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BPH, 3rd
Unit 1: Multidisciplinary Nature of Environment .........................................................................................3
Unit 2: Natural Resources.............................................................................................................................4
Unit 3: Ecosystem .........................................................................................................................................7
Unit 4: Biodiversity......................................................................................................................................13
Unit 5: Environmental Pollution .................................................................................................................16
Unit 6: Social Issues and the Environment .................................................................................................20
Others Added Questions (100+ MCQs):......................................................................................................22
Unit 1: Multidisciplinary Nature of Environment
1. World celebrates environment day every year in the month of ………….
In which lakhs of trees are planted across the country.
a) June b) July c) August d) September
2. As per World Wide Fund for Nature, the river ……………… is one of
the ten most endangered rivers in world
a) Ganga b) Yamun
c) Bramhaputra d) Mahanandi
3. Which of the following terms best describes the interdisciplinary study
of humanity’s relationship with other organisms and the non-living
physical environment?
a) Ecology b) Sociology
c) Political Science d) Environmental Science
4. Which among the following were an Indian Ornithologist and naturalist,
known as the “birdman of India”?
a) Salim Ali b) M. S. Swaminathan
c) Shri sunderlal bhaguna d) Adhav Gadgil
5. Which among the following is celebrated as world’s ozone day?
a) September, 28 b) September, 16
c) July, 11 d) October, 3
Unit 2: Natural Resources
1. During photosynthesis trees produce
a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Carbon
2. Forest prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their
a) Stems b) Leaves c) Roots d) Buds
3. Wood pulp is used for making
a) Lumber b) Clipboard c) Paper d) Plywood
4. Deforestation rate is alarming in
a) Temperate countries b) Tropical countries
c) Polar region d) None of them
5. Major causes of deforestation are
a) Shifting cultivation b) Fuel requirements
c) Raw material for industries d) All of these
6. Major consequences of deforestation are
a) Destruction of natural habit of wild species
b) Disturbances in hydrological cycle
c) Soil erosion d) All of these
7. Per capita use of water is highest in
a) USA b) India c) Kuwait d) Indonesia
8. Ground subsidence occurs due to
a) Withdrawal of more ground water than its recharge
b) More recharge of groundwater than its withdrawal
c) Equal rates of recharge and withdrawal
d) None of the above
9. over grazing results in
a) Productive soils b) Soil erosion
c) Retention of useful species d) All of these
10. Blue bay syndrome is caused by the contamination of water due to
a) Phosphates b) sulfur
c) Arsenic d) Nitrates
11. Accumulation of non-biodegradable materials in the food chain is called
a) Bio magnification b) Detoxification
c) None of these d) Both of these
12. Biomass energy can be obtain from
a) Energy plantation b) Petro crops
c) Agricultural and urban waste biomass
d) All of these
13. Which of the following types of coal has maximum carbon and calorific
a) Anthracite (hard coal) b) Bituminous (soft coal)
c) Lignite (Brown coal) d) Wood coal
14. Nuclear energy can be generated by
a) Nuclear fusion b) Nuclear fission
c) Both of these d) None of these
15. Minimum disturbances is caused to soil during
a) Contour farming b) No-till farming
c) Terrace farming d) Alley cropping
16. Which of the following is responsible for desertification?
a) Deforestation b) Overgrazing
c) Mining d) All of these
17. A substance which produces a lot of heat on burning is called:
a) Oxidizing agent b) Biogas
c) Biomass d) Fuel
18. Which of the following causes the least pollution when burnt?
a) Petrol b) Diesel c) Coal d) Natural gases
19. The main constituent of LPG is:
a) Methane b) Butane c) Hydrogen d) Propane
20. The main constituent of CNG is:
a) Methane b) Butane c) Ethane d) Propane
21. The temperature different between the upper layers and the deeper layers of
the ocean should be ……… to install an OTEC power plant.
a) 40º C b) 50º C c) 20º C d) 30º C
22. The source of energy of the sun is:
a) Nuclear fission b) Chemical reaction
c) Nuclear fusion d) Photoelectric effect
23. The fuel used in the nuclear reactor is:
a) Cadmium b) Radium c) Uranium d) Thorium
24. Nuclear fusion reaction happens spontaneously in:
a) The core of the earth b) The commercial nuclear reactor
c) The atmosphere of the sun d) the eruption of the volcano
25. The scientist who first carried out critical nuclear fission reaction is:
a) Otto Hahn b) Enrico Fermi
c) Hans Bethe d) Einstein
26. Floating generators are used in the sea to harness:
a) Tidal energy b) Wave energy
c) Hydel energy d) OTE
27. Which type of electricity-generating power plant releases radioactive
materials as well as toxic metals such as lead and arsenic under normal operating
a) Nuclear b) Hydroelectric
c) Solar d) Coal-burning
28. Of the following, which has the greatest permeability?
a) Clay b) Loam c) Sand d) Silt
29. What does an ecological footprint measures?
a) Natural resources used by each person in an area
b) Products bought and used by each person in an area
c) The amount of people that can live in a given area
d) The numbers of planet’s worth of resources we have.
Unit 3: Ecosystem
1. The topmost function of an ecosystem is
a) Water regulation b) climate regulation
c) Primary production of food d) Gas regulation
2. In grassland ecosystem, the second trophic level is occupied by
a) Herbivores b) Grass, shrubs, trees
c) Primary carnivores d) secondary carnivores
3. Which of the following is an abiotic component of the ecosystem?
a) Bacteria b) Plants
c) Humus d) Fungi
4. A community that starts the process of succession in a habit is called
a) Biotic community b) Abiotic community
c) Pioneer community d) artificial community
5. Nutation is related to which of the following succession
a) Primary succession b) Secondary succession
c) Aquatic succession d) Fire succession
6. A primary succession on bare rock stars with
a) Lichens b) Herbs c) Trees d) Animals
7. The food chain in which microorganisms that breakdown dead matter is
a) Consumer food chain b) Predator food chain
c) Parasitic food chain d) Detritus food chain
8. The concepts of ecological pyramids was introduced by
a) Enrst Haeckel b) Eugene Odum
c) Charles Elton d) Charles Darwin
9. Which ecological pyramid is always upright?
a) Pyramid of biomass b) Pyramid of numbers
c) Pyramid of energy d) Pyramid of number and biomass
10. The biomass available for consumption by the herbivores and the
decomposer is called
a) Gross primary productivity b) Net primary productivity
c) Secondary productivity d) Standing crop
11. The remains of the dead plants and animals is called
a) Detritus b) Detritivores
c) Humus d) Litter
12. The nature’s cleaners are
a) Producer b) Consumers c) Decomposer d) Symbionts
13. Gradual and predictable changes in the species composition of a given area is
a) Primary succession b) Ecological succession
c) Xerarch succession d) Secondary succession
14. Animals living at the bottom of the sea are known as
a) Lentic b) Pelagic
c) Benthic d) Lotic
15. The progressive accumulation of some non-biodegradable chemicals through
the food chain is known as
a) Ecological balance b) Biological magnification
c) Tropical structure d) Bio-degradation
16. Gross primary productivity is highest in
a) Open oceans b) Grassland
c) Wet tropical forest d) Agro ecosystem
17. The over nourished lakes like with ‘algal blooms’ are called
a) Eutrophic b) Oligotrophic
c) Dystrophic d) Meromictic
18. The type of succession occurring on a base rock is called
a) Halosere b) Lithosere
c) Hydrosere d) None of these
19. The darker zone in lakes where light penetration is negligible is called
a) Littoral zone b) Limnetic zone
c) Profundal zone d) euphotic zone
20. Estuaries have the following characteristics
a) Fresh and salt-water b) Rich biodiversity
c) High productivity d) All of these
21. Which one of the following has the largest population in a food chain?
a) Producers b) Primary consumers
c) Secondary consumers d) Decomposers
22. The second trophic level in a lake is:
a) Phytoplankton b) Zooplankton
c) Benthos d) Fishes
23. Secondary consumers are
a) Herbivores b) Producers
c) Carnivores d) None of the above
24. What is the percentage of energy transfer at each trophic level?
a) 100% b) 50%
c) 5% d) 10%
25. Decomposers like fungi and bacteria are:
i) Autotrophs ii) Heterotrophs
iii) Saprotrophs iv) Chemo-autotrophs
Choose the correct answer,
a) (i) and (iii) b) (i) and (iv)
c) (ii) and (iii) d) (i) and (ii)
26. The process of mineralization by microorganisms helps in the release of:
a) Inorganic nutrients from humus
b) Both organic and inorganic nutrients from detritus
c) Organic nutrients from humus
d) Inorganic nutrients from detritus and formation of humus.
27. An inverted pyramid of biomass can be found in which ecosystem?
a) Forest b) Marine c) Grass land d) Tundra
28. Which of the following is not a producer?
a) Spirogyra b) Agaricus
c) Volvox d) Nostoc
29. Which of the following ecosystem is most productive in terms of nert
primary production?
a) Deserts b) Tropical rain forest
c) Oceans d) Estuaries
30. Pyramids of number is:
a) Always upright b) Always inverted
c) Either upright or inverted d) neither upright nor inverted
31. Among the following, where do you think the process of decomposition
would be the fastest?
a) Tropical rain forest b) Antarctic
c) Dry arid region d) Alpine region
32. How much of the net primary productivity of a terrestrial ecosystem is eaten
and digested by herbivores?
a) 1% b) 10% c) 40% d) 90%
33. During the process of ecological succession the changes that takes place in
communities are:
a) Orderly and sequential b) Random
c) Very quick
d) Not influenced by the physical environment
34. Climax community is in a state of:
a) Non-equilibrium b) Equilibrium
c) Disorder d) Constant change
35. Among the following bio-geo-chemical cycles which one does not have
losses due to respiration?
a) Phosphorus b) Nitrogen
c) Sulphur d) All of the above
36. The sequence of communities of primary succession in water is:
a) Phytoplankton, sedges, free-floating hydrophytes, rooted hydrophytes,
grasses and trees.
b) Phytoplankton, free-floating hydrophytes, rooted hydrophytes, sedges,
grasses and trees.
c) Free-floating hydrophytes, sedges, phytoplankton, rooted hydrophytes,
grasses and trees.
d) Phytoplankton rooted submerged hydrophytes, floating hydrophytes, reed
swamp, sedges, meadow and trees.
