleep disorders can also develop during or after bacterial infections that
target the respiratory system.
♪ People with the bacterial infection listeriosis show increased total amounts of
sleep, characterized by increased daytime sleep, less night- time sleep and
longer durations of observed awakenings during the night.
♪ Its been suggested that some sleep disorders, such as nacrolepsy, may be
related to bacterial infections.
♪ This is based on the observation that many people with nacrolepsy have
antibodies to Streptococcus and Helicobacter Pylori, which are associated with
autoimmune disease. These antibodies may be a trigger for nacrolepsy through
some autoimmune mechanisms.
• Parasitic:
♪ Parasitic Infections, Such as Malaria, Filariasis & Trypanosmiasis, Apper to
change sleep patterns by impacting upon the immune response.
♪ A study examining links between sleep duration and parasitic infection levels
looked at 12 mammalian species and found that longer sleep duration was
linked with lower parasitic infections levels.
♪ The finding led the authors to suggest that sleep evolved, in part, to protect
animals from parasitic infections.
Our Body Clock Regulates How Our Immune System Functions:
♪ Our body clock controls when we sleep and wake and research suggests it also plays
a critical role in optimizing our immune system function.
♪ Recent studies show likes between activity and sleep patterns in opposition to the
natural body clock (including night- shift work) and raised levels of inflammation in the
♪ Delayed sleep patterns(sometimes caused by shift-work) can disrupt the normal body
clock. When frequently people stay up late for work or pleasure and sleep through the
day this disruption to the body clock leads to chronic inflammation in the body.
♪ Our body clock regulates when the levels of certain molecules of the immune system
rise and fall. In a normal healthy state, when we sleep at night, our bodies actually have
higher levels of inflammation than during the day.
♪ This is because, during our sleep, when our body is busy repairing muscles and carrying
out housekeeping tasks to remove toxins and waste, levels of immune molecules
naturally rise during the night in order to carry out their roles in these tasks.
Work & Lifestyle Choices Can Affect Immunity:
♪ During the night, as repairs and maintenance are complete, the body clock
signals for inflammation levels to decrease and the body gets ready to start
another day.
♪ What’s happening in someone who stays up very late or works a night- shift
is that their body clock naturally wants to carry out these tasks during the
night, when the person is awake.
♪ So the body clock sends signals to increase inflammation while the person is
working, socializing or bingeing Netflix- signals that work best when the person
is a sleep.
♪ When the person goes to sleep at a time that doesn’t align with their
natural body rhythm this further confuses the body clock, because sleep is
the time of repair.
♪ Inflammatory molecules that were already raised during the night stay
high in the body while the person is sleeping.
♪ The net result of frequently poor sleep or night shift work is
constantly raised levels of inflammation compared to people who sleep
at times that align with their natural body clcok.
Immunity & Immunization:
♪ The effect of poor sleep can also be seen in the immune response to
vaccination. A study showed that partially sleep- deprived health adults, who
were immunized against influenza, developed antibody concentration half the
level of their well rested peers.
♪ Research have also found that people who slept fewer than six hours per
night are, on average, far less likely to mount an antibody response to the
hepatitis B vaccine.
♪ They were nearly 12 times more likely to be unprotected by the vaccine
than people who slept more than seven hours.
Achieving Better Sleep
♪ It’s clear that sleep and immunity have a very close and intertwined
relationship. By prioritizing sleep and taking steps to ensure that your
sleep is good as it can be, You’ re indirectly looking after your health
and immune system too.
What Is The Risk If U cant Get Sleep:
♪ It Increases Anxiety & Stress
♪ It Decrease The Strength
♪ The Body Going To Get Sick
♪ It Gives A Headache, Depression, Pain All Over The Body & Mental Disorder
Is Increase.
♪ The Body & Mind Not Be Going To Properly Work
♪ It Causes Depression
♪ It Can not be Concentration and Focus In Other Activity.
♪ It Does Not Able To Make Immune System.
♪ It Decrease Our Mood & Memory
♪ It Increase The Inflammation, Blood Pressure, Insulin Resistance, Cortisol,
Weight Gain & Cardiovascular System.
♪ It Takes Away Both Happiness & Longevity
♪ The Body Doesn’t Repaired By Itself.
♪ It Does Not Maintain Good Health
♪ It Does Not Able To Make Antibodies.
What Should You Do If U Cant Get Sleep:
 Read The Book
 Meditation, Yoga
 To Read The Good & Pleasant Story Book
 Listen To Relaxing, Good & Pleasant Music
 Change Your Diet
 Write a Diary Or Journal Entry
 To Get An Eye Mask & Ear Plug
 Don’t Force Yourself To Sleep If You Don’t Feel Tired.
 Do Not Go On Social Media
 Slumber Party
 Practice Positive Thinking Before Bed
 Avoid Eating A Big Meal Before Bed
 Do Not Be Watch Horror Movies & Not To Be Read Horror Books & Not To
Be Play A Horror Games. Which Be Really Going To Makes Creep Out.
 Keep Bedroom Cool, Quiet & Dimly It.
 To Be Going To Sleep Keep With Good , Neat & Clean Soft Stuffed Toy.
 Try To Use White Noise Machine.
 Avoid The Technology Like Phones, Computers Or TV.
 Don’t Smoke Or Use Tobacco Products.
 Don’t Be Drink Alcohol Especially Before Bed.
 Turn Off Screens Before The Bed Time.
 Avoid Consuming Caffiene Or Stop Drinking Caffiene Early In The Day.
 Try A Mindful Coloring Book.
 Do Some Light Stretches.
 Make A Start On That Boring Homework You Have Been Avoiding.
 Avoid Bright Lights Before Bed Try Using A Night Light Or Deem Light.
 Make Your Bed Before You Get In It.
 Write Down All The Things You Need To Do Tomorrow.
 Hide Your Alarm Clock So You Can’t See The Time.
 Schedule A Specific Time In Your Day To Think About All The Things That
Worry You.
 Create An Artful Oasis
 Design A New Look
 Pray Before Sleep
 Drink Water
 Have A Cup Of Camomile Tea
 Have A Hot Shower Or Bath ( But Don’t Fall A Sleep In Bath!)
 Have A Light Snack( But Nothing Too Sugary Or Heavy)
 Use Lavender Oil Or Cream
 Drink A Cup Of Hot Milk
 List All Things You Are Grateful For
 Pick One Thing Or Object To Focus All Your Attention On
 Try A Brain Teaser Puzzle
 Do A Crossword Puzzle
 Go Outside For Some Fresh Air
 Tidy Your Room Before Bed.
