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   Father of psychoanalysis
   Psychoanalytic theory: all human behavior is
    caused and can be explained (deterministic
   Repressed (driven form conscious awareness)
    sexual impulses and desires motivate much
    human behavior.
   “Hysterical” or neurotic behaviors resulted from
    unresolved conflicts (childhood trauma or failure
    to complete task of psychosexual development).
   Id: part of one’s nature that reflects basic innate
    desires such as pleasure- seeking
    behavior, aggression and sexual impulses.
     Seeks instant gratification, causes impulsive
     unthinking behavior, and has no regard for rules or
     social convention.
   Superego: part of the person’s nature that
    reflects moral and ethical concepts, values, and
    parental and social expectations.
   Ego: balancing or mediating force
    between the id and the superego.
     Represents mature and adaptive behavior
      that allows a person to function successfully
      in the world.
     Anxiety: results from the ego’s attempts to
      balance impulsive instincts of the id with the
      stringent rules of the superego.
   Conscious: refers to the
    perceptions, thoughts, and emotions that exist
    in the person’s awareness, such as being aware
    of happy feelings or thinking about a loved one.
   Preconscious: thoughts and emotions are not
    currently in the person’s awareness, but he or
    she can recall them with some effort- an adult
    remembering what he or she did, thought or
    felt as a child.
   Unconscious: realm of thoughts and
    feelings that motivate a person even
    though he or she is totally unaware of
     Includes most defence mechanisms and some
      instinctual drives or motivation.
     The person represses into the
      unconsciousness the memory of traumatic
      events that are too painful to remember.
   Much of what we think and say is
    motivated subconscious thoughts or
    feelings (those in the preconscious or
    unconscious level of awareness).
     Freudian slip: slips of the tongue
      ▪ Example, saying “You look portly today” to an
        overweight friend instead of saying “You look
        pretty today.”
 Sexual energy, termed libido, was the
  driving force of human behavior.
 Psychopathology results when a person
  has difficulty making the transition from
  one stage to the next or when a person
  remains stalled at a particular stage or
  regresses to an earlier stage.
Phase         Age                        Focus
Oral     Birth to 18    Major site of tension and gratification is
         months         the mouth, lips and tongue; includes
                        biting and sucking activities.
                        Id is present at birth.
                        Ego develops gradually from rudimentary
                        structure present at birth.

Anal     18-36 months   Anus and surrounding area are major
                        source of interest.
                        Voluntary sphincter control (toilet
                        training is acquired).
Phase     Age                          Focus

Phallic/    3-5 years   Genital is the focus of interest, stimulation
oedipal                 and excitement.
                        Penis is organ of interest for both sexes.
                        Masturbation is common.
                        Penis envy is seen in girls; oedipus complex
                        (wish to marry opposite- sex parent and be
                        rid of same-sex parents is seen in boys and

Latency     5-11 or 13 Resolution of oedipal complex.
            years      Sexual drive are channelled into socially
                       appropriate activities such as school work
                       and sports.
                       Formation of the superego.
                       Final stages of psychosexual development.
Phase       Age              Focus

Genital   11- 13 years Begins with puberty
                       and the biologic
                       capacity for
                       orgasm; involves
                       the capacity for true
 Methods of attempting to protect the self
  and cope with basic drives or emotionally
  painful thoughts, feelings or events.
 Most defense mechanisms operate at the
  unconscious level of awareness, so people
  are not aware of what they are doing and
  often need help to see the reality.
Compensation   Overachievement in one area to offset real or perceived
               deficiencies in another area.
               •Napoleon complex: diminutive man becoming emperor.
               •Nurse with low self-esteem working double shifts so that
               supervisor will like her.
Conversion     Expression of emotional conflict through the development of
               physical symptom , usually sensorimotor in nature.
               •Teenager forbidden to see X-rated movies is tempted to do so
               by friends and develops blindness, and the teenager is
               unconcerned about the loss of sight.
Denial         Failure to acknowledge an unbearable condition; failure to
               admit the reality of the situation or how one enables the
               problem to continue.
               •Diabetic person eating chocolate candy.
               •Spending money freely when broke.
               •Waiting 3 days to seek help for abdominal pain.
Displacement     Ventilation of intense feelings toward persons less threatening
                 than the one who aroused the feeling.
                 •Person who is mad at the boss yells at his spouse.
                 •Child who is harassed by a bully at school mistreats a younger
Dissociation     Dealing with emotional conflict a temporary alteration in
                 conscious or identity.
                 •Amnesia that prevents recall of yesterday’s auto incident.
                 •Adult remembers nothing of sexual abuse.