37. The reservoir for the gaseous type of bio-geo-chemical cycle exists in
a) Stratosphere b) atmosphere
c) Ionosphere d) lithosphere
38. If the carbon atoms fixed by producers already have passed through three
species, the trophic level of the last species would be
a) Scavenger b) tertiary producer
c) Tertiary consumer d) Secondary consumer
39. Which of the following type of ecosystem is expected in an area where
evaporation exceeds precipitation, and mean annual rainfall is below 100mm?
a) Grassland b) Shrubby forest
c) Desert d) Mangrove
40. The zone at the edge of a lake or ocean which is alternatively exposed to air
and immerged in water is called:
a) Pelagic zone b) Benthic zone
c) Lentic zone d) Littoral zone
41. Edaphic factors refer to:
a) Water b) Soil
c) Relative Humidity d) Altitude
42. Which of the following is an ecosystem service provided by a natural
a) Cycling of nutrients
b) Prevention of soil erosion
c) Pollutant absorption and reduction of the threat of global warming
d) All of the above
Unit 4: Biodiversity
1. Which of the following countries has the highest biodiversity?
a) Brazil b) South Africa
c) Russia d) India
2. Which of the following is not a cause for loss of biodiversity?
a) Destruction of habit
b) Invasion by alien species
c) Keeping animals in zoological parks
d) Over-exploitation of natural resources
3. Which one of the following is not a major characteristics feature of
biodiversity hot spots?
a) Large number of species b) Abundance of endemic species
c) Large number of exotic species
d) Destruction of habit
4. Match the animals given in column A with their location in column B:
Column A Column B
(i) Dodo (a) Africa
(ii) Quagga (b) Russia
(iii) Thylacine (c) Mauritis
(iv) Stellar’s sea cow (d) Australia
Choose the correct match from the following:
a) i-a, ii-c, iii-b, iv-d b) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b
c) i-c, ii-a, iii-b, iv-d d) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
5. What is common to the following plants: Nepenthes, Psilotum, Rauwolfia, and
a) All are ornamental plant
b) All are phylogenic link species
c) All are prone to over exploitation
d) All are exclusively present in the Eastern Himalayas.
6. Amongst the animal groups given below, which one has the highest percentage of
endangered species?
a) Insects b) Mammals
c) Amphibians d) Reptiles
7. The extinction of passenger pigeon was due to:
a) Increase numbers of predatory birds
b) Over exploitation by humans
c) Non-availability of the food
d) Bird flu virus infection
8. Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Parthenium is an endemic species of our country.
b) African catfish is not a threat to indigenous catfishes.
c) Steller’s sea cow is an extinct animal
d) Lantana is popularly known as carrot grass.
9. Among the ecosystem mention below, where can one find maximum biodiversity?
a) Mangroves b) Desert
c) Coral reefs d) Alpine meadows
10. Which of the following forest is known as the ‘lungs of planet earth’?
a) Tiaga forest b) Tundra forest
c) Amazon rain forest d) Rain forest of North East India
11. The active chemical drug reserpine is obtained from:
a) Datura b) Rauwolfia
c) Atropa d) Papaver
12. Which of the following group of plant exhibit more species diversity?
a) Angiosperm b) Algae
c) Bryophytes d) Fungi
13. Which of the below mentioned regions exhibit less seasonal variation?
a) Tropics b) Temperates
c) Alpines d) Both (a) and (b)
14. The historic convention on Biological Diversity held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is
known as:
a) CITES Convention b) The earth summit
c) G-16 summit d) MAB program
15. What is common to the techniques (i) in vitro fertilization, (ii) cryo-preservation
and (iii) tissue culture?
a) All are in situ conservation method
b) All are ex situ conservation method
c) All require ultra-modern equipment and large space.
d) All are methods of conservation of extinct organisms.
Unit 5: Environmental Pollution
1. The largest portion of atmospheric gases by weight is:
a)Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Sulfur d) Ozone
2. Natural resources of water pollution are:
a) Internal combustion engines
b) Coal – fired electrical plants
c) Salt from sea spray, cattle, soil dust, and volcanic dust
d) Evaporation of solvent
3. Carbon monoxide is:
a) A caused by ozone depletion
b) A major component of the atmosphere
c) Extremely damaging to human blood
d) Consumed by plants for photosynthesis
4. Tropospheric ozone:
a) Protects earth from most of the harmful UV radiation.
b) Is produced through the interaction of heat and light, with nitrogen oxides and
other carbon containing compounds.
c) Is a primary pollutant
d) Is caused by poor farming techniques.
5. Photochemical smog differs from industrial smog in that it:
a) Is formed in the presence of sunlight
b) Has large Quantities of soot
c) Is primarily composed of carbon monoxide
d) Consists of primary pollutants.
6. One of the problem that occurs as a consequence of CFC pollution is
a) Increasing skin cancer in human
b) Toxins accumulating in homes.
c) Damages to human red blood cells.
d) Movement of toxins into lakes and rivers, which poison fish.
7. Acidic deposition:
a) Causes ozone depletion
b) Is a major component of indoor air pollution.
c) Cause of eutrophication in streams and rivers.
d) Changes soil chemistry, leaching out important minerals
8. One of the best solution to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is:
a) Burning
b) Dumping
c) Burying
d) Recycling
9. In a lake polluted with pesticides, which one of the following will contain the
maximum amount of pesticides?
a) Small fish
b) Microscopic animals
c) Big fish
d) Water birds
10. Name the process in which a harmful chemical enters the food chain and
gets concentration at each level in food chain.
a) Concentration
b) Biomagnifications
c) Expansion
d) Pollution
11.Each of the following is a significant factor in marine pollution except
a) Offshore mining.
b) Industrial waste
c) Ocean waste dumping
d) Nuclear waste seepage
12.The danger of disposing of the toxic chemicals unwanted came to public
attention in which of the following locations?
a) Bhopal, India
b) Chernobyl, Ukraine
c) Love canal, New York
d) Minamata, Japan
13. Which of the following is the best example of environmental remediation?
a) A species of trout because extinct in a eutrophic lake
b) The annual volume of sewage flowing into a stream is decreased by
one half
c) The height of factory smokestack is increased
d) A parcel of forest land is declared a state park.
14.The presence of which of the following contaminants would be the strongest
reason for judging municipal sewage sludge unfit for use as fertilizer?
a) Human faeces
b) Ammonia
c) Phosphates
d) Heavy metals
15. Which of the following are biodegradable waste products?
a) Rubber, plastic, manure
b) Metal, glass, plastic
c) Vegetable peels, garden refuse, paper
d) Glass, wood cuttings, batteries
16. The main cause of water pollution is:
a) Untreated sewage, glass bottles and plastic bags
b) Chemical effluent, leaching of pesticides and algae
c) Pesticides, treated sewage and litter
d) Oil spills, untreated sewage and chemical effluent
17. Typhoid, cholera and dysentery are disease that are spread by:
a) Air pollution b) Water pollution
c) Land/soil pollution d) the use of pesticides
18. Non-biodegradable means:
a) a substance that cannot decompose naturally
b) a substance that is thrown away as kitchen
c) a substance that costs too much to recycle
d) a substance that will not dissolve in water
19. Deforestation is:
a) the removal of all plants and trees from large area of land
b) the complete removal of a forest to clear a large area for agriculture
c) the result of the veld fire
d) as a result of concentrated soil erosion
20. One solution to reduce air pollution may be:
a) The use of leaded petrol b) the burning of wood and coal
c) The use of public transport d) causing veld fires
21. One of the following has a positive human influence one of the
a) Deforestation b) Over population
c) Pollution d) Conservation
22. Biological control is useful because it……..
a) Usually attack all plant species
b) Can destroy an alien plant infestation or reduce its population number
c) Usually originates in the country where the alien plant destroy
indigenous vegetation
d) Usually attacks all useful micro-organisms
23. The oil pollution problem is caused by all of the following except
a) Natural leaks from deposits on ocean floor
b) Leakage from rusting oceanic pipes
c) Spills and leakage from off shore drilling rigs
d) Illegal washing of tanker bilges.
24. Thermal pollution is possible at water resources near
a) Coal-burning plants
b) Nuclear plants
c) Both coal-burning and nuclear plants
d) Neither coal-burning nor nuclear plants
Unit 6: Social Issues and the Environment
1. The largest numbers of humans that Earth can sustain indefinitely at current
rates per capita consumption of natural resources is known as Earth’s
a) Environmental capacity b) Population limit
c) Sustainability index d) Carrying capacity
2. Sustainable development involves:
a) Protecting the biosphere and promoting development
b) Achieving long term growth that lifts LCDs out of poverty
c) Dramatically cutting standard of living to protect the biosphere
d) Shifting wealth and technology from EDCs to LDCs.
3. What is Kyoto Protocal?
a) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing Global
b) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing acid rain.
c) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for planning trees to
control pollution
d) It is an agreement among countries to start using nuclear energy.
