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Third Semester BE Degree Examination
(CBCS Scheme)
s"4 #* 4s
March 2021
Max Marks: 100 marks
4 a Find n'h dcrivative o
b 1 .' o r
Ilu- logl - : I
| {l.r')
Time: 3 Hours
Sutr: Additional Mathematics I
Q P Code: 60306
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions'
2. Choose one fuIl question from each module'
4. Write the same questton numbers as they appear in this question paper'
5. Write LegiblY
Module - 1
Express J1+ 9r in the polar form and hence find its modulus and amplitude'
Find the real part or'
(l + iXlJ 3i).
(1 + 5l)
Find the sine of the angle between the vectors 7= i - 3j +2k,8 = 2i- i + k'
a tf 7= i 2j + k,E = i +zj -k, show that l;.A)and (7- tr;.ur. orthogonal'
b Show that the position vectors of the vertices
7=z(u6l il,E:6j andt =l(Ji + 7)form an isosceles triangle'
c lf 7-- i*Zj +3k,i = i- 2j +k. and e =3i+ j,.find p such that A* pE it L ro C'
Module - 2
u Wirh usual notation, prove that tan O: ,f+
d, )
b Find the pedal equation of the curve r' = a' cosn0
c Prore that x'ur + lu, =3,wherer : roe[(" * y^)
/t"* ,)] ' using Euler's theorem'
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
Page 1 of 2
I e'' sin Dx
show that xu, + Yu , :1
l:r aluare | ,till,,x .1r
/ tzz.v-N t)
t/ - .' +.1. r'. .t') Z-h = -- | X. finJ .fl
[ (x. I'.2 ) I
Module - 3
b Evaluate
I)' o'
dx ,where A is area bounded by circle ,, + y, = a, i, the first quadrant
! txyctxay
Jrtt, - x'), dx
[l- , dx dy over the region in positive quadrant for which-r+ r,( I
. ,["t
-t rt;-,r'
8 marks
6 marks
6 mark.
! maris
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
Module - 4
A particle moves along a curve with x: ,-
f,, - d and .: r4,where , I;r" .
Find the velocity and acceleration at any time t '
IfF = x2 y i+ yz2 j + zxrk , then find i)divF iilcurtF
Show that F =(3x: -2yz)i+(3y'-2xz)j +(32) -zxy)kis irrotationar
or . ,t ...",',
Find the velocity and acceleration of a particle m,ov.ei along the curve
i : e-2'i+ 2cqs 5t .1 +5sin2r k at onytime i.
If d = *' ytrt, -find Vfr at (1,2,!) qtpng,.i +2j +2k
Find the constants a and b ,o thai ::
p = lsin y + az )i + (bx c*ifi;l,z4ii + 1x + cy)k is irrotational.
:1 ::
:r! :1, :.,i
Module - 5
l0 a
,' ydx -.(irt * yt )dy : O
-. +ycotx=sinx
Qxy + 3y)dx+ (x2 + 3x)dy : e
(2xt - xy' - 2y + 3)dx - (x7 y + 2x
Ll)' y /v)
dx x (*/
Third Semester BE Degree Examination
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours
Sub: Additional Mathematics I
Q P Code: 60306
Instructions: l. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question lrom each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module - I
Express ui+ 9i in the polar form and hence find rts modulus and amplitude.
Find the real part of (1 + iXli 3;)
(l + 5l)
c Find the sine of the angle between the vectors A=i-3j+2k,8=2i-j+k
ff ) -* i - 2 j + k,E = i + 2 j - k, show tnot Q + a) ora G - al.are orrhogonal.
b Show that the position vectors of the vertices
7:lb{i - il,s:6j and i =l('[i + 7)form an isosceles triangle.
c If tr:i+2j+3k,i=i_ 2j+k.and C =3i + j,-/ird p suchrhat 7+pE is ttoC.
Module - 2
a (do
With usual notation, prove that tan 0: ,l;
b Find the pedal equation of the curye r" = a' cosn0
c Prove that xtt, + lu, --3,where, = roe[(r' * y')
/t--,- -r)]
, using Euler's theorem,
I e'' sin bx
showthat xlt+.yu,=l
March 2021
Max Marks: 100 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
Page 1 of 2
4 a Find nth derivative o
b t"r*,.,)
I[u = ]ogl
I r+i')
If 11 = ,r + l'. r.'= r'r z.rl =: I x tir"t L(!t'"1)
 (x, t'.: ) i
Module - 3
x ck
[t xy dy dx
A is area bounded bv circle x
rn tne Jtrsl quadrant.
[ [,ya,ay
Ir'(, - x212 dx
I[, , clx dy over the region in positive quadrant for which x+ y <r.
otl ,t--t V d' { -l
Module - 4
A particle moves along a curve with x: , f, - t2 and ,: ,*:,,where r i, ,,-.
Find the velocity and acceleration ar any time t , I ',
'r,^. ., '_
Showthat F =(3x2 -2yz)i+(3y'-2xzlj +(322 -zxy)kis irrototional
Or , , .,.'
Find the velocity and acceleration of a partrcle moves along the curve
- -)t ^
r : e''r+2cos5t j +5sin2l k at anytime t.
r I r1 I ^
If Q = x' y'z', Jind YQ at (l,Z,l)'al,ong i+2j +2k
Find the constants a and b so that
5 = lsin y+ az )i +(bx cosl+'z)ti +1x + cy)k is irrotational.
Module - 5
.olve x2 ydx -(x' + .v'1dy = g
Solve !! + vcot x = sin x
Solve (2xy + 3y)dx + (r2 + 3x)dy = e
2x )dv :0
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
l0 a
(2rt * xy) - 2y + 3)dx - (r'_r, *
,ly , .r' (.'' )'
--r--r-l- I
(LX Jr _ i
Page 2 of 2
Third Sernester BE Degree Examination March 2021
(CBCS Scheme)
: 3 llours Mar Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Analog and Digital Electronics
Q F Code: 60302
Instructions: l. Ansr.rcr five full questions.
2 Choose onc firll question fiom cach rnodule.
3 'tlLrr alts'cr should be specrfic to tlrc qLlcstlons asked.
4 u'rite the samc questron nunrbers as tlrct api)car in thrs questlon papcr.
-5 'ritc Legrbly
Module - I
I a I-xplarn thc u,orking olwave shaping circurt
b Describe the Re gulared Power Supply paramerers.
c Explain the ra orkrng o{-Photo lransistor.
2 a Denvc the equalion lor Inr.,erling adder using OPA4P.
b Design a inventng arnplrfier to obtain thc lbllowing outpur voltage usrng OPAMP
V. == -(l.1Vr*2.8V: + 2.1V: )
c l:xplarn the uorking o1-peak derector usrng OPAMP
Module - 2
a Srmplrfy the lbllou,ing uslng K-Map
r) '-t(0,2, 1,1 5) + d(4, l2)
ri) Y ,n(0.4.6,1 l,l3.l5) + d(7,8)
Simplifl' the following usrng Quine-McC-luskv Method
Y::(0, t.2.4,5,9,12, I 3) + d(9, I 0)
7 nrarks
6 marks
7 rnarks
8 rnarks
6 marks
6 marks
I0 marks
l0 marks
l0 marks
l0 rnarks
rnark s
Write a VI{DL,Verilog code for the Full Subtractor.Drarv the wave forms obtained after
Simplrl' tlic lbllou,ing usrng Quine-Mc('luskv Merhod
Y-I(2.4"5,8, 12. I 5) + d(0,7)
Intplentent the
lmplentent the
E.I lt X usrng
f ull adder usrng
Module - 3
and 2 I 1ur
decoder and using OR gates
Explarn 7 segnient decoder with neat truth table and circuit diagram
lmplemenl a 2 bit magnitude comparator using basic gates
Explain the working of-Priority Encoder
Write a shorl note on Programrnable Logical Array u'ith an exarnple.
Module - 4
Explain the SR Flip-Flops using NOR gate.
What is an edge triggerd Flip-Flop.
Write a HDL code lor JK Flip Flop. Drau, the simulated waveform also
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
6 marks
6 rnarks
8 marks
7 marks
8 marks
5 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
10 marks
l0 marks
a Wnte the u'orking ol4 bit Parallel In Parallel Out Shift Register using D flip Flop.
b Explain the working of lJniversal Shift Register.
Module-5 i,-,,. "'''
a Explain the need of'decoding gates in the counter design. -' '--
b Draw the 3 bit Asymchronous counter circuit and truth table.
c. Design a counter using JK Flip Flop to count 0 to 7
l0 a Explain the wdrking of Binary Ladder for convefting4 bit data to rts analog equivalent using
b Describe the working of Analog-to-Digital converlers.
3 Hours
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question papei-i
5. Write Legibly .;.
((A/(Bxx C)) +
C Whff is friority queue, explain tower of Hanoi problem with example
z-'e 'fu
-'+,"./ IVfndrrla
- 1
Third Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021
(CBCS Scheme)
Sub: Data Structures Using C
Q P Code: 60303
Module - I
Define data structures. Explain primitive and non-primitive data strurcture rvith cxat'nple
Define dynamic memory allocation. List and explain types ofBMn
7 '+-
Or ?.b"
Defi ne po inters. D ifferenti ate befween stru ct u re s ..?*.: r,fi *
Write an algorithm to add two sparse matrices ffgp,$,O:represented as above to oblain
D : A + C. How much time does your algo;it[rm tal€e?
y34,4e"- z
Write the postfix form for the following ifi'fi{ expression
Define circular queue. W5,itg*a,fffunction to insert an element and to display an element flrollr
circular queue.
'b*r" or
(*'*.. p
,. 1. ..1
Define Fibonaccile"qtlence with example. write a C function to per[rrrrn lattcrial oIr grrerr
number i :.'"*'
L i st stackfapp liaation
Module - 3
list. How do you represent linked list in memory, explarn brielll

b Write a program to implement sparse matrix in C
a Write a C program to implement doubly linked list with insert front. delete liont rnd displar
b What is garbage collection? Show the function to implement stacks using sirrgie linked iist
Max Marlis. 100 nrarl's
l0 rnarks
l0 rtrarl's
I 0 nrarks
I 0 nltri's
l () ntar l.s
I rttarl's
8 nrarks
irl l:,lt r
I 0 nr:rrli:
lU rttarl':
l0 ntarlis
,/.' ''i.
I I ntarlis
9 ntarl':
Module - 4
De fine the follor,i,ing with neat sketch l0 marks
I. Binary tree
Il. Complete binary tree
lll. Alnrost cornplete binary tree
l. level ola tree
Write a C prograrnme to implement binary search tree. l0 marks
Or lia!