Fixation         Immobilization of a portion of the personality resulting from
                 unsuccessful completion of tasks in a developmental stage.
                 •Never learning to delay gratification.
                 •Lack of a clear sense of identity as an adult.

Identification   Modelling actions and opinions of influential others while
                 searching for identity, or aspiring to reach a personal, social, or
                 occupational goal.
                 •Nursing student becomes a critical care nurse because this is
                 the specialty of an instructor she admires.
Intellectualization Separation of emotions of a painful event or situation from
                    the facts involved; acknowledging the facts but not the
                    •A person shows no emotional emotion when discussing
                    serious car accidents.

Introjection        Accepting another person’s attitudes, beliefs, and values as
                    one’s own.
                    •Person who dislikes guns becomes an avid hunter just like
                    best friend.

Projection          Unconscious blaming of unacceptable inclinations or
                    thoughts on an external object.
                    •Man who has thought about same-sex relationships, but
                    never had one, beats a person who is gay.
                    •Person with many prejudices loudly identify others as bigots.

Rationalization     Excusing own behavior to avoid guilt, responsibility, conflict,
                    anxiety, or loss of self- esteem.
                    •Student blames failure on teacher being mean.
                    •Man says he beats his wife because she doesn’t listen to him.
Reaction formation   Acting the opposite of what thinks or feels.
                     •Woman who never wanted to have children becomes a
                     •Person who despises the boss tells everyone what a great boss
                     she is.

Regression           Moving back to a previous developmental stage to feel safe or
                     have needs met.
                     •Five- year old asks for a bottle when new baby brother is fed.
                     •Man puts like a 4-year old is he is not the center of his
                     girlfriend’s attention.

Repression           Excluding emotionally painful or anxiety- provoking thoughts
                     and feelings from conscious awareness.
                     •Woman has no memory of mugging she suffered yesterday.
                     •Woman has no memory before age 7, when she was removed
                     from abusive parents.

Resistance           Overt or covert antagonism toward remembering or processing
                     anxiety-producing information.
                     •Nurse is too busy with tasks to spend time with talking to a
                     dying patient.
                     •Person attends court-ordered treatment for alcoholism but
                     refuses to participate.
Sublimation    Substituting a socially acceptable activity for an impulse that is
               •Person who quits smoking sucks on hard candy when the urge to
               smoke arises.
               •Person who goes for a 15-minute walk when tempted to eat junk food.

Substitution   Replacing the desired gratification with one that is more readily
               •Woman who would like to have her own children opens a day dare

Suppression    Conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts and feelings from
               conscious awareness.
               •Student decides not to think about parent’s illness to study for a test.
               •Woman tells a friend she cannot think about her son’s death now.

