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First Semester MBA Degree Examination, 5lJan.201,6
Economics for Managers
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.lYtt.l to Q.No.7.
I Define Managerial Economics. (03 Marks)
2 What are Iso - quant and Iso - cost curve? (03 Marks)
3 Explain the concept of Opportunity cost. (03 Marks)
4 What are Economic Indicators? List few Economic indicators. (03 Marks)
5 Explain the features of oligopoly. (03 Marks)
6 What is Globalisation? (03 Marks)
7 Differentiate between fiscal policy and monetary policy. (03 Marks)
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q.No.7.
tr What is Price elasticity of demand? Explain diagrammatically different types of price
elasticities. (07 Marks)
2 Briefly describe the law of Return to scale. (07 Marks)
3 What is Business Cycle? What are its various phases? (07 Marks)
4 200 units of commodity are demanded at aprice of { 10. When the price rise to t l5 the quantity
demanded falls to 120 units. Calculate arc elasticity of demand. (07 Nlarks)
5 What is Break Even Analysis? Explain the uses of BEA in Managerial Economics. (07 N{arks)
6 Explain with the help of diagram, the 'Kinked Demand Cuwe'. (07 Marks)
7 Describe the features of new industrial policy of 199i (07 Marks)
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q.l{a"7.
Briefly explain the Baumol's sales revenue maximization model. (10 Ntarks)
What is Economies of scale? Describe various types of intemal and external economics of scale.
(10 Marks)
Define National lncome. What are the problems faced in measuring National Income? Explain.
(i0 &4arks)
1 of2
,A. flrrn sells its products at the rate of t 7 per unit. The variabie cost is { 2 per unit and the fixed
cost is t 80,000. (10 Marks)
i) Calcuiate Break Even Point.
ii) What would be the profit if the firm sells 40,000 units?
iii) Iily'hat would be the BEP ifthe fltm spends { 4,000 on advertisement?
ir) How much the seller should sell to ealn a profit of t 40,000?
Expiain diagrammatically price and output determination under perfect competition. (10 Marks)
What are the objectives of monetary policy? Briefly describe the different instruments of
monetary policy. (lG Marks)
7 Explain growth and role of private sector in Indian Economy. (lCI Marks)
CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ]
The Tuming Point
The Govemment of hdia reports that the "Economy has emerged with remarkable rapidity
from the slowdown caused by the global financial crisis of 200J * A9". The tumaround has been
fast and shong due to agriculture and continued momentum in manufacturing, although there
was a decetreratiore in services and industry. However, the medium to long - run prospect of the
econofily, includirag the industrial sector, continues to be positive. On the demand side, a rise in
savings and investnrent and pickup in private consumption have resulted in stricng growtt of the
gross domestic product (GDP) at constant market prices at 9.7o/o in 2010 - 11 . A sequenced and
gradual withdrawaX of the monetary accommodation is hetrping contain inflationary pressures.
Not with standirig the tightening money markets and moderate growth in deposits , the financial
situation remained orderly with a pickup in credit growth, vibrant equity market and stable
foreign exchange market. Though downside risks of globatr events, particuiarly movement in
prices of co'mrnodities like crude oil (Exacerbated by political turmoil in the Middle East)
remain, the Indian esonomy is poised to further improve and consolidate in terms of key
fiBoroeconomic indicators.
Questions ;
I . Identifl, the factors helping india to recover liom recession. (10 Marks)
2. What fitore shoulcl be done so that inflationary pressure couid Lre contained?
(tr0 Marks)
2 af2
.! -r
First Semester MBA Degree Examination, Dec.201 5llan.20l6
Accounting for Managers
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q.No.7.
1 What is Convention of Conservatism? (03 Marks)
2 What is Contra Entry? Give exatnples (03 Marks)
3 What is Contingent Liability? (03 Marks)
4 What is Common size statement? (03 vlarks)
5 What is IFRS? (03 wlarks)
6 '$/hat is Forensic Accounting? (03 Marks)
7 Distinguish between Direct and Indirect tax. (03 Marks)
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.1 to rQ"No"7.
1 Classify the foilowing accounts into Personal, Real and Nominal accounts.
i) Drawings A/c ii) Capital A/c iii) Salary A/c iv) Salary outstanding A"/c
v) Bad debt A/c vi) Cash A/c vii) Goodwill A/c. (CI7 Marks)
(87 Nlarks)2 Journaiise the foll transacti the books of X CSE ()w IISAUTIOIIS III U U
Date Transactions
2013 Nov 1 Cormnenced business with t 2,00,000 ; out of which { 50.000
deposited into bark.
2 Purchased sood from Trilok t 40,000.
4 Sold goods for cash < 20.000.
8 Paid to Trilok and availed cash discount of { 4:00.
10 Paid telephone bill throueh cheque { 500
t2 Purchased fumiture for { 25"000
t5 Purchased a computer for Personal use for t 20,000 and issued cheque.
3 What is Balance sheet? What are its limitations? (07 Marks)
4 Given Curent Ratio - 2.6 , Liquid Ratio - 1.4 , Working Capital < 1"10,000. Calcuiate
Curent assets , Liquid assets and Inventory. (07 Marks)
5 What are Accounting Standards? What are their benefits? (0? Marks)
6 What is Window dressing? What are the ways of Window dressing? (0T Marks)
7 Mention any seven savings qualifying fbr deductions U/S 80C. (0T Marks)
1 of 3
Note : ,Answer any FOUR qaestions frow Q.No.I to Q.No.7.
Analyse the effects of following transactions on the accounting equations.
2009 March I Kumar began business with cash t 50,000
2 Took loan t 20,000 from Amar.
J Purchased 2 computers each costing { 29,000 on cash.
4 Purchased stationary for { 6,000 on credit.
5 D^LA d to creditor { 2.000
8 Pa d towards salary < 4,000 and { 1,200 towards office rent
10 w hdrew cash { 3,500 for personal use
2A Sold goods for t 20,000 on cash { 10,000 on credit.