4. The disease cholera, typhoid and Jaundice are due to pollution of:
a) Air b) Water
c) Food Items d) Soil
5. Which of the following greenhouse gases has the greatest heattrapping
a) Carbon dioxide b) Carbon monoxide
c) Chloroflurocarbon d) Methane
6. Which of the following is least likely to be an effect of global warming?
a) Loss of fertile delta regions for agriculture
b) Change in global patterns of precipitation
c) Extinction of some species that have narrow temperature requirements
d) Decreased rate of Photosynthesis in vegetation
7. Which of the following are unsustainable examples of human activities or
a) Recycling
b) Attempts to limit human population growth
c) Using technology to improve car mileage
d) Depletion of fossils fuels
8. Which of the following represents an idea associated with environmental
a) The capacity of the environment to absorb toxin is unlimited
b) The human population continues to grow
c) We are using fossils fuels as if they were present in unlimited supply
d) The Earth’s resources are not present in infinite supply
9. Which of the following global environmental concerns is most directly
linked to poverty?
a) Global warming b) Desertification
c) Ozone pollution d) Threatened oceans
10. Which of the following is most likely to happen if everybody in the world
used resources at the rate that people in the United States do?
a) People would be healthier and happier worldwide
b) Our current resources would run out quickly
c) Violent conflicts would decrease because basic needs would be met
d) Economies would prosper.
11. What does the phrase “Environmental sustainability” imply?
a) The actions of humans directly impact the well-being of the natural
b) Future generations will have the resources necessary for quality of life
c) A shared global responsibility is necessary for conversation practices
d) All of these are implied by environmental sustainability.
Others Added Questions (100+ MCQs):
1. Most stable ecosystem is
a) Forest b) Desert
c) Ocean d) Mountain
2. Which of the following statement about the forest is not correct?
a) Forest reduce soil erosion b) provides recreational opportunities
c) Provides economic development d) None of the above
3. Which of the following is the example of impact of development
activities on hydrosphere?
a) Air pollution b) Soil pollution
c) Noise pollution d) Water pollution
4. Which of the following method is not a method of water conservation?
a) Rain water harvesting b) Ground water extraction
c) Improving irrigation efficiency d) Avoiding water wastage
5. Formation of ozone is
a) Oxidation reaction b) Reduction reaction
c) Photochemical reaction d) none of these
6. The drop in air temperature at a rate of 6.5º C per 1000 m increase in
altitude of troposphere is known as
a) Environmental lapse rate b) Environmental degradation
c) Green House effect d) Global warming
7. Zone consisting air, water and soil is known as
a) Hydrosphere b) Atmosphere
c) Lithosphere d) Biosphere
8. Word oikos means ………….. And logos means ……………
a) House and study of b) Study and housing
c) Only houses d) Study of people
9. Nitrogen gets oxidized into
a) Nitrates and ammonia b) Ammonia and urea
c) Urea and nitrite d) Nitrates and nitrites
10. Earthworms and bacteria are called
a) Producers b) Consumers
c) Decomposers d) none of these
11. The ecological pyramid that is always upright
a) Pyramid of energy b) Pyramid of biomass
c) Pyramid of number d) none of these
12. “Green House effect” with respect to global warming refers to-
a) Cooling and moist condition b) Warming effect
c) Increased rainfall and greenery d) Desertification
13. Atmospheric ozone layer which protects us from UV-B and C is getting
depleted most by addition of
a) Choro Flurocarbon b) Carbon monoxide
c) Carbon dioxide d) Sulfur dioxide
14. 5th
June is observed as
a) World forest day b) World environment day
c) World wildlife day d) World population day
15. 21st
March is observed as
a) World forest day b) World environment day
c) World wildlife day d) World population day
16. Noise is measured using sound meter and the unit is
a) Hertz b) Decibel
c) Joule d) Sound
17. Important abiotic factors in ecosystem include which of the following?
a) Temperature b) Water
c) Wind d) Both (a) and (b)
18. All of the following statements about ecology are correct except:
a) Ecology is the study of the interaction between biotic and abiotic
aspects of environment
b) Ecology is a discipline that is independent from natural selection and
evolutionary history
c) Ecologists may study populations and communities of organisms
d) Ecology spans increasingly comprehensive levels of organizations
from individuals to ecosystem.
19. Which of the following are important biotic factor that can affect the
structure and organization of biological communities?
a) Nutrient availability, soil pH, light intensity
b) Precipitation, wind, temperature
c) Predation, competitions, disease
d) All of the above
20. The terms “Environment” means
a) Sum total of conditions that the life and dependent of all organisms on
b) A beautiful earth
c) Earth and water
d) A combination of plants and animals.
21. Elements of environment are
a) Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen
b) Nitrogen, oxygen, ozone
c) Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, ozone
d) Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere
22. The term environment arrived from an old French word “enviro” means
a) Outside b) Surroundings
c) Inside d) Biotic community
23. Hydrosphere includes
a) Animals b) Soil
c) Plants d) Water bodies
24. Area of land, water and air where the life exists is called
a) Biosphere b) Lithosphere
c) Atmosphere d) Hydrosphere
25. Atmosphere may extents to a height of about following kms above the
earth surface
a) 80 km b) 8000 km
c) 800 km d) 8 km
26. The layers of atmosphere consists of
a) Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and temperature
b) Hydrosphere and biosphere
c) Lithosphere and hydrosphere
d) Biosphere and hydrosphere
27. Troposphere has altitude range of
a) 8 to 18 km from earth surface
b) 50 km from earth surface
c) 800 km from earth surface
d) 80 km from earth surface
28. Lowest layer of atmosphere is called
a) Thermosphere b) Stratosphere
c) Troposphere d) Mesosphere
29. The layer of atmosphere containing much of ozone gas is
a) Thermosphere b) Stratosphere
c) Troposphere d) Mesosphere
30. The coldest layer of temperature having minimum temperature range of
-95º C is
a) Thermosphere b) Stratosphere
c) Troposphere d) Mesosphere
31. Thermosphere has two layers of
a) Ionosphere and exosphere b) Stratosphere and troposphere
c) Mesosphere and troposphere d) Mesosphere and stratosphere
32. Scientific study of the interactions of organisms with the physical
environment is called
a) Ecosystem b) Ecology
c) Environment d) trophic stricture
33. The three major living components of an ecosystem are
a) Producers, consumers and decomposers
b) Producers, autotrops and decomposers
c) Heterotrops, consumers and reducers
d) Detritivores, consumers and phototrops
34. The green plants are also called
a) Producers b) Consumers
c) Reducers d) Detritivores
35. Example of omnivores is
a) Lion b) Hawk
c) Human d) Snake
36. The most important organisms of an ecosystem are
a) Herbivores b) Producers
c) Carnivores d) Protozoan
37. Consumers are also called
a) Photoautotrophs b) Saprotrops
c) Heterotrops d) Reducers
38. Sequence of eating and being eaten in ecosystem is called
a) Food web b) Natural cycle
c) Ecological pyramid d) Food chain
39. Detritus food chain starts from
a) Green plants b) Grass
c) Dead organic matter d) Phytoplankton
40. Nutrients are recycled in ecosystem by
a) Biogeochemical cycle b) Energy flow
c) Producers d) Consumers
41. The flow of energy is
a) One-way b) Cyclic
c) Linear and one way d) none of these
42. Biodiversity means
a) The living natural resources b) Land and forest
c) Oceans and sea d) Atmosphere
43. Food chain always starts with
a) Respiration b) Transpiration
c) Nitrogen fixation d) Photosynthesis
44. The ecological pyramid always starts with the following at the base
a) Decomposer b) Producer
c) Consumer d) none of these
45. Hydrological cycle provide us
a) Fresh water b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide d) none of these