Undoing        Exhibiting acceptable behavior to make up for or negate acceptable
               •Person who cheats on a spouse brings the spouse a bouquet of roses.
               •Man who is ruthless in business donates a large amount of money to
 Extended Freud’s work on personality
  development across the lifespan while
  focusing on social and psychological
  development in the life stages.
 Described eight stages of development.
 In each stage, the person must complete
  a life task essential to or her well-being
  and mental health.
   Each stage is dependent on completion of the
    previous stage and life task.
   Tasks allow persons to achieve life’s virtues:
     Hope
     Purpose
     Fidelity
     Love
     Caring
     Wisdom
Stage          Virtue           Task
Trust vs.         Hope      Viewing the world as
Mistrust (infant)           safe and reliable;
                            relationships as
                            nurturing, stable and
Autonomy vs.      Will      Achieving a sense of
Shame and                   control and free will
doubt (toddler)
Stage            Virtue              Task
Initiative vs. Guilt Purpose     Beginning development
(preschool)                      of conscience; learning to
                                 manage conflict and
Industry vs.        Competence   Emerging confidence in
Inferiority (school              own abilities; taking
age)                             pleasure in
Identity vs. Role   Fidelity     Formulating a sense of
confusion                        self and belonging
Stage           Virtue           Task
Intimacy vs.     Love       Forming adult, loving
Isolation (young            relationship and
adult)                      meaningful attachment to
Generativity vs. Care       Being creative and
Stagnation                  productive; establishing
(middle adult)              next generation.
Ego integrity vs. Wisdom    Accepting responsibility
Despair                     for one’s self and life.
   Explored how intelligence and cognitive
    functioning develop in children.
   Human intelligence progresses through a series
    of stages based on age, with the child at each
    successive stage demonstrating a higher level of
    functioning than the previous age.
   Biologic changes and maturation were
    responsible for cognitive development.
   Sensorimotor- birth to 2 years: the child
    develops a sense of self as separate from
    the environment and the concept of
    object permanence; that is, tangible
    objects do not cease to exist just
    because they are out of sight. He or she
    begins to form mental images.
   Preoperational- 2 to 6 years: The child develops
    the ability to express self with language,
    understands the meaning of symbolic gestures,
    and begins to classify objects.
   Concrete operations: 6 to 12 years: The child
    begins to apply logic thinking, understands
    spatiality and reversibility, and is increasing
    social and able to apply rules; however, thinking
    is still concrete.
   Formal operations- 12 to
    15 years and beyond: The
    child learns to think and
    reason in abstract
    terms, further develops
    logical thinking and
    reasoning, and achieves
    cognitive maturity.
   Humanism: represents a significant shift away
    from the psychoanalytic view of the individual
    as a neurotic, impulse-driven person with
    repressed psychic problems and away from the
    focus on and examination of the client’s past
   Humanism: focuses on a person’s positive
    qualities, his or her capacity to change (human
    potential), and the promotion of self-esteem.
   Humanists do consider the person’s past
    experiences, but they direct more
    attention toward the present and the
 He studied the needs or motivations
  of an individual.
 He focused on the total person, not
  just on one facet of the person, and
  emphasized health instead of simply
  illness and the problems.
   Basic needs at the bottom of the pyramid
    would dominate the person’s behavior until
    those needs are met, at which time the next
    level of needs would become dominate.
   Individual differences in terms of person’s
    motivation is not necessarily stable
    throughout life.
   Traumatic life circumstances or compromised
    health can cause a person to regress to a lower
    level of motivation.
 A school of psychology that focuses on
  observable behaviors and what one can do
  externally to bring about behavior
 It does not attempt to explain how the
  mind works.
 Believes that behavior can be changed
  through a system of rewards and
 Classical conditioning
 Behavior can be changed through
  conditioning with external or
  environmental conditions or stimuli.
 Laboratory experiments with dogs
  provided the basis for the
  development of this theory.
 Operant conditioning
 People learn their behavior from their
  history or past experiences, particularly
  those experiences that were repeatedly
 Behavior is only that which could be
  observed, studied and learned or
   All behavior is learned.
   Consequences result from behavior- broadly
    speaking, reward and punishment.
   Positive reinforcers that follow a behavior
    increase the likelihood that the behavior will
   Negative reinforcers that are removed after a
    behavior increase the likelihood that the
    behavior will recur.
   Continuous reinforcement (a reward every
    time the behavior occurs) is the fastest way to
    increase that behavior, but the behavior will
    not last long after the reward ceases.
   Random intermittent reinforcement (an
    occasional reward for the desired behavior) is
    slower to produce an increase in the
    behavior, but the behavior continues after the
    reward ceases.
 One’s personality involves more than
  individual characteristics, particularly
  how one interacts with others.
 Inadequate or nonsatisfying
  relationships produce anxiety, which is
  the basis for all emotional problems.
Stage        Ages                              Focus

Infancy     Birth to onset Primary need exists for bodily contact and
            of language    tenderness.
                           Prototaxic mode dominates (no relation between
                           Primary zones are oral and anal.
                           If needs are met, infant has sense of well- being;
                           unmet needs lead to dread and anxiety.