22 Furchased goods for t 15,000 on cash and t 25.000 on credit
25 Paid life insurance premium t 1000.
2 Record the follo
A/c under straight Line Method.
Using the following financial data, construct a balance sheet.
ash bookw ransactlons ln a casn DooK. $0
2013 Feb 1 Commenced business with cash { 10.000.
6 Received a cheque for t 5,000
l Issued a cheque for t 500 for furniture purchased.
I Purchased goods for t 3,000 and paid by cheque.
E Received a cheque for t 490 in full settlement of { 500 on account.
10 Parid into Bank t 5,000 from Ranga.
15 Paid wages { 200
18 Drew a cheque for personal use { 400
25 Drew from bank for office use { 250
27 Paid electricity charges t 15
ao Paid salary by cheque { 500.
(tr0 Marks)
(1& Marks)
(10 Marks)
A fim purchased a plant on ll7l2A05 for t 90,000 and incurred t 10,000 on its erection on
31l5l20}g apaft of plant purchased on 11712005 for t 50,000 sold for t 30,000. Depreciation is
r.r,ritten off at 10%p.a. The business firm closes its books on 3lst Dec. each year. Prepare Flant
Gross Profit (20% of sales) { 60.000
Share holders equity { 50,000
Credit sales to total sales 80%
Totai assets turrover (on sales) 3 times
Stock turnover 8 times
Average collection period
(360 days in a year)
18 days
Cument rafio i.6:1
Long term debt - to - equity 4Q',1,
What is Hunaan Resource Accounting? Explain various methods of valuation of HR. (10 Marks)
What is Corporate Governance? Explain its models. (10 Marks)
2 of3
7F the foll formati CFS bv Indirect Method
(I0 Marks)rom the lollowms mlorTnatlon Dreoare lrec
3t/3/2007 3lt3/2006 3U3/2001 3U3/2AA7
Share caoital 50,00,000 40,00,000 Fixed Assets 31.00.000 30,00,000
Reserye Fund 15,00,000 5,00,000 Investrnents 1,50,000
Secured loan 35,00,000 40,00,000 Stock & Stores 75,00,000 78,7s,000
Cun"ent triaLrilities 50,00,000 60,00,000 Debtors 40,00,000 35,00,000
Cash & Bank 2,50,000 125,00CI
Totatr 1.50.00-000 1-4s.00.000 Total 1.50.00"000 1,45.00,000
i) The net profit for the year after adjustment in respect of provisions for dividends and tax
was { 10,00,000.
ii) There was addition to fixed assets during the year amounting to { 4,00.000 and depreciation
for the year was < 3.00,000.
CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ]
From the following balances, prepare Trading and P & L Nc and B/S as on3lBlZAAZ.
Debit Credit
Capital 20,000
Buildins 15.000
lnvestments 10,000
Furnihrre 1.000
Maruti car 8,000
Purchase / sales 94.000 1"40"000
Returns 500 r,000
DebtorVCreditors 15"000 4,800
General Expenses 800
Cash 300
Bank 4,700
Rent 4.000
Commission i,400
Rates & Tax 600
Bad debts 240
Insurance 400
Discount 700 500
Provision for doubtful debts 300
Onenins stock 10.000
Total 1.66"60t) r.66.600
.Adjustrnents :
1 . Outstanding Expenses commission { 100. Rent 400.
2. Insurance prepaid t 50.
3. Create provision for doubtful debts @ 3% in debtors.
4. Stock an3113/2002 t 15,000.
5. Interest on Investments @ 5o/o due but not received.
6. Depreciate Maruti car by l0o/o , f urrriture by 2ok, Buitding by 3%.
7. Provide interest on capital (@ 5%.
3 of3
(20 Marks)
(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(03 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(03 Marks)
.g c
9iit (.)
>' (ts
First Semester MBA Degree Dec.2015 lJan.20l6
-tQuantitative Methods
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: 7. Answer any TIIREEfuII questionsfrom QNo.l to 6.
2. Q.No.7 and I are compulsory.
3. Statistical tables mfly be permitted.
What do you mean by a research design?
Write down the chief merits of telephone interviews.
Briefly describe the different steps involved in a research process.
Write any three measurement scales in research.
followine dFind the missins frequency from the fbllow ata
Marks: 0-10 10 -20 20 -30 30-40 40 - 50' 50-60
No of Students : 5 t5 20 20 i0
The arithmetic mean is 34 marks. (07 Marks)
c. From the following table calculate the coefficient of correlation by Karl Pearson's method.
Arithmetic means of X and Y series are 6 and 8 respectively.
Write three of the most important way of classifying correlation.
b. The incidence of occupational disease in an industry is such that the workmen have 20o/o
chance of suffering from it. What is the probability that out of six workmen, 4 or more will
contract disease? (07 Nlarks)
c. In an experiment on immunization of cattle from tuberculosis, the following results were
Affected Not Affected
Inoculated t40 30
No Inoculated 60 20
Calculate y' and discuss the effect of vaccine in controlling susceptibility to tuberculosis
(10 Marks)(5o/o value of 12 for one degree of freedom: 3.84).
What do you mean by convenience sampling?4a.
(05 Marks)
What do you mean by secondary data? What are the characteristics to be seen before using
it? (05 Marks)
A project yields an average cashflow of Rs.500 Lakhs with a standard deviation of Rs. 60
Lakhs. Calculate the following probabilities.
i) Cash flow will be more than Rs 560 Lakhs
ii) Cash flow will be less than Rs 420 Lakhs
iii) Cash flow will be between Rs 460 Lakhs and Rs 540 Lakhs
iv) Cash flow will be more than Rs 680 Lakhs. (10 Marks)
You are working as a purchase manager for a company. The following information has been
f electric bulbsuoohed to vou bv two manutactures of electrtc S
Comoanv A Companv B
Mean life (ln Hours) 1300 r248
Standard deviations ( In Hours) 82 93
Samole size 100 100
Which brand of bulbs are you going to purchase if you desire to take a risk of 5%?