46. Gaseous nitrogen can be used by plants only after the process of
a) Nitrogen cycling b) Nitrogen fixation
c) Ammonification d) Nitrifications
47. Conversions of ammonia to nitrite and then nitrate is called
a) Nitrogen fixation b) De nitrification
c) Nitrification d) Ammonification
48. The loss of water from plants and tree leaves is called
a) Precipitation b) Respiration
c) Evaporation d) Transpiration
49. Which of the following is non-renewable resource?
a) Coal b) Forest
c) Water d) Wildlife
50. Deforestation generally decrease
a) Rain fall b) Soil erosion
c) Draught d) Global warming
51. Afforestation is necessary for
a) Soil conservation b) Soil erosion
c) Well control d) Low humidity
52. Air pollution is caused by
a) Insecticides b) Sewage
c) Smoke d) loud speaker
53. When tress are cut, amount of oxygen
a) Decreases b) Increases
c) Both (a) and (b) d) Remains same
54. Which of the following is a secondary pollutant?
a) CO2 b) CO
c) O3 d) SO2
55. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because
a) It react with O2 b) It inhibits its glycolysis
c) Make nervous system inactive d) React with hemoglobin
56. All are particulate pollutant except
a) Dust b) Ozone
c) Soot d) Smoke
57. Which of the following is an air pollutant?
a) Ozone b) CFC
c) Carbon dioxide d) Oxygen
58. Noise is
a) Loud sound b) Constant sound
c) Unwanted sound d) slow sound
59. Which of the following is the major cause of land degradation?
a) Soil erosion b) deforestation
c) Water logging d) Desertification
60. Biochemical oxygen demand means
a) Industrial pollution b) Air pollution
c) Polluting capacity of effluent
d) Dissolved O2 needed by microbes to decompose organic waste
61. Eutrophication means
a) Thermal change in water
b) Filling up of water body with aquatic due to extra nourishment
c) Solid waste
d) None of the above
62. The main components of photochemical smog is
a) Water vapor b) Sulfur dioxide
c) Oxides of nitrogen d) all of the above
63. The TAJ MAHAL at AGRA may be damaged by
a) Sulfur dioxide b) Chlorine
c) Hydrogen d) Oxygen
64. Sound becomes hazardous noise pollution at decibels
a) Above 30 b) Above 80
c) Above 100 d) Above 120
65. Effect of noise pollution is mainly
a) Physical factor b) Chemical factor
c) Biological factor d) all of the above
66. The important components of environment is
a) Biosphere b) Atmosphere
c) Lithosphere d) all of the above
67. The pollutant free energy resources are,
a) Coal b) Nuclear power
c) Petroleum d) Solar energy
68. The atmosphere of big cities is polluted most
a) Household waste b) Radioactive falls out
c) Automobiles exhaust d) Pesticides
69. The concentration of which gas is highest in our environment?
a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen
c) Nitrogen d) Carbon dioxide
70. Which of the following is not a major source of ground water
a) Agricultural products
b) Underground storage tank
c) Landfills
d) All of the above
71. Ecology is deals with the study of:
a) Living being
b) Living and non-living components
c) Reciprocal relationship between living and non-living components
d) Environments
72. Autecology deals with
a) Ecology of species b) Ecology of many species
c) Ecology of community d) All of the above
73. Synecology deals with
a) Ecology of many species b) Ecology of many population
c) Ecology of community d) None of above
74. Ecotype is the type of species in which environmentally induced
variations are
a) Temporary b) Genetically fixed
c) Genetically not related d) None of above
75. The terms ‘Biocoenosis’ was proposed by
a) Transley b) Carl Mobious
c) Warming d) None of the above
76. Energy flow in ecosystem is
a) Unidirectional b) Bidirectional
c) Multidirectional d) None of the above
77. An ecosystem must have continuous external source of
a) Minerals b) Energy
c) Food d) all of the above
78. The source of energy in an ecosystem is
a) ATP b) Sunlight
c) DNA d) RNA
79. Trophic levels are formed by
a) Only plants b) Only animals
c) Only carnivores d) Organisms linked in food chain
80. Biotic potential is counteracted by
a) Competition with other organism b) Producer is the largest
c) Limitation of food supply d) None of the above
81. Definition of ecosystem is
a) The community of organisms together with the environment in which
they live
b) The abiotic component of a habitat
c) The part of the earth and its atmosphere which inhibits living
d) A community of organisms interacting with one another
82. In a food chain of grassland ecosystem the top consumers are
a) Herbivores b) Carnivores
c) Bacteria d) either carnivores or herbivores
83. Species that occur in different geographical regions separated by
special barrier are:
a) Allopatric b) Sympatric
c) Sibling d) None of the above
84. The concept of ecological pyramid was first proposed by
a) E.P. Odum b) A.G. Tansley
c) Juday d) Charles Elton
85. The pyramid of energy is terrestrial ecosystem is
a) Upright b) Inverted
c) Spindle shaped d) Irregular
86. The pyramid of numbers in a single tree is
a) Upright b) Inverted
c) Spindle shaped d) Irregular
87. The pyramid of biomass is inverted in
a) Forest ecosystem b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Fresh water ecosystem d) Tundra
88. In pond ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is
a) Upright b) Inverted
c) Spindle shaped d) None of these
89. In grassland ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is
a) Upright b) Inverted
c) Spindle shaped d) None of these
90. Climates includes
a) Seasonal variations b) General patterns of atmospheric condition
c) Average weather of an area d) All of these
91. IUCN (The International Union For Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources) headquarters is at
a) Morgues, Switzerland b) Paris, France
c) Vienna, Austria d) New York, USA
92. IUCN is also called
a) Man and Biosphere program b) World conservation union
c) World conservation consortium d) Worldwide conservation union
93. Biodiversity is
a) Increases towards the equator
b) Decreases towards the equator
c) Remains same throughout the planet
d) Has no effect on change in llatitude
94. The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is
a) Habitat pollution b) Introduction of exotic species
c) Over-exploitation d) Habitat destruction
95. Endemic species are
a) Rare species
b) Species localized in a specific region
c) Critically endangered populations
d) Diversity
96. What is the animal symbol of W.W.F? (World Wildlife Fund)
a) Red panda b) Giant panda
c) Tiger d) Kangaroo
97. Heavy dust can cause
a) Leaf blights b) Opening of stomata
c) Closure of stomata d) Browning of leaves
98. Which of the following is the major cause of pollution?
a) Plants b) Man
c) Fungi d) Hydrocarbons
99. Minamata disease was caused by pollution of water by
a) Mercury b) Lead
c) Tin d) Methyl iso cyanate
100. BOD stands for
a) Biotic Oxidation Demand
b) Biological Oxidation Demand
c) Biological Oxygen Demand
d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand
101. A river with high BOD value is
a) Highly polluted b) Highly clean
c) Highly productive d) None of these
102. Radiation can cause
a) Cardiac disease b) Hemophilia
c) Leukemia d) Bone marrow disease
103. Acid rain contains
a) Sulphuric acid b) Nitric acid
c) Both (a) and (b) d) Sulphuric, nitric and hydrochloric acid
104. The occurrence of pesticides like DDT in higher trophic levels is
termed as
a) Bioremediation b) Bio magnification
c) Biological enhancement d) Bio pollution
105. Earth summit was held in
a) Stockholm in 1972 b) Rio de Jeneiro in 1992
c) Paris in 1992 d) New York in 1972
106. All are physical pollutants except
a) Heat b) Sound
c) Radiations d) Soot
107. All are primary pollutants
a) Ammonia b) Peroxy Acyl Nitrite (PAN)
c) Sulfur dioxide d) Hydogen sulphide
108. Pollutants that are introduced into the environment by human activity
are called as
a) Qualitative pollution b) Quantitative pollution
c) Anthropogenic pollution d) All of these
109. Air pollution is severe in
a) Cities b) Industrialize area
c) Densely polluted area d) all of these
110. Particulate pollutants are
a) are small solid particles and liquid droplets
b) liquid droplets in atmosphere
c) are small solid particles released into the atmosphere
d) all of these
111. All are particulate pollutants except
a) Dust b) Ozone
c) Soot d) Smoke
112. Fine organic or inorganic particles suspended in air is called
a) Particulate pollutants b) Gaseous state
c) Aerosol d) none of these
113. Air pollution can be of
a) Natural origin b) Artificial or man-made origin
c) Both (a) and (b) d) (b) only
114. Mobile combustion accounts
a) 10-20% of air pollution b) 40-50% of air pollution
c) 50-60% of air pollution d) 5-10% of air pollution
115. The true statements about ‘Green House effect’ is that it is
a) Caused by combination of many gases b) Caused by CO2
c) Caused only by CO2, CFC, CH4 and NO2 gases d) none of these
116. The supersonic jets cause pollution by the thinning of
a) CO2 layer b) SO2 layer
c) O3 layer d) O2 layer
117. Carbon mono oxide is a pollutant because
a) It reacts with O2 b) It inhibits glycolysis
c) Makes nervous system inactive d) Reacts with hemoglobin
118. The major pollutant from automobile exhaust is
a) NO b) CO
c) SO2 d) Soot
119. The greenhouse gases, otherwise called radioactively active gases
a) Carbon dioxide b) CH4
c) N2O d) All of these
120. Algal bloom results in
a) Global warming b) Salination
c) Eutrophication d) Bio magnification
121. A high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates that:
a) Water is pure b) Absence of microbial action
c) Low level of microbial pollution
d) High level of microbial pollution
122. The effects of radioactive pollutants depends upon
a) Rate of diffusion b) Energy releasing capacity
c) Rate of deposition of the contaminant d) All of these
123. The range of normal human hearing is in the range of
a) 10 – 80 Hz b) 50 – 80 Hz
c) 50 – 15000 Hz d) 15000 Hz and above
124. The pollution which does not persistent harm to life supporting sydtem
a) Noise pollution b) Radiation pollution
c) Organochlorine pollution d) All of these
125. Soap and detergents are the source of organic pollutants like:
a) Glycerol b) Polyphosphates
c) Sulphonated hydrocarbons d) all of these
126. The main atmospheric layer near the surface of earth is
a) Troposphere b) Mesosphere
c) Ionosphere d) Statosphere
127. Man-made sources of radiation pollution are:
a) Mining b) Explosion of nuclear weapons
c) Nuclear fuels and preparation of radioactive isotopes d) all of these
128. The cutting down of trees and setting them on fire and raising crops on
the resulting ash is called:
a) Pyrolysis b) Jhum
c) Taungya d) Shift cultivation
129. Percentage of forest area recommended by the national forest policy
for plains is
a) 33% b) 67% c) 30% d) 10%
130. Example of primary pollutants
a) SO2 b) NO2 c) CO d) Hydrocarbons
131. Drinking of fluoride containing water results:
a) Fluorosis b) Chlorosis
c) Minemata d) Methaemoglobinema
132. High biological oxygen demand indicates:
a) Absence of microbial pollution
b) Moderate microbial pollution
c) Intense level of microbial pollution
d) all of these
133. Ozonosphere seen in
a) Ionosphere b) Thermosphere
c) Mesosphere d) Stratosphere
134. Harmful trace metals in fly ash:
a) Antimony b) Cadmium
c) Arsenic d) All of the above
135. In a pyramid of numbers, in a grassland ecosystem, the largest
population is that of
a) Producers b) Tertiary consumer
c) Secondary consumer d) Herbivores
e) Primary consumer
136. One greenhouse gas contributes 14% to total global warming and
another contributes 6%. These are respectively identified as
a) N2O and CO2 b) CFCs and N2O
c) Methane and CO2 d) Methane and CFCs
e) CFCs and CO2
137. Which of the following is false?
a) Quantity of biomass in a trophic level at a particular period is called
as standing crop
b) The energy content in a trophic level is determined is determined by
considering a few individuals of a species in that trophic level
c) The succession that occurs in newly cooled lava is called primary
d) Rate of succession is faster in secondary succession
e) Phytoplanktons are the pioneers in the aquatic ecosystem
138. Which of the following regarding ecological pyramid is not correct?
a) In most ecosystems, the pyramid of numbers and biomass are upright
b) In tree dominated ecosystem the pyramid of number is inverted
c) The pyramid of energy expresses mainly the rate of food production
d) In deep water ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is upright
e) The total energy flow at successive tropical level always decreases
1. Fundamentals of Environmental Studies by Shivangi Somvanshi and Dr.
Renu Dhupper.
