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Physical Science -2
1- The Botanical name of Finger Millet is-
A) Eleusine Indica B) Eleusine coracana
C) Pennisetum glaucum D) Ipomoea batatas
2- Total food grain production in 2013-14 was-
A) 263.21 mt B) 253.25 mt C) 275.43 mt
D) 287.29 mt
3- In high P-fixing soils, water soluble
Phosphatic fertilizers are applied to the crop
essentially as-
A) Broadcasting B) Band Placement
C) Top dressing D) Foliar application
4- “Whiptail” of cauliflower is due to the
deficiency of-
A) Boron B) Calcium C) Molybdenum
D) Nitrogen
5- The cation exchange capacity (meq/100 g dry
soil) of Kaolinite clay varies-
A) 3-15 B) 15-40 C) 80-100 D) 100-
6- If a farmer practices ‘Sugarcane-Cotton-
Wheat’ the cropping intensity at his farm will
A) 100% B) 150% C) 200% D) 300%
7- Dehaulming of potato is done to obtain –
A) Higher yield B) High quality seed tuber
C)Higher starch content D) Higher protein
8- Cropping Pattern is defined as-
A) System of growing different crops in
succession on the same land
B) The proportion of area under different
C) System of growing different crops on a year
calendar sequentially one after another
D) The proportion of area under different
crops at a particular point of time
9- Which of the following Horticultural crop is
known as- Queen of Spice
A) Small cardamom B) Large cardamom
C)Black pepper D) Garlic
10- Identify the Day neutral plant-
A) Soyabean B) Pigeon pea C) Black gram
D) Onion
11- Which of the following is seed less Mango
A) Chausa B) Dashehari
C) Sindhu D) Alphonso
12- Man made crop- Triticale is developed by
A) Wheat × Barley B) Barley × Rye C) Rye ×
Wheat D) Wheat × Rye
13- Sugar beet belongs to the family-
A) Convovulaceae B) Chenopodiaceae
C) Poaceae D) Tiliaceae
14- Deficiency symptom of Calcium on plants
are first noticed at-
A) Upper leaves B) Leaf Sheath
C) Terminal leaves & Bud D) Base of stem
15- Which one of the following species belongs
to Pop Corn maize?
A) Everta B) Amylacea C) Indurata D)
16- Which of the following chemical is a Growth
A) 2,4-D B) IBA C) Cycocel D) CEPA
Physical Science -2
17- Loranthus is a ---- type of weed
A) Total Root parasite B) Total stem parasite
C) Partial root parasite D) Partial stem
18- The first Director General of ICAR was-
A) Dr. B. Biswanathan B) Dr. B. P. Pal
C) Dr. S.S. Ayappan D) Dr. Vargese
19- In order to assess the immediate fertility
level of a given soil for potassium, which one of
the following form of the potassium should be
A) Water soluble K B) Exchangeable K C)
Non exchangeable K D) Total K
20- The Food Corporation of India was
established in-
A) 1960 B) 1955 C) 1965 D) 1967
21- Warmest latitude is-
A) 10*N B) 5*N C) 10*S D) 5*S
22- The value of solar constant is-
A) 1.94 langley/hr B) 1.94
/sec C) 1.94 langley/min
D) 1.94 cal/cm2
23- Average/Mean sea surface temperature is-
A) 10*C B) 15*C C) 20*C D) 23*C
24- Potato tuber is a modified form of –
A) Root B) Stem C) Leaf D) Fruit
25- Planting of succeeding crop before harvest
of standing crop is known as-
A) Inter cropping B) Sequential cropping
C)Multiple cropping D) Relay cropping
26- The Agro-climatic zone in India is divided
A) 15 B) 10 C) 20 D) 66
27- Albedo of Earth as a whole is-
A) 25% B) 35% C) 40% D) 55%
28- The term Humic acid given by-
A) Oden B) Miescher C) Berzelius D)
29- Ion Activity co-efficient was calculated by-
A) Donan equation B) Debye- Huckel
equation C) Van’t Hoff equation
D) KDO equation
30- Optimum pH for Rice & Tea cultivation is-
A) 4.0 – 6.0 B) 5.5 – 6.5 C) 6.5 – 7.5 D)
5.5 – 7.0
31- Potassium fixation capacity is more in which
of the following clay minerals?
A) Montmorillonite B) Illite C)
vermiculite D) Kaolinite
32- Which of the following amendment is
generally used for the reclamation Alkali soil?
A) Lime B) Gypsum C) Elemental
Sulphar D) Organic matter
33- PO4
is the principal phosphate anion, when
soil pH is -
A) >8.0 B) > 8.5 C) >9.0 D) > 10
34- Glass electrode can be used for the
estimation soil pH range of----
A) 1.0 – 9.0 B) 1.0- 11.0 C) 1.5- 12.5
D) 2.2 – 10.2
35- The origin of groundnut is-
Physical Science -2
A) Brazil B) Peru C) China D)
36- State having highest Net sown area in 2013-
14 was-
A) Punjab B) Madhya Pradesh C) Rajasthan
37- In an Alkaline Calcareous soil, Magnitude of
ARk value compared to Normal Arable soil is –
A) Higher B) lower C) Depends on ET D)
38- In soil system, H2 PO4
& HPO4
is equal
when soil pH-
A) 5.5 B) 7.22 C) 7.5 D) >9.0
39- Volatilization loss of Applied N is maximum
A) Urea B) (NH4)2SO4 C) NH4Cl D)
40- Optimum temperature for Nitrification---*C
A) 20-25* B) 25-35* C) 30-35* D) 35-40*
41- During Urea hydrolysis pH of soil system
attains a value-
A) 6.5 B) 7.8 C) 9.0 D) 11
42- If a soil having PBCp value is high, then
which of the following statement is not true-?