* -
I ist applicatit-rn of trees **ftle
*5 marks
[)rau rlre hirrrrrl :eerch tree for following
" 15 marks
ll 4 7 3 17 2l 15 19 2 23. ,"*-,J
And show tlre inorder, postorder and preorder for same data. r''t
f oJ
Module-S  fu*
Write a C finrction to implement depth first search with example  l0 marks
Define files. explain opening and closing of files and input and orQtu"bperations. l0 marks
Definc the fbllorving with neat diagram {* I 10 marks
1- :--'.!s
or $&q
Define hashing. Explain static and dynamic hashing, giQpSxnple. 10 marks
l0 a
.i. Conrplere graph
i i. Adjacency list representati$,qralhs
i;i. Crclic and acyclic graph *.t
.  -' *****
Third Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Discrete Mathematical Structdres
Q P Code: 60304
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module - I
a Define proposition, tautology, contradiction. Determine whether the following
compound statement is a tautology or not.
[(p v q) n{(p
- r)
- r)}] - r
b Establish the validity of the following argument using the rules of inference.
I pn(p -- q)
(s v r) A (r---+ -q)] - (s v t)
If p(x):x)0, q(x) :x2>0, r(x):x2-3x-4:0, s(x): x2-3>0, Then forthe universe
completing of all real numbers, find the truth values of the following :
i) 3x [p(x) n q(x)] ri) vx[p(x) * q(x)] iii) vx[q(x)--- s(x)l
Let p,q,r be propositions having truth values 0,0,I respectively. Find the truth values ol
the following compound propositions. i) (p v g) v r ii) (p n q)nr
rii) (pnq)--- r iv) p=-*(qnr) v) p
(r --- q)
Prove the following logical equivalence using the laws of logic.
[-p n (-qr r)] v (q n r) v (p
r) € r
Define dual of a logical statement. Verify the principle of duatity for the following
logical equivale'nce [-(p n q)--- I v (-p v q)] <+ ( -p v q)
Test the validity of the arguments using rule of inference.
r ----+ t
.'. p
Module - 2
By Mathematical induction. Prove that for every positive integer n, the number An -
-5'+ 2.3n r + I is a multiple of 8.
How many positive integers n can we form using the digits 3,4,4,5.5,6.7 if we want n to
exceed 5,000,000.
Find the co-efficient of a2blc2d5 in the expansion of (a+2b-3c+2d+5)r6
Find the number of integer solutions of x1+x2+xl*xq+xs:30 where xP2. x:23,
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
Prove by mathematical induction that, for every positive integer n , 5 divides n5-n.
How many arrangements are there for all letters in the word SOCIOLOGICAL. In how many
of these arrangements i) A and G are adjacent? ii) allthe vowels are adjacent?
Find the co-efficient of
5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
i) *'y' in the expansion of (2x-3y)12
ii) xr2 in the expansion of xlll-2x)i0
A sequence {a"} is defined recursively as ar:7 and
dn:2dn-t + 1 for n >2. Find an in explicit 5 marks
Module - 3
Let f: R---R be defined by (x): 3x-5 for x>0
-3x+1 for x<0
Determine f(-1),f(5/3),f r1l y,f r1-3),f
State pigeon hole principle. Prove that if 30 dictionaries contain a toral of 6l,j2|.digis,
then atleast one of the dictionary must have atleast 2045 pages
,. ..J
..:+' . 't
Verify the following function is one-to-one or onto. f(a):a+l i:",,, ,j'
Let A:{ 1,2,3,41 and B: {1,2,3,4,5,6} i) Find how many functi,ons hae there from A to B.
How many of these are one-to-one and onto? ii) Find how rq4nyqlrciionr are there from B
to A. How many of these are one-to-one and onto? 1",.
or ,*li:.l
I tr r,
Let f and g be functions from R to R defined by f(x)-ax+&and g(x):l-x+x2. If
(gof)(x):9x2-9x+3,determinea,b. ...i,,:.,.',',
Let A: { 1 ,2,3,4,6,121 on A define the relatioq R, b} aRb if and only if ..a
divides b,,
Draw tJre digraph i' =' ?
Let A and B be finite sets. If there are 60 orie:to-one functions from A to B and lAl:3,
what is lBl?
Let A: 11,2,3) and B : {2,,,4;5}, Determine the following: i) Number of binary
relations on A. ii) Numbe5 of relations from A to B iii) Number of relations from A
to B that contain (1,2) and (ft $. iv) Number of relations from A,B that contain
exactly 5 ordered paifilXv)'N,{-U.. of binary relations on A that contain at least 7
'l""" Module - 4
Find the rtjbt,t"omial for 3x3 board using expansion formula.
Shorv tha,t'the.set of positive divisors of 36 is a POSET and draw its Hasse diagram.
find its i) least element ii) greatest element.
Detprmine the number of integers between I and 300 which are
i) divisible by exactly rwo of 5,6,8 ii) divisible by atleast two of 5,6,g
In how many ways can the 26 letters of the alphabet be permuted so that none of the pattems
car, dog, pun or bye occurs.
LetA:{1,2,3,4,5} DefinearelationRonAxAby(xr,yr)R(xz,yz)ifandonlyif x1+}r: x2+!2.
i) Verify that R is an equivalence relation on AxA.
ii) Determine the euuivalence classes [( 1,3)],[(2,4)],[( l, l)].
5 marks
4 marks
3 marks
8 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
7 marks
5 marks
4 marks
3 marks
8 marks
Four persons Pl,P2,P3,P4 who arrive late for a dinner party find that only one chair
at each of five tables T1,T2,T3,T4 and T5 is vacant. P I will not sit at Tl or T2, P2 will not
sit at T2, P3 will not sit at T3 or T4, and P4 will not sit at T4 or T5. Find the number of
ways they can occupy the vacant chairs
Module - 5
Construct an optimal prefix code for the slmbols a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,ij that occur with respective
frequencies 78, I 6,30,35 ,125,31 ,20,50,80,3
Show that the below graphs are isomorphic
Merge sort the list -1 ,7,4,1 1,5,-8,1 5,-3,-2,6.10,3 r";:ir
Define the following with example. i) Spanning subgraph ii) Induced subgraph
7 marks
6 marks
6 marks
4 marks
4 marks
6 marks
6 marks
4 marks
4 marks
t ',,,.
... t:n,',
"l , -,._._.
... ?'
Obtain an optimal prefix code for the message "ROAD If-Gp, OD". Indicate the code.
Determine the order lVlof the graph G: (V.E) in the following cases.
i) G is a cubic graph with 9 edges.
ii) G is regular with 15 edges j
iii) G had l0 edges with 2 vertices of degree 4 and all other vertices of degree 3
Discuss Konigsberg bridge problem.
Define a tree. Prove that a tree wit.h two or more vertices contains atleast two leaves.
10 a
Third Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Unix and Shell Programming
Q P Code: 60305
lnstructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question fiom each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions
4. write the same question numbers as they appear
5. Write Legibly
Module - I
Explain the architecture of LINIX with a neat diagram
I--APl4rtr Lllg drulilttrulu.rg ut t,t1, wttll d t_tcdL ur4Br4rrr
List and Explain the salient features of LINIX operating Systery. }'l
Or q,'r,ft,
Differentiate between the lnternal and External
Explain the functionalities performed by below
a> more b> man c> echo
'':,. '-+t 1"
{,i;r.,.. 'L w
'1-'' * 'tut
,r '? 1,
9> ls
Give the steps to add a new user and delete $..,.gqqu. in Unix System
. Ivrhdfle - 2
Define the term File? List and e4pJaih thedifferent types of files Supported in Unix
System. .,"* l: . '
Differentiate berween tfr" *,U3.'oJSkiiiatt ana Relative Path with a proper examples.
ia 7i.. iaa,!
Explain the working q&F"Lpd*,dommands.
i) mv "-Jitri cp iii) wc
Lrr.,.*r.,." 0r
,,t ,"r""4.,'*
What is " Ig, { gmmand used for. Give the significance of each attribute associated
with a file affia:unning Is -l command.
the"pe'fo,issions to the file.
File,buttent nermission i s
asked. in.!i: 'u..
'! r,,
in this question pagprX_;;,.;
!:l:'r2, '".,,'tI
l0 marks
l0 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
8 marks
4 marks
b What-is cl=r"inod command used for. Explain the relative and absolute method of settings
c 3'Filq;'brdtent permission is rwxrwxrw-x. Specify chmod expression required to change the
qfelowing using both relative and absolute method.
l> r xr xrw ii> r_ _ r_ x _wx
Module - 3
a With a neat diagram explain the diflerent modes of vi editor.
b Mention any session navigation commands along with a usage in vi - editor.
c How is pattern searching performed in Unix.
8 marks
8 marks
4 marks
What are wildcards . List and explain the various wildcards used in Unix with a proper
Explain the three standard redirection files used in Unix.
Explain the usage of below commands with a proper example.
r>grep ii> egrep
Module - 4
a What is a Shell Script? Can you give some of its advantages? How are variables defined in
,,J.' '{
'' 8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
4 marks
8 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
Explain the while and for loop defined in Shell with syntax and example.
l0 Explain the structure of
Explain the string ha
ck whether the given number is prime or not.
!a+ . 1tn
Write a shell script to get current date, time, user name and current working dt9;:i1,ff",
or {-H:"',}
What are Hard Links and Soft Links. How are Hard links and Soft Linkp.4redtod in Unix.
What is the significance of inodes in Unix.
*. fl%
Explain the working of below commands with a proper examglesP-ft1
%,.. *q'
i>sort ii> cut iii> head and tail iv>,pnlffi '
Module - 5 !''o*-i?*'u',*
tf' , "tr-
With a neat diagram explain the mechanism of pr"oiess qreation in Unix.
' j ':,,.".,...j
Explain the working of cron and at comm4nds *ith u proper example.
Define the term Signals and Jobs. nxptairftf'efr-*ura, related to track the process
running inthe background -"..:3
,**-%r. 3
t. %'.'"'
14?- .S
Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021
Time: 3 Hours
(CBCS Scheme)
Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Computer Networks and Security
Q P Code: 60502
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specrfic to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear rn this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module - I
2 What are thc basic characteristics of data communication? Explarn.
b With the neat diagram, Explain the functionalities of each layer of OSI reference Model.
c Drscuss the drgital to digital conversion. Explain and represent the Manchester coding for sequence
2 Define Computer networks. With a neat diagram, explain the 4 basic topologres.
b List and Explarn the 4 levels of addresses used rn the internet employrng the TCP /lP protocols.
g What is meanl by transmrssion imparrment? Discuss noise.
Module - 2
2 Explarn the PC.M techniques used for analog to digital conversion by taking suitable Example.
b Explain the Transmission Modes in computer Networks.
