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Taller de Práctica Docente II 2016:
Alumno Residente: Mariana Canellas
Período de Práctica: Nivel secundario – ciclo superior
Institución Educativa: Colegio Nº 738 “Pastor Schneider”
Dirección: Kaiquén 2135 Comodoro Rivadavia Chubut
Año: 6º año (2ª división Ciencias Naturales)
Nivel lingüístico: Pre- Intermedio
Tipo de planificación: Clase
Unidad temática: Juegos Olímpicos
Clase: Nº 2
Fecha: 22/09/16 (aplazada hasta el 29/09/16)
Duración: 120 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 15/09/16
 Teaching points:
- Revision of structures: Past simple (sentences and questions), Verb to be (Yes/No
Perfect (affirmative and negative sentences).
- Use of new structures: Present Perfect with for and since.
- Revision of functions: sharing information about sports, likes and dislikes,describing
what people are doing in a celebration and the setting.
- Revisionof vocabulary:Olympicsportsandrelatedwords(theyare inthe chartbelow)
 Aims or goals:
- Develop the students’ ability to use the vocabulary they have learnt in context.
- Develop their ability to interact orally in pairs accurately and fluently.
- Develop their speaking and listening skills by interacting with the teacher and their
partners, while describing what they see in a video.
- Develop their language awareness by learning new words and inferring rules.
Revision -Sharing
about sports,
-Describing what
people are doing
on a celebration
and the setting.
judo, tennis,
hockey, football,
skiing, longjump,
- Others: men,
women, old
people, children;
adjectives to
describe moods
and feelings and
the weather
- Past simple:
sentences and
- Verb “to be”:
questions and
- PresentPerfect:
affirmative and
- Glottal /h/as in
“have”or “has”
- Alveolar/t/as
in“haven´t” or
the endof
- Fallingtonesat
the endof
New ________ -PresentPerfect:
affirmative and
for andsince
 Teaching Approach: Communicative Approach
 Integration of skills: Student’s abilities are integrated because they are required to pay
attention to the teacher and interact with her and among peers, listening and speaking.
Theywill alsobe askedtowatch,listen,and readsentencesformthe boardorcards,inorder
to be encouraged to review and understand new structures and communicate.
 Materials: Photocopies, board, chalks, posters, flashcards, video, video projector.
 Seating arrangements: sitting in a semicircle may be better to watch the video.
 Cooperative work: The whole lesson demands cooperative work because students are
required to participate actively, interacting with the teacher and their peers.
 Possible problems and possible solutions: In case technology doesn’t work, students may
be invited to play BINGO, using cards with pictures, with sports and words related to the
Olympic Games.
 Potential problems students may have with the language: In case students find it too
difficult to use the target language to communicate, they will be required to write some
sentences and hand them in, in order to encourage them to keep on working on what is
 Assessment: Some notes may be taken about the students’ performance while they are
working in pairs.
 Adaptations: In relation to students with intellectual difficulties they will be invited to
participate inclassasanyotherstudent;andincase theyfindittoodifficulttopayattention
to what the other students do, they will be given flashcards of sports for them to write
sentences using the verb tenses they remember and answering the teachers’ questions,
while she pays special attention to them.
Routine: (10’)
- “Good morning! How are you today? I will be your teacher some more classes. Have you
done the homework?(…) Didyoulikeit?(…) Youcanleave the handoutsonmydeskfor me
to correctthemfornextclass.Have youthoughtaboutsportsthisweek?(…) Have youseen
sports on TV? (…) What sports have you watched?” (…)” the teacher waits a few seconds
after each question, for the students to answer her, and she pays special attention to any
- “Ok,today we are goingto continue talkingaboutsportsingeneral,andaboutthe Olympic
Games. Last August the Olympic Games were celebrated in Rio,the Capital city of Brazil. I
like watchingsportsonTV.Ipaidspecial attentiontohockey,volleyball,andlongjump.Did
you watch the Olympic Games here at school? (…) What sports did you watch on TV? (…)
Do youknowthe namesof someArgentinianathletes?(…)” the teacherwaitsafew seconds
forthe studentstoansweraftereachquestion,she repeatsthemandpaysattentiontoany
comment. “let`s review the names of some sports and their definitions…”
Warm up: (15’)
- The teacher puts the posters of the following sports on the board: aerobics – judo –
basketball – swimming – tennis – boxing – volleyball -
- She says, “I will say the definitions of the sports and you will guess the name right?”