A) Soil having high amount fixed phosphorus
B) Availability of Phosphorus is high
C) Availability of Phosphorus is Low
D) High doses of Phosphatic fertilizers is
43- Exchange sites for Cations/Anions having
effective particle size-
A) > 10 µm B) >20 µm C) <10 µm D)
<20 µm
44- Release of one ion from Exchange complex
on influence of another ion, is known as-
A) Ion-pair effect B) Ion-
compliment effect C) complimentary ion
effect D) conjugated ion effect
45- If pH of Soil increase then which of
following statement is False-?
A) ZPC increase B) CEC decrease, AEC
increase C) ZPC
decrease D) AEC decrease, CEC
46- Total no of Electron consumed per unit N2
fixation during symbiotic BNF is-
A) 6 B) 8 C) 12 D) 16
47- In Submerged soil, after continue
submergence 2-3 week soil pH attains a fairly
stable value of-
A) 6.7-7.2 B) 6.0- 6.8 C) 6.6-7.5 D) 6.5-
48- For saline – Sodic soils EC, ESP , and pH
values are respectively-
A) >4 , >15, >8.5 B) >4, <15, >8.5
C) <4, < 15, <8.5 D) >4, >15, ≥8.5
49- Over liming increases occurrence of –
A) Scab in root crops B) club root of
crucifer C) Akiochi disease of rice
D) Khaira disease
50- Cat clay or Acid sulphate soils found in
Kerala known as-
A) Kari soils B) pokkali
soil C) Peaty & Marshy soils D)
Both a & b
Physical Science -2
51- The best method of Amelioration of Alkali
soils is-
A) Apply CaSO4 B) Apply limestone
C) Leaching D) Apply CaSO4 and Leaching
52- Soil salinization is common in Arid & Semi
arid regions having Rainfall-
A) < 550 mm B) > 55 cm C) <55 cm D) both
A & B
53- The plants sensitive to ALKALI will show
poor yield when ESP-
A) <10 B) >10 C) >15 D) <15
54- Acid sulphate soils found in- region of Kerala
A) Aleppy B) Maldeep C) kuttanad
D) Kokkan
55- The leaching requirement when expressed
as ratios of-
A) ECIW / EC DW B) EC DW / ECIW C) Depth of
DW / Depth of IW D) both B & C
56- The shape of Halloysite is-
A) Hexagonal B) Fluffy C) Elongated tube
57- The Cation exchange phenomena was
given by-
A) Thomas way B) Cronsted C) Matson D)
58- Brucite layer is found in---- lattice
A) Montmorillonite B) Vermiculite C) Illite D)
59- Negative charge developed on clay minerals
by Isomorphus substitution is-
A) pH Independent B) pH dependent
C) Depends on SOM D) Depends on soil
60- Organic compound having More Oxygen but
less Nitrogen & Carbon content-
A) Humic acid B) Fulvic acid C) Humin D)
61- Non-legume BNF organism involved Frankia
is a Gram-
A) -ve Bacteria B) –ve Actinomycetes
C) +ve Actinomycetes D) +ve Bacteria
62- The Amount of Nutrient present in
Harvested portion of a crop is called—Nutrient--
A) Uptake B) Accumulation C) Content
D) Removal
63- The nutrient element is less mobile in soil
but highly mobile in plant-
A) Phosphorus B) Calcium C) Potassium
D) Zinc
64- The” Operation flood programme” relates
A) Conserving soil B) Controlling
flood C) Boosting milk
production D) Petroleum Production
65- Albert Mayer was associated with –
A) Etawah pilot project B) Nilokheri
Develpoment C)Indian village service D)
Gurgaon project
66- Which herbicide is used to kill broad leaves
in legume?
A) 2,4-D B) Benthiocarb C) 2,4-DB D)
67- Pulse crop do not fix Nitrogen from
atmosphere is?
Physical Science -2
A) Arhar B) Sweet pea C) Horse gram D)
68- Absolute Humidity is measured by-
A) g/cc B) % C) g/g or g/Kg D) All
69- Ammonium Sulphate is a by- product of-
A) Coal industry B) Sugar industry C) Soda
Ash manufacture D) Tannery industry
70- Urea-form contains Nitrogen as-
A) 30% B) 36% C) 38% D) 40%
71- Origin of Soyabean-
A) China B) Peru C) Turkey D) Brazil
72- Which of the following crop is grown in all
the season?
