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Analysis of Music Magazines
Sarah Green
Kerrang!: Front Cover
The Main Image: is a medium long
shot of the band All Time Low. Alex
Gaskarth, the singer, is central in the
image as he is the frontman of the
band and the most recognisable of
the group. All members of the band
have their hands visible in the image
and two of them have them in the
rock hand gesture. This coincides
with the type of music in the

Heading: The house style of Kerrang! is
black text with a white background this is
to make the text stand out and easy to
read. However, the main cover line ‘All
Time Low’ is in a vibrant blue, this is a
contrasting colour to the house style so it
again stands out.

The Masthead : of Kerrang! is at the top of the cover
because then it is obvious to what the magazine is.
The font and name is also very recognisable which
helps sell the brand as a whole. The font used for the
masthead is broken and shattered which is supposed
to represent the type of music inside the magazine.
Rock is known for being rough around the edges and
the volume can be shattering.

Date and Price: The date and price are
very common conventions of a magazine
cover as they are necessary for the
customer to see how much it is and when
the issue was published. The price
especially is in a very small font as the
company’s main priority id for the
customer to want the magazine and think
about the price of it later. If it was a bigger
feature, the audience would be looking at
the price instead of the articles.

Sub Heading: This is usually used
to further the audiences initial
interest after they read the
heading. They often contain
catchy phrases and use linguistic
language such as repetition and
rhetorical questions. Here it says
‘Puke! Nudity! Total Mayhem!’
this is the rule of three and after
each word there is an exclamation
mark, this shows that the words
are meant to be emphasised when

The Barcode: Is on the edge out
of the way of cover lines and
images, this means it is
accessible but not central.
Button: The small circle is used
to advertise minor features
inside the magazine. The one for
example, is for the posters that
come with the product. Also, the
word ‘special’ indicates that it is
something unordinary and that it
is valuable to have.

Sub Image: This is used to
advertise what is inside the
magazine and tempt the audience
even further into to buying the
product. Sometimes it says what
page the article is on so it can
guide the reader to the source.

Plug: The plug is in a yellow
filled box so it stand out
against all the other colours.
The audience’s attention is
immediately drawn to it. The
text is also capitalised so it
very noticeable and
generally, things in all capitals
are seen as important
Kerrang!: Contents

The Masthead : of Kerrang! is at the top of the
contents page because then it is obvious to what the
page of the magazine is. The font and name is also
very recognisable and in the same house style as the
cover. The font used for the masthead is broken and
shattered which is supposed to represent the type of
music inside the magazine. The colours for the
magazine name, and other heading and subheadings
are different so it is obvious at al times to what the
magazine is called.

The Main Image: is a medium long
shot of Tay Jardine from the band
We Are The In Crowd. Her hands are
visible in the image as if she is
reaching towards the audience
which makes them feel included in
the magazine and like it is speaking
directly to them. Also her clothes are
blue and grey stripped with coincide
with the colour arrangements for
this issue of the magazine.

Sub Heading: The sub headings
are in a simple font and yellow in
colour contrasting with a black
background. Typically, these two
colours together represent danger
- seen on bees. This indicates that
the content isn’t necessarily child
or family friendly and is instead
risky and rough. They are also
titles so the pages are categorised.
One of the subheadings is
‘Feedback’ which is at the front of
the magazine so the audience
feels like they are important.

Sub Image: This is used to
advertise what is inside the
magazine and tempt the audience
even further into to buying the
product. Sometimes it says what
page the article is on so it can
guide the reader to the source.

Button: The small circle is used to advertise
minor features inside the magazine or as a
decorative piece. This one for example, says
‘Pop punks not dead’. The text is in two
different colours each one contrasting
against the two toned background. This
makes it more appealing then if it was only in
one simple colour.

Plug: The plug is in a black filled box
so it stands out against the simple
white background. The audience’s
attention is immediately drawn to
it. The text is also capitalised so it
very noticeable and
generally, things in all capitals are
seen as important. The text is in
three different colours each one
contrasting against the two toned
background. Once again yellow is
placed over black and white over
Kerrang!: Double Page Spread
The Masthead : of Kerrang! double page spread is at
the top of the page because then it is obvious to
what article is about. The font and name is also very
recognisable and in the same house style as the
cover. The font used for the masthead is broken and
shattered which is supposed to represent the type of
music inside the magazine. The colours for the
magazine name, and other heading and subheadings
are different so it is obvious at al times to what the
magazine is called.