6 Whal is mcant by composite signal. How does rt help in digital transmission.
a Describe the spread spectrum with respect to Amplitude and Phase Shrft Keyrng.
b Explain the Packet switching with surtable example.
g Write a sho.rt note on circuit switched networks. What are the advantages and disadvantages of itJ
Module - 3
a Explain Network Applicatron Architectures.
b Give an o'u'erview of Web and HTTP. Explarn Non Persistent and Persistent TCP connections.
c Write thc I{l-l-P request and HTTP response rressage flormats.
3 Explain FTP Comrrands and Replies. Compare llT'f P u,rth SMTP.
I What rs DNS. What the sen,ices provided by DNS Ilou'does it n,orks?
c Explain the Socket Programmrng r,',rth TCP.
7 marks
8 marks
5 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
5 marks
7 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 rnarks
5 marks
7 marks
8 marks
Module - 4
What is the rclationship between the Transport and Network Layer?
transporl Layer on the internet.
Explain the various fields of UDP segment. Explain how checksum
Describe the A reliable data transfer (rtd 2.0) protocol.
Explain the overview of
is calculated.
a Narrate the multiplexing and Demultiplexing of the Transpofl Layer
b Explain the flow control and connection management of TCP.
c Describe the FSM description of TCP congestion Control.
Module - 5
a Describe Input Processrng, Switching and Output Processing.
b Explain IPV6 Datagram format with a neat diagram.
g Write a shorl note Distance-Vector (DV) Routing Algorithm.
l0 s Explarn the link state routing.
Explain Broadcast Routing Algorithm with all the types
lntra-AS Routing rn the lnternet: RIP
4 marks
7 marks
9 marks
6 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
6 marks
Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Data Base Management System
Q P Code: 60503
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module - I
Justify that, the three schema architecture provides logical and physical data independence with l0 marks
a neat sketch
Discuss the roles of database end users with respect to airline reservation system? Write the l0 marks
corresponding ER- diagram of airline systems considering minimum of four entities
Mention the advantages of DBMS approach over the traditional file approach l0 marks
ldentifying the Sequirements of movie database in which data is recorded in movie industry 10 marks
draw the ER-diagram, considering minimum of three strong entities and one weak entity
Module - 2
Writeanoteon l)strongentity2)weakentity3)primarykey 4)f,oreignkeyand5)not-null l0marks
constraints by considering an example
Consider the set of relations shown below:
Write the relational algebra quires for the following
l. To retrieve the name of the students who have got 'A'
grade in at least one of the courses taught by 'JOHN'
2. Retrieve the students, born during the year 1999
3. Retrieve the names of courses not handled by any
Justify the following statements with relevant examples
Update operations on primary key values may result in constraint violation.
Explain the following terms with an example
I . Key constraints
2. Domain constraints
3. Referentialintegrityconstraints
l0 marks
l0 marks
l0 marks
Module - 3
For the following database schema, write the SeL quires.
fr Employee(employee-name, street, city)
t( Works(employee-name, company-name, salary)
& Company(company-name, city)
t Manages(employee-name, managers-name)
I . Find all the employees who eam more than the average salary of all employees of their
2. Find the company that has the most employees
Considering an internet based application, explain the three-tier application architecture with
the diagram
Num Square Num Cube
2 4 2 8
3 I 3 18
4 16 5 75
l0 marks
l0 marks
10 marks
10 marks
l0 marks
10 marks
l0 marks
l0 marks
10 marks
10 marks
l0 marks
L Left outerjoin
2. Right outer join
3. fuil ort".;oin
Explain the concept of JDBC and JDBC claises and interface with examples
, Module - 4
write a note on I ) functioaal dependency 2) multivalued dependency and
3)join dependency
Verify the given sets of FD equivalent or not
Fl:{A->c. AC-> D, E_>AD.E_>F}
P2:1A->CD. E->ADF, EF->CD)
Explain the informal design guidelines for relation schemas
Find the minimal cover of given FD, show the steps
{A->C, AB->C, C->DI, CD_>I, EC_>AB, EI_>b}
Module _ 5
Explain the importance of acid properties of transactions.
Test for the conflict serializability of the following schedules
1. Sl :Rl(X),Rl(Y),R2(X),R2(y),W2(y),W1(X)
2. 52:R I (X),R2(X),R2(y),W2(y),R l(y),W I (X)
Explain deadlock prevention schemes based on transaction timestamp concept and its
prevention techniques.
How concuffency control is achieved using two phase locking mechanism, explain with an
l0 a
Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021
(CBCS Scheme)
Max N'larks: 100 marl<s
Sub: Automata Theory and Computa'Uitity
Q P Code: 60505
Time: 3 Hours
lnstructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question
5. Write Legibly
Module - I
Design a deterministic finite state machine for the following languag,e, ovEr'.[: { a. b i
i. L: {W I lwl mod 3 > iWlmod 2} .,._',.....'."',."''
ii. L: {Wl W ends with either with ab or ba} "'"):i+-'"
List out the differences between DFA, NFA &e-NF&-q.J
Define the following with example.
,, .!i.:',, ,'
lJ rnurks
6 marks
(r nrlrrks
li nrarks
i. String 'n.......:
iii.Alphabet *.1.  .o
+ - - 't-il
..r'r.4',,.,, " Or
a Define distinguishable qst indisilnguishable states. Minimize the following DFA using table
{"::,{" ffi
{,..::,:'' ffi
'u..j ffi
?i- +.
"l} 1+-
f '+r/
nia rk s
P'[( )
o 0
)A A
,tD D A
c F F
b Define finite automata? Explain its notations
Con',,er1 the foilou inr NFA to its equivalent
Module - 2
a Deflne regular expressions and regular language. If L I and L2 areregular languages then ffibg marks
that l.l L.r'l_2. L l.l.2 and Ll * are regular languages. q  "
tr ls rhe following grarxmar is ambiguous? _,. f

S) icti i iCtSeS la **t*.; 6 marks
C )b r" o.o.
c obtain a regular expression for the given DFA using State Elimination Nhq,hfot 6 marks
pumping Lemma for regurar ranguage. Siow that l:{wvR i w c (0+r)*} is
not regular.
a [)ellne conrext [ grammar. Design a cFG for the forowing languages
i. L:10,1*2,1 m>:0, n>=0)
ii. t.:{arbtl ilj, i>:0, jr:g}
iii. L={2ngn:ln>:3}
Obtain an e-NFA for rhe regular expression,it+bi;-
Mention applications of regular expressi$. ;
 Module - 3
Construct a PDA to^accen;$l1frrur. t:{*.** .1.* . {a+b}*}. Draw the graphical
representarion of rrris pD1: s-dtv bi6 ,ou.s made by this pDA for the string,,aabbaa,,.
C-onsiderthegramnra, '
i j"
S)0A 1 lB ,,"' ''
1?o1o I ts 1 1';" .,.,,-,D.I"
B) tBB i os I'oJ
Obtain the gr.ammar in CNF.
Converl the followirlg grammar into equivalent pDA
t-) F
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
What is ambiguity? Show that the lollorving grammar is ambiguous
S)aB lbA
A)aS lbAA la
B)bS laBB I b
c Define PDA? Explain the working of PDA with a diagram.
Module - 4
a State pumping lemma for context free language.
b lf Lr and L: are context free languages then prove that Lr U L:, Lr. L:. and 1., arc c()nlc.t fl'de
c Explain the working of basic turning machine with neat diagram.
6 ntarli:
B rnarks
6 nrarks
(r n tarks
Briefly explain the techniques for TM construction.
Prove that the context free languages are closed under union, conaatelation and
- *.u"rri"*
Module - 5 '?';b
Write a shofl note on: 'i,?"}'"
i) Multi-tape turning machine. ,,_,i*,..",.i
ii)Non-deterministictuming machine.
' ;
'a 'l ?t
iii) The model of Linear bounded au{nr$dJ
iv) The post correspondence problem..
8 nrarks
6 nrarks
o nrarks
I 0 nt urks
l0 rnar.ks
t"" t Or
ii) Quantum
, '?-
? '4. 7.
I 'Y'
tl.,.k_ u.TJ/:
Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination
(CBCS Scheme)
Max Marks: 100 marks
Time: 3 Hours
Sub: Software Engineering '
Q P Code: 60504
lnstructions: l. Answer five full questions' -'
2. Choose one full question from each module' 't
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper' ',
i ')l
5. Write LegiblY ,.- :) :i
Module - 1
a What is software crisis? List and explain the standards of honesty and integrity which are
boundbythenotionofprofessionalresponsibility.::.|.,|. lrL
b With neat diagram, explain the goals and key fearures' o.f 'mental health care patient
managemer, ,ir,.* (fr.lffC-pfraS),1lso define the pnvacy and safety requirements of the
March 2021
Module - 2
What is object orientation means? With example, explain four aspects of object orientation
wha1 is,the essence of object orientation development? List and explain the different stages of
objea orientation methodologY.
List and explain the different themes of object onentation.
Define a model and explain three kinds of models used to build a system and also brief on
relationship among them.
With example, explain the following
I). objects ii). ilasses iii).class diagrams iv). values and attributes
v).operations and methods
With example, explain many-to-many association'
What is a software process? List and explain the fundamental activities which are involved in
any kind of software Process. l
With neat dtagram, explain the ingremental development model' What are the benefits of
incremental development modellas.6ompared to waterfall model? Also mention the problems
of incremental model. i,'"lu.. i,,
What is the role of software gngineers in requirements elicitation and analysis process? With
neat diagram, explainfhe",qifler-enr acrivities involved in requirements elicitation and analysis
process. 1,,'
", ...,,,!
Li.t urd explaiA uny fog notations used in writing a system requirements document'
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
8 marks
8 marks
4 marks
6 marks
6 marks
8 marks
6 marks
l0 n ^ '
Module - 3
with neat UML activity diagram, explain the process model of involuntary detection in mental l0
health care patient management system.
Write an activity model of the insulin pump's operation and explain how UML diagrams are
different from data flow diagrams.
Write a note on executable UML.
a Wnte a UML sequence diagram that describes weather data collection and explain the role of
each objecr involved in data collection.
b write a high-level architecrure of weather station and explain briefly. *_.?i:,
/":'r-, ;
Module-4 ,.',.,''i
a what are the two strategies that are effective in choosing test cases? Wq :;frffiemaric
explain equivalence partitioning. ,,
,u i .r
'1,. *
b What is system testing? With the help of weather data sequen..
*T=+plain system resring.
. n%"'-t
c List and explain the different types of interface errors that can"occuiy
Or r,,r)];;ii;)
a with neat diagrams, in derail explain the software q6".r,q1iJn process.