(05 Marks)
I of2
rom wm
X: 6 2 10 4 8
Y: 9 i1 ? 8 7
b. From the following calculate the coefficient of variation.
Karl Pearson's coefficient of Skewness :0.42
Arithmetic mean :86 Median :80.
c. A research
(05 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
c0moanv summar
Adv. Exp
(Rs. in crore)
(Rs. in crore)
Mean 20 200
S.D t8 l7
Karl Pearson's Correlation Coeff. (r) :
Derive two regression equations.
ized advertising expenditure and sales results as follows ;
Goals scored bv two teams in a Football match were as fb
No of Goals scored rn
a Foot Ball Match
No of Football Matches Played
Team'A' Team'B'
0 15 20
I 10 10
2 0l 05
J 05 a4
4 03 02
5 02 01
Calculate CV and state which team is more consistent.
Lalculate LV ano state wnlcn team 15 more Cons6tent. (10 Marks)
b. To study the performance of three detergents and three different water temperatures, the
followins'Whit 'Readiolrowrng ' w nrteness Keaolngs were oDtalned w
Water Temp Detergent A Detergent B Detereent C
Cold water 57 55 67
Warm water 49 52 68
Hot water 54 46 s8
Perform A two way ahalysis of variance, using 5% level of significance
(Given F 5%:6,9:4). (10 Marks)
In a particular study of skewness the mean value arrived at 25 and mode value at 24. Find
out the U_re(ian value for study. (05 Marks)
An insurance company wants to test whether three of its field officers A, B and C in a given
territory, meet equal number of customers during a given period of time. What test is
preferred? (05 Marks)
The HR manager of a company wants to find a measure which he can use to fix the monthly
income of persons applying for a job in the production department. As an experiment, he
collected data on 7 persons from the department. What measure he has to undertake?
Illustrate. (05 Marks)
d. What probability model is appropriate to describe a situation where 100 misprints are
distributed randomly tkoughout the 100 pages of a book? (05 Marks)
8 a. A mall in New - Delhi is interested in knowing better ways of providing shopping facilities
btained with ially designed equipment :
to the consumers. Draft a questionnaire for survey.
b. What is a hypothesis? Write the characteristics of hypothesis.
2 of2
(03 Marks)
(03 Marks)
(03 Marks)
(03 Marks)
(03 Marks)
(03 N4arks)
(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(07 Marhs)
{07 Marks}
(S7 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(S7 Marks)
First Semester MBA Degree Examination, Dec.20tr 5lJan.20l6
Marketing Management
Max. Marks:100
-o ..
oo ll
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u -op
(-) <
Time: 3 hrs.
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from to Q.Na.7.
1 List out any five emerging trends in marketing.
2 What is Cognitive Dissonance'/
3 What do you understand by Psychographic Segmentation?
4 What is Packing / Packaging?
5 Discuss Hybrid Distribution Channel.
6 What is AIDA in marketing?
7 What is E - Commerce?
spcrroN - B
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l ta Q.No"7"
1 Differentiate between Selling and Marketing.
2 What is Consumer behaviour? Flighlight the consumer decision rnaking process.
3 What do you understand by the term Branding? What are its functions?
4 What do you mean by a Product? Highlight the five levels of a product.
5 What is a Price? Discuss the various methods ofpricing available.
6 Elucidate the various elements of an advertising copy.
7 What is Marketing Audit? Discuss the various components of Marketing Audit.
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q"No"7.
I Analyse the various controllable and uncontrollable factors affecting Marketing Environment.
(tr0 Marks)
Discuss the factors affecting Consumer Behaviour. (trO Marks)
What do you mean by Product Mix? Highlight the different steps in new product development.
(trO Marks)
I of2
4 What is a Froduct Life Cycle? Explain the dif6rent stages of PLC, with its relevant marketing
strategies at each stage. (i0 Marks)
5 What is a Channel Conflict? Discuss the factors affecting channel choice. (10 Marks)
5 What is Advertising? What are the methods used for preparing an advertising budget? (10 Marks)
7 Enumerate the steps in Strategic Marketing Planning process. (10 Marks)
CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ]
Marketing and Distribution of MUshroom
Krishanth and Thanush are two enterprising youth. They have passed out from I I M,
Bangalore. They thought instead of doing job, they will launch fresh vegetables in Indian
markets. F{aving leamt of the future conventional foods, they decided to venture into cultivation
of Mushroonrs.
Mushrooms are known to be the best alternative food for vegetarians. For Krishanth and
Thanush funei raising was a serious handicap for rnass production. However the first trial batch
of Mushrooms that they produced was bought by star Hotel in Bangalore.
Now Mushroom trndustry is run by small entrepreneurs like Krishanth and Thanush. Another
big player M/S Gagan Mushrooms, equipped with cold storage facilify was more interested in
export market.
Krishanth and Thanush have set their sights high. They aim to sell mushrooms in a very big
way all over India. Mushrooms have great market potential and is a perishable food.
Questions :
F{ow will you advice Krishnath and Thanush, as how to
about this new food.
increase the consumer awarenessl)
2) what would be your suggestions for distribution channel for mushrooms?
(10 Marks)
(10 N{arks)
2 af2
6 BriefXy explain evaluation of business analytics. (0T Marks)
7 tsriefiy expiain the rules for constructing network diagram. (s7 Marks)
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q"No.7"
1 Solve the following assignment problem and obtain the minimum cost at which ail the jobs can
be perfonned:
(i0 Marks)
2 , srnall projrlct is composed of I activities whose time estimates are listed in the table below.
Activ rqties are identified bv their be nning (i) and ending (i) node numbe
Estimated duration (weeks)
Cptimistic (t.) Most likely (t,") Pessimistic (t-)
i) Dlaw the raetwork diagram and its activities in project.