a) “Physical exercise often done in classes with music… the name is: … “(aerobics)
b) “A game inwhichtwoteamsuse theirhandstohitaball backwardsandforwardoverahigh
net, the ball doesn´t have to touch the ground… the name is: …” (volleyball)
c) “A sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground… the name
is:…” (judo)
d) “A sport in which two people fight each other with their hands wearing large gloves… the
name is: …” (boxing)
e) “A game inwhichtwoorfourplayersuse racketstohita ball backwardsandforwardacross
a net on a court... the name is:…” (tennis)
f) “The sport or activityof movingthroughwater in a horizontal positionusingthe arms and
legs… the name is:…” (swimming)
g) “A game played by two teams, players use a ball that they try to throw into a high net
hanging from a ring… the name is: … (basketball)
- The teacher helps the students to guess the names of sports miming some of the words
while she reads the definitions.
Transition:“Very good!nowIwantyou to workwithyourpartner,andthenreport the information
to the whole class”
Presentation: (20’)
- The teacher will deliver cards with the following questions to every student for them to
work in pairs:
Didyou watchthe OlympicgamesonTV last August?
What sports did you watch?
What sports did you like?
Who are your favorite athletes?
- She says “here youhave some questionsforyoutowork inpairs,I want youto write down
your partner’sanswers…”. She asks for a volunteerto work withher as a model “Can you
answerme,please?asan example…”andshe continues,readingthe questionsabove.She
reminds the studentsthey are using Simple past to talk about a definite pointin the past,
and she writes on the board:
- She continues“I will walkaroundto listentoyou” and she does that “pay attentionto the
answers because I want you to report the information”. After they finish the activity,the
teacher goes on, “now I want you to tell the whole class what your partner said, for
example…”: (she writes on the board)
- “Do youunderstand?Ok,great,whostarts?tell usaboutyourpartnerplease…”, theteacher
gives any necessary vocabulary and support for the students to communicate (she may
write the names of some athletes on the board for the students to remember or learn:
Martin del Potro (Argentinian –tennis),PaulaParetto(Argentinian - judo),Michael Phelps
(American – swimming), etc.)
Transition: “How nice contributions! … I watched a lot of videos about Rio 2016, the opening and
the closing ceremonies, and I chose some of them to share with you in order to keep on talking
about sports, I invite you now to do that…”
Activity 1: (20´/25´) Video: “Rio 2016: Video de Fernando Meirelles” available at YouTube
- “ Iwantyouto write downwhatyouseeinthe video,the people,theirclothes,theweather,
what they are doing , what they are eating, etc.” it lasts about 5 minutes.
- After the video finishes the teacher asks the whole class these questions:
 Are there any children?
 Are there any women?
 Are there any men?
 Are there any old people?
 Are they happy?
 What are they doing? Are they dancing? Are they singing?
 Is it cold? Is it hot? How is the weather?
 Are they happy?
 What are they celebrating?
- “Let`s watch the video again, pay attention, please…”
- The teacher gives the students handouts, to answer the questions:
Handout 1
1) What can you see in the video?
a- Children____
b- Women____
c- Men______
d- Old people____
2) How are they feeling?
a- Sad_____
b- Nervous____
c- Happy_____
3) How is the weather?
b- Rainy_____
d-Hot and sunny_____
4) Where are they?
a- In the mountains______
b- On the beach______
c- In the Forest______
5) What are they celebrating?
a- Birthdays ______
b- Weddings______
c- The Olympic Games Rio 2016______
- Afterthe videofinishes,she asksthe questionsinthe handouttothe whole classandexpect
them to answer her orally.
- She continues,“thiscelebrationtookplace duringlast August, at an indefinite pointinthe
past during August, we may say: THEY HAVE CELEBRATED, she writes on the board:
+ _
They have celebrated.
They have…
They have…
They haven’t worked.