• Trayopstambha: Chapter 11,Shloka:35/Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author : R.K.
Sharma & Bhagwan Dash
• Proper Sleep: Chapter 21, Shloka:59/Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author: R.K.
Sharma, Bhagwan Dash
: Chapter: 4, Shloka:32/ Sharirsthana/Sushruta Samhita/
• Proper Way To Sleep: Chapter 21, Shola:54/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/
Author: R. K. Sharma, Bhagwan Dash
• Effect Of Sleep: Chapter 21, Shloka: 36-38/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/
Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash
• Effect Of Sleep During Daytime: Chapter 21, Shoka:50/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka
Samhita, Author : R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash, Chapter 4, Shloka:48/
Sharirasthana/ Sushruta Samhita
• Benefit Of Divasvapna: Chapter 21, Shloka:42-44/ Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/
Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash
• Contraindication Of Diva Svapna: Chapter 21, Shloka: 45-49/ Sutrasthana/
Charaka Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash
• Ratri- Jagrana: Effect Of Night Awakening: Chapter 21, Shlokas: 50,51/
Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author: R.K.Shrama, Bhagwan Dash
• Methods & Measures To Induce A Good Sleep: Chapter 21, Shlokas: 52-54/
Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash
• Sleep As A Non Supressible: Chapter 4, Shlokas:1/ Sutrasthana/ Astnaga
Hridaya/ Author: Professor K. R. Srikantha Murthy
• Suppression Of Sleep: Chapter 4, Shlokas:12/ Sutrasthana/ Astanga Hridaya/
Author: Professor. K.R. Srikantha Murthy
 Chapter 7, Shlokas:23/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/ Author: Professor . K. R.
Srikantha. Murthy
• Causes Of Sleeplessness: Chapter 21, Shlokas: 55-57/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka
Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash

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  • 1. Roll Of Nindra To Incrase The Immunity: Department Of Swasthavritta & Yoga Presented By: VanshVardhan Bhagora Enrollment No:1910400143 Guided By: Dr. Swapnil Shinde,Dr.Sonali P.Ladhi, Dr.TejalGanvit Collage Name: Aarihant Ayurvedic Medical Collage & Research Institute
  • 2. Introduction: ♪ The Trayopstapstambhas are the subsidiary pillars, which supports the body throughout the life span, by providing the qualities like Bala, Varna, Upachaya etc. ♪ They are considered as Subsidiary Or Secondary as principal pillars of life are the three doshas. ♪ But Their Importance in normal functioning of the body cannot be over looked. The Trayopstambhas are Ahara, Nindra & Brahmacharya . ♪ Each one of these deserves due impotence because these factors are concerned with the basic needs of living system and over indulgence or total abstinence of any of these may be harmful to life.
  • 3. ♪ The Ahara is mainly concerned with the energy production & maintenance of living tissues. ♪ The Nindra is the one which provide complete relaxation to the body & mind and there it restores the potential of individual. The Brahmacharya is concerned with disciplined mode of sexual life and reproduction. ˟ त्रय: उपस्तम्भा इति- आहार: , स्वप्नो, ब्रह्मचययतिति ।(च.सू.११/३५) ♪ Ahara (Food), Nidra( Sleep) & Brahmacharya ( Celibacy) are three pillars of life. ♪ Sleep is equally important as Food, Hence we must know concept of sleep described in Ayurveda.
  • 4. Derivation Of Nindra • Nindra is derived from the root “ Dra” with a prefix ‘N’. The root “Dra” means undesired. Therefore Nidra is considered as state in which there will be no desire ( Shabdakalpadruma) • The word meaning of- • Vachaspatyama- Sayana, Swapne, Tatwapratibodhe, Abhavapratyayalam-bnyam, Swanyavastha • Amrakosha- Sayana, Swapa, Swapna, Samvesa • Vaidyakashabdasindhu- Swapi • Sanskrit Hindi dictionary by V.S. ApteSuptavastha, Nind Sithilala, Aakhayan Mudra, Kali Ki Avastha. • Sanskrit- English Dictionary by V.S. Apte- Sleep, Sleepliness, Sloth, Shutting, Bidding State.
  • 5. Definition: ˟ यदािुिनतसक्लान्तेकिायन्तेकिायत्मन: क्लिान्वििा । ˟ तिषयेग्योतनिियन्तेिदास्वपतििानि: ।।( च. सू. २१/३५) ˟ कलान्त- तनन्विय , किायत्मन: इन्वियाति, क्लिान्विि तियारतहि तिषयेभ्य: रूप स्वप्नश्च तनररन्वियप्रदेशे िनोिस्थानि् । ( च.पा) ♪ Charakacharya explains Nidra is special state of mind in which the mind is not associated with any type of Indriyas. This detachment from the Bahya Vishaya is result from the tiredness of the body as well as mind. ♪ When the mind & indriyas get exhausted, they withdraw themselves from their objects & the individual sleeps. ♪ Sleep is nothing but location of mind in a place unconnected with sensory organs.
  • 6. ˟ हद्यंचेिनास्थानिुक्तंसुश्रुि। देतहनाि ।। ििोतििूिेिन्वमंस्तुतनद्रातिशतिदेतहनि ।( सु. शा. ४/३४) ♪ Hrudaya is the seat of Chetana and when it is dominated by covered by Tamas the person gets sleep. ˟ श्लेष्मािृिेषुस्रोि: सु श्रिादुपरिेषु...।( अ. स. सू.९/२९) ♪ The Strotasa become accumulated with Shleshma and the Mana is devoid of sense organs because of Fatigueness, So individual gets sleep. ˟ रातत्रस्विािप्रिािाििायािांिूिधात्रीप्रिदन्वन्तज्ञा ििोििािाहुरघस्यंिूलंशेषा: पुनियायतधषुतनतदयशन्वन्त ।।(च.सू. २१/५९) ♪ The sleep caused by Ratrisvabhavaprabhava (Nature Of The Night) the sleep par excellence and is also known as Bhutadhatri That Nurses all the living beings.
  • 7. ♪ The sleep which occurs due to increased Tamas is the cause for no righteous deeds because the person will always sleeping without doing any Sadvritta. Other types of sleep are just like disease itself, Hence they are grouped under Vyadhi disease. ♪ Physical & Mental Fatigue is the main cause of sleep. When Mind & Sense Organs get exhausted, Then sense organs cannot conjugate with their objects and this fatigue of mind and sense organs induces sleep. ♪ Elevation Of Tamas quality & fatigue induce sleep. Heart & Brain is the seat of mind. Sattva, Rajas & Tamas are qualities of mind. Tamas quality induces sleep while Sattva guna is responsible for awakening knowledge.