3. MCQs of environmental studies (211007)

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Mcq of environment for public health

  • 2. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 2 Contents Unit 1: Multidisciplinary Nature of Environment .........................................................................................3 Unit 2: Natural Resources.............................................................................................................................4 Unit 3: Ecosystem .........................................................................................................................................7 Unit 4: Biodiversity......................................................................................................................................13 Unit 5: Environmental Pollution .................................................................................................................16 Unit 6: Social Issues and the Environment .................................................................................................20 Others Added Questions (100+ MCQs):......................................................................................................22 Reference:...................................................................................................................................................43
  • 3. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 3 Unit 1: Multidisciplinary Nature of Environment MCQ’s: 1. World celebrates environment day every year in the month of …………. In which lakhs of trees are planted across the country. a) June b) July c) August d) September 2. As per World Wide Fund for Nature, the river ……………… is one of the ten most endangered rivers in world a) Ganga b) Yamun c) Bramhaputra d) Mahanandi 3. Which of the following terms best describes the interdisciplinary study of humanity’s relationship with other organisms and the non-living physical environment? a) Ecology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Environmental Science 4. Which among the following were an Indian Ornithologist and naturalist, known as the “birdman of India”? a) Salim Ali b) M. S. Swaminathan c) Shri sunderlal bhaguna d) Adhav Gadgil 5. Which among the following is celebrated as world’s ozone day? a) September, 28 b) September, 16 c) July, 11 d) October, 3
  • 4. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 4 Unit 2: Natural Resources MCQ’s: 1. During photosynthesis trees produce a) Oxygen b) Carbon dioxide c) Nitrogen d) Carbon monoxide 2. Forest prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their a) Stems b) Leaves c) Roots d) Buds 3. Wood pulp is used for making a) Lumber b) Clipboard c) Paper d) Plywood 4. Deforestation rate is alarming in a) Temperate countries b) Tropical countries c) Polar region d) None of them 5. Major causes of deforestation are a) Shifting cultivation b) Fuel requirements c) Raw material for industries d) All of these 6. Major consequences of deforestation are a) Destruction of natural habit of wild species b) Disturbances in hydrological cycle c) Soil erosion d) All of these 7. Per capita use of water is highest in a) USA b) India c) Kuwait d) Indonesia 8. Ground subsidence occurs due to a) Withdrawal of more ground water than its recharge b) More recharge of groundwater than its withdrawal c) Equal rates of recharge and withdrawal d) None of the above
  • 5. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 5 9. over grazing results in a) Productive soils b) Soil erosion c) Retention of useful species d) All of these 10. Blue bay syndrome is caused by the contamination of water due to a) Phosphates b) sulfur c) Arsenic d) Nitrates 11. Accumulation of non-biodegradable materials in the food chain is called a) Bio magnification b) Detoxification c) None of these d) Both of these 12. Biomass energy can be obtain from a) Energy plantation b) Petro crops c) Agricultural and urban waste biomass d) All of these 13. Which of the following types of coal has maximum carbon and calorific value? a) Anthracite (hard coal) b) Bituminous (soft coal) c) Lignite (Brown coal) d) Wood coal 14. Nuclear energy can be generated by a) Nuclear fusion b) Nuclear fission c) Both of these d) None of these 15. Minimum disturbances is caused to soil during a) Contour farming b) No-till farming c) Terrace farming d) Alley cropping
  • 6. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 6 16. Which of the following is responsible for desertification? a) Deforestation b) Overgrazing c) Mining d) All of these 17. A substance which produces a lot of heat on burning is called: a) Oxidizing agent b) Biogas c) Biomass d) Fuel 18. Which of the following causes the least pollution when burnt? a) Petrol b) Diesel c) Coal d) Natural gases 19. The main constituent of LPG is: a) Methane b) Butane c) Hydrogen d) Propane 20. The main constituent of CNG is: a) Methane b) Butane c) Ethane d) Propane 21. The temperature different between the upper layers and the deeper layers of the ocean should be ……… to install an OTEC power plant. a) 40º C b) 50º C c) 20º C d) 30º C 22. The source of energy of the sun is: a) Nuclear fission b) Chemical reaction c) Nuclear fusion d) Photoelectric effect 23. The fuel used in the nuclear reactor is: a) Cadmium b) Radium c) Uranium d) Thorium 24. Nuclear fusion reaction happens spontaneously in: a) The core of the earth b) The commercial nuclear reactor c) The atmosphere of the sun d) the eruption of the volcano
  • 7. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 7 25. The scientist who first carried out critical nuclear fission reaction is: a) Otto Hahn b) Enrico Fermi c) Hans Bethe d) Einstein 26. Floating generators are used in the sea to harness: a) Tidal energy b) Wave energy c) Hydel energy d) OTE 27. Which type of electricity-generating power plant releases radioactive materials as well as toxic metals such as lead and arsenic under normal operating conditions? a) Nuclear b) Hydroelectric c) Solar d) Coal-burning 28. Of the following, which has the greatest permeability? a) Clay b) Loam c) Sand d) Silt 29. What does an ecological footprint measures? a) Natural resources used by each person in an area b) Products bought and used by each person in an area c) The amount of people that can live in a given area d) The numbers of planet’s worth of resources we have. Unit 3: Ecosystem MCQ’s: 1. The topmost function of an ecosystem is a) Water regulation b) climate regulation c) Primary production of food d) Gas regulation 2. In grassland ecosystem, the second trophic level is occupied by
  • 8. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 8 a) Herbivores b) Grass, shrubs, trees c) Primary carnivores d) secondary carnivores 3. Which of the following is an abiotic component of the ecosystem? a) Bacteria b) Plants c) Humus d) Fungi 4. A community that starts the process of succession in a habit is called a) Biotic community b) Abiotic community c) Pioneer community d) artificial community 5. Nutation is related to which of the following succession a) Primary succession b) Secondary succession c) Aquatic succession d) Fire succession 6. A primary succession on bare rock stars with a) Lichens b) Herbs c) Trees d) Animals 7. The food chain in which microorganisms that breakdown dead matter is called a) Consumer food chain b) Predator food chain c) Parasitic food chain d) Detritus food chain 8. The concepts of ecological pyramids was introduced by a) Enrst Haeckel b) Eugene Odum c) Charles Elton d) Charles Darwin 9. Which ecological pyramid is always upright? a) Pyramid of biomass b) Pyramid of numbers c) Pyramid of energy d) Pyramid of number and biomass 10. The biomass available for consumption by the herbivores and the decomposer is called a) Gross primary productivity b) Net primary productivity c) Secondary productivity d) Standing crop 11. The remains of the dead plants and animals is called a) Detritus b) Detritivores c) Humus d) Litter 12. The nature’s cleaners are a) Producer b) Consumers c) Decomposer d) Symbionts 13. Gradual and predictable changes in the species composition of a given area is a) Primary succession b) Ecological succession c) Xerarch succession d) Secondary succession
  • 9. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 9 14. Animals living at the bottom of the sea are known as a) Lentic b) Pelagic c) Benthic d) Lotic 15. The progressive accumulation of some non-biodegradable chemicals through the food chain is known as a) Ecological balance b) Biological magnification c) Tropical structure d) Bio-degradation 16. Gross primary productivity is highest in a) Open oceans b) Grassland c) Wet tropical forest d) Agro ecosystem 17. The over nourished lakes like with ‘algal blooms’ are called a) Eutrophic b) Oligotrophic c) Dystrophic d) Meromictic 18. The type of succession occurring on a base rock is called a) Halosere b) Lithosere c) Hydrosere d) None of these 19. The darker zone in lakes where light penetration is negligible is called a) Littoral zone b) Limnetic zone c) Profundal zone d) euphotic zone 20. Estuaries have the following characteristics a) Fresh and salt-water b) Rich biodiversity c) High productivity d) All of these 21. Which one of the following has the largest population in a food chain? a) Producers b) Primary consumers c) Secondary consumers d) Decomposers 22. The second trophic level in a lake is: a) Phytoplankton b) Zooplankton c) Benthos d) Fishes 23. Secondary consumers are a) Herbivores b) Producers c) Carnivores d) None of the above 24. What is the percentage of energy transfer at each trophic level? a) 100% b) 50% c) 5% d) 10% 25. Decomposers like fungi and bacteria are:
  • 10. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 10 i) Autotrophs ii) Heterotrophs iii) Saprotrophs iv) Chemo-autotrophs Choose the correct answer, a) (i) and (iii) b) (i) and (iv) c) (ii) and (iii) d) (i) and (ii) 26. The process of mineralization by microorganisms helps in the release of: a) Inorganic nutrients from humus b) Both organic and inorganic nutrients from detritus c) Organic nutrients from humus d) Inorganic nutrients from detritus and formation of humus. 27. An inverted pyramid of biomass can be found in which ecosystem? a) Forest b) Marine c) Grass land d) Tundra 28. Which of the following is not a producer? a) Spirogyra b) Agaricus c) Volvox d) Nostoc 29. Which of the following ecosystem is most productive in terms of nert primary production? a) Deserts b) Tropical rain forest c) Oceans d) Estuaries 30. Pyramids of number is: a) Always upright b) Always inverted c) Either upright or inverted d) neither upright nor inverted 31. Among the following, where do you think the process of decomposition would be the fastest?
  • 11. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 11 a) Tropical rain forest b) Antarctic c) Dry arid region d) Alpine region 32. How much of the net primary productivity of a terrestrial ecosystem is eaten and digested by herbivores? a) 1% b) 10% c) 40% d) 90% 33. During the process of ecological succession the changes that takes place in communities are: a) Orderly and sequential b) Random c) Very quick d) Not influenced by the physical environment 34. Climax community is in a state of: a) Non-equilibrium b) Equilibrium c) Disorder d) Constant change 35. Among the following bio-geo-chemical cycles which one does not have losses due to respiration? a) Phosphorus b) Nitrogen c) Sulphur d) All of the above 36. The sequence of communities of primary succession in water is: a) Phytoplankton, sedges, free-floating hydrophytes, rooted hydrophytes, grasses and trees. b) Phytoplankton, free-floating hydrophytes, rooted hydrophytes, sedges, grasses and trees. c) Free-floating hydrophytes, sedges, phytoplankton, rooted hydrophytes, grasses and trees.