A) Sugarcane B) Groundnut C) Lentil D)
73- The rate of water absorption is decreased
by plants due to deficiency of –
A) Potassium B) Manganese C) Iron D)
74- The strongest chemical agent for breaking
seed dormancy-
A) Etherel B) Potassium nitrate C) Gibberelin
D) Acid
75- During perihelion the average distance
between sun & Earth is-
A) 147.6 B) 150 C) 152
D) 158.7 km
76- In Minimum thermometer material used-
A) Alcohol B) Hg C) Water D) Pb
77- National Boifertilizer Development centre is
located at-
A) Allahabad B) Gaziabad C) Faridabad C)
78- Grigg & Tamn reagent is used for estimation
of Molybdenum is-
A) Ammonium acetate, pH-3.3 B) 1N HCL +
0.1 N H2SO4 C) 0.15 % CaCl2 D) Ammonium
oxalate, pH-3.3
79- Van Bemlen factor for subsurface soil is-
A) 1.724 B) 1.984 C) 2.122 D) 2.5
80- Value of Stephan Boltzman Constant is-
A) 5.667 × 10-8
B) 6.55 × 10-8
C) 5.699 × 10-8
D) None
81- The energy emitted by sun have peak at
wavelength of -
A) 0.483 µm B) 9.66 µm C) 1.9 µm D)
0.12 µm
82- In organic carbon estimation, the indicator
used –
A) Ferroin B) Diphenyl Amine C) EBT D)
both A&B
83- Central institute of Medicinal & Aromatic
plants is located at-
A) Kodaikanal B) Lucknow C) Hyderabad
D) Kolkata
84- Microbial interaction found in
Decomposition of organic matter is-
A) Neutralism B) Predation C)
Ammensalism D) None
85- Readily available water, in constant matric
suction is more in-
A) Sandy soil B) Loamy Soil C) Clayey soil
D) Silty soil
86- The best moisture content at Maximum
compaction achieved- Proctor moisture content
under a load lies-
A) Slightly below FC B) Near PWP C) With
in FC & Saturation D) Fully saturation
Physical Science -2
87- Puddling is possible when clay% is-
A) >15% B) >18% C) >20% D) >25%
88- The tillage implement is used to break Hard
Pan is-
A) Mould board plough B) Chisel
Plough C) Rotovetor D)
Disk Harrow
89- ZN- EDTA contains --- % Zn-
A) 5% B) 10.5% C) 12% D) 21%
90- The range of co-relation coefficient lies with
A) 0 to 1 B) -1 to +2 C) 0 to ∞ D) -1 to
91- Mean=mode is observed in probability
A) Bivariate B) Normal C) Poison D)
92- 1 bar is equals to---- mega pascal
A) 100× 10-1
B) 100×10-2
C) 100×10-3
93- Which of the following component of the
soil water potential is not dependent on Soil
A) Gravitational potential B) Matric
potential C) Pressure potential
D) Osmotic potential
94- Range of Hue in Munsel colour chart-
A) 0-10 B) 1-8 C) 1-10 D) 1-9
95- In Neutron Moisture meter Energy of
thermalised electron is –
A) 0.03 mv B) 0.3 ev C) 0.003 ev D)
0.03 ev
96- Average density of earth crust is-
A) 2.6 – 3.0 B) 2.8- 3.5 C) 3.0 -4.5 D)
9.0 -12.0
97- Argilic subsurface horizon is a common
diagnostic feature of-
A) Vertisol B) ultisol C) Oxisol D)
98- Soil series occurring together in a repeating
Geographic pattern are grouped into-
A) Soil catena B) Soil Association C) Soil
Moity D) Soil
99- Predominant soil structure in Black soil is-
A) Angular blocky B) Sub angular blocky C)
Prismatic D) Columnar
100- In, Soil classification Subordinate X
A) Accumulation Na+
B) CaCO3 accumulation
C) Fragipan character D) Accumulation of
101- The magnitude of second central moment
is always –
) 0 ) 1 C) D) σ2
102- Test of significance difference difference
between 2 mean is done by-
A) Z- test B) t-Test C) F-test D) Chi-
Square test
103- Fifty percent of atmospheric mass lies with
A) 4.5 km B) 5.6 km C) 16 km D) 18
104- Most accurate instrument used to measure
atmospheric pressure is--- barometer
A) Aneroid type B) kew type C) Fourtis
type D) All
Physical Science -2
105- Mixing ratio is calculated with the formula-
A) Wt. dry air/ Wt. moist air B) Wt. of Moist
air/Wt of dry air C) Mass of dry air/Mass of
moist air D)Mass of Moist air/Mass of dry air
106- Sleet is an example of-
A) Condensation B) Precipitation C) Frost
D) A+B
107- Heat of Sublimation is-
A) 80 kcal B) 537 kcal C) 580 kcal D)
620 Kcal
108- The term- Alto is used to signify – type of
A) Low altitude B) Medium altitude C) High
altitude D)All
109- NDVI is the abbreviated form of-
A) Normalized difference vegetation index
B) Normal difference vegetative index
C) Normalized deviation vegetation index
D) Normalized deviation vegetative index
110- IMD was established in –
A) 1873 B) 1875 C) 1950 D) 1988
111- National centre for Remote Sensing is
located in-
A) Hyderabad B) Bangalore C) Delhi F)
112- Ozone hole is measured in----- unit
A) Octate B) Candela C) Dobson D)
113- The test of goodness of fit was done by-