  • 8. Proper Sleep: ˟ रातत्रस्विािप्रिािा ििा या िूिधात्रीं प्रिदन्वन्त िज्ञा: । िूिातन िातन प्रातिनो दधाति पुष्णाति इति िूिधात्री, धात्रीि धात्री।।(च.सू. २१/५९,च.पा) ♪ The Sleep caused by nature of night is excellent sleep. It keeps every one lively, Nourishes them like mother. So called as Bhutadhatri. ˟ तनद्रां िु िैष्णिीं पाप्मानिुपतदशन्वन्त सा स्विािि: एिं सियप्रातिनोडतिस्पृषति ।(सु.शा.४/३२) ♪ It is like Maya of Vishnu, It naturally comes to all beings. It is also known as Papini as it destroy all means, Through which good action can be done at that time.
  • 9. Proper Way To Sleep: ˟ स्वास्तीिय शयन िेश्म सुखं कालस्थिोतचिं । आनयन्तया तचरातिद्रा प्रनष्टा या तनतित्ति : ।।(च.सू. २१/५४) ♪ Over a comfortable bed in home & at proper time at which sleep is accustomed, One should go to sleep.
  • 10. Relation Of Sleep With Help ♪ Happiness Or Misery, Nourishment Or Malnourishment, Strength Or Weakness, Potency Or Impotency & Sexual Urge, Life Or Death, Orientation Of Surroundings, Activeness Of Brain Or Disorientation and Sluggished Sense depend on sleep. Therefore one should take proper sleep at proper time. ♪ Sleep is a Non- Suppressible Urge. Urge Of Sleep should not be avoided and one should sleep at proper time. ♪ Untimely Sleep & Excessive Sleep take away both Happiness & Longevity. Kala Ratri is fierceful night. At the same time if properly enjoyed. They bring about Happiness, Longevity to human being as real knowledge ie. Satya Buddhi brings about Siddhi To Yogi.
  • 11. Effect On Heart: • पुण्डरीक े न सदृशं हृदयं स्यादधोिुखि्। जागृिस्ततिकसति स्वपिश्च तनिीलति ।।(सु. िा.५/३१ ) ♪ Heart which is like lotus in downward direction, Blooms in wakeful state & closes while sleep.
  • 12. Production Of Sleep: • ििोतििूिेिन्वमंस्तुतनद्रातिशतिदेतहनि। तनद्रा हेिु: िि:, सत्वं बोधने हेिुरुच्यिे ।। स्विाि एि िा हेिुगयरीयान पररकीिययिे ।( सु.सू.५/३५) ♪ When Tamas increases the person Sleeps. ♪ When Sattva increases person Awakens. ♪ Naturally the Tamas & Sattva qualities alternately are heard responsible for Sleep & Awakening.
  • 13. Types Of Nindra: ♪ Acharya Charaka has classified Nindra in following manner according to causes- ˟ ििोििा श्लेष्मसिुद्भािाचिन : शरीरश्रिसंििाच । आगन्तुकीव्याध्यनुितिनीचरातत्रस्विािप्रििाचतनद्रा ।।( च. सू.२१/५८) 1. Tamobhava- Caused By Tama 2. SleshmaSamudbhava- Caused By Highly Aggravated Kapha 3. Manah Sharira Srama Sambhava- Caused By Physical & Mental Exhaustion. 4. Agantuki- Indicative Of Bad Prognosis Leading Imminent Death. Produced Due To Tamas, With Bad Signs Without Any Diseases is Agantuki Sleep. 5. Vyadhi Anuvartini- Caused As A Complication Of Other Diseases Like Sannipataja Jwara 6. Ratri- Swabhava Prabhava- Caused By The Very Nature Of Night.
  • 14. Types Of Nidra Cause Of Nidra तमोभवा Due To Excess Of Tamas Quality श्लेष्मसमुद्भवा Due To Excess Of Kapha Dosha मन: शरीरसम्भवा Due To Mental & Physical Fatigue आगन्तुकी Occuring Due To Other Reasons Like Alcohol Consumption Etc. व्याध्यनुवर्तिनी Due To Disease Like HyperThyroidism, Anaemia Etc. रार्िस्वभावप्रभवा Occuring At Night Due To Excess Of Tamoguna.
  • 15. ♪ It is natural sleep which occurs during night. In the person with predominant sattva guna, Sleep is produced at Midnight. ♪ Aggravation Of Vata, Depletion Of Kapha, Mental & Physical Diseases lead to improper sleep.
  • 16. ♪ Acharya Dalhana has classified Nidra into Three types on the basis of Susruta Samhita like Tamasi when Sangyavaha Srotatas become filled with Sleshma dominated by TamoGuna, Tamasi Nidra is produced. ♪ Swabhaviki: This type of Nidra occurs Naturally & Daily in all living beings. ♪ Vaikariki: If there is any disturbance in Mana & Body, Nidra does not occur. But if Nidra is occurred, It is Vaikariki Nidra.
  • 17. ♪ Acharya Charaka, Nidra is a condition in which Mana including Indriyas dissociates themselves from their objects. ♪ According To Acharya Sushruta Nidra is related to God Vishnu. ♪ Acharya Vagabhatta has said that Nidra is produced from Tamas at the time of commencement of the creation. ♪ It is another form of Tamas itself & Manifest when tama is predominant, Generally at Night.
  • 18. Physiology Of Nidra: ♪ When the mind including Sensory & Motor Organs is exhausted and They dissociate themselves from their objects, Then the individual sleeps. ♪ According to Acharya Charaka, When the Man including Indriyas is exhausted and Thus they dissociate themselves from their objects, The individual sleeps. When the Mana (as well as the soul) get exhausted or become inactive and the individual gets sleep. ♪ Acharya Shusruta said about the Physiology Of Nidrathat Hridaya is the seat of Chetana in living being.
  • 19. ♪ When this is invaded by Tamo Guna, Persons are subjected to Nidra. Tamo Guna is causes of Sleep and Satva Guna is cause of Awakening But Overall, Nature itself is more dominant cause. ♪ Acharya Caraka explained physiology of Nidra that when Srotats of the body become covered by Kapha, Then the body is fatigued by Exertion and When the sense organs are not functioning. Nidra manifests in the body.