  • 12. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 12 d) Phytoplankton rooted submerged hydrophytes, floating hydrophytes, reed swamp, sedges, meadow and trees. 37. The reservoir for the gaseous type of bio-geo-chemical cycle exists in a) Stratosphere b) atmosphere c) Ionosphere d) lithosphere 38. If the carbon atoms fixed by producers already have passed through three species, the trophic level of the last species would be a) Scavenger b) tertiary producer c) Tertiary consumer d) Secondary consumer 39. Which of the following type of ecosystem is expected in an area where evaporation exceeds precipitation, and mean annual rainfall is below 100mm? a) Grassland b) Shrubby forest c) Desert d) Mangrove 40. The zone at the edge of a lake or ocean which is alternatively exposed to air and immerged in water is called: a) Pelagic zone b) Benthic zone c) Lentic zone d) Littoral zone 41. Edaphic factors refer to: a) Water b) Soil c) Relative Humidity d) Altitude 42. Which of the following is an ecosystem service provided by a natural ecosystem? a) Cycling of nutrients b) Prevention of soil erosion
  • 13. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 13 c) Pollutant absorption and reduction of the threat of global warming d) All of the above Unit 4: Biodiversity MCQ’s: 1. Which of the following countries has the highest biodiversity? a) Brazil b) South Africa c) Russia d) India 2. Which of the following is not a cause for loss of biodiversity? a) Destruction of habit b) Invasion by alien species c) Keeping animals in zoological parks d) Over-exploitation of natural resources 3. Which one of the following is not a major characteristics feature of biodiversity hot spots? a) Large number of species b) Abundance of endemic species c) Large number of exotic species d) Destruction of habit 4. Match the animals given in column A with their location in column B: Column A Column B (i) Dodo (a) Africa (ii) Quagga (b) Russia (iii) Thylacine (c) Mauritis (iv) Stellar’s sea cow (d) Australia Choose the correct match from the following: a) i-a, ii-c, iii-b, iv-d b) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b
  • 14. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 14 c) i-c, ii-a, iii-b, iv-d d) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b 5. What is common to the following plants: Nepenthes, Psilotum, Rauwolfia, and Aconitum? a) All are ornamental plant b) All are phylogenic link species c) All are prone to over exploitation d) All are exclusively present in the Eastern Himalayas. 6. Amongst the animal groups given below, which one has the highest percentage of endangered species? a) Insects b) Mammals c) Amphibians d) Reptiles 7. The extinction of passenger pigeon was due to: a) Increase numbers of predatory birds b) Over exploitation by humans c) Non-availability of the food d) Bird flu virus infection 8. Which of the following statements is correct? a) Parthenium is an endemic species of our country. b) African catfish is not a threat to indigenous catfishes. c) Steller’s sea cow is an extinct animal d) Lantana is popularly known as carrot grass. 9. Among the ecosystem mention below, where can one find maximum biodiversity? a) Mangroves b) Desert
  • 15. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 15 c) Coral reefs d) Alpine meadows 10. Which of the following forest is known as the ‘lungs of planet earth’? a) Tiaga forest b) Tundra forest c) Amazon rain forest d) Rain forest of North East India 11. The active chemical drug reserpine is obtained from: a) Datura b) Rauwolfia c) Atropa d) Papaver 12. Which of the following group of plant exhibit more species diversity? a) Angiosperm b) Algae c) Bryophytes d) Fungi 13. Which of the below mentioned regions exhibit less seasonal variation? a) Tropics b) Temperates c) Alpines d) Both (a) and (b) 14. The historic convention on Biological Diversity held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is known as: a) CITES Convention b) The earth summit c) G-16 summit d) MAB program 15. What is common to the techniques (i) in vitro fertilization, (ii) cryo-preservation and (iii) tissue culture? a) All are in situ conservation method b) All are ex situ conservation method c) All require ultra-modern equipment and large space. d) All are methods of conservation of extinct organisms.
  • 16. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 16 Unit 5: Environmental Pollution MCQ’s: 1. The largest portion of atmospheric gases by weight is: a)Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) Sulfur d) Ozone 2. Natural resources of water pollution are: a) Internal combustion engines b) Coal – fired electrical plants c) Salt from sea spray, cattle, soil dust, and volcanic dust d) Evaporation of solvent 3. Carbon monoxide is: a) A caused by ozone depletion b) A major component of the atmosphere c) Extremely damaging to human blood d) Consumed by plants for photosynthesis 4. Tropospheric ozone: a) Protects earth from most of the harmful UV radiation. b) Is produced through the interaction of heat and light, with nitrogen oxides and other carbon containing compounds. c) Is a primary pollutant d) Is caused by poor farming techniques. 5. Photochemical smog differs from industrial smog in that it: a) Is formed in the presence of sunlight b) Has large Quantities of soot
  • 17. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 17 c) Is primarily composed of carbon monoxide d) Consists of primary pollutants. 6. One of the problem that occurs as a consequence of CFC pollution is a) Increasing skin cancer in human b) Toxins accumulating in homes. c) Damages to human red blood cells. d) Movement of toxins into lakes and rivers, which poison fish. 7. Acidic deposition: a) Causes ozone depletion b) Is a major component of indoor air pollution. c) Cause of eutrophication in streams and rivers. d) Changes soil chemistry, leaching out important minerals 8. One of the best solution to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is: a) Burning b) Dumping c) Burying d) Recycling 9. In a lake polluted with pesticides, which one of the following will contain the maximum amount of pesticides? a) Small fish b) Microscopic animals c) Big fish d) Water birds 10. Name the process in which a harmful chemical enters the food chain and gets concentration at each level in food chain. a) Concentration b) Biomagnifications c) Expansion d) Pollution
  • 18. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 18 11.Each of the following is a significant factor in marine pollution except a) Offshore mining. b) Industrial waste c) Ocean waste dumping d) Nuclear waste seepage 12.The danger of disposing of the toxic chemicals unwanted came to public attention in which of the following locations? a) Bhopal, India b) Chernobyl, Ukraine c) Love canal, New York d) Minamata, Japan 13. Which of the following is the best example of environmental remediation? a) A species of trout because extinct in a eutrophic lake b) The annual volume of sewage flowing into a stream is decreased by one half c) The height of factory smokestack is increased d) A parcel of forest land is declared a state park. 14.The presence of which of the following contaminants would be the strongest reason for judging municipal sewage sludge unfit for use as fertilizer? a) Human faeces b) Ammonia c) Phosphates d) Heavy metals 15. Which of the following are biodegradable waste products? a) Rubber, plastic, manure b) Metal, glass, plastic c) Vegetable peels, garden refuse, paper d) Glass, wood cuttings, batteries 16. The main cause of water pollution is: a) Untreated sewage, glass bottles and plastic bags b) Chemical effluent, leaching of pesticides and algae c) Pesticides, treated sewage and litter d) Oil spills, untreated sewage and chemical effluent 17. Typhoid, cholera and dysentery are disease that are spread by: a) Air pollution b) Water pollution
  • 19. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 19 c) Land/soil pollution d) the use of pesticides 18. Non-biodegradable means: a) a substance that cannot decompose naturally b) a substance that is thrown away as kitchen c) a substance that costs too much to recycle d) a substance that will not dissolve in water 19. Deforestation is: a) the removal of all plants and trees from large area of land b) the complete removal of a forest to clear a large area for agriculture c) the result of the veld fire d) as a result of concentrated soil erosion 20. One solution to reduce air pollution may be: a) The use of leaded petrol b) the burning of wood and coal c) The use of public transport d) causing veld fires 21. One of the following has a positive human influence one of the environment: a) Deforestation b) Over population c) Pollution d) Conservation 22. Biological control is useful because it…….. a) Usually attack all plant species b) Can destroy an alien plant infestation or reduce its population number c) Usually originates in the country where the alien plant destroy indigenous vegetation d) Usually attacks all useful micro-organisms 23. The oil pollution problem is caused by all of the following except a) Natural leaks from deposits on ocean floor b) Leakage from rusting oceanic pipes c) Spills and leakage from off shore drilling rigs d) Illegal washing of tanker bilges. 24. Thermal pollution is possible at water resources near a) Coal-burning plants b) Nuclear plants c) Both coal-burning and nuclear plants d) Neither coal-burning nor nuclear plants
  • 20. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 20 Unit 6: Social Issues and the Environment MCQ’s: 1. The largest numbers of humans that Earth can sustain indefinitely at current rates per capita consumption of natural resources is known as Earth’s a) Environmental capacity b) Population limit c) Sustainability index d) Carrying capacity 2. Sustainable development involves: a) Protecting the biosphere and promoting development b) Achieving long term growth that lifts LCDs out of poverty c) Dramatically cutting standard of living to protect the biosphere d) Shifting wealth and technology from EDCs to LDCs. 3. What is Kyoto Protocal? a) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing Global warming. b) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for reducing acid rain. c) It is an agreement among countries to take steps for planning trees to control pollution d) It is an agreement among countries to start using nuclear energy. 4. The disease cholera, typhoid and Jaundice are due to pollution of: a) Air b) Water c) Food Items d) Soil 5. Which of the following greenhouse gases has the greatest heattrapping ability?