The Main Image: is a long shot of
the band Rolo Tomassi. There are a
lot of different posses and action in
the image which represents a hectic
lifestyle which coincides with the
genre of music and the stereotypes
that are associated with rock.

Sub Image: In this instance the sub
image is used as a fact file for the
band. The box is titled ‘What are
Rolo Tomassi made of?’ It has
small images of different bands
which are like Rolo Tomassi.

Sub Heading: The sub headings
are in a simple font and red in
colour contrasting with a black
background. These colours go in
the colour scheme on this page.
These colours also seen as
dangerous and intimidating. This
indicates that the content isn’t
necessarily child or family friendly
and is instead risky and rough. It
says ‘Rolo Tomassi are unlike any
other band around’ which can
appeal to the audience as what
the band is unique
Rock Sound: Front Cover
The Main Image: is to show the
main feature in the magazine.
Patrick Stump, the singer in the band
is towards the front with the rest of
the band behind him as he is the
most recognisable person.

The Masthead : of Rock Sound is in red which is a common colour
throughout the rest of the cover. The font is simple and easy to
read and has the circle around the ‘R’ as all the other issued so as
well. The name ‘Rock Sound’ is straight forward and it has the
name of the genre in it so it is clear to what kind of music artists
are inside to the audience.

Button: The small circle is used
to advertise minor features
inside the magazine. Also, the
word ‘special’ indicates that it is
something unordinary and that it
is valuable to have.

Sub image: This is used to
advertise another feature
inside the magazine. It is
surrounding in white so it is
clear from the background
and stands out. All the sub
images are in a column on
the left hand side of the
cover which is an often
occurrence in this magazine

Sub Heading: This is used to
entertain the audience and grab
their attention further. A quote has
been used so it gives the impression
of them talking directly to the
customer. It also seems like an
exclusive so people are persuaded
to buy it as it may contain
something that they don’t already
know. An exclusive almost.
Date and Price: This is used to
notify the audience how much the
magazine costs but is in a very small
font. This is so the audience isn’t
drawn to the price instead of the
actual feature in the magazine. If
the piece was bigger people could
be put of buying it.

The Heading: The heading is a stencil
font and it advertises the band which is
the main focus of the issue of the
magazine. The yellow colour contrast
with the house style of Rock Sound which
makes is stand out as it is the most
prominent and important thing inside.
Plug: This is used to advertise
a feature inside the magazine.
This one for example, is for a
CD that comes free with the

The Barcode: Is on the edge out
of the way of cover lines and
images, this means it is
accessible but not central.
Rock Sound: Contents

Sub Heading: The sub headings are in
a simple font and are white in colour
contrasting with the black background.
There are also titles so the pages are
categorised. One of the subheadings is
‘Main Features’ which is at the top
under the masthead, this is so the
contents page is more organised and it
helps the audience find what they are
looking for. Instead of all the pages
being in the contents with every
article, only the main features are
listed because they are the main things
to what the reader would be looking

Cover line: The cover line is in a simple
black font so it stands out against the
simple white background. The
audience’s attention is immediately
drawn to it as it is the only solid block of
colour that is not black. The text is a
quote that is in a big feature in the
magazine stating ‘Hmmm… maybe I am
a closet Justin Bieber fan’. This
statement would be surprising to the
audience as the genres of music clash
and are total opposites of each other.

The Masthead : of the Rock Sound contents page
magazine is self titled. This is a straight forward
approach so the audience is always aware of what
the magazine is without looking at the front cover. It
does not say contents but is obvious to the reader
what the page is for. Under the masthead is the issue
number and date, traditionally, this would be on the
front cover but Rock Sound put in on the first page
after the front. This is so the price is unknown to the
audience and them be dissuaded to purchase the

The Main Image: is a medium long shot of
Jacoby Shaddix the lead singer from the band
Papa Roach. He is looking directly at the
camera lens which gives the impression to
the reader that he is looking at them. This
makes them feel included in the magazine.
His neck tattoos are visible, this being
significant as tattoos are generally seen as
bad and have a stigma attached to them that
only ‘rough’ people have them. This relates
to the ‘I don’t care attitude’ of hard rock
bands like Pap Roach. Shaddix is wearing dark
clothing and is the same colour of the
background – they compliment each other
very well as they merge together. In contrast
to the rock stereotypes, the singer is wearing
big rimmed glasses which imply that he is
intelligent. This is contradictory to the
connotation of rock band members being
‘dumb’ and having to choose this lifestyle
because they were unable to take on an
academic path.
Rock Sound: Double Page Spread