A) Chi square test ) Sudent ‘t’ test C) F-test
D) Z-test
114- The standard sea-level pressure at 45*
latitude at a temperature of 15*C is-
A) 1013.25 mb B) 1025 mb C) 1031mb D)
1031.25 mb
115- The typhoons derive their energy from-
A) The falling rain B) The rising air C)
Latent heat of condensation D) Latent heat
of vaporization
116- The most important potential toxic
element present in food grains grown from
sewage water-
A) Titanium B) Cadmium C) Arsenic D)
117- The optimum cardinal temperature for rice
is –
A) 18-20*C B) 20-22*C C) 30-32*C D)
118- To prepare 250 ml 0.5 N NaOH solution
NaOH needed-
A) 5 g B) 10 g C) 20g D) 40 g
119- Optically active compounds which mirror
images are non-super imposable to each other
are known as-
A) Diastereomer B) Nanomer C)
Enantiomer D) Tutomer
120- Citrus greening disease was caused by-
A) Bacteria B) Actinomycetes C) Virus D)
121- In cell division, the exchange of segments
of homologues chromosome between two non-
sister chromatid was done in-
A) Zygotene B) Diplotene C) Pachytene D)
Physical Science -2
122- Initiation of reproductive stage before
normal time, by clod treatment of seed is
A) Photoperiodism C) Thermoperiodism C)
Both A& B D) Vernalization
123- Net gain of ATP in Glycolysis-
A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8
124- The first stable compound produced in C3
A) PGALD B) OAAA C) PGA D) Pyruvic
125- Trade name of Mancozeb is-
A) Dithane M-47 B) Dithane M-45 C) Zineb
D) Maneb
126- The Herbicide “Paraquat” belongs to-
A) Uron gr. B) Amide gr. C) Triazine gr. D)
Bypyredilium gr
127- Abscissic acid synthesis, takes places by----
A) Teichoic acid B) Malic acid C) Mevalonic
acid D) All
128- “Chromosomal theory of inheritance” was
given by-
A) Sutton & Bovery B) Bateson C) Tschemark
D) Devris
129- Causal organism of Killer disease of Rice is-
A) Xamthomonas oryzae B)
Helminthosporium oryzae
C) Neovosia horrida D) Enteloma oryzae
130- Causal organism for Brown rust of Wheat
A) Puccinia graminis tritici B) Puccinia
graminis recondita
C) Puccinis graminis striiformis D) Puccinia
131- In Stage -2 of production, elasticity of
production is –
A) 0 B) >1 C) 1 D) –ve or < 0
132- Scientific name of Shoot borer of
sugarcane is-
A) Scirpophaga exerptalis B) Chilo
C) Acegona steniella D) Pyrilla perpusilla
133- Dead heart in Rice was caused by-
A) Rice root nematode B) Yellow stem borer
C) Paddy gall midge D) Case worm
134- Chakdhara or Soorai symptom was
produced by-
A) Rice root nematode B) Yellow stem borer
C) Paddy gall midge D) Case worm
135- Pest occurs same area year after year is
known as-
A) Regular pest B) Persistant pest C)
Endemic pest D) Seasonal pest
136- Real value of seed lot is calculated by-
 A) Purity % × Germination %
 B) Germination % × Dockage %
 C) ( Germination % × Dockage %) / 100
 D) (Purity % × Germination %) / 100
137- Oldest method of crop improvement is-
A) Pureline selection B) Pedegree
Physical Science -2
C) Backcross selection D) Mass selection
138- Pectin is polymer of-
A) Galacturonic acid B) L- Aribose
C) D-Xylose D) pyruvic acid
139- The first amino acid isolated-
A) Lysine B) Methionine C) Histidine D)
140- The most simple sugar is-
A) Glysine B) Glyceraldehyde C) Xylulose
D) Glucose
141- The Bray-kurtz reagent is-
A) 1N CaCl2
B) 0.03N NH4F in 0.25 N HCl
C) 0.5M NaHCO3 with, pH-8.5
D) 0.03N NH4F in 0.025 N HCl
142- Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is
maximum in-
A) Sandy soil B) Silty soil C) Loamy soil D)
Calyey soil
143- The concept of terminal velocity was
deducted by stokes law is-
A) gr2
/ ƞ
B) gr2
( Ƿs- Ƿw)/ ƞ
C) 18 htr2
( Ƿs- Ƿw)/ ƞ
D) 2 gr2
( Ƿs- Ƿw)/9 ƞ
144- Indetermination moisture equivalent,
centrifugal force used--- times of gravity
A) 100 times B) 250 times C) 1000 times D)
145- Specific surface of clay particle is – times
than sand particle-
A) 1000 B) 250 C) 500 D) 10000
146- The colour of Nucleus seed is –
A) Buff colour B) Blue C) White D)
Golden yellow
147- The full form of DRIS is-
A) Diagnosis and Recommendation intensive
B) Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated
C) Diagnosis and Recommended integrated
D) Diagnosis and Recommendation integrated
148- A gully having depth 3 m and width is <18
m is known as-
A) Very small gully B) Small Gully C) Medium
gully D) Deep gully
149- pF value indicates soil condition is suitable
for Tillage is-
A) 0 B) 2.54 – 3.5 C) 2.8 -4.0 D) 4.5-
150- In USLE, the term “K” denotes-
A) Rainfall factor