  • 20. Effect Of Sleep: • तनद्रायत्तंसुखं दु: खं पुतष्ट: काशययबलाबलि। िृषिाक्लीबिा ज्ञानिज्ञानंजीतििंनच।। अकालेडतिप्रसगाच्चन अचतनद्रातनषेतििा। सुखायुषीपराक ु यायिकालरातत्रररिापरा ।। सैियुक्तापुनयुयक्तेतनद्रादेहंसुखायुषा । पुरुषंयोतगनंतसद्धयासत्याबुन्वद्धररिागिा ।।(च. सू.२१/३६-३८)
  • 21. ♪ Happiness, Misery, Nourishment, Emaciation, Strength, Weakness, Virility, Sterility, Knowledge, Ignorance, Life & Death- All these occur depending on Proper Or Improper Sleep. ♪ According To Shusruta Samhita, A Good Sleep enjoyed at proper time and for proper period ♪ Tends to Improve the Growth, Strength, Vigor and Complexion of the body. ♪ It increases the sense of well- being by freshening the body and mind also restores the natural equilibrium among different body tissues.
  • 22. ♪ So much so that the scope and Importance of good sleep has been equated with the soundness of health enjoyed by a person. ♪ There is no Physiological system in the body which doesn’t get Salutary effect of sound and Soothing Sleep. ♪ Untimely and Improper Sleep takes away both Happiness and Longevity. The Same Sleep, If Properly enjoyed brings Happiness and Longevity in human beings as real knowledge brings about Spiritual Power in a Yogi.
  • 23. Divasvapna( Indication Of Day-Sleep): • गीिाध्ययन िद्यस्रीकियिारध्वकतशयिा: । अजीतियन: क्षिा: क्षीिािृद्धाबालास्तथाडबला:।। िृष्णािीसारशूलािाय: श्वातसनोतहन्विन: क ृ शा: । पतििातिहिोन्मिा: क्लान्तायानप्रजागरै: ।। िोधशोकियक्लान्तातदिास्वपनोतचिाश्चये । सिय एिेतदिास्वप्नंसेिेरनसािंकातलकि्।।(च.सू.२१/३९-४१) • अतिसारातद प्रिातिना तदिास्वप्न अजीिय - तनद्रातहस्रोिोज्वरोधेनाअतनिबबलं क ृ त्वा शीघ्र िाहारंपचति । तदिास्वप्न सात्म्यानां सहसा िि् पररत्यागे दोषा । प्रजागरं- अथोअधयिात्रं ित्कालं तदिास्वप्न तिध्यिे िुकििा स्वप्नं सेिेिसुस्थोप्यसुन्वखिो ििेि् । नरातिरंशनांिन् कािं तदिा स्वापयेि् । रातत्रिां अतिसंक्षोित्वाि् अल्पतनद्रत्वं सूचयति ।। ( च.पा)
  • 24.  For Most, Day Sleep is Contra- Indicated but sleeping during the day time can be prescribed for those who are exhausted by Singing, Study, Alcoholic Drinks, Sexual Acts, Elimination Therapy, Carrying Heavy Weight, Walking Long Distance.  Those suffering from Phthisis, Wasting Disease like Tuberculosis, Thirst, Diarrhea, Colic Pain, Dyspnea, Hiccup, Insanity, Those Who are Too Old, Too Young, Weak & Emaciated  Those Injured By Fall and Assault, Those Exhausted By Journey By Vehicle, Anger, Grief & Fear and Those Who are accustomed to day sleep. i.e. They are working in night.  Day Time is Contraindicated But Day Time is recommended only in Grishma Rutu ( Summer Season)
  • 25. Effect Of Sleep During Daytime: • तिग्धं प्रस्वपनं तदिा ।(च.सू. २१/५०) ♪ Sleeping during daytime leads to Kapha- Vriddhi as Divaswapa induces snigdha guna in the body. • तदिास्वप्नश्च िृट्शूलतहिाडजीिायतिसारािाि् । (सु.शा. ४/४८) ♪ Excessive day sleep can induce Polydipsia ( Trishna), Pain (Shoola), Hiccup(Hikka) & Diarrhea(Atisara)
  • 26. Benefits Of Divasvapna ( Day- Sleep): • धािुसाम्यंिथा ह्येषां बलंचाप्युपजायिे । श्लेष्मापुष्णातिचागातनस्थैययिितिचायुष: ।। ग्रीष्मेत्वादानरुक्षािांिधयिानेचिारुिे। रात्रीिांचातिसंक्षेपातििास्वपन: प्रशस्यिे ।। ग्रीष्मियेषुकालेषुतदिास्वप्नािप्रक ु प्यि:। श्लेष्मातपत्तेतदिास्वप्नस्तमात्तेषुनशययिे।।(च.सू.२१/४२-४४)
  • 27. ♪ Equilibrium Of Dhatus and Strength are maintained and Kapha Nourishes The Organs and Ensures The Longevity. ♪ In Summer Season, Nights Become Shorter and Vata gets aggravated in the body due to absorption of fluid ( Adana Kala). ♪ Therefore, During This Season, Sleep during the daytime is prescribed for all.
  • 28. Contra- Indication Of Divaswapna (Day- Sleep): • िेदन्वस्वन: िेहतनत्या: श्लेष्मला: श्लेष्मरोतगि:। दू तषतिषािायश्चातदिानशयीरनकदाचन ।। हलीिक: तशर:शूलंस्तैतित्यंगुरुगात्रिा । अंगिदोडतनिबनाशश्चप्रलेपो ह्रद्यस्य च ।। शोफोरोचकह्रल्लासपीनसाधायििेदका: । कोठ: तपडका: कण्ड ू स्तिाकासोगलािय: ।। मृतिबुन्वद्धप्रिोहश्चसंरोध: स्रोिसांज्वर:। इन्वियािासािथययतिषिेग प्रिियनि ।। ििेिृिां तदिास्वप्नस्यातहिस्यतनशेििाि । िमािन्वद्धिातहिंस्वप्नंबुद्धध्वास्वप्यािसुखंबुध् ।।(च.सू.२१/४५-४९)
  • 29.  Sleeping during the daytime in the seasons other than summer is not advisable as it causes vitiation of Kapha & Pitta.  Persons with Excessive Fat, Those who are addicted to Taking Unctuous Substances, Those with Kapha Constitution, Those suffering from diseases due to the vitiation of Kapha and Those suffering from Artificial Poisoning should never sleep during day time.