I '.
b What are the four different strategic options{br realiitic assessment of legacy systems? With
neat figure, exBlain an example of a legacSysih assessment.
'?"" MtiU'ule - 5
List and explain the differenr faSbTJ iilhrJh affects software pricing.
,'**o * ..
List and explain the different,-q9'e"# that project plan includes.
, I ="-'
Explain how algori,fiqlg*"bst -oa.ling technique is different from experience based
techn iques used i n pr$j ehlsch edul e estimation.
;''*.. c *
with neat goifuqlrart, explain the process based approach to achieve product quality.
Withreat.diaffam, explain the software review process.
lq software metric? With neat diagram, explain how control and predictor metrics
irinfluente management decision making?
6 marks
4 marks
l0 marks
6 marks
4 marks
8 marks
8 marks
4 Marks
10 marks
l0 marks
5 marks
7 marks
8 marks
7 marks
7 marks
6 marks
t0 a
Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021
(CBCS Scheme)
Max Marks: 50 marks
Time: 90 minutes
Sub: Soft Skill Development
Q P Code: 60506
lnstructions: 1,. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
2. Darken the circle of correct answer by black ball pen on OMR Sheet.
Question Paper Version - B
Answer all the questions !ir,.,
I She A book.
A. Buyed B. Bought C. Boughts ,., ....,'
2 They Us to their party. .ot
A. Invite B. Invited C. Inviting ?4u*'
3 She A lovely song. {.2. ",,
A. Singed B. Sang C. Sung,.. 'r.. i
4 You .. This decision. '::'"'''i
A. Willbe regretting B. Will,rffi.b.t ,' C. Would regrer
5 That ...... our gift to the ;'ehJol.
i, 4.,
,/r'r,. -,2,
,t_ I
,",, .50X1:50
A. Willbe
6 L.......':.............This.
8 At this time
e. wo,y,!!tbe, :, C. Will have been
A. willnot permit ...':.,','b,'tt'ould not permit
7 The phone rang while lt...'.::i... dinner.
A- Am havins *. ,, 4l Fl H^d c
C. Will not be permitting
A. Am having eq. / { B. Had C. Was having
9 Summe, rc*fi,r..l.'7i. ........ on 20th.
A. Wlktfrrt B. Willbe starting
l0 L...........k3.... ...... of you.
B. Would leave C. Will be leaving
C. Will be started
*A. AVill think B. Will be thinking C. Would be thinking
I I ,,.qelqbusy at the moment. He ........... To a friend.
{ .4. Talks B. Is talking C. Talking
$J^?""Sifrrple present tense is used in cases.
.- Ft- -
'f; - A. To express an action that happens habitually, regularly, sometinies, or never
' B. To express general truth
C. Newspaper headlines reporting very recent news
D. All of the above
13 Alex _ up at five o'clock every morning
A. Is waking B. Wake C. Wakes
14 Present continuous tense is used for
A. For past activities
B. For future activities
C. For an action going on at the time of speaking.
D. None
D. Will wake
Page 1 of 4
to Mysore tomorrow
11 Douglas has to America to eam his living.
A. Go
l6 Harry
A. Written
A. Went
Sumit has never
A. Be
2A Amit
A. Ate
B. Gone
to Delhi
B. Was C. Been
for l0 hours.
C. Going
D. None
B. Am going
the letter yesterday
B. Wrote
C. Willgoing
C. Willwrite
D. Went
D. Write
D. Goned
C. Has ate D. Eaten
C. Complains Domplaint
)2 He
to college regularly. {*
A. Go B. Goes C. Gone D.Is &hins
23 We
to Delhi last month. Q5
A. Are going B. Going C. Have gonqN.D. Went
24 By the time Vasu reached the station, the train,**. 
A. ls leaving B. Left a;**5* D. Was leaving
A. Slips, fells B, Slipped, fell) C. Is slipping, falling D. Slipt, felled
26 Two trains of equal length ur.-Alihrqebn parallel lines in the same direction at 46 kmftrr and
36 km/hr. The faster train p.aqe{t[e slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is:
A. 60 B. lzqp so D. l3o
27 A alonecan doapie.ce of Wk in 6 days andB alone in 8 days. Aand B undertooktodo itfor
Rs. 3200. With tk&hof C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?
A. soo L4t00 c.400 D.650
lB [f a person Wirlks at l4 km/hr instead of l0 km/]rr, he would have walked 20 km more. The
actual diqthhcetravelled by him is:
ASid B.z2 c. so D.3z
TQet"tentage profit eamed by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss
iirgu$ed by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to
,q,Bk. 25Yo profit
A. 2000 8.2500 c.2200 D. 1850
A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had:
A. 800 8.720 C.820 D. 700
In an election between two candidates, one got 55o/o of the total valid votes,20olo of the votes
were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other
candidate got, was:
A. 2s00 8.2700 c.2800 D.2600
A. Has been singing B. Has sung C. Is singing D. Sings
the samosa in one gulp.
B. Was eating
Ronald always about the food.
A. Complain B. Is complaining
Page 2 of 4
32 The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent
increase of population per year is:
4.7 8.8 c.5 D.50
33 Of the 200 candidates who were interviewed for a position at a call centre, 100 had a
two-wheeler, 70 had a credit card and I 40 had a nrobile phone. 40 of them had both. a two-
rvheeler and a credit card, 30 had both, a credit card and a mobile phone and 60 had both, a twi,
wheeler and mobile phone and 10 had all three. How many candidates had none of the three'l
A. 20 B. l0 c. 15 D. 18
34 P can complete a work in l2 days working 8 hours a day. Q can complete the same work in Ii
days working l0 hours aday.lf both P and Q work together, working 8 hours aday, in[gW
many days can they complete the work?
'. ,
35 If a merchant ot'fers a discount of 40o/n on the marked price of his goods and thus ends up sellinr:
A. 69 B. s-I-
tt 7l
a.1 s.J s.1
c. 6! D. s!-!
,a- ,/
'*- ,.
D.60.00% ',..
36 30% of the men are more than 25 years old and 80% of the men are less than or equal to 50
years old. 20oh of all men play football. ff20% of the men abov.e the age of 50 play football
what percentage of the football players are less than or equal to 50 years?
A. 80% 8.90% C. 15% o.",1.!!b.
37 Shyam can do a-iob in 20 days. ram in 30 da,vs and Singhal in 60 days. If Shyam is helped bi
ram and Singhal every 3'd day, horv long rvill it take forthem to complete the job'?
B. l2o *-,,,,fi.loo
at cost price, what was the o%
mark up
A. 55.55% B. 44.44% C.66.66%
A. 140
Rajiv sold an article fbrRs.56 which cost him Rs.X. if he had gained x%o on his oLrtlay, what
was his cost? o..ffi o*
i- ''+
A. 50 Rs B.40 Rs .',..C-"1160 Rs D. 70 Rs
A Man And A Woman 8l Miles Apart.[:rom Each Other, Start Travelling Towards Each Othcr
At The Same Time. If The Man Covers 5 Miles Per Hour To The Wornen's 4 Miles Per Hour.
[-low Far Will l-he Woman ]lave'['ravelled When'fhey Meet?
A. 36 miles 8r."4'51hrfe; C. 54 miles D. 27 miles
40 A school sold drama tickets fbr Rs. 100 each fbr donating to an orphanage. One member solil
75ohof his tickets and had B0 tickets left. Horv rnuch money'did the member collect'l
fkd B. 24ooo Rs C. 26500 Rs D. 28000 Rs
4l A teach ke entered a student's mark as 320 instead of 400.find the percentage enor''
B. 250h c. 40% D. 80%
4.20% 8.30% C. 40% D. none
44 If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 2A% and its denominator is decreased by l0%, the
fraction becomes 16121. Find the original fraction?
45 Two articles are sold at rs. 199 each such that a profit of 20Yo is made on the first while a loss ot
20% is made on the other. What would be the net profit/loss on the two transactions?
A. 4% profit B. no profiUno loss C. l% loss D. 4% loss
Page 3 of 4
If an article is sold for Rs.X, the profit is l0% and if the price is reduced by Rs.88 the loss is
l0%, find the cost price of the article
A.440 B. 400 C.484 D.444
Walking at(517)th ofyour usual speed,youwillreachthemarket l6minuteslate.Whatisthe
usual time taken by you to reach the market?
A. 25 minutes B. 32 minutes C. 38 minutes D. 40 minutes
Ravi travelling at the speed of 100 kmph reaches her destination in 80 minutes.If she travels at
the speed of 125 kmph, in how many minutes will she reach her destination?
A. 64 minutes B. 80 minutes C. 60 minutes D. 55 minutes
4 men and 4 women can build a room in 5 days. 7 men and 2 women willtake 4 aayffi
complete the same piece of work. How many days will 6 men and I woman talftcohrplete
twice the iob? fS*J
rwice the job? {t{$-J
A. 10 days B. I I days C. 12 days D. 13 days  )"
If 3 men or 4 women can reap a field in 43 days, how long will 7 ,.rrbaLd P*o*.n take to reap
ir? Y
A. l0 days B. I I days C. 12 days D. 13 da)&.J
+" J
k**'r tq&-"
;' . "j
. s
- b.
"."- 'a !