B) Slope length factor
C) Erodibility factor
D) Crop management factor
Physical Science -2
151- Soil orders Vs Characters
1- Mollisol A- Presence of Cambic
2- Vertisol B- Low base saturation,
3- Alfisol C- Slickenside’s, Gilgai
micro relief
4- Inceptisol D- High base
saturation, >35%
5- Ultisol E- Dark coloured base
rich soil, %BS- >50%
152- Chemicals
1- Epsom Salt A- NaHCO3
2- Baking soda B- MgSO4.7H2o
3- Lunar caustic C- Na2SiO3
4- Water glass D- MgCl2 + NH4Cl
5- Magnesia mixture E- AgNO3
153- Nutrient concentration
1- Zinc sulphate
A- 54 %
2-Copper sulphate
B- 26-28%
3-Manganese sulphate
C- 19%
4-Ferrous Sulphate D- 21%
5- Ammonium
154- Forms Of micronutrient
A) Lepidochosite A- α-Fe2O3
B) Hematite B- ά- AlOOH
C) Goethite C- ά- FeOOH
D) Boehmite D- ᵞ -FeOOH
E) Diasporite E- ᵝ-AlOOH
155- Institutes
1- CAZRI A- Alabama
2- ICRISAT B- Colombo
3- IFDC C- Bhopal
4- IIMI D- Hyderabad
5- IISS E- Bikaner
156- Equivalent Acidity & Basicity of fertilizers
1- NH4SO4 A- 80
2- CO(NH2)2 B- 63
3-NH4Cl C- 110
4- NaNO3 D- 29
5- CaCN2 E- 128
Physical Science -2
157- Concepts & Father
1- Electro-ultra
filtration technique
A- Page & Baver
2- Inverse ratio law B- Ramamoorthy et al
3- Q/I relationship C- Matson
4- Lattice Hole theory D- Neemeeth
5- Target yield concept E- Beckett
158- parameters & Units
1- Water poetential /
A- dyne-sec/cm2
2- water p[oterntial/
B- cm2
3- Co- efficient of
C- sec/cm2
4- Thermal retentivity D- erg/gram or jule/kg
5- Thermal diffusivity E- Pascal
159- Microbes & Characters
1- Nitosomonas A- Manganese oxidizer
2- Chlorobium B- Chemoheterotroph
3- Rhizobium C- Sulphar oxidizer
4- Leptothrix D- Chemoautotroph
5- Arthrobacter E- Iron oxidizer
160- Gene Interaction
1- Dominant Epistasis A- 9:7
2- Inhibitory Epistasis B- 9:3:4
3- Duplicate dominant
gene interaction
C- 12:3:1
4- Recessive Epistasis D- 13:3
5- Complementary
gene interaction
E- 15:1
If you think you can, you can…………..
All the Best & Best of Luck
By- Dibakar Roy, UBKV
Physical Science -2

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  • 3. Physical Science -2 A) Brazil B) Peru C) China D) India 36- State having highest Net sown area in 2013- 14 was- A) Punjab B) Madhya Pradesh C) Rajasthan D) UP 37- In an Alkaline Calcareous soil, Magnitude of ARk value compared to Normal Arable soil is – A) Higher B) lower C) Depends on ET D) Same 38- In soil system, H2 PO4 - & HPO4 2- is equal when soil pH- A) 5.5 B) 7.22 C) 7.5 D) >9.0 39- Volatilization loss of Applied N is maximum from- A) Urea B) (NH4)2SO4 C) NH4Cl D) NH4NO3 40- Optimum temperature for Nitrification---*C A) 20-25* B) 25-35* C) 30-35* D) 35-40* 41- During Urea hydrolysis pH of soil system attains a value- A) 6.5 B) 7.8 C) 9.0 D) 11 42- If a soil having PBCp value is high, then which of the following statement is not true-? A) Soil having high amount fixed phosphorus B) Availability of Phosphorus is high C) Availability of Phosphorus is Low D) High doses of Phosphatic fertilizers is needed 43- Exchange sites for Cations/Anions having effective particle size- A) > 10 µm B) >20 µm C) <10 µm D) <20 µm 44- Release of one ion from Exchange complex on influence of another ion, is known as- A) Ion-pair effect B) Ion- compliment effect C) complimentary ion effect D) conjugated ion effect 45- If pH of Soil increase then which of following statement is False-? A) ZPC increase B) CEC decrease, AEC increase C) ZPC decrease D) AEC decrease, CEC increase 46- Total no of Electron consumed per unit N2 fixation during symbiotic BNF is- A) 6 B) 8 C) 12 D) 16 47- In Submerged soil, after continue submergence 2-3 week soil pH attains a fairly stable value of- A) 6.7-7.2 B) 6.0- 6.8 C) 6.6-7.5 D) 6.5- 10.0 48- For saline – Sodic soils EC, ESP , and pH values are respectively- A) >4 , >15, >8.5 B) >4, <15, >8.5 C) <4, < 15, <8.5 D) >4, >15, ≥8.5 49- Over liming increases occurrence of – A) Scab in root crops B) club root of crucifer C) Akiochi disease of rice D) Khaira disease 50- Cat clay or Acid sulphate soils found in Kerala known as- A) Kari soils B) pokkali soil C) Peaty & Marshy soils D) Both a & b