They haven`t…
They haven´t…
- “Can you complete those sentences? What have they done? Have they slept? Have they
danced?”,she waitsforthe studentsanswersandcompletesthe sentences on the board”
Transition: “Very good!... Argentina won some medals in Rio 2016, in tennis, sailing, judo, and
hockey… I want to share information about certain athletes with you…”
Activity 2: (20’)
- The teacher puts the following photos on the board as posters, with the sentences above
Paula Paretto: She is from Argentina. She is thirty (30) years old.She has practisedjudo since she
was nine (9) years old.
Juan Martin del Potro:He isfromArgentina.He istwentysevenyearsold (27).He hasplayedtennis
since he was seven (7) years old.
Jorge Lombi and Pedro Ibarra They are form Argentina. Jorge is forty-four (44) years old. Pedrois
thirty (30) years old. They have played hockey since they were teenagers.
- The teacher asks different students to read the sentences aloud “Can you read these
sentencesaloud,please?”shesayspointingatthe onesshe wantstobe read.Afterdifferent
students’ finishreadingall the sentencesshe continues“Doyou understand? we talkabout
theirnationalities,theirages,andthe time theyhave practiseddifferentsports”.Then,she
writes on the board:
She has practised judo since she was nine.
He has played tennis since he was seven.
They have played hockey since they were teenagers.
She has practised judo for ___________
He has played tennis for_____________
They have played hockey for_________
- She goes on “Paula has practised judo since she was nine.We may say: she has practised
judo for many years; or she has practiced judo for twenty-one years”, she completes the
sentence on the board. She continues “Martin has played tennis since he was seven. We
may say: he has played tennis for many years; or… can you complete that sentence?” she
says pointing to the board, she waits for the students’ answers… “ok, good he has played
tennis for twenty years”. She adds “Jorge and Pedro have played hockey since they were
teenagers. We may say: they have played hockey for many years; or … can you complete
that sentence?” she says pointing to the board, she waitsfor the students´ answers… “ok,
good they have played hockey for twenty years”.
- The teacher writes on the board:
I have worked as a teacher since 2000.
I have studied English since I was seven years old.
I have lived in Comodoro Rivadavia since I was born.
I have studied English since I was a child.
I have worked as a teacher for 16 years.
I have studied English for 31 years.
I have lived in Comodoro Rivadavia for…
I have studied English for…
- She reads the sentences that are complete and says “I want you to complete the other
sentences and say them aloud… “she waits a few seconds and choose a student to start
“Can you complete this sentence, please?” , she listens to different students.
- She continues“Canyousay similarsentencesaboutyou,please?andpaysattentiontoany
intervention, giving support and encouragement.
Transition: “Excellent! let’s continue talking about athletes and their life experiences”
Activity 3: (15´)
- The teacher will give the students cards with different people playing sports, she says “I
wantyou to workin pairs,sayingsentencesaboutthese peoplelikethe onesonthe board,
for example: she has played tennis since she was ten years old” (they will invent the
information). She deliversthe cards and says “I will walk around to listento you” and she
doesthat givinganynecessarysupport(the picturesinthe cardsare at the endof the plan)
Closure: (10´)
- The teachersays“we are finishingthe lesson,Ihave one exercisemore togo”,andshe puts
on the board a poster with the following information:
 two years
 he was a child
 many years
 a week
 1990
 last summer
- She goeson“I will readthe phrase andyoutell me where toputit, ok? Twoyears,whatdo
you think? since or for two years?” she waits for the students´ answer and continues“ok,
good, for two years” and she writes the phrase in the correct column. She repeats the
process with the other phrases.
Homework: (5´)
- How nice lesson!... for next class I want you to look for information about an important
athlete to share here in class, you can use the Internet… Good bye! Have a nice week!
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Coherence and
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Class. management
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimumscore:21 / 35
Score:_23___ /35 = 6.5
Dear Mariana,
Interestingandresourceful class!Take ourcommentsintoaccountsoas toimprove some parts
of the lesson. Itshouldbe adynamicand communicative one. Doencourage the use of L2.
Have a nice lesson!