' i .r-'
S" ir P'

-i.3 u
'.r {*
Page 4 of 4

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3rd Semester Computer Science and Engineering (ACU) Question papers

  • 1. ADTCHUNCHANAGI RI UN IVERSITY Third Semester BE Degree Examination (CBCS Scheme) s"4 #* 4s l8MATDIP3l March 2021 Max Marks: 100 marks 1a b 4 a Find n'h dcrivative o b 1 .' o r t ) Ilu- logl - : I | {l.r') Time: 3 Hours Sutr: Additional Mathematics I Q P Code: 60306 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions' 2. Choose one fuIl question from each module' 3.Youranswershouldbespecifictothequestionsasked. 4. Write the same questton numbers as they appear in this question paper' 5. Write LegiblY Module - 1 Express J1+ 9r in the polar form and hence find its modulus and amplitude' Find the real part or' (l + iXlJ 3i). (1 + 5l) Find the sine of the angle between the vectors 7= i - 3j +2k,8 = 2i- i + k' Or a tf 7= i 2j + k,E = i +zj -k, show that l;.A)and (7- tr;.ur. orthogonal' b Show that the position vectors of the vertices 7=z(u6l il,E:6j andt =l(Ji + 7)form an isosceles triangle' c lf 7-- i*Zj +3k,i = i- 2j +k. and e =3i+ j,.find p such that A* pE it L ro C' Module - 2 u Wirh usual notation, prove that tan O: ,f+ d, ) b Find the pedal equation of the curve r' = a' cosn0 c Prore that x'ur + lu, =3,wherer : roe[(" * y^) /t"* ,)] ' using Euler's theorem' 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks PTO Page 1 of 2 Or I e'' sin Dx show that xu, + Yu , :1 If a. l:r aluare | ,till,,x .1r I / tzz.v-N t) t/ - .' +.1. r'. .t') Z-h = -- | X. finJ .fl - I [ (x. I'.2 ) I Module - 3
  • 2. b Evaluate I)' o' C Evaluate dx ,where A is area bounded by circle ,, + y, = a, i, the first quadrant iv? ! txyctxay 0x Or I5 Evaluare Jrtt, - x'), dx 0 Evaluate [l- , dx dy over the region in positive quadrant for which-r+ r,( I . ,["t -t rt;-,r' EvaluateJ J I 000 b C 8 marks 6 marks 6 mark. ! maris 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks dzdydx Module - 4 A particle moves along a curve with x: ,- f,, - d and .: r4,where , I;r" . Find the velocity and acceleration at any time t ' IfF = x2 y i+ yz2 j + zxrk , then find i)divF iilcurtF Show that F =(3x: -2yz)i+(3y'-2xz)j +(32) -zxy)kis irrotationar or . ,t ...",', :|: Find the velocity and acceleration of a particle m,ov.ei along the curve i : e-2'i+ 2cqs 5t .1 +5sin2r k at onytime i. If d = *' ytrt, -find Vfr at (1,2,!) qtpng,.i +2j +2k Find the constants a and b ,o thai :: = p = lsin y + az )i + (bx c*ifi;l,z4ii + 1x + cy)k is irrotational. :1 :: :r! :1, :.,i Module - 5 'l':" b 9a b l0 a b C Solve Solve Solve Solve Solve Soive ,' ydx -.(irt * yt )dy : O dv -. +ycotx=sinx clx Qxy + 3y)dx+ (x2 + 3x)dy : e Or )dy:o (2xt - xy' - 2y + 3)dx - (x7 y + 2x dv ;+yl.r=!'x ax ,) Ll)' y /v) dx x (*/ -x'-y'-r'
  • 3. ADICHUNCHANAGIRI U N IVERSITY Third Semester BE Degree Examination (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Sub: Additional Mathematics I Q P Code: 60306 Instructions: l. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question lrom each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module - I Express ui+ 9i in the polar form and hence find rts modulus and amplitude. Find the real part of (1 + iXli 3;) (l + 5l) c Find the sine of the angle between the vectors A=i-3j+2k,8=2i-j+k Or ff ) -* i - 2 j + k,E = i + 2 j - k, show tnot Q + a) ora G - al.are orrhogonal. b Show that the position vectors of the vertices 7:lb{i - il,s:6j and i =l('[i + 7)form an isosceles triangle. c If tr:i+2j+3k,i=i_ 2j+k.and C =3i + j,-/ird p suchrhat 7+pE is ttoC. Module - 2 a (do With usual notation, prove that tan 0: ,l; ) b Find the pedal equation of the curye r" = a' cosn0 c Prove that xtt, + lu, --3,where, = roe[(r' * y') /t--,- -r)] , using Euler's theorem, Or I e'' sin bx showthat xlt+.yu,=l lSMATDIP3I March 2021 Max Marks: 100 marks la b 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks PTO Page 1 of 2 4 a Find nth derivative o b t"r*,.,) I[u = ]ogl I r+i') L If 11 = ,r + l'. r.'= r'r z.rl =: I x tir"t L(!t'"1) (x, t'.: ) i Module - 3 Evaluate ISin" x ck
  • 4. Evaluate [t xy dy dx Evaluate ,where I!r A is area bounded bv circle x l) +y' dzdvdr l rn tne Jtrsl quadrant. b c [ [,ya,ay 0,t Or l5 Evaluare Ir'(, - x212 dx 0 Evaluate I[, , clx dy over the region in positive quadrant for which x+ y <r. otl ,t--t V d' { -l Evaluate J J J 000 Module - 4 A particle moves along a curve with x: , f, - t2 and ,: ,*:,,where r i, ,,-. Find the velocity and acceleration ar any time t , I ', 'r,^. ., '_ Showthat F =(3x2 -2yz)i+(3y'-2xzlj +(322 -zxy)kis irrototional Or , , .,.' .: Find the velocity and acceleration of a partrcle moves along the curve - -)t ^ r : e''r+2cos5t j +5sin2l k at anytime t. I r I r1 I ^ If Q = x' y'z', Jind YQ at (l,Z,l)'al,ong i+2j +2k Find the constants a and b so that = 5 = lsin y+ az )i +(bx cosl+'z)ti +1x + cy)k is irrotational. Module - 5 .olve x2 ydx -(x' + .v'1dy = g )-. Solve !! + vcot x = sin x dx Solve (2xy + 3y)dx + (r2 + 3x)dy = e Solve Solve Solve Or 2x )dv :0 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks b C 9a b l0 a b C (2rt * xy) - 2y + 3)dx - (r'_r, * dv L+v/.y=l''-l' dx ,ly , .r' (.'' )' --r--r-l- I (LX Jr _ i ,'-y'-r' Page 2 of 2
  • 5. ADICH UNCHANAGI RI UNIVERSITY l8cs32 Third Sernester BE Degree Examination March 2021 (CBCS Scheme) 'I-ime : 3 llours Mar Marks: 100 marks Sub: Analog and Digital Electronics Q F Code: 60302 Instructions: l. Ansr.rcr five full questions. 2 Choose onc firll question fiom cach rnodule. 3 'tlLrr alts'cr should be specrfic to tlrc qLlcstlons asked. 4 u'rite the samc questron nunrbers as tlrct api)car in thrs questlon papcr. -5 'ritc Legrbly Module - I I a I-xplarn thc u,orking olwave shaping circurt b Describe the Re gulared Power Supply paramerers. c Explain the ra orkrng o{-Photo lransistor. 0r 2 a Denvc the equalion lor Inr.,erling adder using OPA4P. b Design a inventng arnplrfier to obtain thc lbllowing outpur voltage usrng OPAMP . V. == -(l.1Vr*2.8V: + 2.1V: ) c l:xplarn the uorking o1-peak derector usrng OPAMP Module - 2 a Srmplrfy the lbllou,ing uslng K-Map r) '-t(0,2, 1,1 5) + d(4, l2) ri) Y ,n(0.4.6,1 l,l3.l5) + d(7,8) Simplifl' the following usrng Quine-McC-luskv Method Y::(0, t.2.4,5,9,12, I 3) + d(9, I 0) 7 nrarks 6 marks 7 rnarks 8 rnarks 6 marks 6 marks I0 marks l0 marks l0 marks l0 rnarks marks rnark s l)'Io Or Write a VI{DL,Verilog code for the Full Subtractor.Drarv the wave forms obtained after simulation.l0 Simplrl' tlic lbllou,ing usrng Quine-Mc('luskv Merhod Y-I(2.4"5,8, 12. I 5) + d(0,7) Intplentent the lmplentent the E.I lt X usrng f ull adder usrng 4l 38 Module - 3 and 2 I 1ur decoder and using OR gates 1 6
  • 6. -1 b C b C Explarn 7 segnient decoder with neat truth table and circuit diagram Or lmplemenl a 2 bit magnitude comparator using basic gates Explain the working of-Priority Encoder Write a shorl note on Programrnable Logical Array u'ith an exarnple. Module - 4 Explain the SR Flip-Flops using NOR gate. What is an edge triggerd Flip-Flop. Write a HDL code lor JK Flip Flop. Drau, the simulated waveform also 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 6 marks 6 rnarks 8 marks 7 marks 8 marks 5 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 10 marks l0 marks Or a Wnte the u'orking ol4 bit Parallel In Parallel Out Shift Register using D flip Flop. b Explain the working of lJniversal Shift Register. Module-5 i,-,,. "''' a Explain the need of'decoding gates in the counter design. -' '-- b Draw the 3 bit Asymchronous counter circuit and truth table. c. Design a counter using JK Flip Flop to count 0 to 7 Or l0 a Explain the wdrking of Binary Ladder for convefting4 bit data to rts analog equivalent using OPAMP b Describe the working of Analog-to-Digital converlers.