Childhood   Language to 5 Parents are viewed as source of praise and
            years         acceptance.
                          Shift to parataxic mode: experiences are
                          connected in sequence to each other.
                          Primary zone is anal.
                          Gratification leads to positive self-esteem.
                          Moderate anxiety leads to uncertainty and
                          insecurity; severe anxiety results in self-defeating
                          patterns of behavior.
Stage        Ages                                  Focus

Juvenile       5-8 years   Shift to syntaxic mode begins (thinking about self and
                           others based on analysis of experiences in a variety of
                           Opportunities for approval and acceptance of others.
                           Learn to negotiate own needs.
                           Severe anxiety may result in need to control or in restrictive,
                           prejudicial attitudes.
Preadolescence 8- 12       Move to genuine intimacy with friend of the same sex.
               years       Move away from family as source of satisfaction in
                           Major shift to syntaxic mode occurs.
                           Capacity for attachment, love, and collaboration emerges or
                           fails to develop.

Adolescence    Puberty   Lust is added to interpersonal equation.
               to        Need for special sharing relationship shifts to the opposite
               adulthood sex.
                         New opportunities for social experimentation lead to
                         consolidation of self- esteem or self- ridicule.
                         In the self-esteem is intact, areas of concern expand to
                         include values, ideals, career decisions, and social concerns.
   Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship
   Four phases:
     Orientation phase: directed by the nurse; engaging the client
      in treatment, providing explanations and information, and
      answering questions.
     Identification phase: the client works interdependently with
      the nurse, expresses feelings, and begins to feel stronger.
     Exploitation phase: client makes full use of the services
     Resolution phase: client no longer needs professional services
      and gives up dependent behavior; relationship ends.
Stage                          Tasks
Orientation      Patient’s problems and needs are clarified.
                 Patient asks questions.
                 Hospital routines and expectations are explained.
                 Patient harnesses energy toward meeting
                 Patient’s full participation is elicited.
Identification   Patient responds to persons he or she perceives
                 as helpful.
                 Patient feels stronger.
                 Patient expresses feelings.
                 Interdependent work with the nurse occurs.
                 Roles of both patient and nurse are classified.
Stage                       Tasks
Exploitation   Patient makes full use of available
               Goals such as returning home and
               returning to work emerge.
               Patient’s behaviors fluctuate between
               dependence and independence.
Resolution     Patient gives up dependent behavior.
               Services are no longer needed by the
               Patient assumes power to meet own
               needs, set new goals, and so forth.
   Stranger: offering the client the same
    acceptance and courtesy that the nurse would
    do to any stranger.
   Resource person: providing specific answers to
    questions within a larger context.
   Teacher: helping the client to learn formally or
   Leader: offering direction to the client or the
 Surrogate: serving as a substitute for
  another such as a parent or a sibling.
 Counselor: promoting experiences leading
  to health for the client such as expression
  of feelings.
 Others: consultant, tutor, safety
  agent, medicator, administrator, observer,
  and researcher.
   The eclectic theorists hold to the fact that no
    one theory of personality can encompass each
    and every person.
   The Eclectic theorist believe in a synergistic
    personality theory.
   Synergism in the case of personality theory, is
    the belief that no one theory is entirely
   It takes two or more theories to produce what
    one, by itself, cannot produce.
 Cave believes that birth order is significant to the
  developing personality.
 The Psychosexual and the Psychosocial stages are
  believed to be significant to the person's emerging
  personality. A balance is sought between the two.
 Love and acceptance are the cornerstone of
  personality development. These supersede
  Maslow's safety needs as foundational for
 Self-Actualization and The Psychospiritual model
  suggest that in order to be self-actualized a person
  must explore their spiritual nature and fill the void
  of worship.
    Man has a natural void in his life that he cannot
    fill with the greatest
    upbringing, environment, and perspective on
   The void is a place designated for worship.
   To be self-actualized, according to Cave, a
    person must be able to respond to this natural
    void through relationship with God.
   With this self-actualization comes the
    knowledge that we are just creatures, we are
Personality theories and determinants of psychopathology