  • 30.  If one violets the prescription regarding sleep during day time, he would subject himself to Halimaka ( Type Of Jaundice), Headache, Feeling as if body is covered by Wet Blanket, Heaviness Of The Body, Malaise, Loss Of Digestive Fire, Hridaya- Alepa ( A feeling as if adhered to the heart), Edema, Anorexia, Nausea, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Hemicranias, Urticaria, Eruption, Abscess, Prurutus, Drowsiness, Memory & Intelligence, Obstruction Of The Circulating Channels Of The Body, Fever, Weakness Of Sensory & Motor Organs and Enhancement Of the toxic effects of artificial poisons.  So one should considering the Merits and Demerits of sleep in various Seasons & Situations.
  • 31.  So that it may bring Happiness and Health to him.  Just because you feel like you need to nap during the day, It doesn’t mean it is beneficial for you.
  • 32. Ratri- Jagrana- Effect Of Night Awakening: • रात्रौजागरिं रुक्षं तिग्धंप्रस्वपनंतदिा । अरुक्षिनतिष्यन्वित्वासीनप्रचलातयिि ।।(च.सू.२१/५०) ♪ Awakening during night causes roughness in the body. ♪ Sleep during daytime cause’s unctuousness and sleeping in sitting posture does neither cause roughness, dryness nor unctuousness. • देहिृत्तौयथाआहारस्तथास्वप्न: सुखोिि: । आहारसिुत्थेचस्थौल्यकाशययतिशेषि:।।(च.सू.२१/५१) ♪ Like the Proper Diet, Proper Sleep is essential for maintenance of the body. Proper sleep increase weight, induces obesity where as less sleep produce emaciation
  • 33. Nidra- One Of The Vega: ♪ Vegas are natural urges which should not be controlled deliberately. Nidra is one among the 13 Vegas. ♪ The Dharana Of Nidra Vega may cause Moha, Gaurava Of Shira and Akshi, Alasya, Jrumbha and Angamarda. ♪ The treatment that be given to these symptoms is nothing but allow the individual to sleep. ♪ Gentle touch also can promote sleep.
  • 34. Causes Of Insomnia: ♪ Elimination Of Doshas in Excess From The Body Through Purgation & Emesis, Nasya, Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Smoking, Excessive Physical Exercise, Excess Blood- Letting/ Loss, Fasting & Uncomfortable Bed are causes for Insomnia. ♪ The above mentioned factors along with Overwork, Stress, Old Age, Diseases, Especially these due to the vitiation of Vata like Colic Pain etc. Are known to cause Sleeplessness even in normal individuals. Some are insomniac even by nature. ♪ Inbalance Of Vata & Pitta Dosha and Mental Stress are the causes of sleep.
  • 35. Sleep Requirement: ♪ During sleep the body gets repaired by itself & the brain processes the day’s events and helps to sort them. Some sleep more and Other sleep less, But both may be normal. ♪ The range of deviation of sleeping hours in the normal adult population is 4 to 10 hours per day. Although the Infants and Children sleep more while the old people less. ♪ A normal adult can with stand several days up to 10 days of sleep derivation without showing any remarkably gross changers.
  • 36. Category: Sleep Requirement: New Born Babies 16-24 Hours Children’s 12-14 Hours Adults 4-10 Hours Old About 5 Hours
  • 37. Methods and Measures To Induce a Good Sleep: • अभ्यगोत्सादनंिानंग्राम्यानूपौदकारसा:। शाल्यिं सदतध क्षीरं िेहोिद्यंिन सुखि।। िनसोडनुगुिागन्धा: शब्दा: संिाहनातनच। चक्षुष्योस्तपयिंलेपं: तशरसोिदनस्यच ।। स्वास्तीियशयनंिेश्मसुखंकलस्तथोतचि: । आनयन्त्यतचरातिद्रां प्रनष्टा यातनतित्ति: ।।(च.सू.२१/५२-५४)
  • 38. ♪ Aharaja Hetu: Gramya Anup, Varija Mamsa Rasa, Shalyanna, Shali with Dadhi, Ksheera, Madhya, Sneha. ♪ Viharaja Hetu: Abhyanga, Snana, Utsadana , Samvahana, Cakshusotaerpana, Application Of Soothing Pastes To The Head, Application Of Soothing Pastes To The Face, Comfortable Bed, Sleep in Proper Time. ♪ Manasika Hetu: Pleasure Of Mind, Indulging In Orders and Sound of once own taste. Person Gets Sleep Immediately When the etiologies of Sleeplessness are removed.
  • 39. Sleep As A Non Supressible ( Adharaniya Vega) • िेगािधारयेिाि तिण्मूत्र क्षििृट्क्षुधा। तनद्रा कास श्रि श्वास जृम्भाश्रुछतदयरेिसां ।।(अ.ह.सू.४/१) ♪ It is one among the urges which should not be controlled. If controlled produces various diseases. ♪ Sleep is defined as unconsciousness from which the person can be aroused by sensory or other stimuli. ♪ There are Two Types: 1. Slow Wave Sleep (NREM) 2. REM Sleep ( Paradoxical Or Desynchronised Sleep)
  • 40. Nidrarodha ( Suppression Of Sleep): • तनद्राया िोहिूधायतक्षगौरिालस्यजृन्वम्भका: । अङगिदयश्च ित्रेष्ट: स्वप्न: संिाहनातन च ।।(अ.ह.सू.४/१२) ♪ Suppression Of Sleep Causes Delusion, Feeling Of Heaviness Of Head & Eyes, Lassitude, Too Many Yawnings and Squeezing Pain all over body. Good Sleep and Mild Massaging are the ideal treatment. • जृम्भा अंगिदयस्तिा च तशरोरोगोडतक्षगौरिि् । तनद्रातिधारिात्तत्र स्वप्न: संिाहनातन च ।।(च.सू . ७/२३) ♪ Suppression Of The Urge For Sleep Causes Yawning, Malaise, Drowsiness, Headache & Heaviness in the eyes. To overcome that one should resort to sound sleep and massage of the body.
  • 41. ♪ Deep Sleep occurring in first hour after the wakefulness for a day is slow wave sleep. It is exceedingly restful, Associated with decrease in peripheral vascular tone , 10 to 30 % decrease in blood pressure respiratory rate and basal metabolic rate along with other function of the body. It is frequently called Dreamless Sleep. ♪ The eyes undergo rapid movements when person is as sleep. Episodes of REM occur at every 90 minutes, Lasting for about 5 To 30 Minutes. This state is associated with active dreaming.