  • 21. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 21 a) Carbon dioxide b) Carbon monoxide c) Chloroflurocarbon d) Methane 6. Which of the following is least likely to be an effect of global warming? a) Loss of fertile delta regions for agriculture b) Change in global patterns of precipitation c) Extinction of some species that have narrow temperature requirements d) Decreased rate of Photosynthesis in vegetation 7. Which of the following are unsustainable examples of human activities or behavior? a) Recycling b) Attempts to limit human population growth c) Using technology to improve car mileage d) Depletion of fossils fuels 8. Which of the following represents an idea associated with environmental sustainability? a) The capacity of the environment to absorb toxin is unlimited b) The human population continues to grow c) We are using fossils fuels as if they were present in unlimited supply d) The Earth’s resources are not present in infinite supply 9. Which of the following global environmental concerns is most directly linked to poverty? a) Global warming b) Desertification c) Ozone pollution d) Threatened oceans 10. Which of the following is most likely to happen if everybody in the world used resources at the rate that people in the United States do? a) People would be healthier and happier worldwide b) Our current resources would run out quickly c) Violent conflicts would decrease because basic needs would be met
  • 22. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 22 d) Economies would prosper. 11. What does the phrase “Environmental sustainability” imply? a) The actions of humans directly impact the well-being of the natural environment b) Future generations will have the resources necessary for quality of life c) A shared global responsibility is necessary for conversation practices d) All of these are implied by environmental sustainability. Others Added Questions (100+ MCQs): 1. Most stable ecosystem is a) Forest b) Desert c) Ocean d) Mountain 2. Which of the following statement about the forest is not correct? a) Forest reduce soil erosion b) provides recreational opportunities c) Provides economic development d) None of the above 3. Which of the following is the example of impact of development activities on hydrosphere? a) Air pollution b) Soil pollution c) Noise pollution d) Water pollution 4. Which of the following method is not a method of water conservation? a) Rain water harvesting b) Ground water extraction c) Improving irrigation efficiency d) Avoiding water wastage
  • 23. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 23 5. Formation of ozone is a) Oxidation reaction b) Reduction reaction c) Photochemical reaction d) none of these 6. The drop in air temperature at a rate of 6.5º C per 1000 m increase in altitude of troposphere is known as a) Environmental lapse rate b) Environmental degradation c) Green House effect d) Global warming 7. Zone consisting air, water and soil is known as a) Hydrosphere b) Atmosphere c) Lithosphere d) Biosphere 8. Word oikos means ………….. And logos means …………… a) House and study of b) Study and housing c) Only houses d) Study of people 9. Nitrogen gets oxidized into a) Nitrates and ammonia b) Ammonia and urea c) Urea and nitrite d) Nitrates and nitrites 10. Earthworms and bacteria are called a) Producers b) Consumers c) Decomposers d) none of these 11. The ecological pyramid that is always upright a) Pyramid of energy b) Pyramid of biomass c) Pyramid of number d) none of these 12. “Green House effect” with respect to global warming refers to-
  • 24. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 24 a) Cooling and moist condition b) Warming effect c) Increased rainfall and greenery d) Desertification 13. Atmospheric ozone layer which protects us from UV-B and C is getting depleted most by addition of a) Choro Flurocarbon b) Carbon monoxide c) Carbon dioxide d) Sulfur dioxide 14. 5th June is observed as a) World forest day b) World environment day c) World wildlife day d) World population day 15. 21st March is observed as a) World forest day b) World environment day c) World wildlife day d) World population day 16. Noise is measured using sound meter and the unit is a) Hertz b) Decibel c) Joule d) Sound 17. Important abiotic factors in ecosystem include which of the following? a) Temperature b) Water c) Wind d) Both (a) and (b) 18. All of the following statements about ecology are correct except: a) Ecology is the study of the interaction between biotic and abiotic aspects of environment b) Ecology is a discipline that is independent from natural selection and evolutionary history c) Ecologists may study populations and communities of organisms
  • 25. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 25 d) Ecology spans increasingly comprehensive levels of organizations from individuals to ecosystem. 19. Which of the following are important biotic factor that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities? a) Nutrient availability, soil pH, light intensity b) Precipitation, wind, temperature c) Predation, competitions, disease d) All of the above 20. The terms “Environment” means a) Sum total of conditions that the life and dependent of all organisms on earth b) A beautiful earth c) Earth and water d) A combination of plants and animals. 21. Elements of environment are a) Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen b) Nitrogen, oxygen, ozone c) Carbon dioxide, Oxygen, ozone d) Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere 22. The term environment arrived from an old French word “enviro” means a) Outside b) Surroundings c) Inside d) Biotic community 23. Hydrosphere includes a) Animals b) Soil
  • 26. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 26 c) Plants d) Water bodies 24. Area of land, water and air where the life exists is called a) Biosphere b) Lithosphere c) Atmosphere d) Hydrosphere 25. Atmosphere may extents to a height of about following kms above the earth surface a) 80 km b) 8000 km c) 800 km d) 8 km 26. The layers of atmosphere consists of a) Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and temperature b) Hydrosphere and biosphere c) Lithosphere and hydrosphere d) Biosphere and hydrosphere 27. Troposphere has altitude range of a) 8 to 18 km from earth surface b) 50 km from earth surface c) 800 km from earth surface d) 80 km from earth surface 28. Lowest layer of atmosphere is called a) Thermosphere b) Stratosphere c) Troposphere d) Mesosphere 29. The layer of atmosphere containing much of ozone gas is a) Thermosphere b) Stratosphere
  • 27. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 27 c) Troposphere d) Mesosphere 30. The coldest layer of temperature having minimum temperature range of -95º C is a) Thermosphere b) Stratosphere c) Troposphere d) Mesosphere 31. Thermosphere has two layers of a) Ionosphere and exosphere b) Stratosphere and troposphere c) Mesosphere and troposphere d) Mesosphere and stratosphere 32. Scientific study of the interactions of organisms with the physical environment is called a) Ecosystem b) Ecology c) Environment d) trophic stricture 33. The three major living components of an ecosystem are a) Producers, consumers and decomposers b) Producers, autotrops and decomposers c) Heterotrops, consumers and reducers d) Detritivores, consumers and phototrops 34. The green plants are also called a) Producers b) Consumers c) Reducers d) Detritivores 35. Example of omnivores is a) Lion b) Hawk c) Human d) Snake
  • 28. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 28 36. The most important organisms of an ecosystem are a) Herbivores b) Producers c) Carnivores d) Protozoan 37. Consumers are also called a) Photoautotrophs b) Saprotrops c) Heterotrops d) Reducers 38. Sequence of eating and being eaten in ecosystem is called a) Food web b) Natural cycle c) Ecological pyramid d) Food chain 39. Detritus food chain starts from a) Green plants b) Grass c) Dead organic matter d) Phytoplankton 40. Nutrients are recycled in ecosystem by a) Biogeochemical cycle b) Energy flow c) Producers d) Consumers 41. The flow of energy is a) One-way b) Cyclic c) Linear and one way d) none of these 42. Biodiversity means a) The living natural resources b) Land and forest c) Oceans and sea d) Atmosphere 43. Food chain always starts with a) Respiration b) Transpiration
  • 29. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 29 c) Nitrogen fixation d) Photosynthesis 44. The ecological pyramid always starts with the following at the base a) Decomposer b) Producer c) Consumer d) none of these 45. Hydrological cycle provide us a) Fresh water b) Nitrogen c) Carbon dioxide d) none of these 46. Gaseous nitrogen can be used by plants only after the process of a) Nitrogen cycling b) Nitrogen fixation c) Ammonification d) Nitrifications 47. Conversions of ammonia to nitrite and then nitrate is called a) Nitrogen fixation b) De nitrification c) Nitrification d) Ammonification 48. The loss of water from plants and tree leaves is called a) Precipitation b) Respiration c) Evaporation d) Transpiration 49. Which of the following is non-renewable resource? a) Coal b) Forest c) Water d) Wildlife 50. Deforestation generally decrease a) Rain fall b) Soil erosion c) Draught d) Global warming 51. Afforestation is necessary for
  • 30. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 30 a) Soil conservation b) Soil erosion c) Well control d) Low humidity 52. Air pollution is caused by a) Insecticides b) Sewage c) Smoke d) loud speaker 53. When tress are cut, amount of oxygen a) Decreases b) Increases c) Both (a) and (b) d) Remains same 54. Which of the following is a secondary pollutant? a) CO2 b) CO c) O3 d) SO2 55. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because a) It react with O2 b) It inhibits its glycolysis c) Make nervous system inactive d) React with hemoglobin 56. All are particulate pollutant except a) Dust b) Ozone c) Soot d) Smoke 57. Which of the following is an air pollutant? a) Ozone b) CFC c) Carbon dioxide d) Oxygen 58. Noise is a) Loud sound b) Constant sound c) Unwanted sound d) slow sound
  • 31. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 31 59. Which of the following is the major cause of land degradation? a) Soil erosion b) deforestation c) Water logging d) Desertification 60. Biochemical oxygen demand means a) Industrial pollution b) Air pollution c) Polluting capacity of effluent d) Dissolved O2 needed by microbes to decompose organic waste 61. Eutrophication means a) Thermal change in water b) Filling up of water body with aquatic due to extra nourishment c) Solid waste d) None of the above 62. The main components of photochemical smog is a) Water vapor b) Sulfur dioxide c) Oxides of nitrogen d) all of the above 63. The TAJ MAHAL at AGRA may be damaged by a) Sulfur dioxide b) Chlorine c) Hydrogen d) Oxygen 64. Sound becomes hazardous noise pollution at decibels a) Above 30 b) Above 80 c) Above 100 d) Above 120 65. Effect of noise pollution is mainly a) Physical factor b) Chemical factor