  • 7. ADICHUNCHANACI RI UNIVERSITY 18C533 3 Hours Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question papei-i 5. Write Legibly .;. ((A/(Bxx C)) + a b C Whff is friority queue, explain tower of Hanoi problem with example z-'e 'fu -'+,"./ IVfndrrla - 1 Third Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021 (CBCS Scheme) Sub: Data Structures Using C Q P Code: 60303 Module - I Define data structures. Explain primitive and non-primitive data strurcture rvith cxat'nple Define dynamic memory allocation. List and explain types ofBMn 7 '+- Or ?.b" *,:"no..',, Defi ne po inters. D ifferenti ate befween stru ct u re s ..?*.: r,fi * Write an algorithm to add two sparse matrices ffgp,$,O:represented as above to oblain D : A + C. How much time does your algo;it[rm tal€e? y34,4e"- z Write the postfix form for the following ifi'fi{ expression i) ii) Define circular queue. W5,itg*a,fffunction to insert an element and to display an element flrollr circular queue. "'o, -4Y 'b*r" or (*'*.. p ,. 1. ..1 Define Fibonaccile"qtlence with example. write a C function to per[rrrrn lattcrial oIr grrerr number i :.'"*' L i st stackfapp liaation V Module - 3 Ut!ffnnrlinked list. How do you represent linked list in memory, explarn brielll b Write a program to implement sparse matrix in C 0r a Write a C program to implement doubly linked list with insert front. delete liont rnd displar operations. b What is garbage collection? Show the function to implement stacks using sirrgie linked iist Max Marlis. 100 nrarl's 1a b 2a b l0 rnarks l0 rtrarl's I 0 nrarks I 0 nltri's l () ntar l.s I rttarl's 8 nrarks irl l:,lt r I 0 nr:rrli: lU rttarl': l0 ntarlis ,/.' ''i. l, -r,ql"? I I ntarlis 9 ntarl': t,'l'o
  • 8. 8a lr 9ir tr Module - 4 De fine the follor,i,ing with neat sketch l0 marks I. Binary tree Il. Complete binary tree lll. Alnrost cornplete binary tree l. level ola tree Write a C prograrnme to implement binary search tree. l0 marks Or lia! * - I ist applicatit-rn of trees **ftle *5 marks [)rau rlre hirrrrrl :eerch tree for following fo5 " 15 marks ll 4 7 3 17 2l 15 19 2 23. ,"*-,J And show tlre inorder, postorder and preorder for same data. r''t f oJ Module-S fu* Write a C finrction to implement depth first search with example l0 marks Define files. explain opening and closing of files and input and orQtu"bperations. l0 marks Definc the fbllorving with neat diagram {* I 10 marks 1- :--'.!s or $&q Define hashing. Explain static and dynamic hashing, giQpSxnple. 10 marks l0 a lt .i. Conrplere graph .* ".3' i i. Adjacency list representati$,qralhs i;i. Crclic and acyclic graph *.t . -' ***** ."a |, tr b,t'
  • 9. ADICHUNCHANAGI RI U N IVERSITY l8cs34 Third Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Discrete Mathematical Structdres Q P Code: 60304 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module - I a Define proposition, tautology, contradiction. Determine whether the following compound statement is a tautology or not. [(p v q) n{(p - r) ^ (q - r)}] - r b Establish the validity of the following argument using the rules of inference. I pn(p -- q) ^ (s v r) A (r---+ -q)] - (s v t) If p(x):x)0, q(x) :x2>0, r(x):x2-3x-4:0, s(x): x2-3>0, Then forthe universe completing of all real numbers, find the truth values of the following : i) 3x [p(x) n q(x)] ri) vx[p(x) * q(x)] iii) vx[q(x)--- s(x)l 0r Let p,q,r be propositions having truth values 0,0,I respectively. Find the truth values ol the following compound propositions. i) (p v g) v r ii) (p n q)nr rii) (pnq)--- r iv) p=-*(qnr) v) p ^ (r --- q) Prove the following logical equivalence using the laws of logic. [-p n (-qr r)] v (q n r) v (p ^ r) € r Define dual of a logical statement. Verify the principle of duatity for the following logical equivale'nce [-(p n q)--- I v (-p v q)] <+ ( -p v q) Test the validity of the arguments using rule of inference. (-pv-q)-(rns) r ----+ t -t .'. p Module - 2 By Mathematical induction. Prove that for every positive integer n, the number An - -5'+ 2.3n r + I is a multiple of 8. How many positive integers n can we form using the digits 3,4,4,5.5,6.7 if we want n to exceed 5,000,000. Find the co-efficient of a2blc2d5 in the expansion of (a+2b-3c+2d+5)r6 Find the number of integer solutions of x1+x2+xl*xq+xs:30 where xP2. x:23, xr>4.xq>2.xs)0. 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 5 5 c d marks marks PTO
  • 10. d b Or Prove by mathematical induction that, for every positive integer n , 5 divides n5-n. How many arrangements are there for all letters in the word SOCIOLOGICAL. In how many of these arrangements i) A and G are adjacent? ii) allthe vowels are adjacent? Find the co-efficient of 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks c d i) *'y' in the expansion of (2x-3y)12 ii) xr2 in the expansion of xlll-2x)i0 A sequence {a"} is defined recursively as ar:7 and lorm. dn:2dn-t + 1 for n >2. Find an in explicit 5 marks Module - 3 Let f: R---R be defined by (x): 3x-5 for x>0 -3x+1 for x<0 Determine f(-1),f(5/3),f r1l y,f r1-3),f '(3) State pigeon hole principle. Prove that if 30 dictionaries contain a toral of 6l,j2|.digis, then atleast one of the dictionary must have atleast 2045 pages , ,,. ,. ..J - ..:+' . 't Verify the following function is one-to-one or onto. f(a):a+l i:",,, ,j' Let A:{ 1,2,3,41 and B: {1,2,3,4,5,6} i) Find how many functi,ons hae there from A to B. How many of these are one-to-one and onto? ii) Find how rq4nyqlrciionr are there from B to A. How many of these are one-to-one and onto? 1",. or ,*li:.l '' I tr r, Let f and g be functions from R to R defined by f(x)-ax+&and g(x):l-x+x2. If (gof)(x):9x2-9x+3,determinea,b. ...i,,:.,.',', Let A: { 1 ,2,3,4,6,121 on A define the relatioq R, b} aRb if and only if ..a divides b,, Draw tJre digraph i' =' ? Let A and B be finite sets. If there are 60 orie:to-one functions from A to B and lAl:3, what is lBl? Let A: 11,2,3) and B : {2,,,4;5}, Determine the following: i) Number of binary relations on A. ii) Numbe5 of relations from A to B iii) Number of relations from A to B that contain (1,2) and (ft $. iv) Number of relations from A,B that contain exactly 5 ordered paifilXv)'N,{-U.. of binary relations on A that contain at least 7 ''-""" 'l""" Module - 4 Find the rtjbt,t"omial for 3x3 board using expansion formula. Shorv tha,t'the.set of positive divisors of 36 is a POSET and draw its Hasse diagram. ...,:,,,,,,,,:"',.Frnce find its i) least element ii) greatest element. Detprmine the number of integers between I and 300 which are i) divisible by exactly rwo of 5,6,8 ii) divisible by atleast two of 5,6,g Or In how many ways can the 26 letters of the alphabet be permuted so that none of the pattems car, dog, pun or bye occurs. LetA:{1,2,3,4,5} DefinearelationRonAxAby(xr,yr)R(xz,yz)ifandonlyif x1+}r: x2+!2. i) Verify that R is an equivalence relation on AxA. ii) Determine the euuivalence classes [( 1,3)],[(2,4)],[( l, l)]. 5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 8 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 7 marks 5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 8 marks
  • 11. Four persons Pl,P2,P3,P4 who arrive late for a dinner party find that only one chair at each of five tables T1,T2,T3,T4 and T5 is vacant. P I will not sit at Tl or T2, P2 will not sit at T2, P3 will not sit at T3 or T4, and P4 will not sit at T4 or T5. Find the number of ways they can occupy the vacant chairs Module - 5 Construct an optimal prefix code for the slmbols a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,ij that occur with respective frequencies 78, I 6,30,35 ,125,31 ,20,50,80,3 Show that the below graphs are isomorphic Merge sort the list -1 ,7,4,1 1,5,-8,1 5,-3,-2,6.10,3 r";:ir Define the following with example. i) Spanning subgraph ii) Induced subgraph 7 marks 6 marks 6 marks c d 4 marks 4 marks 6 marks 6 marks 4 marks 4 marks t ',,,. ... t:n,', "1"'r "l , -,._._. ... ?' Obtain an optimal prefix code for the message "ROAD If-Gp, OD". Indicate the code. ,": Determine the order lVlof the graph G: (V.E) in the following cases. i) G is a cubic graph with 9 edges. ii) G is regular with 15 edges j iii) G had l0 edges with 2 vertices of degree 4 and all other vertices of degree 3 Discuss Konigsberg bridge problem. Define a tree. Prove that a tree wit.h two or more vertices contains atleast two leaves. Or 10 a b c d ****,k
  • 12. ADICHUNCHANAGI RI UNIVERSITY 18C535 Third Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Unix and Shell Programming Q P Code: 60305 lnstructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question fiom each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions 4. write the same question numbers as they appear 5. Write Legibly Module - I Explain the architecture of LINIX with a neat diagram I--APl4rtr Lllg drulilttrulu.rg ut t,t1, wttll d t_tcdL ur4Br4rrr "_ d*.1 List and Explain the salient features of LINIX operating Systery. }'l Or q,'r,ft, 0r Differentiate between the lnternal and External Explain the functionalities performed by below a> more b> man c> echo '':,. '-+t 1" {,i;r.,.. 'L w '1-'' * 'tut Comman{gtil-'Unix. ,r '? 1, comtrtands. ::. 9> ls Give the steps to add a new user and delete $..,.gqqu. in Unix System i',-'u.;'".,j . Ivrhdfle - 2 Define the term File? List and e4pJaih thedifferent types of files Supported in Unix System. .,"* l: . ' Differentiate berween tfr" *,U3.'oJSkiiiatt ana Relative Path with a proper examples. ia 7i.. iaa,! Explain the working q&F"Lpd*,dommands. i) mv "-Jitri cp iii) wc Lrr.,.*r.,." 0r ,,t ,"r""4.,'* What is " Ig, { gmmand used for. Give the significance of each attribute associated with a file affia:unning Is -l command. the"pe'fo,issions to the file. File,buttent nermission i s f' a. i'"r';';t'; asked. in.!i: 'u.. '! r,, in this question pagprX_;;,.; 't: !:l:'r2, '".,,'tI ,t- .. ''te*u,, E^{ la b l0 marks l0 marks 2a b 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 8 marks 4 marks b c b What-is cl=r"inod command used for. Explain the relative and absolute method of settings c 3'Filq;'brdtent permission is rwxrwxrw-x. Specify chmod expression required to change the ,,,._ qfelowing using both relative and absolute method. qi:".,,,".4 l> r xr xrw ii> r_ _ r_ x _wx r,!'' ' Module - 3 a With a neat diagram explain the diflerent modes of vi editor. b Mention any session navigation commands along with a usage in vi - editor. c How is pattern searching performed in Unix. 8 marks 8 marks 4 marks PTO 1