  • 42. Different Theories Of Production Of Sleep: 1. Reticular activating reflex and other parts of the brain are fatigued over the period of waking day. So they become inactive and produce sleep. 2. Some center or Centers below midpontile level of brain produce sleep. 3. Diencephalon Sleep Zone, Basal For Brain Sleep Zone, Parts Of Hypothalamus & Suprachiasmatic Nuclei responsible for production of sleep. The Production of Sleep follows Circadian Rhythm.
  • 43. Causes Of Sleeplessness : • कायस्यतशरस्यश्चैितिरेकश्छदयनंियि । तचन्ता िोधस्तथाधूिोव्यायािोरक्तिोक्षिि ।। उपिासोडसुखाशय्यासत्वौदाययििोजय: । तनद्राप्रसगितहिंिारयन्वन्तसिुन्वत्थिि।। एि एिं तिज्ञेया तनद्रा नाशस्य हेिि: । कायय कालों तिकारश्च प्रक ृ तििायुयरेि च । । ( च.सू.२१/५५-५७) • सत्वगुि िधयन, ििोगुिजय- योगाभ्यासातदना काल इति िाधयक्यं, िृद्धा तह स्विािि: जागृरूका: ििंति तिकार: व्यातध शूलातद, प्रक ृ ति स्विाि ।(च.पा)
  • 44.  Elimination Of Dosas From The Body & Head Through Nasal Instillation  Purgation  Emesis Of Purification  Blood Letting  Worry  Anger  Smoke  Physical Exercise  Fasting  Uncomfortable Bed  Predominance Of Sattva  Suppress Of Tamas
  • 45.  Old Age  By Yoga  Disease  Vata Vriddhi & Basic Natures are the causes of insomnia.
  • 46. Roll Of Sleep In Immunity: ♪ It Removes Anxiety & Stress. ♪ It Brings a Lot Of Happiness & Restores The Good Health. ♪ Our Mind & Sense Organs To Be Going To Properly Well Being & Be Going To Properly Work. ♪ It Gives a Fresh Feeling & Make a Mood Well ♪ It Gives Freshness To The Body & Mind. ♪ It Helps To Decrease & Remove The Depression, Anxiety, Headache & Such Mental Disorders etc. ♪ It Helps Provide To The Increase The Strength. ♪ Helps To Increase The Immune Systems. ♪ It Restores The Mood & Memory ♪ It Decrease Inflammation, Blood Pressure, Insulin Resistance, Cortisol, Weight Gain & Cardiovascular System ♪ Sleep Not Only Increases Your Immune System Functions. Its Also Been Shown To Play A Role In Improving Antibody Responses To Vaccinations.
  • 47. ♪ It Gives a Concentration & Gives Focus To Helping To Any Works. ♪ It Gives a Longevity & Span Of The Life. ♪ Muscles are Going To Be Repaired. ♪ The Body & Brain Get Repaired By Itself. ♪ Sleep & The Immune System have an interdependent relationship. ♪ Good Sleep Improves Your Immune System. ♪ Your Immune System is the first line of defense against illness. ♪ Infections- and fighting them affect your sleep ♪ Getting Good Quality Sleep is key to maintain your health. ♪ Sleep can Supercharge your immunization.
  • 48. Sleep & Immunity: ♪ It’s an undeniable fact that sleep is crucial for your overall health and well being. In fact, it is during sleep that our body carries out all of the major housekeeping and repairs within all the systems of the body. ♪ As we sleep, our muscles are repaired, waste products are removed from our cells and immune responses are busy to ensure that when we wake, our body is ready to fit and ready for another day. ♪ A growing body of research has shown that getting enough good sleep is essential for your immune system. This is the body’s defense network that prevents or limits infection in your body. ♪ Healthy sleep can help boost the immune system and can even help to prevent you from getting sick as often.
  • 49. ♪ Sleep not only increases your immune system function. It’s also been shown to play a role in improving antibody responses to vaccinations. ♪ This means getting enough sleep before and after you’ re vaccinated can help vaccines work in your body.
  • 50. Sleep As A Superpower: ♪ Although some people say that sleep is a superpower, it’s just a normal everyday process that keeps the brain and body including the immune system, working at its best. ♪ It’s probably because we all do it every night that we forget just how key sleep is to our and wellbeing. Sleep is a fantastically effective physiological process that provides the foundation for good health. ♪ Good sleep plays a vital role in the immune response’s ability to function, whereas a lack of sleep can reduce immunity from and increase susceptiblity to infection. ♪ In fact, Numerous studies have demonstrated that sleep deprivation negatively impacts upon the immune system.
  • 51. ♪ So sleep is essential for keeping the immune system at its best. It’s also the case that sleep patterns can be altered by a poorly functioning immune response. ♪ Your sleep and your immune system are interlinked. It’s a special relationship build to last.
  • 52. Immunity From Attack: ♪ Your immune system can be likened to an army protecting your body. It’s an incredibly sophisticated & complex system that work firstly to keep Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites and many other pathogens at bay. ♪ Should one of these baddies try to breach your defenses, Your immune system steps in to try to vanquish invading germs inside the body. ♪ You have two levels of immunity: The Innate And The Acquired Immune Systems.
  • 53. Innate Immunity: ♪ Think of the innate immunity system as the first line of defense. The baddies are approaching, They haven’t been fully identified yet, so your body uses non- specific defenses to try and repel the invaders. ♪ It looks for anything that doesn’t belong in your body and seeks to destroy it. Once a foreign organisms has been detected, your immune system sends out signals which act to sound the alarm that a pathogen is present. The invader is marked with a ‘tag’ to identify it as a threat. ♪ There are various ways in which the invader is then attacked and destroyed but, ultimately, the invading particle is broken down, any resulting waste material is removed and your innate immune system keeps waging its battle against invading foes.
  • 54. Adaptive Immunity: ♪ Your adaptive or acquired immune system is more specialized. This is the part that can fully recognize invading pathogen and then accurately and specifically target an invader for destruction. ♪ Each time your body encounters a new pathogen, Your adaptive system takes a note of it. Records are kept about the best way to best deal with this latest invader should it ever come back. ♪ This is known as ‘Immunological Memory’ and is the reason why you don’t get viruses like measles twice.
  • 55. Roll Of Sleep In Our Immunity: ♪ Much Like An Army, The Cells Protecting your body can be split into different branches and all have their own Specialisms. While we are not going to go in- depth on every single type of cell, protein and molecule here, we have provided some details on the major players and those most discussed in sleep research. • T Cells: ♪ T- Cells are type of white blood cell and fall into two categories: Helper T Cells & Cytotoxic T Cells. Helper T Cells raise an alarm that an intruder is in the body. ♪ They do this by releasing molecular signals that let other immune cells know that an attack is under way and that help is needed.