Cover line: The cover line is in a simple black font so it
stands out against the white background. The audience’s
attention is immediately drawn to it as it is the only solid
block of colour. The text is a quote that is in the article. This
gives the reader a brief preview of the interview. The
purpose of it is to grab the readers attention and make them
want to read the rest.
The Main Image: is a long shot of
the band Kids In Glass Houses. There
are a lot of different posses and
action in the image which represents
a hectic lifestyle which coincides
with the genre of music and the
stereotypes that are associated with
rock. On the other hand, their poses
are seen as excitable and energetic
and mirror the classic shot from High
School Musical. This is drastically
different to the expected of a rock
band and it even strikes comedy. All
the band members are wearing dark
colours which stand out against the
light background. An exception to
this would be two members who are
wearing light t-shirts which match
the text. Around the image is where
the article is placed and none of it is
covering the writing . This is so the
article is visually appealing and easy
to read.

The Masthead : of Kerrang!
double page spread is towards
the bottom of the page which
is unusual as it is normally
suited best at the top.
However, it works well due to
the colouration of the pages.
As the background is a sky
blue, the white font looks like
clouds. The title ‘KIDS IN
GLASS HOUSES’ is capitalised,
bold and a big font size so the
reader can easily understand
what the article is about. Also,
the style of the pages are of
the sky because the part of
the band’s name is ‘glass
houses,’ and in a green house
the glass is clear so the sky is

Sub Heading: The sub heading is ‘Good Boys Gone Bad’
which is play on words from the saying ‘good girls gone
bad’. The text is in a different and smaller text than the
heading above it as it is a tagline. A tagline is generally
used to give a little more information after the title and
quite often have an element of comedy to them. It is also
ironic as the ‘gone rad’, implies that the band has done
something out of the ordinary when in reality they look
normal. This is conveyed through the casual font used
alternatively to a harsh one.
Rolling Stone: Front Cover
The Main Image: is a medium shot of Billie Joe
Armstrong from the band ‘Green Day.’ He is in a
casual position with one arm resting on his leg and
his head on his other hand. This represents as
relaxed attitude. His face is mutual, but has deep
stress lines on his forehead, this goes hand in hand
with the statement ‘the road back from hell.’

Selling Line: The word
‘exclusive’ is a linguistic device
used to persuade a potential
customer to buy the magazine.
This is because they feel like this
magazine is the only place
where they could find a certain
piece of information about a
band, in this case , Green Day.

Cover Line: The word ‘hell’ is powerful
and very striking, this is used to grab the
attention of the reader. The text is
capitalised in a simple font to show the
significance of the statement. It is also is
two different colours, each either black
on a white background or white on a
black background. They do this as they
are the two colours that contrast the
most and it makes the text very easy to

Date and Price: are placed at the top of
the magazine above the masthead as the
audience is unlikely to look there and
instead are attracted to the main
features. The font is very small to once
again avoid the attention of the reader.
The price is a necessary element to the
magazine and the house style obliges to
these rules by making the text hardly

The Masthead : of Rolling Stone is a
three toned font that is easy recognisable
in many countries. The title is well known
and certainly iconic. Part of the masthead
is covered by the image but results in no
issue as the magazine is so widely known.
The text stands out against the plain
white background which is a common
feature amongst the magazine and is part
of the house style.

The Barcode: Is at the bottom of
the page so it is out of the way of
cover lines and images, this
means it is accessible but not
central to look at.
Rolling Stone: Contents
The Masthead : of the Rolling Stone contents page
magazine is self titled. This is a straight forward
approach so the audience is always aware of what
the magazine is without looking at the front cover.
Under the masthead is the issue date and name of
the magazine, traditionally, this would be on the
front cover but Rolling Stone put in again .

The Main Image: is a long shot of Gerard
Way the lead singer from the band My
Chemical Romance. He is looking directly at
the camera lens which gives the impression
to the reader that he is looking at them. This
makes them feel included in the magazine.
His leg is bent with his hand resting on it, this
shows that he is at ease performing.
Gerard’s hair is dyed red and the picture was
taken when he banging his head, this
resulted in his hair looking fierce like a lion’s
mane. Connotations of this would be danger
and a warning to stay away. However, this
interpretation contrast with his posture. The
image of Gerard Way is above the other
images as it is a music magazine and he is the
only picture that involves music. The editor
has done this because it would most likely be
the audience’s main interest.