;i) What is the expected project length?
iii) Find out tlee probability of completing the project (i) at least 4 weeks earlier than expected
tirne. (10 Marks)
3 Draw etwork corresponding to the following informationan CO mg to tne Ioltowlllg rnlorrnatlon:
Activitv 1n 1-3 2-6 3-4 3-5 4-6 5-6 5-7 6-7
DuratiLon 4 6 8
4 6 5 l9 l0
i) Draw the network.
ii) Obtain.early and late start time and completion times.
iii) Deterrnine the critical path.
iv) Determine the total float. (1CI Marks)
4 The followinig table shows the ages (x) and blood pressure (y) of B ilersons.
Obtain the re;gression equation of y on x and find the expected blood pressure of,a person who is
49 years old. (tro Marks)
'Workers Job (cost in 00 Rs)
l 2 ) A
+ 5
25 i8 32 20 21
If 34 25 Z1 l2 17
C ja t7 2A 3.4 l6
D ?n 28 l) i6 27
wulu laDte snows me a
x 52 63 45 36 72 65 47 25
Y 62 53 5i 25 l9 43 60 JJ
+ ae.
oT-ffiis in a 50The following table gives the number
accidents occurred in a cit
Number of accidents 0 1 2 J +
Number of davs 21 18 7 J
Fit a Poisson distribution to the data.
6 What is a modei? Discuss three important decision models of business
7 Briefly explain the types of decision making environment.
day period during which automobile
(lCI Marks)
analytics with example.
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ]
It is known that currently nothing can be sent from warehouse I to
warehouse 3 to market C.
1. Soive the above problem by using VAM.
2. Find the optimal solution.
Given the followln 10n m:
Demand 240 204 220
market ,4, and from
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
3 of3
First Semester MBA Degree
Time: 3 hrs.
Examination, Dec.201
Max. Marks:i00(_)
.= ^.1d+
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,i -i
1 Exprain ,n. orJri "',r!!#rrr""7rr.lo'*
questions frona Q"No"l to Q'tYo'7'
(03 Marks)
2 what is 'conversation control'? (03 Marks)
3 What is 'coherence' in communication? (03 Marks)
4 Explain 'salutation' and 'complimentary close' in a business letter. (03 Marks)
5 What skills are developed by the 'case study method'? (03 Nlarks)
6 What is a 'visual aid'? What are its advantages? (03 Marks)
7 Differentiate between 'agenda' and 'minutes of meeting'. (03 Marks)
Note : Answer uny FOUR questions from Q" to Q"Na"7.
Explain the different types of formal channels of communication and state their advantages and
disadvantages. (07 Marks)
2 Explain the 3 x 3 writing process in business communication. (07 Marks)
3 What are the different approaches to listening? (s7 Marks)
4 Explain the layout of a business letter. (87 Marks)
5 What are the different approaches to case analysis? (s7 Marks)
6 You are the GM, operations of M/S Pegasus Food Pvt. Ltd. You are required to give a
presentation to the board of directors on the sales forecast for future years. Discuss the steps you
would consider for preparing and delivering this. (07 Marks)
7 Explain the various electronic modes of communication avaitrable to business organizations to
improve their communication network. (07 Marksi
1of 2
Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.I to Q.No.7"
Explain the sender oriented and receiver oriented communication barriers.
ipads in various cities in india. Assume your name to be as Mr. Arjtin.
3 Explain the cornponents of no.n verbai cornmunication.
4 What are the principles of effective writing?
5 Explain the various types ofbusiness reports.
6 Defrne negotiation and explain the various approaches to negotiations.
7 Explain how growth oftechnology has an impact on business communication.
1. List the listening techniques that was violated by the supervisor.
2. What eff,oct do you think the superisor's attitude had ori Usha?
3. How should Alka have handled the situation?
4. Suggest a suitable title for this caselet.
2 af2
(10 Marks.)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
Draft an application letterwith yourresume in replyto an advertisement in The Times of lndia
dated Sep 20th 2013 for the position of sales manager for an MNC to sell their latest model of
CASE STUDY - [ Compulsory !
"Madaffi, tr really need to talk to you about something important."
"Is it so, Usha? Well, take a seat and let me hear about it," Alka, the supervisor, says in a
friendiy ione, as she continues to stare at the cornputer screen.
As Usha sits down, Alka continues, "Usha you think you have a problem? How would you like
to have the ones I'm faced with now? First, I'm right in the middle of a union negotiation for a
new two year contract. I have several problems with the supervisory staff of the Kandivilli plant
and somebody has ruined our inventory procedure. So we are running short of materiai at several
Finally, Alka iooks up at Usha and asks somewhat hurriedly, "Weil, what's your problem?"
Discouraged by her superuisor's preoccupation with her own problems and her abrupt rnanner,
Usha decides that this is not the right time to get any assistance from her. To end the
conversation without looking foolish, she decider to urt a few questions about a routine
Before {-lsha can speak, however, Alka suddenly signals the end of,the discussion by saying,
"Usha, I have another appointment now,. If, you'd like, we can continue this discussion later. I
want to be of help, and my door is always open to you." She retums her attention to the
computer screen before Usha moves Irom her chair.