  • 56. ♪ Cytotoxic T Cells have a much more direct role in fighting infection. They recognize cells that have been invaded by pathogens and they attach directly to those cells, using various methods to destroy them. • Sleep Fact: When scientists compared T Cells from volunteers who were allowed to sleep for 8 hours a night, with those who stayed awake all night, they found that the T Cells in the sleep- deprived group had a much lower ability to bind a key molecule featured in the immune response. ♪ As We have mentioned above, Binding to both infected cells and other immune system cells is a T cell’s primary objective. Without their ability to sick, they cannot fulfil their role in the immune response. ♪ This study therefore sheds light on how sleep derivation can directly affect our immune response.
  • 57. • B Cells: ♪ B Cells are another type of white blood cell which patrol the body, searching for pathogens. ♪ B Cells have antibodies on their surface that can bind to pathogens as well as other things. It helps to think of the antibody like a jigsaw piece. On the surface of the B Cell is one jigsaw piece of a Two- Piece Puzzle. ♪ B Cells float around the body and when they come in contact with a virus or bacteria that happens to have the other half of the jigsaw on its surface, Then the B Cells can binds to it. This signals that an invader has been found and targeted for destruction. ♪ Helper T Cells can bind to B Cells to allow them to secrete multiple copies of their specific antibody. The free antibody which will then bind to any pathogen they are specific to and target them for destruction. ♪ They can also become memory B Cells- essentially remembering a specific pathogen so that they can react appropriately if they come across it again.
  • 58. • NK Cells ♪ We have natural killer(NK) cells that will destroy cells that have been invaded and taken over by pathogens. They do this by secreting compounds that tell infected cell to shut itself down by a process known as Programmed Cell Death. • Sleep Facts : Restricting Sleep to four hours for just one night was found to reduce NK Cell activity by an average of 72% compared to levels after a full night’s sleep. ♪ NK Cells play an essential role in killing tumor cells and research has shown that reduced NK cell function is associated with a 1.6 times greater risk of dying from cancer.
  • 59. • Phagocytes: ♪ This is a group of white blood cells including Neutrophils, Macrophages & Dendritic Cells which all have the ability to engulf or eat pathogens they find. ♪ Once the pathogens are inside these cells, Phagocytes use various methods to break down the invading pathogens to get rid of them. Each type of phagocyte has its own locality and superpower:  Neutrophils- Found in huge quantities in the blood and usually the first cells to arrive at a site of infection.  Macrophages- Can cross out of blood vessels to fight infections in other parts of the body.
  • 60. • Dendritic Cells- Found in Tissues & Key to linking the Innate and Acquired immune responses together, allowing for communication between the two. ♪ All the cells detailed about have multiple other roles in addition to those listed above and there is huge cross- talk and co-operation between them. ♪ Your immune cells and many others also secrete small protiens known as cytokines, which have a huge role in the immune response.
  • 61. • Cytokines: ♪ Cytokines act like small messengers to bring immune cells to the scene of the invasion, to amplify the signals that an attack is underway and allow the different cells of the immune response to essentially ‘ communicate’ with each other. ♪ They are crucial to your immune response and there are many different families & subgroups of cytokines which perform a whole host of different roles within your body. • Sleep fact: Research has shown that restricting sleep led to the generation of inflammatory cytokines which are known to play a role in the development of heart blood vessel and metabolic disorders.
  • 62. Sleep Can Help Our Body Fight Infections: ♪ Infection can often affect sleep patterns and you may find yourself experiencing periods of longer and deeper sleep when you fall it. Why is that? ♪ During the active phase of the immune response your body may seek to increase the duration of N3, Slow- Wave Sleep( Deep Sleep) and decrease wakefulness and REM sleep. These changes to sleep may help your body to devote more resources to fighting an infection.
  • 63. Infections Can Disrupt Your Sleep: • Viral: Its common for viral infections to disturb sleep, increase fatigue and cause fevers. In a study of people infected with a common cold virus, participants experienced decreased sleep time. • For these people, sleep effeciancy fell by 5% during the virus’s active period compared with its incubation period. • Bacterial: Bacterial infections also cause sleep disturbances. For example, human lyme disease, caused by bacterium Borrelia Burgdorferi, is associated with chronic fatigue and sleep disoreders. • People experiencing Lyme disease complained of:  Difficulty Falling Asleep  Frequent Nocturnal Awakenings  Excessive Daytime Sleepiness.
  • 64. • They also experienced:  Increased Time To Fall Asleep  Decreased Sleep Quality  More Short Awakenings During The Night  Broken Sleep ♪ Sleep disorders can also develop during or after bacterial infections that target the respiratory system. ♪ People with the bacterial infection listeriosis show increased total amounts of sleep, characterized by increased daytime sleep, less night- time sleep and longer durations of observed awakenings during the night. ♪ Its been suggested that some sleep disorders, such as nacrolepsy, may be related to bacterial infections.
  • 65. ♪ This is based on the observation that many people with nacrolepsy have antibodies to Streptococcus and Helicobacter Pylori, which are associated with autoimmune disease. These antibodies may be a trigger for nacrolepsy through some autoimmune mechanisms. • Parasitic: ♪ Parasitic Infections, Such as Malaria, Filariasis & Trypanosmiasis, Apper to change sleep patterns by impacting upon the immune response. ♪ A study examining links between sleep duration and parasitic infection levels looked at 12 mammalian species and found that longer sleep duration was linked with lower parasitic infections levels. ♪ The finding led the authors to suggest that sleep evolved, in part, to protect animals from parasitic infections.
  • 66. Our Body Clock Regulates How Our Immune System Functions: ♪ Our body clock controls when we sleep and wake and research suggests it also plays a critical role in optimizing our immune system function. ♪ Recent studies show likes between activity and sleep patterns in opposition to the natural body clock (including night- shift work) and raised levels of inflammation in the body. ♪ Delayed sleep patterns(sometimes caused by shift-work) can disrupt the normal body clock. When frequently people stay up late for work or pleasure and sleep through the day this disruption to the body clock leads to chronic inflammation in the body. ♪ Our body clock regulates when the levels of certain molecules of the immune system rise and fall. In a normal healthy state, when we sleep at night, our bodies actually have higher levels of inflammation than during the day. ♪ This is because, during our sleep, when our body is busy repairing muscles and carrying out housekeeping tasks to remove toxins and waste, levels of immune molecules naturally rise during the night in order to carry out their roles in these tasks.