Canellas  TPD II 2016 2nd class 6º 2ª cn - 6.5

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Canellas TPD II 2016 2nd class 6º 2ª cn - 6.5

  • 1. Taller de Práctica Docente II 2016: Alumno Residente: Mariana Canellas Período de Práctica: Nivel secundario – ciclo superior Institución Educativa: Colegio Nº 738 “Pastor Schneider” Dirección: Kaiquén 2135 Comodoro Rivadavia Chubut Año: 6º año (2ª división Ciencias Naturales) Nivel lingüístico: Pre- Intermedio Tipo de planificación: Clase Unidad temática: Juegos Olímpicos Clase: Nº 2 Fecha: 22/09/16 (aplazada hasta el 29/09/16) Duración: 120 minutos Fecha de entrega: 15/09/16  Teaching points: - Revision of structures: Past simple (sentences and questions), Verb to be (Yes/No questions),PresentContinuous(Yes/NoquestionsandInformationquestions),Present Perfect (affirmative and negative sentences). - Use of new structures: Present Perfect with for and since. - Revision of functions: sharing information about sports, likes and dislikes,describing what people are doing in a celebration and the setting. - Revisionof vocabulary:Olympicsportsandrelatedwords(theyare inthe chartbelow)  Aims or goals: - Develop the students’ ability to use the vocabulary they have learnt in context. - Develop their ability to interact orally in pairs accurately and fluently. - Develop their speaking and listening skills by interacting with the teacher and their partners, while describing what they see in a video. - Develop their language awareness by learning new words and inferring rules.
  • 2. FUNCTIONS LEXIS STRUCTURES PRONUNCIATION Revision -Sharing information about sports, likesanddislikes. -Describing what people are doing on a celebration and the setting. -Sports:aerobics, judo, tennis, basketball, swimming, boxing, volleyball, hockey, football, skiing, longjump, Paralympics, soccer,handball. - Others: men, women, old people, children; adjectives to describe moods and feelings and the weather - Past simple: sentences and questions - Verb “to be”: Yes/No questions -Present Continuous: Yes/No questions and Information questions. - PresentPerfect: affirmative and negative sentences. - Glottal /h/as in “have”or “has” - Alveolar/t/as in“haven´t” or “hasn`t” -Risingtonesat the endof Yes/No questions. - Fallingtonesat the endof Information questions New ________ -PresentPerfect: affirmative and negative sentenceswith for andsince  Teaching Approach: Communicative Approach  Integration of skills: Student’s abilities are integrated because they are required to pay attention to the teacher and interact with her and among peers, listening and speaking. Theywill alsobe askedtowatch,listen,and readsentencesformthe boardorcards,inorder to be encouraged to review and understand new structures and communicate.  Materials: Photocopies, board, chalks, posters, flashcards, video, video projector.  Seating arrangements: sitting in a semicircle may be better to watch the video.  Cooperative work: The whole lesson demands cooperative work because students are required to participate actively, interacting with the teacher and their peers.  Possible problems and possible solutions: In case technology doesn’t work, students may be invited to play BINGO, using cards with pictures, with sports and words related to the Olympic Games.  Potential problems students may have with the language: In case students find it too difficult to use the target language to communicate, they will be required to write some
  • 3. sentences and hand them in, in order to encourage them to keep on working on what is planned.  Assessment: Some notes may be taken about the students’ performance while they are working in pairs.  Adaptations: In relation to students with intellectual difficulties they will be invited to participate inclassasanyotherstudent;andincase theyfindittoodifficulttopayattention to what the other students do, they will be given flashcards of sports for them to write sentences using the verb tenses they remember and answering the teachers’ questions, while she pays special attention to them. Routine: (10’) - “Good morning! How are you today? I will be your teacher some more classes. Have you done the homework?(…) Didyoulikeit?(…) Youcanleave the handoutsonmydeskfor me to correctthemfornextclass.Have youthoughtaboutsportsthisweek?(…) Have youseen sports on TV? (…) What sports have you watched?” (…)” the teacher waits a few seconds after each question, for the students to answer her, and she pays special attention to any intervention. Transition: - “Ok,today we are goingto continue talkingaboutsportsingeneral,andaboutthe Olympic Games. Last August the Olympic Games were celebrated in Rio,the Capital city of Brazil. I like watchingsportsonTV.Ipaidspecial attentiontohockey,volleyball,andlongjump.Did you watch the Olympic Games here at school? (…) What sports did you watch on TV? (…) Do youknowthe namesof someArgentinianathletes?(…)” the teacherwaitsafew seconds forthe studentstoansweraftereachquestion,she repeatsthemandpaysattentiontoany comment. “let`s review the names of some sports and their definitions…” Warm up: (15’) - The teacher puts the posters of the following sports on the board: aerobics – judo – basketball – swimming – tennis – boxing – volleyball -