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  • 1. I4MBA12USN 6-) o o 6 o d ok Qo c-- -o ool -x dsr o:3 -OE! a2 3E rYou == ooc 'a 26 €< o-x o'"o; aJ= 6E !o >1 q- boc tr aIl.n c 6= ar!a< ! L'< -i 6i o z c€ op. First Semester MBA Degree Examination, 5lJan.201,6 Economics for Managers Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 SECTTON - A Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.lYtt.l to Q.No.7. I Define Managerial Economics. (03 Marks) 2 What are Iso - quant and Iso - cost curve? (03 Marks) 3 Explain the concept of Opportunity cost. (03 Marks) 4 What are Economic Indicators? List few Economic indicators. (03 Marks) 5 Explain the features of oligopoly. (03 Marks) 6 What is Globalisation? (03 Marks) 7 Differentiate between fiscal policy and monetary policy. (03 Marks) SECTION . B Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q.No.7. tr What is Price elasticity of demand? Explain diagrammatically different types of price elasticities. (07 Marks) 2 Briefly describe the law of Return to scale. (07 Marks) 3 What is Business Cycle? What are its various phases? (07 Marks) 4 200 units of commodity are demanded at aprice of { 10. When the price rise to t l5 the quantity demanded falls to 120 units. Calculate arc elasticity of demand. (07 Nlarks) 5 What is Break Even Analysis? Explain the uses of BEA in Managerial Economics. (07 N{arks) 6 Explain with the help of diagram, the 'Kinked Demand Cuwe'. (07 Marks) 7 Describe the features of new industrial policy of 199i (07 Marks) SECTION - C Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q.l{a"7. Briefly explain the Baumol's sales revenue maximization model. (10 Ntarks) What is Economies of scale? Describe various types of intemal and external economics of scale. (10 Marks) Define National lncome. What are the problems faced in measuring National Income? Explain. (i0 &4arks) I 2 1 of2
  • 2. X4MBA12 ,A. flrrn sells its products at the rate of t 7 per unit. The variabie cost is { 2 per unit and the fixed cost is t 80,000. (10 Marks) i) Calcuiate Break Even Point. ii) What would be the profit if the firm sells 40,000 units? iii) Iily'hat would be the BEP ifthe fltm spends { 4,000 on advertisement? ir) How much the seller should sell to ealn a profit of t 40,000? Expiain diagrammatically price and output determination under perfect competition. (10 Marks) What are the objectives of monetary policy? Briefly describe the different instruments of monetary policy. (lG Marks) 7 Explain growth and role of private sector in Indian Economy. (lCI Marks) SECTION - D CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ] The Tuming Point The Govemment of hdia reports that the "Economy has emerged with remarkable rapidity from the slowdown caused by the global financial crisis of 200J * A9". The tumaround has been fast and shong due to agriculture and continued momentum in manufacturing, although there was a decetreratiore in services and industry. However, the medium to long - run prospect of the econofily, includirag the industrial sector, continues to be positive. On the demand side, a rise in savings and investnrent and pickup in private consumption have resulted in stricng growtt of the gross domestic product (GDP) at constant market prices at 9.7o/o in 2010 - 11 . A sequenced and gradual withdrawaX of the monetary accommodation is hetrping contain inflationary pressures. Not with standirig the tightening money markets and moderate growth in deposits , the financial situation remained orderly with a pickup in credit growth, vibrant equity market and stable foreign exchange market. Though downside risks of globatr events, particuiarly movement in prices of co'mrnodities like crude oil (Exacerbated by political turmoil in the Middle East) remain, the Indian esonomy is poised to further improve and consolidate in terms of key fiBoroeconomic indicators. Questions ; I . Identifl, the factors helping india to recover liom recession. (10 Marks) 2. What fitore shoulcl be done so that inflationary pressure couid Lre contained? (tr0 Marks) 2 af2
  • 3. 14MBAI3USN t) o o g o o! $P dU 3, d€ .=+ .! -r og -oE! trE 3q A,d q= !v o-o oDe E- -o>!.Q 6.8 o-Xr= o'"o; iE 6: ^^o =aoo= uo Eiy! U< *'6i o z ! First Semester MBA Degree Examination, Dec.201 5llan.20l6 Accounting for Managers Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 SECTION - A Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q.No.7. 1 What is Convention of Conservatism? (03 Marks) 2 What is Contra Entry? Give exatnples (03 Marks) 3 What is Contingent Liability? (03 Marks) 4 What is Common size statement? (03 vlarks) 5 What is IFRS? (03 wlarks) 6 '$/hat is Forensic Accounting? (03 Marks) 7 Distinguish between Direct and Indirect tax. (03 Marks) SECTION . B Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.1 to rQ"No"7. 1 Classify the foilowing accounts into Personal, Real and Nominal accounts. i) Drawings A/c ii) Capital A/c iii) Salary A/c iv) Salary outstanding A"/c v) Bad debt A/c vi) Cash A/c vii) Goodwill A/c. (CI7 Marks) (87 Nlarks)2 Journaiise the foll transacti the books of X CSE ()w IISAUTIOIIS III U U Date Transactions 2013 Nov 1 Cormnenced business with t 2,00,000 ; out of which { 50.000 deposited into bark. 2 Purchased sood from Trilok t 40,000. 4 Sold goods for cash < 20.000. 8 Paid to Trilok and availed cash discount of { 4:00. 10 Paid telephone bill throueh cheque { 500 t2 Purchased fumiture for { 25"000 t5 Purchased a computer for Personal use for t 20,000 and issued cheque. 3 What is Balance sheet? What are its limitations? (07 Marks) 4 Given Curent Ratio - 2.6 , Liquid Ratio - 1.4 , Working Capital < 1"10,000. Calcuiate Curent assets , Liquid assets and Inventory. (07 Marks) 5 What are Accounting Standards? What are their benefits? (0? Marks) 6 What is Window dressing? What are the ways of Window dressing? (0T Marks) 7 Mention any seven savings qualifying fbr deductions U/S 80C. (0T Marks) 1 of 3