  • 13. b b c 8a b c Or What are wildcards . List and explain the various wildcards used in Unix with a proper examples. Explain the three standard redirection files used in Unix. Explain the usage of below commands with a proper example. r>grep ii> egrep Module - 4 a What is a Shell Script? Can you give some of its advantages? How are variables defined in ,,J.' '{ zl' '':i:9,,*"'o' '' 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 4 marks 8 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks shell? Explain the while and for loop defined in Shell with syntax and example. l0 Explain the structure of a b c Explain the string ha ck whether the given number is prime or not. ***t* !a+ . 1tn Write a shell script to get current date, time, user name and current working dt9;:i1,ff", or {-H:"',} t"'"-' "::;J What are Hard Links and Soft Links. How are Hard links and Soft Linkp.4redtod in Unix. What is the significance of inodes in Unix. 'q' *. fl% Explain the working of below commands with a proper examglesP-ft1 ""*i. %,.. *q' i>sort ii> cut iii> head and tail iv>,pnlffi ' Module - 5 !''o*-i?*'u',* tf' , "tr- With a neat diagram explain the mechanism of pr"oiess qreation in Unix. ' j ':,,.".,...j Explain the working of cron and at comm4nds *ith u proper example. Define the term Signals and Jobs. nxptairftf'efr-*ura, related to track the process running inthe background -"..:3 a b c 1r. n. ,**-%r. 3 t. %'.'"' 14?- .S , -.'.3
  • 14. ADICHUNCHANAG!RI UNIVERSITY 18C552 Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021 Time: 3 Hours (CBCS Scheme) Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Computer Networks and Security Q P Code: 60502 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specrfic to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear rn this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module - I 2 What are thc basic characteristics of data communication? Explarn. b With the neat diagram, Explain the functionalities of each layer of OSI reference Model. c Drscuss the drgital to digital conversion. Explain and represent the Manchester coding for sequence 0l00lll0. Or 2 Define Computer networks. With a neat diagram, explain the 4 basic topologres. b List and Explarn the 4 levels of addresses used rn the internet employrng the TCP /lP protocols. g What is meanl by transmrssion imparrment? Discuss noise. Module - 2 2 Explarn the PC.M techniques used for analog to digital conversion by taking suitable Example. b Explain the Transmission Modes in computer Networks. 6 Whal is mcant by composite signal. How does rt help in digital transmission. Or a Describe the spread spectrum with respect to Amplitude and Phase Shrft Keyrng. b Explain the Packet switching with surtable example. g Write a sho.rt note on circuit switched networks. What are the advantages and disadvantages of itJ Module - 3 a Explain Network Applicatron Architectures. b Give an o'u'erview of Web and HTTP. Explarn Non Persistent and Persistent TCP connections. c Write thc I{l-l-P request and HTTP response rressage flormats. Or 3 Explain FTP Comrrands and Replies. Compare llT'f P u,rth SMTP. I What rs DNS. What the sen,ices provided by DNS Ilou'does it n,orks? c Explain the Socket Programmrng r,',rth TCP. 7 marks 8 marks 5 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 5 marks 7 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 rnarks 5 marks 7 marks 8 marks PTO
  • 15. a a b C Module - 4 What is the rclationship between the Transport and Network Layer? transporl Layer on the internet. Explain the various fields of UDP segment. Explain how checksum Describe the A reliable data transfer (rtd 2.0) protocol. Explain the overview of is calculated. Or a Narrate the multiplexing and Demultiplexing of the Transpofl Layer b Explain the flow control and connection management of TCP. c Describe the FSM description of TCP congestion Control. Module - 5 a Describe Input Processrng, Switching and Output Processing. b Explain IPV6 Datagram format with a neat diagram. g Write a shorl note Distance-Vector (DV) Routing Algorithm. Or l0 s Explarn the link state routing. Explain Broadcast Routing Algorithm with all the types lntra-AS Routing rn the lnternet: RIP 8 6 b C 4 marks 7 marks 9 marks 6 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks marks marks ,Fr<,8r.* 6 marks
  • 16. ADICHUNCHANAGIRI UNIVERSITY l8cs53 a b Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Data Base Management System Q P Code: 60503 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module - I Justify that, the three schema architecture provides logical and physical data independence with l0 marks a neat sketch Discuss the roles of database end users with respect to airline reservation system? Write the l0 marks corresponding ER- diagram of airline systems considering minimum of four entities Or Mention the advantages of DBMS approach over the traditional file approach l0 marks ldentifying the Sequirements of movie database in which data is recorded in movie industry 10 marks draw the ER-diagram, considering minimum of three strong entities and one weak entity Module - 2 Writeanoteon l)strongentity2)weakentity3)primarykey 4)f,oreignkeyand5)not-null l0marks constraints by considering an example Consider the set of relations shown below: Write the relational algebra quires for the following l. To retrieve the name of the students who have got 'A' grade in at least one of the courses taught by 'JOHN' 2. Retrieve the students, born during the year 1999 3. Retrieve the names of courses not handled by any instructor Or Justify the following statements with relevant examples Update operations on primary key values may result in constraint violation. Explain the following terms with an example I . Key constraints 2. Domain constraints 3. Referentialintegrityconstraints l0 marks l0 marks l0 marks PTO
  • 17. Module - 3 For the following database schema, write the SeL quires. fr Employee(employee-name, street, city) t( Works(employee-name, company-name, salary) & Company(company-name, city) t Manages(employee-name, managers-name) I . Find all the employees who eam more than the average salary of all employees of their company. 2. Find the company that has the most employees Considering an internet based application, explain the three-tier application architecture with the diagram Or A B Num Square Num Cube 2 4 2 8 3 I 3 18 4 16 5 75 l0 marks l0 marks 10 marks 10 marks l0 marks 10 marks l0 marks l0 marks 10 marks 10 marks l0 marks 8a b Byconsideringtheaboverelation(A&Bmwingjoinoperations L Left outerjoin 2. Right outer join 3. fuil ort".;oin Explain the concept of JDBC and JDBC claises and interface with examples , Module - 4 write a note on I ) functioaal dependency 2) multivalued dependency and 3)join dependency Verify the given sets of FD equivalent or not Fl:{A->c. AC-> D, E_>AD.E_>F} P2:1A->CD. E->ADF, EF->CD) 'Or Explain the informal design guidelines for relation schemas Find the minimal cover of given FD, show the steps {A->C, AB->C, C->DI, CD_>I, EC_>AB, EI_>b} Module _ 5 Explain the importance of acid properties of transactions. Test for the conflict serializability of the following schedules 1. Sl :Rl(X),Rl(Y),R2(X),R2(y),W2(y),W1(X) 2. 52:R I (X),R2(X),R2(y),W2(y),R l(y),W I (X) Or Explain deadlock prevention schemes based on transaction timestamp concept and its prevention techniques. How concuffency control is achieved using two phase locking mechanism, explain with an example l0 a b
  • 18. ADICHU NCHANAGIRI UNIVERSITY r8cs55 Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021 (CBCS Scheme) Max N'larks: 100 marl<s Sub: Automata Theory and Computa'Uitity Q P Code: 60505 Time: 3 Hours lnstructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question 5. Write Legibly Module - I '"{'i"'' Design a deterministic finite state machine for the following languag,e, ovEr'.[: { a. b i i. L: {W I lwl mod 3 > iWlmod 2} .,._',.....'."',."'' ii. L: {Wl W ends with either with ab or ba} "'"):i+-'" List out the differences between DFA, NFA &e-NF&-q.J Define the following with example. ,, .!i.:',, ,' paper. .: b C lJ rnurks 6 marks (r nrlrrks li nrarks i. String 'n.......: iii.Alphabet *.1. .o ' + - - 't-il ..r'r.4',,.,, " Or :: a Define distinguishable qst indisilnguishable states. Minimize the following DFA using table nringargorithm {"::,{" ffi {,..::,:'' ffi 'u..j ffi ?i- +. "l} 1+- "+ f '+r/ y..,-.,ul '.lfr"" t nia rk s P'[( ) o 0 )A A B A C C D B ,tD D A E D F F G E c F F H G D b Define finite automata? Explain its notations LI
  • 19. r il ll i i, Con',,er1 the foilou inr NFA to its equivalent Module - 2 N a Deflne regular expressions and regular language. If L I and L2 areregular languages then ffibg marks that l.l L.r'l_2. L l.l.2 and Ll * are regular languages. q " tr ls rhe following grarxmar is ambiguous? _,. f . S) icti i iCtSeS la **t*.; 6 marks C )b r" o.o. c obtain a regular expression for the given DFA using State Elimination Nhq,hfot 6 marks " ::1t:":li,:rove pumping Lemma for regurar ranguage. Siow that l:{wvR i w c (0+r)*} is not regular. h C e Or a [)ellne conrext [ grammar. Design a cFG for the forowing languages i. L:10,1*2,1 m>:0, n>=0) ii. t.:{arbtl ilj, i>:0, jr:g} iii. L={2ngn:ln>:3} Obtain an e-NFA for rhe regular expression,it+bi;- Mention applications of regular expressi$. ; *I Module - 3 Construct a PDA to^accen;$l1frrur. t:{*.** .1.* . {a+b}*}. Draw the graphical representarion of rrris pD1: s-dtv bi6 ,ou.s made by this pDA for the string,,aabbaa,,. C-onsiderthegramnra, ' i j" S)0A 1 lB ,,"' '' 1?o1o I ts 1 1';" .,.,,-,D.I" B) tBB i os I'oJ Obtain the gr.ammar in CNF. Converl the followirlg grammar into equivalent pDA E)E+T E)T T)T,IF t-) F F->(E) F)id 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 6 marks (r 8 marks
  • 20. What is ambiguity? Show that the lollorving grammar is ambiguous S)aB lbA A)aS lbAA la B)bS laBB I b c Define PDA? Explain the working of PDA with a diagram. Module - 4 a State pumping lemma for context free language. b lf Lr and L: are context free languages then prove that Lr U L:, Lr. L:. and 1., arc c()nlc.t fl'de languages. c Explain the working of basic turning machine with neat diagram. 6 ntarli: B rnarks 6 nrarks (r n tarks a b C Or DesignaturningmachinetoacceptthelanguageL:{0nlnln>l}.Drawthctran:itiondiagranr Briefly explain the techniques for TM construction. Prove that the context free languages are closed under union, conaatelation and closure. - *.u"rri"* Module - 5 '?';b Write a shofl note on: 'i,?"}'" .:,.-,.,r. .,,:. i) Multi-tape turning machine. ,,_,i*,..",.i ii)Non-deterministictuming machine. n, ' ; 'a 'l ?t iii) The model of Linear bounded au{nr$dJ iv) The post correspondence problem.. *'r' 8 nrarks 6 nrarks o nrarks I 0 nt urks l0 rnar.ks t"" t Or l0 ii) Quantum u+- , '?- ? '4. 7. I 'Y' tl.,.k_ u.TJ/: n.