  • 4. - She says, “I will say the definitions of the sports and you will guess the name right?” a) “Physical exercise often done in classes with music… the name is: … “(aerobics) b) “A game inwhichtwoteamsuse theirhandstohitaball backwardsandforwardoverahigh net, the ball doesn´t have to touch the ground… the name is: …” (volleyball)
  • 5. c) “A sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground… the name is:…” (judo) d) “A sport in which two people fight each other with their hands wearing large gloves… the name is: …” (boxing) e) “A game inwhichtwoorfourplayersuse racketstohita ball backwardsandforwardacross a net on a court... the name is:…” (tennis) f) “The sport or activityof movingthroughwater in a horizontal positionusingthe arms and legs… the name is:…” (swimming) g) “A game played by two teams, players use a ball that they try to throw into a high net hanging from a ring… the name is: … (basketball) - The teacher helps the students to guess the names of sports miming some of the words while she reads the definitions. Transition:“Very good!nowIwantyou to workwithyourpartner,andthenreport the information to the whole class” Presentation: (20’) - The teacher will deliver cards with the following questions to every student for them to work in pairs: Didyou watchthe OlympicgamesonTV last August? What sports did you watch? What sports did you like? Who are your favorite athletes? - She says “here youhave some questionsforyoutowork inpairs,I want youto write down your partner’sanswers…”. She asks for a volunteerto work withher as a model “Can you answerme,please?asan example…”andshe continues,readingthe questionsabove.She reminds the studentsthey are using Simple past to talk about a definite pointin the past, and she writes on the board: YES, I DID. /NO, I DIDN´T. I WATCHED… I LIKED… MY FAVOURITE ATHLETE IS… - She continues“I will walkaroundto listentoyou” and she does that “pay attentionto the answers because I want you to report the information”. After they finish the activity,the teacher goes on, “now I want you to tell the whole class what your partner said, for example…”: (she writes on the board) KEVIN WATCHED THE OLYMPIC GAMES LAST AUGUST.
  • 6. HE WATCHED TENNIS AND JUDO. HE LIKED TENNIS. HIS FAVOURITE ATHELTE IS MARTIN DEL POTRO. - “Do youunderstand?Ok,great,whostarts?tell usaboutyourpartnerplease…”, theteacher gives any necessary vocabulary and support for the students to communicate (she may write the names of some athletes on the board for the students to remember or learn: Martin del Potro (Argentinian –tennis),PaulaParetto(Argentinian - judo),Michael Phelps (American – swimming), etc.) Transition: “How nice contributions! … I watched a lot of videos about Rio 2016, the opening and the closing ceremonies, and I chose some of them to share with you in order to keep on talking about sports, I invite you now to do that…” Activity 1: (20´/25´) Video: “Rio 2016: Video de Fernando Meirelles” available at YouTube - “ Iwantyouto write downwhatyouseeinthe video,the people,theirclothes,theweather, what they are doing , what they are eating, etc.” it lasts about 5 minutes. - After the video finishes the teacher asks the whole class these questions:  Are there any children?  Are there any women?  Are there any men?  Are there any old people?  Are they happy?  What are they doing? Are they dancing? Are they singing?  Is it cold? Is it hot? How is the weather?  Are they happy?  What are they celebrating? - “Let`s watch the video again, pay attention, please…” - The teacher gives the students handouts, to answer the questions: Handout 1 1) What can you see in the video? a- Children____ b- Women____ c- Men______ d- Old people____ 2) How are they feeling? a- Sad_____
  • 7. b- Nervous____ c- Happy_____ 3) How is the weather? a-Cold_____ b- Rainy_____ c-Snowy______ d-Hot and sunny_____ 4) Where are they? a- In the mountains______ b- On the beach______ c- In the Forest______ d- 5) What are they celebrating? a- Birthdays ______ b- Weddings______ c- The Olympic Games Rio 2016______ - Afterthe videofinishes,she asksthe questionsinthe handouttothe whole classandexpect them to answer her orally. - She continues,“thiscelebrationtookplace duringlast August, at an indefinite pointinthe past during August, we may say: THEY HAVE CELEBRATED, she writes on the board: AT AN INDEFINTE POINT ON THE PAST + _ They have celebrated. They have… They have… They haven’t worked. They haven`t… They haven´t… - “Can you complete those sentences? What have they done? Have they slept? Have they danced?”,she waitsforthe studentsanswersandcompletesthe sentences on the board” Transition: “Very good!... Argentina won some medals in Rio 2016, in tennis, sailing, judo, and hockey… I want to share information about certain athletes with you…” Activity 2: (20’) - The teacher puts the following photos on the board as posters, with the sentences above them:
  • 8. Paula Paretto: She is from Argentina. She is thirty (30) years old.She has practisedjudo since she was nine (9) years old. Juan Martin del Potro:He isfromArgentina.He istwentysevenyearsold (27).He hasplayedtennis since he was seven (7) years old.