Layout: The contents page has a two
column layout this make the article
easy to navigate for the audience. The
first column is solely images whilst the
second is text. The house style is a
white background with red text for
headings and sub headings and also
decorations. The other text is in a black
font as it stands out against the white
and differs dramatically to the red.

Sub Heading: The sub headings are in
a simple font and are red in colour
contrasting with the red background.
There are also titles so the pages are
categorised. One of the subheadings is
‘Features’ which is at the top under the
masthead, this is so the contents page
is more organised and it helps the
audience find what they are looking
for. The listed pages are separated
into other subheading such as
‘National Affairs’ and ‘Departments.’
This is so the drastically different
topics are separated.

Page Number:
Conventional for a
double page spread.
Rolling Stone: Double Page Spread
The Masthead : of Rolling
Stone double page spread is at
the top of the page as it is
where the audience would
usually look. Also, it is aligned
to the left as most countries
read from left to right. It
works well due to the
colouration of the pages. The
right page is mostly dark
colours whilst the left is white.
The only text in the article is
black and it is placed over the
white so it is easy to read for
the audience. The masthead is
a quote saying ‘”We want
Kings of Leon’s Career,” this is
an eye catching title as the
band Kings of Leon is very
widely known and
recognisable. The use of the
pooled quote gives the reader
a brief preview of the
interview. The purpose of it is
to grab the readers attention
and make them want to read
the rest. The statement is
underlined in thick purple to
put on further emphasis.

Layout:. This double page spread is laid out as a three
column article with the heading taking up two columns. The
picture on the right has bled out onto the left taking up the
final column of the first page.

The Main Image: is a candid shot of
the band White Lies. It gives the
impression that the image is realistic
and natural with the lights in the
background which would usually
only be seen behind the scenes. All
the band members are wearing dark
colours which fit in with the dark
background of the shot. It also
reflect the connotations of the rock
music genre.

Sub Heading: Part of the sub heading is ‘White Lies are
back’, this attracts the reader’s attention as questions are
raised by the statement such as ‘where have they been?’

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Magazine front cover researchMagazine front cover research
Magazine front cover research
Magazine analysis
Magazine analysisMagazine analysis
Magazine analysis
Analyising music magazines
Analyising music magazinesAnalyising music magazines
Analyising music magazines
Music Magazine Front Cover
Music Magazine Front Cover  Music Magazine Front Cover
Music Magazine Front Cover
Analysis of graphic elements
Analysis of graphic elementsAnalysis of graphic elements
Analysis of graphic elements
Task 2 - Detailed Analysis of Music Magazines
Task 2 - Detailed Analysis of Music MagazinesTask 2 - Detailed Analysis of Music Magazines
Task 2 - Detailed Analysis of Music Magazines
Analyising music magazines
Analyising music magazinesAnalyising music magazines
Analyising music magazines
Magazine analysis
Magazine analysisMagazine analysis
Magazine analysis