  • 67. Work & Lifestyle Choices Can Affect Immunity: ♪ During the night, as repairs and maintenance are complete, the body clock signals for inflammation levels to decrease and the body gets ready to start another day. ♪ What’s happening in someone who stays up very late or works a night- shift is that their body clock naturally wants to carry out these tasks during the night, when the person is awake. ♪ So the body clock sends signals to increase inflammation while the person is working, socializing or bingeing Netflix- signals that work best when the person is a sleep. ♪ When the person goes to sleep at a time that doesn’t align with their natural body rhythm this further confuses the body clock, because sleep is the time of repair.
  • 68. ♪ Inflammatory molecules that were already raised during the night stay high in the body while the person is sleeping. ♪ The net result of frequently poor sleep or night shift work is constantly raised levels of inflammation compared to people who sleep at times that align with their natural body clcok.
  • 69. Immunity & Immunization: ♪ The effect of poor sleep can also be seen in the immune response to vaccination. A study showed that partially sleep- deprived health adults, who were immunized against influenza, developed antibody concentration half the level of their well rested peers. ♪ Research have also found that people who slept fewer than six hours per night are, on average, far less likely to mount an antibody response to the hepatitis B vaccine. ♪ They were nearly 12 times more likely to be unprotected by the vaccine than people who slept more than seven hours.
  • 70. Achieving Better Sleep ♪ It’s clear that sleep and immunity have a very close and intertwined relationship. By prioritizing sleep and taking steps to ensure that your sleep is good as it can be, You’ re indirectly looking after your health and immune system too.
  • 71. What Is The Risk If U cant Get Sleep: ♪ It Increases Anxiety & Stress ♪ It Decrease The Strength ♪ The Body Going To Get Sick ♪ It Gives A Headache, Depression, Pain All Over The Body & Mental Disorder Is Increase. ♪ The Body & Mind Not Be Going To Properly Work ♪ It Causes Depression ♪ It Can not be Concentration and Focus In Other Activity. ♪ It Does Not Able To Make Immune System. ♪ It Decrease Our Mood & Memory ♪ It Increase The Inflammation, Blood Pressure, Insulin Resistance, Cortisol, Weight Gain & Cardiovascular System. ♪ It Takes Away Both Happiness & Longevity ♪ The Body Doesn’t Repaired By Itself. ♪ It Does Not Maintain Good Health ♪ It Does Not Able To Make Antibodies.
  • 72. What Should You Do If U Cant Get Sleep:  Read The Book  Meditation, Yoga  To Read The Good & Pleasant Story Book  Listen To Relaxing, Good & Pleasant Music  Change Your Diet  Write a Diary Or Journal Entry  To Get An Eye Mask & Ear Plug  Don’t Force Yourself To Sleep If You Don’t Feel Tired.  Do Not Go On Social Media  Slumber Party  Practice Positive Thinking Before Bed  Avoid Eating A Big Meal Before Bed  Do Not Be Watch Horror Movies & Not To Be Read Horror Books & Not To Be Play A Horror Games. Which Be Really Going To Makes Creep Out.  Keep Bedroom Cool, Quiet & Dimly It.
  • 73.
  • 74.  To Be Going To Sleep Keep With Good , Neat & Clean Soft Stuffed Toy.  Try To Use White Noise Machine.  Avoid The Technology Like Phones, Computers Or TV.  Don’t Smoke Or Use Tobacco Products.  Don’t Be Drink Alcohol Especially Before Bed.  Turn Off Screens Before The Bed Time.  Avoid Consuming Caffiene Or Stop Drinking Caffiene Early In The Day.  Try A Mindful Coloring Book.  Do Some Light Stretches.  Make A Start On That Boring Homework You Have Been Avoiding.  Avoid Bright Lights Before Bed Try Using A Night Light Or Deem Light.  Make Your Bed Before You Get In It.  Write Down All The Things You Need To Do Tomorrow.  Hide Your Alarm Clock So You Can’t See The Time.  Schedule A Specific Time In Your Day To Think About All The Things That Worry You.
  • 75.  Create An Artful Oasis  Design A New Look  Pray Before Sleep  Drink Water  Have A Cup Of Camomile Tea  Have A Hot Shower Or Bath ( But Don’t Fall A Sleep In Bath!)  Have A Light Snack( But Nothing Too Sugary Or Heavy)  Use Lavender Oil Or Cream  Drink A Cup Of Hot Milk  List All Things You Are Grateful For  Pick One Thing Or Object To Focus All Your Attention On  Try A Brain Teaser Puzzle  Do A Crossword Puzzle  Go Outside For Some Fresh Air  Tidy Your Room Before Bed.
  • 76. BibiloGraphy: • Trayopstambha: Chapter 11,Shloka:35/Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author : R.K. Sharma & Bhagwan Dash • Proper Sleep: Chapter 21, Shloka:59/Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author: R.K. Sharma, Bhagwan Dash : Chapter: 4, Shloka:32/ Sharirsthana/Sushruta Samhita/ • Proper Way To Sleep: Chapter 21, Shola:54/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/ Author: R. K. Sharma, Bhagwan Dash • Effect Of Sleep: Chapter 21, Shloka: 36-38/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash • Effect Of Sleep During Daytime: Chapter 21, Shoka:50/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita, Author : R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash, Chapter 4, Shloka:48/ Sharirasthana/ Sushruta Samhita • Benefit Of Divasvapna: Chapter 21, Shloka:42-44/ Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash • Contraindication Of Diva Svapna: Chapter 21, Shloka: 45-49/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash
  • 77. • Ratri- Jagrana: Effect Of Night Awakening: Chapter 21, Shlokas: 50,51/ Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author: R.K.Shrama, Bhagwan Dash • Methods & Measures To Induce A Good Sleep: Chapter 21, Shlokas: 52-54/ Sutrasthana/ Charak Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash • Sleep As A Non Supressible: Chapter 4, Shlokas:1/ Sutrasthana/ Astnaga Hridaya/ Author: Professor K. R. Srikantha Murthy • Suppression Of Sleep: Chapter 4, Shlokas:12/ Sutrasthana/ Astanga Hridaya/ Author: Professor. K.R. Srikantha Murthy  Chapter 7, Shlokas:23/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/ Author: Professor . K. R. Srikantha. Murthy • Causes Of Sleeplessness: Chapter 21, Shlokas: 55-57/ Sutrasthana/ Charaka Samhita/ Author: R.K.Sharma, Bhagwan Dash