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Applied child psychology - Psychodynamic theories,Fear,Anxiey,Classification ...Applied child psychology - Psychodynamic theories,Fear,Anxiey,Classification ...
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Psychoanalysis 1
Chapter 10 (Psych 41)Pdf
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Personality theories and determinants of psychopathology

  • 2.
  • 3. Father of psychoanalysis  Psychoanalytic theory: all human behavior is caused and can be explained (deterministic theory).  Repressed (driven form conscious awareness) sexual impulses and desires motivate much human behavior.  “Hysterical” or neurotic behaviors resulted from unresolved conflicts (childhood trauma or failure to complete task of psychosexual development).
  • 4. Id: part of one’s nature that reflects basic innate desires such as pleasure- seeking behavior, aggression and sexual impulses.  Seeks instant gratification, causes impulsive unthinking behavior, and has no regard for rules or social convention.  Superego: part of the person’s nature that reflects moral and ethical concepts, values, and parental and social expectations.
  • 5. Ego: balancing or mediating force between the id and the superego.  Represents mature and adaptive behavior that allows a person to function successfully in the world.  Anxiety: results from the ego’s attempts to balance impulsive instincts of the id with the stringent rules of the superego.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. Conscious: refers to the perceptions, thoughts, and emotions that exist in the person’s awareness, such as being aware of happy feelings or thinking about a loved one.  Preconscious: thoughts and emotions are not currently in the person’s awareness, but he or she can recall them with some effort- an adult remembering what he or she did, thought or felt as a child.
  • 9. Unconscious: realm of thoughts and feelings that motivate a person even though he or she is totally unaware of them.  Includes most defence mechanisms and some instinctual drives or motivation.  The person represses into the unconsciousness the memory of traumatic events that are too painful to remember.
  • 10. Much of what we think and say is motivated subconscious thoughts or feelings (those in the preconscious or unconscious level of awareness).  Freudian slip: slips of the tongue ▪ Example, saying “You look portly today” to an overweight friend instead of saying “You look pretty today.”
  • 11.
  • 12.  Sexual energy, termed libido, was the driving force of human behavior.  Psychopathology results when a person has difficulty making the transition from one stage to the next or when a person remains stalled at a particular stage or regresses to an earlier stage.
  • 13. Phase Age Focus Oral Birth to 18 Major site of tension and gratification is months the mouth, lips and tongue; includes biting and sucking activities. Id is present at birth. Ego develops gradually from rudimentary structure present at birth. Anal 18-36 months Anus and surrounding area are major source of interest. Voluntary sphincter control (toilet training is acquired).
  • 14. Phase Age Focus Phallic/ 3-5 years Genital is the focus of interest, stimulation oedipal and excitement. Penis is organ of interest for both sexes. Masturbation is common. Penis envy is seen in girls; oedipus complex (wish to marry opposite- sex parent and be rid of same-sex parents is seen in boys and girls. Latency 5-11 or 13 Resolution of oedipal complex. years Sexual drive are channelled into socially appropriate activities such as school work and sports. Formation of the superego. Final stages of psychosexual development.
  • 15. Phase Age Focus Genital 11- 13 years Begins with puberty and the biologic capacity for orgasm; involves the capacity for true intimacy.
  • 16.  Methods of attempting to protect the self and cope with basic drives or emotionally painful thoughts, feelings or events.  Most defense mechanisms operate at the unconscious level of awareness, so people are not aware of what they are doing and often need help to see the reality.
  • 17.
  • 18. Compensation Overachievement in one area to offset real or perceived deficiencies in another area. •Napoleon complex: diminutive man becoming emperor. •Nurse with low self-esteem working double shifts so that supervisor will like her. Conversion Expression of emotional conflict through the development of physical symptom , usually sensorimotor in nature. •Teenager forbidden to see X-rated movies is tempted to do so by friends and develops blindness, and the teenager is unconcerned about the loss of sight. Denial Failure to acknowledge an unbearable condition; failure to admit the reality of the situation or how one enables the problem to continue. •Diabetic person eating chocolate candy. •Spending money freely when broke. •Waiting 3 days to seek help for abdominal pain.