  • 32. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 32 c) Biological factor d) all of the above 66. The important components of environment is a) Biosphere b) Atmosphere c) Lithosphere d) all of the above 67. The pollutant free energy resources are, a) Coal b) Nuclear power c) Petroleum d) Solar energy 68. The atmosphere of big cities is polluted most a) Household waste b) Radioactive falls out c) Automobiles exhaust d) Pesticides 69. The concentration of which gas is highest in our environment? a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen c) Nitrogen d) Carbon dioxide 70. Which of the following is not a major source of ground water contamination? a) Agricultural products b) Underground storage tank c) Landfills d) All of the above 71. Ecology is deals with the study of: a) Living being b) Living and non-living components c) Reciprocal relationship between living and non-living components
  • 33. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 33 d) Environments 72. Autecology deals with a) Ecology of species b) Ecology of many species c) Ecology of community d) All of the above 73. Synecology deals with a) Ecology of many species b) Ecology of many population c) Ecology of community d) None of above 74. Ecotype is the type of species in which environmentally induced variations are a) Temporary b) Genetically fixed c) Genetically not related d) None of above 75. The terms ‘Biocoenosis’ was proposed by a) Transley b) Carl Mobious c) Warming d) None of the above 76. Energy flow in ecosystem is a) Unidirectional b) Bidirectional c) Multidirectional d) None of the above 77. An ecosystem must have continuous external source of a) Minerals b) Energy c) Food d) all of the above 78. The source of energy in an ecosystem is a) ATP b) Sunlight c) DNA d) RNA
  • 34. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 34 79. Trophic levels are formed by a) Only plants b) Only animals c) Only carnivores d) Organisms linked in food chain 80. Biotic potential is counteracted by a) Competition with other organism b) Producer is the largest c) Limitation of food supply d) None of the above 81. Definition of ecosystem is a) The community of organisms together with the environment in which they live b) The abiotic component of a habitat c) The part of the earth and its atmosphere which inhibits living organisms d) A community of organisms interacting with one another 82. In a food chain of grassland ecosystem the top consumers are a) Herbivores b) Carnivores c) Bacteria d) either carnivores or herbivores 83. Species that occur in different geographical regions separated by special barrier are: a) Allopatric b) Sympatric c) Sibling d) None of the above 84. The concept of ecological pyramid was first proposed by a) E.P. Odum b) A.G. Tansley c) Juday d) Charles Elton 85. The pyramid of energy is terrestrial ecosystem is
  • 35. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 35 a) Upright b) Inverted c) Spindle shaped d) Irregular 86. The pyramid of numbers in a single tree is a) Upright b) Inverted c) Spindle shaped d) Irregular 87. The pyramid of biomass is inverted in a) Forest ecosystem b) Grassland ecosystem c) Fresh water ecosystem d) Tundra 88. In pond ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is a) Upright b) Inverted c) Spindle shaped d) None of these 89. In grassland ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is a) Upright b) Inverted c) Spindle shaped d) None of these 90. Climates includes a) Seasonal variations b) General patterns of atmospheric condition c) Average weather of an area d) All of these 91. IUCN (The International Union For Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) headquarters is at a) Morgues, Switzerland b) Paris, France c) Vienna, Austria d) New York, USA 92. IUCN is also called a) Man and Biosphere program b) World conservation union
  • 36. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 36 c) World conservation consortium d) Worldwide conservation union 93. Biodiversity is a) Increases towards the equator b) Decreases towards the equator c) Remains same throughout the planet d) Has no effect on change in llatitude 94. The most important reason for decrease in biodiversity is a) Habitat pollution b) Introduction of exotic species c) Over-exploitation d) Habitat destruction 95. Endemic species are a) Rare species b) Species localized in a specific region c) Critically endangered populations d) Diversity 96. What is the animal symbol of W.W.F? (World Wildlife Fund) a) Red panda b) Giant panda c) Tiger d) Kangaroo 97. Heavy dust can cause a) Leaf blights b) Opening of stomata c) Closure of stomata d) Browning of leaves 98. Which of the following is the major cause of pollution? a) Plants b) Man c) Fungi d) Hydrocarbons
  • 37. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 37 99. Minamata disease was caused by pollution of water by a) Mercury b) Lead c) Tin d) Methyl iso cyanate 100. BOD stands for a) Biotic Oxidation Demand b) Biological Oxidation Demand c) Biological Oxygen Demand d) Biochemical Oxygen Demand 101. A river with high BOD value is a) Highly polluted b) Highly clean c) Highly productive d) None of these 102. Radiation can cause a) Cardiac disease b) Hemophilia c) Leukemia d) Bone marrow disease 103. Acid rain contains a) Sulphuric acid b) Nitric acid c) Both (a) and (b) d) Sulphuric, nitric and hydrochloric acid 104. The occurrence of pesticides like DDT in higher trophic levels is termed as a) Bioremediation b) Bio magnification c) Biological enhancement d) Bio pollution 105. Earth summit was held in a) Stockholm in 1972 b) Rio de Jeneiro in 1992
  • 38. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 38 c) Paris in 1992 d) New York in 1972 106. All are physical pollutants except a) Heat b) Sound c) Radiations d) Soot 107. All are primary pollutants a) Ammonia b) Peroxy Acyl Nitrite (PAN) c) Sulfur dioxide d) Hydogen sulphide 108. Pollutants that are introduced into the environment by human activity are called as a) Qualitative pollution b) Quantitative pollution c) Anthropogenic pollution d) All of these 109. Air pollution is severe in a) Cities b) Industrialize area c) Densely polluted area d) all of these 110. Particulate pollutants are a) are small solid particles and liquid droplets b) liquid droplets in atmosphere c) are small solid particles released into the atmosphere d) all of these 111. All are particulate pollutants except a) Dust b) Ozone c) Soot d) Smoke 112. Fine organic or inorganic particles suspended in air is called
  • 39. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 39 a) Particulate pollutants b) Gaseous state c) Aerosol d) none of these 113. Air pollution can be of a) Natural origin b) Artificial or man-made origin c) Both (a) and (b) d) (b) only 114. Mobile combustion accounts a) 10-20% of air pollution b) 40-50% of air pollution c) 50-60% of air pollution d) 5-10% of air pollution 115. The true statements about ‘Green House effect’ is that it is a) Caused by combination of many gases b) Caused by CO2 c) Caused only by CO2, CFC, CH4 and NO2 gases d) none of these 116. The supersonic jets cause pollution by the thinning of a) CO2 layer b) SO2 layer c) O3 layer d) O2 layer 117. Carbon mono oxide is a pollutant because a) It reacts with O2 b) It inhibits glycolysis c) Makes nervous system inactive d) Reacts with hemoglobin 118. The major pollutant from automobile exhaust is a) NO b) CO c) SO2 d) Soot 119. The greenhouse gases, otherwise called radioactively active gases includes a) Carbon dioxide b) CH4
  • 40. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 40 c) N2O d) All of these 120. Algal bloom results in a) Global warming b) Salination c) Eutrophication d) Bio magnification 121. A high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates that: a) Water is pure b) Absence of microbial action c) Low level of microbial pollution d) High level of microbial pollution 122. The effects of radioactive pollutants depends upon a) Rate of diffusion b) Energy releasing capacity c) Rate of deposition of the contaminant d) All of these 123. The range of normal human hearing is in the range of a) 10 – 80 Hz b) 50 – 80 Hz c) 50 – 15000 Hz d) 15000 Hz and above 124. The pollution which does not persistent harm to life supporting sydtem nis a) Noise pollution b) Radiation pollution c) Organochlorine pollution d) All of these 125. Soap and detergents are the source of organic pollutants like: a) Glycerol b) Polyphosphates c) Sulphonated hydrocarbons d) all of these 126. The main atmospheric layer near the surface of earth is a) Troposphere b) Mesosphere
  • 41. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 41 c) Ionosphere d) Statosphere 127. Man-made sources of radiation pollution are: a) Mining b) Explosion of nuclear weapons c) Nuclear fuels and preparation of radioactive isotopes d) all of these 128. The cutting down of trees and setting them on fire and raising crops on the resulting ash is called: a) Pyrolysis b) Jhum c) Taungya d) Shift cultivation 129. Percentage of forest area recommended by the national forest policy for plains is a) 33% b) 67% c) 30% d) 10% 130. Example of primary pollutants a) SO2 b) NO2 c) CO d) Hydrocarbons 131. Drinking of fluoride containing water results: a) Fluorosis b) Chlorosis c) Minemata d) Methaemoglobinema 132. High biological oxygen demand indicates: a) Absence of microbial pollution b) Moderate microbial pollution c) Intense level of microbial pollution d) all of these 133. Ozonosphere seen in a) Ionosphere b) Thermosphere
  • 42. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 42 c) Mesosphere d) Stratosphere 134. Harmful trace metals in fly ash: a) Antimony b) Cadmium c) Arsenic d) All of the above 135. In a pyramid of numbers, in a grassland ecosystem, the largest population is that of a) Producers b) Tertiary consumer c) Secondary consumer d) Herbivores e) Primary consumer 136. One greenhouse gas contributes 14% to total global warming and another contributes 6%. These are respectively identified as a) N2O and CO2 b) CFCs and N2O c) Methane and CO2 d) Methane and CFCs e) CFCs and CO2 137. Which of the following is false? a) Quantity of biomass in a trophic level at a particular period is called as standing crop b) The energy content in a trophic level is determined is determined by considering a few individuals of a species in that trophic level c) The succession that occurs in newly cooled lava is called primary succession d) Rate of succession is faster in secondary succession e) Phytoplanktons are the pioneers in the aquatic ecosystem 138. Which of the following regarding ecological pyramid is not correct?
  • 43. MCQ Model Question (IMESH KAFLE & UJJWAL URANW) EHE Page 43 a) In most ecosystems, the pyramid of numbers and biomass are upright b) In tree dominated ecosystem the pyramid of number is inverted c) The pyramid of energy expresses mainly the rate of food production d) In deep water ecosystem, the pyramid of biomass is upright e) The total energy flow at successive tropical level always decreases Reference: 1. Fundamentals of Environmental Studies by Shivangi Somvanshi and Dr. Renu Dhupper. 2. 3. MCQs of environmental studies (211007)