  • 4. SECTION - C. Note : ,Answer any FOUR qaestions frow Q.No.I to Q.No.7. Analyse the effects of following transactions on the accounting equations. 2009 March I Kumar began business with cash t 50,000 2 Took loan t 20,000 from Amar. J Purchased 2 computers each costing { 29,000 on cash. 4 Purchased stationary for { 6,000 on credit. 5 D^LA d to creditor { 2.000 8 Pa d towards salary < 4,000 and { 1,200 towards office rent 10 w hdrew cash { 3,500 for personal use 2A Sold goods for t 20,000 on cash { 10,000 on credit. 22 Furchased goods for t 15,000 on cash and t 25.000 on credit 25 Paid life insurance premium t 1000. 2 Record the follo A/c under straight Line Method. Using the following financial data, construct a balance sheet. ash bookw ransactlons ln a casn DooK. $0 2013 Feb 1 Commenced business with cash { 10.000. 6 Received a cheque for t 5,000 l Issued a cheque for t 500 for furniture purchased. I Purchased goods for t 3,000 and paid by cheque. E Received a cheque for t 490 in full settlement of { 500 on account. 10 Parid into Bank t 5,000 from Ranga. 15 Paid wages { 200 18 Drew a cheque for personal use { 400 25 Drew from bank for office use { 250 27 Paid electricity charges t 15 ao Paid salary by cheque { 500. 14MBA13 (tr0 Marks) Marks) (1& Marks) (10 Marks) A fim purchased a plant on ll7l2A05 for t 90,000 and incurred t 10,000 on its erection on 31l5l20}g apaft of plant purchased on 11712005 for t 50,000 sold for t 30,000. Depreciation is r.r,ritten off at 10%p.a. The business firm closes its books on 3lst Dec. each year. Prepare Flant 5 6 Gross Profit (20% of sales) { 60.000 Share holders equity { 50,000 Credit sales to total sales 80% Totai assets turrover (on sales) 3 times Stock turnover 8 times Average collection period (360 days in a year) 18 days Cument rafio i.6:1 Long term debt - to - equity 4Q',1, What is Hunaan Resource Accounting? Explain various methods of valuation of HR. (10 Marks) What is Corporate Governance? Explain its models. (10 Marks) 2 of3
  • 5. 7F the foll formati CFS bv Indirect Method 14MBAI3 (I0 Marks)rom the lollowms mlorTnatlon Dreoare lrec 3t/3/2007 3lt3/2006 3U3/2001 3U3/2AA7 Share caoital 50,00,000 40,00,000 Fixed Assets 31.00.000 30,00,000 Reserye Fund 15,00,000 5,00,000 Investrnents 1,50,000 Secured loan 35,00,000 40,00,000 Stock & Stores 75,00,000 78,7s,000 Cun"ent triaLrilities 50,00,000 60,00,000 Debtors 40,00,000 35,00,000 Cash & Bank 2,50,000 125,00CI Totatr 1.50.00-000 1-4s.00.000 Total 1.50.00"000 1,45.00,000 i) The net profit for the year after adjustment in respect of provisions for dividends and tax was { 10,00,000. ii) There was addition to fixed assets during the year amounting to { 4,00.000 and depreciation for the year was < 3.00,000. SECTION - D CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ] From the following balances, prepare Trading and P & L Nc and B/S as on3lBlZAAZ. Debit Credit Capital 20,000 Buildins 15.000 lnvestments 10,000 Furnihrre 1.000 Maruti car 8,000 Purchase / sales 94.000 1"40"000 Returns 500 r,000 DebtorVCreditors 15"000 4,800 General Expenses 800 Cash 300 Bank 4,700 Rent 4.000 Commission i,400 Rates & Tax 600 Bad debts 240 Insurance 400 Discount 700 500 Provision for doubtful debts 300 Onenins stock 10.000 Total 1.66"60t) r.66.600 .Adjustrnents : 1 . Outstanding Expenses commission { 100. Rent 400. 2. Insurance prepaid t 50. 3. Create provision for doubtful debts @ 3% in debtors. 4. Stock an3113/2002 t 15,000. 5. Interest on Investments @ 5o/o due but not received. 6. Depreciate Maruti car by l0o/o , f urrriture by 2ok, Buitding by 3%. 7. Provide interest on capital (@ 5%. +&J$J 3 of3 (20 Marks)
  • 6. -l USN 12MBA13 (03 Marks) (07 Marks) (10 Marks) (03 Marks) (10 Marks) (03 Marks) a. b. c. a. b. o o o E Eo (B o 3e d9 _.4 50 troo.ra .g c 96'. OL -OE= oB *- OG ()(l) c0c fr! -o>e tri ='o op x9tro, (.)-t 9iit (.) @LE !o >' (ts ^"o o= i),B tr> =oU: (.,',< -N o o Z o, First Semester MBA Degree Dec.2015 lJan.20l6 -tQuantitative Methods Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: 7. Answer any TIIREEfuII questionsfrom QNo.l to 6. 2. Q.No.7 and I are compulsory. 3. Statistical tables mfly be permitted. What do you mean by a research design? Write down the chief merits of telephone interviews. Briefly describe the different steps involved in a research process. Write any three measurement scales in research. followine dFind the missins frequency from the fbllow ata Marks: 0-10 10 -20 20 -30 30-40 40 - 50' 50-60 No of Students : 5 t5 20 20 i0 The arithmetic mean is 34 marks. (07 Marks) c. From the following table calculate the coefficient of correlation by Karl Pearson's method. Arithmetic means of X and Y series are 6 and 8 respectively. Write three of the most important way of classifying correlation. b. The incidence of occupational disease in an industry is such that the workmen have 20o/o chance of suffering from it. What is the probability that out of six workmen, 4 or more will contract disease? (07 Nlarks) c. In an experiment on immunization of cattle from tuberculosis, the following results were obtained Affected Not Affected Inoculated t40 30 No Inoculated 60 20 Calculate y' and discuss the effect of vaccine in controlling susceptibility to tuberculosis (10 Marks)(5o/o value of 12 for one degree of freedom: 3.84). What do you mean by convenience sampling?4a. b. c. (05 Marks) What do you mean by secondary data? What are the characteristics to be seen before using it? (05 Marks) A project yields an average cashflow of Rs.500 Lakhs with a standard deviation of Rs. 60 Lakhs. Calculate the following probabilities. i) Cash flow will be more than Rs 560 Lakhs ii) Cash flow will be less than Rs 420 Lakhs iii) Cash flow will be between Rs 460 Lakhs and Rs 540 Lakhs iv) Cash flow will be more than Rs 680 Lakhs. (10 Marks) You are working as a purchase manager for a company. The following information has been f electric bulbsuoohed to vou bv two manutactures of electrtc S Comoanv A Companv B Mean life (ln Hours) 1300 r248 Standard deviations ( In Hours) 82 93 Samole size 100 100 Which brand of bulbs are you going to purchase if you desire to take a risk of 5%? (05 Marks) I of2 rom wm X: 6 2 10 4 8 Y: 9 i1 ? 8 7 5a.