  • 19. Displacement Ventilation of intense feelings toward persons less threatening than the one who aroused the feeling. •Person who is mad at the boss yells at his spouse. •Child who is harassed by a bully at school mistreats a younger sibling. Dissociation Dealing with emotional conflict a temporary alteration in conscious or identity. •Amnesia that prevents recall of yesterday’s auto incident. •Adult remembers nothing of sexual abuse. Fixation Immobilization of a portion of the personality resulting from unsuccessful completion of tasks in a developmental stage. •Never learning to delay gratification. •Lack of a clear sense of identity as an adult. Identification Modelling actions and opinions of influential others while searching for identity, or aspiring to reach a personal, social, or occupational goal. •Nursing student becomes a critical care nurse because this is the specialty of an instructor she admires.
  • 20. Intellectualization Separation of emotions of a painful event or situation from the facts involved; acknowledging the facts but not the emotions. •A person shows no emotional emotion when discussing serious car accidents. Introjection Accepting another person’s attitudes, beliefs, and values as one’s own. •Person who dislikes guns becomes an avid hunter just like best friend. Projection Unconscious blaming of unacceptable inclinations or thoughts on an external object. •Man who has thought about same-sex relationships, but never had one, beats a person who is gay. •Person with many prejudices loudly identify others as bigots. Rationalization Excusing own behavior to avoid guilt, responsibility, conflict, anxiety, or loss of self- esteem. •Student blames failure on teacher being mean. •Man says he beats his wife because she doesn’t listen to him.
  • 21. Reaction formation Acting the opposite of what thinks or feels. •Woman who never wanted to have children becomes a supermom. •Person who despises the boss tells everyone what a great boss she is. Regression Moving back to a previous developmental stage to feel safe or have needs met. •Five- year old asks for a bottle when new baby brother is fed. •Man puts like a 4-year old is he is not the center of his girlfriend’s attention. Repression Excluding emotionally painful or anxiety- provoking thoughts and feelings from conscious awareness. •Woman has no memory of mugging she suffered yesterday. •Woman has no memory before age 7, when she was removed from abusive parents. Resistance Overt or covert antagonism toward remembering or processing anxiety-producing information. •Nurse is too busy with tasks to spend time with talking to a dying patient. •Person attends court-ordered treatment for alcoholism but refuses to participate.
  • 22. Sublimation Substituting a socially acceptable activity for an impulse that is unacceptable. •Person who quits smoking sucks on hard candy when the urge to smoke arises. •Person who goes for a 15-minute walk when tempted to eat junk food. Substitution Replacing the desired gratification with one that is more readily available. •Woman who would like to have her own children opens a day dare center. Suppression Conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts and feelings from conscious awareness. •Student decides not to think about parent’s illness to study for a test. •Woman tells a friend she cannot think about her son’s death now. Undoing Exhibiting acceptable behavior to make up for or negate acceptable behavior. •Person who cheats on a spouse brings the spouse a bouquet of roses. •Man who is ruthless in business donates a large amount of money to charity.
  • 23.
  • 24.  Extended Freud’s work on personality development across the lifespan while focusing on social and psychological development in the life stages.  Described eight stages of development.  In each stage, the person must complete a life task essential to or her well-being and mental health.
  • 25. Each stage is dependent on completion of the previous stage and life task.  Tasks allow persons to achieve life’s virtues:  Hope  Purpose  Fidelity  Love  Caring  Wisdom
  • 26. Stage Virtue Task Trust vs. Hope Viewing the world as Mistrust (infant) safe and reliable; relationships as nurturing, stable and dependable. Autonomy vs. Will Achieving a sense of Shame and control and free will doubt (toddler)