  • 4. Physical Science -2 51- The best method of Amelioration of Alkali soils is- A) Apply CaSO4 B) Apply limestone C) Leaching D) Apply CaSO4 and Leaching 52- Soil salinization is common in Arid & Semi arid regions having Rainfall- A) < 550 mm B) > 55 cm C) <55 cm D) both A & B 53- The plants sensitive to ALKALI will show poor yield when ESP- A) <10 B) >10 C) >15 D) <15 54- Acid sulphate soils found in- region of Kerala A) Aleppy B) Maldeep C) kuttanad D) Kokkan 55- The leaching requirement when expressed as ratios of- A) ECIW / EC DW B) EC DW / ECIW C) Depth of DW / Depth of IW D) both B & C 56- The shape of Halloysite is- A) Hexagonal B) Fluffy C) Elongated tube D)Tetrahedral 57- The Cation exchange phenomena was given by- A) Thomas way B) Cronsted C) Matson D) Beckett 58- Brucite layer is found in---- lattice A) Montmorillonite B) Vermiculite C) Illite D) Chlorite 59- Negative charge developed on clay minerals by Isomorphus substitution is- A) pH Independent B) pH dependent C) Depends on SOM D) Depends on soil Moisture 60- Organic compound having More Oxygen but less Nitrogen & Carbon content- A) Humic acid B) Fulvic acid C) Humin D) Humus 61- Non-legume BNF organism involved Frankia is a Gram- A) -ve Bacteria B) –ve Actinomycetes C) +ve Actinomycetes D) +ve Bacteria 62- The Amount of Nutrient present in Harvested portion of a crop is called—Nutrient-- --- A) Uptake B) Accumulation C) Content D) Removal 63- The nutrient element is less mobile in soil but highly mobile in plant- A) Phosphorus B) Calcium C) Potassium D) Zinc 64- The” Operation flood programme” relates to- A) Conserving soil B) Controlling flood C) Boosting milk production D) Petroleum Production 65- Albert Mayer was associated with – A) Etawah pilot project B) Nilokheri Develpoment C)Indian village service D) Gurgaon project 66- Which herbicide is used to kill broad leaves in legume? A) 2,4-D B) Benthiocarb C) 2,4-DB D) Nitrofen 67- Pulse crop do not fix Nitrogen from atmosphere is?
  • 5. Physical Science -2 A) Arhar B) Sweet pea C) Horse gram D) Rajma 68- Absolute Humidity is measured by- A) g/cc B) % C) g/g or g/Kg D) All 69- Ammonium Sulphate is a by- product of- A) Coal industry B) Sugar industry C) Soda Ash manufacture D) Tannery industry 70- Urea-form contains Nitrogen as- A) 30% B) 36% C) 38% D) 40% 71- Origin of Soyabean- A) China B) Peru C) Turkey D) Brazil 72- Which of the following crop is grown in all the season? A) Sugarcane B) Groundnut C) Lentil D) Maize 73- The rate of water absorption is decreased by plants due to deficiency of – A) Potassium B) Manganese C) Iron D) Boron 74- The strongest chemical agent for breaking seed dormancy- A) Etherel B) Potassium nitrate C) Gibberelin D) Acid 75- During perihelion the average distance between sun & Earth is- A) 147.6 B) 150 C) 152 D) 158.7 km 76- In Minimum thermometer material used- A) Alcohol B) Hg C) Water D) Pb 77- National Boifertilizer Development centre is located at- A) Allahabad B) Gaziabad C) Faridabad C) Nainital 78- Grigg & Tamn reagent is used for estimation of Molybdenum is- A) Ammonium acetate, pH-3.3 B) 1N HCL + 0.1 N H2SO4 C) 0.15 % CaCl2 D) Ammonium oxalate, pH-3.3 79- Van Bemlen factor for subsurface soil is- A) 1.724 B) 1.984 C) 2.122 D) 2.5 80- Value of Stephan Boltzman Constant is- A) 5.667 × 10-8 B) 6.55 × 10-8 C) 5.699 × 10-8 D) None 81- The energy emitted by sun have peak at wavelength of - A) 0.483 µm B) 9.66 µm C) 1.9 µm D) 0.12 µm 82- In organic carbon estimation, the indicator used – A) Ferroin B) Diphenyl Amine C) EBT D) both A&B 83- Central institute of Medicinal & Aromatic plants is located at- A) Kodaikanal B) Lucknow C) Hyderabad D) Kolkata 84- Microbial interaction found in Decomposition of organic matter is- A) Neutralism B) Predation C) Ammensalism D) None 85- Readily available water, in constant matric suction is more in- A) Sandy soil B) Loamy Soil C) Clayey soil D) Silty soil 86- The best moisture content at Maximum compaction achieved- Proctor moisture content under a load lies- A) Slightly below FC B) Near PWP C) With in FC & Saturation D) Fully saturation
  • 6. Physical Science -2 87- Puddling is possible when clay% is- A) >15% B) >18% C) >20% D) >25% 88- The tillage implement is used to break Hard Pan is- A) Mould board plough B) Chisel Plough C) Rotovetor D) Disk Harrow 89- ZN- EDTA contains --- % Zn- A) 5% B) 10.5% C) 12% D) 21% 90- The range of co-relation coefficient lies with in- A) 0 to 1 B) -1 to +2 C) 0 to ∞ D) -1 to +1 91- Mean=mode is observed in probability distribution- A) Bivariate B) Normal C) Poison D) Binomial 92- 1 bar is equals to---- mega pascal A) 100× 10-1 B) 100×10-2 C) 100×10-3 D) 100×10-4 93- Which of the following component of the soil water potential is not dependent on Soil properties-? A) Gravitational potential B) Matric potential C) Pressure