  • 7. b. From the following calculate the coefficient of variation. Karl Pearson's coefficient of Skewness :0.42 Arithmetic mean :86 Median :80. c. A research 12MBA13 (05 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) c0moanv summar Adv. Exp (Rs. in crore) Sales (Rs. in crore) Mean 20 200 S.D t8 l7 Karl Pearson's Correlation Coeff. (r) : Derive two regression equations. ized advertising expenditure and sales results as follows ; 0.6 Goals scored bv two teams in a Football match were as fb No of Goals scored rn a Foot Ball Match No of Football Matches Played Team'A' Team'B' 0 15 20 I 10 10 2 0l 05 J 05 a4 4 03 02 5 02 01 Calculate CV and state which team is more consistent. llows: Lalculate LV ano state wnlcn team 15 more Cons6tent. (10 Marks) b. To study the performance of three detergents and three different water temperatures, the followins'Whit 'Readiolrowrng ' w nrteness Keaolngs were oDtalned w Water Temp Detergent A Detergent B Detereent C Cold water 57 55 67 Warm water 49 52 68 Hot water 54 46 s8 Perform A two way ahalysis of variance, using 5% level of significance (Given F 5%:6,9:4). (10 Marks) In a particular study of skewness the mean value arrived at 25 and mode value at 24. Find out the U_re(ian value for study. (05 Marks) An insurance company wants to test whether three of its field officers A, B and C in a given territory, meet equal number of customers during a given period of time. What test is preferred? (05 Marks) The HR manager of a company wants to find a measure which he can use to fix the monthly income of persons applying for a job in the production department. As an experiment, he collected data on 7 persons from the department. What measure he has to undertake? Illustrate. (05 Marks) d. What probability model is appropriate to describe a situation where 100 misprints are distributed randomly tkoughout the 100 pages of a book? (05 Marks) 8 a. A mall in New - Delhi is interested in knowing better ways of providing shopping facilities btained with ially designed equipment : 7a. b. to the consumers. Draft a questionnaire for survey. b. What is a hypothesis? Write the characteristics of hypothesis. ***** 2 of2
  • 8. USN 14MBA15 (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 Marks) (03 N4arks) (03 Marks) (07 Marks) (07 Marks) (07 Marhs) {07 Marks} (S7 Marks) (07 Marks) (S7 Marks) First Semester MBA Degree Examination, Dec.20tr 5lJan.20l6 Marketing Management Max. Marks:100 O o o CL o =.J ! ,Qo -o .. oo ll t@ '=r .= ( u -op FO EE a2 A,Ea: UO 00d .(,8 >*,6 6{ O* o..l ,;e -u6 .: o (-) < *cl o z (d o. F Time: 3 hrs. SECTION - A Note : Answer any FOUR questions from to Q.Na.7. 1 List out any five emerging trends in marketing. 2 What is Cognitive Dissonance'/ 3 What do you understand by Psychographic Segmentation? 4 What is Packing / Packaging? 5 Discuss Hybrid Distribution Channel. 6 What is AIDA in marketing? 7 What is E - Commerce? spcrroN - B Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l ta Q.No"7" 1 Differentiate between Selling and Marketing. 2 What is Consumer behaviour? Flighlight the consumer decision rnaking process. 3 What do you understand by the term Branding? What are its functions? 4 What do you mean by a Product? Highlight the five levels of a product. 5 What is a Price? Discuss the various methods ofpricing available. 6 Elucidate the various elements of an advertising copy. 7 What is Marketing Audit? Discuss the various components of Marketing Audit. SECTION - C Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q"No"7. I Analyse the various controllable and uncontrollable factors affecting Marketing Environment. (tr0 Marks) Discuss the factors affecting Consumer Behaviour. (trO Marks) What do you mean by Product Mix? Highlight the different steps in new product development. (trO Marks) 2 3 I of2
  • 9. 14MBA15 4 What is a Froduct Life Cycle? Explain the dif6rent stages of PLC, with its relevant marketing strategies at each stage. (i0 Marks) 5 What is a Channel Conflict? Discuss the factors affecting channel choice. (10 Marks) 5 What is Advertising? What are the methods used for preparing an advertising budget? (10 Marks) 7 Enumerate the steps in Strategic Marketing Planning process. (10 Marks) SECTION - D CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ] Marketing and Distribution of MUshroom Krishanth and Thanush are two enterprising youth. They have passed out from I I M, Bangalore. They thought instead of doing job, they will launch fresh vegetables in Indian markets. F{aving leamt of the future conventional foods, they decided to venture into cultivation of Mushroonrs. Mushrooms are known to be the best alternative food for vegetarians. For Krishanth and Thanush funei raising was a serious handicap for rnass production. However the first trial batch of Mushrooms that they produced was bought by star Hotel in Bangalore. Now Mushroom trndustry is run by small entrepreneurs like Krishanth and Thanush. Another big player M/S Gagan Mushrooms, equipped with cold storage facilify was more interested in export market. Krishanth and Thanush have set their sights high. They aim to sell mushrooms in a very big way all over India. Mushrooms have great market potential and is a perishable food. Questions : F{ow will you advice Krishnath and Thanush, as how to about this new food. increase the consumer awarenessl) 2) what would be your suggestions for distribution channel for mushrooms? (10 Marks) (10 N{arks) 2 af2