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Analysis of Music Magazines

  • 1. Analysis of Music Magazines Sarah Green
  • 2. Kerrang!: Front Cover The Main Image: is a medium long shot of the band All Time Low. Alex Gaskarth, the singer, is central in the image as he is the frontman of the band and the most recognisable of the group. All members of the band have their hands visible in the image and two of them have them in the rock hand gesture. This coincides with the type of music in the magazine. Heading: The house style of Kerrang! is black text with a white background this is to make the text stand out and easy to read. However, the main cover line ‘All Time Low’ is in a vibrant blue, this is a contrasting colour to the house style so it again stands out. The Masthead : of Kerrang! is at the top of the cover because then it is obvious to what the magazine is. The font and name is also very recognisable which helps sell the brand as a whole. The font used for the masthead is broken and shattered which is supposed to represent the type of music inside the magazine. Rock is known for being rough around the edges and the volume can be shattering. Date and Price: The date and price are very common conventions of a magazine cover as they are necessary for the customer to see how much it is and when the issue was published. The price especially is in a very small font as the company’s main priority id for the customer to want the magazine and think about the price of it later. If it was a bigger feature, the audience would be looking at the price instead of the articles. Sub Heading: This is usually used to further the audiences initial interest after they read the heading. They often contain catchy phrases and use linguistic language such as repetition and rhetorical questions. Here it says ‘Puke! Nudity! Total Mayhem!’ this is the rule of three and after each word there is an exclamation mark, this shows that the words are meant to be emphasised when read. The Barcode: Is on the edge out of the way of cover lines and images, this means it is accessible but not central. Button: The small circle is used to advertise minor features inside the magazine. The one for example, is for the posters that come with the product. Also, the word ‘special’ indicates that it is something unordinary and that it is valuable to have. Sub Image: This is used to advertise what is inside the magazine and tempt the audience even further into to buying the product. Sometimes it says what page the article is on so it can guide the reader to the source. Plug: The plug is in a yellow filled box so it stand out against all the other colours. The audience’s attention is immediately drawn to it. The text is also capitalised so it very noticeable and generally, things in all capitals are seen as important
  • 3. Kerrang!: Contents The Masthead : of Kerrang! is at the top of the contents page because then it is obvious to what the page of the magazine is. The font and name is also very recognisable and in the same house style as the cover. The font used for the masthead is broken and shattered which is supposed to represent the type of music inside the magazine. The colours for the magazine name, and other heading and subheadings are different so it is obvious at al times to what the magazine is called. The Main Image: is a medium long shot of Tay Jardine from the band We Are The In Crowd. Her hands are visible in the image as if she is reaching towards the audience which makes them feel included in the magazine and like it is speaking directly to them. Also her clothes are blue and grey stripped with coincide with the colour arrangements for this issue of the magazine. Sub Heading: The sub headings are in a simple font and yellow in colour contrasting with a black background. Typically, these two colours together represent danger - seen on bees. This indicates that the content isn’t necessarily child or family friendly and is instead risky and rough. They are also titles so the pages are categorised. One of the subheadings is ‘Feedback’ which is at the front of the magazine so the audience feels like they are important. Sub Image: This is used to advertise what is inside the magazine and tempt the audience even further into to buying the product. Sometimes it says what page the article is on so it can guide the reader to the source. Button: The small circle is used to advertise minor features inside the magazine or as a decorative piece. This one for example, says ‘Pop punks not dead’. The text is in two different colours each one contrasting against the two toned background. This makes it more appealing then if it was only in one simple colour. Plug: The plug is in a black filled box so it stands out against the simple white background. The audience’s attention is immediately drawn to it. The text is also capitalised so it very noticeable and generally, things in all capitals are seen as important. The text is in three different colours each one contrasting against the two toned background. Once again yellow is placed over black and white over blue.
  • 4. Kerrang!: Double Page Spread The Masthead : of Kerrang! double page spread is at the top of the page because then it is obvious to what article is about. The font and name is also very recognisable and in the same house style as the cover. The font used for the masthead is broken and shattered which is supposed to represent the type of music inside the magazine. The colours for the magazine name, and other heading and subheadings are different so it is obvious at al times to what the magazine is called. The Main Image: is a long shot of the band Rolo Tomassi. There are a lot of different posses and action in the image which represents a hectic lifestyle which coincides with the genre of music and the stereotypes that are associated with rock. Sub Image: In this instance the sub image is used as a fact file for the band. The box is titled ‘What are Rolo Tomassi made of?’ It has small images of different bands which are like Rolo Tomassi. Sub Heading: The sub headings are in a simple font and red in colour contrasting with a black background. These colours go in the colour scheme on this page. These colours also seen as dangerous and intimidating. This indicates that the content isn’t necessarily child or family friendly and is instead risky and rough. It says ‘Rolo Tomassi are unlike any other band around’ which can appeal to the audience as what the band is unique