potential D) Osmotic potential 94- Range of Hue in Munsel colour chart- A) 0-10 B) 1-8 C) 1-10 D) 1-9 95- In Neutron Moisture meter Energy of thermalised electron is – A) 0.03 mv B) 0.3 ev C) 0.003 ev D) 0.03 ev 96- Average density of earth crust is- A) 2.6 – 3.0 B) 2.8- 3.5 C) 3.0 -4.5 D) 9.0 -12.0 97- Argilic subsurface horizon is a common diagnostic feature of- A) Vertisol B) ultisol C) Oxisol D) Podsol 98- Soil series occurring together in a repeating Geographic pattern are grouped into- A) Soil catena B) Soil Association C) Soil Moity D) Soil complexsation 99- Predominant soil structure in Black soil is- A) Angular blocky B) Sub angular blocky C) Prismatic D) Columnar 100- In, Soil classification Subordinate X denotes- A) Accumulation Na+ B) CaCO3 accumulation C) Fragipan character D) Accumulation of Sesquioxides 101- The magnitude of second central moment is always – ) 0 ) 1 C) D) σ2 102- Test of significance difference difference between 2 mean is done by- A) Z- test B) t-Test C) F-test D) Chi- Square test 103- Fifty percent of atmospheric mass lies with in- A) 4.5 km B) 5.6 km C) 16 km D) 18 km 104- Most accurate instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is--- barometer A) Aneroid type B) kew type C) Fourtis type D) All
  • 7. Physical Science -2 105- Mixing ratio is calculated with the formula- A) Wt. dry air/ Wt. moist air B) Wt. of Moist air/Wt of dry air C) Mass of dry air/Mass of moist air D)Mass of Moist air/Mass of dry air 106- Sleet is an example of- A) Condensation B) Precipitation C) Frost D) A+B 107- Heat of Sublimation is- A) 80 kcal B) 537 kcal C) 580 kcal D) 620 Kcal 108- The term- Alto is used to signify – type of cloud A) Low altitude B) Medium altitude C) High altitude D)All 109- NDVI is the abbreviated form of- A) Normalized difference vegetation index B) Normal difference vegetative index C) Normalized deviation vegetation index D) Normalized deviation vegetative index 110- IMD was established in – A) 1873 B) 1875 C) 1950 D) 1988 111- National centre for Remote Sensing is located in- A) Hyderabad B) Bangalore C) Delhi F) Kanpur 112- Ozone hole is measured in----- unit A) Octate B) Candela C) Dobson D) Frontate 113- The test of goodness of fit was done by- A) Chi square test ) Sudent ‘t’ test C) F-test D) Z-test 114- The standard sea-level pressure at 45* latitude at a temperature of 15*C is- A) 1013.25 mb B) 1025 mb C) 1031mb D) 1031.25 mb 115- The typhoons derive their energy from- A) The falling rain B) The rising air C) Latent heat of condensation D) Latent heat of vaporization 116- The most important potential toxic element present in food grains grown from sewage water- A) Titanium B) Cadmium C) Arsenic D) Lead 117- The optimum cardinal temperature for rice is – A) 18-20*C B) 20-22*C C) 30-32*C D) 34-36*C 118- To prepare 250 ml 0.5 N NaOH solution NaOH needed- A) 5 g B) 10 g C) 20g D) 40 g 119- Optically active compounds which mirror images are non-super imposable to each other are known as- A) Diastereomer B) Nanomer C) Enantiomer D) Tutomer 120- Citrus greening disease was caused by- A) Bacteria B) Actinomycetes C) Virus D) Mycoplasma 121- In cell division, the exchange of segments of homologues chromosome between two non- sister chromatid was done in- A) Zygotene B) Diplotene C) Pachytene D) Diakynesis
  • 8. Physical Science -2 122- Initiation of reproductive stage before normal time, by clod treatment of seed is called- A) Photoperiodism C) Thermoperiodism C) Both A& B D) Vernalization 123- Net gain of ATP in Glycolysis- A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8 124- The first stable compound produced in C3 pathway- A) PGALD B) OAAA C) PGA D) Pyruvic Acid 125- Trade name of Mancozeb is- A) Dithane M-47 B) Dithane M-45 C) Zineb D) Maneb 126- The Herbicide “Paraquat” belongs to- A) Uron gr. B) Amide gr. C) Triazine gr. D) Bypyredilium gr 127- Abscissic acid synthesis, takes places by---- pathway A) Teichoic acid B) Malic acid C) Mevalonic acid D) All 128- “Chromosomal theory of inheritance” was given by- A) Sutton & Bovery B) Bateson C) Tschemark D) Devris 129- Causal organism of Killer disease of Rice is- A) Xamthomonas oryzae B) Helminthosporium oryzae C) Neovosia horrida D) Enteloma oryzae 130- Causal organism for Brown rust of Wheat is- A) Puccinia graminis tritici B) Puccinia graminis recondita C) Puccinis graminis striiformis D) Puccinia arachidicola 131- In Stage -2 of production, elasticity of production is – A) 0 B) >1 C) 1 D) –ve or < 0 132- Scientific name of Shoot borer of sugarcane is- A) Scirpophaga exerptalis B) Chilo infuscatelus C) Acegona steniella D) Pyrilla perpusilla 133- Dead heart in Rice was caused by- A) Rice root nematode B) Yellow stem borer C) Paddy gall midge D) Case worm 134- Chakdhara or Soorai symptom was produced by- A) Rice root nematode B) Yellow stem borer C) Paddy gall midge D) Case worm 135- Pest occurs same area year after year is known as- A) Regular pest B) Persistant pest C) Endemic pest D) Seasonal pest 136- Real value of seed lot is calculated by-  A) Purity % × Germination %  B) Germination % × Dockage %  C) ( Germination % × Dockage %) / 100  D) (Purity % × Germination %) / 100 137- Oldest method of crop improvement is- A) Pureline selection B) Pedegree selection
  • 9. Physical Science -2 C) Backcross selection D) Mass selection 138- Pectin is polymer of- A) Galacturonic acid B) L- Aribose C) D-Xylose D) pyruvic acid 139- The first amino acid isolated- A) Lysine B) Methionine C) Histidine D) Aspergine 140- The most simple sugar is- A) Glysine B) Glyceraldehyde C) Xylulose D) Glucose 141- The Bray-kurtz reagent is- A) 1N CaCl2 B) 0.03N NH4F in 0.25 N HCl C) 0.5M NaHCO3 with, pH-8.5 D) 0.03N NH4F in 0.025 N HCl 142- Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is maximum in- A) Sandy soil B) Silty soil C) Loamy soil D) Calyey soil 143- The concept of terminal velocity was deducted by stokes law is- A) gr2 / ƞ B) gr2 ( Ƿs- Ƿw)/ ƞ C) 18 htr2 ( Ƿs- Ƿw)/ ƞ D) 2 gr2 ( Ƿs- Ƿw)/9 ƞ 144- Indetermination moisture equivalent, centrifugal force used--- times of gravity A) 100 times B) 250 times C) 1000 times D) 10000times 145- Specific surface of clay particle is – times than sand particle- A) 1000 B) 250 C) 500 D) 10000 146- The colour of Nucleus seed is – A) Buff colour B) Blue C) White D) Golden yellow 147- The full form of DRIS is- A) Diagnosis and Recommendation intensive system B) Diagnostic Recommendation Integrated system C) Diagnosis and Recommended integrated system D) Diagnosis and Recommendation integrated system 148- A gully having depth 3 m and width is <18 m is known as- A) Very small gully B) Small Gully C) Medium gully D) Deep gully 149- pF value indicates soil condition is suitable for Tillage is- A) 0 B) 2.54 – 3.5 C) 2.8 -4.0 D) 4.5- 7.0 150- In USLE, the term “K” denotes- A) Rainfall factor B) Slope length factor C) Erodibility factor D) Crop management factor
  • 10. Physical Science -2 151- Soil orders Vs Characters 1- Mollisol A- Presence of Cambic Horizon 2- Vertisol B- Low base saturation, <35% 3- Alfisol C- Slickenside’s, Gilgai micro relief 4- Inceptisol D- High base saturation, >35% 5- Ultisol E- Dark coloured base rich soil, %BS- >50% 152- Chemicals 1- Epsom Salt A- NaHCO3 2- Baking soda B- MgSO4.7H2o 3- Lunar caustic C- Na2SiO3 4- Water glass D- MgCl2 + NH4Cl 5- Magnesia mixture E- AgNO3 153- Nutrient concentration 1- Zinc sulphate heptahydrate A- 54 % 2-Copper sulphate pentahydrate B- 26-28% 3-Manganese sulphate trihyddrate C- 19% 4-Ferrous Sulphate D- 21% 5- Ammonium Molybdate E-24% 154- Forms Of micronutrient A) Lepidochosite A- α-Fe2O3 B) Hematite B- ά- AlOOH C) Goethite C- ά- FeOOH D) Boehmite D- ᵞ -FeOOH E) Diasporite E- ᵝ-AlOOH 155- Institutes 1- CAZRI A- Alabama 2- ICRISAT B- Colombo 3- IFDC C- Bhopal 4- IIMI D- Hyderabad 5- IISS E- Bikaner 156- Equivalent Acidity & Basicity of fertilizers 1- NH4SO4 A- 80 2- CO(NH2)2 B- 63 3-NH4Cl C- 110 4- NaNO3 D- 29 5- CaCN2 E- 128
  • 11. Physical Science -2 157- Concepts & Father 1- Electro-ultra filtration technique A- Page & Baver 2- Inverse ratio law B- Ramamoorthy et al 3- Q/I relationship C- Matson 4- Lattice Hole theory D- Neemeeth 5- Target yield concept E- Beckett 158- parameters & Units 1- Water poetential / mass A- dyne-sec/cm2 2- water p[oterntial/ weight B- cm2 /sec 3- Co- efficient of viscocity C- sec/cm2 4- Thermal retentivity D- erg/gram or jule/kg 5- Thermal diffusivity E- Pascal 159- Microbes & Characters 1- Nitosomonas A- Manganese oxidizer 2- Chlorobium B- Chemoheterotroph 3- Rhizobium C- Sulphar oxidizer 4- Leptothrix D- Chemoautotroph 5- Arthrobacter E- Iron oxidizer 160- Gene Interaction 1- Dominant Epistasis A- 9:7 2- Inhibitory Epistasis B- 9:3:4 3- Duplicate dominant gene interaction C- 12:3:1 4- Recessive Epistasis D- 13:3 5- Complementary gene interaction E- 15:1 If you think you can, you can………….. All the Best & Best of Luck By- Dibakar Roy, UBKV