  • 9. Jorge Lombi and Pedro Ibarra They are form Argentina. Jorge is forty-four (44) years old. Pedrois thirty (30) years old. They have played hockey since they were teenagers. - The teacher asks different students to read the sentences aloud “Can you read these sentencesaloud,please?”shesayspointingatthe onesshe wantstobe read.Afterdifferent students’ finishreadingall the sentencesshe continues“Doyou understand? we talkabout
  • 10. theirnationalities,theirages,andthe time theyhave practiseddifferentsports”.Then,she writes on the board: SINCE FOR She has practised judo since she was nine. He has played tennis since he was seven. They have played hockey since they were teenagers. She has practised judo for ___________ He has played tennis for_____________ They have played hockey for_________ - She goes on “Paula has practised judo since she was nine.We may say: she has practised judo for many years; or she has practiced judo for twenty-one years”, she completes the sentence on the board. She continues “Martin has played tennis since he was seven. We may say: he has played tennis for many years; or… can you complete that sentence?” she says pointing to the board, she waits for the students’ answers… “ok, good he has played tennis for twenty years”. She adds “Jorge and Pedro have played hockey since they were teenagers. We may say: they have played hockey for many years; or … can you complete that sentence?” she says pointing to the board, she waitsfor the students´ answers… “ok, good they have played hockey for twenty years”. - The teacher writes on the board: SINCE FOR I have worked as a teacher since 2000. I have studied English since I was seven years old. I have lived in Comodoro Rivadavia since I was born. I have studied English since I was a child. I have worked as a teacher for 16 years. I have studied English for 31 years. I have lived in Comodoro Rivadavia for… I have studied English for… - She reads the sentences that are complete and says “I want you to complete the other sentences and say them aloud… “she waits a few seconds and choose a student to start “Can you complete this sentence, please?” , she listens to different students. - She continues“Canyousay similarsentencesaboutyou,please?andpaysattentiontoany intervention, giving support and encouragement. Transition: “Excellent! let’s continue talking about athletes and their life experiences” Activity 3: (15´) - The teacher will give the students cards with different people playing sports, she says “I wantyou to workin pairs,sayingsentencesaboutthese peoplelikethe onesonthe board,
  • 11. for example: she has played tennis since she was ten years old” (they will invent the information). She deliversthe cards and says “I will walk around to listento you” and she doesthat givinganynecessarysupport(the picturesinthe cardsare at the endof the plan) Closure: (10´) - The teachersays“we are finishingthe lesson,Ihave one exercisemore togo”,andshe puts on the board a poster with the following information: SINCE FOR  two years  he was a child  many years  a week  1990  last summer - She goeson“I will readthe phrase andyoutell me where toputit, ok? Twoyears,whatdo you think? since or for two years?” she waits for the students´ answer and continues“ok, good, for two years” and she writes the phrase in the correct column. She repeats the process with the other phrases. Homework: (5´) - How nice lesson!... for next class I want you to look for information about an important athlete to share here in class, you can use the Internet… Good bye! Have a nice week! Resources:
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x
  • 17. Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Class. management strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimumscore:21 / 35 Score:_23___ /35 = 6.5 Dear Mariana, Interestingandresourceful class!Take ourcommentsintoaccountsoas toimprove some parts of the lesson. Itshouldbe adynamicand communicative one. Doencourage the use of L2. Have a nice lesson!