  • 27. Stage Virtue Task Initiative vs. Guilt Purpose Beginning development (preschool) of conscience; learning to manage conflict and anxiety Industry vs. Competence Emerging confidence in Inferiority (school own abilities; taking age) pleasure in accomplishments Identity vs. Role Fidelity Formulating a sense of confusion self and belonging
  • 28. Stage Virtue Task Intimacy vs. Love Forming adult, loving Isolation (young relationship and adult) meaningful attachment to others. Generativity vs. Care Being creative and Stagnation productive; establishing (middle adult) next generation. Ego integrity vs. Wisdom Accepting responsibility Despair for one’s self and life. (maturity)
  • 29.
  • 30. Explored how intelligence and cognitive functioning develop in children.  Human intelligence progresses through a series of stages based on age, with the child at each successive stage demonstrating a higher level of functioning than the previous age.  Biologic changes and maturation were responsible for cognitive development.
  • 31. Sensorimotor- birth to 2 years: the child develops a sense of self as separate from the environment and the concept of object permanence; that is, tangible objects do not cease to exist just because they are out of sight. He or she begins to form mental images.
  • 32. Preoperational- 2 to 6 years: The child develops the ability to express self with language, understands the meaning of symbolic gestures, and begins to classify objects.  Concrete operations: 6 to 12 years: The child begins to apply logic thinking, understands spatiality and reversibility, and is increasing social and able to apply rules; however, thinking is still concrete.
  • 33. Formal operations- 12 to 15 years and beyond: The child learns to think and reason in abstract terms, further develops logical thinking and reasoning, and achieves cognitive maturity.
  • 34.
  • 35. Humanism: represents a significant shift away from the psychoanalytic view of the individual as a neurotic, impulse-driven person with repressed psychic problems and away from the focus on and examination of the client’s past experiences.  Humanism: focuses on a person’s positive qualities, his or her capacity to change (human potential), and the promotion of self-esteem.
  • 36. Humanists do consider the person’s past experiences, but they direct more attention toward the present and the future.
  • 37.  He studied the needs or motivations of an individual.  He focused on the total person, not just on one facet of the person, and emphasized health instead of simply illness and the problems.
  • 38.
  • 39. Basic needs at the bottom of the pyramid would dominate the person’s behavior until those needs are met, at which time the next level of needs would become dominate.  Individual differences in terms of person’s motivation is not necessarily stable throughout life.  Traumatic life circumstances or compromised health can cause a person to regress to a lower level of motivation.
  • 40.
  • 41.  A school of psychology that focuses on observable behaviors and what one can do externally to bring about behavior changes.  It does not attempt to explain how the mind works.  Believes that behavior can be changed through a system of rewards and punishments.
  • 42.  Classical conditioning  Behavior can be changed through conditioning with external or environmental conditions or stimuli.  Laboratory experiments with dogs provided the basis for the development of this theory.
  • 43.
  • 44.  Operant conditioning  People learn their behavior from their history or past experiences, particularly those experiences that were repeatedly reinforced.  Behavior is only that which could be observed, studied and learned or unlearned.
  • 45. All behavior is learned.  Consequences result from behavior- broadly speaking, reward and punishment.  Positive reinforcers that follow a behavior increase the likelihood that the behavior will recur.  Negative reinforcers that are removed after a behavior increase the likelihood that the behavior will recur.
  • 46. Continuous reinforcement (a reward every time the behavior occurs) is the fastest way to increase that behavior, but the behavior will not last long after the reward ceases.  Random intermittent reinforcement (an occasional reward for the desired behavior) is slower to produce an increase in the behavior, but the behavior continues after the reward ceases.
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  • 49.
  • 50.  One’s personality involves more than individual characteristics, particularly how one interacts with others.  Inadequate or nonsatisfying relationships produce anxiety, which is the basis for all emotional problems.