  • 10. 14MBAtr4 6 BriefXy explain evaluation of business analytics. (0T Marks) 7 tsriefiy expiain the rules for constructing network diagram. (s7 Marks) SECTION: C Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q"No.7" 1 Solve the following assignment problem and obtain the minimum cost at which ail the jobs can be perfonned: (i0 Marks) 2 , srnall projrlct is composed of I activities whose time estimates are listed in the table below. Activ rqties are identified bv their be nning (i) and ending (i) node numbe Activ-ity (.r-li Estimated duration (weeks) Cptimistic (t.) Most likely (t,") Pessimistic (t-) 1-2 t-J t-4 ?< 3-5 4-5 5-6 i I 2 1 2 2 3 1 4 2 i 5 5 6 '1 7 I I t4 8 15 i) Dlaw the raetwork diagram and its activities in project. ;i) What is the expected project length? iii) Find out tlee probability of completing the project (i) at least 4 weeks earlier than expected tirne. (10 Marks) 3 Draw etwork corresponding to the following informationan CO mg to tne Ioltowlllg rnlorrnatlon: Activitv 1n 1-3 2-6 3-4 3-5 4-6 5-6 5-7 6-7 DuratiLon 4 6 8 a 4 6 5 l9 l0 i) Draw the network. ii) Obtain.early and late start time and completion times. iii) Deterrnine the critical path. iv) Determine the total float. (1CI Marks) 4 The followinig table shows the ages (x) and blood pressure (y) of B ilersons. Obtain the re;gression equation of y on x and find the expected blood pressure of,a person who is 49 years old. (tro Marks) 'Workers Job (cost in 00 Rs) l 2 ) A + 5 25 i8 32 20 21 If 34 25 Z1 l2 17 C ja t7 2A 3.4 l6 D ?n 28 l) i6 27 wulu laDte snows me a x 52 63 45 36 72 65 47 25 Y 62 53 5i 25 l9 43 60 JJ 2of3
  • 11. /ffi* ["fi- + ae. oT-ffiis in a 50The following table gives the number accidents occurred in a cit Number of accidents 0 1 2 J + Number of davs 21 18 7 J Fit a Poisson distribution to the data. 6 What is a modei? Discuss three important decision models of business 7 Briefly explain the types of decision making environment. 14MBA14 day period during which automobile (lCI Marks) analytics with example. (10 Marks) (10 Marks) SECTION - D CASE STUDY - [Compulsory ] It is known that currently nothing can be sent from warehouse I to warehouse 3 to market C. 1. Soive the above problem by using VAM. 2. Find the optimal solution. Given the followln 10n m: Warehouse Market Supply A B C I 2 1 J 4 t0 14 9 11 t2 ll 5 7 7 6 13 9 180 100 160 120 Demand 240 204 220 ***** market ,4, and from (10 Marks) (10 Marks) 3 of3
  • 12. USN First Semester MBA Degree Managerial Time: 3 hrs. Examination, Dec.201 Gommunication 14MBA16 5/Jan.2016 Max. Marks:i00(_) o p. tr 0 o! Po -.] .= ^.1d+ yo otrdD a2 aX o-* b6'iL b0q -6 -O cd its oP c-X --c."o .'i AE d .! !o ooo cbO o= saitr> =o5! c) U< ,i -i o z o- u SECTION - A 1 Exprain ,n. orJri "',r!!#rrr""7rr.lo'* questions frona Q"No"l to Q'tYo'7' (03 Marks) 2 what is 'conversation control'? (03 Marks) 3 What is 'coherence' in communication? (03 Marks) 4 Explain 'salutation' and 'complimentary close' in a business letter. (03 Marks) 5 What skills are developed by the 'case study method'? (03 Nlarks) 6 What is a 'visual aid'? What are its advantages? (03 Marks) 7 Differentiate between 'agenda' and 'minutes of meeting'. (03 Marks) SECTION . B Note : Answer uny FOUR questions from Q" to Q"Na"7. Explain the different types of formal channels of communication and state their advantages and disadvantages. (07 Marks) 2 Explain the 3 x 3 writing process in business communication. (07 Marks) 3 What are the different approaches to listening? (s7 Marks) 4 Explain the layout of a business letter. (87 Marks) 5 What are the different approaches to case analysis? (s7 Marks) 6 You are the GM, operations of M/S Pegasus Food Pvt. Ltd. You are required to give a presentation to the board of directors on the sales forecast for future years. Discuss the steps you would consider for preparing and delivering this. (07 Marks) 7 Explain the various electronic modes of communication avaitrable to business organizations to improve their communication network. (07 Marksi 1of 2
  • 13. I 1 SECTION - C Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.I to Q.No.7" Explain the sender oriented and receiver oriented communication barriers. ipads in various cities in india. Assume your name to be as Mr. Arjtin. 3 Explain the cornponents of no.n verbai cornmunication. 4 What are the principles of effective writing? 5 Explain the various types ofbusiness reports. 6 Defrne negotiation and explain the various approaches to negotiations. 7 Explain how growth oftechnology has an impact on business communication. Questions: 1. List the listening techniques that was violated by the supervisor. 2. What eff,oct do you think the superisor's attitude had ori Usha? 3. How should Alka have handled the situation? 4. Suggest a suitable title for this caselet. ,6**** 2 af2 14MBAI6 (10 Marks.) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (05 Marks) Draft an application letterwith yourresume in replyto an advertisement in The Times of lndia dated Sep 20th 2013 for the position of sales manager for an MNC to sell their latest model of SECTION - D CASE STUDY - [ Compulsory ! "Madaffi, tr really need to talk to you about something important." "Is it so, Usha? Well, take a seat and let me hear about it," Alka, the supervisor, says in a friendiy ione, as she continues to stare at the cornputer screen. As Usha sits down, Alka continues, "Usha you think you have a problem? How would you like to have the ones I'm faced with now? First, I'm right in the middle of a union negotiation for a new two year contract. I have several problems with the supervisory staff of the Kandivilli plant and somebody has ruined our inventory procedure. So we are running short of materiai at several outlets." Finally, Alka iooks up at Usha and asks somewhat hurriedly, "Weil, what's your problem?" Discouraged by her superuisor's preoccupation with her own problems and her abrupt rnanner, Usha decides that this is not the right time to get any assistance from her. To end the conversation without looking foolish, she decider to urt a few questions about a routine procedure. Before {-lsha can speak, however, Alka suddenly signals the end of,the discussion by saying, "Usha, I have another appointment now,. If, you'd like, we can continue this discussion later. I want to be of help, and my door is always open to you." She retums her attention to the computer screen before Usha moves Irom her chair.