  • 21. ADICHUNCHANAGI RI U NIVERSITY l8css4 Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination (CBCS Scheme) Max Marks: 100 marks Time: 3 Hours Sub: Software Engineering ' Q P Code: 60504 lnstructions: l. Answer five full questions' -' -' 2. Choose one full question from each module' 't 3.Youranswershouldbespecifictothequestionsasked.. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper' ', ' i ')l 5. Write LegiblY ,.- :) :i Module - 1 a What is software crisis? List and explain the standards of honesty and integrity which are boundbythenotionofprofessionalresponsibility.::.|.,|. lrL b With neat diagram, explain the goals and key fearures' o.f 'mental health care patient managemer, ,ir,.* (fr.lffC-pfraS),1lso define the pnvacy and safety requirements of the March 2021 Module - 2 What is object orientation means? With example, explain four aspects of object orientation colcept. wha1 is,the essence of object orientation development? List and explain the different stages of objea orientation methodologY. List and explain the different themes of object onentation. Or Define a model and explain three kinds of models used to build a system and also brief on relationship among them. With example, explain the following I). objects ii). ilasses iii).class diagrams iv). values and attributes v).operations and methods With example, explain many-to-many association' system. What is a software process? List and explain the fundamental activities which are involved in any kind of software Process. l Or a: With neat dtagram, explain the ingremental development model' What are the benefits of incremental development modellas.6ompared to waterfall model? Also mention the problems of incremental model. i,'"lu.. i,, What is the role of software gngineers in requirements elicitation and analysis process? With neat diagram, explainfhe",qifler-enr acrivities involved in requirements elicitation and analysis process. 1,,' ", ...,,,! Li.t urd explaiA uny fog notations used in writing a system requirements document' 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks 8 marks 8 marks 4 marks 6 marks 6 marks 8 marks 6 marks l0 n ^ ' 3a b
  • 22. 5a b C Module - 3 with neat UML activity diagram, explain the process model of involuntary detection in mental l0 health care patient management system. Write an activity model of the insulin pump's operation and explain how UML diagrams are different from data flow diagrams. Write a note on executable UML. Or a Wnte a UML sequence diagram that describes weather data collection and explain the role of each objecr involved in data collection. b write a high-level architecrure of weather station and explain briefly. *_.?i:, ,,g"-t"u"',i"'iiil cListandexplainthedifferentlevelswheresoftwarecanbereused.%-,,'{ /":'r-, ; Module-4 ,.',.,''i a what are the two strategies that are effective in choosing test cases? Wq :;frffiemaric explain equivalence partitioning. ,, ,u i .r '1,. * b What is system testing? With the help of weather data sequen.. *T=+plain system resring. . n%"'-t c List and explain the different types of interface errors that can"occuiy l' -r '" Or r,,r)];;ii;) .( a with neat diagrams, in derail explain the software q6".r,q1iJn process. I '. "" b What are the four different strategic options{br realiitic assessment of legacy systems? With neat figure, exBlain an example of a legacSysih assessment. 2 a b c '?"" MtiU'ule - 5 List and explain the differenr faSbTJ iilhrJh affects software pricing. ,'**o * .. List and explain the different,-q9'e"# that project plan includes. , I ="-' Explain how algori,fiqlg*"bst -oa.ling technique is different from experience based techn iques used i n pr$j ehlsch edul e estimation. u ,r-*ro *" or ;''*.. c * with neat goifuqlrart, explain the process based approach to achieve product quality. 'j Withreat.diaffam, explain the software review process. ",,W$?t lq software metric? With neat diagram, explain how control and predictor metrics irinfluente management decision making? 6 marks 4 marks l0 marks 6 marks 4 marks 8 marks 8 marks 4 Marks 10 marks l0 marks 5 marks 7 marks 8 marks 7 marks 7 marks 6 marks t0 a b C 'l<****
  • 23. ADICHUNCHANAGIRI UNIVERSITY Fifth Semester BE Degree Examination March 2021 (CBCS Scheme) Max Marks: 50 marks I8SSD59 ,1_ ?1 Time: 90 minutes Sub: Soft Skill Development Q P Code: 60506 lnstructions: 1,. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 2. Darken the circle of correct answer by black ball pen on OMR Sheet. Question Paper Version - B Answer all the questions !ir,., I She A book. A. Buyed B. Bought C. Boughts ,., ....,' 2 They Us to their party. .ot o.,. .,n A. Invite B. Invited C. Inviting ?4u*' 'l* 3 She A lovely song. {.2. ",, A. Singed B. Sang C. Sung,.. 'r.. i 4 You .. This decision. '::'"'''i A. Willbe regretting B. Will,rffi.b.t ,' C. Would regrer i*"{'i 5 That ...... our gift to the ;'ehJol. i, 4., ,/r'r,. -,2, ,i. ,t_ I ,",, .50X1:50 A. Willbe 6 L.......':.............This. 8 At this time e. wo,y,!!tbe, :, C. Will have been A. willnot permit ...':.,','b,'tt'ould not permit 7 The phone rang while lt...'.::i... dinner. A- Am havins *. ,, 4l Fl H^d c C. Will not be permitting A. Am having eq. / { B. Had C. Was having 9 Summe, rc*fi,r..l.'7i. ........ on 20th. A. Wlktfrrt B. Willbe starting l0 L...........k3.... ...... of you. B. Would leave C. Will be leaving C. Will be started *A. AVill think B. Will be thinking C. Would be thinking I I ,,.qelqbusy at the moment. He ........... To a friend. { .4. Talks B. Is talking C. Talking $J^?""Sifrrple present tense is used in cases. .- Ft- - 'f; - A. To express an action that happens habitually, regularly, sometinies, or never ' B. To express general truth C. Newspaper headlines reporting very recent news D. All of the above 13 Alex _ up at five o'clock every morning A. Is waking B. Wake C. Wakes 14 Present continuous tense is used for A. For past activities B. For future activities C. For an action going on at the time of speaking. D. None D. Will wake Page 1 of 4
  • 24. to Mysore tomorrow p 11 Douglas has to America to eam his living. A. Go l6 Harry A. Written A. Went Sumit has never A. Be Michael 2A Amit A. Ate B. Gone to Delhi B. Was C. Been for l0 hours. C. Going D. None B. Am going the letter yesterday B. Wrote C. Willgoing C. Willwrite D. Went D. Write D. Goned l8 I9 ll .."-k C. Has ate D. Eaten 5* - C. Complains Domplaint )2 He - to college regularly. {* A. Go B. Goes C. Gone D.Is &hins * 23 We - to Delhi last month. Q5 A. Are going B. Going C. Have gonqN.D. Went 24 By the time Vasu reached the station, the train,**. A. ls leaving B. Left a;**5* D. Was leaving A. Slips, fells B, Slipped, fell) C. Is slipping, falling D. Slipt, felled 26 Two trains of equal length ur.-Alihrqebn parallel lines in the same direction at 46 kmftrr and 36 km/hr. The faster train p.aqe{t[e slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is: A. 60 B. lzqp so D. l3o 27 A alonecan doapie.ce of Wk in 6 days andB alone in 8 days. Aand B undertooktodo itfor Rs. 3200. With tk&hof C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C? A. soo L4t00 c.400 D.650 lB [f a person Wirlks at l4 km/hr instead of l0 km/]rr, he would have walked 20 km more. The 1 actual diqthhcetravelled by him is: ASid B.z2 c. so D.3z TQet"tentage profit eamed by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss iirgu$ed by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to ,q,Bk. 25Yo profit A. 2000 8.2500 c.2200 D. 1850 A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had: A. 800 8.720 C.820 D. 700 In an election between two candidates, one got 55o/o of the total valid votes,20olo of the votes were invalid. If the total number of votes was 7500, the number of valid votes that the other candidate got, was: A. 2s00 8.2700 c.2800 D.2600 A. Has been singing B. Has sung C. Is singing D. Sings the samosa in one gulp. B. Was eating Ronald always about the food. A. Complain B. Is complaining )9 l0 ll Page 2 of 4
  • 25. 32 The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of population per year is: 4.7 8.8 c.5 D.50 33 Of the 200 candidates who were interviewed for a position at a call centre, 100 had a two-wheeler, 70 had a credit card and I 40 had a nrobile phone. 40 of them had both. a two- rvheeler and a credit card, 30 had both, a credit card and a mobile phone and 60 had both, a twi, wheeler and mobile phone and 10 had all three. How many candidates had none of the three'l A. 20 B. l0 c. 15 D. 18 34 P can complete a work in l2 days working 8 hours a day. Q can complete the same work in Ii days working l0 hours aday.lf both P and Q work together, working 8 hours aday, in[gW many days can they complete the work? at '. , 35 If a merchant ot'fers a discount of 40o/n on the marked price of his goods and thus ends up sellinr: A. 69 B. s-I- tt 7l a.1 s.J s.1 745 c. 6! D. s!-! 56 p.! 3 ,a- ,/ '*- ,. D.60.00% ',.. 36 30% of the men are more than 25 years old and 80% of the men are less than or equal to 50 years old. 20oh of all men play football. ff20% of the men abov.e the age of 50 play football what percentage of the football players are less than or equal to 50 years? A. 80% 8.90% C. 15% o.",1.!!b. 37 Shyam can do a-iob in 20 days. ram in 30 da,vs and Singhal in 60 days. If Shyam is helped bi ram and Singhal every 3'd day, horv long rvill it take forthem to complete the job'? B. l2o *-,,,,fi.loo at cost price, what was the o% mark up A. 55.55% B. 44.44% C.66.66% A. 140 38 39 Rajiv sold an article fbrRs.56 which cost him Rs.X. if he had gained x%o on his oLrtlay, what was his cost? o..ffi o* i- ''+ A. 50 Rs B.40 Rs .',..C-"1160 Rs D. 70 Rs A Man And A Woman 8l Miles Apart.[:rom Each Other, Start Travelling Towards Each Othcr At The Same Time. If The Man Covers 5 Miles Per Hour To The Wornen's 4 Miles Per Hour. [-low Far Will l-he Woman ]lave'['ravelled When'fhey Meet? A. 36 miles 8r."4'51hrfe; C. 54 miles D. 27 miles )./ 40 A school sold drama tickets fbr Rs. 100 each fbr donating to an orphanage. One member solil 75ohof his tickets and had B0 tickets left. Horv rnuch money'did the member collect'l fkd B. 24ooo Rs C. 26500 Rs D. 28000 Rs 4l A teach ke entered a student's mark as 320 instead of 400.find the percentage enor'' B. 250h c. 40% D. 80% 4.20% 8.30% C. 40% D. none 44 If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 2A% and its denominator is decreased by l0%, the fraction becomes 16121. Find the original fraction? 45 Two articles are sold at rs. 199 each such that a profit of 20Yo is made on the first while a loss ot 20% is made on the other. What would be the net profit/loss on the two transactions? A. 4% profit B. no profiUno loss C. l% loss D. 4% loss Page 3 of 4
  • 26. ,46 1l l8 l9 50 If an article is sold for Rs.X, the profit is l0% and if the price is reduced by Rs.88 the loss is l0%, find the cost price of the article A.440 B. 400 C.484 D.444 Walking at(517)th ofyour usual speed,youwillreachthemarket l6minuteslate.Whatisthe usual time taken by you to reach the market? A. 25 minutes B. 32 minutes C. 38 minutes D. 40 minutes Ravi travelling at the speed of 100 kmph reaches her destination in 80 minutes.If she travels at the speed of 125 kmph, in how many minutes will she reach her destination? A. 64 minutes B. 80 minutes C. 60 minutes D. 55 minutes 4 men and 4 women can build a room in 5 days. 7 men and 2 women willtake 4 aayffi complete the same piece of work. How many days will 6 men and I woman talftcohrplete twice the iob? fS*J rwice the job? {t{$-J A. 10 days B. I I days C. 12 days D. 13 days )" If 3 men or 4 women can reap a field in 43 days, how long will 7 ,.rrbaLd P*o*.n take to reap ir? Y t' A. l0 days B. I I days C. 12 days D. 13 da)&.J +" J J$^ k**'r tq&-" Sq.- F$.o) fr "aN a ;' . "j "oo";l ' . s J r! Jd - b. "."- 'a ! ' i .r-' S" ir P' r*-$q "ltd* 'q, -i.3 u ,j ?. '.r {* '-s.t Page 4 of 4