  • 5. Rock Sound: Front Cover The Main Image: is to show the main feature in the magazine. Patrick Stump, the singer in the band is towards the front with the rest of the band behind him as he is the most recognisable person. The Masthead : of Rock Sound is in red which is a common colour throughout the rest of the cover. The font is simple and easy to read and has the circle around the ‘R’ as all the other issued so as well. The name ‘Rock Sound’ is straight forward and it has the name of the genre in it so it is clear to what kind of music artists are inside to the audience. Button: The small circle is used to advertise minor features inside the magazine. Also, the word ‘special’ indicates that it is something unordinary and that it is valuable to have. Sub image: This is used to advertise another feature inside the magazine. It is surrounding in white so it is clear from the background and stands out. All the sub images are in a column on the left hand side of the cover which is an often occurrence in this magazine Sub Heading: This is used to entertain the audience and grab their attention further. A quote has been used so it gives the impression of them talking directly to the customer. It also seems like an exclusive so people are persuaded to buy it as it may contain something that they don’t already know. An exclusive almost. Date and Price: This is used to notify the audience how much the magazine costs but is in a very small font. This is so the audience isn’t drawn to the price instead of the actual feature in the magazine. If the piece was bigger people could be put of buying it. The Heading: The heading is a stencil font and it advertises the band which is the main focus of the issue of the magazine. The yellow colour contrast with the house style of Rock Sound which makes is stand out as it is the most prominent and important thing inside. Plug: This is used to advertise a feature inside the magazine. This one for example, is for a CD that comes free with the product. The Barcode: Is on the edge out of the way of cover lines and images, this means it is accessible but not central.
  • 6. Rock Sound: Contents Sub Heading: The sub headings are in a simple font and are white in colour contrasting with the black background. There are also titles so the pages are categorised. One of the subheadings is ‘Main Features’ which is at the top under the masthead, this is so the contents page is more organised and it helps the audience find what they are looking for. Instead of all the pages being in the contents with every article, only the main features are listed because they are the main things to what the reader would be looking for. Cover line: The cover line is in a simple black font so it stands out against the simple white background. The audience’s attention is immediately drawn to it as it is the only solid block of colour that is not black. The text is a quote that is in a big feature in the magazine stating ‘Hmmm… maybe I am a closet Justin Bieber fan’. This statement would be surprising to the audience as the genres of music clash and are total opposites of each other. The Masthead : of the Rock Sound contents page magazine is self titled. This is a straight forward approach so the audience is always aware of what the magazine is without looking at the front cover. It does not say contents but is obvious to the reader what the page is for. Under the masthead is the issue number and date, traditionally, this would be on the front cover but Rock Sound put in on the first page after the front. This is so the price is unknown to the audience and them be dissuaded to purchase the magazine. The Main Image: is a medium long shot of Jacoby Shaddix the lead singer from the band Papa Roach. He is looking directly at the camera lens which gives the impression to the reader that he is looking at them. This makes them feel included in the magazine. His neck tattoos are visible, this being significant as tattoos are generally seen as bad and have a stigma attached to them that only ‘rough’ people have them. This relates to the ‘I don’t care attitude’ of hard rock bands like Pap Roach. Shaddix is wearing dark clothing and is the same colour of the background – they compliment each other very well as they merge together. In contrast to the rock stereotypes, the singer is wearing big rimmed glasses which imply that he is intelligent. This is contradictory to the connotation of rock band members being ‘dumb’ and having to choose this lifestyle because they were unable to take on an academic path.
  • 7. Rock Sound: Double Page Spread Cover line: The cover line is in a simple black font so it stands out against the white background. The audience’s attention is immediately drawn to it as it is the only solid block of colour. The text is a quote that is in the article. This gives the reader a brief preview of the interview. The purpose of it is to grab the readers attention and make them want to read the rest. The Main Image: is a long shot of the band Kids In Glass Houses. There are a lot of different posses and action in the image which represents a hectic lifestyle which coincides with the genre of music and the stereotypes that are associated with rock. On the other hand, their poses are seen as excitable and energetic and mirror the classic shot from High School Musical. This is drastically different to the expected of a rock band and it even strikes comedy. All the band members are wearing dark colours which stand out against the light background. An exception to this would be two members who are wearing light t-shirts which match the text. Around the image is where the article is placed and none of it is covering the writing . This is so the article is visually appealing and easy to read. The Masthead : of Kerrang! double page spread is towards the bottom of the page which is unusual as it is normally suited best at the top. However, it works well due to the colouration of the pages. As the background is a sky blue, the white font looks like clouds. The title ‘KIDS IN GLASS HOUSES’ is capitalised, bold and a big font size so the reader can easily understand what the article is about. Also, the style of the pages are of the sky because the part of the band’s name is ‘glass houses,’ and in a green house the glass is clear so the sky is visible, Sub Heading: The sub heading is ‘Good Boys Gone Bad’ which is play on words from the saying ‘good girls gone bad’. The text is in a different and smaller text than the heading above it as it is a tagline. A tagline is generally used to give a little more information after the title and quite often have an element of comedy to them. It is also ironic as the ‘gone rad’, implies that the band has done something out of the ordinary when in reality they look normal. This is conveyed through the casual font used alternatively to a harsh one.