  • 51. Stage Ages Focus Infancy Birth to onset Primary need exists for bodily contact and of language tenderness. Prototaxic mode dominates (no relation between experiences). Primary zones are oral and anal. If needs are met, infant has sense of well- being; unmet needs lead to dread and anxiety. Childhood Language to 5 Parents are viewed as source of praise and years acceptance. Shift to parataxic mode: experiences are connected in sequence to each other. Primary zone is anal. Gratification leads to positive self-esteem. Moderate anxiety leads to uncertainty and insecurity; severe anxiety results in self-defeating patterns of behavior.
  • 52. Stage Ages Focus Juvenile 5-8 years Shift to syntaxic mode begins (thinking about self and others based on analysis of experiences in a variety of situations). Opportunities for approval and acceptance of others. Learn to negotiate own needs. Severe anxiety may result in need to control or in restrictive, prejudicial attitudes. Preadolescence 8- 12 Move to genuine intimacy with friend of the same sex. years Move away from family as source of satisfaction in relationships. Major shift to syntaxic mode occurs. Capacity for attachment, love, and collaboration emerges or fails to develop. Adolescence Puberty Lust is added to interpersonal equation. to Need for special sharing relationship shifts to the opposite adulthood sex. New opportunities for social experimentation lead to consolidation of self- esteem or self- ridicule. In the self-esteem is intact, areas of concern expand to include values, ideals, career decisions, and social concerns.
  • 53. Therapeutic Nurse-Patient Relationship  Four phases:  Orientation phase: directed by the nurse; engaging the client in treatment, providing explanations and information, and answering questions.  Identification phase: the client works interdependently with the nurse, expresses feelings, and begins to feel stronger.  Exploitation phase: client makes full use of the services offered.  Resolution phase: client no longer needs professional services and gives up dependent behavior; relationship ends.
  • 54. Stage Tasks Orientation Patient’s problems and needs are clarified. Patient asks questions. Hospital routines and expectations are explained. Patient harnesses energy toward meeting problems. Patient’s full participation is elicited. Identification Patient responds to persons he or she perceives as helpful. Patient feels stronger. Patient expresses feelings. Interdependent work with the nurse occurs. Roles of both patient and nurse are classified.
  • 55. Stage Tasks Exploitation Patient makes full use of available services. Goals such as returning home and returning to work emerge. Patient’s behaviors fluctuate between dependence and independence. Resolution Patient gives up dependent behavior. Services are no longer needed by the patient. Patient assumes power to meet own needs, set new goals, and so forth.
  • 56. Stranger: offering the client the same acceptance and courtesy that the nurse would do to any stranger.  Resource person: providing specific answers to questions within a larger context.  Teacher: helping the client to learn formally or informally.  Leader: offering direction to the client or the group.
  • 57.  Surrogate: serving as a substitute for another such as a parent or a sibling.  Counselor: promoting experiences leading to health for the client such as expression of feelings.  Others: consultant, tutor, safety agent, medicator, administrator, observer, and researcher.
  • 58.
  • 59. The eclectic theorists hold to the fact that no one theory of personality can encompass each and every person.  The Eclectic theorist believe in a synergistic personality theory.  Synergism in the case of personality theory, is the belief that no one theory is entirely correct.  It takes two or more theories to produce what one, by itself, cannot produce.
  • 60.  Cave believes that birth order is significant to the developing personality.  The Psychosexual and the Psychosocial stages are believed to be significant to the person's emerging personality. A balance is sought between the two.  Love and acceptance are the cornerstone of personality development. These supersede Maslow's safety needs as foundational for development.  Self-Actualization and The Psychospiritual model suggest that in order to be self-actualized a person must explore their spiritual nature and fill the void of worship.
  • 61. Man has a natural void in his life that he cannot fill with the greatest upbringing, environment, and perspective on life.  The void is a place designated for worship.  To be self-actualized, according to Cave, a person must be able to respond to this natural void through relationship with God.  With this self-actualization comes the knowledge that we are just creatures, we are