  • 8. Rolling Stone: Front Cover The Main Image: is a medium shot of Billie Joe Armstrong from the band ‘Green Day.’ He is in a casual position with one arm resting on his leg and his head on his other hand. This represents as relaxed attitude. His face is mutual, but has deep stress lines on his forehead, this goes hand in hand with the statement ‘the road back from hell.’ Selling Line: The word ‘exclusive’ is a linguistic device used to persuade a potential customer to buy the magazine. This is because they feel like this magazine is the only place where they could find a certain piece of information about a band, in this case , Green Day. Cover Line: The word ‘hell’ is powerful and very striking, this is used to grab the attention of the reader. The text is capitalised in a simple font to show the significance of the statement. It is also is two different colours, each either black on a white background or white on a black background. They do this as they are the two colours that contrast the most and it makes the text very easy to read. Date and Price: are placed at the top of the magazine above the masthead as the audience is unlikely to look there and instead are attracted to the main features. The font is very small to once again avoid the attention of the reader. The price is a necessary element to the magazine and the house style obliges to these rules by making the text hardly readable. The Masthead : of Rolling Stone is a three toned font that is easy recognisable in many countries. The title is well known and certainly iconic. Part of the masthead is covered by the image but results in no issue as the magazine is so widely known. The text stands out against the plain white background which is a common feature amongst the magazine and is part of the house style. The Barcode: Is at the bottom of the page so it is out of the way of cover lines and images, this means it is accessible but not central to look at.
  • 9. Rolling Stone: Contents The Masthead : of the Rolling Stone contents page magazine is self titled. This is a straight forward approach so the audience is always aware of what the magazine is without looking at the front cover. Under the masthead is the issue date and name of the magazine, traditionally, this would be on the front cover but Rolling Stone put in again . The Main Image: is a long shot of Gerard Way the lead singer from the band My Chemical Romance. He is looking directly at the camera lens which gives the impression to the reader that he is looking at them. This makes them feel included in the magazine. His leg is bent with his hand resting on it, this shows that he is at ease performing. Gerard’s hair is dyed red and the picture was taken when he banging his head, this resulted in his hair looking fierce like a lion’s mane. Connotations of this would be danger and a warning to stay away. However, this interpretation contrast with his posture. The image of Gerard Way is above the other images as it is a music magazine and he is the only picture that involves music. The editor has done this because it would most likely be the audience’s main interest. Layout: The contents page has a two column layout this make the article easy to navigate for the audience. The first column is solely images whilst the second is text. The house style is a white background with red text for headings and sub headings and also decorations. The other text is in a black font as it stands out against the white and differs dramatically to the red. Sub Heading: The sub headings are in a simple font and are red in colour contrasting with the red background. There are also titles so the pages are categorised. One of the subheadings is ‘Features’ which is at the top under the masthead, this is so the contents page is more organised and it helps the audience find what they are looking for. The listed pages are separated into other subheading such as ‘National Affairs’ and ‘Departments.’ This is so the drastically different topics are separated. Page Number: Conventional for a double page spread.
  • 10. Rolling Stone: Double Page Spread The Masthead : of Rolling Stone double page spread is at the top of the page as it is where the audience would usually look. Also, it is aligned to the left as most countries read from left to right. It works well due to the colouration of the pages. The right page is mostly dark colours whilst the left is white. The only text in the article is black and it is placed over the white so it is easy to read for the audience. The masthead is a quote saying ‘”We want Kings of Leon’s Career,” this is an eye catching title as the band Kings of Leon is very widely known and recognisable. The use of the pooled quote gives the reader a brief preview of the interview. The purpose of it is to grab the readers attention and make them want to read the rest. The statement is underlined in thick purple to put on further emphasis. Layout:. This double page spread is laid out as a three column article with the heading taking up two columns. The picture on the right has bled out onto the left taking up the final column of the first page. The Main Image: is a candid shot of the band White Lies. It gives the impression that the image is realistic and natural with the lights in the background which would usually only be seen behind the scenes. All the band members are wearing dark colours which fit in with the dark background of the shot. It also reflect the connotations of the rock music genre. Sub Heading: Part of the sub heading is ‘White Lies are back’, this attracts the reader’s attention as questions are raised by the statement such as ‘where have they been?’